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Unit1 Goldilocks and three bears

1. there be 句型的基本结构为: There + be ( is , are ) + 主语+ 地点状语。

2. is 可数名词单数 / 不可数名词

there be are 可数名词复数

例:There __is____ (be) some milk in the glass.

There __is____ (be) a book on the desk.

There __are____ (be) a lot of books on the desk.

★ there be 就近原则:如果there be 句型中有几个并列主语时,be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在数上保持一致。

例: There __is__(be) a pie and two hamburgers on the plate.

3. there be 句型的否定句修改方法:


(2)在be动词(is,am,are)后面加not,is not = isn’t are not = aren’t。

★(3)有some 变为any。(疑问句,否定句都要变哦~)

例: There are some girls in the room. (改为否定句)

---- There aren’t any girls in the room.

Unit2 A new student

1. there be 句型:


There is some apple juice. __________________________________?

There are some pears in the basket. __________________________________?

(2)特殊疑问句:先确定划线部分用什么疑问代词,如是数字用how many提问,如果是there be后面的主语划线,那用What’s提问:

There is a computer room on the second floor. _____________________________________?

There’re some pictures on the wall.


There are three bowls of soup on the table.


There’s a swing in the park.



I / we → you, my / our → your , me / us → you。

例: There are some girls in the room. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定与否定回答)Are there any girls in the room? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.

Unit3 Our animal friends

1.have / has 用法:have 可用于第三人称单数之外的所有人称之后,

has 只能用于第三人称单数之后。

(第三人称单数定义:he, she, it 和能用he, she, it 来代替的所有单数)

或者:(第三人称单数:是指除了I,you 和复数之外的所有单数)

A.have / has 的肯定句结构为:

(1)主语(除第三人称单数)+ have + 某物。

(2)主语(三单)+ has+某物。

B.have / has 的一般疑问句结构为:

(1)Do+ 主语(除第三人称单数)+ have+ 某物?

(2)Does +主语(三单)+have +某物?

C.have / has 的否定句结构为:

(1)主语(除第三人称单数)+ don’t+ have + 某物。

(2)主语(三单)+ doesn’t+ have + 某物。

2.★can +动词原形(can 不随人称的变化而变化)

例如: I can swim. It can jump. We can speak English.

Unit4 Hobbies

1、like + V-ing(动名词形式)


1)一般情况下,直接加-ing形式:draw—drawing; read—reading; sing-singing

2) 以不发音e结尾的,去e加-ing形式:

dance-dancing; write ---writing ; make--- making ; ride---riding;

take---taking; like---liking; hope—hoping; have—having

3) 重读闭音节(只有一个元音字母+一个辅音字母结尾时)要双写结尾的辅音字母再加-ing

如:sit--sitting ;swim—swimming;put--putting ; run—running; shop—shopping;jog---jogging;forget—forgetting;get—getting;stop—stopping; begin—beginning


一、like+动词ing 主语三单(he,she,it,单数)like加s

1.I ______ ______(喜欢跳舞)。He ______ ______ (喜欢唱歌)

2.Helen _______ _______(喜欢画画),her friends______ _______ _______(喜欢弹钢琴).

3.My father and mother ______ ______ ______(喜欢看电视)and _______ ______(做


4.We _____ _____ _____ ______(喜欢打乒乓),they _____ _____ ______(喜欢踢足球)


1.My hobby is______ _______(看卡通)

2.Their hobbies are ________(爬山)and __________(游泳)

3.My sister’s hobby is ___________ _______(读故事)

4.His brother’s hobbies are_________(足球)and _______(篮球)

三、be good at后动词加ing 注意:be动词的变化,一般疑问句be动词提前

1.Nancy _____ _____ _____ ________.(擅长溜冰)

2.I ____ ______ ______ _______ _________(擅长骑自行车)

3.My friends ______ _____ _______ _______(擅长篮球)

4.You ______ ______ _______ ______ ________(放风筝)
