小学四年级人教 精通版 上册英语总复习 归纳

小学四年级人教精通版上册英语总复习归纳人教版(精通)四年级英语上册期末总复资料一、26个字母的听说读写二、已掌握的单词Unit 1: 中国 - China,美国 - America,英国 - England,新加坡 - Singapore,加拿大 - Canada,好的 - good,朋友 - friend,兄弟 - brother,姐妹 - sister,男孩 - boy,女孩 - girl,教师 - teacher,农民 - farmer,邮递员 - postman,医生 - doctor,护士- nurse,司机 - driver。
Unit 2: 班级 - class,年级 - grade,一 - one,二 - two,三- three,四 - four,五 - five,六 - six,七 - seven,八 - eight,九 - nine,十 - ten,十一 - eleven,十二 - twelve,十三 - thirteen,十四 - fourteen,十五 - fifteen,十六 - sixteen,十七 - seventeen,十八 - XXX,十九 - XXX,二十 - XXX。
Unit 3: 菠萝 - pineapple,柠檬 - lemon,苹果 - apple,梨 - pear,西瓜 - watermelon,猕猴桃 - kiwi fruit,橙 - orange,香蕉 - banana,土豆 - potato,番茄 - tomato,胡萝卜 - carrot,黄瓜 - cucumber,茄子 - eggplant,青椒 - green pepper。
Unit 4: 晴朗的 - fine,好的 - nice,温暖的 - warm,凉爽的 - cool,炎热的 - hot,寒冷的 - cold,晴朗的 - sunny,多云的 - cloudy,有风的 - windy,下雨的 - rainy,下雪的 - XXX。

新版PEP小学英语三年级上册单词表Unit 1ruler ['ru:ləə]n.直尺pencil [ˈpensl]n. 铅笔eraser[i'reisə]n. 橡皮擦crayon ['kreiən] n. 蜡笔bag [bæg]n.包pen [pen]n. 钢笔pencil box['pensl bɔks]n. 铅笔盒book[buk]n. 书no [nəu] 不your [jɔ:ə]pron. 你(们)的Unit 2red [red]n. 红色adj. 红色的green[ɡriːn]adj. 绿色的n. 绿色yellow [ˈjeləu]adj. 黄色的n. 黄色blue [bluː]n. 蓝色adj. 蓝色的black [blæk]n. 黑色adj. 黑色的brown[braun]n.棕色adj.棕色的white[(h)wait]adj. 白色的n. 白色orange[ˈɔrindʒ]n.橙色adj.橙色的,Ok [əu’kei] 好;行Mum [mʌm] n. 妈妈Unit 3face [feis]n. 脸ear [iə]n. 耳朵eye [ai] n. 眼睛nose [nəuz]n. 鼻子mouth[mauθ]n. 嘴arm [ɑ:m]n. 胳膊hand [hænd]n. 手head[hed]n. 头body['bɔdi]n. 身体leg [leg]n. 腿foot[fut]n. 脚school [sku:l]n. 学校Unit 4duck [dʌk]n. 鸭子pig[piɡ]n. 猪cat [kæt]n. 猫bear [beəə]n. 熊dog [dɔg]n. 狗elephant [ˈ'elifənt]n. 大象monkey ['mʌŋki]n. 猴子bird [bə:əd]n. 鸟tiger ['taigə] n. 老虎panda [ˈ'pændə]n. 熊猫zoo[zuː]n. 动物园funny [‘fʌni] adj. 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread[bred]n. 面包juice [dʒu:s]n. 果汁、液egg [eg] n. 蛋milk [milk]n. 牛奶water ['wɔ:tə]n. 水cake[keik]n. 蛋糕新版PEP小学三年级英语下册词汇表(含音标)Unit 1UK 美国Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大USA 美国China ['tʃaɪnə] 中国she [ʃiː]她student ['stjuːd(ə)nt] 学生pupil ['pjuːpɪl; -pl] 学生;(尤指)小学生he [hiː]他teacher ['tiːtʃə] 教师boy [bɔɪ] 男孩and [ənd] 和;与girl [gɜːl]女孩new [njuː]新的friend [frend] 朋友today [tə'deɪ] 今天unit 2father ['fɑːðə] 父亲;爸爸dad [dæd] (口语)爸爸;爹爹man [mæn] 男人woman ['wʊmən] 女人mother ['mʌðə] 母亲;妈妈sister ['sɪstɚ] 姐;妹brother ['brʌðə] 兄;弟grandmother ['græn(d)mʌðə] (外)祖母grandpa ['græn(d)pɑː](口语)(外)祖母grandfather ['græn(d)fɑːðə] (外)祖父grandpa ['græn(d)pɑː](口语)(外)祖父family ['fæməli] 家;家庭unit 3thin [θɪn] 瘦的fat [fæt] 胖的;肥的tall [tɔːl]高的short [ʃɔːt]矮的;短的long [lɒŋ]长的small [smɔːl]小的big [bɪg] 大的giraffe [dʒə'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿so [səʊ] 这么;那么children ['tʃɪldrən] (child[tʃaɪld]的复数)儿童tail [teɪl] 尾巴unit 4on [ɒn] 在……之上in[ɪn] 在……里under ['ʌndə] 在……下面chair [tʃeə] 椅子desk [desk] 书桌cap [kæp] 帽子ball [bɔːl]球car [kɑː]小汽车boat [bəʊt] 小船map [mæp] 地图toy [tɔɪ] 玩具box [bɒks] 盒;箱unit 5pear [peə] 梨apple ['æpl] 苹果orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] 橙子banana [bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉watermelon ['wɔːtəmelən] 西瓜strawberry ['strɔːbərɪ] 草莓grape [greɪp] 葡萄buy [baɪ] 买fruit [fruːt]水果unit 6eleven [ɪ'levən] 十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen ['θɜːtiːn]十三fourteen ['fɔːtiːn]十四fifteen ['fɪftiːn]十五sixteen ['sɪkstiːn]十六seventeen ['sevntiːn]十七eighteen ['eɪtiːn]十八nineteen ['naɪntiːn]十九twenty ['twentɪ] 二十kite [kaɪt] 风筝beautiful ['bjuːtɪfl] 美丽的PEP新版小学英语四年级上册单词表Unit 1classroom [ˈklɑ:sru:m] 教室window [ˈwindəu] 窗户blackboard [bɔ:d] 黑板light [lait] 电灯picture [ˊpiktʃə] 图画door [dɔ:] 门teacherˊs desk [ˈti:tʃəz desk]讲台computer [kəmˊpju:tə] 电脑fan [fæn] 风扇wall [wɔ:l] 墙floor [flɔ:] 地板realy [riəli] 真的near [niə] 在……的旁边TV 电视clean [kli:n] 打扫;清洁;擦干净的help [help] 帮助;帮忙Unit 2Schoolbag [ˈsku:lˌbæg] 书包math [mæθ] book[buk] 数学书English [ˊiŋglɪʃ] book[buk] 英语书Chinese [tʃaiˊni:z] book[buk] 语文书story—book [ˊstɔ:ri buk] 故事书candy [kændi] 糖果notebook [ˊnəutbuk] 笔记本toy [tɔi] 玩具key [ki ] 钥匙wow [wau] 哇lost [lɔst] 丢失so much 非常地cute [kju:t] 可爱的Unit 3strong [strɔŋ]强壮的friendly [frendli] 朋友(们)quiet [ˊkwaiət] 安静的hair [hɛə]头发shoe [ʃu: ] 鞋glasses [gla:siz]眼镜his [hiz] 他的or [ɔ:r] 或者right [rait] 正确的hat [hæt] 帽子her [hə:] 她的Unit 4bedroom [ˈbedˌru:m, -ˌrʊm] 卧室living room [ˈliviŋ ru:m]起居室study [ˊstʌdi] 书房kitchen [ˊkitʃin] 厨房bathroom [ˊbɑ:θrum]卫生间bed [bed] 床phone [fəun] 电话table [ˊteibl] 桌子sofa [ˊsəufə] 沙发fridge [fridʒ] 冰箱find [faid] 找到them 他(她;它)们Unit 5beef [bi:f] 牛肉chicken [ˊtʃikin] 鸡肉noodle(s) [ˊnu:dl(s)] 面条soup [su:p] 汤vegetable [ˊvedʒitəbl] 蔬菜chopstick [ˈtʃɔpˌstɪk]筷子bowl [bəul ] 碗fork [fɔ:k] 叉子knife [naif] 小刀spoon [spu:n] 勺子dinner [ˊdinə] 晚餐;正餐ready [ˊredi] 准备好了help yourself [help jɔ:ˈself] 随便吃pass [pɑ:s] 给;递try [trai] 尝试;试Unit 6parents [ˊpɛərənts] 父母cousin 同辈表亲或堂亲uncle [ˊʌŋkl]叔叔;舅舅叔父;伯父;姨夫aunt [英] [ɑ:nt] 姑姑;婶;姨baby [ˊbeibi] 婴儿doctor [ˊdɔktə] 医生cook [ˊkuk] 厨师driver [ˊdraivə] 司机farmer [ˊfɑ:mə] 农民nurse [nə:s] 护士people [ˊpi:pl] 人们but 但是little 小的puppy [ˊpʌpi] 小狗football player [ˈfutbɔ:l ˈpleɪə]棒球运动员job [dʒɔb]吧、工作basketball [baskit bɔ:l] 篮球新版pep四年级英语下册单词表Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teacher’s office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to 紧邻;在……近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十way 方向Unit 2breakfast 早餐;早饭English class 英语课lunch 午餐;午饭music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐get up 起床go to school 去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉over 结束now 现在;目前o’clock (表示整点)……点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点come on 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold 寒冷的;冷的cool 凉的;凉爽的warm 温暖的;暖和的hot 热的;烫的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的;风大的cloudy 阴天的;多云的snowy 下雪(多)的rainy 阴雨的;多雨的outside 在户外be careful 小心weather 天气New York 纽约how about ……怎么样?……情况如何?degree 度;度数world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科Singapore 新加坡城fly 放(风筝等)love(写信结尾的热情问候)爱你的Unit 4tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯;土豆green beans 豆角;四季豆carrot 胡萝卜horse 马cow 母牛;奶牛sheep 羊;绵羊hen 母鸡these (this的复数形式)yum (表示味道或气味非常好)animal 兽;动物those (that的复数形式)那些garden 花园;菜园farm 农场goat 山羊eat 吃Unit 5clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat (常指带檐的)帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt (尤指男士)衬衫yours 你的;你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)wait 等待Unit 6glove(分手指的)手套scarf 围巾;披巾umbrella 伞;雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的;精致的expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的cheap 花钱少的;便宜的nice 好的try on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好how much 多少钱eighty 八十dollar元sale特价销售;大减价more 更多的us 我们新版小学英语(PEP)·五年级上册·单词表Unit1old[əuld]年老的young [jʌŋ]年轻的funny ['fʌni]滑稽可笑的.kind[kaind]和蔼的strict[strikt]严格的.polite[pəˈlaɪt] 有礼貌的;有教养的hard-working[hɑ:d 'wɜ:kɪŋ]努力工作的,勤奋的helpful[’helpfl]有帮助的;愿意帮忙的clever [’klevə(r)] 聪明的,聪颖的shy [ʃaɪ] 害羞的;腼腆的know[n əʊ]]知道. 了解our [aʊə] 我们的Ms [mɪz] 女士(代替Miss或Mrs 的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况);will [wɪl] (谈及将来)将要sometimes [ˈsʌmtaɪmz]有时候,间或;时而robot[ˈrəʊbɒt]机器人him [hɪm] (he的宾格)他speak [spi:k] 会说,会讲(某种语言);用某种语言)说话finish英[ˈfɪnɪʃ] 完成;做完Unit2Monday(Mon.)星期一['mʌndei] Tuesday(Tue.)星期二['tju:zdei] Wednesday(Wed.)星期三['wenzdei] Thursday(Thu.)星期四['θə:zdei] Friday(Fri.)星期五['fraidei] Saturday(Sat.)['sætədei]星期六Sunday(Sun.) ['sʌndei]星期天.weekend [ˌwi:kˈend] 周末wash [wɒʃ] 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch[wɒtʃ] 看do[du] 做;干do homework ['həumwə:k] 做作业read [ri:d] 看,读read books 看书play [pleɪ] 踢、玩、参加(体育运动) play football 踢足球cooking [ˈkʊkɪŋ]烹饪;烹调often [ˈɒfn] 常常;时常park [pɑ:k] 公园tired [ˈtaɪəd] 疲倦的sport [spɔ:t] 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should [ʃʊd] (常用于纠正别人)应该;将会every [ˈevri] 每个;每一个day [deɪ] 一天;一日schedule [ˈʃedju:l] 工作计划,日程安排Unit3sandwich [ˈsænwɪtʃ] 三明治salad [ˈsæləd] 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉hamburger [ˈhæmbɜ:gə(r)] 汉堡包ice cream [aɪs kri:m] 冰淇淋tea [ti:] 茶水;茶fresh [freʃ]新鲜的healthy['helθi]健康的;有益健康的delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] 美味的,可口的hot [hɒt] 辣的;辛辣的sweet [swi:t]甜的drink [drɪŋk]喝;饮thirsty [ˈθɜ:sti] 渴的口渴的favourite ['feivərit]特别喜爱的;最喜爱的food [fu:d] 食物Dear[dɪə(r)] 亲爱的onion[ˈʌnjən] 洋葱;葱头Unit4sing [sɪŋ]唱;歌唱song [sɒŋ]歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶Kung fu [kʌŋ fu] 功夫武术do kung fu 练武术dance [dɑ:ns] 跳舞draw[drɔ:] 画cartoon [kɑ:ˈtu:n] 漫画draw cartoon 画漫画cook [kʊk] 烹调swim [swɪm] 游泳play basketball 打篮球ping pong [pɪŋ pɔŋ]乒乓球运动play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we’ll=we willparty [ˈpɑ:ti] 聚会;派对next [nekst]下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful [ˈwʌndəfl]极好的;了不起的learn [lɜ:n] 学;学习;学会any [ˈeni]任何的;任一的;随便哪一个problem [ˈprɒbləm] 问题no problem 没问题want [wɒnt] 想要send [send] 发送;邮寄email ['i:meɪl] 电子邮件at [æt](后面接邮件地址)Unit5clock [klɒk] 钟,时钟plant [plɑ:nt] 植物bottle [ˈbɒtl] 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike [baɪk] 自行车photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ] 照片;相片front [frʌnt] 正面in front of 在……前面between [bɪˈtwi:n] 在…之间;above [əˈbʌv] 在……上面beside [bɪˈsaɪd] 在…旁边(附近)behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] 在…的后面there [ðeə(r)] (表示存在或发生)grandfather [ˈgrænfɑ:ðə(r)] (外)祖父their [ðeə] 他(她,它)们的house [haʊs] 房屋;房子;住宅lot [lɒt] 大量,许多lots of大量,许多flower [ˈflaʊə] 花;花朵move [mu:v] 搬家dirty [ˈdɜ:ti] 肮脏的everywhere [ˈevriweə] 到处,处处mouse [maʊs] 老鼠live [lɪv] 居住nature [ˈneɪtʃə(r)] 自然界;大自然Unit6forest ['fɔrist]森林river ['rivə]河流lake [leik]湖泊mountain ['mauntin]高山;山脉hill [hɪl] 小山tree [tri:]树;树木bridge [bridʒ]桥building ['bildiŋ]建筑物village ['vilidʒ]乡村;村庄house [haus]房子;住宅boating [’bəʊtɪŋ]划船go boating 去划船aren’t=are notrabbit [ˈræbɪt] 兔子,野兔high [haɪ] 高第11 页共11 页。

三至六年级英语单词汇总一、三年级上册的英语单词Unit 1ruler 尺子pencil 铅笔eraser 橡皮crayon 蜡笔bag 包pen 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book 书no 不your 你(们)的Unit 2red 红色;红色的green 绿色;绿色的yellow 黄色;黄色的blue 蓝色;蓝色的black 黑色;黑色的brown 棕色;棕色的white 白色;白色的orange 橙色;橙色的OK 好;行mum 妈妈(美式英语:mom)Unit 3face 脸ear 耳朵eye 眼睛nose 鼻子mouth 嘴arm 胳膊hand 手head 头body 身体leg 腿foot 脚school 学校Unit 4duck 鸭子pig 猪bear 熊dog 狗elephant 大象monkey 猴子bird 鸟tiger 老虎panda 大熊猫zoo 动物园funny 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread 面包juice 果汁egg 蛋milk 牛奶water 水cake 蛋糕fish 鱼肉;鱼rice 米饭Unit 6two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十brother 兄;弟plate 盘子二、三年级下册的英语单词Unit 1UK 英国Canada 加拿大USA 美国China 中国she 她student 学生pupil 学生;(尤指)小学生teacher 教师boy 男孩and 和;与girl 女孩new 新的friend 朋友today 今天Unit 2father 父亲;爸爸dad (口语)爸爸;爹爹man 男人woman 女人mother 母亲;妈妈sister 姐;妹brother 兄;弟grandmother (外)祖母grandma (口语)(外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父grandpa grandpa (口语)(外)祖父family 家;家庭Unit 3thin 瘦的fat 胖的;肥的tall 高的short 矮的;短的long 长的small 小的big 大的giraffe 长颈鹿so 这么;那么children (child 的复数)儿童tail 尾巴Unit 4on 在……上in 在……里under 在……下面chair 椅子desk 书桌cap 帽子ball 球car 小汽车boat 小船map 地图toy 玩具box 盒;箱Unit 5pear 梨apple 苹果orange 橙子banana 香蕉watermelon 西瓜strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄buy 买fruit 水果Unit 6eleven 十一twelve 十二thirteen 十三fourteen 十四fifteen 十五sixteen 十六seventeen 十七eighteen 十八nineteen 十九twenty 二十kite 风筝beautiful 美丽的三、四年级上册的英语单词Unit 1classroom 教室window 窗户blackboard 黑板light 电灯picture 图画door 门teacher's desk 讲台computer 计算机fan 风扇wall 墙壁floor 地板really (表示兴趣或惊讶)真的near 距离近TV 电视clean 打扫help 帮助Unit 2schoolbag 书包maths 数学书English book 英语书Chinese book 语文书storybook 故事书candy 糖果notebook 笔记本toy 玩具key 钥匙wow 哇;呀lost 丢失(lose的过去式形式)so much 非常地cute 可爱的Unit 3strong 强壮的friendly 友好的quiet 安静的hair 头发shoe 鞋glasses 眼镜his 他的or 或者right 正确的;对的hat (常指带檐的)帽子her 她的Unit 4bedroom 卧室living room 客厅;起居室study 书房kitchen 厨房bathroom 浴室;洗手间bed 床phone 电话table 桌子sofa 长沙发fridge 冰箱find 找到them 他(她、它)们Unit 5beef 牛肉chicken 鸡肉noodles 面条soup 汤vegetable 蔬菜chopsticks 筷子bowl 碗fork 餐叉knife 刀spoon 勺dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐ready 准备好help yourself 为(自己)取用pass 给;递try 试;尝试Unit 6parents 父母cousin 同辈表亲(或堂亲)uncle 舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨夫aunt 姑母;姨母baby brother 婴儿小弟弟doctor 医生cook 厨师driver 司机farmer 农民nurse 护士people 人们but 但是little 小的puppy 小狗football player 足球运动员job 工作basketball 篮球四、四年级下册的英语单词Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teachers' office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to 紧邻;在……近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十Unit 2breakfast 早餐;早饭English class 英语课lunch 午餐;午饭music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐go to bed 上床睡觉over 结束now 现在;目前oclock (表示整点)……点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点come on 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold 寒冷的;冷的cool 凉的;凉爽的warm 温暖的;暖和的hot 热的;烫的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的;风大的cloudy 阴天的;多云的snowy 下雪(多)的rainy 阴雨的;多雨的outside 在户外be careful 小心weather 天气New York 纽约how about………怎么样?……情况如何?world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科Singapore 新加坡(市)Sydney 悉尼fly 放(风筝等)love (写信结尾的热情问候语)爱你的Unit 4tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯;土豆green beans 豆角;四季豆carrot 胡萝卜horse 马hen 母鸡cow 母牛;奶牛sheep 羊;绵羊these 这些(this的复数形式)yum (表示味道或气味非常好)animal 兽;动物those (that的复数形式)那些farm 农场goat 山羊eat 吃Unit 5clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat (常指带檐的)帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt (尤指男士)衬衫yours 你的;你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)wait 等待Unit 6glove (分手指的)手套scarf 围巾;披巾umbrella 伞;雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的;精致的expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的cheap 花钱少的;便宜的nice 好的try on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好how much 多少钱eighty 八十dollar 元(美国、加拿大等国的货币单位)sale 特价销售;大减价more 更多的us 我们五、五年级上册的英语单词Unit 1old 老的;年纪大的young 年轻的;岁数不大的funny 滑稽的;可笑的kind 体贴的;慈祥的;宽容的strict 要求严格的;严厉的polite 有礼貌的;客气的hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的helpful 有用的;愿意帮忙的clever 聪明的;聪颖的shy 羞怯的;腼腆的;怕生的know 知道;了解our 我们的Ms (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前,不指明婚否)女士will (谈及将来)将要sometimes 有时;间或robot 机器人him (用作宾语或表语)他speak 会说;会讲(某种语言);用(某种语言)说话finish 完成;做好Unit 2Monday 星期一Tuesday 星期二Wednesday 星期三Thursday 星期四Friday 星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期日weekend 周末wash 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch 看watch TV 看电视do 做;干do homework 做作业read 看;读read books 看书play 踢;玩;参加(体育运动)play football 踢足球cooking 烹饪;烹调often 时常;常常park 公园tired 疲倦的sport 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should (常用于纠正别人)应该,应当every 每一个,每个day 一天;一日schedule 工作计划;日程安排Unit 3sandwich 三明治salad 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉hamburger 汉堡包ice cream 冰激凌tea 茶;茶水fresh 新鲜的;刚摘的healthy 健康的delicious 美味的;可口的hot 辣的;辛辣的sweet 含糖的;甜的drink 喝;饮thirsty 渴的;口渴的favourite 特别喜爱的food 食物Dear (用于信函抬头的名字或头衔前)亲爱的onion 洋葱;葱头Unit 4sing 唱;唱歌song 歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa 弹琵琶kung fu 功夫;武术do kung fu 练武术dance 跳舞draw 画cartoon 漫画draw cartoons 画漫画cook 烹调;烹饪swim 游泳play basketball 打篮球ping-pong 乒乓球play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we'll = we will 我们将party 聚会;派对next 下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful 极好的;了不起的learn 学;学习;学会any 任何的;任一的problem 问题no problem 没问题want 要;想要send 邮寄;发送email 电子邮件at (后面接邮件地址)Unit 5clock 时钟;钟plant 植物bottle 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike 自行车;脚踏车photo 照片;相片front 正面in front of 在……前面between 在……中间above 在(或向)……上面beside 在旁边(附近)behind 在(或向)……后面there (表示存在或发生)grandparent 祖父;祖母;外祖父;外祖母their 他们的;她们的;它们的house 房屋;房子;住宅lot 大量;许多lots of 大量;许多flower 花;花朵move 搬家dirty 肮脏的everywhere 处处;到处mouse 老鼠live 住;居住nature 自然界;大自然Unit 6forest 森林;林区river 河;江lake 湖;湖泊mountain 高山;山岳hill 山丘;小山tree 树;树木;乔木bridge 桥building 建筑物;房子;楼房village 村庄;村镇house 房屋;房子;住宅boating 划船go boating 去划船aren't = are not 不是rabbit 兔;野兔high 高的六、五年级下册的英语单词Unit 1eat breakfast 吃早饭have…class 上……课play sports 进行体育运动exercise 活动;运动do morning exercises 做早操eat dinner 吃晚饭clean my room 打扫我的房间go for a walk 散步go shopping 去买东西;购物take 学习;上(课)dancing 跳舞;舞蹈take a dancing class 上舞蹈课when 什么时候;何时after 在(时间)后start 开始usually 通常地;惯常地Spain 西班牙late 晚;a.m. 午前;上午p.m. 午后;下午why 为什么shop 去买东西;购物work 工作last 上一个的;刚过去的sound 听起来好像also 还;也busy 忙的need 需要play 戏剧;剧本letter 信island 岛always 总是;一直cave 山洞;洞穴go swimming 去游泳win 获胜Unit 2spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天season 季节picnic 野餐go on a picnic 去野餐pick 摘;采集pick apples 摘苹果snowman 雪人make a snowman 堆雪人go swimming 去游泳which 哪一个best 最;最高程度地good job 做得好because 因为vacation 假期all 全;完全pink 粉色;粉色的lovely 可爱的;美丽的leaf 叶子(复数 leaves)fall 落下;[美]秋天paint 用颜料绘画Unit 3January 一月February 二月March 三月April 四月May 五月June 六月July 七月August 八月September 九月October 十月November 十一月December 十二月few 不多;很少a few 一些thing 事情meet 集会;开会sports meet 运动会trip 旅行year 年plant 种植contest 比赛;竞赛the Great Wall 长城national 国家的National Day 国庆日American 美国的Thanksgiving 感恩节Christmas 圣诞节game 游戏riddle 谜;谜语act 扮演act out 把……表演出来RSVP (尤用于请柬)请赐复by 在……之前Unit 4first(1st)第一(的)second(2nd)第二(的)third (3rd)第三(的)fourth (4th)第四(的)fifth (5th)第五(的)twelfth (12th)第十二(的)twentieth (20th)第二十(的)twenty-first (21st)第二十一(的)twenty-third (23rd)第二十三(的)thirtieth (30th)第三十(的)other 其他special 特殊的;特别的show 展览festival 节日kitten 小猫diary 日记still 仍然;依旧;还是noise 声音;响声;噪音fur (某些动物的)浓密的软毛open 开着的walk 行走Unit 5mine 我的yours 你(们)的his 他的hers 她的theirs 他们的;她们的;它们的ours 我们的climbing (climb 的-ing形式)(正在)攀登;攀爬eating (eat的-ing形式)(正在)吃playing (play的-ing形式)(正在)玩耍jumping (jump的-ing形式)(正在)跳drinking (drink的-ing形式)(正在)喝(水)sleeping (sleep的-ing形式)(正在)睡觉each 每一;各个each other 相互excited 兴奋的;激动的like 像……那样Unit 6doing morning exercises(正在)做早操Having…class (正在)上……课eating lunch (正在)吃午饭reading a book (正在)看书listening to music (正在)听音乐keep 保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声讲话turn 顺序take turns 按顺序来bamboo 竹子its (指事物、动物或幼儿)它的;他的;她的show 给人看anything 任何事物else 外;其他exhibition 展览say 说;讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach 教sure (表示同意)当然Canadian 加拿大的Spanish 西班牙的七、六年级上册的英语单词Unit 1science 科学museum 博物馆post office 邮局bookstore 书店cinema 电影院hospital 医院crossing 十字路口turn 转弯left 左straight 笔直地right 右ask 问sir (对男子的礼貌称呼)先生interesting 有趣的Italian 意大利的restaurant 餐馆pizza 比萨饼street 大街;街道get 到达BDS 北斗卫星导航系统gave (give 的过去式)提供;交给feature 特点follow 跟着far 远的tell 告诉Unit 2on foot 步行by (表示方式)乘bus 公共汽车plane 飞机slow (使)放慢速度;慢的down 减少;降低slow down 慢下来taxi 出租汽车ship (大)船subway 地铁train 火车stop 停下early 早到的helmet 头盔must 必须wear 戴attention 注意pay attention to 注意traffic 交通traffic lights 交通信号灯Munich 慕尼黑(德国城市)Germany 德国Alaska 阿拉斯加州(美国州名)sled 雪橇fast 快ferry 轮渡Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛Scotland 苏格兰Unit 3visit 拜访film 电影see a film 看电影take a trip 去旅行supermarket 超市evening 晚上;傍晚tonight 在今晚tomorrow 明天next week 下周dictionary 词典comic 滑稽的comic book (儿童的)连环画册word 单词word book 单词书postcard 明信片lesson 课space 太空travel (尤指长途)旅行half 一半price 价格Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节together 一起get together 聚会mooncake 月饼moon 月亮Unit 4studies (study的第三人称单数形式)学习puzzle 谜hiking 远足pen pal 笔友hobby 业余爱好jasmine 茉莉idea 想法;主意Canberra 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)amazing 令人惊奇的shall 表示征求意见goal 射门join 加入club 俱乐部share 分享Unit 5factory 工厂worker 工人postman 邮递员businessman 商人;企业家police officer 警察fisherman 渔民scientist 科学家pilot 飞行员coach 教练country 国家head teacher 校长sea 大海stay 保持university 大学gym 体育馆if 如果reporter 记者use 使用type 打字quickly 迅速地secretary 秘书Unit 6angry 生气的afraid 害怕sad 难过的worried 担心的;发愁的happy 高兴的see a doctor 看病wear 穿more 更多的deep 深的breath 呼吸take a deep breath 深深吸一口气count 数数count to ten 数到十chase 追赶mice (mouse的复数)老鼠bad 邪恶的;坏的hurt (使)受伤ill 有病;不舒服wrong 有毛病should 应该feel 觉得;感到well 健康;身体好sit 坐grass 草坪hear 听见ant 蚂蚁worry 担心;担忧stuck 陷住;无法移动mud 泥pull 拉;拽everyone 每人八、六年级下册的英语单词Unit 1younger (young的比较级)更年轻的older (old的比较级)更年长的taller (tall的比较级)更高的shorter (short的比较级)更矮的;更短的longer (long的比较级)更长的thinner (thin的比较级)更瘦的heavier (heavy的比较级)更重的bigger (big的比较级)更大的smaller (small的比较级)更小的stronger (strong的比较级)更强壮的dinosaur 恐龙hall 大厅metre 米(美式英语:meter)than 比both 两个都kilogram 千克;公斤countryside 乡村lower (low的比较级)更低地shadow 阴影;影子smarter (smart的比较级)更聪明的become 开始变得;变成Unit 2cleaned (clean的过去式)打扫stayed (stay的过去式)停留;待washed (wash的过去式)洗watched (watch的过去式)看had (have的过去式)患病;得病had a cold 感冒slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉read (read的过去式)读saw (see的过去式)看见last 最近的;上一个的yesterday 昨天before 在……之前drank (drink的过去式)喝show 演出magazine 杂志better (well的比较级)更好的faster (fast的比较级)更快的hotel 旅馆fixed (fix的过去式)修理broken 破损的lamp 台灯loud 喧闹的;大声的enjoy 享受……乐趣;喜爱stay 暂住;逗留Unit 3went (go的过去式)去camp 野营went camping (尤指在假日)野营fish 钓鱼;捕鱼went fishing 去钓鱼rode (ride的过去式)骑(马;自行车)hurt (hurt的过去式)(使)受伤ate (eat的过去式)吃took (take的过去式)拍照took pictures 照相bought (buy 的过去式)买fell (fall的过去式)摔倒off 从(某处)落下Labour Day 劳动节mule 骡子Turpan 吐鲁番could (can的过去式)能till 直到beach 海滩;沙滩basket 篮;筐part 角色licked (lick的过去式)舔laughed (laugh的过去式)笑Unit 4dining hall 饭厅grass 草坪gym 体育馆ago 以前cycling 骑自行车运动(或活动)go cycling 去骑自行车ice-skate 滑冰badminton 羽毛球运动star 星easy 容易的look up (在词典中或通过电脑)查阅Internet 互联网different 不同的active 积极的;活跃的race 赛跑nothing 没有什么thought (think的过去式)想felt (feel的过去式)感觉cheetah 猎豹trip 绊倒woke (wake的过去式)醒dream 梦。

小学(三至六年级)英语PEP英语单词表三年级上册Unit 1ruler ['ruːlə] 尺子pencil ['pensl] 铅笔eraser [ɪ'reɪzə] 橡皮crayon [ˈkreɪən] 蜡笔bag [bæg] 包pen [pen] 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book [bʊk] 书no [nəʊ] 不your [jʊə] 你(们)的Unit 2red [red] 红色green [griːn] 绿色yellow ['jeləʊ] 黄色blue [bluː] 蓝色black [blæk] 黑色brown [braʊn] 棕色white [hwaɪt] 白色orange ['ɔːrɪndʒ] 橙色OK [əʊˈkeɪ] 好;行mum [mʌm] 妈妈Unit 3face [feɪs] 脸ear [ɪə] 耳朵eye [aɪ] 眼睛nose [nəʊz] 鼻子mouth [maʊθ]嘴arm [ɑːm] 胳臂hand [hænd] 手head [hed] 头body [ˈbɒdi] 身体leg [leg] 腿foot [fʊt] 脚school [skuːl] 学校Unit 4duck [dʌk] 鸭子pig [pɪg] 猪cat [kæt] 猫bear [beə] 熊dog [dɒg] 狗elephant ['elɪfənt] 大象monkey ['mʌŋki] 猴子bird [bɜːd] 鸟tiger ['taɪgə] 老虎panda ['pændə] 大熊猫zoo [zuː] 动物园funny ['fʌni] 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread [bred] 面包juice [dʒuːs] 果汁egg [eg] 蛋milk [mɪlk] 牛奶water ['wɔːtə] 水cake [keɪk] 蛋糕fish [fɪʃ] 鱼rice [raɪs] 米饭Unit 6one [wʌn] 一two [tuː] 二three [θriː] 三four [fɔː] 四five [faɪv] 五six [sɪks] 六seven ['sevn] 七eight [eɪt] 八nine [naɪn] 九ten [ten] 十brother ['brʌðə] 兄;弟sister ['sɪstə] 姐;妹plate [pleɪt] 盘子三年级下册Unit 1UK [juːˈkeɪ] 英国Canada ['kænədə] 加拿大USA 美国China ['tʃaɪnə] 中国she [ʃiː] 她student ['stjuːdənt] 学生pupil ['pjuːpl] 小学生he [hiː] 他teacher ['tiːtʃə] 教师boy [bɔɪ] 男孩and [ænd] 和;与girl [gɜːl] 女孩new [njuː] 新的friend [frend] 朋友today [tə'deɪ] 今天Unit 2father ['fɑːðə] 父亲;爸爸dad [dæd] 爸爸(口语)man [mæn] 男人woman ['wʊmən] 女人mother ['mʌðə] 母亲;妈妈sister ['sɪstə] 姐;妹brother ['brʌðə] 兄;弟grandmother ['grændˌmʌðə] (外)祖母grandma ['grændmɑː] (口语)祖母grandfather ['grændˌfɑːðə] (外)祖父grandpa ['grændpɑː] (口语)祖父family ['fæmɪli] 家;家庭Unit 3thin [θɪn] 瘦的fat [fæt] 肥的tall [tɔːl] 高的short [ʃɔːt] 矮的;短的long [lɒŋ] 长的small [smɔːl] 小的big [bɪg] 大的giraffe [dʒɪˈrɑːf] 长颈鹿so [səʊ] 这么;那么children ['tʃɪldrən] 儿童(child 的复数)tail [teɪl] 尾巴Unit 4on [ɒn] 在……上面in [ɪn] 在……里面under ['ʌndə] 在……下面chair [tʃeə] 椅子desk [desk] 书桌cap [kæp] 帽子ball [bɔːl] 球car [kɑː] 小汽车boat [bəʊt] 小船map [mæp] 地图toy [tɔɪ] 玩具box [bɒks] 盒;箱Unit 5pear [peə] 梨apple ['æpl] 苹果orange ['ɔːrɪndʒ] 橙子banana [bə'nɑːnə] 香蕉watermelon [ˈwɔːtəmelən] 西瓜strawberry [ˈstrɔːbəri] 草莓grape [greɪp] 葡萄buy [baɪ] 买fruit [fruːt] 水果Unit 6eleven [ɪ'levn] 十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen ['θɜːtiːn] 十三fourteen ['fɔː'tiːn] 十四fifteen ['fɪf'tiːn] 十五sixteen [ˈsɪksti] 十六seventeen [sevənˈtiːn] 十七eighteen [ˈeɪˈtiːn] 十八nineteen [naɪnˈtiːn] 十九twenty [ˈtwenti] 二十kite [kaɪt] 风筝beautiful ['bjuːtəfəl] 美丽的四年级上册Unit 1classroom ['klɑːsrʊm] 教室window ['wɪndəʊ] 窗户blackboard ['blækbɔːd] 黑板light [laɪt] 电灯picture ['pɪktʃə] 图画door [dɔː] 门teacher's desk 讲台computer [kəm'pjuːtə] 计算机fan [fæn] 风扇wall [wɔːl] 墙壁floor [flɔː] 地板really ['rɪəli] 真的near [nɪə] 距离近TV [‚tiː'viː] 电视clean [kliːn] 打扫help [help] 帮助Unit 2schoolbag ['skuːlˌbæg] 书包maths book 数学书English book 英语书Chinese book 语文书storybook 故事书candy [ˈkændi] 糖果notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk] 笔记本toy [tɔɪ] 玩具key [kiː] 钥匙wow [waʊ] 哇;呀lost [lɒst] 丢失so much 非常地cute [kjuːt] 可爱的Unit 3strong [strɒŋ] 强壮的friendly ['frendli] 友好的quiet ['kwaɪət] 安静的hair [heə] 头发shoe [ʃuː] 鞋glasses ['glɑːsɪz] 眼镜his [hɪz] 他的or [ɔː] 或者right [raɪt] 正确的;对的hat [hæt] 帽子her [hɜː] 她的Unit 4bedroom ['bedrʊm] 卧室living room 客厅;起居室study ['stʌdi] 书房kitchen ['kɪtʃɪn] 厨房bathroom [ˈbɑːθruːm] 浴室bed [bed] 床phone [fəʊn] 电话table ['teɪbl] 桌子sofa [ˈsɒkɪt] 长沙发fridge [frɪdʒ] 冰箱find [faɪnd] 找到them [ðem] 他(她、它)们Unit 5beef [biːf] 牛肉chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn] 鸡肉noodles 面条soup [suːp] 汤vegetable ['vedʒɪtəbl] 蔬菜chopsticks [ˈtʃɒpstɪks] 筷子bowl [bəʊl] 碗fork [fɔːk] 餐叉knife [naɪf] 刀spoon [spuːn] 勺dinner ['dɪnə] 正餐ready ['redi] 准备好help yourself 为(自己)取用pass [pɑːs] 给;递try [traɪ] 试;尝试Unit 6parents ['peərənts] 父母cousin ['kʌzn] 同辈表亲(堂亲)uncle ['ʌŋkl] 叔叔aunt [ɑːnt] 阿姨baby brother 婴儿小弟弟doctor [ˈdɒktə] 医生cook [kʊk] 厨师driver ['draɪvə] 司机farmer ['fɑːmə] 农民nurse [nɜːs] 护士people ['piːpl] 人们but [bʌt] 但是little ['lɪtl] 小的puppy ['pʌpi] 小狗football player 足球运动员job [dʒɒb] 工作basketball ['bæskɪtbɔːl] 篮球四年级下册Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teachers'office 教师办公室library ['laɪbrəri] 图书馆playground ['pleɪgraʊnd] 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to ['neksttə] 紧邻homework ['həʊmwɜːk] 作业class [klɑːs] 班;班级forty [ˈfɔːti] 四十way [weɪ] 方向fly [flaɪ] 放(风筝等)love [lʌv] 爱Unit 2breakfast ['brekfəst] 早餐English class 英语课lunch [lʌntʃ] 午餐music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner ['dɪnə] 正餐get up ['getʌp] 起床go to school 去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉over ['əʊvə] 结束now [naʊ] 现在;目前o'clock [əˈklɒk] ……点钟kid [kɪd] 小孩thirty ['θɜːti] 三十hurry up 快点come on [ˈkʌmɒn] 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold [kəʊld] 冷的cool [kuːl] 凉的warm [wɔːm] 温暖的hot [hɒt] 热的sunny ['sʌni] 阳光充足的windy ['wɪndi] 多风的cloudy ['klaʊdi] 阴天的snowy [snəʊi] 下雪的rainy ['reɪni] 多雨的outside ['aʊt'saɪd] 在户外be careful 小心weather ['weðə] 天气New York ['njuːleɪd] 纽约how about ……怎么样degree [dɪˈɡriː] 度world [wɜːld] 世界London ['lʌndən] 伦敦Moscow [ˈmɒskəʊ] 莫斯科Singapore [ˌsɪŋgəˌpɔː] 新加坡Sydney ['sɪdni] 悉尼Unit 4tomato [tə'meɪtəʊ] 西红柿potato [pə'teɪtəʊ] 马铃薯green beans 豆角carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜horse [hɔːs] 马cow [kaʊ] 母牛;奶牛sheep [ʃiːp] 绵羊hen [hen] 母鸡these [ðiːz] 这些yum 味道很好animal ['ænɪməl] 动物those [ðəʊz] 那些garden ['gɑːdn] 花园;菜园farm [fɑːm] 农场goat [ɡəʊt] 山羊eat [iːt] 吃Unit 5clothes [kləʊðz] 衣服pants [pænts] 裤子hat [hæt] 帽子dress [dres] 连衣裙skirt [skɜːt] 女裙coat [kəʊt] 外套;大衣sweater ['swetə] 毛衣sock [sɒk] 短袜shorts [ʃɔːts] 短裤jacket ['dʒækɪt] 夹克衫shirt [ʃɜːt] 衬衫yours [jʊəz] 你的;你们的whose [huːz] 谁的mine [maɪn] 我的pack [pæk] 收拾(行李)wait [weɪt] 等待Unit 6glove [glʌv] 手套scarf [skɑːf] 围巾umbrella [ʌm'brelə] 雨伞sunglasses ['sʌnglɑːsɪz] 太阳镜pretty ['prɪti] 美观的;精致的expensive [ɪks'pensɪv] 昂贵的cheap [tʃiːp] 便宜的nice [naɪs] 好的try on [ˈtraɪɒn] 试穿size [saɪz] 尺码;号of course [ɒv[ˈæntɪmeˈrɪdɪem] 午前;上午. [piːem] 午后;下午why [hwaɪ] 为什么shop [ʃɒp] 去买东西;购物work [wɜːk] 工作last [lɑːst] 上一个的;刚过去的sound [saʊnd] 听起来好像also ['ɔːlsəʊ] 还;也busy ['bɪzi] 忙的need [niːd] 需要play [pleɪ] 戏剧;剧本letter ['letə] 信live [lɪv] 居住island ['aɪlənd] 岛always ['ɔːlweɪz] 总是;一直cave [keɪv] 山洞;洞穴go swimming 去游泳win [wɪn] 获胜Unit 2spring [sprɪŋ] 春天summer ['sʌmə] 夏天autumn/fall 秋天winter ['wɪntə] 冬天season ['siːzn] 季节picnic ['pɪknɪk] 野餐go on a picnic 去野餐pick [pɪk] 摘;采集pick apples 摘苹果snowman ['snəʊˌmæn] 雪人make a snowman 堆雪人go swimming 去游泳which [hwɪtʃ] 哪一个best [best] 最snow [snəʊ] 雪good job 做得好because [bɪ'kɔːz] 因为vacation [vəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 假期all [ɔːl] 全;完全pink [pɪŋk] 粉色;粉色的lovely [ˈlʌvli] 可爱的;美丽的leaf [liːf] 叶子fall [fɔːl] 落下;秋天paint [peɪnt] 用颜料绘画Unit 3January ['dʒænjʊeri] 一月February ['febrʊəri] 二月March [mɑːtʃ] 三月April ['eɪprəl] 四月May [meɪ] 五月June [dʒuːn] 六月July [dʒuː'laɪ] 七月August [ɔː'gʌst] 八月September [sep'tembə] 九月October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] 十月November [nəʊ'vembə] 十一月December [dɪ'sembə] 十二月few [fjuː] 不多;很少a few 一些thing [θɪŋ] 事情meet [miːt] 集会;开会sports meet 运动会Easter [ˈiːstə] 复活节trip [trɪp] 旅行year [jɪə] 年plant [plɑːnt] 种植contest [ˈkɒntest] 比赛;竞赛the Great Wall 长城national [ˈnæʃən(ə)l] 国家的National Day [ˈnæʃnəl] 国庆日American [ə'merɪkən] 美国的Thanksgiving [ˌθæŋks'gɪvɪŋ] 感恩节Christmas ['krɪsməs] 圣诞节holiday [ˈhɒlədi] 假日;节日game [geɪm] 游戏roll [rəʊl] 滚动look for ['lʊkfər] 寻找chocolate [ˈtʃɒkəlɪt] 巧克力bunny ['bʌni] 兔子RSVP 请赐复by [baɪ] 在……之前Unit 4first [fɜːst] 第一second ['sekənd] 第二third [θɜːd] 第三fourth [ˈfɔːˈtiːn] 第四fifth [fɪfθ] 第五sixth [sɪksθ] 第六twelfth [twelfθ] 第十二twentieth ['twentiːɪθ] 第二十twenty-first [ˌtwentɪ'fɜːst] 第二十一twenty-third 第二十三special ['speʃəl] 特殊的;特别的fool [fuːl] 蠢人;傻瓜kitten 小猫diary ['daɪəri] 日记still [stɪl] 仍然;依旧;还是noise [nɔɪz] 声音;噪音fur [fɜː] 浓密的;软毛open ['əʊpən] 开着的walk [wɔːk] 行走Unit 5mine [maɪn] 我的yours [jʊəz] 你(们)的his [hɪz] 他的hers [hɜːz] 她的theirs [ðeəz] 他(她、它)们的ours ['aʊəz] 我们的climbing (正在)攀爬eating 吃(eat的-ing形式)playing (正在)玩耍jumping (正在)跳drinking (正在)喝sleeping (正在)睡觉each [iːtʃ] 每一;各个other ['ʌðə] 其他each other [iːtʃ//'ʌðə] 相互excited [ɪk'saɪtɪd] 兴奋的;激动的like [laɪk] 像`````那样Unit 6doing moring exercise 做早操having…class 上……课reading a book (正在)看书listening to music 正在听音乐keep [kiːp] 保持某种状态keep to the right 靠右keep your desk clean 保持你的课桌干净talk quietly 小声讲话turn [tɜːn] 顺序take turns [ˌteɪk'tɜːnz] 按顺序来bamboo [bæm'buː] 竹子its [ɪts] 它的;他的;她的show [ʃəʊ] 给人看;指引anything ['enɪˌθɪŋ] 任何事物else [els] 另外;其他exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən] 展览say [seɪ] 说;讲have a look 看一看sushi 寿司teach [tiːtʃ] 教sure [ʃʊə] 当然Canadian [kə'neɪdɪən] 加拿大的Spanish [ˈspænɪʃ] 西班牙的六年级上册Unit 1science ['saɪəns] 科学museum [mjuː'zɪəm] 博物馆post office 邮局bookstore [ˈbʊkstɔː] 书店cinema [ˈsɪnəmə] 电影院hospital [ˈhɒspɪtl] 医院crossing ['krɔːsɪŋ] 十字路口turn [tɜːn] 转弯 left [left] 左straight [streɪt] 笔直的right [raɪt] 右ask [ɑːsk] 问sir [sɜː] 先生interesting ['ɪntərɪstɪŋ] 有趣的Italian [ɪ'tæljən] 意大利的restaurant [ˈrestərɒnt] 餐馆pizza ['piːtsə] 比萨饼street [striːt] 大街;街道get [get] 到达GPS 全球(卫星)定位系统gave [geɪv] 提供;交给(give 的过去时)feature [fiːtʃə] 特点follow [ˈfɒləʊ] 跟着far [fɑː] 较远的tell [tel] 告诉Unit 2on foot 步行by [baɪ] 乘bus [bʌs] 公共汽车plane [pleɪn] 飞机taxi ['tæksi] 出租汽车ship [ʃɪp] 船subway ['sʌbweɪ] 地铁train [treɪn] 火车slow [sləʊ] 慢的down [daʊn] 减少;降低slow down 慢下来stop [stɒp] 停下Mrs ['mɪsɪz] 夫人early ['ɜːli] 早到的helmet ['helmɪt] 头盔must [mʌst] 必须wear [weə] 戴attention [əˈtenʃ(ə)n] 注意pay attention to 注意traffic ['træfɪk] 交通traffic lights 交通信号灯Munich 慕尼黑(德国城市)Germany ['dʒɜːməni] 德国Alaska [əˈlæskə] 阿拉斯加州(美国州名)sled 雪橇fast [fɑːst] 快的ferry [ˈferi] 轮渡Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛Scotland [ˈskɒtlənd] 苏格兰Unit 3visit ['vɪzɪt] 拜访film [fɪlm] 电影see a film 看电影trip [trɪp] 旅行take a trip 去旅行supermarket ['sjuːpəˌmɑːkɪt] 超市 evening ['iːvnɪŋ] 晚上;傍晚tonight [tə'naɪt] 在今晚tomorrow [tə'mɔːrəʊ] 明天next week 下周dictionary ['dɪkʃəneri] 词典comic [ˈkɒmɪk] 滑稽的comic book 连环画册word [wɜːd] 单词word book 单词书postcard ['pəʊstˌkɑːd] 明信片lesson ['lesn] 课space [speɪs] 太空travel ['trævl] 旅行half [hɑːf] 一半price [praɪs] 价格Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节together [tə'geðə] 一起get together 聚会mooncake [muːnkeɪk] 月饼poem [ˈpəʊɪm] 诗moon [muːn] 月亮Unit 4studies 学习puzzle [ˈpʌz(ə)l] 谜hiking [haɪkɪn] 远足pen pal 笔友hobby [ˈhɒbi] 业余爱好jasmine 茉莉idea [aɪ'dɪə] 想法;主意Canberra 堪培拉;澳大利亚首都amazing [ə'meɪzɪŋ] 令人惊奇的shall [ʃæl] 表示征求意见goal [gəʊl] 射门join [dʒɔɪn] 加入club [klʌb] 俱乐部share [ʃeə] 分享Unit 5factory ['fæktəri] 工厂worker ['wɜːkə] 工人postman ['pəʊstmən] 邮递员businessman ['bɪznɪsmæn] 商人police office 警察fisherman [ˈfɪʃəmən] 渔民scientist ['saɪəntɪst] 科学家pilot [ˈpaɪlət] 飞行员coach [kəʊtʃ] 教练country ['kʌntri] 国家head teacher [hed] 校长sea [siː] 大海stay [steɪ] 保持university [ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsɪti] 大学gym [dʒɪm] 体育馆if [ɪf] 如果reporter [rɪˈpɔːtə] 记者use [juːz] 使用type [taɪp] 打字quickly ['kwɪkli] 迅速的secretary [ˈsekrətri] 秘书Unit 6angry ['æŋgri] 生气的afraid [ə'freɪd] 害怕sad [sæd] 难过的worried ['wʌrɪd] 担心的;发愁的happy ['hæpi] 高兴的see a doctor 看病wear [weə] 穿more [mɔː] 更多的deep [diːp] 深的breath [breθ] 呼吸take a deep breath 深呼吸count [kaʊnt] 数数count to ten 数到十chase [tʃeɪs] 追赶mice [maɪs] 老鼠(mouse的复数)bad [bæd] 邪恶的;坏的hurt [hɜːt] 受伤ill [ɪl] 有病;不舒服wrong [rɔːŋ] 有毛病should [ʃʊd] 应该feel [fiːl] 觉得;感到well [wel] 健康;身体好sit [sɪt] 坐grass [grɑːs] 草坪hear [hɪə] 听见ant [ænt] 蚂蚁worry ['wʌri] 担心;担忧stuck 陷住;无法移动mud [mʌd] 泥pull [pʊl] 拉;拽everyone ['evrɪwʌn] 每人六年级下册Unit 1younger [ˈjʌŋɡə] 更年轻的(young)older 更年长的(old)taller 更高的(tall)shorter 更矮的;更短的longer 更长的(long)thinner 更瘦的(thin)heavier 更重的(heavy)bigger 更大的(big)smaller 更小的(small)stronger 更强壮的(strong)dinosaur ['daɪnəsɔː] 恐龙hall [hɔːl] 大厅metre ['miːtə] 米than [ðæn] 比both [bəʊθ] 两个都kilogram [ˈkɪləɡræm] 千克;公斤countryside ['kʌntrɪ'saɪd] 乡村lower 更低的(low)shadow [ˈʃædəʊ] 阴影;影子smarter 更聪明的(smart)become [bɪ'kʌm] 变成Unit 2cleaned 打扫(clean的过去式)stayed 停留;呆(stay)washed 洗(wash)watched 看(watch)had [hæd] 患病;得病(have)had a cold 感冒slept 睡觉(sleep)read [riːd] 读(read)saw [sɔː] 看见(see)last [lɑːst] 最近的;上一个的yesterday ['jestədi] 昨天before [bɪ'fɔː] 在……之前drank [drɪŋk] 喝(drink)show [ʃəʊ] 演出magazine [ˌmægə'ziːn] 杂志better ['betə] 更好的(well;good)faster 更快的(fast)hotel [həʊ'tel] 旅馆fixed 修理(fix)broken ['brəʊkən] 破损的lamp [læmp] 台灯loud [laʊd] 大声的;喧闹的enjoy [ɪn'dʒɔɪ] 喜爱Unit 3went [went] 去(go)camp [kæmp] 野营went camping 野营fish [fɪʃ] 钓鱼went fishing 去钓鱼rode [rəʊd] 骑hurt [hɜːt] 受伤(hurt)ate [eɪt] 吃(eat)took [teɪk] 拍照(take)took pictures 照相bought [bɔːt] 买(buy)gift [ɡɪft] 礼物fell [fel] 摔倒(fall)off [ˈɒf] 落下Labour Day [ˈleɪbə] 劳动节mule 骡子Turpan 吐鲁番could [kʊd] 能(can)till [tɪl] 直到beach [biːtʃ] 沙滩basket ['bɑːskɪt] 篮;框part [pɑːt] 角色licked 舔(lick)laughed 笑(laugh)Unit 4dining hall 饭厅grass [grɑːs] 草坪gym [dʒɪm] 体育馆ago [ə'gəʊ] 以前cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] 骑自行车运动go cycling 去骑自行车ice-skate 滑冰badminton [ˈbædmɪntən] 羽毛球运动star [stɑː] 星easy ['iːzi] 容易的look up ['lʊkʌp] 查阅Internet ['ɪntəˌnet] 互联网different ['dɪfərənt] 不同的active ['æktɪv] 积极的;活跃的race [reɪs] 赛跑nothing ['nʌθɪŋ] 没有什么thought [θɔːt] 想(think)felt [felt] 感觉(feel)cheetah ['tʃiːtə] 猎豹trip [trɪp] 绊倒woke [wəʊk] 醒(wake)dream [driːm] 梦。
新加坡小学一年级英语Lesson Four

At the Seaside
It was a sunny day last Sunday.Father drove the family to the seaside.My maternal grandma and my two cousins,Vanessa and Valerie,joined us too.
After playing in the beach,we had a picnic.We were so hungry and thirsty that we gobbled up everything that Mother had prepared.
We went home when dark clouds appeared.We had a wonderful day at the seaside.
7.beach--an area of sand or stones beside the sea;pleasure
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ9.sunny--shining of the sun
New Words: parents,brothers,sisters and grandparents (may also include others related to you)
2.cousins-- the child of your uncle or aunt
3.maternal grandma--your mother's mother
4.prepared-- get ready
5.picnic--meal eaten out of doors,esp as part of a pleasure trip

green pepper[ɡri:n 'pepə ][园艺]青椒
kiwifruit['ki:wi:fru:t ]n.奇异果,猕猴桃
one[wʌn]pron.一(个,只. .

小学 ( 三至六年级 ) 英语 PEP英语单词表Unit 1ruler ['ru?l?] 尺子pencil ['pensl] 铅笔eraser [?'re ?z?] 橡皮crayon [?kre??n] 蜡笔bag [b? g] 包pen [pen] 钢笔pencil box 铅笔盒book [b ?k] 书no [n??] 不your [j ??] 你(们)的Unit 2red [red] 红色green [gri?n] 绿色yellow ['jel ?? ] 黄色blue [blu?] 蓝色black [bl? k] 黑色brown [bra ?n] 棕色white [hwa ?t] 白色orange [' ??r?nd?] 橙色OK [ke?] 好;行mum [m ?m] 妈妈Unit 3face [fe?s] 脸ear [??] 耳朵eye [a?] 眼睛nose [n??z] 鼻子mouth [ma ?θ]嘴arm [ ɑ?m] 胳臂hand [h? nd] 手head [hed] 头body [?b?di] 身体leg [leg] 腿foot [f ?t] 脚school [sku?l] 学校Unit 4三年级上册duck [d ?k] 鸭子pig [p ?g] 猪cat [k? t] 猫bear [be ?] 熊dog [d ?g] 狗elephant ['el ?f?nt] 大象monkey ['m ??ki] 猴子bird [b ??d]鸟tiger ['ta ?g?] 老虎panda ['p? nd ?] 大熊猫zoo [zu?]动物园funny ['f ?ni] 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread [bred] 面包juice [d ?u?s]果汁egg [eg] 蛋milk [m ?lk] 牛奶water ['w ??t?] 水cake [ke?k] 蛋糕fish [f ??] 鱼rice [ra ?s] 米饭Unit 6one [w ?n] 一two [tu?] 二three [ θ ri?]三four [f ??]四five [fa ?v] 五six [s?ks] 六seven ['sevn] 七eight [e ?t] 八nine [na ?n] 九ten [ten] 十brother ['br ?e?] 兄;弟sister ['s?st?] 姐;妹plate [ple ?t] 盘子三年级下册Unit 1giraffe [d rɑ?f] 长颈鹿UK [ju??ke?] 英国so [s??] 这么;那么Canada ['k? n?d?] 加拿大children ['t ??ldr?n] 儿童( child 的复数)USA 美国tail [te ?l] 尾巴China ['t?a?n?] 中国Unit 4she [?i?]她on [?n] 在⋯⋯上面student ['stju?d?nt] 学生in [?n] 在⋯⋯里面pupil ['pju?pl] 小学生under [' ?nd?] 在⋯⋯下面he [hi?] 他chair [t ?e?] 椅子teacher ['ti?t??] 教师desk [desk] 书桌boy [b ??] 男孩cap [k? p] 帽子and [? nd] 和;与ball [b ??l]球girl [g ??l]女孩car [kɑ?]小汽车new [nju?] 新的boat [b ?? t] 小船friend [frend] 朋友map [m? p] 地图today [t ?'de ?] 今天toy [t ??] 玩具Unit 2box [b ?ks] 盒;箱father ['f ɑ?e?] 父亲;爸爸Unit 5dad [d? d] 爸爸(口语)pear [pe ?] 梨man [m? n] 男人apple ['? pl] 苹果woman ['w ?m?n] 女人orange [' ??r?nd?] 橙子mother ['m ?e?] 母亲;妈妈banana [b ?'n ɑ?n?] 香蕉sister ['s?st?] 姐;妹watermelon [?w??t?mel?n] 西瓜brother ['br ?e?] 兄;弟strawberry [?str??b?ri] 草莓grandmother ['gr?nd?m? e grape [gre?p] 葡萄] (外)祖母buy [ba ?] 买grandma ['gr? ndm ɑ?](口fruit [fru?t] 水果语)祖母Unit 6grandfather ['gr?nd?f ɑ?e?]eleven [ ?'levn] 十一(外)祖父twelve [twelv] 十二grandpa ['gr? ndp ɑ?](口thirteen [' θ ??ti?n]十三语)祖父fourteen ['f ??'ti?n]十四family ['f? m?li] 家;家庭fifteen ['f ?f'ti?n]十五Unit 3sixteen [?s?ksti] 十六thin [ θ?n]瘦的seventeen [sev?n?ti?n] 十七fat [f? t] 肥的eighteen [?e??ti?n]十八tall [t ??l]高的nineteen [na ?n?ti?n]十九short [ t]矮的;短的twenty [?twenti] 二十long [l ??] 长的kite [ka ?t] 风筝small [sm??l]小的beautiful ['bju?t?f?l] 美丽的big [b ?g] 大的四年级上册Unit 1classroom ['kl ɑ?sr?m] 教室window ['w ?nd?? ] 窗户blackboard ['bl? kb ??d]黑板light [la ?t] 电灯picture ['p ?kt??] 图画door [d ??]门teacher's desk 讲台computer [k ?m'pju?t? ] 计算机fan [f? n] 风扇wall [w ??l]墙壁floor [fl ??]地板really ['r ??li] 真的near [n ??] 距离近TV [?ti?'vi?]电视clean [kli?n] 打扫help [help] 帮助Unit 2schoolbag ['sku?l?b?g] 书包maths book 数学书English book 英语书Chinese book 语文书storybook 故事书candy [?k?ndi] 糖果notebook [?n??tb ?k] 笔记本toy [t ??] 玩具key [ki?] 钥匙wow [wa ?] 哇;呀lost [l ?st] 丢失so much 非常地cute [kju?t] 可爱的Unit 3strong [str ??] 强壮的friendly ['frendli]友好的quiet ['kwa ??t] 安静的hair [he ?] 头发shoe [?u?]鞋glasses ['glɑ?s?z] 眼镜his [h?z] 他的or [ ??]或者right [ra ?t] 正确的;对的hat [h? t] 帽子her [h ??]她的Unit 4bedroom ['bedr ?m] 卧室living room 客厅;起居室study ['st ?di] 书房kitchen ['k ?t??n] 厨房bathroom [?bɑ?θ ru?m]浴室bed [bed] 床phone [f ??n] 电话table ['te ?bl] 桌子sofa [?s?k?t] 长沙发fridge [fr ?d?] 冰箱find [fa ?nd] 找到them [eem] 他(她、它)们Unit 5beef [bi?f] 牛肉chicken [?t??k?n] 鸡肉noodles 面条soup [su?p] 汤vegetable ['ved ??t?bl] 蔬菜chopsticks [?t??pst ?ks] 筷子bowl [b ??l] 碗fork [f ??k]餐叉knife [na ?f] 刀spoon [spu?n] 勺dinner ['d ?n?] 正餐ready ['redi] 准备好help yourself为(自己)取用pass [pɑ?s]给;递try [tra ?] 试;尝试Unit 6parents ['pe ?r?nts] 父母cousin ['k ?zn] 同辈表亲(堂亲)uncle [' ??kl] 叔叔aunt [ ɑ?nt] 阿姨baby brother婴儿小弟弟doctor [?d?kt ?] 医生cook [k?k] 厨师driver ['dra ?v?] 司机farmer ['f ɑ?m?] 农民nurse [n ??s]护士people ['pi?pl] 人们but [b ?t] 但是little ['l ?tl] 小的puppy ['p ?pi] 小狗football player足球运动员Unit 1first floor一楼second floor 二楼teachers'office 教师办公室library ['la ?br?ri] 图书馆playground ['ple ?gra?nd] 操场computer room 计算机房art room美术教室music room音乐教室next to ['nekstt ?] 紧邻homework ['h ??mw??k] 作业class [klɑ?s] 班;班级forty [?f??ti] 四十way [we?] 方向fly [fla ?] 放(风筝等)love [l?v] 爱Unit 2breakfast ['brekf ?st] 早餐English class英语课lunch [l ?nt?] 午餐music class音乐课PE class体育课dinner ['d ?n?] 正餐get up ['get ?p] 起床go to school去上学go home回家go to bed上床睡觉over [' ??v?] 结束now [na ?] 现在;目前o'clock [ ??kl?k]⋯⋯点钟kid [k ?d] 小孩thirty ['θ三??ti]十hurry up快点come on [?k?m?n] 快;加油just a minute稍等一会儿Unit 3cold [k?? ld] 冷的cool [ku?l] 凉的warm [w ??m] 温暖的job [d ??b] 工作basketball ['b? sk?tb ??l]篮球四年级下册hot [h ?t] 热的sunny ['s?ni] 阳光充足的windy ['w ?ndi] 多风的cloudy ['kla ?di] 阴天的snowy [sn ??i] 下雪的rainy ['re ?ni] 多雨的outside ['a ?t'sa?d] 在户外be careful小心weather ['wee ?] 天气New York ['nju?le?d] 纽约how about⋯⋯怎么样?degree [d ??ɡri?] 度world [w ??ld] 世界London ['l ?nd?n] 伦敦Moscow [?m? sk?? ] 莫斯科Singapore [?s??g??p??] 新加坡Sydney ['s?dni] 悉尼Unit 4tomato [t ?'me ?t?? ] 西红柿potato [p ?'te?t??] 马铃薯green beans豆角carrot ['k? r ?t] 胡萝卜horse [h ??s] 马cow [ka ?] 母牛;奶牛sheep [?i?p] 绵羊hen [hen]母鸡these [ei?z] 这些yum味道很好animal ['? n?m?l] 动物those [e ??z] 那些garden ['g ɑ?dn] 花园;菜园farm [f ɑ?m] 农场goat [ ɡ?? t] 山羊eat [i?t] 吃Unit 5clothes [kl ??ez] 衣服pants [p? nts] 裤子hat [h? t] 帽子dress [dres] 连衣裙skirt [sk ??t] 女裙umbrella [ ?m'brel ?] 雨伞coat [k??t] 外套;大衣sunglasses ['s?nglɑ?s?z] 太阳镜sweater ['swet ?] 毛衣pretty ['pr ?ti]美观的;精致的sock [s?k] 短袜expensive [?ks'pens?v] 昂贵的shorts [ ts] 短裤cheap [t ?i?p] 便宜的jacket ['d ?? k?t] 夹克衫nice [na ?s] 好的shirt [ t] 衬衫try on [?tra??n] 试穿yours [j ??z] 你的;你们的size [sa?z] 尺码;号whose [hu?z] 谁的of course [ ?v//k ??s] 当然mine [ma ?n] 我的too [tu?] 太;过于pack [p? k] 收拾(行李)just [d ??st]正好;恰好wait [we ?t] 等待how much多少钱Unit 6dollar [?d?l?] 元(美元等)glove [gl?v] 手套sale [se?l] 大减价scarf [skɑ?f] 围巾more [m ??] 更多的五年级上册Unit 1old [?? ld] 老的;年纪大的 young [j ??] 年轻的;岁数不大的 funny ['f ?ni] 滑稽的;可笑的 kind[ka ?nd] 体贴的;慈祥的 strict [str ?kt] 严厉的polite [p ??la?t] 有礼貌的hard-working工作努力的helpful ['helpf ?l] 有帮助的clever ['klev ?] 聪明的shy [?a?] 腼腆的;羞怯的know [n ??] 知道;了解our ['a ?? ] 我们的Ms [m ?z] 女士will [w ?l] 将要sometimes ['s ?mta ?mz] 有时;间或 robot [?r?? b?t] 机器人him [h ?m] 他(宾语或表语)speak [spi?k] 会说;会讲finish ['f ?n??] 完成;做好Unit 2Monday ['m ?nde?] 星期一Tuesday ['tju?zdi] 星期二Wednesday ['wenzdi]星期三Thursday ['θ ??zdi]星期四Friday ['fra ?di] 星期五Sunday ['s?ndi]星期日weekend ['wi?k'end]周末wash [w ??]洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch [w ?t?]看watch TV看电视do [du?] 做;干do homework做作业read [ri?d]看;读read books看书play [ple ?]踢;玩;参加(运动)play football踢足球cooking 烹饪often [' ??f?n]时常;常常park [p ɑ?k] 公园tired ['ta ??d]疲倦的sport [sp ??t] 体育运动play sports做体育运动should [ ??d]应该;应当every ['evri]每一个;每个day [de?] 一天;一日schedule [??edju?l] 工作计划;日程安排 Unit 3sandwich ['s? ndw ?t?] 三明治salad [?s?l? d] 蔬菜沙拉hamburger ['h? mb??g?] 汉堡包Unit 5ice cream 冰激凌clock [kl ?k]时钟tea [ti?] 茶;茶水plant [pl ɑ?nt]植物fresh [fre ?]新鲜的;刚摘的bottle [?b? tl]瓶子healthy ['hel健θ康i]的water bottle水瓶delicious [d ?'ls] 美味的;可口的bike [ba ?k]自行车hot [h ?t] 辣的photo ['f ??t??] 照片;相片sweet [swi?t]甜的front [fr ?nt]正面drink [dr ??k] 喝;饮in front of在⋯⋯前面thirsty ['θ口??sti]渴的between [b ?'twi?n] 在⋯⋯中间favourite ['fe ?v?r?t] 特别喜爱的above [?'b?v]在⋯⋯上面food [fu?d]食物beside [b ?'sa?d] 在旁边Dear [d??]亲爱的behind [b ?'ha?nd] 在⋯⋯ `后面onion [' ?nj?n]洋葱there [ee ?](表示存在或发生)Unit 4garandparent(外)祖父母sing [s??] 唱歌their [ee ?]他们的song [s??]歌曲house [ha ?s]房屋;房子sing English song 唱英文歌曲lot [l ?t] 大量;许多play the pipa弹琵琶lots of 大量;许多kung fu 功夫;武术flower ['fla ??]花;花朵do kung fu练功夫move [mu?v]搬家dance [dɑ?ns] 跳舞dirty ['d ??ti] 肮脏的draw [dr ??] 画everywhere ['evr ?hwe?] 处处;到处cartoon [k ɑ??tu?n]漫画mouse [ma ?s] 老鼠draw cartoons画漫画live [l ?v] 居住cook [k?k]烹饪nature [?ne?t??] 自然界;大自然swim [sw ?m]游泳Unit 6play basketball打篮球forest [?f?r?st]森林;林区play ping-pong打乒乓球river ['r ?v?]河;江speak English说英语lake [le?k]湖;湖泊we'll = we will我们将mountain ['ma ?nt?n] 高山;山岳party ['p ɑ?ti]聚会;派对hill [h ?l] 山丘;小山next ['nekst]下一个的;紧接着的tree [tri?]树;树木wonderful ['w?nd?f?l] 极好的;了不起的bridge [br ?d?]桥learn [l ??n] 学;学习building ['b ?ld??] 建筑物;房子any ['eni] 任何的;任一的village ['v ?l?d?]村庄;村镇problem [?pr? bl?m] 问题house [ha ?s]房屋;房子no problem没问题boating ['b ??t ??] 划船want [w ?nt]要;想要go boating去划船send [send] 邮寄;发送aren't = are not不是email [?i?me?l]电子邮件rabbit ['r?b?t]兔子at [? t] (后面接邮件地址)high [ha ?]高的五年级下册Unit 1eat breakfast吃早饭have ⋯ class 上⋯⋯课play sports进行体育运动exercise ['eks?sa?z] 活动;运动do morning exercise做早操eat dinner吃晚饭clean my room打扫我的房间go for a walk散步go shopping去买东西;购物take [te ?k] 学习;上(课)dancing 跳舞;舞蹈take a dancing class 上舞蹈课when [hwen]什么时候;何时after [' ɑ?ft?]在(时间)之后start [st ɑ?t]开始usually ['juli] 通常地;惯常的Spain [spe?n] 西班牙late [le?t] 晚;迟a.m. [??nt?me?r?d?em] 午前;上午p.m. [pi?em] 午后;下午 why [hwa ?] 为什么shop [??p] 去买东西;购物work [w ??k] 工作last [l ɑ?st] 上一个的;刚过去的sound [sa?nd] 听起来好像also ['??ls??] 还;也busy ['b?zi] 忙的need [ni?d] 需要play [ple ?] 戏剧;剧本letter ['let ?] 信live [l ?v] 居住island ['a?l?nd] 岛always ['??lwe?z] 总是;一直cave [ke?v] 山洞;洞穴go swimming去游泳win [w ?n] 获胜Unit 2spring [spr ??] 春天summer ['s ?m?] 夏天autumn/fall秋天winter ['w ?nt?] 冬天season ['si?zn] 季节picnic ['p ?kn?k] 野餐go on a picnic去野餐pick [p ?k] 摘;采集pick apples摘苹果snowman ['sn m? n] 雪人make a snowman堆雪人go swimming去游泳which [hw ?t?] 哪一个best [best]最snow [sn?? ] 雪good job做得好because [b?'k??z] 因为vacation [v ??ke??(?)n] 假期all [??l] 全;完全pink [p ??k] 粉色;粉色的lovely [?l?vli] 可爱的;美丽的leaf [li?f] 叶子fall [f ??l] 落下;秋天paint [pe ?nt] 用颜料绘画Unit 3January ['d ?? nj?eri]一月February ['febr ??ri]二月March [m ɑ?t?]三月April ['e ?pr?l]四月May [me ?] 五月June [d?u?n] 六月July [d?u?'la?]七月August [ ??'g?st] 八月September [sep'temb ?]九月October [ ?k?t??b?]十月November [n ??'vemb ?]十一月December [d ?'semb?] 十二月few [fju?] 不多;很少a few一些thing [θ事??]情meet [mi?t] 集会;开会sports meet运动会Easter [?i?st?]复活节trip [tr?p] 旅行year [j ??] 年plant [pl ɑ?nt]种植contest [?k?ntest] 比赛;竞赛the Great Wall长城national [?nn(?)l]国家的National Day [?n??n?l] 国庆日American [ ?'mer ?k?n]美国的ours ['a ??z]我们的Thanksgiving [?θ ??ks'g?v??] 感恩节climbing(正在)攀爬Christmas ['kr ?sm?s] 圣诞节eating吃( eat 的-ing 形式)holiday [?h?l?di]假日;节日playing(正在)玩耍game [ge?m]游戏jumping(正在)跳roll [r ??l] 滚动drinking(正在)喝look for ['l ?kf?r]寻找sleeping(正在)睡觉chocolate [?t??k?l?t] 巧克力each [i?t?] 每一;各个bunny ['b ?ni]兔子other [' ?e?]其他RSVP 请赐复each other [i?t?//' ?e?]相互by [ba?] 在⋯⋯之前excited [ ?k'sa?t?d]兴奋的;激动的Unit 4like [la?k] 像 `````那样first [f ??st] 第一Unit 6second ['sek?nd]第二doing moring exercise做早操third [θ ??d]第三having ⋯ class上⋯⋯课fourth [?fti?n] 第四reading a book (正在)看书fifth [f ?f θ第]五listening to music正在听音乐sixth [s?ks θ第]六keep [ki?p] 保持某种状态twelfth [twelf第θ十]二keep to the right靠右twentieth ['twenti??第二θ十]keep your desk clean保持你的课桌干净twenty- first [?twent?'f ??st] 第二十一talk quietly小声讲话twenty-third第二十三turn [t ??n] 顺序special ['spe??l] 特殊的;特别的take turns [?te?k't ??nz] 按顺序来fool [fu?l] 蠢人;傻瓜bamboo [b?m'bu?]竹子kitten小猫its [?ts] 它的;他的;她的diary ['da ??ri]日记show [ ]给人看;指引still [st ?l] 仍然;依旧;还是anything ['en ??θ ??]任何事物noise [n??z] 声音;噪音else [els] 另外;其他fur [f ??] 浓密的;软毛exhibition [?eks??bn]展览open [' ??p?n] 开着的say [se?]说;讲walk [w ??k] 行走have a look看一看Unit 5sushi 寿司mine [ma ?n]我的teach [ti?t?]教yours [j ??z] 你(们)的sure [] 当然his [h?z] 他的Canadian [k?'ne ?d??n]加拿大的hers [h ??z] 她的Spanish [?sp?n??]西班牙的theirs [ee ?z]他(她、它)们的六年级上册Unit 1bookstore [?b? kst??] 书店science ['sa??ns] 科学cinema [?s?n?m?] 电影院museum [mju?'z??m] 博物馆hospital [?h?sp?tl] 医院post office 邮局crossing ['kr ??s??]十字路口turn [t ??n] 转弯 left [left] 左straight [stre ?t] 笔直的 right[ra ?t] 右ask [ɑ?sk] 问sir [s??] 先生interesting [' ?nt ?r?st??] 有趣的Italian [ ?'t? lj?n] 意大利的restaurant [?rest?r ?nt] 餐馆pizza ['pi?ts?] 比萨饼street [stri?t]大街;街道get [get]到达GPS全球(卫星)定位系统gave [ge?v] 提供;交给( give 的过去时)feature [fi?t??]特点follow [?f? l??]跟着far [f ɑ?] 较远的tell [tel]告诉Unit 2on foot步行by [ba?] 乘bus [b?s] 公共汽车plane [ple ?n] 飞机taxi ['t?ksi] 出租汽车ship [??p] 船subway ['s?bwe?] 地铁train [tre ?n] 火车slow [sl??] 慢的down [da ?n] 减少;降低slow down慢下来stop [st ?p] 停下Mrs ['m ?s?z] 夫人early [' ??li] 早到的helmet ['helm ?t] 头盔must [m ?st] 必须wear [we ?] 戴attention [ ??ten ?(?)n] 注意pay attention to注意traffic ['tr?f?k] 交通traffic lights交通信号灯Munich慕尼黑(德国城市)Germany ['d m?ni] 德国Alaska [??l? sk?] 阿拉斯加州(美国州名)sled雪橇fast [f ɑ?st] 快的ferry [?feri] 轮渡Papa Westray 帕帕韦斯特雷岛Scotland [?sk?tl?nd] 苏格兰Unit 3visit ['v ?z?t]拜访film [f ?lm]电影see a film看电影trip [tr ?p]旅行take a trip去旅行supermarket ['sju?p??mɑ?k?t] 超市evening ['i?vn??] 晚上;傍晚tonight [t ?'na?t] 在今晚tomorrow [t?'m ??r??]明天next week下周dictionary ['d ?k??neri]词典comic [?k?m?k] 滑稽的comic book连环画册word [w ??d] 单词word book单词书postcard ['p ??st?kɑ?d] 明信片lesson ['lesn]课space [spe?s]太空travel ['tr? vl]旅行half [h ɑ?f] 一半price [pra ?s] 价格Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节together [t ?'gee?] 一起get together聚会mooncake [mu?nke?k]月饼poem [?pm] 诗moon [mu?n]月亮Unit 4studies 学习puzzle [?p?z(?)l] 谜hiking [ha ?k?n]远足pen pal 笔友hobby [?h?bi]业余爱好jasmine 茉莉idea [a?'d??]想法;主意Canberra堪培拉;澳大利亚首都amazing [ ?'me?z??] 令人惊奇的shall [?? l] 表示征求意见goal [g??l]射门join [d n] 加入club [kl ?b] 俱乐部share [?e?] 分享Unit 5factory ['f? kt?ri] 工厂 worker['w ??k?] 工人 postman['p ??stm?n] 邮递员businessman ['b ?zn?sm? n] 商人police office 警察 fisherman[?fm?n] 渔民 scientist['sa??nt?st] 科学家 pilot[?pa?l?t] 飞行员 coach[k??t?] 教练 country ['k ?ntri]国家head teacher [hed]校长sea [si?] 大海stay [ste?] 保持university [?ju?n?'v??s?ti] 大学 gym [d??m] 体育馆 if [?f]如果reporter [r ??p??t?] 记者use [ju?z] 使用type [ta ?p] 打字quickly ['kw ?kli] 迅速的secretary [?sekr?tri]秘书Unit 6angry ['??gri]生气的afraid [ ?'fre ?d] 害怕sad [s? d] 难过的Unit 1younger [?j??ɡ?] 更年轻的( young )older 更年长的( old) taller 更高的( tall ) shorter 更矮的;更短的 longer 更长的( long )thinner 更瘦的( thin ) heavier更重的( heavy) bigger 更大的( big) smaller 更小的( small )stronger 更强壮的( strong)dinosaur ['da ?n?s??] 恐龙hall [h ??l] 大厅worried ['w ?r?d] 担心的;发愁的happy ['h? pi] 高兴的see a doctor看病wear [we ?]穿more [m ??] 更多的deep [di?p]深的breath [bre呼θ吸]take a deep breath 深呼吸count [ka ?nt]数数count to ten数到十chase [t?e?s]追赶mice [ma ?s] 老鼠( mouse 的复数)bad [b? d] 邪恶的;坏的hurt [h ??t] 受伤ill [ ?l] 有病;不舒服wrong [r ] 有毛病should [ ??d] 应该feel [fi?l] 觉得;感到well [wel]健康;身体好sit [s?t] 坐grass [grɑ?s] 草坪hear [h ??] 听见ant [? nt] 蚂蚁worry ['w ?ri]担心;担忧stuck陷住;无法移动mud [m ?d] 泥pull [p ?l] 拉;拽everyone ['evr ?w ?n] 每人六年级下册metre [' mi?t?] 米than [e? n] 比both [b ??θ ]两个都kilogram [?k?l?ɡr? m] 千克;公斤countryside ['k ?ntr ?'sa?d] 乡村lower 更低的( low)shadow [ d?? ] 阴影;影子smarter 更聪明的( smart)become [b ?'k?m] 变成Unit 2cleaned 打扫( clean 的过去式)stayed 停留;呆( stay)washed 洗( wash)watched 看( watch )had [h? d] 患病;得病( have)had a cold感冒slept 睡觉( sleep)read [ri?d] 读( read)saw [s??] 看见( see)last [l ɑ?st] 最近的;上一个的yesterday ['jest ?di] 昨天before [b ?'f??] 在⋯⋯之前drank [dr ??k] 喝( drink )show [] 演出magazine [?m?g?'zi?n] 杂志better ['bet ?] 更好的( well ; good)faster 更快的( fast)hotel [h ??'tel]旅馆fixed 修理( fix)broken ['br ??k?n] 破损的lamp [l? mp] 台灯loud [la ?d] 大声的;喧闹的enjoy [?n'd] 喜爱Unit 3went [went]去(go)camp [k? mp]野营went camping野营fish [f ??] 钓鱼went fishing去钓鱼rode [r ?? d] 骑hurt [h ??t] 受伤( hurt )ate [e?t]吃(eat)took [te ?k] 拍照( take)took pictures照相bought [b ??t] 买( buy )gift [ ɡ?ft]礼物fell [fel]摔倒(fall)off [??f]落下Labour Day [?le?b?] 劳动节mule 骡子Turpan吐鲁番could [k ?d]能( can)till [t ?l]直到beach [bi?t?]沙滩basket ['b ɑ?sk?t] 篮;框part [p ɑ?t] 角色licked舔( lick)laughed笑( laugh)Unit 4dining hall饭厅grass [grɑ?s] 草坪gym [d ??m]体育馆ago [?'g??]以前cycling [?sa?kl??] 骑自行车运动go cycling去骑自行车ice-skate 滑冰badminton [?b?dm? nt?n] 羽毛球运动star [st ɑ?] 星easy ['i?zi] 容易的look up ['l ?k?p] 查阅Internet [' ?nt??net] 互联网different ['d ?f?r?nt] 不同的active ['? kt?v] 积极的;活跃的race [re ?s] 赛跑nothing ['n ?θ ??]没有什么thought [θ ??t]想(think)felt [felt]感觉(feel)cheetah ['t ?i?t?] 猎豹trip [tr ?p] 绊倒woke [w ??k] 醒( wake)dream [dri?m]梦。

Unit 1 (四上)一.单词部分:中国:China 美国:America 英格兰:England 新加坡:Singapore 加拿大:Canada 朋友:friend哪里:where 从:from 来自:be from 我们:we 男孩:boy 女孩:girl 司机:driver 漂亮的:beautiful农民:farmer 教师:teacher 医生doctor 酷:cool 护士:nurse 邮递员postman 男警察:policeman女警察:policewoman 记者:reporter 电视记者:TV reporter 游戏:game 玩:play 我们的:our 小心的,仔细的:careful 是谁:who is =who’s 他是:he’s=he is她是:she’s=she is 我们是: we’re=we are二.句子部分:1.又一次见到你很高兴。
Nice to see you again.2.你来自哪里? Where are you from?3.我来自美国。
I’m from America.4.我来自中国北京。
I’m from Beijing , China.5.我们是好朋友。
We’re good friends.6.这是我的新朋友,Jim。
This is my new friend,Jim.7.欢迎到我们家来。
Welcome to our home.8.这个男孩是谁? Who’s this boy?9.他是我的哥哥。
He’s my brother.10.这个女孩是谁? Who’s this girl?11.他是我的妹妹。
She’s my sister.12.让我们玩个游戏吧。
Let’s play a game.13.他很酷。
He’s cool.14.你爸爸是干什么的? What does your father do ?15.他是一名教师。
He’s a teacher.16.他是干什么的? What does he do?17.他是一名司机。

小学英语(650个)一、植物类botanical [b4't1nikl]adj.植物学的lemon ['lem4n]柠檬lemonade ['lem4'neid] n.柠檬水mushroom蘑菇bamboo shoot笋melon ['mel4n]瓜watermelon ['w3:t4mel4n]西瓜Hamimelon哈密瓜cucumber ['kju:k8mb4]黃瓜balsm pear苦瓜papaya木瓜pumpkin南瓜berry ['beri]n.浆果strawberry ['str3:b4ri]草莓blueberry蓝莓Mulberry桑果pea [pi:]n.豌豆peanut ['pi:n8t,'pi`n8t]花生green beans青豆stalk [st3:k]n.主茎beanstalk ['bi:nst3:k]n.豆茎green pepper青椒black pepper黑胡椒chilli ['t5ili]n.红辣椒red pepper红辣椒onion ['8nj4n]n.洋葱shallot葱garlic ['ga:lik]n.大蒜ginger姜vegetable ['ved9it4bl]蔬菜greens青菜lettuce ['letis]n.生菜spinach ['spinit5]n.菠菜watercress ['w3:t4kres]n.豆瓣菜,水田芹peach [pi:t5]桃cherry ['t5eri]n.樱桃carambola杨桃kiwifruit猕猴桃pear [pA4]梨durian ['duri4n]n.榴莲果plum [pl8m]n.梅子,李子mango ['m16g4u]芒果pineapple ['pain'1pl]菠萝litchi荔枝loquate枇杷olive橄榄pomegranate石榴juice [d9u:s]果汁carrot ['k1r4t]胡萝卜eggplant ['Ag'pl1nt]茄子taro ['t2:4u]芋头hay [hei]n.干草seaweed ['si:wi:d]n.海藻,海草log [l3g]n.圆木二、食品类jiaozi饺子dumpling ['d8mpli6]n.饺子tofu豆腐meatball ['mi:tb3:l]肉丸子chocolate ['t53k4lit]巧克力gum [g8m]口香糖raisinraisins葡萄干mustard ['m8st4d]芥末curry ['k8ri]n.咖喱粉salad ['s1l4d]沙拉apple pie苹果派Coke [k4uk]可乐dairy productn.乳制品pudding ['pudi6] n.布丁jelly ['d9eli]果冻lime [laim]n.酸橙yoghurt ['joug4:t] n.酸奶soya milkn.豆奶milkshake奶昔cream [kri:m]n.奶油ice-cream冰淇淋sundae ['s8ndi] n.圣代冰淇淋vinegar ['vinig4]醋sauce [s3:s]酱;调味品soy sauce酱油tomato paste番茄酱ketchup ['ket54p]调味番茄酱jello ['d9l4u]果酱peanut butter花生酱cereal ['si4ri4l] n.谷类食品sushi ['su:si]n.寿司toast [t4ust]n.吐司面包pastry ['peistri]n.面团noodles面条spaghetti [sp4'geti]n.意大利面条flour ['flau4]n.面粉mantou馒头hamburger ['h1mb4:g4]汉堡包sandwich ['s1nwid9]三明治doughnut ['d4un8t]甜面圏dessert [di'z4:t]n.甜点心BigMacn.巨无霸squid [skwid]n.鱿鱼ham [h1m]n.火腿turkey ['t4:ki]火鸡McChickenn.麦香鸡sausage ['s3sid9]香肠;腊肠bacon ['beik4n]n.熏肉pork [p3:k]猪肉pork chop猪排steak ['steik]n.牛排mutton ['m8tn]羊肉popcorn ['p3pk3:n]爆米花cornflakesn.脆玉米片potato chips薯片salad dressing色拉调味品fish fingern.炸鱼条French fries炸薯条fries(=French fries)n.炸土豆条,薯条stir-fry(用旺火)快炒omelette ['3mlit]煎蛋pancake ['p1nkeik]煎饼pizza ['pi:ts4]比萨饼,意大利饼cheesecake ['t5i:zkeik]酪饼pie [pai]n.馅饼donut ['d4u`n8t]油炸圈饼cookies饼干crackers ['kr1k4z]饼干biscuit ['biskit]饼干crispsn.松脆饼干pretzels一种脆饼干tangerine [t1nd94'ri:n]橘子fried [fraid]adj.油炸的cookery ['kuk4ri]n.烹调术cookedadj.煮熟的delicious [di'li54s] adj.美味的distilledadj.蒸馏得来的roast [r4ust]adj.烤过的spicy ['spaisi]adj.辛辣的,有风味的yucky ['j8ki]难吃的,讨厌的chopsticks ['t53pstik]筷子spoon [spu:n]勺子;匙cage [keid9]n.笼tin [tin]n.罐can [k1n]n.罐mug [m8g](有柄的)大杯teacups茶杯转椅wok [w3k]锅diet ['dai4t]n.饮食slice [slais]n.薄片picnic ['piknik]野餐supper ['s8p4]晚餐fast food快餐snacksn.小吃,快餐三、动物类tadpole ['t1dp4ul]n.蝌蚪insect ['insekt]n.昆虫ladybird ['leidib4:d]n.甲虫caterpillar ['k1t4pil4]n.毛虫cocoon [k4'ku:n]n.(昆虫的)卵袋kitten ['kitn]小猫catch a mouse(猫)捉老鼠wag its tail(狗)摇尾巴walk the dog溜狗puppy ['p8pi]n.小狗,小动物lamb [l1m]小羊;羔羊rooster ['ru:st4]公鸡duckling ['d8kli6]n.小鸭platypus ['pl1tip4s]鸭嘴兽swan [sw3n]天鹅penguin ['pengwin]企鹅peacock ['pi:k3k]孔雀crane [krein]鹤parrot ['p1r4t]鹦鹉quail [kweil]鹌鹑owl [aul]猫头鹰ostrich ['3strit5]鸵鸟aviary ['eivieri]n.鸟舍nest [nest]鸟巢mosquito [m4s'ki:t4u]蚊子moth [m37]n.蛾seafood ['si:fu:d]n.海产品,海鲜sperm whale抹香鲸killer whale虎鲸alligator ['1ligeit4]鳄鱼crocodile ['kr3k4dail]n.鳄鱼shark [5a:k]n.鲨鱼tuna ['tu:n4]n.金枪鱼octopus ['3kt4p4s]章鱼hippo ['hipou]河马shrimp [5rimp]n.虾prawn [pr3n]n.对虾lobster ['l3bst4]n.龙虾crab [kr1b]n.螃蟹oyster ['3ist4]n.牡蛎turtle ['t4:tl]乌龟jellyfish ['d9Ali'fi5]水母,海蜇shellfish ['5elfi5]贝,甲壳类动物shell [5el]贝壳dolphin ['d3lfin]n.海豚seal ['si:l]n.海豹leopard ['lep4d]豹gorilla [g4'ril4]大猩猩rhino ['rainou]犀牛dinosaur ['dain4s3:]n.恐龙dragon dance舞龙donkey ['d36ki]n.驴lizard ['liz4d]n.蜥蜴iguana [i'gw2:n4]鬣蜥(一种产于南美洲和西印度群岛的大蜥蜴)mice [mais]n.(pl.)老鼠kangaroo ['k16g4'ru:]袋鼠hamster ['h1mst4]仓鼠squirrel ['skwir4l]松鼠koala [k4u'a:l4]树袋熊giraffe [d9i'ra:f]长颈鹿四、色彩、形状、乐器类purple ['p4:pl紫色的pink [pi6k]粉红色的marker ['m2:k4]水彩笔crayon ['krei4n]蜡笔blond [bl3nd]金黄色的violet ['vai4lit]adj.紫罗兰色的dark blue深蓝light green淡绿triangle ['trai1ngl]三角形rectangle ['rekt16gl]长方形square [skwA4]正方形curly ['k4:li]卷曲的slim [slim]苗条的freckles雀斑guitar [gi'ta:]n.吉他recorder [ri'k3:d4]n.八孔直笛violin ['vai4'lin]n.小提琴drum [dr8m]n.鼓五、服饰类down coat羽绒服sweater ['swet4]毛线衫;毛衣blouse [blauz]女(式)衬衫;罩衫sweatshirt运动衫,T-恤衫T-shirtT-恤衫Skirt[sk4:t]短裙dress连衣裙vest [vest]马甲;背心jeans牛仔裤pants [p1nts]长裤Trousers长裤、裤子shorts短裤sock [s3k]袜子stocking ['st3ki6]长袜scarf [ska:f]围巾towel ['tau4l]手巾;毛巾necktie ['nektai]领带sneakers运动鞋(复数)sandal ['s1ndl]n.凉鞋,便鞋sandals ['s1ndl]凉鞋slippers ['slip4s]拖鞋roller-skate旱冰鞋rollerblade单排轮溜冰鞋zip [zip]拉链yarn [ja:n]线armchair ['a:m't5A4]扶手椅sofa ['s4uf4]沙发skateboarding滑板bench [bent5]长凳umbrella [8m'brel4]雨伞toothpaste ['tu:7peist]牙膏toothbrush ['tu:7br85]牙刷六、人类及各部分grandpa (口语)爷爷grandfather 爷爷、外公grandma (口语)奶奶grandmother 奶奶、外婆granny 奶奶parents 父母亲dad 爸爸mum 妈妈mom 妈妈grandson (外)孙子granddaughter (外)孙女brother兄弟sister姐妹cousin ['k8zn]堂(表)兄(弟);堂(表)姐(妹)Twin孪生子grandparents祖父母nephew ['nefju:]n.侄子,外甥niece [ni:s]n.侄女,外甥女auntie ['2:nti]n.阿姨aunt伯母、婶、姑妈、舅妈uncle伯父、叔父、姑父、姨父、舅sir.=Mr.先生lady女士、夫人Mrs.夫人、太太Miss小姐Madam夫人、女士、太太、小姐guys家伙queen [kwi:n]n.王后shoulder ['54uld4]n.肩七、年月日周时数字leap yearn.闰年January ['d91nju4ri]一月February ['febru4ri]二月March三月April四月May五月June六月July七月August八月September [s4p'temb4]九月October [3k't4ub4]十月November [n4u'vemb4]十一月December [di'semb4]十二月Monday星期一Tuesday ['tju:zdi]星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday ['74:zdi]星期四Friday星期五Saturday星期六weekday ['wi:kdei](除星期六、日以外的)任何一天Weekend周末forty四十(无U)fortieth第四十(无U)ninth第九(无E)twelve [twelv]十二twelfth [twelf7]num.第十二twentieth ['twentii7]num.第二十trllion百万兆、万亿、太(T)billion十亿、吉(G)million百万、兆(M)myriad万thousand千hundred百ten十one一half past(表示时间)……点半club time课外活动时间schedule ['5edju:l]时间表;一览表noon [nu:n]中午time for bed就寝时间八、球、运动、玩具yo-yo溜溜球、悠悠球dodge ball躲避球pingpong乒乓球table-tennisn.乒乓球hockey ['h3ki]曲棍球baseball棒球baseball player棒球运动员mittens棒球手套,拳击手套basketball篮球balloon汽球badminton ['b1dmint4n] n.羽毛球volleyball ['v3lib3:l] n.排球football足球soccer足球play soccer踢足球bounce [bauns]拍(球) clap [kl1p]v.拍puppet ['p8pit]n.木偶merry-go-round旋转木马kite [kait]风筝yacht [j3t]快艇;游艇roller coaster过山车bumper car碰碰车pinwheel ['pinhwi:l]纸风车swing [swi6]秋千seesaw ['si:s3:]跷跷板unicycle ['ju:nisaikl]单轮脚踏车hop [h3p]单脚跳high jumpn.跳高video game电子游戏quiz [kwiz]答问比赛;智力测验comic books连环漫画册teddy bear玩具熊top [t3p]陀螺jungle gym儿童攀援游戏立体构架mask [ma:sk]n.面具felt pen毡头笔hiking [haiki6]徒步旅行go hiking去远足go for a swim去游泳roller skating滑旱冰go skiing去滑雪go ice-skating去滑冰jogging ['d93gi6]慢跑doll [d3l]玩具娃娃toys玩具(复数)gym [d9im]体育馆;健身房puzzle ['p8zl]智力玩具;拼图玩具jigsaw puzzle七巧板,智力拼图玩具Lego乐高拼装玩具judo ['d9u:dou]柔道play with玩……play with fire玩火pull [pul]拉choir ['kwai4]n.唱诗班umpire ['8mpai4]裁判员九、节日、剧Beijing Opera京剧Peking opera京剧comedy ['k3midi]喜剧Temple Fair庙会festival ['fest4v4l]节日Christmas ['krism4s]圣诞节Santa Claus圣诞老人Halloween ['h1l4u'i:n]万圣节之前夕Thanksgiving[716ks'givi9]感恩节Spring Festival春节Open Day可参观的日子paper-cut剪纸十、地点、房间district ['distrikt]n.地区pitch [pit5]n.场地environment[in'vai4r4nm4nt]n.环境this way这边over there在那边Singapore [`si6g4'p3:]新加坡Moscow ['m3sk4u]n.莫斯科Ottawa ['3t4w4]n.渥太华New Zealandn.新西兰PRC中国Cape Town开普敦Korean [k4'ri4n]韩国人Tiananmen Square天安门广场the Summer Palace颐和园the Forbidden City紫禁城Temple of Heaven天坛the Palace Museum故宫construction site建筑工地igloo ['iglu:]圆顶建筑village ['vilid9]n.村庄jungle ['d986gl]n.丛林block [bl3k]n.大楼treehouse树上小屋,巢屋balcony ['b1lk4ni]阳台teacher's desk讲台clinic [klinik]诊所plant housen.暖房flat [fl1t]v.公寓;单元房;一套房间church [t54:t5]n.教堂canteen [k1n'ti:n]食堂castle ['ka:sl]n.城堡kitchen ['kit5in]厨房closet ['kl3zit]壁橱cupboard ['k8b4d]n.小橱reservoir ['rez4vwa:]n.水库garage ['g1ra:9]车库library ['laibr4ri]图书馆theater ['7i4t4]n.戏院,剧场theatre ['7i4t4]n.剧场tennis courtn.网球场beauty shop美容院restroom ['rest'ru:m]卫生间toilet ['t3ilit]n.洗手间,厕所cinema ['sinim4]n.电影院cafe ['k1fei, k4'fei]n.咖啡馆,小餐馆theme park游乐园aquarium [4'kwAri4m]n.水族馆kindergarten ['kind4g2:tn]n.幼儿园nature park自然公园key school重点校cram school补习学校subway ['s8bwei]地铁tram-stopn.电车车站supermarket['sju:p4'ma:kit]超级市场mall [m3:l]n.购物商场stall [st3:l]n.货摊,出售摊zebra crossing斑马线sidewalk ['saidw3:k]人行道pavement ['peivm4nt] n.人行道underpass ['8nd4p2:s]地下通道footbridge ['futbrid9]人行桥crosswalk ['kr3sw3:k]人行横道turning ['t4:ni6]n.拐弯处,拐角处harbour [h2:b4]n.海港fountain ['fauntin] n. 喷水池pond [p3nd]n.水池十一、(类)叹词ah-choo阿嚏ouch [aut5]哎唷!痛呀!aw rats哦,糟糕!ooh gross真恶心un-huh啊哈uh-uh ['8'8](表示否定)哼yep [jep](俚语)是yikes呀!yippee ['jipi]开心、快乐等时叫起来的声音yuk [j8k](因乐趣而发的)大笑oh [4u]int.哦,啊oh shoot哦,哼!(反感, 失望声)Hooray!好哇!,万岁!humming ['h8mi6]adj.发嗡嗡声的hissing ['hisi6]adj.发嘶嘶声的wow [wau]哇;喔唷hmm [hm,m]嗯(语气词)gee [d9i:]感叹词;用以表示惊奇、赞赏等Mew Mew猫咪;咪咪not me不是我not yet尚未get set预备!go for it拼一次!gone [g3n]卖光了why not为什么不呢watch out小心;留神That's OK.行。

新版PEP小学英语三年级上册单词表Unit 1ruler ['ru:l??]n.直尺pencil [?pensl]n. 铅笔eraser[i'reis?]n. 橡皮擦crayon ['krei?n] n. 蜡笔bag [b?g]n.包pen [pen]n. 钢笔pencil box['pensl b?ks]n. 铅笔盒book[buk]n. 书no [n?u] 不your [j?:?]pron. 你(们)的Unit 2red [red]n. 红色adj. 红色的green[ɡri?n]adj. 绿色的n. 绿色yellow[?jel?u]adj. 黄色的n. 黄色blue [blu?]n. 蓝色adj. 蓝色的black[bl?k]n. 黑色adj. 黑色的brown [braun]n.棕色adj.棕色的white[(h)wait]adj. 白色的n. 白色orange[??rind?]n.橙色adj.橙色的,Ok [?u’kei] 好;行Mum [m?m] n. 妈妈Unit 3face [feis]n. 脸ear [i?]n. 耳朵eye [ai] n. 眼睛nose [n?uz]n. 鼻子mouth[mauθ]n. 嘴arm [ɑ:m]n. 胳膊hand [h?nd]n. 手head[hed]n. 头body['b?di]n. 身体leg [leg]n. 腿foot[fut]n. 脚school [sku:l]n. 学校Unit 4duck [d?k]n. 鸭子pig [piɡ]n. 猪cat [k?t]n. 猫bear [be??]n. 熊dog [d?g]n. 狗elephant [?'elif?nt]n. 大象monkey ['m??ki]n. 猴子bird [b?:?d]n. 鸟tiger ['taig?] n. 老虎panda [?'p?nd?]n. 熊猫zoo[zu?]n. 动物园funny [‘f?ni] adj. 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread[bred]n. 面包juice [d?u:s]n. 果汁、液egg [eg] n. 蛋milk [milk]n. 牛奶water ['w?:t?]n. 水cake[keik]n. 蛋糕fish [fi?] n. 鱼rice [rais] n. 米饭Unit 6 Happy Birthdayone[w?n]num. 一two[tu:] num. 二three[θri:] num. 三four [f?:]num. 四five [faiv]num. 五six[siks] num. 六seven['sevn]num. 七eight [eit]num. 八nine[nain]num. 九ten[ten]num. 十brother [ ‘br?e?] n.兄;弟plate [pleit] n. 盘子新版PEP小学三年级英语下册词汇表(含音标)Unit 1UK 美国Canada ['k?n?d?] 加拿大USA 美国China ['t?a?n?] 中国she [?i?]她student ['stju?d(?)nt] 学生pupil ['pju?p?l; -pl] 学生;(尤指)小学生he [hi?]他teacher ['ti?t??] 教师boy [b??] 男孩and [?nd] 和;与girl [g??l]女孩new [nju?]新的friend [frend] 朋友today [t?'de?] 今天unit 2father ['fɑ?e?] 父亲;爸爸dad [d?d](口语)爸爸;爹爹man [m?n]男人woman ['w?m?n] 女人mother ['m?e?] 母亲;妈妈sister ['s?st?] 姐;妹brother ['br?e?] 兄;弟grandmother ['gr?n(d)m?e?] (外)祖母grandpa ['gr?n(d)pɑ?](口语)(外)祖母grandfather ['gr?n(d)fɑ?e?] (外)祖父grandpa ['gr?n(d)pɑ?](口语)(外)祖父family ['f?m?li] 家;家庭unit 3thin [θ?n] 瘦的fat [f?t]胖的;肥的tall [t??l]高的short [???t]矮的;短的long [l??]长的small [sm??l]小的big [b?g] 大的giraffe [d??'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿so [s??] 这么;那么children ['t??ldr?n] (child[t?a?ld]的复数)儿童tail [te?l] 尾巴unit 4on [?n] 在……之上in [?n] 在……里under ['?nd?] 在……下面chair [t?e?] 椅子desk [desk] 书桌cap [k?p]帽子ball [b??l]球car [kɑ?]小汽车boat [b??t] 小船map [m?p]地图toy [t??] 玩具box [b?ks] 盒;箱unit 5pear [pe?] 梨apple ['?pl]苹果orange ['?r?nd?] 橙子banana [b?'nɑ?n?] 香蕉watermelon ['w??t?mel?n] 西瓜strawberry ['str??b?r?] 草莓grape [gre?p] 葡萄buy [ba?] 买fruit [fru?t]水果unit 6eleven [?'lev?n] 十一twelve [twelv] 十二thirteen ['θ??ti?n]十三fourteen ['f??ti?n]十四fifteen ['f?fti?n]十五sixteen ['s?ksti?n]十六seventeen ['sevnti?n]十七eighteen ['e?ti?n]十八nineteen ['na?nti?n]十九twenty ['twent?] 二十kite [ka?t] 风筝beautiful ['bju?t?fl] 美丽的PEP新版小学英语四年级上册单词表Unit 1classroom [?klɑ:sru:m] 教室window [?wind?u] 窗户blackboard [b?:d] 黑板light [lait] 电灯picture [ˊpikt??] 图画door [d?:] 门teacherˊs desk [?ti:t??z desk]讲台computer [k?mˊpju:t?] 电脑fan [f?n] 风扇wall [w?:l] 墙floor [fl?:] 地板realy [ri?li] 真的near [ni?] 在……的旁边TV 电视clean [kli:n] 打扫;清洁;擦干净的help [help] 帮助;帮忙Unit 2Schoolbag [?sku:l?b?g] 书包math [m?θ] book[buk] 数学书English [ˊi?gl??] book[buk] 英语书Chinese [t?aiˊni:z] book[buk] 语文书story—book [ˊst?:ri buk] 故事书candy [k?ndi] 糖果notebook [ˊn?utbuk] 笔记本toy [t?i] 玩具key [ki ] 钥匙wow [wau] 哇lost [l?st] 丢失so much 非常地cute [kju:t] 可爱的Unit 3strong [str??] 强壮的friendly [frendli] 朋友(们)quiet [ˊkwai?t] 安静的hair [h??]头发shoe [?u: ] 鞋glasses [gla:siz]眼镜his [hiz] 他的or [?:r] 或者right [rait] 正确的hat [h?t] 帽子her [h?:] 她的Unit 4bedroom [?bed?ru:m, -?r?m] 卧室living room [?livi? ru:m]起居室study [ˊst?di] 书房kitchen [ˊkit?in] 厨房bathroom [ˊbɑ:θrum] 卫生间bed [bed] 床phone [f?un] 电话table [ˊteibl] 桌子sofa [ˊs?uf?] 沙发fridge [frid?] 冰箱find [faid] 找到them 他(她;它)们Unit 5beef [bi:f] 牛肉chicken [ˊt?ikin] 鸡肉noodle(s) [ˊnu:dl(s)] 面条soup [su:p] 汤vegetable [ˊved?it?bl] 蔬菜chopstick [?t??p?st?k]筷子bowl [b?ul ] 碗fork [f?:k] 叉子knife [naif] 小刀spoon [spu:n] 勺子dinner [ˊdin?] 晚餐;正餐ready [ˊredi] 准备好了help yourself [help j?:?self] 随便吃pass [pɑ:s] 给;递try [trai] 尝试;试Unit 6parents [ˊp??r?nts] 父母cousin 同辈表亲或堂亲uncle [ˊ??kl] 叔叔;舅舅叔父;伯父;姨夫aunt [英] [ɑ:nt] 姑姑;婶;姨baby [ˊbeibi] 婴儿doctor [ˊd?kt?] 医生cook [ˊkuk] 厨师driver [ˊdraiv?] 司机farmer [ˊfɑ:m?] 农民nurse [n?:s] 护士people [ˊpi:pl] 人们but 但是little 小的puppy [ˊp?pi] 小狗football player [?futb?:l ?ple??]棒球运动员job [d??b]吧、工作basketball [baskit b?:l] 篮球新版pep四年级英语下册单词表Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teacher’s office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to 紧邻;在……近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十way 方向Unit 2breakfast 早餐;早饭English class 英语课lunch 午餐;午饭music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner (中午或晚上吃的)正餐get up 起床go to school 去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉over 结束now 现在;目前o’clock (表示整点)……点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点come on 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold 寒冷的;冷的cool 凉的;凉爽的warm 温暖的;暖和的hot 热的;烫的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的;风大的cloudy 阴天的;多云的snowy 下雪(多)的rainy 阴雨的;多雨的outside 在户外be careful 小心weather 天气New York 纽约how about ……怎么样?……情况如何?degree 度;度数world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科Singapore 新加坡城fly 放(风筝等)love(写信结尾的热情问候)爱你的Unit 4tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯;土豆green beans 豆角;四季豆carrot 胡萝卜horse 马cow 母牛;奶牛sheep 羊;绵羊hen 母鸡these (this的复数形式)yum (表示味道或气味非常好)animal 兽;动物those (that的复数形式)那些garden 花园;菜园farm 农场goat 山羊eat 吃Unit 5clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat (常指带檐的)帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt (尤指男士)衬衫yours 你的;你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾(行李)wait 等待Unit 6glove(分手指的)手套scarf 围巾;披巾umbrella 伞;雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的;精致的expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的cheap 花钱少的;便宜的nice 好的try on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好how much 多少钱eighty 八十dollar元sale特价销售;大减价more 更多的us 我们新版小学英语(PEP)·五年级上册·单词表Unit1old[?uld]年老的young [j??]年轻的funny ['f?ni]滑稽可笑的.kind[kaind]和蔼的strict[strikt]严格的.polite[p??la?t] 有礼貌的;有教养的hard-working[hɑ:d 'w?:k??]努力工作的,勤奋的helpful[’helpfl]有帮助的;愿意帮忙的clever [’klev?(r)] 聪明的,聪颖的shy [?a?] 害羞的;腼腆的know[n ??]]知道. 了解our [a??] 我们的Ms [m?z] 女士(代替Miss或Mrs的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况);will [w?l] (谈及将来)将要sometimes [?s?mta?mz]有时候,间或;时而robot[?r??b?t]机器人him [h?m] (he的宾格)他speak [spi:k] 会说,会讲(某种语言);用某种语言)说话finish英[?f?n??] 完成;做完Unit2Monday(Mon.)星期一['m?ndei] Tuesday(Tue.)星期二['tju:zdei] Wednesday(Wed.)星期三['wenzdei] Thursday(Thu.)星期四['θ?:zdei] Friday(Fri.)星期五['fraidei]Saturday(Sat.)['s?t?dei]星期六Sunday(Sun.) ['s?ndei]星期天. weekend [?wi:k?end] 周末wash [w??] 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watch[w?t?] 看do[du] 做;干do homework ['h?umw?:k] 做作业read [ri:d] 看,读read books 看书play [ple?] 踢、玩、参加(体育运动) play football 踢足球cooking [?k?k??] 烹饪;烹调often [??fn] 常常;时常park [pɑ:k] 公园tired [?ta??d] 疲倦的sport [sp?:t] 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should [??d] (常用于纠正别人)应该;将会every [?evri] 每个;每一个day [de?] 一天;一日schedule [??edju:l] 工作计划,日程安排Unit3sandwich [?s?nw?t?] 三明治salad [?s?l?d] 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉hamburger [?h?mb?:g?(r)] 汉堡包ice cream [a?s kri:m] 冰淇淋tea [ti:] 茶水;茶fresh [fre?]新鲜的healthy['helθi]健康的;有益健康的delicious [d??l???s] 美味的,可口的hot [h?t] 辣的;辛辣的sweet [swi:t]甜的drink [dr??k] 喝;饮thirsty [?θ?:sti] 渴的口渴的favourite ['feiv?rit]特别喜爱的;最喜爱的food [fu:d] 食物Dear[d??(r)] 亲爱的onion[??nj?n] 洋葱;葱头Unit4sing [s??] 唱;歌唱song [s??] 歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶Kung fu [k?? fu] 功夫武术do kung fu 练武术dance [dɑ:ns] 跳舞draw[dr?:] 画cartoon [kɑ:?tu:n] 漫画draw cartoon 画漫画cook [k?k] 烹调swim [sw?m] 游泳play basketball 打篮球ping pong [p?? p??] 乒乓球运动play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we’ll=we willparty [?pɑ:ti] 聚会;派对next [nekst]下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful [?w?nd?fl]极好的;了不起的learn [l?:n] 学;学习;学会any [?eni]任何的;任一的;随便哪一个problem [?pr?bl?m] 问题no problem 没问题want [w?nt] 想要send [send] 发送;邮寄email ['i:me?l] 电子邮件at [?t](后面接邮件地址)Unit5clock [kl?k] 钟,时钟plant [plɑ:nt] 植物bottle [?b?tl] 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike [ba?k] 自行车photo [?f??t??] 照片;相片front [fr?nt] 正面in front of 在……前面between [b??twi:n] 在…之间;above [??b?v] 在……上面beside [b??sa?d] 在…旁边(附近)behind [b??ha?nd] 在…的后面there [ee?(r)] (表示存在或发生)grandfather [?gr?nfɑ:e?(r)] (外)祖父their [ee?] 他(她,它)们的house [ha?s] 房屋;房子;住宅lot [l?t] 大量,许多lots of大量,许多flower [?fla??] 花;花朵move [mu:v] 搬家dirty [?d?:ti] 肮脏的everywhere [?evriwe?] 到处,处处mouse [ma?s] 老鼠live [l?v] 居住nature [?ne?t??(r)] 自然界;大自然Unit6forest ['f?rist]森林river ['riv?]河流lake [leik]湖泊mountain ['mauntin]高山;山脉hill [h?l] 小山tree [tri:]树;树木bridge [brid?]桥building ['bildi?]建筑物village ['vilid?]乡村;村庄house [haus]房子;住宅boating [’b??t??] 划船go boating 去划船aren’t=are notrabbit [?r?b?t] 兔子,野兔high [ha?] 高第11 页共11 页。

小学3-5年级英语单词汇总三年级上册1、ruler尺子pencil铅笔eraser橡皮crayon[ˈkreɪən]蜡笔bag包pen钢笔pencil box铅笔盒book书no不your你(们)的;2、red红色(的)green绿色(的)yellow黄色(的)blue 蓝色(的)black黑色(的)brown棕色(的)white白色(的)orange橙色(的))mum[mʌm]妈妈;3、face脸ear耳朵eye眼睛nose鼻子mouth嘴arm胳膊hand手head头body身体leg 腿foot脚school学校;4、duck鸭子pig猪cat猫bear熊dog狗elephant大象monkey猴子bird鸟tiger老虎panda大熊猫zoo动物园funny好笑的、滑稽的;5、bread面包juice果汁egg蛋milk牛奶water水cake蛋糕fish鱼rice米饭;6、one一two二three三four四five 五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十brother兄、弟plate盘子;三年级下册1、UK英国USA美国China中国she她student学生pupil[ˈpju:pl]小学生he他teacher教师boy男孩and和girl女孩new新的friend朋友today今天;2、father父亲、爸爸dad口语爸爸man男人woman女人mother母亲、妈妈sister姐、妹brother兄、弟grandmother(外)祖母grandfather(外)祖父family家、家庭;3、thin瘦的fat胖的tall高的short矮的、短的long长的small小的big大的giraffe[dʒəˈrɑ:f]长颈鹿so这么、那么children(child的复数)儿童tail尾巴;4、on在…上in在…里under在…下chair椅子desk桌子cap帽子ball 球car小汽车boat小船map地图toy玩具box盒、箱;5、pear梨apple苹果orange橙子banana香蕉watermelon[ˈwɔ:təmelən]西瓜strawberry[ˈstrɔ:bəri]草莓grape[greɪp葡萄buy买fruit[fru:t]水果;6、eleven十一twelve十二thirteen十三fourteen十四fifteen十五sixteen十六seventeen十七eighteen十八nineteen十九twenty二十kite风筝beautiful美丽的四年级上册1、classroom教室window窗户blackboard黑板light电灯picture图画door门teacher's desk 讲台computer计算机fan风扇wall墙壁floor地板really真的near距离近clean打扫help帮助;2、schoolbag书包maths book数学书English book英语书Chinese book语文书storybook 故事书candy糖果notebook笔记本toy玩具key钥匙WoW哇、呀lost丢失(lose的过去式)so much非常地cute[kju:t]可爱的;3、strong强壮的friendly友好的quiet安静的hair头发shoe 鞋glasses眼睛his他的or或者right正确的、对的hat帽子her她的;4、bedroom卧室livingroom客厅study书房kitchen [ˈkɪtʃɪn]厨房bathroom浴室bed床phone[fəʊn]电话table桌子sofa[ˈsəʊfə] 长沙发fridge冰箱find找到them他(她、它)们;5、beef牛肉chicken鸡肉noodles 面条soup[su:p]汤vegetable[ˈvedʒtəbl]蔬菜chopsticks ['tʃɒpstɪks]筷子bowl碗fork餐叉knife 刀spoon[spu:n]勺dinner正餐ready准备好help yourself为(自己)取用pass给、递try 试;6、parents父母Cousin[ˈkʌzn]同辈表亲uncle舅父、叔父、伯父、姑父、姨父aunt 姑母、姨母baby婴儿小弟弟doctor医生Cook厨师driver司机farmer农民nurse[nɜ:s]那额师护士people人们but但是little[ˈlɪtl]小的(赖桃儿)puppy [ˈpʌpi]小狗怕批football足球job工作basketball篮球四年级下册1、first floor一楼second floor二楼teacher’soffice教师办公室library图书馆playground操场computer room计算机房art room美术教室music room音乐教室next to紧邻、在…旁homework作业class班、班级forty四十way方向;2、breakfast早餐English class英语课lunch 午餐music class音乐课PE class体育课dinner正餐(中午或晚上吃的)get up起床go to school 去上学go home回家go to bed上床睡觉over结束now现在o’clock整点、…点钟kid小孩thirty 三十hurry快点come on快点、加油just a minute稍等一会儿;3、cold寒冷的cool凉爽的warm温暖的hot热的sunny阳光充足的windy多风的cloudy阴天的snowy下雪的rainy阴雨的outside在户外be careful小心weather天气New york纽约how about怎么样degree[dɪˈgri:]度数帝国瑞world世界London伦敦Moscow莫斯科Singapore[ˈsɪŋgə'pɔ:]辛娜坡新加坡Sydney['sɪdnɪ]细的你悉尼fly放(风筝等)love爱你的(写信结尾的问候语);4、tomato西红柿potato土豆green beans豆角carrot卡热特胡萝卜horse马cow奶牛sheep 羊、绵羊hen母鸡these这些(this的复数)yum雅母气味或味道很好animal动物those (that的复数形式)那些garden花园、菜园farm农场goat山羊eat吃;5、clothes衣服pants裤子碰瓷hat海特帽子(有帽檐的)dress连衣裙skirt[skɜ:t]时隔特女裙coat外衣、大衣sweater毛衣sock短袜shorts[ʃɔ:ts]索词短裤jacket夹克衫shirt设特衬衫yours你的、你们的whose谁的mine我的pack派克收拾wait等待;6、glove手套各啦无scarf围巾umbrella阿木不瑞了雨伞sunglasses太阳镜pretty美观的、精致的expensive埃克斯笨塞无昂贵的cheap便宜的nice好的try on试穿size撒哎日尺码、号of course饿务抗时(土话)当然too太、过于just正好、恰好how much多少钱eighty八十爱题dollar[ˈdɒlə(r)]荡了儿(土话)元sale赛哦大减价、特价销售more更多的us我们的五年级上册1、old老的young年轻的funny可笑的kind慈祥的strict严厉的polite有礼貌的hard-working 辛勤的helpful有用的、愿意帮忙的clever聪明的shy羞怯的know知道our我们的Ms米日女士will将要sometimes有时robot机器人him他speak会说、会讲finish完成、做好2、Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五Saturday 星期六Sunday星期日weekend周末wash洗wash my clothes洗我的衣服watch TV看电视do 做do homework做作业read books看书play玩play football踢足球cooking烹饪often经常park公园tired塔哎得疲倦sport体育运动play sports做体育运动should应该every每一个day 一天、一日schedule时盖教工作计划、日程安排;3、Sandwich散呢外吃三明治salad撒乐特蔬菜沙拉Hamburger汉堡格儿汉堡包ice cream啊哎时刻瑞木冰激凌tea茶fresh (f瑞随)新鲜的healthy(嗨奥c)健康的delicious德累设施美味的hot辛辣的sweet甜的drink喝thirsty 设施体口渴的favourite (fai窝而特)特别喜爱的food食物dear写信的开头亲爱的onion[ˈʌnjən]葱头[ˈ暗你嗯];4、sing唱、唱歌song歌曲sing English songs唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶Kung fu(康夫)do Kung fu练武术dance [dɑ:ns]跳舞draw[drɔ:]画cartoon [k ɑ:ˈtu:n]漫画draw cartoon画漫画Cook烹饪swim游泳play basketball打篮球ping-pong[pɪŋ pɒŋ]乒乓球play ping-pong打乒乓球speak English说英语party聚会next下一个wonderful[ˈwʌndəfl](望的福)极好的Learn[lɜ:n]学习any(爱你)任何的problem问题no problem没问题want想要send邮寄;发送Email(伊妹儿)电子邮件5、clock时钟plant(p啦恩特)植物bottle瓶子water bottle水瓶photo[ˈfəʊtəʊ](f饿特儿)照片,相片bike自行车front正面in front of在…前面between(笔t群)在…中间above(恶宝vu)在…上面beside在…旁边,附近behind在…后面there表示存在或发生grandparent(隔阮的培恶人特)祖父;祖母;外祖父、外祖母their他们的,她们的,它们的house(哈屋思)房子lot大量flower花move(木屋)搬家dirty(得体)肮脏的everywhere处处mouse老鼠live居住nature(内曲)自然界,大自然6、forest(否瑞士特)森林;林区rive(瑞v)河,江lake(累克)湖mountain(慢腾)高山、山岳hill小山tree树木bridge(不瑞dʒ)桥building(不要盯)建筑物,房子,楼房village(外雷dʒ)村庄,村镇;house房子,房屋,住宅boating(b饿听)划船go boating去划船rabbit(若呗特)兔,野兔high高的。

PRACTICE 6Vocabulary (30 marks)(A) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10*2 = 20 marks)bicycle softly pony lollipops playgroundplants piano gloves carpenter overseas 1.The children are enjoying themselves in the________________.2.Mother bought a pair of _________ for the winter.3.Mr Lim is a ___________ who makes furniture.4.Talk ______________ as the baby is sleeping. 5.The ______________ are really tasty.6.Please write to me when you are _____________. 7.Mother waters the __________ every morning. 8.Meiling is learning to ride a ____________.9.I like that _____________ over there.It took so gentle.10.My _________ needs tuning.(B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words (10*1 = 10 marks)11. This is a ___________.(market, bookshop, school)12. It sells ____________ too.(stationery, fish, cakes)13. Dustin is celebrating his ___________.(national day, birthday, new year)14. There are six ____________ on his cake.(candles, matches, lights)15. Switch off the ____________ if you are not listening tothe programme.(fan, radio, violin)16. Don't waste _____________. (electricity, light, gas)17. Ann is fixing a ______________.(parcel, puzzle, map)18. It is a ____________ of the sun.(picture, calendar, paper)19. This is a ______________.(compass, telephone, calculator)20. It helps us to ____________ Mathematics problems.(solve, open, find)Grammar (40 marks)(C) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.(16 * 1 = 16 marks)21. I (do not, does not) watch television every night.22. The girls (do not, does not) jog every morning.23. We (do not, does not) like to eat bread.24. She (do not, does not) know how to play the piano.25. You (do not, does not) have to go to school on Sunday.26. Mr and Mrs Lim (do not, does not) want to buy Tom a bicycle.27. My grandmother (do not, does not) like vegetables.28. The baby (do not, does not) cry.29. We (listen, listens) to what Daddy and Mummy say.30. They (play, plays) with the tortoise.31. Thomas (read, reads) every day.32. Mrs Tay (wash, washes) the clothes in the afternoon.33. I (help, helps) my mother perpare lunch.34. They (work, works) hard for better results.35. Mother (buy, buys) a cake for my birthday every year.36. My mother (drive, drives) well.(D) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop or with a question mark. (7*2=10 marks)37. has weeks raining it many been for_____________________________________________________________________ 38. been boy has good always he a_____________________________________________________________________ 39. two coughing has days been for he_____________________________________________________________________40. good asked his Jason care to of the dentistteeth take_____________________________________________________________________ 41. clean every day the has John to blackboard_____________________________________________________________________ 42. good have been childhood friends they since_____________________________________________________________________ 43. the east rises the sun in in sets and the west_____________________________________________________________________ (E) Complete the sentences with the helping words. (5*2 = 10 marks)Why does he love dogsIt is because they ___________________.What do we use when we writeWe use a _____________________________.When is Chinese New YearIt is in the _________________________.What are they doing in the fieldThey _________________________________.Has she done her homeworkYes, she _____________________________.(F) Comprehension (5*2=10 marks)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.Johnny was sick last Friday. He did not go to school. He woke up in the morning with a terrible stomachache. He had to visit the toilet a few times. Johnny's mother took him to a doctor. The doctor asked Johnny some questions. After the examination, the nurse gave Johnny some medicine for his stomachache. Johnny could only eat porridge that day for ease of digestion. Johnny slept most of the time. He felt much better in the evening.49. Why was Johnny not in school last Friday_____________________________________________________________________ __50. What sickness did Johnny have_____________________________________________________________________ __51. What did the doctor do_____________________________________________________________________ __52. Why did Johnny eat only porridge that day_____________________________________________________________________ __53. When did Johnny feel better_____________________________________________________________________ __(G) Written Expression (20 marks)Look at the pictures and write a story about the pictures.ToothacheJohn likes to eat sweets. He does not like to brush his teeth._____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________ANSWERS(Primary 1 English)Practice 6A.1. playground2. gloves3. carpenter4. softly5. lollipops6. overseas7. plants8. bicycle9. pony10. pianoB.11. bookshop12. stationery13. birthday14. candles15. radio16. electricity17. puzzle18. picture19. calculator20. solveC.21. do not22. do not23. do not24. does not25. do not26. do not 27. does not28. does not29. listen30. play31. reads32. washes33. help34. work35. buys36. drivesD.37. It has been raining for many weeks.38. He has always been a good boy.39. He has been coughing for two days.40. The dentist asked Jason to take good care of his teeth.41. John has to clean the blackboard every day.42. They have been good friends since childhood.43. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.E.44. It is because they are cute and loyal.45. We use a pen and a piece of paper.46. It is in the month of February.47. They are having a game of football.48. Yes, she has done her homework.F.49. It was because Johnny was sick.50. He had a stomachache.51. The doctor examined Johnny and asked him some questions.52. It was because the doctor told him to eat only porridge.53. He felt better in the evening.。

彼得这些是谁的气球?--他们是凯特的。--这些也是凯特的玩具娃娃吗?--不,他们不是。--他们是谁的玩具娃娃?--他们是玛丽的。--但是为什么有这么多气球 和玩具娃娃。--你不知道吗?--今天下午我们要举行 一次英语晚会。--太好了!玛丽和凯特想在晚会上做什么?--他们想用气球和玩具娃娃表演。

PRACTICE 7Vocabulary (30 marks)(A) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. (10*2=20 marks)ribbon trunks windy mountains sunglasses medicine clown thirsty envelope examination1.Menghua is sick.He has to take ____________.2.The afternoon sun is glaring.Mrs Lim is wearing a pair of ___________.3.The ___________ in China are so beautiful.4.You have to study hard for your ing_____________.5.Peter changes into his swimming ___________before jumping into the pool.6.It's a ___________ day.Let's fly kites.7.The __________ is so funny.He makes everyone laugh.8.Meimei has a pretty __________ on her hair.9.I am feeling ___________.Please give me a drink.10.Ivy needs an _________ for her letter. (B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words. (10*1=10 marks)11. This is a _____________.(teacher, witch, clerk)12. She is flying on a ____________.(dustpan, toothbrush, broom)13. My dog has just given birth to a litter of____________.(kittens, puppies, nestlings)14. They are small and ____________.(cute, stupid, foolish)15. This is my new _____________.(blouse, skirt, dress)16. My mother ___________ it.(sewed, slept, slapped)17. I read this book many times.It is very ________________.(boring, interesting, silly)18. I borrowed it from the _____________.(museum, library, emporium)19. Tenzin likes to eat chicken ___________.(drumsticks, sponges, bones)20. They are _____________.(bitter, delicious, tasteless)Grammar (40 marks)(C) Underline the correct word in each of the brackets.(16 * 1 = 16 marks)21. I (was, were) naughty when I was younger.22. We (was, were) talking about you yesterday.23. She (was, were) not in school last week.24. The children (was, were) at the canteen at one o'clock.25. His cats (was, were) sleeping under the table last night.26. He (was, were) fat when he was a baby.27. They (was, were) very quiet when their teacher scolded them.28. You (was, were) shorter than me last year.29. My wallet (was, were) in the cupboard yesterday.30. The night (was, were) beautiful and we sat by the beach singing.31. Her dog (was, were) sick last week.32. Diana and I (was, were) classmates last year.33. My parents (was, were) happy when I showed them my results.34. We were thirsty and the water (was, were) not enough for us.35. The music (was, were) good and we enjoyed it very much.36. Susie and Janet (was, were) in the library a while ago.(D) Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentencewith a fullstop or with a question mark. (7*2=14 marks)37. to teacher stop the asked her students talking___________________________________________________________ ___________38. bowls he rice ate was two so hungry he of that___________________________________________________________ ___________39. run Thomas than can faster Jimmy___________________________________________________________ ___________40. kind we and others should helpful to always be___________________________________________________________ ___________41. very nobody because likes to rude is sit beside him he___________________________________________________________ ___________42. takes care he pets good of his___________________________________________________________ ___________43. likes to when free chess he is father play___________________________________________________________ ___________(E) plete the sentences by using the helping words. (5*2 = 10 marks)Why is he laughing?It is because the ______________________________.How many months are there in a year?There are ______________________________________.When did you feed the cat?I ______________________________________________.Do you water the plants daily?No, I __________________________________________.Where do you put the books?I ______________________________________________.(F) prehension (5*2=10)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.Yesterday was Children's Day. Meiqing was very excited. She knew thather teacher, Miss Lee, would give them presents. She did not bring any booksto school. There was no lesson. Her mother baked a mango cake for her class. Every child had to bring some food for the Children's Day party. After the feast,Miss Lee played a few games with the children. Before the party ended, each child was given a present. Meiqing got a drawing book. She was happy because she liked to draw.49. Why was Meiqing excited on Children's Day?___________________________________________________________ __________50. Why did Meiqing bring a mango cake to school?___________________________________________________________ __________51. Who baked the mango cake?___________________________________________________________ __________52. What did the children do after eating the food?___________________________________________________________ __________53. Why was Meiqing happy to get a drawing book as a present?___________________________________________________________ __________(G) Written Expression (20 marks)Look at the picture and write a story about it. Use the helpingwords given below.Test______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ANSWERS(Primary 1 English)Practice 7A.1. medicine2. sunglasses3. mountains4. examination5. trunks6. windy7. clown8. ribbon9. thirsty 10. envelopeB.11. witch 12. broom 13. puppies 14. cute 15. dress 16. sewed 17. interesting 18. library 19. interesting 20. deliciousC.21. was 22. were 23. was 24. were 25. were 26. was 27. were 28. were 29. was 30. was 31. was 32. were33. were 34. was 35. was 36. wereD.37. The teacher asked her students to stop talking.38. He was so hungry that he ate two bowls of rice.39. Thomas can run faster than Jimmy.40. We should always be kind and helpful to others.41. Nobody likes to sit beside him because he is very rude.42. He takes good care of his pets.43. Father likes to play chess when he is free.E.44. It is because the jokes are funny.45. There are twelve months in a year.46. I fed it last night.47. No, I do not water the plants daily.48. I put them on the shelf.F.49. She knew that Miss Lee would give them presents.50. Every child had to bring some food for the Children's Day party.51. Meiqing's mother did.52. They played a few games.53. Meiling was happy because she liked to draw.。
新加坡小学英语教材My Pals are Here英语国际版介绍

My Pals Are Here! English (International Edtion 国际版)教材构成:Textbook(课本), Workbook(练习册), Teacher’s Guide(教师指南), Audio CD(CD光盘), Grammar Practice(语法练习), English Tests(测试手册), Homework(家庭作业),教材开发的范围和结果符合大多小学英语大纲的要求,教材的设计目的是依据小学1-6年级学生的身心发展及认知能力所编辑,与国际英语课程纲要相呼应。
内容编排融合听、说、读、写、自然发音,任务式导向学习法(Task-Based Learning)的设计理念,让学生更能运用所学融会贯通。
Key Stage 1 (lower primary): LEARNING TO READ关键阶段1 (小学低年级):学习中阅读Learning to Communicate in English 学会用英语沟通Entry level competency: assumes zero English literacy.入门级的能力:零起点。
Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to communicate in social and school settings.主要成果:小学生将学会在社会和学校环境中使用英语进行交流。
Key Stage 2 (upper primary): READING TO LEARN关键阶段2 (小学高年级):阅读中学习Learning to Learn in English 学会用英语学习Primary Outcome: Pupils will use English to achieve academically in contents areas.主要成果:小学生将学会使用英语学习学科知识。

最新人教精通版小学英语四年级上册单元知识点总结(全册)Unit1Thisismynewfriend.一、核心词汇1. 国家America 美国England 英国Singapore 新加坡Canada加拿大China 中国2. 职业名词postman 邮递员driver 司机;驾驶员teacher 教师farmer 农民;农场主doctor 医生nurse 护士3. 家人brother 兄弟sister 姐妹4. 其他boy 男孩girl 女孩good 好的friend 朋友二、拓展词汇American 美国人Englishman 英国人Canadian 加拿大人Chinese 中国人reporter 记者worker 工人actor 演员visitor 访问者,参观者director 导演fireman 消防员三、核心句型1. — Whereareyoufrom? 你来自哪里?—I’mfromBeijing,China.我来自中国北京。
举一反三: — Wherearetheyfrom? 他们来自哪里?— TheyarefromCanada. 他们来自加拿大。
2. —Who’thisboy?这个男孩是谁?—He’smybrother.他是我的弟弟。
举一反三: — Whoisthisgirl? 这个女孩是谁?—She’smysister. 她是我的妹妹。
3. — Whatdoesyourmotherdo? 你的妈妈是做什么工作的?—She’sanurse.她是一名护士。
举一反三: —Whatdoesyourfatherdo?/What’syourfather’sjob?/What’syourfather?你的爸爸是做什么工作的?— Heisapoliceman. 他是一名警察。

219 playground /’pleigraund/操场
220 computer /kəm’pju:tə(r)/电脑
221 art
222 music
223 next to
/’nekst tu/紧邻
224 homework /’həumwə:k/作业
225 class
130 long
[lɔŋ, lɔ:ŋ]长的
131 short
[ʃɔ:t] 短的;矮的
132 tall
133 giraffe
[dʒi'rɑ:f] 长颈鹿
134 deer
[diə] 鹿
四-上classroom /’kla:sru:m/教室
136 window
198 pass
199 try
200 parents
201 cousin
202 uncle
203 aunt
204 babybrother /’beibi/婴儿小弟弟
145 really
146 near
/niə(r)/ 距离近
147 clean
148 help
149 school
150 mathbook /mæθ s/数学书

〔烧水、倒水用的〕 (深而圆的)锅
pan 平底锅
read r ea d
read r ea d
p ea s ea t ea m ea t
soft drink 软饮料 〔尤指汽水〕 不带酒精的饮料
hard drink 酒类饮料
kick —— k i ck
kick ——kicking k i ck
He’s kicking a ball.
__ick stick 枝条 pick 捡 trick 恶作剧
fly —— fly
fly ——flying fly He's flying a kite.
选词填空: flying reading drinking kicking
扎实学透后 让孩子词汇量突破3000个单词 轻松达到新加坡孩子的英文词汇量水平
每周 六日
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2017年10月21日 至2018年6月24日
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新版P E P小学英语单词表新版PEP小学英语三年级上册单词表Unit 1ruler 'ru:l n.直尺pencil pensl n. 铅笔eraser i'reis n. 橡皮擦crayon 'krein n. 蜡笔bag bg n.包pen pen n. 钢笔pencil box 'pensl bks n. 铅笔盒book buk n. 书no nu 不your j: pron. 你们的Unit 2red red n. 红色 adj. 红色的greenɡrin adj. 绿色的n. 绿色yellow jelu adj. 黄色的 n. 黄色blue blu n. 蓝色 adj. 蓝色的black blk n. 黑色 adj. 黑色的brown braun n.棕色 adj.棕色的white hwait adj. 白色的 n.白色orange rind n.橙色adj.橙色的,Ok u’kei 好;行 Mum mm n. 妈妈Unit 3face feis n. 脸ear i n. 耳朵eye ai n. 眼睛nose nuz n. 鼻子mouth mauθn. 嘴arm ɑ:m n. 胳膊hand hnd n. 手headhed n. 头body 'bdi n. 身体leg leg n. 腿foot fut n. 脚school sku:l n. 学校Unit 4duck dk n. 鸭子pig piɡn. 猪cat kt n. 猫bear be n. 熊dog dg n. 狗elephant 'elifnt n. 大象monkey 'mki n. 猴子bird b:d n. 鸟tiger 'taig n. 老虎panda 'pnd n. 熊猫zoozu n. 动物园funny ‘fni adj. 滑稽的;好笑的Unit 5bread bred n. 面包juice du:s n. 果汁、液egg eg n. 蛋milk milk n. 牛奶water 'w:t n. 水cake keik n. 蛋糕fish fi n. 鱼rice rais n. 米饭Unit 6 Happy Birthday one wn num. 一two tu: num. 二threeθri: num. 三four f:num. 四five faiv num. 五six siks num. 六seven'sevn num. 七eight eit num. 八nine nain num. 九ten ten num. 十brother ‘br e n.兄;弟plate pleit n. 盘子新版PEP小学三年级英语下册词汇表含音标Unit 1UK 美国Canada 'k nd 加拿大USA 美国China 'tan 中国she i 她student 'stjudnt 学生pupil 'pjupl; -pl 学生;尤指小学生he hi 他teacher 'tit 教师boy b男孩and nd 和;与girl gl 女孩new nju新的friend frend 朋友today t'de今天unit 2father 'fɑe父亲;爸爸dad d d 口语爸爸;爹爹man mn 男人woman 'wmn 女人mother 'me 母亲;妈妈sister 'sst 姐;妹brother 'bre 兄;弟grandmother 'grndme 外祖母grandpa 'grndpɑ口语外祖母grandfather 'grndfɑe外祖父grandpa 'grndpɑ口语外祖父family 'fmli 家;家庭unit 3thin θ n瘦的fat f t 胖的;肥的tall t l 高的shortt 矮的;短的long l长的small sml 小的big b g 大的giraffe d'rɑ:f长颈鹿so s这么;那么children 'tldrn childtald的复数儿童tail tel 尾巴unit 4onn 在……之上inn 在……里under 'nd 在……下面chair te 椅子desk desk 书桌cap k p 帽子ball b l 球car kɑ小汽车boat b t 小船map m p 地图toy t玩具box b ks 盒;箱unit 5pear pe梨apple 'pl 苹果orange 'rnd 橙子banana b'nɑn香蕉watermelon 'wtmeln 西瓜strawberry 'strbr 草莓grape gre p 葡萄buy ba买fruit fru t 水果unit 6eleven 'levn 十一twelve twelv 十二thirteen 'θtin十三fourteen 'ftin 十四fifteen 'fftin 十五sixteen 'skstin 十六seventeen 'sevnti n 十七eighteen 'etin 十八nineteen 'nantin 十九twenty 'twent二十kite ka t 风筝beautiful 'bjutfl 美丽的PEP新版小学英语四年级上册单词表Unit 1classroom klɑ:sru:m 教室window windu 窗户blackboard b:d 黑板light lait 电灯picture ˊpikt图画door d: 门teacherˊs desk ti:tz desk讲台computer k mˊpju:t电脑fan f n 风扇wall w:l 墙floor fl: 地板realy ri li 真的near ni 在……的旁边TV 电视clean kli:n 打扫;清洁;擦干净的help help 帮助;帮忙Unit 2Schoolbag sku:lbg 书包math m θ bookbuk 数学书English ˊigl bookbuk 英语书Chinese t aiˊni:z bookbuk 语文书story—book ˊst:ri buk 故事书candy k ndi 糖果notebook ˊn utbuk 笔记本toy t i 玩具key ki 钥匙wow wau 哇lost l st 丢失so much 非常地cute kju:t 可爱的Unit 3strong str 强壮的friendly frendli 朋友们quiet ˊkwai t 安静的hair h头发shoe u: 鞋glasses gla:siz眼镜his hiz 他的or :r 或者right rait 正确的hat h t 帽子her h: 她的Unit 4bedroom bedru:m, -rm 卧室living room livi ru:m起居室study ˊst di 书房kitchen ˊkit in 厨房bathroom ˊbɑ:θrum 卫生间bed bed 床phone f untable ˊteibl 桌子sofa ˊsuf 沙发fridge frid 冰箱find faid 找到them 他她;它们Unit 5beef bi:f 牛肉chicken ˊt ikin 鸡肉noodles ˊnu:dls 面条soup su:p 汤vegetable ˊveditbl 蔬菜chopstick tpstk筷子bowl b ul 碗fork f:k 叉子knife naif 小刀spoon spu:n 勺子dinner ˊdin晚餐;正餐ready ˊredi 准备好了help yourself help j:self 随便吃pass pɑ:s 给;递try trai 尝试;试Unit 6parents ˊprnts 父母cousin 同辈表亲或堂亲uncle ˊkl 叔叔;舅舅叔父;伯父;姨夫aunt 英ɑ:nt 姑姑;婶;姨baby ˊbeibi 婴儿doctor ˊdkt 医生cook ˊkuk 厨师driver ˊdraiv司机farmer ˊfɑ:m农民nurse n:s 护士people ˊpi:pl 人们but 但是little 小的puppy ˊp pi 小狗football player futb:l ple棒球运动员job d b吧、工作basketball baskit b:l 篮球新版pep四年级英语下册单词表Unit 1first floor 一楼second floor 二楼teacher’s office 教师办公室library 图书馆playground 操场computer room 计算机房art room 美术教室music room 音乐教室next to 紧邻;在……近旁homework 作业class 班;班级forty 四十way 方向Unit 2breakfast 早餐;早饭English class 英语课lunch 午餐;午饭music class 音乐课PE class 体育课dinner 中午或晚上吃的正餐get up 起床go to school 去上学go home 回家go to bed 上床睡觉over 结束now 现在;目前o’clock 表示整点……点钟kid 小孩thirty 三十hurry 快点come on 快;加油just a minute 稍等一会儿Unit 3cold 寒冷的;冷的cool 凉的;凉爽的warm 温暖的;暖和的hot 热的;烫的sunny 阳光充足的windy 多风的;风大的cloudy 阴天的;多云的snowy 下雪多的rainy 阴雨的;多雨的outside 在户外be careful 小心weather 天气New York 纽约how about ……怎么样……情况如何degree 度;度数world 世界London 伦敦Moscow 莫斯科Singapore 新加坡城fly 放风筝等love写信结尾的热情问候爱你的Unit 4tomato 西红柿potato 马铃薯;土豆green beans 豆角;四季豆carrot 胡萝卜horse 马cow 母牛;奶牛sheep 羊;绵羊hen 母鸡these this的复数形式yum 表示味道或气味非常好animal 兽;动物those that的复数形式那些garden 花园;菜园farm 农场goat 山羊eat 吃Unit 5clothes 衣服;服装pants 裤子hat 常指带檐的帽子dress 连衣裙skirt 女裙coat 外衣;大衣sweater 毛衣sock 短袜shorts 短裤jacket 夹克衫shirt 尤指男士衬衫yours 你的;你们的whose 谁的mine 我的pack 收拾行李wait 等待Unit 6glove分手指的手套scarf 围巾;披巾umbrella 伞;雨伞sunglasses 太阳镜pretty 美观的;精致的expensive 昂贵的;花钱多的cheap 花钱少的;便宜的nice 好的try on 试穿size 尺码;号of course 当然too 太;过于just 正好;恰好how much 多少钱eighty 八十dollar元sale特价销售;大减价more 更多的us 我们新版小学英语PEP·五年级上册·单词表Unit1olduld年老的young j年轻的funny 'f ni滑稽可笑的.kindkaind和蔼的strictstrikt严格的.politeplat 有礼貌的;有教养的hard-workinghɑ:d 'w:k努力工作的,勤奋的helpful’helpfl有帮助的;愿意帮忙的clever ’klevr 聪明的,聪颖的shy a 害羞的;腼腆的known 知道. 了解our a 我们的Ms m z 女士代替Miss或Mrs的字,不指明称呼人的婚姻状况;will w l 谈及将来将要sometimes smtamz有时候,间或;时而robotrbt机器人him h m he的宾格他speak spi:k 会说,会讲某种语言;用某种语言说话finish英 fn 完成;做完Unit2MondayMon.星期一'm ndei TuesdayTue.星期二'tju:zdei WednesdayWed.星期三'wenzdei ThursdayThu.星期四'θ:zdei FridayFri.星期五'fraidei SaturdaySat.'stdei星期六SundaySun. 's ndei星期天. weekend wi:kend 周末wash w 洗wash my clothes 洗我的衣服watchwt 看dodu 做;干do homework 'humw:k 做作业read ri:d 看,读read books 看书play ple 踢、玩、参加体育运动play football 踢足球cooking kk 烹饪;烹调often fn 常常;时常park pɑ:k 公园tired tad 疲倦的sport sp:t 体育运动play sports 做体育运动should d 常用于纠正别人应该;将会every evri 每个;每一个day de 一天;一日schedule edju:l 工作计划,日程安排Unit3sandwich snwt 三明治salad sld 蔬菜沙拉;混合沙拉hamburger hmb:gr 汉堡包ice cream a s kri:m 冰淇淋tea ti: 茶水;茶fresh fre新鲜的healthy'helθi健康的;有益健康的delicious dls 美味的,可口的hot h t 辣的;辛辣的sweet swi:t甜的drink dr k 喝;饮thirsty θ:sti 渴的口渴的favourite 'feiv rit特别喜爱的;最喜爱的food fu:d 食物Deardr 亲爱的onionnjn 洋葱;葱头Unit4sing s 唱;歌唱song s 歌曲sing English songs 唱英文歌曲play the pipa弹琵琶Kung fu k fu 功夫武术do kung fu 练武术dance dɑ:ns 跳舞drawdr: 画cartoon kɑ:tu:n 漫画draw cartoon 画漫画cook k k 烹调swim sw m 游泳play basketball 打篮球ping pong p p 乒乓球运动play ping-pong 打乒乓球speak English 说英语we’ll=we willparty pɑ:ti 聚会;派对next nekst下一个的;紧接着的;接下来的wonderful wndfl极好的;了不起的learn l:n 学;学习;学会any eni任何的;任一的;随便哪一个problem prblm 问题no problem 没问题want w nt 想要send send 发送;邮寄email 'i:me l 电子邮件at t后面接邮件地址Unit5clock kl k 钟,时钟plant plɑ:nt 植物bottle btl 瓶子water bottle 水瓶bike ba k 自行车photo ft 照片;相片front fr nt 正面in front of 在……前面between b twi:n 在…之间;above bv 在……上面beside bsad 在…旁边附近behind bhand 在…的后面there eer 表示存在或发生grandfather grnfɑ:er外祖父their ee 他她,它们的house ha s 房屋;房子;住宅lot l t 大量,许多lots of大量,许多flower fla 花;花朵move mu:v 搬家dirty d:ti 肮脏的everywhere evriwe 到处,处处mouse ma s 老鼠live l v 居住nature netr 自然界;大自然Unit6forest 'f rist森林river 'riv河流lake leik湖泊mountain 'mauntin高山;山脉hill h l 小山tree tri:树;树木bridge brid桥building 'bildi建筑物village 'vilid乡村;村庄house haus房子;住宅boating ’bt 划船go boating 去划船aren’t=are notrabbit rbt 兔子,野兔high ha 高新版小学英语PEP五年级上册常用表达法Unit 1 ★词汇1. do morning exercises晨练第86页2. eat breakfast 吃早饭3. have English class 上英语课4. play sports 进行体育活动5. eat dinner 吃晚饭6. when 什么时候7. about 关于;大约8. policeman 警察9. work 工作10. evening 夜晚;晚上11. get up 起床12. at 在……点钟13. usually 通常;一般14. noon 中午15. tell 告诉16. climb mountains 爬山17. go shopping 购物;买东西18. play the piano 弹钢琴19. visit grandparents 看望外祖父母20. go hiking 去远足21. weekend 周末22. often 经常23. sometimes 有时候24. rain 下雨25. either 也26. next 下一个Unit 2 ★词汇27. spring 春天28. summer 夏天29. fall 秋天30. winter 冬天31. season 季节第87页32. which 哪一个33. best 最;极34. always 总是35. play with 玩…36. snow 雪37. leaf 叶子复数leaves38. up 至北方或北方城市39. north 北方;向北方40. Halloween 万圣节之前夕41. Thanksgiving 感恩节42. swim 游泳43. fly kites 放风筝44. skate 滑冰;滑冰鞋45. make a snowman 堆雪人46. plant trees 种树47. why 为什么48. because 因为49. sleep 睡觉Unit 3 ★词汇50. Jan. 一月缩写51. January 一月52. Feb. 二月缩写53. February 二月54. Mar. 三月缩写55. March 三月56. Apr. 四月缩写57. April 四月58. May 五月59. June 六月60. July 七月61. Aug. 八月62. August 八月63. Sept. 九月缩写64. September 九月65. Oct. 十月缩写66. October 十月67. Nov. 十一月缩写68. November 十一月69. Dec. 十二月缩写70. December 十二月71. chart 图表72. birthday 生日73. uncle 叔叔;舅舅74. cousin 堂表兄弟;堂表姐妹75. first 第一76. second 第二77. third 第三78. fourth 第四79. fifth 第五80. eighth 第八81. ninth 第九82. twelfth 第十二83. twentieth 第二十84. send 寄;发出第88页85. e-card 电子卡片86. her 她的87. able 能88. everyone 每个人89. then 那么90. date 日期Unit 4 ★词汇91. draw pictures 画画92. cook dinner 做饭93. read a book 看书94. answer the phone 接95. talk 讲话96. Children’s Center 儿童活动中心97. see you later 再见98. listen to music 听音乐99. clean the room 打扫房间100. write a letter 写信101. write an e-mail 写电子邮件102. mom 妈妈103. grandpa 爷爷;外公104. speak to 和…讲话105. study 书房Unit 5 ★词汇106. fly 飞107. jump 跳108. walk 走109. run 跑110. swim 游泳111. kangaroo 袋鼠112. trunk 象鼻113. sleep 睡觉114. climb 往上爬115. fight 打架116. swing 荡;荡秋千117. drink water 喝水118. climber 攀登者Unit 6 ★词汇119. take pictures 照相120. watch insects 观察昆虫121. pick up leaves 采摘树叶122. do an experiment 做实验第89页123. catch butterflies 捉蝴蝶124. woods 树林125. ant 蚂蚁126. interesting 有趣的127. have a look 看一看128. honey 蜂蜜129. thing 东西;物130. count insects 数昆虫131. collect leaves 收集树叶132. write a report 写报告133. play chess 下棋134. have a picnic 举行野餐135. him 他宾格136. leave 离开. us 我们宾格. over there 在那边。

新加坡版小学六年级英语上册Unit4 Will you come to my birthday party?Lesson 23课型:Listening and speaking教材分析:本节课重点讲解同学们给Lisa过生日,学生们应会用英语表达过生日的过程。
教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)学习一些新词汇:light the candles on the cake; sing the birthday song; make a wish; blow out thecandles; cut the cake; give each one a piece(2)学习新句型:They sing the birthday song. Lisa cut s the cake.(3)学习交际用语would you like…?---Would you like a cup of tea?---Yes,please.---Would you like some milk?---No,thanks.I’d like a glass of juice(4)学习语法:一般现在时主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词的变化。
板书设计:Unit4 Will you come to my birthday party?Lesson 23They sing the birthday song. Lisa cut s the cake.---Would you like a cup of tea?---Yes,please.---Would you like some milk?---No,thanks.I’d like a glass of juice.教学过程:Step1. Warming- up教师出示蛋糕图片让同学们回想L21内容,两人一组进行交谈。
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Unit 1cat monkey duck dog panda bear pig rabbit bird mouseUnit 2bag book pen pencil glue scissors eraser sharpener rulerpencil-boxUnit 3nose eye face mouth head ear neck arm hand leg knee footUnit 4doll ball kite balloon car bus bike taxi train ship plane boatUnit 5red blue green yellow purple brown white black pink orange greyUnit 6hamburger hot dog Coke cake egg orange pear apple banana milk juice water noodles rice chicken三年级下册英语单词Unit 1school classroom storybook water bottle marker crayonChinese book English book desk chairUnit 2one two three six seven eight nine ten four five eleven twelveUnit 3father(dad) mother(mum) brother sister daughter son grandfather(grandpa) grandmother(grandma) uncle auntUnit 4mango bread candy doughnut coffee fruit grapes honey ice cream jamUnit 5kangaroo lion mosquito nest owl parrot quail rooster elephant tigerUnit 6skirt T-shirt uniform vest watch box yacht zip zebra coat sweaterUnit 1China America England Singapore Canadafriends boy girl student driverteacher farmer doctor nurse postmanUnit 2class grade one two three four thirteen fourteen five six fifteen sixteen seven eight seventeen eighteen nine ten nineteen twentyUnit 3pineapple lemon apple pear watermelon kiwifruit orange banana potato tomato carrot cucumber eggplant green pepperUnit 4fine nice kite warm cool panda hot cold water sunny cloudy windy skirt rainy snowy shirtUnit 5cap hat T-shirt dress blouse jacket raincoatsweater jeans trousers vest socks shoesUnit 6big small long tall short fat thin new happy四年级下册英语单词Unit 1home bed bedroom computer desk chair living room armchair sofa TV ball balloon kitchen table sandwich cake hamburger floor mug cup wall window picture clockUnit 2get up brush(your)teeth wash(your)face have(your)breakfast egg milk maths class Chinese English lunch French fries pizza hot dog Coke dinner p ork beef rice chicken put away watch TV go to bed pen pencilUnit 3twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-fivetwenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine eleven twelve thirty forty fifty student teacher music art PE class maths subject science listen do speak sing play actUnit 4week day Sunday today Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday sports Friday Saturday weekend park theme parkUnit 5picnic sausage chocolate bread juice drawing painting singing reading dancing jogging exercising swimming roller skating skateboarding skating notebook exercise book shopping ruler pencil-boxUnit 6zoo the Great Wall park giraffe goose geese swan duck peacock craneturkey neck leg teacups merry-go-round roller coaster bumper car car bike cable car coach fruit water五年级上册英语单词Unit 1Britain Australia New Zealand friend I am I’m=I am road street what is what’s=what is your my name my name’s=my name is grade you in clever quiet pretty her his eye nose mouthUnit 2smart active shy funny how old are he she he’s=he is she’s=she is Japan France Germany where from China piano book we like shopping paintingUnit 3tailor taxi driver writer actress actor this father mother brother sister singer dancer dentist dad mumdoctor nurse a fireman policewoman waitress waiterwho who’s=who is farmer policemanUnit 4bus conductor reporter vet bus driver son daughterhotel hospital bank hi hello they grandfather grandmothersend letter newspaper interview people grow wheat vegetable teach love help kind beautifulUnit 5it schoolbag activity book dictionary eraser sharpener yesno not isn’t=is not seal whal e hippo dolphin that cat dog bear umbrella mirror belt mop coat jacket jeans shoesUnit 6camera video camera sun visor scarf TV box watchpicture knife fork spoon plate pudding soup cupmug pizza ice cream these puppet drum candleface paint paper chain doll五年级下册英语单词Unit 1a horse foal cow calf monkey goat kid sheep lamb rabbit bird cub joey lion tiger elephant mouseUnit 2hen chick duckling geese gosling rooster those kittenpuppy piglet the baby pig jump through ring rideclimb ladder animal can want walk runUnit 3school classroom library borrow make thing welcome to our experiment listening observe speaking have week please great club violin listen draw paint sing dance manyUnit 4there corner project work study plant printing on paper speak read write football basketball volleyballhockey rugby exercise any game for boy girl friend trip trip forest social work tree flower lesson very interestingUnit 5comb toothbrush toothpaste soap towel sure here buy tape CD VCD walkman fifty-five sixty radio seventy recorder eighty shorts swimming trunks sandals sports shoes much how much ninety hundredUnit6fever stomachache headache toothache cough problem concert ill bad cold thank elbow hurt open lower head move face ear arm hand foot get-well card grapefruit cherry strawberry some grape六年级上Unit1:Carefully ask question actively don’t = do not make noise eatShould shouldn’t=should not go early mess make a mess room keep clean set home go home too late look look out mustWait respect and them good take good care of young children keep off grass mustn’t = must not cross now spit ground litterUnit2go to school at morning in the morning AM=in the morningPM=in the afternoon get up get home cinema go to the cinemaGo out evening in the evening stay up late usually officeBegin meet other scientist always meal often sometimes seldom never afternoon in the afternoonUnit3Hobby collect toy stamp paper card tale tennis football basketball grandpa enjoy farming fishing tool flower raising I’ll = I will first then get paint house cut yellow green blue redUnit4Will come party October second third fourth fifth sixthSeventh eighth ninth tenth birthday jelly biscuit would shape triangle square round rectangle get chocolate wouldI’d= I would a cup of tea glass a glass of a piece of wishBlow blow outUnit5January month year February March April May June JulyAugust September November DecemberUnit6Spring season seed land fly fly kites go camping hotSummer rainy beach look for shell sandcastle feed snow sweep play with snow pick snowman autumn winter六年级下册英语单词Unit 1was holiday wonderful were during exciting fantastic yesterday last shop bookshop bookstore about museumat home born when age date birth time place grandmaUnit 2about tell ago fast live million slowly meat learn talk man Peking Man cave use clothes fur stone kill fire cook wall on Tree Planting Day sunny Mother’s Day plant dig hole waterUnit 3near in front of building restaurant between post office hairdresser next to supermarket across right left straight along turn bank hotel nice excuse me city library take shopping centre food stall on foot subway by busUnit 4ship train we’re=we are vis it the Great Wall the Ming Tombs palace the Summer Palace the Forbidden City Peking Opera London map world Big Ben Tower Bridge TorontoCN Tower Niagara Falls Sydney Sydney Opera House DisneylandUnit 5waste too cut down energy clear hunt river lake more dirty save cotton turn off light wild rubbish leave throw plastic everywhere clean paper keep try protect platypus African koala gorilla fastUint 6a lot textbook radio programme around reference us me internet study toy photo take photos famous be together pair group an each other polite。