化工企业之 小额采购合同模板-中英

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To accomplish the financial purpose of the parties, the Supplier and the Purchaser agree on the following terms and conditions after friendly negotiation on the basis of equality and mutual benefits.



Quality Standards, Acceptance or Technical Standards, Warranty


Quality Standards, Acceptance or Technical Standards are,The Supplier ensures to provide brand-new, unused products in accordance with the agreed quality, technical specifications and performance of the Contract. Quality Standards must meet the mandatory standards. The quality shall meet the national standards or the industrial standards if there has no mandatory standards and shall meet enterprise’s standards recorded in the quality authority if there has no national standards or the industrial standards. “Technical Agreement” regarding quality standards, acceptance or technical standards, warranty concluded by the parties shall prevail if the “Technical Agreement” takes a higher standard. If the above mentioned standards exit simultaneously,

then the higher standard shall prevail.


The Warranty Period is 2 years after the acceptance(In case that the warranty period specified in the National Three Respects Guarantee, national standards, industrial standards, enterprise standards or the promises of the Supplier is longer than 2 years, then the longer period shall prevail. ) If, during the term of Warranty Period, there is a quality problem,the Supplier shall arrive at the site or respond within 24 hours and solve(repair or change) the problem within 48 hours fee of charge, otherwise, the Supplier shall be liable to take the penalty as 1% per day of the contract price. If the Supplier fails to resolve the problem within 10 days, the Purchaser may take necessary measures or to engage others to do the repair at the Supplier’s cost, then the risks and losses arise out shall be burdened by the Supplier, or the Purchaser may return the product, then the Supplier shall be liable to take penalty as 30% of the contract price.


Delivery and Acceptance


Place of Delivery: Place designated by the Purchaser or

2. 运输方式:,包装、运费、保险、装卸等相关费用由供方承担(已包含在合同总价款之内)。

Transportation: , fees and expenses related to packaging, transportation, insurance, load and unload shall be taken by the Supplier(included in the
