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手机充话费adding credit to your phone

Key words :

1.credit 话费

add credit 充话费I want to add credit on my phone./ I need more credit on my phone. 我需要充话费 run out of credit话费用没了I ‘ve run out of my credit on my phone. 我手机没话费了。


eg: 手机没流量了/我手机流量用完了I’ve run out of date.

How much data do I need?我需要买多少流量?

data plan 流量套餐What kind of data plan is right for me? 我该买哪种流量套餐?

data plan usage流量套餐使用

How to check my data plan usage on my phone?我怎样查询流量套餐使用情况?

3.eat up the data 吃话费drain the phone credit扣话费

4.run out of ...用完了run out of airtime/minute通话时长用完了。Run out of data /credit.

✧We’re running out of time.我们快没时间了。

✧You ran out on me .当初是你抛弃我的。

5.MB megabyte 兆字节I run out of 500MB of data today.我今天用了500兆流量

GB gigabyte亿兆

data cap流量上限I have a 2GB data cap.我有2G的流量上限的套餐

6.monthly plan包月套餐

独生子女的苦与乐one child

Key expressions:

1.excessive interference 过度干涉

2.the only child独生子女

3.breack up with 和...分手

4.Sort of . 差不多吧

5. The one-child policy一胎政策

6. Family planning 计划生育

7. You’re the apple of your family’s yes.你是全家的掌上明珠。

1 2

初遇老外聊点啥hitting on someone abroad Key expressions:

1.Chinese mainland中国大陆

2.Strict censorship严格的审查制度

干吃不胖can’t be fat

Key expressions:

1.I’m jealous.我好羡慕啊!

2.Put on musle长肌肉

3.hollow legs,吃不胖



你和Uber司机聊些什么?Ordering an Uber Key expressions:

Uber driver 优步司机

He is Uber cool! 他好酷啊!(花痴状)

Did you just get off work? 你刚下班吗?

I really just ask for a 5starrating!只要五星好评哦!

职场请假的攻略--1假期的种类Key expressions:

假期time off\leave 带薪假paid leaves 无薪假unpaid leave 法定假日、公众假期public holiday

职场请假的攻略--2 请假的流程

看电影的渠道watching movies options Key expressions:

Movie channel 电影频道

化妆品make up

Key expressions:

化妆品的统称cosmetics 或者make up

化妆的动作是apply cosmetics\ make up paint your face

底妆:foundation 粉底霜concealer遮瑕膏

眼妆:eye shadow眼影eyeliner pencil 眼线笔mascare睫毛膏

唇妆:lip gloss唇膏lipstick口红


Office gossip办公室八卦Key expressions:

1.Put it on blast 讲...公布于众,把事情搞得满城风雨

2.Two faced 两面派talk about others behind their back

3.You gossip jerk 你这个长舌妇

4.Hook with sb.和某人有一腿

5.Let’s keep it between us这件事就咱们俩知道

6.Freaking clown跳梁小丑

上厕所没有带纸o(╯□╰)o spare a square of toilet paper Key expressions:

1.a roll of toilet paper一卷卫生纸

2.a square of toilet paper一格卫生纸

3.a ply of toilet paper一层卫生纸
