Timeline of British Literature(英国文学史时间线)
盎格鲁撒克逊时代426—1066盎格鲁诺曼时代1066—1350Chaucder乔叟时代 1350—1485莎士比亚时代1564—1636清教徒时代 Puritan 1636—1660古典主义时代 1660—1744约翰逊时代 1744—1785浪漫主义时代1786—1832维多利亚时代 1832—1900现代第一章Anglo-Saxon (426—1066)旧约:上帝创世纪新约:耶稣古英语诗歌分为的世俗的1.Beowulf 史诗(三千行的长诗,关于英雄战绩的故事)2.文字来源于日耳曼系3.基督教的文学:瑞特文的故事Caedmon第二章Angol-Norman(1066—1350)中世纪英语:基督教义,自我拯救1.传奇文学---传奇的兴起Romances1)容:传奇好像现在的长篇,有诗,有散文唯一的描写古代的高贵的英雄所经历的冒险生活和恋爱故事。
3)分类:不列颠的事迹 the matter of Britain法国的事迹罗马的事迹第三章:乔叟的时代(1350—1458)背景:百年战争(The Hundred’s War)1.Geoffrey Chaucer:文艺复兴以前,英国文学界最伟大的人物。
The Canterbury Tales1)三个阶段:第一时期--早年—模仿法国简短的情歌和寓言第二时期—研究意大利文艺的时期第三时期—在文学上成功的时期,为他自己以国文写作的时期2).近代诗人英文作家中,第一个以浪漫作风写男女日常生活的人3).特点:反对迫害,反对禁欲,文艺复兴的报春者a他在英语上发明音调b他把英国中部的日常言语加以修改,以告成英文与英国文学。
c完美的音律,倾向于音乐化d 创设接近社会生活的作品;眼光思想都很广阔;音乐的眼光第四章:民间文学1.歌谣的来源:歌德Geothe说:民歌的价值,全在直接从“自然“中得到它的原动力。
英国文学史复习大纲Time of English literature
Time of English literature1.The old English古英语(or Anglo-saxon盎格鲁–撒克逊) period(449-1066)2.The middle English period(1066-1485)杰弗里·乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer-坎特伯雷故事集-the father of English literature3.The English Renaissance文艺复兴时期文学(1485-1 660)-the rebirth of learning/letters威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare四大悲剧The four great tragedies哈姆雷特Hamlet/奥赛罗Othello/李尔王king lear麦克白Macbeth四大喜剧The four comedies威尼斯商人The Merchant of venice/仲夏夜之梦A Mi dsummer Night's Dream/皆大欢喜As You Like It/第十二夜Twelfth nightThe beginning of the English Renaissance英国文艺复兴的开始(1485-1558)The Elizabethan Age伊丽莎白时代(二世)(1558-1 603)The 17th Century(1603-1660)Two representatives of t he puritan清教徒writers:Milton&Bunyan约翰·弥尔顿John Milton-失乐园Paradise Lost (Epic 长篇叙事诗、史诗)-justify the ways of god to man 英雄双韵体Heroic Couplet(1五音步抑扬格iambic pe ntameter 2押尾韵对偶句3韵尾为AA BB CC DD...不重复4风格简洁)约翰·班扬John Bunyan-天路历程The Pilgrim's Progr essWho use pen to defend the English commonwealth联邦——约翰·邓恩John Donne-跳蚤the flea-(the great met aphysical poet)玄学诗歌安德鲁·马维尔Andrew Marvell-致羞涩的情人To hi s coy Mistress罗伯特·赫里克Robert Herrick采摘含苞的玫瑰要起早-cavalier poets骑士诗歌约翰·德莱顿John Dryden-论戏剧诗An essay of Dr amatic poesy-try to build unvirsal rules for the constr uction of drama4.The Restoration复辟and the eighteenth century(o r the neoclassical period新古典主义时期)(1660-1798) 丹尼尔·笛福Daniel Defoe-鲁滨逊漂流记Robinson Crusoe现实主义乔纳森·斯威夫特Jonathan Swift-格列佛游记gulliver's travelsThe Augustan Age奥古斯都的时代(1770 -1745)The Neoclassical Decline新古典主义的衰落(1745-1798)5.The Age of Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1 798-1832)Romanticism is a movement of the eighteen th and nineteenth century, which markedthe reaction in literature, philosophy, art, religio n, and politics from the neoclassicism and formal orthodoxy 正统观念of the preceding peri od.Features of Romanticismngs2) The Creation of a world of Imagination3) The Return to Nature for Material4) Sympathy with the Humble and Glorification of the Commonplace5) Emphasis Upon the Expression of Individua l Genius6) The Return to Milton and Elizabethans for Lit erary Models7) The Interest in Old Stories and Medieval Rom ances8) A Sense of Melancholy and Loneliness9) The Rebellious Spirit威廉·布莱克William Blake--he is care about the slavery about their inner spirtual liberty than their political and social liberty.纯真之歌song of innocence/经验之歌song of experience/擦烟囱的少年the chimney sweep er /病玫瑰The Sick Rose/天堂和地狱的婚姻t he marriage of heaven dand hellTwo Schools of Romanticistsa.The Passive Romanticists消极浪漫主义These were Romantic writers who reflected t he thinking of classes ruined by the bourgeoi sie, and by way of protest against capitalist development turned to the feudal past, i.e. th e merry old England as their ideal, or frighte ned by the coming of industrialism. ( Cavali er Poets). They were represented bv William Words Worth. Coleridge, and Southey.b.The Active Romanticists积极浪漫主义They were people who expressed the aspirati ons of the classes created by capitalism and held out an ideal, though a vague one, oi a future society free from oppression and exploitation. These were vounaer and sometimes called act ive romanticistsrepresented bv Byron. Shelley, and Keats威廉·华兹华斯William Wordsworth-诗乃自发溢出的强烈情感Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powe rful feelings.抒情歌谣集Lyrical Ballads咏水仙I Wandered Lonely as a CloudI wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o’er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shineAnd twinkle on the milky way,They stretched in never-ending lineAlong the margin of a bay:Ten thousand saw I at a glance,Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced; but theyOut-did the sparkling waves in glee:A poet could not but be gay,In such a jocund company:I gazed --- and gazed --- but little thoughtWhat wealth the show to me had brought:For oft, when on my couch I lieIn vacant or in pensive mood,They flash upon that inward eyeWhich is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasure fills,And dances with the daffodils.珀西·比希·雪莱Percy Bysshe Shelley-西风颂Ode to the West Wind致云雀To a Skylark奥兹曼迪斯Ozymandias文学精神是政治和社会革命的诞生物Literary spirit as the accompaniment political and social revolution浪漫主义是文学的革命形式Romanticism is the literar y form of the revolution约翰·济慈John Keats-夜莺颂Ode to a Nightingale秋颂To Autumn简·奥斯汀Jane Austen-outward(生活平静)-inward(故事跌宕起伏)理智与情感Sense and Sensibility傲慢与偏见Pride and Prejudice-It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 凡是有钱的单身汉,总想娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的道理。
British Literary Periods
British Literary PeriodsThe English Augustan Age derives its name from the brilliant literary period of Vergil and Ovid under the Roman emperor Augustus (27 B.C. - A.D. 14). In English literature, the Augustan Age, 1700 - 1745, refers to literature with the predominant characteristics of refinement, clarity, elegance, and balance of judgment. Well-known writers of the Augustan Age include Jonathan Swift, Alexander Pope, and Daniel Defoe. A significant contribution of this time period included the release of the first English novels by Defoe, and the "novel of character," Pamela, by Samuel Richardson in 1740.During the Age of Sensibility, literature reflected the worldview of Enlightenment and began to emphasize instinct and feeling, rather than judgment and restraint. A growing sympathy for the Middle Ages during the Age of Sensibility sparked an interest in medieval ballads and folk literature. Another name for this period is the Age of Johnson because the dominant authors of this period were Samuel Johnson and his literary and intellectual circle. This period also produced some of the greatest early novels of the English language, including Richardson's Clarissa (1748) and Henry Fielding's Tom Jones (1749).The Romantic Period of English literature began in the late 18th century and lasted until approximately 1832. In general, Romantic literature can be characterized by its personal nature, its strong use of feeling, its abundant use of symbolism, and its exploration of nature and the supernatural. In addition, the writings of the Romantics were considered innovative based on their belief that literature should be spontaneous, imaginative, personal, and free. The Romantic Period produced a wealth of authors including Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, Jane Austen, and Lord Byron.It was during the Romantic Period that Gothic literature was born. Traits of Gothic literature are dark and gloomy settings and characters and situations that are fantastic, grotesque, wild, savage, mysterious, and often melodramatic. Two of the most famous Gothic novelists are Anne Radcliffe and Mary Shelley.The Victorian Period of English literature began with the accession of Queen Victoria to the throne in 1837, and lasted until her death in 1901. Because the Victorian Period of English literature spans over six decades, the year 1870 is often used to divide the era into "early Victorian" and "late Victorian." In general, Victorian literature deals with the issues and problems of the day. Some contemporary issues that the Victorians dealt with include the social, economic, religious, and intellectual issues and problems surrounding the Industrial Revolution, growing class tensions, the early feminist movement, pressures toward political and social reform, and the impact of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution on philosophy and religion. Some of the most recognized authors of the Victorian era include Alfred Lord Tennyson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, her husband Robert, Matthew Arnold, Charles Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy.Within the Victorian Period, two other literary movements, that of The Pre-Raphaelites (1848-1860) and the movement of Aestheticism and Decadence (1880-1900), gained prominence.In 1848, a group of English artists, including Dante Gabriel Rossetti, formed the "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood." It was the aim of this group to return painting to a style of truthfulness, simplicity, and religious devotion that had reigned prior to Raphael and the high Italian Renaissance. Rossetti and his literary circle, which included his sister Christina, incorporated these ideals into their literature, and the result was that of the literary Pre-Raphaelites.The Aestheticism and Decadence movement of English literature grew out of the French movement of the same name. The authors of this movement encouraged experimentation and held the view that art is totally opposed "natural" norms of morality. This style of literature opposed the dominance of scientific thinking and defied the hostility of society to any art that was not useful or did not teach moral values. It was from the movement of Aestheticism and Decadence that the phrase art for art's sake emerged. A well-known author of the English Aestheticism and Decadence movement is Oscar Wilde.The Edwardian Period is named for King Edward VII and spans the time from Queen Victoria's death (1901) to the beginning of World War I (1914). During this time, the British Empire was at its height and the wealthy lived lives of materialistic luxury. However, four fifths of the English population lived in squalor. The writings of the Edwardian Period reflect and comment on these social conditions. For example, writers such as George Bernard Shaw andH.G. Wells attacked social injustice and the selfishness of the upper classes. Other writers of the time include William Butler Yeats, Joseph Conrad, Rudyard Kipling, Henry James, and E.M. Forster.The Georgian Period refers to the period of British Literature that is named for the reign of George V (1910-36). Many writers of the Edwardian Period continued to write during the Georgian Period. This era also produced a group of poets known as the Georgian poets. These writers, now regarded as minor poets, were published in four anthologies entitled Georgian Poetry, published by Edward Marsh between 1912 and 1922. Georgian poetry tends to focus on rural subject matter and is traditional in technique and form.The Modern Period applies to British literature written since the beginning of World War I in 1914. The authors of the Modern Period have experimented with subject matter, form, and style and have produced achievements in all literary genres. Poets of the period include Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, and Seamus Heaney. Novelists include James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, and Virginia Woolf. Dramatists include Noel Coward and Samuel Beckett.Following World War II (1939-1945), the Postmodern Period of British Literature developed. Postmodernism blends literary genres and styles and attempts to break free of modernist forms. While the British literary scene at the turn of the new millennium is crowded and varied, the authors still fall into the categories of modernism and postmodernism. However, with the passage of time the Modern era may be reorganized and expanded.。
英国文学发展史一览英国文学发展史一览1.English Literature of Anglo-Saxon PeriodTime: about 7th centuryFeatures: verse literature (唱诗)two groups: pagan (非宗教性的)and religiousMain works:“Beowulf”poetry by Caedmon and Cynewulf2.English Literature of Middle CenturiesTime: mid 11th Century – 15th CenturyFeatures:1.influence of the Norman Conquest2.Main works and writers:3.the Romances (骑士文学)4.Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales”3.English Literature of RenaissanceTime: early 16th Century—mid 17th CenturyFeatures: the first glori ous period of English literary history, “ A nest of singing birds …” (百家争鸣,百花齐放)Main writers:1.Thomas More2.Edmund Spencer3.Francis Bacon4.Shakespeare4.English Literature during the Bourgeois RevolutionTime:1625—1688The English Bourgeois Revolution begins from 1642Features:Puritan age represented by John MiltonMain literary form: PoetryMain writers:John Milton 1608--16745.English Literature of the 18th CenturyFeatures:Also as the Enlightenment Movement Period (启蒙时期)It is divided into 3 stages:1.“Glorious revolution” to the end of 1730’s;2.The mature period (1740’s—1750’s);3.The last period covers the rest decades of the 18th century.Main authors:(小说家)Daniel Defoe,Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding(诗人)Alexander Pope6.Romanticism in EnglandTime: 1798--1832Features:1.是英国文学史上诗歌最为繁盛的时期;2.分为消极和积极两组。
General RevisionPart One English Literary History英国文学史I. Medieval period, C5th-1485, 中世纪文学1.Anglo-Saxon or old English Period (450-1066)盎格鲁-撒克逊时期或古英语时期:Epic2.The Anglo-Norman Period (1066-1340) 盎格鲁-诺曼时期:Romance3.The Age of Chaucer (1340-1400)4.The 15th Century:BalladII. Renaissance period, C15th末-C17初,文艺复兴时期One of the most flourishing age in English literature1.The golden age of the English poetry2. The greatest achievement: Drama3. Prose:Bacon,the BibleIII. C17th:An age of unrest1. The Jacobean Age詹姆士一世时期(1603-1625) : the Metaphysical poetry 玄学派2. The Caroline Period 卡洛琳王朝时期(1625-1649): the Cavalier poetry 骑士派3. The Revolutionary period or The Puritan Age 革命时期或清教时期(1640-1660): Age of Milton 弥尔顿时代4. The Period of Restoration (1660-1688): Age of Dryden 德莱顿时期IV. C18th:Age of prose/reasonThe Enlightenment Movement: 启蒙运动1. Classicism:古典主义2. Realism:现实主义3. Sentimentalism:感伤主义4. Pre-romanticism:前浪漫主义V. C19th:Another golden age1. Romanticism浪漫主义: 1798-18322. Chartist poetry:1830s-1840s3. Critical Realism批判现实主义:1840s-1850s4. Victorian Poetry维多利亚诗歌:1837-19015. Colorful Writing at the end of the century: Naturalism, Neo-Romanticism, AestheticismVI. C20th:Colorful literature1. Realism/forerunners of modernism2. Modernism,P402Modernist poetry:Imagism意象主义,P396Modern novel: Stream of Consciousness school意识流/ Psychological Novelist: D.H. Lawrence,P4063. Dramatist: Bernard ShawPart Two Literary Terms文学术语1.Epic 史诗▪Epic is a long narrative poem of great scale and grand style, typically a recounting of history or legend or of the deeds of a national hero.▪Beowulf is the national epic of the English people.2.Romance 英雄传奇,P8▪Romance is the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.▪Its culmination is Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑士and its summing up is Thomas Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur 亚瑟王之死.3.Ballad民谣,P17▪A ballad is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with the 2nd and 4th lines rhymed. The ballads are in various English and Scottish dialects. They are mainly the literature of the peasants.▪Coleridge’s “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”古舟子咏is a famous example.4.Heroic Couplet英雄双偶句,P26▪Refers to the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter. It is Chaucer who introduced this form into English poetry.▪The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer is written in heroic couplet.5.The English Renaissance,P30▪The Humanists emphasized the capability of the human mind and the achievements of human culture, in contrast to the medieval emphasis on God and contempt for the things of this world.▪Utopia is a representative by the great humanist Thomas More.6.Sonnet十四行诗, P39▪Sonnet is a lyric poem of a single stanza in 14 iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. There are two major types of sonnet in English.▪The first was the Italian or Petrarchan sonnet with an octave rhyming abbaabba and a sestet rhyming cdecde or cdcdcd.▪The other was the English or Shakespearean sonnet with three quatrains rhyming abab cdcd efef and a final couplet rhyming gg.7.Spenserian Stanza斯宾塞诗节,P43▪Refers to the 9-line stanza form rhymed ababbcbcc,in which the first eight lines are iniambic pentameter while the ninth in iambic hexameter.▪It was invented by Spenser who first used it in his masterpiece The Faerie Queene.8.Blank Verse无韵诗,P39,55,63▪Blank verse refers to poetry in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Milton’s Paradise Lost is written in blank verse.▪Henry Howard wrote the first English blank verse. Marlowe first made it the principal instrument of English drama. Milton first used it in non-dramatic works.9.Metaphysical School玄学派诗人, P116▪Refers to a group of 17th-century English poets whose work is notable for surprising conceits, strange paradoxes and far-fetched imagery.▪This group include John Donne, Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, Henry Vaughan and Richard Crashaw with John Donne the leader.▪conceit10.Cavalier School骑士派诗歌▪a group of English lyric poets who were active, mainly during the reign of Charles I (1625-1640). This group includes Richard Lovelace, Sir John Suckling, Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew.▪Carpe Diem is a traditional theme popular among the English Cavalier poets. Carpe Diem means, literally, “seize the day”, that is, “live for today.”Robert Herrick’s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”: “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”11.Classicism古典主义,P128▪Classicism is a revival of classical standards of order, balance and harmony in literature in the 17th and 18th centuries in England.▪Classicists preferred established rules for writing, emphasized reasoning rather than romantic fancy, and used short and clean-cut sentences.▪Pope is a famous representative.12.Realism现实主义,P146▪Realism is a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording life as it really is without sentimentalizing or idealizing it. The realists told the reader in their novels about the ordinary people and their thoughts, feelings and struggles.▪The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement in the C18th English literature.▪The representatives are Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding.13.Sentimentalism感伤主义,P192▪Sentimentalism found its expression in the poetry and novels produced in the latter part of the 18th century.▪The writers regarded sentiment as a sort of relief for the social evils and a mild protest against the social injustice. They advocated that sentiment should take the place of reason. 14.Pre-Romanticism前浪漫主义,P193▪a general term applied by modern literary critics to a number of developments in late 18th century that are thought to have prepared the ground of Romanticism in its full sense. In various ways, these are all departures from the orderly framework of classicism and its authorized genres.▪The representative poets are William Blake and Robert Burns15.Romanticism浪漫主义, P211-212▪A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music and art in Western culture during most of the 19th century, beginning as a revote against classicism.▪It prevailed in England during the period 1798-1832.▪Romanticists expressed the ideology and sentiment of those classes and social strata that were discontent with and opposed to the development of capitalism.▪According to different attitudes toward the capitalist society they split into two groups.▪The elder generation-escapist/ passive romanticists-Lake Poets: Wordsworth华兹华斯, Coleridge柯勒律治and Southey骚塞▪Younger generation-active/ revolutionary romanticists are Byron 拜伦, Shelley 雪莱and Keats 济慈16.Byronic hero拜伦式英雄,P224▪Refers to characters in Byron’s works, usually men of noble birth, with fiery passions and unbending will.▪They rise against tyranny and injustice, express the poet’s own ideal of freedom, but they are merely lone fighters striving for personal freedom and some individualistic ends.▪Don Juan is a typical Byronic hero.17.Critical Realism批判现实主义,P276▪English critical realism flourished in the 1840s and the early 1850s,which found the best expression in novel.▪The critical realists vividly described the English society with artistic skill.▪They showed hatred for the ruling classes and sympathy for the poorhumor and satire are bound in their works.18.Dramatic Monologue戏剧独白, P344▪Dramatic Monologue is a kind of narrative poem in which the story is not told through action but by monologues of the characters. It reveals the speaker’s personality as well as the incident that is the subject of the poem.▪Robert Browning’s principal achievement lies in his introduction of dramatic monologue into English poetry.▪His My Last Duchess is one of its examples.19.Naturalism自然主义,P364▪Naturalism is a literary trend prevailing in Europe in the second half of the 19th century which focuses on the “true to life”description and exact reproduction of real life, including all its details without any selection.▪Naturalist writers usually write the lives of the poor and oppressed, but they can only represent the external appearance instead of the inner essence of real life.▪George Gissing’s New Grub Street is an example in English.新格拉布街20.Neo-Romanticism新浪漫主义,P365▪Neo-Romanticism is a literary trend prevailing at the end of the C19th which laid emphasis upon the invention of exciting adventures and fascinating stories to entertain the reading public instead of dealing with the social reality.▪Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island is an example.21.Aestheticism唯美主义,P367▪Aestheticism is a literary and artistic tendency of the late 19th century which regards beauty as an end in itself and attempts to separate art from real life and moral, didactic or political purposes.▪Art for art’s sake is their slogan.▪Walter Pater and Oscar Wilde are its representatives22.Modernism现代主义,P402▪Modernism in English literature prevailed during the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. It was a movement of experiments in new technique in writing.▪In England, the major landmarks are James Joyce’s Ulysses and T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.23.Imagism意象主义,P396▪Imagism was an Anglo-American poetic movement flourishing in the 1910s. Led at first by Ezra Pound, the imagists shake off the conventional metres and emphasize the use of common speech, new rhythms and clear images.▪H.D. is one of the representative writers.24.“Stream of Consciousness”school意识流小说,P406▪“Stream of Consciousness”school refers to a group of novelists in the 20th century who attempt to imitate the natural flow of the characters’mental and emotional reactions to external events rather than the events themselves.▪James Joyce and Virginia Woolf are the two best-known novelists of this school.Part Three 文学杂说I. Major Elements of Literature▪Literary periods▪literary phenomenon, school▪Writers▪Works▪Poetry, novel, essay, dramaII. 复习要点1.不同时期的文学现象2.文学术语3.作家贡献或写作特点4.作家代表作5.名人名言及称号III. Examination▪Multiple Choice:20▪Matching:10▪Literary terms:20▪Selected readings:20▪Translation:10=10▪Question-answers:20。
TimelineofBritishLiterature(英国文学史时间线)Timeline of British Literature (1660-present)450-1066 Old English Period (Anglo-Saxon)1066-1500 Middle English Period (Medieval Period )1500-1660 The Renaissance1660-1785 The Neoclassical Period1785-1831 The Romantic Period (or 1798-1837)1832-1900 The Victorian Period (often dated 1837-1901)1914-1965 The Modernist Period1965-present Postmodern PeriodBritish Literature:一、Old and Medieval British Literature (5th century -- 1485)二、British Literature of the Renaissance Period (late 15th century – early 17th century)三、The 17th century—The Period of Revolution and Restoration四、The 18th century---The Age of Enlightenment in England五、The Age of Romanticism (1798-1832)六、The Victorian Period---English Critical Realism (1830s -- 1918)七、English Modernism (1918--1945)八、Contemporary Period (1945--)American Literature:一、Colonialism殖民时期(about1607—1765)二、Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War启蒙时期和独立革命(1765—18世纪末)三、Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1865—1918)四、Realism现实主义时期(1865—1918)五、Modernism现代主义时期(1918—1945)六、Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945—)各时期术语辑录(根据星火英语《英语专业考研考点精梳与精练》整理)Old and Medieval British Literature (5th century -- 1485):Alliteration, ballad, consonance(假韵), couplet(两行诗), epic, imagery(意象), kenning(隐喻表达法), legend, ottava rima(八行体), romance, simile, understatement.British Literature of the Renaissance Period (late 15th century –early 17th century): Allegory, aphorism(格言), blank verse, comedy, essay, foreshadowing(预兆), humanism, paradox(似非而是), morality play, meter(格律), miracle play, narrative poem, pastoral(牧歌), poetry, quatrain(四行诗), Renaissance, soliloquy(独白), sonnet, Spenserian stanza, stanza, terza rima(三行体), tragedy, trochee(抑扬格), university wits.The 17th century—The Period of Revolution and Restoration: Assonance(押韵), carpe diem(及时行乐), didactic literature(教诲文学), elegy, genre, metaphor,metaphysical poetry, conceit.The 18th century---The Age of Enlightenment in England:Aside(旁白), classicism, enlightenment movement, denouement(结局), epistolary novel(书信体小说), farce(闹剧), fiction, gothic romance, the graveyard school(墓地派诗歌), mock epic, neoclassicism, novel, pre-romanticism, refrain(叠句), satire, sentimentalism, theme.The Age of Romanticism (1798-1832):Byronic hero, canto, fable, lake poets, lyric, ode, romanticism.The Victorian Period---English Critical Realism (1830s -- 1918):Allusion(暗指/典故), antagonist, character, critical realism,dramatic monologue, flashback, narration, narrator, psychological novel, point of view, plot, protagonist, bildungsroman(成长小说).English Modernism (1918--1945)Aestheticism or the aesthetic movement, black comedy or black humor, Dadaism, epiphany(顿悟), free indirect discourse(自由间接引语), modernism, Oedipus Complex, parody, stream of consciousness, surrealism, the theater of absurd, tone, the Angry Young Men.Contemporary Period (1945--) :Experimental novel, open ending, metafiction, the Movement(运动派), kitchen-sink drama(极端现实主义喜剧).American LiteratureColonialism(about1607—1765)and Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War(1765—18世纪末):American Puritanism, autobiography.Romanticism浪漫主义时期(1865—1918):American Romanticism, American Transcendentalism, southern gothic, Calvinism, free verse, new England poets, symbol, symbolism.Realism现实主义时期(1865—1918):American Naturalism, American realism, Darwinism, Local Colorism.Modernism现代主义时期(1918—1945)The Beat Generation, determinism, expressionism, Freudianism, Harlem renaissance, Hemingway Code Hero, imagism, impressionism, Jazz Age, the Lost Generation, new criticism, Southern Renaissance, Waste Land Painters, Yoknapatawpha.Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945—):Postmodernism, the confessional poetry, the Black Mountain Poets.术语分类文学体裁类:诗歌:couplet(两行诗), epic, ottava rima(八行体), blank verse, narrative poem, pastoral(牧歌), poetry, quatrain(四行诗), sonnet, terza rima(三行体), elegy, genre,小说:didactic literature(教诲文学), epistolary novel(书信体小说),戏剧:comedy, morality play, tragedy,其他:ballad, legend, romance, essay,。
英国文学7个时期各自特点介绍(范文)第一篇:英国文学7个时期各自特点介绍(范文)英国文学7个时期英国文学发端于中世纪,经历了古英语、中古英语、文艺复兴、17世纪、18世纪、19世纪、20 世纪文学 7 个时期,取得了举世瞩目的成就。
古英语文学英国在10世纪以前属于古英语时期,早期的凯尔特等部族及5 世纪入侵的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特人,起初都没有留下书面文学。
中古英语文学 11世纪,随着诺曼人入侵,古英语渐渐演化为中古英语,文学上开始流行模仿法国的韵文体骑士传奇,其中以《高文骑士与绿衣骑士》最有艺术价值。
学者纷纷翻译意大利和法国学术、文学名著并自行著述,以托马斯· 莫尔(1477~1535)的《乌托邦》最有价值。
A Brief Outline of British Literature(英国文学概要)I. The early and Medieval literature(早期和中世纪文学)1. Beowulf (贝奥武夫,有记载的最早的一部英国文学作品)2. Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales。
(杰弗里乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集)II. The English Renaissance (1485-1603) (英国文艺复兴时期)1. Edmund Spence r’s The Shepherd's Calendar and Faerie Queen(埃德蒙斯宾塞的牧羊人日记和精灵女王)2. Francis Bacon’s Essays(弗朗西斯培根的散文)3. William Shakespeare’s dramas(威廉莎士比亚的戏剧)III. The 17th century (1603-1660)1. The English Revolution (英国革命)2. John Milton’s Paradise Lost(弥尔顿的失乐园)3. John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress(约翰班扬的天路历程)IV. The Restoration and the 18th Century (1660-1798) (复辟与十八世纪)1. enlightenment (启蒙运动)2. neo-classicism:(新古典主义)a. John Dryden’s dramas(约翰德来端的戏剧)b. Ale xander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock (亚历山大蒲柏的夺发记)c. Richard Steele and Joseph Addison's essays(理查德斯蒂尔和约瑟夫艾迪生的散文)d. Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary(赛缪尔约翰逊的词典)3. rise of the novel writing:(小说创作的兴起)a. Daniel DeFoe’s Robinson Crusoe(丹尼尔笛福的鲁滨逊漂流记)b. Janathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels(贾纳森斯威夫特的格列佛游记)V. The Age of Romanticism (1798-1830)(浪漫主义时代)1. Pre-Romanticism : (前浪漫主义)a. William Blake (威廉布雷克英国诗人和画家)b. Robert Burn (罗伯特彭斯)c. William Wordsworth(威廉华兹华斯英国诗人)2. Romanticism (浪漫主义)a. P. B. Shelley (Percy Bysshe Shelley 珀西比西雪莱)b. G. G. Byron(George Gordon Byron 乔治戈登拜伦)c. J. Keats(John Keats 约翰济慈)3. Jane Austen’s novels(简奥斯丁小说)VI. The Victorian Age (1832-1901)(维多利亚时代)1. industrial revolution (工业革命)2. realism (现实主义)a. Charles Dickens (查尔斯狄更斯英国作家)b. Thomas Hardy(托马斯哈代英国小说家)c. Bronte sisters(勃朗特三姐妹)d. George Eliot(乔治艾略特)3. aestheticism: Oscar Wilde (唯美主义,奥斯卡王尔德)VII. The 20th century (1901-)1. two world wars(两次世界大战)2. modernism(现代主义)3. psychological fiction and stream of consciousness (心理小说与意识流)a. D. H. Lawrence (David Herbert Lawrence大卫赫伯特劳伦斯)b. James Joyce(詹姆斯乔伊斯)c. Virginia Woolf(弗吉尼亚伍尔夫)4. Poetry(诗歌)Definition of Literature :Literature refers to All written or spoken compositions ( discourses) designed to tell stories, dramatize situations and reveal thoughts and emotions, and also more importantly, to interest, entertain, stimulate, broaden and ennoble readers. (文学的定义:文学是所有口头或书面的成分设计讲故事,戏剧化情况,揭示思想和情感,而且更重要的是,兴趣,娱乐,刺激,拓宽和授予爵位的读者。
Timeline of British Literature 英国文学时间线
– Life centered around ancestral tribes/clans that ruled themselves
– At first, tribes/clans were warriors from invading outlying areas
– The printing press helps stabilize English as a language and allows more people to read a variety of literature
– Economy changes from farm-based to international trade
– “Morality Plays”
• Chivalric code of honor
– Knights, their ladies fair
• Religious devotion • Romances
Medieval Period
• Style / Genre
– Oral tradition continues – Folk Ballads
– Kenning
• A poetic phrase used in place of the usual name of a person or thing
• Ex: “A wave traveler” for “A boat”
Medieval Period
• Church instructs its people through the morality and miracle plays
• 1785-1830 • A literary, artistic, and intellectual
英国文学纵览一.英国文学大事记1. The Medieval period : 450---1485Anglo-saxon or Old English Period (450---1066): poetry in oral formAnglo-Norman Period (1066---1340): romanceThe 14th Century (1340---1400):Age of ChaucerThe 15th Century2. The Renaissance Period (the late 15th century---1750s): Drama and poetry The RenaissanceHumanismThe Elizabethan Age (1558-1603): the golden age of English poetry3. The 17th CenturyThe Jacobean Age (1603-1625): the Metaphysical poetryThe Caroline Period (1625-1649): the Cavalier poetryThe Revolutionary period or The Puritan Age (1640---1660): MiltonThe Period of Restoration (1660---1688): Age of Dryden4. The 18th century: Age of ProseThe Enlightenment MovementNew-classicism(1700-1745):The Augustan AgeRealismSentimentalismPreromanticism二.文学术语集萃Alliteration or Head Rhyme or Initial Rhyme refers to the repetition of the same sounds—usually initial consonants of words or of stressed syllables—in any sequence of neighboring words.A Ballad i s a story told in song, usually in four-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.Romance is the prevailing literary form of literature in the Middle Ages(1000-1453). It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.Heroic Couplet is a rhymed pair of iambic pentameter lines. It was established by Chaucer as a major English verse-form for narrative and other kinds of non-dramatic poetry; it dominated English poetry of the 18th century notably in the poetry of Pope, before declining in importance in the early 19th century.The Ecologue was a classical form, practiced by Virgil and others; it representsusually in dialogue between shepherds, the moods and feeling and attitudes of the simple life.Essay is a literary form which can be defined as a short piece of expository prose. The purpose is to inform or explain rather than to dramatize or amuse. Its feature is brevity.New-classicism is a revival of classical standards of order, balance and harmony in literature in the 17th and 18th centuries in England.Realism is a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording life as it really is without sentimentalizing or idealizing it. It may be found as an element in the works of Chaucer or Defoe prior to the 19th century, but as a dominant trend in the novels of the middle- or lower class life in the 19th centuryThe Renaissance in England: Renaissance is the …rebirth‟of literature, art and learning that progressively transformed European culture from the mid-14th century in Italy to the mid-17th century in England, strongly influenced by the rediscovery of classical Greek and Latin literature, and accelerated by the development of printing. The Renaissance is commonly held to mark the close of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern Western world. In literary terms, the Renaissance may be seen as a new tradition running from Petrarch and Boccaccio in Italy to Jonson and Milton in England, embracing the work of Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare; it is marked by a new self-confidence in vernacular literatures, a flourishing of lyric poetry, and a revival of such classical forms as epic and pastoral literature.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout the Western Europe in the 18th century. It greatly influenced the English social life and literature. Generally speaking, the Enlightenment movement was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class in equality, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They thought the chief means for improving society was “enlightenment”or “education”for the people. The English enlighteners fell into two groups: the moderate and the radical. The moderate includes: Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson and Dr. Johnson. The Radical includes such writers as Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollet, Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan.Spenserian stanza is a 9-line stanza form with the rhyme scheme of abab bcbc c, invented by Edmund Spenser. The first eight are iambic pentameter lines, and the last line is an iambic hexameter line.Pastoral, a highly conventional mode of writing that celebrates the innocent life of shepherds and shepherdesses in poems, plays, and prose romances. Pastoral literaturedescribes the loves and sorrows of musical shepherds, usually in an idealized Golden Age of rustic innocence and idleness; paradoxically, it is an elaborately artificial cult of simplicity and virtuous frugality.Sonnet is a lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of 14 iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme. There are two major patterns of rhyme in sonnets written in English. The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet (named after the 14th century Italian poet Petrarch) comprises an octave (8 lines) rhyming abbaabba and a sestet (6 lines) rhyming cdecde or cdccdc. The transition from octave to sestet usually coincides with a …turn‟ in the argument or mood of the poem. The English or Shakespearean sonnet (named after its greatest practitioner) comprises three quatrains and a final couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg. The …turn‟ comes with the final couplet, which may sometimes achieve an epigram. There was one notable variant, the Spenserian sonnet, in which Spenser linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd ee. There are three famous sonnet sequences in the Elizabethan Age----Spense r‟s Amoretti, Shakespeare‟s sonnets and Sidney‟s Astrophel and Stella.Ballad stanza or Ballad metre, the usual form of the folk ballad and its literary imitations, consisting of a quatrain in which the first and third lines have four stresses while the second and fourth have three stresses. Usually only the second and fourth lines rhyme. The rhythm is basically iambic.The Metaphysical Poets: John Dryden said in his Discourse Concerning Satire (1693) that John Donne in his poetry “affects the metaphysics,” meaning that Donne employs the terminology and abstruse arguments of the medieval Scholastic philosophers. In 1779 Samuel Johnson extended the term “metaphysical” from Donne to a school of poets in his “Life of Cowley.” The name is now applied to a diverse group of 17th-century English poets whose work is notable for its ingenious use of intellectual and theological concepts in surprising conceits, strange paradoxes and far-fetched imagery. The leading metaphysical poet was John Donne, whose colloquial, argumentative abruptness of rhythm and tone distinguishes his style from the conventions of Elizabethan love lyrics. Other poets to whom the label is applied include Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley, John Cleveland and the predominantly religious poets George Herbert, Henry Vaughan and Richard Crashaw.Conceit: an unusually far-fetched or elaborate metaphor or simile presenting a surprisingly apt parallel between two apparently dissimilar things or feelings. Poetic conceits are prominent in Elizabethan love sonnets, in metaphysical poetry. Conceits often employ the devices of hyperbole, paradox and oxymoron. Originally meaning a concept or image, conceit came to be the term for figures of speech which establish a striking parallel, usually ingeniously elaborate, between two very dissimilar things or situations.The Cavalier poets are a group of English lyric poets who were active, approximately, during the reign of Charles I (1625-1640). This group includes Richard Lovelace, Sir John Suckling, Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew, and Waller. These poets virtually abandoned the sonnet form which had been the favoured medium for love poems for a century. They were considerably influenced by Ben Jonson. Their lyrics are light, witty, elegant and, for the most part, concerned with love. They show much technical virtuosity.Carpe Diem: a tradition theme dating back to classical Greek and Latin poetry and particularly popular among the English Cavalier poets. Carpe Diem means, literally, “seize the day”, that is, “live for today.” The Carpe Diem theme is epitomized in a line from Robert Herrick‟s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”: “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”Blank verse is the verse written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. It is the verse form used in some of the greatest English poetry, including that of William Shakespeare and John Milton.Elegy: a poem of mourning, usually over the passing of life and beauty or a meditation on the nature of death. An elegy is a type of lyric poem, usually formal in language and structure, and solemn or even melancholy in tone.Epitaph: an inscription on a gravestone or a short poem written in memory of someone who has died. Many epitaphs are actually epigrams, or short witty sayings, and are not intended for serious use as monument inscriptions.Pre-romanticism: a general term applied by modern literary historians to a number of developments in late 18th century culture that are thought to have prepared the ground of Romanticism in its full sense. In various ways, these are all departures from the orderly framework of neoclassicism and its authorized genres.A Song is a short lyric poem with distinct musical qualities, normally written to be set to music. It expresses a simple but intense emotion. Byron‟s “She Walks in Beauty” is a song.Romanticism: a movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music and art in Western culture during most of the 19th century, beginning as a revote against classicism. There have been many varieties of Romanticism in many different times and places.Many of the ideas of English Romanticism were first expressed by William Wordsworth and Samuel Talor Coleridge. It prevailed in England during the period 1798-1832. Romanticists expressed the ideology and sentiment of those classes and social strata that were discontent with and opposed to the development of capitalism. They split into two groups because of the different attitudes toward the capitalistsociety.The Passive Romantic poets or the Lake poets are represented by Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey. The Active or Revolutionary Romantic poets are represented by Byron, Shelley and Keats.Ode: a complex lyric poem of some length, dealing with a noble theme in a dignified manner and originally intended to be sung. Odes are often written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a season or to commemorate an event.Terza Rima: it is an Italian verse form consisting of a series of three-line stanzas in which the middle line of each stanza rhymes with the first and third lines of the following stanza as follows aba bcb cdc etc. Shelley‟s “Ode to the West Wind”is partly written in terza rima.Dramatic Monologue: a kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not given in the poem. The occasion is usually a crucial one in the speaker‟s life, and the dramatic monologue reveals the speaker‟s personality as well as the incident that is the subject of the poem.The Victorian Period: the beginning of the Victorian Period is frequently dated from 1837 to 1901 (the reign of Queen Victoria). Much writing of the period dealt with or reflected the pressing social, economic, religious and intellectual issues and problems of that era.Among the notable poets were Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rossetti, Matthew Arnold and Gerard Manley Hopkins. The chief characteristics of the Victorian poetry are its moralizing tendencies, its overpadding of extra-poetic matter, and its traditional iambic pentameter.。
一.古英语时期(Old English Literature 公元499—1066年)英国文学开山之作:头韵体诗歌(alliteration)《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)(该作属于epic民族英雄史诗)开德蒙(Caedmon):《赞美诗》(Anthem)琴涅武甫(Cynewulf):《十字架之梦》(Dream of the Rood)比德(Bede):《英吉利人教会史》(Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum)阿尔弗雷德大帝(King Alfred):《盎格鲁—撒克逊编年史》(Anglo-Saxon Chronicle),被誉为“英国散文之父”(Father of English Prose)二.中古英语时期(Medieval English Literature 公元1066年—15世纪)Romance (浪漫传奇) 《亚瑟王之死》头韵体诗歌:《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)英国民谣ballad:《罗宾汉名谣集》(The Robin Hood Ballads)威廉·兰格伦(William Langland):《农夫皮尔斯的幻想》(The Vision Concerning piers the Plowman)杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer):英国中世纪最伟大的诗人,享有“英国诗歌之父”的美誉(Father of English Poetry)。
代表作:八音节(octosyllabic)英雄双韵体(heroic couplet)诗歌《坎特布雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales).托马斯·马洛礼(Sir Thomas Malory):英国15世纪优秀的散文家,代表作为《亚瑟王之死》(Le Morte d’Arthur)三.文艺复兴时期(Renaissance 15世纪末—17世纪)托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More):伟大的人文主义者,代表作:《乌托邦》(Utopia),《国王爱德华五世悲戚的一生》(The painful Life of Edward Ⅴ).托马斯·魏厄特(Thomas Wyatt)和亨利·霍华德(Henry Howard)的十四行诗(Sonnet).前者将意大利十四行诗引入英国;后者在此基础上,发展了英国十四行诗歌。
【关键字】精品British literature in each periodOld English and Middle EnglishOld English was referred to the period of the English language and English countries. The earliest form of literature was poetry which spread orally, and the main poet was bards. When Christianity spread to Britain, some poems were recorded. At this period the most important literature of the British national epic was Beowulf written with head blank.Old English period(1066~1500)From the Normans conquered England in 1066 to 1,500 years around London dialect became accepted modern English literature, forms of main was ballad, poetry and knight legend. In a few groups in the legend, the British knights of the subject was king Arthur and his knights adventure stories, including The Green Knight and Heroes of the Marshes which represented the highest achievement in medieval knight legends. A lot of excellent folk emerged, and the most representative was the folk singing for hero Robin Hood .The most important poet known as "the father of English poetry" was the Chaucer. The Canterbury tales which achieved high artistic accomplishment was his representative works. He created the double blank poetry. Five steps to raise grid was adopted by many British poet. Chaucer written with London dialect laid the foundation of the literary creation, and promoted the development of the English language and literature.During the Renaissance British literature developed in poetry, prose, and especially prosperity.The poetry, the new poetic forms like sonnets and black verse were introduced to Britain.Philip Sidney was a famous poet. He wrote many beautiful sonnets, also created one of the earliest poetry A Defence of Poetry. Edmund Spenser wrote The Fairy Queen with Spencer method. Shakespeare is not only a drama writer but also a great poet, besides two poems, two epic and 154 sonnets.English version of Authorized Version (A V) in 1611, not only made great religious significance, but also a great literary works, and made great influence on British language culture. It's simple, easy and clear prose style laid the traditional British prose. A famous philosopher and essayist Francis Bacon wrote his literary works Essays which Included 58 essays he published in each period.Drama represented the highest achievement of English literature during the Renaissance. Main dramatists were Christopher Marlowe and W. Shakespeare. British literature in the 17th centuryBritish society in the 17th century is one of the severe turbulence. Because of the autocratic monarchy and the bourgeoisie, the conflict between the civil war broke out in 1642, and resulted in the glorious revolution in 1688.The political struggle and the bourgeois revolution ideology were closely connected with the Puritan religious struggle. So this period of literature and art showed the development and growth of revolutionary ideas, and had a strong Puritan tendency. Two representatives were Milton and Bunyan. Milton's masterpiece Paradise Lost and Bunyan's masterpiece The Pilgrim's Progress were both based on The Bible.The Pilgrim's Progress was anallegory works, which used "Christian" to the heaven to present mankind pursuing the bright future.British literature in the 18th centuryThe 18th century produced a kind of progress trend-- the Enlightenment. During this period, the writers and thinkers advocated rational thought. They thought enlightenment education was the basic method of social transformation. Therefore the 18th century was called the "rational era". In the field of literature embodied in the eighteenth century was neoclassicism. Representative writers were A.Pope, R.Steele, and J.Addison.Britain's modern fictions and a plenty of influential novelists rose in the mid 18th. Pamela written by Samuel Richardson used the form of epistolary to describe the characters of the psychological activity, which greatly enriched the creation of novels. The Vicar of Wakefield written by Oliver Goldsmith was one of the famous sentiment novels in British literature. Laurence Sterne broke traditional narrative methods and created Tristram Shandy, so he was believed to be the forerunner of British modernist literature.Daniel Defoe was the first realist in British literature. His masterpiece was Robinson Crusoe.Swift was the famous novelist, who used sharp writing to expose hypocrisy and corruption of the society and the church. His masterpiece was Gullivers Travels. Henry Fielding is one of the most outstanding novelists, who contributed to the development of novel in theory and practice for the British. In his masterpiece Tom Jones, he created many lifelike characters and demonstrated the intricacies of the social contradictions.British literature in the 19th centuryThe 19th century British literature mainly included Pre-Romantic Period and the later period of the critical realism novels.Black and Burns belong to former romantic poets. Black’s masterpiece was Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Burns was a famous national poet of Scotland. He wrote a lot of poetries for friendship, love, praises and liberty. Among them A Red Red Rose was widespread.Romantic heyday began with William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge jointly issued Lyrical ballads to the death of George Eliot. The main literary achievements were poetry. Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey who have often been mentioned as the “Lake Poets”, George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats were eulogized as rich revolutionary ideals of freedom and liberty.In the 19th century Critical Realist writer who had deep sympathy to poor people described the British bourgeois society, and exposed and criticized the bourgeois society. Charles Dickens was Britain's most outstanding critical realist who was good at describing the bottom of people's life and thoughts, ideas, and works, while William Makepeace Thackeray was good at describing the upper society people. Critical realist female novelist and their representative works: Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Mrs. Gaskell, George Eliot.Thomas Hardy was a novelist and a poet, also one of the representatives of EnglishCritical realism. He said his work was "character and environment of the novel". His masterpiece was Tess of the D’Urbervill es.The 20th century modern writersThe crisis people towards western civilization and the consequences in the Second World War contributed to the formation of western modernist literature, mainly for “stream of consciousness”. Representative writers were Henry James and James Aloysius Joyce. Joyce’s novel Ulysses described the wretched spiritual life of the modern urban residents. Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse used a skilled symbolism and stream of consciousness.此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!。
托马斯·莫尔(thomas more,1478-1535)是英国最主要的早期人文主义者,他的《乌托邦》(utopia)批评了当时的英国和欧洲社会,设计了一个社会平等、财产公有、人们和谐相处的理想国。
文艺复兴时期诗歌创作繁荣,埃德蒙·斯宾塞(edmund spenser,1552-1599)的长诗《仙后》(the faerie queene)歌颂女王,宣扬人文主义思想。
弗兰西斯·培根(francis bacon,1561-1626)是这一时期最重要的散文家,他对文学的主要贡献是《论说文集》(essays),共58篇。
三、17世纪文学约翰·弥尔顿(john milton,1608-1674)的长诗《失乐园》(paradise lost)和《复乐园》(paradise regained)、诗剧《力士参孙》(samson agonistes)。
the 1066 invasion and occupation of England by an army of French soldiers led by Duke William II of Normandy.
法国人把英伦三岛带入 封建社会,在此之前, 英国文化一直处于蛮荒 之中。
在此阶段的纷乱局势中, 国王和贵族都需要一些在战争 上具有压倒性优势的兵种,为 此他们会悉心培育一些年轻人, 使之成为骑士。
骑士的身份不用继承,而 且能获得封地,只要他们忠于 领主,骁勇善战。
因此,骑士往往是勇敢、 忠诚的象征,每一位骑士都以 骑士精神作为守则,是英雄的 化身。
Francis Bacon (1561一1626年) 散文家、哲学家。马克思、 恩格斯称他是“英国唯物主 义的第一个创始人”。
新古典主义时期 Neoclassical
时间:17世纪后期----18世纪 历史背景:资产阶级革命 文学特征:理性主义 典型代表:丹尼尔·笛福
现实主义时期 Critical Realism
时间:19世纪下半期 历史背景:维多利亚时期(资本主义矛盾加剧) 文学特征:批判资产阶级的罪恶 典型代表:查理·狄更斯
从时间上讲,现实主义时期恰 好与维多利亚女王1836年至 1901年执政期相吻合,所以这 一时期又称为维多利亚时期。
18世纪则产生了一种进步思潮--理性主义,英国资产 阶段发展壮大了,他们通过自己的奋斗获取社会地位,信 奉自强自立,劳动致富。
他们赞颂理性,认为做一切事情都应该逻辑分明,控 制情感。这一切特征都在当时的文学作品中有所体现。
英国文学The Anglo-Saxon Period
British Literature I
The Anglo-Saxon Period (449 A.D.-1066 A.D.)
British Literature I
The Historical Background
II. Characteristics of Anglo- Saxon Literature
vestigial ring such as that on the Sutton Hoo sword. Their purpose is unclear,
although they may have represented some special honour bestowed on the sword's
Great seal of Edward the Confessor pictured.
British Literature I
In early Anglo-Saxon times the sword (such as the examples on the below) was by
Anglo-Saxon Poetry
I. Historical Background
British Literature I
1. The Britons
British Literature I
The English people are not of one origin but a mixed blood.
families united by kinship(血族关系)
kingship (君王统治)
Early and Medieval English Literature(449-1485)英国中世纪文学史大致可分为盎格鲁-撒克逊(The Anglo-Saxon Period,449-1066)和中古英语(The Middle English Period,1066-1485)两个时期。
他们的语言——盎格鲁-撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon)或古英语(Old English)——也开始广为传播。
597年,奥古斯丁(Saint Augustine,?-604)率40余名修士来到英格兰传教,基督教开始在不列颠岛盛行。
盎格鲁-撒克逊时代最重要的文学作品是长达3 000多行的头韵史诗《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf,700-750),讲述了一个斯堪的纳维亚的民间传说。
古英语散文的杰出代表是比德(the Venerable Bede,673-735)的《英吉利人民宗教史》(Ecclesiastical History of the English People,731-732),其中包括英国第一宗教诗人开德蒙(Caedmon)充满神奇色彩的生平事迹。
公元891年,韦塞克斯(Wessex)国王艾尔弗雷德(Alfred,849-901)开始组织修士汇编《盎格鲁-撒克逊编年史》(The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle),后人一直续编至1154年。
1066年,诺曼底公爵威廉(William,Duke of Normandy)打败英军,夺得王位,成为英国威廉一世(William I),史称“诺曼征服”(the Norman Conquest).此后今300年的时间里,法语一直是英国统治阶层的语言,教会学者用拉丁文写作,英语只在民众中通用,以至于在12世纪之前几乎没有用英文写成的文学作品。
专八 TEM8 英国文学知识
英国文学知识一.古英语时期(Old English Literature 公元499—1066年)英国文学开山之作:头韵体诗歌(alliteration)《贝奥武甫》(Beowulf)开德蒙(Caedmon):《赞美诗》(Anthem)琴涅武甫(Cynewulf):《十字架之梦》(Dream of the Rood)比德(Bede):《英吉利人教会史》(Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum)阿尔弗雷德大帝(King Alfred):《盎格鲁—撒克逊编年史》(Anglo-Saxon Chronicle),被誉为“英国散文之父”(Father of English Prose)二.中古英语时期(Medieval English Literature 公元1066年—15世纪)头韵体诗歌:《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》(Sir Gawain and the Green Knight)英国名谣:《罗宾汉名谣集》(The Robin Hood Ballads)威廉·兰格伦(William Langland):《农夫皮尔斯的幻想》(The V ision Concerning piers the Plowman)杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer):英国中世纪最伟大的诗人,享有“英国诗歌之父”的美誉(Father of English Poetry)。
代表作:八音节(octosyllabic)英雄双韵体(heroic couplet)诗歌《坎特布雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)。
托马斯·马洛礼(Sir Thomas Malory):英国15世纪优秀的散文家,代表作为《亚瑟王之死》(Le Morte d’Arthur)三.文艺复兴时期(Renaissance 15世纪末—17世纪)托马斯·莫尔(Thomas More):伟大的人文主义者,代表作:《乌托邦》(Utopia),《国王爱德华五世悲戚的一生》(The painful Life of Edwar d Ⅴ).托马斯·魏厄特(Thomas Wyatt)和亨利·霍华德(Henry Howard)的十四行诗(Sonnet)。
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Timeline of British Literature (1660-present)
450-1066 Old English Period (Anglo-Saxon)
1066-1500 Middle English Period (Medieval Period )
1500-1660 The Renaissance
1660-1785 The Neoclassical Period
1785-1831 The Romantic Period (or 1798-1837)
1832-1900 The Victorian Period (often dated 1837-1901)
1914-1965 The Modernist Period
1965-present Postmodern Period
British Literature:
一、Old and Medieval British Literature (5th century -- 1485)
二、British Literature of the Renaissance Period (late 15th century – early 17th century)
三、The 17th century—The Period of Revolution and Restoration
四、The 18th century---The Age of Enlightenment in England
五、The Age of Romanticism (1798-1832)
六、The Victorian Period---English Critical Realism (1830s -- 1918)
七、English Modernism (1918--1945)
八、Contemporary Period (1945--)
American Literature:
二、Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War启蒙时期和独立革命(1765—18世纪末)
六、Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945—)
Old and Medieval British Literature (5th century -- 1485):
Alliteration, ballad, consonance(假韵), couplet(两行诗), epic, imagery(意象), kenning(隐喻表达法), legend, ottava rima(八行体), romance, simile, understatement.
British Literature of the Renaissance Period (late 15th century – early 17th century): Allegory, aphorism(格言), blank verse, comedy, essay, foreshadowing(预兆), humanism, paradox(似非而是), morality play, meter(格律), miracle play, narrative poem, pastoral(牧歌), poetry, quatrain(四行诗), Renaissance, soliloquy(独白), sonnet, Spenserian stanza, stanza, terza rima(三行体), tragedy, trochee(抑扬格), university wits.
The 17th century—The Period of Revolution and Restoration:
Assonance(押韵), carpe diem(及时行乐), didactic literature(教诲文学), elegy, genre, metaphor,
metaphysical poetry, conceit.
The 18th century---The Age of Enlightenment in England:
Aside(旁白), classicism, enlightenment movement, denouement(结局), epistolary novel(书信体小说), farce(闹剧), fiction, gothic romance, the graveyard school(墓地派诗歌), mock epic, neoclassicism, novel, pre-romanticism, refrain(叠句), satire, sentimentalism, theme.
The Age of Romanticism (1798-1832):
Byronic hero, canto, fable, lake poets, lyric, ode, romanticism.
The Victorian Period---English Critical Realism (1830s -- 1918):
Allusion(暗指/典故), antagonist, character, critical realism, dramatic monologue, flashback, narration, narrator, psychological novel, point of view, plot, protagonist, bildungsroman(成长小说).
English Modernism (1918--1945)
Aestheticism or the aesthetic movement, black comedy or black humor, Dadaism, epiphany(顿悟), free indirect discourse(自由间接引语), modernism, Oedipus Complex, parody, stream of consciousness, surrealism, the theater of absurd, tone, the Angry Young Men.
Contemporary Period (1945--) :
Experimental novel, open ending, metafiction, the Movement(运动派), kitchen-sink drama(极端现实主义喜剧).
American Literature
Colonialism(about1607—1765)and Enlightenment and the Revolutionary War(1765—18世纪末):
American Puritanism, autobiography.
American Romanticism, American Transcendentalism, southern gothic, Calvinism, free verse, new England poets, symbol, symbolism.
American Naturalism, American realism, Darwinism, Local Colorism.
The Beat Generation, determinism, expressionism, Freudianism, Harlem renaissance, Hemingway Code Hero, imagism, impressionism, Jazz Age, the Lost Generation, new criticism, Southern Renaissance, Waste Land Painters, Yoknapatawpha.
Contemporary Literature当代文学(1945—):
Postmodernism, the confessional poetry, the Black Mountain Poets.
诗歌:couplet(两行诗), epic, ottava rima(八行体), blank verse, narrative poem, pastoral(牧歌), poetry, quatrain(四行诗), sonnet, terza rima(三行体), elegy, genre,
小说:didactic literature(教诲文学), epistolary novel(书信体小说),
戏剧:comedy, morality play, tragedy,
其他:ballad, legend, romance, essay,。