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Language Points
1. Today, new technologies and the information explosion are changing the workplace so drastically that few people can support themselves and their family adequately without some education beyond high school.
今天,新技术和信息爆炸正深刻地改变着工作场所,没 有超过高中的更高教育,人们很难养活自己和家人。
drastic:(行为)严厉的,极端的激烈的,巨大的 He's not going to do anything drastic about economic policy.他不打算对经济政策作任何 重大调整。
Harvard University
the oldest institution of higher learning in the United States (founded 1636) and one of the nation’s most prestigious. It is one of the Ivy League schools. The main university campus lies along the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a few miles west of downtown Boston. Harvard’s total enrollment is about 20,000.
Cornell University
coeducational institution of higher education in Ithaca, New York, U.S., one of the Ivy League schools. Founded as the land-grant university of New York state under the Morrill Act of 1862, it was also privately endowed by Ezra Cornell, a founder of the Western Union Telegraph Company. Cornell established the school’s financial foundations, and diplomat and scholar Andrew Dickson White established its form. Cornell was the first American university to be divided into colleges offering different degrees, and it was among the first Eastern universities to admit women (1870).
Columbia University
major private institution of higher education in New York, New York, U.S. It is one of the Ivy League schools. Founded in 1754 as King’s College, it was renamed Columbia College when it reopened in 1784 after the American Revolution. It became Columbia University in 1912. Columbia College was the undergraduate liberal arts school for men until 1983, when women began to be admitted. Besides Columbia College, the university includes two other undergraduate schools (the School of Engineering and Applied Science and the School of General Studies) and the affiliated Barnard and Teachers colleges.
carry around 随身带, 携带
I know Londoners who carry around a London A-Z guidebook to
help them navigate! 据我所知每个伦敦人都有一个A-Z的地名小册子来告诉他们怎 么在这里驾驶! I carry memories of my homeland around with me. 对家乡的回忆终日萦绕在我的脑际。
Yale University
private university in New Haven, Conn. It was founded in 1701 and is the third oldest university in the United States. Yale was originally chartered by the colonial legislature of Connecticut as the Collegiate School and was held at Killingworth and other locations. In 1716 the school was moved to New Haven, and in 1718 it was renamed Yale College in honour of a wealthy British merchant and philanthropist, Elihu Yale, who had made a series of donations to the school. Yale’s initial curriculum emphasized classical studies and strict adherence to orthodox Puritanism.
2. Ivy-covered residence 常春藤覆盖的住所 ivory tower
3. But college is really far more than any single image you might carry around in your head.
carry down 搬下来, 拿下来 The tea things are upstairs; could you carry them down for me? 茶具在楼上, 替我拿下来好吗? The body was carried down by the stream. 尸体顺河漂流而下。 把(观念)传给年轻人〔晚辈〕 This custom has been carried down from the 18th century. 这一习俗从18世纪一直传到现在。 carry in 输入; 装[带,运载,输]入[CI]
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Ivy League
Ivy League, a group of colleges and universities in the northeastern United States that are widely regarded as high in academic and social prestige: Harvard (established 1636), Yale (1701), Pennsylvania (1740), Princeton (1746), Columbia (1754), Brown (1764), Dartmouth (1769), and Cornell (1865). They are members of an athletic conference for intercollegiate American football and other sports known as the Ivy League. Though formally organized only in 1956, competition between the colleges dates back to football meetings in the 1870s. The Ivy League was dominant in the early years of football in the United States until 1913, as attested by the All-America teams, but it faded in the 1920s.
University of Pennsylvania
private university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., one of the Ivy League schools and the oldest university in the country. It was founded in 1740 as a charity school. Largely through the efforts of Benjamin Franklin and other leading Philadelphians, it became an academy in 1751, with Franklin as president of the first board of trustees. In 1755 it was chartered as the College and Academy of Philadelphia. With the foundation in 1765 of the first medical school in colonial America, the institution became in fact a university, but it was not so called until 1779, when for a time it received state support. Since 1791 it has been a privately endowed and controlled institution, although it continues to receive state aid. Approximately 25,000 students are enrolled at the university.
Princeton University
coeducational, privately endowed institution of higher learning at Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. It was founded as the College of New Jersey in 1746, making it the fourth oldest institution of higher education in the United States. The school’s name was changed to Princeton University in 1896, and its graduate school was opened in 1900. Since 1969 the university has admitted women. Enrollment is approximately 7,000.