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done a good job. 7)S_a_t_is_f_y_i_n_g_ly_,the boy passed the exam easily .
4. …people should go to clean graves and light incense_i_n__m_e__m_o__ry__o_f__ their ancestors. (P2, L11-12)
starve sb into doing sth
断绝食物/ 资金来源迫使某人做某事
1.No one showed mercy to the _s_t_a_r_v_in_g__child because too many people had __st_a_r_v_e_d_to death in the war ;finally she died of _s_ta_r_v_a_t_i_o.n 2.她又失败了,但她一直渴望成功。 She failed again, _s_ta_r_v_i_n_g_f_o_r___success . 3.许多当地人渴望知道辐射对他们的影响有多 么严重。 Many local people were _s_t_a_r_v_in_g_ to know
After the earthquake,
grea来自百度文库 changes took place. Fortunately, no
事件的“发生”, fire broke out during
即这种事情的发生 一般是事先的安排
the earthquake.
in a minute . 3. Robson came on _i_n_p__la_c_e_o_f___Wilkins ten
minutes before the end of game . 二.选词填空: take place happen break out 4. The 2014 World Cup will __ta_k_e__p_la_c_e_ in Brazil . 5. A big earth__h_a_p_p_e_n_e_d____ in Japan, in 2011. 6.Salt--buying panic(抢购食盐风潮
1) The colours of the picture quite__s_a_ti_s_fy__th_e__e_y.e 这幅画的色彩很悦目。
2) She __is_n_o_t__sa_t_i_sf_i_e_d_w__it_h__anything but the best. 她事事都要最好的方才罢休。
satisfy vt. 使__…__满__意___→_s_a__ti_s_f_a_c_ti_o_n__ n. 满意
→_s_a_t_is_f_ie__d___ adj. 感到满意的(形容人)
→__s_a_ti_s_f_y_in__g____/satisfactory adj. 令人满意的(形容物) ① The amount of money can’t satisfy my needs.
_i_n__ch__a_rg_e__o_f__Apple instead . 4. Since they are _in__se_a_r_c_h__o_fthe lost child, you'd
better not bother them now . 5. Many Chinese universities provide scholarships
② __s_ta_r_v_e__t_o_d__o______ 渴望去做… ③__s_t_a_r_v_e__to__d_e_a_t_h___ 饿死
4.These measures were aimed at starving the country into giving up . 这些措施旨在断绝这个国家的经济来源,以迫 使它放弃。
1.They call their son Albert Franz __in__m_e_m__o_r_y_of /in honour of their father . 2. People wrote many poems _i_n_p_r_a_i_s_e_o_f_our
motherland . 3.Steve Jobs passed away ; he is
__b_r_o_k_e_o_u__t _almost everywhere in China then .
2. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to
find. (P1, L5-6)
dress sb.
dress up (as) be dressed in+(颜色)
打扮(成) 穿着(表示 状态)
① The girl _w_a__s_d_r_e_s_s__e_d_i_n_red. ② Mary wakes up her kid
and _d__re__s_s_e_sthem every
3) We __w_e_r_e__sa_t_i_sf_i_ed__t_o____get a timely answer. 得到及时的回答,我们感到满意。
4)_T_o__o_u__r_s_a_ti_s_fa_c_t_io_n_______,(让我们感到满 意的是)she got the first place in the exam . 5)The little girl gave a __s_a_ti_s_fi_e_d_ smile. 6) It’s a very _s_a_ti_s_fy_i_n_g_ feeling when you have
day. ③ She __d_r_e_s_s_e_d__u_p__a_sa
(2). 【辨析】dress/wear/put on/have on
① dress表示 动作 ,表示“给(人)穿衣/打扮”,后 面的宾语是表示人的名词。
② put on表示__动__作_____,表示“穿(衣)戴(帽)”, 后面的宾语是表示衣服等的名词。
1 dipped 3. confident 5. brief 7. invitation 9. beards
2. knocked into 4. Afterwards 6. devotion 8. went wrong 10. sensitive
1. dream of 3. or so 5. perform 7. instruments 9. relies on
2. millionaires 4. earn 6. In addition 8. painful 10. above all
① take place
A.意为“发生,碰 When the earthquake
happened, many people
happened to be out.
③ They got lost in the desert and starve to death. 他们在
【归纳】: ① ___s_t_a_rv__e_f_o_r_______ 极需要…,渴望… =_l_o_n_g__f_o_r_______=__b_e__d_y_i_n_g__f_o_r__
1)The child try to __d_r_e_s_s__u_p_a_s_____ his mother 2)On the new year eve the men __d_r_e_s_s_u_p__in__________ red in order to show their strength Cf: dress / put on / wear / have on 3._P_u_t_ti_n_g__o_n_____ his coat , he went out . 4.She looks very beautifulw_e_a_r_i_n_g_/_h_a_v_in__g_o_n_ the red coat . 5.She cooked the meat and _d_r_e_s_s_e_d__ the boy in a hurry .
how serious the influence of the radiation
would be .
3. Some festivals are held to _h_o__n_o_r_t_h_e_d_e_a_d_____ or
to_s_a_t_is_f_y__ the ancestors. (P2, L10) 一些节日是被举行来_纪__念___ __死__者__或使祖先_满__意___。
翻译:_当__地__震__发__生__ _时__,__很__多__人__碰__巧__在__
③_b_r_e_a_k___ out
C.意为“发生,爆 发”,常指战争
_外__面__、__地__震__过__后__,__ _巨__大__的__变__化__发__生_ 了。
_______,灾难,疾 幸运的是,地震期 病火,灾__________等 间没有爆发火灾。
_s_t_a_r_v_e__ vt.&vi. 挨饿→starving __a_d_j_. _(词性) 饥饿的 →__s_ta_r_v_a_t_i_o_n__ n. 挨饿,饿死
① I am starving for success.
② They are starving to hold a party. 他们渴望开个派对。
【“in+n.+of”结构短语汇总】 ①in _h_o__n_o_r___ of 为向…表示敬意,纪念 ②in f_a_v_o_r_____ of 赞同… ③in _p_r_a_is__e__ of 表扬…,称赞… ④in _fa__c_e_____ of 面临… ⑤in __s_e_a_r_c_h__ of 寻找… ⑥in _c_h_a_r_g_e___ of 掌管… ⑦in _n_e_e_d_____ of 需要… ⑧in _p_l_a_c_e____ of代替…
一.用place 的相关短语填空 1. I like to have everything _i_n_p_l_a_c_e___. 2. Please _t_a_k_e__y_o_u_r_p_lace . The show will begin
for students _i_n_n__ee_d__o_f_financial aid.
5. …when they can dress up and go to their neighbors’ homes
to ask for sweets. (P2, L18-19) (1). 研读表格,选择正确的词组填空。
②词组:_b_e_s__a_ti_s_f_ie_d__w__it_h__ 意义:对_…__感__到__满__意___
③词组:_to__o_n_e__’s__s_a_t_is_f_a_c_t_ion 意义:让_某__人__满__意__的__是
③ wear表示 状态 ,表示“穿戴、佩戴(手表、首饰、花 等),留(发型、胡须)等”;还可表示“面露、面带( 某种表情、样子等)”
④ have on表示___状__态_,除了表示“穿着,戴着”之外, 还可表示树木等“披着,挂着”。
1.dress up dress up in / dress up as
② She is satisfied with her son’s progress.
③ To the teacher’s satisfaction, the class all pas某sed人the