【英语】 高考英语现在进行时专项训练100(附答案)及解析

【英语】高考英语现在进行时专项训练100(附答案)及解析一、单项选择现在进行时1. -- Hello, I _______ to ask if I can book two tickets for tonight’s film.-- Sorry, we’ve already sold out.A.am phoning B.will phoneC.phone D.have phoned【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查情景交际和时态。
考点:考查情景交际和时态2.—Sorry, I didn't catch you.—Be quiet, please; the baby ________.A.was sleeping B.is sleepingC.slept D.has slept【答案】B【解析】B 考察时态。
3.The zoo keepers is worried because the number of visitors __ smallerand smaller.A.become B.became C.is becoming D.have become【答案】C【解析】考查主谓一致。
the number of……的数目,谓语动词用单数形式。
4.—Are you free tomorrow? I was wondering if we could have lunch together.— No, I'm afraid not. I John then.A.am meeting B.met C.have met D.was meeting【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:--明天你有空吗?我想知道我们能否一起吃午饭。

高考英语过去进行时专项训练100(附答案)一、单项选择过去进行时1.—What happened to Bill?—He ________ really fast when suddenly he ran into a parked car.A.had run B.was runningC.has run D.has been running【答案】B【解析】B 考察动词时态。
根据when suddenly he ran into a parked car可知他奔跑是在过去一段时间里发生的动作,所以使用过去进行时。
2.––Have you asked Peter for advice?––No, he ______ someone, so I didn’t disturb him.A.is talking with B.has talked withC.was talking with D.had talked with【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:—你问彼得的意见了吗?—没有,他当时在和人说话,所以我没去打扰他。
3.—What’s your opinion about my suggestion?— Sorry, I ___________. Would you please say it again?A.hadn’t listened B.wouldn’t listenC.wasn’t listening D.won’t listen【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查动词的时态。
考点 : 考查动词的时态4.Would you please repeat what the man said? I ________.A.won’t listen B.wasn’t listeningC.haven’t listened D.hadn’t listened【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:你可以重复一下那个人说的话吗?我刚才没听。
【英语】 高考英语现在完成时专项训练100(附答案)含解析

【英语】高考英语现在完成时专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、单项选择现在完成时1.— When will the bike-sharing schemes be introduced to the public?— Not until _______ a better understanding of them.A.we have had B.will we have hadC.have we had D.we will have had【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查时间状语从句。
not until位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装,但是从句不用,故选A。
2.Although she is only 16 years old, she ______ to drugs for two years.A.addicts B.had been addictedC.has addicted D.has been addicted【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查现在完成时态和固定搭配。
结合句意可知,这里是指到现在为止已经两年了,与现在有关系,用现在完成时态;be addicted to沉迷于---,故选D。
3.______ trees _______ in the past few years.A.A good many of , were planted B.A good many, were plantedC.A number of , have planted D.A number of, have been planted【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查词组和时态。

高考英语过去进行时专项训练100(附答案)及解析一、单项选择过去进行时1.She told me that she had mailed part of the products and that the rest ______ in a few days. A.has followed B.have followed C.was following D.were following 【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:她告诉我她已经邮寄了部分产品,剩下的将在几天内邮寄过来。
The rest 指代剩下的产品,products为复数故谓语动词用复数形式,排除A,C。
in a few days表将来时态,故用 be doing 表将来。
2.––Have you asked Peter for advice?––No, he ______ someone, so I didn’t disturb him.A.is talking with B.has talked withC.was talking with D.had talked with【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:—你问彼得的意见了吗?—没有,他当时在和人说话,所以我没去打扰他。
3.— Has Tom finished writing his essay today?— I have no idea. He ______ it this morning.A.wrote B.has written C.was writing D.had written【答案】C【解析】考查时态。
根据this morning可知这里是表示过去的一个时间。
(英语) 高考英语过去完成时专项训练100(附答案)含解析

(英语)高考英语过去完成时专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、单项选择过去完成时1.Not until ________a third time ________that he had given birth to the reading system for the blind called Braille.A.Louis Braille tried;he announcedB.did Louis Braille try;he announcedC.Louis Braille had tried;did he announceD.had Louis Braille tried;had he announced【答案】C【解析】倒装句。
Not until位于句首时,后面的从句不倒装,主句使用部分倒装,即把be/do/will/have/can等提到主语之前,A、B两项的第二空未倒装,排除A、B;D项第一空不需要用倒装,排除D,故选C。
2.The girl, when _____ why she _____ in the exam, just lowered her head and kept silent. A.questioned; was cheatedB.being questioned; was cheatingC.questioned; had cheatedD.being questioned; has cheated【答案】C【解析】考查非谓语动词。
When引导的是是时间状语从句,与girl 之间是被动关系,所以用done形式,作弊没有被动语态,故选C项。
3.—What a consequence!—Yes. I ________ him about it, but without success.A.will remind B.would remindC.was reminding D.had reminded【答案】D【解析】考查时态。

1.Pleasedomeafavor—______myfriendMr.SmithtoYouthTheaterat7:30tonight.A.toinviteB.invitingC.inviteD.invited2.—Icalledyoulastnight,butnobodyanswered.—Oh,Iusually________offmycellphoneby8:00pm.A.switchedB.haveswitchedC.switchD.hadswitched3.I_________ping-pongquitewell,butIhaven’thadtimetoplaysincethenewyear.A.willplayB.haveplayedC.playedD.play4.ThehousebelongstomyauntbutsheD.doesn’tliveskatingontheD.aregoing13.—Doyouhaveanyproblemsifyou this—,A.offer C.areoffered14.Thewetweatherwillcontinuetomorrow,whenacoldfrontA.isexpected C.expects D.willbeexpected15.—Howlongdoyouwantmetoheatthe oil?—Heatittillit________tosmoke.A.wouldbegin?B.beginsC.willbegin?D.began16.Thenumberofdeathsfromheartdiseasewillbereducedgreatlyifpeople___toeatmorefruitandvegetables.A.persuadeB.willpersuadeC.bepersuadedD.arepersuaded17.—Whenwillyoucometoseeme,Dad?—Iwillgotoseeyouwhenyouthetrainingcourse.A.willhavefinishedB.willfinishC.arefinishingD.finisheandseemewhenever_______.A.youareconvenientB.youwillbeconvenientC.itisconvenienttoyouD.itwillbeconvenient19.Ifeelitisyouaswellasyourwifethatforyourson’sbadperformanceatschool.A.isgoingtobeblamedB.aretoblameC.aretobeblamedD.istobeblamed20.—Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon?—Iamgoingtothecinemawithsomefriends.Thefilm___quiteearly,sowe___tothebookstoreafterthat.A.finished;aregoingB.finished;goC.finishes;aregoingD.finishes;go21.--Howdoyoulikethenewpen?--Ithinkit______smoothly.A.iswrittenB.writesC.haswrittenD.iswriting22.TheapplesproducedinLouChuanXiaanXigoodandwellinmarketsofbothathomeandabroadA.taste;aresoldB.aretasted;aresoldC.taste;sellD.aretasted;sell23.Whatdoyouthinkofthiskindofcloth?Well,iteasilyandlastlong,andthecolor.A.washes;doesnotrunB.iswashed;doesn’trunC.iswashed;isn’trunD.washes;runs24.Lookatthetimetable.Hurryup!Flight4026 offat18:offA.wastravelingB.traveledC.hadbeentravelingD.wastotravel.35.-Sorrytohaveinterruptedyou.Pleasegoon.-WherewasI?-You______youdidn’tlikeyourfather’sjob.A.hadsaidB.saidC.weresayingD.hadbeensaying36.---HasSamfinishedhishomeworktoday?---Ihavenoidea.He______itthismorning.Adid Bhascome Cwasdoing Dhaddone37.--Doyourememberthefirsttimewemet?--Atthattimeyou_______alecture.A.hadgivenB.weregivingC.havegivenD.gave38.Tom________intothehousewhennooneA.slipped;waslookingB.hadslipped;lookedC.slipped;hadlookedD.wasslipping;looked39.Shirley________abookaboutChinalastyearbutIdon'tknowwhethershehasfinished.A.waswrittenB.wroteC.hadwrittenD.waswriting40.--Hey,lookwhereyouaregoing!--Oh,I'mterriblysorry.________.A.I'mnotnoticingB.Iwasn'tnoticingC.Ihaven'tnoticedD.Idon’tnotice41.―Excuseme,sir.Wouldyoudomeafavor?―Ofcourse.Whatisit?―I______ifyoucouldtellmehowtofilloutthisform.42.43.——44.——45. 一一49.—50.——No,51.----WhatdoyouthinkofTom?----HeisthelastoneIwanttoworkwith,forheaboutthisorthatallthetime.plainsplainedCiscomplainingD.hascomplained52.Whatapity!You_____always_____thesamemistakes.A.have,madeB.are,makingC.X,madeD.X,make53.---Lucy,you______onthephone---I______.Thankyou.A.areasked,willcome.B.arecalling,amgoingC.arelookedfor,amhereD.arewanted,amcomingdiesandgentlemen,pleasefastenyourseatbelts.TheplaneA.takesoff C.hastakenoff D.tookoff55.—Areyoustillbusy?—Yes,I_________mywork,anditwon’ttakelong.?A.justfinish?B.amjustfinishing?C.havejustfinishedD.amjustgoingtofinish56.Becausetheshop_____,alltheT-shirtsaresoldathalfprice.A.hascloseddownB.closeddownC.isclosingdownD.hadcloseddown57.Foodsuppliesintheflood-strickenarea______.Wemustactimmediatelybeforethere’sleft.A.haverunoutB.arerunningoutC.havebeenrunoutD.arebeingrunout58.—Howlong________you________inthecountrywithyourgrandparents,Henry?—Aboutfourweeks.I'llreturnassoonasschoolstarts.A.are;staying?B.did;stayC.do;stay?D.had;stayed59.---WhatwereyoudoingwhenTonyphonedyou?68.--Youmayfindthekeytothemathsproblemonpage107.--Ah,it'ssosimple.IwonderwhyI_______ofthat.A.hadn'tthoughtB.haven'tthoughtC.didn'tthinkD.wouldn'tthink69.—Hey,John!I________tomeetyouhere.—Oh,yes.ThisismyfirsttimetobeattheInternetcafé.Doyouoftencomehere?A.haven'texpectedB.wasn'texpectingC.hadn'texpectedD.didn'texpect70.—Youhaven’tsaidawordaboutmyn ewcoat,Brenda.Doyoulikeit?—I'msorryI_________anythingaboutitsooner.Icertainlythinkit'sprettyonyou.A.wasn'tsayingB.don'tsayC.won'tsayD.didn'tsay71.---Thankgoodness,you’rehere!What______you?---Trafficjam.Akeeps Biskeeping Chadkept Dkept72.Thi sisTed’sphoto.Wemisshimalot.Hetryingtosaveachildintheearthquake.A.killedB.iskilledC.waskilledD.waskilling73.Allmorningasshewaitedforthemedicalreportfromthedoctor,hernervousness.A.hasgrownB.isgrowingC.grewD.hadgrown74.Afterafirebrokeoutinthelab,alotofequipment________.A.isdamagedB.haddamagedC.damagedD.wasdamaged75.Atlast,wefoundourselvesinapleasantparkwithtreesprovidingshadeand___downtoeatourpicniclunch.A.sitting?B.havingsat?C.tosit?D.sat76.-–Ifthetraffichadn'tbeensoheavy,Icouldhavebeenhackby6o'clock.77.--–83.——A.Yes,IhaveB.Yes,Ihaven'tC:No,IhaveD.No,Ihaven’t87.--Whatdoyouthinkofhisreport?--Sorry,IhavenothingtosayaboutitbecauseI_______readit.A.didn'tB.haven'tC.hadn'tD.don't88.MissYangsaidexcitedly:"I'mgladthatmysalary______threetimesthisyear."A.wasraisedB.hasbeenraisedC.hasrisenD.wasbeingraised89.--Look!Somebodythesofa.---Well,itwasn’tme.Ididn’tdoit.A.iscleaningB.wascleaningC.hascleanedD.hadcleaned90. —Alvin,areyoucomingwithus?—I'dloveto,butsomethingunexpected .A.hascomeupB.wascomingupC.hadcomeupD.wouldcomeup91.Morepatients___________inhospitalthisyearthanlastyear.A.treatedB.havetreatedC.hadbeentreatedD.havebeentreated92.---Howareyoutoday?---Oh,I___________asillasIdonowforaverylongtime.A.didn'tfellB.wasn'tfeelingC.don'tfellD.haven'tfelt93.IwonderwhyJenny_________usrecently.Weshouldhaveheardfromherbynow.A.hasn'twrittenB.doesn'twriteC.won'twrite94.________mysisterthreetimestodaybutherlinewasalwaysbusy.A.I’dphonedB.I’vebeenphoningC.I’vephonedD.Iwasphoning101.——A.didB.doC.haddoneD.havebeendoing106.--Youhaven'tgotthetextbookformychemistrycourseyet.--Iknow,andwe_______togetitforthelastfiveweeks.A.willhavebeentryingB.havebeentryingC.willbetryingD.hadtried 107.—Haveyouheardabouttherecentelection?—Sure,it________theonlythingonthenewsforthelastthreedays.A.wouldbeB.isC.hasbeenD.willbe108.Iarrivedlate;I_____theroadtobesoicy.A.wouldn’texpectB.haven’texpectedC.hadn’texpectedD.wasn’texpecting109.——D.I’ll;you’dfind110.——Whenshallwerestartourbusiness?——Notuntilweourplan.A.willfinishB.arefinishingC.aretofinishD.havefinished 111.—GeorgeandLucygotmarriedlastweek.Didyougototheirwedding?—No,I.Didtheyhaveabigwedding?A.wasnotinvitedB.havenotbeeninvitedC.hadn’tbeeninvitedD.didn’tinvite 112.--Wherehaveyoubeenallthetime?--No,thisisthefirsttimeI________here.A.wasB.amgoingC.cameD.havebeen123.Helen________herkeysintheofficesoshehadtowaituntilherhusband______home.A.hadleft;comesB.left;hadcomeC.hadleft;cameD.hadleft;wouldcome124.--Howlong________eachotherbeforethey________married?--Foraboutayear.A.havetheyblown;getB.didtheyknow;weregoingtogetC.dotheyknow;aregoingtogetD.hadtheyknown;got125.ThepenI_____Iisonmydeskrightundermynose.A.think;lostB.thought;hadlostC.think;hadlostD.thought;havelost126.Turnonthetelevisionoropenamagazineandyou______advertisementsshowinghappyfamiliesA.willoftenseeB.oftenseeC.areoftenseeingD.haveoftenseen127.-DidyoutellJuliaabouttheresult?-Oh,no,Iforgot.I________hernow.?A.willbecalling?B.willcall?C.call?D.amtocall128.Assoonashecomesback,I’lltellhimwhen__________andseehim.A.youwillcome?B.willyoucome??C.youcome??D.doyoucome129.Let’skeeptothepointorwe______anydecisions.Awillneverreach Bhaveneverreached Cneverreach Dneverreached130.Don'tworry.Thehardworkthatyoudonow____laterinlife.A.willberepaidB.wasbeingrepaidC.hasbeenrepaidD.wasrepaidA.aremakingB.aremadeC.willmakeD.willbemadeC.haveincreasedD.wouldbeincreasingC.isbeingmadeD.hasbeenmade136.Lookattheclouds._______.A.It'llrainB,It'sgoingtorainC.It'llberainingD.Itistorain137.--Whydidyoubuythispaintsoearly?D.willcome141.Theywenttherenotbybusbutbyplanesothatthey______Shanghaiontime.A.gottoB.gettoC.shouldarriveinD.couldarrivein142.Wedecidedtoagreetotherequestthatthey______3weekstoprepare.A.wouldbegivenB.shouldbegivenCweregivenD.hadbeengiven143.It'sorderedthatnosmoking______inthelibrary.A.allowedB.isallowedC.wouldbeallowedD.beallowed144.Thedriverwasalwayscareful,otherwisethetrafficaccident______.A.wouldhappenB.wouldbehappenedC.happenedD.wouldhavehappened145.Alltheteachersintheschooldemandedthattheirsalary______.A.beincreasedB.tobeincreasedC.beingincreasedD.shouldincrease1---10CCDDCBBBAA;11---20BACABDDCBC;21----30BCAAACACBB;31---40DDAACCBADB;41---50BCADBCBABA;51---60CBDBBCBADB;61---70BDACBAACDD;71---80DCCDDDCCB;81---90DCAADDBBCA;91---100DDACCCCACB101---110CABDDBCCBD;111---120CADCDABDBC; 121---130CDCDBABAAA;131---140CBDAABDCAD;141---145DBDDA。

高考英语现在完成进行时专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、单项选择现在完成进行时1.---Susan is so excited!---Oh, yes! She is busy preparing for her trip to Africa that she _____ for years.A.has been expecting B.was expectingC.had been expecting D.would be expecting【答案】A【解析】试题分析:考查时态。
考点:考查时态2.—I _______ the dishes for over a week. It’s your turn.— I ______ you would say something like that.A.have washed; have known B.have been washing; knewC.have washed; know D.have been washing; know【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:——我洗盘子洗了一周了。
现在完成时与现在完成进行时的区别是:现在完成时指到目前为止已经结束的动作,现在完成进行时指一直持续的动作,从语境可知此处强调持续,所以用现在完成进行时,排除A、C 选项,而根据宾语从句中的would可以推测主句应该用过去时态,答案选B。
3.—Mum, Dad ought to stop working?—Yes, he has a bad headache because he _______ too long.A.read B.has been readingC.had read D.is reading【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考察现在完成进行时。

(共99题,每题1分,共99分)1、The students _______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _______ in the office.A.had written, left B.were writing, has left C.had written, had left D.were writing, had left2、..I would have gone fishing yesterday,but it ______all day.A.had been raining B.was raining C.should rain D.has rained3、---- James, do you know it’s Kate’s birthday tomorrow?---- Really? I ______ her a present after work this afternoon.A.will buy B.am going to buyC.am buying D.am to buy4、---When did you move to Sanya?---In 2008.But I______in Tibet for 8 years.A.has worked B.has been worked C.have been working D.worked5、Thanks to the policy, birth rates in the country_____ 2 percent annually for the past five years.A.have been risenB.have been risingC.are risingD.are risen6、30. When you arrive, I ______ in reception for you.A.wait B.am waiting C.am going to wait D.will be waiting7、24.If you talk to your children as if they adults, you will strengthen the bonds and become closer friends.A.are B.were C.have been D.would be8、33.Bread and butter____________ for breakfast in many Chinese homes nowadays.A.serve B.servers C.is served D.are served9、—Mike, please don’t make so much noise.—Pardon?—I ______ you not to make so much noise.A.tell B.had told C.told D.will tell10、44. He must be getting thin, for his trousers _____ badly like a flag in the wind.A.are flowing B.flow C.flowed D.have flowed11、—Is Paul playing basketball for his school?—Well, he __ .But he has given it up and switched to playing volleyball .A isB wasC hasD had12、22. The car ______ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about nine o’clock tonight.A.went B.is going C.goes D.will be going13、Great changes_______ in the city, and a lot of factories_______.A.have been taken place, have been set up B.have taken place, have been set up C.have taken place, have set up D.were taken place, were set up14、I________there would be a football match on Channel 8 tomatoA.will tell B.have told C.was told D.will be told15、30. Had it not been for the fact that I _____ absent, I would have asked you to do this right now.A.had been B.were C.should be D.Was16、The warning of the storm, ______ over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the province.A.broadcasting B.having broadcast C.broadcast D.to be broadcast17、My uncle ____________ in Beijing for over 10 years. Now he lives in his hometown in Xuyi.A.has worked B.worded C.had worked D.works18、25.The construction of the two new railway lines____by now.A.has been completed B.have been completedC.has completed D.have completed19、.It is said that pandas ___________ in our country year after year.A.are being disappeared B.are disappearing C.will be disappeared D.will disappear20、A model ship ______his son by Mr More.A.was made for B.was made to C.made for D.makes for21、35. She couldn’t have answered the question if she ________ a few books on world history.A.hadn’t read B.hasn’t read C.wouldn’t read D.didn’t read22、---The food here is nice enough.----My friend_________me a right place.A.introduces B.introduced C.had introduced D.was introduced23、An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures, which ______ as a memory-link method.A.considers B.is considering C.is considered D.Considered24、By the time I rushed to the train station, the last train_________.A.has left B.was being leftC.is leaving D.had left25、(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅱ)We ________ very early so we packed the night before.A.leave B.had leftC.were leaving D.have left26、29. As we all know, the 2012 Olympic Games ______ in London, which is an ancient city.A.are to hold B.will hold C.are to be held D.are held27、 It’s said that the early European playing Cards ______ for education.A.have designed B.were designedC.have been designed D.were being designed28、22. Something_____wrong with the car, and it not start.A.being; could B.going; should C.was; might D.went; would29、–What did Mr Jones do before he moved here?-He_______ a city bus for over twenty-five years.A.has driven B.drove C.drives D.is driving30、32. She is not always so friendly. I wonder what she________.A.wants B.is wanting C.has wanted D.will want31、The living standard of the people in Shanghai_______ in the last ten years.A.has raised B.has risen C.has been raised D.has been risen32、—Where have you been all day?—I _________ some former classmates and I couldn`t get back until it was dark.A.have met B.would meet C.met D.had met33、We _____ to move but are still considering where to go to.A.are deciding B.decided C.have decided D.had decided34、I hope that you ______a good time this evening.A.have B.are having C.will have D.had35、26. —How much of the foreign expert’s speech have you understood?—Next to nothing. I wish I _______ harder at English.A.worked B.had worked C.would work D.were working36、He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poor children out of school. This experience his life.A.would change B.had changed C.was to change D.was changing37、45. When I met him the other day, it was the first time we _____ each other since we were at school.A.saw B.had seen C.were seeing D.have seen38、.The last thirty years _____ the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress. Until today we have reached a stage _______ we have almost no rights at all.A.saw; which B.see; where C.are seeing; in which D.have seen; where39、The new library ____ next week.A.will build B.will be built C.would build D.would be built40、The computer looks old, but it _________ just half a year ago.A.has been bought B.will be bought C.is bought D.was bought41、16.After driving for 20 miles, Jackson realized that he______in the wrong direction. A.was driving B.drove C.had been driving D.had driven42、Look at that little boy wandering about — perhaps he _____ his mother.A.will lose B.is losing C.had lost D.has lost43、Mary failed the driving test again.If she ______ harder, she ______ the test easily.A.practiced; would pass B.had practiced; would passC.had practiced; would have passed D.should practice; should have passed44、Better not call the manager between 8 and 9 this evening, for he_________ an important meeting then.A.will have B.would have C.will be having D.will have had45、.After getting my visa I was very excited because I __________ of this day for so long. A, have dreamed B. dream C. had dreamed D. am dreaming .46、. Four-fifths of the crop ______.A.are ruined B.was ruined C.were ruined D.have been ruined47、8.—Isn’t it a surprise that I happened to meet Emily at Doris’ birthday party last weekend?—If my memory serves me correctly, you__________each other for exactly three years. A.hadn’t seen B.haven’t seen C.didn’t see D.don’t see48、 On Monday mornings it usually ________ me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.A.takes B.is taking C.took D.will take49、50、28. The first thing she did _____ up to her trainer and thanked her.A.was go B.was going C.and went D.Go51、23. -- Anything special in today’s papers?-- Yes. “Confidence is more important than gold” by Premier Wen as a headlinein many of today’s newspapers.A.is used B.are used C.has used D.have used52、As a senior high school student, my days ____ classes and homework.A.are taken up B.are filled with C.are full with D.are taken over53、If he_____his teacher' s advice, Asafa Powell would not be the fastest man in the world.A.didn't follow B.wouldn't have followedC.hadn' t followed D.hasn' t followed54、22. –Are you still very busy? --Yes, I _____ the report for the manager and it won’t take long.A.have just finished B.am just finishingC.had just finished D.am just going to finish55、Tens of thousands of trees _____ in the area in the past few years.A.have been planted B.were planted C.have planted D.had planted56、-- Isn't it amazing that I met Francis at the Christmas party?-- Really? For how many years ________each other?A.didn't you see B.haven't you seen C.don't you see D.hadn't you seen57、. There ______ in this room.A.are too much furniture B.is too many furnituresC.are too much furnitures D.is too much furniture58、35. The ______ bodies _______ the world ______ mummies.A.preserving; are known to; as B.preserved; are known as; to C.preserving; are known as; to D.preserved; are known to; as59、29.If we had taken such effective measures much earlier, the fiver__________so seriously now.A.is not polluted B.would not be pollutedC.had not been polluted D.would not have been polluted60、I _____ for five minutes; why don’t they come?A.am calling B.Called C.was calling D.have been calling61、25.—Excuse me, _______?—That’s $21.66 altogether, Madam.A.how much is the meal we’ve had B.take my order, pleaseC.would you please take the money D.could I have the bill, please62、24.He rose to speak, _________ to with great attention.A.and was listened B.and listened C.listening D.to be listened63、 --Mum, I can’t do the washing on my own. It’s too difficult.- All right. I ______ you with it.A.am helping B.am going to help C.am to help D.will help64、—Tom, you didn’t come to the party lastnight?— I _____ , but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.A.had to B.didn’t C.was going to D.wouldn’t65、19. Johnson ______ for 5 years for political reasons when he was young.A.was put in prison B.was in the prison C.out in prison D.was in prison66、27.---Your composition is full of mistakes.---I wish I_________more careful.A.would have been B.had been C.would be D.Were67、The basin _______ water soon. You can’t pour more in.A.is full with B.fills with C.is filled of D.is filled with68、26.—You look quite tired.—I __________ the project here in order to meet the deadline.A.have done B.did C.had done D.have been doing69、To understand the complex situation completely requires more thought than ________ so far.A.gave B.has given C.has been given D.is being given70、.When and where to go for the on-salary holiday ___ yet.A.are not decided B.have not been decided C.is not being decided D.has not been decided71、15.I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she _______, she would have met my brother.A.has come B.did come C.came D.had come72、12. -- Why didn’t you come to see the film with your parents last weekend?-- I _____ my lessons for the month- exam.A.was preparing B.prepare C.prepared D.have prepared73、.You must put your heart into what you are doing, or you ________ your aim.A.never achieved B.will never achieveC.have never achieved D.are never achieving74、What I said and did at your house last night_________just between you and me.A.is B.are C.have been D.had been75、76、I think you must be mistaken about seeing him at the theatre; I’m sure he ____abroad all week. 高.考..网A.is B.was C.has been D.had been77、(2013·高考辽宁卷)He was unhappy when he sold his guitar.After all,he ________it for a very long time.A.has had B.had hadC.has D.had78、 If their marketing plans succeed,they ________ their sales by 20 percent.A.will increase B.have been increasingC.have increased D.would be increasing79、.I feel it is your husband who ______ for the spoiled child.A.is to blame B.is doing to blame C.is to be blame D.should blame80、.Mother ______ us stories when we were young .A.was used to tell B.is used to telling C.used to tell D. used to telling81、—What do you think of the Eiffel Tower?—Splendid. When I was in France, I it.A.have visited B.had visited C.could visit D.visited82、---Who are you looking for?---Mr White.---Wait here for a while. The class meeting_______ over in half an hour.A.is B.will be C.was D.has been83、This story_______ in a faraway village in Europe many years ago.A.is happened B.was happened C.happened D.has been happened84、The employees _______that they should renew their contracts within a week.A.advise B.have advised C.are advised D.had been advised85、--- What time is it?--- I have no idea. But just a minute. I ________ it for you.A.check B.checkedC.will check D.would check86、28.--- He’s got our tickets.--- That’s good I____afraid that he them.A.am; has forgotten B.was; had forgottenC.was; forget D.am; will forget87、(2013·宜春五校联考)Someone ________ his car in front of my house and it's blocking my way.A.was parking B.parkedC.has parked D.had parked88、--- Is your father a teacher of English in No. l Middle School?--- No. But he ______ English there for ten years.A.has taught B.has been teaching C.taught D.had taught89、It is said that the meeting ______ for three hours. Why should I regret missing it?!A.has lasted B.has been lasting C.lasted D.had lasted90、After graduation, he was employed by a famous company and ____ there ever since.A.worked B.has worked C.had worked D.is working91、--- It’s the office! So you ______ know smoking is not allowed here.--- Oh, sorry.A.must B.will C.may D.Need92、.By the end of last year, another new gymnasium ____ in Beijing.A.would be completed B.was being completedC.has been complete D.had been completed93、15. When Madam Curie did the experiment again, she was more careful where she _____ a mistake.A.made B.has made C.was making D.had made94、Mum, you really need to have a rest! You in the kitchen ever since you came back home three hours ago.A.had worked B.were working C.have been working D.worked95、18.In this experiment, they are woken up several times during the night, and asked to report what they _______.A.are dreaming B.had dreamtC.had been dreaming D.have been dreaming96、228. Oh, the classroom is so dirty. It needs ______ before we begin our class.A.cleaned B.being cleaned C.to clean D.Cleaning97、He ______ in Shanghai University for four years before he ______ Beijing.A.studied, had gone B.had studied, wentC.has studied, goes D.had studied, had gone98、---Was Mary in the reading room when you arrived there?---Yes,but she _____ soon afterwards.A.had left B.left C.would leave D.was leaving99、Every possible means ____, but none ____ successful.A.has tried; has proved B.tried; provesC.has been tried; proves D.is being tried; is proved1、答案:D2、答案:B3、答案:A试题分析:考查时态。

高考英语一般将来时专项训练100(附答案)一、单项选择一般将来时1.The project to developing the economy and reducing poverty when it is completed. A.has contributed B.had been contributedC.will contribute D.is contribute【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查动词的时态。
根据句意可知表示将要发生的事情,用一般将来时,选C考点 : 考查动词的时2.—Guess what, we've got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer.—How nice! You ________ a different culture then.A.will be experiencing B.have experiencedC.have been experiencing D.will have experienced【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查时态。
3.Sarah ______ for Beijing tomorrow, so she can’t go to have a picnic with us.A.had left B.has leftC.is being left D.is leaving【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:Sarah明天就要动身去北京了,所以他不能和我们一起去野餐了。

专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1.下列哪个时态表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作?A. Simple PresentB. Simple PastC. Simple FutureD. Present Continuous2.现在进行时态的构成是?A. 动词原形 + ingB. 动词过去式 + ingC. 动词原形D. will + 动词原形3.下列哪个句子使用了正确的过去进行时态?A. She was watched TV all evening.B. He was played football yesterday.C. They was eating dinner when I called.D. I was reading a book at 8 PM yesterday.4.将来完成时态的构成是?A. will have + 过去分词B. will + 动词原形C. would have + 过去分词D. is going to + 动词原形5.下列哪个时态表示将来某个时间开始,并可能继续下去的动作?A. Simple FutureB. Future ContinuousC. Future PerfectD. Present Continuous二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1.现在进行时态不能用于描述正在进行的动作。
()2.过去进行时态的构成是was/were + 动词原形。
()4.现在完成时态的构成是have/has + 过去分词。
()5.过去完成时态的构成是had + 过去分词。

考查时态。句意:杰克原计划上周末去看望他的祖父母,但突然发生了一件紧急事情,他不得不重新安排时间。由“he had to reschedule”可知,and连接的两个句子都为一般过去时。故选C项。
A.would findB.had found
C.foundD.has been finding
9.Jack had planned to visit his grandparents last weekend, but an emergency _____ and he had to reschedule.
--- Yes. But Itoo nervous to see the zero.
A.am B.have been
C.was D.had been
考查时态。句意:——这样一个小错误本来是可以避免的。——是的。但是我太紧张了,看不到零点。由could have been avoided(本来可以避免)可知双方在谈论过去的事。故选C。
10.In a room above the store, where a party ______, some workers were busily setting the table.
A.was to be heldB.has been heldC.will be heldD.is being held

高中英语动词时态精选100题(含答案)XXX't feeling himself。
XXX himself。
had7、I’m sorry I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight。
I______ to the XXX.A。
am goingC。
have goneD。
will go8、—I’m XXX.Well。
if I ______ you。
I would wait until the new models come out.A。
had beenD。
will be9、I ______ my keys。
I can’t find them anywhere.A。
have lostC。
had lostD。
will lose10、The new law ______ into effect next month。
so be sure to follow it.A。
is goingC。
will goD。
has gone1.If the weather had been better。
we could have played football。
but it rained all day。
2.“How is your new firm?” “Well。
it will take a year for the firm to make a profit。
but at least it is XXX.”3.The fact that so many people still smoke in public XXX。
4.Not only does the whole n。
but also the whole of Europe。
indeed the whole of human society。
need to alter XXX。
高考英语专项练习 动词时态语态及情态动词专练100题

谈话2.whennancywasatcollege,she____threeforeignlanguages,butiamsurprisedtofindthat she____allexceptafewwordsofeach.a、说话;哈德格滕。
5.becausefarmland____quickly,thegovernmentareconsideringstartingaprogramtosolv etheproblem.a、我是LostB。
有安戈7.we____dinneratseveno’clockwhencctv____tobroadcastnews.a.arehaving;willstartb.willbehaving;startsc.have;willstartd.willhavehad;starts8.―wherearejacka ndmi ke?―他们把你要的家具拿到家里。
我们结婚了9.professorhaleytoldmethathe____bymanyofhisstudentsattherailwaystation.a.hadbe enseenoffb.havebeenseenoffc.hadseenoffd.haveseenoffa、希迪斯。

高考英语一般现在时专项训练100(附答案)含解析一、单项选择一般现在时1.Every time he ______ to visit me, he ______ buy me some books.A.will come; will B.will come; wouldC.comes; will D.comes; would【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词时态。
Every time在这里相当于连词,引导时间状语从句,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时态,特别注意单数第三人称,故选C。
【点睛】由名词词组充当引导词引导时间状语从句的词有every time/each time/the first time/the last time;由副词充当引导词,引导时间状语从的词有immediately/directly/instantly。
I came immediately you called.你一打电话我就过来了。
2.Look at the pride on Tom’s face. He ________ to have been praise d by the manager just now. A.seemed B.seems C.had seemed D.is seeming【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查时态。
根据第一句中Look at可知,表示现在的状态,要用现在时态,故选B。
3.Professor Williams keeps telling his students that the future ___ to the well-educated. A.belongs B.is belongedC.is belonging D.will be belonged【答案】A【解析】考查belong的用法。

英语时态练习题(一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来、现在进行、现在完成、过去完成、过去进行、将来进行、将来完成)1. The teacher said that the earth _____ around the sun.A. movedB. movingC. movesD. is moving2. Charlie____here next monthA.isn’t workingB.doesn’t workingC.isn’t going to workingD.won’t work3. Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you.A. didn’t, hearB. don’t, heardC. didn’t, heardD. don’t, hear4. The report said that the film star ________ to Henan next Sunday.A. would comeB. will comeC. cameD. would came5. How ________ Mr. Brown ___________ to America?A. do, goB. is, goC. does, goD. does, goes6. By the time tomorrow, you __________your homework.A. would finishB. finishC. will have finishedD. will finish7.There____a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A.will be going toB.will going to beC.is going to beD.will go to be8. -Mum, may I go out and play basketball?-____ you______ your homework yet?A. Do; finishB. Are; finishingC. Did; finishD. Have; finished9.He_____very busy this week, he______free next week.A. will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be10. ---Is your father a doctor?---Yes, he is. He ______ in Town Hospital.A. has workedB. is workingC. worksD. worked11. What _____ you _______ at 6 o’clock tomorrow?A. will, be doingB. are, doingC. will, have doneD. are, have done12. He _________ TV from seven to nine last night.A. is watchingB. has watchingC. has watchedD. was watching13.My brother _______ while he ________ his bicycle and hurt himself.A. fell, is ridingB. fell, was ridingC. falls, is ridingD. falls, was riding14. Physics _____ much harder than English, I think.A. areB. isC. wasD. were15. While he ________ for the bus, he _________ a newspaper.A. is waiting, was readingB. waits; readsC. waits, is readingD. was waiting, was reading16. -Have you ever______Lintong to see the Terra Cotta Warriors? -Yes, I have.A. went toB. gone toC. been inD. been to17. Look. they _________ a good time, _________ they?A. have, doB. have, don'tC. are having, areD. are having, aren't18.He _______ asleep when he _________.A. falls, is readingB. fell, was readingC. will fall; readsD. was falling; was reading19. I won't go to the concert because I ____my ticket.A. lostB. don't loseC. have lostD. is losing21. I_____a letter from him since he left.A. don't getB. haven't gotC. didn't getD. hadn't got22. Listen! They _______ in the next room.A. singB. is singingC. are singingD. were singing23. —What _____ you _______ last week? —I bought a bag.A. did ,buyB. did , boughtC. do, buyD. do, bought24. He ________ Canada, but now he is working in our company.A. has been inB. has been toC. has gone toD. have been to25. Mr. Li in not at home. He _________ Shanghai.A. has been inB. has been toC. has gone toD. have been to26. ---Mary, could you help me? ---Wait a moment. I ____.A. read a bookB. did my homeworkC. was watching TVD. am cooking dinner.27.She _______ to bed until she ________ he work.A. didn’t go; had finishedB. didn’t go; have finishedC. doesn’t go; had finishedD. didn’t go; finished28. Lucy is always busy. She ____ only five hours every day.A. is sleepingB. will sleepC. would sleepD. sleeps29. He said that he ________ his homework.A. finishedB. had finishedC. did finishD. has finished30. It’s eight o’clock. The students ______ an English class.A. haveB. havingC. is havingD. are having英语时态练习题(一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来、现在进行、现在完成、过去完成、过去进行、将来进行、将来完成)1. The teacher said that the earth _____ around the sun yesterday.A. movedB. was movingC. movesD. is moving2. Charlie____here next month.A.isn’t workingB.doesn’t workingC.isn’t going to workingD.won’t work3.Will you please say it again? I ________ quite _______ you.A. didn’t, hearB. don’t, heardC. didn’t, heardD. don’t, hear4. The report said that the film star ________ to Henan next Sunday.A. would comeB. will comeC. cameD. would came5. How ________ Mr. Brown ___________ to America?A. do, goB. is, goC. does, goD. does, goes6. By the time tomorrow, you __________your homework.A. would finishB. finishC. will have finishedD. will finish7. There____a meeting tomorrow afternoon.A. will be going toB. will going to beC. is going to beD. will go to be8. -Mum, may I go out and play basketball?-____ you______ your homework yet?A. Do; finishB. Are; finishingC. Did; finishD. Have; finished9.He_____very busy this week, he______free next week.A. will be; isB. is; isC. will be; will beD. is; will be10. ---Is your father a doctor?---Yes, he is. He ______ in Town Hospital.A. has workedB. is workingC. worksD. worked11. What _____ you _______ at 6 o’clock tomorrow?A. will, be doingB. are, doingC. will, have doneD. are, have done12. He _________ TV from seven to nine last night.A. is watchingB. has watchingC. has watchedD. was watching13.My brother _______ while he ________ his bicycle and hurt himself.A. fell, is ridingB. fell, was ridingC. falls, is ridingD. falls, was riding14. Physics _____ much harder than English, I think.A. areB. isC. wasD. were15. While he ________ for the bus, he _________ a newspaper.A. is waiting, was readingB. waits; readsC. waits, is readingD. was waiting, was reading16. -Have you ever______Lintong to see the Terra Cotta Warriors? -Yes, I have.A. went toB. gone toC. been inD. been to17. Look. They _________ a good time, _________ they?A. have, doB. have, don'tC. are having, areD. are having, aren't18.He _______ asleep when he _________.A. falls, is readingB. fell, was readingC. will fall; readsD. was falling; was reading19. I won't go to the concert because I ____my ticket.A. lostB. don't loseC. have lostD. is losing21. I_____a letter from him since he left.A. don't getB. haven't gotC. didn't getD. hadn't got22. Listen! They _______ in the next room.A. singB. is singingC. are singingD. were singing23. —What _____ you _______ last week? —I bought a bag.A. did, buyB. did, boughtC. do, buyD. do, bought24. He ________ Canada, but now he is working in our company.A. has been inB. has been toC. has gone toD. have been to25. Mr. Li in not at home. He _________ Shanghai.A. has been inB. has been toC. has gone toD. have been to26. ---Mary, could you help me? ---Wait a moment. I ____.A. read a bookB. did my homeworkC. was watching TVD. am cooking dinner.27.She _______ to bed until she ________ he work.A. didn’t go; had finishedB. didn’t go; have finishedC. doesn’t go; had finishedD. didn’t go; finished28. Lucy is always busy. She ____ only five hours every day.A. is sleepingB. will sleepC. would sleepD. sleeps29. He said that he ________ his homework.A. finishedB. had finishedC. did finishD. has finished30. It’s eight o’clock. The students ______ an English class.A. haveB. havingC. is havingD. are having。
(英语) 高考英语现在完成进行时专项训练100(附答案)及解析

(英语)高考英语现在完成进行时专项训练100(附答案)及解析一、单项选择现在完成进行时1.– I wonder if you could go with me to the cinema.--- Don’t disturb me. I ______ a composition all the morning and haven’t finished it yet. A.write B.was writingC.have written D.have been writing【答案】D【解析】试题分析:--我想知道你是否能够陪我去电影院。
2.-- I have got a headache.-- No wonder. You_________ on the math exercises too long.A.work B.are working C.have been working D.worked【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:-我有点头疼。
3.The girl has a great interest in sports and ___ badminton classes twice a week over the past 2 years.A.takes B.tookC.is taking D.has been taking【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:这个女孩对体育非常感兴趣,在过去两年里每周都会上两次羽毛球课。
A. takes 一般现在时,B. took 一般过去时,C. is taking现在进行时,D. has been taking 现在完成进行时。

完整版)高考英语时态语态专项训练1.The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.2.No。
they have moved away.3.What were you doing from nine to eleven yesterday morning?4.I will tell you after I have heard from Mr。
Black.5.How long have you been studying in this school?6.XXX to school every day last year.7.Look。
the young man is running after the bus.8.By last week。
my uncle had been ill in the hospital for 2 months.9.I XXX.10.The children have XXX。
XXX?11.The old man must be sent to the hospital because he is XXX.12.The house belongs to my aunt but she does not live here anymore.13.XXX.14.If their marketing plans are successful。
they will be able to increase their sales by 20 percent.15.According to n experts。
the majority of people will be living in cities in the near future.16.He used to play XXX he was young.17."Have you known Dr。

高考英语时态专练100题1 Here _____the bus!A is comingB comesC has comeD has been coming2 It's the third time I ______him this month.A had seenB seeC sawD have seen3 If you go to the western suburbs of the city , you ___a lot of new buildings .A will seeB have seenC seeD are going to see4-- I have bought an English -Chinese dictionary. -- When and where ___you__ _it?A do buyB did buyC have boughtD had bought5 She showed him the photo she __the day before.A has takenB tookC was takingD had taken6 While Tom ___, his sister is writing.A readsB has readC has been readingD is reading7 By the time he was ten, Edison _____experiments in chemistry.A had already doneB already had doneC was already doingD already did8 I don’t know if it _____or not tomorrow.A will snowB snowsC has snowedD is snowing9 He was sixty-eight. In two years he _____seventy.A was going to beB would beC had beenD will be10 Tom ___for more than a week.A has leftB has gone awayC went awayD has been away11 He said that honesty _____the key to success.A wasB will beC isD is being12 She _____in London till nest Monday.A will have stayedB has stayedC is stayingD has been staying13 We _____each other since I left Shanghai.A haven't seenB hadn't seenC didn't seeD wouldn't see14 I'll return the book to the library as soon as I_ __it .A will finishB am going to finishC finishedD have finished15 She has bought some cloth, she ____herself a dress.A makesB is going to makeC would makeD has made16 Don't go and bother him. He _____in the room.A writesB has writtenC is writingD has been writing17 ___you ___?A Do ;marryB Have ;marriedC Have;been marriedD Are;married18 Tom: This is a terribly heavy box.John: I ____you to carry it.A will helpB am going to helpC had better to helpD had rather help19 She told me that her father _____to the post office when I arrivedA just wentB has just goneC had just goneD had just been going20 Don't get of f until the bus _____.A stoppedB will stopC will have stoppedD stops21 Peter said that he _____home the next day.A was going toB will goC would goD had gone22 He ____with us since he returned last month.A livesB livedC had livedD has lived23 They ___to help but could not get here in time.A had wantedB have wantedC was wantingD want24 They will go to work in the countryside when they ____school next year .A will leaveB will have leaveC are leavingD leave25 I didn't know when they ___again.A cameB were comingC had comeD had been coming26 The fence ____near the window.A standB is standingC have stoodD stands27 They _____here for more than a month.A have arrivedB have reachedC have comeD have been28 We ___a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.A had hadB would haveC were havingD had29 She told us she had met you in London last year. _____ you _____her since ?A Had;metB Did;seeC Would;meetD Have;seen30 If it ____tomorrow, we won't go to the school farm.A is to rainB will be rainingC will rainD rains31-___you ___to the 6:30 broadcast?A Have;listenedB Did;listenC Had;listenedD would;listen32 I _____Tom has made a mistake.A am thinkingB shall thinkC thinkD have been thinking33 I ___writing the article now.A finishB is finishingC finishedD have finished34 When ____you___ to study English?A have;begunB did;beginC had;begunD do;begin35 He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _____ill for three months.A has beenB has gotC had fallenD had been36 I'll look after your children after you _____.A will goB will have goneC are goneD went37 He __of how he could do more for the people .A will always thinkB is always thinkingC has always thoughtD does always think38 The foreign friends _____here just now.A leftB have leftC have been away fromD had left39 The teacher said that we ______ten lessons by the end of this term.A should studyB have studiedC were going to studyD should have studied40 We __there when it_ ___to rain.A were getting ;would beginB were about to get ;beganC had got ;had begunD would get;began41 Han's Christian Anderson __a lot of fairy tales.A had writtenB wroteC was writingD has written42It _____ten years since he left Shanghai.A wasB isC had beenD will be43 We _____ about two thousand English words by the end of last term.A learnedB have learnedC had learnedD would learn44 Since when __you __so many young trees?A have;plantedB do ;plantC did ;plantD had ;planted45 It ___long before we celebrate the New Y ear's Day.A isn'tB hasn't beenC wasn'tD won't be46 --Where have you been? --I _____to the railway station.A have goneB have beenC wentD am going47 I ____along the road when suddenly some patted me on the shoulder from behind.A walkedB had walkedC was walkingD would walk48 My brother ___Tom quite well, they were introduced at a Party.A is knowingB was knowingC knowsD had been knowing49 I didn't know a thing about the verbs, for I ____them.A wouldn’t studyB haven't studiedC hadn't studiedD wasn't studying50 Don't be late, Mary, the train _____at 8 a.m.A is startingB has startedC would startD starts51 There will come a day when the people of the whole country __a happy life .A liveB will liveC will have livedD are living52 If I had enough money, I ____a trip.A tookB would takeC had takenD would have taken53 My father, who died fifteen years ago, _____very kind to me.A isB wasC had beenD would be54 We _our seats till the party had begun.A hadn't foundB didn't findC haven't foundD w ouldn't fine55 We _____that you would be able to visit us.A hopeB were hopingC have hopedD hoped56 By 1914 Einstein ___world fame.A gainedB would gainC had gainedD was gaining57 The man put on his hat and _____away.A had goneB would goC has goneD went58 Comrade Wang ____the Party for about three years.A has attendedB has joinedC has been inD has taken part in59--______ you _____to New Y ork? --Y es, I ______there three years ago.A Have;been;wentB Did;go;have beenC Have;gone;wentD Have;been;had gone60 she was praised for what she ____A didB has doneC would doD had done61 The book _____on the floor for ten minutes, but no one has picked it up.A is lyingB has lainC has been lyingD lay62 The boy _____. A bullet _______through his chest on the left sideA.had died ;passed B died;had passed C died ;passed D had died;had passed63 It ____and the streets were still wet.A had been rainingB rainedC has rainedD would rain64 If I ____when he comes, wake me up.A sleepB will sleepC am sleepingD will be sleeping65 Hardly ____the bell _____when the teacher came in.A did --ringB would --ringC has--rungD had --rung66 I ____from him so far.A didn’t hearB don’t hearC haven’t heardD hadn’t heard67 The students went out before the bell ___.A had rungB has rungC didn't ringD hadn't rung68 It was two years since I ___with here.A had dinedB was diningC dinedD had been dining69 By this time next year, we _____all the land onto rice fields.A had turnedB will have turnedC have turnedD have been turning70 What_____ you ______this time tomorrow morning?A will;doB have;been doingC are;doingD will;be doing71 In the past it ____people two years to go round the world.A had takenB has takenC tookD was taking72 Great changed ____in my hometown in the past few years.A were taken placeB have been taken placeC took placeD have taken place73 His father _____several times during the war of liberation.A had been woundedB was woundedC woundedD had wounded74 This novel ____well.A sellsB is soldC will be soldD has been sold75 _____ the new color film ____this year?A Will;be shownB Did;showC Are;shownD Has;been shown76 The work _____ in two days.A has been finishedB will finishC will be finishedD are finished77 I shouldn't trust him because he _____the police.A is known byB knowsC has known toD is known to78 Thousands of people took part in the work when the Three Gorges project _____.A would be builtB was buildingC were being builtD had been built79 This sick man _____to hospital right away.A must sendB will sendC ought be sentD must be sent80 Do you know when the Chinese Communist Party _____?A is foundB foundC has been foundedD was founded81 When I got to his home, I____ that he _____to Beijing.A told;had goneB was told;wentC was told;had goneD told;had been82 we _____to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish.A warnedB have warnedC have been warnedD were warning 83-__you __in the heavy rain last night?A Were;caughtB Did;catchC Had;been caughtD Have;caught84 How long _____the concert _____?A has ;been lastedB did;lastC will;be lastedD was;lasted85 when sugar ____ enough, a black substance appears.A heatsB is heatedC will beatD will be heated86 The fire of London _______on the right of September, 1666.A was broken outB had broken outC broke outD broken out87 The police __outside the ball in large numbers.A have stationedB were stationedC stationedD has been stationed88 --Why does Mary look to be so sorry? --Because she ___by her classmates.A has been laughedB has laughed atC was laughedD has been laughed at89 English textbooks ______in that publishing house.A were publishedB have been publishedC are publishedD had been published90 The story ______, and everybody knows about it.A has got roundB got roundC was got roundD has been got round91 She wondered what _____over here.A has happenedB was happenedC had been happenedD had happened92 _____this dictionary _____to your brother?A Does ;belongB Is;belongedC Has;been belongedD Is;belonging93 During the illness of their mother, the children ____by a neighbor.A took care ofB were taken careC were taken care ofD have been taken care94 For this he ____on twice.A has operatedB operatedC had been operatedD has been operated95 Water ____into steam if it is heated to its boiling point.A is going to be turnedB will be turnedC has been turnedD is being turned96 We’d better do our Christmas shopping. Time ___A is running outB is run outC have been ran outD is running out of答案1-5BDABD 6-10:DAABD 11-15CCADB 16-20:CDACD 21-25:CDADB 26-30:DDCDD 31-35:BCDBD 36-40:CBADB41-45:BBCAD 46-50:BCCCD 51-55:BBBBD 56-60:CDCAD 61-65:CBACD 66-70:CAABD 71-75:CDBAA 76-80:CDCDD 81-85:CCABB 86-90:CBDCA 91-96:DACDBA。
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高考英语时态专练100题1 Here _____the bus!A is comingB comesC has comeD has been coming2 It's the third time I ______him this month.A had seenB seeC sawD have seen3 If you go to the western suburbs of the city , you ___a lot of new buildings .A will seeB have seenC seeD are going to see4-- I have bought an English -Chinese dictionary. -- When and where ___you__ _it?A do buyB did buyC have boughtD had bought5 She showed him the photo she __the day before.A has takenB tookC was takingD had taken6 While Tom ___, his sister is writing.A readsB has readC has been readingD is reading7 By the time he was ten, Edison _____experiments in chemistry.A had already doneB already had doneC was already doingD already did8 I don’t know if it _____or not tomorrow.A will snowB snowsC has snowedD is snowing9 He was sixty-eight. In two years he _____seventy.A was going to beB would beC had beenD will be10 Tom ___for more than a week.A has leftB has gone awayC went awayD has been away11 He said that honesty _____the key to success.A wasB will beC isD is being12 She _____in London till nest Monday.A will have stayedB has stayedC is stayingD has been staying13 We _____each other since I left Shanghai.A haven't seenB hadn't seenC didn't seeD wouldn't see14 I'll return the book to the library as soon as I_ __it .A will finishB am going to finishC finishedD have finished15 She has bought some cloth, she ____herself a dress.A makesB is going to makeC would makeD has made16 Don't go and bother him. He _____in the room.A writesB has writtenC is writingD has been writing17 ___you ___?A Do ;marryB Have ;marriedC Have;been marriedD Are;married18 Tom: This is a terribly heavy box.John: I ____you to carry it.A will helpB am going to helpC had better to helpD had rather help19 She told me that her father _____to the post office when I arrivedA just wentB has just goneC had just goneD had just been going20 Don't get of f until the bus _____.A stoppedB will stopC will have stoppedD stops21 Peter said that he _____home the next day.A was going toB will goC would goD had gone22 He ____with us since he returned last month.A livesB livedC had livedD has lived23 They ___to help but could not get here in time.A had wantedB have wantedC was wantingD want24 They will go to work in the countryside when they ____school next year .A will leaveB will have leaveC are leavingD leave25 I didn't know when they ___again.A cameB were comingC had comeD had been coming26 The fence ____near the window.A standB is standingC have stoodD stands27 They _____here for more than a month.A have arrivedB have reachedC have comeD have been28 We ___a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.A had hadB would haveC were havingD had29 She told us she had met you in London last year. _____ you _____her since ?A Had;metB Did;seeC Would;meetD Have;seen30 If it ____tomorrow, we won't go to the school farm.A is to rainB will be rainingC will rainD rains31-___you ___to the 6:30 broadcast?A Have;listenedB Did;listenC Had;listenedD would;listen32 I _____Tom has made a mistake.A am thinkingB shall thinkC thinkD have been thinking33 I ___writing the article now.A finishB is finishingC finishedD have finished34 When ____you___ to study English?A have;begunB did;beginC had;begunD do;begin35 He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _____ill for three months.A has beenB has gotC had fallenD had been36 I'll look after your children after you _____.A will goB will have goneC are goneD went37 He __of how he could do more for the people .A will always thinkB is always thinkingC has always thoughtD does always think38 The foreign friends _____here just now.A leftB have leftC have been away fromD had left39 The teacher said that we ______ten lessons by the end of this term.A should studyB have studiedC were going to studyD should have studied40 We __there when it_ ___to rain.A were getting ;would beginB were about to get ;beganC had got ;had begunD would get;began41 Han's Christian Anderson __a lot of fairy tales.A had writtenB wroteC was writingD has written42It _____ten years since he left Shanghai.A wasB isC had beenD will be43 We _____ about two thousand English words by the end of last term.A learnedB have learnedC had learnedD would learn44 Since when __you __so many young trees?A have;plantedB do ;plantC did ;plantD had ;planted45 It ___long before we celebrate the New Year's Day.A isn'tB hasn't beenC wasn'tD won't be46 --Where have you been? --I _____to the railway station.A have goneB have beenC wentD am going47 I ____along the road when suddenly some patted me on the shoulder from behind.A walkedB had walkedC was walkingD would walk48 My brother ___Tom quite well, they were introduced at a Party.A is knowingB was knowingC knowsD had been knowing49 I didn't know a thing about the verbs, for I ____them.A wouldn’t studyB haven't studiedC hadn't studiedD wasn't studying50 Don't be late, Mary, the train _____at 8 a.m.A is startingB has startedC would startD starts51 There will come a day when the people of the whole country __a happy life .A liveB will liveC will have livedD are living52 If I had enough money, I ____a trip.A tookB would takeC had takenD would have taken53 My father, who died fifteen years ago, _____very kind to me.A isB wasC had beenD would be54 We _our seats till the party had begun.A hadn't foundB didn't findC haven't foundD wouldn't fine55 We _____that you would be able to visit us.A hopeB were hopingC have hopedD hoped56 By 1914 Einstein ___world fame.A gainedB would gainC had gainedD was gaining57 The man put on his hat and _____away.A had goneB would goC has goneD went58 Comrade Wang ____the Party for about three years.A has attendedB has joinedC has been inD has taken part in59--______ you _____to New York? --Yes, I ______there three years ago.A Have;been;wentB Did;go;have beenC Have;gone;wentD Have;been;had gone60 she was praised for what she ____A didB has doneC would doD had done61 The book _____on the floor for ten minutes, but no one has picked it up.A is lyingB has lainC has been lyingD lay62 The boy _____. A bullet _______through his chest on the left sideA.had died ;passed B died;had passed C died ;passed D had died;had passed63 It ____and the streets were still wet.A had been rainingB rainedC has rainedD would rain64 If I ____when he comes, wake me up.A sleepB will sleepC am sleepingD will be sleeping65 Hardly ____the bell _____when the teacher came in.A did --ringB would --ringC has--rungD had --rung66 I ____from him so far.A didn’t hearB don’t hearC haven’t heardD hadn’t heard67 The students went out before the bell ___.A had rungB has rungC didn't ringD hadn't rung68 It was two years since I ___with here.A had dinedB was diningC dinedD had been dining69 By this time next year, we _____all the land onto rice fields.A had turnedB will have turnedC have turnedD have been turning70 What_____ you ______this time tomorrow morning?A will;doB have;been doingC are;doingD will;be doing71 In the past it ____people two years to go round the world.A had takenB has takenC tookD was taking72 Great changed ____in my hometown in the past few years.A were taken placeB have been taken placeC took placeD have taken place73 His father _____several times during the war of liberation.A had been woundedB was woundedC woundedD had wounded74 This novel ____well.A sellsB is soldC will be soldD has been sold75 _____ the new color film ____this year?A Will;be shownB Did;showC Are;shownD Has;been shown76 The work _____ in two days.A has been finishedB will finishC will be finishedD are finished77 I shouldn't trust him because he _____the police.A is known byB knowsC has known toD is known to78 Thousands of people took part in the work when the Three Gorges project _____.A would be builtB was buildingC were being builtD had been built79 This sick man _____to hospital right away.A must sendB will sendC ought be sentD must be sent80 Do you know when the Chinese Communist Party _____?A is foundB foundC has been foundedD was founded81 When I got to his home, I____ that he _____to Beijing.A told;had goneB was told;wentC was told;had goneD told;had been82 we _____to be careful of rats since the whole street was full of rubbish.A warnedB have warnedC have been warnedD were warning 83-__you __in the heavy rain last night?A Were;caughtB Did;catchC Had;been caughtD Have;caught84 How long _____the concert _____?A has ;been lastedB did;lastC will;be lastedD was;lasted85 when sugar ____ enough, a black substance appears.A heatsB is heatedC will beatD will be heated86 The fire of London _______on the right of September, 1666.A was broken outB had broken outC broke outD broken out87 The police __outside the ball in large numbers.A have stationedB were stationedC stationedD has been stationed88 --Why does Mary look to be so sorry? --Because she ___by her classmates.A has been laughedB has laughed atC was laughedD has been laughed at89 English textbooks ______in that publishing house.A were publishedB have been publishedC are publishedD had been published90 The story ______, and everybody knows about it.A has got roundB got roundC was got roundD has been got round91 She wondered what _____over here.A has happenedB was happenedC had been happenedD had happened92 _____this dictionary _____to your brother?A Does ;belongB Is;belongedC Has;been belongedD Is;belonging93 During the illness of their mother, the children ____by a neighbor.A took care ofB were taken careC were taken care ofD have been taken care94 For this he ____on twice.A has operatedB operatedC had been operatedD has been operated95 Water ____into steam if it is heated to its boiling point.A is going to be turnedB will be turnedC has been turnedD is being turned96 We’d better do our Christmas shopping. Time ___A is running outB is run outC have been ran outD is running out of答案1-5BDABD 6-10:DAABD 11-15CCADB 16-20:CDACD 21-25:CDADB 26-30:DDCDD 31-35:BCDBD 36-40:CBADB41-45:BBCAD 46-50:BCCCD 51-55:BBBBD 56-60:CDCAD 61-65:CBACD 66-70:CAABD 71-75:CDBAA 76-80:CDCDD 81-85:CCABB 86-90:CBDCA 91-96:DACDBA。