口译记录的常用符号a.图标符号:↑ : 上升, 发展, 扩大, 加强等(grow, develop, expand, strengthen, etc.)↓ :下降, 减少, 恶化, 裁减(drop to, reduce, deteriorate, cut down )→ :导致,输出,派遣, 进入, 结论(result in, export to, send to, enter, drawa conclusion):来自,源于,追溯至, 进口,收到(come from, originate from, date back,import from, receive from):国家(country, state, nation):国内(domestic, internal, home):国外(external, overseas, abroad)⊙:开会,会议,研讨会,讨论,谈判(meeting, conference, seminar, discussion, negotiation)(图像表示“圆桌”)∪:协议,协定,条约,合同(agreement, accord, treaty, contract) (图像表示“酒杯”,含有庆祝的意思)如: 双边条约(bilateral treaty)可写成: ;三边协定(trilateral agreement )可写成: ;°:人, 人们(person, people) (图像表示“人头”)如: 美国人可写成: “US°” ; 中国人可写成: “中°” ;♂:男性,男人(male, man)♀:女性,女人(female, woman)Δ:代表(on behalf of):对立,冲突(confrontation, conflict)~ :交流,交换, 相互(exchange, replace, each other)?:疑问,问题,提问(doubt , problem, question, ask): :说,告诉,认为,声明,例如(say, speak, tell, think, declare, such as, like)( ):包括,在…之中/内,封闭(including, within, among, inside, seclusion)∈:属于,归于,归属(belong to ,be part of, fall into, pertain to)// :停顿,停止,终止(stop, halt)& :和,与…一起(and, together with)…:等等(and so on, and so forth, and the like, etc.)√:正确,好,肯定的,积极的,同意(correct, good, affirmative, certain, positive, agree)×:不/非,错误的,坏的,不好的, 否定的(not, no, wrong, incorrect, bad, notorious, negative)☆:杰出的,优秀的,最佳的,重要的,榜样(outstanding, excellent, best, important, model)(星光璀璨,表示“优秀,突出”):高兴,开心,愉快,兴奋(happy, pleased, delightful, joyful, excited)(这是个脸谱图像符号,嘴巴向上翘,表示“开心”):不满,生气,不开心,郁闷(unsatisfied, angry, unhappy, gloomy)(嘴巴向下撇,表示“不高兴”):惊讶,惊奇,吃惊,震惊(surprised , astonished , amazed, shocked )(嘴巴张大,表示“吃惊”):害怕,恐惧,恐慌(scared , frightened, panic ) (两只眼睛张大,表示“恐惧”):听说,据说,众所周知(it is said that, maybe you’ve heard of, as we allknow , as is known to all ) (脑袋上画个耳朵,表示“听说过,有所闻”)b .数学符号:= :等于,相当于,是…的对手(equal to, the same as, a match/rival/competitor for sb.)≠:不等于,不同,不是…的对手(not equal to, different, no match for)≈:大约,左右(approximately, around, or so )>:大于,多于,超过,优于(greater, larger or more than, better than, surpass, superior to)<:小于,少于,不够,劣于,次于(smaller/fewer/less than, worse than, inferior to)+ :加上,另外,除此之外(plus, add, moreover, besides, in addition to, furthermore)-:减去,扣除,缺乏(minus, deduct, lack )∑:总共,合计(total, in all, add up )% :百分比,百分之…(percent)‰:千分比,千分之…(per thousand)∵:因为, 由于(as, because, owing to, due to, thanks to)∴:所以, 因此, 因而(consequently, so, therefore, as a result)c .常用缩写词:UN ( United Nations ) :联合国UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization):联合国教科文组织UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund):联合国儿童基金会UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees):联合国难民公署EU (European Union ) : 欧洲联盟(简称“欧盟”)EEC (European Economic Community): 欧洲经济共同体NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization): 北大西洋公约组织APEC (Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation): 亚太经济合作组织WTO (World Trade Organization): 世界贸易组织WB (World Bank): 世界银行IMF(International Monetary Fund):国际货币基金组织L.G( ladies and gentlemen):女士们、先生们TKS( thanks):谢谢Org(organization):组织Co.(Company):公司MKT(market):市场L/C(letter of credit):信用证Ltd.(Limited): 有限Memo (memorandum): 备忘录 B.C.(before Christ): 公元前e. g. (for example): 例如i.e. (that is ): 即;那就是etc. (and so on ):等等esp.(especially):特别;尤其usu.(usually):通常;惯常max.(maximum): 最高min.(minimum): 最低;最小Wt.(weight):重量Kg.(kilogramme):公斤;千克b. (billion ): 十亿m.(million, meter, mile):百万;米;英里t.( thousand ,temperature , ton):千; 温度; 吨h. (hundred, hour, height): 百;小时;高度km. (kilometer)千米:公里sq. km (square kilometer):平方公里E(East):东S( South):南W( West ):西N( North ):北Q.( question ) :问题; A.(answer, acre ): 回答;英亩C (centigrade): 摄氏温度F( Fahrenheit): 华氏温度att. (attention):注意cf.(compare):比较c/o(care of): 转交ref.(reference):参考add.(Address):住址st.(street): 街std.(standard): 标准econ. (economy):经济ad.(advertisement):广告w (world):世界p (peace):和平r (repetition):重复y (year):年m (month):月w (week):星期 d (day):日a.m.(before noon):上午p.m.(afternoon):下午CN(China):中国(或简写为“中”) US(United States ):美国F(France):法国J(Japan):日本(或简写为“日”) UK(United Kingdom):英国HK(Hong Kong):香港MO(Macao):澳门TW(Taiwan):台湾AL(Australia ):澳大利亚SD(Sweden):瑞典SZ(Switzerland):瑞士CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States):独联体IQ(Iraq):伊拉克IR(Iran):伊朗ID(India):印度IN(Indonesia):印度尼西亚PL(Palestine ):巴勒斯坦PK(Pakistan):巴基斯坦d .综合性符号:. d ( yesterday): 昨天.. d (the day before yesterday): 前天. y( last year): 去年.. y (the year before last ): 前年d . (tomorrow): 明天 d .. (the day after tomorrow): 后天y . (next year): 明年y .. (the year after last): 后天[注:在年、月、日缩写词前后加“.” , 表示时间的推前或后移。
e.g. 水水(上加一横表示干旱,下加一横表示洪灾)“口”表示“国家”、“民族”,在“口”的上面加上一个人头样的小圆圈“o”,这时“口”又可以用来表示"x国人"了2、像声符号:e.g: “U”与单词“you”希腊字母“γ”(gamma) 读作[ga:ma:]其发音近似英语单词“government”的读音,所以“γ”也常被用在口译记录中表示“government”(政府)或“governmental”(政府的)之意。
3、公共场所和行业标识:e.g: “P”,它表示的是“停车场”、“停放”之类的意思,口译记录,我们除了借用这一符号指代上述意义外,还可以将它们稍加引申来表达“中止”、“中断”、“停顿”、“停火”等意思。
4、标点符号:e.g: “?”常被用来表示“问题”、“难题”等概念,因此口译过程中若涉及到“台湾问题”时,译员只记作“TW?”即可。
“:”可以表示与“说”有关的概念,如:“告诉”、“演讲”、“宣称”、“声明”、“认为”、“赞成”、“报怨”、“抗议”等;“……”表示“剩余”、“遗留问题”;“( )”则表示“包括”、“在……范围之内”、“封闭”、“闭关自守”、“禁闭”等意思。
、印刷符号:e.g: “∧”则表示“插入”、“干涉”、“介入”、“侵略”,而“/”则用来表示“删(剔)除”、“取消”6、数学符号:加号“+”可以表示“增加”、“补充”;“减号”“-”则表示“扣除”“减少”,而“≈”便用来表示“大约”、“几乎”;“∵”则可以表示“由于”“因为”等概念7、箭头符号:箭头符号直观、明了,使用得更多、更广泛 . e.g:右指箭头“→”常用来表示“派谴”、出国、“运往”、“前往”、“出口”、“向……传达”、“导致”等概念。
国外口译笔记符号图例consequences development relations agriculture agreement environment role energy success trade problem politics repression democracy impact work country money meeting inflation industrydeficit surpluslook forwardtochange want to need know continue decide join propose listen/hear lead to, cause say promise attack agree thankson the one hand always(toujours in French)...on the otherhanduntilon behalf of from that time onas opposed to beforerecently more than/less thanall anynowsimilar endstartOrganic symbolsWhen we talk about ORGANIC SYMBOLS we mean simply that one symbol is taken as the root for several related symbols.The most obvious example is the underlining...You can underline any symbol to add emphasisbig (i)You can also double underline, draw a squiggly line or a dotted line underneath a symbol or word denote differing degrees of emphasis or certainty....There is a system for noting verbs that ties in with this idea.......verb tenses work work g work | | work | w魊kworking worked will work would work Here are some more examples of one symbol giving rise to several more...al national (adjective)ally Nationallyze to nationalizetn nationalisationo national (noun), citizen⏹♋☐♦✍return, come back, reverse, regress⏹♋☐♦✍rise, increase, grow, climb etc.↘fall, decline, slide, slip, drop, shrink,exchange, relations,→lead to, consequence of, therefore☠continue,?o:p>☺pleased.☹annoyed, unhappy, unimpressed, etc.☹very unhappy, disgusted, etcÕ to thinkŌ to know, (for me, the straight line denotes certainty, in comparison to the squiggly line for 搕o think?)The circle can also be used to denote a person who is associated with that symbol's meaning. This can be done by adding a raised circle to another symbol.o citizenal national(adjective)econ Economy econ o economistE Energy E o energy expert,supplier,πPolicy πo politician∩ that, which ∩o whoWhere to find symbolsYou can get your symbols from anywhere that suits you...as long as you stick to some basic RULES.. Here are a few ideas.Only use these symbols if they click in your mind, don't just use them because you've seen them here. You don't have to use the meanings assigned them here either. Symbols should be instantly associated FOR YOU with the meaning you give them.Maths= + > < % /E ?nbsp; tScience(and more I can't do in html!)Music#Text messages L8R R U OK? 2 etc.Keyboard% & @ ? ?/h5>Punctuation marks? ! ( ) " :D DA UK CH FVehicle registrations(beware of mixing up China & Switzerland, or Poland and Portugal)Short words in otherso hi ta ok / bo ale juz / deja / ergo etc / pero / languagesCurrencies$ Y L €Periodic table Fe Na Po Ag CO2 CO NO2 H3SO4What to note - Lederer/Seleskovitch1. The ideas. The essence. A single symbol or word can represent an entire idea.2. Fulcra. Causality, consequence, links etc. and the relation of the ideas to one another in time.3. Transcodable terms. Words than must be repeated rather than deverbalised and interpreted.4.Numbers. Note the numbers immediately, interrupting whatever you are noting to note the number as they cannot be remembered from context and noted later as ideas can.5. Proper names. If you don't know a name, note it phonetically and see if you can work out how to say it properly in your target language later. If you can't then substitute a generic like "the UK delegate" rather than mangling the name.6. Technical terms. Specific to the context of the speech.7.Lists. Lists of words which are not integral parts of the sentences in which they are held overload the memory. So note them.8. The first sentence of each new idea should be noted with particular care. This does not mean verbatim but with care.9. LAST sentence of the speech should be noted with particular care.10. Striking usage. If the speaker uses a word or expression that stands out he has probably used it deliberately and will want it to appear in the interpretation.What to note - Taylor-BouladonMost beginners tend to write down too much but with experience you will see that your memory is better than you think and a few clear notes are infinitely preferable to a whole page of notes written so fast you can't read them back.As to what you should note, W. Keiser suggests the following:l.Always ideas, arguments, never just words. But write down all proper names, figures, titles, quotes.2. Who speaks and about whom or what.3. Tense of the action, i.e. present, past or future.4. Whether the statement is negative, positive, interrogative or exclamatory.5. Connections between ideas and arguments.6. Emphasis and stress.Notes should arranged vertically on the page, with indentations such as for new paragraphs to indicate new thoughts and a system of arrows and connecting signs.What to note - JonesThe first thing to be noted should be the main ideas, first because they are the most significant elements of a speech, and secondly because they are the pillars of its structure.It is also important to systematically note the links between the different ideas as well to divide them very clearly. Another element which has to be clear is the point of view being expressed: the audience must immediately realize who is speaking.As far as verbs are concerned, there are two basic things which must appear in the notes: verb tenses, with special attention to conditional forms, and modal verbs, whose semantic role in the sentence is always of paramount importance.Other fundamental data are numbers, dates and proper names, which must be noted accurately, being preferable in a good interpretation to miss some elements of another sentence than to get names or statistics wrong.These are some of the basic needs in consecutive interpreting as regards note-taking. Of course, interpreters have their own styles, and they could note down almost everything, or just the main elements, if they trust their short-term memory. Anyway, noting down everything, without paying the proper attention to active listening, must be avoided at all costs.Exercises for note-taking in consecutiveWhat and how to note should be part of any interpreting course and may differ greatly from one place to the next, however, the techniques for which I suggest practice exercises below are widely used.Each of these elements of note-taking can be practised in isolation and without the time pressure associated with live note-taking. By practising elements regularly and in isolation they become automatic more quickly, thus when we interpret we can concentrate on the many issues that are more important than note-taking. i.e. listening, Comprehension, analysis and reformulation!(Weber)Noting less5.1 Listening to the news. Note one word per news item and then try to reproduce each item afterwards.5.2 Reading newspaper articles. Note one word per paragraph and then try to recreate it afterwards.?Annex 1.15.3 One student prepares a short speech containing say 5 clear ideas ?listeners agree to note only five words while listening to the speech and interpret on the basis of those notes.Students must listen and analyse in order to decide which 5 words best represent the core ideas of the speech5.5 Read newspaper articles. Take notes from an article using diagonal/ vertical note-taking techniques - read article back from notes. ?also Annex 1.4 and IV 5 揈fficient Preparation?5.6 While still unfamiliar with the technique practice notetaking from slow, short speeches.Using margins (e.g. for link words) many interpreters swear by the use of margins at the left-hand side of the page (i.e. to highlight link words (conjunctions)/ structural pointers (numbering and paragraph markers) / and viewpoints see Jones). Here are some exercises to accustom ourselves to using margins to note link words. Similar exercises can be created for different uses of margin.5.7 Read articles highlighting the link words. ?Annex Practice notetaking from articles, noting only the link words in the margin (or only link words plus one word per paragraph). Reproduce as speech. ?Annex 1.2. ?Annex 1.3.Other?/b>5.9 After a speech rewrite your notes in "fair copy". Concentrate on aspects of note-taking technique that you have been taught but perhaps ignored under the pressure of the moment. Try toarrive at a set of 搃deal?notes (- ideal according to your own style of note-taking or that which you are using). ?5.11 (Rozan)5.10 Speeches prepared for lessons and practice sessions should be noted/written in consecutive note style.These notes will not correspond exactly to what might have been noted from a spoken speech (inter alia the role of memory will be different if we prepare hours/days in advance) however for the reasons explained below it can still be a very useful exercise.In preparation we practise note-taking techniques (i.e. brevity and clarity of our notes, familiarizng ourselves with the use of symbols or margins for example. ?Consecutive notetaking V 5.10 and V 5.11) without the time pressure associated with note-taking from live speeches. Also when giving the speech to colleagues students practise note reading and delivery. By giving speeches for fellow students you have not, therefore, sacrificed your own practice time but rather practised different, but equally important, skills.?Annex Practise taking notes while sitting at a desk or table, with the pad on your lap while sitting and while standing.Depending on the market you end up working on or the meetings you attend you may have to be proficient at note-taking in all three positions. Practising taking notes whilst sitting back in your chair with your legs crossed and the pad on your lap can also help you to relax while note-taking as the posture is naturally less tense than being hunched over a desk or table.Practising Note-takingIf you have good technique, and there are many pages on this site which describe elements of note-taking technique, and if that technique is ingrained through hours and hours of practice, then when the pressure is on...when you have to take a test or actually work....it will not let you down.Is making notes from a written text a good idea? Don't take it from us.....the following is taken from the new translation of Rozan's classic "Note-taking in Consecutive Interpreting".a) Compare your notes from the previous few pages with the model below. Note the points where you have not analysed the text well.b) Make a page of written comments on this model. Try to simplify it, by 則elescoping?or deleting everything that is not absolutely essential.c) Take notes again on the [same] text above, keeping in mind the corrections you made to youroriginal notes. Correct this new set of notes (for lay-out, verticality etc.) until your are sure that you cannot improve on them.d) Read your notes through several times until you can read them back with total fluency. Change the vocabulary you use each time, particularly for the link words, without changing the meaning or the text.。
国外口译笔记符号图例consequences development relations agriculture agreement environment role energy success trade problem politics repression democracy impact work country money meeting inflation industrydeficit surpluslook forwardtochange want to need know continue decide join propose listen/hear lead to, cause say promise attack agree thankson the one hand always(toujours in French)...on the otherhanduntilon behalf of from that time onas opposed to beforerecently more than/less thanall anynowsimilar endstartOrganic symbolsWhen we talk about ORGANIC SYMBOLS we mean simply that one symbol is taken as the root for several related symbols.The most obvious example is the underlining...You can underline any symbol to add emphasisbig (i)You can also double underline, draw a squiggly line or a dotted line underneath a symbol or word denote differing degrees of emphasis or certainty....There is a system for noting verbs that ties in with this idea.......verb tenses work work g work | | work | w魊kworking worked will work would work Here are some more examples of one symbol giving rise to several more...al national (adjective)ally Nationallyze to nationalizetn nationalisationo national (noun), citizen⏹♋☐♦✍return, come back, reverse, regress⏹♋☐♦✍rise, increase, grow, climb etc.↘fall, decline, slide, slip, drop, shrink,exchange, relations,→lead to, consequence of, therefore☠continue,?o:p>☺pleased.☹annoyed, unhappy, unimpressed, etc.☹very unhappy, disgusted, etcÕ to thinkŌ to know, (for me, the straight line denotes certainty, in comparison to the squiggly line for 搕o think?)The circle can also be used to denote a person who is associated with that symbol's meaning. This can be done by adding a raised circle to another symbol.o citizenal national(adjective)econ Economy econ o economistE Energy E o energy expert,supplier,πPolicy πo politician∩ that, which ∩o whoWhere to find symbolsYou can get your symbols from anywhere that suits you...as long as you stick to some basic RULES.. Here are a few ideas.Only use these symbols if they click in your mind, don't just use them because you've seen them here. You don't have to use the meanings assigned them here either. Symbols should be instantly associated FOR YOU with the meaning you give them.Maths= + > < % /E ?nbsp; tScience(and more I can't do in html!)Music#Text messages L8R R U OK? 2 etc.Keyboard% & @ ? ?/h5>Punctuation marks? ! ( ) " :D DA UK CH FVehicle registrations(beware of mixing up China & Switzerland, or Poland and Portugal)Short words in otherso hi ta ok / bo ale juz / deja / ergo etc / pero / languagesCurrencies$ Y L €Periodic table Fe Na Po Ag CO2 CO NO2 H3SO4What to note - Lederer/Seleskovitch1. The ideas. The essence. A single symbol or word can represent an entire idea.2. Fulcra. Causality, consequence, links etc. and the relation of the ideas to one another in time.3. Transcodable terms. Words than must be repeated rather than deverbalised and interpreted.4.Numbers. Note the numbers immediately, interrupting whatever you are noting to note the number as they cannot be remembered from context and noted later as ideas can.5. Proper names. If you don't know a name, note it phonetically and see if you can work out how to say it properly in your target language later. If you can't then substitute a generic like "the UK delegate" rather than mangling the name.6. Technical terms. Specific to the context of the speech.7.Lists. Lists of words which are not integral parts of the sentences in which they are held overload the memory. So note them.8. The first sentence of each new idea should be noted with particular care. This does not mean verbatim but with care.9. LAST sentence of the speech should be noted with particular care.10. Striking usage. If the speaker uses a word or expression that stands out he has probably used it deliberately and will want it to appear in the interpretation.What to note - Taylor-BouladonMost beginners tend to write down too much but with experience you will see that your memory is better than you think and a few clear notes are infinitely preferable to a whole page of notes written so fast you can't read them back.As to what you should note, W. Keiser suggests the following:l.Always ideas, arguments, never just words. But write down all proper names, figures, titles, quotes.2. Who speaks and about whom or what.3. Tense of the action, i.e. present, past or future.4. Whether the statement is negative, positive, interrogative or exclamatory.5. Connections between ideas and arguments.6. Emphasis and stress.Notes should arranged vertically on the page, with indentations such as for new paragraphs to indicate new thoughts and a system of arrows and connecting signs.What to note - JonesThe first thing to be noted should be the main ideas, first because they are the most significant elements of a speech, and secondly because they are the pillars of its structure.It is also important to systematically note the links between the different ideas as well to divide them very clearly. Another element which has to be clear is the point of view being expressed: the audience must immediately realize who is speaking.As far as verbs are concerned, there are two basic things which must appear in the notes: verb tenses, with special attention to conditional forms, and modal verbs, whose semantic role in the sentence is always of paramount importance.Other fundamental data are numbers, dates and proper names, which must be noted accurately, being preferable in a good interpretation to miss some elements of another sentence than to get names or statistics wrong.These are some of the basic needs in consecutive interpreting as regards note-taking. Of course, interpreters have their own styles, and they could note down almost everything, or just the main elements, if they trust their short-term memory. Anyway, noting down everything, without paying the proper attention to active listening, must be avoided at all costs.Exercises for note-taking in consecutiveWhat and how to note should be part of any interpreting course and may differ greatly from one place to the next, however, the techniques for which I suggest practice exercises below are widely used.Each of these elements of note-taking can be practised in isolation and without the time pressure associated with live note-taking. By practising elements regularly and in isolation they become automatic more quickly, thus when we interpret we can concentrate on the many issues that are more important than note-taking. i.e. listening, Comprehension, analysis and reformulation!(Weber)Noting less5.1 Listening to the news. Note one word per news item and then try to reproduce each item afterwards.5.2 Reading newspaper articles. Note one word per paragraph and then try to recreate it afterwards.?Annex 1.15.3 One student prepares a short speech containing say 5 clear ideas ?listeners agree to note only five words while listening to the speech and interpret on the basis of those notes.Students must listen and analyse in order to decide which 5 words best represent the core ideas of the speech5.5 Read newspaper articles. Take notes from an article using diagonal/ vertical note-taking techniques - read article back from notes. ?also Annex 1.4 and IV 5 揈fficient Preparation?5.6 While still unfamiliar with the technique practice notetaking from slow, short speeches.Using margins (e.g. for link words) many interpreters swear by the use of margins at the left-hand side of the page (i.e. to highlight link words (conjunctions)/ structural pointers (numbering and paragraph markers) / and viewpoints see Jones). Here are some exercises to accustom ourselves to using margins to note link words. Similar exercises can be created for different uses of margin.5.7 Read articles highlighting the link words. ?Annex Practice notetaking from articles, noting only the link words in the margin (or only link words plus one word per paragraph). Reproduce as speech. ?Annex 1.2. ?Annex 1.3.Other?/b>5.9 After a speech rewrite your notes in "fair copy". Concentrate on aspects of note-taking technique that you have been taught but perhaps ignored under the pressure of the moment. Try toarrive at a set of 搃deal?notes (- ideal according to your own style of note-taking or that which you are using). ?5.11 (Rozan)5.10 Speeches prepared for lessons and practice sessions should be noted/written in consecutive note style.These notes will not correspond exactly to what might have been noted from a spoken speech (inter alia the role of memory will be different if we prepare hours/days in advance) however for the reasons explained below it can still be a very useful exercise.In preparation we practise note-taking techniques (i.e. brevity and clarity of our notes, familiarizng ourselves with the use of symbols or margins for example. ?Consecutive notetaking V 5.10 and V 5.11) without the time pressure associated with note-taking from live speeches. Also when giving the speech to colleagues students practise note reading and delivery. By giving speeches for fellow students you have not, therefore, sacrificed your own practice time but rather practised different, but equally important, skills.?Annex Practise taking notes while sitting at a desk or table, with the pad on your lap while sitting and while standing.Depending on the market you end up working on or the meetings you attend you may have to be proficient at note-taking in all three positions. Practising taking notes whilst sitting back in your chair with your legs crossed and the pad on your lap can also help you to relax while note-taking as the posture is naturally less tense than being hunched over a desk or table.Practising Note-takingIf you have good technique, and there are many pages on this site which describe elements of note-taking technique, and if that technique is ingrained through hours and hours of practice, then when the pressure is on...when you have to take a test or actually work....it will not let you down.Is making notes from a written text a good idea? Don't take it from us.....the following is taken from the new translation of Rozan's classic "Note-taking in Consecutive Interpreting".a) Compare your notes from the previous few pages with the model below. Note the points where you have not analysed the text well.b) Make a page of written comments on this model. Try to simplify it, by 則elescoping?or deleting everything that is not absolutely essential.c) Take notes again on the [same] text above, keeping in mind the corrections you made to youroriginal notes. Correct this new set of notes (for lay-out, verticality etc.) until your are sure that you cannot improve on them.d) Read your notes through several times until you can read them back with total fluency. Change the vocabulary you use each time, particularly for the link words, without changing the meaning or the text.。
No later than
standardization (标准化)
marketing (市场营销)
nautical mile
口译笔记速记符号归总(三)二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
例如:日本人:JZ.C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, ernmental official 可以表示为 CZP 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political.那么politician就可以表示为 PZE 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. E 数学符号表示总值。
G 表示效率:efficient, effective.G为效率符号。
Q 表示"通货膨胀":inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。
A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。
B 表示商业:business.C× 表示冲突,矛盾:conflict,confrontation "C×"中的"×"表示反对,字母"C"将反对的概念缩小为conflict 和 confrontation. W 表示工作,职业: work, employ 等。
所以WZ 就可以用来表示worker, 而W(Z在字母上方表示employer, 在字母下方表示employee)。
i 表示工业: industry, industrial 字母i 像只烟囱,所以用来可以用来表示工业。
U U 看酷似一个酒杯,在笔记中表示合同、协议(treaty, agreement)一般只有在谈判成功、协议成交后才会表示"举杯祝贺".如果在U内填入2××××,就可以表示为bilateral(双边的), 填入3表示为trilateral(三边的)。
belong to
basis of/ perpendicular/ is perpendicular to
New Zealand dollars
Japanese yen
the day before yesterday
nautical mile
at least
this year
two year later
⼀. 地名简写常⽤国名的记录⽅法应常记⼼中,借助“|-”来表⽰东、西、南、北、中等⽅位.⼆. 货币简写①数字全⽤阿拉伯数字代替②000:,例如,65000:65,; 7000000:7,, 1978: ’78三.时间简写四.度量衡五. 缩略词缩略词的写法⼀般为四种⽅式:拿掉所有元⾳、保留前⼏个字母、保留开头和结尾个发⾳字母、根据发⾳六.较长单词的处理办法-ism 简写为m例如:socialism Sm-tion 简写为n例如:standardization (标准化) stdn -cian 简写为o 例如:technician techo-ing 简写为g 例如:marketing (市场营销) MKTg-ed 简写为 d 例如:accepted acptd-ment 简写为mt 例如:amendment amdmt-able/ible/ble 简写为bl 例如:available avbl-ful 简写为fl 例如:meaningful mnfl七.字母、图像、符号o表⽰“⼈”people/person,因为“o”看上去像个⼈头,它通常被写在⼀个词或符号的右上⾓。
C 表⽰政府,统治:government,govern。
希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就⽤C来表⽰govern, government。
governmental official 可以表⽰为CZ。
P 表⽰政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political。
G 表⽰效率:efficient, effective。
Q 表⽰“通货膨胀”:inflation 因为这个符号酷似⼀个上升的⽓球。
A 表⽰农业: agriculture. agriculture经常⽤到,所以⽤⾸字母代替。
二. 货币简写三.时间简写四.度量衡五. 缩略词六.较长单词的处理办法七.字母、图像、符号一、缩略词英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。
缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO informationINS insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK weekPL peopleF根据发音R areTHO thoughTHRU through二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, government。
governmental official 可以表示为 CZP 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political。
那么politician就可以表示为 PZE 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. E 数学符号表示总值。
G 表示效率:efficient, effective。
Q 表示"通货膨胀":inflation因为这个符号酷似一个上升的气球。
A 表示农业: agriculture. agriculture经常用到,所以用首字母代替。
二、常用口译笔记介绍1. 口译笔记应记要点,切忌追求记“全”2. 口译笔记的主要内容是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系3. 口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草4. 口译笔记可以使用来源语,也可使用目标语,也可以双语兼用5. 译员应该随身携带一本开本稍窄、可上下翻动的记事本//箭头的使用→表示: 出口, 输出、打入、出国、到达、前往、派遣、交给、运往、导致(export to, enter, arrive in, lead to, present to, give to, submit to, result in, send to, cause)例如:1.在大连生产,然后出口给日本(大→ J )2.我们每年向欧洲输出劳务。
1口译笔记符号大汇总二. 货币简写2年底49 20年以后20y| century C since/ever since ┠uo to now/ until ┫in. centimeter cm foot ft minimeter mm knot kt mile mi acre A nautical mile nm五. 缩略词34You U Your UR Will WL WeekWKWeightWT-ism m socialismSm -tion n standardization (标准化) stdn -cian o techniciantecho -ing g marketing (市场营销) MKTg -ed d accepted acptd -able/ible/ble bl available avbl -ment mt amendment amdmt -ize z recognize regz -fulflmeaningfulmnfl七.字母、图像、符号568二、字母、图像Z 表示人people/person,因为Z看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。
C 表示政府,统治:government,govern 希腊字母C读/ga:ma/,近似government, 所以就用C来表示govern, government。
governmental official 可以表示为CZP 表示政治:politics, political希腊字母P读/pai/,近似politics, political。
那么politician 就可以表示为PZE 表示总数:total, totally, entire, entirely, on the whole, all in all, to sum up, ect. E 数学符号表示总值。
G 表示效率:efficient, effective。
最全口译笔记符号.doc笔记符号一.图形符号□State, kingdom, country, nation, national, federal△City, metropolis, cosmopolis, metropolitan, urban, municipal▽Village, farm, outskirt, countryside, suburban, rural areas°右上角:人右下角:地方、地名、机构^ 领导,监督;顶点,顶级,最Lead, supervise, head, peak, top, supreme, utmost, maximum, climax△°Citizen, urban residents, urban inhabitants▽°Farmer, peasant, rancher, agriculturistUniversal, worldwide, international, transnational, global,transcontinental, all over the world, across bounderies□ s 多国,其他国家 other countries□ e 国民经济 national economyDomestic, native, internal, interior, at homeForeign, overseas, abroad, alien, exotic, out of the country, beyondseas, in ther foreign landIn and out of the country, at home and abroad进口出口进出口飞°飞行员飞。
经济实体 economic entityf。
∵ * 表示: 由于、因为(as, because, owing to, due to, thanks to) * 中国决定不出席此次会议,请问原因是什么?(中×→⊙, ∵?)
< * 表示: 小于、少于、低于、不如、次于、逊色(smaller than, fewer than, less than, worse
than, inferior to) * 例如: * 人口少于1000万 (人< 10M)
= * 表示: 等于、相当于、不亚于、可与…相比、是…的对手,换言之(equal to, equal, the
← * 表示: 来自、源于、进口、收到、回到、回归(come from, originate in, import from, receive
from, come back to, return)。 例如:
* 1. 大量的移民来自英国、波兰 ( im ← Br Po) * 2. the US imports from Japan: ( US ← J ) * 3. 回到刚才所说的第三点:p.3 ← * 4. 国宝回到了中国。( CN←宝 ) ( 宝CN )
* 在数字下面划一道横线或在后面加一个逗号,代表后面有三个零。85 或 85, 等于85,000 * 在数字下面划两道横线或在后面加两个逗号,代表后面有六个零(百万)。例如85 或 85,, 等
于85,000,000 * 年代省掉前两位数字,后两位数字前加所有格’,仍表示年代,例如:2004——’04
* ∈ 表示: 属于
常见笔译符号!惊叹,奇迹# 停止,暂停 & 与,和,共同∈属于 ←来自于∞ 与…的关系 ↑增长,增加∽被替换为 →导致,结果是⊕医院 ↓下降,减少,降低⊙会议 ↗渐增☆杰出的,出众的 ↘渐降≈大约为,差不多 ∴所以< 小于,弱于 ∵因为➢大于,强于 ♀男的〈〈远小于,远弱于 ♂女的〉〉远大于,远强于 О人;pº政治家;Ecoº经济学家┷在压力下 H 主持;hº主持人*重要的,优秀的 $ 富有,$º富人∑总和 + 加上,除此之外商标 -减去,除去:说,发表,观点是 问题,疑惑,难题@ 关于 ×错误,不好,否定© 版权,知识产权 √ 正确,好□国家6. 笔记示范: (1)“美国、英国、德国、日本、瑞士和法国的中央银行想扭转这种不良趋势,但都没有成功,而且还损失了几十亿美元。
” Am Uk Ger 央行 Jap attpt 变×trend Swis Fran but All × & ×bs $ 1> yr $原R低/ 日 1981 法F ≈ × ∴法Pr have to adj Eco. P (2)“我认真听取了其他国家在这个议题下的发言。
” 听□s: 共识:※/imf + comu → devp 发展 ∴I,! Chi, 大devping 切feel: (3)“现在,世界多极化和经济全球化趋势深入发展,经济进步日新月异,综合国力竞争日趋激烈,国际局势正在发生深刻的变化。
口译笔记符号的使用是提高口译质量的关键,从时间和数量到同音替换,通 过本课件,您将学会各种符号的分类和用法示例。
- 时间和数量 - 序号和级别 - 同音替换 - 简写和缩写 - 标点符号
- 时间和数量 - 序号和级别 - 同音替换 - 简写和缩写 - 标点符号
使用符号记录同音替换的词语,例如将" 改变"替换为"改良"。
2 申请文件:深情文件
使用符号表示含有同音替换的词语,例如 将"申请"替换为"深情"。
1 下午开会:pm开会
2 部门名称:Dept.
1 表示强调:!
2 表示疑问:?
1 工作时间:10h
2 价格:3000元
使用符号表示不同级别或序号,例如级别 一对应字母A。
使用符号表示排名的序号,例如排名第二 对应数字2。
1 感受到改变:感受到改良
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
国外口译笔记符号图例consequences development relations agriculture agreement environment role energy success trade problem politics repression democracy impact work country money meeting inflation industry
deficit surplus
want to need
know continue decide join propose listen/hear
lead to,
say cause
promise attack agree thanks
on the always
one hand (toujours in French)
...on the
on behalf of from that time on
recently more than/less than
all any now
similar end start
Organic symbols
When we talk about ORGANIC SYMBOLS we mean simply that one symbol is taken as the root for several related symbols.
The most obvious example is the underlining... You can underline any symbol to add emphasis big .. (i)
You can also double underline, draw a squiggly line or a dotted line underneath a symbol or word denote differing degrees of emphasis or certainty....
There is a system for noting verbs that ties in with this idea....
...verb tenses work work g work | | work
| w魊
working worked
Here are some more examples of one symbol giving rise to several more...
al national (adjective)
ally Nationally
ze to nationalize
tn nationalisation
o national (noun), citizen
⏹♋☐♦✍return, come back, reverse,
⏹♋☐♦✍rise, increase, grow, climb etc.
↘fall, decline, slide, slip, drop,
exchange, relations,
→lead to, consequence of,
☹annoyed, unhappy, unimpressed, etc. ☹very unhappy, disgusted, etc
Õ to think
Ō to know, (for me, the straight line denotes certainty, in comparison to
the squiggly line for 搕o think?)
The circle can also be used to denote a person who is associated with that symbol's meaning.
This can be done by adding a raised circle to another symbol.
o citizen
al n ational
econ Economy econ
E Energy E o energy
πPolicy πo politician
∩ that,
∩o who
Where to find symbols
You can get your symbols from anywhere that suits you...as long as you stick to some basic
RULES.. Here are a few ideas.
Only use these symbols if they click in your mind, don't just use them because you've seen them here. You don't have to use the meanings assigned them here either. Symbols should be instantly associated FOR YOU with the meaning you give them.
Maths = + > < % /
E ?nbsp; t
(and more I can't do in html!)
Music #
L8R R U OK? 2 etc.
% & @ ? ?/h5>
? ! ( ) " :
Vehicle registrati ons D DA UK CH F (beware of mixing up China & Switzerland, or Poland and Portugal)
words in other language s so hi ta ok / bo ale juz / deja / ergo etc / per
o /
Currenci es
$ Y L €
Periodic table Fe Na Po Ag CO2 CO NO2 H3SO4。