
如:Peter, Snow White, Sunday, April,Christmas Day, China, Changsha, the Great Wall, the WTO, West Street...2、凡不属于特定的人或事物的名称的词,叫普通名词。
如:desk, book , people, air, interest,idea...(二)可数名词和不可数名词名词根据是否能够用数字来计算,可以分为可数名词和不可数名词。
1、可数名词复数的变化规则a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds ;b.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes,watch-watches;c.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-es,如:family-families, city-cities ;d.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v,再加-es,如:wife- wives, knife-knives,wolf -wolves, leaf-leaves ;e.以“o”结尾的词,分两种情况1)__________+es 如:mango-mangoes tomato-tomatoes hero-heroes2) ___________+s 如:photo-photos radio-radiosf. 不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen,policewoman-policewomen, snowman-snowmen, child-children, foot-feet,tooth-teeth, mouse-mice, goose-geese单复数同形:fish-fish deer -deer sheep -sheep people(人们)-people Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese(中日不变英法变,其余后面加s)Englishman-____________________, Frenchman-_________________Russian=_____________________ American-__________________2、复合名词变复数boy student-boy students man doctor-men doctors3、不可数名词◆不可数名词没有复数形式,如:tea,,meat.◆不可数名词不可以被基数词和不定冠词(a/an)直接修饰,若要表示数量,就得在数词和不可数名词之间加上“量词+of”。

7、副词(Adverb)副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。
8、介词的定义和特征介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。
(二)1、名词,人或事物的名称3、代词,代替名词或者数词(比如some就是代替数目)3、动词,动作或状态4、数词,表示数目或顺序(比如序数词,5th就是表示顺序)5、形容词,人或事物的性质或状态(因为形容词一般修饰名词)6、副词,动作的特征或性状特征(因为副词一般修饰动词或形容词)7、冠词,表示名词的泛指或特指8、介词,表示名词或代词与其他词的关系(因为介词后面一半紧跟名词,代词或其他名词性结构)9、连词,连接词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子10、感叹词,表示说话时的感情或语气(三)1、adj. / a. 形容词用来描述一类物质的性质,状态,外貌,或人的性格特点,性质,品格如:big,happy2、adv. / ad. 副词用来修饰动作或形容词,一般在句子中做状语用表示动作的进行怎样,或表示程度,特点,如:clearly,happily3、prep. 介词连接地点,时间的一类词语,可以表示方位,时间.跟一些表示时间,地点的词连用表示介词词组如:in,to,on,under4、conj. 连词用来连接时间,地点,原因,结果的一类词语如:when,beacuse,so5、num. 数词表示数字的词,既可以是基数词,也可以是序数词如:one,two,first6、int. 感叹词表示感叹的一类词,一般不加一解释,只代表感叹如:what,how,haurray7、vt. 及物动词(后面要加宾语)行为动作的词如:do,finish,play8、vi. 不及物动词(后面不加宾语)表示行为动作的词如:appear9、n. 名词表示物体,物质的词如:pig,cow,man10、pron. 代词代指一类人,事或物的词如:he,she,hers,his,things11、art = 冠词,article的缩写(四)在英语语法中主要把词分为8大类:1.名词:表示人、物或地方等,如:John,teacher;table,pen;London;beauty.2.代词:用来代替名词,以避免重复某个名词,如:I,you,it,that,those,them.3.形容词:用来修饰或限制某个(些)名词,如:good(man),white (paper),every(book),much(water),(John is)hon-est,(He seems)lazy.被修饰或限制的名词,叫做主体词(head-word)。

例如:at nine (o’clock ) 在九点钟at noon(正午时)at breakfast (早餐时)②on(在……时候):用于表示某天,某一天的上、下午(指具体的某一天时,一律用on)。
例如:on Monday (在星期一)on June 6 (在6月6日)on Tuesday morning(在星期二早上)on that day(在那天)③in用于表示年、月、周、季节和泛指的上午、下午、晚上(在一段时间内)。
例如:in 2012(在2012年)in May (在五月)in this week(在这周)in Spring(在春季)in the morning(在上午)in the holiday(在假期中)2.表示场所、方向的介词①at在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所、指小地方)例如:at home(在家)at school(上学)at the zoo(在动物园)at the cinema(在电影院)②in在……里面、在……(表示比较宽敞的场所、大地方)。
例如:in China(在中国)in Luoding(在罗定)in the park(在公园里)④on在……场上,在……上面,有接触面。
例如:on the desk(在桌子上面)on the floor(在地板上)on the playground (在操场上)⑤over在……正上方(垂直),悬在……上面,是under的反义词。
例如:There is a bridge over the river.(河上有一座桥。

(一)之袁州冬雪创作1、名词名词 (Nouns)是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指待人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词. 名词可以独立成句.在短语或句子中通常可以用代词来替代.2、代词是代替名词的一种词类.大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能.英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种.3、动词,就是用来形容或暗示各类动作的词汇.基本上每一个完整的子句都有一个动词,要暗示第二个动作时可以使用不定词、动名词、对等毗连词、从属毗连词或增加子句等方法保持.根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类.4、形容词形容词【adjective】很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种.主要用来修饰名词的词,暗示事物的特征5、冠词的定义冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词.冠词可以说是名词的一种标记,它不克不及分开名词而独立存在.冠词的分类冠词分为不定冠词"a,an"、定冠词"the"和零冠词三种6、数词暗示"多少"和"第几"的词,叫数词.其用法相当于名词或者形容词.数词分为基数词和序数词两种.暗示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词.7、副词(Adverb)副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念.8、介词的定义和特征介词是一种用来暗示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词.在句中不克不及单独作句字成分.介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语.(二)1、名词,人或事物的称号3、代词,代替名词或者数词(比方some就是代替数目)3、动词,动作或状态4、数词,暗示数目或顺序(比方序数词,5th就是暗示顺序)5、形容词,人或事物的性质或状态(因为形容词一般修饰名词)6、副词,动作的特征或性状特征(因为副词一般修饰动词或形容词)7、冠词,暗示名词的泛指或特指8、介词,暗示名词或代词与其他词的关系(因为介词后面一半紧跟名词,代词或其他名词性布局)9、连词,毗连词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子10、感叹词,暗示说话时的感情或语气(三)1、adj. / a. 形容词用来描绘一类物质的性质,状态,外貌,或人的性格特点,性质,品格如:big,happy2、adv. / ad. 副词用来修饰动作或形容词,一般在句子中做状语用暗示动作的停止怎样,或暗示程度,特点,如:clearly,happily3、prep. 介词毗连地点,时间的一类词语,可以暗示方位,时间.跟一些暗示时间,地点的词连用暗示介词词组如:in,to,on,under4、conj. 连词用来毗连时间,地点,原因,成果的一类词语如:when,beacuse,so5、num. 数词暗示数字的词,既可以是基数词,也可以是序数词如:one,two,first6、int. 感叹词暗示感叹的一类词,一般不加一诠释,只代表感叹如:what,how,haurray7、vt. 及物动词(后面要加宾语)行为动作的词如:do,finish,play8、vi. 不及物动词(后面不加宾语)暗示行为动作的词如:appear9、n. 名词暗示物体,物质的词如:pig,cow,man10、pron. 代词代指一类人,事或物的词如:he,she,hers,his,things11、art = 冠词,article的缩写(四)在英语语法中主要把词分为8大类:1.名词:暗示人、物或地方等,如:John,teacher;table,pen;London;beauty.2.代词:用来代替名词,以防止重复某个名词,如:I,you,it,that,those,them.3.形容词:用来修饰或限制某个(些)名词,如:good(man),white(paper),every(book),much(water),(John is)hon-est,(He seems)lazy.被修饰或限制的名词,叫做主体词(head-word).4.动词:暗示行为或状态,如:speak,read,go,think,is,seem.5.介词:暗示它后面的名词(或代词)跟它前面的动词、另外一名词或形容词的关系.这些名词(或代词)称为介词的宾语.介词宾语和介词构成介词短语.He went to school.(介词to把名词school和动词went接洽起来)He stood by me.He asked for it.The book on the desk is mine.(介词on把名词book和另外一名词desk接洽起来)He lives in a house on the mountain.他住在山上的一幢房子里.The bridge across this river is built by a Frenchman.河上的桥是一位法国人修建的.He is sure of it.他对此很有掌控.(of接洽it和sure.)It is good for you.这对你有好处.He is angry with Mary.他生玛丽的气.6.副词:修饰或限制动词、形容词或其他副词,甚至介词、连词及整个句子.He walked slowly.他走得很慢.He did it carefully.他干得很仔细.He is a very kind man.他是一个非常善良的人.John is truly honest.约翰的确很诚实.He arrived too late.他到得太晚了.He walked rather slowly.他走得相当慢.He sat far behind me.他坐在我后面挺远的地方.He arrived exactly at seven.他在7点整到达.He will come probably after we take lunch.他能够在我们吃午饭之后到达.He loves her just because she is pretty.他爱她只是因为她漂亮.Luckily,he got back his money.幸好他把钱要回来了. Historically,China is a great nation.从汗青上看中国是个伟大的国家.7.连词:用来毗连词、词组(短语)或句子,如:and,but,or,so;或把一个句子和一动词或名词接洽起来,如:when,because,as,though,that.(连词and把Hong Kong He visited Hong Kong and Singapore.和Singapore毗连起来)他访问了香港和新加坡.She is pretty but cruel.她很漂亮却很残暴.He does exercise in class or at home.他在讲堂上或是在家里做操练.(or把in class和at home两个短语毗连起来)She sat by me,reading novels but turning her eyes tochildren about her from time to time.她坐在我身旁看小说,但不时把眼睛转向她周围的孩子们.He works hard,so he will succeed.他很尽力,所以他会成功.(so把he works hard和he will succeed毗连起来)He says this and that,but he does not mean them.他说这说那,但这些都不是他的真心话.He was writing when it was rainning.下雨时他正在写作.(when把动词was raining和he was writing毗连起来)He became a beggar because he had been a gambler.他成了乞丐因为他爱赌博.He went to school though he was sick.他虽病了,但他仍然上学.The news that the enemy had surrendered soon reached us.不久传来了敌人投降的消息.8.感叹词:用来暗示说话时的感情,如Oh!,Alas!,My!上面只是对8大词类粗略的诠释.别的冠词、数词也可算作两个词类,冠词只有a,an,the3个字,数词可归入形容词中.。

人称代词(Personal pronouns)在指称 上的特殊性:
it 指代婴儿;she, her常指称轮船、汽车和国家;we, you 有时可泛指一般人;one 有时做单数人称代词, 有时可泛指人们。如:
❖ The distance light travels in one second is somewhere about 300,000 kilometers.
❖ 试用不同短语翻译:大约有7000名学生参加了会议。
2. 用and 或or 连接两个相邻的并列数词。如: ❖ The students came into the classroom by twos
• When the repairs had been done, she was a fine and beautiful ship. • We eat to live, not live to eat. • One has to think of the practical side of things.
可数名词有单、复数之分。可数名词的复数形 式有以下几种:
以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词
加-s 加-es
以辅音+y结尾的词 去y加-ies
以辅音+o 结尾的词 多数加-es
brothers;schools buses;watches;dishes*1 ladies; countries*2 heroes;tomatoes*3

7、副词(Adverb)副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。
8、介词的定义和特征介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。
(二)1、名词,人或事物的名称3、代词,代替名词或者数词(比如some就是代替数目)3、动词,动作或状态4、数词,表示数目或顺序(比如序数词,5th就是表示顺序)5、形容词,人或事物的性质或状态(因为形容词一般修饰名词)6、副词,动作的特征或性状特征(因为副词一般修饰动词或形容词)7、冠词,表示名词的泛指或特指8、介词,表示名词或代词与其他词的关系(因为介词后面一半紧跟名词,代词或其他名词性结构)9、连词,连接词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子10、感叹词,表示说话时的感情或语气(三)1、adj. / a. 形容词用来描述一类物质的性质,状态,外貌,或人的性格特点,性质,品格如:big,happy2、adv. / ad. 副词用来修饰动作或形容词,一般在句子中做状语用表示动作的进行怎样,或表示程度,特点,如:clearly,happily3、prep. 介词连接地点,时间的一类词语,可以表示方位,时间.跟一些表示时间,地点的词连用表示介词词组如:in,to,on,under4、conj. 连词用来连接时间,地点,原因,结果的一类词语如:when,beacuse,so5、num. 数词表示数字的词,既可以是基数词,也可以是序数词如:one,two,first6、int. 感叹词表示感叹的一类词,一般不加一解释,只代表感叹如:what,how,haurray7、vt. 及物动词(后面要加宾语)行为动作的词如:do,finish,play8、vi. 不及物动词(后面不加宾语)表示行为动作的词如:appear9、n. 名词表示物体,物质的词如:pig,cow,man10、pron. 代词代指一类人,事或物的词如:he,she,hers,his,things11、art = 冠词,article的缩写(四)在英语语法中主要把词分为8大类:1.名词:表示人、物或地方等,如:John,teacher;table,pen;London;beauty.2.代词:用来代替名词,以避免重复某个名词,如:I,you,it,that,those,them.3.形容词:用来修饰或限制某个(些)名词,如:good(man),white (paper),every(book),much(water),(John is)hon-est,(He seems)lazy.被修饰或限制的名词,叫做主体词(head-word)。

❖ I hate people who/ that talk much but do little.
❖ I’m looking at the photograph which/ that you sent me with your letter.
❖ Everything that can be done has been done.
只有复数形式的情况: trousers(裤子); glasses(眼镜); compasses(圆规) thanks; clothes; remains; goods; people; cattle
a pair of
glass ( 玻璃 )
a glass ( 玻璃杯 )
3.2 基数词
❖ 基数词一般可写成如345或three hundred and forty-five。基数词一般是单数形式,但 遇下列情况,常用复数:
1. 与of 短语连用,表示概数,不能与具体数目连用, 如scores of people 指许多人。
2. 在一些表示"一排"或"一组"的词组里。例如:They arrived in twos and threes. 他们三三两两的到了。
copper ( 铜 )
a copper ( 铜币/板 )
tin ( 锡 )
a tin ( 罐头 )
paper ( 纸 )
a paper ( 报纸,证件,论文 )
iron (铁 )
an iron (熨斗 )
wood ( 木头 )
a wood ( 树林 )
gold (金子 )
a gold (金牌 )
youth (青春 )

3. 用dozen, score, thousand等数词的复数形 式表示不定数目,后常接of短语。如: Dozens of reference books are to be used in the research. Their friendship stretched over scores of years. There are tens/ hundreds/ thousands/ millions of students who are interested in this subject.
数词分为两大类:基数词和序数词,前者表示事物 的数目,后者表示序列中的事物。在此,主要复习 以下2个知识点。 倍数的表示法 (multiple) 不定数目的表示法
1. …times + noun / pronoun The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 2. …times + as + adj./ adv. + as We have spent 3 times as much time on Project A as on Project B. 3. …times + comparative + (than) The time we have spent on Project A is 3 times longer than that on Project B.
英 语 语 法 构 成 示 意 图
and uncountable 可数与不可数 Plural 复数 Genitive 名词属格

一1、名词名词Nouns是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指待人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词; 名词可以独立成句;在短语或句子中通常可以用代词来替代;2、代词是代替名词的一种词类;大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能;英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、自身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种;3、动词,就是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇;基本上每个完整的子句都有一个动词,要表示第二个动作时可使用不定词、动名词、对等连接词、从属连接词或增加子句等方法连结;根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类;4、形容词形容词adjective 很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种;主要用来修饰名词的词,表示事物的特征5、冠词的定义冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词;冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而独立存在;冠词的分类冠词分为不定冠词"a,an"、定冠词"the"和零冠词三种6、数词表示"多少"和"第几"的词,叫数词;其用法相当于名词或者形容词;数词分为基数词和序数词两种;表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词;7、副词Adverb副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念;8、介词的定义和特征介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词;在句中不能单独作句字成分;介词后面一般有名词代词或相当于名词的其他词类,短语或从句作它的宾语;二1、名词, 人或事物的名称3、代词, 代替名词或者数词比如some就是代替数目3、动词, 动作或状态4、数词, 表示数目或顺序比如序数词,5th就是表示顺序5、形容词,人或事物的性质或状态因为形容词一般修饰名词6、副词, 动作的特征或性状特征因为副词一般修饰动词或形容词7、冠词, 表示名词的泛指或特指8、介词, 表示名词或代词与其他词的关系因为介词后面一半紧跟名词,代词或其他名词性结构9、连词, 连接词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子10、感叹词, 表示说话时的感情或语气三1、adj. / a. 形容词用来描述一类物质的性质,状态,外貌,或人的性格特点,性质,品格如:big,happy2、adv. / ad. 副词用来修饰动作或形容词,一般在句子中做状语用表示动作的进行怎样,或表示程度,特点,如:clearly,happily3、prep. 介词连接地点,时间的一类词语,可以表示方位,时间.跟一些表示时间,地点的词连用表示介词词组如:in,to,on,under4、conj. 连词用来连接时间,地点,原因,结果的一类词语如:when,beacuse,so5、num. 数词表示数字的词,既可以是基数词,也可以是序数词如:one,two,first6、int. 感叹词表示感叹的一类词,一般不加一解释,只代表感叹如:what,how,haurray7、vt. 及物动词后面要加宾语行为动作的词如:do,finish,play8、vi. 不及物动词后面不加宾语表示行为动作的词如:appear9、n. 名词表示物体,物质的词如:pig,cow,man10、pron. 代词代指一类人,事或物的词如:he,she,hers,his,things11、art = 冠词,article的缩写四在英语语法中主要把词分为8大类:1.名词:表示人、物或地方等,如:John,teacher;table,pen;London;beauty.2.代词:用来代替名词,以避免重复某个名词,如:I,you,it,that,those,them.3.形容词:用来修饰或限制某个些名词,如:goodman,whitepaper,everybook,muchwater,John ishon-est,He seemslazy.被修饰或限制的名词,叫做主体词head-word;4.动词:表示行为或状态,如:speak,read,go,think,is,seem.5.介词:表示它后面的名词或代词跟它前面的动词、另一名词或形容词的关系;这些名词或代词称为介词的宾语;介词宾语和介词构成介词短语;He went to school.介词to把名词school和动词went联系起来He stood by me.He asked for it.The book on the desk is mine.介词on把名词book和另一名词desk 联系起来He lives in a house on the mountain.他住在山上的一幢房子里;The bridge across this river is built by a Frenchman.河上的桥是一位法国人修建的;He is sure of it.他对此很有把握;of联系it和sure.It is good for you.这对你有好处;He is angry with Mary.他生玛丽的气;6.副词:修饰或限制动词、形容词或其他副词,乃至介词、连词及整个句子;He walked slowly.他走得很慢;He did it carefully.他干得很仔细;He is a very kind man.他是一个非常善良的人;John is truly honest.约翰的确很诚实;He arrived too late.他到得太晚了;He walked rather slowly.他走得相当慢;He sat far behind me.他坐在我后面挺远的地方;He arrived exactly at seven.他在7点整到达;He will come probably after we take lunch.他可能在我们吃午饭之后到达;He loves her just because she is pretty.他爱她只是因为她漂亮; Luckily,he got back his money.幸好他把钱要回来了; Historically,China is a great nation.从历史上看中国是个伟大的国家; 7.连词:用来连接词、词组短语或句子,如:and,but,or,so;或把一个句子和一动词或名词联系起来,如:when,because,as,though,that.He visited Hong Kong and Singapore.连词and把Hong Kong和Singapore连接起来他访问了香港和新加坡;She is pretty but cruel.她很漂亮却很残忍;He does exercise in class or at home.他在课堂上或是在家里做练习;or 把in class和at home两个短语连接起来She sat by me,reading novels but turning her eyes tochildren about her from time to time.她坐在我身旁看小说,但不时把眼睛转向她周围的孩子们;He works hard,so he will succeed.他很努力,所以他会成功;so把he works hard和he will succeed连接起来He says this and that,but he does not mean them.他说这说那,但这些都不是他的真心话;He was writing when it was rainning.下雨时他正在写作;when把动词was raining和he was writing连接起来He became a beggar because he had been a gambler.他成了乞丐因为他爱赌博;He went to school though he was sick.他虽病了,但他仍然上学; The news that the enemy had surrendered soon reached us.不久传来了敌人投降的消息;8.感叹词:用来表示说话时的感情,如Oh,Alas,My上面只是对8大词类粗略的解释;另外冠词、数词也可算作两个词类,冠词只有a,an,the3个字,数词可归入形容词中;。

名词名词的数1、可数名词与不可数名词A、不可数名词,初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water ; meat ; rice ; bread ; milk ; tea ; orange(桔汁) ; fruit ; air ; snow ; chalk; work ; paper(纸) ; time(时间); music ; weather ; grass ; news ; food ; fish(鱼肉); coke ; porridge ; cake(可数或不可数). 不可数名词应注意以下几点:1)前无数、冠,后无复数;作主语为三单.2)表量用约数some /any ; much ; a lot of 或用of短语eg. There is ____ bread on the table. [C]A. aB. oneC. a piece ofD. manyThere is some_______ on the plate. [B]A. appleB. fishC. milksD. deer2、可数名词的复数A、不规则变化:man—men ; woman—women ;child—childrenpoliceman—policemenEnglishman—EnglishmenFrenchman—Frenchmenfoot—feet ; tooth—teeth mouse(鼠)—miceB、规则变化1)s; sh; ch; x 结尾加es 读[iz]2) ce; se; ze; (d)ge 结尾加seg. boxes [b ksiz] blouses [blauziz]3)f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es---读[vz]eg. knives [naivz]4) “辅+y”结尾变y为i加es 清就清[s]5)一般加s 浊就浊[z]eg. books[buks] pens[penz] babies[beibiz]但注意以下几点:①potato—potatoes ; tomato—tomatoes②单复同形: fish ; sheep ; deer ; Chinese ; Japanese③由man , woman在词首构成的复合名词应将两部分都变成复数man doctor —men doctors④reef—reefs⑤“某国人”的复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面. eg. German—Germans⑥people , police 常用单数形式表示复数概念The police are looking for the missing boy.3、名词所有格:名词’s (意思是“……的”)A.有生命的名词所有格,一般在后加“’s”但注意:1)表两者共有则在后者加“’s”Lucy and Lily’s father 露西和莉莉的父亲Lucy’s and Lily’s fathers露西的父亲和莉莉的父亲.2)以s结尾的词只加“’”eg. 1) the boys’books 2) James’father3)无生命的名词所有格用of来引导eg. the leg of the desk4)双重所有格:a friend of my father’sa friend of mine ( √) a friend of my( ×)练习一、写出下列词.的复数1.book______2.bus ______3.orange _______4.baby______5.boy______6.my ________7.his_______ 8.knife______ 9.watch________10.sheep ______ 11. tooth _____ 12. leaf ____13.German__________ 14.Chinese_________二、选择正确的答案( )1.—Are those ______?---No, they aren’t. They’re _____.A. sheep ; cowsB. sheep ; cowC. sheeps ; cowD. sheeps ; cows( )2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____.A. two orangeB. two bottles of orangeC. two bottles orangeD. two bottles of oranges( )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know?A. a very goodB. anyC. a piece ofD. two pieces( )4.___ room is on the 5th floor.A. Lucy and LilyB. Lucy and Lily’sC. Lucy’s and LilyD. Lucy’s and Lily’s( )5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.A. 20 minutes’walkB. 20 minute’s walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk( )6.This is James Allan Green. We can call him ____.A. Mr. GreenB. Mr. AllanC. Mr. JamesD. James Green( )7.Jack and Tom are ____.A. good friendsB. good friendC. a good friendD. good a friend( )8.It’s only about ten ____ walk to the nearest post office.A. minutesB. minute’sC. minutes’D. minute( )9.He often has ____ for breakfast.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads( )10.Mrs. Green has two ____. They’re very bright.A. childsB. childC. children’sD. children( )11.What did the headmaster say about Jim’s ______. A. two months holiday B. two months’holidayC. two-month holidayD. two month’s holidays( )12.I won’t go there with you, for I have a lot of ____ to do.A. worksB. jobC. workD. working( )13.Li Lei is a friend of ___.A. I sisterB. my sister’sC. me sisterD. my sister of( )14.Have you read ____?A. today’sB. today paperC. the today’s paperD. today’s paper( )15.How many ___ are there in the room?A. boxesB. boxC. boxsD. boxxes( )16.Many ____ have been built in our city since 1987.A. factorysB. factoriesC. factoryesD. factorys( )17.There are lots of ___ in the basket on the table .A. tomatosB. tomatoC. tomatoesD. tomatoss( )18.The cat caught two ___ last night.A. mousesB. miceC. mouseD. mices( )19.Jack went to have two ___ pulled out yesterday afternoon.A. toothsB. toothC. teethD. toothes( )20.In our school there are fifty-five ___.A. women teachersB. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman’s teacher( )21.The three ___ will be put into prison.A. thiefsB. thiefC. thievesD. thiefs’练习答案:一、1. books2. buses3. oranges4. babies5. boys6. our7. their 8. knives 9. watches10. sheep 11. teeth 12. leaves13. Germans 14. Chinese二、1——5 ABCBD 6—10 AACCD11—15 CCBDA 16—21 BCBCAC初中英语复习专辑(2)——冠词1、不定冠词a, ana用在辅音音素开头的词前eg. a booka useful book a “u”[ju:sful] [ju:]an用于元音开头的词前. eg. an applean hour an “F”[au] [ef]2、定冠词the1)特指某人/某物The book on the desk is mine.2)世上独一无二的事物前the sun , the moon, the earth, the sky3)形、副最高级及序数词前The third boy is the tallest of all.(但当这些词前已有其他限定词,如物主代词、所有格、指示代词时,则不能再用the)He is my first English teacher.4)the + 姓的复数表示“某家人”或“某夫妇”。

(一)1、名词名词 (Nouns )是词性的一种,也是实词的一种,是指待人、物、事、时、地、情感、概念等实体或抽象事物的词。
4、形容词形容词【 adjective】很多语言中均有的主要词类中的一种。
主要用来修饰名词的词 , 表示事物的特征5、冠词的定义冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词。
冠词的分类冠词分为不定冠词"a ,an" 、定冠词 "the" 和零冠词三种6、数词表示 " 多少 " 和" 第几 " 的词 , 叫数词。
7、副词 (Adverb) 副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词 , 形容词 , 副词或全句的词 , 说明时间 , 地点 , 程度 , 方式等概念。
8、介词的定义和特征介词是一种用来表示词与词, 词与句之间的关系的词。
(二)1、名词,人或事物的名称3、代词,代替名词或者数词(比如some就是代替数目)3、动词,动作或状态4、数词,表示数目或顺序(比如序数词,5th就是表示顺序)5、形容词,人或事物的性质或状态(因为形容词一般修饰名词)6、副词,动作的特征或性状特征(因为副词一般修饰动词或形容词)7、冠词,表示名词的泛指或特指8、介词,表示名词或代词与其他词的关系(因为介词后面一半紧跟名词,代词或其他名词性结构)9、连词,连接词与词,短语与短语,句子与句子10、感叹词,表示说话时的感情或语气(三)1、adj. / a.形容词用来描述一类物质的性质, 状态 , 外貌 ,或人的性格特点 , 性质 , 品格如:big,happy2、adv. / ad.副词用来修饰动作或形容词, 一般在句子中做状语用表示动作的进行怎样 , 或表示程度 , 特点 ,如:clearly,happily3、prep.介词连接地点 , 时间的一类词语 , 可以表示方位 , 时间 . 跟一些表示时间, 地点的词连用表示介词词组如:in,to,on,under4、conj.连词用来连接时间 , 地点 , 原因, 结果的一类词语如:when,beacuse,so5、num. 数词表示数字的词 , 既可以是基数词 , 也可以是序数词如:one,two,first6、int.感叹词表示感叹的一类词 , 一般不加一解释 , 只代表感叹如:what,how,haurray7、vt.及物动词(后面要加宾语)行为动作的词如:do,finish,play8、vi.不及物动词(后面不加宾语)表示行为动作的词如:appear9、n. 名词表示物体 , 物质的词如:pig,cow,man10、pron.代词代指一类人 , 事或物的词如:he,she,hers,his,things11、art =冠词,article的缩写(四)在英语语法中主要把词分为8 大类:1.名词:表示人、物或地方等,如:John,teacher ;table ,pen;London;beauty .2.代词:用来代替名词,以避免重复某个名词,如: I ,you,it ,that ,those ,them.3.形容词:用来修饰或限制某个(些)名词,如: good(man),white (paper ),every(book),much(water ),(John is )hon-est ,(He seems)lazy .被修饰或限制的名词,叫做主体词(head-word)。


名词名词的数1、可数名词与不可数名词A、不可数名词,初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water ; meat ; rice ; bread ; milk ; tea ; orange(桔汁) ; fruit ; air ; snow ; chalk; work ; paper(纸) ; time(时间); music ; weather ; grass ; news ; food ; fish(鱼肉); coke ; porridge ; cake(可数或不可数). 不可数名词应注意以下几点:1)前无数、冠,后无复数;作主语为三单.2)表量用约数some /any ; much ; a lot of 或用of短语eg. There is ____ bread on the table. [C]A. aB. oneC. a piece ofD. manyThere is some_______ on the plate. [B]A. appleB. fishC. milksD. deer2、可数名词的复数A、不规则变化:man—men ; woman—women ;child—children policeman—policemenEnglishman—EnglishmenFrenchman—Frenchmenfoot—feet ; tooth—teeth mouse(鼠)—miceB、规则变化1)s; sh; ch; x 结尾加 es 读 [iz]2) ce; se; ze; (d)ge 结尾加 seg. boxes [b ksiz] blouses [blauziz]3)f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es---读[vz]eg. knives [naivz]4) “辅+y”结尾变y为i加es 清就清[s]5)一般加s 浊就浊[z]eg. books[buks] pens[penz] babies[beibiz]但注意以下几点:① potato—potatoes ; tomato—tomatoes②单复同形: fish ; sheep ; deer ; Chinese ; Japanese③由man , woman在词首构成的复合名词应将两部分都变成复数man doctor — men doctors④ reef—reefs⑤“某国人”的复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面. eg. German—Germans⑥ people , police 常用单数形式表示复数概念 The police are looking for the missing boy.3、名词所有格:名词’s (意思是“……的”)A.有生命的名词所有格,一般在后加“’s”但注意:1)表两者共有则在后者加“’s”Lucy and Lily’s father 露西和莉莉的父亲Lucy’s and Lily’s fathers露西的父亲和莉莉的父亲.2)以s结尾的词只加“’ ”eg. 1) the boys’ books 2) James’ father3)无生命的名词所有格用of来引导eg. the leg of the desk4)双重所有格:a friend of my father’sa friend of mine ( √ ) a friend of my( × )练习一、写出下列词.的复数1.book______2.bus ______3.orange _______4.baby______5.boy______6.my ________7.his_______ 8.knife______ 9.watch________10.sheep ______ 11. tooth _____ 12. leaf ____13.German__________ 14.Chinese_________二、选择正确的答案( )1.—Are those ______?---No, they aren’t. They’re _____.A. sheep ; cowsB. sheep ; cowC. sheeps ; cowD. sheeps ; cows( )2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____.A. two orangeB. two bottles of orangeC. two bottles orangeD. two bottles of oranges( )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know?A. a very goodB. anyC. a piece ofD. two pieces( )4.___ room is on the 5th floor.A. Lucy and LilyB. Lucy and Lily’sC. Lucy’s and LilyD. Lucy’s and Lily’s( )5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.A. 20 minutes’ walkB. 20 minute’s walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk( )6.This is James Allan Green. We can call him ____.A. Mr. GreenB. Mr. AllanC. Mr. JamesD. James Green( )7.Jack and Tom are ____.A. good friendsB. good friendC. a good friendD. good a friend( )8.It’s only about ten ____ walk to the nearest post office.A. minutesB. minute’sC. minutes’D. minute( )9.He often has ____ for breakfast.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads( )10.Mrs. Green has two ____. They’re very bright.A. childsB. childC. children’sD. children( )11.What did the headmaster say about Jim’s ______.A. two months holidayB. two months’ holidayC. two-month holidayD. two month’s holidays( )12.I won’t go there with you, for I have a lot of ____ to do.A. worksB. jobC. workD. working( )13.Li Lei is a friend of ___.A. I sisterB. my sister’sC. me sisterD. my sister of( )14.Have you read ____?A. today’sB. today paperC. the today’s paperD. today’s paper( )15.How many ___ are there in the room?A. boxesB. boxC. boxsD. boxxes( )16.Many ____ have been built in our city since 1987. A. factorys B. factoriesC. factoryesD. factorys( )17.There are lots of ___ in the basket on the table . A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss( )18.The cat caught two ___ last night.A. mousesB. miceC. mouseD. mices( )19.Jack went to have two ___ pulled out yesterday afternoon.A. toothsB. toothC. teethD. toothes ( )20.In our school there are fifty-five ___.A. women teachersB. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman’s teacher( )21.The three ___ will be put into prison.A. thiefsB. thiefC. thievesD. thiefs’练习答案:一、1. books2. buses3. oranges4. babies5. boys6. our7. their 8. knives 9. watches10. sheep 11. teeth 12. leaves13. Germans 14. Chinese二、1——5 ABCBD 6—10 AACCD11—15 CCBDA 16—21 BCBCAC初中英语复习专辑(2)——冠词1、不定冠词a, ana用在辅音音素开头的词前 eg. a booka u seful book a “u”[ju:sful] [ju:]an用于元音开头的词前. eg. an applean hour an “F”[au] [ef]2、定冠词the1)特指某人/某物The book on the desk is mine.2)世上独一无二的事物前the sun , the moon, the earth, the sky3)形、副最高级及序数词前The third boy is the tallest of all.(但当这些词前已有其他限定词,如物主代词、所有格、指示代词时,则不能再用the)He is my first English teacher.4)the + 姓的复数表示“某家人”或“某夫妇”。


名词按其所表示的事物的性质数名词一般没有复数形式。普通 名词中的个体名词和集体名词一般是可数的,所以它们又可 称为可数名词。可数名词单数往往要同不定冠词a或an连用, 复数则要使用其复数形式。例如 : a country countries
普通名词中的物质名词和抽象名词及专有名词一般是不可数的,这些名 词又可称为不可数名词。不可数名词不能用不定冠词修饰,也不存在 复数形式,如ice (冰),water (水), rice (稻子)等。 在英语中个别名词既可以作不可数名词,又可以作可数名词。但 由于用法不同,它们的意思往往也不大相同,对这些名词要特别注意。 例如 作不可数名词 glass 玻璃 paper 纸张 time 时间 word 消息;
1.He has two aunts. 他有两个姑姑。 2.Most classrooms have computers. 多数教室里都有电脑。 也可指抽象东西,例如: 1. We’ve lived here for twenty years. 我们在这里住了二十年了。 2.I had a dream last night 我昨晚做了一个梦。
专有名词主要指人名、地名及某些类人和事物专有的名称。例如: 1)人名:Mary, Mrs Green, Zhanghua 2)地名:Beijing, West Lake 3)某类人的名称:Americans, Russians 4)某些抽象事物的名称:English, Chinese 5)月份、周日及节日名称:May, Saturday, Easter 6)书名、电影及诗歌的名称:Gone with the Wind 7)对家人等的称呼:Mum, Dad, Uncle Tom
例如: The government is planning to build a dam here. 政府打算在这里建一座水坝。 The government are discussing the plan. 政府在讨论这个计划。

如: slowly。
如: book。
如: he。
/ verb动词用来表示动作或状态的词汇,每个完整的子句都要有一个动词。
如: run。
如: three。
/ article冠词置于名词前起限制作用的一种虚词,分为不定冠词"a,an"、定冠词"the"和零冠词。
如: a book。
the sky8、___介词用来表示词与词、词与句之间的关系的词汇,不能单独作句子成分。
如: in。
如: and。
/ n感叹词表示说话时的感情或语气的词汇。
如: wow。
oh___ for you。
He is upset with Mary。
Adverbs modify or limit verbs。
other adverbs。
and even ns。
___ the task with great care。
He is an ___ kind individual。
John is ___ at seven o'clock。
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名词名词的数1、可数名词与不可数名词A、不可数名词,初中阶段常见的不可数名词有:water ; meat ; rice ; bread ; milk ; tea ; orange(桔汁) ; fruit ; air ; snow ; chalk; work ; paper(纸) ; time(时间); music ; weather ; grass ; news ; food ; fish(鱼肉); coke ; porridge ; cake(可数或不可数). 不可数名词应注意以下几点:1)前无数、冠,后无复数;作主语为三单.2)表量用约数some /any ; much ; a lot of 或用of短语eg. There is ____ bread on the table. [C]A. aB. oneC. a piece ofD. manyThere is some_______ on the plate. [B]A. appleB. fishC. milksD. deer2、可数名词的复数A、不规则变化:man—men ; woman—women ;child—childrenpoliceman—policemenEnglishman—EnglishmenFrenchman—Frenchmenfoot—feet ; tooth—teeth mouse(鼠)—miceB、规则变化1)s; sh; ch; x 结尾加 es 读 [iz]2) ce; se; ze; (d)ge 结尾加 seg. boxes [b ksiz] blouses [blauziz]3)f (fe) 结尾则变f(fe)为v加es---读[vz]eg. knives [naivz]4) “辅+y”结尾变y为i加es 清就清[s]5)一般加s 浊就浊[z]eg. books[buks] pens[penz] babies[beibiz]但注意以下几点:① potato—potatoes ; tomato—tomatoes②单复同形: fish ; sheep ; deer ; Chinese ; Japanese③由man , woman在词首构成的复合名词应将两部分都变成复数man doctor — men doctors④ reef—reefs⑤“某国人”的复数:中日不变英法变,其余s加后面. eg. German—Germans⑥ people , police 常用单数形式表示复数概念 The police are looking for the missing boy.3、名词所有格:名词’s (意思是“……的”)A.有生命的名词所有格,一般在后加“’s”但注意:1)表两者共有则在后者加“’s”Lucy and Lily’s father 露西和莉莉的父亲Lucy’s and Lily’s fathers露西的父亲和莉莉的父亲.2)以s结尾的词只加“’”eg. 1) the boys’ books 2) James’ father3)无生命的名词所有格用of来引导eg. the leg of the desk4)双重所有格:a friend of my father’sa friend of mine ( √ ) a friend of my( × )练习一、写出下列词.的复数1.book______2.bus ______3.orange _______4.baby______5.boy______6.my ________7.his_______ 8.knife______ 9.watch________10.sheep ______ 11. tooth _____ 12. leaf ____13.German__________ 14.Chinese_________二、选择正确的答案( )1.—Are those ______?---No, they aren’t. They’re _____.A. sheep ; cowsB. sheep ; cowC. sheeps ; cowD. sheeps ; cows( )2.Mum, I’m quite thirsty. Please give me ____.A. two orangeB. two bottles of orangeC. two bottles orangeD. two bottles of oranges( )3.I have got ___ news from my friend. Do you want to know? A. a very good B. anyC. a piece ofD. two pieces( )4.___ room is on the 5th floor.A. Lucy and LilyB. Lucy and Lily’sC. Lucy’s and LilyD. Lucy’s and Lily’s( )5.Every morning Mr. Smith takes a ____ to his office.A. 20 minutes’ walkB. 20 minute’s walkC. 20-minutes walkD. 20-minute walk( )6.This is James Allan Green. We can call him ____.A. Mr. GreenB. Mr. AllanC. Mr. JamesD. James Green( )7.Jack and Tom are ____.A. good friendsB. good friendC. a good friendD. good a friend( )8.It’s only about ten ____ walk to the nearest post office.A. minutesB. minute’sC. minutes’D. minute( )9.He often has ____ for breakfast.A. two breadsB. two piece of breadsC. two pieces of breadD. two pieces of breads( )10.Mrs. Green has two ____. They’re very bright.A. childsB. childC. children’sD. children( )11.What did the headmaster say about Jim’s ______.A. two months holidayB. two months’ holidayC. two-month holidayD. two month’s holidays( )12.I won’t go there with you, for I have a lot of ____ to do.A. worksB. jobC. workD. working( )13.Li Lei is a friend of ___.A. I sisterB. my sister’sC. me sisterD. my sister of( )14.Have you read ____?A. today’sB. today paperC. the today’s paperD. today’s paper( )15.How many ___ are there in the room?A. boxesB. boxC. boxsD. boxxes( )16.Many ____ have been built in our city since 1987.A. factorysB. factoriesC. factoryesD. factorys( )17.There are lots of ___ in the basket on the table .A. tomatosB. tomatoC. tomatoesD. tomatoss( )18.The cat caught two ___ last night.A. mousesB. miceC. mouseD. mices( )19.Jack went to have two ___ pulled out yesterday afternoon.A. toothsB. toothC. teethD. toothes( )20.In our school there are fifty-five ___.A. women teachersB. woman teachersC. women teacherD. woman’s teacher( )21.The three ___ will be put into prison.A. thiefsB. thiefC. thievesD. thiefs’练习答案:一、1. books2. buses3. oranges4. babies5. boys6. our7. their 8. knives 9. watches10. sheep 11. teeth 12. leaves13. Germans 14. Chinese二、1——5 ABCBD 6—10 AACCD11—15 CCBDA 16—21 BCBCAC初中英语复习专辑(2)——冠词1、不定冠词a, ana用在辅音音素开头的词前 eg. a booka useful book a “u”[ju:sful] [ju:]an用于元音开头的词前. eg. an applean hour an “F”[au] [ef]2、定冠词the1)特指某人/某物The book on the desk is mine.2)世上独一无二的事物前the sun , the moon, the earth, the sky3)形、副最高级及序数词前The third boy is the tallest of all.(但当这些词前已有其他限定词,如物主代词、所有格、指示代词时,则不能再用the)He is my first English teacher.4)the + 姓的复数表示“某家人”或“某夫妇”。
the Greens 格林一家/ 格林夫妇3、不用冠词的几种情况:1)在星期、月份、季节前不用冠词2)学科名词前3)球类运动及早、中、晚三餐名词前(但:①当三餐名词前有修饰词时,则要加适当的冠词.②表乐曲演奏的名词前应加the)1) He went to school after he had a quick breakfast.2) play the violin / piano练习( )1.There is ____ “s” in ____ word “bus”.A. a ; aB. an ; theC. a ; theD. an ; a( )2.Maths is ___ useful subject. You can’t drop it , I think.A. anB. aC. theD. /( )3.____ bad weather it is!A. HowB. What aC. How aD. What( )4.—What color is ___ orange?--It’s _____ orange.A. an; anB. an ; theC. an ; /D. / ; an( )5.Mr. Li is ____ old worker.A. anB. aC. someD. /( )6.Look at ____ picture! There’s ____ house in it.A. a ; aB. the ; theC. a ; theD. the; a( )7.One morning he found ____ handbag. There was ___ “s” on the corner of ___ handbag.A. a ; an ; theB. a ; a ; theC. a ; a ; aD. the ; an ; a( )8.What ___ interesting story it is!A. aB. anC. theD. /( )9.Meimei is ___ best student in her class.A. aB. anC. /D. the( )10.Tom is ___ kind boy. All ___ students love him.A. a ; /B. a ; theC. an ; /D. an ; the( )11.Is ___ book on the desk mine? Yes.A. theB. aC. anD. /( )12.Even while he was in ___ hospital, he went on writing songs.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )13.Don’t read _____.A. in bedB. in the bedC. on bedD. on the bed( )14.Smith is ____ honest man.A. aB. theC. anD. /( )15.China has ___ population of 1,200,000,000.A. /B. anC. theD. a( )16.What’s ____ for “椅.子”?A. EnglishB. an EnglishC. the EnglishD. any English( )17.Mary is ___ cleverer of the two girls.A. theB. aC. anD. much( )18.____ young must look after ___ old.A. The ; aB. The ; theC. A ; aD. A ; the( )19. ___ earth is one of ____ planets.A. The ; sun’sB. The ; the sunC. The ; the sun’sD. The ; the suns’( )20.Tokyo is ___.A. the capital of JapanB. capital of JapanC. Japan capitalD. a capital of Japan( )21.Kate sometimes plays ___ violin(小提琴) and sometimes plays ___ table tennis before supper.A. / ; theB. the ; /C. the ; theD. / ; /( )22. –Have you seen ___ pencil? I left it here this morning.--Is it ___ red one ? I saw it.A. a ; theB. the ; theC. the ; aD. a ; a( )23.There is_______ orange tree behind_____ house.A. an ; theB. a ; aC. the ; theD. an ; /( )24.—How long did you stay there ?--About half ___ hour.A. /B. oneC. aD. an练习题答案:1——5 BB D CA 6—10 DABD B11—15 AD ACD 16—20 AA BC A21—24 BDAD初中英语专辑(3)——代词(一)指示代词:this , that , these , those. this , that一般与可数名词的单数连用,而不与不可数名词连用(但that可单独指代不可数名词)。