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Unit 5 What are the shirts made of ?


1. stick [stik] st i ck-st u ck-st u ck

V stick刺/戳He stuck his fork into a piece of meat.

=He stuck a piece of meat with a fork.

V stick粘The two stamps have stuck together.

n stick棍[C]He beat the boy with a _____.

lip stick口红chopsticks筷子

n sticker贴纸There is a price _____ on it.

-考:Every girl wants to have a magic s___.

-考:The old man is holding a small s___ in his hand.

-考:Our Chinese always use __(筷子) to eat, but the English don’t use them.

2. fork [fɔ:k]

--n 叉子[C] forks

3. blouse [blaʊz]

The girls wear blouses and the boys wear s____.

n blouse女衬衫

n shirt男衬衫

-考:She was wearing a white ___.

And he was wearing a blue ___.

4. silver ['sɪlvə(r)]

n silver银be made of能看出原材料

be made from看不出原材料

句She wears a s____ chain around her neck.

-考:His necklace is make___(介) silver.

5. cotton ['kɒtn]

n[U]cotton棉grow cotton种棉花

句Farmers grow c____ in the field.

-考:The shirt made of c____ is very comfortable.

-考:This dress is made ___(介) cotton.

-考:Is it made of c___, silk or wool?

6. produce [prə'djuːs]

V produce产出The dish my mum cooks produces a good smell.

n product产品They came here in search of new markets for their products.


-考:Cows are kept for p____ milk.

-考:I can’t stand the smoke that the cigarettes p____.

-考:I’m pleased with your p____.

-考:Tea ___(produce) in many different areas in China.

7. France


France [frɑ:ns] 法国


French [frentʃ] 法国人/的/语

-考:He comes from F_____.

He is a F_____.

-考:We are going to F___ to spend our holiday.

8. local ['ləʊkl]

adj.local 当地的local culture当地的文化

句They want to be a volunteer in the l___ hospital.

-考:He doesn’t know l___ culture much.

-考:They can go to the l__ school.

7. traffic ['træfɪk]

n traffic 交通

①traffic jam交通拥挤

②traffic light交通灯

③have a heavy traffic

句You should look at the t___ lights before you cross the road.

-考:Both New York and London have ___(交通) problem.

8. process [prə'ses]

n process过程The ____ to success is rough.


V process加工These toys are ___ in this factory.

-考:Do you know the p____ of development.

-考:These things should ____ carefully.

A. process

B. processed

C. are processed

D. be processed

9. leaf [li:f]

n leaf树叶leaf—leaves

句There are many l____ falling from the nearby trees in autumn.

-考:In autumn, the l___ turn yellow.

-考:Let the tea ___(leaf) steep侵泡in boiling water for five minutes.

10. wide [waɪd]

adj.wide宽n width宽How w___ is the pool? It’s two meters w___. It’s two meters in w____.

adv widely广泛地Computers are w____ used now.

-考:English is w___ spoken in the world.

-考:Barley['bɑ:lɪ]麦子is planted ___(wide) in this area.

11. avoid [ə'vɔɪd]

V avoid 避免avoid doing避免做

句We should avoid __(use) the computer too often.

-考:They built a wall to __(避免) soil being washed away.

12. plant V种植n植物[C]


②grow 则包括培育管理,使其生长的过程

The farmer grows wheat in this field. 那位农民在这块田里种植的是小麦

He grew some flowers in the garden. 他在花园里种了花



How many trees have you planted this year? 你们今年植了多少棵树?

Have you planted any trees yet? 你种树了吗?

-短:plant many trees种了许多树

plant more trees种了更多的树

-考:I think there will be more plants in he future.

-考:There are all kinds of p____ in the park.

-考:Where is cotton ___(plant) in China?

In many different areas.

-考:Gaoliang is ___(grow) in both north and south China.

13. cover ['kʌvə ]覆盖

V cover She covered her ears with her hands.


①be covered with/by
