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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake ?


(1)打开turn on (2)切碎cut up

(3)奶昔milk shake (4)把……倒入……pour …into…

(5)剥三根香蕉peel three bananas (6)把……放入……put…into…

(7)一杯酸奶 a cup of yogurt (8)两勺蜂蜜two spoons of honey

2. Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌机

turn on意为“打开”,反义词组是turn off(关上)。

turn on接通(电流、煤气、水等),打开

[点拨] turn on 的反义词组是turn off(关上)。都是“动词+副词”构成的短语后接代词作宾语时,要将代词放在turn和on/off之间。若后接名词作宾语,则该名词位于副词前后都可以。Kate, I want to watch TV. Please turn it on.


[拓展] turn up 调大(音量等);

turn down 调小(音量等);拒绝

turn over 把……翻转过来;turn around 转身

【辨析】turn on, open

(1)turn on开,打开,通常指打开水龙头、煤气及电视、电灯、电脑、收音机等电器的开关,反义词组为turn off(关掉)。

Mother is asleep. You’d better not turn on the TV set.妈妈睡觉了。你最好别开电视机。(2) open开,打开,开启,指打开门、窗、箱、盒、书等物品,反义词为close。close的形容词是closed. open还可以作形容词,意为“开着的、睁着的”。

The boy is opening the window.这个男孩正在开窗户。

3. Cut up the bananas.

cut up切碎,切开,相当于cut into pieces, cut up属于“动词+副词”构成的短语,故接代词it/them时,要放在cut up中间,接名词时放后边和中间都可以。

Cut up the apple.切碎那个苹果。Cut them up.把它们切碎。

【拓展】cut sth. into/in sth.将某物切成……,cut down砍倒cut up切碎

She cut it up with a knife.=She cut it into pieces with a knife. 她用刀把它切碎了。

[拓展] cut down 砍倒,削减;cut off 切除;cut out 删除,删去;

Cut.....in half 把.........切成两半

4.Pour the milk into the bender.

pour是及物动词,意为“倾倒,灌,浇”,后可以接名词/代词作宾语。pour可以接双宾语或介词短语,即pour sb.sth.=pour sth.for sb. pour…in…意为“把……倒入/灌入……”,pour…out把……倒出。Shall I pour you a cup of tea? =Shall I pour a cup of tea for you?需要我给你倒杯茶吗? Don’t pour waste into the river.不要将垃圾倒进河里。

5.Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.


入的过程, into意为“进入……里”,是表示动态的复合介词, in意为“在……里”,是表示静


He put the books in/into the desk.他把书放到书桌里去了。

6. How much yogurt do we need?

how much表示“多少”,后面跟不可数名词。

How much water do you drink every day?你每天喝多少水?

【拓展】how much还可用来询问价钱或运算的结果。

How much does this bike cost? =What’s the price of this bike?这辆自行车值多少钱?

How much is two plus two? =What’s two plus two?二加二是多少?

【辨析】how many , how much

(1)how many后面接可数名词复数,对数量的“多少”进行提问。

How many students took part in the school sports meeting in your class?你们班有多少学生参加了学校运动会?

(2) how much可单独使用,或后面接不可数名词,对钱等数量的“多少”进行提问。

How much did you pay for the coat?你买这件外套花了多少钱?

How much water is there in the glass?杯子里有多少水?

7.Then add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.

◆add v.增加;添加。指在原有的基础上再添加。

Please add some salt to the soup.请往汤里加点盐。

【辨析】add … to…,add to

(1) add…to…把……加到……上,把……加到……中。如果to的宾语在上文中已经提到,则可省略宾语和to。

This soup is too salty.Please add some hot water (to the soup).这汤太咸了。请加些热水。(2) add to是“增加,增添”的意思。

Your coming added to our pleasure.你的到来增加了我们的快乐。

◆another 10 minutes另外十分钟,“another + 数字+ 名词复数”表示“又……,再……”,相当于“数字+ more + 名词复数”。

They worked for another two hours after twelve o’clock.他们在十二点后又工作了2个小时。【拓展】another通常用于三个以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或物体,意思是“另一个,再一个”。

This pair of shoes is too small for me. Please show me another pair.这双鞋我穿太小了。请再给我拿一双。

8.Half a cup.

half a/an/the…半……、一半……。half a cup of…半杯的……。

It took us half an hour to go half a mile.我们花半小时走了半英里。

Please give me half a cup of tea. I am a little thirsty.请给我半杯茶。我有点儿渴了。

【注意】half of…作主语,of后接单数可数名词/不可数名词或代词宾格it时,谓语动词用单数;若接复数可数名词或代词宾格them时,谓语动词用复数。

Half of the students are good at English.一半的学生擅长英语。

Half of his money is lost.他一半的钱丢了。

9.First, put some butter on a piece of bread.

piece n.片;块;段。piece是可数名词,主要用于表示名词的数量,常用“数词+piece(s)+名词”He ate a piece of cake.他吃了一块蛋糕。

10.…people usually eat traditional food on special holidays.

traditional adj.传统的;惯例的。作表语或定语。

The traditional education should be changed.传统的教育需要改变了。

【拓展】tradition n.传统,惯例,in the tradition of具有……的风格,by tradition按照传统风俗。

11. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November,and is a time to give thanks for food in the autumn. autumn n.秋天,秋季。

It is cool in the autumn.秋天天气凉爽。
