

Rain rain go away 中英文歌词大字版

Rain rain go away 中英文歌词大字版

1/ 3
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
Come again another day 改天再来吧
Daddy wants to play
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
Come again another day 改天再来吧
Mommy wants to play 妈妈想要玩
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
2/ 3
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
Come again another day 改天再来吧
Brother wants to play 哥哥/弟弟想要玩
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
Come again another day 改天再来吧
Sister wants to play
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
3/ 3
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧
Come again another day 改天再来吧
Baby wants to play
Rain rain go away 雨,雨,快走吧Rain rain go away
Come again another day 改天再来吧
All the family wants to play 全家想要玩
Rain rain go away

幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案实用指南

幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案实用指南

幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案实用指南幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案实用指南1. 引言在幼儿园教学中,英语儿歌是一种常用的教学资源,能够帮助幼儿学习和掌握英语语言。

其中,《Rain, Rain, Go Away》是一首经典的英语儿歌,它旋律优美,歌词简单易记,适合幼儿学唱。

本文将为您提供一份《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案实用指南,帮助您更好地在幼儿园教学中运用这首儿歌,促进幼儿的英语学习。

2. 课前准备在教学《Rain, Rain, Go Away》之前,老师需要做一些准备工作。

可以准备一张彩色的大雨滴图片,上面写着“Rain, Rain, Go Away”歌词。



3. 歌曲教学在教学过程中,老师首先可播放《Rain, Rain, Go Away》的音频,让幼儿先听一遍歌曲,感受歌曲的节奏和旋律。



4. 拓展活动除了学唱歌曲,老师可以结合《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这首儿歌,设计一些拓展活动,帮助幼儿更好地学习英语和了解相关知识。




5. 个人观点对于幼儿园英语教学而言,《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这样的英语儿歌无疑是一种非常有效的教学资源。


童谣玩转英语:幼儿园《Rain, Rain, Go Away》英语儿歌教学案例

童谣玩转英语:幼儿园《Rain, Rain, Go Away》英语儿歌教学案例

童谣玩转英语:幼儿园《Rain, Rain, Go Away》英语儿歌教学案例《Rain, Rain, Go Away》是一首广受欢迎的英语儿歌,通过这首歌曲,幼儿园的孩子们不仅可以学习简单的英语单词和句型,还可以培养对英语的兴趣和学习动力。


一、歌曲背景与介绍1. 《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这首歌歌词简单易记,旋律朗朗上口,适合幼儿园的孩子们学唱。

2. 歌曲内容和场景设定生动有趣,孩子们可以轻松地理解和记忆。

二、基本教学步骤和方法1. 利用多媒体设备播放歌曲视频,让孩子们听歌学唱,感受歌曲的节奏和情感。

2. 利用绘本、图片等视觉辅助教具,展示歌曲中的情境和故事情节,引导孩子们理解歌曲内容。

3. 利用手工制作、角色扮演等活动,让孩子们动手动脑,加深对歌曲的理解和记忆。

三、歌曲教学的延伸活动1. 利用歌词中的关键词汇,进行英语单词和句型的学习,扩大孩子们的词汇量。

2. 通过讨论歌曲中的情感表达和情景描绘,培养孩子们的情感认知和表达能力。

3. 利用歌曲中的旋律和节奏,进行音乐、舞蹈等相关表现艺术的活动,激发孩子们的创造力和艺术天赋。

四、个人观点和总结1. 对于幼儿园的孩子们来说,学习英语可以是一种愉快的体验,而不仅仅是枯燥的功课。

2. 通过《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这首儿歌的教学案例,我们可以看到在教学中注重情感体验、趣味化教学对孩子们的学习效果有着积极的影响。

利用《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这样的英语儿歌教学,可以让幼儿园的孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语,同时也能够开拓他们的视野,培养他们的语言表达和创造能力。


教学计划一、歌曲背景与介绍1.歌曲的背景简介2.歌曲的故事情节3.歌曲的意义和传达的情感二、基本教学步骤和方法1. 利用多媒体设备播放歌曲视频2. 利用绘本、图片等视觉辅助教具3. 利用手工制作、角色扮演等活动三、歌曲教学的延伸活动1. 让孩子们利用关键词汇进行英语单词和句型的学习2. 通过讨论歌曲中的情感表达和情景描绘3. 利用歌曲中的旋律和节奏,进行音乐、舞蹈等相关表现艺术的活动四、个人观点和总结1. 学习英语可以是一种愉快的体验2. 注重情感体验、趣味化教学对孩子们的学习效果有着积极的影响五、教学活动设计1. 熟悉歌曲:播放歌曲视频,让孩子们听歌学唱2. 角色扮演:让孩子们扮演歌曲中的角色,模仿歌曲情境3. 制作手工:与歌曲主题相关的手工制作,让孩子们动手动脑4. 单词学习:利用歌词中的关键词汇,进行英语单词和句型的学习5. 情感表达:让孩子们通过绘画、表演等方式表达自己对歌曲的理解和感受6. 舞蹈表演:教导孩子们简单的舞蹈动作,配合歌曲的旋律进行表演六、教师角色定位1. 创造轻松愉快的学习氛围2. 引导孩子们积极参与各项活动3. 关注和培养孩子们的情感表达和创造能力4. 鼓励孩子们进行英语学习,并给予肯定和鼓励七、评估与反思1. 观察孩子们在不同教学活动中的参与程度和表现2. 总结教学中的亮点和不足3. 对教学活动进行评估和反思,为今后的教学做出调整和改进八、家校互动1. 将教学内容和活动成果进行展示和分享2. 鼓励家长与孩子们一起学习和演唱歌曲3. 接受家长对教学活动的反馈,不断改进教学内容和方式以上就是关于利用《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这首儿歌进行幼儿园教学的详细计划。

幼儿园英语教案:学唱童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》

幼儿园英语教案:学唱童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》

幼儿园英语教案:学唱童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教学目标:1. 通过学唱童谣Rain, Rain, Go Away,培养幼儿对英语歌曲的兴趣。

2. 通过歌曲歌词的学习,能引导幼儿感受词汇的音、形、义,激发幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。

3. 通过歌曲的学习,培养幼儿的听说能力,提高幼儿的语音表达能力。

教学重点:1. 让幼儿了解歌曲的歌词,并掌握歌曲的基本音乐节奏。

2. 指导幼儿正确发音,加强英语口语的学习。

教学难点:1. 让幼儿在英文儿歌的基础上,得到对英语语音、语调等方面的初步认知和学习。

教学准备:1. 这首英文儿歌Rain, Rain, Go Away的音频或视频。

2. Rain, Rain, Go Away歌曲的歌词。

3. 振铃器或类似音乐器。

教学过程:1. 与幼儿互动老师带领幼儿互动问候,每个小朋友接受轮流说自己的名字,并说出几个学会的英语单词。

2. 学习歌曲老师播放rain, rain, go away音频或视频,让幼儿听几遍,了解一下这首儿歌的内容和曲调。


3. 教学歌词老师引导孩子们跟着音乐的节奏,在幼儿的基础上用英语默念这首儿歌的歌词。


Rain, rain, go away.Come again another day.Little Johnny wants to play;Rain, rain, go to Spain.4. 辅助教学指导幼儿使用直观的方式帮助记忆单词,如采用图示法、集体反复唱、身体记忆等等。

5. 角色扮演让幼儿小组进行角色扮演,有一个幼儿来扮演小约翰,其他幼儿像是风、雨水等扮演起来,配合歌曲进行渐进式的表演。


6. 手工活动让幼儿自己动手制作雨伞,把名字写在雨伞上,并且与齐唱的歌曲搭配起来。

幼儿园英语教案:学唱童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》 幼儿园英语教学

幼儿园英语教案:学唱童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》 幼儿园英语教学

一、引言在幼儿园的英语教学中,通过教唱童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》,既可以培养幼儿的英语语感,又可以帮助他们学习有关天气的词汇和表达方式。



二、童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》1.童谣内容:《Rain, Rain, Go Away》是一首英语童谣,歌词简单易记,适合幼儿学唱。

歌词为:“Rain, rain, goaway, Come again another day, Little Johnny wants toplay, Rain, rain, go away.”歌词含义是希望雨水赶紧停止,让小朋友可以外出游玩。






四、教学准备1.教材准备:准备好童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》的歌词和音乐。




然后向幼儿介绍童谣《Rain, Rain, Go Away》,并简单解释歌词的意义。

2.学唱童谣:教师播放或演唱《Rain, Rain, GoAway》,让幼儿跟着节奏摇摆并学唱歌曲。




01 Auld Lang SyneShould auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot, for the sake of Auld Lang SyneIf you ever change your mind, but are leaving leaving me behind.Oh, bring it to me, bring your sweet love, bring it home to me.I gave you jewellery and money, too.That’s all, all I did for you.Bring it to me, bring your sweet love, bring it home to me. Yeah, yeahDarling, you know I laughed when you left,But now I know that I only hurt myself.Please bring it to me, bring your sweet love, bring it home, bring it home to me.For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne;We’ll take a cup o’kindness yet for the sake of Auld Lang Syne.02 Apple TreeApple round,Apple red.Apple juicy, Apple sweet.Apple Appl e I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.Apple round,Apple red.Apple juicy, Apple sweet.Apple Apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.03 Good MorningGood morning, good morning to you, to you and to you.Good morning, good morning to you and to you.Nancy\ Judy and Margaret, Peter\ Dandy\ Paul and John.Good morning, good morning to you and to you.04 By The BeachIn the sun by the beach we are swimming Play along with my friends swim all day Come along wade along do your swimming Just have fun laugh along play all dayIn the sun by the beach we are kicking Play along with my friends swim all dayCome along wade along do your kicking Just have fun laugh along play all day05 Donkey DonkeyDonkey Donkey I beg you, Please don't sing Heehaw, Heehaw ,I shall feed you, I shall feed you,Please don't sing Heehaw, Heehaw . Heehaw, Heehaw, Heehaw, Heehaw .Why you sing so loud?I shall feed you, I shall feed you, Please don't sing Heehaw, Heehaw .06 Music BoxI dream of a music box stands no one can seeShe turns around and around and dances only for meShe just gives music about dancing and singing for meThen I can hear the melody and know of that be freeShe dances and she sings and she had a good timeShe smiles and she goes by me and with me that just fineShe plays and she sings and she kisses me this timeAnd little music box stand sell it one day be mineI dream about a girl who sings and dances for meThe love she gives me is that the friendly could beShe cause a selves of around and chooses kisses at meMy little music box stands so that no one can seeShe dances and she sings and she had a good timeShe smiles and she goes by me and with me that just fineShe plays and she sings and she kisses me this timeAnd little music box stand sell it one day be mine07 Making ShapesCan you make a shape like that? Try it with your hands.Can you draw a shape like that? Draw it with your pan.Make a shape like a square,Draw a shape like a star.Triangle,circle,square and oval.Can you make a shape like that? Try it with your hands.Can you make a shape like that? Try it with your hands.Can you draw a shape like that? Try it with your pan.Make a shape like a cone,Draw a shape like a heart.Hexagon,octagon,heart and diamond. Can you draw a shape like that? Draw it with your pan.Can you make a shape like that? Try it with your hands.Can you draw a shape like that? Try it with your pan.Make a shape like a square,Draw a shape like a star.Triangle,circle,square and oval.Can you make a shape like that? Try it with your hands. Try it with your hands. Try it with your hands.08 The Happy SongIf you are happy and you know it.Clap your hands.If you are happy and you know it.Clap your hands.If you are happy and you know it.Never be afraid to show it.If you are happy and you know it.Clap your handsIf you are happy and you know it.Nod your head. If you are happy and you know it.Nod your head.If you are happy and you know it.Never be afraid to show it.If you are happy and you know it.Nod your head.If you are happy and you know it.Stomp your feet. If you are happy and you know it.Stomp your feet.If you are happy and you know it.Never be afraid to show it.If you are happy and you know it.Stomp your feet.09 Five Little Ducksfive little ducks went out one day. over the hills and far awaymother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack. but only four little ducks came back.four little ducks went out one day. over the hills and far awaymother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack. but only three little ducks came back.three little ducks went out one day. over the hills and far awaymother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack. but only two little ducks came back.two little ducks went out one day. over the hills and far awaymother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack. but only one little duck came back.one little duck went out one day. over the hills and far awaymother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack. but none of the five little ducks came back. mother duck went out one day. over the hills and far awaymother duck said quack, quack, quack. and all of the five little ducks came back.10 Rain Rain Go AwayRain,rain,go e again other day.Little children little children little children wants to play.Rain,rain,go e again other day. Little children little children little children wants to play.11 Follow Me,Hands UpFollow me, follow me,Hands up, hands up.Follow me, follow me,Hands down, hands down.Follow me, follow me,Wave your arms.Follow me, follow me,Bend your knees.Follow me, follow me,Turn right, turn right.Follow me, follow me,Turn left, turn left.Follow me, follow me,Jump up-and-down.Follow me, follow me,Turn arond.12 Once I Caught A Fish AliveOne, two, three, four, five Once I caught a fish aliveSix, seven, eight, nine, tenThen I let it go again"Why did you let it go?" " 'cause it bit my finger so""Which finger did it bite?" "This little finger on the right!"13 Sing A SongSing,Sing,Sing a e and sing along. Joying! Joying! Joying! Joying! Let us sing a song.Sing,Sing,Sing a e and sing along. Joying! Joying! Joying! Joying! Let us sing a song.14 Cleaning The HouseLazy Mary can you see I am cleaning the bedroom. Windows and mirror, clean up everywhere.Pillow, toys and rugs, I do my cleaning daily.Lazy Mary can you see I am cleaning the kitchen. Kettle and teapot, clean up everywhere. Cooker, plates and mugs, I do my cleaning daily.Lazy Mary can you see I am cleaning the garden. Dustbin and ladder, clean up eve rywhere. Hoe,rake and spade, I do my cleaning daily.Lazy Mary can you see I am cleaning the living room. Sofa and cushion, clean up everywhere.Hi-fi,books and lamp, I do my cleaning daily.Lazy Mary can you see I am cleaning the bathroom. T oothbrush a nd toothpaste, clean up everywhere.T owel, mat and sponge, I do my cleaning daily.15 Long Long AgoT ell me the tales That to me were so dear, Long, long ago, Long, long ago;Sing me the songs I delighted to hear, Long, long ago, Long ago.Now you have come, All my grief is removed, Let me forget Just as long as I do,Let me believe That you always be near, Long, long ago, Long ago.Do you remember The path where we met, Long, long ago, Long, long ago?Ah, yes you told me , You’ll never forget, Long, lon g ago, Long ago.Into our love is a smile you prefer, Laugh when you spoke, A joy to each word,Still my heart treasures The praises I heard, Long, long ago, Long ago.16 Are Y ou SleepingAre you sleeping, are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John?Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing,Ding, Ding Dong, Ding, Ding Dong.17 Hickory Dickory DockHickory dickory clock,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck one.The mouse ran down.Hickory dickory dock.Hickory dickory clock,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck two.The mou se said “Boo!” Hickory dickory dock.Hickory dickory clock,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck three.The mouse said “Whee!” Hickory dickory dock.Hickory dickory clock,the mouse ran up the clock.The clock struck four.The mouse said “No more!” Hickory dickory dock.18 Pack Up Y our School BagPack up your books and bag, clean up your rubber shoes, iron your uniform, ready and go to the school.Have you put your ruler in? Have you put your pencil in? Did you bring the pen and paper too? Let's set off for the school.19 Sleep Baby SleepSleep baby sleep Your father tends the sheep Your mother shakes the dreamland tree And finds a dream for you and me Sleep baby sleep20 Hush,Little BabyHush, Little baby, don't say a word, Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.And if that mockingbird don't sing, Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.And if that diamond ring turns brass, Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.And if that looking glass gets broke, Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.And if that billy goat won't pull, Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.And if that cart and bull turn over, Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.And if that horse and cart fall down, You'll be the sweetest little baby in town。



01 O Christmas TreeO Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever green your branches!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever green your branches!They're green when summer days are bright.They're green when winter snow is white.O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever green your branches!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever green your branches!O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever green your branches!They're green when summer days are bright.They're green when winter snow is white.O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,How ever green your branches!02 Teddy BearTeddy bear, Teddy bear, turn a roundTeddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the groundTeddy bear Teddy bear, show your shoesTeddy bear, Teddy bear, that will do03 The FamilyThis is mama,kind and dear.This is papa,standing near.This is brother,see how tall!This is sister,not so tall.This is baby,sweet and small,These,the family,one and all.This is mama,kind and dear.This is papa,standing near.This is brother,see how tall!This is sister,not so tall.This is baby,sweet and small,These,the family,one and all.04 Rain,Rain,Go AwayRain,rain,go e again other day.Little children little children little children wants to play.Rain,rain,go e again other day. Little children little children little children wants to play.05 the Ants Go MarchingThe ants go marching one by one. Hurrah!Hurrah!The ants go marching one by one. Hurrah!Hurrah!The ants go marching one by one.The little one stops to suck his thumb.And they all go marching down around the town.BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!The ants go marching two by two. Hurrah!Hurrah!The ants go marching two by two. Hurrah!Hurrah!The ants go marching two by two.The little one stops to tie his shoe.And they all go marching down around the town.06 Reach for the SkyClap your hands.Touch you toes.Turn around and put your finger on your nose. Flap your arm.Jump up high.Wiggle your fingers reach for the sky.Clap your hands.Touch you toes.Turn around and put your finger on your nose. Flap your arm.Jump up high.Wiggle your fingers reach for the sky.07 Rock-A Bye, BabyRock-a-bye, baby,On the treetop.When the wind blows,The cradle will rock.When the bough breaks,The cradle will fall.And down will come baby,Cradle and all. Rock-a-bye, baby,On the treetop.When the wind blows,The cradle will rock.When the bough breaks,The cradle will fall.And down will come baby,Cradle and all.08 fly birdie flyFly little birdie fly,fly little birdie fly,up to the sky,La la ……la,happy cause I,m free Run little pony run,Run little pony run,Up to the hill ,La la ……la,happy cause I,m free09 Sea ShellsUp on the shore I found a shell,I held it to my ear,I listened gladly while it sang.A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.A sea song sweet and clear.Up on the shore I found a shell,I held it to my ear,I listened gladly while it sang.A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.A sea song sweet and clear.10 I Love The MountainsBoom de ah da, Boom de ah da, Boom de ah da, Boom de ayI love the mountains, I love the rolling hills, I love the flower, I love the daffodils,I love the fireside when all the lights are low.Boom de ah da, Boom de ah da, Boom de ah da, Boom de ay ,Boom Boom Boom.11 Ten Fat SausagesTen fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!No more sausages sitting in the pan,Ten fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop, and another went bam!No more sausages sitting in the pan,12 I Had A Little Nut TreeI had a little nut tree Nothing would it bearBut a silver nutmeg and a golden pearThe King of 5pan s daughter come to visit meIt all for the sake of my little nut treeI had a little nut tree Nothing would it bearBut a silver nutmeg and a golden pearThe King of 5pan s daughter come to visit meIt all for the sake of my little nut tree13 The Bear Went Over The MountainThe bear went over the mountain,The bear went over the mountain,The bear went over the mountain,To see what he could seeTo see what he could see,To see what he could seeThe other side of the mountain,The other side of the mountain,The other side of the mountain,Was all that he could seeWas all that he could see,Was all that he could see,The other side of the mountain,Was all that he could see!14 The BusThe wheels on the bus go round and round, Round and round, round and round The wheels on the bus go round and round, All through the townThe doors on the bus go open and shut, Open and shut, open and shutThe doors on the bus go open and shut, All through the townThe money in the box goes ding, ding, ding, Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, The money in the box goes ding, ding, ding, All through the town15 The Finger FamilyDaddy Finger, Daddy Finger.Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Mommy Finger, Mommy Finger,Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Brother Finger, Brother Finger,Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Sister Finger, Sister Finger,Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.Baby Finger, Baby Finger,Here I am! Here I am!How are you, today?Very well, I thank you.Run away. Run away.16 The More We Get TogetherThe more we get together,Together,together,The more we get together,The happier we'll be.For your friends are my friends,And my friends are your friends.The more we get together,The happier we'll be!The more we get together,Together,together,The more we get together,The happier we'll be.For your friends are my friends,And my friends are your friends.The more we get together,The happier we'll be!17 The SeasonsIn winter I get up at night,And dress by yellow candle light.In summer quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.In winter I get up at night,And dress by yellow candle light.In summer quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.18 Three Blue PigeonsThree blue pigeons sitting on a wall.Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall. One flew away!O-o-oh~~Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall. Another flew away!O-o-oh~~One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.And the third flew away!O-o-oh~~No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.No blue pigeons sitting on a wall.One flew back.Whee-ee-ee-ee!One blue pigeon sitting on a wall.One blue pigeon sitting on a wall. Another flew back!Whee-ee-ee-ee!Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall.Two blue pigeons sitting on a wall. And the third flew back!Whee-ee-ee-ee!Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.Three blue pigeons sitting on a wall.19 My Bonniemy bonnie is over the ocean,my bonnie is over the sea.my bonnie is over the ocean.oh bring back my bonnie to me.bring back, bring back,oh bring back my bonnie to me to me.bring back, bring back,oh bring back my bonnie to me.bring back, bring back,oh bring back my bonnie to me to me.bring back, bring back,oh bring back my bonnie to me20 Twinkle Twinkle Little StarTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you areUp above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.When the blazing sun is gone,When he nothing shines uponThen you show your little light,Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.Then the traveller in the dark,Thanks you for your tiny spark,He could not see which way to go,If you did not twinkle so.In the dark blue sky you keep,And often through my curtains peep,For you never shut your eye,Till the sun is in the sky.As your bright and tiny spark,Lights the traveller in the dark.Though I know not what you are,Twinkle, twinkle, little star.Twinkle, twinkle, little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star.How I wonder what you are.How I wonder what you are.21 Wandererlove to go a wandering,along the mountain tracks.And as I go I love to sing,my knapsack on my back.Valderi, valdera, valdera, valdera, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,valderi, valdera,my knapsack on my back.I love to go a wandering,along the mountain tracks.And as I go I love to sing,my knapsack on my back,Valderi, valdera, valdera, valdera, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,valderi, valdera,my knapsack on my back.22 Where Is ThumbkinWhere is thumbkin?Where is Thumbkin? Where is Thumbkin?Here, I am. Here, I am. How are you today,sir?Very well, thank you.Run away, run away.Where is Pointer? Where is Pointer?Here, I am. Here, I am.How are you today,sir?Very well, thank you.Run away, run away.Where is Tall Man? Where is Tall Man? Here, I am. Here, I am.How are you today,sir?Very well, thank you.Run away, run away.Where is Ring Man? Where is Ring Man?Here, I am. Here, I am.How are you today,sir?Very well, thank you.Run away, run away.Where is Baby? Where is Baby?Here, I am. Here, I am.How are you today,sir?Very well, thank you.Run away, run away.23 Whose Puppy Is ThisWhose, whose, whose puppy is this?It's Min's. It's Min's. It's Min's puppy.Whose, whose, whose dress is this?It's mom's. It's mom's. It's mom's dress. Whose, whose, whose hat is this?It's dad's. It's dad's. It's dad's hat.Whose, whose, whose doll is this?It's Jin's. It's Jin's. It's Jin's doll.24 Under the Spreading Chestnut TreeUnder the spreading chestnut tree,There we sit both you and me.Oh,how happy we will be!Under the spreading chestnut tree.Under the spreading chestnut tree,There we sit both you and me.Oh,how happy we will be!Under the spreading chestnut tree。



小班英语教案儿歌Rain Rain Go Away教案:小班英语教案:儿歌:Rain Rain Go Away一、教学内容本节课选自教材《幼儿英语启蒙》第3册,第5单元的儿歌部分。

儿歌的歌词内容如下:Rain rain go away,Come again another day,Little Johnny wants to play,In the rain, in the rain.二、教学目标1. 学生能够听懂、唱出儿歌《Rain Rain Go Away》。

2. 学生能够理解儿歌中的基本词汇,如rain、go away、Johnny、play等。

3. 学生能够在日常生活中运用所学词汇进行简单的交流。

三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:学生对儿歌中不熟悉的词汇和句子结构的理解。

2. 教学重点:学生能够听懂、唱出儿歌,并运用所学词汇进行交流。

四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、音响设备、挂图、卡片等。

2. 学具:学生课本、练习册、文具等。

五、教学过程1. 热身活动(5分钟)教师带领学生唱一首欢快的英文歌曲,如《Old MacDonald Had a Farm》,以吸引学生的注意力,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。

2. 引入新课(10分钟)教师通过展示图片或播放相关视频,引导学生谈论关于雨的话题,如雨滴、雨伞、雨衣等。


3. 学习儿歌(10分钟)教师播放儿歌《Rain Rain Go Away》的音频,让学生边听边跟唱。


4. 随堂练习(10分钟)教师分发练习册,让学生完成与儿歌相关的练习题,如填空、连线等。


5. 小组活动(10分钟)学生分组,每组选一名组长。






万圣节英文歌曲《goaway》万圣节英文歌曲《go away》大家听过万圣节的歌曲《Go away》吗?万圣节就要到了,店铺就跟大家分享一下这首歌吧。

希望大家喜欢!【万圣节歌曲:Go away】太可耻了不是吗不像你不是吗现在还不能适应为什么头晕谁和谁分手我和你分手想好再说 ye曾经跟在我身后的男子真是不错的男子我因为你一人全都打发了谁和谁分手我和你分手没有我好好地生活吧 yeah今晚怎么搞的偏偏又下雨为什么我的样子变得很狼狈不要安慰我把手拿开现在你是局外人别担心我 go away我会毫不留恋地消散去以为我会纠缠你吧令人讨厌别有错觉我会遇到更帅气的人我会让你后悔的悲伤只是现在 boyCause love is overLove-love is over tonightJust sayWhat you gotta say为什么到最后还是无聊Beyonce beyonceI’m walking out of destiny不是狼狈地独自一人而是华丽的独唱That’s my way所有的一切都给了你我反而不后悔你装作很难过到最后却假装帅气All you do is act of foolYou ain’t shitWithout your crew没有时间 I gotta go再见 goodbye adios我不想再看到你没出息的嘴脸 no more 今晚怎么搞的偏偏又下雨为什么我的.样子变得很狼狈不要安慰我把手拿开现在你是局外人别担心我 go away我会毫不留恋地消散去以为我会纠缠你吧令人讨厌别有错觉我会遇到更帅气的人我会让你后悔的悲伤只是现在 boyCause love is overLove-love is over tonightGo Go awayEEEEEEGo Go awayEEEEEEGo Go awayEEEEEEGo Go awayEEEEEE别担心我 go away我会毫不留恋地消散去以为我会纠缠你吧令人讨厌别有错觉我会遇到更帅气的人我会让你后悔的悲伤只是现在 boyCause love is overLove-love is over tonightGo Go awayEEEEEEGo Go awayEEEEEE别担心我 go away我会毫不留恋地消散去以为我会纠缠你吧令人讨厌别有错觉我会遇到更帅气的人我会让你后悔的悲伤只是现在 boyCause love is overLove-love is over tonight【万圣节英文歌曲《go away》】。

幼儿园英语启蒙:儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教学案例分享

幼儿园英语启蒙:儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教学案例分享

幼儿园英语启蒙:儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教学案例分享文章一、引言儿歌在幼儿园英语启蒙教育中扮演着重要的角色,它不仅可以让孩子们在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语,还可以培养他们的语感和节奏感。

今天我们将以儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》为例,分享一则幼儿园英语启蒙教学案例,探讨如何通过这首儿歌进行有效的英语启蒙教育。

二、儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》的选择《Rain, Rain, Go Away》是一首简单易学的儿歌,歌词简单明了,旋律朗朗上口,适合幼儿园阶段的孩子们学唱。


三、教学目标- 帮助孩子们学会唱《Rain, Rain, Go Away》这首儿歌- 教导孩子们初步了解“雨天”这一自然现象- 提高孩子们的英语听力和语感- 培养孩子们的合作意识和团队精神四、教学过程1. 引入老师可以利用一些图片或道具引入“雨天”这一概念,让孩子们在愉快的氛围中感受和思考雨天给我们带来的影响。

2. 学唱儿歌老师可以先带领孩子们听一遍《Rain, Rain, Go Away》,然后逐句教授歌词,慢慢唱,让孩子们跟着学,反复练习直至熟练。

3. 讨论在学唱儿歌的过程中,老师可以和孩子们讨论“雨天”对我们生活的影响,也可以引导孩子们发表自己的想法和感受。

4. 游戏活动可以结合儿歌内容设计一些小游戏,比如模拟雨天的场景,让孩子们扮演不同的角色,增加互动和趣味性。

五、总结与展望通过儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》的教学,不仅让孩子们学会了一首简单的英语儿歌,还增加了他们对“雨天”这一自然现象的了解,培养了他们的合作意识和团队精神。






这首歌其实源于一首苏格兰的民谣“Rain Rain Go to Spain”,它是一首祈求雨水去到远方的曲子,传说可以赶走下雨和恶魔。

这首歌很快就传到了英国,经过改动之后成为了今天我们所熟悉的“Rain Rain Go Away”。




当我们在唱“Rain Rain Go Away” 的时候,实际上就是在呼唤彩虹的精灵过来,迎接他们在我们的身旁飞舞,帮助我们把雨水送到远方,让我们可以享受阳光的温暖。


为了赶走下雨,人们开始唱起了“Rain Rain Go Away”,他们相信在彩虹的精灵帮助下,雨水会消失不见,这也成为了一种诅咒,如果你惹怒了彩虹的精灵,那么他们就会降下更大的雨水。


虽然“Rain Rain Go Away” 是一首童谣,但它却带给我们了许多有趣的历史和文化背景。






资料范本本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载常青藤爸爸40首儿歌精选歌词地点:__________________时间:__________________说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容常青藤爸爸推荐40首精选启蒙儿歌(app里儿歌免费听)歌词手敲校对主要是给自己孩子使用(精选12首)One Little FingerOne little fingerOne little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPut your finger up put your finger downPut it on your head, headOne little fingerOne little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPut your finger up put your finger downPut it on your nose, noseOne little fingerOne little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPut your finger up put your finger downPut it on your chin ,chinOne little fingerOne little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPut your finger up put your finger downPut it on your arm ,armOne little fingerOne little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPut your finger up put your finger down Put it on your leg legOne little fingerOne little fingerOne little finger tap tap tapPut your finger up put your finger down Put it on your foot footPut it on your leg legPut it on your arm armPut it on your chin chinPut it on your nose nosePut it on your head headNow let's say goodbye goodbyeRain Rain Go Awayrain rain go away,come again another day,Oh,my mommy wants to play,rain rain go away.rain rain go away,come again another day,Oh,my mommy wants to play,rain rain go away.rain rain go away,come again another day,Oh,my daddy wants to play,rain rain go away.rain rain go away,come again another day,Little children want to play,rain rain go away.rain rain go away,come again another day,Little children want to play,rain rain go away.What's this?What's this? What's this?What's this? What?What?It's a cat. It's a cat, It's a cat,cat,cat. What's this? What's this?What's this? What?What?It's a cat. It's a cat, It's a cat,cat,cat. What's this? What's this?What's this? What?What?It's a dog. It's a dog, It's a dog,dog,dog. What's this? What's this?What's this? What?What?It's a dog. It's a dog, It's a dog,dog,dog.What's this? What's this?What's this? What?What?It's a bird. It's a bird, It's a bird, bird, bird. What's this? What's this?What's this? What?What?It's a bird. It's a bird, It's a bird, bird, bird.4、Are You Sleeping?Are you sleeping,Are you sleeping?Brother John?Brother John?Morning bells are ringing,Morning bells are ringing,Ding ding dong,Ding ding dong.Are you sleeping,Are you sleeping?Brother John?Brother John?Morning bells are ringing,Morning bells are ringing,Ding ding dong,Ding ding dong.5、London Bridge Is Falling DownLondon bridge is falling downFalling down falling down London bridge is falling down My fair ladyBuild it up with iron barsIron bars iron barsBuild it up with iron barsMy fair ladyLondon bridge is falling down Falling down falling down London bridge is falling down My fair ladyBuild it up with god and silver Gold and silver gold and silver Build it up with gold and silver My fair ladyLondon bridge is falling down Falling down falling down London bridge is falling down My fair ladyTake the key and lock her up lock her up lock her upTake the key and lock her upMy fair ladyLondon bridge is falling down Falling down falling downLondon bridge is falling downMy fair ladyLondon bridge is falling downMy fair lady6. The Finger FamilyDaddy finger daddy finger,Where are you Here I am here I am,How do you do Mommy finger mommy finger,Where are you Here I am here I amHow do you doBrother finger brother fingerWhere are youHere I am here I amHow do you doSister finger sister fingerWhere are youHere I am here I amHow do you doBaby finger baby fingerWhere are youHere I am here I amHow do you doFingers all, Fingers all,Where are youHere we are , Here we are ,How do you do7、Teddy BearTeddy bear teddy bearTurn aroundTeddy bear teddy bearTouch the groundTeddy bear teddy bearShow your shoesTeddy bear teddy bearThat will doTeddy bear teddy bearGo upstairsTeddy bear teddy bearSay your prayersTeddy bear teddy bearTurn off the lightTeddy bear teddy bearSay good night8、This is the wayThis is the way we pick up our toys, pick up our toys, pick up our toys, This is the way we pick up our toys, It’s time for a snake.This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands,wash our hands,This is the way we wash our hands,It’s time for a snake.This is the way we brush our teeth,brush our teeth, brush our teeth,This is the way we brush our teeth,It’s time for a nap.This is the way we take a nap,take a nap, take a nap,This is the way we take a nap,Hey,wait a minute,I’m not tierd.9.Head Shoulders Knees and ToesHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes And eyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes And eyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes And eyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toesAnd eyes and ears and mouth and noseHead shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes 10. Mary Had a Little LambMary had a little lambLittle lamb,Little lambMary had a little lambIt's fleece was white as snowAnd everywhere that Mary wentMary went,Mary wentEverywhere that Mary wentThe lamb was sure to goIt followed her to school one daySchool one day,School one dayIt followed her to school one dayWhich was against the ruleIt made the children laugh and playLaugh and play,Laugh and playIt made the children laugh and playTo see a lamb at schoolAnd so the teacher turned it outTurned it out,Turned it outAnd so the teacher turned it outBut still it lingered near.And waited patiently about,-Ly about,-ly about,And waited patiently about ,Till Mary did appear.Why does the lamb love Mary soMary so,Mary soWhy does the lamb love Mary soThe eager children cried.Why Mary loves the lamb, you know,Lamb you know,Lamb you knowWhy Mary loves the lamb you knowThe teacher did reply.11. Down By the StationDown by the stationEarly in the morningSee the little pufferbellies all in a row See the engine driver pull the little handle Puff puff toot toot off we goDown by the stationEarly in the morningSee the little pufferbellies all in a row See the engine driver pull the little handle Puff puff toot toot off we goDown by the stationEarly in the morningSee the little pufferbellies all in a row See the engine driver pull the little handle Chug chug toot toot off we go12. Hello13.make a circle14.walking waliing15.the wheels on the bus16.ten little bumblebees17.abc18.twinkle twinkle little star19.if you’r happy and you know it20.5只小鸭子。

幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案

幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案

幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案幼儿园英语儿歌《Rain, Rain, Go Away》教案1. 介绍《Rain, Rain, Go Away》是一首经典的幼儿园英语儿歌,旨在帮助孩子们学习基本的英语词汇和表达,同时培养他们对自然现象的认识。


2. 教学目标- 学习歌曲的歌词和旋律。

- 理解歌曲中表达的意思,并能用简单的英语句子进行表达。

- 培养对自然现象的观察和认知能力。

3. 教学准备- 温暖、亲切的教学环境。

- 带有歌词的歌曲播放器或音乐设备。

- 图片或图片卡片,展示与歌曲相关的场景和现象。

- 小提琴或其他乐器,以增添音乐元素。

4. 教学步骤第一步:导入歌曲- 让孩子们坐下,创建一个愉快的学习氛围。

- 播放《Rain, Rain, Go Away》的歌曲,让孩子们聆听歌曲的旋律。

第二步:引导理解歌曲- 展示与歌曲相关的图片,例如天气晴朗的场景和下雨的场景。

- 与孩子们进行对话,引导他们描述这些图片,如"Look, it's sunny. What do you see?"。

- 引导孩子们理解歌曲的意思,"What does the rain mean in the song? Why do they want the rain to go away?"。

第三步:教唱歌曲- 逐句教唱歌曲,让孩子们模仿自己的发音和节奏。

- 通过反复练习来巩固歌曲的歌词和旋律。

第四步:创造活动- 角色扮演:请几名学生来到前面,模拟下雨的场景,唱着歌曲希望雨停下来。

- 利用乐器:教师使用小提琴或其他乐器演奏歌曲的旋律,与学生一起合奏。

- 集体合唱:全班一起唱歌,在整个教室中强调团队合作和协作。

第五步:总结和回顾- 回顾刚才学习的内容,与孩子们一起总结歌曲的歌词和意义。

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