英文专业 麦田里的守望者




最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China2 《白噪音》的后现代特色3 论小说《看不见的人》中的象征主义4 电影字幕汉译的归化与异化5 从女权主义角度对比分析《纯真年代》两位女主人公的爱情悲剧6 合作原则在商务谈判中的运用7 从关联理论角度谈英语双关语的翻译8 文档所公布各专业原创毕业论文。

原创Q 95 80 35 6409 《飘》中郝思嘉性格特征透析10 英汉典故及文化内涵的比较分析11 从动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》和《猫和老鼠》对比中美儿童教育的差异12 《中国日报》与《纽约时报》灾难新闻之比——以系统功能语法为视角13 The Impact of High and Low Context on Intercultural Communication14 英文电影名汉译中的功能对等15 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析16 商务英语信函中名词化结构的翻译17 借代和提喻的对比研究18 从曼诺林角度研究圣地亚哥形象19 《第二十二条军规》的荒诞性解读20 试析新课程标准下词汇教学策略的改变21 英语动结式V+PP的语义整合研究22 茶文化和咖啡文化23 论托马斯•哈代诗歌中的死亡意识24 教师在初中教学中对学生的评价25 红色,英汉词汇差异的文化理据26 影响英语专业学生阅读理解因素的分析及对策探讨27 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白和达西关系的转变28 从功能翻译理论看科技英语与科普英语的汉译29 言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析30 杰克•伦敦《野性的呼唤》中的生态主义31 艾米丽·狄金森的诗歌主题分析32 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同33 场独立和场依存对不同主题阅读材料的影响研究34 纪伯伦《先知》中辩证的婚姻观及爱情观35 高中英语任务型语法教学初探36 英汉颜色词的认知语义分析—以红色、黄色为例37 爱默生的超验主义艺术观在《论自然》中的体现38 从语用原则视角分析政治演讲中的语用策略39 英语环境公示语翻译中的问题以及解决方法40 商务英语中的缩略词研究41 国际商务谈判及其谈判风格42 《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中哥特式文学特点分析43 英汉动物习语内涵意义的文化差异44 A Comparison of the English Color Terms45 Judy’s Double Character in Daddy-Long-Legs46 A Comparison of the English Color Terms47 论莱辛作品《又来了,爱情》中妇女失爱的原因48 商务英语信函中的礼貌原则49 永恒的精神追求—《天使,望故乡》的精神主题分析50 英文电影片名汉译研究51 初中英语课堂教学的任务型活动设计52 关于汉字“打”在英语翻译中的研究53 试论提高初中英语作业的效果54 Cultural Differences in the Non-V erbal Communication55 论美国黑人现代流行音乐及其影响56 从女性主义看《呼啸山庄》57 论《月亮和六便士》中的自然主义特色58 《本杰明•富兰克林自传》和《嘉莉妹妹》美国梦的对比研究59 《边城》与《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》中的河流的比较研究60 从文化角度谈动物习语的翻译61 从功能对等理论来看委婉语翻译62 《傲慢与偏见》书名误译分析63 凯瑟琳安波特作品中的女性话语权威64 Analyzing the Development of English Color Term and Its Chinese Translation65 女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的情态意义解读66 字母拼读法在小学英语语音教学中的应用67 商务英语信函文体分析68 Application of Foregrounding Theory to Translation of Simile and Metaphor69 中西方酒文化之比较研究70 自我效能感对大学生英语学习的影响71 裘德悲剧成因的分析72 从《动物庄园》看乔治·奥威尔反极权主义思想73 初中英语读写技能综合教学模式研究74 《白鲸》原型批判的分析75 伊丽莎白与达西的傲慢与偏见形成原因差异的研究76 浅析艾伦坡小说《黑猫》中的哥特式风格77 浅析唐诗翻译的难点和策略78 英语委婉语及其语用学原则79 An Analysis of the Problems on Chinese Early Childhood Education80 透过电影《假结婚》看中美传统婚姻习俗差异81 《日用家当》中的黑人文化意象分析82 论《鲁滨逊漂流记》中鲁滨逊的人物性格83 The Application of Corpus in Teaching Oral English84 中英文旅游广告语言特点对比研究85 浅谈非语言交际中的手势语86 情感因素对外语教学的影响87 中英现代命名方式中文化差异的对比研究88 The Inharmonious Elements in The Old Man and the Sea from an Ecological Perspective89 《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析90 《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色词的蕴义91 对《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白性格的分析92 唐诗意象英译中的文化障碍和策略93 精神的抗拒与皈依--浅析奥康纳《智血》中的信仰异化94 浅析英语新闻语篇中的语法隐喻95 探析《愤怒的葡萄》中人性的力量96 中美传统节日差异对比研究97 中美称赞语的对比分析98 扭曲的“美国梦”--简析“鸡蛋的胜利”的主题99 从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度分析赵丽蓉的小品100 《可以吃的女人》女性主义解读101 交际教学法在高中英语语法教学中的研究102 中美拒绝策略研究103 英语电影片名的汉译要求及赏析104 On the Influence of Social Environment on Pip’s Growth i n Great Expectati on105 寂静的声音——《送菜升降机》中的沉默106 增译法在《水晶宫》英译汉翻译中的应用107 论口译的原则与技巧108 旅游英语翻译的研究109 An Analysis of Tess’s Tragedy in Tess of the D’Urbervilles110 文类、历史与受众心态——论小说《红字》的电影改编111 从接受美学看广告翻译112 《蝇王》中火的象征意义的转变113 女性人格的双重性——从心理学的角度对比分析凯瑟琳和简爱114 论尤金•奥尼尔《毛猿》中的悲剧根源115 探究汉英翻译的中式英语现象116 基于中西文化差异的翻译策略研究117 简析中西方译者翻译《论语》的差异性118 An Eco-analysis of The Y earling119 中英诗歌及时行乐主题比较120 《了不起的盖茨比》中三位女性形象的女性主义解读121 初中英语语法教学之我见122 英语谚语重复修辞格的翻译123 Risk Comparing of Documentary Collection and Letters of Credit124 基于语料库的同义词辨析方法—词块辨析法125 从《唐老鸭》看赵健秀的男性主义126 语篇分析在阅读教学中的运用127 On Classification of Chinese Dish Names and Their Transl ati on Strategi es128 《第二十二条军规》中的黑色幽默129 模因论指导下的英语习语汉译130 A Comparison of English V ocabulary Learning Strategy Use in Learners of Different Ages131 试谈黑人英语在美国电影中的渗透132 目的论视角下旅游文本中文化负载词的英译133 从中西文化对比的角度浅谈商标翻译的特点和方法134 中英植物词语隐喻的文化对比135 法律英语翻译中的动态对等理论分析136 大学英语课程改革审视:基于通识教育的视角137 量词“片”与“piece”的语法化对比研究138 乔治•奥威尔小说《动物农场》和《》社会对比研究139 《道林•格雷的画像》中的现实元素140 科技英语的语言特点及翻译方法141 浅析信息时代的汉语新词语英译策略142 论《紫色》的叙事现代性分析143 从《七个尖角阁的房子》看霍桑的罪恶观144 论古希腊悲剧中的命运观145 教师身势语在英语口语教学中的应用146 爵士时代美国东西部的差距在盖茨比的人生悲剧中所扮演的角色147 归化与异化策略在字幕翻译中的运用148 从功能对等角度看信用证英语的翻译149 论“黑”字所体现的对美国黑人的种族歧视150 马尔克斯《霍乱时期的爱情》主人公弗洛伦蒂诺心理分析151 非言语交际在中西文化中的差异152 从文化角度简要分析词语的意义153 英汉动物词语文化内涵的差异154 英语流行歌曲中隐喻的功能分析——以后街男孩的歌曲为例155 高中英语教师课堂提问的现状及有效策略研究156 英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析157 从跨文化角度对品牌名称的研究——以化妆品品牌为例158 英汉新闻标题中缩略词对比研究159 The Road to the Outside World:An Analysis of Chinese Martial Arts160 追求女性自我意识的孤独灵魂——评《觉醒》中的爱德娜161 观春潮:浅析“戏仿”背后海明威性格阴暗面162 英语国家姓氏文化研究163 习语的文化现象及翻译策略研究164 高中英语写作教学交往的模式及其策略165 学生写作中中式英语的表现形式及其改进方式166 On the Cultural Signification and Translation of Animal Idioms167 黑人性的遗失与保存从黑人文化传统看《日用家当》168 从关联理论解读《家庭战争》的幽默169 论《傲慢与偏见》中简奥斯丁的女性意识170 论《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中的环境描写----从视觉和听学的角度171 从《爱玛》看简•奥斯丁的女性主义意识172 试论高中英语学习者英语听力能力的培养173 论企业简介中文到英文的翻译174 浅析《追风筝的人》中风筝的象征意义175 从生态翻译学的角度分析网络新词翻译176 从英语中性别歧视词看西方女性社会地位之变化177 《儿子与情人》恋母情结分析178179 张谷若《德伯家的苔丝》译本中的归化与异化180 《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征181 中国传统文化中特色词语的翻译182 中西方文化中家庭观念差异研究——以电影《推手》为例183 A Study of Cultural Influence upon Internet Language184 探析王尔德童话中的死亡主题185 Influence of Western Food Culture upon Chinese People186 《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究187 小学英语语法任务式教学188 英汉味觉隐喻的对比研究189 论《蝇王》中戈尔丁对人性之恶的解析190 《麦田里的守望者》的当代启示191 论自然主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现192 从文化角度浅析中美两国幽默的特点193 析《狮子和宝石》中拉昆来失败的原因194 英语委婉语的语用分析195 浅析如何通过英语原版电影学习英语196 多媒体网络教学和传统教学对大学生情感的影响197 论《傲骨贤妻》字幕翻译中的归化和异化策略198 纽马克交际翻译理论指导下的外宣材料英译199 Racism in Heart of Darkness。



麦田里的守望者英文The Catcher in the Rye: A Tale of Lost Innocence and Adolescent RebellionIntroductionThe Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger and published in 1951, is an influential novel that has become a modern classic, capturing the essence of adolescence, rebellion, and the loss of innocence. The protagonist, Holden Caulfield, serves as a voice for disenchanted youth, navigating the complexities of life in a world that seems to have let him down. This document explores the themes, characters, and cultural impact of The Catcher in the Rye.ThemesThe central theme of The Catcher in the Rye is the loss of innocence. Holden Caulfield is portrayed as a deeply disillusioned teenager, who struggles to come to terms with the harsh realities of adulthood. Throughout the novel, Holden's interactions with various characters highlight his longing to preserve the innocence of childhood and shieldhimself and others from the darker aspects of life. The symbol of the catcher in the rye represents Holden's desire to protect children from falling into the corrupt world of adults.Adolescent rebellion is another significant theme in the novel. Holden Caulfield rejects societal expectations, seeing them as phony and superficial. He rebels against authority figures, such as teachers and his parents, and struggles to conform to the expectations placed upon him. This rebellion serves as a form of self-assertion and an attempt to preserve his individuality in a world that he feels is stifling.CharactersHolden Caulfield, the protagonist and narrator of the novel, is undoubtedly one of the most iconic characters in American literature. His distinctive voice, filled with a unique blend of cynicism, vulnerability, and authenticity, resonates with readers of all generations. Holden's constant inner dialogue and stream-of-consciousness narrative style allow readers to delve into his troubled mind as he grapples with the complexities of adolescence.The supporting characters in The Catcher in the Rye also play integral roles in the development of the story. Phoebe,Holden's younger sister, embodies the innocence and purity that he desperately seeks to protect. She serves as a source of comfort and understanding throughout the novel. Other notable characters include Mr. Antolini, Holden's former English teacher, who offers guidance and support, and Sally Hayes, a former love interest who represents the complexities of Holden's relationships.Cultural ImpactThe Catcher in the Rye has had a significant cultural impact since its publication. The novel is often hailed as a seminal work of literature that represents the struggles and disillusionment of youth. Its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, has become an archetype for disaffected and rebellious teenagers, resonating with generations of readers who feel alienated by societal norms and expectations.Despite its popularity, The Catcher in the Rye has also faced controversy and censorship due to its explicit language and themes of rebellion. However, this controversy has only served to further cement its status as a provocative and thought-provoking novel that pushes boundaries and challenges societal norms.ConclusionThe Catcher in the Rye continues to captivate readers with its raw and honest portrayal of teenage angst and rebellion. Through Holden Caulfield's journey of self-discovery, J.D. Salinger's novel explores themes of loss of innocence and the struggle to find one's place in an adult world. Its enduring cultural impact and timeless relevance make The Catcher in the Rye a must-read for individuals of all ages, reminding us of the universal experiences and challenges faced during the tumultuous transition from adolescence to adulthood.。



能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时 间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛 不断稀释的茶 Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciike a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.
记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的;改 变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 Remember what should be remembered,and forget what should be forgetten;Alter what is changeable,and accept what is mutable. 智慧的代价是矛盾,这是人生对人 生观开的玩笑。 Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life
The Catcher in the Rye
---- J. D. Salinger
• He served in the U.S. Army in World War II and participated in the invasion of Normandy on D-Day, 1944.
• The Catcher in the Rye is a
novel by J. D. Salinger.
• It has been listed as one of the best novels of the 20th century.



Plot Summary
• It is a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York, taking place in December 1949.
• The story commences with Holden Caulfield describing encounters he has had with students and faculty of Pencey Prep in Agerstown, Pennsylvania. He criticizes them for being superficial, or, as he would say, “phony.” After being expelled from the school for his poor academic performance, Holden packs up and leaves the school in the middle of the night after a physical altercation with his roommate. He takes a train to New York but does not want to return to his family and instead checks into the dilapidated Edmont Hotel .
Plot Summary
• After leaving his parents' apartment, Holden then drops by to see a former, and much admired, English teacher, Mr. Antolini,and is offered advice on life and a place to sleep.



麦田里的守望者论文全英版thecatcherintherayI. IntroductionAfter The Second World War, many writers deliberately avoid politics and turn to the inquiry into the self-value of human being, which is undoubtedly relevant to the political and social background. In the Western traditional literary, the growth is a literary motif, particularly on the performance of young adults like Holden in his youth, adolescence is a confused stage, which ranges from between children and adults, and it is a transformation beyond the age and stage. The theme of The Catcher in the Rye, in its broadest sense, is the difficulty of growing up, the lonely and hard voyage from innocence to experience. Holden is the earliest re presentative of “the Depressed Generation”, who is one of the earliest anti-hero appearing in contemporary American literature;Holden is the reflection of realism criticizing the hypocrisy, indulgence, profanity and cruelty of American society; he also reflects the vexation and perplexity of growing up. Holden represents the spiritual states of the young Americans in 1950s. When The Catcher in the Rye was published, the work received floods of criticisms. Later in 1950s it became the best seller, and Holden?s influence was so wide that it could be found nearly in every aspect of American mess culture.In The Catcher in the Rye Sixteen-year-old Holden is expelled from Pansy around Christmas. Unwilling to go home till his parents get to know it and thoroughly digest it, Holden decides to take a room in a hotel in New York for a couple of days. It is through what Holden has experienced in his three-day odyssey in New York that his figure and his tragic life are reflected. Theresult of Holden is tragic because of the features of Postmodernism, and the loss of the correct direction of the codes of the main stream culture in 1950s. The Catcher in the Rye, which is a classic novel, narrated the process changing from a teenager to an adult. Holden is the typical representative who really has a great effect on generations of readers. In The Catcher in the Rye Holden had been internalized by the family, the school, and the society. Then Holden began topping “Best Loved”“purer world” to satisfy his inner peace. However t he surroundings around himfull of hypocrisy. He hated it and began to rebel it.Holden Caulfield finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him almost unbearable, and the loneliness and other factors severely break him down. This paper preliminary explores the formation of the hero?s spiritual crisis in detail from three aspect s to make clear that Holden represents the lonely American youth seeking to establish an ideal world without phony or ugliness and to reveal the important influence of the society on the growth of young people. First, the youth Holden doesn?t know how to meet the serious society. Second, the family doesn?t know how to tread a teenager who is undergoing the change from a child to an adult. Third, Holden can not face his psychological trauma. The cruel social factors makes Holden lose the direction for ideal world. He does n?t know what is right and what is wrong and does n?t know what to do or do what. Hence he becomes lost in this kind of society, indulging himself, drinking, molesting women. Holden is no longer a 16 years old teenager completely. Holden is tired of the society, unfortunately, he can not get away from this life. Step by step Holden ruins his life and his spirit breaks down either. Holden is afraid of goinghome, afraid of parents knowing he is expelled from school, and afraid of losing parental love totally. Because of these psychological burdens Holden has to stay outside.If Holden?s heart could get some comfort or pieces of comprehend from his parents, he would not go mad. Holden is on behalf of an era, From Holden?s experience can clearly see the generation gap with their parents. Parents always place their hope on their child, just as Holden?s Parents hope him can become like his brother standing on the top. Adults always think that Holden is a black sheep and a bad boy. But he has his own ideas and little dream in his half-mature heart. Holden?s ideal is to be a watcher in the rye, standing on the cliff, catching the running children, even though those dreams have become subtle and small in the dirty society, Holden tries his best to make it come true.Ⅱ. Psychological Trauma of HoldenIn The Catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield is afflicted with severe Psychologicaltrauma caused by the death of his younger brother Allie and he strongly resists society. This paper analyzes Holden?s psychological trauma. Holden?s trauma gives rise to the conflicts between his superego and the self-adjustment of his ego, and his ego?s psychological defense mechanism is abused to cause his ego to lose connection with the external world, so Holden loses the integrity of his personality structure. So Holden is the typical anti-hero after Second World War, against the civilization of America and the main stream, who tries to find the “Pure Land” in an adult world permeated with hypocrisy and selfishness. His wandering in New York is considered as an escape from society. However Holden is also a compromiser of society, his experienceis also his reflection.2.1 The Formation of Hold en Caulfield’s Mental Confusion Stage2.1.1 Holden’s Memory of His Childhood-Childhood TraumaHolden can remember his childhood about 10-13 years old clearly. His sister Phoebe is a lovely girl without sorrow and anxiety. His brother D.B. is nearly 20 years old, who is experiencing the change from a child to an adult. However, it is Allie his little brother that has an important effect on Holden. Wherever he goes there is Allie. They read at the same school, play together; they are more partners than brothers; they have the training of Middle-Class family and noble school.In the rich family they also have to satisfy the expectation of their parents in order to obtain their love. However, their parents pay more love to Allie, Holden gets little. Because Allie never loses his temper to people and gets the teacher?s love deeply. His teacher always sent letters to Holden?s mother to prize Allie and saying that “we appreciate that we can have such a good student.” Compared to Allie, Holden is not so good. Holden becomes shade under his brother?s flame.In Holden?s heart, though Allie is younger than him, Allie is much clever than Holden. The adult to Holden?s attitude internalizes his thought and control his judgment. Holden said “he is the only idiot in his family”.2.1.2 Children Allie’s Guiding Role in Socialization ProcessHolden?s psychological trauma is caused by Allie?s early death. He loves Allie deeply. Allie is his spiritual sustenance and a symbol of the pure world. Allie?s death symbolize sthe pure world i s in the end. In Holden?s heart, a worldwithout Allie is a world without love. Allie?s death ma kes him feel that there would be lack of love in his future world. Moreover, Holden?s parents d o n?t give him enough love to face the death of Allie timely, he does n?t attend Allie?s funeral, and he d oes n?t want to grave for Allie either, unconsciously denying the fact that Allie has been died. Holden seldom mentions his parents, but he always remembers Allie. When he describes Allie in The Catcher in the Rye, he never uses the swearing words. He cherishes the Allie?s baseball gloves with poems written in green ink. When he is depressed, he likes to talk with Allie and requests Allie for blessing.In the following years, after the death of Allie, Holden turns from one private high school to another. No matter where he goes, and what people he gets along with, what activity he engages in, Holden has little emotion on these, “I mean, I said I left some schools, some places in the past, but I did not know whe n I leave” (Salinger, 2001: 67), there is no integration before, and of course there would be no general pain in his heart. Holden is lack of the real emotional input to contact places, people and things, so when it comes to separation there is not genuine love and attachment in Holden?s heart. For Holden, the most unforgettable pain is losing Allie. On the night of Allie?s death, he smashed the windows of the car by his fist. The injured hand is still ache up to now. Although brother Allie has been dead for almost four years, Holden also gradually grows up, meet some youth in the same age, has a little social experience, and has some dating with several men and women, the person Holden loves deeply is still Allie “I know he is dead! But I can still like him... it is impossible you don?t like someone because of his death, god - especially the man is thousands of times better thanthose living you know”(Salinger, 2001: 81); Adult H olden can?t get rid of attachment and missing to Allie, which is the source of the inner guide to Holden and the reference of conducts and words. So when Holden becomes an adult he still looks like a child.2.2 The Map ping of Holden’s Psychological TraumaHolden?s Trauma reflect s the individual has broken up with the daily life. Holden loses himself and the basic ability of controlling emotions. He feels that the connectionwith others is cut off. Trauma could also be caused by the fracture between the basic beliefs to the life and the rules of life. Holden personal life before and after the traumatic event has totally changed. Holden becomes very violent, which he has never showed before, smashing all the glass in the car, and taken to hospital to treat his blood-hands. From then on Holden does n?t study hard any more, begins to criticize all the people around him, handles things extreme subjectively, and gets away from the world. Because of Allie?s death Hol den has suffered severe psychological impact. So he wants to get rid of the people and the virtual world. He thinks the most valuable thing is the memory in his life, the reality life is full of hostility, he isn?t satisfied with the reality, and loses the hope for future. Aft er Allie?s death, his parents are bruised and can?t pay much attention on Holden. His Psychological trauma does n?t get enough attention from his parents, ultimately psychological trauma leads to serious consequences.Ⅲ. The Surroundings Impact on HoldenIn the 1950 the loneliness has occupied a dominant theme. Due to the Truman Doctrine and the Cold War, many innocent persons are charged with “disloyalty” and are perse cuted athome. People?s minds are confused. Money and status are Pe ople?s sole chase. Holden couldn?t find any joy and happiness from the soci ety and the adult world. He feels depressed and lonesome and fails to find his path to his ideal life after his three day?s wander. Holden?s family is very rich and he studies in a high fee primarily university, so his future should be promising, but he is unhappy, because he emphasizes and treasures such as honesty, sympathy, kindness and the love for people totally regarded as a “spiritual anim al”. Unfortunately, when he beg ins to enter the adult world, he astonished found his ideal is only a beautiful soap bubble. Holden has a strong hatred for this naked materialism, because it depresses people?s motivation and ma kes people become the goods? appendage. People are lacking in warmth in the modern city which is full of exhausted emotion, ruined morals and money worship.3.1 The Gray World3.1.1 A Wo rld without Love and Warmth in Holden’s FamilyIn Holden?s narration in the novel, he men tions “phony” for more than 50 times to indicate that the world he lives is phony. It is also a world without love and warm. In chapter 16, when Holden follows the poor family along the street, he finds that the husband and wife are just walking alone, talking, not paying any attention to their kid about six years old. The little boy is walking in the street, instead of on the sidewalk. The cars zooming by, but his parents pay no attention to him. It is clear that Holden is blaming the couple for not taking their responsibilities, as parents do n?t give t he kid parental care. It obviously reflects that Holden longs for love, but in the world he lives, parental care and love are inadequate or even absent.Once Holden horses around with Ackley, he pretends to be ablind guy, saying “Mother darling, everything getting so dark in here…Mother darling, give me your hand. Why won?t you give me your hand?”(Salinger, 2001: 125). Apparently, Holden is so eager for parental love. Another example happens after Holden arrives at Penn Station, he sets off for a hotel by a cab, but gives the cabdriver his home address instead-presumably because he completely forgets he is going to check up in a hotel for a couple of days and not go home till vacation starts. No wonder, in Holden?s unconsciousness, he really loves his home and looks for family love.However, Holden?s menti on of his father is conspicuous. He has said that his father is quite wealthy but also quite busy, though his father is very angry with Holden for expelling from school several times, he does not try to find out the reasons why Holden does not like to go to school. Through Phoebe?s words “Daddy will kill you.” We can un derstand that his father is crude to him. His mother is “up all night smoking cigarettes” and Holden repeatedly notes that she is too nervous and anxious to pay perfunctory attention to Holden. Apparently, except materials, Holden cannot get adequate love from family, so he has “no home to go to” (Salinger, 2001: 159). This lack of affection from his parents has a profound effect on Holden?s life.3.1.2 A World without Love and Warmth in the SocietyHolden can not get some comforts from his family. In school the persons are all stupid who can not understand Holden. So he leaves the school and steps in to the society.However, when he gets into the society, there is no one wants to stop to talk with him. In such a world lacking of love and warmth, Holden asks Ackley to go to movies together although he dislikes him. In the night club, Holden is so lonely that he chatsand dances with the three ugly girls, he meets and even tries to get them to stay a little longer although he finds it hard to communicate with them, but they have to get up early the next day to see the first show at Radio City Music Hall where they might see some movie stars. It is obvious the person in America is lace of sympathy. When Holden arrives at Penn Station, the first thing he does is to go into a phone booth, he launches into a flurry of mental activities, he imagines giving somebody a buzz, but his list of possible candidate-D.B. his writer brother, now in Hollywood; Phoebe who g oes to bed around nine o?clock; Jane Gallagher; Sally Hayes; and Carl Luc e-are unavailable. Finally, having nobody to call to, after about twenty minutes, he has to come out of the booth. Jane Gallagher is the one he really loves, but for one reason or another he fails to meet or talk with her. He wants only to have a chat with the prostitute Sunny, but she is not at all interested in talking. He also wants an intellectual conversation with Carl, who has got the highest I.Q. at Whooton, but it turns out to be a disappointment. In such a world without love and warmth, Holden even tries to communicate with the people he does not like or the stranger, but he can?t find anybody to whom he can express his feelings and thoughts.3.2 Social and Cultural Codes3.2.1 Holden Feels Hard to Communicate with the SocietyHolden finds his position and his cherished value nowhere in the society. New York is the miniature of American society. Here, phoniness is the only thing standing out and the offence among individuals is unavoidable. He sees through the phoniness of headmaster of Elton Hills School and he mourns for the commitment of suicide of his classmate. Once he indignantly denounced the whole system of e ducation: “…and all you do isstudy, so that you can learn enough to be smart enough to be able to buy a Cadillac some day, and you have to keep making believe you give a damn if the football team loses, and all you do is talk about girls and liquor and sex all day, and everybody sticks together in these dirty little goddamn clicks” (Salinger, 2001: 137). However, nobody can understand Holden?ssufferings, and shout at him: “you don?t do one damn thing the way you?re supposed to…” Holden is really so. Holden is full of profound wisdom, abundant imagination, the fervency to explore the unknown and the eagerness for love and understanding. To search for beauty and chastity in a world full of vulgarity and preciosity-this is where his tragedy lies in. After experiencing lots of setbacks and failures, gradually he drifts himself apart from his surroundings. So, the fact that he is expelled from the school is his conscious choice of morality, but not because of his disability.In the process of his hard search for love, Holden, with such dejection, “find out that it is hardly possible for individuals to contact and communicate with in the current society. They are either selfish or foolish, and they show little interest in the exchange of thoughts and feelings. Hol den can?t establish honest understandings with others. For instance, when he tries to communicate with Sally Hages, this …queen of phonies? (Salinger, 2001: 123), he sadly finds out that this girl can hardly follow him. Sally is already adulterated. Her interest lies in showing off her figure in mini-skirt, but not in Holden?s spiritual sufferings.” This disability to c ommunicate depends on his depression and the gap between the society and himself.3.2.2 The Background of Holden’s EraAfter the Second World War, America has welcomed agolden age with largely improved living standard and economic social prosperity that America has never reached. Spiritually, however, the ethical standard and values are melting, and the actual poverty of people?s mind does no t match the material prosperity, which gradually triggers the anxiety and dissatisfaction of people?s pursuit of spiritual life. In this social context, J.D. Salinger published the Catcher in the Rye, a story of Holden Caulfield.After the Second World War, there is no tranquility in the United States. A sense of optimism produced by the postwar prosperity i s vitiated by “cold war”. The seem ingly restored peaces do n?t come true at all. Far from being able to relax and enjoy the fr uits of victory, Americans face more serious and more intractable problems than ever before. It is true that the country is richer and more powerful, but acute tensions and divisions accompany the prosperity. The national mood is nervous, aggressively defensive and lost. America becomes a nation with no fixed standard, or belief. American society is like whatC. Wright Mills and Paul Goodman say in their works in 1950s and 1960s. Mill angrily contends in The Power Elite that a quite small interlocking directorate of corporation heads and military chieftains governs the U.S. And in Growing up Absurd, Goodman argues that the goals of American society are shoddy, and so the American adolescent declines to fit himself for full membership. Holden in The Catcher in the Rye is the American hero, who had done something to change the situation and the society. The character of Holden, on one hand, has reflected the social and cultural codes in America, and on the other hand, Holden has been completely shaped by them.Ⅳ. Holden’s Desire and the Agony in His Inner HeartHolden is a boy with many salient characteristics. He is sensitive, kind, inconsistent between his outward actions and thoughts. Wandering desperately in the labyrinth of human society, he yearns for impartiality and has a strong sense of justice. He is extremely tired of the hypocrisy and degradation in modern society, he chooses to adopt a kind of cynical and resentful attitude towards his life and tries to resort to the childhood innocence to preserve the sacredness and solemnity of humanity. However, Holden is not a complete and brave rebel against the society and criticizing the social character image. On the one hand, he always struggles between “catcher” and“cliff”. On the other hand, Holden is very infatuated with childhood. This is mainly embodied in H olden?s psychological world of emotional attachment and protection for children. In the book, The Catcher in the Rye, he often mentions his brother Allie and his sister Phoebe. The memory of his brother baseball glove, the memory of Allie death, buying records for Phoebe, ting skates for children in central park are clear in Holden?s mind. These psychology and behavior reflect Holden?s love to children. So he wants to be a catcher in the rye to save children?s life. 4.1 The Desire of Holden’s Inner World4.1.1 The Attitude to the Reality World.Holden is a representative of the existentialist who regards things as irrational and absurd, without explanation. On the one hand, he feels that everyone?s ex istence ismeaningless, futile, and everyone?s attitude is impenetrable and absurd. Holden is acute enough to perceive the monotonous, chaotic, senseless, despair and death-like atmosphere in the modern world. Thus he gradually comprehends the predicament for many people that they are no more than vile bodies or livingdead. One of the underlying principles of the existentialism is that life is a series of choices creating stress. Also in this novel, Holden faces a lot of choices, to be a catcher in the rye or a deaf-mute, to adapt to the “phony” mainstream or to live a self-imposed exile life, thus in this way he may be able to preserve the innocence and pursuit his own freedom. Holden is facing an existential crisis everyone modern man is facing at that time.“Phony” which is probably the most famous phrase from The Catcher in the Rye, is one of Holden?s favorite concepts. It is his knowledge for describing the superficiality, hypocrisy, exaggeration, and shallowness that he encounters in the world around him. Phony, for Holden, stands as an emblem of everything that?s wrong in the world around him and provides an excuse for him to withdraw into his cynical isolation. Holden?s definition of phony relies mostly on a kind of self-deception: lying to others is also a kind of phony, a type of deception that indicates insensitivity, indifference, or even cruelty. But Holden himself is guilty of both these crimes. His casual and repeated lying highlights his own self-deception, through his lying and deception, Holden proves that he is just as guilty of phony as the people he criticizes. Holden can find all sorts of false in Pencey Prep and New York. Hypocrites and their hypocritical games are the epitome of America at the specific historical era. The frequent appear ance of such affect terms as “how sorry I was…”, “I feel sorry as hell…”, “I didn?t feel much like…”, “I didn?t like hearing…”, “I really hate…”, “I sort of hate…”, “I hope not…”(Salinger, 2001:119), tells readers that what the narrator was doing at that moment was not what he felt like doing. He was completely in a passive position, and he was definitely not in the mood of listening to a serious lecture about his being kickedout of school. That is the r eflection of “Phony” in the society.4.1.2The Desire to Be a Guardian of Children’s Innocence and PurityHolden is trying to make the best of his life, though ultimately losing that battle. In Holden?s eyes, childhood is the best time of a person?s life. He feels love and warmth from his little sister Phoebe and other children and experiences the most valuable feelings that can?t be obtai ned in the adult world, where the adults can not survive without suspense and lies. Holden depressingly discovered, however, that innocent childhood is being invaded by the wickedness of the adult world. He decides to become a catcher in the rye to protect the children. Holden is seeking a new home-a place where it will not exist in the reality but in the children?s innocent world. It is a testament to his innocence and pure spirit that Holden would place the safety and well-being children as a goal in his lifetime. And that is what Salinger believes: the goodness of human world is rooted in the children?s innocence. It is in that state that human beings are genuine and open in their love foe one another. Holden?s obsession with childhood comes to the extent that he wishes it to last forever. And the only worthwhile task to which he can devote himself is that of the protector who stops kids before they enter the world of destruction and phoniness and keeps them in a state of arrested innocence. This serves to only repeat the fact that Holden is a sympathetic character, a person of high moral values who is too weak to pick himself up from a difficult situation.4.2 The Lonelines s of Holden’s Inner World4.2.1 The Echo of Holden’s Inner HeartHolden is eager for love, and he himself is also full of love.But ironically for such a person who is full of love, he always feel lost and lonesome. In the novel, Holden?s loneliness is men tioned in many places. According to Holden?s narration, there are thirty times when he feels “damn lonesome and depressed.” In Chapter 7, after fighting with his roommate Stradlater, Holden goes into Ackley?s room, and then he goes over and looks out the window. He narrates, “I felt so lonesome, all of a sudden. I almost wished I was dead.”(Salinger, 2001: 52). “It was even depressing out in the street. You couldn?t even hear any cars any more. I got feeling so lonesome and rotten.”(Salinger, 2001: 53). In Chapter 19, Holden goes to the Wicker Bar to meet Luce who was supposed to be his student adviser, he also feels “lonesome as hell.” The n he is drunk, dunks his head right up to the ears in one of the washbowls with cold water. After that, he walks over to the radiator by the window and sat down on it. Having nothing to do there, he keeps sitting onthe floor. Finally he gets down of the radiator and goes to the hat-check room. At this time, “he was crying and all. I don?t know why, but I was, I guess it wa s because I was feeling so down depressed and lonesome.”(Salinger, 2001: 159). No matter what kind of a student Holden is, he is surely to be depressed in his inner heart when being kicked out of school. Holden, a 16-year-old clever and sensitive boy, feels terrible about being kicked out. The reason that he stops by to say goodbye to the teacher, may not only for politeness, but also hopes to get consolation and encouragement from a “respectable” teacher. Since he d oes not get what he wanted except that de pressing lecture, he felt even more “depressed”.4.2.2 Holden’s Puzzlement to the Adult WorldHolden?s loneliness, a more concrete manifestation of hisalienation problem, is a driving force throughout the novel. Holden behavior indicates his loneliness: he consistently shies away from difficulties and thus doesn?t really know why he keeps behaving as he does. Because Holden depends on his isolation to maintain his indifference from the world and to maintain a level of self-protection, he often purposely destroys his own attempts to end his loneliness. Loneliness is the emotional manifestation of the alienation Holden experiences and it is both a source of great pain and a source of his security. As Joel said “he has been out of the relatively orderly world of the children, will have to find a way to the adult world. He was in such a confusing life, where he has to transform from a child into an adult.” (Joel, 1990: 45). This “confused transition stage” is adolescence, Holden is in such a life stage with mid-maturity. So his attitude towards the life and adult?s world has a lot of hesitation and instability, and particularly reflected in Holden?s attitude towards growth and social complex and contradictory.Both physical and emotional relationships offer Holden opportunity to break out of his isolated shell. They also represent what he fears most about the adult world: complexity, unpredictability, and potential for conflict and change. Holden is afraid of changing, as he says that some things should remain the old-fashioned way. We should consider that this is not impossible, but still this is a very bad thing. As he demonstrates at the Museum of Natural History, Holden likes the world to be silent and stable, predictable and unchanging. Because people are unpredictable, they challenge Holden and force him to question his sense of self-confidence and self-worth. For complex and unspokenreasons, seemingly causing by Allie?s death, as a result,。



麦田里的守望者故事梗概英文Holden is a hero students, came from affluent middle-class families. Although he is only 16 years old, but a higher than the common people, all day wearing a trench coat, wearing a cap, yo-yo sway reluctant to read. He was all the school - teachers, students, homework, game, etc., are all bored enough, once the school fencing team captain, three times has been expelled from school. Also one end of the semester, and he compounded five lessons in the four failed was expelled from school. He did not feel uncomfortable. And with the students in the room playing one, he left school at night, returned to New York City, but he dared not rush to go home. Late the same day moved into a small hotel. He saw in the hotel are some dubious individuals, there is a man dressed ladies, there is a mutual water spray,spray liquor men and women, their pleasure, self-conscious posturing to make Holden feel nausea and surprised. He was extremely bored, they go to nightclubs Si Hun for a while. Back to the hotel, when my heart still find it very tedious and boring, muddled Maurice agreed to lift work, so that he called a prostitute. A prostitute to his nervous fear, the final prices are set by speaking to the five money and sent her away.The next day was Sunday, Holden wandering the streets, I met two sisters, has donated 10 yuan. Later, his girlfriend, Sally went to see a show, went ice-skating. Sally saw that fake love fake and just look like Holden is very gratification, both a noisy, sub-hands. Holden then went to see a movie alone, went to the bar and drink with an old classmate, drunk. He walked into the toilet, wash basin with cold head inserted into the flooding for a while, only to wake up. However, out of the barswas cold Fengyi Chui, and his hair was frozen. He thought of himself may be suffering from pneumonia and died, therefore, never meet again sister, phenanthrene and pyrene, and decided to venture back home and her goodbye.Holden secretly returned home, but fortunately parents went out to play. His wake-up phenanthrene and pyrene, to tell her own anguish and ideals. He told his little sister, and he will want to be a "Catcher in the Rye": "So a group of children in a large wheat field where play games. Thousands of tens of thousands of children, no one is around - no one Your honor, I mean - except me. I do, on the cliff edge that bastard. My job is to watch there, and if there are children to the edge of the precipice which Ben Lai, I'll catch him - I was said the children were in the mad rush and did not know where he was heading to run. I have to come out from where to catch them.I have all day to do such a thing. I just want to when a Catcher In The Rye. " Later, the parents returned, hid in the closet scared Holden. And other parents to the bedroom, he hurriedly slipped out of the house, to a respected teacher, he spend the night in the home. But sleep at night, he found that the teacher may be gay, so had to escape secretly to the station waiting room overnight.Holden did not want to go home, do not want to go to school, and decided to go west to make a living, doing a deaf and dumb, but he wants to leave, goodbye to his sister the one hand, so he asked people to bring a note to her, about her to the door to meet the museum's Museum of Art. After a good appointment time for a while and finally came phenanthrene and pyrene, but dragging a large suitcase filled with his clothes, she will go with the western Yaogen brother. Finally, because of his littlesister persuasion failed, Holden had to abandon the west of the line, took her to the zoo and parks to play for a while. Phenanthrene and pyrene carousel ride, cheer up. It began to rain cats and dogs. Holden appointed body heavy rain to get wet, sitting on the bench, watching phenanthrene and pyrene by a revolving circle, and my heart very happy, and almost yelling up, Holden decided not to run off.After returning home soon, Holden gave birth to the field seriously ill, was again sent to a nursing home. Discharge will be sent to schools where it is not trying hard to learn well, not at all interested in Holden of all.。



英语阅读带翻译:麦田里的守望者Old Phoebe said something then,but I couldn't hearher.She had the side of her mouth right smack on the pillow, and I couldn't hear her.老菲碧这时说了句什么话,我没听清。


"What?" I said. "Take your mouth away. I can't hear you with your mouth that way."“什么?”我说,“把你的头拿开。


”"You don’t like anything that' s happening.”“你不喜欢正在发生的事情,所有的。

”It made me even more depressed when she said that.她这么一说,我心里不由得更烦了。

"Yes I do. Yes I do. Sure I do. Don't say that. Why the hell do you say that?"“我喜欢,我喜欢,我当然喜欢。


你干吗要说这种见鬼的话呢?”"Because you don't. You don’t like any schools. Youdon't like a million things. You don’t."“因为你不喜欢。




”"I do! That' s where you're wrong—that's exactly where you’re wrong! Why the hell do you have to say that?" I said. Boy, was she depressing me.“我喜欢!你错就错在这里—你完完全全错在这里!你为什么非要说这种见鬼的话呢?”我说。



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A Comparison between Scarlett O’Hara and Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Feminism 184 从功能对等理论角度看校训的汉英翻译原则185 《推销员之死》中男主人公悲剧命运分析186 中英文化差异与英语教学187 缺乏包容性:浅析简爱中女主人公的性格塑造188 浅析《老人与海》中桑提亚哥的性格189 浅析习语翻译中的语用失误190 浅析合作原则和礼貌原则在商务信函中的运用191 《夏日鸟笼》的女性主义解读192 从《胎记》看霍桑对科学的态度193 评爱伦坡哥特小说中的恐怖美194 对比研究中西文化中的委婉语195 从餐桌礼仪看中西文化差异196 英语习语陷阱及其学习策略197 认知语境与人名隐喻的翻译研究—基于《红楼梦》英译文的个案研究198 论林纾翻译小说中的翻译策略199 英文歌曲名称翻译浅析200 《日用家当》中的黑人文化意象分析。



最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 论口译中的跨文化意识2 An Analysis of Ecological Ideas in Walden3 目的论在英文电影片名汉译中的应用4 英文电影片名汉译研究5 《太阳照样升起》内外的迷惘一代6 对夏洛蒂勃朗特《简爱》中简爱的女性主义分析7 《到灯塔去》的象征性隐喻分析8 《老友记》中话语标记语的语用主观性研究9 从文化视角浅谈旅游英语翻译10 Redefinition of Heroism in The Red Badge of Courage11 从许渊冲的“三美论”看唐诗中的典故翻译12 从社会符号学角度浅谈汉语“一”字成语翻译13 《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识的体现14 On Social Function of English Euphemism Expression15 论广告定位中的文化冲突及对策16 Translation of Gududeqiu from the Perspective of Qian Zhongshu’s Realm of Sublimation17 高中英语写作教学交往的模式及其策略18 试论提高初中英语作业的效果19 英文影片名汉译中的文化多元性初探20 隐喻在英语新闻标题中的功能21 论《小镇畸人》中人物的怪诞性22 旅游翻译中的文化差异和处理策略23 威廉·戈尔丁《蝇王》中的写作艺术24 浅析《野性的呼唤》中的人性25 英汉委婉语的对比及翻译26 《大学英语》听力理解中的石化现象与对策27 旅游翻译中的跨文化语用失误28 浅析中西方饮食文化差异29 麦当劳法则及其在美国社会的影响30 《儿子与情人》中女性形象的圣经原型解读31 从及物性角度分析童话的文体特征32 从功能对等理论谈汉语成语的英译33 An Interpretation of China Boy from the Perspective of Post-colonialism34 跨文化视角视阈下英语电影片名的翻译研究35 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析36 论商务谈判口译员的角色37 论跨文化人才非语言交际能力的培养38 美国梦的开始与破灭—试析菲茨杰拉德的《夜色温柔》39 文化负载词的翻译40 Translation Strategies about V acant Words in Dreams of the Red Mansion41 《乱世佳人》女主人公斯嘉丽的性格分析42 简爱的独立与反叛性格分析43 中西方饮食文化对比44 以“三美论”对比《登高》两个英译版本的“意美”与“音美”45 辩证论视域下神似与形似的相互关系研究46 中美幼儿教育对比研究47 Pursuing a Harmonious Man-Woman Relationship In The Thorn Birds48 海明威“冰山原理”在《永别了,武器》中的应用及对写作的指导意义49 关联理论视角下的新闻翻译50 网络英语词汇探究51 从象征主义视角看《阿拉比》和《一个干净明亮的地方》52 从功能翻译理论看《风声》的字幕翻译策略53 从模因论视角看年度流行语“给力”54 论双性同体理论下的《达洛卫夫人》55 从社会语言学角度解读《蜗居》对话折射的生存焦虑56 英汉习语文化差异浅析57 从《大卫科波菲尔》女性人物形象分析来看狄更斯以女性为中心的家庭观58 《夜访吸血鬼》中的模糊性别观59 An Analysis of English Pronunciation Teaching in Elementary Schools60 高中生对语法态度的研究61 论《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突与兼容62 从生态批评视域解读《热爱生命》63 在文化教学中提高英语学习者的跨文化交际能力64 浅析英语广播新闻的语言特色65 What to Love and Hate ----on "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"66 汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移67 电影《刮痧》所体现出的文化冲突与融合68 A Comparison of the English Color Terms69 浅析《道林·格雷的画像》中的享乐主义70 《女勇士》中美国华裔身份危机的探寻71 浅析托尔金在《魔戒》中的创作特色72 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的女性主义形象分析73 中西方文化中的节日比较74 语用模糊及语用功能75 少儿英语学习中的情感因素分析76 礼貌策略在商务信函中的应用77 论童话《小王子》的象征创作78 从《永别了,武器》试析海明威心目中的理想女性79 《浮生六记》英译本文化词翻译策略探析(开题报告+论文)80 浅析《喜福会》中的母女关系81 关键词法在英语词汇学习中的效果研究82 论广告英语的语言特色83 哈代小说《绿林荫下》的视觉呼唤84 论《一个温和的建议》中的黑色幽默85 解读奥斯丁小说《诺桑觉寺》对哥特传统的模仿与颠覆86 中学生词汇自主学习对阅读能力影响初探87 福克纳笔下的“南方淑女”--从互文视角解析凯蒂和艾米莉的边缘化形象特征88 论《麦田里的守望者》中的象征体系及霍尔顿的精神世界89 美国C标准对中国英语教育的影响90 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响91 试比较《汤姆索亚历险记》与《哈克贝利芬历险记》中主人公性格异同点92 浅析哈利波特中的女巫形象93 东西方文化中团队意识的差别94 功能对等视角下记者招待会古诗词翻译策略研究95 论密西西比河对马克•吐温和《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的影响96 Culture Teaching in College English Listening Classrooms97 如何提高学生的自主学习能力98 美国拓荒运动中的新女性形象--读威拉凯瑟《我的安东妮娅》99 On Freudian Interpretation of Dreams In Sense and Sensibility100 从功能对等和文化语境差异角度看商务英语翻译技巧101 论《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的悲剧之源102 Analyses of the Morels’Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers103 从异化法和归化法看中式菜单翻译104 广播英语的语言学分析105 《麦田中的守望者》中霍尔顿的异化106 《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻107 从文化负载词褒贬意义看中西文化差异108 文化差异在中美雇员协作中的问题分析109 论象征在海明威《永别了,武器》中的应用110 浅析《老人与海》中人与自然的和谐之美111 女性意识的觉醒——评《雨中的猫》中的人物对比描写112 英汉基本颜色文化内涵对比113 A Tragedy of Ambition on Macbeth114 马克•吐温悲观主义及其产生原因初探115 浅析商务谈判中的恭维语应用116 比较中美民事诉讼文化的价值取向117 功能对等理论视角下汉语新词的翻译118 《苏菲的选择》中的人性分析119 论《呼啸山庄》中人性的转变120 从宝洁公司的运营模式看美国文化的多样性121 浅析奥斯卡王尔德童话作品中的唯美主义思想122 《还乡》中的生态女性主义解读123 A Comparison of the English Color Terms124 如何用英语作精彩演讲125 对比分析《喜福会》中母女美国梦和母女冲突的原因及表现126 论《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中麦琪的悲剧127 浅论《查泰莱夫人的情人》中的女权主义128 超验主义思想在惠特曼诗歌中的体现129 对《看得见风景的房间》的象征主义解读130 中国后与美国迷惘一代文化认同感的比较131 A Study of Intertextuality in Advertising Text132 论《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》中的人物关系及象征意义133 中美大学课堂文化比较研究134 Positive Transfer of Chinese Reading Strategies in English Reading Comprehension 135 初中英语课堂教学的任务型活动设计136 英汉委婉语的跨文化对比研究137 《欢乐之家》中丽莉追求婚姻时的自我矛盾138 西方饮食文化给中国餐饮业经营者带来的若干启示139 合作原则在《傲慢与偏见》中的运用140 论外语教学中的文化导入141 商务谈判中的模糊语的使用142 中西文化差异对英语俚语翻译的影响143 浅析《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中的自由144 论汉语成语中数字英译的语用等效性145 中西方家庭观比较研究146 《藻海无边》中边缘女性的生存与救赎147 美剧字幕中的译者主体性——以美剧Gossip Girl第一季为例148 英语中介语无标志被动语态的错误分析149 A CP-based Analysis of Humor in Friends150 黑人英语与非裔美国黑人文化的研究151 (英语系经贸英语)论苹果公司的撇脂定价策略152 《推销员之死》中丛林法则的牺牲品153 从僵尸和吸血鬼比较中西方文化的异同154 从中国传统民居乔家大院和西方哥特式教堂看中西文化差异155 母语在小学英语学习中的正迁移156 解析《简爱》的帝国主义意识157 动机对中学英语学习的影响158 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting159 用本我,自我,超我的弗洛伊德理论来解析《红字》160 师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析161 衔接理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用162 霍尔顿的人生之旅--《麦田里的守望者》之存在主义解读163 王尔德家庭道德观在《认真的重要性》中的体现164 如何培养大学生英语阅读理解技能165 从目的论的角度浅析美国电影字幕翻译166 A Study of AP’s News Reports from the Angle of Cooperative Principle167 中西方送礼文化差异分析168 由福克纳短篇小说中的女性看南方身份没落169 论《愤怒的葡萄》中的生态批评思想170 英汉“红色”与“黑色”词汇的对比研究171 英汉被动结构对比研究172 浅析英语语言中的性别歧视及消除语言歧视的策略173 On the Combination of Romanticism and Realism in John Keats’s Poems174 试从大卫•科波菲尔分析狄更斯的人道主义精神175 Analysis of Advertisements Based on the Cooperative Principle176 女权主义及其对英语语言中性别歧视的影响177 女性形象下的女权主义思想——浅析汤亭亭小说《女勇士》178 有效的英语新闻结构分析179 超验主义思想和美国总统的就职演说180 浅析好莱坞英雄主义中的传统英雄和反英雄形象181 非英语专业大学生英语学习动机调查182 中英隐私禁忌语对比分析183 中英手机短信的修辞特点分析184 中西方大学中第二课堂的角色研究185 On the Functions of Metaphor in Obama’s Inau gural Address186 中美文学作品中乌鸦意象的对比——以爱伦坡“乌鸦”与唐诗宋词为例187 A New Woman’s Journey in To the Lighthouse188 从《到灯塔去》中莉丽•布里斯科的性格发展看维吉妮亚•伍尔夫的双性同体理论189 从《悲悼三部曲》看尤金•奥尼尔对古希腊悲剧的继承性超越190 伯莎梅森形象分析191 论《织工马南》中的象征意义192 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的反叛和自我救赎193 英汉翻译中词汇空缺现象及翻译策略194 社会实践活动对大学生的重要性195 Effects of Globalization on Translation–An Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization 196 英语委婉语的语用分析197 A Study of the Differences between Chinese and American Business Etiquette198 An Analysis of Fagin in Oliver Twist199 南北战争新思想在女性中的体现——浅析《小妇人》200 人格、环境与命运——以弗洛伊德“人格结构理论”分析《还乡》中的主要人物命运。


和大多数人不一样,我中学或更小的时候没读过这本书,读它的初衷是因为它就是一个叛逆的孩子的絮絮叨 叨,展现着强烈的自我意识和隐形思维的流动过程,语言很俗也很有趣。那时候我意识到,即使似乎长大了,自 己内心也还有霍尔顿的投影——胆怯的、思虑过盛的、自我意识强烈的……面对现实,我心里也有霍尔顿,所以 无法挥舞出畅想中的那一拳;向往着凯鲁亚克式自由和远方,最后却休息在家中或精神病院。
一个不成熟的人的标志是他愿意为了某个理由而轰轰烈烈地死去,而一个成熟的人的标志是他愿意为了某个 理由而谦恭地活下去。'”
不管那种离别是伤感的还是糟糕的,但是在离开一个地方时,我希望我明白我正在离开它。如果不明白,我 甚至会更加难受。
不管怎么样,我老是想象一大群小孩儿在一大块麦田里玩一种游戏,有几千个,旁边没人——我是说没有岁 数大一点儿的——我是说只有我。我会站在一道破悬崖边上。我要做的,就是抓住每个跑向悬崖的孩子——我是 说要是他们跑起来不看方向,我就得从哪儿过来抓住他们。我整天就干那种事,就当个麦田里的守望者得了。我 知道这个想法很离谱,但这是我唯一真正想当的,我知道这个想法很离谱。”
读起来令人沮丧的一本书。一个美国少年朴实的语言,粗俗的口吻,乃至直觉性、非理性的视角,都跃然纸 上。这片麦田的守望者,当遗世孤独的他走在街上,城市会是怎样的色彩?书中展示了这部分。
读完麦田这本书,起先没有太看懂。书本的结尾,妹妹的善良纯真打动了 Holden,原本打算离家出走的他 决定回家好好和父母在一起。
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 精彩摘录 06 作者介绍



麦田里的守望者名句英文以下是《麦田里的守望者》中的一些名句的英文原文:1. "If you don't want to be a tree, you better run like hell, because death is coming to the forest." - Holden Caulfield2. "I keep thinking how great it would be to be a catcher in the rye again. You know, like when I was little. You know the one I mean?" - Holden Caulfield3. "I can't believe how much I know is wrong with this world, and how much I don't know." - Holden Caulfield4. "If you're not careful, the same things that make you love a person can get you pretty much killed." - Holden Caulfield5. "The biggest joke about life is that everyone's got an opinion, but the joke is, opinions don't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do." - Holden Caulfield6. "The secret to life is to not mind as much." - Holden Caulfield7. "I keep thinking how great it would be to be a pirate. You know, like when I was little. You know the one I mean?" - Holden Caulfield8. "The thing is, I was just sort of kidding myself, because who in their right mind would want to be a catcher in the rye?" - Holden Caulfield。



英文书书评这是一篇对某英文书的书评,该书名为《The Catcherin the Rye》,中文译名为《麦田里的守望者》。

这本书是由美国作家J.D. Salinger于1951年首次出版的。












综合来说,《The Catcher in the Rye》这本书深入浅出,透露着一股与众不同的思维方法,让读者产生对这个世界的深刻思考。


麦田里的守望者 英文介绍:

麦田里的守望者 英文介绍:

Plot Summary
• After leaving his parents' apartment, Holden then drops by to see a former, and much admired, English teacher, Mr. Antolini,and is offered advice on life and a place to sleep. • Holden is upset when he wakes up in the night to find Mr. Antolini patting his head in a way that he perceives as "flitty." • Holden leaves and spends his last afternoon
written in a subjective style from the point of view of its protagonist, Holden Caulfield, following his exact thought process (a writing style known as stream of consciousness). • There is flow in the seemingly disjointed ideas and episodes; for example, as Holden sits in a chair in his dorm, minor events such as picking up a book or looking at a table, unfold into discussions about experiences. • Critical reviews agree that



About Holden
Holden is a middle-school student,although he only then 16 years old, but stands head and shoulders above others compared to the average man, all day is putting on the windproof raincoat, wears the duckbill cap, loafs,and is not willing to study.He finds in school all teachers, schoolmates, schoolwork, sports match and so on, all boring thoroughly.A semester had ended, and 4 of his 5 schoolworks dool authorities,he is dismissed. Holden shares a dream (based on a mishearing of Robert Burns' Comin' Through the Rye) acting himself as the sole guardian of numerous children playing in a huge rye field on the edge of a cliff. His job is to catch the children in case that they wander close to the brink; Holden believes that to be a "catcher in the rye" means to save children from losing their innocence. Holden describes everything as 'phoney' and is constantly in search of sincerity. Holden represents the early hero of adolescent angst, but full of life, he is the great literary opposite of Goethe's young Werther.



《麦田里的守望者》原作名称(英文书名《The Catcher in the Rye》)《麦田里的守望者》是美国作家杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格创作的长篇小说,于1951年首次出版。








英文 麦田里的守望者

英文   麦田里的守望者

麦田的守望着《The Catcher in the Rye》第一部分:"The Catcher in the Rye" is the only novel of American writer Jerome David Salinger.The novel describes the hero Holton for social confusion and helplessness, for the dream life burst. The bursting of the dream reflects the situation of society. Anger and anxiety is two themes of the book. This article caused us to contemporary social status thinking. This book is known as one of the classic works of American literature of the twentieth Century.第二部分:This book hero young holden is expelled from school for four courses. He wears peaked cap, large dust coat, smoking, drinking. His character has the ugly side as well as their own ideals of pure side, he is also against to reality.Holton Calder was a student of sixteen who was born in a wealthy middle class family in New York. Teachers and parents forced him to study hard in order to become a wealthy people. But what he did in school was something like women, wine and sex, he couldn’t stand all around. He had no desire to study hard, when he was expelled from school the fourth times, he did not dare to go home. He waswandering alone in New York City the most prosperous city of America one day and two nights, he couldn’t help and cuddled with his vanity girlfriend. At the same time, he is very depressed, he was attempt to escape the false adult world, and found pure and truth. This spirit is not accordant contradictions finally made him thoroughly collapse, which made him lie in a mental hospital.It was not hard to see that the hero has a pure and good, the pursuit of a better life and the lofty ideals of childlike innocence. He is very disgusted and helpless to those people who are keen on sex and wine, he feel aversion to his power false principal. From his multiple and struggle inner world we can see his stray of his inner world. He wiped the words which were intolerable to the eye on walls, he generously donated when he met nun. He took care of his sister with sincere love, he even wanted to be a "crop of the watchers" to protect the children for all of his life. All these things let us see the love of the hero in his inner pure and peaceful world. Unfortunately these some cynical strong thought caused negative resistance. Sensitive, curious, pins of his heart needed to vent. Impulsive adolescent psychology makes the hero disgusted in study once again. Do not makeprogress, the pursuit of stimulation, or even be cynical, which made a rebellious attitude grew and expanded. However, he felt there is no one could be trusted in adult world. Finally, he remembered these theories“A mark of the immature man is that he wants to die in heroic way, A mark of the mature man is that he wants to live in humble wa y”. He could not endure in the social reality of the ways of the world, what he longed for is simple and sincere, but what he met was hypocrisy and deceit. When he found himself unable to change the present situation, he became depressed and helpless. There only left pang, hesitation and indulgence in his heart. The last he even wanted to escape from the real world,he wanted to be a deaf and dumb and went to the hinterland. All this tragedy is in the specific environment and context which caused by.In the 1950 s the United States is a quite chaotic period, World War II has not dissipated the haze, the cold war flared again. On one hand the technology developed rapidly; on the other hand, people lacked the ideal and felt depression, because of their unable to change the big social background, they lived in a muddy lethargy life. So Holton was one of them, he lived in a nonstriving life with smokingand drinking. Fortunately he did not made himself drug, because in his deep heart, there were always exist a beautiful and distant dream for him to chase. He also wanted to keep this his original intention——The Catcher in the Rye第三部分:To be honest, when I read the book For the first time, I didn't like Holden Caulfield. I thought he was a bad student, for he doesn't study hard, and he is always talking about women, he drinks a lot of alcohol. All in all he lives a decadent life. In his mind, he doesn't have lofty ideals, such as to be a scientist, a teacher, or an engineer. His dream is just to be a catcher in the rye. However when I read the story of Holden for the second time, my views changed a lot.I began to feel sympathy for him and think he is a good boy in nature. The reason why he turns to be a bad guy is the environment around him. His teachers tell him to study hard just in order to buy an expensive car in the future. His president treats different students with different attitudes. He smiles to the students from rich families, makes handshakes with their parents initiatively, but he shows unfriendliness to the students from poor families. The hypocritical side of the adult world makes Holden verydisappointed, so he uses the alcohol to anaesthetize himself. He thinks he could use the extreme ways to escape from the world or attract the attentions of the adults. On the contrary, he is just a boy who has mental problems in the eyes of the adults. The ending of the story is not a happy one, in another words; the whole story is a tragedy."The catcher in the Rye" is valued, not just because the author has created a new style of art; use the first person to talk the book, but also because it highlights the spiritual essence of a capitalist society. People live a life not only need material, but also a spirit in life. And in a relatively affluent society, the spiritual life is often more important than the material life. Children live in the new era gradually find the essence of confusion. They also understand the gap between the reality and the dream is inevitable. Learn to refuse indecision and flawless, and let the dream enkindles in life may be a better state.We university students’ minds contemporary are becoming increasingly complicate than ever before. They are also pondering their fates and futures like Holden did, who need more love and guidance on the way to grow-up. “To love and be loved”, is what we are calling for.I could not help stir when behave study life over the years, had become numb to their own, gradually recognized the false side of the community have begun to integrate themselves into the subconscious which became a part of them. The total does not admit the reality that we reside in a carefree childhood. Parents taught us how to go step by step his castle fortification. First of all have to go to school, put aside all the tempting things around, then we must strive to realize their social value. In short, everything seems to be style. Maybe we could do it their favorite, but others may think what we do is wasting time.Keep watch, a pure sky, take one's ease, travel in the endless spirit space and can not extricate themselves; keep watch, a pair of dream hunter eyes, act recklessly and care for nobody, eager to owe opinionated pleasure. Rye, Catcher, what a beautiful picture. People will fall into deep reverie inadvertently, and indulge in the hero's inner world.。



麦田里的守望者英语摘抄Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable.记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。


Apart from tears, only time could wear everything away. While feeling is being processed by time, conflicts would be reconciled as time goes by, just like a cup of tea that is being continuously diluted.能冲刷一切的除了眼泪,就是时间,以时间来推移感情,时间越长,冲突越淡,仿佛不断稀释的茶。

Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God.怨言是上天得至人类最大的供物,也是人类祷告中最真诚的部分Wisdom appears in contradiction to itself, which is a trick life plays on philosophy of life.智慧的代价是矛盾。


Girls always look on themselves as proud princesses, with the exception of a small number of either extremelyugly or exceedingly smart ones.世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外)。

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学号140807025 57毕业论文题目:麦田里的守望者中霍尔顿的迷失与憧憬作者江英届别2012届学院外国语言文学专业英语指导教师任灏玮职称讲师完成时间二O一一年十二月The Loss and Yearning of Holden in The Catcher in the RyeJiang YingA Thesis SubmittedtoCollege of Foreign Languages & Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofBachelor of Artsin English Language and LiteratureSupervised byMs. Ren HaoweiHunan Institute of Science and TechnologyYueyang, HunanDecember, 2011AbstractThe Catcher in the Rye enacts the conflicts and confusions of the hero------Holden as he spares no effort to explore a peace and beautiful rye. Though The Catcher in the Rye has been much written about, this final article in the novel series give fresh insight to the character and the experience of Holden and the loss and yearning of Holden Caulfield. Many critics have approached this book with different perspectives,such as society, history, culture and religion. Their critical reviews, however, focus more on the psychological analysis of the hero and the contradiction between people and authority. However,few critics have studied the initiation process of the protagonist and touched on the theme of initiation in the novel. Based on these previous studies,the present thesis is intended to conduct a systematical study of The Catcher in the Rye in how to accommodate oneself to the compete society. The thesis divides into four chapters. Chapter One introduces the perspective adopted in this thesis--the source of Holden's loss and yearning.Chapter Two offers a brief introduction of Holden's way to struggle against the loss and yearning. Chapters Three present a detailed analysis of Holden’s development of loss and yearning. Chapter Four is a summary of the conclusions that we have come to.To sum up, this article told us that one should accommodate himself to live in the society.Key words: The Catcher in the Rye; Holden; loss; yearning摘要《麦田里的守望者》成功塑造了霍尔顿这一反英雄形象,该书已成为公认的当代美国文学,乃至世界文学的经典。





关键字:《麦田里的守望者》、霍尔顿、迷失、憧憬ContentsIntroduction ·······································································································v i 1 The source of Holden's loss and yearning ·······················错误!未定义书签。

1. 1 The life experiences of Holden (2)1. 2 The characteristics of Holden (3)2 Holden's way to struggle between loss and yearning (3)2. 1 The struggle against school (3)2. 2 The struggle against New York City (5)3 The development of Holden's loss and yearning (6)3. 1 The transition from yearning to loss (6)3. 2 The transition from loss to yearning (8)Conclusion (12)Works cited (13)Acknowledgments (14)IntroductionThe Catcher in the Rye is one of the most spectacular masterpiece in the literature field. It is widely acknowledged that the success of the novel lies not only in the authentic revelation of the inner world of the young generation, but also in the rendering of schoolboy vernacular used by the adolescents in the late 1940s and early 1950s. There appear a throng of people take an interest in it. It is mainly about the protagonist Holden's three days adventure in the street. He is a boy taller than his age peers, always wears rain coat and an old red hunting hat, likes wandering and hates schooling.And he was dismissed from school four times. After experiencing the great change from loss to yearning, he realized that as a human being, it is impossible that one can't isolate from others no matter how serious you are fed up with the world. Y ou have no choice but to adjust to it. So Holden decided to be a catcher in the real world .From loss to yearning, Holden experience the immense development. Finally, he learned to how to accommodate himself to the society to become the catcher in the real world.This thesis comprises of there parts. Part one mainly portrays the source of Holden's loss and yearning including his life experience and characteristics. Part two expounds the struggle against the school and the society. Then part three presents the transition from loss to yearning. The transition from loss to yearning for Holden is being a catcher in the rye, but have to be a cathcer in the society, not in the rye.1 The source of Holden's loss and yearningThe famous British poet William Blake stressed there were three stages in man's development: trueness,maturity,insight. It was imperative that parents and teachers must spare no effort to be a helpful guide to lead children to get themselves back, in case they got lost. Holden's bitter experiences and his frustrations were the tests and trials that he had to encounter and go through. He paid every effort to set a sound and harmonious relationship between the internal-Holden himself and the external-the outside society.(3) To sum up, thelife experiences and the characteristics of Holden lead to his loss and yearning.1.1 The life experiences of HoldenChild psychologist holds that adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 are on the stage of personality development. They're eager for their parents' understanding and approval. For Holden, not only the satisfy of material needed, but also the understanding, approval and love from his parents. Nevertheless, many adults can't relate to children. What's more, most of them adopted an air of indifference. Having exhausted the possibility of getting help from Phoebe and Mr.Antolini. Holden was certainly too tired to understand it and almost too tired to listen to.An unhappy home environment can also affect a child's behaviour, even a child's moral. Facing with the demanding anticipation of his parents, Holden got the axe to express his serious feelings. In this novel, Holden's father hadn't turned up, when he started to packing to leave school, he thought of his mother. In the cover of the paper, it said:“To my mother.”Holden wanted desperately the love and care from his mother. Fortunately, he was well acquainted with her brother and sister. But it was impossible for them to absorb the yearning of Holden. Obviously, the love from his brother and sister dominated him dramatically. Though he was beginning to withdraw into himself, he didn't want to be apart from his relations. It was the decisive factor that he went back to the society at last.Holden was kicked out for his serious subjects.“The more expensive a school is, the more crooks it has-I'm not kidding.”(4) He looked upon his school. The school Pency always offered the same meal--steak on Saturday in order to show the perfect education facility.Holden even maintained school had a very good academic rating was because lots of boys got more out of school than that.The school showed its desperate hypocrisy.“In fact, The Catcher in the Rye is jam packed with indictments against preschool education-its small minded teachers and even small minded students, it's boring classes and conformist atmosphere.”(Sanford 78)1.2 The characteristic of HoldenIn an article on adolescent in American fiction, Carpenter observes,“The quality which makes Holden Caulfield under the skin is that there's a common hatred of hypocricy.”Holden verbalizes his distaste for phoniness and cites concrete examples of cant and hypocrisy of promposity and platitudes.( qtd.in Marcus 1) Holden at Pency Prep where contemporary adult values are mirrored by the school patterns. Holden rejects the school, he is rejected by it.(Maraus 4) Holden was kind-hearted to everyone, both the one he liked and he hated. During his conversation with Mr.Spencer, he sort of admitted that he was a real moron. When Mr.Spencer found excuse for his flunking, Holden wrote the note deliberately the lectures which Mr.Spencer gave were very interesting. And it is all right if he was flunked so that Mr.Spencer wouldn't feel too serious about flunking him. For the significance of their meeting, John C.Unrue summarized it in this way: Their meeting played a important function. It showed the first of several failed attempts by potential adults guided to understand Holden, to gain his confidence and respect, so to gain his trust. Spencer failed for the same reason other adults failed: his anvice was inauthentic, stale, lacking in spontaneity and too far removed from its inspiring essence to resonate with Holden.(Unrue 106)Holden possessed a flabby personality. When he knew Jean dated with Stradlater, he was afraid Jean would be lured. So he felt like jumping off the washbowl and getting old Stradlater in a half nelson. Stradlater was a very strong guy, Holden was a very weak guy. So Holden was defeated and couldn't restrain Stradlater dated with Jean. But he also thought he was prior than Ackley, so he fought against him, and made his nose was bleeding all over the place. He admitted he was just partly yellow and partly the type that doesn't give much of a damn if some one lose their gloves.As a result of his flabby individuality, when Holden came to his truth to be a catcher, he sort of started to miss everyone and reach a compromise to the real world. What's more, in any relationship,you have to make compromises if you need to integrate into the world.Holden was also insightful and had maturity beyond his years. He rejectedthe pat formula with discerning cogency when he was told that life was a game that one played according to the rules.In his mind,“If you get on the side where all the hot-shots are, then it's a game. But if you get in the other side, where there aren't any hot-shots, then what's a game about it? Nothing, no game.”(5) Though he tried to integrated into the world, he couldn't obey the social rules. He said people always think something was true. He didn't give a damn, except that he got bore. Sometimes he acted a lot older than he was,but people never noticed it. And when people thought he still acted like he was only about twelve, he said:“It's partly true,too, but it isn't all true.”(10) As a matter of fact, Holden had a good grasp of moral purity of children. Adults lose their innocence as they grew older, they attained their goals in order to be grandstanding gradually. It also leaded to Holden's rebellion against the phony world. Holden's yearning was created owing to his insightand maturity.2. Holden's way to struggle between loss and yearningHolden possessed various kinds of characters. Though he was flabby and insightful, he also was a person who would be engaged in a bitter struggle with people to get control of his life. When he was coped with serious difficulties, he showed his rebellion against the world.2.1 The struggle against schoolHolden’s escape from school wa s the starting point of Holden’s escape. Having been flunked out of school four times, Holden totally found out the essence of school.In Holden’s eyes, modern education was not an education for the sake of enlightenment, but for an assured future. The school didn’t teach what students needed, nor told students to have their belief. Instead of creating sense individuality, such education only created a crowd of students in the same mould. He could envision what his life would be if he applied himself and went to college. In such kind of life, Holden found that he was just an institutionalized person, the same people as other people: having the same kind of life, doing the same kind of thing, and having the same reaction to the same incidents. It was obviously that Holden didn't like this kind of life. So he had the choice to leave the school to struggle against.2.2 The struggle against New York CityWhen Holden left school to New York City, the trip was not so exciting to him and just the opposite, it made him witness more ugly faces of the society. And he found that he could not mingle with the people around. He was completely disappointed to this city and this kind of society. So he told Sally that he hated it, he hated everything. He hated living in New York and all. So he wanted to escape from this city and this kind of society to the west to be a deaf-mute person.Finally, what he decided he would do, he decided he would go away. He decided he would never go home again and he'd never go away to another school again. He decided he'd just see old Phoebe and sort of say good-by to her and all, and give her back her Christmas dough. He wanted to go to the west to be a deaf-mute guy that meant he rejected to keep trying to communicate with others. So he wanted to leave. But he gave up this escape trip in the end because he was reluctant to leave the real world. Though he struggled against the school and the society, he possessed relationships with people around him. What he needed was the adjustment to the society.3 The development of Holden's loss and yearningHolden's three day's wandering in New York street reflected his loss in the life in a way. And the initial expression was the rebellion against the real world and to become a catcher in the rye. He possessed a completely different attitude to something around him. Holden had a paradoxical feelings when he got lost, he also began to possess another yearning. Similarly, when he lived in his own yearning, he was always being attacked by the real life, so he had to be lost.To sum up, Holden was always indulge in loss and yearning.3.1 The transition from yearning to lossHolden created a beautiful and peace image about the world. To his eyes, people should live together in perfect harmony. However, Holden just found himself confronted by massive opposition. He was depressed and in a confused state of mind. And the transition from yearning to loss only add to Holden'srebellion and confusion.3.1.1 About warHolden hated the death and war. “I don't think I could stand it if I had to go to war, you have to stay in the Army so goddam long. That's the whole trouble.”(142)Even what surprise him was that his brother D.B., though, he hated the war so much, and yet he got Holden to read this book A Farewell to Arms last summer. He said it was so terrific. That's what Holden couldn't understand. Though D.B. disliked war with intense hatred, he didn't possess enough ability to struggle.“If there's ever another war, I'm going to sit right the hell on top of it. I'll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will.”(142) However. The“another war”wouldn't come any longer. And Holden didn't get the chance to fight against it. So he had to give up to the real world.Once Holden had the yearning to try his best to struggle in the“another war”. With the time passed, he realized the another “war”wouldn't come any longer. So he got lost in the“war”. For Holden, social and physical problems led to the outbreak of the “war”.And these problems remained the soft underbelly of the“war”3.1.2 About the first yearningHolden had a habit:“I sort of started lighting matches. I do that quite a lot when I'm in a certain mood. I sort of let them burn down till I can't hold them any more, then I drop them in the ashtray.”(123) In a way, it was also a habit that he gave up to the phony world till he couldn't struggle against it any more. Then Holden had a furious debate with Sally. Though he didn't love her, he still disguised his attitude. He conceived that he would stay in the cabin camps and stuff liked that till the dough run out. And then he could get a job somewhere. No one could hardly be expected to understand how empty he felt, or knew how to responded to his cry for sympathy. The value about the true life of Sally showed great maturity in a way. Then Holden's voice faded to a whisper so that Sally couldn't hear him. At that very moment, Holden meaned to take the first step to gave up. It's a futile rebellion. He couldn't become familiar with the dark underbelly of life in the real life just like Sally, and he had little or nounderstanding of the real problems around him.3.1.3 About leaving homeLike most of us, Holden Caulfield continuously reconstructed himself. Where Holden outdoes most of us, however, was in the number of foci of the identities he attempted during only a few days. He was obsessed with his capacity to manufacture identities, the persona he produced as defences and consumed as spectacle.Holden assumed he left home and stayed alone in a cabin until somebody got sick and wanted to see him. He just permitted D.B. and Phoebe come to the cabin. At the same time, Phoebe also wanted to stay with him. However, Holden just wanted to stay with him, He just wanted to be a lonely catcher. He hoped to protect others from falling off the cliff.Because Holden has situated himself within a space of separation and change, Holden replayed past losses. And he feared future ones and thus the involvement that would preface them.Faced with the complex losses, Holden adopted a variety of approaches to be coped with the confusion. For Holden, he had to have some yearnings to foster better relation within the society. However, when he was solitary in the house, he sort of started to miss everybody. Holden's compromise was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.3.1.4 About the familyWalking along the street, Holden saw a father, a mother, and a little kid about six years old. He“sees”the family, but only in terms of his own situation. Without evidence he initially assumed that the parents were neglecting the boy who walked along the curb singing to himself,“If a body catch a body coming through the rye.”(158)For it was doubtful that the six-year-old, if he knowed the poem in the first place, duplicated Holden's misreading of the famous lines. What Holden“hears”anticipated the grandiose fantasy he would later relate to Phoebe in which he catched and saved children. For a moment he was charmed with his fantasy of a self-contained kid whose parents were at hand to protect him.The reason for Holden's delinerate misunderstanding was that Holden waseager to grasp an excuse for him to be a catcher, so he could do something to save the growing kids who were in danger of running off the cliff. No one needed a catcher to keep them from falling off the cliff. It is an appropriate description of the world, from Holden's point of view, since he would like to bea saviour and he certainly seemed to need saving.3.2 The transition from loss to yearningThough Holden tried to express his rebellion against the phony world in his own ways, such as lied to others and wore the red hat, ha always gave up to something.He yearned to live his life in a world with love and warmth and a world of peace. So every time when he got lost, he always had the yearning to overcome the confusions.3.2.1 About deathHolden had the imagination of his death. Even he would feel sorry as hell for his mother and father. He looked it the only good part that old Phoebe came to his funeral. In his mind, Phoebe should get away from death. He hated people coming and putting a bunch of flowers on the cemetery. He also blamed people for neglecting the sorrow and depressing feelings which the death brought about. There was never a shadow of a doubt that the death of Allie did great damage to Holden.Holden always blamed people's loss for the circumstances around them. He insisted it was the fault of society to drive people to the edge of cliff. He showed his fierce dissatisfaction to the society.It drived him crazy if somebody got killed, especially somebody very smart and entertaining and all, and it's somebody else's fault. It was their own fault to get killed by others. This idea provided impetus to his dream of being a catcher to save children in the cliff. It seemed that it would be hazardous if the children got lost in their daily life on the eyes of Holden.3.2.2 About bahaviourEvery time when Holden couldn't stand something, he would behave abnormally. When he was made sore by Ackley, he pretended as a blind guy and didn't want to utter a word. Phoebe diagnosed Holden didn't like a millionthings,even one thing. When Mr.Antolini asked him the reason for his flunk in Oral Expression, he didn't feel much like going into it. “I was still feeling sort of dizzy or something, and I had a helluva headache all of a sudden.”(184) Mr.Antolini asked Holden to adjust himself to the world, he felt so damn tired all of a sudden. After Holden came out of the place where the mummies were, he had to go to the bathroom. He sort of had diarrhea. Just because those things depressed Holden profoundly, he had some reflections in his inner heart.Considering how much he had lost to the insensitivity, incompetence, or disappearance of relevant others,his intensity was understandable.He made the successive attempts to comprehend the meaning of region, war, death, in the eyes of others. He was reluctant to trust other authority figures. He was separated geographically from his brother D.B and by death from his brother Allie. He was drawn by the sense of connection available in social relationships, but he was made uneasy by the ties of involvement.It was bound to seek the yearning for him.3.2.3 About the appraiser-PhoebeSituating the genuine outside of himself, he no longer lived as an originator of himself. Rather, he played out that capacity as a role. His concern with authenticity and its contrary--what he called phoniness--stemed from his felt need for a context of origin. He searched for who he was rather than for who he was. Plotted into artificiality by Holden, those people he called phonies remind him of his own exaggerated need to achieve a sense of self. Phoebe was one of the few people who could significantly interrupt Holden's penchant for story. As critic Gerald Rosen had put it, what Phoebe does is“to pull Holden out of his obsession with the sorrows of the past and direct his attention to the existential situation he is in atbthe present.”(Gerald 98)In one of his conversation with Phoebe, Holden tried to spin a story on her about what he would do now that he had been kicked out of Pency Prep. Phoebe was the most commonsensical and emotionally appraisers of the past and the present Holden had access to. She was the one who most effectively revealed the artifice, helping Holden sensed how he exaggerated his acts of story. Most importantly, Holden reconsidered one ofhis major allusive identities--that of the catcher in th rye--as he watched Phoebe on the carousel. So though he decided to go to west, he must meet Phoebe the last time and said goodbye to her. And right because the follow of Phoebe, Holden turned his way back and got the epiphany. As she played, Phoebe unself-consciously enjoyed one of the privileges of life which Holden tended to skew into obsessive pastness. Phoebe enjoyed the presentness to the present. And Phoebe dominated Holden's yearning of being a catcher in the real world.3.2.4 About the gold ringIt was not clear exactly when Holden changed his mind. We can see that Holden gave up catching before he gave up his desire to be caught. He threw away his money even before he saw Phoebe. He left his hat with her and never wears it again until she put it on his hat in the carousel scene. Despite these preliminary indications that his attitude was changing. Holden intended to fly away from his cold world until his second meeting with Phoebe. Their tentative reconciliation and Salinger's exploration of the “catcher”attitude reached their climax as Holden watched his sister riding on the carousel.“all the kids trying to grab for the gold ring, and so was old Phoebe. The thing with the kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it,and not say anything.”(273)Here we can see the catcher was refusing to catch. The possibility of falling was now accepted. Holden's acceptance of the situation clearly indicates his renunciation of his earlier attitude. Furthermore, something new had been added to the description of life: a chance at the gold ring, a purpose in life, the possibility of a reward. The interpretation must be made cautiously, however. After all, the gold ring only entitled one to another ride, not a still point outside the turning world. And Holden himself was not yet willing to take a chance.(Ohara 370) He was likely to be a catcher in the world.ConclusionHolden was those of a very troubled person who deserved our sympathy more often than our praise. A close look at Holden did, nonetheless, revealed that he possessed very strong moral, compassionate instincts. Though Holden struggled against everything, even left away from the real world, he choose to adjusted himself to accept the real world to be a catcher in the real life. The Catcher in the Rye left many useful points to us for cogitation. Thus instead of treating the novel as a commentary by a innocent young man rebelling against an intensive world or as a study of a youth's moral growth, we regarded it as a guide that give us a hand to overcome the depression when we are stuck in it. We should learn to adjust ourself to the society.It is indispensable that we possess connections with others . No matter what we faced in the future, one thing we can be sure, that is we should adjust ourself to accept the society. We shouldn't ignore the influence of our society. Everyone will contend with loss in our life. We should try to accommodate ourself to mediate a settlement to boost our egos and protect us from being lost.With an acceleration in the rate of economic growth, college graduates have to fight for jobs in a highly competitive market. What we need is not only the high level of competence in our profession, but also the practical and sensible trait to realize the fact that we shouldn't give up until we have exhausted all the possibilities. Facing with the confuse problems, we should never compromise to them. We should accommodate ourself to live in the world. And it is the faith that pulls Holden back into the society.One who liv in that faith will never feel lonely or lose the way.Works cited[1] Brown, Gerald. J.D.Salinger.Ed.Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House,1987.[2] Emory, Elliott. The Columbia Literary History of the United States. Columbia: Columbia University Press,1998.[3]Frangedis, Helen. "Dealing with the Controversial Elements in 'The Catcher in the Rye'." The English Journal 77(1988): 72-75.[4] Marcus , Fred H., "The Catcher in the Rye:A Live Circuit." The English Journal 3(1963): 1-5.[5] Ohara, Litz A., Modern American Fiction. London: Oxford University Press,1963.[6] Roemer, Daniellle M., "The Personal Narrative and Salinger's Catcher in he Rye." The Western Folklore 51(1992):5-10.[7] Sailinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Boston: Brown and Company,1951.[8] Unrue, Jack. New Essay on The Catcher in the Rye. New York: CambridgeUniversity Press,1991.[9]常耀信:《美国文学史》。
