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Thanksgiving Da is the most trul Amerian of the national Holidas in the United States and is most losel onneted ith the earliest histor of the ountr。 In 1620, the settlers,

or Pilgrims, the sailed to Ameria on the Ma floer, seeking a plae here the ould have freedom of orship。 After a tempestuous to-month voage the landed at in i November, hat is no Plmouth, Massahusetts。 During their first inter,over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemis。Those ho survived began soing in the first spring。小学英语感恩节演讲稿


All summer long the aited for the harvests ith great anxiet,knoing that their lives and the future existene of the olon depended on the ing harvest。 Finall the fields produed a ield rih beond expetations And therefore it as deided that a da of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed Years later, President of the United States prolaimed the fourth Thursda of November as Thanksgiving Da ever ear The

elebration of Thanksgiving Da has been observed on that date until toda小学英语感恩节演讲稿


The pattern of the Thanksgiving elebration has never hanged through the ears。 The big famil dinner is planned months ahead。 On the dinner table, people ill find apples,oranges, hestnuts, alnuts and grapes。 There ill be plum pudding, mine pie, other varieties of food and ranberr juie and squash。 The best and most attrative among them are roast turke and pumpkin pie。 The have been the most traditional and favorite food on Thanksgiving Da throughout the ears。小学英语感恩节演讲稿


Everone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turke stuffed ith a bread dressing to absorb the tast juies as it roasts。 But as ooking varies ith families and ith the regions here one lives, it is not eas to get a onsensus on the preise kind of stuffing for the roal bird。
