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蜡笔小新全集名称(577集)第1部1-01 买东西1-02 妈妈忙死了1-03 美术课1-04 三轮车1-05 肚子痛1-06 爸爸好辛苦啊1-07 看动感超人1-08 营养午餐1-09 看牙医1-10 行侠仗义(的向日葵班)1-11-15 野餐记(1) 野餐记(2) 看电影帮忙的故事整理东西1-16-20 养小蝌蚪洗澡避难训练收养小狗它的名字叫小白1-21 遛狗1-22 小白的家1-23 讨厌的青椒1-24 打扰爸爸1-25 玩黏土1-26 看书1-27 好朋友1-28 买游泳衣1-29 上游泳课1-30 喂小白1-31-35 夫妻吵架网鱼轶事去理发护宝趣事摄影趣闻1-36-40 快乐的海水浴饭店之行回家的路睡午觉说英语1-41-45 坐火车坐过火车了放烟火公共浴池照顾妈妈1-45-50 欺负人的孩子逛庙会与动感超人会面吉永老师约会被遗忘的小白1-51-55 (妮妮)温柔妈妈爷爷来了台风来了来决斗吧寄信的故事1-56-60 饭后刷牙尿床的孩子练习跳舞和妈妈决斗吹泡泡第2部2-61加油运动会2-62 跟妈妈赛跑2-063 接力赛2-064 逛书店2-065 暗语是美伢2-066 高跷比赛2-067 接爸爸去2-068 (女子大学生)真辛苦2-069 演戏2-070 吵架2-071 大决斗2-072 检查身体2-073 和爸爸洗车2-074 迷路2-075 小鸡的家2-076 男孩节2-077 预防感冒2-078 老师的帮手2-079 买烤红薯2-080 探望病人2-081 捉迷藏2-082 去动物园2-083 动物园快乐游2-084 去美容院2-085 年终礼物2-086 取钱2-087 跟女警官在一起2-088 (跟父亲)洗澡2-089 看家2-090 小秘密2-091-95 爷爷又来了第一次滑雪(去风间家)真好玩圣诞夜做饭真辛苦2-096-100 过家家去书店帮忙当模特温泉旅行洗温泉2-101 年夜饭2-102 放风筝2-103 堆雪人2-104 撒豆子2-105 买衣服2-106 吃火锅2-107 感冒了2-108 (警察叔叔)真辛苦2-109 唱歌2-110 红豆饼鲷(diāo)烧2-111 住校生2-112 住校生保育之夜2-113 (图书馆)需要安静2-114 马拉松(练习)2-115 马拉松大赛2-116 (三月三日)女儿节2-117 学游泳2-118 小白学艺2-119 打羽毛球2-120 (社会见习)参观第3部3-121-125外送比萨天竺鼠晒棉被练习足球足球大赛3-126-130 地震来了赏花赏花真快乐爸爸的公司一起来播种3-131 去买菜3-132 没有眉毛的脸3-133 爸爸喝醉了3-134 大侦探3-135 (去商场)买东西3-136 鲤鱼旗3-137 踢罐子3-138 乘电梯3-139 推销员3-140 母亲节3-141 出发去远足3-142 (远足)遇险记3-143 玩火真可怕3-144 收拾玩具3-145 大人的时间3-146 畅销书3-147 除草3-148 女子推销员3-149 (吉永老师病了)探病3-150 倒垃圾3-151 (吉永)老师病了3-152 旋转寿司3-153 助人为乐(帮助有困难的人)3-154 木工真辛苦3-155 小白不见了3-156 提问(政治家)3-157 服从姐姐3-158 父亲节3-159 下厨房3-160 (妈妈)牙痛3-161 跟(坏)小孩玩3-162 婚礼服3-163 参加婚礼3-164 吃喜酒3-165 睡不着觉3-166 清扫游泳池3-167 吹气球3-168 拾钱包3-169 吃刨冰3-170 (小白)去打针3-171 去露营3-172 未来的歌星3-173 画铁轨3-174 闷热的夜晚3-175 (吉永)老师的家3-176 推销员(续)3-177 买空调3-178 加油站3-179 大西瓜3-180 切西瓜第4部4-181练习相扑4-182 参加(相扑)比赛4-183 去警察局4-184 抓昆虫4-185 打扫卫生4-186_12-1 (台风)水灾记4-187 (红蝎子队)对阵4-188 躲避球4-189 (小新)急送医院4-190 医院红人4-191 我是警察4-192 镜子阿姨4-193 练习赛跑4-194 运动会4-195 妈妈减肥4-196 体能竞技4-197 爸爸的眉毛4-198 抬轿4-199 拍卖会4-200 卖东西4-201 修理屋檐4-202 买小鸡(我的弟弟是小鸡)4-203 寻找小鸡4-204 洗衣服4-205 新婚之家4-206 假扮上学4-207 烤肉4-208 爸爸辛苦了4-209 高中女生(妈妈穿校服)4-210 在成品屋里4-211 全家福4-212 缝衣服4-213 讨厌打针4-214 招待客人4-215 明褒暗贬4-216 讨厌的猫4-217 到书店玩4-218 吃拉面4-219 溜冰天才4-220 (镜子)夫妇吵架4-221 做饼干4-222 松阪老师(相亲)4-223 选举真辛苦4-224 织毛衣4-225 坐电车4-226 在公司玩4-227 服装表演4-228 (幼稚园)大扫除4-229 除夕夜的钟声4-230 爷爷奶奶来访4-231-235 压岁钱(用压岁钱)买东西滑雪旅行滑雪后的活动全家来滑雪4-236-240 预防迟到新朋友(正南的恋情) 做纳豆饭铅笔小新学铅笔小新第5部241-246我们来划船收拾东西真麻烦吃大碗拉面冰淇淋事件跟风间道别被遗忘的我247-252 (妈妈)睡午觉也很辛苦豪华火锅大餐跟爸爸去剪头发来玩躲猫猫婴儿小新妈妈去打工259-264 来玩卫生纸在幼稚园睡午觉观赏冬天的星座练习写毛笔字去电视台参观电视坏掉了265-270 在图书馆要保持安静(不对题,成田阿姨来了) 传递联络簿母子一起白看书跟小白一起洗澡恋爱拉拉队谈恋爱真辛苦271-276 可爱的小白蛇在一流大饭店过夜去动感游乐园玩春天的早晨真舒服小白生病了赏花真快乐277-282 交换卫生纸电视坏了小白爱玩具(狗) 兜风去了我想要自己的房间恋爱的预感283-288 去看相扑比赛吉永老师喝醉了跟爸爸一起加班爸爸要出差爸爸要离开家里了要跟爸爸分别289-294 爸爸不在的晚上打棒球真辛苦了小新闯祸了大人的味道看望妮妮爷爷来帮忙295-300 老大好恐怖哦爸爸的灾难到大阪吃好吃的东西大采购观察鸟类寄录影带给爸爸第6部301-306爸爸回来了红蝎子队的老大做章鱼丸跟小娃娃玩钓鱼池风波在天花板上散步307-311 在图书馆要保持安静(爷爷来了) 拜访女子大学制造混乱的爷爷跟风间玩和爸爸去公共澡堂312-317 在运动会大出风头爸爸彻夜不归倒大霉妈妈去打高尔夫球我是小新船长爸爸的同学会同学会真快乐318-320 企鹅报恩记炒面爆炸了下雨天接人321-323 爸爸的屁股生病了我是正义忍者爸爸住院了324-329 爸爸动手术爸爸的住院生活买高级牛排喽我和三个强盗动感超人大战可怕的蜘蛛机器人改进小白的屋子330-335 妈妈的成人式离不开暖座跟爸爸去百货公司妈妈减肥记动感超人大战坏蛋天才兹拜丁巴哈妈妈出车祸336-338 我的纯纯之爱我的爱的表白跟小白玩捉迷藏339-341 我们全家去北海道吃遍北海道租来的车子坏掉了342-347 迟到的新记录通信邮购会上瘾安详的睡眠吉永老师的春天快到了坐计程车去买东西我是点心大王348 名犬小白散布记349 妈妈扭到腰了350 抽中了关岛旅行351 去女生学校玩352 彩卷中奖了353 去参加葬礼354 来玩雪地大战355 改变发型记356 去看风间吧357 课长的新家358 谜般的哈迪娜359 挖耳朵好舒服哦360 美伢的同学会第7部361到美术馆欣赏艺术362 我是风间363 招待经理先生364 爸爸生病了365 愉快的化妆367 我有弟弟了368 采贝壳比赛369 悲惨的发薪日370 超级小气大作战371 跟老大玩伴家家酒372 妈妈没有驾车执照373 上驾驶训练班374-380 暑假画图日记室内游泳池真好玩帮忙搬家去邮局帮妈妈寄信去鬼屋玩妈妈罢工记381-386 离家出走记游泳大赛柏青哥高手悠闲的妈妈咪咪迷路了参观新车展示会387-392 打败坏小孩夏天去海边真快乐划船记暑假露营记露营惊魂记为哈密瓜烦恼393-397 种青椒记爸爸戒烟记跟松阪老师一起玩洗营养午餐的餐具泡各种浴池去健康俱乐部玩398-403 照顾迷路的小孩香水就是外遇的证据孩子吵架大人也来凑热闹在船上钓鱼跟天才少女对决开车接爸爸下班404-409 我要吃高级的点心疲惫的松阪老师妈妈离家出走交通规则特训与外星人碰面我的亲手签名410-415 帮忙叠衣服烤肉大餐到赛马场玩耍骑脚踏车上学取得驾驶执照跟妈妈开车兜风-415 垒球比赛(1) 垒球比赛(2) 离婚记一个人洗澡三轮车比赛吃到饱的自助餐416-420 大江户乐园火之篇大江户乐园水之篇小新在强风中出游赏花好危险哦都是长舌惹的祸突然很想吃拉面第8部4-421- 乖宝宝小新打保龄球照顾小沙普-426 照顾小沙普(续) 到东京去大球场勇敢的红蝎子队教练角(jiǎo)头老大龙子的情书427-432 新年好热闹哦滑雪去滑雪场大骚动小心火烛正南真有人缘好吃的年糕433-438 和爸爸在一起玩爬山好累哦超市真好玩动物园记现场直播记工人好辛苦439-444 猴子来家里捣蛋我的头发长长了动感超人拼死最后决战擦鞋子可爱擦鞋童风间的秘密笔记445-450 世界迷作跳舞之犬女子高中的园游会新车子能用看哦终于想买车了种田真好玩尿尿的规矩真困难451-454 终于买了新车出动去救宠物去外面吃面爸爸妈妈最大的危机 1 爸爸妈妈最大的危机 2 爸爸妈妈最大的危机 3 455-460 妈妈怀孕三个月了我的收藏品站着白看真过瘾协助妈妈做胎教风间恋爱了帮助恋爱中的风间467-472 乖宝宝的礼物恋爱中的少女美穗做好产前的准备世界迷作小木偶新诺丘把球要回来当妈妈的保镖473-478 品尝正宗咖喱小白的散步真辛苦借东西比赛网球大赛大家一起离家出走跟小baby说话第9部479-484小宝宝回来了哄小宝宝睡觉好想睡觉的一天一家四口的纪念照替小宝宝想名字小宝宝的名字决定了485-490 我是婴儿保姆跟踪爸爸完成快递的任务做梦的爸爸妮妮生气了求婚纪念日491-496 小宝宝真可爱风间也想轻松一下开车真危险在墙上涂鸦上街买福袋照顾准考生497-502 介绍小葵跟大姐姐去野餐园长的家庭访问我是温柔的哥哥决斗红蝎子队半夜出去买尿裤503-508 和小白一起私奔向陶艺挑战妈妈喜欢集点数我会照顾小宝宝名漫画家和书店我自己的银行账户509-514 爸爸睡不着跟大姐姐一起躲雨看海狗表演天气热来玩水当漫画家的助手和动感超人的重逢515-520 跟爸爸单独看家一个人玩球出现内裤大盗招待大姐姐第一次溜直排滑轮溜冰大对决521-526 我和妈妈跳芭蕾舞和大姐姐玩捉迷藏妈妈要死掉了我是孙悟空好想要名漫画家的签名学习人工呼吸527-532 松坂(阪)老师的假日作妮妮家的小孩进不了家门追踪女人妈妈喝醉了陪客户喝第二摊(音tuā,台语:场的意思)533-538 远足去爬山发生山难了大家一起丛林求生去大熊牧场参观享受露天温泉告别北海道第10部539-540和阿呆玩捉迷藏跟着去约会炒热约会气氛愤怒的红蝎子队不准站着白看书私房钱是最高机密545-550 大雨大雨一直下半夜乐趣多爱的七夕祭泡妞很困难哦食物中毒真难过夜宿医院551-556 传真机是玩具我是天才小画家我的脚坏掉了爱捣蛋的乌鸦来了跟风间吵架我就是讨厌吃青椒557-562 我的宝贝小裤裤小裤裤飞起来了炫耀小裤裤打扫枯树叶准备过冬天小白的爱情故事563-568 黑漆漆的真好玩实习老师来了可怜的小麻雀提早寄贺年卡送货员真辛苦吉永老师的圣诞夜569-574 去大姐姐家动感超人最大的危机-弱点曝光寻找失犬娜娜与小新的爱情交换日记在外过夜好紧张录放音机的悲剧575-577完松阪老师被挖角动感超人巨浪大作战吃尾牙真辛苦(尾牙:年终派对)最新的是<蜡笔小新15周年纪念>和<蜡笔小新重制计划>现在还在更新<蜡笔小新重制计划>中..........蜡笔小新-剧场版━━━━━━━━━━━蜡笔小新从1993年开始,每年出一部剧场版,现在为止已经出了16部。

《蜡笔小新》(日语:クレヨンしんちゃん,英语: Crayon Shin-chan)是日本已故漫画家臼井仪人的一部
非常有名的日式漫画和动画,2009年9月11日,臼井仪 人身故后,本漫画成为未完成之遗作。其主角野原新之 助(小新)被称为‚最‘无耻’的小孩‛,也是最个性 张扬的时代卡通人物之一,深受小朋友和童心未泯人士 的欢迎。
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风起云涌! 黄金的间谍 大作战!
2011年4月16日 小新偶遇神秘少女柠檬, 在柠檬的指导训练下,小新成为正义 间谍,与柠檬并肩作战 … 但小新被选 为正义间谍的原因为何,指派的任务 又隐藏着什么危机? 今年暑假,野原新 之助面临史上最危险与最KUSO的任务 … 正义、背叛、友情、秘密 … ,一个 呆呆的五岁幼稚园小朋友和他的家人 ,被卷入一场关系人类未来的巨大阴 谋!
Page 21
上尾老师(上尾真澄) 年龄:23岁。
性格:胆子很小,但在某一次因小新的帮助下, 被流氓推到而眼镜也掉下,施展她的大胆,从此 拿下眼镜就变得很大胆,说出真心话。
爱情:暗恋酢乙女爱的保镖黑矶,两人处于比较 好的一面。
回忆:曾经和美伢组织过妈妈排球队,最终获得 比赛胜利。
身高:1.1m 体重:22.8kg (亲属)先祖:野原源之助 子
Page 5
姓名:野原美伢 原名:小山美伢 生日:10月10日 星座:天秤座 年龄:29岁
籍贯:日本九州熊本县 最想外遇的对象:木村拓哉 最喜欢的东西:打折单、跳楼大甩卖、 帅哥的写真集
五年级英语上册素材-Module 7课文翻译 外研版(一起点)

Module 7useful [ˈju:sfl] 有用的show [ʃəʊ] 节目presenter [prɪˈzentə(r)] 主持人blind [blaɪnd] 失明的could [kʊd] 能(can的过去式)speak [spi:k] 说(某种语言)fire [ˈfaɪə(r)] 火灾,失火inside [ˌɪnˈsaɪd] 在……里面firefighter [ˈfaɪəfaɪtə(r)] 消防队员couldn’t = could not 不能Unit 1 His dog can help him第一单元他的狗可以帮助他1. Listen and chant.Dogs are clever.狗很聪明。
Dogs are cute.狗很可爱。
They can help a lot.它们能帮很多忙。
Dogs are useful.狗是有用的。
Dogs are cool.狗很棒。
They can do a lot.它们能做很多事。
2. Listen,read and act out.Amy: Look! There’s a TV show about dogs.埃米:看!有一个关于狗的电视节目。
Lingling: Great! I love dogs.玲玲:好极了!我喜爱狗。
TV presenter: In the UK, many blind people have special dogs. This man is blind. His dog can help him.电视节目主持人:在英国,许多盲人有特殊的狗。
Lingling: This dog is very clever! Can Fifi help blind people?玲玲:这只狗很聪明!飞飞能帮助盲人吗?Amy: Let’s see!埃米:让我们看看!Lingling: Fifi, help!玲玲:飞飞,帮忙!Amy: No, he can’t. He only wants to play!埃米:不,他不能。

大家注意这是抢劫通通都不准动All right, everyone! This... is a stickup! Don't anybody move!掏空保险箱Now, empty that safe!钱钱钱Ooh-hoo-hoo! Money, money, money!住手住手可恶的蛋头Stop it! Stop it, you mean, old potato!闭嘴宝贝否则你的羊会遭殃Quiet, Bo Peep, or your sheep get run over!救命救命啊Help! Baa! Help us!别伤害我的羊谁来帮帮忙啊Oh, no, not my sheep! Somebody do something!飞向天空Reach for the sky!不是胡迪警长Oh, no! Sheriff Woody!我是来阻止你的独眼蛋头I'm here to stop you, One-Eyed Bart.你怎么知道是我啊Doh! How'd you know it was me?快跟我走吧Are you gonna come quietly?你休想警长You can't touch me, Sheriff!我带了我那只凶狠的斗犬来了I brought my attack dog with the built-in force field我带了我的恐龙它专门吃凶狠的斗犬Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force-field dogs.-呀-Yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe!你要去坐牢了蛋头跟你老婆小孩说再见吧You're going to jail, Bart! Say good-bye to the wife and later tots.你又拯救了危机胡迪You saved the day again, Woody.你是我最喜欢的副警长You're my favorite deputy.片名:玩具总动员 "我是你好朋友"# You've got a friend in me #"你什么也别愁"# You've got a friend in me #来我们来抓牛Come on, let's wrangle up the cattle."道路坎坷困难多"# When the road looks rough ahead #"要十万八千里才到家门口"# And you're miles and miles from your nice, warm bed #-牛仔把他们围起来 "你只要想起我在你左右"-Round 'em up, cowboy! -# Just remember what your old pal said #"我是你好朋友"# Boy, you've got a friend in me #"哦对我是你好朋友"-Yee-haw! -# Yeah, you've got a friend in me #嗨牛仔Hey, cowboy!"有些人比我能干比我强"# Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am #"身体健壮走起路雄赳赳"-# Big and stronger too #来吧胡迪-Come on, Woody. -# Maybe #"也许没有人能像我这样爱护你"# But none of them will ever love you the way I do #"对你是毫无保留"-# It's me and you, boy #"多少的岁月中"-# And as the years go by # -Whoa!"我们的友谊更加深厚"-Whoa! -# Our friendship will never die #"你会看到"-Whoo! -# You're gonna see #"我们的命运紧相连"-# It's our destiny #"我是你好朋友" -好耶-# You've got a friend in me # -All right!"哦对我是你好朋友" -得分-# Yeah, you've got a friend in me # -Score!"我是你好朋友" -酷-# You got a friend in me # -Wow! Cool!-你喜欢吗 -妈咪真是太棒了-What do you think? -Oh, this looks great, Mom!-喜欢就好小寿星 -就跟我在店里看到的一样-Okay, birthday boy -We saw that at the store! I asked you for it!好棒好棒... 希望能摆得下-I hope I have enough places. -Wow, look at that! That's so...一二三四-One, two. Four.好这样就可以了Yeah, I think that's gonna be enough. -Oh, my gosh, you got...可以留到搬家吗-Could we leave this up till we move? -Well, sure!当然可以留下来了好耶-We can leave it up. Now go get Molly. -Yeah!-去抱茉莉你的朋友马上就要来了-Your friends are gonna be here any minute.-好派对要开始了-Okay. It's party time, Woody.-好耶“编剧:乔斯维登安德鲁使丹顿等人”-Yee...haw!你好小姐Howdy, little lady.有人在水源区下了毒Somebody's poisoned the water hole.来茉莉你好重哦-Come on, Molly. Oh, you're getting heavy.再见了胡迪 "导演:约翰拉赛特"-See you later, Woody.我的天哪今天要开生日派对Pull my string! The birthday party's today?好了各位已经安全了Okay, everybody, coast is clear!我盒子上写得很清楚适合三岁以上-Ages 3 and up. It's on my box.怎么叫我当口水公主的临时保姆呢Ages 3 and up. I'm not supposed to be baby-sitting Princess Drool.嘿火腿-Hey, Hamm.-你看我是毕加索 -我听不懂-Look, I'm Picasso! -I don't get it.没有文化的肥猪看什么看啊你这个大扁脸You uncultured swine! What're you lookin' at, ya hockey puck?-队长看到弹簧狗没有 -报告长官没有-Hey, Sarge, have you seen Slinky? -Sir! No, sir!好了谢了稍息Okay. Hey, thank you. At ease.我在这儿胡迪这次我要红的Right here, Woody. I'm red this time.-不行弹簧狗...-No. S-Slink.-好吧那红的让给你好了-Oh, well, all right. You can be red if you want.-等一下弹簧狗我有一些坏消息 -坏消息-N-Not now, Slink. I got some bad news. -Bad news?嘘...Shh, shh, shh!去叫大家集合来开干部会议了知道了-Just gather everyone up for a staff meeting, and be happy. -Got it.开心点呀-Be happy! -Ha, ha, ha, ha!各位干部会议了长蛇、机器人准备讲台-Staff meeting, everybody! Snake, Robot, podium please.嘿Hey.还有画板拔枪Hey, Etch. Draw!-你又赢了-Oh! Got me again. 画板你拔枪练得不错嘛西部最快的神枪手Etch, you've been working on that draw. Fastest knobs in the west.大伙儿要开干部会议了快点快点Got a staff meeting, you guys. Come on, let's go.我的那个呢Now, where is that... Oh.谁把我涂鸦板拿走的Hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here?-抱抱龙你干嘛 -吓到没有? 要说实话-How're you doin', Rex? -Were you scared? Tell me honestly.这一次我差一点就被你吓死I was close to being scared that time.我一直想可怕一点但是我老是没有灵感I'm going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it.我只是一个惹人厌的家伙I think I'm just coming off as annoying.嗨宝贝Owl Oh, hi, Bo. Hi.胡迪我想要谢谢你救了我的羊群I wanted to thank you, Woody, for saving my flock.不客气Oh, hey, it was, uh, nothin'.我今天晚上另外找个人替我看羊你看怎么样啊What do you say I get someone else to watch the sheep tonight?这个嘛好啊Oh, yeah!别忘了要找我的话我就在附近Remember, I'm just a couple of blocksaway.快点快点小的玩具到前面-Yodel-ay-hee-hoo! -Come on, come on. Smaller toys up front.胡迪好了Hey, Woody, come on.-啊咳-Ahem!-谢了麦克风-Oh, thanks, Mike.-好了太近了退...-Okay. Whoa, whoa. Step back.-大声叫出来 -好了谢谢-For crying out loud. -Thank you.试音试音清楚吗-Hello? Check. That better? Great.好大家都听到了吗架子上面的听得见吗?那好Everybody hear me? Up on the shelf, can you hear me? Great.今天我们第一项议题Okay. First item today:对了每个人都找到搬家的伙伴了没有Uh... oh, yeah. Has everyone picked a moving buddy?-什么? -搬家的伙伴? 他不是说真的吧-What? -Moving buddy? You can't be serious.我不知道我们要搬家了I didn't know we were supposed to have one already.-要拉小手吗-Do we have to hold hands?你们以为我在跟你们开玩笑You guys think this is a big joke.我们只剩下一个礼拜的时间就要搬家了We've only got one week left before the move.我不希望任何玩具被丢下来两个人一组I don't want any toys left behind. A moving buddy.如果还没有去找一个来If you don't have one, get one!好了接下来...对了All right, next. Uh, oh, yes.星期二晚上我们开的塑胶老化大会Tuesday night's plastic corrosion awareness meeting...我认为呢非常的成功was, I think, a big success.我们要感谢拼字先生为我们所做的一切And we wanna thank Mr. Spell for putting that on for us.-谢谢你拼字先生 -不客气-Thank you, Mr. Spell. -You're welcome.好了对了还有一件小事Okay. Uh, oh, yes. One, uh, minor note here.安弟的生日派对改到今天晚上Andy's birthday party has been moved to today.-等一下-Wait a minute here!什么怎么会改成今天呢下个礼拜才是他的生日啊What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not till next week!是安弟的妈咪她丢了珠宝发疯了吗What's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?很显然安弟的妈咪希望在搬家之前开一个派对Well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move.-我不担心你们也不需要担心啊-I'm not worried. You shouldn't be worried.-胡迪当然不担心了-Of course Woody ain't worried.安弟从幼稚园开始就最喜欢他了He's been Andy's favorite since kindergarten.拜托蛋头先生Hey, hey. Come on, Potato Head.如果胡迪说不用担心那么我绝对不会担心If Woody says it's all right, then, well, darn it, it's good enough for me.胡迪以前从来没有弄错过Woody has never steered us wrong before.好了各位每年圣诞节跟生日都得来这么一次Come on, guys. Every Christmas and birthday we go through this.但是如果安弟有了新恐龙呢很凶的那一种But what if Andy gets another dinosaur, a mean one?我想我是绝对受不了被抛弃的打击I just don't think I could take that kind of rejection!听着没有人可以取代我们Hey, listen, no one's getting replaced.我们讨论的重点是安弟This is Andy we're talking about.我们被安弟玩了多少次并不重要It doesn't matter how much we're played with.重要的是安弟需要我们的时候我们就在他身边What matters is that we're here for Andy when he needs us.那才是我们做玩具的目的对吧That's what we're made for, right?对不起我很不想打断会议但是... 他们来了Pardon me. I hate to break up the staff meeting, but... they're here!客人在三点钟方向Birthday guests at three o'clock!-保持冷静-Stay calm, everyone!嘿Hey!-会议结束-Uh, meeting adjourned.老天你们看到那些礼物没有Ho, boy! Will you take a look at all those presents?我什么都看不到I can't see a thing.我们绝对会是下个月车库拍卖的货品了Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.-有没有恐龙形状的礼物啊-Any dinosaur-shaped ones?-拜托礼物都在盒子里白痴-Oh, for crying out loud. They're all in boxes, you idiot.礼物越来越大了They're getting bigger.-等一等那里有个小件的-Wait, there's a nice little one over there. -Hi!-写着:垃圾罐 -我们完了-Spell: trash can. -We're doomed!好好All right! All right!如果我派部队出去的话你们能安静下来吗If I send out the troops, will you all calm down?-能能我们能 -好省省电池-Yes! Yes! We promise! -Okay! Save your batteries.帅胡迪这一招真有效Very good, Woody. That's using the old noodle.队长请立刻派侦察队到楼下去紧急状况Sergeant, establish a recon post downstairs. Code Red!-该怎么做你知道的 -是长官-You know what to do. -Yes, sir!好了各位你们都听到了紧急状况All right, men. You heard him. Code Red!重覆紧急状况侦察计划开始执行Repeat, we are at Code Red. Recon plan Charlie. Execute!快Let's move! Move, move, move, move!-是-Yeah!-好了小朋友们-Okay, come on, kids.所有的人都到客厅来要拆礼物了Everyone in the living room. It's almost time for the presents.让开让开All right, gangway, gangway.有个这个我们就可以知道And this is how we find out...那些礼物是什么了what is in those presents.好了谁的肚子饿了Okay, who's hungry?洋芋片在这里Here come the chips!有原味还有烤肉口味的I've got Cool Ranch and barbecue! Ow!怎么搞的What in the world... Oh!-我还以为他收拾干净了呢-I thought I told him to pick these up.他们不是该到了吗怎么那么久Shouldn't they be there by now? What's taking them so long?他们可是训练有素是最棒的Hey, these guys are professionals. They're the best.别急嘛马上就会有消息了Come on! They're not lying down on the job.走吧别管我了快走吧G-G-Go on without me! J-Just go!一个好军人绝对不会丢下战友的A good soldier never leaves a man behind.-好了小朋友来...-Okay, everybody, come on.每个人都坐下来Everybody settle down. Now, kids. Everybody.好小朋友快过来围成圈圈坐下来You sit in a circle. No, Andy. Andy, you sit in the middle there.-很好好你第一个想拆哪一个礼物呢-Good. And.. Which present are you gonna open first?-我的 -他们在那儿-Mine! -There they are.鸟妈妈请回答这里是勇敢一号Come in, Mother Bird. This is Alpha Bravo.-鸟妈妈请回答 -有了有了安静...-This is it! This is it! Quiet, quiet, quiet! -Come in, Mother Bird.好了安弟现在在拆第一个礼物了Andy's opening the first present now.蛋头太太蛋头太太...Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head! Mrs. Potato Head!作梦犯法啦Hey, I can dream, can't I?蝴蝶结开了他正在拆包装纸The bow's coming off. He's ripping the wrapping paper.那是...那... 那是一个便当盒It's a.. It's.. It's a.. a lunch box.-那是一个便当盒 -便当盒?-We've got a lunch box here. -A lunch box?-便当盒? -用来吃午饭的-Lunch box? -For lunch.好了第二个礼物那看起来是...Okay, second present. It appears to be...-一件床单 -那孩子谁请的呀-Okay, it's bed sheets. -Who invited that kid?只剩一个了Oh! Only one left.-好接着是最后一个礼物了最后一个了-Okay, we're on the last present now. -Last present!这个礼物很大那是...It's a big one. It's a...-那是棋盘游戏重覆是海战棋-It's a board game! Repeat, Battleship! -Whew!-好耶-Hallelujah!-好耶 -小心一点-Yeah! All right! -Hey, watch it!对不起蛋头老兄Sorry there, old spud head.任务完成了干得好收工了我们回家去Mission accomplished. Well done, men. Pack it up. We're goin' home.我怎么说的没错吧So did I tell ya? Huh? Nothin' to worry about.我早就知道你是对胡迪我从来没有怀疑过你I knew you were right all along, Woody. Never doubted ya for a second.等一下Wait a minute. Oh!-这个是什么啊 -等一下再把对讲打开-What do we have here? -Wait! Turn that thing back on!鸟妈妈请回答鸟妈妈请回答Come in, Mother Bird! Come in, Mother Bird!妈咪从柜子里拿出礼物Mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet.安弟正在拆他看到这个礼物很兴奋Andy's opening it. He's really excited about this one.-妈咪这是什么 -是个很大的盒子-Mom, what is it? -It's a huge package.等一下有一个孩子挡住我的视线我看不见Oh, get outta the... One of the kids is in the way. I can't see.-那...那是... -哇-It's a... -Wow!-那是什么啊? 是什么啊?-It's a what? What is it?-不 -大笨蜥蜴-Oh, no! -Oh, ya big lizard!-我们永远不知道那是什么了 -看你干得好事-Now we'll never know what it is! -Way to go, Rex!-不对不对转过去转过去-No, no! Turn him around! Turn him around!-不对不对放反了-He's puttin' 'em in backwa-你们把它们放反了Here, you're puttin' 'em in backwards!正是阳极负是阴极我来吧Plus is positive, minus is negative! Oh, let me!-到我的房间来玩-Let's go to my room, guys!紧急状况紧急状况安弟要上楼了Red alert! Red alert! Andy is coming upstairs!-那边 -儿童入侵-There! -Juvenile intrusion!重覆立刻回到自己岗位上Repeat, resume your positions now!安弟来了快回到自己的位置上Andy's coming! Everybody, back to your places! Hurry!快回到自己的位置Get to your places! Get to your places!-我的耳朵我的耳朵呢有谁看到我的耳朵-Where's my ear? Who's seen my ear? Did you see my ear?让开让开我来了我来了Out of my way! Here I come! Here I come! 看他的雷射亮了帮我拿一下Hey, look, its lasers light up. Take that, Zurg!就摆这里这里是太空船降落的地方Quick, make a space. This is where the spaceship lands.他还是空手道高手呢And he does it like that. And he does a karate chop action!小朋友下来吧玩游戏啰我们有奖品哦Come on down, guys! It's time for games!-什么东西 -你看得到吗-What is it? -Can you see it?-在那上面的东西是什么 -胡迪谁跟你在上面啊-What the heck is up there? -Woody, who's up there with ya?-胡迪-Woody?-你在床底下干什么啊 -没什么没什么-What are you doing under the bed? -Uh, nothin'. Uh, nothin'.我想安弟有一点太兴奋了I'm sure Andy was just a little excited, that's all.大概是吃太多冰淇淋跟蛋糕了那只是个意外Too much cake and ice cream, I suppose. It's just a mistake!那个意外正坐在你的地盘上胡迪Well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, Woody.你被人取代了 -我刚刚怎么告诉你的Have you been replaced? -What did I tell you earlier?没有人可以取代我们No one is getting replaced好了不管那上面是什么我们都要给他来一个...Now, let's all be polite and give whatever it is up there...礼貌的温和的安弟房间式的欢迎a nice, big Andy's-room welcome.巴斯光年呼叫星际总部听到请回答-Buzz Lightyear to Star Command.星级总部请回答Come in, Star Command.星际总部听到没有请回答-Star Command, come in. Do you read me?他们为什么不回答我的船Why don't they answer? My ship!天哪要好久才能修好Blast! This'll take weeks to repair.巴斯光年任务日志星际日期四○七二年Buzz Lightyear mission log, stardate 4-0-7-2.我的太空船在第十二区脱离轨道My ship has run off course en route to sector 12.我坠落在一个奇怪的星球I've crash-landed on a strange planet.一定是这种撞击使我醒来The impact must've awoken me from hypersleep.这地形似乎有点不稳定Terrain seems a bit unstable.目前还没有能不能呼吸空气的读数No readout yet if the air is breathable.而且也看不出来有智慧型生命的迹象And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.-你好-Hello! 等等...Whoa! H-Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!-我吓到你了吗我不是故意的-Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to.-抱歉你好我叫胡迪-Sorry. Howdy. My name is Woody.而这里呢是安弟的房间And this is Andy's room.对不起打搅你了请恕我直言That's all I wanted to say.我还有一点点小问题And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up.这里是我的地盘而这张床...This is my spot, see, the bed here.此地的执法人员你早该来了Local law enforcement. It's about time you got here.我是巴斯光年保护宇宙小组的太空骑警I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit.我的太空船意外坠机了My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.是呀这是一个意外因为这张床是我的地盘Yes, it is a mistake because, you see, the bed here is my spot.我要修理我的涡轮推进器I need to repair my turbo boosters.你们现在是用化石燃料还是结晶体熔解物Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?-我想想...我们有三号电池-Well, let's see. We got double-A's.小心站住什么人Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?别开枪没事是朋友Don't shoot! It's okay. Friends.-你认识这些生物吗 -是他们是安弟的玩具-Do you know these life-forms? -Yes! They're Andy's toys.好了你们可以上来了All right, everyone, you're clear to come up.我是巴斯光年和平使者I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.我好高兴你不是恐龙Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!谢谢Bye, bye. Thank you!谢谢你们热情的欢迎Now, thank you all for your kind welcome!-那个按钮是干什么的 -我来示范-Say, what's that button do? -I'll show you.-巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! -Oh!胡迪也有那样的东西他的是拉线的Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string.-只是... -只是听起来像被车子压过-Only it's... -Only it sounds like a car ran over it.对不像这个这个是高品质声音系统Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system.配线可能是铜线哦Probably all copper wiring, huh?对了你从哪里来的新加坡? 香港?So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong? 不事实上我是驻扎在第四区域的珈玛象限Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.我是宇宙保护小组太空警备队的队员As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps,我保护我们的星际I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion...免于受到星际联盟头号大敌邪恶皇帝查克的入侵from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance.是吗? 我来自儿乐宝Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.而我来自美泰儿其实我并不是来自美泰儿And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel.我是来自比较小的公司I'm actually from a smaller company结果被美泰儿收购了我想...that was purchased in a leveraged buyout.一群土包子没看过新玩具You'd think they'd never seen a new toy before.是你看看他Well, sure. Look at him.身上的小东西比瑞士刀还要多呢He's got more gadgets on him than a Swiss Army knife.-小心点-Ah, ah, ah, ah! Please be careful.被我雷射击中可不是好玩的You don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off.雷射你怎么会没有雷射呢? 胡迪Hey, a laser! How come you don't have a laser, Woody?那不是雷射那只是会闪的灯泡It's not a laser! It's a.. It's a little light bulb that blinks.-他怎么了 -嫉妒雷射-What's with him? -Laser envy.好了够了All right, that's enough!-我们对安弟的新玩具都印象深刻 -玩具?-Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy. -Toy?玩具T-O-Y. Toy!对不起我想你用的字应该是太空骑警Excuse me, l-l think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger."我想要用的字现在不能说The word I'm searching for I can't say因为有学龄前的玩具在场because there's preschool toys present.你有点紧张了吧Gettin' kinda tense, aren't ya?巴斯先生我很好奇Uh, Mr. Lightyear, uh, now, I'm curious.一个太空骑警都做些什么呢What does a Space Ranger actually do?他不是太空骑警He's not a Space Ranger!他不会打击邪恶发射雷射也不会飞 -打个岔-He doesn't fight evil or, or shoot lasers or fly! -Excuse me.-了不起的翅膀了不起-Ooh! -Oh, impressive wingspan! Very good!什么什么嘛这些是塑胶他不会飞Oh, what? What? These are plastic. He can't fly!这是碳化合金而且我的确会飞They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I can fly.-不你不会 -会我会-No, you can't. -Yes, lean.-你不会 -会-You can't. -Can.-不会不会不会-Can't. Can't. Can't!-就算我闭着眼睛也可以飞遍整个房间-I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!-好啊泡泡头先生证明一下 -那好吧-Okay, then, Mr. Light Beer, prove it. -All right, then, I will.各位请退后Stand back, everyone!飞向宇宙浩瀚无垠To infinity and beyond!-我会飞-Can! -Whoa!-你飞得可真壮观-Oh, wow, you flew magnificently!-我找到搬家的伙伴了 -谢谢谢谢你们谢谢-I found my movin' buddy. -Thank you. Th-Thank you all. Thank you.那不叫飞行那只是花拳绣腿That wasn't flying! That was... falling with style.小妞们一定迷死你了教教我好吗Man, the dolls must really go for you. Can you teach me that?刚刚那一招真是太酷了 -闭嘴Golly bob howdy! -Oh, shut up!再过几天You know, in a couple of days,这里就会恢复老样子了等着瞧吧everything will be just the way it was. They'll see.-不信你看-They'll see.我还是安弟最爱玩具I'm still Andy's favorite toy."我现在高高在上"# I was on top of the world livin' high #"样样事都享受现成"-Whoa! -# It was right in my pocket #"我现在的光景"# I was livin' the life #"想要什么都能行"# Things were just the way they should be #"忽然间从天外飞过来"# When from out of the sky like a bomb #"一颗要爆发的炸弹"# Comes some little punk in a rocket #"从此我发现一些奇怪的事要发生"# Now all of a sudden some strange things are happening to m巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!"奇怪"# Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"# Things are happening to me # "奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"-# Strange # -Ha!"奇怪的事要发生"-# Things are happening to me #"这是毫无疑问的"# Ain't no doubt about it #"我曾拥有许多朋友"# I had friends I had lots of friends #"现在一个也不剩"# Now all my friends are gone #"我叫他们他们对我是冷冰冰的"# And I'm doin' the best I can #"我拥有权力"-# I had power # -# Power #"我受人尊敬"-# I was respected # -# Respected #"但如此而已"# But not anymore #"我却失去了爱"# And I've lost the love of the one #"失去朋友的情谊"# Whom I adore #"让我告诉你"# Let me tell you 'bout it Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"-# Things are happenin' to me #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"# Strange #"奇怪的事要发生"# Things are happen in'"这是毫无疑问的"# Ain't no doubt about it #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"# Things #"奇怪"# Strange #"事情"-# Things #终于Finally!我的帽子在哪里啊Hey, who's got my hat?大家好我是胡迪大家好大家好Look, I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy!还给我Ah-ha! Ah-ha, ha, ha! Gimme that!抱抱龙弹簧狗给你们看样东西Say there, Lizard and Stretchy Dog, let me show you something.我好像被你们给同化了It looks as though I've been accepted into your culture.-你们老大安弟把他的名字刻在我身上-Your chief, Andy, inscribed his name on me. -Wow!还用奇异笔耶With permanent ink too!好了我要回去修我的船了Well, I must get back to repairing my ship. 胡迪不要让他影响到你Don't let it get to you, Woody.-你说什么 -什么意思谁?Uh... let what? I don't, uh- What do you mean? Who?我知道安弟他很喜欢巴斯I know Andy's excited about Buzz.但是你在他的心目当中一直占有一席之地的But you know he'll always have a special place for you.-是啊是块畸零地 -好了我受够了-Yeah, like the attic. -All right, that's it!-单向的细长连结带-Hmm. Unidirectional bonding strip.巴斯先生他要胶带Mr. Lightyear wants more tape.嗯?Hmm?听着泡泡头你最好离安弟远一点Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy.他是我的没有人可以拆散他跟我He's mine, and no one is taking him away from me.-你到底在说什么啊我的连结带呢-What are you talking about? Where's that bonding strip?还有一件事从现在开始少再说什么太空的事And another thing: Stop with this spaceman thing!-那快把我逼疯了-It's getting on my nerves!-不高兴可以向星际总部申诉啊-Are you saying you wanna lodge acomplaint with Star Command?好我看你是敬酒不吃吃罚酒Oh-ho, okay! Ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?-警长不要无理取闹 -是吗? 硬汉-Don't even think about it, cowboy. -Oh, yeah, tough guy?这空气没有毒嘛The air isn't...toxic.你怎么可以在一个不知名的星球上How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet!打开我的头盔我的眼球很可能被吸出去的My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets!你真的以为你就是那个太空人巴斯光年吗You actually think you're the Buzz Lightyear?我一直以为你是个冒牌货Oh, all this time I thought it was an act!各位快看这是真的巴斯光年Hey, guys, look! It's the real Buzz Lightyear!你在讽刺我You're mocking me, aren't you?不... 巴斯有外星人Oh, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. Buzz, look, an alien!-在哪?-Where?好耶Yes!-哎呦-Whoa! -Uh-oh.-是阿薛 -不准动-It's Sid! -Don't move! -我还以为他去夏令营呢-I thought he was at summer camp.-他一定是被踢出来了-They must've kicked him out early this year.-不对不是阿薛-Oh, no, not Sid!-进来了-Incoming!-这回又是谁啊-Who is it this time?-我...我看不清楚是谁雷尼呢-I...I can't...I can't tell. Hey, where's Lenny?-我在这儿胡迪 -不我受不了残忍的画面-Right here, Woody. -Oh, no, I can't bear to watch one of these again.天哪是战斗兵卡尔Oh, no, it's a Combat Carl.-怎么回事啊-What's going on?-这不关你们太空人的事是我们玩具自己的事-Nothing that concerns you spacemen; just us toys.最好让我看一看I'd better take a look anyway.-那个阿兵哥为什么绑着爆炸装置-Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?因为那个...阿薛That's why: Sid.-他的毛还真多-Hmm, sure is a hairy fellow.不是那是阿德白痴No, no, that's Scud, you idiot.-他才是阿薛-That is Sid.-那个天真的小孩 -他才不天真呢-You mean that happy child? -That ain't no happy child.折磨那些玩具是他的最爱He tortures toys, just for fun!我看我们必须想个办法吧Well, then we've got to do something.你在干什么快下来What are you doing? Get down from there!-我要给那孩子一个教训 -是啊好尽管去-I'm gonna teach that boy a lesson. -Yeah, sure. You go ahead.-用你吓人的雷射溶化他-Melt him with your scary laser.小心别乱碰那是非常危险的Be careful with that! It's extremely dangerous.点火了他点火了He's lighting it! He's lighting it! Hit the dirt!-趴下-Lookout!-好耶死了他死了-Yes! He's gone! He's history!-我本来可以阻止他-Whoo! -I could've stopped him.巴斯我是很想领教你的本事Buzz, I would love to see you try.更想看看你是怎么去当烈士Of course, I'd love to see you as a crater.-真希望立刻就能搬家-The sooner we move, the better.好耶Yeah!飞向浩瀚宇宙To infinity and beyond!打包完了肚子好饿哦All this packing makes me hungry.-我们的晚餐就去...比萨星球吧-What would you say to dinner at, oh, Pizza Planet?-比萨星球哦酷-Pizza Planet? Oh, cool!去洗手我替茉莉换衣服Go wash your hands, and I'll get Molly ready.我可以带玩具去吗你只能带一个玩具-Can I bring some toys? -You can bring one toy.-只能带一个啊 -一个玩具?-Just one? -One toy?-嗯-Hmm.-安弟会选我吗-Will Andy pick me?别作梦了"Don't count on it"?嗯Mmm!巴斯巴斯巴斯光年Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear.巴斯光年老天爷我们有麻烦了Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness. We've got trouble!-麻烦在哪儿 -下面就在下面-Trouble? Where? -Down there. Just down there.一个无助的玩具它被困住了A helpless toy, it's.. it's trapped,。

在台湾,基努·里维斯“捍卫”到底:《生死时速》被译成《捍卫战警》,《非常任务》被译成 《捍卫机密》,《连锁反应》也就成了《捍卫追缉令》;威尔·史密斯可能要当一辈子的“战警”,莎 朗·斯通貌似天生就有“第六感”,杯具的哈里森·福特一直收到台湾的“追缉令”!
翻译过多部进口影片的毕成功不吝对台湾文化的批评,“日本文化的影响、网络语言的盛行等使 得文化崩溃边缘上的台湾很少有韵味十足的译名。”如此说来,《蜡笔小新》在台湾被冠作《一个智障儿 的故事》不足为奇。别说外片,《雏菊》在台湾被改名为《无间爱》,气得导演不愿去做宣传。
香港的经典也包括一个笑话,《刺激1995》。当年,提名影片《肖申克的救赎》在奥斯卡典礼上 完败给了《阿甘正传》,片商一直认为此片没前景,而其出人意料的结局与1973年罗伯特·雷德福和保罗·纽 曼主演、票房口碑都不错的电影《刺激》(《The Sting》)非常的一致,搭上“刺激”的顺风车也是顺理成章, 上映那年为1995年,惊世骇俗的《刺激1995》就诞生了!
香港:语不惊人死不休 香港地区的译名在表述上带有区域性语言的特点,常常使用一些诸如“终极”“雷霆”“魔鬼”“战 警”“情陷”“疯狂”“激情”等吸引人眼球的字眼。香港译者通常不会采取直译的方式,具有较强的创作 性,常常对原作进行必要的再加工和再创作。例如The Lord of the Ring被译作《魔戒》;Mr. and Mrs. Smith加 工成《史密夫决战史密妻》;Moulin Rouge则译作带有爱情色彩的《情陷红磨坊》。

五年级上册英语第23课课堂笔记第一部分:课文内容概述1. 课文标题:A Day at the Zoo2. 主要内容:课文讲述了学生Tommy和他的朋友们一起去动物园的经历,他们看到了许多不同种类的动物,并且度过了愉快的一天。
3. 语言点:本课主要涉及到一般现在时的句型和动词使用,以及描述动物的形状、颜色等形容词的运用。
第二部分:学习重点和难点1. 学习重点:通过本课的学习,学生将能够掌握一般现在时的用法,了解并掌握一些关于动物的形容词,提高学生的日常交际能力,并引导学生学会发表个人观点。
2. 学习难点:对于一些动物的形容词和动词的运用可能会有一定难度,需要教师在课堂中精心设计活动和示范,引导学生理解和掌握。
第三部分:教学设计1. 课前准备:教师提前准备好动物的图片和简单的课件,帮助学生更好地理解并记忆单词和句型。
2. 情景导入:通过导入一些与动物相关的图片或视频,引发学生兴趣,激发学生的对动物的好奇心和求知欲。
3. 听说训练:设计听力练习,让学生通过听力练习掌握本课的重点内容,然后进行口语表达,让学生在实际交际中运用所学内容。
4. 读写训练:通过阅读课文和课后练习,巩固所学知识,培养学生的阅读和写作能力。
5. 游戏活动:设计一些与动物相关的游戏活动,让学生在游戏中轻松愉快地学习英语。
第四部分:教学手段1. 视听教学:通过图片、视频等多种形式的视听教学手段,丰富课堂教学内容,提高学生的学习兴趣和注意力。
2. 互动教学:通过师生互动和生生互动,积极引导学生参与课堂讨论,培养学生的自主学习和表达能力。
3. 多媒体教学:利用多媒体资源,辅助教学,呈现形象生动的教学内容,提高学生的学习效果和效率。
第五部分:课堂教学反思1. 教学方式:采用了多种教学方式,包括视听教学、互动教学和多媒体教学,使得整个课堂教学内容丰富多样。
2. 教学效果:通过观察学生的学习情况和课后练习的成绩,大部分学生对本节课的学习内容有了较好的掌握和运用。

《疯狂元素城》是由彼得·孙执导,约翰·霍伯格、凯特·李克尔等担任编剧,莉娅·刘易斯、马莫多·阿西担任主要配音的一部电影,于2023 年6 月16 日在中国、北美上映。
Ember: Ashfa, customer.Dad: How about you take it today?Ember: For real? Hi, how can I help you?Customer: All of this and the... the 1)sparklers are buy one get one free?Ember:That’s right.Customer: Great!I’ll just take the free one.Ember: Oh, no. See, you need to buy one to get one free.Customer: But I just want the free one.Ember: Sorry,that’s not how this works.Customer: But the customer is always right.Ember: Not in this case. Nope! Nope! Nope! Nope...Customer: Just give me one for free!Ember:That’s not how this works!Dad: Ah, happy birthday! What just happened? Why you lose 2)temper?Ember:I don’t know. He was pushing, and pushing, and it just...Dad: Calm, calm. Sometimes customer can be 3)tough. Just take breath,and make connection. When you can do that and not lose temper,then you will be ready to take over shop.Ember: Take breath, make connection. Take breath, make connection. Take breath, make connection! Sorry, everyone.Dad: Please forgive my daughter. She burn bright, but sometimes too bright.Nice hat, by the way. Let me make you a new batch, on the house.Customer: Okay.Ember: Sorry,Ashfa. I don’t know why that one got away from me.Dad: You are 4)tense because of big Red Dot Sale tomorrow. It has us all in a 5)broil. Ember: I guess,it’s just that some of these customers, they get me all...Dad: I know, I know. Just do what we practice. You are so good at everything else.Ember: Y ou’re right. I’ll get it. I just want you to rest. You okay?Dad: Just tired.Ember: Let me help.1) sparkler n. 煙花棒2) temper n. 脾气;怒气3) tough adj. 粗暴的;坚韧的;顽固的4) tense adj. 紧张的;焦虑的;绷紧的5) broil v. 变得灼热;烤小焰:爸爸,有客人来了。

介绍蜡笔小新电影作文英语Crayon Shin-chan, also known as Shin-chan, is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Yoshito Usui. The series follows the misadventures of a young boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, also known as Shin-chan, and his family and friends. The franchise has been a huge success in Japan and has gained a large international following as well. Over the years, numerous Crayon Shin-chan movies have been released, captivating audiences with their humor, heartwarming moments, and entertaining storylines.One of the most beloved Crayon Shin-chan movies is "Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~." This film, released in 2018, is the 26th movie in the Crayon Shin-chan series. The movie follows Shin-chan and his friends as they embark on a wild adventureinvolving delicious ramen, kung fu, and a battle against a mysterious group. The film is filled with laughter, excitement, and heartwarming moments that have endeared it to fans of all ages.One of the key elements that make "Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~" so specialis its ability to appeal to both children and adults. The movie's humor and lighthearted moments are sure toentertain young audiences, while its clever writing and pop culture references provide plenty of laughs for older viewers. This broad appeal has contributed to the enduring popularity of the Crayon Shin-chan franchise and has made the movie a hit with audiences around the world.In addition to its humor, the film also features heartwarming themes and messages that resonate with viewers. The bonds of friendship and the importance of standing upfor what is right are central themes in the movie, and they are conveyed in a way that is both touching and uplifting. Through the characters' experiences and interactions, the film delivers valuable lessons about courage, loyalty, and the power of teamwork, making it not only entertaining but also meaningful.Furthermore, the animation and visuals in "Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~" are top-notch, bringing the vibrant world of Shin-chan to life in stunning detail. The colorful and dynamic animationstyle enhances the movie's comedic moments and action sequences, immersing viewers in the energetic and lively world of the film. The attention to detail and the expressive character designs further add to the movie's appeal, making it a visual treat for audiences.Beyond its entertainment value, the movie also serves as a celebration of the enduring legacy of the Crayon Shin-chan series. With its lovable characters, memorable humor, and heartwarming storytelling, the film pays homage to the beloved franchise while also offering something fresh and exciting for both longtime fans and newcomers. As a result, "Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal and creativity of the Crayon Shin-chan series.In conclusion, "Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~" is a delightful and heartwarming movie that captures the spirit of the beloved Crayon Shin-chan series. With its humor, engaging storytelling, and meaningful themes, the film has won the hearts of audiences of all ages and has solidified its place as a cherished entry in the Crayon Shin-chan franchise. Whether you're a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer, this movie is a must-see for anyone looking for a fun and uplifting cinematic experience.。

Magical Face Changes in Sichuan OperaSichuan Opera (ChuanJu) originated at the end of the Ming (1368-1644) and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). With immigrants flooding into Sichuan, different dramas were brought in to blend with the local dialect, customs, folk music and dances. Gradually, brisk humorous Sichuan Opera, reflecting Sichuan culture, came into being.Face changing is the highlight of Sichuan Opera. It is said that ancient people painted their faces to drive away wild animals. Sichuan Opera absorbs this ancient skill and perfects it into an art.Three Types of Face ChangesIn the Wiping Mask routine the actor applies cosmetic paint in a certain position on his face. If the whole face is to be changed, the cosmetic paint is applied to the forehead or eyebrows; for changes on the lower half of the face, paint is applied to his cheeks or nose; or to other specific parts.The Blowing Mask routine works with powder cosmetics, such as gold, silver, and ink powders. Sometimes a tiny box is placed on the stage; the actor draws near and blows at the box. The powder will puff up and stick to the face. Sometimes the powder is put in a cup. The secret to success in this act is to close the eyes and mouth and to hold the breath.The Pulling Mask routine is the most complicated. Masks are painted on pieces of damask, well cut, hung with a silk thread, and the lightly pasted to the face one by one. The silk thread is fastened in an inconspicuous part of the costume. With a flick of his cloak the performer magically whisks away the masks one by one as the drama develops.One Sichuan Opera master also used Qigong movements as he changed face color from red to white, then from white to black.Face changing is a magical art. Actors change more than 10 masks in less than 20 seconds! By raising the hand, swinging a sleeve or tossing the head, an actor uses different masks to show different emotions, expressing invisible and intangible feelings through visible and tangible masks. From green to blue, red, yellow, brown, black, dark and gold, these masks show fear, tension, relaxation, slyness, desperation, outrage, and so on.Sichuan Opera master Peng Denghuai changed 14 masks in 25 seconds, and reverted to four masks after revealing his true face. This was his latest Guinness World record, breaking his previous one. Hong Kong super star Andy Lau was said to respect Mr. Peng as teacher and mentor in this stunt.Today hi-tech is used to enhance this traditional art. Lasers and twinkling lights add a touch of mystery. And modern faces like Zorro are invited to the stage. Sichuan Opera, like hot-pot and other Sichuan cuisine winners, is exciting, rich and good-natured.Chinese Nuo Drama (Nuo Xi) - Living fossil of DramaFollow us on:HistoryNuopatternedduringChineseevolvedhistory;on when the practice first appeared. Some hold that Nuo started bytheNuo Drama Maskquality camphor or willow wood are thetwoandFurthermore, folklore holds that they containhasthe symbol and medium of a spirit,strictthat afterChina, such as Guizhou, in eastern Yunnan, southern Sichuan and Chongqing, in southwest Hubei and western Hunan and in northern Guangxi. Nuo Dramas vary considerably in different areas.GuizhouNuo DramaNuoChina,andGuizhouNuoNuoprimaryitancientMusicalmonks.goodwhileMaskcarving abides by a set of stricteyebrowsshould be like a line for woman,generalsand like fiery flames for militarygenerals. The changes of facialdecorationsfigures in a Nuo Drama. They may be brave, ferocious, powerful, composed, arrogant, sly, tender, or amiable. Decorations include butterflies, grass, flowers, and ivies familiar to the locals.As is true in most other areas, Nuo Drama in Tunbu is the privilege of men. The moment a dancer puts on his mask, he will not speak or act casually since putting on a mask means the spirit is on him already.Yunnan Nuo DramaLeopard Nuo Drama in Chuxiong, Yunnan, differentiates itself by the fact that all dancers are painted with a leopard pattern on their nude bodies. The ferocious and agile leopard is regarded as the most qualified to drive away devils. Leopards are played by twelve Yi boys about 10 years old. On the morning of the performance, young dancers will have the leopard pattern painted on their backs, hands, feet, and belly in black, white, red, and yellow colors. A yue-kin, a four-stringed plucked instrument with a full-moon-shaped sound box, is painted on their chests. Their faces are covered with palm leaves, and their heads are decorated with two pheasant tails. When the make-up is finished, dancers enter the role of leopards, prohibiting further talking.Village rooftops connected by ladders or wood panels form the stage for the "leopards" At the climax of the dance, leopards run after young girls watching the show until the girls take them home where snacks have been prepared. Leopards eat some snacks as well as throw away some while continuing to dance. This devil-dispelling activity is performed in the rooms, kitchens and stalls of one family after another; the leopards dispel devils for all the villagers. Nuo Drama in Other PlacesIt is popular among many ethnic groups in Hunan where both facial painting and masks are used.GuichiNuo Drama from Anhui is special because it is performed on a clan basis not by a troupe as in other places.Shan GuNuo Drama in Quwo, Shanxi is worth noting as it is the only Nuo Drama preserved in the Yellow River area. The accompanying Shangu is a fan-shaped tambourine. The drama is staged from the 7th to the 15th of the 1st moon for the Lantern Festival .In addition, NanpuNuo Drama from Zhangzhou, Fujian province, and NanfengNuo Drama from Nanfeng, Jiangxi, are representative of local dramas. Though much like the Japanese classical drama Noh, not enough importance is attached to Nuo Drama in China. It is still a folk art with a strong religious color. This, on one hand, preserves the authentic flavor of Nuo Drama, but on the other hand, Nuo Drama faces great difficulties in developing successors and in financing. Making Nuo Drama masks provides more income than doesperforming. Young people are no longer interested in the art; the youngest actors in many places are at least 40 years old.。

我最喜欢的蜡笔小新电视剧In the vast world of animated television series, there is one that stands out to me above all others: Crayon Shin-chan. This Japanese animated comedy series, created by Yoshito Usui, has captured my heart and imagination since its debut in 1992. What makes this show so special is its unique blend of humor, heartfelt moments, and relatable characters, particularly the titular protagonist, Shinchan, a four-year-old boy with a penchant for mischief and adventure.The story revolves around Shinchan and his family, particularly his loving but often exasperated mother, his overworked father, and his equally mischievous dog, Pooch. Each episode is filled with comic relief and heartwarming moments that speak to the universal themes of family, friendship, and growing up. The humor in the series is both slapstick and situational, often involving Shinchan's antics and his unique way of looking at the world.One of the things that I love most about Crayon Shin-chan is its ability to capture the essence of childhood innocence and curiosity. Shinchan's boundless imaginationand his innocent questions about the world around him often lead to hilarious situations that are both relatable and enjoyable for adults to watch. At the same time, the series also manages to convey important messages about family values, friendship, and the importance of cherishing every moment of life.Another standout feature of Crayon Shin-chan is its cast of unique and memorable characters. Each character has their own unique personality and traits that contribute to the overall humor and warmth of the series. From Shinchan's mischievous best friend, Nobita, to his sassy sister, Sasuke, each character brings their own unique flavor to the show.The animation style of Crayon Shin-chan is also a treat to behold. The unique and colorful art style gives the show a distinct look that sets it apart from other animated series. The blend of hand-drawn animation and computer-generated imagery creates a unique visual experience thatis both charming and engaging.What truly sets Crayon Shin-chan apart, however, is its ability to resonate with viewers of all ages. Whetheryou're a child or an adult, there's something in thisseries that will make you laugh, cry, and feel a sense of nostalgia for your own childhood. The show's honestportrayal of family life, friendships, and the challengesof growing up make it a timeless classic that can beenjoyed by generations.In conclusion, Crayon Shin-chan is not just an animated television series; it's an experience that transcends age and culture. Its unique blend of humor, heartfelt moments, and relatable characters make it a must-watch for anyonewho wants to escape into a world of imagination and fun. As a fan of the series, I can honestly say that it has brought joy and laughter to my life and continues to do so witheach new episode. If you haven't given Crayon Shin-chan atry yet, I highly recommend it. You won't be disappointed!**我最喜欢的蜡笔小新电视剧**在众多的动画片中,有一部电视剧让我情有独钟,那就是《蜡笔小新》。
新概念英语第二册第53课-Hot snake

新概念英语第二册第53课:Hot snakeLesson 53 Hot snake触电的蛇 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。
What caused the fire?At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been trying to find out how the fire began. Forest fires are often caused by broken glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snake which was wound round the electric wires of a 16,000-volt power line. In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched up the snake from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The snake then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, it sent sparks down to the ground and these immediately started a fire.参考译文消防队员们终于扑灭了加利福尼亚的一场森林大火。
新概念英语第二册第23课-A new house

新概念英语第二册第23课:A new houseWhy is the new house specialI had a letter from my sister yesterday. She lives in Nigeria.昨天我收到了姐姐的一封信,她住在尼日利亚In her letter, she said that she would come to England next year. If she comes, she will get a surprise.在信中她说她明年将到英国来。
如果她来了,她会感到非常惊奇了We are now living in a beautiful new house in the country. Work on it had begun before my sister left.我们现在住在乡间的一栋漂亮的新住宅里。
这栋房子在我姐姐离开之前就已开工了The house was completed five months ago. In my letter, I told her that she could stay with us.是在5个月以前竣工的。
我在信中告诉她,她可以和我们住在一起The house has many large rooms and there is a lovely garden.这栋房子里有许多房间,还有一个漂亮的花园It is a very modern house, so it looks strange to some people. Itmust be the only modern house in the district.它是一栋非常现代化的住宅,因此在有些人看来很乖僻。
New words and Expressions生词和短语completev. 完成modernadj. 新式的,与以往不同的strangeadj. 奇怪的districtn. 地区Notes on the text课文注释1 get a surprisc中的,surprise这里作“使人惊奇、意外的事物〞解,是可数名词。
The baby boomer generation

迈克尔· 杰克逊(Michael Jackson),1958年08月29日在美国印第安纳州加里市出生,美国歌手、词曲创作人、 舞蹈家、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人。
杰克逊是家族的第七个孩子,他在1964年作为杰克逊五人组的成员和他的兄弟一起在职业音乐舞台上初次登台, 1968年乐队与当地的一家唱片公司合作出版了第一张唱片《Big Boy》。1971年12月,发行了个人首支单曲 《Got to be there》,标志着其个人独唱生涯的开始。
Steve jobs, was born on February 24, 1955, San Francisco, California, United States inventors, and entrepreneurs, the United States apple cofounder. [1] On April 1, 1976 jobs signed a contract, decided to set up a computer company. [2] in April 1977, Mr. Jobs in the United States for the first time a computer exhibition shows apple Ⅱ prototype. In 1997 apple launched the iMac, shell color transparent design makes the product innovation, and make the apple through the financial crisis. [3] on August 24, 2011, Steve jobs to apple's board, submit an application for resignation. [4] Steve jobs is considered to be the computer industry and entertainment industry icon, he experienced decades of ups and downs with the rise and fall, apple has the leadership and launched the Macintosh computer (Macintosh), iMac ?

介绍蜡笔小新作文英语Crayon Shin-chan is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has been a favorite among children and adults alike for over 25 years. 蜡笔小新是一部颇受欢迎的日本漫画和动画系列,已经成为孩子和成人喜爱的作品超过25年。
Created by Yoshito Usui, the series follows the adventures of a mischievous five-year-old boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, also known as Shin-chan. 该系列是由臼井义人创作的,讲述了一个名叫野原新之助(小新)的调皮五岁男孩的冒险故事。
Shin-chan's antics and humor have made him a beloved character in Japan and around the world. 小新的恶作剧和幽默使他成为了日本和世界各地受欢迎的角色。
With his distinctive hairstyle, cheeky personality, and habit of speaking his mind, Shin-chan is a character beloved by fans of all ages. 小新有着独特的发型、调皮的个性和直言不讳的习惯,深受各年龄段粉丝的喜爱。
The series is known for its irreverent humor, satirical take on Japanese society, and heartwarming moments that resonate with audiences. 这部系列以其不敬的幽默、对日本社会的讽刺性看法和触动人心的瞬间而闻名,深受观众的共鸣。

浙江省绍兴市2021届中考最后一卷(三)英语(考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 试题的答案书写在答题卡上,不得在试卷上直接作答。
2. 作答前认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。
3. 考试结束,由监考人员将试题和答题卡一并收回。
1.When did the bus leave the bus stop?A.At 7:15. B.At 7:30. C.At 7:45.2.How will the man pay the bill today?A.Through Ali Pay. B.Through Wechat. C.Through the bank.3.Why did David look sad?A.Because he had a bad cold. B.Because he lost his watch. C.Because he didn’t win the game.4.Which season does Cindy like best?A.Spring. B.Autumn. C.Winter.5.What can we know from the conversation?A.The boy failed his English test. B.The boy wanted to give up. C.Mr. Black will help the boy.第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。

英语作文电影蜡笔小新观后感100字全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1One day, me and my friends went to watch the movie "Crayon Shin-chan" in the theater. It was super funny and we laughed so hard throughout the whole movie.The main character, Shin-chan, is a mischievous and energetic boy who always gets into trouble. He is always making funny jokes and pulling pranks on his family and friends. We couldn't stop giggling at his silly antics.One of the funniest parts of the movie was when Shin-chan tried to impress his crush, Ai-chan, by singing a love song. He was so off-key and hilarious that we were rolling on the floor laughing. It was so funny to see him make a fool of himself.But the movie also had some touching moments, like when Shin-chan helped his friends in times of need and showed his caring side. It reminded us of the importance of friendship and kindness.Overall, "Crayon Shin-chan" was a super fun and entertaining movie. It made us laugh, cry, and think about the value of friendship. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a good laugh and some heartwarming moments. We can't wait to watch it again!篇2Oh wow, have you guys watched the movie CrayonShin-chan? It was so funny and exciting! I can't wait to tell you all about it!The movie is about Shin-chan and his friends going on a crazy adventure to find a legendary treasure. They face all kinds of challenges and obstacles along the way, but they never give up. It's really inspiring to see how they work together and help each other out.One thing I really loved about the movie is how funnyShin-chan is. He always has a funny joke or a silly prank up his sleeve, and he never fails to make me laugh. But deep down, he's also a really caring friend who looks out for his buddies.Another thing I liked is how the movie reminds us to never give up, no matter how tough things get. Shin-chan and hisfriends never lose hope, even when things seem impossible. It's a great message for all of us to remember.Overall, I think Crayon Shin-chan is a fantastic movie that both kids and adults can enjoy. It's got laughter, friendship, and a lot of heart. I definitely recommend it to everyone!So, if you haven't seen the movie yet, go check it out! I promise you won't be disappointed. Let's all be like Shin-chan and never stop believing in ourselves!篇3After watching the movie "Crayon Shin-chan", I feel super excited and happy! It was so funny and filled with lots of adventures. Shin-chan is such a naughty and funny boy, he always gets into trouble but manages to get out of it with his clever ideas.My favorite part of the movie was when Shin-chan and his friends went on a treasure hunt. They faced many challenges and obstacles, but they never gave up. It taught me that with determination and teamwork, we can achieve anything we set our minds to.The movie also taught me the importance of family and friendship. Shin-chan loves his family very much and always tries to protect them. He also cares for his friends and is always there to help them when they are in need.Overall, "Crayon Shin-chan" is a great movie that made me laugh and learn important lessons about life. I would recommend it to all my friends and family. I can't wait to watch more adventures of Shin-chan in the future!篇4After watching the movie "Crayon Shin-chan", I feel so excited and happy! The movie is about the adventures ofShin-chan, a mischievous little boy who always gets into trouble but manages to save the day in the end.One thing I really like about the movie is the funny jokes and silly situations that Shin-chan always finds himself in. He is always making people laugh with his crazy antics and funny faces. It's so much fun to watch him get into trouble and then somehow manage to make everything right in the end.Another thing I like about the movie is the friendship between Shin-chan and his friends. They always stick together and help each other out, no matter what kind of trouble they getinto. It's nice to see how they support each other and work together to overcome any obstacles that come their way.The movie also has a lot of heartwarming moments, like when Shin-chan helps a lost puppy find its way home or when he stands up to a bully to protect his friends. It shows that even though Shin-chan can be a troublemaker, he has a kind heart and always does the right thing in the end.Overall, I really enjoyed watching "Crayon Shin-chan" and I can't wait to see more adventures from Shin-chan and his friends. It's a funny, heartwarming movie that will make you laugh and feel good inside. I recommend it to anyone who loves a good laugh and a happy ending!篇5Wow! I just watched the movie "Crayon Shin-chan" and it was so funny and exciting! I really enjoyed it and I want to share my thoughts with you guys.The movie is about a mischievous little boy namedShin-chan who always gets into trouble but manages to save the day in the end. The animation is great, and the characters are so cute and funny. I couldn't stop laughing at Shin-chan's silly antics and his quirky sense of humor.One of the things I liked most about the movie is how Shin-chan never gives up, no matter how tough things get. He always finds a way to solve his problems and help his friends. It teaches us that we should never give up and always keep trying our best.Another thing I liked about the movie is the friendship between Shin-chan and his friends. They always stick together and help each other out, no matter what. It's nice to see how they support each other and have fun together.Overall, I think "Crayon Shin-chan" is a great movie that is both funny and heartwarming. It's a must-watch for all kids who love cartoons and adventure. I can't wait to watch it again and see what other crazy adventures Shin-chan gets into next!If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend giving it a try. You won't be disappointed!篇6Today I want to talk about the movie I watched recently, it's called "Crayon Shin-chan". It's a Japanese animated film and I really enjoyed watching it.The movie is about a little boy named Shin-chan who is very mischievous and always gets into trouble. He loves to draw with his crayons and his imagination is so wild. In the movie,Shin-chan and his friends go on an adventure to save their town from evil monsters. They use their crayons to fight against the monsters and save the day.I think the movie is really funny and entertaining. Shin-chan is such a funny character and he always makes me laugh. I also like the way the movie shows the importance of friendship and teamwork. Shin-chan and his friends work together to overcome obstacles and defeat the monsters.The animation in the movie is also really good. The colors are so bright and vivid, and the characters are so cute. I love watching Shin-chan and his friends go on their adventure and see all the cool things they can do with their crayons.Overall, I think "Crayon Shin-chan" is a great movie for kids and adults alike. It's fun, entertaining, and has a good message about friendship. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves animated films. I can't wait to watch it again!篇7After watching the movie "Crayon Shin-chan", I feel so excited and happy! It was such a funny and interesting movie that made me laugh a lot.The story is about a mischievous boy named Shin-chan who always gets into trouble because of his silly actions. He is always trying to make people laugh and have fun, even if it means causing a little chaos.One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Shin-chan and his friends go on an adventure to find a treasure. They get into all kinds of funny situations along the way, and I couldn't stop laughing at their silly antics.But besides all the jokes and pranks, the movie also has a touching message about friendship and family. Shin-chan may be naughty, but he really cares about his friends and family, and he will do anything to protect them.Overall, I really enjoyed watching "Crayon Shin-chan". It was a hilarious and heartwarming movie that made me feel happy and entertained. I can't wait to watch it again and laugh at all the funny parts!篇8The movie "Crayon Shin-chan" is so funny and exciting! I watched it with my friends and we all laughed a lot.Shin-chan is a very naughty boy, always getting into trouble. But he is also very brave and kind. In the movie, he goes on a big adventure with his friends to save his family. They have to fight bad guys and go through all kinds of obstacles. It was so cool!I love the part when Shin-chan uses his crayons to draw things that come to life. It's like magic! I wish I could do that too. And his butt dance is so funny, I can't stop laughing every time he does it.The movie also has a lot of lessons. It teaches us to be brave and never give up. It also shows us the importance of friendship and family. I feel so happy and inspired after watching it.I can't wait to watch the next "Crayon Shin-chan" movie. I hope Shin-chan will have more adventures and fun. I will definitely go watch it with my friends again. I love "Crayon Shin-chan"!篇9Hi everyone, today I want to share with you my thoughts on the movie "Crayon Shin-chan". I watched it with my friends and we had so much fun!The movie is about a naughty boy named Shin-chan who always gets into trouble. He is very funny and likes to play pranks on people. In the movie, Shin-chan goes on an adventure with his family and friends to stop some bad guys from doing bad things. It's a really exciting and hilarious movie!One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Shin-chan and his friends use their crayons to draw things that come to life. They draw a huge monster to defeat the bad guys, and it was so cool to see how creative they were! It made me want to draw and create my own adventures with my friends.I also liked how Shin-chan always stayed true to himself, even when facing challenges. He never gave up and always found a way to solve problems. It taught me that no matter how difficult things may seem, I should always believe in myself and keep trying.Overall, "Crayon Shin-chan" is a really fun and entertaining movie. It made me laugh, it made me think, and it inspired me to be creative. I can't wait to watch it again with my friends and family. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it!That's all for my thoughts on "Crayon Shin-chan". I hope you enjoyed reading my essay. Thank you for listening!篇10After watching the movie "Crayon Shin-chan", I feel super excited and happy! The movie was so funny and Shin-chan is such a mischievous boy. He always makes everyone laugh with his silly jokes and funny faces.I love how Shin-chan always has an adventurous spirit and never gives up, even when things get tough. He is always ready to try new things and have fun with his friends. I also love how he cares so much about his family, especially his little sister Himawari.One of my favorite parts of the movie was when Shin-chan and his friends went on a treasure hunt. They had to solve riddles and puzzles to find the hidden treasure, and it was so exciting to see them work together as a team.Another part that I really enjoyed was when Shin-chan got into trouble at school. He may be naughty sometimes, but he always finds a way to make things right in the end. It's important to learn from our mistakes and try to be a better person.Overall, "Crayon Shin-chan" is a great movie that teaches us to be brave, have fun, and cherish our friends and family. I can't wait to watch it again with my friends and have a good laugh together. Shin-chan is definitely my favorite character now!。

蜡笔小新英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the name of the main character in the anime "Crayon Shin-chan"?A. Shin-ChanB. ConanC. NarutoD. Luffy2. In which country was "Crayon Shin-chan" originally created?A. ChinaB. JapanC. USAD. South Korea3. What is the name of Shin-chan's father?A. HiroshiB. GintokiC. GokuD. Sasuke4. Who is Shin-chan's best friend?A. DoraemonB. NobitaC. TadashiD. Kazama5. What is the name of Shin-chan's mother?A. MisaB. NamiC. NeneD. Miyagi6. What is the name of Shin-chan's pet dog?A. TotoroB. SoraC. WhiteD. Shogun7. What is the name of Shin-chan's kindergarten?A. Sunny KindergartenB. Happy KindergartenC. Double-Slide KindergartenD. Yume Kindergarten8. What does "Crayon" mean in the title of the anime?A. A type of crayonB. A brand of crayonC. A metaphor for childhoodD. A character's name9. What is the name of Shin-chan's teacher at kindergarten?A. Ms. KasukabeB. Mr. WhitebeardC. Ms. MomozonoD. Mr. Akiba10. What is the name of Shin-chan's sister?A. HimawariB. SakuraC. MeiD. Ritsuka二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. Shin-chan is known for his _______ and _______.(naughty behavior, bottom flashing)12. The anime "Crayon Shin-chan" often portrays the life of a typical _______ family.(Japanese)13. Shin-chan's father works at a _______.(company)14. Shin-chan's mother, Nene, is often seen doing _______.(housework)15. The character Kazama is known as Shin-chan's _______.(rival)三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Describe the personality of Shin-chan.- Shin-chan is known for his cheeky and mischievous personality, often getting into trouble with his antics.17. What are some of the recurring themes in "Crayon Shin-chan"?- The series often explores themes of family, friendship, and the innocence of childhood, with a touch of humor.18. Explain the significance of the title "Crayon Shin-chan." - The title signifies the imaginative and colorful worldof a child, as well as the creativity and innocenceassociated with using crayons.19. What role does the character Mei play in Shin-chan's life? - Mei is Shin-chan's sister who often finds herself inthe middle of his antics, but also cares for him deeply.四、翻译题(每题5分,共10分)20. Translate the following sentence into English:- "小新总是能以他独特的方式解决问题。
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One night, the Nohara family were enjoying a pleasant dream, when suddenly a big fish appeared in their dreams and ate them. The next morning, Hiroshi read in the newspaper that everybody in another town had the same nightmare as him, but it seemed to have ended. But Hiroshi also heard the same dream from Misae, Shinnosuke, Himawari and even Shiro. They were surprised and thought if the same thing is happening in Kasukabe too. In kindergarten, on telling others about his nightmare, Shinnosukewas surprised to know that everybody too had the same dream.一天夜里,野原一家正在享受愉快的梦境的时候,突然一只大鱼出现在他们的梦里,把他们都吃进了肚子。
Tips:1)a pleasant dream 一个令人愉快的梦境。
pleasant adj. 令人愉快的,可喜的,吸引人的;友好的,和善的,文雅的。
Spring is a pleasant season.春季宜人。
2)nightmare n. 噩梦,梦魇。
在口语中也可以表示可怕的或不愉快的经历,例如:Life in the last dozen years oppressed my heart like a nightmare.过去十几年的生活像一场恶梦一样压抑着我的心。
3)be surprised 感到惊奇。
可以使用be surprised at sth./to do sth.的形式,或直接和从句连接。
You might be surprised at how much fun you have!你会惊讶地发现自己有多开心。
Then a mysterious girl named Saki was transferred to Futaba Kindergarten and joined Shinnosuke's class. Everyone in the class, including the rather inactive Bo-chan, were all excited and happy on seeing her. But Saki had a cold attitude and didn't get along well.然后,一个名叫小咲的神秘女孩转学到了双叶幼稚园,加入了新之助所在的班级。
Tips:1)mysterious adj. 神秘的;难以理解的;不可思议的。
The story goes that a mysterious animal lives in the mountain.据说山里有一个神秘的动物。
mysterious的名词形式mystery n. 神秘的事物,难以理解的事物;谜;神秘;奥秘。
This mystery puzzles me.这件神秘事情使我百思不解。
The meeting was cloaked in mystery.会议笼罩在神秘气氛中。
2)get along with 进展; 与…和睦相处。
get along well with表示友好相处,而do/does not get along with就是难以相处。
I like to think I'm relatively easy to get along with.我愿意认为自己相对比较容易相处。
That night, Shinnosuke and others were taken to a fantasy dreaming world. Shinnosuke could see all the Kasukabe Defense Group members. They were riding on big balls. Whatever they wished was granted. When Masao said that he wanted to be a manga-artist, the ball grew bigger and he was transformed into amanga-artist. Kazama was running for senator and Nene was an idol. Shinnosuke wished to play with young attractive girls in swimsuits…那天晚上,新之助和其他人被带入了一个奇幻的梦境世界。
风间忙于议员的竞选,而妮妮成为了一名偶像,新之助则是想要和迷人的泳装大姐姐们一起玩……Tips:1)manga-artist 漫画家,特指日本漫画家。
manga n. 日本连环漫画册,漫画。
The process of illegally scanning and then translating manga is known as “scanlation.”非法扫描并翻译日本漫画的行为被称为“扫译”。
2)run for phr. 急忙去请;竞选。
As the child was seriously ill, we run for the doctor.孩子病得厉害,我们急忙去请医生。
Donald Trump want to run for the presidency this year.今年唐纳德·特朗普想竞选总统。
While the kids had good dreams, Hiroshi, Misae and other adults too had nice dreams, but their dream was soon converted into nightmares. The dreaming power of children is big while that of adults is small. Adults were losing dreaming energy faster than the kids. When the dreaming power of kids was consumed, they too started having nightmares. The kids became disheartened and depressed when their dreams couldn't be fulfilled completely. Masao on losing all his manga started crying and being depressed all the day. The next day, the Kasukabe Defense Group held a meeting and decided to solvethis problem of nightmares…当孩子们都在享受美梦的同时,广志、美伢和其他的成年人虽然也在美梦之中,可是他们的梦境迅速转变成了梦魇。
第二天,春日部防卫队召开了一个会议,决定一起解决这个梦魇……Tips:1)convert into 折合;把……转变为naturally occurring substances which the body can convert into vitamins.可被人体转化为维生素的天然物质。
2)disheartened n.胆虚。
The death of her mother disheartened her.她母亲的死使她失去勇气。
3)depressed adj. 抑郁的,沮丧的;患抑郁症的;萧条的;低于一般水准的an economically depressed area经济萧条地区两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平/test/waijiao.aspx?tid=16-73675-0。