美国文学课件 8


Mark Twain 马克吐温 -美国文学课件

Mark Twain 马克吐温 -美国文学课件
3. His father died when he was 12 and then he left school.
4. He lived on all kinds of odd jobs and then went to the West. He worked as a reporter there and wrote lots of frontier humors.
His Position in American Literature
One of the great writers of American literature, Twain is admired for capturing typical American experiences in a language which is realistic and charming.
Mark Twain’s experience with Simon Wheeler and Wheeler’s stories about Jim Smiley both occur in Angel’s Camp, a mining settlement located in Calaveras County, California. Wheeler tells stories to Twain in a local bar, the type of place where stories were often shared.
Representative writers:
William Dean Howells (1837—1920), The Rise of Silas Lapham (1885) and Criticism and Fiction.

美国文学课件 8

美国文学课件 8
III. The Schools of American Modernism
1) 2) Modern poetry: experiments in form (Imagism) Prose Writing: modern realism (the Lost Generation)
American Literature:
Lecture 8 Modernism
(1914 - 1945)
American Literature (I) Autumn 2008
To enable the Ss to get a general idea about American Modernism; To enable the Ss to get in touch with some important modern poets such as Robert Frost and Ezra Pound;
Teaching Materials
Robert Lee Frost ―The Pasture‖ ―The Road Not Taken‖ ―Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening‖ Ezra Pound ―In a Station of the Metro‖ ―A Pact‖ ―Salutation‖ ―The Garden‖
II Major Features of Modernism
3) Modernism in literature is not easily summarized, but the key elements are experimentation, antirealism, individualism and a stress on the cerebral rather than emotive aspects. The work of Modernist writers is characterized by showing the disenchantment, dislocation, and alienation of men in the world, and by the emphasis on experimentation and formalism and objectivism which are, in most cases, a reaction to the cataclysm known as the Modern Age. Among American writers, the best-known Modernists are T.S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner and so on.


2. 19th_century American Literature 1) Romanticism; 2)Realism; 3)Naturalism 3. American Literature of the 20th century and the
present 1)modernism; 2)postmodernism
— John Updike: “Bitter Bamboo”
What is the implication of Updike’s comment ? Do you agderstanding about American literature and culture at present?
B) Simple, fresh, direct, plain, a touch of nobility
Periodization of American Literature Key Themes in American Literature
Periodization of American Literature
A General Introduction to American Literature
China, experts agree, is the nation of the future […] The commercial and intellectual success its emigrants have enjoyed in nations from Malaysia to the United States all augur (预示) impending global dominance. In literature, however, the Chinese mainland, as far as Western ears go, is pretty quiet. […] Bookstores, the Times reports, are bustling, but nearly half the purchases consist of textbooks and half the translations are of American books.



在1873年,塞丝和她的女儿丹芙住在辛辛那提附近农村地区124号 的一所房子里。由于塞丝过去的经历和她的孤傲,她们受到当地 人的排斥。自从逃出“甜蜜家园”农场后十八年已经过去了。这 个农场由一个被称之为老师的凶残的男人经营着,这个人一边允 许他的侄子们残害塞丝一边做笔录用以科学地研究黑人。因此, 已经怀孕的塞丝逃跑了,逃跑的路上在一个叫做艾米的白人妇女 的帮助下生下了孩子。此时理应陪在塞丝身边的丈夫却消失了。 带着四个孩子逃往辛辛那提后塞丝只享受了28天的自由便被她的 主人追到,塞丝试图把她的孩子全都杀死而不愿让他们沦为奴隶, 但最后只杀死了其中的一个。她的主人因为认为塞丝已不能继续 当仆人而丢弃了她,而塞丝也免于绞刑继续在124号抚养剩下的三 个孩子。死去孩子的灵魂开始出没于她们居住的房子,两个儿子 霍华德和巴尔格两度遇见灵魂后心惊胆战地离开了。祖母贝比"萨 格斯也因此伤心而患病死去。贝比"萨格斯以前在辛辛那提的黑人 社区有着相当大的影响力,被许多人热奉为鼓舞人心的“圣女”。 自从塞丝出事后她便放弃讲道卧病在床。她死后数年里塞丝和丹 芙孤独地继续生活在小房子里,特别是丹芙,虽然已经十八岁, 但还是不敢离开房子半步。

此外,莫里森还荣获下列奖项: 1977年 《所罗门之歌》获全国图书评论界奖(National Book Critics Circle Award) 1977年 或美国艺术与文学学院奖(American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters Award) 1987-88年 获罗伯特·肯尼迪图书奖(Robert F. Kennedy Book Award) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获美国图书奖(American Book Award) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获安斯非尔德-沃尔夫种族关系图书奖(Anisfield-Wolf Book Award in Race Relations) 1988年 《宝贝儿》获普利策小说奖(Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) 1989年 美国现代语言协会联邦文学奖(MLA Commonwealth Award in Literature) 1993年 获法国艺术及文学司令勋章(Commander of the Arts and Letters ) 1994年 获孔多塞奖章(Condorcet Medal) 1994年 获赛珍珠奖(Pearl Buck Award) 1994年 获雷吉耶姆·朱里文学奖(Rhegium Julii Prize for Literature) 1996年 获全国图书基金美国文学突出贡献奖(National Book Foundation's Medal of Distinguished Contribution to American Letters) 2000年 获全国人文奖章(National Humanities Medal)

外国文学史 美国文学课件

外国文学史 美国文学课件
• 历史短暂,多民族混合成的移民国家 • 自由原则是最基本的美国原则,是美国传统的起源。自由原则
的代表是《独立宣言》,其执笔人杰弗逊(1743-1826)是美 国文化三大创建者之一
• 美国民族是一个重视行动,强调务实的民族,这种务实精神是 美国民族生存的法宝,并积淀成一种民族的品质。务实精神的 代表是富兰克林(1706-1790),美国文化三大创建者之一。
• 比彻·斯托夫人 (1811-1896) 《汤姆 叔叔的小屋》
• 现实主义奠基人 • 长篇小说《现代婚姻》 • 提倡“微笑的现实主
义”,实际创作中往 往表现为对美国现实 生活的粉饰和美化
⑴国际小说:美国人和欧洲人 因为文化背景的不同而产 生的冲突。
• 长篇:《红字》《七个尖 角顶的房子》《福谷传奇》 《玉石雕像》等
• 短篇小说集《古宅青苔》 《雪影》
• 霍桑小说表现了清教文学 的传统,“人皆有罪”, 悲观思想浓郁
• “心理罗曼史”,擅长人 物的心理刻画,被认为是 美国文学心理分析小说的
Nathaniel Hawthorne
&库柏(1789-1851)《皮袜子故事 集》(《最后一个莫希干人》)
• 19世纪30、40年代, 美国产生了超经验主义 思想运动,它是浪漫主 义的理论。
• 爱默生(1803-1883) 《论自然》,反对权威, 崇尚直觉,其核心是主 张人能超越感觉和理性 直接认识真理。
• 梭罗(1817-1862) 《瓦尔登湖》,自然、 人以及超验主义理想交 融汇合,浑然一体。



• As a verse narrative, the poem is characterized by its dramatic variation of tone, which starts from mournfulness, and then progresses to trepidation and jocularity, and eventually to despair by way of hysterical self-torture. • In spite of its completeness of plot as a verse narrative, it is also characterized by its highly symbolic trait, which frequently leaves the reader with a feeling that it is difficult to read, because of its lack of adequate suggestions of certain meanings.
• 1827, a volume of poems Tamerlane and Other Poems was published in Boston • 1829, Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems, • 1831, Poems. • an editor first with The Southern Literary Messenger, later with such magazines as Graham’s and the Broadway Journal. • His marriage in 1835 to his first cousin, Virginia Clemn, deepened his financial difficulties. • 1839, “The Fall of the House of Usher” published in Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine



第一讲美国文化的背景与特征一、美国文化背景概观1、荒野里诞生的国度开拓型文化对于美国民族精神的塑造大有裨益:(1)有利于培植个人主义价值观(2)有利于造就美利坚民族的乐观精神(3)有利于培养创新精神2、清教传统美国主流文化:白人盎格鲁-撒克逊新教文化清教(Puritanism)是新教的一个支派清教主义的信念:(1)上帝具有万能的力量(2)每个人凭借对上帝的信仰就可以成为上帝的选民(3)相信原罪说,注重反省自身(4)只有辛勤劳动,勤俭节约,取得事业成功,才能完成上帝赋予自己的使命清教对美国社会发展具有重要作用:(1)造就了精打细算、兢兢业业的作风和追求财富的动力(2)养成了开发新疆土、征服大自然的冒险精神(3)具有社会凝聚力,产生了一种新的民族认同3、多元开放的移民社会移民社会与美国文化的发展:(1)早期移民给新大陆的政治生活注入了民主的气氛(2)美国没有经历过封建社会阶段,商业的迅速发展对美国人的价值取向、国民心态产生了深远的影响(3)多元、开放性使美国文化充满生机与活力二、美国文化的特征1、核心价值观——个人主义(1)“个人主义”的含义:指西方从文艺复兴以来随着资本主义反对封建压迫和神权统治斗争的发展而形成的以个人为中心的思想,其主要内容是相信每个人都具有价格,高度重视个人自由(2)个人主义和利己主义的区别与联系: 个人主义强调个人的独立性,创造性,个人的个性发展。






(4)美国个人主义价值观的主要内容A、个人的力量无限: 美国“牛仔精神”-个人英雄主义B、自主抉择,自力更生C、个人的权利不可侵犯(5) 对美国个人主义价值观的评价(思考)2、冒险、开拓、富有创新精神3、自由、平等精神4、实用主义/功利主义5、物质主义6、种族主义和扩张主义第二讲美国文学的发展阶段一、印第安传统文学二、殖民地时期文学(17世纪初-18世纪中叶)三、启蒙与独立战争时期文学(18世纪中叶-19世纪初)四、浪漫主义时期文学(19世纪上半叶)五、现实主义时期文学(南北战争后-20世纪初)六、现代文学(20世纪上半叶)七、当代文学(二战以后- 今)一、印第安传统文学印第安传统文学的主要特征(1)以口头形式流传(2)常见文学样式:典仪、曲词、神话与传说、史诗等(3)同印第安人生活有着特殊的联系(4)有一些基本相同的主题(5)常运用重复、渐进的手法关于印第安文学,值得研究的问题:1、如何认识印第安传统文学在美国文学整体中的地位?2、印第安传统文学同殖民地时期移民关于印第安人的叙述有何联系?3、印第安传统文学与印第安当代文学之间,有着怎样的延续和继承关系?4、印第安文学与其它弱势文学之间有何关系?《最后的莫希干人》二、殖民地时期文学The colonial period (1607 - 1765)这一时期文学的成就与特点:(1)体裁:主要包括游记、日记、信札、报道、历史、传记和宗教诗歌等,其内容大多表现的是探险者和移民对自己事业的赞颂。



interest in Emily ‘s poems
. different nature
The Homestead
Emily Dickinson lived with her unmarried sister Lavinia in an elegant house called The Homestead(霍姆斯特德).
At the same time , Dickinson is widely acknowledged as an innovative pre-modernist poet as well as a rebellious and courageous woman.
迪金森的诗谜一般充满奇思妙想,展现出非凡的创造力与想象力。她的作品受到17世 纪英格兰玄学派诗人的影响,同时带有清教的家庭背景的烙印。虽然她不相信家庭的传统 宗教,但她研究了圣经,许多诗歌在形式上也类似圣经。她对破折号的热爱,不规则的韵 律和韵脚,超乎寻常的比喻使她当之无愧地成. 为19世纪美国文坛最具创新意识的诗人9。
promineGnrat vlaewaynedr
我发生冲突。” Representative to Congress)
Same as their father’s career
Became ill when Emily was 25
Focus of attention and shows Close friend,though they share
On Nature
• Dickinson observed nature closely and described it vividly but never with the feeling of being lost in it, or altogether part of it, nor was she surprised when its creatures also kept their distance.



total depravity(人类是完全堕落的,所以
最好以取悦上帝), limited atonement (有
American Puritanism
Features of American Puritan
2. Early American Puritan Writers
• John Smith, one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown: His descriptions about the new world became the source of information for the later settlers.
Colonial period and Revolutionary period Early Romanticism Transcendentalism Late Romanticism
The age of Realism
Irving Franklin Cooper Emerson Hawthorne Twain James Dreiser Melville Thoreau
himself to writing Amh erican subject
2. Evaluation. (Benjamin Franklin1706 – 1790)
1) He was a rare genius in human history. Everything seems to meet in this one man, mind and will, talent and art, strength and ease, wit and grace, and he became almost everything: a printer, postmaster, citizen, almanac maker, essayist, scientist, inventor, statesman, philosopher, political economist and ambassador.


He was born into a declining aristocratic family. Some of his ancestors were men of prominence in the Puritan theocracy (神权统治、 僧侣政治) of the 17th century New England. One of them was a colonial magistrate (地方法官), notorious for his part in the persecution of the Quakers and another was a judge at the Salem Witchcraft Trial in 1692.
Hawthorne was intensely aware of the misdeeds of his Puritan ancestors and took the decline of the family fortune as a kind of retribution, and the awareness of his ancestral misdeeds also led to his understanding of evil being at the core of human life, to his black vision. Some of his works, Hawthorne suggested, are an attempt at expiating the sin of his ancestors.
To Hawthorne, romance was the predestined form of American narrative. It is not only “the poverty of material” in America that led him to write romances rather than novels; there is also his Puritan prudence (谨慎) to consider. Out of his Puritan scruples (顾忌) came his anxious desire not to offend the Puritan taste, his earnest wish not to commit a literary crime of any sort, in short, to tell the truth and satirize and yet not to offend.

美国文学 PPT课件

美国文学 PPT课件
➢ Chapter II Revolutionary Period
Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
➢ Chapter III American Romanticism
Washington Irving James Fenimore Cooper William Cullen Bryant Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne
Brief Outline of American literature
1. Colonial period (1607-1775)
Anne Bradstreet Edward Taylor
2. Revolutionary period
(1775-1783) Benjamin Franklin Philip Freneau
The early settlers
❖ Christopher Columbus discovered the American continent in 1492.
❖ Captain John Smith reached Jamestown, Virginia in 1607.
❖ Puritans came the New England area, by Mayflower in 1620.
❖ Literature is characterized by beauty of expression and form and by universality of intellectual and emotional appeal.
2. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, ts, novelette, etc.


人之福,也是众人之父“a common blessing and father to them all”
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of

《美国文学》教学课件 American Romanticism

《美国文学》教学课件 American Romanticism
Drama: tragedy, comedy
Gothic novel
Gothic novel emphasizes the grotesque mysterious and desolate. It is an ancestor of the modern mystery story , fantasy, and science fiction.
Ideology: Nationalism Patriotism Optimism Puritanism
Foreign influences
Sir Walter Scott,
with his border tales, helped toward the development of American Indian romance and the romantic description of landscape in America literature. ( Cooper )
-----William Wordsworth
2. The Characteristics of American Romanticism.
1) .Early American romantics often modeled their writing on Europe works.
2). The subjects of American Romantic authors were often national ideals of individualism ,democracy ,history and frontier life of the new nation.
--- Robert Burns
I wandered lonely as a cloud

lecture_8 美国文学史课件

lecture_8 美国文学史课件
Literature of Ethnic Minorities
Black American Literature I Why African American literature considered separately? 1. bitter experience 2. different tradition 3. different myth II. Literary development: 1. Oral tradition: songs, ballads, spirituals
symbolism Flexible and swift All resources of the languages
V. Writer and Black: Ellison developed racial themes, but he rejected protest fictions because he was more interested in the world of arts.
III. Amy Tan (1952--) 1. Works:
The Kitchen God's Wife, 1991 The Hundred Secret Senses 1995 The Bonesetter's Daughter 2001. 2. Themes -mother/daughter tension, universally caused by generational conflicts, is here intensified by cultural differences. - Assimilation of two cultures:
4. 1940s: Richard Wright

《美国文学》教学课件Literature of the Eighteenth Century

《美国文学》教学课件Literature of the Eighteenth Century
• Poor Richard’s Almanack • An almanack is a book that gives vital
information for the years, the seasons, the sunrise and the sunset, accurate information on tides, as well as information on how to plant certain crops , how to cure hens, etc. all are practical information important to farmers.
The History and the Influence of Enlightenment
2.Newtonian ideas:
a. The universe is seen as a mechanism operating by a rational formula or by unchanging laws available to intelligent humans.
3.The Influence of the Newtonian ideas:
C. Americans believed that more reasonable political and social orders should be established.
D. Americans also learned to take actions to resist oppressive power and to criticize and reform government.
• C. The Autobiography is also an eloquent education of the ideas of the 18th.c. Using his life story as a shining example, Franklin eloquently demonstrated all the major principles of the enlightenment in America.

美国文学课件(Emerson and Thoreau)PPT教学课件

美国文学课件(Emerson and Thoreau)PPT教学课件
• Other influences on Emerson’s later thinking included
– his own Unitarian-Yankee background
– his admiration for Plato and the neo-Platonism
– his study of the sacred bocks of the East
American Literature
Lecture Six
Emerson and Thoreau
Ralph Waldo Emerson
• Born in Boston, the son of a Unitarian (一神教的) minister who was a member of an old Puritan family.
• During a tour of Europe (1832-33), he met Carlyle, Wordsworthom he became intimately associated with the transcendental thought and its sources with the German idealism.
• After his father’s death, he was raised by his mother and an aunt, Mary Moody Emerson, a zealously pious woman who expressed her sardonically critical mind in a style her nephew admired and imitated.
• After graduation in 1821 he took over his brother’s Boston school for young ladies, although with some misgivings

美国文学史Unit8马克吐温 PPT

美国文学史Unit8马克吐温 PPT
It is from this work that he got the idea of his pen name “Mark Twain”
In 1861, the American Civil War destroyed the traffic along the Mississippi.
He left the Mississippi at the outbreak of the war, and became, in swift succession, an army volunteer, a gold prospector in Nevada.
He was a failure at gold mining, so he next turned to journalism. While a reporter, he wrote a humorous story,
He became apprenticed to a printer and began contributing to his brother’s newspaper in 1851.
From 1857 to 1861 he found himself a pilot on the Mississippi River.
-- Ernest Hemingway
★ "I believe that Mark Twain had a clearer vision of life, that he came nearer to its elementals and was less deceived by its false appearances than any other American. I believe that he was the true father of our national literature.-- H.L. Mencken
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American Literature:
Lecture 8 Modernism
(1914 - 1945)
American Literature (I) Autumn 2008
To enable the Ss to get a general idea about American Modernism; To enable the Ss to get in touch with some important modern poets such as Robert Frost and Ezra Pound;
II Major Features of Modernism
3) Modernism in literature is not easily summarized, but the key elements are experimentation, antirealism, individualism and a stress on the cerebral rather than emotive aspects. The work of Modernist writers is characterized by showing the disenchantment, dislocation, and alienation of men in the world, and by the emphasis on experimentation and formalism and objectivism which are, in most cases, a reaction to the cataclysm known as the Modern Age. Among American writers, the best-known Modernists are T.S.Eliot, Ezra Pound, F.Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner and so on.
II Major Features of Modernism
1) Modernism is a cultural movement that generally includes the progressive art and architecture, design, literature, music, dance, painting and other visual arts which emerged in the beginning of the 20th century , particularly in the years following World War I. It was a movement of artists and th designers who rebelled against late 19 century academic and historicist tradition, and embraced the new economic, social and political aspects of the emerging modern world. The avant-garde movements that followed-including Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Expressionism, Constructivism and Abstract Expressionismare generally defined as Modernist.
III. The Schools of American Modernism
1) 2) Modern poetry: experiments in form (Imagism) Prose Writing: modern realism (the Lost Generation)
II. The Major Representatives of the Modern Poetry:
Ezra Pound (1885- 1972) T.S.Eliot (1888 - 1965) Wallace Stevens (1879 - 1955) William Carlos Williams (1883 - 1963) Robert Frost (1874 - 1963) e.e.cummings (1894 - 1963)
I. T. S. Eliot (1888 - 1965)
I. About the author:
1) 2) Thomas Stearns Eliot, American-British poet and critic, was born from a middle-class family in St. Louis in 1888. During his studies at Harvard in America, the Sorbonne in Paris, and Oxford in England, Eliot mastered French, Italian, English literature, as well as Sanskrit. In 1914 Eliot accepted a job in London as a bank clerk establishing his residence in London. Soon the erudite young man joined the literary circle of Pound and Yeats and started to write poetry. In 1917 his first poem was published and caused a great deal of comment on both side of the Atlantic. After the bank clerk, Eliot worked as an assistant editor of the Egoist (1917–19) and edited his own quarterly, the Criterion (1922–39). With the help of Pound he published 美国文学 his best-known work, The Waste Land, in 1922.
4) Pound defined an image as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time, and later he extended this definition when he stated that an image was ―a vortex or cluster of fused ideas, endowed with energy.‖ 5) There existed great influence of Chinese poetry on the Imagist movement. Imagists found value in Chinese poetry was because Chinese poetry is, by virtue of the ideographic and pictographic nature of the Chinese language, essentially imagistic 美国文学 poetry.
altered the nineteenth century romantic view that nature, especially human nature, was benign. Herbert Spencer and the "Gospel of Wealth" or Social Darwinism: reconciled individualism with capitalism by suggesting that the interests of each citizen as well as the interests of the state are served by free economic expansion. The work of Marx, and Freud, as well as other great intellectual explorers and rebels had mounted an assault against orthodox religious faith that lasted into the twentieth century. World War I in particular deepened doubt and reauthorized disillusionment. Another source of disillusionment was the rapid transformation of American society that accelerated with World War I.
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Teaching Materials