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1、The Pleasures and Pains of Childhood童年的快乐和痛苦Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed , looked after and loved, whatever he may do . It is improbable that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return . In addition , life is always presenting new things to the child—things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well—known .A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain , or in the snow . His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous adventure.

But a child has his pains : he is not so free to do as he wishes as he thinks older people are :he is continually being told not to do things , or being punished for what he has done wrong . His life is therefore not perfectly happy.

2、How to Behave in an Interview如何应付面试

In order to make a good impression during a job interview , you need to prepare yourself for it . You must arrive in plenty of time for the interview , so that you give yourself a little time to relax before the interview begins.

The impression you make as you walk into the room is very important . Try to find out if the company or organization has rules about dress . Then try to dress according to their regulations .

You also need to plan what you are going to say . In some interviews you will have to do a lot of talking , and in others you will only have to answer a few questions about your education and experience . You need to have answers ready about yourself , your schoolwork , your strong points , your reasons for applying for the job , and the salary you expect . You will also be allowed to ask some questions . The questions you ask will show the interviewer that you have given careful thought to the position . You can ask questions like these: What duties will I have to do in the job ? Does the company provide health insurance? Does the company provide opportunities for further education?

4、Should College Students do Part-time Jobs? 大学生应当做业余兼职吗

Most students think that doing part-time jobs when studying at college can provide them with an opportunity to get in touch with the society . Also , some students do part-time jobs to support themselves. They are said to work through college.

However , it’s not easy to find jobs which are suitable for students . Some jobs requiring long hours of tedious work under tough conditions may do harm to their health . Besides , some jobs may expose them to the negative aspects of society—dishonesty and corruption. Therefore, students should take a second thought in deciding whether they should do part-time jobs or what kind of jobs they should choose. If they are lucky enough to take a good job , it will benefit them enormously . Otherwise , it may waste their time and their energy.

5、A Reply to a Birthday Party 对参加生日聚会的回复

Dear Henry,

Happy birthday to you !

I got the invitation to your birthday party yesterday morning . Thanks so much for inviting me to join in your party . I tried hard to reschedule my activities, but I am sorry to tell you that I will not be able to join you .My boss and I have to leave for shanghai next week for an international trade affair . There is not any possibility of canceling it .

I will go to see you as soon I am back I am sure you will have a great fun at the party!

Sincerely yours,

Jane 6、My View on E-mail我对电子邮件的看法

Electronic mail , or E-mail for short , is a new way of communication by means of computers . Fast , cheap and convenient, E-mail is so popular that it has become an indispensable means of communication. Millions of computers all over the word have been connected to form a global network, namely the Internet, You can send and receive by E-mail documents , letters and papers to anyone in other countries in no time . By using E-mail you can also store ,delete, compile information. In a word, E-mail helps you overcome spatial and time limitations in communication.

With the rapidly growing popularity of computers and the expansion of information highway , E-mail is expected to play a more and more important role in our lives.

7、Living in a City-a Crazy Idea住在城市-疯狂的念头

Tired of the city life, some city-dwellers opt for city suburbs as their residence. They are flocking there to avoid people-in the city, wherever you look, it’s people , people, people.

It’s not strange for them complain about the living conditions in the city . It takes ages for a bus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill. The subways which leave or arrive every few minutes are packed: an endless procession of human sardine tins. All the simple , good things of life like sunshine and fresh air are at a premium . Tall buildings blot out the sun. The flow of traffic goes on continuously and the noise never stops.

Decades of years ago , people were crazy about crowding into the city . Now more and more people believe that only a madman would choose to live in a large modern city.

8、Career Hopping跳槽

Today , growing numbers of men and women are changing careers or getting second starts in careers that have greater appeal to them . Many of those who find that their work is unsatisfactory retrain themselves for a different occupation.

Job changes and careers shifts occur at all ages. It is estimated that as many as one out of four male workers between the ages of twenty and twenty-five change their lines of work. About half that number do so between the ages of twenty-five and forty-for . Some married women combine child-rearing responsibilities with new career lines.

Motives for changing careers vary widely , but many people move because they feel bored with the dull routine. For some , a second start grows out of the realization that what they want out of life is not what they are doing , and they decide to do what they enjoy. Most go back to school to get the training they need to make the shifts.

11、Turn off your mobile phone关掉你的手机

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for people .It is obvious that it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient . Thanks to it , it’s easy for us to contact others anytime and anywhere.

However, have you noticed that the mobile phone also brings embarrassment to people? It’s not rare to see people pressing the mobile phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present . It is more than likely that you have noticed that the mobile phones ring continuously on a formal occasion. People around them have to listen to the noise and they can’t concentrate on what they’re doing

12、A healthy lifestyle健康的生活方

Dear James,

I am glad to get your letter. Do you still feel stressful? As far as I know , a lot of people live in a way that is wearing themselves out . In fact , life doesn’t have to be like that . It is wise to bear an important principle in your mind ——managing time. To make it simple , decide what you want in your life, and put that first. Whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life, just do it! Take a nap, or a walk. Take
