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1. 常见的时间副词常见的时间副词有now, then, soon, ago, recently, lately, later, finally, before, early, today tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, suddenly, immediately, already, just 等。

2. 时间副词在句中的位置

(1) 表确定时间的副词(如today, yesterday 等)通常位于句末,有时也位于句首:He went home yesterday. / Yesterday he went home. 他昨天回家了。而那些表示非确定时间的副词(如soon, recently, suddenly 等)除可用于句末或句首外,还可位于句中(通常位于实意动词之前,动词be、助动词、情态动词之后):

He went to Paris recently. / He recently went to Paris. / Recently he went to Paris. 最近他去了巴黎。⑵still, already, just等几个表示时间的副词通常位于句中(实意动词之前,动词be、助动词、


He' s just left for school. 他刚刚去学校。

I have already finished my work. 我已经做完了工作。


She was still [still was] beautiful at the age of forty. 她到了40 岁仍然很美。

I already have told him about it. 我已经把情况告诉他了。

still 若用于否定句,则总是位于助动词之前:

I still don 't understand what you mean. 我还是不明白你的意思。另外,still 和already 还可位于句末,表示惊奇:

Are you on page one still? 你还在看第1 页?Is your mother back already? 你妈妈就已经回来了?


1. 常见的地点副词

常见的地点副词有here, there, up, down, away, nearby, home, ahead, abroad, indoors, overseas, halfway, upstairs, downstairs 等。

2. 地点副词在句中的位置


Can you help to carry this table upstairs? 你能帮忙把桌子搬到楼上去吗?

The boy read quietly over there all afternoon. 这男孩整个下午都在那儿静静地看书。


1. 方式副词的特点

方式副词表示动词的行为方式,许多以-ly 结构的副词都是方式副词,如carefully, happily, quietly, heavily, warmly, correctly, politely, angrily 等。

2. 方式副词在句中的位置

(1) 方式副词通常位于动词(及其宾语)之后:

He read the letter slowly. 他从容不迫地看了那封信。方式副词通常不位于动词与宾语之间,除非动词后的宾语很长:不可说:We like very much it. ( 应改为We like it very much.) 但可说:We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us. 我们可以很清楚地看到在我们前方有一道奇怪的光。



He looked at me curiously. / He looked curiously at me. 他好奇地打量着我。

He looked curiously at everyone who got off the plane. 他好奇地打量着从飞机上走下来的每一个人。(2) 方式副词(主要是单个的方式副词)有时也可位于主语与动词之间:He quickly got dressed. 他赶紧穿好衣服。

He angrily tore up the letter. 他很生气,把信撕碎了。

(3) 有的方式副词( 如bravely, cleverly, cruelly, foolishly, generously, kindly, secretly, simply 等)


They secretly decided to leave the town. 他们秘密决定离开这个城市。They decided to leave the town secretly. 他们决定秘密地离开这个城市。He answered the questions foolishly. 他对这个问题作了愚蠢的回答。He foolishly answered the questions. 他愚蠢地回答了这个问题。

(4) 有的方式副词(如gently, quietly, slowly, suddenly 等)有时可位于句首,以达到某种戏剧性的效果(这主要见于书面语中):

Suddenly, the driver started the engine. 突然地,司机启动了发动机。


1. 频度副词的特点频度副词表示动作发生的次数,常见有的ever, never, rarely, seldom, once, often, occasionally, constantly, frequently, usually, continually, always 等。

2. 频度副词在句中的位置


He often comes to see us. 他常来看我们。

He is seldom late for school. 他上学很少迟到。


She always was late. 她老是迟到。有的频度副词可位于句末(尤其受very, only 修饰时) :I get paid on Fridays usually. 我通常在星期五领工资。We go out very seldom. 我们很少外出。

Do you go to the cinema very often? 你常去看电影吗?

有的频度副词(如sometimes, often, usually, frequently, occasionally 等)可位于句首(此时多半是因为强调或对比):

Sometimes he went there by bus. 有时他坐公共汽车去那儿。

Very often the phone rings when I ' m in the bath. 电话经常在我洗澡时响。【注】含有否定意义的频度副词置于句首时,其后要用倒装语序:Never have I been there. 我从未去过那儿。

Seldom does he see a film. 他很少看电影。另外,频度副词always 和never 通常不位于句首,除非是祈使句:Always remember this. 时刻记住这一点。

Never go out at night. 晚上千万不要出去。

3. 频度副词在否定句中的位置

在否定句中,有的频度副词可位于否定词not之后或之前(如usually, often),有的频度副词

则必须位于否定词之后(如always, constantly, continually, continuously ,均含有“连续不断”

之意),而有的频度副词却必须要位于否定词not 之前(如sometimes, frequently):

He doesn' t usually come here. / He usually doesn ' t come here. 他通常不来这儿。She doesn' t always come late. 她并非总是迟到。(不能说always doesn' t) He is sometimes not responsible for what he does. 他有时对所做的事不负责任。


1. 程度副词的特点程度副词用于表示程度,常见的有fairly, pretty, rather, quite, very, much, too, greatly, almost, nearly, half, highly, awfully, deeply, partly, perfectly, really 等。

2. 程度副词的用法注意点

(1)程度副词主要用于修饰形容词和副词,有的还可修饰比较级(如much, rather 等)和最高
