房地产估价报告估价项目名称:海珠区东华星域房地产估价报告委托方:估价方:估价人员:估价作业日期:2014年12月4日-2014年12月7日估价报告编号:目录房地产估价报告 (1)致委托方函 (3)估价的假设和限制条件 (5)估价结果报告 (6)一、评估项目名称 (6)二、委托方 (6)三、受委估价方 (6)四、估价对象概况 (6)五、估价目的 (7)六、价值定义 (7)七、估价时点 (7)八、估价依据 (7)九、估价原则 (7)十、估价程序和方法 (8)十一、估价结果 (9)估价技术报告 (9)一、个别因素分析 (9)二、区域因素分析 (9)三、市场背景分析 (10)四、最佳使用分析 (10)五、估价方法选择 (10)(一)市场法 (10)(二)收益法 (11)六、估价过程 (11)(一)市场法 (11)(二)收益法 (13)七、房地产价格的确定 (15)八、评估结果 (16)附件 (16)致委托方函XXXXXX学院:我公司接受您的委托,根据国家有关房地产价格评估的规定,本着独立、公正、客观、谨慎的原则,按照科学、公允的方法,对东华星域房地产在现状利用条件下进行了评估,为您确定房地产抵押贷款额度提供价格参考依据。
评估报告封面评估报告封面报告名称: 评估报告报告编号: XXXX日期: 年月日评估机构: XXX评估有限公司评估项目: XXX公司/项目概述: 本评估报告是针对XXX公司/项目进行的评估工作的总结和分析。
评估目的主要包括:1. 评估公司/项目的整体运营状况,包括财务状况、市场竞争力等方面;2. 评估公司/项目的管理体系和内部控制情况,包括组织结构、人才管理、流程规范等方面;3. 评估公司/项目的发展潜力和市场前景,包括行业趋势、市场需求等方面;4. 提出可行性建议,帮助公司/项目改进和提升。
评估过程分为以下几个步骤:1. 收集相关资料和文件,包括财务报表、管理制度、市场调研报告等;2. 进行现场观察,了解公司/项目的实际运营情况;3. 进行面谈和访谈,与公司/项目管理层和员工进行交流和沟通,获取他们对公司/项目的认识和意见;4. 分析和综合评估所获取的信息,形成评估报告。
主要评估内容:本评估报告主要内容包括以下几个方面:1. 公司/项目运营状况评估,包括财务状况、市场竞争力等方面的分析;2. 公司/项目管理体系和内控评估,包括组织结构、人才管理、流程规范等方面的评估;3. 公司/项目发展潜力和市场前景评估,包括行业趋势、市场需求等方面的分析。
结论与建议:根据对XXX公司/项目的全面评估,我们得出以下结论和建议:1. 对公司/项目的财务状况进行分析,发现了存在的问题和潜在风险,并提出改进措施;2. 对公司/项目的管理体系和内部控制进行评估,发现了组织架构不合理和流程不规范等问题,并提出优化建议;3. 对公司/项目的发展潜力和市场前景进行评估,指出了行业竞争激烈和市场需求变化的特点,并提出应对策略。
房地产估价报告底稿模板[估价报告标题]底稿编制日期:[日期]底稿编制人:[编制人姓名]底稿审核人:[审核人姓名]1. 项目概述1.1 项目名称:[项目名称]1.2 项目地址:[项目地址]1.3 项目类型:[项目类型]1.4 项目规模:[项目规模]1.5 项目用途:[项目用途]1.6 估价目的:[估价目的]1.7 估价方法:[估价方法]2. 市场调研2.1 区域概况2.1.1 区域概述:[区域概述]2.1.2 资源配置:[资源配置]2.1.3 基础设施:[基础设施]2.2 房地产市场情况2.2.1 市场供求关系:[市场供求关系]2.2.2 房价走势:[房价走势]2.2.3 区域发展前景:[区域发展前景]2.3 相关项目信息2.3.1 同类型项目:[同类型项目]2.3.2 周边配套设施:[周边配套设施]2.3.3 实际交易情况:[实际交易情况]3. 估价方法与核算3.1 收入法3.1.1 租金水平:[租金水平]3.1.2 净收益计算:[净收益计算]3.1.3 折现率:[折现率]3.2 成本法3.2.1 重建成本:[重建成本]3.2.2 时期调整:[时期调整]3.2.3 折旧与损耗:[折旧与损耗]3.2.4 成本法值:[成本法值]3.3 比较法3.3.1 市场数据分析:[市场数据分析]3.3.2 对比估价:[对比估价]3.3.3 比较法值:[比较法值]3.4 综合估价3.4.1 估价综合分析:[估价综合分析]3.4.2 综合价值:[综合价值]4. 结论与建议4.1 估价结果4.1.1 收入法估价结果:[收入法估价结果] 4.1.2 成本法估价结果:[成本法估价结果]4.1.3 比较法估价结果:[比较法估价结果] 4.1.4 综合估价结果:[综合估价结果]4.2 价值分析4.2.1 风险评估:[风险评估]4.2.2 市场推测:[市场推测]4.3 建议4.3.1 市场定位:[市场定位]4.3.2 价格建议:[价格建议]4.3.3 配套设施:[配套设施]5. 附录5.1 估价数据来源5.2 数据处理方法5.3 其他相关信息。
通过计算建筑物的重建成本和折旧等因素,来 确定其价值。
2 市场风险
3 天然灾害风险
1 概括总结
2 给出建议
《房地产估价方法指南》 《房地产投资估价理论与实践》
《国家统计局房地产市场数据年鉴》 《房地产市场分析报告》
了解房地产所在区域的经济状况和发展 潜力。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
分析过去几年的房地产销售数 据和市场趋势,以预测未来的 房地产价值。
收集当前市场上类似房地产的 销售价格以及相关数据。
基于市场趋势和经济预测,对 未来房地产价值进行预测和分 析。
1 政策风险
《房地产估价报告》PPT 课件
房地产估价报告 PPT课件
房地产估价报告是对房地产价值进行评估和分析的专业报告。了解估价报告 的定义、重要性及应用场景。
十、估价结果土地价格:综合用地地价总地价:314190500人民币元合:37403630美元大写:叁亿壹仟肆佰壹拾玖万零伍佰人民币元合:叁仟柒佰肆拾万叁仟陆佰叁拾美元十一、估价人员:×××(签字盖章:略)×××(签字盖章:略)十二、估价作业日期2006年6月20日至2006年6月28日房地产估价技术报告一、实物状况分析(略)二、区位状况分析(略)三、最高最佳使用分析(略)四、估价方法选用(略)五、估价测算过程1.××大厦商业部分价格根据该地区同类物业的调查资料,通过比较分析可知,××大厦建成后商场部分的商业面积租金为35元/m2·天,其中管理费、维修保险费及相关税费等费用共计20元/m2·天,则出租年纯收益为:(35—20)×365×8000==4380(万元)取该地区该类型物业建筑物资本化率9.5%,则××大厦商场部分价格为:4380/11%=46105.26(万元)2.××大厦写字楼部分价格根据该地区同类物业的调查资料,通过比较分析可知,××大厦建成后写字楼部分的使用面积租金为15元/m2·天,其中管理费、维修保险费及相关税费等费用共计8元/m2·天,而预计开发商在开发完成后将保留4000m2作为自身办公用地,故写字楼年出租纯收益为(15-8)×365×(24000—4000)/9.5=51637-89(万元)3.物业开发总价值46105.26+51637-89=97743.15(万元)4.开发成本根据测算,××大厦的建造成本为4500元/m2,专业费、不可预见费用为900元/m2·天,则物业开发总费用= (4500+900)x(8000+23200)=16848(万元)5.利息该大厦的建筑周期预计为2年,贷款年利息率为9%。
估价报告的规范格式A.0.1 封面:(标题:)房地产估价报告估价项目名称:(说明本估价项目的全称)估价委托人:(说明本估价项目的委托单位的全称,个人委托的为个人的姓名)估价机构:(说明本估价项目的估价机构的全称)估价人员:(说明参加本估价项目的估价人员的姓名)估价作业日期:(说明本次估价的起止年月日,即正式接受估价委托的年月日至完成估价报告的年月日)估价报告编号:(说明本估价报告在本估价机构内的编号)财院A.0.2 目录:(标题:)目录一、致委托方函二、估价师声明三、估价的假设和限制条件四、估价结果报告(一)(二)…五、估价技术报告(可不提供给委托方,供估价机构存档和有关管理部门查阅等)(一)(二)…六、附件(一)(二)…A.0.3 致委托方函:(标题:)致委托方函致函对象(为委托方的全称)致函正文(说明估价对象、估价目的、估价时点、估价结果)致函落款(为估价机构的全称,并加盖估价机构公章,法定代表人签名、盖章)致函日期(为致函的年月日)A.0.4 估价师声明:(标题:)估价师声明我们郑重声明:1 我们在本估价报告中陈述的事实是真实的和准确的。
2 本估价报告中的分析、意见和结论是我们自己公正的专业分析、意见和结论,但受到本估价报告中已说明的假设和限制条件的限制。
3 我们与本估价报告中的估价对象没有(或有已载明的)利害关系,也与有关当事人没有(或有已载明的)个人利害关系或偏见。
4 我们依照中华人民共和国国家标准《房地产估价规范》进行分析,形成意见和结论,撰写本估价报告。
5 我们已(或没有)对本估价报告中的估价对象进行了实地查勘(在本声明中应清楚地说明哪些估价人员对估价对象进行了实地查勘,哪些估价人员没有对估价对象进行实地查勘)。
6 没有人对本估价报告提供了重要专业帮助(若有例外,应说明提供重要专业帮助者的姓名)。
7 (其他需要声明的事项)参加本次估价的注册房地产估价师签名、盖章(至少有一名)A.0.5 估价的假设和限制条件:(标题:)估价的假设和限制条件(说明本次估价的假设前提,未经调查确认或无法调查确认的资料数据,估价中未考虑的因素和一些特殊处理及其可能的影响,本估价报告使用的限制条件)特别说明A.0.6 估价结果报告:(标题:)房地产估价结果报告(一)估价委托人(说明本估价项目的委托单位的全称、法定代表人和住所,个人委托的为个人的姓名和住所)(二)估价机构(说明本估价项目的估价机构的全称、法定代表人、住所、估价资格等级)(三)估价对象(概要说明估价对象的状况,包括物质实体状况和权益状况。
• • • • • • • •
委托方:黄女士 受托方:北京诚信资产评估公司 地址:北京市房山区良乡镇 法 人 代 表:孙一 房地产评估资质级别:贰级 资质证书号:1234号 联 系 人:孙先生 联系电话: 010-6578432
• 1.建筑物状况 • ⑴委估建筑物于2014年建成,维护保养情况较好,成新率为99%,建 筑面积为120平方米。 • ⑵熙悦睿府位于北京市房山区良乡高教园区,钢筋混凝土结构 ,外墙 面贴石材及瓷砖,两部电梯,一层大厅石材地面及墙面,石膏板造型 吊顶,其他楼层公共部分均为石材地面及墙面,石膏板造型吊顶。估 价对象位于10层,3室两厅2卫一厨格局,朝向东。室内装修情况为: 客厅地面铺石材,墙面贴石材及木质壁板,顶面刷乳胶漆,局部石膏 板造型顶;卧室铺实木地板及地毯、墙面为壁纸及木质壁板,顶面刷 乳胶漆,局部石膏板造型顶;厨房及卫生间地面及墙面为石材,石膏 板吊顶,厨房整体厨柜;阳台地砖墙面及顶面为石材塑钢窗封闭;外 窗为塑钢窗、室内门为木门、户门为防盗门。室内水、电、天燃气、 有线电视等设施齐全。 • 3.周围环境 • 估价对象位于北京市良乡高教园区西区,北面为北京理工大学,南面 是北京工商大学。委估对象地处高教园区和经济开发区,繁华程度一 般,交通方便,人流量以学生为主,但人文周围环境优越。
评估人:彭帆 梁慧丽 常娟娟 常丽娜 肖丫苹 周惠芳
受您的委托,我公司对北京市房山区良乡高教园熙悦பைடு நூலகம் 府11号楼10层之市场价值进行了评估。为您向金融机构申 请抵押贷款提供价值参考依据。 估价人员根据估价目的,遵循估价原则,按照估价工 作程序,运用科学的估价方法,通过现场勘察,在认真分 析现有资料和对未来市场进行分析预测的基础上,经过周 密的测算,并结合估价经验与对影响房地产价值因素的分 析,确定在2014年03月15日的市场价值为人民币2万元,
估价对象娇兰佳人商铺建筑面积55 平方米,设计用途为商业用地,土地使用权终止日期为2037 年。
估价目的是为贵方进行房地产使用权转让,评估不动产价值提供依据估价时点为2012年12 月20 日。
估价对象在估价时点2012年12 月20 日的抵押价值估价结果如下(币种:人民币):建筑面积:55 平方米估价总价:515.0452 万元大写:伍佰壹拾伍万零肆佰伍拾贰元估价单价:93645 元/ 平方米大写:玖万叁仟陆佰肆拾伍元每平方米广州钱程似锦房地产评估有限公司2013年1月3日估价师声明我们郑重声明:1、我们在本估价报告中陈述的事实是真实的和准确的;2、本报告中的分析、意见和结论是我们自己公正的专业分析、意见和结论,但受到本估价报告中已说明的假设和限制条件的限制。
房地产估价报告书The document was prepared on January 2, 2021REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL REPORTName of Project: Appraisal report on the evaluation of the value of RealEstate of Room0302,Unit11,Building1,(ShangjieDistrict),Changzhi Road, Taiyuan CityEntrusting Party: ————————Appraising Institution: ———————— CO., LTDAppraisers: ————————Appraisal Working Date:————————Appraisal Report No.: ———————————————— CO., LTD(seal)Contents1.Letter to the entrustingparty (3)2.Statement by theappraisers.............................................................. (4)3.Presumption and restrictiveconditions (5)4.Appraisal result report (6)5.Appraisal technical report (11)6.Appendix (19)Letter to the Entrusting PartyDear Ms. Yang Fang ,We accepted your appointment to conduct the appraisal on your real estate that you have entrusted us. The appraised object is the real estate located at Room0302, Unit11,Building1,(Shangjie District),Changzhi Road, Taiyuan City with the building area of square meters.The appraisal date is July 08, 2010.Purpose of Appraisal: Supplying the reference basis of real estate market price for the entrusting party’s knowledgeAppraisal Result: The appraisers have assessed the value of the above-mentioned real estate on the basis of independence, impersonality, equity, legitimacy and cautiousness, adhering to on-spot inspection of the real estate as well as comprehensive collection of related market information and appraised object information, in the light of general analysis the elements which will influence the market value of the real estate, comply with state regulations on real estate appraisal, real estate appraisal rules and given appraisal purpose as well as by utilizing logical appraisal processes and methods. The appraisal result of the appraised object on July 08, 2010 is as follows (currency: RMB):Unit Price of the appraised object:RMB7623 Yuan/Square MeterTotal Price of the appraised object: RMB1,080, YuanCapitalization (the capital form of Chinese numerals): RMB one million nine eighty thousand and two hundred Yuan)For detailed appraisal results, process and related explanation, please refer to the ‘Appraisal Result Report’and ‘Appraisal Technical Report’. Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal Co., LtdJuly 13, 2010 Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal CO., LTD(seal)Statement by the AppraisersWe hereby solemnly declare the following:1.All of the information which has been shown in this report is authenticand accurate.2.All of the analyses, comments and conclusions which have been shown inthis report have been presented, given and drawn through our impartial analysis and professional knowledge. However, all of them have beenrestricted by the presumptions and restrictive conditions which have been explained in this report.3.We have not had the interest conflict with the appraised object, norhave common interests with or prejudice against the entrusting party.4.According to Real Estate Appraisal Rules which is the State Standard ofthe People's Republic of China, we presented analyses, given comments, drawn conclusions and compose the report eventually.5.The on-site inspection of the appraised object has been done by ourappraisers through which they are responsible for the objectivity,authenticity and impartiality of the inspection results. However, unless otherwise agreed, the scope of on-site inspection is restricted toappearance and use status of the appraised object. The appraisers do not shoulder the responsibility for investigating the structure and quality of the building as well as for examining other overlaid, unexposed and unreachable parts of the appraised object. The appraisers who takecharge of on-site inspection are Duan Zhihong and Chai Hongbin.6.Not any important and professional assistance has been offered to theappraisal report.7.The appraisal is based on the relevant documents supplied by theentrusting party who shall be held liable for the authenticity,completeness and consequences incurred. The appraisers shall be only held liable for the operation process and fairness of the appraisalmethod adopted.8.The registered real estate appraisers who take charge of the appraisal:Duan ZhihongRegisterDate of expiration:September 2010 (seal)Chai HongbinRegistered Public Real Estate Appraiser of P. R. China (Registration No.: 31) Date of expiration:September 2010(seal)Presumption and Restrictive Conditions1.The entrusting party obtained the appraised object legally and theappraised object is in sound condition at the appraisal time and isused legally, safely and normally at its optimal status.2.The real estate market at the appraisal time operates publicly, equallyand voluntarily.3. Any operation mode and procedure relating to the appraised object shallcomply with the relevant national and local laws and regulations.4.The owner, the location, the category of property, the building areaand the function of the appraised object in this report shall besubject to what have been recorded in the House ProprietorshipCertificate provided by the entrusting party.5.The appraisal result in this report is the market value of the realestate at the appraisal time of 5th, July, 2010 and meets all thepresumption and restrictive conditions. The real estate price shall be reappraised in case the conditions and purpose set in this report vary.6.The appraisal price in this report is objective and impartial marketprice, without considering the influence on the appraisal result byother rights such as mortgage and leasing right, risk of the futurechange of the real estate market, short-term disciplinary measures and relevant taxation, etc.7. The appraisal result shall remain effective within one year since thefinalization of the report. If during the period, there is major change in national macroeconomic policy, the real estate market or thephysical status of the appraised object which has major effects on the appraisal result, we shall be appointed again to perform the appraisal.8. The report shall only be used for the purpose of appraisal by theentrusting party, that is, to supply referential basis for theentrusting party to determine the market value of the real estate. The report shall not be used for other economic activities.9.The report shall be used as a whole and we shall not be held liable forthe relevant losses resulted from the use of the part of the report.Appraisal Result ReportBing Wu Yue Tong Gu Zi [2010] No. 0706The Entrusting Party:Name: ————————Home Address: ————————The Entrusted Appraising Party:Company name:————————Co., LtdClass: ————————Legal representative: ————————Address: ————————Telephone: (———————————————— CO., LTD(seal)Appraised ObjectThe appraised object: the appraised object is located at———————— .The building have 7 floots and was built in 2004 . Buildingwith steel reinforced concrete structure , the outside wall was tile fixing . The doors of Unites are intelligent security doors , theground inside the building is waterstone , iron railings and woodenarms , inside wall is emulsion paint, The appraised object locatedat Room02 , Unit11 ,third floor of the building . It is a residence .Decoration status of the appraised object: High-grade decoration , the floor of the room is covered by import granite , the wall ispainted by latex, and the flooring angular line is made of clad plate as well as the suspended ceiling is decorated by fluorescent lamp.Parlour is very artistic , the wall is black marble , integral ambry .The outer window of the room is decorated by top-grade insulatingglass with aluminum alloy, stainless steel guard bar and marblewindowsill. What’s more, the door of the room consists of securitydoor and wooden door , and the flooring angular line is made ofceramic tile, the suspended ceiling is decorated by fluorescent lampas well. marble wash stand , sanitary fittings are complete ; thereare water, electricity, central heating, gas, television, internet in the house .Status of Proprietorship: Fang Quan Zheng Bing Zi “HouseProprietary Certificate” which has been provided by the entrustingparty shows: Owner: Sun Zhiyu Yang Fang ; Location: ————————d ; Category of Property: Private; Building No.: 1; Room ; Structure:Steel reinforced concrete; Total Building Floors: 7; Floor No. of the Appraised Object: 3; Building Area: square meters; Use of Design:Residence .Purpose of Appraisal: Supplying the reference basis of real estatemarket price for the entrust ing party’s knowledge.The appraisal date: July 08, 2010.Definition of Price: The appraisal adopts the market price standard of the real estate, that is, the appraisal is complying with the marketprice on July 08, 2010 which is the appraisal date.Appraisal Basis:1.“Administration Rule of Urban Real Estate of P. R. China”2.“Administration Rule of Land Use of P. R. China”3.National Standard “Regulations for Real Estate Appraisal” of P. R.China4.“Property Law of P. R. China”5.“House Proprietorship Certificate”6.The relevant documents supplied by the entrusting partyrmation of the on-site inspection of the appraised object by theappraisers8.Relevant documents concerning the real estate market mastered andcollected by the appraising partyAppraisal Principles:1.Principle of legalityThe real estate appraisal shall be conducted on the basis of thelegal proprietorship of the real estate, which contains the legalobtainment, legal use, legal transaction or disposition, etc.2.Principle of Maximal and Optimal UseThe appraisal of the real estate shall be based on the maximal and optimal use.The maximal and optimal use means enabling the appraised object to generate the maximal value legally allowed, technically possible,economically feasible and after reasonable argument.3.Principle of ReplacementThe appraisal result shall not deviate from the normal price ofsimilar property under similar conditions obviously. Similar property refers to real estate in comparable search area and equal or similar to the appraised object concerning the function, scope, grade and building structure. Comparable search area means the regional range where thereal estate may replace the appraised object or affect the price of the appraised object.4.Principle of Appraisal TimeThis principle emphasizes that the appraisal result is timedependent and time effective. As the real estate market is ever-changing, the same real estate always has different prices at different appraisal time. The appraisal result is the objective and reasonableprice or value of the appraised object at the appraisal time.5.Principle of Objectiveness and FairnessThe appraisal is based on sufficient investigation, comprehension and analysis of the actual conditions of the appraised object, strictly obeys the relevant laws and decrees of the state, Shanxi Province and Taiyuan Municipality, considers the interests of correlative partiesfully, follows scientific appraisal procedures, adopts reasonable and suitable appraisal methods and through careful and accurate calculation.6.Principle of PrudenceWe shall not overestimate benefits and costs, and shall not choose cases with higher deal price; we shall not underestimate cost rate and choose lower relative parameters either. Prudence is necessary before making professional judgment under uncertain situations.Anyway, in the process of the appraisal, we shall obey the relevant national and local laws and decrees, adheres to such principles asobjectiveness, fairness, science and legitimacy so as to ensurerational appraisal procedure, scientific appraisal method, accurateappraisal result and the secret of the appraisal.Appraisal Method:According to the appraisal purpose, the development degree of Taiyuan Real Estate market and the appraisal maneuverability, on the basis of analyze the relevant data and investigate appraised objecton-site. In view of the real estate of the same kind has a highfrequency of leasing, as a result of this, the appraisers calculatethe price of the appraised object by market comparison method.Consequently, according to the characteristics of the appraised object and the actual situation, as well as comply with the doctrine of real estate appraisal method, the method has been adopted to determine the market value of the appraised object.The method is to anticipate the normal net profit of the appraised object in the future and choose suitable capitalization rate todiscount such profit to the appraisal time for accumulation, in order to estimate the objective and reasonable price or value of theappraised object .Appraisal ResultThe appraisers have assessed the value of the above-mentioned real estate on the basis of independence, impersonality, equity, legitimacy and cautiousness, adhering to on-spot inspection of the real estate as well as comprehensive collection of related market information andappraisal object information, in the light of general analysis theelements which will influence the market value of the real estate,comply with state regulations on real estate appraisal, real estateappraisal rules and given appraisal purpose as well as by utilizinglogical appraisal processes and methods. The appraisal result of the appraised object on July 08, 2010 is as follows (currency: RMB):Unit Price of the appraised object:RMB7623 Yuan/Square MeterTotal Price of the appraised object: RMB1,080, YuanCapitalization (the capital form of Chinese numerals): RMB one million nine eighty thousand and two hundred Yuan)Appraisers:Duan ZhihongRegisterDate of expiration:September 2010 (seal)Chai HongbinRegistered Public Real Estate Appraiser of P. R. China (Registration No.: 31) Date of expiration:September 2010(seal)Appraisal Working Date:From July 08, 2010 to July 13, 2010Validity Term of the Appraisal ReportThe appraisal result shall be valid within one year from thefinalization of the report.Application Range of the Appraisal ReportThe report supplies the basis for the reference price for theentrusting party’s knowledge of the market price of the real estate.It is ineffective for other economic activities.Taiyuan Wuyuetong Real Estate Appraisal CO., LTD(seal)Appraisal Technical ReportClause 1 General Situation of the Appraised Real Estate1.Individual Elements Analysis(1)Status of ProprietorshipFang Quan Zheng Bing Zi “House Proprietary Certificate” whichhas been provided by the entrusting party shows: Owner: Sun Zhiyu Yang Fang ; Location: ————————; Category of Property:Private; Building No.: 1; Room ; Structure: Steel reinforcedconcrete; Total Building Floors: 7; Floor No. of the AppraisedObject: 3; Building Area: square meters; Use of Design: Residence(2)Substance Entity Condition(3)The appraised object: the appraised object is located at ————————.The building have 7 floots and was built in 2004 . Building with steel reinforced concrete structure , the outside wall wastile fixing . The doors of Unites are intelligent security doors , the ground inside the building is waterstone , iron railings andwooden arms , inside wall is emulsion paint, The appraised object located at Room02 , Unit11 ,third floor of the building . It is a residence .Decoration status of the appraised object: High-grade decoration , the floor of the room is covered by import granite , the wall ispainted by latex, and the flooring angular line is made of cladplate as well as the suspended ceiling is decorated by fluorescent lamp. Parlour is very artistic , the wall is black marble ,integral ambry . The outer window of the room is decorated by top-grade insulating glass with aluminum alloy, stainless steel guard bar and marble windowsill. What’s more, the door of the roomconsists of security door and wooden door , and the flooringangular line is made of ceramic tile, the suspended ceiling isdecorated by fluorescent lamp as well. marble wash stand ,sanitary fittings are complete ; there are water, electricity,central heating, gas, television, internet in the house .2.Regional Effects Analysis(1)District General ConditionXiaodian District is located at the southeast part of Taiyuan, and is the north of the Jinzhong Basin . Qingxu Town is at its sourth , Nanneihuan District and Yingze District are at north , Yuci City is at east , Fen River is at west .The transportation of this districtis well concentrated communication network radiates in alldirections to let the residents enjoy convenient transportation.The economic strength of Xiaodian District is abundant. It owns many existing business enterprises, including commerce, diet, service and transportation, etc. Since it was established, the DistrictCommittee and Government vigorously implement the strategy ofprosperity in virtue of business development by investing .(2)Location and Transportation ConditionMany bus routes have been distributed at surroundings, for instance, bus 39, 824, 838, 840, 849, 864, and 877. The location of theappraised object is in Level I-B commercial land range which enjoys geographical advantage and convenient transportation.(3)Surroundings and Peripheral FacilitiesSituated at the area where is equipped with a complete set ofsupporting facilities and advanced business service facilities,hospital, bank, school, hotel, supermarket and bus station, etc can all be found easily. Numbers of commercial mansions, such as,Huachen Mansion , Shanmei International Mansion , Changfeng Shopping Mall , Orient Home , Wholesale Market of Tee , Sangyou Electrical Equipment , Suning Electrical Equipment , Qiannian Chamber , Qinxian Hotel , Tianshuihua Hotel , Jinshengyuan Hotel and Furong TownRestaurant . In addition, many financial institutions, including China Citic Bank, China Merchants Bank, China Ever bright Bank,Huaxia Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank are also scattered around here. The educational facilities and medical treatmentfacilities in this area are all in readiness, the formerincorporates Yujie Kindergarten, Lele Art Kindergarten, Affiliated School of Taiyuan Normal College , Taiyuan Middle School , Taiyuan Middle School and Wenhua Middle School, the latter consists ofShanxi Meitan Central Hospital and Kangming Ophthalmologic Hospital and Changcheng Dental Specialist . The area endures sheer pedestrian volume, and enjoys business prosperity as well as gracefulenvironment.(4)Infrastructural Facilities ConditionThe area has connected to the seven mains outside the red line,which is as follows:①Connect to water supplying line: The water is supplied byTaiyuan Running-Water Company which is highly reliable.②Connect to sewer pipe: The area possesses underground drainagenetwork to separate rain from sewage.③Connect to electrical line: The electricity is supplied byTaiyuan Power Supply Bureau which is highly reliable.④Connect to communication cable: The communication cable has beenspread out in the area which is highly reliable.⑤Connect to gas line: The gas pipe network has been connectedinto this area which is highly reliable.⑥Connect to flue gas duct: The area enjoys central heating supplywhich is highly reliable.⑦Access to roads: The appraised object adjacent to Fuxi Street inthe south.3.Market Background AnalysisTaiyuan municipality is the capital of Shanxi province which serves as the political, cultural, educational, scientific andtechnological, communication and information centers in Shanxiprovince. It is one of the twenty-two megalopolis in China. Taiyuan is situated at the combing site of the eastern, central and western economic belts which connects the west with the east, the north with the south of China and plays a two-way supporting role under the strategy of opening the country to the outside world and in economic development layout. According to the general requirement of ‘Moving southward, marching into the east’,‘Northward enlargement,eastward expansion’,‘prompt quality’and ‘reinvent image’as well as the construction guidance ‘Rebuild old city, construct new town, exploit ancient city ’and take action simultaneously. Taiyuanerected the image of ‘Brand-new Taiyuan’, all-sided speeded up the steps towards the construction of the city and enhanced theradiometric force, influence power and leading power as a city of provincial capital gradually. In recent years, remarkable results were achieved in term of transportation, communication, municipal administration and ecological environment. Due to a quintuple-level transportation network consisting of air routes, railways andhighways have been completed, Taiyuan takes on a new look with each passing day. A good socioeconomic foundation can be laid for the further development of the Real Estate Market in Taiyuan with the continuous improvement in supporting facilities and infrastructure.In recent years, Taiyuan office building real estate market hasexperienced a process from emergence to instant development. Atpresent, Taiyuan office building real estate market has presented the trend of stable development marked by increased volume oftransaction and slowly increased price. We hold the opinion that Taiyuan office building real estate market will keep the trend of stable development continuously for quite a long time. In otherwords, the market prospect for the appraised object is optimistic. 4.The Analysis of Maximal and Optimal UseReal estate estimate should be based on the best use of theappraised object, the analysis of maximal and optimal use really embody the objectivity of estimate, whether measuring, judging theappraised object is at best use or not should be judged from the following aspects:①Law permitting, not limited by the condition of current use, butbased on law, the direction of the plan development, andestimated by the possible best use.②In technology, that is, estimate according to the technicalrequirement in house construction engineering.③In economy, estimated price should use the result of getting thebest profits from limited put-in at all kinds of methods④Land and building, that is, judge its best condition or notbased on the combination of real estate internal composingfactors.⑤Coordination between real estate and environmental surroundings,that is, if real estate and environmental surroundings arecoordinated or balanced.⑥Sustainability, that is, the appraisers should study not onlythe past and the current price, but also the current real estate market situation, the development trend and the effects ofvaried political and economic situation as well as policy shift in order to predict the future price trend and the changetendency of profit.According to these aspects mentioned above, the current use of the appraised real estate is at the best status.Clause II Analysis and Calculation of the Appraisal Price1.Choice of the Appraisal MethodAccording to the appraisal purpose, the development degree of Taiyuan Real Estate market and the appraisal maneuverability, on the basis of analyze the relevant data and investigate appraised object on-site. In view of the real estate of the same kind has a high frequency of leasing, as a result of this, the appraisers calculate the price of the appraised object by market comparison method. Consequently, according to the characteristics of the appraised object and the actual situation, as well as comply with the doctrine of real estate appraisal method, the method has been adopted to determine the market value of the appraised object.The method is to anticipate the normal net profit of the appraised object in the future and choose suitable capitalization rate to discount such profit to the appraisal time for accumulation, in order to estimate the objective and reasonable price or value of the appraised object.2.Process of the Appraisal Price CalculationFormula for the market comparison method:1.Calculation Formula :Market Price of the Appraised Object=Price of ComparativeObject×Transaction Rectification×Rectification of Trade Date×Rectification of Regional Factor×Rectification of IndividualFactor2.Choose the Trade Case :A : Wenhuayuan Housing District , which is located at ChangfengStreet , Building with Steel reinforced concrete structure , 7 floors and was built in 1998 . the house is in the third floor , 110 square meter , common decoration , water , electricity ,gas , television , the transaction price in June 2010 is RMB7, Yuan .B : Xinyuan Housing District , which is located at North Streetof Wucheng , 6 floors and was built in 2000 . Building withreinforced concrete brick structure , the house is in the second floor , 101 square meter , high-grade decoration , water ,electricity , gas , television , the transaction price in May2010 is RMB6, Yuan .C : Shangjie Housing District , which is located at ChangzhiRoad , 7 floors and was built in 2004 . Building with Steelreinforced concrete structure , the house is in the fifth floor , 112 square meter , common decoration , water , electricity ,gas , television , the transaction price in June 2010 is RMB7, Yuan .Sheet 3The three cases above are in the same circle of supply and demand , after compare , the price of the appraised object is :(7517+7881+7471)/3=7623 Yuan square meter5.Total Price of the appraised object=7623×=The result for the whole : 1,080, Yuan , Unit Price is 7623 Yuan square meterClause III Determination of the Appraisal ResultAccording to the purpose of appraisal, the appraisers haveassessed the value of the appraised object which is located atNo. C, F/20, Unit A, Building 1 (WANGFU Commerce Building), No.9, Fuxi Street, Taiyuan, on the basis of independence,impersonality, equity, legitimacy and cautiousness, adhering toon-spot inspection of the real estate as well as comprehensivecollection of related market information and appraisal objectinformation, in the light of general analysis the elements whichwill influence the market value of the real estate, comply withstate regulations on real estate appraisal, real estateappraisal rules and given appraisal purpose as well as byutilizing logical appraisal processes and methods. The appraisalresult of the appraised object on July 08, 2010 is as follows(currency: RMB):Unit Price of the appraised object:RMB7623 Yuan/Square MeterTotal Price of the appraised object: RMB1,080, YuanCapitalization (the capital form of Chinese numerals): RMB one million nine eighty thousand and two hundred Yuan)————————CO., LTD(seal)Clause IV Relevant Notes1. The report is based on documents supplied by the entrustingparty, who shall be held liable for the authenticity,integrality and consequences resulted from the documentssupplied. The appraisers shall be only held liable for theoperation procedure, and the fairness of the method adopted inthis report.2. Without the consent in writing by the appraising institutionand appraisers, the report shall not be used by other Unit orindividual than the entrusting party, report user and reportaudit organ. All or part of the report shall not be released inthe public media.3. Should the errors in the contents and figures owing to thetyping or other reason be found, please inform us to make theamendment. Otherwise, the part with such errors shall be nulland void.。
房地产估价报告(1) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1房地产估价报告评估项目名称:武汉市名都花园11-1-302室价格评估报告委托方:XXX公司评估方:两人资产评估小组评估人员:董古华、陈旭峰评估作业日期:2016/06/13--2016/06/30评估时点:2016/06/14评估报告编号:XX估字(2011)123001号目录一、致委托方函 (3)二、估价师声明 (4)三、估价的假设和限制条件 (5)四、估价结果报告 (6)五、估价技术报告 (9)六、附件 (10)一、致委托方函XXX公司:受贵方委托,我所组织估价人员,于2011年12月2日至2011年12月16日,根据委托目的,遵循国家标准《房地产估价规范》,经现场勘验和社会调查,采用市场比较法对所在雄楚大道一侧的名都花园11-1-302室市场现值进行了评估。
五人资产评估小组法定代表人:XXX2011年12月16日二、估价师声明我们郑重声明:1 我们在本评估报告中陈述的事实是真实的和准确的。
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4 我们依照中华人民共和国国家标准《房地产估价规范》进行分析,形成意见和结论,撰写本评估报告。
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