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2.whom指人,作宾语 (作宾语可省略,如 介词提前则不能省) The man (whom/who) I talked to is MrHale Waihona Puke Baidu Li.
The man to whom I talked is Mr. Li.
中考英语语法专项定语从句复 习优秀课件
在复合句中修饰名词、代词的从句叫定语从句。 先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。
定语从句一般放在先行词后面。 关系词:引导定语从句的词称为关系词。关系词分为
关系代词(that, which, who, whom, whose)和 关系副词(when, where, why)。关系代词在从 句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分,关系副词 在句中作状语。
人 人 人 物 物 物 时间 地点 原因
关系词在从句 中作的成分
主语 宾语 定语 主语 宾语 定语 时间状语 地点状语 原因状语
不能 能 不能 不能 能 不能 不能 不能 不能
定语从句谓语动词和先行词一致. 定语从句的时态不受主句的限制。
The woman who/that spoke at the meeting
yesterday is my mother. (主句)The woman is my mother.
(叙述客观事实 用一般现在时) (从句)The woman (who/that) spoke at the
meeting yesterday. (句中yesterday表示过去时间)
The boy is Tom. The boy is smiling.
关系词判 断 步 骤 :
who / that who / whom / that whose / of which
which / that which / that whose / of which when / 介词+which where / 介词+which why / for which
3. 同时连接先行词与它引导的定语从句。 (把主句和从句连起来)
The building
is our school.
The building stands by the river.
The building which/that stands by the river is our school.
I like the movie. The movie is exciting.
I like the movie that is exciting . that 修饰先行词movie
The woman is a teacher.The woman lives next door.
The woman who lives next door is a teacher. who修饰先行词woman
q普通代词与关系代词的区别 I have a sister.She works in Shanghai.
代替 sister q普通代词:只起代替的作用(如上例she)
I have a sister who/that works in Shanghai.
q关系代词: (如上例who/that) 1.代替先行词; 2.它还在定语从句中担任一定的成分;
The teacher will give us a talk. We met the teacher yesterday. The teacher (who/whom/that) we met yesterday will give us a talk.
1.who指人,作主语或宾语(作宾语可省略) The man( who) I talked with is our teacher. A person who steals things is called a thief.
I have an apple. An apple is red.
I have an apple that is red. 修饰先行词 an apple
I have some friends.
Some friends like sports.
I have some friends who like sports. 修饰先行词 friends
The boy who/that is smiling is Tom.
The boy is Tom. The boy has a round faTceh.e boy who /that has a round face is Tom.
The boy is Tom. He sits in front of me. The boy who/that sits in front of me is Tom.
The man is kind. Everyone likes him.
The man (who/whom/that) everyone likes is kind.
The woman got the job. We saw her on the street.
The woman (who/whom/that) we saw on the street got the job.
先行词 关系词
vwhich/that 是关系代词,它在从句中代替先
行词the building, 同时担任从句中的主语,也
起连词的作用,把两个简单句连接 起来。
v 关系代词的使用取决于先行词,它们的关系非常密 切,因为关系代词在定语从句中代替主句中的先行词, 所以它在一般情况下都跟在先行词之后,而且它的 人 称、数必须和先行词一致。
I like music that / which I can dance to.
先行词 关系代词 定语从句
I like the singer who is beautiful. I like the movie that is funny. I still remember the first time when I met her.