NOKIA5310 大拆机
NOKIA5310 大拆机!
NOKIA5310 大拆机! 各位看看吧.哈哈
5、电源开关和MICRO USB防尘塞
诺基亚525拆机教程图文解说去年11月份,诺基亚正式推出了诺基亚520升级版新机诺基亚525,该手机配备了4英寸超灵敏触控屏,搭载1GHz骁龙S4双核处理器,后置500万像素摄像头,支持720P 30fps高清摄像,同时它还内置1GB RAM+8GB存储组合(支持最高64GB的扩展)。
拆开塑料盖后就看到了C形的主板,集成度很高,从下到上能看到USB口,SIM卡槽,micro SD卡槽,摄像头等被金属屏蔽罩盖住,无法识别。
micro sim卡槽,最好不要用nano卡卡套转micro卡插入,可能会造成卡死在里面的囧况,切记~~~~/tutorial/142804.html。
请尊重他人辛勤劳动的成果,谢谢!我的N72是07年1月买的行货,用到现在,外壳已经有点惨不忍睹,想换个行货壳,200多的价钱让我望而却步,那天在淘宝上看到有个卖家诺基亚N72 台产3A红色外壳(送一键盘一工具)搞特价才28元,反正也不贵就要了一个(顺便把这家的网址也给大家了:这是外壳的销售网页: /auction/item_detail-0db1-b764417620773d39fea54840 12b53ea6.jhtml ,这是店铺网址:/不是广告啊,要不然老问在哪里买的,很麻烦的)。
静电释放是电子产品敏感元器件损坏的主要原因。因此每个服务中心都必须注意“诺基亚伙伴 服务要求”中对静电防护所提出的要求ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้同样也要注意此手册的静电防护要求。
Service Manual X7-00_SM_Level 1& 2
Copyright © 2011 NOKIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Service Manual X7-00_SM_Level 1& 2
Copyright © 2011 NOKIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
o 请了解某些故障与软件相关并可通过软件升级解决。
有许多的服务相关文件会发放到 诺基亚在线 或 E时代联盟 ,需要注意以下:
首先,注意最新的服务通告总是发放于 诺基亚在线 上。同样它有权指出旧的服务通告是否还起作用。
1. 服务中心有可能被要求安装手机车载系统于汽车内。某些故障的情况下,手机的射频信号有可能影响到汽车 的电力管理系统和ABS(ANTI-SKID BRAKING SYSTEM)防抱死系统。如果有必要,请向汽车销售商或生 产商请教以确定汽车电子系统对射频能量的抗干扰性能。
2. 移动电话在以下地方不能进行操作使用: 3. 有潜在爆炸可能的地方,例如:加油站,煤气站,爆破作业区等。
诺基亚6120C拆机教程/6120CI拆机图(2011-05-13 11:46:05)标签:分类:诺基亚拆机教程6120c拆机教程6120拆机教程6120拆机图it相关6120原装手机配件(点击链接查看)向来不爱惜手机的我“摧残”了小6一年多后,终于决定对它进行一次换肤行动。
NOKIA N73 拆机换壳全图教程
【NOKIA N73 拆机换壳全图教程】一.准备工作:首先是工具,在官方的拆机视频中看来,需要用到6种专业拆卸工具,其实不需要那么多,我们只需要一个T6螺丝刀,其他的一些工具都是我们平常身边能找到的,如图:左边红色的就是T6螺丝刀,右边是一个专业拆卸工具(它在这次拆机过程中没发挥一点作用),我们一会再来说它,右边是一个镊子,在右边是一个掏耳勺(拆机过程中主要靠它),在右边的只起一个拗棍的作用,我们还可以用银行卡一类的来代替它.T6螺丝刀,淘宝那里能买到,5~15元不等.这个橘黄色的专业拆卸工具,忘记叫什么名字了,也是从淘宝3元买来的,但是让我在第一次的拆机过程中弄坏了,注意下面的图中画红圈的是断掉的部分。
废话少说..直接进主题..`[本帖最后由 672522080 于 2008-1-10 16:22 编辑] 附件下载:1110-1600振铃和听筒连线.JPG[下载次数:51]下载:1600无铃声和听筒音.用免提可以打电话短接AB点.jpg[下载次数:45]下载:2650卡电路的连接图.jpg[下载次数:32]下载:3230手机无显示.jpg[下载次数:40]下载:5300内存卡IC短接.jpg[下载次数:40]下载:3230无灯.jpg[下载次数:41]下载:6020.7260不照相.jpg[下载次数:42]下载:3250照相出现此功能不被支持解决方法.jpg[下载次数:39]下载:6020不送话.jpg[下载次数:40]下载:6111无铃声.jpg[下载次数:39]下载:6270进水不能照相必杀.jpg[下载次数:38]下载:6270无送话,玻璃管损坏的飞线解决的方法.jpg[下载次数:34]下载:7260显示屏一闪一闪的维修.jpg[下载次数:35]下载:7260灯控原理图.jpg[下载次数:30]下载:7370 解决出现未能充电.jpg[下载次数:40]下载:7610按键组成以及管脚.jpg[下载次数:32]下载:7610不识MMC卡.jpg[下载次数:32] 下载:BB5手机 IC 型号.JPG[下载次数:28]下载:7610开机白屏,可打电话,可关机.jpg[下载次数:32]下载:BB5天线开关飞线图.jpg[下载次数:33]下载:7610开机白屏十秒钟左右关机的维修方法,针对刷机故障依旧者.jpg[下载次数:28]下载:BB5天线开关接线图.jpg[下载次数:30]下载:8800耳机和车载模式必杀!!!.jpg[下载次数:39]下载:N70_72显示芯片故障判断.jpg[下载次数:41]。
诺基亚N8拆机图文教程 视频教程
诺基亚N8拆机图文教程视频教程来源:塞班智能手机网作者:SUN 悟空Bee 73907次点击发表于:2010-12-31 21:59:55鉴于当前网络上非官方的拆机教程很少,笔者用百度以及谷歌搜索了下居然没找到。
诺基亚C6比索爱U8i(网购最低价 3479元)足足重了约40g,虽然相对庞大并有点臃肿,但是这也是一个质量的侧面反映。
藉此机会,我们不妨对诺基亚C6进行一个大解剖!事不宜迟,马上进入拆解环节:诺基亚 C6-00一、从机身后背开始拆解诺基亚C6,也无需准备太多的东西,一副多头螺丝刀就行了,重要的是要记住拆解的步骤和对应螺丝的类型,并且要注意保管好已经卸下的螺丝。
二、揭开后盖看各零部件终于要拆诺基亚C6(网购最低价 2750元)的心脏地带部位了,我们可以用指甲慢慢地掰开。
SERVICE MANUAL Level 1&2RM-465Transceiver characteristicsBand:GSM 850/900/1800/1900 WCDMA 900/1900/2100Display:2,4" QVGA (320x240), 16M coloursKeypad:Full QWERTY keyboardCamera:Main camera: 3,2 Mpix Secondary camera; VGAOperating System:Series 60 release 3.2Connections:2 mm charger, 3,5 mm AV connector, Bluetooth 2.0 EDR, USB 2.0 (Micro USB), A-GPS, WLAN 802.11b/gTransceiver with BL-4U battery packTalk timeStandby NoteGSM:up to 5,3 hours WCDMA :Up to 4.2 hours GSM: Up to 300 hours WCDMA: Up to 270 hours Talk times are dependant on networkparameters andphone settingsTable of contents1. Change history (3)2. Copyright (4)3. Warnings and cautions (5)3.1 Warnings (5)3.2 Cautions (5)4. ESD protection (6)5. Care and maintenance (7)6. Battery information (8)7. Exploded view (9)8. Service devices (10)9. SW-update (11)10. Disassembly instruction (12)11. Assembly hints (19)12. Solder components (21)1.CHANGE HISTORYDate Comments Status VersionNo.Approved 1.0 24.04.2009The purpose of this document is to help NOKIA service levels 1 and 2 workshop technicians tocarry out service to NOKIA products. This Service Manual is to be used only by authorized NOKIAservice suppliers, and the content of it is confidential. Please note that NOKIA provides also otherguidance documents (e.g. Service Bulletins) for service suppliers, follow these regularly andcomply with the given instructions.While every endeavor has been made to ensure the accuracy of this document, some errors mayexist. If you find any errors or if you have further suggestions, please notify NOKIA using theaddress below:CMO Operation & LogisticsTraining and Vendor DevelopmentMultimedia Creation & Supportmailto:Service.Manuals@Please keep in mind also that this documentation is continuously being updated and modified,so watch always out for the newest version.2.COPYRIGHTCopyright © 2009 Nokia. All rights reserved.Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all of the contents in this document inany form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited.Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, and Nokia X and Y are trademarks or registered trademarks ofNokia Corporation. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks ortradenames of their respective owners.Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to make changesand improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.Under no circumstances shall Nokia be responsible for any loss of data or income or any special,incidental, consequential or indirect damages howsoever caused.The contents of this document are provided “as is”. Except as required by applicable law, nowarranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the impliedwarranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are made in relation to theaccuracy, reliability or contents of this document. Nokia reserves the right to revise thisdocument or withdraw it at any time without prior notice.The availability of particular products may vary by region.IMPORTANTThis document is intended for use by qualified service personnel only.3.WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSPlease refer to the phone’s user guide for instructions relating to operation, care andmaintenance including important safety information. Note also the following:3.1Warnings1.CARE MUST BE TAKEN ON INSTALLATION IN VEHICLES FITTED WITH ELECTRONIC ENGINEMANAGEMENT SYSTEMS AND ANTI–SKID BRAKING SYSTEMS. UNDER CERTAIN FAULT CONDITIONS,EMITTED RF ENERGY CAN AFFECT THEIR OPERATION. IF NECESSARY, CONSULT THE VEHICLEDEALER/MANUFACTURER TO DETERMINE THE IMMUNITY OF VEHICLE ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS TO RFENERGY.2.THE HANDPORTABLE TELEPHONE MUST NOT BE OPERATED IN AREAS LIKELY TO CONTAINPOTENTIALLY EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES, EG PETROL STATIONS (SERVICE STATIONS), BLASTINGAREAS ETC.3.OPERATION OF ANY RADIO TRANSMITTING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING CELLULAR TELEPHONES, MAYINTERFERE WITH THE FUNCTIONALITY OF INADEQUATELY PROTECTED MEDICAL DEVICES. CONSULTA PHYSICIAN OR THE MANUFACTURER OF THE MEDICAL DEVICE IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.OTHER ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT MAY ALSO BE SUBJECT TO INTERFERENCE.3.2Cautions1.Servicing and alignment must be undertaken by qualified personnel only.2. Ensure all work is carried out at an anti–static workstation and that an anti–static wriststrap is worn.e only approved components as specified in the parts list.4.Ensure all components, modules screws and insulators are correctly re–fitted after servicingand alignment.5.Ensure all cables and wires are repositioned correctly4.ESD PROTECTIONNokia requires that service points have sufficient ESD protection (against static electricity) when servicing the phone.Any product of which the covers are removed must be handled with ESD protection. The SIM card can be replaced without ESD protection if the product is otherwise ready for use.To replace the covers ESD protection must be applied.All electronic parts of the product are susceptible to ESD. Resistors, too, can be damaged by static electricity discharge.All ESD sensitive parts must be packed in metallized protective bags during shipping and handling outside any ESD Protected Area (EPA).Every repair action involving opening the product or handling the product components must be done under ESD protection.ESD protected spare part packages MUST NOT be opened/closed out of an ESD Protected Area.For more information and local requirements about ESD protection and ESD Protected Area, contact your local Nokia After Market Services representative.5.CARE AND MAINTENANCEThis product is of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with care. Thesuggestions below will help you to fulfil any warranty obligations and to enjoy this product formany years.∙Keep the phone and all its parts and accessories out of the reach of small children.∙Keep the phone dry. Precipitation, humidity and all types of liquids or moisture can contain minerals that will corrode electronic circuits.∙Do not use or store the phone in dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts can be damaged.∙Do not store the phone in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.∙Do not store the phone in cold areas. When it warms up (to its normal temperature), moisture can form inside, which may damage electronic circuit boards.∙Do not drop, knock or shake the phone. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards.∙Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the phone.∙Do not paint the phone. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.∙Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorised antennas, modifications or attachments could damage the phone and may violate regulationsgoverning radio devices.All of the above suggestions apply equally to the product, battery, charger or any accessory.6.BATTERY INFORMATIONNote: A new battery’s full performance is achieved only after two or three complete charge anddischarge cycles! The battery can be charged and discharged hundreds of times but it willeventually wear out.When the operating time (talk-time and standby time) is noticeably shorter than normal, it istime to buy a new battery. Use only batteries approved by the phone manufacturer andrecharge the battery only with the chargers approved by the manufacturer.Unplug the charger when not in use. Do not leave the battery connected to a charger for longerthan a week, since overcharging may shorten its lifetime.If left unused a fully charged battery will discharge itself over time Temperature extremes canaffect the ability of your battery to charge.For good operation times with Ni-Cd/NiMh batteries, discharge the battery from time to time byleaving the product switched on until it turns itself off (or by using the battery discharge facilityof any approved accessory available for the product).Do not attempt to discharge the battery by any other means Use the battery only for itsintended purpose.Never use any charger or battery which is damaged.Do not short-circuit the battery. Accidental short-circuiting can occur when a metallic object(coin, clip or pen) causes direct connection of the + and - terminals of the battery (metal stripson the battery) for example when you carry a spare battery in your pocket or purse.Shortcircuiting the terminals may damage the battery or the connecting object.Leaving the battery in hot or cold places, such as in a closed car in summer or winter conditions,will reduce the capacity and lifetime of the battery. Always try to keep the battery between 15°Cand 25°C (59°F and 77°F).A phone with a hot or cold battery may temporarily not work, even when the battery is fullycharged. Batteries’ performance is particularly limited in temperatures well below freezing.Do not dispose batteries in a fire! Dispose of batteries according to local regulations (e.g.recycling).Do not dispose as household waste.7. EXPLODED VIEWOnly available as assemblyVer. 1.0These parts can not be reused after removalA1=LIGHT SWAP PACKAGE (I0204-I0206, I9998)A2=B-COVER ASSEMBLY (I0211-I0214)EARPIECE HOLDER METALI0007T9 KEYMAT ASSEMBLY I0003LCD AM 240x320I0006SLIDE MODULEI01012RS UI FLEX ASSEMBLY I0009EARPIECE I0008LIGHT SWAP PWBI0205QWERTY DOMESHEET ASSY I0204TYPE LABEL I02062RP AV FLEX ASSYI0207VOLUME SIDE KEY ASSYI0217GPS/BT WLAN ANTENNAI0215B-COVER I0214ANTENNA ASSEMBLY I0216USB/SD-DOOR I0218DONAU SPEAKERI0212IHF FRONT GASKETI0213AUDIO ACCENT BAND I0219SCREW 1.4X3.4I0011SCREW RF1.6X4.5I01042RT CAMERA FLEX ASSEMBLY I0208BATTERY COVERI0223SCREW 1.4X2.5I0010FLEX SLIDER I01032RU DYNAMIC FLEX I0102FLEX PLANE I0201SCREW 1.8X3I0221SCREW 1.4X4.5I0222QWERTY KEYMAT I0202ACCENT BAND QWERTY I0203DC JACK I0211A-COVER ASSEMBLY I0002WINDOW ASSYI00018. SERVICE DEVICESFLS-5 Flash DeviceCA-101 Service CableAC-4 Travel ChargerBL-4U BatterySS-198 UI flex assembly jigNMP standard toolkit (v2) For more information, refer to the Service Bulletin (SB-011) on NOKIA Online. Supplier or manufacturer contacts for tool re-order can be found in “Recommended service equipment” document on NOKIA Online.9.SW-UPDATEFlash concept- (Point of Sales)To use the FLS-5 Flash Dongle, follow the user guide inside the sales package.Please check always for the latest version of flash software, wich is available on Nokia Online.10.DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION1) Nokia 5730 XpressMusic disassembly.2) You must use the Nokia Standard Toolkit version2.3) Remove the BATTERY COVER.4) Slide the phone open. Unscrew the first TORX+ 4 (M1,8 x 3) screw. Then unscrew the three TORX+ 4 (M1,4 x 2,5) screws in the order shown. Discardthem.5) Release the A-COVER ASSEMBLY from the SLIDE MODULE using the SRT-6. Carefully open the shown corner.6) Carefully lift up the top side of the A-COVER and at the same time push it to the left so that ITU KEYMATlatches open. Check that ITU latches are not broken.7) Remember to protect the LCD with protective film.8) Separate the KEYMAT ASSEMBLY from the A-COVERASSEMBLY.9) Release the EARPIECE HOLDER and remove it with the tweezers. Then separate the EARPIECE from the EARPIECE HOLDER with the tweezers.10) Open the LCD connector from the 2 MX UI FLEX ASSEMBLY with the SS-93. Be careful not to damage the connector.11) Carefully release the LCD with the SRT-6.12) Carefully lift up the LCD and push it into direction shown.13) Slide the phone open. 14) Use the SRT-6 to release the clips holding theACCENT BAND QWERTY.15) Use the SS-93 to detach the QWERTY KEYMATadhesive on the right side. Pull the QWERTY KEYMATin the direction shown.16) Remove the USB-DOOR by pulling it to thedirection shown.17) Turn the phone and use the SRT-6 to remove theAUDIO ACCENT BAND from the B-Cover Assembly.TIP: Use the SRT-6 NOKIA text facing up.18) Separate the AUDIO ACCENT BAND.19) Unscrew these five TORX+ size 4 screws in the order shown. Discard them.20) Close the slide a bit until the two screwsbecome visible (small image). Unscrew these three TORX+ size 4 screws.21) Rotate the SLIDE ASSY and unscrew the TORX+ size 4 screw.22) Use the SS-93 to open the locking mechanism ofthe Camera connector. Take out the SIDEKEYFLEX with the tweezers.23) Pull out the Camera connector with the tweezers and remove the Camera Assembly. Be careful not to damage the connector.24) Open the locking mechanism of AV connector with the SS-93 and pull out the connector with the tweezers.25) Use the SS-93 to lift the engine module and carefully separate it from the B-COVER.26) Remove the FLEX PLANE from the engine board by opening a small clip with the dental tool.27) Open the DYNAMIC FLEX connector with the SRT-6. Be careful not to damage the connector.28) Separate the engine board and the SLIDEMODULE.29) Remove the FLEX SLIDER using the SS-93.30) Open the connector of the DYNAMIC FLEX and separate it from the SLIDE MODULE. Be careful to notto damage the connector.31) Detach the 2 MX UI FLEX ASSEMBLY from the SLIDE MODULE with the SS-93. Discard the 2MX UI FLEX ASSEMBLY, do not use it again. Remove the adhesive stains from the SLIDE MODULE. 32) Start releasing the QWERTY DOMESHEET with the dental tool. Carefully remove the QWERTY DOMESHEET. Make sure that the whole QWERTYDOMESHEET is removed.33) Lift up the AV FLEX ASSY with the SS-93 andremove the ASSY with the tweezers.34) Remove the GPS/BT WLAN ANTENNA with thetweezers.35) Remove the ANTENNA ASSEMBLY with thetweezers.36) Release the DC JACK with the charger and thenremove the DC JACK with the tweezers.37) Use the dental tool to release the IHF SPEAKER and the IHF SPEAKER gasket. 38) Carefully push both buttons of the SIDE KEY with SS-93 to release it. Then remove the SIDE KEY withthe tweezers.-END OF DISASSEMBLY- 39) Nokia 5730 XpressMusic disassembly is nowcomplete.11.ASSEMBLY HINTS1) When placing the QWERTY DOMESHEET make sure that these holes are aligned. 2) First push the DYNAMIC FLEX with the SS-93 into place against the FLEX PLANE as shown. Next,connect the connector to the PWB. Then slide theFLEX PLANE into the gap and fasten the small clip.3) When assembling the other end of the DYNAMIC FLEX make sure that the connector goes under the two clips shown. Connect the connector and then press the FLEX SLIDER into the correct place so that the small gap is facing the DYNAMIC FLEX.4) Tighten the screw to the torque of 16 Ncm.5) Tighten the screws to the torque of 16 Ncm in the order shown. After tightening the first screw close the slide a bit until the two screw holes become visible (small image). Tighten the two TORX+ size 4 screws.6) Tighten the five TORX+ size 4 to the torque of 20Ncm in the order shown.7) Tighten the first three TORX+ size 4 screws (M1,4 x 2,5) to the torque of 20 Ncm in the order shown. Then tighten the last TORX+ size 4 screw (M1,8 x 3) to the torque of 20 Ncm.Nokia 5730 XpressMusic RM-465Service Manual Level 1&221 Confidential ∙ Copyright © 2009 NOKIA ∙ All rights reservedVersion 1.0 ISSUE 1 12. SOLDER COMPONENTS V2431V2426V2427V2429X1000X1451X1001。
所需的工具:六角螺丝起子5∙First remove the battery cover, battery and sim card.首先取下电池盖,电池和SIM卡。
Remove the two screws you see.删除您看到的两个螺丝。
∙Use something like a guitar plectrum or the edge of a credit card to unclip the front cover.使用支付类似吉他拨子或信用边缘的一卡收藏文章的前面。
∙You should now have the cover and keypad removed, like below.你现在应该有盖和键盘删除,象下面这样。
Remove the four screws you can see.把四个螺丝可以看到。
∙Lift the main body of the phone away from the back cover.拿起手机的主体远离后盖。
Lift from right to left, like below.电梯由右至左,象下面这样。
Your phone you now look like below.您的手机你现在看起来象下面这样。
The LCD screen is attached to the circuit board by a ribbon.液晶屏幕是连接到电路板由一个剪彩。
This connects like a plug and socket. Simply lift the connector (circled) up, away from the phone to unplug it.这就像一个连接插头和插座。
∙Two metal clips on either side now hold the LCD frame to the circuit board.任何一方的两个金属夹上现在持有的LCD帧的电路板。