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2.1 Systematic variability
The status of the variability in the interlanguage use of native speakers has been viewed very differently by linguists, depending on whether they approach it in terms of a homogenous competence model or a heterogeneous competence model.
“Observer’s paradox” by Labov
Good data requires systematic observation (as stated by axiom5), but axiom6 prevents access to the user’s vernacular style, which, because it is the most systematic style, is the principal goal of linguistic enquiry.

In a homogenous competence model all variability is classified as nonsystematic variability. That is to say, the language user is credited with a system of rules (his “competence”) which is homogeneous. This underlies all his efforts at performance, and the fact that he does not always manifest the ideal system in the way he speaks or writes is dismissed as irrelevant to an understanding of the ideal system.(Chomsky1965)
5.Minimal pairs
「θ」或「ð 」as in “thing”& “they”
Findings: More attention given, the more approachable to the target language.
Another way of accounting for variability is by means of implicational analysis(Decamp1971;Bickerton1975)
Labov’s studies (spread according to the amount of attention paid by the speakers to their own speech) 1.Casual speech
2.Careful speech
3.Reading 4.Word lists
Biblioteka Baidu
Thus the homogenous competence model discounts stylistic variability, or rather threat it only as an aspect of performance.
A heterogeneous competence model posits that although some of the variability observed is the result of relatively unpredictable factors to do with the state of the mind or emotions of the user, other variability, particularly that deriving from the user’s knowledge of how to use language appropriately, is systematic, and more importantly, constitutes an integral part of the user’s communicative competence (Hymes 1971)
Chapter 4 Variability in Interlanguage
1.Introduction: types of variability 2.Variability in language use 2.1 systematic variability 2.2 non-systematic variability 2.3 summary 3.Variability in interlanguage 3.1contextual variability 3.2 free variability 3.3 summary 4.The role of variability in SLA 4.1 contextual variability 4.2 free variability 5. Discussion
1.Introduction: types of variability
Variability in interlanguage 1.systematic variability
• a. contextual variability linguistic context situational context • b. individual variability (i.e. product of individual learner factors such as age, motivation, personality)
Furthermore, the presence of one feature in an idiolect entails the co-occurrence of one or more other features. (hierarchically ordered) e.g. 1. I am I’m (both employ) 2. I’m (might not necessarily use “I am ” ) language users shift along this continuum of styles, varying the choice of the idiolect in accordance with social factors. (heterogeneous competence model)
2.non-systematic variability
• a. free variability • b. performance variability
2. Variability in language use
1.systematic variability
2.non-systematic variability
In a homogenous competence model linguistic knowledge is separated from non-linguistic knowledge( Chomsky currently calls it , pragmatic knowledge).
2.2 non-systematic variability
2 types: Performance variability (not part of the user’s competence, it occurs when the language user is unable to perform his competence) Free variability (no rules) e.g. Often: ['ɔ(:)fn ], [ 'ɔ:ftən] factory ['fæktəri], ['fæktri]
So, in a heterogeneous competence model, stylistic variability is viewed as an integral part of competence, not performance.
Labov(1970)—heterogeneous competence model—5 axioms about how to study language use.(P.77)
1. All speakers posse several “styles”. 2. Styles can be ranged along a single dimension, measured by the amount of attention paid to speech. 3. The vernacular is the style in which minimum attention is given to monitoring speech. It provides “the most systematic data” for linguistic study. 4. It is not possible to tap the vernacular style of the user by systematic observation of how he performs in a formal context.(experiment) 5. The only way to obtain good data on the speech of a language user is through systematic observation.
This approach involves viewing language as an intersecting set of idiolects.
The presupposition of the analysis:
Any one speaker will have access to a number of such idiolects, but is unlikely to be capable of the full range. But within a language community, the full range of idiolects will be observed. The competence of the community can be viewed as a continuum. At one end of the continuum is an idiolect(usually the standard dialect) which contains all of a number of specified features, while at the other end is an idiolect which contains few or even none of these features.

In other words, the user’s ability to perform needs to be understood in terms of communicative rather than linguistic competence. i.e. When , where and with whom to perform.