第4章 冠词

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I. 填入a 或an:

1. ______ ear

2. ______ hour

3. ______ example

4. ______ hotel

5. ______ item

6. ______ video

7. ______ flyer 8. ______ uncle 9. ______ airport

10. ______ useful thing 11. ______ copy 12. ______ university

13. ______ aunt 14. ______ S 15. ______ American girl

16. ______ D 17. ______ Englishman 18. ______ 100-word report 19. ______ 8-year-old boy 20. ______ award 21. ______ cartoon

22. ______ event 23. ______ locker 24. ______ liquid

25. ______ UFO 26. ______ inn 27. ______ electric light

28. ______ egg 29. ______ X 30. ______ half

II. 在下列各句中填入必要的冠词:

1. He used to be ______ teacher, but now he has become ______ engineer.

2. We shall be late if we don't take ______ taxi.

3. Some modern planes can fly at over ______ thousand miles ______ hour.

4. For ______ breakfast we usually have ______ bread and ______ eggs.

5. We are ______ neighbours. What ______ coincidence!

6. Let's give ______ gold coin to ______ policeman over there.

7. At ______ airport you can always see ______ taxis waiting in ______ line.

8. -- What do you think of ______ dance by ______ Class 3?

-- ______ dance is good, but ______ music is too loud.

9. My office is on ______ third floor. How about yours?

10. -- What about this shirt?

-- ______ colour is right, but ______ size isn't.

11. ______ robots do much work for ______ people.

12. ______ life at ______ school is both busy and interesting.

13. -- What's ______ score?

-- Two to three.

14. -- May I speak to Mary?

-- Just ______ minute.

15. ______ rivers are very important in many ways.

16. ______ Amazon is one of ______ longest rivers in ______ world.

17. ______ match is between ______ Bears and ______ Tigers. It will be exciting.

18. ______ factories in ______ city are not allowed to let out ______ dirty smoke into ______ air.

19. He has been to ______ Athens, ______ capital of ______ Greece.

20. All parents want their children to go to ______ college.

21. ______ December 25th is ______ Christmas Day.

22. ______ Great Wall and ______ Summer Palace are famous all over ______ world.

23. There are many shops and restaurants on ______ Fifth Street.

24. I prefer ______ science fiction because it is more interesting than ______ children's stories.

25. On ______ Christmas Eve ______ Father Christmas usually bring ______ children ______

nice toys and foods.

26. ______ top of ______ mountain is covered with ______ snow all ______ year round.
