
高英课后翻译黎神华1、but, like thousands of others in the coastal communities, john was reluctant不情愿toabandon his home unless the family—his wife, Janis, and their seven children, aged 3 to 11—was clearly endangered.但,就像成千上万的沿海的群体一样,约翰不愿舍弃他的家园,除非他的家人—他的妻子珍妮丝和他们那三到十一岁的七个孩子—明显的有危险。
2、The French doors in an upstairs room blew in吹入with an explosive爆炸的sound, and thegroup heard gun- like reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated碎裂.楼上一间房的一对法式门砰地一声被风吹开了。
3、Frightened害怕的, breathless无法呼吸的and wet, the group settled定居on the stairs,which were protected by two interior 内部的walls墙.他们跑到靠两堵内墙保护着的楼梯上歇下来。
4、Everyone knew there was no escape逃跑; they would live or die in the house.谁都明白现在已是无路可逃;是死是活都只能呆在房子里。
5、A moment later, the hurricane, in one mighty强大的swipe猛击, lifted举起the entire roof屋顶off the house and skimmed掠过it 40 feet through the air.不一会儿,飓风以一阵强风横扫,将整个屋顶卷入空中,抛向40英尺以外。

我为什么写作 Lesson 12: Why I Write 从很⼩的时候,⼤概五、六岁,我知道长⼤以后将成为⼀个作家。
From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer. 从15到24岁的这段时间⾥,我试图打消这个念头,可总觉得这样做是在戕害我的天性,认为我迟早会坐下来伏案著书。
Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to adandon this idea, but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books. 三个孩⼦中,我是⽼⼆。
I was the middle child of three, but there was a gap of five years on either side, and I barely saw my father before I was eight- For this and other reasons I was somewhat lonely, and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays. 我像⼀般孤僻的孩⼦⼀样,喜欢凭空编造各种故事,和想像的⼈谈话。


Unit 11 A white lie is better than a black lie . 一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。
2 To upset this cultural homicide, the Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood.为了挫败各种蓄意培植的低人一等的心态,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。
3 .....With a spirit toward true self-esteem, the Negro must boldly throw off the manacles of self-abnegation.黑人必须以一种竭尽全力自尊自重的精神,大胆抛弃自我克制的枷锁。
4 What is needed is a realization that power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.必须懂得没有爱的权利是毫无节制,易被滥用的,而没有权利的爱则是多愁善感,脆弱无力的。
5 It is precisely this collision of immoral power with powerless morality which constitutes the major crisis of our times.正是这种邪恶的权利和没有权势的道义的冲突构成了我们时代的主要危机。
6 Now early in this century this proposal would have been greeated with ridicule and denunication as destructive of initiative and resposibility.在本世纪之初,这种建议会受到嘲笑和谴责,认为它对主动性和责任感起负面作用。

10、Each day that I escape death, each day of suffering that helps to free me fromearthlycares, I make a new little paper bird, and add it to the others. This way I look at them and congratulate myself of the good fortune that my illness has brought me. Because, thanks to it, I have the opportunity to improve my character."
3、The seller, on the other hand, makes a point of protesting that the price he is charging isdepriving him ofall profit, and that he is sacrificing this because of his personal regard for the customer.
11、In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open tire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a sledge hammer and had the meat hung up to chill be-fore nightfall. But of course all this does not show on television. I am the way my daughter would want me to be: a hundred pounds lighter, my skin like an uncooked barley pan-cake. My hair glistens in the hot bright lights. Johnny Car – son has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue.

6. The best way to predict the future is to create it. ——彼得·德鲁克
7. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. ——查尔斯·达尔文
8. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. ——富兰克林·罗斯福
2. Where there is love, there are always wishes. ——威拉第·斯坦
3. If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ——母特·特蕾萨

2021年《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(1)Lesson One Rock Superstars 关于我们和我们的社会,他们告诉了我们些什么?What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?摇滚乐是青少年背叛的音乐。
——摇滚乐评论家约相?罗克韦尔Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.—— John Rockwell,rock music critic知其崇拜何人便可知其人。
——小说家罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦By a man’s heroes ye shall know him.—— Robert Penn Warren,novelist1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。
It was mid-June,1972,the Chicago Amphitheater was packed,sweltering,rocking.滚石摇滚乐队的迈克?贾格尔正在台上演唱“午夜安步人”。
Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was singing “Midnight Rambler.”演唱结束时评论家唐?赫克曼在现场。
Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended.他描述道:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑的水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水洒向前几排汗流浃背的听众。
“Jagger,” he said,“grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform,sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. They surge to follow him,eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops”。

青年⼈的四种选择 Lesson 2 Four Choices for Young People 在毕业前不久,斯坦福⼤学四年级主席吉姆?宾司给我写了⼀封信,信中谈及他的⼀些不安。
Shortly before his graduation, Jim Binns, president of the senior class at Stanford University, wrote me about some of his misgivings. 他写道:“与其他任何⼀代⼈相⽐,我们这⼀代⼈在看待成⼈世界时抱有更⼤的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成⼈世界。
” “More than any other generation,” he said, “our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.” 很明显,他的话代表了许多同龄⼈的看法。
Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries. 在过去的⼏年⾥,我倾听过许多年轻⼈的谈话,他们有的还在⼤学读书,有的已经毕业,他们对于成⼈的世界同样感到不安。
During the last few years, I have listened to scores of young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous about the grown world. ⼤致来说,他们的态度可归纳如下:“这个世界乱糟糟的,到处充满了不平等、贫困和战争。

《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(11)lesson11谈睡眠Lesson Eleven On Getting off to Sleep人真是充满矛盾啊!毫无疑问,幽默是惟一帮助我们摆脱矛盾的办法,要是没有它,我们就会死于烦恼。
What a bundle of contradictions is a man!Surety,humour is the saving grace of us,for without it we should die of vexation.在我看来,没有什么比睡眠更能说明事物间的矛盾。
With me,nothing illustrates the contrariness of things better than the matter of sleep.比如,我打算写一篇文章,面前放好了笔、墨和几张白纸,准保没写几个字我就会困得要命,无论当时是几点都会那样。
If,for example,my intention is to write an essay,and 1 have before me ink and pens and several sheets of virgin paper,you may depend upon it that before I have gone very far I feel an overpowering desire for sleep,no matter what time of the day it is.我瞪着那似乎在谴责我的白纸,直到眼前一片模糊,声音也难以辨清,只有靠意志力才能勉强坚持。
I stare at the reproachfully blank paper until sights and sounds become dim and confused,and it is only by an effort of will that I can continue at all.即使这时,我也会迷迷糊糊地像在做梦一样继续坚持工作。

Pub Talk and the King s English(酒吧闲谈与标准英语)Henry Fairlie (亨利·费尔利)1. Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities. And it is an activity only of humans. However intricate the way in which animals communicate with each other, they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name of conversation. 人类的一切活动中,闲谈是最具交际性的,也是人类特有的。
2. The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere, and no one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows. The enemy of good conversation is the person who has “something to say.” Conversation is not for making a point. Argument may often be a part of it, but the purpose of the argument is not to convince. There is no winning in conversation. In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose. Suddenly they see the moment for one of their best anecdotes, but in a flash the conversation has moved on and the opportunity is lost. They are ready to let it go. 闲谈的引人入胜之处就在于它没有一个事先设定好的主题。
高英 翻译

UNIT 1.II. Translate the following into Chinese.如果美国对此时此刻的迫切性视而不见,低估黑人的决心,那么这对美国的命运将是休戚相关的。
1963 年井不是终结,而是开端。
1. Mother meant to deliberately overlook whatever she did not like and could not change.2. From June to the end of July school closed for the summer vacation.3. Literarily, the writer was unable to open wide her eyes due to the dazzling summer sunlightas well as her eyes defect. Figuratively,the freedom, equality and democracy all A merican citizens were allegedly entitled to were simply distorted images in the author’s eye.4. Mother was bright and father brown, and the three of us girls represented gradations from bright to brown.5. Inside the Breyer’s, t he soda fountain was so dim and the air so cool that the pain of my eyes was wonderfully lessened.6. My forceful question got no response from my family;they remained silent as if they had done something wrong and shameful walking into Breyer's7. My anger was not going to be noticed or sympathized with by my family members who were similarly angry, though.UNIT 2.II. Translate the following into English.While absorbing the essence of a foreign culture, we should not be content with imitation without creation. An obsession with simple imitation will sterilize creation, and as such it will be impossible for us to scale new heights in art and impossible to present to the world-excellent works of our own creation. Simple imitation is by no means equivalent to novelty and originality. On the contrary, novelty and originality result from the combination of modern and traditional styles, the combination of the distinctive features of foreign countries with those of our own nation, and the combination of artistry and education.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. My brother and I were unable to walk out quietly and secretly, like other children, to the open field to play kids' games, for we were forced to go to Chinese school.2. Our kicking, screaming and pleading could not in the least make our mother change her mind about sending us to Chinese school.3. She dragged us by force all the way from our home to school, a long hilly distance of seven blocks, finally leaving us, hostile and tearful, in front of the severe headmaster.4. In Chinatown, large crowds of Chinese were coming and going with their routine responsibilities in a disorderly, overexcited way.5. He was fastidiously particular about my mother's English.6. Ultimately I was permitted to stop learning Chinese culture.7. Finally I assumed that I was one of the Americans and that I was not one of the Chinese. Unfortunately, I am, as a matter of fact, still Chinese.UNIT 6. II. Translate the following into English.Dear Students of the Graduating Class:As you are leaving your alma mater, I have nothing to offer you as a gift except a word of advice.My advice is, "Never give up the pursuit of learning. “You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma, or, in other words, out of sheer necessityHowever, from now on you are free to follow your own bent in the choice of studies. While you are in the prime of life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study? Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years. Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence. If you give up studies while holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourselves replaced by younger people. It will then be too late to remedy the situation by picking up studies again.IV. Explain in your own words the following sentences taken from the text.1. The same object may be observed and judged from different perspectives by different people.2. No time should be wasted on ceremonial procedures because the house, at present, is encountering an extremely crucial problem for the nation.3. We tend to close our eyes when facing a painful truth, and be intoxicated by the song of the sea nymph that will eventually turn us into animals.4. As for me, I’m willing to know the whole truth and be prepared for the worst th at might happen, no matter how much pain I may endure.5. The cunning smile, with which the British recently received our petition, will be a trap for you to fall into.6. These are the tools for war and suppression, the last means kings will turn to when all arguments fall flat.7. We have been humble and submissive in front of the British King, and have begged his Majesty to intervene and stop the cruelty and injustice of the British colonial ministry and Parliament.8. The victory of the battle is determined not just by strength, but by vigilance, activeness, and courage.9. It is useless to underestimate the severity of the situation.UNIT 7. II. Translate the following into Chinese.这类矛盾随处可见。

Lesson1. Salvation1. 许多人滥用上帝的名义。
Many people do things in the name of God too often.2. 我代表中国人民向您表示热烈欢迎。
I extend you an enthusiastic welcome in the name of the Chinese people.3. 工厂的生产突飞猛进。
Production in the factory was increasing by leaps and bounds.4. 让我护送你到家。
Let me escort you home.5. 暴风雨终于平息了。
The storm quieted down at last.6.他的演讲不断被一阵阵掌声所打断。
His speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.7.你在这个句子中漏掉了一个词。
You have left out a word in the sentence.8.如果你每天阅读英语报纸,你的英语水平就会很快提高。
If you read English newspapers every day, your English should improve by leaps and bounds.9. 该货物将依法充公。
The goods will be confiscated in the name of the law.10.四辆警察的摩托车一路护卫着总统的汽车。
Four police motorcycles escorted the President’s car all along the way.1.那位电影明星走下飞机时,立刻就被欢呼的影迷们围住了。
When the movie star stepped off the plane, he was immediately surround ed by cheering fans.2.这个村子和它周围的景色非常美丽。

2021年《高级英语》课文逐句翻译(4)lesson4 本身选择死亡方式Lesson Four Die as You Choose制定关于安泰死的法律已经到了不能再回避的地步。
The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer.在世界上某个较小的国家里,安泰死被医疗机构遍及接受,每年都有数千例公开实施。
In one of the world’s smaller countries,mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year.而在某个世界大国,安泰死虽然经常受到医疗机构的公开谴责,每年却以数倍于此的次数奥秘实施,且从未公之于众。
In one of the world’s biggest countries,euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment,secretly practiced many times more often,and almost never comes to light.但是,在上述阿谁国家有医生因为实施安泰死而在监狱里服刑呢?Which of these countries has a mercy-killing doctor now languishing in its jails?是在小国荷兰。
It is the small one,Holland,which has rules for euthanasia and so can police it effectively.那位荷兰的医生违反了他国家的规定。
The Dutch doctor broke his country’s rules.有关安泰死的问题在所有国家都存在,决不仅出现在美国这个禁止安泰死的大国。


Can I be exempt from the regular physical examination this year, I just had one three months ago before I went to the summer camp.
3、Mary试图找到恰当的语言来表达对老师的感激。(grope )
Mary groped for the appropriate words to express her indebtedness to her teacher.
The school principal’s plain words conveyed a message of challenge to the young people.
Unit 3
1、他按了喇叭以引起路上行人的警觉。(alert )
He honked destrians.
2、信息工程的迅速发展是人类尝试的一个突出事例。(endeavor )
The fast development of IT is a outstanding example of human endeavor.
2、他正在为他的考试结果担忧,因此他对访问教授的讲课毫不在意。(not in the least) Being worryabout his exam results, he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor's lecture.

1.And secondly, because I had a lump in my throat and a lot of sad thoughts on mymind that had little to do with anything a Nippon railways official might say. The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air of Hiroshima, was for me a far greater adventure than any trip or any reportorial assignment I'd previously taken. Was I not at the scene of the crime?其次是因为我当时喉咙哽噎,忧思万缕,根本没在意那个日本铁路官员说些什么。
我难道不是在犯罪现场吗?2.Quite unexpectedly, the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me at the stationreturned, and I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousands upon thousands of people had been slainin one second, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agony .出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时候侵扰着我的那种奇怪情绪竟在这时重新回来了。

高英课文翻译1. Our research show that no company can succeed today by trying to be all things to allpeople.It must instead find the unique value that it alone can deliver to a chosen market.我们的调查表明,没有一家公司能够做到面面俱到,满足所有人的需求而成功。
2. The first value discipline we call operational execellence. Companies that pursue this are notprimarilyproduct orservice innovators, nor do they cultivate deep, one-to-one relationships with customers.第一种价值类型我们称之为运作卓越型。
3. The third value discipline we have named customer intimacy. Its adherents focus ondelivering not what the market wants but what specific customers want. Customer-intimate companies do not pursue one-time transactions; they cultivate relationships. They specialize in satisfying unique needs; which ofen only they recongnize, through a close relationship with –and intimate knowledge of—the customer.第三种价值类型我们称之为亲密顾客类型。

lesson5 宁为⿊⼈不为⼥⼦ Lesson Five I'd Rather Be Black than Female 我是第⼀位当选国会议员的⿊⼈妇⼥,这使我不同凡响。
Being the first black woman elected to Congress has made me some kind of phenomenon. 国会中还有九位⿊⼈议员和⼗位妇⼥议员,但我是第⼀位同时克服两个不利因素的⼈。
There are nine other blacks in Congress; there are ten other women. I was the first to overcome both handicaps at once. 在这两种不利因素中,是个⼥⼈⽐是⿊⼈更糟。
Of the two handicaps, being black is much less of a drawback than being female. 如果我说做⿊⼈⽐做妇⼥更糟糕,也许没有⼈会对我的说法提出质疑。
If I said that being black is a greater handicap than being a woman, probably no one would question me. 为什么呢?因为“众所周知”,美国存在着对⿊⼈的歧视。
Why? Because “we all know” there is prejudice against black people in America. 说美国存在着对妇⼥的歧视对于⼏乎所有男⼈——还有⼤多数⼥⼈来说——却是不可思议的。
That there is prejudice against women is an idea that still strikes nearly all men – and, I am afraid, most women – as bizarre. 许多年以来,多数⼈看不到社会存在着对⿊⼈的歧视。
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Lesson 2 Hiroshima -- the "Liveliest”City in Japan1)礼堂里一个人都没有,会议一定是延期了。
There is not a soul in the hall. The meeting must have been put off.2)那本书看上去很像个盒子。
The book looks very much like a box.3) 四川话和湖北话很相似,有时难以区别。
Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other.4) 一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的好友。
The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.5)他陷入沉思之中,没有理会同伴们在谈些什么。
He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.6)他干的事与她毫无关系。
What he did had nothing to do with her.7)她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。
She couldn’t fall asleep as her daughter’s illness was very much on her mind.8)这件事长期以来一直使我放心不下。
I have had the matter on my mind for a long time.9)他喜欢这些聚会,喜欢与年轻人交往并就各种问题交换意见。
He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchanges opinions with them on various subjects.10)大家在几分钟以后才领悟他话中的含意。
It was only after a few minutes that his words sank in.11)土壤散发着青草的气味。
The soil smells of fresh grass.12)我可以占用你几分钟的时间吗?Could you spare me a few minutes?13)你能匀出一张票子给我吗?Could you spare me a ticket?14)那个灰头发上了年纪的人是铜匠。
That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.Lesson 4 Everyday Use1)一场大火把贫民区三百多座房子夷为平地。
A big fire burned more than 300 houses to the ground in the slum.2)只要你为人正直,不怕失去什么,那你对任何人都不会畏惧。
As long as you are upright and not afraid of losing anything, you can look anyone in the eye.3)尽管发了水灾,今年的农业生产损失并不严重。
Despite the flood, the losses in agricultural production this year were not that serious.4)这件衬衫与裙子的颜色和式样都不相配。
This blouse doesn’t match either the color or the style of the skirt.5)咱们一边喝咖啡一边谈这件事吧。
Let’s talk about the matter over a cup of coffee.6)我怎么也不能想象你能做出不光彩的事来。
I can’t imagine you doing disgraceful things.7)他无法想象为什么人们反对他的看法。
He couldn’t imagine why people were opposed to his opinion.8)这位官员在下汽车时碰到两个恐怖分子。
Stepping out of the car, the official was confronted with two terrorists.9)只要我们坚持这些原则,我们就会成功。
As long as we stick to these principles, we are sure to succeed.10)这个消息使她大为震惊,但她很快就镇定了下来。
She was extremely shocked at the news, but she soon recomposed herself.11)这段引文的来源很难查找到。
It is very difficult to trace this quotation to its source.12)他们的生活方式可以追溯到一千多年前他们的祖先所开创的古老传统。
Their way of life could be traced to the ancient traditions passed down to them by their ancestors over a thousand years ago.Lesson 5 Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.1)这对农村和城市都一样适用。
This is true of the rural area as well as urban area2)他指望他们给予支持。
He was counting on their help.3)我不记得他是怎么说的,但我肯定他讲话的大意是那样的。
I do not remember his exact words, but I am sure he did say something to that effect.4)邱吉尔说:“告诉斯大林,英国只有一个愿望——击败希特勒。
”Churchill said, “Tell Stalin that Britain has but on e desire—to defeat Hitler.”5)在那个国家只剩下百分之九的人是文盲。
All but 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate.6)他们别无选择,只好依靠他的努力了。
They did not have any other choice but to rely on his efforts.7)客人们对受到的热情接待感到过意不去。
The guests were overwhelmed by the warm reception.8)他们用出其不意的进攻打垮了敌人。
They overwhelmed the enemy by a sudden and unexpected attack.9)他们的困难就是我们的困难,正如我们把他们的胜利看作是我们自己的胜利一样。
Their difficulty is ours just as we view their victory as our own.10)很清楚,德国法西斯企图使那个地区的人民屈服于他们的统治。
It is clear that German fascists tried to subjugate the people in that region.Lesson 6 Blackmail1)不用着急,慢慢来。
There is no call for hurry. Take your time.2)你的意思是说我在撒谎吗?Are you suggesting that I am lying?3)他企图尽一切办法掩盖事实的真相。
He tried every means to conceal the fact.4)虽然成功的机会很少,我们仍然要竭尽全力去干。
Although our chance of success is slim, we shall still do our best.5)如不另行通知,我们的会在明天上午十点开。
We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise.6)我们俩谁也不善于计算数字。
Neither of us is adept at figures.7)假定五点出发,我们在黄昏前能到达那里吗?Assuming we set out at 5 o’clock in the morning, would it be possible to reach that place before dark?8)他不愿意依从她的要求。
He was reluctant to comply with her request.9)我知道你是南方人,一听你的口音就知道了。
I know you are from the south. Your accent has betrayed you.10)在这件事情上,我们没有任何选择的余地。
We have no alternative in this matter.Lesson 9 Mark Twain ---Mirror of America1)对贫困的担心使他忧虑重重。
He was obssessed with fear of poverty.2)洞庭湖盛产鱼虾。
Dongting Lake teems with fish and shrimps.3)汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生。
Tom was every bit as intelligent as the top boy in his class.4)我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友。
He is an acquaintance of mine, but not a friend.5)在压力下,他别无办法,只好离职。
Under pressure, he had no other choice but quit office.6)最后他被她说服了,决定改变原计划。
In the end he succumbed to her persuasion and decided to change his original plan. 7)那时许多儿童死于天花。