
维修术语(灯)不亮not come on 不可用not serviceable “工”型type I 不锈钢stainless steel APU 舱门APU bay door 部件partT 型件Tee extrusion 材料material阿罗钉alodine 参考reference安全带safety belt 餐板feed panel安装install 餐车diner安装座attach fitting 操纵control按钮button 操作检查operational按需要as required 槽spout凹槽notch 侧板sidewall凹坑dent 测量measure把手,扶手handle 测试test包皮cowl 插钉pin保护层coating 插头plug保险fuse 插座receptacle报废discard 拆下remove报告工程师report to engineer 长桁stringer杯子cup 超标out of limit比率转换器ratio changer 超标exceed the limit 壁橱closet 超过exceed边缘edge 超控手柄override handle便于检查easily to inspect 彻底修理drastically repair 变形deformation (n) 陈旧的worn变形deform (v) 衬板liner变压器transformer 衬套bush标牌placard 成型shaping标识sign 乘务员attendant标志instruction 尺寸size玻璃pane 充足的sufficient玻璃纤维fiberglass 冲水按钮flush button补片patch 冲洗flush补片filler 冲压ram冲压空气ram air 低压压气机LP-compressor 抽油defuel 底部bottom出口exit 底盘base除腐区reworked area 底漆primer厨房galley 底座(结构件)mounting厨房烤箱galley oven 底座(螺母)plate储物柜closet 底座(天线)base处理treatment 地板梁floor beam处理dispose 地面ground传感器sensor 地毯carpet传输transmission 第二层two layer垂直的vertical 点火电嘴ignitor存放处location 电路circuit错位migration 电门,开关switch搭地线jumper 电气electrical搭接处interface 电气接地ELEC bonding搭接片splice strap 电源通电power搭接片splice 电子avionics打磨blend out 电子架 E rack打磨片blent disk 电子架shelf打止裂孔drill stop hole 电阻elec resistance大翼wing 电阻resistance大于more than 垫片washer单向活门check-valve 吊仓nacelle弹簧片spring seal 吊点mount cone挡块retainer 调节adjust挡雨板fender 调整片tap导线wire 顶板ceiling灯light 顶部top灯泡bulb 顶部overhead灯泡lamp 定中弹簧decentering spring 灯箱light case 丢失miss灯罩light lens 堵盖plug登机门ENTRY DOOR 堵塞clog端头ending 腐蚀corrosion段section 腐蚀corrode断break 附件(大)accessary断开disconnect 附件(小)attach断裂fracture 附近adjacent to断裂的broken 复合complex断丝,磨损fray 副驾驶员做椅first offcer's seat锻件forged part 副翼aileron多处numerous 改装modification发动机engine 盖cap翻新overhaul 杆rod反光镜mirror 钢丝steel方向舵rudder 钢索cable防冰管anti-ice duck 割除cut out防腐corrosion-inhibition 割断,割下cut off防静电static-free 隔板clapboard,partition防磨条wear strip 隔框bulkhead防滞antiskid 隔热棉insulation-blanket防撞灯anti-collision light 隔栅grille放extend 各有each has放电刷discharger 根据方案in according to disposition 分层delamination 根据监控指令单condition monitor order…风层,脱胶delaminate 更换replace风挡windshield 工程师engineer风挡玻璃windscreen 功能测试functional test风扇整流罩FAN COWL 功能检查functional风蚀erode 供应系统feed system封严sealing 供油管OIL TUBE封严条seal 鼓轮drum蜂窝芯stagger core 鼓起bulge扶手armrest 固定secure扶手盖板armrest cover 固化harden辅助滑轨assistant track 固化剂hardener故障fault 划痕,划伤scratch刮伤scratch 划窝countersink挂attach 环氧树脂epoxy resin挂钩hook 恢复restore挂上hang up 活动窗slide window关上close 活门valve观察镜view glass 货舱cargo compt观察镜viewer 机构mechanism观察员observer 机身fuselage观察员observer 迹象mark光滑地smoothly 加强doubling滚轮roller 加强件stiffener过道aisle 加强块doubler过期expire 加强肋intercostal过热传感元件overheat sensing element 加强修理reinforcement海绵sponge 加温导线hot wire焊接weld 加油面板refuel panel焊条welding rod 加油站面板fueling station panel 恒速传动装置CSD case 夹子clip横梁latitudinal beam 驾驶舱cockpit横向lateral 间隙gap后端rear 减速板speedbreak后缘T/E 减压器reducer厚度thickness 减震器shock absorber呼叫灯call light 减震支柱shock strut护板protect strap 检查inspect护目镜goggles 检修门access door 护罩shroud 胶sealant花键spline 胶带tape滑轨track 胶垫mat滑轮pulley 胶垫圈rubber washer 滑丝cross thread 胶套rubber滑梯罩slide cover 胶纸tape滑油量oil lever 角材angler角型件angle shape 喇叭megaphone 脚登板pedal 拦网block铰链hinge 牢固性security接地点ground point 老化aged接耳lug 老化,退化deteriorate接通,提供supply 雷达罩radome接头fitting 肋rib接线管splice 离合器clutch接线片terminal lug 立柱pole结构的structural 例行routine金属屑metal particle 连杆link襟翼flap 连接attatch紧固件fastener 连接板attach plate 紧急出口exit 连接口coupling进气道inlet duct 连接销lockwire进气口inlet port 联锁interlock径向驱动轴radial drive shaft 裂crack静电,静压static 另一个another救生衣lifevest 龙骨梁keel beam咖啡壶coffee maker 滤网filter卡箍clamp 铝箔foil卡环collar 轮舱wheel well开口销cotter pin 轮子wheel靠背back panel 逻辑logic壳体case 螺钉screw可用available 螺钉孔screw hole客舱cabin 螺杆bolt空气循环隔栅air return grille 螺帽nut口port 螺套insert块piece 螺纹压伤cross threading 框架frame 马桶toilet垃圾箱dustbin 慢车IDLE拉紧pull 毛刺bur毛胚件rough 破损damage铆钉rivet 漆层coating门槛sill 其中之一one of门框door frame 启动活门start valve蒙皮skin 启动机starter密度density 起落架landing gear 密度计densitometer 气瓶cylinder面板panel 千层片shim面漆enamel 前厕所fwd lav模糊blur 前缘L/E模糊不清obscure 腔体cavity磨损wear 墙纸wallpaper目视visual 切口cutout内侧interior board 勤务面板service panel内层inner 轻度light尼龙搭扣nylon fastener 轻微slight尼龙扣nylon hook 清洁clean拧紧tighten 清洁剂cleaner扭力管torsional tube 区域zone扭曲kink 曲柄crank排row 去除深度remove depth排放drain 去毛刺deburr排水槽gutter 缺口nick排水管drain tube 群边skirt edge配平trim 燃油fuel喷漆paint 燃油泵fuel pump喷砂sand blast 扰流板spoiler皮带,片strap 热水器water boiler皮托管pitot 人工行程限制manual travel limit 偏航阻尼器yaw damper 日光灯daylight lamp平衡机构equalizer 软管,软护套hose平滑的,使平滑smooth 润滑剂lubricant平行balance 三段three section散装bulk 逃离滑梯escape slide刹车brake 天花板ceiling上表面upper surface 天线antenna上述above 填补fill深度depth 跳开关breaker渗漏leakage 凸轮cam升降舵elevator 图纸DWG绳rope 涂,粘贴apply失效inoperative 退漆strip paint湿安装wet installed 退色badly faded试车run up 托板pallet释压pressure-release 托板螺帽plate nut收retract 脱开disengage收发机tranceiver 外outer手柄towing lever 外侧outer board手册manual 完成complete手电torch 完成finish手工handwork 万向接头gimbal手提的portable 维护maintain手提灭火瓶extinguish bottle 尾部tail树脂resin 尾舱tail compartment 双倍double 尾喷管exhaust nozzle 水平安定面horizontal stabilizer 尾锥TAIL CONE撕裂tear 位置locate伺服servo 温度temp松动,松脱loose 涡杆jackscrew送修send to repair 涡杆worm bolt塑料plastic 涡轮turbine随动盖板hinge access door 污染物contamination 锁lock 污物dirt锁定lockout 无线电高度表radio altimeter锁扣latch 稀释剂thinner锁销lockpin 铣mill系统system 溢出spill下部lower 翼尖tip下角LWR corner 翼间wing tip下位锁downlock 翼梁spar下陷concave 引进introduce下缘条chord 引孔make guiding hole 纤维板fibre board 引孔drill hole相关的relative 引气bleed相磨chafe 引气管bleed hose消音板accoustic panel 应急emergency销子pin 永久性修理permanence repair 楔形块wedge 用…填补fill it up with…信号灯annunciator 油封preservation行李架luggage-rack 油箱fuel tank行李箱stowage 游动梁walk beam修边reform 雨刮wiper修理repair 语音记录器voice recorder锈蚀rust 预冷器precooler循环cycle 预位ARM压紧gland 原厚度original thickness 压力通风系统plenum system 原来originally压条cover 阅读灯reading light严重的serious 允许损伤allowable damage阳极化anodize 杂志袋literature container 氧气oxygen 载荷调整preload adjust氧气面罩oxygen mask 再循环recirculation液压HYD 在位be in place液压泵HYD PUMP 脏dirty液压管HYD duct 增压pressurization液压系统hydraulic system 增压泵boost pump液压油管组件TUBE ASSY 粘贴bond液压油箱hydraulic reservior 照明illuminate移到move to 遮阳板shade真空泵vacuum pump 自动刹车autobrake拯救salvation 自动油门auto thrust整流罩fairing 自锁螺帽jam nut整流锥spinner 自由移动move freely整形rework 总管manifold正常normal 纵梁longeron正常位置normal position 纵向longitudial正驾驶员座椅captain's seat 阻力支柱drag strut之间between 组件assembly,pack支撑架bracket 组件(电气) unit支撑座support mount 组件(机械) assy支架bracket 最薄min thickness支拄support 作动筒actuator止动固定块stop block 坐垫cushion止动块atopper 座椅seat指点信标marker beacon antenna 注意caution指示indication 转接器adapter制作fabricate 转弯灯runway turnoff light 中厕所mid lav 转向turn中间,中央center 装饰条trim strip周围around 准备prepare轴shaft 着陆灯landing light轴承bearing 自动关闭auto close主轮main wheel 助推机构扳机power assist triggerCategories of DefectCategories of defect depends on experience of maintenance practic e .In this manual, the defaultMethod used to categorize the defect found on the aircraft into fou r areas. Structure defect , Material defect, Common parts and Compo nents defect and General defect.缺陷分类缺陷的分类一般依照维修实践中的经验来分。

轮档挡好-- Chocks in地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected收到-- Roger现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines准备牵引-- Ready for pushback所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed松刹车-- Brakes off松刹车-- Release parking brakes刹车已松-- Brakes off刹车已松-- parking brake Released可以牵引--Clear for pushback23号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)two three05号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)zero five牵引完成--Pushback complete刹车--Brakes on刹车--Set parking brake刹车刹好--Brakes on刹车刹好-- Parking brake set准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two) 可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two) 已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on启动结束--Start complete断开地面设备-- Disconnect ground equipment插销移开--Ping Removed稍等--Standby稍等启动-- Standby for start稍等推出-- Standby for pushback在左(或右)方打手势--Hand signal on the left(or right)aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员navigator 领航员steward 男服务员stewardess, hostess 空中小姐radio operator 报务员airliner 班机monoplane 单翼飞机glider 滑翔机trainer aircraft 教练机passenger plane 客机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机amphibian 水陆两用飞机seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机transport plane 运输机helicopter 直升机supersonic 超音速hypersonic 高超音速transonic 跨音速subsonic 亚音速Airbus 空中客车Boeing 波音Concord 协和Ilyusin 依柳辛McDonald-Douglas 麦道Trident 三叉戟Tupolev 图波列夫hatch 舱口aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机navigation light 航行灯fuselage, body 机身nose 机头wing 机翼aileron 副翼wing flap 襟翼tail plane 水平尾翼starboard wing 右翼port wing 左翼pilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱parachute 降落伞passenger cabin 客舱propeller 螺旋桨pressurized cabin 密封舱undercarriage 起落架undercarriage wheel 起落架轮elevator 升降舵radio navigation device 无线电导航设备radio directive device 无线电定向设备luggage compartment 行李舱(fuel) tank 油箱auxiliary (fuel) tank 副油箱main (fuel) tank 主油箱autopilot 自动驾驶仪ground crew 地勤人员airport 航空港, 民航机场airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场airport beacon 机场灯标airport meteorological station 机场气象站main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道taxiway 滑行跑道runway 跑道omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标fuel depot 燃料库control tower 塔台tarmac 停机坪radio beacon 无线电信标boarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线extra flight 加班economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升circling 盘旋forced landing 迫降connecting flight 衔接航班speed, velocity 速度ceiling 上升限度cruising speed 巡航速度top speed 最高速度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸to taxi along 滑行to lose height, to fly low 降低to take off, take-off 起飞to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风。

海航长安航空维修工程部 二OOO年十月一日民航英语维修词汇A----Aaberration 视差ablative 烧蚀的abnormal 不正常的aborted takeoff(ATO) 中断起飞abradable shroud 耐磨罩圈/环abrasion (外物引起的)擦伤;磨损abrasive 磨料abrasive blast 喷砂absolute pressure 绝对压力,标压absorbent lining 吸音衬套/层abut 紧靠在;邻接abutment 支承面/点abutment plate/washer 支撑板/垫圈accelerated stall 过载失速acceleration surge(or bodie surge) 加速喘振accelerometer 加速度表accentuator 音频强化器acceptance standards 验收标准acceptor circuit 带通电路,迎谐电路access 1.接近 2.(计)存取access circuit 存取电路access panel 检修盖板accessibility 可达性,接近性accessorial service 辅助工作accessory 附件accessory drive 附件传动装置accident 事故accident damage 意外损伤accumulator 1.累加器 2.储压器acid attack 酸浸acid pickling 酸洗Acide thread 梯形螺纹acorn 整流体acoustic(美)=accoustic(英)有声的acoustic lining/liner 消音衬垫acqua blasting 湿喷砂acrylic coating 丙稀酸涂层active clearance control(ACC) (叶片)主动间隙控制active breakdown 使用时发生的损坏active control 主动空气动力操纵装置active voltage 有功电压actuating gear 致动装置actuator 致动器;作动筒adapter(or) 转接器;转接座;接头;适配器adapter pad 接合座adaptive bus 自适应总线address 地址adhesion 粘接adhesive tape 粘胶带adjacent to 临近的adjustable stabilizer 可调水平安定面admittance 导纳advance drawing change notice(ADCN 图纸先行更改通知advanced 先进的advanced switch 步进开关adverse effect 不利影响;严重后果advisory circular(AC) 咨询通报advisory message 咨询信息aerodynamic 空气动力的aerodynamic smoother 空气动力平滑胶aeroelastic torsion 气动弹性扭曲aeronautical 航空的aerosol 烟雾;浮质aft looking forward 从后向前看afterbody drag 后体阻力afterburner 加力燃烧室afterfiring 尾喷管喷火age_hardening 时效硬化ageing=aging 时效处理aging 老龄的agent 试剂aileron 副翼aileron authority 副翼效能aileron force limiter 副翼传动力限制器aileron programmer 副翼程序器air bleed valve 放气活门air brake 减速板;阻力板air carrier 航空营运者air conditioning 空调air cycle machine(ACM)空气循环机;涡轮冷却器air data computer 大气数据计算机air interruption (aborted takeoff) 中断飞行air lock 气锁;气塞air seal 空气封严件;气密封圈;气封严air ground sensor 起落架位置传感器;空地传感器air tapping 抽气管座air turnback 空中返航airborne 空中飞行的;机载的airbore/aircraft integrated data system(AIDS)机载综合数据系统airborne support equipment(ASE) 机载保障设备airborne vibration monitor(AVM) 机载振动监控器aircraft 飞行器aircraft ground equipment(AGE) 飞机地面设备aircraft on ground(AOG) 飞机(因故障或缺件)停飞airline operating profile 飞机使用情况简介aircraft operating weight(AOW) 飞机有效重量airflow 气流airfoil 翼型airframe 飞机机体airstairs 飞机登机梯airworthiness 适航性airworthiness directive(AD) 适航指令aisle 人行过道(客舱)ajax unit 操纵感力装置aldis 手提指挥灯alert 紧迫的Alert Service Bulletin 紧急服务通告align(_ment) 对正/找正/找平alignment bar 校准杆allen key 内六角扳手alligatoring 龟裂alkyd coating 醇酸涂层allowance 1.容限,公差 2.加工余量allowance error 容许误差Almen test strip 喷丸处理试片Alnico 铝镍钴合金Alodine 铝氧化溶液;铝的氧化处理alodise 用铝氧化溶液刷涂alpak 渗铝保护层alpha 飞机仰角alpha vane 仰角受感器alphatize 渗铝处理alteration 改进;改装alternate 1、替补机件 2、备降场 3、备份的alternate action switch 交替作动电门alternating stress 交变应力alternative 任取其一的alternator 交流发电机altimeter 高度表alumel 镍铝合金aluminize 铝化处理aluminum(美)=aluminium(英)铝amber 琥珀色ambient temperature 大气温度amendment 更改单amortise 缓冲Amortised installation cost 设备折旧费Amphenol connector 电器接头的一种amplifier 放大器amplitude 振幅amplitude modulation 调幅analog 模拟analog digital converter(ADC) 模拟数字转换器anchor nut 托板螺母AND gate “与”门angle 角材angle gearbox 角齿轮箱angle of attack 仰角angular location/position 角位置angular offset 角偏置anhedral 下反角anneal 退火annotation 信息注解annular 环形的annular ball bearing 径向滚珠轴承annular combustor/burner 环形燃烧室annular strut pad (叶片)阻尼突台annulus 环形道annunciation 显示信号annunciator 信号器anodic cleaning 阳极清洗anodic etch 阳极侵蚀清理anodise 阳极氧化处理anodised finish 阳极化饰层ante_chamber 预燃室antenna 天线antenna coupler 天线偶合器anti_chafe strip 防磨(带)层anticlockwise=counterclockwise 反时针方向anticipator 预测器anti_collision light(ACL) 防撞灯anti_corrosive compound 防腐剂anti_friction 耐磨的anti_frosting 防霜的anti_galling 防擦伤的anti glare/dazzle panel 防眩板anti_icing 防冰的anti_rotation key/peg 防转键/销/板anti_seize compound 防咬滞剂anti_skid 防滑的anti_surge/slosh baffle 防晃挡板anti_sway bracket 防晃支架aperture 小孔aperture card 穿孔卡apex pin 起落架顶尖销apparent power 视在功率appliance 器具applicability 适用性;适用范围applicable 适当的approach 进近(着陆)approach progress display 进近处理显示appropriate 恰当的approximate 近似的;大略的apron 1停机坪 2(防护)挡板aquaplaning 滑溜;滑水aramid fiber 芳族聚胺纤维arbor 心轴;轴杆are brazing/welding 电弧纤焊;焊接arced 电弧烧灼arch 弓形托架arising forecast 检修预报arithmetic and logical unit 速算器arm switch 预位电门armed 准备;待发arming pin 保险销arrangement lever 配置杆articles 物件articulated coupling 活节连轴器artificial failure 人为故障artificial feel (活动翼面)人工感觉as applicable 如果适用的话as received 按原接收状态的as required 视情况需要ascertain 确定;查明askew (歪)斜的aspect ratio 展弦比aspirator 吸气管assembly 组件associated items 关连件associated with 与……相关的assumed temperature reduced thrust 估算高温下的减推力asymmetry system (襟翼等)不对称调测系统atomizer 喷嘴;雾化器attach fitting 安装接头attachment 装置;接头;接耳attendant control unit(ACU) 乘务员控制组件(面板)attenuation 衰减attitude 姿态attitude director indicator(ADI) 姿态指引仪attrition 磨料attrition lining 耐磨衬垫audio integration system 音响综合系统audio selector panel 音频选择板audit 审查augmentator 加力燃烧室augmentation 加大推力augmentor 加力燃烧室;坛稳装置aural warning 音响警告authority 效能;当局auto_brake 自动刹车auto acceleration 自动加速auto_feathering=flameout 自动熄火autoland 自动着陆automatic direction finder(ADF) 自动定向仪automatic flight control system 自动飞行控制系统automatic gain control 自动增益控制automatic generator paralleling system 发电机自动并联系统automatic recovery system(ARS) 自动恢复系统automatic rollout control 自动滑跑控制automatic voltage regulator 自动稳压器automatic volume control 自动音量控制autopilot 自动驾驶仪autopilot flight director system 自动驾驶飞行指引系统autoschedule 自动进程autosyn 交流同步器autothrottle 自动油门auto_transformer 自耦变压器auxiliary data acquisition unit 辅助数据提取器auxiliary powerplant(APU) 辅助动力装置auxiliary spar 辅助梁availability 可获取情况;可用性avionics 航空电子设备awaiting parts 修理用备件awl 钩形工具axial 轴向的axial clearance 轴向间隙axial float 轴向活动量axial flow 轴流axial skewed groove 轴向斜槽axial thrust 轴向推力axis 轴线axle 轴;轴杆axle lining 轴衬azotise 渗氮;氮化处理B----Bback bias 回绶偏压back chamfer 背倒角back flow 反流back nut 并紧螺母back plate 后挡板Back pressure valve 单向活门back profile (叶片)背面back stop 止回钉;棘爪back taper 倒锥backfit 磨合backflush 逆流洗涤background 1.基本情况 2.底 3.背景backing 底板;衬垫backing plate/ring 衬板/环backing pump 增压泵backkicking 倒转backlash 游隙backlog V积压 N待修件backoff 反转拧松backstay 后支撑条;后撑杆backup (焊)挡块;备用件backup body cable 机体辅助钢索backup ring 支撑垫圈;挡圈baffle 1.折流板 2.挡板bail 1.漏斗 2.吊环baking out 烘烤除气balance 平衡balance tab (活动翼面)平衡调整片balance weight 平衡配重balanced actuator 等截面作动筒balanced control surface 动平衡操纵翼面balancing land 平衡带ball jackscrew 球头螺旋丝杆ball nut 球座螺母ball screw 球座丝杠ball transfer mat 滚珠传送垫板ballast 1.镇流器2.压舱物ballast resistor 镇流电阻;平衡电阻band 频带band pass filter 带通滤波器band tolerance 公差带banjo bolt 接头螺栓banjo connection/union 鼓形管接头banjo pillar 螺纹接头bank 倾斜bar 1 bar=0.9869 1.气压单位 2.杆;条;棒bar chart 横线图表bar stock 棒料bare engine 不带附件设备和反推的发动机bare spot 裸露点barometric pressure 大气压力barreling 滚磨抛光barrier material 封芷用包装材料base metal 基底金属basic bore 基孔basic cause 故障基本原因basic circle diameter 基因直径basic design feature 基本设计要素basic dimension 公称尺寸basic engine 本体发动机basic failure 基本故障basic tolerance 公称容差《基本公差》batten (舵面)夹板battered 撞击伤的battery bus 直流电汇流条battery charger 电瓶充电器baulk(balk) 挡块baulking lip 加强边baulking pin 止动销bay 舱bayonet 插接销钉;卡口bayonet connection 卡口连接beacon 信标beacon video digitalizer 信标视频数字器bead 1.卷边 2.轮胎园缘 3.焊珠beaded skin 波纹蒙皮beaded sleeve 凸边套管;凸边衬套beam 横梁;光束;波束bearer 支承座;托架bearing 方位;轴承;支承bearing area/surface 支承面bearing support 承力框架beat frequency oscillation 差频振荡beaver tail 平直的机身/机尾底部bedding 贴合bedding area 贴合面beefed up 加强的beeper 雷达遥控装置;嘟嘟声bellcrank 双头摇臂Belleville washer 盘形弹性垫圈bellmouth 喇叭形进气道bellows 1.波纹管 2.膜合belly 机身腹部bench adjustment 台架调节bench check 台架检查bench test 台架试车bend,bent 弯曲bend allowance 弯曲余量bending member 抗弯构件bending moment 弯矩bending stress 弯曲应力bevel 1.边;框 2.斜角 3.倾斜的bevel gear 伞形齿轮beverage cart 饮料推车bezel 仪表玻璃筐卡圈bias 1.偏压 2.偏移 3.偏差值bias error 偏差错误bias resistor 偏压电阻bifurcated 分义的;分支的bifurcated duct 双义形管道bihexagon head bolt 梅花头螺栓bilateral 双向作用的;双道的bilateral bearing 双联轴承bilge 舱底bill of material 材料明细表bill of material damage(BMOD) 内在物损伤billet (金属)坯段bin 行李架bind 1.卡滞 2.捆;绑;粘合biocidal action 微生物杀菌作用bit 1.毕特(二进制数); 2.锥钻black box 黑匣子black oil 滑油过热变色bladder tank 软油箱blade 1.工作叶片 2.风挡雨刷片blade concave (叶片)叶盆blade convex (叶片)叶背blade retainer 叶片挡块blade root 叶片根部blade shroud 叶片罩/环blade slot adapter 叶片榫槽blade windage loss 叶片风转损失blading 装叶片blank 1.毛坯 2.盖板 3.空白的blank off 遮护blanket 1.绝缘层 2.加温层 3.毯;垫blast 喷砂(丸、焰)bleed 1.放气 2.引气装置bleed valve 1.放气活门 2.引气活门bleeder resistor 分压电阻bleeder screw (放气、油用)带孔螺丝blemish 表面缺陷blend 1.圆滑过渡 2.修磨 3.掺和blend radius 转接半径blind 一端不通的 n.遮光帘blind bolt 拉螺栓blind hole 盲孔blind nut 拉螺母;螺盖blind rivet 空心铆钉;拉铆钉blinker 氧气流量指示器blisk 整体盘子和叶片blister 起层;爆皮blistering 起皱block diagram 方块示意图block fuel 全程燃油消耗量;轮挡油耗block maintenance program 分组维修大纲block nut 防松螺母block pickling 初次酸洗block speed 平均速度block test 台架试车block time/hours 空地时间;轮挡时间blocker door (反推)折流门blocking capacitor 隔直流电压器blow_by 漏气blow hole 气孔blow_in door 释压门blow up (发动机关停前)吹净燃气blower 1.增压器 2.鼓风机blown tire 轮胎跑气blowout=flameout 1熄火 2轮胎爆破blowout panel 卸压窗板blowout disc/plug 安全爆破塞;跑气指示片blue 1.涂兰检查 2.发兰处理blue annealing 发兰退火blue bedding check 涂兰密合检查blue etch anodize inspection 钛合金兰色侵蚀探伤检查bobbin 套环;套管bodie surge=acceleration surge 加速喘振body gear 机身起落架bogie 1.小车式起落架 2.转向架bogus parts 伪造件bolted circle 螺栓分布图bolted joint 栓接接合bolted face 栓接面bond 1.搭地 2.粘接bonding jumper/strip 搭铁带bonding meter 毫欧表bonding tab 导线连接耳片boom 1.横梁;桁 2.尾撑机身boom cable 吊杆钢索;悬臂钢索boom microphone 自由伸缩送话器;吊架话筒boost 1.助推 2.增压boost pump 增压泵booster 1.低压压气机 2.增压器boost(er) system (活动翼面)操纵助力系统boot 橡皮封严套bootstrap 自举装置bore 1.孔;孔径 2.镗削borescope 孔探仪boss 凸台(块、耳、缘);孔座boss connection 轴衬连接bottle pin 瓶颈销bow 1.弓形物 2.弯曲度 3.V使拱曲box 1.翼盒 2.方框box beam 匣形梁box shroud 套环box spar 盒形梁box spanner(wrench) 套筒扳手box tolerance 容差极限范围brace 撑杆;拉条;V支撑brace nut 拉条螺母bracing plate 撑板bracket 支架;平台braid 编织条;V编织brake 刹车brake stacks 刹车片branch 支线;支管;支路branch off 分路braze 钎焊brazier head rivet 扁园头铆钉break 断口;断面break sharp edge 尖边倒园breakage 破损;折断breakaway 分离;脱开breakaway pressure 起始压力breakaway thrust 最小起动推力breakaway torque 初始扭矩breakdown 击穿;折断breaker 跳开关;断路器break line 分离线;对接线breakout box 引线盒breakthrough 穿透breakup 分解breather 通气管breech 燃爆筒bridge 电桥 V跨接briefing 简要汇报;讲评Brinell hardness 布氏硬度bri 球形压痕的brittled 脆裂的broach 拉削broached groove 拉槽buck 1.大装配架 2.碱水浸洗bucket 1.涡轮叶片 2.(反推)斗使折流门bucket groove (涡轮盘)榫槽bucking bar 打铆钉的顶铁buckle 1.扣环 2.皱损buckling stress 弯折应力buff (用布砂轮)抛光buffer 消音器;缓冲器buffer air 缓冲空气buffet 1.抖振 2.餐室buffet margin 抖振容限buffing compound 抛光膏bug (指示器)动标build error 装配差错build group 发动机装配组合build stand 装配架build up 堆积物built in 内装的built in test equipment(BITE) 机载自测设备builtup 组合的bulb 测温头bulb angle 球缘角材bulb seal 球缘封严条bulged 鼓瘪的bulk 大部件bulk cargo 散装货物bulk material 松散材料bulk strip 分解发动机到子组件bulkhead 隔框bullet 尾锥体;喷口整流锥bumpy flow 涡流bungee 起落架收放助力装置;弹簧筒burble 气流分离burn 1.烧伤 2.燃油消耗burn_in 1.(电子材料)老炼;调试2.运转磨合burn_out 烧坏burnthrough 烧穿burner 1.燃烧室 2.喷嘴burner can 火焰筒burner nozzle 喷油嘴burnishing 磨光burr 毛刺 V去毛刺burst 破裂burst pressure test 破损压力试验bus 1.汇流条 2.总线bus bar 母线bus cable 共用钢索bus drum 公用鼓轮bus protection panel 汇流条电路保护板bus tie 连接汇流条;汇流条馈线;搭连总线bus tie breaker 汇流条联接跳开关bush 轴套bushing 衬套bushing boss 衬块bushing plug 燃油箱外接电插座butt 平接;对接butt end 平头端butt rib 搭接肋butt strap 对接搭板butt weld 对焊butterfly finish 八字形研磨butterfly valve 蝶行活门buttock lipe 纵剖线button 按钮 V按按钮button insert 压钮塞buttress 1.加强梁;支柱 2.(叶片)榫槽buttress joint 榫头接合buttress thread 锯齿螺纹buzzer 蜂鸣器bypass 1.并联电阻 2.旁通bypass airflow 外涵气流bypass duct 外涵管道bypass engine 内外涵涡喷发动机bypass flap 旁通风门bypass ratio 流量比;涵道比bypass valve 旁通活门C----CCabin 客舱cabin altitude 客舱气压高度cabin pressure controller 客舱压力控制器cable 1.电缆 2.钢索cable tension regulator 钢索张力调节器cadmium plate 镀镉cage (轴承)保持架;陀螺(锁定)calibrate 标定calibration card 校准表、修正卡call slip 领料单callout notes (工程图纸)标注calorize 表面渗铝处理calsel 飞机呼叫地面站camber 曲面、弯度camber test 叶片型面扭曲检查cambered wing 扭曲形机翼;有弯度的机翼campaign change 专项更换campaign removal 专项拆卸can_annular=cannular 环管的can_annular combustor 环管燃烧室can burner 单管燃烧室canard 鸭式飞机cancellation 1.取消航班 2.注销canister 传感器cannibalize(_ation) 拼修、串件Cannon connector/plug 电器插头canopy 座舱罩canted 斜置的cantilever 1.悬臂(梁) 2.使…成悬臂连接cap 1.帽、盖 2.(梁、肋)缘条cap nut 盖形螺母cap screw 有帽螺钉cap strip 帽形条capacitance 电容量capicitor 电容器capiliary tube 毛细管caplug (导管、电缆用)遮护帽盖capsule stack 膜合组caption 灯罩字幕captive 可栓住的captive bolt 锁位螺栓captive nut 托板螺母capture 截获carboblast 压气机冲洗用材料carbon fiber reinforced plastics(CFRP) 碳纤维增强塑料;碳纤维复合材料carbon seal 石墨封严件carboned 有积炭的carburize 渗炭处理carcase 壳体;构架card 插入板(电子)card file 卡片存储器carriage 滑动支架;活动托架carrier 载体;载波;挂架carrier nut 支架螺母carry through structure 传力结构cartridge 排放传爆管;爆炸帽;盒式磁带cascade 叶栅(计)级联cascade reverser 叶栅反推器case depth 渗炭层厚度case hardening 表面淬火casing 框架;外壳castellated nut 槽顶螺母casting 铸件castle nut 花螺母casual inspection 不定期检查catch 制动片(块)catch basin 集水槽catcher 挡片catenary 隔热板cathedral 下反角cathode ray tube(CRT) 阳极射线管caulked joint 填缝接合caustic cleaning 碱性清洗caution 注意;告诫;提醒cavity 空腔cellular 多孔的Celslus 摄氏度centering cam 定中凸轮central lateral control package(CLCP) 中央横向操纵组合件central maintenance computer 中央维护计算机central processing unit(CPU) 中心处理组件central refueling provision 中心加油设施centrifugal compressor 离心式压气机ceramic coating 陶瓷涂层chafed (缺油造成的)磨伤的chamfer 倒角change letter 修改次序字码changeover 1.转换 2.转向机构channel 1.槽钢 2.波道;通道charge 电荷耦合;负荷;充电/气charging valve 充填活门chase(_ing) 整修螺纹chassis 底架chatter 拉拨缺陷check 查看(指外观、功能的检查)check nut 拧紧螺帽check valve 单向活门checking fixture 检验夹具checking plastic 塑料泥checkout 验算、检定cheesecloth 薄而稀松的棉布cheese headed bolt/screw 园头螺栓/螺钉chemical milling 化学铣削Cherry rivet 空心铆钉chevron seal 人字形封严件chill 激冷chime_signal 警告声响信号chine 舷;机身边条chink 龟裂chip 1.碎屑 2.集成电路/块;芯片chip detector 金属屑磁性堵塞chipped 錾削的chock 轮挡choked 壅塞chop 猛收活门chopper 交流变换器;调制型直流放大器chord 1.翼弦 2.缘条chromate treatment 铬酸盐钝化处理chrome pickling (镁合金)铬酸盐防护处理chrome plate 镀铬chromel 镍铬处理chromize 渗铬处理chuff(_ing) 不稳定燃烧chugging 发动机工作不稳定的声音churning loss 涡动损失chute 1.紧急滑梯 2.引气涵道 3.斜槽cinch mark (卷片)摩擦引起的痕迹circlip 卡簧;(开口)簧环circuit 电路、回路、网路circuit breaker 电流断电器;跳开关circular runout 1.园心偏差 2.径向跳动 3.不园度circularity 园度circulate 循环流动circulation flow 环流circumference clearance 周向间隙circumferential 1.周向的 2.机身隔框circumferential groove 周向开槽circumferential stress 周向应力cladding (涂)包铝法clamp 卡箍 V夹紧clamping face 夹紧面clamping piece 夹板/片clamshell (蚌式)反推门clapper blade 有阻尼凸台的叶片classified blade 分级号叶片classified service (飞机上的)分类用电装置cleaning 清理;清洗cleanout 清除损伤部位cleanup 1.清理 2.清除量clear 1.受权使用 2.清除 3.批准放飞clear of 越(绕)过;远离clearance 1.间隙 2.飞行许可clearance cut 无余量切削clearance envelope 容差包容面clearance fit 间隙配合clearing engine 吹净发动机内剩余燃气cleat 加强角片;线夹;角撑Cleco fastener 铆接定位夹clevis U型接头clevis bolt U形螺栓;带槽扁园头螺栓clicker nut 卡销螺帽climbout (飞机)离地爬升clinch nut 托板螺帽clip 管夹 V夹紧(电)钳制(位)clock carrier 千分表架clocking pin 测量销clockwise 顺时针方向clog 1.堵塞物 2.止动口clogging spigot 夹套close circuit(closed loop circuit) 闭合线路close coupling 紧耦合close fit 紧配合close fitting 密封接头closeout panel 封闭板close tolerance 高精度公差close_up 收尾工作closed loop system 闭合环路系统closure 1.罩、盖 2.闭合closure web/spar 闭合梁cluster 束;簇;组clutch 离合器coalescer 凝聚器coarse adjustment 粗调coastdown 惯性慢转coating 涂层;面漆coaxial shaft 同轴cock 1.开关 2.竖起 3.待发(状态)cockpit 驾驶舱cocoon packing 茧式包装code number 编码号cog wheel 嵌轮coil 线圈coiler 蛇形套coin 压印加工;压花coke 结焦cold discharge area 冷态排气面积cold flow 冷变形cold section 发动机冷段cold shuts (锻件)冷疤;(铸件)冷隔cold weld 冷焊cold work 冷作collapsed 压陷的collar 轴套;套环collector ring 集流环collector tray 集油盘collet 弹性夹头;套爪combination spanner/wrench 梅花开口扳手combustion case/chamber 燃烧室combustion liner 火焰筒combustion liner louver 散热环combustor 燃烧室commercial electrics 专供旅客用的电气系统commonality 通用性commutator 整流子commuter 支线用飞机comparator 比较仪compartment 舱;室compass swing 校罗盘compatibility 兼容性compensate 补偿compensator 补偿器complaint 1.故障反映 2.索赔compliance 一致性comply with 使符合component 组合件;部件composite 混成的;复合材料composite material 复合材料compound 剂料compression member 抗压构件compression ratio 增压比compressor map 压气机特性曲线图compressor pressure ratio 压气机增压比compressor stage 压气机增压级compressor stall 压气机失速compressor surge 压气机喘振concave 凹入的N凹面concave radius 叶盆半径concentration 1.聚集 2.浓度concentricity 同心度concession 1.权宜;权衡 2.许可偏离concurrent force 汇交力condensation trap/tray 冷凝器condenser 1.电容器 2.冷凝器condition 1.工况 2.整修condition lever 状态杆condition monitoring 状态监控condition overhaul 针对性大修conditioner 调节器couductance 导纳conducting strip=conductor strap 搭地线conductivity 比电导;传导率conductor 导体conduit 导线管cone bolt 锥形螺栓confidence test 1.起飞滑跑前的试车 2.置信试验configuration 1.飞行形态 2.构形 3.布局;方案configuration deviation list(CDL) 构形缺件放行清单confirm 确认conformal coating 敷形涂层conical seal 锥形密封件conjugate 共轭的connection 接合处;连接件connector 1.接头;插销 2.联接器connector elbow 弯接头consecutive 连接的;依次相连的consistency 1.稠度 2.相容性console 操纵台consolidated inspection 强化检查constant speed drive(CSD) 恒速传动装置constrained(constraint) state (装配时)压抑状态consumable item/part 一次性使用器材consumption 消耗量contact button 接触按钮contactor 接触器;遥控开关;电源插口contained 包容的container 1.集装箱 2.容器containment 损伤包容区containment ring 包容环contamination 污染contaminant 污染物contingency power 应急功率contigent 随……而定的continuity check (电)导通检查;通路检查contour 轮廓;外形control 1.控制 2.操作control button 操作按钮control column/wheel 驾驶杆/盘control differential transmitter 操纵差动传感器control diffusion airfoils(CDA) 控扩散翼型control display unit(CDU) 控制显示装置control locking device 操纵面锁定装置control panel 操纵面板control spacer 定位隔圈control stand 操纵台control surface 操纵翼面control unit(CU) (衿翼)控制装置control wheel steering(CWS) 驾驶盘操纵controller 操纵器;控制器convection cooling 对流冷却convenience removal 随遇拆卸;非例行维修拆卸conventional 常规的convergent nozzle 收敛性喷管conversion coating 化学复层converted engine 发动机演变型converter 1.转换器 2.变流机convex 中凸的;凸面convoluted 盘旋的cooling film 冷却膜层cooling flap 冷却调整片core engine 核心发动机core material 芯体材料core plug 芯塞core out blade 空心叶片corrected date 校正值correction factor 校正系数corrective action 纠正措施correlate 关联correlation mark 相关联位置标记corrode 锈蚀corrosion resistant steel(CRES) 不锈钢corrugated 波纹形的corrugation 1.波纹罩 2.波纹度corrujoint 波纹垫cost effectiveness 经济效益cotter pin 1.开口销 2.斜锥销;契形销counter 计数器counterbore 1.平底孔 2.扩孔counterweight 埋头孔 V打埋头孔counterweight 配重couple 偶合coupler 偶合器coupling 联接器;联轴器;偶合器coupling bobbin 联接环coupling flange 联接安装边coupling nut 联接螺母cove light 侧壁镶嵌灯;拱灯cove lip door 折流板cover 1.涉及;包罗 2.N盖;罩 V遮盖coverage 覆盖度cowl/cowling 整流罩;发动机包皮cowling strut 整流罩支板crack 裂纹crack stopper 止裂孔cracking load 开裂载荷cracking pressure (活门)开启压力cradle 托架;滑板crank 1.V衔接起动 2.摇把 3.曲臂crater 焊口;月牙槽crawlway 检查用通道craze (涂层)细裂纹;银纹crease 折痕 V变皱crease beam 皱折梁creep 1.蠕变 2.叶片伸长量 3.塑性变形creep bulking 蠕变失稳;蠕变皱折creep gear 慢转齿轮creep stress 蠕变应力Cresol method cleaning 甲酚法清洗crevice corrosion 隙间腐蚀crimp 1.导向叶片板边 2.导线头压接 3.卷边crippling 折曲;弯边crippling stress 折曲应力criss_cross method 方格计数法criteria 标准;准则critical area 关键部位critical damage 临界破损critical engine 关键发动机crocus cloth/paper 砂布crop 切修叶片cross 1.十字接头 2.V交叉cross bleed 交输引气cross beam 横梁cross check 交叉检查;断面检查cross cut 横切cross_feed 交叉进给;横向进刀cross flow 横流cross key 横向键;十字键cross laminated 交叉驻叠合cross member 横梁;横向构件cross notch 对开槽口;十字槽cross section 剖面;断面cross shaft 横轴cross talk bus 交扰汇流条cross thread 螺纹乱扣cross track 偏航距离crossover duct/tube 1.联焰管 2.交输管crossover light 交叉灯crosswind 侧风crotch 岔口;叉架crowfoot wrench 爪形扳手crown 弧面顶部;机顶cruciform 交叉形的cruise 巡航crumble 碎片 V碎散cryogenic element 低温元件culminating point 转折点CUM line number 生产线次序号cumulative error 累积误差cupwasher 杯形垫圈cure 固化;硫化curled 卷边的current transformer 电流互感器curser 游标;光标curtailed inspection 简化检验curvic coupling 斜槽式联轴器;折向联轴器cushion 1.填隙 2.垫层 3.缓冲器cusp (两个曲线的)交点customer furnished 厂外提供的;用户自备的customer bleed air 引气使用cut 切口;切痕cutback (叶片)斜截cutoff 1.切断 2.关断cutout 开口;切口;断流器cutout switch 断流开关cutting down 磨光cyclic pressurezation loadings 循环增压加载cyclic stress 交变应力cyclic vibration 周期抖振cylindricity 园柱度cynamide hardening 氰硬化D----Ddado panel 护墙板;踢脚板damage 损坏damage threshold 损伤起始点damage tolerance rating 损伤容限damage tolerant 损伤容限的damper 阻尼器;减震器damper band 阻尼箍带daN 10牛顿dash number 零件分号dashpot 缓冲筒dashpot shroud 阻尼罩圈data bank/base 数据库data bus 数据总线data entry plug=programming plug 程序插头data plate speed 发动机转速调节标准牌datum 基准datum face 基准面datum line/point 基准线/点deactivate 有意使不能操作;解除工作动源dead 失灵的dead annealing 完全退火dead end 闭端dead engine 空中停车的发动机dead line 最后期限dead picking 呆液酸洗dead spot 死点dead stick landing 停车着陆dead time 停滞时间dead weight 自重;净重deacrator 油气分离器deblade 拆除叶片debonding 脱层debooster 减压器debriefing 小结汇报debris 碎片;残渣debris guard 防碎片护罩debug 发现并排除故障debulk 去除模件中多余的树脂deburr 去毛刺decay 衰变deceleration surge 减速喘振decibel (音)分贝deck 舱室decoder 译码器decompression 失压decouple 拆开;脱开deembrittle 消除脆性deenergized 不接通deface 表面碰伤defect 缺陷;故障defective component 故障件defelability 可缓性defectived defect 保留故障推迟维修deficiency 缺陷deflation 放气deflection 1.挠曲 2.挠度 3.偏移deflector 挡板;导流条deflector door (反推)折流门deflector sleeve 导向套筒defog 除雾deformation 变形;扭曲defroster 除霜器defuel 抽放燃油degas 除气defauss 去磁degeneration 1.负反馈 2.退化变质degradation 降级;衰减degraded performance 性能下降degrease 表面除油dehusk 去除外皮dehydrating agent 脱水剂deicing 除冰delaminated 脱层;剥离分层delay 延误delayed shutdown 停车迟缓delete 删除;废止delimiter 限定器delivery elbow 供油弯管delta connection (电)三角接线法demagnctize 退磁demand oxygen system 呼吸供氧系统demodulator 解调器demultiplexer 信号分离器denlck 去除刻痕dent 压坑deoiler 去油器departure 出港dependent failure 二次操作;继发故障deplate 去除镀层depletion 损耗deploy 展开deposit 沉淀物deposition 1.沉积 2.喷镀depot repair 大修depreservation 启封depression 凹陷depressurization valve 释压活门depth gauge 深度规derangement 失调derated engine 减小功率的发动机derating 降格使用deregulation 放松管制derivative engine 发动机衍生型derust 除锈desalination wash 压气机去盐清洗descale 除锈descent (飞机)下降description 构造说明;名称desiccant agent 干燥剂design envelope 工作状态设计范围desmut 去除胶状氧化物和积炭desolder 退焊destack 拆开(叠加物)detach 拆开;分解detachable 可拆卸的detail 1.单个零件 2.细节detailed inspection 详细检查detect 探测detector 探测器detent 操纵杆定位卡槽;卡挡detergent 洗涤剂deteriorated 变质的;恶化的detrimental 有害的detrition 磨耗deviant 偏移值deviation 偏差device 装置;设备dewetting 虚焊diagonal brace 对角斜撑杆diagrammetric view 示意图dial gauge/indicator 千分表diameter runout 径向跳动diameter tape 直径软尺diametrical clearance 直径间隙diaphragm 1.膜盒 2.隔板dichromate 重铬酸盐防护处理die casting 压铸dieout 发动机熄火differential 差动的differential link 差动连杆differential pressure 压差differential protection current transformer差动电流保护变压器differentiating circuit 微分电路diffused leakage 慢渗漏diffused Ni/Cad coating 弥散镍铬涂层diffuser 扩压器;扩散器diffuser case 扩散机匣diffusion bonding 扩散焊接diffusion coating 弥散法涂层diffusion cooling 发散冷却diffusion flow 扩散流digital 数字式digital analog adapter(DAA) 数字模拟转换器digital flight control system(DFCS) 数字式飞行操纵系统digital flight data recorder 数字式飞行数据记录仪digital information transfer system 数字信息传输系统digital passenger control unit(DPCV) 数字式旅客服务组件digitizer 数字转换器dihedral 上反角diluter demand regulator 稀释供氧调节器dilution air 渗混气体;稀释气体dilution chute (燃烧室)渗混斜槽dimension check/inspection 尺寸检查dimmer 减光器;调光器dimple 凹窝;压窝dinghy 折叠式救生筏diode 二极管dip brazing 浸渍钎焊diplexer 天然分离滤波器dipstick 测深尺;量杆direct ceiling light 通道灯direct damage 一级损伤directed inspection 深入检查;定向检查directional gyroscope 方位仪directional solidification cast blade 定向晶叶片directional valve 换向活门disable 使不适用disarm 解除预位disassemble V分解disassembly N分解disbond 脱胶disc(disk) (不带叶片的)涡轮盘/压气机盘discard 废弃;报废discharge 排放discharge duct 排气管discharge elbow 喷嘴弯管discharge nozzle 燃气喷嘴discoloration 斑渍;变色disconnect 卸开;拆卸点;拆装接头disconnect valve 管路断开活门discontinuity 1.不连续性 2.断裂discrepancy 缺陷discrete 离散的discriminator 鉴频器disengage 解开;脱开;(电)断接dish(ing) 表面凹陷dished washer 盘形垫圈disintegrated 碎裂的dislocation 错位dismantle 分解dispatch 发送;调遣dispatch fitting 出厂装配dispatch deviation 容许的缺件放行dispatch deviation procedures guide(DDPG) 缺件放行手册dispenser 分配器displacement 位移;(操纵面的)偏度display 显示器disposable 可以更换处理的;随弃的disposition 安排;处置disruption 中断distance measuring equipment(DME) 测距仪distance piece 隔垫distance ring/tube 定距环/管distance sleeve 定距套筒distortion 畸变;失真distress 事故distributor valve 分配活门disturbed 拆卸过的;动过的ditching 水面迫降divergent nozzle 扩散喷管diversion 改航diverter strip 避雷条;分流条diverter valve 分流活门divided entrance duct 分叉进气道divider 分配器;隔板dock 检修梯架dog 爪块;卡销;挡块dogging plate 夹板;卡板dogging sleeve 夹持套管doghouse 高频高压电源屏蔽罩dolly 发动机运输用小车dome light 舱顶灯dome pressure bulkhead 压力舱尾锥door operation ram 反推门作动dope 涂料dormant item 呆滞零件dorsal fin 背鳍dorsal spine 背脊double span vane 导向叶片二片组double wall construction 双壁结构doubler 加强板/条/块doubler capacitor 倍压电容器doughnut 低压轮胎dovetail 燕尾槽 V燕尾榫接dowel 定位销 V用锁接合downlock (起落架)下锁downtime 停用时间downtrim 下调downstream 下游的downwash flow 下洗气流drag 阻力drag brace/strut 起落架前支柱drag chute 减速伞drag link (转向)拉杆;吊杆;阻力杆drag member 承阻构件。

机务专用中英文对照缩写汇总缩写ABBREVIATION LISTAA/C air conditioning 空气调节A/G air/groundA/L autoland 自动落地A/P autopilot 自动驾驶A/S airspeed 空速A/T autothrottle自动油门, adjustment/test 调整/测试ABNORM abnormal 不正常的AC alternating current 【电】交流电ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速ACM air cycle machine 空气循环机ADC air data computer 大气资料电脑ADF automatic direction finder 自动方位寻找器ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指示器ADP air driven pump, air driven hydraulic pump 气动液压泵ADV advance 推进AFCS automatic flight control system 飞控系统AGL above ground level 地标位AI anti-ice 防冰AIDS aircraft integrated data system 整合资料系统AIL aileron 副翼ALT altitude 高度ALTM altimeter 高度计ALTN alternate 交替的ALTNT alternate 交替的AMB ambient 环绕的AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual 修护手册ANN announcement 通告ANNUNC annunciator 通告器ANT antenna 天线AOA angle of attack 功角APB auxiliary power breaker 辅助的动力断电器APD approach progress display 接近行进显示APL airplane 飞机APPR approach 接近APPROX approximately 近乎APU auxiliary power unit 辅助的动力单元ARINC Aeronautical航空学的Radio Incorporated【美】有限责任的ARINC IO ARINC I/O errorARNC STP ARINC I/O UART data strip error 通用非同步收发传输器ASA autoland status annunciator 自动落地状况通告器ASP audio selector panel 音频选择面板ASYM asymmetrical 非对称的ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制ATC/DABS air traffic control/discrete address beacon system ATT attitude 姿态ATTND attendant 服务员AUTO automatic 自动装置的AUX auxiliary 辅助的A VM airborne vibration monitor 空中震动监视器BB/CRS back course 回程BARO barometric 气压计的BAT battery 电池;蓄电池BFO beat扑动frequency oscillator 频率振汤器BITE built-in test equipment 装备自我测试BK brake 煞住(车)BKGRD background (干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音BPCU bus power control unit 汇流排电力控制单元BRKR breaker 断电器BRT bright 发亮的BTB bus tie束缚breaker 汇流排联系断电器BTL bottle 瓶子CC/B circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关C center 中央CADC central air data computer 中央大气资料电脑CAPT captain (飞机的)机长CB circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关CCA central control actuator 中央控制致动器CCW counterclockwise 逆时针方向的CDU control display unit 控制显示器CH channel 频道CHAN channel 频道CHG change 改变CHR chronograph 记时器CHRGR charger 充电器CK check 检查CKT circuit 【电】电路;回路CL close 关闭;盖上;合上CLB climb 倾斜向上CLR clear 变乾净;变清楚CLSD closed 关闭的;封闭的;闭合的CMD command 命令CMPTR computer 电脑CNX cancelled 取消,废除;中止COL column 圆柱(报纸的)栏,段COMM communication 通讯COMP compressor 压缩机COMPT compartment 隔间CON continuous 连续的,不断的COND condition 状态CONFG configuration 结构;表面配置CONFIG configuration 结构CONN connection 连接CONT control 控制CP control panel 控制面板CPCS cabin pressure control system 舱压控制系统CPS cycles per second 每秒循环CRS course 方向CRT cathode阴极ray射线tube 阴极射线管CRZ cruise 巡航CSEU control system electronics unit 控制系统电子元件CT current电流transFORMer变压器CTN caution 注意CTR center 中央CU control unit 控制元件CUST customer 顾客;买主CW clockwise 顺时针方向的CWS control wheel steering掌舵DDA drift漂移angleDADC digital air data computer 数位化大气资料电脑DC direct 直系的,指挥currentDEC decrease减少, decrement减少率DECEL decelerate 降低速度DECR decrease 减少DEG degree 度数DEPR depressurize 洩压; 压下DEPT departure 离开;出发DEST destination 目标, 目的地DET detector 探测器DETNT detent (机械上的)止动装置;棘爪DEV deviation 误差;偏航DFDR digital flight data recorder DG directional方向的gyro回转仪罗盘DH decision决定height高度,海拔DIFF differential 依差别而定的;鉴别性的DIR direct 指挥DISC disconnect 使分离,分开,断开。

override handle
easily to inspect
drastically repair
deformation (n)
deform (v)
anti-ice duck
cut out
cut off
wear strip
manual travel limit
yaw damper
daylight lamp
three section
escape slide
radio altimeter

Remote Communication Air/Ground
Romote Communication Air/Ground Facility Long Range
Rescue Coordination Center
Romote Control Circuit Breaker
Reference My Telegram(Telex)
Red Cross
Rate Of Climb
Ratio Changers
Rate Of Change
Reach Cruising Altitude
Radio Corporation of America
Registered Baggage

OC Open Circuit 断路OC Overcurrent 电流过大OCMF Onboard ConfigurationManagement Function 机载构型管理功能OD Outside Diameter 外径ODLF Onboard Data Load Function 机载数据装载功能ODN Open Data Network 开放数据网络OE Opportunity & Evaluation 机会和评估OEBS Onboard Engine BalancingSystem 机载发动机平衡系统OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商OF Overfrequency 频率过高OFST Offset 补偿,偏移,分支OFV Outflow Valve 外流活门OGC Onboard Boeing ElectronicDistribution of Software Ground Component 波音机上软件电子分配地面部件OGC On Ground Component 地面部件OGV Outlet Guide Vane 出口导向叶片OHMF Onboard Health ManagementFunction 机载监控管理功能OHU Optical Head Unit 光度头组件OIT Oil Inlet Temperature 滑油进口温度OK Correct 正确OMI Onboard MaintenanceInformation System 机载维护信息系统OML Outside Mold Line 外部浇铸线OMS Onboard Maintenance System 机上维护系统OMS Option (Maintenance)Management System 选项管理系统OMS OnboardMaintenance System 机载维护系统。

1、the airframe 机身,结构2、The front (fore) part 前部3、The rear (aft) part 后部4、port 左旋(舵)5、starboard 右旋(舵)6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机8、the nose 机头9、the belly 腹部10、the skin 蒙皮11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡12、the wing 机翼13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘14、the leading edge 机翼前缘15、the wing tip 翼尖16、the control surface 操纵面17、ailerons 副翼18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)20、slats 缝翼21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片)22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)23、flap angle 襟翼角24、flap setting 襟翼调整25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆27、the landing gear 起落架28、stabilizer 安定面29、the nose wheel 前轮30、gear locked 起落架锁定31、the wheel well 起落架舱32、the wheel door 起落架舱门33、a tyre 轮胎34、to burst 爆破35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼)39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上)40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。

民航MCC(Maintenance Control Center)是民航维修控制中心的缩写,是指负责协调和监控航空公司飞机维修工作的部门。
1. AOG(Aircraft on Ground):指飞机在地面不能飞行,需要紧急维修的情况。
2. MEL(Minimum Equipment List):指飞机在某些设备损坏或故障的情况下,仍然可以安全飞行的最低设备清单。
3. CDL(Configuration Deviation List):指在飞机的配置与标准配置不同的情况下,允许飞行的清单。
4. Deferred Defect(延期缺陷):指在飞机维修过程中,发现的一些小问题可以在延期内修复的情况。
5. Work Order(工作指令):指MCC下发的维修指令,包括维修内容、时间、地点等信息。
6. APU(Auxiliary Power Unit):指飞机上的辅助动力装置,可以为飞机提供电力和气源。
7. C-check(大检查):指飞机的全面检查,通常需要停飞数天甚至数周。
8. Line Maintenance(线维修):指对飞机进行日常维护和小修的工作,通常在飞机停靠机场期间进行。
9. Engine Run-Up(发动机试车):指在飞机维修完毕后,进行发动机试车以确保其正常运转。
10. Maintenance Log(维修记录):指飞机的维修记录,包括维修内容、时间、人员等信息,是飞机维修的重要依据。

编者2009/1/20目录一、维修工作常用词汇 (1)1、组织机构及职能 (1)2、按ATA章节划分的基础词汇 (7)3、其它专业词汇 (16)二、维修工作常用缩写 (51)三、维修工作常见单句 (60)附录ATA章节英汉对照 (104)一、维修工作常用词汇1 ORGANIZATION & FUNCTION组织机构及职能CSN 南航股份公司Maintenance & Engineering Div. 机务工程部Shenyang Aircraft Maintenance &Overhaul Base沈阳维修基地Line Maintenance Dept.Production Plan Sect.Technical Support Sect.General Affairs Sect.Quality Control Sect.Airbus ShopTransit ShopMD ShopPre-flight CheckPost-flight CheckTransit CheckTrouble ShootingFault Isolation 航线部生产室技术支援室综合办公室质控室空客车间过站车间麦道车间航前检查航后检查过站检查排故故障隔离Heavy Maintenance Dept.(Overhaul Dept.)Quality Control Sect.Inspection Sect.Production & Planning Sect.General OfficeSystem ShopEngine Shop 大修部质控科检验科生产计划科办公室系统车间发动机车间Cabin Refurbishment Shop Structure & Machining Shop APU ShopScheduled ChecksA checkC checkFH (Flight Hours)FC (Flight Cycles)LandingsCalendar DateD check (4C check, 6Y Check)SeatEmergencyInteriorCleaningGalley & Lavatory (toilet) Engine (APU)CompositePaintingSheet Metal 客舱整新车间结构机加车间APU车间定检A 检C 检飞行小时数飞行循环数起落数日历时间D 检(4C检,6年检)座椅应急设备内饰清洁厨房&厕所发动机(APU) 复合材料喷漆钣金Component Repair Dept.General Affairs Sect.Production Sect.Quality Control Sect.Joint Venture MarketingJV FAA Sect.JV Planning Sect.Electro-Mechanical ShopAvionic Shop 附件修理部综合业务科生产科质控科合资市场科合资FAA室合资企划室机电车间电子车间Landing Gear ShopPMA (Part Manufacture Approval) FactoryPreliminary InspectionVisual CheckPre-testTrouble RecordDisassemblyInspectionOverhaulRepairReplaceOn ConditionCleaningAssemblyFunctional TestFinal InspectionRelease To ServiceSRU (Shop Replaceable Unit)起落架车间航空器材厂预先检查目视检查预测试故障记录分解检查大修修理更换视情清洗组装功能测试最终检验放行内场可更换件Production Support Dept.FacilityEquipmentToolSpecial VehicleGround Power CartPneumatic Power CartTowing VehicleDe-Icing Cart(Defroster)Flat Roof Type LifterScissors Type Lifter 生产支援部设施设备工具特种车辆地面电源车气源车拖车除冰车高空升降平台车剪式升降车CraneTwo-Sets Hydraulic Pressure Vehicle 吊车双系统液压源车Material Management Dept.MaterialExpendable MaterialFilterSealO-RingConsumable MaterialLubricantPaintAdhesiveSealantSparesLRU (Line Replaceable Unit)InstallationAssemblyComponentUnitPart 航材管理部航材一次性航材滤芯封圈O形封圈消耗性航材润滑剂油漆粘接胶封严胶备件航线可更换件总成组件部件单元零件Technical Management Div.Technical SupportEngineering ManagementSB (Service Bulletin)AD( Airworthiness Directive)CADFADEASA AD 技术管理处技术支援工程管理服务通告适航指令中国适航指令美国适航指令欧洲适航指令EO (Engineering Order) Job CardScheduled Job Card Un-scheduled Job Card Technical Data Technical libraryAMM (Aircraft Maint. Manual ) TSM (Trouble Shooting Manual) IPC (Illustrated Parts Catalogue)CMM (Component Maint. Manual ) AWM (Aircraft Wiring Manual ) SPM (Standard Practices Manual ) Maintenance ProgramMRB (Maint. Review Board )MPD (Maint. Program Document ) MRS (Maint. Requirement System )工程指令 工卡定检工卡 非例行工卡 技术数据 资料室飞机维修手册 排故手册 图解零件目录部件维修手册 飞机电路手册 标准工艺手册 维修方案 维修审查委员会报告 维修大纲 维修计划Production & Marketing Management Div. Contract Management Production Planning Marketing MTOP (Maintenance Task Operation Program) MCC(Maintenance Control Center) 生产经营处合同管理 生产计划 市场 维修任务操作方案维修控制中心Quality Management Div. Airworthiness management 质量管理处 适航管理AirworthyFlight Safety InspectionInspector Calibration Center Reliability适航飞行安全检验检验员计量中心可靠性Financial Div. 财务处Human Resource Div. 人力资源处General Office 办公室2 按ATA章节划分的常用词汇21 Air Conditioning 空调Distribution Pressurization Control Air Cooling Temperature Control ValveDuctPipePacksMixerOutflow ValveSafety Valve 分配压力控制空气冷却温度控制活门管道管路空调组件混合器放气活门保险活门22 Auto Flight 自动飞行Long TermFlight PlanEnvelopLateralShort TermFL Flight LevelPressure AltitudeHeightHeadingFlight Path ComputersServo MotorsFlight Augmentation Yaw DamperRudder Travel Limiting 长途飞行计划包线横向短途飞行高度层气压高度离地高度航向航迹计算机伺服马达飞行增稳偏航阻尼方向舵行程限制23 Communication 通讯External Communication HFVHFTransmitterReceiverTransceiverAntennaInternal Communication Interphone Passenger Address MicrophoneHeadsetHandphone 外部通讯高频甚高频发射机接收机收发机天线内部通讯内话旅客广播麦克风耳麦手持话筒24 Electrical Power 电源SourceEngine GeneratorAPU GeneratorBatteryExternal Power Cart VSCFCSDIDGAC BusDC BusEssential Bus Emergency Bus Switches 来源发动机发电机APU发电机电瓶外接电源车变速恒频恒速整体驱动电机交流汇流条直流汇流条主汇流条应急汇流条电门26 Fire Protection 防火Smoke DetectorFire LoopFire BottleAgentPortable Extinguisher Squib 烟雾探测器防火环路灭火瓶灭火剂便携式灭火瓶爆炸帽27 Flight Controls 飞行操纵Primary ControlsRudder (Yaw)Elevator ( Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer) (Pitch)Aileron (Roll)Control TabsSecondary ControlsFlapSlatSpoilerGround SpoilerFlight Spoiler (Speed Brake) 主操纵方向舵 (偏航)升降舵(可配平水平安定面)(俯仰)副翼(横滚)操纵片副操纵襟翼缝翼扰流板地面扰流板飞行扰流板(减速板)28 Fuel 燃油TanksMain Tank Center Tank Trim Tank Electrical Pump BoosterValve油箱主油箱中央油箱配平油箱电动泵增压泵活门Pipe ConnectorHeat Exchanger 管路管接头热交换器29 Hydraulic System 液压系统MotorsConnectorsHydraulic Fluid PressureBlue SystemYellow SystemGreen SystemEngine Driven Pumps CylinderActuatorPiston 马达管接头液压油压力兰系统黄系统绿系统发动机驱动泵作动筒作动器活塞30 Ice And Rain Protection 防冰防雨Hot AirWing Leading EdgeEngine Inlet Electrical Heating ProbesCockpit Windows Rain Repellent 热空气大翼前缘发动机进气道电加温探头驾驶舱窗排雨剂31 Indications & Recording 指示/记录PFD Primary Flight Display Speed (Mach)HeadingAttitude 主飞行显示屏速度(马赫数)航向姿态Flight ModeGlide SlopeLocalizerND Navigation DisplayNavigation InformationWaypointAir RouteFlight PlanNavigation AidsIndicator (Indication) Annunciator (Annunciation) LegendDisplayFlowbarWarning (Red)Caution (Amber)Advisory (Green)Local Indications Centralized Indication ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor)HornChimeSingle ChimeRepetitive ChimesBlack BoxCVR Cockpit Voice Recorder CDR Cockpit Data Recorder飞行模式下滑道航道导航显示屏导航信息航路点航路飞行计划导航台指示器(指示)通告灯(通告牌)指示符,指示灯显示,显示器示流条警告(红色)警戒(琥珀色)提示(绿色)局部指示集成指示飞机电子集成监控器喇叭谐音单谐音多谐音黑匣子(橙色)驾驶舱语音记录器驾驶舱数据记录器32 Landing Gears 起落架Nose GearMain GearsTail GearWheelWheel-WellBrakesStrutExtend/Retract System Up-LockDown-Lock 前起落架主起落架尾橇机轮轮舱刹车支柱放轮/收轮系统上位锁下位锁33 Lights 灯光Internal Lights Dome Light Flood Light Reading Light Exit LightConsole Lighting External Light StrobeLandingTaxiLocationLogoAnti-Collision 内部灯光圆顶灯泛光灯阅读灯应急出口灯操纵台照明外部灯光频闪灯着陆灯滑行灯位置灯标识灯防撞灯34 Navigation 导航Air DataTAT Total Air Temp. SAT Static Air Temp. 大气数据全空温静空温ProbesSensorsCompassGyroGPS Global Position SystemMCDU Multiple Control Display UnitPilot Inserted DataWeather RadarTCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance SystemGPWS Ground Proximity Warning System 探头传感器罗盘陀螺全球定位系统多功能控制显示组件驾驶员输入数据气象雷达防撞系统近地警告系统35 Oxygen 氧气Oxygen Mask Oxygen Generator Cylinder 氧气面罩氧气发生器气瓶36 Pneumatic System 气动系统Air ConditioningCabin PressureWing & Engine Anti-IcingHydraulic Tank Pressurization DuctsPipes 空调客舱增压大翼及发动机防冰液压油箱增压管道管路38 Water/Waste 水/废水Potable Tank Waste Tank 饮用水箱废水箱Disinfector 消毒剂50-60 Structure 50-60 结构FuselageFlight Deck (Cockpit) CabinSeatBaggage BayDoorsWindowsExitsSlidesCargo CompartmentForwardMiddleBulkWings (Sweep-Back ) Vertical Stabilizer 机身驾驶舱客舱座椅行李架舱门窗紧急出口滑梯货舱前中散装大翼(后掠式)垂直安定面49,70-80, Power Plant 动力装置EngineThrust/Reversed Thrust Electrical Power PneumaticHydraulic PowerFanLP CompressorHP CompressorDiffuser/CombustorHP TurbineLP Turbine 发动机推力/反推力电源气源液压源风扇低压压气机高压压气机扩压器/燃烧室高压涡轮低压涡轮Accessory Drive Gearbox BearingEngine Driven PumpIDG Integrated Drive Generator FuelFuel Metering Unit (FMU)Fuel PumpFCOC (Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler)Fuel FilterFuel Flow MeterIgnition ExciterThrottleFuel Shut-Off ValveStarterOilLubricantGreaseAPU 附件驱动齿轮箱轴承发动机驱动泵整体驱动发电机燃油燃调组件燃油泵燃油制冷滑油冷却器燃油油滤燃油流量表点火激励器油门燃油关断活门起动机滑油润滑剂滑脂辅助动力装置3. 其它专业词汇Clear动词:1 清除 Clear the dust from the surface.2 允许 Clear to taxi.形容词1 无障碍Make sure that the travel ranges of the flight control surfaces are clear before youpressurize/depressurize a hydraulic system.在对液压系统增压/释压前,确保飞行操纵面行程范围内无障碍。

名词解释ADF:自动信标接收机,指示NDB电台的方位ALT:高度AP:自动驾驶仪ATIS:机场气象广播,包括风,能见度,云,修正海压,使用的跑道等等CHECKLIST:检查单,飞机起飞,爬升,平飞,下降,着陆前所作的的检查COM:甚高频通讯机,118.0-135.95MHZ,用于陆空对话及A TIS接收DME:测距机,用来测量DME台的距离EFIS:特指有阴极射线管的电子仪表系统FLAP:襟翼,机翼后缘可转动部分,通常用于起飞落地GEAR:起落架HDG:HEADING,航向IAS:指示空速ILS:精密仪表进近,俗称盲降,包括航向道和下滑道,引导飞机至60米高度NA V:甚高频导航接收机,108.00-117.95MHZ,用于接收VOR/DME及ILS信号NDB:导航用广播电台,可听见莫尔斯码TRANSPONDER:二次雷达应答机,采用8进制编码,自动报告飞机位置V1:起飞决断速度,高于此速度不可中断起飞,否则将冲出跑道Vr,(Rotate):起飞抬头速度VOR:全向信标机,提供稳定的方位信号AA/B Autobrake 自动刹车ABS Absolute 绝对ABV Above 上方A/C Aircraft;Air Conditioning 飞机;空调AC Alternating Current 交流电ACARS ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System 航空无线电通讯地址和报告系统ACC Aft Core Cowl 发动机后核心整流罩ACCEL Acceleration, Accelerate (d), Accelerometers 加速,加速度计ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter 异步通讯接口转接头ACM Air Cycle Machine 空气循环机ACN Aircraft Classification Number 飞机分类编号ACMP Alternating Current Motor Pump 交流马达泵ACP Audio Control Panel 音响控制面板ACP Automatic Control Panel 自动控制面板ACPC AC Power Center 交流电源中心ACSC Air Conditioning System Controller 空调系统控制器ACSU Adjustable Cam Switch Unit 可调凸轮电门组件ACT Active 工作的,有效的,生效的,正在使用的ACU Air Conditioning Unit 空调组件3D (3-D) Three dimensional 三维的,立体的AD Airworthiness Directive 适航性指令A/D Analog-to-Digital 模拟-数字,模-数ADC Air Data Computer 大气数据计算机ADC Autodeploy Computer 自动放出计算机ADCU Autodeploy Control Unit 自动放出控制组件ADDR Address 地址,广播ADF Automatic Direction Finder 自动定向仪,无线电罗盘ADG Air Driven Generator 空气驱动发电机ADGPC ADG Power Center 空气驱动发电机电源中心ADI Attitude Director Indicator 姿态指引仪ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System 大气数据惯性基准系统ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit 大气数据惯性基准组件ADM Air Data Module 大气数据模件ADP Air Driven Pump 空气驱动泵ADS Air Data System 大气数据系统ADSHC Air Data Sensor Heater Controllers 大气数据传感器加温控制器ADV Advance 提前,预先AECU Audio Electronic Control Unit 音响电子控制组件AEPC APU/External Power Contactor APU/外部电源接头AFCS Automatic Flight Control System 自动飞行控制系统AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System 自动驾驶飞行指引系统AFM Airplane Flight Manual 飞机飞行手册(FAA批准)AFT Afterward 向后AGB Accessory Gearbox 附件齿轮箱AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制A/G Air/Ground 空中/地面,空/地AGL Above Ground Level 高于地面AH Alert Height 警戒高度AHC Attitude and Heading Computer 姿态和航向计算机AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System 姿态和航向基准系统AHS Attitude Heading System 姿态航向系统AHM Attitude Hold Mode 姿态保持方式A/ICE Anti-Ice 防冰AID Aircraft Interface DiscrepancyAircraft Installation Delay 飞机接口误差(故障)飞机安装延误AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System 飞机综合数据系统AIL Aileron 副翼AILC Anti-Ice and Leak Detection Controller 防冰与渗漏检测控制器AIS Audio Integrating System 音响综合系统ALIGN Aligning, Alignment 校准,对准ALPHA Alpha 字母,迎角ALT Altitude 高度ALT Altitude Hold (PFD/FD) 高度保持(主显/飞行指引仪上)ALT ACQ Altitude Acquire 高度获取ALT CAP Altitude Capture (PFD/FD) 高度截获(主显/飞行指引仪上)ALTM Altimeter 高度表ALTN Alternate 备用ALTS Altitude Select 高度选择AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMA Audio Monitor Adapter 音响监控接头AMB Ambient 外部,外界AME Amplitude Modulation Equivalent 等值调幅AMI Airline Modifiable Information 航线可变更信息AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual 飞机维护手册AMP Amperes 安培AMPL Amplifier 放大(器)AMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System 飞机维护任务保障系统AN/CDU Alternate Navigation on CDU 控制显示组件的备用导航ANN ANNUN Annunciator 告示牌,信号牌(灯)ANP Actual Navigation Performance 实际导航性能ANS Alternate Navigation System 备用导航系统ANT Antenna 天线AOA Angle of Attack 迎角AOC Airline Operational Communication Data Link 航空公司运作通讯数据链AOG Aircraft On Ground 停飞飞机,飞机停飞A/P Autopilot 自动驾驶仪AP Autopilot; Auxiliary Power 自动驾驶仪;辅助电源APC Auxiliary Power Control 辅助电源控制APC/EPC Auxiliary Power Contactor/External Power Contactor 辅助电源接触器/外部电源接触器APD Approach Progress Display 进近进程显示APD/CL Access Panels and Doors/Component Location 盖板和舱门/部件位置APL Airplane 飞机APM Airport Planning Manual 机场计划手册APP Approach 进近APPR Approach 进近APPROX Approximately 大约APR Automatic Power Reserve 自动功率储备APR Automatic Performance Reserve 自动性能储备APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力装置AR As Required 按需要ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated 航空无线电公司ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual 飞机修复手册ARP Air Data Reference Panel 大气数据基准面板ARPT Airport 机场ARR Arrival 到达,进港A/S Airspeed;Antiskid 空速;防滞ASA Aircraft Separation Assurance 飞机之间间隔的确保(确保飞机之间的间隔)ASA Autoland Status Annunciator 自动着陆状态信号牌ASCA APU Starter-Contactor Assembly APU起动机接触器组件ASCV Anti-Skid Control Valve 防止控制活门ASYM Asymmetrical 不对称的ASCU Antiskid Control Unit 防滞控制组件ASI Airspeed Indicator 空速表A/SKID Anti-Skid 防滞ASP Audio Selector Panel 音响选择板ASR Airport Surveillance Radar 机场监视雷达ASSY Assembly 组件,组装Asym Asymmetric/Asymmetry 不对称A/T Autothrottle 自动油门ATA Actual Time of Arrival 实际到达时间ATA 100 Air Transport Association of America Specification No.100 美国航空运输协会第100号规范ATC Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System 空中交通管制雷达信标系统ATD Advanced Training Device 先进训练设备ATE Auto Test Equipment 自动测试设备ATO Aborted Takeoff 中断(止)起飞ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试(试飞)程序ATR Automatic Throttle Retarder 自动收油门装置ATS Air Turbine Starter 空气涡轮起动机ATSCV Air Turbine Starter Control Valve 空气涡轮起动机控制活门ATT Attitude;Attendant 姿态ATTD Attitude,姿态;乘务员ATTND Attendant (空中)服务员AUTO Automatic 自动AUTO BAL Automatic Balance 自动平衡AUTOTHROT Autothrottle 自动油门ATTO XFER Automatic Transfer 自动转换AUX Auxiliary 辅助AV Avionics 航空电子设备AVAIL Available 存在,可用,有AVG Average 平均AVM Airborne Vibration Monitor 机载震动监视器AZ Azimuth 方位BB/AIR Bleed Air 引气,放气BAL Balance 平衡BARO Barometric Pressure 气压压力BATT Battery 电瓶BAT Battery 电瓶BB Broad Band 宽带BBL Body Buttock Line 机身纵剖线B/CRS Back Course 背台航道B/C Back Course (Localizer) 背台航道(航道台)BDI Bearing Distance Indicator 方位距离指示器BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二进制-十进制编码BFN Binary Fractional Notation 二进分式计数法BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator 拍频振荡器BIT Built-In Test 自检,自测,内装测试BITE Built-In Test Equipment 自测设备,内装测试设备BK Break 中断,打断BKGRD Background 背景BKR Breaker 断电器BL Buttock Line 纵剖线BLD Bleed 引气,放气B/LEAK Bleed Leak 引气渗漏BLK Black; Block 黑色;块,堵塞,BLW Below 下方BMS Boeing Material Specification 波音材料规格(书)BMV Brake Metering Valve 剎车计量活门Bnr,bnr Burner 燃烧室BPCU Bus Power Control Unit 汇流条电源控制组件BPI Brake Pressure Indicator 剎车压力指示器BPSU Brake and Position Sensor Unit 刹车和位置传感器组件BRG Bearing 方位; 轴承BRK Brake 剎车(装置),制动(装置)BRT Bright; Brightness (stroke intensity control) 亮度(频闪灯亮度控制)BS, B/S Body Station 机身站位BSI Borescope Inspection 孔探仪检查BTB Bus Tie Breaker 汇流条连接接触器(断路器)BTBR Bus Tie Breaker Relay 汇流连接接触器继电器BTL Bottle 氧气瓶,灭火瓶BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System 刹车温度监视系统BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit 刹车温度监视组件BTS Bleed Temperature Sensor 引气温度传感器BUTE Bent-up Trailing Edge 上弯后缘BVCU Bleed Valve Control Unit 引气活门控制组件CC Center, Caution, Cable, Captain, Celsius, Cool,Cabin,Cycles 中心,注意,电缆,机长,摄氏,冷却,座舱, 循环CAA Civil Aviation Authority (英国)民航局Cab Cabin 客舱CAI Cabin Altitude Indicator 客舱高度指示器CAIV Cowl Anti-Ice Valves 整流罩防冰活门CAL Calibrate 校正,校准CANC Cancel 取消,删除CAP Capture 载获CAPT or C Captain 机长CAS Calibrated Airspeed 校准空速CAS Crew Alerting System, Calibrated Airspeed 机组警告系统, 校准空速CAT Category 目录,类CATII Category II 二类飞行标准CB C/B Circuit Breaker 跳开关,电路断路器CBIT Continuous BIT 连续自检CB Circuit Breaker (电路)跳开关CBP Circuit Breaker Panel 跳开关面板CBT Computer Based Training 计算机辅助飞行训练CBV Cross Bleed Valve 交叉引气活门CBW Cross Bleed Wing Valve 交叉引气机翼(防冰)活门CCA Circuit Card Assembly 电路板组件CCDL Cross Channel Data Link 交输通道数据链路CCP Compass Control Panel 罗盘控制面板CCW Counter-clockwise 逆时针反时针CDH Clearance Delivery Head 放飞主任CDI Course Deviation Indicator 偏航指示器CDL Configuration Deviation List 配置缺差清单,缺件清单CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure 压气机出口压力CDTS Compressor Discharge Temperature Sensor 压缩机出口温度传感器CDU Control Display Unit 控制显示组件CES Canadair Equipment Specification 加空设备规格(范)CESM Commercial Engine Service Memorandum 商用发动机服务备忘录CFM Cubic Feet Per Minute 立方英尺/分钟CFMI Joint company GE/SNECMA CFM国际公司(由美国的GE 和法国的SNECMA联合的公司)CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Chapter, Channel 章,通道CHAN Channel 通道CHGR Charger 充电器,加注器CHR Chronometer 精密计时器,秒表CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature 压气机进口温度CK Check 检查CKPT Cockpit 驾驶舱CKT Circuit 电路CL Close 关闭,闭合C/L Centerline 中心线CLB Climb, Maximum Climb 爬高,爬升;最大爬升CLK Clock 时钟CLR Clear 清除CM Centimeters 厘米CMD Command 指令,命令CMM Component Maintenance Manual 部件维护手册CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互补型金属氧化物半导体CMPS Compass 罗盘CMPTR Computer 计算机CNTRL, Cntrl Control 控制,操纵(机构)CO Carbon Dioxide;Company 二氧化碳;公司COAX Coax Coaxial 同轴(的)Col Column 驾驶杆,栏(目)COM Communication 通讯,连络Comb Combustor;Combination 燃烧室; 结合,组合COMM Communication 通讯,联络COMND Command 指令,指挥COMP Compartment; Comparator 舱; 比较器COMP Compressor;Compensate, Compensator 压气机;补偿补偿器COND Condition,conditioning; Continued 条件,状态;调节;继续CONFIG Configuration 配置,布局,形态CONN Connection 连接,接头CONT Control, Continuous, Contactor, Controller 控制,操纵,连续的,接触器,控制器COOL Cooling 冷却,散热CORR Correction 修正CPAM Cabin Pressure Acquisition Module 座舱压力采集组件CPC Cabin Pressure Controller 座舱压力控制器CPCP Cabin Pressure Control Panel 座舱压力控制面板CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System 座舱压力控制系统CPLT Copilot 副驾驶CPOST Computer Power-On Self-Test 计算机电源接通后自检CPT Cockpit Procedures Trainer 驾驶舱程序训练器cps Cycles per second 循环数/秒CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 防(耐)腐钢CRF Compressor Rear Frame 压气机后框架CRS Course 航道,航线CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CSD Constant Speed Drive 恒速传动装置CSDB Collins Serial Data Bus 柯林斯串行数据总线CSEU Control System Electronics Unit 控制(操纵)系通电子组件CSI Cycles Since Installed 安装后(以来)循环数CSM Current Service Messages 当前勤务信息CSN Cycles Since New 总循环数CSU Centralized Strapping Unit, Configuration Strapping Unit 中央搭(连)接组件,配置连接组件CT Control Transformer 控制变压器CT Current Transformer 电流互感器CTA Current Transformer Assembly 电流互感器组件CTD Column Timer Decoder 柱状定时解吗器CTL Control; COMM/NAV Tuning Unit 控制;通讯导航调谐组件CTR; ctr Contour; Center 轮廓;中央,中心CU Copper 铜CU Control Unit 控制组件CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder 驾驶舱话音记录器cw Clockwise 顺时针CW Continuous Wave 连续波CWS Control Wheel Steering 驾驶盘操纵CWS Caution and Warning System 警告和提示系统DDA Drift Angle 偏流角,偏航角DA(H)Decision Altitude(Height)决断高度D/A Digital to Analog 数字-模拟DAC Digital to Analog Converter 数-模转换器DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字式大气数据计算机DADS Digital Air Data System 数字式大气数据系统DAP Digital Audio Playback 数字式音响播放DB, dB Decibel 分贝DBU Data Base Unit 数据库组件DC Direct Current 直流电D&C Delays & Cancellations (飞行)延误和取消DCP Display Control Panel 显示控制面板DCPC DC Power Center 直流电源中心DCPCS Digital Cabin Pressure Control System 数字式座舱压力调节系统DCTCU Direct Current Tie Control Unit 直流连接条控制组件DCU Data Concentrator Unit 数据集中组件DCV Directional Control Valve 方向控制活门D/D Direct Descent 直接下降DDG Dispatch Deviations Guide 放飞缺件指南DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation 调制深度差DECEL,decel Decelerate 减速Deg Degree 度DEFL Defuel 放油,抽油DEL Delete 删除DEMUX Demultiplexer 信号分离器Den Density 密度DEP Departure 离港,离开DEPR Depressurize 释压, 减压DEPT Departure 离港,离场DES Descent 下降DEST Destination 目的地DET Detector 探测器DEV Deviation 偏离,偏差,缺差DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit 数字式飞行数据采集组件DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder 数字式飞行数据记录器DFIS Designated Flight Instrument System 指定的飞行仪表系统DG Directional Gyro 方位陀螺DGAC Direction Generale I’Aviation Civile(法)民航总局DH Decision Height 决断高度dia Diameter 直径diag Diagonal 对角(线)的diag Diagram 图diam Diameter 直径DIFF,diff Difference, Differential 差,压差,差别的Dig, dig Digital 数字的Dim, dim Dimension 尺寸DIR, dir Direct; Direction 直接,直飞; 方向DISC Disconnect 脱开,断开DISCH Discharge 释放,放电,出口(气)DISEG, diseg Disengage 断开,脱开Disp disp Dispatch 派遣,放飞DIST Distance 距离DISTR, distr Distribution, or Distributor 分配,分配器DITS Digital Information Transfer System 数字信息转换系统Div, div Division 部分,一格,分隔DK Deck 舱DME Distance Measuring Equipment 测距机Dmax Maximum Diameter 最大直径Dmin Minimum Diameter 最小直径DN Down 下,向下,放下DNTKFX Down Track Fix 下航道(道)定位点DOT Department of Transport 运输部DP Differential Pressure 压差DPCT Differential Protection Current Transformer 差动保护电流互感器DPDT Double Pole Double Throw 双极双排(电门)DPI Differential Pressure Indicator 压差指示器,压差表DPST Double Pole Single Throw 双极单排(电门)DPL Detailed Parts List 详细零部件清单DPV Directional Pilot Valve 导流活门DR Dead Reckoning 推测领航DSDD Double Sided Double Density 双边双密度DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字式信号处理器DSP Display Select Panel 显示选择面板DSPL Display 显示,显示器DST Desktop Simulation Trainer 台式(计算机)模拟训练器DTG Distance To Go 待飞距离DTY dty Duty 负荷,负载,DU Display Unit 显示组件,显示器EEADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator 电子姿态指引仪EAROM Electrically Alterable Read-only Memory 电可变只读存储器EAS Equivalent Airspeed 相应空速,等效空速EBS Engine Bleed System 发动机引气系统EBU Engine Build-up 发动机组装ECON,econ Economy 经济ECP EICAS Control Panel EICAS控制面板ECS Environmental Control System 环境控制系统ECU Electronic Control Unit 电子控制组件E/D End of Descent 下降结束,下降终点ED EICAS Display EICAS显示器ED1 EICAS Primary Display EICAS主显示器ED2 EICAS Secondary Display EICAS副显示器EDP Engine Driven Pump 发动机驱动泵EDU Electronic Display Unit 电子显示组件E/E Electrical/Electronic 电气/电子(设备)EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制装置EED Engine Exceedance Data 发动机超限数据EFD Electronic Flight Display 电子飞行显示器EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 电气可抹除可编程只读存储器EFH Engine Flight Hours 发动机飞行小时EFI Electronic Flight Instrument 电子飞行仪表EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System 电子飞行仪表系统EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature 排气温度EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 电子水平状态指示仪EHSV Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve 电子液压伺服活门EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 发动机指示和机组警告系统EIS Entry into Service 投入使用EIU Engine Interface Unit 发动机接口组件EL Elevation 标高ELCU Electrical Load Control Unit 电气负荷控制组件Elec elec Electrical 电电气Elev elev Elevator 升降舵Elex elex Electronics 电子设备ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter 应急定位发射机ELEC Electrical 电气的,电的ELVE Elevator 升降舵EMER, EMG Emergency 应急EMF/emf Electromotive Force 电动势EMI Electromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMU Engine Maintenance Unit 发动机维护组件Enbl enbl Enable 接通, 导通,使。

1、the airframe 机身,结构2、The front (fore) part 前部3、The rear (aft) part 后部4、port 左旋(舵)5、starboard 右旋(舵)6、the inboard engine or inboards 内侧发动机7、the outboard engine or outboards 外侧发动机8、the nose 机头9、the belly 腹部10、the skin 蒙皮11、the windscreen or windshield 风挡12、the wing 机翼13、the trailing edge 机翼后缘14、the leading edge 机翼前缘15、the wing tip 翼尖16、the control surface 操纵面17、ailerons 副翼18、flaps (inboard flap,outboard flap,leading edge flaps) 襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘缝翼)19、spoilers (inboard\outboard spoiler)(spoiler down\up) 阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)20、slats 缝翼21、elevators (elevator control tab) 升降舵(升降舵操纵片)22、rudder (rudder control tab) 方向舵(方向舵操纵片)23、flap angle 襟翼角24、flap setting 襟翼调整25、the full flap position 全襟翼位置26、a flapless landing 无襟翼着陆27、the landing gear 起落架28、stabilizer 安定面29、the nose wheel 前轮30、gear locked 起落架锁定31、the wheel well 起落架舱32、the wheel door 起落架舱门33、a tyre 轮胎34、to burst 爆破35、a deflated tyre 放了气的轮胎36、a flat tyre 走了气的轮胎37、a puncture 轮胎被扎破38、to extend the flaps (to retract the flaps) 放下襟翼(收上襟翼)39、gear extention (gear retraction) 起落架放下(起落架收上)40、The gear is jammed. 起落架被卡死。

轮档挡好-- Chocks in地面电源设备接好--Ground power connected收到-- Roger现在关闭发动机--Shutting down engines准备牵引-- Ready for pushback所有舱门已关好--All doors checked closed松刹车-- Brakes off松刹车-- Release parking brakes刹车已松-- Brakes off刹车已松-- parking brake Released可以牵引--Clear for pushback23号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)two three05号跑道起飞--Runway( or face)zero five牵引完成--Pushback complete刹车--Brakes on刹车--Set parking brake刹车刹好--Brakes on刹车刹好-- Parking brake set准备启动1(或2)号发动机--Start number one(or two) 可以启动1(或2)号发动机--Clear number one(or two) 已经供气(如需气源车)--Pressure on启动结束--Start complete断开地面设备-- Disconnect ground equipment插销移开--Ping Removed稍等--Standby稍等启动-- Standby for start稍等推出-- Standby for pushback在左(或右)方打手势--Hand signal on the left(or right)aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员navigator 领航员steward 男服务员stewardess, hostess 空中小姐radio operator 报务员airliner 班机monoplane 单翼飞机glider 滑翔机trainer aircraft 教练机passenger plane 客机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机amphibian 水陆两用飞机seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机transport plane 运输机helicopter 直升机supersonic 超音速hypersonic 高超音速transonic 跨音速subsonic 亚音速Airbus 空中客车Boeing 波音Concord 协和Ilyusin 依柳辛McDonald-Douglas 麦道Trident 三叉戟Tupolev 图波列夫hatch 舱口aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机navigation light 航行灯fuselage, body 机身nose 机头wing 机翼aileron 副翼wing flap 襟翼tail plane 水平尾翼starboard wing 右翼port wing 左翼pilot"s cockpit 驾驶舱parachute 降落伞passenger cabin 客舱propeller 螺旋桨pressurized cabin 密封舱undercarriage 起落架undercarriage wheel 起落架轮elevator 升降舵radio navigation device 无线电导航设备radio directive device 无线电定向设备luggage compartment 行李舱(fuel) tank 油箱auxiliary (fuel) tank 副油箱main (fuel) tank 主油箱autopilot 自动驾驶仪ground crew 地勤人员airport 航空港, 民航机场airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场airport beacon 机场灯标airport meteorological station 机场气象站main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道taxiway 滑行跑道runway 跑道omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标fuel depot 燃料库control tower 塔台tarmac 停机坪radio beacon 无线电信标boarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线extra flight 加班economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升circling 盘旋forced landing 迫降connecting flight 衔接航班speed, velocity 速度ceiling 上升限度cruising speed 巡航速度top speed 最高速度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸to taxi along 滑行to lose height, to fly low 降低to take off, take-off 起飞to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风。

飞机维修专业英语一,询问航班到达时间1,请告诉我A981航班预计达到时间?Could you please tell me the ETA of flight CA918?当地时间19:30Nineteen thirty local time.2, 航班因天气/ 机械故障原因延误了。
The flight is delayed due to the weather /mechanical fault .二,飞机到达停机位。
Make sure the aircraft parking area is clear of completion of obstruction.2, 请与驾驶舱进行通话联系。
Contact the cockpit with interphone.3, 请将停留刹车杀住/ 松开。
Set /release parking brake.停留刹车已刹上/ 松开。
Parking /brake is set/released4,请档上/ 挪开轮档。
Position/remove wheel chocks please.5,请插上/ 取下起落架安全销。
Insert/remove landing gear safety pin.起落架安全销已插上/ 取下。
Landing gear safety pins are insert/released.6 请关车。
Shut down engines.三, 对飞机情况进行了解1,飞机有故障吗?Is there any trouble with the aircraft?2,一切正常Everything is ok !3,有,请看飞行记录本/ 客舱记录本Yes, please look at light log book/cabin log book.4,请往飞行记录本上签字Shut down engines.四,维护工作。

编者2009/1/20目录一、维修工作常用词汇 (1)1、组织机构及职能 (1)2、按ATA章节划分的基础词汇 (7)3、其它专业词汇 (16)二、维修工作常用缩写 ........................................... 51 三、维修工作常见单句 ........................................... 60 附录ATA 章节英汉对照. (104)一、维修工作常用词汇 1 ORGANIZATION & FUNCTION组织机构及职能CSN 南航股份公司 Maintenance & Engineering Div. 机务工程部 Shenyang Aircraft Maintenance & 沈阳维修基地 Overhaul BaseLine Maintenance Dept. 航线部Production Plan Sect. 生产室Technical Support Sect. 技术支援室General Affairs Sect. 综合办公室Quality Control Sect. 质控室Airbus Shop 空客车间Transit Shop 过站车间MD Shop 麦道车间Pre-flight Check 航前检查Post-flight Check 航后检查Transit Check 过站检查Trouble Shooting 排故Fault Isolation 故障隔离Heavy Maintenance Dept. 大修部(Overhaul Dept.)Quality Control Sect. 质控科Inspection Sect. 检验科Production & Planning Sect. 生产计划科General Office 办公室System Shop 系统车间Engine Shop 发动机车间— 1 —Cabin Refurbishment Shop 客舱整新车间 Structure & Machining Shop 结构机加车间 APU Shop APU车间 Scheduled Checks 定检 A check A 检 C check C 检 FH (Flight Hours) 飞行小时数 FC (Flight Cycles) 飞行循环数 Landings 起落数 Calendar Date 日历时间 D check (4C check, 6Y Check) D 检(4C检,6年检) Seat 座椅 Emergency 应急设备 Interior 内饰 Cleaning 清洁Galley & Lavatory (toilet) 厨房&厕所 Engine (APU) 发动机(APU) Composite 复合材料 Painting 喷漆 Sheet Metal 钣金Component Repair Dept. 附件修理部 General Affairs Sect. 综合业务科Production Sect. 生产科 Quality Control Sect. 质控科 Joint Venture Marketing 合资市场科 JV FAA Sect. 合资FAA室 JV Planning Sect. 合资企划室 Electro-Mechanical Shop 机电车间 Avionic Shop 电子车间— 2 —Landing Gear Shop 起落架车间 PMA (Part Manufacture Approval) 航空器材厂 FactoryPreliminary Inspection 预先检查 Visual Check 目视检查 Pre-test 预测试 Trouble Record 故障记录 Disassembly 分解 Inspection 检查 Overhaul 大修 Repair 修理 Replace 更换 On Condition 视情 Cleaning 清洗 Assembly 组装 Functional Test 功能测试 Final Inspection 最终检验 Release To Service 放行 SRU (Shop Replaceable Unit) 内场可更换件Production Support Dept. 生产支援部 Facility 设施 Equipment 设备Tool 工具 Special Vehicle 特种车辆 Ground Power Cart 地面电源车Pneumatic Power Cart 气源车 Towing Vehicle 拖车 De-Icing Cart(Defroster) 除冰车 Flat Roof Type Lifter 高空升降平台车 Scissors Type Lifter 剪式升降车— 3 —Crane 吊车 Two-Sets Hydraulic Pressure 双系统液压源车 VehicleMaterial Management Dept. 航材管理部 Material 航材 Expendable Material 一次性航材Filter 滤芯 Seal 封圈 O-Ring O形封圈 Consumable Material 消耗性航材Lubricant 润滑剂 Paint 油漆 Adhesive 粘接胶 Sealant 封严胶 Spares 备件LRU (Line Replaceable Unit) 航线可更换件 Installation 总成 Assembly 组件Component 部件 Unit 单元 Part 零件Technical Management Div. 技术管理处 Technical Support 技术支援Engineering Management 工程管理 SB (Service Bulletin) 服务通告AD( Airworthiness Directive) 适航指令CAD 中国适航指令FAD 美国适航指令EASA AD 欧洲适航指令— 4 —EO (Engineering Order) 工程指令 Job Card 工卡Scheduled Job Card 定检工卡Un-scheduled Job Card 非例行工卡 Technical Data 技术数据 Technical library 资料室 AMM(Aircraft Maint. Manual) 飞机维修手册 TSM (Trouble Shooting Manual) 排故手册 IPC (Illustrated Parts 图解零件目录 Catalogue) CMM (Component Maint. Manual) 部件维修手册 AWM(Aircraft Wiring Manual) 飞机电路手册 SPM(Standard Practices Manual) 标准工艺手册Maintenance Program 维修方案 MRB (Maint. Review Board) 维修审查委员会报告 MPD (Maint. Program Document) 维修大纲 MRS (Maint.Requirement 维修计划 System)Production & Marketing Management 生产经营处Div.Contract Management 合同管理 Production Planning 生产计划 Marketing市场 MTOP (Maintenance Task 维修任务操作Operation Program) 方案MCC(Maintenance Control Center) 维修控制中心Quality Management Div. 质量管理处 Airworthiness management 适航管理— 5 —Airworthy 适航Flight Safety 飞行安全Inspection 检验Inspector 检验员Calibration Center 计量中心Reliability 可靠性Financial Div. 财务处Human Resource Div. 人力资源处General Office 办公室— 6 —2 按ATA章节划分的常用词汇21 Air Conditioning 空调 Distribution 分配 Pressurization Control 压力控制 Air Cooling 空气冷却 Temperature Control 温度控制 Valve 活门 Duct 管道 Pipe 管路 Packs 空调组件 Mixer 混合器 Outflow Valve 放气活门 Safety Valve 保险活门22 Auto Flight 自动飞行 Long Term 长途 Flight Plan 飞行计划Envelop 包线Lateral 横向 Short Term 短途 FL Flight Level 飞行高度层 Pressure Altitude 气压高度 Height 离地高度 Heading 航向 Flight Path 航迹Computers 计算机 Servo Motors 伺服马达 Flight Augmentation 飞行增稳 Yaw Damper 偏航阻尼 Rudder Travel Limiting 方向舵行程限制— 7 —23 Communication 通讯 External Communication 外部通讯 HF 高频 VHF 甚高频 Transmitter 发射机 Receiver 接收机 Transceiver 收发机 Antenna 天线Internal Communication 内部通讯 Interphone 内话 Passenger Address 旅客广播 Microphone 麦克风 Headset 耳麦 Handphone 手持话筒24 Electrical Power 电源 Source 来源 Engine Generator 发动机发电机APU Generator APU发电机 Battery 电瓶 External Power Cart 外接电源车VSCF 变速恒频 CSD 恒速 IDG 整体驱动电机 AC Bus 交流汇流条 DC Bus 直流汇流条 Essential Bus 主汇流条 Emergency Bus 应急汇流条 Switches 电门— 8 —26 Fire Protection 防火 Smoke Detector 烟雾探测器 Fire Loop 防火环路Fire Bottle 灭火瓶 Agent 灭火剂 Portable Extinguisher 便携式灭火瓶 Squib 爆炸帽27 Flight Controls 飞行操纵 Primary Controls 主操纵Rudder (Yaw) 方向舵 (偏航) Elevator ( Trimmable Horizontal 升降舵(可配Stabilizer) (Pitch) 平水平安定面)(俯仰) Aileron (Roll) 副翼(横滚)Control Tabs 操纵片 Secondary Controls 副操纵 Flap 襟翼 Slat 缝翼Spoiler 扰流板Ground Spoiler 地面扰流板Flight Spoiler (Speed Brake) 飞行扰流板(减速板) 28 Fuel 燃油 Tanks 油箱 Main Tank 主油箱 Center Tank 中央油箱Trim Tank 配平油箱 Electrical Pump 电动泵 Booster 增压泵 Valve 活门— 9 —Pipe 管路 Connector 管接头 Heat Exchanger 热交换器29 Hydraulic System 液压系统 Motors 马达 Connectors 管接头 Hydraulic Fluid 液压油 Pressure 压力 Blue System 兰系统 Yellow System 黄系统 Green System 绿系统 Engine Driven Pumps 发动机驱动泵 Cylinder 作动筒 Actuator 作动器 Piston 活塞30 Ice And Rain Protection 防冰防雨 Hot Air 热空气Wing Leading Edge 大翼前缘Engine Inlet 发动机进气道 Electrical Heating 电加温Probes 探头Cockpit Windows 驾驶舱窗 Rain Repellent 排雨剂31 Indications & Recording 指示/记录 PFD Primary Flight Display 主飞行显示屏Speed (Mach) 速度(马赫数)Heading 航向Attitude 姿态— 10 —Flight Mode 飞行模式Glide Slope 下滑道Localizer 航道 ND Navigation Display 导航显示屏Navigation Information 导航信息Waypoint 航路点Air Route 航路Flight Plan 飞行计划Navigation Aids 导航台 Indicator (Indication) 指示器(指示) Annunciator (Annunciation) 通告灯(通告牌) Legend 指示符,指示灯 Display 显示,显示器 Flowbar 示流条 Warning (Red) 警告(红色) Caution (Amber) 警戒(琥珀色) Advisory (Green) 提示(绿色) Local Indications 局部指示Centralized Indication 集成指示 ECAM (Electronic Centralized 飞机电子集成监Aircraft Monitor) 控器 Horn 喇叭 Chime 谐音Single Chime 单谐音Repetitive Chimes 多谐音 Black Box 黑匣子(橙色)CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder 驾驶舱语音记录器CDR Cockpit Data Recorder 驾驶舱数据记录器— 11 —32 Landing Gears 起落架 Nose Gear 前起落架 Main Gears 主起落架 Tail Gear 尾橇 Wheel 机轮 Wheel-Well 轮舱 Brakes 刹车 Strut 支柱Extend/Retract System 放轮/收轮系统 Up-Lock 上位锁 Down-Lock 下位锁33 Lights 灯光 Internal Lights 内部灯光 Dome Light 圆顶灯 Flood Light 泛光灯 Reading Light 阅读灯 Exit Light 应急出口灯Console Lighting 操纵台照明 External Light 外部灯光 Strobe 频闪灯Landing 着陆灯 Taxi 滑行灯 Location 位置灯 Logo 标识灯 Anti-Collision 防撞灯34 Navigation 导航 Air Data 大气数据 TAT Total Air Temp. 全空温 SAT Static Air Temp. 静空温— 12 —Probes 探头 Sensors 传感器 Compass 罗盘 Gyro 陀螺 GPS Global Position System 全球定位系统 MCDU Multiple Control Display Unit 多功能控制显示组件 Pilot Inserted Data 驾驶员输入数据 Weather Radar 气象雷达 TCAS Traffic Collision Avoidance 防撞系统 SystemGPWS Ground Proximity Warning 近地警告系统 System35 Oxygen 氧气 Oxygen Mask 氧气面罩 Oxygen Generator 氧气发生器Cylinder 气瓶36 Pneumatic System 气动系统 Air Conditioning 空调 Cabin Pressure 客舱增压 Wing & Engine Anti-Icing 大翼及发动机防冰Hydraulic Tank Pressurization 液压油箱增压 Ducts 管道 Pipes 管路38 Water/Waste 水/废水 Potable Tank 饮用水箱 Waste Tank 废水箱— 13 —Disinfector 消毒剂50-60 Structure 50-60 结构 Fuselage 机身 Flight Deck (Cockpit) 驾驶舱 Cabin 客舱Seat 座椅Baggage Bay 行李架Doors 舱门Windows 窗Exits 紧急出口Slides 滑梯 Cargo Compartment 货舱Forward 前Middle 中Bulk 散装 Wings (Sweep-Back ) 大翼(后掠式) Vertical Stabilizer 垂直安定面49,70-80, Power Plant 动力装置 Engine 发动机 Thrust/Reversed Thrust 推力/反推力 Electrical Power 电源 Pneumatic 气源 Hydraulic Power 液压源Fan 风扇 LP Compressor 低压压气机 HP Compressor 高压压气机Diffuser/Combustor 扩压器/燃烧室 HP Turbine 高压涡轮 LP Turbine 低压涡轮— 14 —Accessory Drive Gearbox 附件驱动齿轮箱 Bearing 轴承 Engine Driven Pump 发动机驱动泵 IDG Integrated Drive Generator 整体驱动发电机 Fuel 燃油 Fuel Metering Unit (FMU) 燃调组件 Fuel Pump 燃油泵 FCOC (Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler) 燃油制冷滑油冷却器 Fuel Filter 燃油油滤 Fuel Flow Meter 燃油流量表 Ignition Exciter 点火激励器 Throttle 油门 Fuel Shut-Off Valve 燃油关断活门Starter 起动机 Oil 滑油 Lubricant 润滑剂 Grease 滑脂 APU 辅助动力装置— 15 —3. 其它专业词汇Clear动词:1 清除 Clear the dust from the surface.2 允许 Clear to taxi.形容词1 无障碍Make sure that the travel ranges of the flightcontrol surfaces are clear before youpressurize/depressurize a hydraulic system.在对液压系统增压/释压前,确保飞行操纵面行程范围内无障碍。

维修术语(灯)不亮not come on 不可用not serviceable “工”型type I 不锈钢stainless steel APU 舱门APU bay door 部件partT 型件Tee extrusion 材料material阿罗钉alodine 参考reference安全带safety belt 餐板feed panel安装install 餐车diner安装座attach fitting 操纵control按钮button 操作检查operational按需要as required 槽spout凹槽notch 侧板sidewall凹坑dent 测量measure把手,扶手handle 测试test包皮cowl 插钉pin保护层coating 插头plug保险fuse 插座receptacle报废discard 拆下remove报告工程师report to engineer 长桁stringer杯子cup 超标out of limit比率转换器ratio changer 超标exceed the limit 壁橱closet 超过exceed边缘edge 超控手柄override handle便于检查easily to inspect 彻底修理drastically repair 变形deformation (n) 陈旧的worn变形deform (v) 衬板liner变压器transformer 衬套bush标牌placard 成型shaping标识sign 乘务员attendant标志instruction 尺寸size玻璃pane 充足的sufficient玻璃纤维fiberglass 冲水按钮flush button补片patch 冲洗flush补片filler 冲压ram冲压空气ram air 低压压气机LP-compressor 抽油defuel 底部bottom出口exit 底盘base除腐区reworked area 底漆primer厨房galley 底座(结构件)mounting厨房烤箱galley oven 底座(螺母)plate储物柜closet 底座(天线)base处理treatment 地板梁floor beam处理dispose 地面ground传感器sensor 地毯carpet传输transmission 第二层two layer垂直的vertical 点火电嘴ignitor存放处location 电路circuit错位migration 电门,开关switch搭地线jumper 电气electrical搭接处interface 电气接地ELEC bonding搭接片splice strap 电源通电power搭接片splice 电子avionics打磨blend out 电子架 E rack打磨片blent disk 电子架shelf打止裂孔drill stop hole 电阻elec resistance大翼wing 电阻resistance大于more than 垫片washer单向活门check-valve 吊仓nacelle弹簧片spring seal 吊点mount cone挡块retainer 调节adjust挡雨板fender 调整片tap导线wire 顶板ceiling灯light 顶部top灯泡bulb 顶部overhead灯泡lamp 定中弹簧decentering spring 灯箱light case 丢失miss灯罩light lens 堵盖plug登机门ENTRY DOOR 堵塞clog端头ending 腐蚀corrosion段section 腐蚀corrode断break 附件(大)accessary断开disconnect 附件(小)attach断裂fracture 附近adjacent to断裂的broken 复合complex断丝,磨损fray 副驾驶员做椅first offcer's seat锻件forged part 副翼aileron多处numerous 改装modification发动机engine 盖cap翻新overhaul 杆rod反光镜mirror 钢丝steel方向舵rudder 钢索cable防冰管anti-ice duck 割除cut out防腐corrosion-inhibition 割断,割下cut off防静电static-free 隔板clapboard,partition防磨条wear strip 隔框bulkhead防滞antiskid 隔热棉insulation-blanket防撞灯anti-collision light 隔栅grille放extend 各有each has放电刷discharger 根据方案in according to disposition 分层delamination 根据监控指令单condition monitor order…风层,脱胶delaminate 更换replace风挡windshield 工程师engineer风挡玻璃windscreen 功能测试functional test风扇整流罩FAN COWL 功能检查functional风蚀erode 供应系统feed system封严sealing 供油管OIL TUBE封严条seal 鼓轮drum蜂窝芯stagger core 鼓起bulge扶手armrest 固定secure扶手盖板armrest cover 固化harden辅助滑轨assistant track 固化剂hardener故障fault 划痕,划伤scratch刮伤scratch 划窝countersink挂attach 环氧树脂epoxy resin挂钩hook 恢复restore挂上hang up 活动窗slide window关上close 活门valve观察镜view glass 货舱cargo compt观察镜viewer 机构mechanism观察员observer 机身fuselage观察员observer 迹象mark光滑地smoothly 加强doubling滚轮roller 加强件stiffener过道aisle 加强块doubler过期expire 加强肋intercostal过热传感元件overheat sensing element 加强修理reinforcement海绵sponge 加温导线hot wire焊接weld 加油面板refuel panel焊条welding rod 加油站面板fueling station panel 恒速传动装置CSD case 夹子clip横梁latitudinal beam 驾驶舱cockpit横向lateral 间隙gap后端rear 减速板speedbreak后缘T/E 减压器reducer厚度thickness 减震器shock absorber呼叫灯call light 减震支柱shock strut护板protect strap 检查inspect护目镜goggles 检修门access door 护罩shroud 胶sealant花键spline 胶带tape滑轨track 胶垫mat滑轮pulley 胶垫圈rubber washer 滑丝cross thread 胶套rubber滑梯罩slide cover 胶纸tape滑油量oil lever 角材angler角型件angle shape 喇叭megaphone 脚登板pedal 拦网block铰链hinge 牢固性security接地点ground point 老化aged接耳lug 老化,退化deteriorate接通,提供supply 雷达罩radome接头fitting 肋rib接线管splice 离合器clutch接线片terminal lug 立柱pole结构的structural 例行routine金属屑metal particle 连杆link襟翼flap 连接attatch紧固件fastener 连接板attach plate 紧急出口exit 连接口coupling进气道inlet duct 连接销lockwire进气口inlet port 联锁interlock径向驱动轴radial drive shaft 裂crack静电,静压static 另一个another救生衣lifevest 龙骨梁keel beam咖啡壶coffee maker 滤网filter卡箍clamp 铝箔foil卡环collar 轮舱wheel well开口销cotter pin 轮子wheel靠背back panel 逻辑logic壳体case 螺钉screw可用available 螺钉孔screw hole客舱cabin 螺杆bolt空气循环隔栅air return grille 螺帽nut口port 螺套insert块piece 螺纹压伤cross threading 框架frame 马桶toilet垃圾箱dustbin 慢车IDLE拉紧pull 毛刺bur毛胚件rough 破损damage铆钉rivet 漆层coating门槛sill 其中之一one of门框door frame 启动活门start valve蒙皮skin 启动机starter密度density 起落架landing gear 密度计densitometer 气瓶cylinder面板panel 千层片shim面漆enamel 前厕所fwd lav模糊blur 前缘L/E模糊不清obscure 腔体cavity磨损wear 墙纸wallpaper目视visual 切口cutout内侧interior board 勤务面板service panel内层inner 轻度light尼龙搭扣nylon fastener 轻微slight尼龙扣nylon hook 清洁clean拧紧tighten 清洁剂cleaner扭力管torsional tube 区域zone扭曲kink 曲柄crank排row 去除深度remove depth排放drain 去毛刺deburr排水槽gutter 缺口nick排水管drain tube 群边skirt edge配平trim 燃油fuel喷漆paint 燃油泵fuel pump喷砂sand blast 扰流板spoiler皮带,片strap 热水器water boiler皮托管pitot 人工行程限制manual travel limit 偏航阻尼器yaw damper 日光灯daylight lamp平衡机构equalizer 软管,软护套hose平滑的,使平滑smooth 润滑剂lubricant平行balance 三段three section散装bulk 逃离滑梯escape slide刹车brake 天花板ceiling上表面upper surface 天线antenna上述above 填补fill深度depth 跳开关breaker渗漏leakage 凸轮cam升降舵elevator 图纸DWG绳rope 涂,粘贴apply失效inoperative 退漆strip paint湿安装wet installed 退色badly faded试车run up 托板pallet释压pressure-release 托板螺帽plate nut收retract 脱开disengage收发机tranceiver 外outer手柄towing lever 外侧outer board手册manual 完成complete手电torch 完成finish手工handwork 万向接头gimbal手提的portable 维护maintain手提灭火瓶extinguish bottle 尾部tail树脂resin 尾舱tail compartment 双倍double 尾喷管exhaust nozzle 水平安定面horizontal stabilizer 尾锥TAIL CONE撕裂tear 位置locate伺服servo 温度temp松动,松脱loose 涡杆jackscrew送修send to repair 涡杆worm bolt塑料plastic 涡轮turbine随动盖板hinge access door 污染物contamination 锁lock 污物dirt锁定lockout 无线电高度表radio altimeter锁扣latch 稀释剂thinner锁销lockpin 铣mill系统system 溢出spill下部lower 翼尖tip下角LWR corner 翼间wing tip下位锁downlock 翼梁spar下陷concave 引进introduce下缘条chord 引孔make guiding hole 纤维板fibre board 引孔drill hole相关的relative 引气bleed相磨chafe 引气管bleed hose消音板accoustic panel 应急emergency销子pin 永久性修理permanence repair 楔形块wedge 用…填补fill it up with…信号灯annunciator 油封preservation行李架luggage-rack 油箱fuel tank行李箱stowage 游动梁walk beam修边reform 雨刮wiper修理repair 语音记录器voice recorder锈蚀rust 预冷器precooler循环cycle 预位ARM压紧gland 原厚度original thickness 压力通风系统plenum system 原来originally压条cover 阅读灯reading light严重的serious 允许损伤allowable damage阳极化anodize 杂志袋literature container 氧气oxygen 载荷调整preload adjust氧气面罩oxygen mask 再循环recirculation液压HYD 在位be in place液压泵HYD PUMP 脏dirty液压管HYD duct 增压pressurization液压系统hydraulic system 增压泵boost pump液压油管组件TUBE ASSY 粘贴bond液压油箱hydraulic reservior 照明illuminate移到move to 遮阳板shade真空泵vacuum pump 自动刹车autobrake拯救salvation 自动油门auto thrust整流罩fairing 自锁螺帽jam nut整流锥spinner 自由移动move freely整形rework 总管manifold正常normal 纵梁longeron正常位置normal position 纵向longitudial正驾驶员座椅captain's seat 阻力支柱drag strut之间between 组件assembly,pack支撑架bracket 组件(电气) unit支撑座support mount 组件(机械) assy支架bracket 最薄min thickness支拄support 作动筒actuator止动固定块stop block 坐垫cushion止动块atopper 座椅seat指点信标marker beacon antenna 注意caution指示indication 转接器adapter制作fabricate 转弯灯runway turnoff light 中厕所mid lav 转向turn中间,中央center 装饰条trim strip周围around 准备prepare轴shaft 着陆灯landing light轴承bearing 自动关闭auto close主轮main wheel 助推机构扳机power assist triggerCategories of DefectCategories of defect depends on experience of maintenance practic e .In this manual, the defaultMethod used to categorize the defect found on the aircraft into fou r areas. Structure defect , Material defect, Common parts and Compo nents defect and General defect.缺陷分类缺陷的分类一般依照维修实践中的经验来分。

航空专业术语缩写英汉AVIATION GLOSSARY A-E--ATIS Airport Terminal Information Service机场终端信息服务ATIS Automated(automatic)Terminal Information Service自动终端情报服务ATM Air Traffic Management空中交通管理ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network航空电信网ATNP(ICAO)Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组ATO Actual Time Over实际经过时间ATRK Along-Track Error沿航线误差ATS Air Traffic Services空中交通服务ATSC Air Traffic Services Communication空中交通服务通信ATT Attitude姿态AUSSAT Australian Satellite澳大利亚卫星AUTODIN Automated Digital Network自动化数字网络AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network自动化话音网络AUX Auxiliary辅助AVOL Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level机场能见度运行等级AVPAC Aviation VHF Packet Communications航空甚高频分组通信AVS Aviation Standards航空标准AWANS Aviation Weather And NOTAM System航空气象和航行通告系统AWOP(ICAO)All Weather Operations Panel(国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组AWOS Automated Weather Observing System自动化气象观测系统AWP Aviation Weather Processor航空气象处理器AWS Aviation Weather Service航空气象服务AZ Azimuth transmitter方位台BBARO Barometric气压BAZ Back Azimuth后方位,背航道BER Basic Encoding Rules基本编码规则BER Bit Error Rate误码率BIT Built-In-Test机内测试BITE Built-In-Test Equipment机内测试设备BOP Bit Oriented Protocol面向位的协议BPS bits per second每秒传送位数;每秒比特数BPSK Biphase Shift Keying两相相移键控BRITE Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment塔台高亮度雷达显示设备BRL Bearing Range Line方位距离线BSU Beam Steering Unit天线方位控制组件BUEC Backup Emergency Communications备用紧急通信C通信C-Band Approx.5,000MHz C波段C/A(CA)Code Course Acquisition Code粗获码(民用的)C/I Carrier-to-Interference Ratio信号干扰比C/N Carrier-to-Noise Ratio信噪比CA Conflict Alert冲突告警CA GPS Course-Acquisition Code粗捕获码(民用码)CA/MSAW Conflict Alert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning冲突告警/最低安全高度警告CAA Civil Aviation Administration,Civil Aeronautical Authority,Civil Aviation Authority民航局CAAC General Administration of Civil Aviation of China中国民用航空总局CAASD Center for Advanced Aviation System Development(The MITRE Corporation)(MITRE公司)高级航行系统开发中心CAB Civil Aeronautical Bureau民航局CARF Central Altitude Reservation Function中央飞行高度保留功能CARs Civil Air Regulations民用航空规则CASITAF CNS/ATM implementation task force新航行系统实施特别工作组CAT Category仪表着陆等级CATⅠCategoryⅠ一类仪表着陆CATⅡCategoryⅡ二类仪表着陆CATⅢa CategoryⅢa三类a级仪表着陆CATⅢb CategoryⅢb三类b级仪表着陆CATⅢc CategoryⅢc三类c级仪表着陆CATC Civil Aviation Training Center民航培训中心CATMAC Co-operative Air Traffic Management Concept空中交通管理合作方案CBA Cost/Benefit Analysis成本效益分析C-BAND The frequency range between4000and8000MHz4000到8000MHz频段CBI Computer Based Instruction计算机基本指令CBT Computer-Based Training计算机辅助训练CC Connection Confirm联接确认CCA Continental Control Area大陆管制区CCC蜂窝式CNS概念CCD Consolidated Cab Display综合机舱显示器CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone ConsultativeCommittee国际电报电话咨询委员会CCP Contingency Command Post应急指挥站CCWS Common controller workstation通用管制员工作站CD Common Digitizer通用数字化仪设备CDC Computer Display Channel计算机显示通道CDI Course Deviation Indicator偏航指示器CDM Code division multiplex码分复用CDM Continuous Delta Modulation连续增量调制CDMA Code Division Multiple Access码分多址CDT Controlled Departure Times管制离场时间CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information驾驶舱交通信息显示CDU Control Display Unit控制显示组件CEP Circular error probability圆概率误差CERAC Combined Center Radar Approach Control雷达进近管制联合中心CFCC Central Flow Control Computer中央流量管制计算机CFCF Central Flow Control Facility中央流量管制设施(功能) CFDPS Compact Flight Data Processing System小型飞行数据处理系统CFWP Central Flow Weather Processor中央流量气象处理机CFWSU Central Flow Weather Service Unit中央流量气象服务单元(组件)CHI Computer Human Interface机人接口CIDIN Common ICAO Data Interchange Network国际民航组织公用数据交换网CIS Cooperative independent surveillance合作式独立监视CLAM Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring放行高度保持监视CLB Climb爬升CLK Clock时钟CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol无连接网络规程(协议)CLR Clear清除CMC Central Maintenance Computer中央维护计算机CMD Command命令CMS Cabin Management System机舱管理系统CMU Communications Management Unit通信管理单元CNDB Customized Navigation Database用户导航数据库CNS Consolidated NOTAM System综合航行通告系统CNS/ATM Communication Navigation,Surveillance/AirTraffic Management通信导航监视/空中交通管理CODEC Coder/Decoder编码器/解码器COM/MET/OPS Communication/Meteorology/Operations通信/气象/运行COMLO Compass Locator罗盘定位器;罗盘示位信标COMM Communication通信COMP Compressor压缩器COMSEC Communications Security通信保安CON Continuous连续CONUS Continental,Contiguous,or Conterminous United States美国大陆本部(四十八州)COP Change Over Point转换点COP Character Oriented Protocol面向字符协议COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf商业货架产品供应CPDLC Controller Pilot Data Link Communications管制员驾驶员数据链通信CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying连续相位频移键控CR Connection Request联接申请CRA Conflict Resolution Advisory冲突解脱咨询CRC Cyclic Redundant Check循环冗余校验CRCO Central Route Charges Office中央航路收征费办公室CRM C Reference Model C参考模式CRM Collision Risk Modeling碰撞危险模型CRM Crew Resource Management机组人员安排CRT Cathode Ray Tube阴极射线管CRZ Cruise巡航CSA Standard Accurate Channel标准精度通道CSE Course Setting Error航线设定误差CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access(datalink protocol)载波侦听多址访问C/SOIT Communication/Surveillance Operational Implementation Team通信监视运行实施小组(美国)CTA Calculated Time of Arrival计算到达时间CTA Control Area管制区CTAS Central Tracon Automation System中央终端雷达进近管制自动系统CTL Control控制CTMO Central traffic Management Organization中央交通流量管理组织CTMO Centralized Traffic Management Organization中央交通管理组织CTOL Conventional Take Off and Landing常规起飞着陆CTR Control zone管制地带CTS Control Tracking Station控制跟踪站CU Control Unit控制单元C§W Control and Warning控制和告警CW Carrier Wave载波CWI Continuous Wave Interference连续波干扰CWP Central Weather Processor中央气象处理器CWSU Center Weather Service Unit中央气象服务单元DD/A Digital-to-Analog数/模转换DABS Discrete Addressable Beacon System离散寻址信标系统DADC Digital Air Data Computer数字大气数据计算机D-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service数字自动终端信息服务DA Decision Addressing beacon system决断寻址信标系统DA Demand Assignment按需分配DA/H Decision Altitude(Height)决断高度DARC Direct Access Radar Channel直接存取雷达信道DARP Dynamic Air Route Planning动态航线计划DARPS Dynamic Aircraft(Air)Route Planning Study动态飞机航线计划研究DC Departure Clearance离场放行许可DC Direct Current直流(电)DCC Display Channel Complex显示通道组合DCIU Data Control Interface Unit数据控制接口单元DCL Departure Clearance Delivery起飞许可传送DCPC Direct Controller Pilot Communication管制员驾驶员直接通信DES Data Encryption Standard数据加密标准DF Direction Finder测向器DFCS Digital Flight Control System数字飞行控制系统DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit数字飞行数据采集单元DGCA Director-General Civil Aviation民航局长DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System差分全球导航卫星系统DGPS Differential Global Positioning System差分全球定位系统DH Decision Height决断高度DIP Diplexer双工器DL Data Link数据链DLAC Data Link Applications Coding数据链应用编码DLAS Differential GNSS Instrument Approach System差分GNSS仪表进近系统DLK data link数据链DLORT FAA Data Link Operational Requirements Team FAA 数据链运行要求工作组DMAP ICAO Data Link Mobile Applications Panel(proposed) 国际民航组织数据链移动应用专家组(建议)DME Distance Measuring Equipment测距设备DME/N Distance Measuring Equipment/Normal标准测距设备DME/P Distance Measuring Equipment/Precision精密测距设备DMU Data Management Unit数据管理单元DO(DOC)Document记录(文件)DOD Department of Defense(美国)国防部DOP Dilution of Precision精度扩散因子DOT Department of Transportation(美国)运输部DOTS Dynamic Ocean Tracking System动态海洋跟踪系统DP Disconnect Request分离拆线请求DPF Data Processing Function数据处理功能D8PSK Differential Eight-Phase Shift Keying差分8相移键控DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying差分相移键控DRMS Distance Root Mean Square距离均方根值DRN Document Release Notice文件发放通告DSB-AM Double Sideband Amplitude双边带调幅DSDU Data Signal Display Unit数据信号显示单元DSP Departure Sequencing Program起飞排序计划;离港排序计划DT Data数据DTE Data Terminal Equipment数据终端设备DT&E Development Test and Evaluation开发测试和评估DTF Data Test Facility数据检测设备DTG待飞距离DTN Data Transport Network数据传输网络DUAT Direct User Access Terminal用户直接存取终端DVOR Doppler Very high frequency Omni-directional Range 多普勒甚高频全向信标EEANPG European Air Navigation Planning Group欧洲航行规划小组E-DARC Enhanced Direct Access Radar Channel增强的直接存取雷达信道EARTS En route Automated Radar Tracking System航路自动化雷达跟踪系统EASIE Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe 欧洲S模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目EATCHIP European ATC Harmonization Implementation Program 欧洲空中交通管制协调实施计划EATMS European Air Traffic Management System欧洲空中交通管理系统ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference欧洲民航会议ECEF 地心地固坐标EDCT Estimated Departure Clearance Time预计离港起飞放行时间EET Estimated Elapsed Time预计经过时间EFAS En route Flight Advisory Service航路飞行咨询服务EFAS Extended Final Approach Segment扩展最后进近段EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System电子飞行仪表系统EFC Expect Further Clearance预期进一步放行许可EFIS Electronic Flight Information System电子飞行情报系统EGNOS European global navigation overlay system欧洲全球导航重迭系统EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator电子平面状态显示器EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiate Power等效各向同性辐射功率EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture扩展的工业标准结构EL Elevation Transmitter仰角台ELOD En route sector Load航路扇区负载管制飞机数量ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter紧急示位发射机EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility电磁兼容EMI Electromagnetic Interference电磁干扰ENRI Electronic Navigation Research Institute(日本)电子导航研究所EOF Emergency Operations Facility应急运行设施EPA Environmental Protection Agency环境保护署ER Error误差ERL Environmental Research Laboratories环境研究实验室ERM En Route Metering航路计量管制ERN Earth Referenced Navigation大地参考导航ERP Effective Radiated Power有效幅射功率ES End System终端系统ESA European Space Agency欧洲航天局ESCAN Electronic Scanning(radar antenna)ESMMC Enhanced SMMC增强的系统维护监视台ESP En route Spacing Program航路间隔计划EST Estimated message预计信息ETA Estimated Time of Arrival预计到达时间ETB Estimated Time of Boundary预计边界时间ETD Estimated Time of Departure预计离港时间ETG Enhanced Target Generator增强的显示目标产生器ETN Estimated Time of Entry预计进入时间ETO Estimated Time Over预计飞越时间ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲电信标准学会EU European Union欧洲联盟EURATN European ATN欧洲航空电信网EUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation Electronics欧洲民用航空电子学组织EUROCONTROL European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation欧洲航行安全组织(欧安局)EVS Enhanced Vision System增强视景系统EWAS En-route Weather Advisory Service航路气象咨询服务FF&E Facilities and Equipment设施和设备F,E&D Facilities,Engineering,and Development设施、工程和开发FAA Federal Aviation Administration(美国)联邦航空局FAATC FAA Technical Center(美国)联邦航空局技术中心FAF Final Approach Fix最终进近坐标FANS ICAO Future Air Navigation Systems(国际民航组织)未来航行系统FANS Special Committee on Future Air Navigation Systems 未来航行系统特别委员会FANS(Phase II)Special Committee for the Monitor-ing and Co-ordination of Develop-ment and Transition Planningfor the Future Air Navigation System未来航行系统监督、协调发展与过渡规划专门委员会FAR Federal Aviation Regulation联邦航空条例FAS Final Approach Segment最后进近段FASID Facilities And Services Implementation Document设施和服务实施文件FCC Flight Communication Center飞行通信中心FCC Federal Communication Commission联邦通信委员会FCC Flight Control Computer飞行控制计算机FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit飞行数据收集单元FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface光纤分布数据接口FDEP Flight Data Entry and Printout飞行数据输入和输出FDI Fault Detection and Isolation故障检测和隔离FDIO Flight Data Input/Output飞行数据输入/输出FDM Frequency Division Multiplex频分复用FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access频分多址FDP Flight Data Processor飞行数据处理器FDPS Flight Data Processing System飞行数据处理系统FDR Flight Data Recorder飞行数据记录仪FEATS Future European ATS System Concept未来欧洲空中交通服务系统方案FEATS ICAO Future European Air Traffic Management System 国际民航组织未来欧洲空中交通管理系统FEC Forward Error Correction前向纠错FGC Flight Guidance Computer飞行引导计算机FGCC Federal Geodetic Control Committee联邦大地测量管理委员会FI Flight Inspection飞机校验FIC Flight Information Center飞行信息中心FIFO First In-First Out先入先出FIFO Flight Inspection Field Office飞行检查现场办事处FIR Flight Information Region飞行情报区FIS Flight Information Services飞行情报服务FISA Automatic Flight Information Service自动飞行信息服务FL Flight Level飞行高度层FLIR Forward Looking Infra-red Detection前视红外线探测FM Frequency Modulation调频FMC Flight Management Computer飞行管理计算机FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis故障模式效果分析FMS Flight Management System飞行管理系统FMS Frequency Management System频率管理系统FMSG Frequency Management Study Group频率管理研究组FMU Flight Management Unit飞行管理组件FMU Flow Management Unit流量管理单元FOC Full Operation Capability全运行能力FOM Figure of Merit性能指数FPA Flight Path Angle航迹倾角FPD Flight Plan Data飞行计划数据FPS Military Primary Radar军用一次雷达FREQ Frequency频率FRP Federal Radio navigation Plan联邦无线电导航计划(美国)FS Functional Statement功能描述FSAS Flight Service Automation System飞行服务自动化系统FSDPS Flight Service Data Processing System飞行服务数据处理系统FSK Frequency Shift Keying频移键控FSP Flight Strip Printer飞行进程单打印机FSS Flight Service Station飞行服务站FSTN Federal Security Telephone Network联邦政府保安电话网络FT Functional Test功能测试FTE Flight Technical Error飞行技术误差FY Fiscal Year财政年度;会计年度GGA General Aviation通用航空GA Ground annta地面天线Gatelink Datalink for packed aircraft网关数据链路GADS Generic Aircraft Display System通用航空器显示系统GAIT Ground-based Augmentation and Integrity Technique陆基增强和完好性技术GAO Government Accounting Office(联邦)政府会计署GBA Geostationary broadcast area静止卫星广播区域GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System地面防撞系统GCS Ground Controlled Approach地面控制系统GDLP Ground Data Link Processor地面数据链处理器GDOP Geometic Dilution of Position位置几何扩散因子GDOP Geometry Dilution of Precision精度几何扩散因子GEO Geostationary静地的GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit相对地球静止轨道静止卫星GES Ground Earth Station地面地球站GFE Government-Furnished Equipment政府提供的设备GHz Giga hertz千兆赫兹GIB GNSS integrity broadcast全球导航卫星系统完好性数据广播GIC GNSS Integrity Channel全球卫星导航系统完好性通道GICB Ground-initiated Comm-B地面启动的B类通信GIRU Ground Interrogator Receiver Unit地面应答机接收单元GIS Geographical Information System地理信息系统GLONASS Global Orbit Navigation Satellite System全球轨道导航卫星系统(俄罗斯)GLS GPS Landing System GPS着陆系统GM Guidance Material指导材料GMC Ground Movement Control地面活动管制GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingGMT Greenwich Mean Time格林威治时间GNAS General NAS综合国家空域系统GND Ground地GNE Gross Navigational Error总导航误差GNR Global Navigation Receiver全球导航接收机GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System全球导航卫星系统GNSSP ICAO Global Navigation Satellite Systems Panel国际民航组织全球卫星导航系统专家组GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensor Unit全球定位系统(GPS)传感器组件GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite静地运行环境卫星GOS Grade of Service服务等级GOSEP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile政府开放系统互联结构GOSIP Government Open systems Implementation Profile政府开放系统实施结构GP Glide-Path下滑道GPIP Glide-Path Intercept Point下滑道截获点GPIWP Glide Path Intercept Waypoint滑行道切入点GPO/GPI General Purpose Output/General Purpose Input通用输出/通用输入GPS Global Positioning System全球定位系统GPWS Ground Proximity Warming System近地告警系统GREPECAS Caribean/South American Planning and Implementation Regional Group加勒比/南美洲计划和实施区域小组GRS Ground-Reference Station地面基准站GRS80Geodetic-Reference System-80大地基准系统-80GS(G/S)Glide Slope下滑坡度GS Ground Speed地速GSA General Services Administration综合服务管理局(联邦政府下属)GSL General Support Laboratory综合保障实验室GSM Global System(or Mobile)Communication全球通信系统GWS Graphic Weather Service图形气象服务HH Homing radio beacon归航无线电信标HARN High Accuracy Reference Network高精度参考网HAT Height Above Touchdown高于接地点的高度HCI Human Computer Interface人机接口HDD Head Down Display下视显示器HDG Heading航向HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision精度水平扩散因子HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse高空电磁脉冲HEO High Elliptical Orbit高椭圆率轨道HF High Frequency(3-30MHz)高频HFDL High Frequency Data Link高频数据链HGA High Gain Antenna高增益天线HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields高强度辐射场HIWAS Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Service飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务HMI Human Machine Interface人机接口HPA high power amplifier高功率放大器HPF Horizontal Position Fix Error水平位置坐标误差HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator水平位置指示器HUD Head-up Display平视显示仪HUI Head up DisplayHVAC Heating,Ventilating,And air Conditioning加热,通风和空调Hybird GNSS/ILS Precision Approach/Landing based on combination of GNSS localizer and ILS glide path基于GNSS 航向和ILS下滑道组合的精密进近/着陆系统Hz Hertz赫兹IIA5International Alopabet5国际字母表第5号码IACA International Air Carrier Association国际航空公司协会IACSP International Aeronautical Communication Service Provider国际航空通信业务提供者IAF Initial Approach Fix初始进近点(坐标)IAG International Association of Geodetical国际测地协会IAIN International Association of Institutes of Navigation国际导航学会联合会IAOPA International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations航空器企业主和驾驶员协会国际委员会IAP Instrument Approach Procedure仪表进近程序IAR Intersection of Air Routes航路交叉点IAS Indicated Air Speed指示空速IASC Inter Area Speech Circuit区域间话音线路IATA International Air Transport Association国际航空运输协会IBAC International Business Aviation Council国际商业航空委员会ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization国际民航组织ICCAI(A)International Co-ordination Council of Aerospace Industries Associations国际宇航工业联合会合作委员会ICD Interface Control Document接口控制文件ICO Interim Circle Orbit中高度圆轨道ICSS Integrated Communications Switching System综合通信转换系统ID Identifier(Identification)标识码(编码、识别标志)ID Instrument Departure仪表离场IDSG ICAO Internet Working Standards Drafting Group国际民航组织网间标准起草小组IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers电气和电子工程师学会IF Intermediate approach Fix中间进近定位点IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations 航空公司驾驶员协会国际联合会IFATCA International Federation of Air TrafficControllers'Associations空中交通管制员协会国际联合会IFCN Interfacility Flow Control Network设施(单位)间流量管制网络IFF敌我识别器IFM Integrated Flow Management综合流量管理IFR Instrument Flight Rules仪表飞行规则IFRB International Frequency Registration Board国际频率注册委员会IFSS International Flight Service Station国际飞行服务站IBM International Business Machines(美国)国际商用机器公司ILA International Law Association国际法律协会ILS Instrument Landing System仪表着陆系统IMA Integrated Modular Avionics集成化模块式航空电子设备IMAWP Initial Missed Approach Waypoint起始复飞航路点IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions仪表气象条件IMCS Interim MCS过渡性监控/管制软件IMO International Maritime Organization国际海事组织IMS Integrity Monitoring System完好性监视系统IN Information Need信息需求INMARSAT International Marine Satellite Organization国际移动卫星组织(原名国际海事卫星组织)INS Inertial Navigation System惯性导航系统INS Insert插入INTNET Integrated Data Communications Network集成化数据通信网络I/O input/output输入/输出IOACG Informal Indian Ocean Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group非正式印度洋空中交通服务协调小组IOC Initial Operational Capability初始运行能力IOD GPS Issue of Data全球定位系统数据发布ION Institute of Navigation导航学会IOR Indian Ocean Region印度洋区域IOT§E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation初始运行测试和评估IP Internetwork Protocol网络间协议IPACG Informal Pacific Air Traffic Control Coordination Group 非正式太平洋空中交通管制协调小组IRS Inertial Reference System惯性参考系统ISA International Standard Atmosphere国际标准大气ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network综合业务数字网络ISNS国际卫星导航服务ISO International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织ISPACG Informal South Pacific ATS Co-Ordination Group非正式南太平洋空中交通服务协调小组ISSS Initial Sector Suite Subsystem起始扇区管制席位分系统ITU International Telecommunication Union国际电信联盟ITWS Integrated T erminal Weather Service综合终端气象服务IVAD Integrate Voice and Data综合话音和数据(通信数据链)IVRS Interim Voice Response System过渡性话音响应系统IWP Interim Working Party临时工作组JAWS Joint Airport Weather Studies联合机场气象研究JCAB Japan Civil Aviation Bureau日本民航局JAWS Joint Airport Weather Studies联合机场气象研究JPO Joint GPS Planning Office联合GPS规划办公室JSS Joint Surveillance System联合监视系统Kbps Kilo bits per second千位每秒KDP Key Decision Point关键性决定点kHz Kilohertz千赫KLAAS Kinematics Local Area Augmentation System动态地面局域增强系统KLADGNSS Kinematics Local Area Differential GNSS 动态地局域差分GNSSkW Kilowatt千瓦kWh Kilowatt hour千瓦小时LL11575.42MHz L-Band carrier L1频率L21227.6MHz L-Band carrier L2频率LAAS Local Area Augmentation System局域增强系统LACAC Latin American Civil Aviation Commission拉丁美洲民航委员会LADGNSS Local Area Differential GNSS局域差分全球卫星导航系统LADS局域差分系统LAN Local Area Network局域网LAT/LONG Latitude/LongitudeLat/Long Reference Waypoint经/纬度经/纬度参考点L-Band Approx1,500MHz L波段(1500兆赫附近频段)LCD Liquid Crystal Display液晶显示LCN Local Communications Network局域通信网络LDGPS Local Differential GPS本地差分GPSLEO Low Earth Orbit近地轨道、低高度轨道LGA Low Gain Antenna低增益天线LCN Local Communications NetworkLLWSA(S)Low Level Wind Shear Alert System低空风切变报警系统LMM Locator Middle Marker航向中指点标LNA Low Noise Amplifier低噪音放大器LNAV Lateral Navigation侧向导航LOC Localize Transmitter(Localizer)航向台发信机LOM Locator Outer Marker航向外指点标LON Longitude经度LORAN-C Long Range Navigation System罗兰-C导航系统LPC Linear Predicative Coding线性预测编码LRR Long Range Radar远程雷达LRU Line Replaceable Unit在线替换部件LSB Least Significant Bit最低有效位LVA Large Vertical Aperture大垂直孔径MMALSR Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway alignment indicator lights中级亮度进近照明系统,并有跑道对准线显示灯MAP Missed Approach Point复飞点MAR Minimally Attended Radar需低度护理的雷达MASPS Minimum Aeronautical System Standards最低航空系统标准MASPS Minimum Aircraft(Aviation)System Performance Specification(Standards)最小飞机(航空)系统性能标准扩展频谱MAWP Missed Approached WaypointMB Market Beacon指点标MBI Message Block Identifier信息块指示器mbps、Mbit/s mega bits per second兆位每秒MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude最低穿越高度MCC Maintenance Control Center维护控制中心MCDU Multifunction Control Display Unit多功能控制显示单元MCI Mode C intruder装有C模式应答器的入侵飞机MCS Master Control Station主控站MCS Monitoring/Control Software监控/管制软件MDA Minimum Descent Altitude最低下降高度MDT Maintenance Data Terminal维护数据终端MEA Minimum En-route Altitude最低航路高度MED Manual Entry Device人工输入器MET Meteorology气象METAR Meteorological Report of Aerodrome Conditions机场条件气象报告MFCP Multifunction Control Display Panel多功能控制显示面板MFDU Multifunction Display Unit多功能显示单元MHz Megahertz兆赫MIDANPIRG Middle East Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group中东地区航行规划<请合法使用í?t>实施小组MIFR Master International Frequency Registration国际频率注册管理站(员)MIL Military军方MKR Marker指点标MLS Microwave Landing System微波着陆系统MMALS Multi-Mode Approach and Landing System多模式进近和着陆系统MMI Man-Machine Interface人机接口MMR Multi-Mode Receiver多模式接收机MMS Maintenance Management System维护管理系统MMW Millimeter Wave毫米波MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification最低导航性能规范MNPSA MNPS airspace最低导航性能规范空域MNT Mach Number Technique马赫数技术MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitudes最低超障净空高度Mode S specific services S模式特定业务MODEM Modulator-Demodulator调制解调器MOPR Minimum Operational Performance Requirements最低运行性能要求MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards最低运行性能规范MORA Minimum Off-Route Altitude<请合法使用软件>低偏离航路高度MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor金属-氧化物半导体MOU Memorandum Of Understanding备忘录MPS Maintenance Processor Subsystem维护处理机分系统MRA Minimum Reception Altitude最低接受高度MRT Multi-Radar Tracking多雷达跟踪MRT-VU Multi-Radar Tracking using Variable Update采用变化更新的多雷达跟踪MSA Minimum Sector Altitude最低扇区高度MSAT移动业务卫星系统(美国的)MSAW Minimum Safe Altitude Warning最低安全高度警告MSCP Mobile Satellite Service Provider移动卫星业务提供者MSE Mean Square Error均方误差MSK Minimum Shift Keying最小移频键控MSL Mean Sea Level平均海平面MSP Mode S specific protocol S模式特别协议(规程)MSU Mode Select Unit模式选择单元MTBA Mean Time Between Alarm(Warning)平均告警间隔时间MTBF Mean Time Between Failure平均故障间隔时间MTBO Mean Time Between Outage平均故障停工间隔时间MTBR Mean Time Between Repairs平均故障修复间隔时间MTBUR Mean Time Between Unit Replacements平均更换故障单元间隔时间MTBW Mean Time Between Warning平均告警间隔时间MTD Maintenance Terminal Display维护终端显示器MTI Moving Target Indicator活动目标指示器MTM Module Test and Maintenance模块测试和维护MTMIU Module Test and Maintenance Bus Interface Unit模块测试和维护总线接口单元MTN MEGA Transport Network MEGA运输网络MTSAT Multi-Functional Transport Satellite多功能传送卫星(日本)MTTDA Mean Time To Dispatch Alert平均签派告警时间MTTF Mean Time To Failure平均故障时间MTTM Mean Time To Maintenance平均维护时间MTTR Mean Time to Repair维平均修时间MTTR Mean Time to Restore平均恢复时间MU Management Unit管理单元MUS Minimum Use Specification最低应用规格MUX Multiplexer复用器MN Multisensor Navigation多传感器导航MUX Multiplexer多工器,复用器MWARA Major World Air Route Area世界主要航路区MWO Meteorological Watch Office气象观测台NN Navigation导航NA Not Applicable不可用NACK Negative Acknowledgment出错通知NAD North American Datum北美数据(基准)NADIN National Airspace Data Interchange Network国家空域数据交换网NAGU咨询报告NAILS National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support国家空域综合后勤保障NAPA国家公共管理科学院(美国)Nanosecond One billionth of a second十亿分之一秒NAR National Airspace Review国家空域审议NARACS National Radio Communications System国家无线电通信系统NAS National Airspace System国家空域系统NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration国家航空和宇航局(美国)NASNET National Airspace System Network国家空域系统网络NASP National Airport System Plan国家航空港系统计划NASPALS NAS Precision Approach and Landing System国家空域系统进近和着陆系统NAT North Atlantic北大西洋地区NAT ADSG North Atlantic Automatic Dependent Surveillance Development Group北大西洋自动相关监视开发小组NAT ATS North Atlantic Air Traffic Services北大西洋空中交通服务NAT SPG North Atlantic Systems Planning Group北大西洋系统规划组NATCOM National Communications Center,Kansas City, Missouri国家通信中心(位于密苏里州堪萨斯城)NATS National Air Traffic Service国家空中交通服务NAV NavigationNAVAID Navigational Aid导航设施NAVAID Radio Aid to Navigation无线电助(导)收设备NAVD North American Vertical Datum北美垂直向数据NCA National Control Authority国家指挥当局NAWP National Aviation Weather Processor国家航空气象处理机NCC Network Control Center网络控制中心NCD No-Computed Data无算出数据NCIU NEXRAD communications interface unit改进型气象雷达通信接口单元NCP Network Control processor网络控制处理器NCS Network Coordinating Station网络协调台NDB Nondirectional Radio Beacon无方向信标NEAN North European ADS-B Network北欧ADS-B网络NEOF National Emergency Operations Facilities国家应急指挥设施NEXRAD Next Generation Weather Radar改进型气象雷达;下一代气象雷达NGRS National Geodetic Reference System国家测地参考系统NGS National Geodetic Survey国家测地勘察NICS NAS Interfacility Communications System国家空域系统设施间的通信系统NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology国家标准和技术研究所NLES导航岸站NM(NMI)Nautical Mile海里,节NMC National Meteorological Center国家气象中心(美国) NMCE Network Monitoring and Control Equipment网络监控设备NMDPS Network Management Data Process System网络管理数据处理系统NMS Navigation Management System导航管理系统NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration国家海洋和大气局(美国)NOPAC North Pacific北太平洋NOTAM Notice to Airmen航行通告NPA Non-Precision Approach非精密进近NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit网络协议数据单元NPLAS National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems国家综合航空港系统的计划NRC National Research Committee国家科学研究委员会(美国的)NSAP Network Service Access Point网络服务访问点NSB National Secure Bureau国家保安局(美国的)NSC Network Service Centre网络服务中心NSDU Network Service Data Unit网络服务数据单元NSE Navigation System Error导航系统误差NSSF NAS Simulation Support Facility国家空域系统的仿真保障设施NTLA National Telecommunications Information Agency国家电信资料署(美国)NTSB National Transportation Safety Board国家运输安全委员会(美国)NWS National Weather Service国家气象服务(美国)OO&M Operation and Maintenance运行和维修O.R.Operational Requirement运营要求OACC Oceanic Area Control Center海洋区域管制中心OAS Obstacle Assessment Surface障碍物评价面OAS Oceanic Automation System海洋自动化系统OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude超障净高度OCA Oceanic Control Area海洋管制区OCH Obstacle Clearance Height超障高OCM Oceanic Clearance Message海洋放行许可信息OCP ICAO Obstacle Clearance Panel国际民航组织超障净空专家组OCS运行控制系统OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface超障面ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System全向进近灯光系统ODAPS Oceanic Display and Planning System远洋飞行显示和规划系统ODF Oceanic Development Facility海洋开发设施ODIAC Operational Development of Initial Air-ground data Communications早期空-地数据通信运行开发ODL Oceanic Data Link海洋数据链OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer原始设备制造商OFDPS Offshore Flight Data Processing System近海飞行数据处理系统OLAN Onboard Local Area Network机载局域网OLDI On-line Data Interchange联机数据交换OMB Office of Management and Budget国家管理和预算局(美国) OMEGA A navigation system that uses two high-powered transmitter grounds stations to broadcast a continuous wave signal.奥米加导航系统ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System全向进近灯光系统OOOI Out-Off-On-In滑出-起飞-接地-停靠门位OP Operational 运行。

名词解释ADF:自动信标接收机,指示NDB电台的方位ALT:高度AP:自动驾驶仪ATIS:机场气象广播,包括风,能见度,云,修正海压,使用的跑道等等CHECKLIST:检查单,飞机起飞,爬升,平飞,下降,着陆前所作的的检查COM:甚高频通讯机,118.0-135.95MHZ,用于陆空对话及A TIS接收DME:测距机,用来测量DME台的距离EFIS:特指有阴极射线管的电子仪表系统FLAP:襟翼,机翼后缘可转动部分,通常用于起飞落地GEAR:起落架HDG:HEADING,航向IAS:指示空速ILS:精密仪表进近,俗称盲降,包括航向道和下滑道,引导飞机至60米高度NA V:甚高频导航接收机,108.00-117.95MHZ,用于接收VOR/DME及ILS信号NDB:导航用广播电台,可听见莫尔斯码TRANSPONDER:二次雷达应答机,采用8进制编码,自动报告飞机位置V1:起飞决断速度,高于此速度不可中断起飞,否则将冲出跑道Vr,(Rotate):起飞抬头速度VOR:全向信标机,提供稳定的方位信号AA/B Autobrake 自动刹车ABS Absolute 绝对ABV Above 上方A/C Aircraft;Air Conditioning 飞机;空调AC Alternating Current 交流电ACARS ARINC Communication Addressing and Reporting System 航空无线电通讯地址和报告系统ACC Aft Core Cowl 发动机后核心整流罩ACCEL Acceleration, Accelerate (d), Accelerometers 加速,加速度计ACIA Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter 异步通讯接口转接头ACM Air Cycle Machine 空气循环机ACN Aircraft Classification Number 飞机分类编号ACMP Alternating Current Motor Pump 交流马达泵ACP Audio Control Panel 音响控制面板ACP Automatic Control Panel 自动控制面板ACPC AC Power Center 交流电源中心ACSC Air Conditioning System Controller 空调系统控制器ACSU Adjustable Cam Switch Unit 可调凸轮电门组件ACT Active 工作的,有效的,生效的,正在使用的ACU Air Conditioning Unit 空调组件3D (3-D) Three dimensional 三维的,立体的AD Airworthiness Directive 适航性指令A/D Analog-to-Digital 模拟-数字,模-数ADC Air Data Computer 大气数据计算机ADC Autodeploy Computer 自动放出计算机ADCU Autodeploy Control Unit 自动放出控制组件ADDR Address 地址,广播ADF Automatic Direction Finder 自动定向仪,无线电罗盘ADG Air Driven Generator 空气驱动发电机ADGPC ADG Power Center 空气驱动发电机电源中心ADI Attitude Director Indicator 姿态指引仪ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System 大气数据惯性基准系统ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit 大气数据惯性基准组件ADM Air Data Module 大气数据模件ADP Air Driven Pump 空气驱动泵ADS Air Data System 大气数据系统ADSHC Air Data Sensor Heater Controllers 大气数据传感器加温控制器ADV Advance 提前,预先AECU Audio Electronic Control Unit 音响电子控制组件AEPC APU/External Power Contactor APU/外部电源接头AFCS Automatic Flight Control System 自动飞行控制系统AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System 自动驾驶飞行指引系统AFM Airplane Flight Manual 飞机飞行手册(FAA批准)AFT Afterward 向后AGB Accessory Gearbox 附件齿轮箱AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制A/G Air/Ground 空中/地面,空/地AGL Above Ground Level 高于地面AH Alert Height 警戒高度AHC Attitude and Heading Computer 姿态和航向计算机AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System 姿态和航向基准系统AHS Attitude Heading System 姿态航向系统AHM Attitude Hold Mode 姿态保持方式A/ICE Anti-Ice 防冰AID Aircraft Interface DiscrepancyAircraft Installation Delay 飞机接口误差(故障)飞机安装延误AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System 飞机综合数据系统AIL Aileron 副翼AILC Anti-Ice and Leak Detection Controller 防冰与渗漏检测控制器AIS Audio Integrating System 音响综合系统ALIGN Aligning, Alignment 校准,对准ALPHA Alpha 字母,迎角ALT Altitude 高度ALT Altitude Hold (PFD/FD) 高度保持(主显/飞行指引仪上)ALT ACQ Altitude Acquire 高度获取ALT CAP Altitude Capture (PFD/FD) 高度截获(主显/飞行指引仪上)ALTM Altimeter 高度表ALTN Alternate 备用ALTS Altitude Select 高度选择AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅AMA Audio Monitor Adapter 音响监控接头AMB Ambient 外部,外界AME Amplitude Modulation Equivalent 等值调幅AMI Airline Modifiable Information 航线可变更信息AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual 飞机维护手册AMP Amperes 安培AMPL Amplifier 放大(器)AMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System 飞机维护任务保障系统AN/CDU Alternate Navigation on CDU 控制显示组件的备用导航ANN ANNUN Annunciator 告示牌,信号牌(灯)ANP Actual Navigation Performance 实际导航性能ANS Alternate Navigation System 备用导航系统ANT Antenna 天线AOA Angle of Attack 迎角AOC Airline Operational Communication Data Link 航空公司运作通讯数据链AOG Aircraft On Ground 停飞飞机,飞机停飞A/P Autopilot 自动驾驶仪AP Autopilot; Auxiliary Power 自动驾驶仪;辅助电源APC Auxiliary Power Control 辅助电源控制APC/EPC Auxiliary Power Contactor/External Power Contactor 辅助电源接触器/外部电源接触器APD Approach Progress Display 进近进程显示APD/CL Access Panels and Doors/Component Location 盖板和舱门/部件位置APL Airplane 飞机APM Airport Planning Manual 机场计划手册APP Approach 进近APPR Approach 进近APPROX Approximately 大约APR Automatic Power Reserve 自动功率储备APR Automatic Performance Reserve 自动性能储备APU Auxiliary Power Unit 辅助动力装置AR As Required 按需要ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated 航空无线电公司ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual 飞机修复手册ARP Air Data Reference Panel 大气数据基准面板ARPT Airport 机场ARR Arrival 到达,进港A/S Airspeed;Antiskid 空速;防滞ASA Aircraft Separation Assurance 飞机之间间隔的确保(确保飞机之间的间隔)ASA Autoland Status Annunciator 自动着陆状态信号牌ASCA APU Starter-Contactor Assembly APU起动机接触器组件ASCV Anti-Skid Control Valve 防止控制活门ASYM Asymmetrical 不对称的ASCU Antiskid Control Unit 防滞控制组件ASI Airspeed Indicator 空速表A/SKID Anti-Skid 防滞ASP Audio Selector Panel 音响选择板ASR Airport Surveillance Radar 机场监视雷达ASSY Assembly 组件,组装Asym Asymmetric/Asymmetry 不对称A/T Autothrottle 自动油门ATA Actual Time of Arrival 实际到达时间ATA 100 Air Transport Association of America Specification No.100 美国航空运输协会第100号规范ATC Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System 空中交通管制雷达信标系统ATD Advanced Training Device 先进训练设备ATE Auto Test Equipment 自动测试设备ATO Aborted Takeoff 中断(止)起飞ATP Acceptance Test Procedure 验收测试(试飞)程序ATR Automatic Throttle Retarder 自动收油门装置ATS Air Turbine Starter 空气涡轮起动机ATSCV Air Turbine Starter Control Valve 空气涡轮起动机控制活门ATT Attitude;Attendant 姿态ATTD Attitude,姿态;乘务员ATTND Attendant (空中)服务员AUTO Automatic 自动AUTO BAL Automatic Balance 自动平衡AUTOTHROT Autothrottle 自动油门ATTO XFER Automatic Transfer 自动转换AUX Auxiliary 辅助A V Avionics 航空电子设备A V AIL Available 存在,可用,有A VG Average 平均A VM Airborne Vibration Monitor 机载震动监视器AZ Azimuth 方位BB/AIR Bleed Air 引气,放气BAL Balance 平衡BARO Barometric Pressure 气压压力BA TT Battery 电瓶BAT Battery 电瓶BB Broad Band 宽带BBL Body Buttock Line 机身纵剖线B/CRS Back Course 背台航道B/C Back Course (Localizer) 背台航道(航道台)BDI Bearing Distance Indicator 方位距离指示器BCD Binary Coded Decimal 二进制-十进制编码BFN Binary Fractional Notation 二进分式计数法BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator 拍频振荡器BIT Built-In Test 自检,自测,内装测试BITE Built-In Test Equipment 自测设备,内装测试设备BK Break 中断,打断BKGRD Background 背景BKR Breaker 断电器BL Buttock Line 纵剖线BLD Bleed 引气,放气B/LEAK Bleed Leak 引气渗漏BLK Black; Block 黑色;块,堵塞,BLW Below 下方BMS Boeing Material Specification 波音材料规格(书)BMV Brake Metering Valve 剎车计量活门Bnr,bnr Burner 燃烧室BPCU Bus Power Control Unit 汇流条电源控制组件BPI Brake Pressure Indicator 剎车压力指示器BPSU Brake and Position Sensor Unit 刹车和位置传感器组件BRG Bearing 方位; 轴承BRK Brake 剎车(装置),制动(装置)BRT Bright; Brightness (stroke intensity control) 亮度(频闪灯亮度控制)BS, B/S Body Station 机身站位BSI Borescope Inspection 孔探仪检查BTB Bus Tie Breaker 汇流条连接接触器(断路器)BTBR Bus Tie Breaker Relay 汇流连接接触器继电器BTL Bottle 氧气瓶,灭火瓶BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System 刹车温度监视系统BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit 刹车温度监视组件BTS Bleed Temperature Sensor 引气温度传感器BUTE Bent-up Trailing Edge 上弯后缘BVCU Bleed Valve Control Unit 引气活门控制组件CC Center, Caution, Cable, Captain, Celsius, Cool,Cabin,Cycles 中心,注意,电缆,机长,摄氏,冷却,座舱, 循环CAA Civil Aviation Authority (英国)民航局Cab Cabin 客舱CAI Cabin Altitude Indicator 客舱高度指示器CAIV Cowl Anti-Ice Valves 整流罩防冰活门CAL Calibrate 校正,校准CAP Capture 载获CAPT or C Captain 机长CAS Calibrated Airspeed 校准空速CAS Crew Alerting System, Calibrated Airspeed 机组警告系统, 校准空速CAT Category 目录,类CA TII Category II 二类飞行标准CB C/B Circuit Breaker 跳开关,电路断路器CBIT Continuous BIT 连续自检CB Circuit Breaker (电路)跳开关CBP Circuit Breaker Panel 跳开关面板CBT Computer Based Training 计算机辅助飞行训练CBV Cross Bleed Valve 交叉引气活门CBW Cross Bleed Wing Valve 交叉引气机翼(防冰)活门CCA Circuit Card Assembly 电路板组件CCDL Cross Channel Data Link 交输通道数据链路CCP Compass Control Panel 罗盘控制面板CCW Counter-clockwise 逆时针反时针CDH Clearance Delivery Head 放飞主任CDI Course Deviation Indicator 偏航指示器CDL Configuration Deviation List 配置缺差清单,缺件清单CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure 压气机出口压力CDTS Compressor Discharge Temperature Sensor 压缩机出口温度传感器CDU Control Display Unit 控制显示组件CES Canadair Equipment Specification 加空设备规格(范)CESM Commercial Engine Service Memorandum 商用发动机服务备忘录CFM Cubic Feet Per Minute 立方英尺/分钟CFMI Joint company GE/SNECMA CFM国际公司(由美国的GE和法国的SNECMA联合的公司)CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Chapter, Channel 章,通道CHAN Channel 通道CHGR Charger 充电器,加注器CHR Chronometer 精密计时器,秒表CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature 压气机进口温度CK Check 检查CKPT Cockpit 驾驶舱CKT Circuit 电路CL Close 关闭,闭合C/L Centerline 中心线CLB Climb, Maximum Climb 爬高,爬升;最大爬升CLK Clock 时钟CLR Clear 清除CM Centimeters 厘米CMM Component Maintenance Manual 部件维护手册CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 互补型金属氧化物半导体CMPS Compass 罗盘CMPTR Computer 计算机CNTRL,Cntrl Control 控制,操纵(机构)CO Carbon Dioxide;Company 二氧化碳;公司COAX Coax Coaxial 同轴(的)Col Column 驾驶杆,栏(目)COM Communication 通讯,连络Comb Combustor;Combination 燃烧室; 结合,组合COMM Communication 通讯,联络COMND Command 指令,指挥COMP Compartment; Comparator 舱; 比较器COMP Compressor;Compensate, Compensator 压气机;补偿补偿器COND Condition,conditioning; Continued 条件,状态;调节;继续CONFIG Configuration 配置,布局,形态CONN Connection 连接,接头CONT Control, Continuous, Contactor, Controller 控制,操纵,连续的,接触器,控制器COOL Cooling 冷却,散热CORR Correction 修正CPAM Cabin Pressure Acquisition Module 座舱压力采集组件CPC Cabin Pressure Controller 座舱压力控制器CPCP Cabin Pressure Control Panel 座舱压力控制面板CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System 座舱压力控制系统CPLT Copilot 副驾驶CPOST Computer Power-On Self-Test 计算机电源接通后自检CPT Cockpit Procedures Trainer 驾驶舱程序训练器cps Cycles per second 循环数/秒CPU Central Processing Unit 中央处理器CRES Corrosion Resistant Steel 防(耐)腐钢CRF Compressor Rear Frame 压气机后框架CRS Course 航道,航线CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管CRZ Cruise 巡航CSD Constant Speed Drive 恒速传动装置CSDB Collins Serial Data Bus 柯林斯串行数据总线CSEU Control System Electronics Unit 控制(操纵)系通电子组件CSI Cycles Since Installed 安装后(以来)循环数CSM Current Service Messages 当前勤务信息CSN Cycles Since New 总循环数CSU Centralized Strapping Unit, Configuration Strapping Unit 中央搭(连)接组件,配置连接组件CT Control Transformer 控制变压器CT Current Transformer 电流互感器CTA Current Transformer Assembly 电流互感器组件CTD Column Timer Decoder 柱状定时解吗器CTL Control; COMM/NA V Tuning Unit 控制;通讯导航调谐组件CTR; ctr Contour; Center 轮廓;中央,中心CU Copper 铜CU Control Unit 控制组件CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder 驾驶舱话音记录器cw Clockwise 顺时针CW Continuous Wave 连续波CWS Control Wheel Steering 驾驶盘操纵CWS Caution and Warning System 警告和提示系统DDA Drift Angle 偏流角,偏航角DA(H) Decision Altitude(Height)决断高度D/A Digital to Analog 数字-模拟DAC Digital to Analog Converter 数-模转换器DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字式大气数据计算机DADS Digital Air Data System 数字式大气数据系统DAP Digital Audio Playback 数字式音响播放DB, dB Decibel 分贝DBU Data Base Unit 数据库组件DC Direct Current 直流电D&C Delays & Cancellations (飞行)延误和取消DCP Display Control Panel 显示控制面板DCPC DC Power Center 直流电源中心DCPCS Digital Cabin Pressure Control System 数字式座舱压力调节系统DCTCU Direct Current Tie Control Unit 直流连接条控制组件DCU Data Concentrator Unit 数据集中组件DCV Directional Control Valve 方向控制活门D/D Direct Descent 直接下降DDG Dispatch Deviations Guide 放飞缺件指南DDM Difference in Depth of Modulation 调制深度差DECEL,decel Decelerate 减速Deg Degree 度DEFL Defuel 放油,抽油DEL Delete 删除DEMUX Demultiplexer 信号分离器Den Density 密度DEP Departure 离港,离开DEPR Depressurize 释压, 减压DEPT Departure 离港,离场DES Descent 下降DEST Destination 目的地DET Detector 探测器DEV Deviation 偏离,偏差,缺差DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit 数字式飞行数据采集组件DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder 数字式飞行数据记录器DFIS Designated Flight Instrument System 指定的飞行仪表系统DG Directional Gyro 方位陀螺DGAC Direction Generale I’Aviation Civile(法)民航总局DH Decision Height 决断高度dia Diameter 直径diag Diagonal 对角(线)的diag Diagram 图diam Diameter 直径DIFF,diff Difference, Differential 差,压差,差别的Dig, dig Digital 数字的Dim, dim Dimension 尺寸DIR,dir Direct; Direction 直接,直飞; 方向DISC Disconnect 脱开,断开DISCH Discharge 释放,放电,出口(气)DISEG, diseg Disengage 断开,脱开Disp disp Dispatch 派遣,放飞DIST Distance 距离DISTR, distr Distribution, or Distributor 分配,分配器DITS Digital Information Transfer System 数字信息转换系统Div, div Division 部分,一格,分隔DK Deck 舱DME Distance Measuring Equipment 测距机Dmax Maximum Diameter 最大直径Dmin Minimum Diameter 最小直径DN Down 下,向下,放下DNTKFX Down Track Fix 下航道(道)定位点DOT Department of Transport 运输部DP Differential Pressure 压差DPCT Differential Protection Current Transformer 差动保护电流互感器DPDT Double Pole Double Throw 双极双排(电门)DPI Differential Pressure Indicator 压差指示器,压差表DPST Double Pole Single Throw 双极单排(电门)DPL Detailed Parts List 详细零部件清单DPV Directional Pilot Valve 导流活门DR Dead Reckoning 推测领航DSDD Double Sided Double Density 双边双密度DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字式信号处理器DSP Display Select Panel 显示选择面板DSPL Display 显示,显示器DST Desktop Simulation Trainer 台式(计算机)模拟训练器DTG Distance To Go 待飞距离DTY dty Duty 负荷,负载,DU Display Unit 显示组件,显示器EEADI Electronic Attitude Director Indicator 电子姿态指引仪EAROM Electrically Alterable Read-only Memory 电可变只读存储器EAS Equivalent Airspeed 相应空速,等效空速EBS Engine Bleed System 发动机引气系统EBU Engine Build-up 发动机组装ECON,econ Economy 经济ECP EICAS Control Panel EICAS控制面板ECS Environmental Control System 环境控制系统ECU Electronic Control Unit 电子控制组件E/D End of Descent 下降结束,下降终点ED EICAS Display EICAS显示器ED1 EICAS Primary Display EICAS主显示器ED2 EICAS Secondary Display EICAS副显示器EDP Engine Driven Pump 发动机驱动泵EDU Electronic Display Unit 电子显示组件E/E Electrical/Electronic 电气/电子(设备)EEC Electronic Engine Control 电子发动机控制装置EED Engine Exceedance Data 发动机超限数据EFD Electronic Flight Display 电子飞行显示器EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory 电气可抹除可编程只读存储器EFH Engine Flight Hours 发动机飞行小时EFI Electronic Flight Instrument 电子飞行仪表EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System 电子飞行仪表系统EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature 排气温度EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 电子水平状态指示仪EHSV Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve 电子液压伺服活门EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System 发动机指示和机组警告系统EIS Entry into Service 投入使用EIU Engine Interface Unit 发动机接口组件EL Elevation 标高ELCU Electrical Load Control Unit 电气负荷控制组件Elec elec Electrical 电电气Elev elev Elevator 升降舵Elex elex Electronics 电子设备ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter 应急定位发射机ELEC Electrical 电气的,电的ELVE Elevator 升降舵EMER, EMG Emergency 应急EMF/emf Electromotive Force 电动势EMI Electromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰EMU Engine Maintenance Unit 发动机维护组件Enbl enbl Enable 接通, 导通,使。
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1、定义1.1 适航性是指民用航空器包括其部件及子系统整体性能和操纵特性在预期运行环境和使用限制下的安全性和物理完整性的一种品质,该品质要求航空器应始终处于保持符合其型号设计和始终处于安全运行状态。
1.18 保留故障(DD)航空器在飞行后和/或维修检查中发现的故障、缺陷,因工具设备、器材短缺或停场时间不足等原因,不能在起飞前排除的故障项目,而该故障在一定飞行条件和时间内不会影响到航空器的适航性。
1.19 保留工作项目在航空器计划维修工作中,因工具、设备、器材、工作条件等原因不能正常地完成的计划维修工作项目。
1.20 维修方案指根据经适航部门批准或认可的航空器维修大纲或维护技术规程及航空器制造厂推荐的维修计划文件,并结合公司的具体情况编写且经适航部门批准的用于该型航空器维修工作的基本文件。
1.21 MSG-2是由美国航空运输协会创建的维修分析逻辑方法,又称“航空公司/制造人维修大纲计划文件”,主要用于1980年以前设计、生产的航空器。
1.22 MSG-3是由美国联邦航空局(FAA)、美国航空运输协会(ATA)、美国和欧洲的飞机/发动机制造厂家、多国的航空公司联合制定的维修决断逻辑和分析程序,又称“航空公司/制造人维修大纲制定文件”。
1.23 维修审查委员会报告(MRBR)是由制造国当局制定和批准的、针对衍生型号或新型号审定航空器的初始最低维护\检查要求,该报告包含了对航空器、在翼发动机维修方案的初始最低维护\检查要求,但并未包含对独立未装机发动机的维修方案。