









1. It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England, who are interested in


2.We’ve been excavating here for many years and ...

3. We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools

and other objects.

4. Did they wear clothes made entirely of animal skins?

5. An archaeologist is showing them round.





Ⅰ. 构成:

have/ has+been+动词?ing (第三人称单数用has,其他用have) Ⅱ. 用法:



It has been raining every day this month. 这个月天天下雨。


His sister has always been studying hard. 他妹妹学习一直很刻苦。(表示赞许)


1. 现在完成进行时多用于延续性动词,如live,learn,lie(躺),stay,sit,wait,stand,rest,


2. 常与下列表示时间的表示法连用:

1)all this morning,these days,all night,this month,recently等

2)since +时间点或从句、for+时间段(此时动作常会继续下去)。

Where have you been living these years? 这些年你一直住在哪里?

The China CCTV has been broadcasting English programmes since 1977.


Ⅲ. 现在完成进行时与现在完成时的主要区别:


They have been living in Beijing for ten years.(强调持续)


They have lived in Beijing for ten years.(强调完成)



What has Tom been doing? 汤姆一直都在做什么?(表示惊异) What has Tom done?汤姆做什么了?


Have you been meeting him recently? 你最近一直见他吗?

Have you met him recently? 你最近见过他吗?


Ⅰ. 一般现在时

1. 主语是单数第三人称,后接-s/-es。

2. 常与表示频度的副词连用,如:always, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally,

every…, at…, on Sunday,once a week

3. 下面情况常用一般现在时


As soon as he earns any money, he spends it. 他一挣来钱就花掉。


The old people live in the distant area. 这些老年人住在遥远的地方。


Columbus proved that the earth is round. 哥伦布证明地球是圆的。


begin, start, come, go, leave, sail, arrive, return, end, stop, depart, open, close, be

The concert begins at 7:30 and ends at 9:30. 音乐会7:30开始,9:30结束。

5)电影、剧情介绍, 新闻标题或小说章节题目, 电视解说词, 舞台动作说明等。

Hundreds of People Die in the Earthquake (新闻标题)



I’ll show you the picture the moment you come. (主将从现) 明天你来时,我会给你看那张照片的。

Once the rain stops, we will leave. 一旦雨停了,我们就离开。


Be seated if you will. 如果愿意就坐下。


Ⅱ. 一般过去时

1. 表示在过去具体时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常与具体时间连用:yesterday, last week,

an hour ago, the other day, in 1982, last night, just now等。

The flowers were so lovely that they were sold in no time.


2. 表示过去经常性、习惯性或反复发生的动作。可与often等连用,或与used to, would连用。When Mary was in England, she often went to the Museum.


3. 过去某时先后完成的一系列动作,都用一般过去时。

I crowded onto the bus, elbowed my way to the back, found

a seat and sat down.



Ⅲ. 一般将来时


1)will/ shall do 2)is/ am/ are going to do 3) is/ am/ are to do 4) 现在进行时

5)is/ am/ are about to do

1. will/ shall

1) 将来要发生的动作或事件及根据自然规律必然要发生的状况。

They will discuss the plan tomorrow.

I will/ shall be seventeen next year.

2) 事先未思考或计划过的意图;

I’ll answer the door.


I hope it will be warm tomorrow.

Nobody will do such a job.

2. is/ am/ are going to


The play is going to be produced next month.


Look at the dark clouds; there is going to be a storm. 看那些乌云,要下暴雨了。

3. is/ am/ are to do


The work is to be finished by the end of the week. 这项工作下周末务必完成。

Tell her she is not to be back late. 告诉她不能回来晚了。

注意:be to do 表示客观安排或受人指示而做某事,而be going to do 则表示主观的打算或计划。

4. is/ am/ are about to do


The train is about to start. 火车就要开了。

5. 现在进行时

指马上要发生的或安排好要做的事情,常用于此结构的动词有:go, come, leave, arrive, start, begin, run, stay, return, play, do , take, work 等少部分词。

We’re staying in Shanghai the whole next week.下一周我们都会在上海。

Ⅳ. 过去将来时

表示从过去某一时间开始将要发生的动作或存在的状态。其形式是would/ should do及其他几种形式中的be动词用was/were。

The students said they would go to visit the Great Wall the next day.

I was about to go out when the telephone rang. 我正要出去电话铃响了。

注意:was/ were to have done表示未曾实现的计划。

We were to have told you, but you were not in. 我们本想告诉你的,但是你不在家。


1. 一个长动作作为背景,被一个短动作打断,长动作往往用进行体,短动作用一般体。

My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself.


2. 进行体表示动作的未完性、暂时性。

He hasn’t moved into the new house, because the rooms are being painted.


3. 表示现在或当时发展中的或正在进行的情况。

I first met Lily 3 years ago. She was working at a restaurant.


4. 表示计划、安排要做的工作。(见“一般将来时”5)

5. 表示反复出现的或习惯性的动作,往往含有赞赏、厌恶、遗憾等情绪,常与always,

continually, constantly, frequently, often, forever等连用。

You are constantly finding fault with me. 你怎么总找我毛病呀!

He was always thinking of others. 他总是想到别人。

6. 现在进行时立足于现在,过去进行时表示过去某时或某阶段的正在发生的情况,而将来


They were digging a railway tunnel last week. 他们上周正在挖掘铁路隧道。

I’ll be meeting him sometime in the fu ture.将来某个时候我会遇见他的。



Ⅰ. 现在完成时

1. 特殊标志性时间状语:

in the past/ last three years 在过去三年里lately/ recently 最近so far/ up till now 到目前为止


I played basketball very well for four years in college. (没有延续到现在)


Mr. Smith has taught English for nearly thirty years. (表示某动作延续至说话时止)


Don’t get off the train until it has stopped. (表将来,强调已经完成)


对比:I won’t go to play until I finish/ have finished my homework.


This is the best beer that I have drunk. 这是我喝过的最好的啤酒。




2. 重点句型:在下列三种情况的that从句中用完成时

1. This/ That/ It is the first /second/ .../ la st time that…

This is the first time that I have heard him say “thank you”.


2. This/That/ I t is the only … that…

This is the only party that I have ever really enjoyed in my life.


3. This/ That/ It is the 最高级形容词… that…

It is one of the most interesting books that I have ever read.


Ⅱ. 过去完成时



1. 标志性时间状语:by the end (of last year), by the time, before。

By the end of last year, we had produced 20,000 cars.


The train (had) left before we reached the station. (had可省)


By 1914 Einstein had gained world fame. 1914年前,爱因斯坦就已经世界闻名了。

She didn’t go to bed until she had finished the homework.



2. 用于hope, intend, mean, think, expect 等词,表示未完成的愿望。可以译成“原希望/打算/


I had hoped to send him a Christmas card, but I forgot to do so.


We had thought to return early, but they wouldn’t let us go.


3. 用于hardly/scarcely… when, no sooner… than的句型,意思为“一/刚.....就......”。

Hardly had I arrived at the train station when the train left.




1. Shelly____ California for Texas and____ there ever since. You can go and pay her a visit on

your way to Mexico.

A. left; worked

B. has left; had worked

C. left; has worked

D. has left; worked

解析:left是过去的短暂动作,用一般过去时;而从后句可知,“在那里工作”到现在一直没有变,因为有“ever since(从此以


2. ---Did he decide to take part in the competition?

---Yes, of course. He_____ to.

A. has been encouraging

B. had been encouraged

C. has been encouraged

D. was to be encouraged



时态是由“时----时间”与“态---状态(体)”组合而成,交叉得到不同的时态,如“现在完成进行时”就是“现在完成(have been)+进行(be doing)”组合来的(去掉重复的be),形式就是have been doing。所以,我们学完了基本的时态,其他时态就可以推知了。再如“将来完成时”在时间上是“将来”,在状态上是“完成体”,将来完成时就是will/would have done (will指从现在算起,would 指从过去算起)。使用英语时一定要根据具体情况选择合适的时态。


By the end of this year, I ____ enough money for a holiday.

A. will save

B. will be saving

C. will have saved

D. have saved

解析:选C。the end of this year是表示将来的时间状语,by表示“在......之前,到......为止”,所以主句表示在这个将来时间前要完成的动作,故应用will have saved。





1. 以说话时的时间点为参照点




2. 注意句中其他动词的时态,以及修饰动词的状语信息,如果过去完成时应有过去某一时间作为基点。

3. 注意用虚拟语气的句子的时态,除虚拟语气的形式外,有时也考查根据虚拟语气来判断表示事实的句子的时态。


1. In order to find the missing child, villagers _______ all they can over the past five hours.

A. did

B. do

C. had done

D. have been doing

解析:选D。从all they can可知,说话时间就是此时,排除A,C;从over the past five hours 可知从过去开始一直到现在,强调过程很长,所以选D。

2. ----Kevin, you look worried. Anything wrong?

----Well, I____ a test and I’m waiting for the result.

A. will take

B. took

C. had taken

D. take

解析:选B。I’m waiting...是说话时,而take a test是在此之前

做过的事,用一般过去时。3. The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _____ some European business partners.

A. would meet

B. is meeting

C. meets

D. had met

解析:选D。说话时是现在,但是从to have arrived...可知“他回来”是过去的事,而“回来”之前所做的动作“见面”是过去的过去,应该用过去完成时。

4. I would have come earlier, but I ________ that you were waiting for me.

A. didn’t know

B. hadn’t know n

C. would have known

D. haven’t known



非谓语(doing/to do)的时态要以谓语动词的时间为参照点:

发生在其前就用having done/ to have done;

发生在其后或同时就用doing/ to do/ to be doing。


_______ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

A. Having suffered

B. Suffered

C. To suffer

D. Suffered



高中英语动词时态及语态 高中英语动词时态及语态是英语学习中的重要基础知识之一。掌握好动词的时态和语态,能够让我们更加准确地表达事件的时空关系和主客观情况,为英语学习打下坚实的基础。 动词时态是英语表达中最为显著的语法现象之一,它反映了句子中动作发生的时间和情况。在高中英语中,我们主要学习以下几种基本时态: 1、一般现在时:表示现在经常发生的动作或存在的状态,如“I study English every day”中的“study”。 2、现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作或存在的状态,如“I am studying English now”中的“am studying”。 3、一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,如“I studied English yesterday”中的“studied”。 4、过去进行时:表示过去某个时间点或时间段内正在进行的动作或存在的状态,如“I was studying English at 10 o'clock yesterday”中的“was studying”。 除了以上四种基本时态,还有一般将来时、将来进行时、过去完成时、完成进行时等高级时态,根据需要我们在学习中也会逐步掌握。

与动词时态相对应的是动词的语态,它表示句子中动作的执行者和承受者之间的关系。在高中英语中,我们主要学习以下两种语态: 1、一般式:表示习惯性、经常性、普遍性的动作,如“I eat an apple every day”中的“eat”。 2、完成式:表示已经完成或结束的动作,如“I have eaten an apple”中的“have eaten”。 掌握好动词的时态和语态,能够让我们更加准确地表达事件的时间、程度和语气,为我们的英语表达增添色彩。同时,这也是高中英语学习中的重点和难点,需要我们在学习中不断实践、总结和练习。 为了更好地掌握这些知识点,我们可以从以下几个方面入手: 1、认真听讲和练习:在英语课堂上,要认真听讲,积极参与到各种语言活动中,加深对动词时态和语态的理解和运用。同时,在课下也要多做练习,尤其是时态和语态的转换练习,提高我们的语言运用能力。 2、阅读英语材料:阅读英语材料是提高英语水平的重要途径之一。通过阅读英语文章、小说、新闻等材料,我们可以接触到更多的动词时态和语态用法,了解不同语境下的语言运用。 3、观察和模仿:在生活中,我们要留心观察英语动词的时态和语态用法,尤其是口语和书面语中的差异。同时,可以模仿英语母语者的


1、一般现在时主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语;表示客观规律和永恒真理等。He usually goes to w ork at 7 o’clock every morning. The earth goes around the sun. Guangzhou is situated in the south of China. 考点一:表示永恒的真理,即使出现在过去的语境中,仍用一般现在时。如:I learned that the earth goes around the sun when I was in primary school. 考点二:在时间和条件状语从句中,代替一般将来时;常用的引导词有:时间:when, until, after, before, as soon as, once, the moment/the minute, the day; 条件:if, unless, provided. If he accepts the job, he will get more money soon. 考点三:在make sure (certain), see to it, mind, care, matter +宾语从句,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 So long as he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment. 只要他努力工作,我不介意他什么时候做完试验。 考点四:在the more… the more … (越……越……) 句型中, 若主句是一般将来时, 从句通常用一般现在时。 The harder you study, the better results you will get. 2、现在进行时 表说话时或目前一段时间内正在进行的活动:或表感情色彩,加强语气。与频率副词,如always,constantly,continually,again等连用表示说话人的某种感情色彩(赞叹、厌烦、埋怨等)。


人教版高中英语【选修八】[知识点整理及重点题型梳理]复习 动词时态 人教版高中英语选修八 知识点梳理 重点题型(常考知识点)巩固练习 复习动词时态 概念引入 动词的时态是英语中最重要的语法项目,也是高考重点热点之一,在英语句子中也是随处可见、随时要用的。从学英语我们就开始学习和应用动词的时态,而在高二最后一个语法复习中,我们将重点学习现在完成进行时,并小结一下动词常用的10种时态形式及其用法。 先看下面句子: 1. It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England, who are interested in archaeology. 2.We’ve been excavating here for many years and ... 3. We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects. 4. Did they wear clothes made entirely of animal skins? 5. An archaeologist is showing them round. 这些句子中斜体词部分都是句子的谓语,谓语当然都有自己的时态。句1是一般现在时,句2是现在完成进行时,句3是现在完成时,句4是一般过去时,句5是现在进行时。例句中涉及到的时态只是时态的一部分,下面我们先学习本单元重点语法-----现在完成进行时。 由于篇幅限制,简单的例句将不提供汉语释义。 用法讲解 现在完成进行时 Ⅰ. 构成:

超实用高考英语专题复习:专题01 动词的时态语态-备战高考英语重难题型高分攻略(学生版)

“解题达人”备战新高考语法之动词时 态语态 距离高考还有一段时间,不少有经验的老师都会提醒考生,愈是临近高考,能否咬紧牙关、学会自我调节,态度是否主动积极,安排是否科学合理,能不能保持良好的心态、以饱满的情绪迎接挑战,其效果往往大不一样。以下是本人从事10多年教学经验总结出的以下学习资料,希望可以帮助大家提高答题的正确率,希望对你有所帮助,有志者事竟成! 养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。做题前,要认真阅读题目要求、题干和选项,并对答案内容作出合理预测;答题时,切忌跟着感觉走,最好按照题目序号来做,不会的或存在疑问的,要做好标记,要善于发现,找到题目的题眼所在,规范答题,书写工整;答题完毕时,要认真检查,查漏补缺,纠正错误。总之,在最后的复习阶段,学生们不要加大练习量。在这个时候,学生要尽快找到适合自己的答题方式,最重要的是以平常心去面对考试。英语最后的复习要树立信心,考试的时候遇到难题要想“别人也难”,遇到容易的则要想“细心审题”。越到最后,考生越要回归基础,单词最好再梳理一遍,这样有利于提高阅读理解的效率。另附高考复习方法和考前30天冲刺复习方法。一:基础知识解析

1:考点归纳 动词时态历来是高考考查的重点。动词时态考查虽多,但考向非常集中,最常考的是一般过去时和一般现在时,其次是现在完成时,其他时态考查相对较少。因此备考重点是: ①动词时态的基本用法②动词语态的基本用法③主谓一致 通过“时态定义”解决时态:虽然新课标或考纲中列出了10种时态,但近三年全国卷主要考查一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。尽管如此,以下8种时态的基本用法和构成还应掌握。准确理解常考时态的定义是做题的根本。 1:动词时态的一般体 时态用法例句 一般现在时表示经常发生的、习惯性的、反复出现的 动作或状态。常与表示习惯的副词(词 组)always, every time, now and then, occasionally, often, seldom, never, sometimes, usually, every day/night等连用。 On Monday mornings, it usually takes me an hour to drive to work though the actual distance is only 20 miles.周一早晨开车上 班我一般要花费一个小时,尽管实际距 离只有20英里。 如果主句用一般将来时,那么在时间、条件 或让步状语从句中,用一般现在时表示将 来。 The president hopes that the people will be better off when he quits than when he started.这位总统希望人们在他离任时比 他刚上任时更富有。 一般过去时表示过去一段时间内经常性或习惯性的动 作。常与often, usually, seldom 等表示频度 的副词连用。还可以表示在过去某一时间 所发生的动作或存在的状态,与现在没有关 系,常与yesterday, the other day, last week, the day before yesterday等过去的时间状语 连用。 (2019江苏卷) A few months after he had arrived in China, Mr. Smith fell in love with the people and culture there.史密斯 先生到中国几个月后,就喜欢上了那里 的人和文化。


英语选修八U1 词汇 单词 △California 加利福尼亚(州)——→△Californian 加利福尼亚(州)人 △illustrate vt. 说明;阐明 ★ 说明性 ◆ an illustrated textbook 有插图的课本 illustrate sth with sth ◆ His lecture was illustrated with photos taken during the expedition. 他在演讲中使 用了探险时拍摄的照片。 ★ to make the meaning of sth clearer by using examples, pictures, etc.(用示 例、图画等)说明,解释 ◆ To illustrate my point,let me tell you a little story.为了说明我的观点,让我来 给你们讲个小故事。 ◆ Last year's sales figures are illustrated in Figure 2. 图 2 显示了去年的销售数字。 ★illustrate how, what, etc… ◆ Here's an example to illustrate what I mean. 这儿有个例子可以说明我的意思。 ◆ The incident illustrates the need for better security measures.这次事件说明 了加强安全措施的必要。 ★ illustrate that…表明…真实;显示…存在(to show that sth is true or that a situation exists ) 拓展 Referring to a chart, graph or table 描述图或表 ■ This bar chart ILLUSTRATES how many journeys people made on public transport over a three-month period. 这个柱状图显示三个月期间人们乘坐公共交通往来的次数。 ■ This table COMPARES bus, train, and taxi use between April and June. 这个表比较了四月至六月公交车、火车和出租车的使用情况。 ■ The results ARE SHOWN in the chart below. 结果显示在下面的图表中。 ■ In this pie chart, the survey results ARE BROKEN DOWN by age.

【高中英语教材知识梳理】选修八 Unit 1

选修八 Unit 1 A land of diversity Ⅰ.单词语境记忆 1.go through real hardship经历真正的困难 2.occur for no reason 毫无理由地就发生了 3.have nowhere to stay 无处可住 4.the authorities concerned 有关当局 5.the topic of being thankful感恩这个话题 6.the vice president of the English Club 英语俱乐部的副主席 7.plan to hire a car 打算租辆汽车 8.a ten-year civil war 一场十年国内战争 9.the devotion to the care of the cattle精心照顾牛群 10.get rid of racial prejudice 消除种族歧视 Ⅱ.词性转换与派生记忆 1.boom n.(人口、贸易的)繁荣→v i.处于经济迅速发展时期 2.slip v i.滑动;滑行;滑跤→n.滑动;滑倒 3.ferry n.渡船;渡口→v t.摆渡;渡运 4.reform v t.& v i.改革;革新→n.改革;改造;改良 5.distinct adj.清晰的;明显的;明确的→distinction n.差别;区分;卓著6.means n.手段;方法→mean v.意思是;意味着adj.吝啬的;卑鄙的→meaning n.意思 7.majority n.大多数;大半→major adj.主要的v i.主修n.专业→minority n.少数


高中英语语法:动词的时态与语态知识点 We have meals three times a day. 我们一日吃三餐。(现在的习惯) He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人。(现在的状态) When I was a boy, I often went to play in that park. 我小时候常去那个公园玩。(过去的习惯) 1.一般现在时 (1)一般现在时的构成 一般现在时主要用动词的原形表示,如果主语为第三人称单数,则一般在动词原形后加-s或 一般现在时除了可以表示现在的经常性、习惯性动作或存在的状态外,还可表示: ①客观真理、科学事实及自然现象。此用法即使出现在过去语境中,也用一般现在时。 The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。 ②用于here, there开头的倒装句中,一般现在时表示现在正在发生的动作或存在的状态。There goes the bell.铃响了。 Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。 2.一般过去时 (1)一般过去时的构成

(2)一般过去时的用法 一般过去时除了可以表示过去经常性、习惯性的动作或存在的状态外,还有以下用法: ①want, hope, think, intend等动词的一般过去时往往表示“过去原……”之意。 I thought he was an honest man.我原以为他是个老实人。 He didn't intend to hurt you.他本来没打算伤害你。 ②wonder的一般过去时有时也可表示现在的行为,但口气要比用一般现在时更加委婉、客气。 I wondered if you could do me a favour. 我不知道你能否帮我一个忙。 ③used to+动词原形,表示过去的习惯性动作而现在已经不再发生了。 We used to spend our vacation in the mountains. 我们以前常常在山里度假。(暗示现在不再在山里度假了) 3.一般将来时 (1)一般将来时的构成 ①shall+动词原形(第一人称) ②will+动词原形(各种人称) (2)一般将来时的用法 一般将来时除了可以表示将来的动作或存在的状态外,还有以下用法: ①will+动词原形 will可用来表示事物的固有属性或必然趋势。will表示将来,有时含偶然性、临时性决定的意思。 Fish will die without water.离开水,鱼就会死。 —Do you know Mr. Smith has come to our town? —No. I will go and visit him right now. ——你知道史密斯先生来我们镇了吗? ——不知道。我现在就去看他。 ②be going to+动词原形 “be going to+动词原形”多用在口语中,表示“计划、打算要做某事”,此外,be going to 还可表示根据现在的迹象对未来进行推断。 He is going to speak on TV this evening. 他今晚要在电视上讲话。 Look at the dark clouds. It is going to rain. 看这些乌云,要下雨了。 ③be about to+动词原形/be on the point of+动名词 “be about to+动词原形”及“be on the point of+动名词”表示“立即的将来(immediate future)”,因此,这两种结构不与表示将来的具体时间状语连用,但可以和并列连词when(=and at that time)引出的分句连用。 The train is about to start.火车就要开了。 The plane is on the point of taking off. 飞机马上就要起飞了。 ④有些动词如come, go, arrive, leave, begin, start等,其现在进行时表示按计划、安排近期将要发生的动作。 I'm leaving for Beijing next month.下个月我要去北京。 ⑤某些动词的一般现在时可以表示按计划、安排将要做的事情,这种用法常常用于介绍火车时刻表、飞机时刻表、作息安排表等内容。 We must hurry up. The first class begins at eight o'clock. 我们必须快点。第一节课将在八点开始。


高中英语动词的时态和语态综合练习 A 一、单句语法填空 1. — __________ (do) you call that company to see how they think of our product yesterday? — Yes. They are happy with it. (2017北京) 2. Shortly after he borrowed this book, he ______________ (call) to London to continue his research. 3. People __________ (have) better access to health care than they used to, and they're living longer as a result. (2017北京) 4. I ___________ (drive) down to London when I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road. (2017天津) 5. More efforts, as reported, (make)in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform. (2016江苏) 6. Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement ______________ (reach)so far by the two sides. (2015天津) 7. Silk ___________ (become) one of the primary goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC. (2016浙江) 8. — Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for? (2016北京) — The new Star Wars. We ______________ (wait) here for more than two hours. 9. I ___________ (read) half of the English novel, and I'll try to finish it at the weekend. (2016北京) 10. It is the third time so far that such a festival ______________ (hold) in my hometown. 11. Tom was sorry to learn that his grandfather ______________ (die) for half an hour when he got to the hospital. 12. Nowadays, cycling, along with jogging and swimming, _____ (regard) as one of the best all-round forms of exercise. (2017天津) 13. He hurried home, never once looking back to see if he ______ (follow). (2017江苏) 14. The real reason why prices ________ (be), and still are, too high is complex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. (2015江苏) 15. Just as I got to the school gate, I realized I ___________ (leave) my book in the cafe. (2015安徽) 16. My energy(direct) towards figuring out the campus, adjusting to college-level classes and remembering the names of every new person I met. 17. The results of the final examination (make) known to the students soon. 18. He must have sensed that I ____________ (look) at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly, “Why are you staring at me like that?” (2015湖南) 19. Marty _____________ (work) really hard on his book and he thinks he'll have finished it by Friday. (2015陕西)

人教版高中英语【选修八】[知识点整理及重点题型梳理] 话题语言应用——克隆

人教版高中英语选修八 知识点梳理 重点题型(常考知识点)巩固练习 话题语言应用——克隆 语言积累 交际用语 1.接受与拒绝 I’m happy to accept... but.... 我很高兴接受......,但是...... I can / cannot accept your argument because... 我能/不能接受你的说法,因为...... I support... because...我支持......因为...... No, I can’t agree with... because... 不,我不同意...... 因为...... I agree with / could never agree to... because... 我同意/永远也不同意......因为...... How can you believe that? 你怎么能相信那事呢? Your argument has convinced me because... 你的理由说服了我,因为...... I would like to agree with you but... 我想同意你的看法,但是...... Do you think it is wise to...? 你认为做......明智吗? No, that is not reasonable because... 不,那不合理,因为...... Is it fair to...? 做......公平吗? I don’t care for your ideas because... 我不接受你的观点,因为..... I don’t mind but... 我不介意,但是...... 2.表扬与鼓励 Your ideas sound very encouraging to me.你的观点在我看来很鼓舞人心。 That’s a good / great idea.好主意。 Well done to you for... 做得好...... 话题语句(1) 有关克隆: 1. What’s cloning? Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. 2. 两种克隆:man-made clones 人工克隆natural clones 自然克隆 3. How a clone is produced? The cloning of plants is simple and relatively easy. It can be done by taking cuttings (man-made cloning) or letting the plant produce its own runners (natural cloning). The cloning of animals is more complicated. It was not achieved until 1996. 4. Dolly the sheep was the first successful clone of a mammal(哺乳动物). 5. Animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future. 要点提示: relatively 相对来说cutting 插枝runner 蔓,纤匐枝complicated 结构复杂的

人教版高中英语【选修八】[知识点整理及重点题型梳理] Unit 1 A land of divers

t 人教版高中英语选修八 知识点梳理 重点题型(常考知识点 )巩固练习 Unit 1 A land of diversity 语言点 学习目标 重点词汇 distinction, majority , elect, percentage, boom, occur , indicate, apparently , slip, hire 重点短语 by means of mak e a life, team up with, mark out, apply for tak e in, live on, a great many , k eep up 重点句型 There be + sb. + doing ... with 复合结构 知识讲解 重点词汇 distinction 【原句回放】It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA... 加州与 众不同之处在于他也是美国最具多元化文化特征的一个州...... 【点拨】distinction n. 区别, 差别;卓越 常用搭配: mak e a distinction b e tw e en 把......与...... 区分开 mak e no distinction 没有区别 have a distinction of 有...... 与众不同之处 with distinction 优异地,显著地 Mr . Green has the distinction of having been the first president of the famous school. 格林先生不同凡响,他是这所著名学校的首任校长。 The law mak es no distinction be tw een men and women. 这条法律没有男性和女性的区别。 【拓展 1】distinct adj . 清晰的,明显的,明确的 distinguish v. 区分,辨别;把...... 区别分类,使杰出 There was a distinct smell of gas when I opened the door . 我打开门时有一种明显的煤气味。 The twins are so alike that I can ’distinguish one from the other . 这对孪生儿长得太像了,我区分不开。 【拓展 2】multi- 多,多个,多种


动词时态表、被动语态表、不定式动词时态表 不定式 被动语态表


1.一个长动作作为背景,被一个短动作打断,长动作往往用进行体,短动作用一般体。 Tom slipped into the house when no one was looking. As he was reading the newspaper, granny fell asleep. 2. 表示动作的未完性,暂时性。 I don’t really work here. I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives. Selecting a mobile phone for a personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly. 3. 表示现在或当时发展中或正在进行的情况。 I don’t think Jim saw me; he was just staring into space. I first met Lisa 3 years ago. She was working at a radio shop at that time. 动词时态、语态汉语的时态大多是通过副词来表达的,而英语的时态是靠动词的变化和时间状语来表达的。英语中的时态共有十六种,但是常考的或较常用的只有9种,而且重点测试完成时态。要掌握英语的时态和语态,必须掌握好英语中的助动词(do, be, have)和时间状语这两个核心问题。 1、一般现在时主要用来表示人、事物的现在状况和特点;表示经常或习惯性的动作,句子中常有often, always, from time to time 等时间状语;表示客观规律和永恒真理等。

人教版英语八年级下册期末复习 教材梳理——动词篇

教材梳理——动词篇 点拨:在做题时,要考虑动词在句子中的成分,谓语动词需考虑时态;非谓语动词则需考虑句子中与之相关的动词,句型或介词的用法。八下单词表中,关于动词有以下这些: 1.lie躺;平躺(lay; lain; lying) 词块搭配:lie down 躺下 2.hurt (使)疼痛;受伤(hurt;hurt) 词块搭配:get hurt 受伤 3.hit (用手或器具)击;打 (hit; hit;hitting) 词块搭配:get hit by a ball 被球击中 4.press 压;挤;按 词块搭配:press the sides of your nose 按住鼻子两翼give sb. a lot of pressure about school 给某人很大的学习压力 词性转化:pressure n.压力 5.breathe呼吸 词块搭配:have problems breathing呼吸困难 6.mean意思是;打算;意欲 (meant; meant; meaning) 词块搭配:mean to do sth. 打算做某事mean doing sth.意味着做某事 词性转化: meaningful adj.有意义的meaningless adj.无意义的 7.cheer欢呼;喝彩 词块搭配:cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 8.raise 募集;征集

词块搭配:raise money for homeless people为无家可归的人筹钱 9.repair 修理;修补 词块搭配:repair the bike修理自行车 10.fix 修理;安装 (fixes) 词块搭配:fix up修理;装饰 11.imagine 想象;设想 12.open开;打开 词块搭配:open the door 开门 13.carry 拿;提;扛 词块搭配:carry sth. to...把某物拿到…… 14.train 训练;培训 词块搭配:train a dog训练一条狗 词性转化:training n.[U] 训练;培训the six months of training 六个月的训练15.understand理解;领会 (understood; understood) 16.fold折叠;对折 词块搭配:fold the clothes 折衣服 17.sweep 扫;打扫 (swept; swept ) 词块搭配:sweep the floor 扫地 18.throw 扔;掷(threw; thrown) 词块搭配:throw down 扔下 19.pass给;递;走过;通过 词块搭配:pass sth. to sb.=pass sb. sth.把某物递给某人


单元语法点Unit 1 Friendship 直接引语间接引语1:陈述句和疑问句 Unit 2 English around the world 直接引语间接引语2:请求和命令 必修一Unit 3 Travel journal 时态:现在进行时表将来 Unit 4 Earthquakes 定语从句1:that, which, whom, whose Unit 5 Nelson Mandela —a modern hero 定语从句2:when, where, why, 介词+which/whom 单元语法点Unit 1 定语从句3:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 Unit 2 语态:一般将来时的被动语态 必修二Unit 3 语态:现在完成时的被动语态 Unit 4 语态:现在进行时的被动语态 Unit 5 定语从句4:介词+which/whom

单元语法点 Unit 1 情态动词1: may/might/, can/could, will/would, shall/should, must/can ’t Unit 2 情态动词 2 :ought to/ought not to/have to/don ’t have to/mustn ’必修三t/needn ’t Unit 3 名词性从句1:作为宾语和表语 Unit 4 名词性从句2:作为主语 Unit 5 名词性从句3:作为同位语 单元语法点 Unit 1 主谓一致 Unit 2 非谓语动词:ing 形式作主语和宾语 必修四Unit 3 非谓语动词:ing 形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语 Unit 4 非谓语动词:ing 形式作定语和状语 Unit 5 合成词


高中英语语法高考复习/学习专题讲义 英语动词时态 现在进行时与一般现在时表将来的特点与区别知识点总结 现在进行时表将来有哪些特点 1.用现在进行时表将来通常含有“意图”“安排”“打算”等义。这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感,通常用于表最近或较近的将来,所用动词通常表示位置移动的动词。如: Annie is coming to supper this evening. 安妮今晚要来吃饭。 I’m going to Shanghai tomorrow.我明天要去上海。 The guest is leaving by train tonight. 客人今晚坐火车走。 The boys are starting school on Monday. 男孩子们星期一就要开学了。 2.表将来的现在进行时除用于转移动词外,有时也可用于某些非移动动词。如: Bob and Bill are meeting tonight. 鲍勃和比尔今晚要会面。 What are you doing next weekend? 下个周末你准备干什么? She is buying a new bike soon. 她不久将买一辆新自行车。 We are having a few guests tonight. 今晚我们有几个客人来。 I am reading a paper tomorrow. 我明天要读一篇论文。 3. 用现在进行时表将来偶尔也可表示较远的将来。如: When I grow up, I’m joining the army.我长大了要参军。 4. 现在进行时有时表示即将要发生的动作或情况。如: I’m leaving. 我就走。


动词时态复习学案(一)一.Leaning aims 1、复习初中常用时态的含义构成及用法 2.熟练掌握各种时态的标志语及用法 3. 熟练掌握动词的三单形式,规则动词的过去式,不规则动词的过去式, 动词过去分词 二.知识准备 1.一般现在时含义,构成,标志语及其用法 2.一般过去时含义,构成标志语及其用法 3现在完成时的含义,构成标志语及其用法 4.动词的过去式构成规则及常用不规则动词过去式 三.自学提示 1.一般现在时的标志语 2.一般过去时的标志语 3.现在完成时的标志语 四.课中合作,交流与探究 1.我的时态我来K 小组合作 以小组为单位,自选一种时态,合作完成小卡上的相关任务。 2. 小组合作指导 1)组长认真组织,合理分配任务。 2)面向全班展示,小组成员合作完成。 五.问题积累 六.共同释疑:延续性动词与非延续性动词的转换: 七.当堂测试 一.中考链接 1. (2012 桂林) Look! The boys ____ football on the playground. A. plays B. play C. are playing D. played 2. ( 2012 黄冈) —Do you know Lucy’s grandma? —Of course. She is a kind woman, but she has ____ for a month

since she ____ in the car accident. A. been dead; was killed B. die; was killed C. been dead; killed D. died; killed 3. ( 2012 北京) My aunt is a writer. She ____ more than ten books since 1990. A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. will write 4. ( 2012肇庆) You are too late. The film _____ since half an hour ago. A. has begun B. has been on C. began 5. (2012 乐山) When ____ your mother ____ that blue dress, Lucy? A. would; buy B. does; buy C. did; buy 二.考前瞻望 1. My father ____ fishing once a week. A. go B. goes C. is going D went 2. Jim want s to be an actor when he ____. A. is growing up B. is going to growing up C. will grow up D. grows up 3. His sister ____ TV at the moment. A. doesn’t watc h B. hasn’t watched C. not watch D. isn’t watching 4. No matter how fast you ____, you ____ able to catch the last bus. A. have run; will not be B. run; are not going to be C. Will be running; will be D. run; will not be 5. Do you know which city the Smiths ____ to? A. fly B. are flying C. flies D flying 6. I’m sure we ____ somewhere before. A. have met B. met C. meet D. had met 7. We _____ basketball at five yesterday afternoon. A. played B. were playing C. are playing D. would play 8. There ____ a parents’ meeting this evening. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. are going to be D. is going to hold 9. He told me ____ the English book for two weeks. A. had bought B. has bought C. would buy D. had kept 10. She said she ____ back in five days. A. will come B. came C. would come D. is coming
