
某大学生物工程学院《生物化学》课程试卷(含答案)__________学年第___学期考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:90 分钟年级专业_____________学号_____________ 姓名_____________1、判断题(95分,每题5分)1. 细菌中的插入序列(IS)具有转座能力,能随即插入到任一DNA序列中,在靶点两侧形成一段短的正向重复序列。
()答案:错误解析:2. 在NDP转变为脱氧核糖核苷二磷酸(dNDP)的过程中硫氧还蛋白和谷氧还蛋白起电子载体的作用。
()答案:正确解析:3. 线粒体tRNA在识别密码子时遵循更为宽松的摆动原则。
()答案:正确解析:线粒体中的tRNA种类比原核生物和真核生物细胞质中的tRNA 种类少,要识别60多种密码子,需要遵循更为宽松的摆动原则。
4. 脂酸合成过程中所需的[H]全部由NADPH提供。
5. 大肠杆菌染色体DNA由两条链组成,其中一条链充当模板链,另外一条链充当编码链。
6. DNA分子是由两条链组成的,其中一条链作为前导链的模板,另一条链作为后随链的模板。
7. 转座要求供体和受体位点之间具有同源性。
8. 细胞色素b和细胞色素c因处于呼吸链的中间,因此它们的血红素辅基不可能与CN配位结合。
9. 真核生物细胞内的hnRNA相对分子质量虽然不均一,但半衰期长,比胞质成熟mRNA更为稳定。

)1.伤后有典型中间清醒期最可能是A.脑震荡B.脑挫裂伤C.硬膜外血肿D.硬膜下血肿E.脑内血肿2.慢性颅内压增高的三主征是:A.头痛、呕吐、眩晕B.头痛、呕吐、癫痫C.头痛、呕吐、视乳头水肿D.头痛、呕吐、复视E.头痛、呕吐、精神症状3.以下哪种是临床常用和有效的脱水药物?A.50%葡萄糖B.30%尿素C.20%甘露醇D.25%山梨醇E.浓缩血浆4.下列哪种眼征有助于颅内肿瘤的定位诊断?A.双侧视乳头水肿B.双侧眼球震颤C.双侧外展神经麻痹D.双颞侧视野偏盲E.双眼向上凝视5.自发性蛛网膜下腔出血最常见的原因:A.高血压脑出血B.脑血管畸形C.颅内动脉瘤D.脑肿瘤率中E.出血性疾病6.颅内动脉瘤治疗的最佳方案是:A.保守治疗B.清除血肿C.动脉瘤夹闭术D.解除颅内高压E.弧立术7.下列哪种情况需行开胸探查?A.多发性肋骨骨折,浮动胸壁面积较大B.肺爆震伤,创伤性湿肺咳出较多血性痰C.广泛性皮下气肿D.创伤后胸膜腔积血,抽出量多,易凝E.创伤性窒息,呼吸急促8.开放性气胸合并多根肋骨骨折,应立即:A.骨折固定B.闭式引流C.封闭伤口D.胸腔穿刺E.开胸手术9.胸主动脉瘤与纵隔块影的鉴别诊断主要依靠:A.右心室造影B.主动脉逆行造影C.胸片D.心导管测压E.体格检查10.手的功能固定位应是:A.背屈25°手指伸直B.掌屈28°手指伸直C.拇指对掌呈握球拳D.握笔位E.腕关节伸直,五指伸直位11.新鲜开放性骨折清创时伤员(已经被麻醉),清洁处理的步骤是:A.先用碘酒和酒精消毒周围皮肤,然后冲洗伤口,清除易除去的异物血块B.用水同时冲洗伤口及周围皮肤,然后用碘酒和酒精消毒C.先由外向内剃毛,然后用碘酒消毒皮肤D.先用消毒纱布复盖或填塞伤口,再用肥皂水及无菌盐水刷洗伤口及周围皮肤,剃除毛发后再冲洗伤口E.先用0.1%洁尔灭液冲洗伤口,然后刷洗周围皮肤12.肋软骨炎患者的局部表现是A.肋软骨局部增粗隆起有压痛B.局部形成包块,有波动感,无红,热和压痛C.局部形成包块,伴有红、肿、热、能D.局部穿破,形成慢性窦道E.局部明显肿胀,呈肿瘤样改变13.食管癌切除后重建食管最常见的方法是:A.结肠代食管B.空肠代食管C.胃代食管D.食管断端直接吻合E.人工食管14.骨折成角移位是指:A.远骨折段移向侧方B.两骨折段互相重叠或嵌插C.两骨段围绕骨之纵轴而旋转D.两骨折段之轴线交叉成角E.近骨折段移向侧方15.骨不连的主要原因是A.骨折复位未达解剖复位B.骨折端巨大血肿C.软组织嵌入骨折端D.骨感染E.血供不良16.一侧耻骨和坐骨支骨折时最重要的体征是:A.功能障碍B.异常活动C.肢体缩短D.局部压痛及间接挤压痛E.骨擦音17.上尿路血尿的特点是:A.终末血尿B.全程血尿C.初血尿D.初血尿及终末血尿E.新鲜血尿伴大血块18.前列腺良性增生症主要表现为:A.50岁以上进行性尿频B.50岁以上进行性排尿困难C.终末血尿D.慢性尿潴留E.反复发作慢性膀胱炎19.尿细菌培养最准确的尿液收集方法是:A.中段尿B.终段尿C.导尿管收集D.耻骨上膀胱穿刺E.24小时尿20.膀胱破裂最好的诊断方法是:A.膀胱镜检B.排泄性尿路造影C.膀胱造影D.注入一定量的液体不能全部抽出E.血尿21.右输尿管下段结石常需与下列哪个疾病相鉴别:A.胆囊炎B.阑尾炎C.膀胱癌D.前列腺肥大E.精索炎22.关于包皮过长,下列哪项描述是正确的A.包皮过长必须行包皮环切术B.包皮过长是婴幼儿特有的现象C.成人包皮过长行包皮环切术并能降低阴茎癌的发病率D.包皮过长属于下尿路梗阻性疾病E.因包皮过长而形成的包皮垢的长期刺激是发生阴茎癌的重要病因23.尿道结石的主要症状为:A.血尿B.尿频、尿急、尿痛C.排尿困难D.骶尾部疼痛E.恶心、呕吐24.壶腹癌的贫血最主要由以下哪个因素所致?A.肿瘤部份坏死后慢性出血B.消化功能障碍C.营养不良D.肝功能障碍E.恶病质25.胆囊最常见的结石为A.胆固醇结石B.胆色素结石C.混合结石D.维生素结石E.甘油三酯结石26.急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎最好采用A.内科保守治疗B.外科急症手术C.先内科保守治疗,待感染完全控制后再择期手术D.中西医结合的总攻排石疗法E.放疗27.下列哪一项可确诊胆囊结石?A.有胆绞痛、胆囊肿大B.常有胆绞痛发作,Murphy征阳性C.腹部X平片发现右侧腹有结石D.B超提示胆囊结石E.血浆高、WBC>1000/mm328.甲状腺131I扫描,发现结节的放射性密度较周围正常甲状腺组织高,该结节为:A.冷结节B.温结节C.热结节D.凉结节E.甲状腺囊肿29.甲状腺次全切除术后发生危象的原因是:A.切除不足B.出血过多C.气管受压D.喉返神经损伤E.术前甲亢症状未控制30.颈部淋巴结结核,多个淋巴结融合,有波动,未破,治疗上可考虑:A.切除B.切开排脓C.切开刮除D.穿刺抽脓,注射链霉素E.局部理疗加抗结核治疗31.肛瘘手术治疗效果的关键在于:A.将瘘管周围瘢痕组织切除B.切开瘘管壁敞开引流C.避免切断外括约肌皮下部及浅部D.肛管直肠环应一次切开E.正确找到内口,切除瘘管32.直肠息肉多见于:A.老年人B.青壮年C.儿童D.男性E.女性33.大隐静脉曲张患者在作高位结扎术前,下列哪项检查必须是阴性?A.浅静脉瓣膜功能试验B.腹交感神经阻滞试验C.交通静脉瓣膜功能试验D.深静脉通畅试验E.大隐静脉瓣膜的功能试验34.最常见的腹外疝是:A.股疝B.腹壁切口疝C.腹股沟斜疝D.脐疝E.腹股沟直疝35.腹股沟斜疝在手术时主要诊断依据是:A.疝环在腹壁下动脉内侧B.疝环不在直疝三角内C.疝囊在耻骨结节下方D.疝环在腹壁下动脉外侧E.疝囊在腹股沟管内36.腹部闭合性损伤有空腔脏器严重损伤时,最有价值的临床表现是:A.腹痛B.腹部压痛和腹膜刺激症C.腹胀、恶心、呕吐D.腹鸣音减弱E.有移动性浊音37.腹部外伤后,X线显示右肾周围有游离气体,受伤的器官最可能是:A.胃B.十二指肠C.空肠D.结肠E.胰腺38.次全胃切除术后,十二指肠残端裂开最常见的原因是A.低蛋白血症B.麻醉中低血压C.回肠轴向扭转D.空肠输入袢梗阻E.胰瘘39.目前肠梗阻最常见的原因是:A.肠肠道肿瘤B.肠扭转C.嵌顿性外疝D.粪便嵌塞E.肠粘连40.诊断直径小于2㎝的肝癌,最好的定位方法是A.同位素肝扫描B.选择性腹腔动脉造影术C.B型超声波检查D.胆道造影术E.肝穿刺术41.属于稳定性骨折的是A.多段骨折B.螺旋形骨折C.粉碎性骨折D.斜形骨折E.嵌插骨折42.最早采用的细胞,组织或器官移植的方法是A.输血B.断肢再植C.角膜移植D.植皮E.骨髓移植43.骨折血肿机化演进期大约需要A.3天B.5天C.1周D.2周E.3周44.可导致马尾神经损伤的骨折是:A.第10胸椎骨折脱位B.第11胸椎骨折脱位C.第12胸椎骨折脱位D.第1胸椎骨折脱位E.第2胸椎骨折脱位45.肘关节骨折及脱位最常见的并发症是A.周围神经损伤B.动、静脉损伤C.骨化性肌炎D.骨筋膜室综合征E.急性骨萎缩46.下列哪种骨折适合采用手法复位保守治疗A 股骨干骨折B 桡骨远端骨折C 胫骨平台骨折D 胫骨开放性骨折E 骨盆骨折47.门静脉高压症的临床表现不包括A. 发热B. 脾脏肿大C. 呕血或黑便D. 腹水E. 脾功能亢48.能明确脊椎压缩性骨折的是:A.X线检查B.压痛C.瘀斑D.功能障碍E.反常活动49.脊髓型颈椎病正确的是A.约占颈椎病的50%B.多发生于上颈段C.早期颈肩痛明显D.痛觉和温度觉分离E.四肢乏力,行走,持物不稳定为最先出现的症状50.择期全麻气管插管的绝对禁忌证是:A 急性喉水肿B 气管内肿瘤C 凝血功能障碍D 喉返神经麻醉痹E 颅内高压51.骨关节结核最常见的发生部位是:A.全身滑膜面积最大的膝关节B.脊柱椎体C.活动最多的髋关节D.负重最大的踝关节E.肌肉最不发达的腕关节52.全关节结核是指A.关节内积液增多B. X线片可见骨质破坏C.血沉明显增快D.关节疼痛严重E.病变累及骨、软骨及滑膜53.提高胃癌治愈率的关键是A 早期诊断B 彻底手术C 积极放疗D 早期化疗E 综合治疗54.疝内容物进入疝囊引起血运障碍称为:A、难复疝B、嵌顿性疝C、绞窄疝D、Richter疝E、滑疝55.胃大部切除术后最早出现的并发症是:A、术后胃出血B、倾倒综合征C、吻合口梗阻或排空障碍D、胃肠吻合破裂或瘘E、十二指肠残端破裂56.治疗单纯性肠梗阻,最主要的措施是:A、抗生素B、解痉药C、急症手术D、行肠切除手术E、胃肠减压,纠正水、电解质、酸碱失衡57.急性骨髓炎,在骨膜下或骨髓内有脓液时,最关键的治疗措施是:A、局部引流B、多次抽脓并注入抗生素C、联合使用大量抗生素D、进行脓液细菌培养及药敏试验,根据结果调整用药E、局部固定防止病理性骨折58.张力性气胸,患者呼吸困难,最重要的治疗措施是:A、吸氧B、呼吸机辅助C、气管插管或切开D、开胸手术E、胸腔穿刺抽气减压59.肾脏损伤漏诊的最主要原因是:A、无肉眼血尿症状B、合并其他内脏损伤C、血液溢向肾外D、尿液外溢至肾周E、合并感染60.临床各类器官移植疗效最稳定和最显著的是:A、肝移植B、心脏移植C、肾移植D、胰腺移植E、小肠移植61.食管癌手术切除范围应距瘤体上下:A、3~5cmB、5~8cmC、1~2cmD、10cm以上E、3cm以内62.诊断颅脑损伤,目前最安全可靠的方法是:A、SPECTB、脑干诱发电位检查C、脑血管造影或脑室造影D、CT及MRIE、X线63.最容易引起颅骨侵蚀的颅内肿瘤是:A、神经胶质瘤B、松果体瘤C、神经纤维瘤D、血管瘤E、脑膜瘤64.急性排斥反应一般发生在移植:A、24小时内B、一个月内C、三个月内D、六个月内E、一年内二、A2型题(答题说明:共有23题,合计13.8分。


武汉大学计算机学院2016-2017学年度第1学期《C语言程序设计》期末考试试卷A卷一.单项选择题:(选择最合适的答案填空,每小题2分,共20分)( )1.不正确的常量是____B__ 。
A.‘\t’B.084C. 1.2e4D.0x8fL( )2.表达式-8%3+13/2的结果为______D 。
A. 4.5B.8C.8.5D.4( )3.设变量 int a=1,b=2; 则执行表达式a+=3,b-2,++b,a*=b后变量a 和b 的值为______C 。
A.2和2B.3和3C.12和3D.12和2( )4.表达式0xad86|0xff的值为____A__ 。
A.0xadffB.0x86C.0xad86D.0xff( )5.设有如下宏定义#define price(x) 5+x则执行赋值语句 v=price(4)*price(15);/*v为int型变量*/后,v的值为 C 。
A.180B.85C.40D.60( )6.在定义指针变量时,void *类型表明指针____ A 。
A.指向对象类型未知B.不指向任何对象C.指向整型的对象D.指向char类型对象( )7.设int a[3][4],*p[3]; 则以下___C____赋值语句是正确的。
A.p=a[0];B.p[1]=a;C.p[1]=a[2];D.p=a;( )8.创建一个新的文本文件,可对该文件进行读写操作,则____A____打开方式是正确的。
A.“w+”B.“wb”C.“r+”D.“rb+”( )9.表达式4&&5结果为______B 。
A.0B.1C.4D.5( )10.正确的标识符是______A 。
2.%作为运算符表示________取余数 ____________。


某大学生物工程学院《生物化学》课程试卷(含答案)__________学年第___学期考试类型:(闭卷)考试考试时间:90 分钟年级专业_____________学号_____________ 姓名_____________1、判断题(95分,每题5分)1. 氨基酸合成的过程中,将NH4+引入α酮戊二酸分子中生成谷氨酰胺需要NADH提供还原力。
2. 细胞水平的调控是一种最原始、最基础的调控机制。
()答案:错误解析:3. 氨基酸的吸收在小肠中进行,需要有运输载体的参与,但不需要消耗能量。
()答案:正确解析:4. 乙酰CoA不能作为动物糖异生的前体,所以它的含量多少对动物糖异生效率没有影响。
5. 遗传信息只存在于DNA分子中,一条双链DNA含有许许多多基因,他们是相互不重叠的。
6. 糖原合成酶和糖原磷酸化酶磷酸化后活性都升高。
7. 琥珀酸脱氢酶是三羧酸循环中唯一掺入线粒体内膜的酶。
()答案:正确解析:8. 在肌肉细胞中磷酸戊糖途径比在脂肪细胞中更活跃。
9. 动物脂肪酸合成所需NADPH主要来自氧化的磷酸戊糖途径,其次还可由对NADP+专一的异柠檬酸脱氢和苹果酸酶提供。

A 卷第1页,共6页A 卷第2页,共6页密封线密封线内不得答题院系班级_____________读写组姓名学号2018至2019学年第一学期期末考试电子信息类专业英语试卷(闭卷)课程性质:必修考核方式:考试专业:计算机学院2018级注意事项:1、答卷必须用黑色或蓝色笔作答,不许使用铅笔或红色笔;2、本卷共五大题,满分100分,考试时间90分钟。
1. cur rent _______________(电流)2. sist tran or (晶体管)3. elec nics tro(电子学) 4. con sili (硅) 5. p chi (芯片) 6. sym bol (符号) 7. de dio (二极管) 8. Vo lt age (伏特) 9. mo dulation(调制) 10. bi nary(二进位的)( ) 1. ratio ( ) 2. mobile ( ) 3. device ( ) 4.discharge ( ) 5. high-definition ( ) 6. electricity ( ) 7. media ( ) 8. logic gate () 9. bread board() 10. flip-flopA. 电B. 装置;设备C. 放电D. 高分辨率E. 触发器F. 媒体G. 逻辑门H.比率I. 移动的J. 面包板()1. set-top converter A. 场效应晶体管()2. field effect transistor B. 高清电视()3. Integrated Circuits C. 逻辑与()4. PN junction D. 集成电路()5. HDTV E. PN 结()6. LEDF.机顶转换器()7. Alternating Current (AC)G. 发光二极管()8. direct current (DC)H. 点对点()9. point to point (P2P )I. 直流电()10. ANDJ. 交流电Exam Sections I II III IV V Total ScoreReviewer SignatureScoreScore SignatureI.Spell the English words with the given letters according to the Chinese given. (20 points, 2 points for each)用所给字母拼写出符合汉语意思的单词。

武汉大学动力与机械学院2018~2019学年大一第一学期期中考试英语试题Part I Reading Comprehension (40%)Section ADirections: There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.Martin had lived in New York for forty years and never been mugged once. This did not make him confident - on the contrary, it terrified him. The way he saw it, he was now the most likely person in Manhattan to get mugged next.“What are the odds of me getting mugged?” he asked his friend Lenny.“How much are you willing to bet?” said Lenny, who was a compulsive gambler.“Oh, come on, this is too important to bet on!”“Nothing is too important to bet on,” said Lenny, shocked. That was the end of their friendship.“How do you think I can avoid getting mugged?” Martin asked his friend Grace. Grace had not been outside her apartment in five years, as a sure-fire way of avoiding being mugged. It had failed; someone had broken in and mugged her.“I’ve no idea, Martin,” she said. “Most of these guys are on drugs anyway, and they need the money for their addiction.”This gave Martin an idea. If the muggers only needed the money for drugs, why didn’t he offer them drugs instead? Then possibly they would be so grateful that they wouldn’t harm him. Through some rich friends he knew he bought small quantities of heroin and cocaine. He had never touched the stuff himself, so he had to label them carefully to make sure he didn’t get them mixed up.One day he was walking in a part of Central Park he shouldn’t have been in (the part where there is grass and trees) when three men leapt out at him. One was black, one was Puerto Rican and one was Caucasian. Well, at least mugging is being integrated he thought.“You want drugs?” he cried. “I’ve got drugs! Anything you want you can have. Just name it. But don’t touch me!”The three men let go of him respectfully.“We almost made a big mistake there,” said one of them. “This guy’s a pusher. Hurt him and we could have the Mafia down on us. Let’s see what you got, mister.”Somewhat to his surprise, Martin found himself displaying his wares to his clientele. Even more to his surprise, he found himself accepting money for the drugs, much more than he’d paid for them.“How come you guys have all this money?” He said. “Why are you out mugging if you have money?”“Well, we’re not muggers,” said the Caucasian, embarrassed. “We’re out-of-work actors.”“I thought out-of-work showbiz people always became waiters or barmen,” said Martin.“Right. But there are so many showbiz people in catering now that you can’t get work as waiters. So we had to get work as muggers.”When Martin got home, he bought some more drugs from his friend. Pretty soon he sold them to some more muggers. Pretty soon after that he found he was spending more and more time pushing drugs, and making more and more money at it. Being afraid of muggings had turned him into a professional drug-pusher.One day a man leapt out at him and grabbed him. “You want drugs?” said Martin. “I’ve got drugs.”“I want money,” said a familiar voice.“Lenny!” cried Martin. “How’re you doing?”“Badly,” said Lenny. “I lost everything gambling.”He hit Martin on the head and took his money, wallet and all his credit cards, leaving the little packets of white powder behind.1. Martin thought he was going to be mugged soon because .A) he had to go out at night very oftenB) everyone gets mugged at least once in forty yearsC) he had been mugged more than once beforeD) it is likely for people to get mugged in New York2. Why did he offer drugs to the muggers the first time?A) Because he was ordered by the Mafia to do so.B) Because he wanted to make money.C) Because most muggers are drug-addicts.D) Because he wanted to become a professional pusher.3. When he was mugged, he wasn’t harmed because .A) the muggers thought he was protected by the MafiaB) the muggers were impressed by his readiness to cooperateC) he didn’t have any money on him at the timeD) the muggers wanted nothing but drugs4. The moral of the story is that .A) friends may become enemiesB) there is always a way to guarantee solving any problemC) deliberate wrong-doing seldom solves any problemD) drugs are more important than money5. The tone of the whole passage is .A) indifferent B) ironic C) matter-of-fact D) sympatheticPassage TwoQuestions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage.It is not often realized that women held a high place in southern European societies in the 10th and 11th centuries. As a wife, the woman was protected by the setting up of a dowry(嫁妆). Admittedly, the purpose of this was to protect her against the risk of desertion, but in reality its function in the social and family life of the time was much more important. The dowry was the wife’s right to receive a tenth of all her husband’s property. The wife had the right to withhold consent, in all transactions the husband would make, and more than just a right; the documents showed that she enjoyed a real power of decision, equal to that of her husband. In no case do the documents indicate any degree of difference in the legal status of husband and wife.The wife shared in the management of her husband’s personal property, but the opposite was not always true. Women seemed perfectly prepared to defend their own inheritance against husbands who tried to exceed their rights, and on occasion they showed a fine fighting spirit. A case in point is that of Maria Vivas. Having agreed with her husband Miro to sell a field she had inherited, for the needs of the household, she insisted on compensation. None being offered, she succeeded in dragging her husband to the scribe(法学家) to have a contract duly drawn up assigning her a piece of land from Miro’s personal inheritance. The unfortunate husband was obliged to agree, as the contract says, “for the sake of peace.” Either through the dowry or through being hot-tempered, the wife knew how to win herself, within the context of the family, a powerful economic position. Ric illnesses including depression often do not manifest themselves until the late teens or early 20s.6. A dowry was .A) the wife’s inheritance from her father B) a gift of money to the new husbandC) a protection of the wife’s right D) a written contract7. In the 10th and 11th centuries in southern European, women’s social position was .A) higher than men’s B) as high as men’sC) lower than men’s D) never recognized8. The purpose of mentioning the case of Maria Vivas is .A) to show women had the same rights as, if not more than, their husbandsB) to prove hot-tempered woman held a powerful economic positionC) to tell the readers the real situations in some countriesD) to show the fight spirits of woman9. Could a husband sell his wife’s inheritance?A) Yes, if she agreed.B) No, under no circumstances.C) Yes, whenever he wished to.D) Yes, if his father-in-law agreed.10. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an effect of the dowry system?A) The husband had to share the power of decision in marriage.B) The wife could manage her husband’s personal property.C) The wife gained a powerful economic position.D) The wife would not be deserted by her husband.Passage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Thoughts of suicide haunted Anita Rutnam long before she arrived at Syracuse University. She had a history of mental illness and had even attempted to kill herself. During her junior year of college, she tried again. On a February morning in 1998, just days after a campus counselor recommended she be hospitalized for her suicidal tendencies, Rutnam threw herself off the eighth floor of a Syracuse dormitory.Miraculously, she survived. But three years later, Rutnam still feels the effects of that day. She has not been able to finish college and is suing her former school for malpractice. Her suit asserts that, given the campus counselor’s advice, school officials should have done more to prevent her suicide attempt.This incident and others have thrown a spotlight on an issue that is causing growing concern in dorm rooms and students center. Are colleges providing adequate care for students who may be struggling with a range of mental illnesses? In the Syracuse cases, a spokesman for the school contends, “The University tried repeatedly to help Anita, and we felt that they acted appropriately.” But lawyers are busy there and elsewhere.After accidents, suicide is the second biggest killer of kids in college. And while the number of students who kill themselves on campus is no higher than that of 18-to-24-year-olds in the general population, a series of sensational incidents has raised the question of whether troubled students are getting proper attention.So what are the schools’ responsibilities to at-risk students, particularly those who may be genetically predisposed (易患……病的) to mental illness? College can be a breeding ground for Psychiatric problems. Poor eating habits and irregular sleeping patterns - especially combined with the academic stress of college life - may all play roles in triggering mental problems. Additionally, many of the major psychiatric illnesses including depression often do not manifest themselves until the late teens or early 20s.11. Anita Rutnam couldn’t finish college most probably because .A) she couldn’t get enough concern from Syracuse UniversityB) she wasn’t physically healthy enough to continue schoolingC) she still kept thinking about killing herself whenever at schoolD) she has been troubled by the memory of the incident very often12. What does the author want us to know through Anita Rutnam’s story?A) The universities are not responsible for their students.B) Suicides are popular on college campus and should be handled properly.C) Why Anita committed suicide is still a mystery.D) Universities should get prepared in case their students sue them.13. What does Anita accuse her former school of?A) Ignorance of her abnormal behaviors.B) Lack of safeguard against her suicidal intention.C) Failure to give her proper academic instructions.D) Indifference to her physical disease.14. How does Syracuse University defend itself against Anita’s suit?A) It has given her due attention as well as help.B) Adult students should be able to control their own behavior.C) It is more than the school’s responsibility to supervise the students.D) Colleges can be a breeding ground for psychiatric problems.15. All the following problems are implied as possible causes of campus suicide incidents EXCEPT .A) poor academic results B) failing to get proper sleepC) lack of family concern D) family history of mental illnessSection BDirections: There is a passage in this section. The passage is followed by some statements. You are required to answer the questions with T or F to indicate whether the statements are true or false. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.An Apple for the TeacherAmerican schoolchildren occasionally present an apple to the teacher. Obviously the custom contains an element of bribery - you offer sweet fruit to authority figures to “sweeten” their disposition. In school children’s case, the apple is offered to make their grades more favorable. Therefore, the apple has more or less acquired a corrosive reputation and maybe for this reason, in slang English “to applepolish” means “to flatter or fawn” and an applepolisher is a flatterer.But the custom might also be explained as a fair payment for the teacher’s instruction. In the early days of public education, school teachers were not always salaried. Often they would be paid in goods and services, offered by either the school, or the pupils or the parents …. Therefore, the occasional gift of an apple for the teacher in today’s classroom should be a welcome reminder of the era when education was one-to-one and when teaching meant enlightening the students rather than identifying their rankings.Caps and GownsFor students, the most exciting moment may be the graduation ceremony: parents, relatives and friends are invited to the ceremony; all the graduates are wearing black square flat caps and gowns. They all await the president to announce in the end, “Now, please move your tassels from right to left. ”The caps and gowns worn by high school and college graduates today are survivors of the everyday dress worn by members of the academic community in medieval Europe. The majority of scholars in the Middle Ages were churchmen, or soon to become so, and their dress was often strictly regulated by the universities where they taught and studied. The standard clerical dress throughout Europe was the long black cope. The original preference for black was changed in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as such colors as red, violet and purple came intofashion; but by the Renaissance black was back, as the color black symbolized simple and plain, or austere way of life in the sixteenth century. With few exceptions, modern universities keep that ceremonial austerity.The origin of the square flat cap, or mortarboard, is obscure, though it probably derives from the medieval biretta. Such a tufted square cap is considered the badge of the mastership, and is later adopted by undergraduates and schoolboys. The term mortarboard does not appear in English until the 1850s. The tassel that graduates transfer from one side to another as a signal of their elevation is an outgrowth of the medieval tuft. The tuft still appears on the modern biretta, worn by bishops throughout the Church of Rome.16. Nowadays, American pupils always offer an apple to the teacher in order to get a better grade.17. In the early days of public education, school teachers were paid in money.18. In America, the caps and gowns are only adopted by college graduates during graduation ceremonies.19. The biretta was considered the mark of scholarship.20. That the graduates move the tassel from one side to the other is a signal of elevation.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.21. During the interview, Dinna admitted that she was suffering from an eating disorder and other behaviors before she received treatmentA) self-discipline B) self-conscious C) self-identified D) self-destructive22. So that no fish can live in it.A) the lake is shallow B) shallow the lake is C) shallow is the lake D) is the lake shallow23. The number of the pictures drawn for our sporting meeting amazing.A) is B) are C) was D) were24. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he from the university next year.A) will graduate B) will have graduated C) graduates D) is to graduate25. Robert is said abroad, but I don’t know what country he studied in.A) to have studied B) to study C) to be studying D) to have been studying26. Five pounds is for the second-hand suit.A) a good enough price B) an enough good priceC) a price enough good D) a good price enough27. In some countries, is called “equality” does not really mean equal rights for all people.A) which B) that C) what D) one28. It cannot the interchange without trade.A) encourage B) inspire C) excite D) stimulate29. Though it is mere 1 to 3 percent of the population, the upper class at least 25 percent of the nation’s wealth.A) turns up B) looks up C) makes up D) puts up30. The great hall was crowded with many people, many children on their parents’ laps.A) including; seated B) including; seating C) included; sat D) included; sitting31. Estonia has done much to the friendship of western European countries.A) tend B) cultivate C) foster D) cherish32. This is sufficient to convince anyone that we may large public places with one light, but not the streets of a city, and still less whole cities.A) illuminate B) clarify C) acquire D) enhance33. As demand has increased, so manufacturers have been encouraged to and improve quality.A) permeate B) clarify C) homogenize D) diversify34. as much as possible to completely air out the room or spill zone with outside air.A) Ventilate B) Wentilate C) Ventalate D) Vetilate35. He believes better relations with China are to the well-being of the area.A) primary B) fundamental C) essential D) critical36. When I accepted the President’s offer to serve as his Ambassador in China earlier this year, I knew that the job would be challenging, exciting and rewarding.A) gracious B) prominent C) respectful D) intimidating37. His blue eyes and messy dark hair made me bite the inside of my lip.A) piercing B) bitter C) seductive D) intense38. He refused to tell it to me except in the of his private room.A) disturbing B) affection C) connection D) intimacy39. Just as , the retreat from predominance proved painful.A) inevitably B) authoritatively C) humbly D) icily40. Don’t to the public when we will start.A) give off B) give out C) give away D) give up41. After you know what actions to perform on the controls, you need to sift through your information andhow to tell them to perform these actions, using the language they understand.A) figure out B) turn out C) stand out D) put out42. When he returned to his office, he an enormous pile of work.A) was confronted with B) was familiar with C) was popular with D) was patient with43. -Excuse me, sir. Would you do me a favour?-Of course. What is it?-I if you could tell me how to fill out the form.A) had wondered B) was wondering C) would wonder D) did wonder44. damage is done, it will take many years for the farmland to recover.A) Until B) Unless C) Once D) Although45. -Haven’t I seen you some place before?-Yes. That’s why I don’t go there .A) once more B) anymore C) no more D) no longer46. Only after talking to two students that having strong motivation is one of the biggest factors in reaching goals.A) I have discover B) did I discover C) I discovered D) I discover47. Never from, even when you are sad, because you never know who is your smile.A) embodied with B) compatible with C) satisfied with D) falling in love with48. I bumped into a casual when I visited the art museum yesterday.A) acquaintance B) friendship C) leadership D) sacrifice49. The young woman ran after the robbers but almost immediately due to the exhaustion from the struggle.A) adopted B) collapsed C) investigated D) impacted50. -Why didn’t you invite John to your birthday party?-Well, you know he’s .A) an early bird B) a wet blanket C) a lucky dog D) a tough nutPart III Translation (30%)Directions: For this part, you need to translate the following sentences by using words or phrases in the brackets from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on the Answer Sheet.51. 只有当我们认识到相互帮助的重要性,我们才能够致力于建设和谐的社会。

武汉大学2020-2021第一学期高等数学B1期末试卷 A 卷1、(9分) 求极限: 011lim e 1x x x →⎛⎫− ⎪−⎝⎭. 2、(9分)已知曲线满足方程2e 0xy x y ++=,求曲线在点(0,1)−处的法线方程. 3、(10分)求由曲线e ,ln ,1,2x y y x x x ====所围成的图形的面积. 4、(10分)(1)求齐次线性微分方程20y y y ''''''−−=的通解;(2)求该方程满足初始条件(0)0,(0)(0)3y y y '''===的特解.(3)对于非齐次方程221e x y y y x ''''''−−=+,用待定系数法给出特解的形式(无需求出其中的待定系数的数值).5、(9分)求极限lim nn n →∞⎛ ⎪⎝⎭.6、(7分)求不定积分x ⎰.7、(7分)设2()ln(1)f x x =+,计算反常积分20()d ()+2()5f x x f x f x +∞'+⎰.8、(7分) 求极限:2cos 1e d lim (sin )xt x tx x x −→+⎰.9、(7分)等角螺线的极坐标方程为e θρ=,在0θ=附近,其在直角坐标系下可由函数()y y x =表示,试求0d d y x θ=以及220d d yx θ=.10、(7分)计算星形线33cos ,sin x a t y a t⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩的弧长,其中0,[0,2]a t π>∈. 11、(7分)计算函数231sin ,0()0,0x x x f x xx ⎧+≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩的导函数;并讨论:是否存在0δ>,使得函数()f x 在区间(,)δδ−内单调递增?说明理由. 12、(6分)求解常微分方程:532e 0x xy y x y '++=.13、(5分)设函数()f x 在区间[],a b 上有连续的二阶导数,证明:至少存在一点(,)a b ξ∈使得3()()d ()()224baa b b a f x x b a f f ξ+−⎛⎫''=−+⎪⎝⎭⎰.武汉大学2019-2020第一学期高等数学B1期末试卷 A 卷 参考解答1、(9分) 求极限011lim e 1xx x →⎛⎫− ⎪−⎝⎭. 解: 200011e 1e 1lim lim lim e 1(e 1)x x x xx x x x x x x x →→→⎛⎫⎛⎫−−−−⎛⎫−== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪−−⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭ 5分0e 11lim 22x x x →⎛⎫−== ⎪⎝⎭ 9分2、(9分)已知曲线满足方程2e 0xy x y ++=,求曲线在点(0,1)−处的法线方程. 解:对方程2e 0xy x y ++=两边关于x 求导得:212e ()0xy y y xy ''+++=,4分 代入0,1x y ==−解得0,11x y y ==−'=.7分 因此,法线的斜率为1−,在点(0,1)−处的法线方程为:1y x =−−.9分3、(10分)求由曲线e ,ln ,1,2x y y x x x ====所围成的图形的面积. 解:显然当[1,2]x ∈时有e ln x x >,因此面积()21e ln d x S x x =−⎰5分22221111e d ln d e ln d x x x x x x x =−=−⎰⎰⎰8分 222211e e ln d ln e e 2ln 21x x x x =−−+=−−+⎰10分4、(10分)(1)求齐次线性微分方程20y y y ''''''−−=的通解;(2)求该方程满足初始条件(0)0,(0)(0)3y y y '''===的特解.(3)对于非齐次方程221e x y y y x ''''''−−=+,用待定系数法给出特解的形式(无需求出其中的待定系数的数值).解:(1) 该微分方程的特征方程为:3220λλλ−−=, 4分它有特征根:00,λ=21,λ=−32,λ=故而该齐次线性微分方程的通解为:2123e e x x y C C C −=++6分 (2)代入初值条件得方程组:12323230,23,43C C C C C C C ++=−+=+=,解得:1230,1,1C C C ==−=,得微分方程的特解为:2e e x x y −=−. 8分 (3)特解的形式为:2123()e x y C x x C C x *=++.10分5、(9分)求极限lim nn →∞⎝⎭.解: lim ln lim 1lim een n nn n n n →∞→∞⎫⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭→∞== ⎪⎝⎭5分12eee n n n===9分6、(7分)求不定积分x ⎰.解:()21d arcsin arcsin x x x =⎰4分 1arcsin C x=−+7分7、(7分)设2()ln(1)f x x =+,计算反常积分2()d ()+2()5f x x f x f x +∞'+⎰. 解: 2200()1d d ()()+2()5(()+1)4f x x f x f x f x f x +∞+∞'=++⎰⎰ 3分 2001()11ln(1)1arctan arctan 2222f x x +∞+∞+++==5分 11arctan 222π⎛⎫=− ⎪⎝⎭7分8、(7分) 求极限:2cos 1e d lim (sin )xt x tx x x −→+⎰.解:22cos cos 112e d e d lim lim(sin )2xxt t x x ttx x x x−−→→=+⎰⎰3分2cos 0e sin lim 4x x xx−→−= 5分11e 4−=− 7分9、(7分)等角螺线的极坐标方程为e θρ=,在0θ=附近,其在直角坐标系下可由函数()y y x =表示,试求0d d y x θ=以及220d d yx θ=.解:可以将方程改写成参数方程e cos e sin x y θθθθ⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩,则d d d 0d 0e cos e sin cos sin e co 1s e sin cos d n d si y xyx θθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθ=======+−−=+4分()()222(cos sin )(cos sin )cos sin (cos sin )2s d d d 2d d d d d d d co s n 0i d c =2e os e sin d y x x x yx θθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθ====−+++−−=−== 7分10、(7分)计算星形线33cos ,sin x a t y a t⎧=⎪⎨=⎪⎩的弧长,其中0,[0,2]a t π>∈. 解:曲线弧长220s t t ππ==⎰⎰4分220312cos sin d 6a t a t t t a ππ===⎰⎰7分11、(7分)计算函数231sin ,0()0,0x x x f x xx ⎧+≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩的导函数;并讨论:是否存在0δ>,使得函数()f x 在区间(,)δδ−内单调递增?说明理由.解:当0x ≠时,323131()12sincos f x x x x x'=+−,另一方面, 2301sin(0)lim1x x x x f x→+'==,因此32313112sin cos ,0()1,0x x f x x x x x ⎧+−≠⎪'=⎨⎪=⎩ 3分对任意0δ>,取0x =,显然00x δ<<且01x <,代入()f x '可得: 003()10f x x '=−<,由于导函数()f x '在0x 处连续,存在0ε>使得00[,](,)x x εεδδ−+⊂−,且()f x '在区间00[,]x x εε−+内小于0,即有()f x 在区间00[,]x x εε−+单调递减,因此,不存在0δ>,使得函数()f x 在区间(,)δδ−内单调递增.7分12、(6分)求解常微分方程:532e 0x xy y x y '++=.解:显然0y ≡是方程的特解;当0y ≠时方程两边同除以3xy 的方程:3242e 0x y y y x x−−'++=, 令2z y −=,有3d d 2d d z y y x x−=−,原方程就可化为如下线性方程: 3分2442e x z y x x−'=+,用一阶线性微分方程的求解公式得:24(2e )x y z x C −==+ 6分13、(5分)设函数()f x 在区间[],a b 上有连续的二阶导数,证明:至少存在一点(,)a b ξ∈使得3()()d ()()224baa b b a f x x b a f f ξ+−⎛⎫''=−+⎪⎝⎭⎰. 证明:令()()d x aF x f t t =⎰,由于()f x 在区间[],a b 上有连续的二阶导数,因此()F x 在区间[],a b 上有连续的三阶导数,取02a bx +=,由泰勒公式得: 23010000010()()()()()()()(),(,)2!3!F x F F a F x F x a x a x a x a x ξξ''''''=+−+−+−∈ 23020000020()()()()()()()(),(,)2!3!F x F F b F x F x b x b x b x x b ξξ''''''=+−+−+−∈3分利用00()b x a x −=−−,上述两式相减得:31201020()()()()()(),(,),(,)3!2F F b a F b F a F x b a a x x b ξξξξ''''''+−⎛⎫'−=−+∈∈ ⎪⎝⎭即有:312()()()()d ()2242baf f a b b a f x x b a f ξξ''''++−⎛⎫⎛⎫=−+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎰. 由于()f x ''在区间[],a b 上连续,由介值定理可知至少存在一点(,)a b ξ∈使得12()()()2f f f ξξξ''''+''=. 因此3()()d ()()224baa b b a f x x b a f f ξ+−⎛⎫''=−+⎪⎝⎭⎰. 5分。

2017——2018 学年第一学期八年级期末考试生物试卷一、选择题1. 若在清澈且水草茂盛的溪流中仔细寻找,你可能会发现水螅和涡虫,二者的共同特征是A. 背腹扁平B. 身体呈辐射对称C. 有口无肛门D. 体表有刺细胞【答案】C2. 软体动物与人类生活的关系非常密切,下列有关软体动物的描述中,不正确的是A. 身体外面都有坚硬的贝壳B. 大多数种类生活在水中C. 柔软的身体表面有外套膜D. 很多种类可供人类食用【答案】A............3. 成语“金蝉脱壳”中的“壳”俗称“蝉蜕” (如图所示),是蝉的幼虫最后一次蜕下来的A. 甲B. 贝壳C. 鳞片D. 外骨骼【答案】D【解析】金蝉的体表具有坚硬的外骨骼,外骨骼不能随着身体的生长而长大,所以在金蝉的生长发育过程中,有脱掉原来的外骨骼的现象,这就是蜕皮,因此,成语“金蝉脱壳”中的“壳”指的是“外骨骼”,D正确。
4. 在观察蚯蚓的实验中,需要经常用浸水的棉球轻擦蚯蚓体表,这样做主要是为了保证其正常的A. 运动B. 消化C. 呼吸D. 体色【答案】C【解析】蚯蚓是用湿润的体壁进行呼吸的,蚯蚓的体壁能够分泌粘液,使体壁始终保持湿润,以保证正常的呼吸,同时减少与土壤的摩擦,所以在观察蚯蚓的实验过程中,要经常用水湿润它的皮肤,是为了保证蚯蚓的正常呼吸,C正确。
5. 下列动物中,真正适应陆地环境的脊椎动物是A. 嵘螺B. 蚯蚓C. 蝗虫D. 壁虎【答案】D【解析】蝾螈是有尾两栖动物,体内有脊椎,但生活在水里,A错误;蚯蚓环节动物,属于无脊椎动物,B 错误;蝗虫体外有外骨骼,适应陆地生活,但体内无脊椎,是陆生无脊椎动物,C错误;壁虎是爬行动物,体内有脊椎,生殖发育完全摆脱了对水的依赖,是真正适应陆地环境的脊椎动物,D正确。
6. 下列动物中,形态结构特征与鲫鱼最为相似的是A. 鲢鱼B. 章鱼C. 娃娃鱼D. 鲸鱼【答案】A【解析】鲫鱼、鲢鱼都是鱼类,都用鳃呼吸,形态结构特征最为相似,A正确;章鱼的身体柔软,有外套膜,是软体动物,B错误;娃娃鱼又叫大鲵,幼时用鳃呼吸,成体用肺呼吸,世界上现存最大的也是最珍贵的两栖动物,C错误;鲸鱼具有胎生哺乳的特点,属于哺乳动物,D错误。

武汉大学2018-2019外科学期末B卷附答案(总20页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--武汉大学2018-2019学年(第一)学期2015级临床医学及(5+3)专业,2014级临床医学(本硕博连读)《外科学考试题目》期末考试(B卷)姓名学号专业年级一、A1型题 (答题说明:共有63题,合计分。
)1.致伤物与头部接触面积大,速度慢,产生的骨折多为:A.线形B.凹陷C.粉碎D.洞形E.混合性2.颅底骨折伴有脑脊液耳漏,下列哪项治疗是正确的?A.将外耳道冲洗干净B.用无菌棉球填塞外耳道C.脱水治疗D.给予抗菌素治疗E.立即手术补修漏口3.脑震荡患者其常有下列哪项临床表现A.急性脑受压B.蛛网膜下腔出血C.上肢轻瘫D.逆行性健忘E.右Babinski sign(+)4.脑脓肿包膜初步形成的时间是:天以内天天左右周周5.脑血管畸形最有效的治疗方法是:A.直接开颅手术切除B.微导管栓塞术C.放射治疗D.结扎同侧颈内动脉E.颅内动脉搭桥术6.一侧胸膜腔负压被破坏,可导致:A.伤侧肺萎缩B.回心血量减少C.纵隔移向健侧D.胸壁反常运动E.对侧肺血管破裂7.单纯肋骨骨折,下列治疗哪项是错误的?A.止痛B.骨折复位C.骨折固定D.保持呼吸道通畅E.预防感染8.诊断皮下气肿以下哪项是最可靠的:A.皮肤紧张不适感B.呼吸困难C.皮下组织捻发感D.皮肤肿胀E.气胸9.心脏刀刺伤心包内大量积血,引起心排出量下降主要原因是:A.心肌损害,低心排B.因心脏穿透伤出血造成血容量减少C.心房心室及腔静脉受压回心血量减少D.左室收缩无力E.低血压10.尺神经在上肢开始分支的部位是:A.肘关节上方B.前臂上1/3C.前臂中1/3D.前臂下1/3E.腕关节上方11.下列哪一项是区别膝关节侧副韧带完全断裂与轻度扭伤的依据:A.在外力作用下膝关节有侧方异常活动B.局部压痛较重,血肿较大C.抽屉试验阳性D.伤膝伸直时疼痛加重E.以上都不是12.桡骨小半脱位时下列那项是错误的?A.通常有牵拉史B.患手旋前位,不愿活动C.桡骨小头部有压痛线片可发现桡骨小半脱位E.复位后症状常立即消失13.早期食管癌的首选治疗是:A.手术治疗B.化疗C.放疗D.中药E.免疫治疗14.有下述情况的骨折何者较适应于手术治疗:A.骨折的对位,对线不良B.长管骨骨折C.扁骨骨折D.青枝骨折E.下肢骨折15.急性化脓性关节炎除金黄色葡萄球菌外较常见的病原菌是:A.绿脓杆菌B.白色葡萄球菌C.大肠杆菌D.溶血性链球菌E.肺炎双球菌16.腰痛病人,最符合腰椎间盘突出症诊断的症状是哪项?A.进行性两下肢知觉、运动麻痹B.腰部疼痛、伴有全身发烧C.腰部前凸增强和间歇性跛行D.腰部角状后和两下肱不全麻痹E.一侧肢痛和小腿不全麻痹17.诊断胸、腰椎骨折最重要体征是A.短缩畸形B.旋转畸形C.成角畸形D.后突畸形E.侧弯畸形18.搬运脊柱骨折的病人,其正确的体位是A.侧卧位B.仰卧过伸位C.俯卧位D.半坐卧位19.最少发生椎间盘突出的腰椎间隙是:A.腰2-3B.腰3-4C.腰4-5D.腰5-骶1E.骶1-骶220.严重肾裂伤的治疗是:A.密切观察病情及支持疗法B.肾周围引流术C.肾修补术D.肾部分切除术E.肾切除术21.需要鉴别后尿道破裂与腹膜外型膀胱破裂时,可选用哪种器械?A.金属探子B.金属导尿管C.膀胱镜D.橡胶导尿管E.丝状探子22.球部尿道完全断裂发生尿外渗时,尿液可渗到:A.皮下组织内B.皮下浅筋膜下C.皮下深筋膜下D.睾丸鞘膜内E.精索鞘膜内23.骑跨伤所致的尿道破裂,其出血的表现是:A.尿道口滴血B.终末性血尿C.无出血D.全程性血尿E.肛检直肠周围可触到血肿24.泌尿系中最先遭受结核杆菌感染的器官是:A.肾脏B.输尿管C.膀胱D.尿道E.肾盂25.根据尿石成份来分类,最常见的结石是:A.草酸盐结石B.磷酸盐结石C.尿酸及尿酸盐结石D.胱氨酸结石E.黄嘌呤结石26.以下哪些情况易诱发膀胱结石:A.膀胱肿瘤B.前列腺肥大C.甲状腺机能亢进D.输尿管狭窄E.饮水过少27.急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎手术的主要目的A.取出结石B.胆管整形,纠正狭窄C.解除梗阻,引流胆道D.切除病变的肝脏E.行胆肠吻合术引流胆道28.诊断胆囊结石首选A.腹部平片B.静脉胆囊造影C.口服胆囊造影超29.最常见的腹外疝是A.股疝B.腹壁切口疝C.腹股沟斜疝D.脐疝E.腹股沟直疝氏修补术是将A.在精索前面将腹内斜肌和联合腱缝于腹股沟韧带上B.在精索后,将腹内斜肌和联合腱缝于腹股沟韧带上C.在精索后面将腹内斜肌和联合腱位于耻骨韧带上D.将精索移位于皮下E.将联合肌腱缝合于耻骨韧带和陷窝韧带上31.腹内空腔脏器破裂确诊后应A.迅速手术治疗B.先治休克,待休克控制后才手术C.如发现全身的局部体征加重时,即刻剖腹探查D.先治疗休克然后手术,但休克经积极治疗仍无好转者,亦应立即手术E.估计破裂口小者可采用保守治疗32.胃术后开始进食的时间是:A.术后第5天B.恶心、呕吐消失后C.体温正常后D.肛门排气或解大便后E.病人想吃的时候33.高位小肠梗阻早期酸碱平衡紊乱的表现为:A.代谢性酸中毒B.代谢性碱中毒C.呼吸性酸中毒D.呼吸性碱中毒E.混合型酸中毒34.目前肠梗阻最常见的原因是:A.肠肠道肿瘤B.肠扭转C.嵌顿性外疝D.粪便嵌塞E.肠粘连35.下列除哪项外,应认为有绞窄性肠梗阻的可能A.平卧位腹部X线片可见肠管普遍积气B.经有效胃肠减压后,剧烈腹痛不缓解C.全身中毒症状出现较早、较重D.自肛门排出血性液体E.腹胀不明显,但有明显腹膜刺激征36.胸部创伤后,气管向伤侧移位,伤侧叩诊实音见于:A.肺不张B.血胸C.肺炎D.气胸E.创伤性湿肺37.肘关节脱位整复后应A.屈肘90°石膏后托固定B.屈肘小于90°石膏后托固定C.三角巾屈肘90°悬吊固定D.前臂及上臂固定于外展位E.不用固定,积极锻炼38.肛管直肠周围脓肿临床上最多见于A.直肠后间隙B.直肠黏膜下脓肿C.坐骨直肠窝脓肿D.肛门周围脓肿E.骨盆直肠窝脓肿39.骨折血肿机化演进期大约需要A.3天B.5天C.1周D.2周E.3周40.治疗骨折的原则,正确的是A.复位、固定、药物治疗B.复位、固定C.复位、固定、功能锻炼D.复位、固定、物理治疗E.固定、功能锻炼、药物治疗41.在骨折的急救处理中,措施不正确的是A.可用清洁的布类包扎创口B.妥善的固定非常重要C.首先要检查病人的全身情况,抢救生命D.开放外露的骨折端应立即复回E.病人经妥善处理固定后迅速送往就近的医院42.颈髓损伤最严重的并发症是A.褥疮B.泌尿系感染C.膀胱结石D.体温失调E.呼吸衰竭与呼吸道感染43.股骨转子间骨折内固定治疗的金标准是A 髓内钉内固定B DHS内固定C 钢板内固定D 关节置换E 空心钉内固定44.下列哪种骨折适合采用手法复位保守治疗A 股骨干骨折B 桡骨远端骨折C 胫骨平台骨折D 胫骨开放性骨折E 骨盆骨折45.骨的完整性和连续性完全中断应诊断为A 完全骨折B 裂缝骨折C 青枝骨折D 不完全骨折E 以上都不是46.脊髓型颈椎病的诊断与下列哪项无明显关系A.大小便障碍B.压头及牵拉试验C.上肢麻木,上肢肌力弱,持物不稳D.下肢发紧,发麻,行走困难E.不规则躯干和下肢感觉障碍,腱反射亢进,肌张力增高47.有关骨盆骨折合并尿道损伤及失血性休克患者的处理,正确的顺序是A.骨盆骨折-尿道损伤-休克B.休克-尿道损伤-骨盆骨折C.休克-骨盆骨折-尿道损伤D.尿道损伤-休克-骨盆骨折E.同时处理尿道损伤和休克,骨盆骨折48.与特发性脊柱侧凸的发生有关的病因是A.椎体发育畸形,阻滞椎或半椎体B.尚不清,可能与营养缺乏、生长失调、肌力不平衡有关C.间盘退变及膨出D.脊柱骨折及脱位畸形愈合E.神经纤维瘤病49.急性化脓性骨髓炎行局部引流的原则,是A.应尽量避免切开以免形成窦道B.应待x线片显示骨质破坏时进行C.临床诊断——经明确抗生素治疗数日无效即行引流手术D.在软组织内可触及脓肿时方施行E.待全身中毒症状改善后再施行50.骨巨细胞瘤治疗方案的确定,决定于线表现B.临床表现、T、M分级D.病理检查E.放疗后有否恶变51.疝内容物进入疝囊引起血运障碍称为:A、难复疝B、嵌顿性疝C、绞窄疝D、Richter疝E、滑疝52.早期胃癌是指:A、癌灶直径6~8mmB、癌灶直径小于5mmC、癌灶直径小于10mmD、癌灶局限于粘膜或粘膜下层,无淋巴结转移E、癌灶局限于粘膜或粘膜下层,无论有无淋巴结转移53.急性胰腺炎时,血清淀粉酶升高的规律是:A、发病后2小时升高,12~24小时达高峰B、发病后3~12小时升高,24~48小时达高峰C、发病后24小时升高,48小时达高峰D、发病后48小时升高,72小时后达高峰E、以上都不对54.骨肉瘤最好发的部位是:A、胫骨和肱骨B、桡骨和股骨C、股骨和胫骨D、脊柱和胫骨E、股骨和髂骨55.张力性气胸,患者呼吸困难,最重要的治疗措施是:A、吸氧B、呼吸机辅助C、气管插管或切开D、开胸手术E、胸腔穿刺抽气减压56.关于上尿路结石的临床表现,下列哪项是错误的?A、结石可引起钝痛和绞痛B、结石越大疼痛越重C、可引起肉眼或镜下血尿D、伴感染时可有尿频、尿痛等E、双侧上尿路结石或孤肾上尿路结石完全性梗阻时,可导致无尿57.胸腺瘤好发于:A、前上纵隔B、前下纵隔C、中纵隔D、后纵隔E、全纵隔58.食管癌手术切除范围应距瘤体上下:A、3~5cmB、5~8cmC、1~2cmD、10cm以上E、以上都不正确59.缩窄性心包炎最常见的临床表现是:A、微热、盗汗B、胸前疼痛、干咳C、心界扩大明显D、呼吸困难、胸水E、颈静脉怒张、肝大、腹水60.大量凝固性血胸,在其出血停止后数天内,应争取何种手术A、闭式胸膜腔引流术B、胸膜腔穿刺术C、肺纤维板剥出术D、剖胸清除积血和血块E、胸廓改形术61.通过哪项简易检查即可初步诊断泌尿系统感染?A、前列腺液B、尿常规C、排泄性尿路造影D、中段尿培养E、X线腹部平片62.诊断颅脑损伤,目前最安全可靠的方法是:A、SPECTB、脑干诱发电位检查C、脑血管造影或脑室造影D、CT及MRIE、X线63.最容易引起颅骨侵蚀的颅内肿瘤是:A、神经胶质瘤B、松果体瘤C、神经纤维瘤D、血管瘤E、脑膜瘤二、A2型题 (答题说明:共有19题,合计分。

9. 试指出哪一种化合物的分子离子峰的质量数为奇数?
A). C6H6 B). C6H5NO2
C) C4H2N6O
D). I = acb
(B ) C9H10O2
10. 要获得较高丰度的分子离子峰,可采用哪种离子源?
(C )
A). 电子轰击源 B). 化学电离源 C). 场离子源 D). 火花源
11. 在原子吸收光谱测定时,为提高易形成难熔氧化物元素的分析灵敏度,应选
(C )
A. 电子轰击源 B. 化学电离源 C. 场离子源 D. 火花源
24. 与火焰原子吸收法相比,石墨炉原子吸收法有以下特点:
(D )
A. 灵敏度低但重现性好
B. 基体效应大但重现性好
C. 所需样品量大但检出限低
D. 物理干扰少且原子化效率高
25. 可分别用作红外光谱和质谱检测器的是:
(C )
A. 相板、光电倍增管;
28. 不饱和烃类分子除了含有 键外,还含有 键,它们可产生__两种跃迁。(A )
A. → * 和 → *,
B. → * 和 n →*,
C. → *和 n → *,
D. n → *和 → *。
29. 质谱分析应用十分广泛,除了可以测定物质的相对分子量外,还用于__。(B )
A 定量分析, B. 结构与定量分析, C. 结构分析, D. 表面状态分析。
A. 原子发射光谱和紫外吸收光谱; B. 原子发射光谱和红外光谱
C. 红外光谱和质谱
D. 原子吸收光谱和核磁共振谱
22. 下列哪两种光源同是线光源:
( C)
A. W 灯和空心阴极灯 B. 氘灯和 Nernst 灯
C. 激光和空心阴极灯 D. ICP 光源和硅碳棒

武汉大学2017学年度第一学期《分析化学》期末考试试卷及答案一.填空(每空1分,共26分,写在试卷上)1. 将0.20mol/LSO42-和0.10mol/LBa2+等体积混合,欲通过加动物胶(p K a1=2.0, p K a2=8.5)促其凝聚,这时沉淀溶液的pH值应为____________。
2. 检验两组结果是否存在显著性差异采用检验法,检验两组数据的精密度是否存在显著性差异采用检验法。
3. EDTA (即Na2H2Y)水溶液的质子条件式为。
4. 含有Zn2+和Al3+的酸性缓冲溶液,欲在pH=5~5.5的条件下,用EDTA标准溶液滴定其中的Zn2+,加入一定量六亚甲基四胺的作用是;加入NH4F的作用是。
5. 已知EºFe(III)/Fe(II)=0.77 V, EºSn(IV)/Sn(II)=0.14 V,则用Fe滴定Sn时,计量点的电位为V。
6. 某含EDTA、Zn2+和Ca2+的氨缓冲溶液中,lgαY(H+)=0.45, lgαY(Ca2+)=4.7, lgαZn(NH3)=2.5,而lg K ZnY=16.5,故lg K ZnY´= 。
7. 某酸碱指示剂HIn的变色范围为5.8至7.8,其p K a= ;在pH=6时络合指示剂与Zn2+的络合物的条件稳定常数lg K´ZnIn=8.9,则变色点时的p[Zn]= 。
8.吸光光度法中测量条件的选择应注意,, 等几点。
9. 吸光光度法中,采用的空白(参比)溶液主要有: , 和。
10. 吸光光度法中,吸光度读数为,浓度测量误差最小,此时透光率为。
11.特殊的吸光光度法主要有, ,。
13.根据试样的用量和操作规模,分析方法分为, , ,。
武汉大学信息管理学院 C语言期末考试 试卷

武汉大学信息管理学院第一学期《C语言》期末考试试卷(A)年级_______ 专业学号___________ 姓名________一、选择:(20分)1、char str[]=“ab\n\\012\\\””;函数strlen(str)的计算结果是A、14B、7C、9D、102、在一个C源文件中,若定义一个只允许本文件中所有函数使用的全局变量,则该变量需要使用的存储类别是A、 externB、registerC、autoD、static3、以下对结构体变量stu1中成员age的非法引用是struct student{ int age;int num;} stu1,*p;P=&stu1;A、stu1.ageB、student.ageC、p->ageD、(*p).age4、以下语句输出结果是int a=110,b=017;printf(“%x,%d”,a++,b++);A、6e,15B、6e,16C、6f,15D、6f,165、正确的k的值是enum {a,b=5,c,d=4,e} k;k=e;A、3B、4C、5D、66、 int a=4,b=5,t=0;if (a>b) t=a,a=b,b=t;printf(“%d,%d”,a,b);此程序段的输出结果是A、5,4B、4,5C、5,0D、4,07 、以下for循环执行时,内循环体的总的执行次数是for (i=5;i;i- -)for(j=0;j<4;j++) { ……… }A、20B、24C、25D、308、现定义一个二维数组c[M][N]存放字符串“China”,“Tinajin”,“Education”,则,常量M和N的合理取值是A、3和9B、2和10C、4和9D、3和109、在定义int a[3][6]后,第16个元素是A、a[2][3]B、a[1][3]C、a[3][1]D、a[4][2]10、若定义int a,b,*p1=&a,*p2=&b;使p2指向a的赋值语句是A、*p2=&a;B、p2=&p1;C、p2=&*p1;D、p2=*&a;二、读程序写结果:(20分)三、下面的程序用来将十进制数转化为二进制数,例如输入一个整型数10,则输出1010,请在下列空白出填空。

9.考生联系方式审题人:________________Part I Listening Comprehension(25%)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear eight short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause. you must read the four choices marked A). BL. C) and D).and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line though the centre.I.A) She mst walk five miks.B)She must walk five or six blocks.C)She must walk to the comer for three blocks.D)She must tour two bbcks.2.A)He will do anything to make the soup.B)He can't eat any soup.C)He prefers another job.D)He doesn't want any dinner.3.A)He ade an improper turmB)He went the wrong direction on a one-way street.C)He got a one-way plane ticket.D)He sbwed down at the wrong time.4.A) She i too shy to apply for the job.B)She is peiful.C)She is quabfied.D)She is inteligent.5.A) The bus has broken down and will not arrive.B)The bus was debiyed by the traffic jamC)The bus will probably arrive at 9:15.D)The bus will arive tonighu.but the man isn't sure.6.A) The report might be short.B)The report might be bngC)The report has been finished.D)The report mighu be easy.7.A)Go to her sister's home.B)Go to make the phone callC)Go to the dinner.D)Go to the concert.8.A)James never comes bate.B)James i always bte.C)James is not surprised.D)James hates to wai.Section BDirectlons:In this section,you will hear TWO shon passages. At the end of each passage. you will hear some questions. Borh the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the bes answer fom the four choices marked A). B).C) and D1.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line though the centre.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the following passage:9.A)It helps the Estener to remember what has been sail.B) It interferes with listening comprehensionC)It has no effect on Estening comprehension.D) It helps the students with poor memory.10.A)50%B)80%C)90%D)100%11.A)They shoukd keep their notes as kong as possible.B)They should check ther notes wih other students.C)They should review their noles from time to time.D) They should never take notes when Estening.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the following passage:12.A)They speak several bngunges.B)They offen travel by air for free.C)They needn't work lke a wairess.D)They eam money and see the world at the same time.13.A)They can speak several langunges.B)They can do the simple job in the routine manner.C)They must kam abou psychology.D)They must work Eke a nurse sometimes.14.A)She must be able to carry oul the necessary procedure wih calm and efficiency.B)She must be able to expbin the situation in several anguages.C)She mst take the advantage of the psychology and the murse.D)She must estirate the work of the pilot exactly.15.A)Because she does the routine job effciently.B)Because she ik a charming waitress.C)Because she is a well-trained essential menber of the crew.D)Because she is able to communicate wih the passengers in several bingunges.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear TWO passages. Each passage will be read TWICE. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the reconding.(注意:本部分请直接把答案写在主观答题纸上。

x d x3 2 2 1+x s in x √ J √武汉大学2017-2018学年第一学期末《高等数学C1》试卷(A 卷)一. 计算 limn →∞√n [√n + 3 − √n ].(7分)二. 计算lim e tan x −e 3x. (7 分)x →0sin x三. 设f (x ) = ax + b,|x | ≤ 1x 2 + 2x − 2, |x | > 1, 求a, b 使得函数f (x )在x = ±1处连续.(7分)四. 若y = arctan 1+x , 求d y . (7分)1−x五. 设y = y (x )由方程ln ✓x 2 + y 2 = arctan y 确定, 求d y . 六. 设y = sin x − 1 sin 3 x , 验证y II − 3 sin 3x = −3 sin x . (7分)七. 求函数f (x ) = sin 2x − x 在区间[− π , π ]上的最大值与最小值. (8分)八. 已知f (x )的一个原函数为 sin x , 求J [1 + f (x )]f I (x )d x . (7分)九. 计算J 1 d x , 其中a 是正常数. (7分)(a 2−x 2)3十. 计算Jx sin x d x . (7分)十一. 计算 e 2 1√ x d x . (7分)1+ln x 十二. 计算J 22√ x √a rcsi n x d x . (7分)−1−x 2十三. 设函数f (x )在区间[a, b ]上有连续的导数, 在区间(a, b )内二阶可导,且f (a ) = f (b ) = f I (a ) = 0. 证明存在ξ ∈ (a, b ), 使得f II(ξ) = 0. (7分)十四. 求由直线y = x, y = 2 − x 与x 轴围成的图形分别绕x 轴与y 轴得到的旋 转体体积. (8分)武汉大学2017-2018学年第一学期末 《高等数学C1》试卷(A 卷)答案2 2x 2+y 2 x d x32 2 一. 计算 lim √n [√n +3 − √n ].(7分)n →∞√ √√ √ 解. lim n [ n + 3 − n ] = lim √n √ (4分) = 3 .(3分)n →∞ 二. 计算lim etan x −e 3x. (7分) n →∞n +3+ n2 x →0sin x解. I. limetan x −e 3x = lim etan x −1−(e 3x −1)= lim tan x −3x (5分) = −2.(2分)x →0sin x x →0 sin x x →0 sin x II. lim e tan x −e 3x = sec 2 xe tan x −3e 3x (5分) = −2.(2分) x →0sin x cos x 三. 设f (x ) =ax + b,|x | ≤ 1x 2 + 2x − 2, |x | >1, 求a, b 使得函数f (x )在x = ±1处连续.(7分)解. 由 lim − f (x ) = −3, lim + f (x ) = −a + b , limf (x ) = a + x →−1x →−1x →1−b, lim x →1+f (x ) = 1(4分), a = 2, b = −1.(3分) 四. 若y = arctan 1+x , 求d y . (7分)1−x解. 由y I =12 (5分), d y =12 d x .(2分)1+x1+x五. 设y = y (x )由方程ln ✓x 2 + y 2 = arctan y 确定, 求d y .解. 方程两边同时对x 求导得, x +yy lx 2+y 2= xy l−y (4分). 由此, x + yy I = xy I − y . 故d y = x +y (3分).d xx −y六. 设y = sin x − 1 sin 3x , 验证y II − 3 sin 3 x = −3 sin x . (7分) 证. 由y I = cos x − cos x sin 2 x = cos 3 x , y II = −3 sin x cos 2 x (5分). 故y II − 3 sin 3 x = −3 sin x (cos 2 x + sin 2 x ) = −3 sin x.(2分)七. 求函数f (x ) = sin 2x − x 在区间[− π , π ]上的最大值与最小值. (8分)3J I . f (x ) , [1 + f (x )]f (x )d x .(7 ) r J 1 6 6 2 222626626222 2 2 2 =(1 + x sin x )2 + 2 (a 2 − x 2)3 a 2 cos 2 t a 2 − x 2 J1 + lnx √21 + ln x 12 2解. 由f I (x ) = 2 cos x − 1, x 1 = − π , x 2 = π 为函数在区间[− π , π ]上的两 个驻点(4分). 又f (− π) = π , f (− π ) = − √3 + π , f ( π ) = √3 − π , f ( π ) = − π .函数f (x )在区间[− π , π ]上的最大值与最小值分别为π, − π (4分). 八 已知 的一个原函数为 sin x 求 分 1+x sin x解. 由f (x )的一个原函数为 sin x , f (x ) = cos x −sin2 x(3分). 故1+x sin x(1+x sin x )2r[1 + f (x )]f I (x )d x =f (x ) +1 f2 2(x ) + Ccos x − sin 2 x 1 _ cos x − sin 2 x _2九. 计算J1d x , 其中a 是正常数. (7分)解. 令x = a sin t , 则d x = a cos t d t (2分),1 1 1 ✓ d x = d t = tan t +C = x√ +C. (5分)十. 计算 x sin x d x . (7分)解.rx sin x d x = − r x d cos x (2分) = −x cos x + rcosx d x= − x cos x + sin x + C. (5分)十一. 计算 e 2d x. (7分) 解.e 2d x √ =e 2d(1 + ln x ) √ (4 分) = 2e 2 1 + ln x 1= 2(3 − 1). (3分) 十二. 计算J2√x √a rcsi n x d x . (7分)1−x 21 1 √ (1 + xsin x )2 + C. (4分) r a 2 a 2 √r x r √ 1 √ −− 2 r 211 2 − r解.√22 x a rcsin x √2 √1 − x 2 d x = −√2 2 √ arcsin x d − 21 − x2 √(3分) √2✓ 1 2 r 2= 4 −√ π. (4分) 2 2十三. 设函数f (x )在区间[a, b ]上有连续的导数, 在区间(a, b )内二阶可导,且f (a ) = f (b ) = f I (a ) = 0. 证明存在ξ ∈ (a, b ), 使得f II (ξ) = 0. (7分)证. 由罗尔中值定理, 存在η ∈ (a, b ), 使得f I (η) = 0(4分). 又导函数f I (x )在区间[a, η]上满足罗尔中值定理的条件, 故存在ξ ∈ (a, η) ⊂ (a, b ), 结论成立(3分).十四. 求由直线y = x , y = 2 − x 与x 轴围成的图形分别绕x 轴与y 轴得到的旋 转体体积. (8分)解. 图形绕x 轴与y 轴得到的旋转体体积分别为V x = π 1 x 2d x + π 0 2 (2 x )2d x = 12π, (4分)3 V y = π√2d x − 2arcsin x √2 + − 22 1 − x = − r ✓r r r(2 −y)2d y −πy2d y = 2π.(4分) 0。
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5. 明茨伯格关于管理者的角色是()
1、 2008年约恩·克努德斯道普担任乐高CEO时,数据显示女孩对乐高积木的兴趣不如男孩:乐高玩家85%都是男孩,乐高每次尝试吸引女孩的努力都失败了。
2012年,乐高女孩(Lego Friends)系列大获成功,证实了他的想法。