真人快打终结技出招墓地密码的使用1=X/方块/轻拳,2=Y/三角/重拳,3=A/叉/轻脚,4=B/圈/重脚Kabal Second Fatality(Guts)下,下,左,右防御Smokes Second Fatality(Tremor)左,左,下,右,YSonyas Second Fatality(Kut Throat)下,左,右,左,BJohnny Cage second fatality(And The Winner Is)下,右,下,右,BRaidens Second Fatality(Transplant)下,右,右,下,BKitana Second Fatality(Spinning Headache)右,下,右,左,AJax Second Fatality(Three Points)右,右,左,下,AErmac second Fatality(Pest Controll)右,左,右,下,BJade(Half Mast)左,下,左,下,BKanos second Fatality(Eat Your Heart Out)下,下,右,左,BCyrax second fatality(Nothing But Net)左,下,左,右,XLui Kang second fatality(the beast within)下,下,右,下,BQuan Chi second fatality(On Your Knees)下,右,下,右,BBarakas Second Fatality(Take A Spin)右,右,下,下,ASindels Second Fatality(MouthFull)左,右,上,YScorpions Second Fatality(Nether Gate)左,右,左,AScorpions Third Fatality(Toasty)蝎子的第三终结技下,上,上,Y(Jump)(sweep一人距离)Strykers Second Fatality(Have A Blast)下,右,下,右,RTNightWolfs Second Fatality(Ascension)下,下,右,左,XSektors Second Fatality(The ScareCrow)下,下,右,左,XSheevas Second Fatality(Lend A Hand)右,左,右,左,BKung Lao Second Fatality(Razors Edge)下,下,右,左,XSub Zero Second Fatality(Spinal Smash)下,左,下,右,YSub-zero的第三终结技右,下,右,Y(近距离)(感谢painkiller提供)(必须使用解锁服装才可以用出來)Reptiles Second Fatality(Weight Loss)下,下,右,左,XReptile第三终结技左,左,右,下,,RT(中距离)(感谢painkiller提供)(必须使用解锁服装才可以用出來)Mileenas Second Fatality(Rip Off)左,右,左,下,ANoob Saibots Second Fatality(As One)下,下,左,下,防御Shang Tsungs Second Fatality下,下,左,下,YCyber Sub-Zeros Second Fatality下,下,左,下,X(Jump)BABALITIES变婴术(只有在arcade模式下可以使用出來) 1=X/方块,2=Y/三角,3=A/叉,4=B/圈Cyrax:下,右,左,Y(一人距离)Shang Tsung:下,左,下,A(一人距离)Kung Lao:下,右,下Y(一人距离)Sub-Zero:下,左,下,B(一人距离)Liu Kang:下,下,下,B(一人距离)Nightwolf:右,左,右,下,X(一人距离)Kitana:右,右,下,右,B(一人距离)Sonya:下,下,右,A(一人距离)Jade:下,下,右,下,B(一人距离)Kano:右,右,下,下,A(一人距离)Sektor:左,下,下,下,B(一人距离)Sheeva:下,下,下,左,B(一人距离)Cyber Sub-Zero:下,左,右,防御(一人距离)Smoke:下,左,下,右,下(一人距离)Stryker:下,右,下,左,Y(一人距离)Mileena:下,下,右,左(一人距离)Reptile:左,右,左,下,A(一人距离)Shang Tsung:下,左,下,A(一人距离)Sindel:下,下,下,上(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供) Scorpion:下,左,右,下,Y(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供) Quan Chi:右,下,左,Y(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供) Raiden:下,左,下,B(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供) Jax:下,下,下,A(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供) Ermac:下,下,左,下,Y(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供) Johnny Cage:右,左,右,B(一人距离)(感谢painkiller提供)STAGE FATALITIES(场地终结技能)Ermac:Down Up Down Down A Jax:Down Forward Down X Jade:Back Forward Down RT Nightwolf:Down Down Down RT Mileena:Down Down Down X Kitana:Forward Down Down A Sindel:Down Down Down X Scorpion:Forward Up Up X Reptile:Forward Down Down RT Sonya Blade:Back Forward Down Y Raiden:Down Down Down Y Sektor:Down Forward Down RT Johnny Cage:Down Back Forward RT Cyrax:Down Up RTSmoke Forward Up Up XQuan Chi:Back Forward Down Y Sub-Zero:Forward Down Back Y Cyber Sub-Zero:Down Down Up RT Kabal:Down Down BKung Lao:Down Forward Down A Liu Kang:Down Forward Back ASheeva:Down Down Down Down XSonya Blade:Back Forward Down YStryker:Forward Up Up BBaraka:Down Down Down Down AShang Tsung:UP,UP,BACK,X(感谢painkiller提供)Noob:Forward,Down,Forward,RT(感谢painkiller提供) Kano:Up,Up,Back,A(感谢painkiller提供)(战神)KRATOS(Playstation3only)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------终结技1-(touch)下,下,后,前,轻拳(Playstation3only)终结技2-(touch)下,后,下,前,轻拳(Playstation3only) PIT FATAL.-(vary)下,下,下,叉(Playstation3only) BABE-ALITY-(jump)下,前,后,重拳(Playstation3only)(BOSS)戈罗终结技1:上,上,上,上,轻拳[close]终结技2:上,上,上,上,重拳[close] Stage:后,下,前,防[close]Babality:下,下,下,下,圈[jump distance]Kintaro终结技1:上,上,上,上,重拳[close]终结技2:上,上,上,上,轻拳[close]邵康终结技1:前,后,前,后,叉[close]终结技2:下,下,前,后,轻拳[varies] Babality:后,后,下,叉[jump distance]可以用STAGE FATALITIES的场景为:HasStageFatality=BGND_deadpool HasStageFatality=BGND_godofwar HasStageFatality=BGND_hellHasStageFatality=BGND_livingforestHasStageFatality=BGND_pitHasStageFatality=BGND_pitdayHasStageFatality=BGND_streetHasStageFatality=BGND_subway隐藏人物,目前已知的有QUAN CHI和CYBER SUB-ZERO(机器SUB-ZERO)QUAN CHI解锁:完成故事模式CYBER SUB-ZERO解锁:第13章的第3场对决使用KABAL打败CYBER SUB-ZERO关于挣金币COIN的讲解:FLAWLESS VICTORY-1000KOINS无伤胜利1000金币FATALITY-250KOINS终结技解决对方250金币BABALITY-500KOINSSTORY MODE-500TO10,000A MATCH故事模式每场500到10000不等关于ALTERNATE COSTUMES每人的其他服装可以完成每个角色的ARCADE模式获得,还可以在KRYPT挖墓碑模式花COIN买如何选已解锁的服装?在选色角色画面按START键然后会有选项KOMBAT CODES对战密码(只能在对战前LOADING画面中输入,貌似需2个手柄同时输入)X=1Y=2B=3对应数字顺序123RainBow Kombat234234Invisible Kombat770770Double Dash391193Throwing Disabled 100100Armless Kombat 911911Breakers Disabled 090090Silent Kombat 300300Throwing Encouraged 010010Sans Power 044440Jumping Disabled 831831Hyper Fighting 091091Health Recovery 012012Kombos Disabled 931931Psycho Kombat 707707Dream Kombat 222555Enhance moves Disabled 051150Xrays Disabled 242242Power Bars Disabled404404Unlimited Super Meter 466466Disable Foreground Objects 001001No Blood900900Explosive Kombat 227227Specials Disabled 731731Super Recovery123123Tournament Mode 111111Zombie Kombat666666Dark Kombat022022Blocking Disabled020020Headless Kombat808808隐藏成就列表:Complet-ality(10points)Perform1of each type of"-ality"Finish Him?(10points)Perform any fighter's hidden finishing moveHide and Seek(10points)Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant2in Arcade LadderPit Master(10points)Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant3in Arcade LadderBrotherhood of Shadow(20points)Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant4in Arcade LadderUltimate Humiliation(20points)Perform every fighter's hidden finishing moveQuan-Tease(20points)Unlock Hidden Fighter"Quan Chi"You Found Me!(10points)Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant1in Arcade LadderCold Fusion(20points)Unlock Hidden Fighter"Cyber Sub-Zero"Best...Alternate...Ever!(10points)Unlock Mileena's3rd Alternate Costume。
Mortal Kombat《真人快打(2021)》完整中英文对照剧本
(波佐治半藏宅日本 1617年)两桶水可不够我能去看看妹妹吗去吧去看看你妹妹好的父亲能跟你在一起是我的幸运我很感激这里怎么这么冷怎么了小家伙太冷了找到半藏快点十兵卫他不在半藏在哪是跟你父亲学的吗很好对不起避寒伟大的勇士波佐志半藏我终于等到了这一天你血脉的终结看看你强大的氏族白井流已经被我灭了虽然我听不懂你的话但我向你保证我会杀了你不要忘记…这张脸为了林鬼(地球危在旦夕再输一场比赛残暴的外部世界就将入侵)(但古老的预言说随着波佐志半藏血脉的崛起一群新的守护者将被团结起来)看看缠紧没有Check it's tight.握拳Close your hand.-感觉好吗 -很好- Feel good? - Good.你赶到了You made it.可以永远信赖杨科尔人肉沙包Always rely on Cole Young. Human punching bag.-我要跟谁格斗 -格斗- Who am I fighting? - Fighting?不科尔No, no, Cole.格斗包含了进攻和防守而不是一味出拳Fighting requires both attacking and defending, not just throwing punches. 你有时候也该试试You should try it sometime.别太敏感Now don't get sensitive.你的对手是拉米雷兹You fight Ramirez.他是…呃…对He's, uh... Yeah.他有经验速度快是个很好的格斗选手He's experienced, fast, a good fighter.谁是你的场边指导Who's your cornerman?-你这是在开玩笑吧 -你要是不喜欢- You're fucking serious? - You don't like it,就一小时内找一个愿意200块干这活的find someone else who'll do this in an hour's notice for $200.这一场你要观战吗You're sticking around for this one?你知道的我已经不再看他格斗了You know I don't watch him fight anymore.好吧给观众带来一场精彩比赛好吗Yeah, well. Give the people a good show, huh?不然他们也不会看了Or they won't stick around either.用你的上勾拳Throw your uppercut!啊Ah!起来Come on!别认输Don't tap out!结束了Done! Done!-结束了 -耶- Pack it in. - Yes!(外部世界)预言要在我们身上应验了The prophecy is upon us,也就是说我们可能要输掉第十场比赛which means we could lose the tenth tournament. 根本没有什么预言There is no prophecy.半藏已经是鬼魂了我几百年前就把他杀掉了Hanzo is a ghost. I killed him centuries ago.不能让不确定因素影响我们赢得致命格斗Winning Mortal Kombat cannot be left to chance. 不会有比赛了There will be no tournament因为没有对手可以跟我们打了because there'll be no opposition left to fight.我们已经是守护者了We will already be victorious.现在去解决掉地球的守护者避寒Go now and kill Earth Realm's champions, Bi-Han. 我已经不是避寒了我是绝对零度I am no longer Bi-Han. I am Sub-Zero.妈的杨你打得可太棒了Damn, Young. You're a hell of a fighter, man.-谢谢 -厉害- Thank you. - Respect.谢谢All right.-可以走了吗 -马上- Ready to go? - In a sec.这是什么What do you got there?绳编手镯It's a string bracelet.你刚做的You just made this?对Yeah.很漂亮That's pretty cool.要我给你戴上吗Want me to put it on?我的手My hand.现在我们一人一条了Now, we got one each.你真的没事吗You're sure you're okay?没事Yeah.但是我当时应该出上勾拳的Guess I should have thrown the uppercut, huh? 杨科尔Cole Young.你就是从埃迪·托比亚斯那里抢过金腰带的人The man that took the belt from Eddie Tobias. 对很久以前的事了Yeah, that was a long time ago.我们见过吗Have me met?没有No.我叫贾克斯Name's Jax.很高兴见到你贾克斯Nice to meet you, Jax.有这位当场外指导You could've won today,你本来应该能赢的had you controlled the cage.我早说了吧Told you so.她很聪明She's smart.好吧该去吃饭了All right, well, time to go eat, yeah.还有一件事小伙子One more thing, champ.你的那个龙纹身我喜欢That dragon logo you got... I, I dig that, man.很特别It's unique.你是在哪儿纹的Where'd you get it from?他出生的时候就有He was born with it.-什么意思 -那是个胎记- What do you mean? - It's a birthmark. 真的吗You serious?很酷的给他看看Pretty cool. Show him.真的很酷Well, ain't that something.很高兴跟你聊天Nice chatting with you.再见小伙子See you around, champ.-嗨 -嗨妈妈- Hey. - Hi, Mom.没缺胳膊少腿Still in one piece.比赛怎么样How'd it go?他差一点就能打败他He was this close to beating him.-就一点点 -对- This close. - Yes.你确定你没事吗You sure you're okay?能撑住Standing.-我们去点餐吧 -好- Let's go order. - Yeah.我正盯着他呢Got my eyes on him right now.他有印记我看到了He's got the mark, I saw it.他正跟家人在一起He's with his family.艾莉Ally.快来看看Come take a look at this.下雪了It's snowing.现在可是七月But it's July.-艾米莉 -艾米莉- Emily! - Emily!上车科尔Get in the truck, Cole!快点Now!-我们走 -快点- Come on, come on. - Move, move, move, move.刀锋我接到他了Blade, I got him.11点在基地见I'll see you at base at 2300.那是什么东西What the fuck is that thing?有趣你好像还没感谢我救你的命Funny. It didn't sound much like thanks for saving my ass. 不管刚才那东西是什么Whatever that was back there,它都在追我们两个it's after both of us. Look.这不可能That's, that's impossible.这不是胎记科尔It's not a birthmark, Cole.-它意味着你是被选中的人 -被选中干什么- It means you've been chosen. - Chosen, for what?-格斗 -你找错人了- To fight. - You got the wrong person, all right?我已经不是以前那个一流格斗选手了I'm not the fighter that I used to be, okay.看出来了但是别人没有印记No, shit. But they don't have the marking.所以科尔不管你喜不喜欢你就是那个人So, like it or not Cole, you're the guy.只要你还带着这个印记他们就会来找你As long as you got that marking they're coming for you, 为了找到你任何阻挡他们的人and they will kill whoever they have to,格杀勿论to get to you.你开车Take the truck.带你的家人躲到安全的地方Get your family to safety.科尔Cole?你要去印第安纳的盖瑞市You need to get to Gary, Indiana.找到刀锋索尼娅她在西华盛顿大街806号♥ Find Sonya Blade, 806 West Washington Boulevard. 你确定吗我可以跟你一起打Are you sure? We can take him out together.你想让你的家人进太平间吗You want your family on a fucking slab in the morgue? 快点离开Now get out of here.坐稳了Hold on tight, guys.你想玩捉迷藏是吧So you wanna play hide and seek.我执行过六次战争任务混♥蛋♥Done six tours, motherfucker.她终于睡着了She's finally asleep.我该走了I should go.你在这里很安全艾莉You'll be safe here, Ally.你听到贾克斯说的了You heard what Jax said.那东西在追捕有印记的人That thing is hunting people with the marking.它在追我It's after me.如果我留在这里它可能会追来And if I stay here and it shows up,把我们都杀掉it could kill us all.我不能让这种事发生I'm not gonna let that happen.可能贾克斯已经杀掉它了我…Jax could have killed it. I...我们必须确定才行We have to be sure.他告诉我的那个人The name he gave me,刀锋索尼娅Sonya Blade,希望她那里有答案hopefully, she'll have some answers.主人Master.绝对零度跟踪并杀掉了Sub-Zero tracked and killed另一个地球的守护者another one of Earth's champions.但还有一个逃跑了But another has escaped.让刺客把兵力加倍Have our assassins double the efforts.那雷电大人呢What of Lord Raiden?规定是古神制定的If he discovers we're breaking rules如果他发现我们违反了…set in stone by the Elder Gods...把古神交给我吧Leave the Elder Gods to me.我们已经连续赢了九场比赛We didn't win nine straight tournaments 这可不是靠守规矩by following the rules.梅莲娜来结束这些吧Mileena, let's finish this.派出那只爬虫赛萨Send in the reptilian, Syzoth.-你在这里干什么 -等等- What you doing here? - Wait.我在找刀锋索尼娅I'm looking for Sonya Blade.贾克斯派我来的Jax sent me.-它在哪 -什么在哪- Where is it? - Where's what?印记The marking.我是索尼娅I'm Sonya.贾克斯一直没跟我联♥系♥ 他在哪Jax hasn't checked in. Where is he?他留下去战斗了He stayed behind to fight.关上门Close the door.贾克斯你在哪Jax, where are you?快点Come on.你们是一起服役的You guys in military?特种部队Special forces.天啊这是什么Holy... What is this?我们需要一个安全的地方来进行行动We needed a safe place to run our operation. 这个看上去…非常安全Well, this looks, uh, pretty safe.看起来你们准备好应对一切了Looks like you're ready for anything.我们把查到的This is where we keep关于龙印记的一切都放在这里all we've learned about the dragon markings. 第一次了解它是七年前First learned about this seven years ago.贾克斯和我在巴西执行一项任务Jax and I were on a mission in Brazil抓捕一个被通缉的逃犯to capture a wanted fugitive.等我们到了那里When we got there,目标展现出了超人类力量the target had superhuman abilities.瞬间就击溃了我们Tore through our unit in seconds.科尔他身上有跟你一样东印记The target had the same marking you do, Cole.等贾克斯终于把他杀掉后When Jax finally took it down龙印记直接转移到了他的皮肤上the dragon marking transferred directly onto his skin. 我花了好几年试图弄清楚这些是怎么回事I spent years trying to figure out what it all means.似乎在历史上It seems that throughout history,世界各地的不同文明different cultures all over the world,都提到了一场比赛they reference a great tournament.我通过研究发现还有一些世界和种族My research shows that there's realms and species我们根本不知道它们的存在that we didn't even know existed.这个龙印记That dragon marking,表明你已经被选中it signifies that you've been chosen为地球而战to fight for Earth.它是一个邀请…It's an invitation...邀请你去参加一个格斗比赛to fight for something known叫做致命格斗as Mortal Kombat.最后一部分是你编的吧Did you make that last part up?因为听起来像是编的故事It just kind of sounds like you made it up.你看这个单词都拼错了I mean, and look, they spelled it wrong.嘿你听我说Hey, you listen to me.我觉得又有一届比赛要开始了I think there's another tournament coming.所以你才会在这里That's why you're here.所以我和贾克斯才会追踪你That is why Jax and I have been tracking you因为我们要找到每一个守护者because we need to find every last champion不然就太晚了before it's too late.顺便说一句大部分都已经死了And FYI, most of them are dead already.真♥相♥要复杂得多科尔There's more to this, Cole.我知道I know it.我发誓我要把它全查清楚I swear to God, I'm gonna get to the bottom of it.我不想打断你的胡说八道金发美妞I hate to interrupt your bullshit, blondie.但是我又要撒尿了But I gotta piss again.这是谁你有客人What is this? You have a visitor.小心点他咬人Careful, he bites.你好啊小帅哥Oh, hello, sunshine.你是谁Who are you?-他是加纳. - 加纳- He's Kano. - Kano?加纳什么Kano, what?加纳·这他妈不关你的事Kano, none of your fucking business.这是俄♥罗♥斯♥名字吗Was that Russian?我听起来像俄♥罗♥斯♥人吗你这个蠢货Do I sound Russian to you, you fucking idiot? 他是黑龙氏族的雇佣兵He's a mercenary with The Black Dragon clan. 武器商毒贩子Arms dealer, drug runner,职业杀手murder for hire,地球渣滓scum of the Earth.我足底按♥摩♥的技术也很棒I also give really good foot massages.你有印记You have a marking.这其实是个好笑的故事Actually, that's kind of a funny story.你想告诉他吗You want to tell him?我当时在追踪另一个守护者I was tracking another champion.非常幸运的是找到了这位加纳I was lucky enough to find Kano here instead. 就在他刚刚割开那人喉咙的时候Right after he slit the guy's throat.下次你应该更准时一点You know, next time be more punctual.你从未被选中过You were never chosen.命运的标准不会这么低的Fate has better standards than you.你可走运了我选姑娘没标准Lucky for you I don't have any standards.让我们看看你的金发是不是天生的We'll see if you're a natural blonde.不错Not bad.我几乎能感觉到这一拳了Almost felt that one.那你呢What about you?-你的印记在哪里 -我没有- Where's your marking? - I don't have one.来吧Come on.喂新来的Hey, hey, new guy, new guy.把我弄出来我能帮你Get me out of here. I could help you.你先坐一会儿Just sit tight.我本来想去逛逛的I was about to go for a stroll,但也许我可以再坐会儿你真♥他♥妈♥是个白♥痴♥ but maybe I'll stick around, you fucking idiots.你♥他♥妈♥是怎么回事What the fuck was that?这还是我的刀That was my knife, too!真♥他♥妈♥有诗意Fucking poetry.它在哪Where is it?-在哪 -嘘- Where? - Shh.你打中它了吗Did you shoot it?刀应该射中了I thought I clipped it.索尼娅你还好吗Sonya, are you okay?好了我要离开了All right. I'm out of here.加纳用照明弹Kano, use the flare!找到你了There you are.刀Knife.加纳赢了Kano wins.你这个小美人儿You fucking beauty.真♥他♥妈♥太棒了Fucking A,几年的研究全毁了years of research just destroyed.现在你相信我了吗So do you believe me now?嗯计划是什么Yeah. What's the plan?没有计划There is none.老天啊Oh, gee.就当成自己家吧Make yourself at home.我知道Yeah, I have.顺便说一句你的啤酒太难喝了Oh, by the way, you beer's shit,而且我快喝光了and you're almost out of it.你在干什么What are you doing?在画加纳图像小说Just working on a Kano graphic novel.我觉得自己是个艺术家I fancy myself a bit of an artist.他是个神经病He's a psychopath.哥们所有伟大的艺术家都有点不正常All the best artists are a little twisted, mate.好了Well,我要走了I'm off.你想去雷电的神庙对吗You're trying to get to Raiden's temple, aren't you? 应该会很有意思That should be fun.你知道它在哪吗You know where that is?雷电的神庙是什么What's Raiden's temple?对我以前运武器要经过那里Yeah, used to run guns through there.当地人一直对我叨逼叨…The locals wouldn't shut the fuck up...传说守护者们曾经在那里备战致命格斗Legends says champions used to train there for Mortal Kombat. 老天啊Ah, for fuck sake.没人知道它在哪里No one knows where it is.现在有人知道Well, they do now.-失陪了 -它在哪- Excuse me. - Where is it?你有笔吗你可以写下来Uh, you got a pen? You want to write this down?去死吧Get fucked.因为我不会帮你'Cause I'm not gonna help you.你绑♥架♥我把我绑起来You kidnapped me. You tied me up.你♥他♥妈♥扔刀子刺穿我的腿You threw a knife through my fucking leg,还是故意的on purpose.然后那个蜥蜴撕烂了我半张脸And then that lizard thing took off half my face.我很走运这伤几乎看不出来Lucky for me, you can hardly notice it.所以帮助你这种事So yeah, it's a hard pass for me我绝对不干on the helping you thing.别他妈挡我的路And get out of me fucking way.好吧Okay.这就对了There you go.每个人都有价格Everyone's got a price.-开价吧 -你付不起- Name yours. - You can't afford me.两百万Two million.不错That's good.你住在这种破地方You living in this shit hole但是你有两百万美元and you got two million dollars.去你♥妈♥的♥吧Pig's ass.我在这里住了一辈子了I have lived here my whole life.你这个混♥蛋♥说话小心点You piece of shit. You watch your mouth. 两百万美元Two million dollars.算了去你♥妈♥的♥ Yeah. No, fuck you.操三百万Fuck it. Three million.一口价That's my final offer.而且我在神庙里找到的东西And anything, I find inside that temple 全归我不分赃I keep, no fucking splitsies.以及如果你耍我Plus, if you're bullshitting me,我会杀了你I'll fucking kill you.我可不会怜香惜玉No skin off my sack.很好Great.那就成交了Sounds like we got a deal.反正我本来也要去那里I was gonna head there anyway.真是蠢货Yeah, fucking idiot.你准备怎么把我们带到那里How you planning on getting us there?我有个朋友有飞机Oh, I got a friend with a plane.-你还有朋友呢 -去你♥妈♥的♥ 小白脸- You got friends? - Eh, fuck you, pretty boy.我很受欢迎的I'm a popular guy.所有人都爱我Everyone loves me.该死的花♥园♥地精Oh, bloody garden gnomes,这玩意儿太瘆人了they give me the creeps.你要给那家伙三百万美元You're gonna give that guy three million dollars?怎么可能Fuck, no.我住在这种破地方I live in this shit hole.你觉得我有三百万吗You think I got three million dollars?那个时候There I was trying to shove我正试图把他的蛋塞进他嘴里this guy's nuts down his throat.而我满脑子想的都是And all I kept thinking about我该给我妈买♥♥什么圣诞礼物is what should I get for me mum for Christmas?伙计你妈都死了三十年了Your mom's been dead for 30 fucking years, mate.我小时候也能有梦想啊Kid can dream. Can't he?嘿你看起来精神不太好Hey, you're out of it.没事吧You okay?-没事 -好了- Yeah. - All right.谢谢各位搭乘加纳航♥空♥Thank you for flying Air Kano,我知道你们也别无选择I know you had fuck all choices.时间到了Afraid time's up.该跳出这个破盒子了Time to jump out of this shit box.起来我们走Come on, let's go.第一次First time?对你怎么看出来的Yeah. What gave it away?你会没事的You'll be okay.跳下去数到三Just gotta jump, count to three,然后拉这个pull this side.好的挺简单但是怎么…All right. Simple. But how...要么跳要么死王子殿下Well, do or die, princess.-怎么了 -你♥他♥妈♥的在干什么- What? - You're fucking kidding me.还有多远So how close are we?27或者28公里吧Twenty-seven, twenty-eight K's.什么What?也许30Maybe thirty to be safe.说实话吧大概32Straight up, thirty-two, eh?就算35吧省得你们再失望We say thirty-five there'll be no surprises.该死Oh, shit.去他的吧我要休息Fuck this. I need a break.你才刚休息过You just took a break.啤酒喝多了吧Too many beers, huh?把GPS给我我打头阵Give me that GPS. I'm taking point.我们先看看记分牌好吗Ah, let's look at the score board, shall we?我给大家弄来了飞机I got us the plane.我知道怎么找到I know how to find你宝贵的的小山区休养所还是什么东西的your precious little mountain retreat or whatever it is. 我杀了那个蜥蜴人I killed the lizard man.你们俩掏过谁的心脏吗喂Huh? Any of you rip anyone's heart out? Hey.我知道是怎么回事了I think I know what's going on here.你嫉妒了小丫头You're jealous, girlie,嫉妒我的印记of me little marking.嘿我在跟你说话Hey, I'm talking to you.如果你这么想要它If you want it so much,只要杀了我就行all you got to do is kill me.拿去吧Take it.你觉得怎么样Now, come on. What do you say?想比划比划吗You want to dance?-流血的是你 -好姑娘- It's your blood. - Attagirl.动手吧拿去Go on then, take it.就差一点了You're so close.拿走啊Just take it. Take it!不Nah.对这就是为什么你没有Yeah, that's why you don't have one of these.因为你没种You don't have the mongrel in you.没事吧You good?终于At last.注:美国嘻哈歌♥手喜欢穿掉档裤别再靠近了 MC哈默Okay, that's far enough, MC Hammer.我不是你们的敌人I'm not your enemy.我是刘康少林光明会的I'm Liu Kang from the Shaolin Order of Light.你是守护者之一You're one of the champions.是的地球的Yes, from Earthrealm.你们终于来寻找雷电的…Finally, you have come to seek out Raiden's...去他妈的神庙吧Fuck the temple.等等你刚刚空手发射出了一个火球Wait... You just shot a fireball out of your hand.你怎么做到的How'd you do that?等等Hang on. Hang the fuck on.这是不是意味着我也能有超能力Does that mean I'm gonna get superpowers at any point? 是这样的吧It does, doesn't it?-要学的还有很多 -什么情况- There's much to learn. - The fuck.但不是在这里But not here.跟我来Follow me.喂大卫·科波菲尔等等Hey, David Copperfield. Hang on.教教我是怎么做的Just teach me how you do it.这里就是There it is...你们一直在寻找的what you've been searching for.它以前并不是这样的It wasn't always like this.几千年来For thousands of years,这个神庙一直是供奉神的圣地this temple was a holy place of worship.你们要开始为下一届比赛做准备这很重要It is essential that we begin your training for the next tournament. 这感觉可不像有比赛This doesn't feel like a tournament.像是有埋伏So far it feels like an ambush.我们的时间不多了We don't have much time.在比赛开始前We will not see another full moon这是最后一次满月了before the tournament begins.来穿过这里Come, come. Through here.现在呢Now what?你要凭空变出来一扇门吗You're gonna make a door appear out of nowhere?哦Oh.不服不行真不错I'll give you that. It's pretty good.哇Wow.我就知道I knew it.都是真的It's all real.这些壁画就是致命格斗的活历史These murals are the living history of Mortal Kombat.这个非常能触动我Now this one really speaks to me.这是外部世界This is Outworld.是的所有世界中Yes, the most brutal...最野蛮最残忍♥的一个and murderous of all the realms.我们最大的敌人Our greatest enemy.我们必须马上开始训练We must start training now.我们外部世界的死敌马上就要找上门来了Before our mortal enemies from the Outworld come for us. 地球的命运掌握在我们手里The fate of Earthrealm is in our hands.有印记的人已经不多了There are not many of us with the marking left.所以你们必须努力训练So you must train harder,变得更快更强and faster.因为如果你们找不到自己的内在力量Because if you fail to discover your inner power,就无法击败对手you will never defeat your opponent.他们会毁掉你珍视的一切They will ravage everything you hold dear.毫无怜悯之心There will be no mercy.必须坚定不移地战斗You must fight without question.我们之前的很多人都已经被那条龙吞噬了The Dragon has swallowed many before us.现在把它放回去Now put that back.把什么放回去Put what back?贾克斯嘿贾克斯Jax! Hey, Jax.天啊Oh, God.集♥合♥所有的地球守护者It has been my charge to gather一直是我的使命all the champions of Earth.我找到贾克斯的时候已经太迟了By the time I found Jax, I was too late.他能活下来吗Well, is he gonna live?冰…The ice...腐蚀了他的伤口It cauterized his wounds.我们已经查询了所有世界We've sourced every realm来找到治愈他的方法to find a way to heal him.-我能做些什么吗 -耐心等- What can I do? - Be patient.给他们时间去完成Give them time to do their work.我们该走了他在等着We must go. He awaits.伟大的保护者雷电大人The great protector, Lord Raiden.大人我已经找到了所有存活的地球守护者My lord, I've gathered the remaining champions of Earth. 我要训练的就是这些人This is what I have to work with?你的心理和肉体都已经不适合格斗了You are in no physical or mental shape to fight.你连印记都没有You don't even have a marking.喂等等All right, hang on.我呢甘道夫我的幸运饼干…What about me, Gandalf, where's my fortune cookie jar...无能自大Powerless, arrogant.时间已经过去太久了The time has long passed.我们的敌人已经连胜九场Our enemies have claimed nine straight victories.再胜一场外部世界就会得到地球的永久控制权One more victory and Outworld will gain control over Earth forever, 尚宗将会奴役所有人类and Shang Tsung will enslave the entire human race.抱歉我错过什么了Sorry, what did I miss?他们想杀掉我的家人They tried to kill my family.帮帮我们Help us.你在这里什么也得不到There's nothing for you here,除了死亡only death.我愿意为我的家人而死Well, I'm willing to die for my family.让我们看看你有没有资格Let's see if you have what it takes.欢迎回来表哥结束这一切的时间到了The time has come to end this.你们自己去挑战利品吧Take whatever trophies you desire...-但是他们的灵魂是我的 -安静- but their souls are mine. - Silence!我来接管你们的世界I've come to claim your world.你来得太晚了雷电You're too late, Raiden.在比赛开始前是无法宣告胜利的It is forbidden to claim victory until the tournament begins.你说得对雷电之神You are correct, Thunder God.但并不禁止致命格斗之外的战斗The conflict outside of Mortal Kombat is not forbidden.而且其他守卫太懒惰了没有阻止我- -Besides the other guards are too lazy to stop me.我来取你们的灵魂了I have come for your souls.马上离开这里亡灵巫师You will leave this place at once, sorcerer.这些就是你的守护者These are your champions?杀了他们Kill them.你觉得这些小把戏能一直保护你You think these tricks will protect you forever?这是只是时间问题Only a matter of time.这完全可以是我的超能力This totally make up my superpowers.我觉得我明白了就像一盒巧克力Think I get it now. It's kind of like a box of chocolates.你永远不知道会是什么可能是火球You never know what you're gonna get. Is it gonna be fireballs? 可能是闪电Is it gonna be lightning, huh?可能是屎也可能是飞盘帽子Could be shit. Could be, uh... Could be a frisbee hat.无意冒犯不管你是谁No offense, whoever you are.我叫空佬The name is Kung Lao.是那个伟大空佬的后代Descendant of the Great Kung Lao.光明会的总守护者The grand champion of the Order of Light.从来没听说过Never heard of him.听好了Listen carefully.你们的训练已经开始了跟我来Your training has begun. Come.你们的内在力量来自你们的奥义Your inner power comes from your arcana,它是龙印记的礼物a gift from the marking of the Dragon.你们训练的意义就是解锁这种力量The point of your training is for you to unlock that power.没有它就不可能击败外部世界Without it, defeating Outworld will be impossible.空佬和我已经发现了我们的奥义Kung Lao and I have discovered our arcana.在格斗场里你们也能找到自己的In the fight pit, you'll discover yours.你们可以进场了You may enter.那就来吧Let's do the damn thing.我想要火球I want your fireballs.-不能保证… -刘除了火球- There is no guarantee... - So, Liu, instead of fireballs,我的手里还能射出什么刀子弹…what else is gonna shoot out of my hands? Like, knives or guns... 你能不能闭嘴Hey, do you ever shut up?你可以留在这里刀锋小姐You're welcome to stay with us, Miss Blade.但只有被选中的人才能进训练场But the training area is for the chosen ones only.真♥他♥妈♥的疼啊Fucking whoops.等等Well, hang on.没有她我们就不会来这里We wouldn't be here without her.她是我们的一员She's one of us.没有印记的斗士找不到自己的奥义A fighter without a marking can never achieve their arcana.没有奥义的斗士会妨碍自己的同伴And a fighter without an arcana is a liability to the others.对碍事儿Yeah, liability.好了拜拜美妞儿All right. Bye, bye, blondie.好了伙计们少说废话All right, guys. Little less of this.多动拳头来吧Little more of this. Come on.听好了Be still and listen.妈的Fuckin' hell.贾克斯Jax.嘿Hey. Hey, hey, hey.我在这里I'm here.嗨哥们儿Hi, buddy.没事的It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.你躺好You just lay down.发生了什么What happened?你们现在要测试自己的力量All you can do now is test your might.我们没时间可浪费We have no time to lose.你们必须解开自己的奥义You must unlock your arcana.在致命格斗里天赋只能支撑你走这么远In Mortal Kombat, talent will only get you so far.不很棒了真的No, that was great. Really.打得漂亮Good stuff.也许你的奥义就是被帽子打得屁滚尿流You know, maybe your arcana is getting your ass kicked by a hat. 开始Fight!别来哈利·波特那一套好吗No Harry Potter shit, all right?可爱Cute.真可爱Real cute.我看看再来一次试试Let's see. Throwing down again?哥们儿你只会这一招吗Is that the only move you know, mate?操Fuck.行了穿件衣服吧魔力麦克Yeah, yeah. Put a fucking shirt on, Magic Mike.注:脱衣舞男看来我们的工作不太容易啊It seems as though we have our work cut out for us.我刚刚是在热身I was just warming up.让我看看你的伤口Let me see your wound.刘Liu...我要怎么找到我奥义How do I find my arcana?它必须来自你的灵魂It must come from your soul.是驱动你的力量Whatever it is that drives you.你是怎么找到你的奥义的So how did you find your arcana?不像空佬我是个没用的流浪汉Unlike Kung Lao, I was just a worthless stray.出于某种我不理解的原因For reasons beyond my ken,波莱丘师♥傅♥在水沟里发现了半死不活的我Master Bo' Rai Cho found me half dead in the gutter带我去了武士学院and brought me to the Wu Shi Academy.在那里我有了目标。
《真人快打6》终结技+隐藏要素Ashrah终结技一:- 下下上上△(近身) 终结技二:- 前下前下△(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 上下上上△Baraka终结技一:- 前上下△(近身) 终结技二:- 前下后前△(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 下后上后○Bo Rai Cho终结技一:- 下上前前△(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 上后前X (扫腿距离)自杀技:- 后后前前△Dairou终结技一:- 下上后后□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 下下后X(近身)自杀技:- 后后后下□Darrius终结技一:- 上下后前X (扫腿距离) 终结技二:-自杀技:- 后前前△Ermac终结技一:- 下后后下X (扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 后下后下○(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 下上上下XHavik终结技一:- 下前前上○(近身) 终结技二:- 前前前后△(△扫腿距离)自杀技:- 前上上上△Hotaru终结技一:- 前后上下□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 下前后前△(近身)自杀技:- 上后后后△Jade终结技一: - 后前上前□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 后前前前△(近身)自杀技:- 前前前后△Kabal终结技一:- 前上上上X (近身) 终结技二:- 上上下下△(近身)自杀技:- 前上上下△Kenshi终结技一:- 前前后后△(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 后前前后△(扫腿距离)自杀技–下后后前○Kira终结技一:- 后前前后○(Far) 终结技二:- 上前下后X (扫腿距离)自杀技:- 前后上后XLi Mei终结技一:- 前前前前□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 上后前前○(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 上下上下XLiu Kang终结技一:- 后后后前△(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 上后前前○(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 下下下上XMileena终结技一:- 前前下下□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 上上前前X (Far)自杀技:- 后下前下□Nightwolf终结技一:- 后前后前□(Far) 终结技二:- 下前下上△(扫腿距离)自杀技–上上上上XNoob - Smoke终结技一:- 后前后前□(Far) 终结技二:- 上下下前(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 下上上下△Raiden终结技一:- 后下前下□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 上下前前□(Far)自杀技:- 前上上后□Scorpion终结技一:- 前下前前□(△扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 前后前后□(近身)自杀技:- 前上上后□Shujinko终结技一:- 上下下前△(近身) 终结技二:- 后上前前□(近身)自杀技:- 下后下后XSindel终结技一:- 后前前后□(扫腿距离) 终结技二:- 上上后前X (扫腿距离)自杀技:- 前上上下○Sub Zero终结技一:- 前后下前△(近身) 终结技二:- 后下前下□(扫腿距离)自杀技:- 下上下上△Tanya终结技一:- 前下下下□(近身) 终结技二:- 上后前上△(近身)自杀技:- 下下前上XKobra终结技一: - 下后前下○终结技二:- □□□□□自杀技:- □□□□□隐藏角色(人物名称墓穴编号墓穴钥匙所在)Havik - Koffin JS - Key Location - H-4/Chaosrealm (In A House)Hotaru - Koffin OJ - Key Location - H-1/Orderrealm.Jade - Koffin OI - 2417 Jade Koins.Kenshi - Koffin ON - Key Location - C-3/Earthrealm.Kira - Koffin SH - Key Location - H-2/Earthrealm.Li Mei - Koffin PD - Key Location - F-7/Outworld. (In A House)Liu Kang - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??(刘康的取得是要先通一遍征服模式然后再次进入征服模式得到刘康墓穴的钥匙)Raiden - Koffin MA - Key Location - E-3/Orderrealm.Shujinko - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Sindel - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Noob-Smoke - Koffin DM - 3642 Onyx Koins.Tanya - Koffin DI - Key Location - A-3/Outworld Ice Caces.装备Ashrah - Koffin EE - Key Location - H-4/Netherrealm.Baraka - Koffin SR - 2252 Gold Koins.Bo’Rai Cho - Koffin IB - 2086 Onyx Koins.Dairou - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Darrius - Koffin TB - Key Location - E-3/Outworld (In A House).Ermac - Koffin QP - Key Location - A-8/Netherrealm.Havik - Koffin CN - 1114 Onyx Koins.Hotaru - Koffin QT - 1064 Ruby Koins.Jade - Koffin GC. Key Location - G-4/Outworld.Kabal - Koffin DA - Key Location - B-1/Chaosrealm (Fight Kabal).Kenshi - Koffin SC - Key Location - A-6/Earthrealm.Kira - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Kobra - Koffin IP - Key Location - G-2/Earthrealm (Fight Kobra)Li Mei -Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Liu Kang - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Mileena - Koffin HL - F-7/Earthrealm (7pm-9pm)Nightwolf - Koffin AM - Key Location - A-4/NetherrealmRaiden - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Scorpion - Koffin KI - Key Location - B-6/Earthrealm (Town)Shujinko - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Sindel - Koffin SJ - Key Location - D-1/Netherrealm.Noob-Smoke - Koffin EJ - 1494 Platinum Koins.Sub-Zero - Koffin ?? - Key Location/Price - ??Tanya - Koffin ML - Key Location - C-2/Outworld (Fight Tanya).隐藏场地AB - E-2/Netherrealm - Arena: Golden DesertBH - H-6/Earthrealm (Bridge) - Arena: Liu Kang's TombDO - H-8/Outworld - Arena: Dragon MountainDS - 1694 Sapphire Koins - Arena: Living ForestGF - A-4/Orderrealm (In A House) - Arena: Kuatan PalaceGP - G-5/Earthrealm - Arena: PortalHB - D-1/Earthrealm - Arena: Yin Yang (Puzzle)HQ - 1515 Jade Koins - Arena: Liu Kang's Tomb (Puzzle)JI - 2191 Ruby Koins - Arena: Dead PoolJQ - A-4/Chaosrealm - Arena: NexusOB - A-1/Netherrealm - Arena: CourtyardOO - 452 Platinum KOins - Arena: Dragon MountainOQ - H-5/Orderrealm (In A House) - Arena: Quan ChiFortress。
真⼈快打X-出招表⼈物全专精出招按键攻略 《真⼈快打X》出招表是很多玩家所需要的,这个在游戏⾥可以看到,但是很多玩家看的话⽐较⿇烦,所以⼩编就截图为⼤家整理了⼀下,希望对各位玩家有所帮助。
蝎⼦ 炼狱业魔%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-炼狱业魔|p a g e-b r e a k}% 忍术奥义%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-忍术奥义|p a g e-b r e a k}% 地狱业⽕%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-地狱业⽕|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 绝对零度 林魁师范%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-林魁师范|p a g e-b r e a k}% 寒冰法师%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-寒冰法师|p a g e-b r e a k}% 绝对防御%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-绝对防御|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 吉塔娜 悲恸哀悯%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-悲恸哀悯|p a g e-b r e a k}% 皇家风暴%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-皇家风暴|p a g e-b r e a k}% 暗杀刺客%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-暗杀刺客|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 凯茜·凯奇 特种部队%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-特种部队|p a g e-b r e a k}% 好莱坞范%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-好莱坞范|p a g e-b r e a k}% 搏击拳⼿%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-搏击拳⼿|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 黛博拉 剧毒分泌%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-剧毒分泌|p a g e-b r e a k}% ⾍巢育母%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-⾍巢育母|p a g e-b r e a k}% 蜂群⼥王%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-蜂群⼥王|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
真⼈快打X-出招表⼈物全专精出招按键攻略 《真⼈快打X》出招表是很多玩家所需要的,这个在游戏⾥可以看到,但是很多玩家看的话⽐较⿇烦,所以⼩编就截图为⼤家整理了⼀下,希望对各位玩家有所帮助。
蝎⼦ 炼狱业魔%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-炼狱业魔|p a g e-b r e a k}% 忍术奥义%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-忍术奥义|p a g e-b r e a k}% 地狱业⽕%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-地狱业⽕|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|蝎⼦-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 绝对零度 林魁师范%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-林魁师范|p a g e-b r e a k}% 寒冰法师%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-寒冰法师|p a g e-b r e a k}% 绝对防御%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-绝对防御|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|绝对零度-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 吉塔娜 悲恸哀悯%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-悲恸哀悯|p a g e-b r e a k}% 皇家风暴%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-皇家风暴|p a g e-b r e a k}% 暗杀刺客%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-暗杀刺客|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|吉塔娜-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 凯茜·凯奇 特种部队%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-特种部队|p a g e-b r e a k}% 好莱坞范%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-好莱坞范|p a g e-b r e a k}% 搏击拳⼿%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-搏击拳⼿|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|凯茜·凯奇-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 黛博拉 剧毒分泌%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-剧毒分泌|p a g e-b r e a k}% ⾍巢育母%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-⾍巢育母|p a g e-b r e a k}% 蜂群⼥王%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-蜂群⼥王|p a g e-b r e a k}% 终结技%{p a g e-b r e a k|黛博拉-终结技|p a g e-b r e a k}% 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
片名Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind (2022)。
艾龙·布莱克(Erron Black)、费拉&托(Ferra & T orr)和特莱莫(Tremor)都是黑龙帮的打手,老年的尚宗(Shang Tsung)担任狗头军师。
— 1 —《赛博朋克:边缘跑手》的热映引得玩家们纷纷上线暴揍重锤,这部《真人快打传奇:雪盲》有没有让玩家产生上线暴揍卡诺的欲望呢?《真人快打传奇:天下之战》(Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of the Realms ,2021)以推动剧情发展为主,大量牺牲角色,服务于传奇故事。
真⼈快打X-中⽂奖杯⼀览 《真⼈快打X》是著名格⽃游戏系列《真⼈快打》的正统续作,本系列历来以夸张的“终结技”效果来体现游戏的暴⼒与⾎腥,玩家的每次重创都会有独特的特写镜头。
图说明示#1 P l a t i n u m T r o p h y(白金奖杯)A l l T r o p h i e s U n l o c k e d解锁所有奖杯#2 T o w e r K o m p e t i t o rC o m p l e t e a s i n g l e T o w e r完成一座单塔#3 T o w e r W a r r i o r(塔之战士)C o m p l e t e a T o w e r w i t h e v e r y c h a r a c t e r用每一个角色完成一座塔#4 T o w e r M a s t e r(塔之主)C o m p l e t e10L i v i n g T o w e r s完成10个生存之塔#5 T o w e r G o d(塔之神)C o m p l e t e50L i v i n g T o w e r s完成50座生存之塔#6 C h a l l e n g e A c c e p t e d(接受挑战)W i n a s i n g l e T o w e r C h a l l e n g e胜利一座塔的挑战#7 B U D D Y!!!(朋友!!)S e n d a T o w e r C h a l l e n g e t o a f r i e n d给一个朋友发塔的挑战#8 P l e d g e Y o u r s e l f(证明自己)R e a c h l e v e l5i n a n y f a c t i o n在任何一派达到5级#9 F a c t i o n C h a m p i o n(派别冠军)R e a c h l e v e l50i n a n y f a c t i o n在任何一派达到50级#10 N o L o y a l t y(没有忠诚)R e a c h l e v e l50i n a l l f a c t i o n s在所有派别达到50级#11 J u m p S h i p(跳跃之船)B e c o m e a m e m b e r o f e v e r y f a c t i o n在每一派别成为其中一员#12 T i m e O u t(时间到)W i n a m a t c h b y t i m e o u t在到时的情况下赢得一场比赛#13 K e e p i t S e c r e t(秘密)F i n d a s e c r e t f i g h t i n t h e L i v i n g T o w e r s在生存之塔找到一场隐藏格斗#14 S t a t i s t i c a l A d v a n t a g e(统计的优势)V i e w K o m b a t K a r d观看k o m b a t k a r d#15 M o v i n g U p(提升)R e a c h p e r s o n a l l e v e l10i n X P在x p达到个人等级10#16 E l d e r G o d(古神)R e a c h p e r s o n a l l e v e l65i n X P在x p达到个人等级50#17 A N e w B e g i n n i n g(一个新的开始)C o m p l e t e50%o f S t o r y M o d e完成50%故事模式#18 T h e r e i s a R u l e r(那是一个统治者)C o m p l e t e100%o f S t o r y M o d e完成100%故事模式#19 I n n e r S t r e n g t h(内功)W i n1c o m p l e t e o n l i n e m a t c h胜利了一场在线比赛#20 R e t u r n K u s t o m e rP l a y100c o m p l e t e o n l i n e m a t c h e s#21 R o y a l t y(忠诚)W i n5c o m p l e t e K l a s s i c K i n g o f t h e h i l l m a t c h e s完全获得5场经典山王比赛的胜利#22 G o o d t o b e K i n g(足以成王)W i n1c o m p l e t e K l a s s i c K i n g o f t h e h i l l m a t c h赢得一场古典的山王比赛#23 G i v i n g R e s p e c t(给予尊重)G i v e R e s p e c t p o i n t s i n a K i n g o f t h e h i l l m a t c h在山王比赛中给予尊重点数#24 R e s p e c t e d F i g h t e r(受人尊敬的战士)E a r n1,000R e s p e c t p o i n t s得到1000尊重点数#25 T e r r i f y i n g E n c o u n t e rC o n f r o n t a b e a s t w i t h i n t h e K r y p t#26 I'm n u m b e r1(我是第一)W i n1T o w e r B a t t l e赢得一座塔的战斗#27 J u g g e r n a u t(剑圣)W i n5T o w e r B a t t l e s赢得5场塔之战斗#28 A K o n t e n d e rC o m p l e t e1T o w e r B a t t l e完成一座塔之战斗#29 B i l l o f G o o d sW i n1c o m p l e t e m a t c h i n S u r v i v o r K i n g o f t h e H i l l完全赢得一场生存山王比赛#30 D r o p p i n g F o o l sR e a c h a10c o m p l e t e g a m e w i n s t r e a k i n R a n k e d1v1m a t c h e s #31 H i t t h e D o j o(打道场)E n t e r P r a c t i c e m o d e进入练习模式#32 U n s t o p p a b l e(无法停止)P l a y200c o m p l e t e o n l i n e m a t c h e s游玩完200场在线比赛#33 T h a t's H o w Y o u D o I t(那就是你该如何去做)C o m p l e t e T u t o r i a l完成教程#34 K n o c ko u t P e r f o r m a10h i t c o m b o w i t h e v e r y c h a r a c t e r#35 F I N I S H H I M P e r f o r m1F a t a l i t y i n a m a t c h#36 B l o o d y G o o d T i m eP e r f o r m a F a t a l i t y i n a m a t c h w i t h e v e r y c h a r a c t e r#37 S t r a i g h t P o w e rP e r f o r m100F a t a l i t i e s i n m a t c h e s#38 B r u t a l E n d(暴行结局)P e r f o r m1B r u t a l i t y表演一场暴行#39 D a r k F u t u r e(黑色未来)P e r f o r m50B r u t a l i t i e s表演50次暴行#40 N e e d a D o c t o r(需要医生)P e r f o r m e v e r y c h a r a c t e r's X-R a y表演每一个角色的激光#41 M a s t e rW i n a s i n g l e c o m p l e t e m a t c h w i t h e v e r y c h a r a c t e r v a r i a t i o n#42 O n l y a R e a l M a s t e rB e a t a n o p p o n e n t w h i l e t h e y s t i l l h a v e90%h e a l t h a n d y o u h a v e10%o r l e s s h e a l t h r e #43 W e l l R o u n de d P l a y e v e r y c h a r a c t e r v a r i a t i o n#44 I t's a G u s h e rS p i l l1,000p i n t s o f b l o o d#45 B l a n c h e A d v a n t a g eH i t s o m e o n e w i t h t h e o l d l a d y L e v e l I n t e r a c t i o n#46 H a r a K i r iK i l l y o u r s e l f w i t h K o t a l K a h n f o r1r o u n d a n d w i n t h e m a t c h#47 B a c k I t U pE q u i p a n e w B a c k g r o u n d#48 R e a l I c o nE q u i p a n e w I c o n#49 S o B o r e dE q u i p a n e w B o r d e r#50 J u m p i n g B e a nJ u m p30t i m e s i n1m a t c h#51 T r o l l i n gD u c k30t i m e s d u r i n g F a t a l i t y s e q u e n c e#52 A l l t h e P i e c e sE q u i p a B a c k g r o u n d,I c o n a n d B o r d e r s e t#53 L u c k b e a L a d yP l a y7c o m p l e t e T e s t Y o u r L u c k m a t c h e s#54 T h e K o l l e c t o rU n l o c k50K u s t o m K o m b a t M o d i f i e r s#55 D i s c oC r e a t e a s u n r a y w i t h K o t a l K a h n a n d p e r f o r m a f l i p s t a n c e5t i m e s w h i l e i n t h e r a y#56 A l m i g h t yC o m p l e t e a T e s t Y o u r M i g h t T o w e r#57 N o t D e a d Y e tS e e a l l T e s t Y o u r M i g h t d e a t h s#58 S t a y B a c kP l a y a n I n v a s i o n B o s s f i g h t#59 D I E W I L L Y O UD e a l1,000t o t a l h i t s d u r i n g I n v a s i o n B o s s f i g h t s#60 I N V A S I O NC o m p l e t e a n I n v a s i o n T o w e r#61 C a n't S t o pT h i s W i n a n I n v a s i o n1v1f i g h t 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
%{page-break|杰森|page-break}% 逗游网——中国2亿游戏用户一致选择的”一站式“游戏服务平台
真人快打X人物众多,其招式系统也十分复杂,游戏中虽然自带出招 表但是说明相对简单很多新手玩家表示看不懂,今天为大家带来真人快打 X中文出招表,简单易懂,一起来学习一下各人物的出招表吧。 基本操作
真⼈快打X-部分⼈物背景与历代剧情故事 《真⼈快打X》对于《真⼈快打》迷来说,吸引⼈的不仅仅是⾎腥暴⼒打⽃场⾯,还有历代的⼈物背景与剧情故事,今天⼩编为⼤家带来“q773718779”分享的《真⼈快打X》部分⼈物背景与历代剧情故事,希望⼤家喜欢,⼀起来看吧。
绝对零度 每个接触过M K系列的玩家对于S u b Z e r o(绝对零度)这名⾓⾊都不会感到陌⽣,⼀⽅⾯是因为他⼈物特点鲜明,另⼀⽅⾯也是因为他基本出席了M K系列的每⼀步作品。
和S c o r p i o n相似的是,S u b Z e r o(绝对零度)也是M K系列的招牌⼈物,每次游戏推出宣传影像之时,S u b Z e r o(绝对零度)总是会⾸批登场。
当问及玩家哪位⾓⾊最帅⽓,相信不少⼈会脱⼜⽽出是依靠寒冰作战的S u b Z e r o(绝对零度)。
谈到S u b Z e r o(绝对零度),我们需要先了解⼀下光阳与冰寒这对兄弟,因为S u b Z e r o(绝对零度)不过是个⼈物的称号,他属于这兄弟⼆⼈,详见N o o b⼈物介绍,本⽂中所介绍的S u b Z e r o(绝对零度)指弟弟光阳。
和哥哥冰寒⼀样,光阳也是被从⼩便被L i n K u e i拐⾛,当做⼀名杀⼿来培养。
兄弟⼆⼈能⼒相似,可是年长⼀些的哥哥因为出道更早⽽在L i n K u e i 教内拥有更⾼的名望。
称号上哥哥被称为S u b Z e r o(绝对零度),⽽光阳被称为Tu n d r a。
M K1⼤赛中,哥哥冰寒被S c o r p i o n所弑。
消息传回L i n K u e i后,光阳伤⼼不已。
原来,此时此刻L i n K u e i全教⼈⼼惶惶,⽽原因就是L i n K u e i⼤主教推崇的疯狂的机器⼈改造计划。
L i n K u e i⼤主教宣称机械改造能令教徒们拥有更强的⼒量,⽽实际上他是想通过将教徒变为机械体,去除⼈的本来意志,通过电脑来控制教徒,使他们对⾃⼰⾔听计从,消除⼀切违抗。
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⾸先,游戏⼀共12章,最终章C a s s i e C a g e打败恶魔化的S h i n n o k
Ta k e d a和J a c q u i成为⼀对
R a i d e n受重伤,但是被救活了
僵⼫刘和僵⼫K i t a n a统治了N e t h e r r e a l m,成为了⼀对
R a i d e n伤好了,但是却⿊化了,变得极端起来,带着S h i n n o k的头来到了L i u K a n g和K i t a n a⾯前,告诉他们,任何威胁地球和平的⼈,下场将