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1 Here _____the bus!

A is coming

B comes

C has come

D has been coming

2 It's the third time I ______him this month.

A had seen

B see

C saw

D have seen

3 If you go to the western suburbs of the city , you ___a lot of new buildings .

A will see

B have seen

C see

D are going to see

4-- I have bought an English -Chinese dictionary. -- When and where ___you__ _it?

A do buy

B did buy

C have bought

D had bought

5 She showed him the photo she __the day before.

A has taken

B took

C was taking

D had taken

6 While Tom ___, his sister is writing.

A reads

B has read

C has been reading

D is reading

7 By the time he was ten, Edison _____experiments in chemistry.

A had already done

B already had done

C was already doing

D already did

8 I don’t know if it _____or not tomorrow.

A will snow

B snows

C has snowed

D is snowing

9 He was sixty-eight. In two years he _____seventy.

A was going to be

B would be

C had been

D will be

10 Tom ___for more than a week.

A has left

B has gone away

C went away

D has been away

11 He said that honesty _____the key to success.

A was

B will be

C is

D is being

12 She _____in London till nest Monday.

A will have stayed

B has stayed

C is staying

D has been staying

13 We _____each other since I left Shanghai.

A haven't seen

B hadn't seen

C didn't see

D wouldn't see

14 I'll return the book to the library as soon as I_ __it .

A will finish

B am going to finish

C finished

D have finished

15 She has bought some cloth, she ____herself a dress.

A makes

B is going to make

C would make

D has made

16 Don't go and bother him. He _____in the room.

A writes

B has written

C is writing

D has been writing

17 ___you ___?

A Do ;marry

B Have ;married

C Have;been married

D Are;married

18 Tom: This is a terribly heavy box.

John: I ____you to carry it.

A will help

B am going to help

C had better to help

D had rather help

19 She told me that her father _____to the post office when I arrived

A just went

B has just gone

C had just gone

D had just been going

20 Don't get of f until the bus _____.

A stopped

B will stop

C will have stopped

D stops

21 Peter said that he _____home the next day.

A was going to

B will go

C would go

D had gone

22 He ____with us since he returned last month.

A lives

B lived

C had lived

D has lived

23 They ___to help but could not get here in time.

A had wanted

B have wanted

C was wanting

D want

24 They will go to work in the countryside when they ____school next year .

A will leave

B will have leave

C are leaving

D leave

25 I didn't know when they ___again.

A came

B were coming

C had come

D had been coming

26 The fence ____near the window.

A stand

B is standing

C have stood

D stands

27 They _____here for more than a month.

A have arrived

B have reached

C have come

D have been

28 We ___a meeting from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.

A had had

B would have

C were having

D had

29 She told us she had met you in London last year. _____ you _____her since ?

A Had;met

B Did;see

C Would;meet

D Have;seen

30 If it ____tomorrow, we won't go to the school farm.

A is to rain

B will be raining

C will rain

D rains

31-___you ___to the 6:30 broadcast?

A Have;listened

B Did;listen

C Had;listened

D would;listen

32 I _____Tom has made a mistake.

A am thinking

B shall think

C think

D have been thinking

33 I ___writing the article now.

A finish

B is finishing

C finished

D have finished

34 When ____you___ to study English?

A have;begun

B did;begin

C had;begun

D do;begin

35 He was taken into hospital last week. In fact he _____ill for three months.

A has been

B has got

C had fallen

D had been

36 I'll look after your children after you _____.

A will go

B will have gone

C are gone

D went

37 He __of how he could do more for the people .

A will always think

B is always thinking

C has always thought

D does always think

38 The foreign friends _____here just now.

A left

B have left

C have been away from

D had left
