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The project has proceeded quite smoothly, which shows the correctness and objectivity of the feasibility study report. 项目进行得十分顺利, 这说明可行性研究报 告是正确和客观的
If any damage should happen to your goods, you may file your claim with their agent at your end, who will take up the matter without delay.
译文: 罢工将使远洋货轮无法靠岸,因为它们 需要拖船的帮助。
2. 译成表示“结果”的分句 英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句 结果的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示结果关
系的词语,如" 因此、所以" 等词,并译成汉语表 示“结果”的分句
As you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum. 从主句和定语从句的逻辑关系来看, 该定语从句 隐含结果的状语职能, 所以, 在译文中增加 “因此”, 将定语从句译成表示结果的分句
当定语从句与主句关系并不十密切, 而且也没 有隐含状语职能时, 译成前置定语会显得冗长 而不符合汉语表达习惯。在这种情况下, 通常 采用后置法, 即先译主句, 然后将定语从句译 成复指成分, 这时往往需要重复先行词或者用 代词等来指代先行词或整个主句。
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
即期汇票是一种表示要求即付或见票即付或 提示即付的汇票。
In case of losses caused by a breach of contract, the financial responsibility shall be borne by the party that has breached the contract. 因违反合同而造成的损失, 应由违反合同的 一方承担经济责任
Disputes arising between the parties to a joint venture which the board of directors fails to settle through consultation may be settled through conciliation or arbitration by an arbitrating body of China or through arbitration by an arbitrating body agreed upon by the parties.
二、译成联合复句 商贸英语的定语从句可翻译成汉语的联
合复句, 如并列复句和解说复句。
1. 并列复句 译成汉语时, 汉语中的并列复句常常使用 几个分句说出有关的几件事, 或者说出同 一事物的几个方面。后一分句中包括或暗 含前一分句中已出现过的某一名词的并列 复句。
The owners elect a board of directors,whose members will select individuals to serve as corporate managers.
句中“which the board...”相当于 “when the board...”。
合营各方发生纠纷 , 董事会不能协商 解决时, 由中国仲 裁机构进行调解或 仲裁, 也可由合营 各方协议在其他仲 裁机构仲裁。
4. 译成表示“条件”的分句 英语的条件状语从句并不都是用if 或其他的
表示条件的从属连词来予以明确, 它可以隐

一套国外设施投入运作,然后将其转让给地方雇主。 但需要记住的重要事情是,在现代世界里,我们必 须向人们传授技术本领,掌握这些技术本领就可以 使他们应对我们眼下所面临的不断变化着的生产制 造领域做好准备。

3. In addition to visible trade, which involves the importing and exporting of tangible goods, there is also invisible trade, which involves the exchange of services between nations.4. International business has emerged as a separate branch of management training ,because the growing scale and complexity of business transactions across national boundaries gives rise to new and unique problems of management and governmental policy that have received inadequate attention in traditional areas of business and economics.
一、译成“的”字偏正结构 二、译成联合复句 三、译成复指成分 四、译成独立句 五、译成偏正复句
一、译成“的”字偏正结构 如果定语从句较短, 与主句关系密切, 汉 译时一般采用前置法, 即把定语从句译成 带“的”字的偏正结构, 放在被修饰词之 前。
A Sight Draft is a draft which is expressed to be payable on demand, or at sight, or on presentation.
1. 译成表示“原因”的分句
英语的定语从句如果在意义上具有说明主句 原因的含义,在翻译时可以加上汉语表示原因 关系的词语, 如" 因为" 等词, 并译成汉语表示
The strike would prevent the docking of ocean steamships, which require assistance of tugboats. 句中which 引导的定语从句, 相当于: because they require ...。
五、译成偏正复句 商贸英语中常常会有这样一类定语从句, 它 们对先行词的限制修饰作用较弱, 在意义上 与主句有状语关系, 说明原因、结果、时间 、条件、让步、目的等关系。翻译这类定语 从句时, 要仔细分析主从句之间的逻辑关系, 要善于发现寓于语意上、逻辑上的内在联系 , 化隐为显, 把具有各种状语职能的定语从句 转译成汉语中各种相应的偏正复句。
6、译成表示“目的”的分句 英语的目的状语从句如果用表示目的的从属 连词来引导, 语意关系很清楚, 但有些目的状语 从句如果用定语从句来表达, 似乎更简洁
Chinese delegations have been sent to European countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective government. 可以把句中who 引导的定语从句理解为 “so that they will...”, 说明代表团的使命。 译文: 中国已派出几个代表团前往欧洲数国 ,以便与有关政府商谈贸易协定。
如果贵方发现货物损坏, 可向他们在贵处的 代理人提出索赔, 他将迅速处理。
四、译成独立句 在商贸英语翻译中, 将主句的先行词和定语 从句溶合在一起译成一个独立的句子, 将定 语从句译成谓语或并列谓语, 以使译文的句 子结构紧凑精练, 体现出商贸语篇的简洁和 具体。英语中的“there be”结构汉译时 往往就是这样处理的。

日本央行已经开始研究延长回购政府债券期限的可能性。 回购政府债券已经形成一种制度。在此制度下,日本央 行从金融机构购买政府债券,但前提是,这些债券在经 过段时间之后将由金融机构进行回购。
定语从句是商贸英语语言表达过程中最 常用、重要的基本句型之一, 其结构严谨 , 层次繁多, 涵义复杂
There are quite a few imitation and shoddy products at the market, which still cause a headache to the consuming public. 谓语 市场上有不少假冒伪劣产品仍令广大消费者 感到头痛。
股东选举董事会, 董事会成员选任公司的管
2. 解说复句 翻译时, 汉语中的后一句往往对前一句进 行解释、说明或概括, 解说复句一般靠分 句的次序来体现, 不用关联词。有的后分 句解释前分句,有的先概括后分述。
In 1994 the firm had $190.750 in operating expenses, which included selling expenses, administrative expenses and depreciation expenses. 该公司1994 年的经营费用为190.750 美元, 其中包括销售费用、管理费用和折旧费。
译文: 如贵方所知, 我方正处在一个高度竞 争的市场, 因此, 我方不得不把价格降至最低限 度
3. 译成表示“时间”的分句 定语从句隐含有时间状语的职能, 这种隐含 关系不是显而易见的, 它是根据汉语行文的 需要而转换, 当然转换不能改变原文真正的 逻辑内涵。翻译时可以加上汉语表示时间
Discussion 1. In a turnkey project, the seller plans, constructs, and places in operation a foreign facility that is then transferred to a local owner. 2. But the important thing to remember is that in the modern world we must give people skills which will prepare them for the changing world of manufacturing and production which is now upon us.
For any order, the volume of which exceeds $50,000, we will allow 3% special discount. 此句相当于: If the volume of order exceeds..., we will allow...。
译文: 如果订单的金额超过5 万美元, 本公 司可以给予3%的特扣。
5. 译成表示“让步”的分句
although,等来引导, 但有的让步关系隐含在 定语中, 通过句子意义上的逻辑关系反映出 来
Many people do business who should not. 句中“who should not”相应于“though they should not”。 译文: 有许多人虽然不应该经商, 却要经商。
Warm-up exercise: The bank of Japan has begun studying the possibility of extending the period for repurchasing government bonds, a system under which it purchases government bonds from financial institutions on condition that they would be repurchased by the financial institutions after a certain period.