
介绍老子生平英文作文Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was a philosopher and writer who lived in ancient China during the 6th century BCE. His exact birth and death dates are unknown, and much of his life is shrouded in mystery and legend.Legend has it that Laozi was born in the state of Chu, in present-day Henan province, and worked as a keeper of archives in the imperial court. However, he became disillusioned with the corrupt politics of the time and decided to leave society and seek wisdom in the mountains.It was during his time in the mountains that Laozi is said to have written the Tao Te Ching, one of the most important works of Chinese philosophy. The Tao Te Ching outlines Laozi's ideas about the Tao, or the Way, which he believed was the ultimate reality and the source of all things.Laozi's philosophy emphasizes the importance of simplicity, humility, and selflessness. He believed that by following the Tao, one could achieve inner peace and harmony with the universe. He also believed in the concept of wu wei, or non-action, whichinvolves letting go of one's desires and allowing things to happen naturally.Despite his profound influence on Chinese philosophy, little is known about Laozi's life. Some scholars believe that he may have been a composite figure, representing the ideas of multiple philosophers from the same time period.Regardless of the truth of his biography, Laozi's ideas continue to resonate with people around the world. His emphasis on living a simple and virtuous life, and his belief in the power of nature and the universe, have inspired countless individuals to seek a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them.。

Philosophy of laozi • Dao De Jing • Philosophical and Religous Daoism
• Lu Xun said:
"China roots deep in Taoism. If one wants to comprehend Chinese history and culture, one must comprehend Taoism first."
court of Zhou; 2. He was visited by Confucius and talked
about rites; 3. He preached the retirement from the world;
4. He left the court, wrote the Daodejing, and
• idea: Dialectical Thought (辩证法思想 )
Noninterference(无为而治) • The dual cultivation (性命双修)
Daoism: Philosophy of Laozi
Dao De Jing has been studied by literary
• Career: librarian(图书管理员),
grand scribe(太史)
• old age:resigned from official post and
lived in seclusion(隐居)

老子的简单介绍英文作文英文:Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was a Chinese philosopher and writer who lived in the 6th century BC during the Zhou Dynasty. He is credited as the founder of Taoism, which is a philosophical and religious tradition that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the natural way of the universe.Laozi's most famous work is the Tao Te Ching, a collection of 81 poems that explore the nature of the Tao and provide guidance on how to live a fulfilling life. One of the most famous passages from the Tao Te Ching is "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step."Laozi's teachings emphasize the importance of simplicity, humility, and compassion. He encourages people to let go of their desires and live in harmony with nature. He also stresses the importance of self-reflection andinner peace.One of my favorite quotes from Laozi is "Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." This reminds me to slow down and appreciate the present moment, instead of constantly rushing towards the future.中文:老子,又称为老子,是中国哲学家和作家,生活在公元前6世纪周朝时期。

Dao or the Way acts through non-action. He did not mean that one should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved. Neither did he deny human creativity. What he meant is that human enterprises should be built on the basis of naturalness, not on any attempts to interrupt the rhythm of nature. Human creativity should be in compliance with the ways of nature.
★Name: Lao Dan, Lao Zi ★770——476BC, the Spring and Autumn Period ★Birth place: Luyi, (鹿邑) Henan Province ★Founder of Taoism
★曾做过周朝“守藏室之官”(管理 藏书的官员),是中国最伟大的哲学 家和思想家之一,被道教尊为教祖, 世界文化名人。 ★河南鹿邑太清宫位于李鹏总理 亲笔题写的“老子故里”河南省鹿 邑县城东十里太清宫镇,太清宫镇 有一座驰名中外的“太清宫”,这 里就是老子的诞生地,也是历朝历 代供奉祭祀老子的祠庙。
It has also exerted a direct impact on the characteristics, trends of thought and aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese nation. Today Laozi still plays a role in the development of Chinese thinking. Laozi was first introduced into Europe possibly as early as the 15th century and has been one of the most translated philosophical works of ancient China.
老子 英语简介

▪ A new-born state doesn’t mean wanting to remain childishly ignorant; it is free of knowledge, desire, impurity or falsehood. The grow-up of human is accompanied with lose of pure minds and true self. It is a departure from true self. You are suggested to combat bloated desires.
▪ First and Core inquiry of Taoism: Nature -- a comprehensive world view ( a simplistic materialism perception 朴素唯物观)
▪ Dao is the supreme and highest rule of existence (Nature) --- beyond human language (非常道)
Laozi’s Perception of Life: --- inter-changeable 反者道之动
▪ 1. inter-changeable poles of force: nameless changes
“天下皆知美之为美,斯恶已;皆知善之为善,斯 不善已。故有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高 下相倾,音声相和,前后相随。”
▪ 人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然

介绍老子的英语作文开头字Introduction to Laozi。
Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and the founder of Taoism. He is believed to have lived during the 6th century BCE, but little is known about his life. Laozi is best known for his book, the Tao Te Ching, which is considered one of the most important works in Chinese philosophy.Laozi's teachings focus on the concept of the Tao, which can be translated as "the way" or "the path." The Tao is the underlying force that governs the universe and everything in it. Laozi believed that by following the Tao, individuals could achieve harmony with the natural world and live a fulfilling life.The Tao Te Ching is a collection of 81 short chapters that offer guidance on how to live in harmony with the Tao. The book is written in a poetic and metaphorical style,making it open to interpretation. Many of the chapters are paradoxical, emphasizing the importance of balance and moderation.One of the most famous quotes from the Tao Te Ching is "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step." This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action, even if the goal seems daunting or impossible. Laozi believed that by taking small steps and staying true to the Tao, individuals could achieve great things.Laozi's teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and philosophy. Taoism is still practiced today, and the Tao Te Ching continues to be studied and revered. Laozi's emphasis on humility, simplicity, and balance has also influenced other areas of Chinese culture, including art, literature, and martial arts.In conclusion, Laozi's teachings on the Tao have had a lasting impact on Chinese culture and philosophy. His book, the Tao Te Ching, continues to be studied and revered, offering guidance on how to live in harmony with thenatural world. Laozi's emphasis on balance, humility, and simplicity has influenced not only Taoism but also other areas of Chinese culture.。
老子简介 英文PPT

Name:Li Er (李耳);Li Dan (李聃) Courtesy name:Bo Yang (伯阳)
《史记· 卷063· 老子列传》:
大 圣 祖 高 上 大 广 道 金 阙 玄 元 天 皇 大 帝
The posthumously confer
Tang Gaozong ——Taishangxuanyuan emperor
Tang xuanzong ——Da sheng zu xuan yuan emperor ——Sheng zu da dao xuan yuan emperor ——Da sheng zu gao shang guang dao jin que xuan yuan tian emperor
身长八尺八寸,黄色美眉,长耳大目,广额疏齿,方口厚唇,日月角悬,鼻有双 周时人,李母怀胎八十一年而生。”
姓——《说文解字》云:“姓,人之所生也。 古之神圣,母感天而生子,故称天子, 从女从生。” 氏——同一母系血统,区别其他支族的称号。 名——《说文解字》云:“名,自命也,从口夕, 夕者冥也,冥不相见,故以口自名。” 字——字由名演化而来,所以统称“名字”。
(Classic of the Way and Virtue)
Influenced [show]: Chuang Tzu
Part one
Laozi is traditionally regarded as
the founder of Taoism,

Laozi: The Philosopher of Simplicity andHarmonyLaozi, also known as Laozizi or Laotse, was a renowned Chinese philosopher and writer of the ancient times. He is widely regarded as the founder of Taoism, a philosophical tradition that emphasizes harmony with nature and the universe. Laozi's teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and philosophy, shaping the way people view life, morality, and the world.Born in the Spring and Autumn Period, Laozi is said to have lived a reclusive life, preferring solitude and contemplation over the hustle and bustle of society. He is believed to have written the Tao Te Ching, a concise yet profound book that encapsulates his philosophical thoughts. The Tao Te Ching consists of 81 chapters, each offering insights into the nature of the universe, the way of life, and the principles of Taoism.The core of Laozi's philosophy is the concept of Tao, whichcan be translated as "the way" or "the path." Tao is understood as the fundamental principle of the universe, governing the flow of all things. Laozi believed that by following the natural flow of Tao, people can achieve harmony and balance in their lives. He advocated a life of simplicity, detachment, and non-action, believing that true wisdom lies in understanding and embracing the natural order of the universe.One of the key principles of Laozi's philosophy is wu Wei, which translates to "non-action" or "inactive action." This principle emphasizes the importance of letting things unfold naturally without forcing or manipulating them. Laozi believed that true leadership and wisdom come from a state of effortless action, where one allows things to happen according to their natural course. This principle finds resonance in modern leadership theories that emphasize the importance of delegation, empowerment, and creating an enabling environment for others to excel.Laozi also emphasized the importance of inner peace and tranquility. He believed that a person's happiness and fulfillmentdepend not on external possessions or achievements but on the state of their inner being. By cultivating a calm and peaceful mind, one can overcome the challenges and difficulties of life with ease and grace. This emphasis on inner growth and self-development has influenced many Eastern spiritual traditions, including yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices.Laozi's philosophy also has a strong ecological bent. He advocated living in harmony with nature, respecting its rhythms and cycles, and avoiding unnecessary interference. His teachings emphasize sustainability, conservation, and a harmonious relationship between humanity and the natural world. In today's era of environmental degradation and climate change, Laozi's ecological wisdom offers valuable insights and guidance for sustainable living.In conclusion, Laozi's philosophy is a profound and timeless wisdom that encourages simplicity, harmony, and inner growth. His teachings on Tao, Wu Wei, inner peace, and ecological sustainability have influenced countless individuals and cultures throughout history. His legacy continues to inspire and guidepeople seeking a deeper understanding of life's meaning and purpose.**老子:简约与和谐的哲学家**老子,又被称为老聃或李耳,是中国古代著名的哲学家和作家。

老子简介英文作文英文:Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was a Chinese philosopher and writer who lived in the 6th century BCE. He is considered the founder of Taoism, a philosophy that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the natural way of the universe.Laozi's most famous work is the Tao Te Ching, a collection of 81 short poems that offer guidance on how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. The Tao Te Ching has been translated into many languages and is still widely read today.One of the key teachings of Laozi is the concept of wu wei, which means "non-action" or "effortless action." This does not mean being lazy or inactive, but rather letting go of the need to control everything and allowing things to happen naturally.Another important concept in Laozi's philosophy is the idea of yin and yang, which represents the balance of opposing forces in the universe. This balance is essential for harmony and well-being.Overall, Laozi's teachings emphasize the importance of living simply and in harmony with nature, letting go of ego and desire, and finding inner peace and contentment.中文:老子,也被称为老子,是一位生活在公元前6世纪的中国哲学家和作家。

老子的英文简介老子,中国古代伟大的思想家、哲学家、文学家和史学家,道家学派创始人和主要代表人物,下面是为你整理的老子的英文简介,希望对你有用!老子简介Lao Tzu, surnamed Li name ear, word Dan (sound read: dān), the word or said posthumous Bo Yang. Huaxia family, was born in the Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn period Chen Guoxian Li Township Ren Ren, about born in 571 BC, died in 471 BC.I was the great thinker, philosopher, writer and historian of the ancient Chinese, the founder and principal representative of the Taoist school, who was regarded as the ancestor of the Tang Dynasty. Lao Tzu is one of the world's cultural celebrities and one of the world's hundreds of historical celebrities. Nowadays, "T ao T e Ching" (also known as "Lao Tzu"), the core essence of his works is simple dialectics,In the 1980s, according to UNESCO statistics, in the world famous culture, translated into foreign language publishing circulation is the largest "Bible", followed by"Tao Te Ching".Lao Tzu thought has a profound impact on the development of Chinese philosophy, is one of the largest books published in the world. In Taoism, I was revered as an ancestor of Taoism. Laozi and later Zhuangzi and said Laozhuang.Laozi reputation of the three main saints in the East, the United States, "New York Times" as the world's top ten writers of ancient and modern. Confucius has asked me several times to ask me. Since ancient times, "I first in the world," said.In the aspect of self-cultivation, I was Taoist life Shuangxiu's ancestor, pay attention to modesty, not with the people of the practice. In politics, I advocate ignorance and rule, do not teach. In the power of surgery, I will pay special attention to the truth.Because I was the founder of Taoism, so I was the ancients known as "too Laojun."老子人物生平Laozi (about 571 BC - 471 BC): the word Bo Yang, posthumous title Dan, also known as Li Er (ancient "old" and "Lee" homonym; "Dan" and "ear" synonymous), bornIn the Zhou dynasty Spring and Autumn period Chen Guo Kuang County Li Xiang Qu Ren Lane, has done Zhou Dynasty "keep the room of the official" (management of the book officials), is a great ancient Chinese thinkers, philosophers, writers and historians, Taoism respects ancestors, world cultural celebrities. Lao Tzu thought "inaction", "Lao Tzu" to "Road" to explain the evolution of the universe, "Tao" for the objective laws of nature, but also has a "independent change, Zhou line and not the" eternal meaning. "Lao Tzu" book includes a large number of simple dialectical point of view, such as that all things have both positive and negative, and can be transformed by the opposition, is the "anti-those who move", "is complex, good complex for the demon" "Happiness blessing of the blessing of the blessing of the disaster." And that the world things are "there" and "no" unity, "there is no life", and "no" as the basis, "the world was born in all, born in the no". He was on the people of the motto: "The day of the road, loss and more than fill the lack of people's way is not, the lossis not enough to have more than"; "people of hunger, with its food on the number of" , With its survival on the thick ";" people do not fear death, how can the fear of death. " His philosophical thought and the T aoist school founded by him not only made an important contribution to the development of ancient Chinese ideology and culture, but also had a far-reaching impact on China's ideological and cultural development over the past two years. On his identity, some people think that he is the old Lai Zi, is the Chu people, with the same time, had written fifteen propaganda T aoist use.Old Dan longevity, one hundred and one years old death, the neighborhood are to condolences Old people cry, such as crying his son; less cry, such as crying his mother. Read the loneliness of the people, with the people's feelings, the world no dispute, soft mercy of the big German and beneath, are sad not self-defeating. Old Dan friends Qin lost to condolence, to Laozi Ling next, do not kneel do not worship, hand to pay tribute, crying three times to the end. When the want to turn back, the neighbors stopped and asked: "Lu You Laozi friends almost?" Qin lost answer; "Of course." Zorpians said: "both for myfriends, so thin and serene, can be?" Road, "why not?" Neighbors heard this, by the anger, loudly asked: "What reason?" Qin Lixiao said: "My friend Dan Dan have words, students do not like, dead is not sad. Ru can be heard from the old Dan Dan's life also from the so, from gas, from time to time, with the natural reason, what hi Zai? Today, the old Dan's death also, by the return, It is thought that sadness and sadness, release when you are born, died when the fear of death , Are to have their own wishes and forced to be born, and forced to die, are back to the natural reason and any of the feelings of the situation, such as security and the Department of Shun, then the music can not enter also, and back natural, contrary to justice, together Do not meet the road, for the old Dan friends almost old Dan friends, follow their words and move, along the road and the lineer. I both old Dan friends, it can be rationalized, so not . "Neighbors heard of it, seems to have realized, asked: "Ru neither sorrow, nor crying why three times?" Qin Yi smiled and said: "I have wept three times, not because of sad too, is also said goodbye to the old Dan. One, made its seasonal born, also co-Ziranzhili Two, made its death in season, also co Ziranzhili;. on the 3rd, in the words of itsnatural inaction Shi Chuan Road, close Ziranzhili too. old Dan give full and seasonal, and only move Hop Road, what I sad indeed? "people neighbor heard of it, Jie Yan Qin Yi is the old Dan really friendly, so people push their main burial. When combined soil, the Qin Yi Chung condolence and said: "Old Dan King, for good, God Datong tour, Immortal Fame."老子的英文简介。

用英语说中国历史人物——老子Lao Zi(571 B. C.~471 B. C.), famous Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism, was born at Ku Prefecture (today's Luyi County of Henan Province) in the later years of the Spring and Autumn Period. His real name was Li Er and his courtesy name was Dan.老子(公元前571年~公元前471年),姓李,名耳,字聃,楚国苦县(今河南鹿邑县)人,生活时代约和孔子同时或略早,道家学派的创始人。
Lao Zi was an older contemporary of Confucius and once worked as an archivist in the imperial library of the Zhou Dynasty before he retired from public life. It is widely believed that he was the author of the Taoist scripture Lao Zi (also known as Tao Te Ching, or Dao De Jing, roughly translated as Book of the Way and Its Virtue). Slightly more than 5,000 characters, this book is considered as one of the most influential texts on Chinese philosophy and religion.曾做过周朝守藏史,后退隐,作《老子》五千言,思想的核心是“道”。

Lao zi
Brief introduction
Lao zi, Lao Tzu, who Dan, life is not known, the legend of Lee ears, late Spring and Autumn Chu, the founder of the Taoist school of thought.
2 WATER The best of man is like water, which benefits all things, and does not contend with them,
which flows in places that others disdain,
So the sageT: aLioveTs e Ching 道德经
within n穿at插ur页e面, Thinks within the deep, Gives within impartiality, Speaks within trust, Governs within order, Crafts within ability, Acts within opportunity. He does not contend, and none contend against him.
上善若水。水善利万物而不争, 处众人之所恶,故几于道。 居善地, 心善渊,与善仁,言善信,政善治, 事善能,动善时。夫唯不争,故无 尤。
Thank you! Have a good time!
where it is in harmony with the Way.!

一篇介绍老子的英语作文English: Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer who lived in the 6th century BCE. He is credited as the founder of philosophical Taoism and is best known for his work, the Tao Te Ching. Laozi's teachings revolve around the concept of the Tao, which can be understood as the natural order of the universe. He emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with the Tao, advocating for a life of simplicity, humility, and detachment from material possessions. Laozi's philosophy also emphasizes the concept of Wu Wei, which translates to "non-action" or "effortless action," suggesting that by aligning oneself with the Tao, one can achieve a state of naturalness and spontaneity. Despite the enigmatic nature of his writings, Laozi's ideas have had a profound influence on Chinese culture and philosophy, and his teachings continue to resonate with people around the world today.中文翻译: 老子,又称老子,是生活在公元前6世纪的古代中国哲学家和作家。

介绍老子的英文作文Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, was an ancient Chinese philosopher and writer. He is believed to have lived in the 6th century BC, although there is much debate about his existence and the true authorship of the Tao Te Ching, a fundamental text of Taoism.Laozi's teachings revolve around the concept of the Tao, which can be translated as "the Way." The Tao is thenatural order of the universe, and Laozi emphasizes the importance of living in harmony with it. He encourages people to embrace simplicity, humility, and spontaneity,and to let go of excessive desires and attachments.One of Laozi's most famous quotes is "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." This simple yet profound statement captures the essence of his philosophy, emphasizing the importance of taking small, deliberate actions to achieve great things.Laozi's teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and philosophy, and his ideas continue to resonate with people around the world. His emphasis on the importance of inner peace, self-reflection, and living in harmony with nature has made him a revered figure in both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions.Despite the enigmatic nature of Laozi and the ambiguity surrounding his life, his teachings have stood the test of time and continue to inspire countless individuals to seek meaning and fulfillment in their lives. His wisdom transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, offering timeless guidance for those in search of a deeper understanding of the universe and their place within it.。

介绍老子的英语作文Laozi, also known as Lao Tzu, is a seminal figure in Chinese philosophy and the founder of Taoism, one of the major philosophical and religious traditions in China. His most famous work, "Tao Te Ching" or "Dao De Jing," is a classictext of Taoist philosophy that has had a profound influenceon Chinese culture and thought.Born in the 6th century BCE, the exact details of Laozi'slife are shrouded in mystery. According to legend, he was a keeper of the archives in the royal court of the Zhou dynasty. It is said that he left his position and rode off on an ox to the western border, where he was stopped by a gatekeeper named Yin Xi and asked to write down his teachings before he could continue his journey. This is how the "Tao Te Ching" came to be.The "Tao Te Ching" is a collection of 81 short chapters that expound on the nature of the Tao, or the Way, which is the fundamental principle underlying the universe. It emphasizes simplicity, humility, and living in harmony with the natural order. Laozi's teachings advocate for "wu wei," or non-action, which is not about inactivity but rather about acting in accordance with the Tao, without force or resistance.Laozi's philosophy has had a significant impact on Chinese thought, influencing not only Taoism but also Confucianismand Buddhism. His ideas about the importance of balance,harmony, and the natural way of things resonate with many people even today. His work has been translated into many languages and continues to be studied and revered around the world.In conclusion, Laozi's contributions to philosophy are immense, and his teachings offer timeless wisdom that remains relevant in the modern world. His emphasis on living in accordance with the Tao, and his insights into the nature of existence, continue to inspire and guide individuals in their quest for understanding and harmony.。

老子的英文简介老子,中国古代伟大的思想家、哲学家、文学家和史学家,道家学派创始人和主要代表人物,下面是店铺为你整理的老子的英文简介,希望对你有用!老子简介Lao Tzu, surnamed Li name ear, word Dan (sound read: dān), the word or said posthumous Bo Yang. Huaxia family, was born in the Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn period Chen Guoxian Li Township Ren Ren, about born in 571 BC, died in 471 BC.I was the great thinker, philosopher, writer and historian of the ancient Chinese, the founder and principal representative of the Taoist school, who was regarded as the ancestor of the Tang Dynasty. Lao Tzu is one of the world's cultural celebrities and one of the world's hundreds of historical celebrities. Nowadays, "Tao Te Ching" (also known as "Lao Tzu"), the core essence of his works is simple dialectics,In the 1980s, according to UNESCO statistics, in the world famous culture, translated into foreign language publishing circulation is the largest "Bible", followed by "Tao Te Ching".Lao Tzu thought has a profound impact on the development of Chinese philosophy, is one of the largest books published in the world. In Taoism, I was revered as an ancestor of Taoism. Laozi and later Zhuangzi and said Laozhuang.Laozi reputation of the three main saints in the East, the United States, "New York Times" as the world's top ten writers of ancient and modern. Confucius has asked me several times to ask me. Since ancient times, "I first in the world," said.In the aspect of self-cultivation, I was Taoist life Shuangxiu's ancestor, pay attention to modesty, not with the people of thepractice. In politics, I advocate ignorance and rule, do not teach. In the power of surgery, I will pay special attention to the truth.Because I was the founder of Taoism, so I was the ancients known as "too Laojun."老子人物生平Laozi (about 571 BC - 471 BC): the word Bo Yang, posthumous title Dan, also known as Li Er (ancient "old" and "Lee" homonym; "Dan" and "ear" synonymous), born In the Zhou dynasty Spring and Autumn period Chen Guo Kuang County Li Xiang Qu Ren Lane, has done Zhou Dynasty "keep the room of the official" (management of the book officials), is a great ancient Chinese thinkers, philosophers, writers and historians, Taoism respects ancestors, world cultural celebrities. Lao Tzu thought "inaction", "Lao Tzu" to "Road" to explain the evolution of the universe, "Tao" for the objective laws of nature, but also has a "independent change, Zhou line and not the" eternal meaning. "Lao Tzu" book includes a large number of simple dialectical point of view, such as that all things have both positive and negative, and can be transformed by the opposition, is the "anti-those who move", "is complex, good complex for the demon" "Happiness blessing of the blessing of the blessing of the disaster." And that the world things are "there" and "no" unity, "there is no life", and "no" as the basis, "the world was born in all, born in the no". He was on the people of the motto: "The day of the road, loss and more than fill the lack of people's way is not, the loss is not enough to have more than"; "people of hunger, with its food on the number of" , With its survival on the thick ";" people do not fear death, how can the fear of death. " His philosophical thought and the Taoist school founded by him not only made an important contribution to the development ofancient Chinese ideology and culture, but also had a far-reaching impact on China's ideological and cultural development over the past two years. On his identity, some people think that he is the old Lai Zi, is the Chu people, with the same time, had written fifteen propaganda Taoist use.Old Dan longevity, one hundred and one years old death, the neighborhood are to condolences Old people cry, such as crying his son; less cry, such as crying his mother. Read the loneliness of the people, with the people's feelings, the world no dispute, soft mercy of the big German and beneath, are sad not self-defeating. Old Dan friends Qin lost to condolence, to Laozi Ling next, do not kneel do not worship, hand to pay tribute, crying three times to the end. When the want to turn back, the neighbors stopped and asked: "Lu You Laozi friends almost?" Qin lost answer; "Of course." Zorpians said: "both for my friends, so thin and serene, can be?" Road, "why not?" Neighbors heard this, by the anger, loudly asked: "What reason?" Qin Lixiao said: "My friend Dan Dan have words, students do not like, dead is not sad. Ru can be heard from the old Dan Dan's life also from the so, from gas, from time to time, with the natural reason, what hi Zai? T oday, the old Dan's death also, by the return, It is thought that sadness and sadness, release when you are born, died when the fear of death , Are to have their own wishes and forced to be born, and forced to die, are back to the natural reason and any of the feelings of the situation, such as security and the Department of Shun, then the music can not enter also, and back natural, contrary to justice, together Do not meet the road, for the old Dan friends almost old Dan friends, follow their words and move, along the road and the lineer. I both old Dan friends, it can be rationalized, so not . "Neighbors heard of it, seems to have realized, asked: "Runeither sorrow, nor crying why three times?" Qin Yi smiled and said: "I have wept three times, not because of sad too, is also said goodbye to the old Dan. One, made its seasonal born, also co-Ziranzhili Two, made its death in season, also co Ziranzhili;. on the 3rd, in the words of its natural inaction Shi Chuan Road, close Ziranzhili too. old Dan give full and seasonal, and only move Hop Road, what I sad indeed? "people neighbor heard of it, Jie Yan Qin Yi is the old Dan really friendly, so people push their main burial. When combined soil, the Qin Yi Chung condolence and said: "Old Dan King, for good, God Datong tour, Immortal Fame."。
老子 全英文介绍

Dao is the main idea of Dao De Jing!
1.The way of ultimate reality(主宰一切的 )
2.The way of the universe, it moves in endless cycles and never changes
• established the earliest ontology (本体论)and cosmology(宇宙 学)in China
• advanced the concept of Dao, the central concept of Laozi philosophical system and the core(中心) of classical Chinese philosophy
Could you distinguish Philosophical Daoism and Religious Daoism?
Let's comprehend it now!
• Difference • Relation
• Philosophical Daoism
Daoism: Philosophy of Laozi
• Development • Content • Influence
➢Origin:Laozi --Dao De Jing Zhuangzi --Zhuang
➢Growth: combined Daoism with Confucian --Yang Xiong and Wang Chong
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老子简介Lao Tzu, surnamed Li name ear, word Dan (sound read: dān), the word or said posthumous Bo Yang. Huaxia family, was born in the Zhou Dynasty Spring and Autumn period Chen Guoxian Li Township Ren Ren, about born in 571 BC, died in 471 BC.I was the great thinker, philosopher, writer and historian of the ancient Chinese, the founder and principal representative of the Taoist school, who was regarded as the ancestor of the Tang Dynasty. Lao Tzu is one of the world's cultural celebrities and one of the world's hundreds of historical celebrities. Nowadays, "Tao Te Ching" (also known as "Lao Tzu"), the core essence of his works is simple dialectics, In the 1980s, according to UNESCO statistics, in the world famous culture, translated into foreign language publishing circulation is the largest "Bible", followed by "Tao Te Ching".Lao Tzu thought has a profound impact on the development of Chinese philosophy, is one of the largest books published in the world. In Taoism, I was revered as an ancestor of Taoism. Laozi and later Zhuangzi and said Laozhuang.Laozi reputation of the three main saints in the East, the United States, "New York Times" as the world's top ten writers of ancient and modern. Confucius has asked me several times to ask me. Since ancient times, "I first in the world," said.In the aspect of self-cultivation, I was Taoist life Shuangxiu's ancestor, pay attention to modesty, not with the people of the practice. In politics, I advocate ignorance and rule, do not teach. In the power ofsurgery, I will pay special attention to the truth.Because I was the founder of Taoism, so I was the ancients known as "too Laojun."老子人物生平Laozi (about 571 BC - 471 BC): the word Bo Yang, posthumous title Dan, also known as Li Er (ancient "old" and "Lee" homonym; "Dan" and "ear" synonymous), born In the Zhou dynasty Spring and Autumn period Chen Guo Kuang County Li Xiang Qu Ren Lane, has done Zhou Dynasty "keep the room of the official" (management of the book officials), is a great ancient Chinese thinkers, philosophers, writers and historians, Taoism respects ancestors, world cultural celebrities. Lao Tzu thought "inaction", "Lao Tzu" to "Road" to explain the evolution of the universe, "Tao" for the objective laws of nature, but also has a "independent change, Zhou line and not the" eternal meaning. "Lao Tzu" book includes a large number of simple dialectical point of view, such as that all things have both positive and negative, and can be transformed by the opposition, is the "anti-those who move", "is complex, good complex for the demon" "Happiness blessing of the blessing of the blessing of the disaster." And that the world things are "there" and "no" unity, "there is no life", and "no" as the basis, "the world was born in all, born in the no". He was on the people of the motto: "The day of the road, loss and more than fill the lack of people's way is not, the loss is not enough to have more than"; "people of hunger, with its food on the number of" , With its survival on the thick ";" people do not fear death, how can the fear of death. " His philosophical thought and the Taoist school founded by him not only made an important contribution to the development of ancient Chinese ideology and culture, but also had a far-reaching impact on China's ideological and cultural development over the past two years. On his identity, some people think that he is the oldLai Zi, is the Chu people, with the same time, had written fifteen propaganda Taoist use.Old Dan longevity, one hundred and one years old death, the neighborhood are to condolences Old people cry, such as crying his son; less cry, such as crying his mother. Read the loneliness of the people, with the people's feelings, the world no dispute, soft mercy of the big German and beneath, are sad not self-defeating. Old Dan friends Qin lost to condolence, to Laozi Ling next, do not kneel do not worship, hand to pay tribute, crying three times to the end. When the want to turn back, the neighbors stopped and asked: "Lu You Laozi friends almost?" Qin lost answer; "Of course." Zorpians said: "both for my friends, so thin and serene, can be?" Road, "why not?" Neighbors heard this, by the anger, loudly asked: "What reason?" Qin Lixiao said: "My friend Dan Dan have words, students do not like, dead is not sad. Ru can be heard from the old Dan Dan's life also from the so, from gas, from time to time, with the natural reason, what hi Zai? Today, the old Dan's death also, by the return, It is thought that sadness and sadness, release when you are born, died when the fear of death , Are to have their own wishes and forced to be born, and forced to die, are back to the natural reason and any of the feelings of the situation, such as security and the Department of Shun, then the music can not enter also, and back natural, contrary to justice, together Do not meet the road, for the old Dan friends almost old Dan friends, follow their words and move, along the road and the lineer. I both old Dan friends, it can be rationalized, so not . "Neighbors heard of it, seems to have realized, asked: "Ru neither sorrow, nor crying why three times?" Qin Yi smiled and said: "I have wept three times, not because of sad too, is also said goodbye to the old Dan. One, made its seasonal born, also co-Ziranzhili Two, made its death in season, also co Ziranzhili;. on the 3rd, in the words of its natural inaction ShiChuan Road, close Ziranzhili too. old Dan give full and seasonal, and only move Hop Road, what I sad indeed? "people neighbor heard of it, Jie Yan Qin Yi is the old Dan really friendly, so people push their main burial. When combined soil, the Qin Yi Chung condolence and said: "Old Dan King, for good, God Datong tour, Immortal Fame."。