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【拓展】 区别:get,obtain,acquire(理解词 汇),gain(掌握词汇) 1. get指“以某种方法或手段得到某种东西”; 2. obtain是较正式用语, 常指“通过努力工作、 奋力或请求而得到所需的东西”; 3. acquire强调“经过漫长的努力过程而逐渐获 得”; 4. gain往往指“通过努力或有意识行动而获得某 种有益或有利的东西”。
3) I object to the plan/have an objection to the plan (我反对这项计划) 4) We object to being treated like this. 我们要抗议 受到如此的待遇。 object vi 不赞成,反对 object to doing sth. 反对 object that„ eg. I objected that he was too young to be qualified for the job. 我提出反对意见他太年轻不能胜任这份工作。
3 Then came disturbing news that Dolly became seriously ill. 然后传来了多莉得了重病的令人烦恼的消息。 disturb vt. (掌握词汇)扰乱, 使不安, 弄乱; disturbed adj. 被扰乱的, 动乱的, 不安的; disturbing adj. 令人不安的。 eg. I’m very disturbed about Alice. Don’t disturb the papers on my desk. What disturbing news it is!
B8U2掌握词汇: differ, exact, twin, altogether, correction, correct, object, moral, flour, owe, retire, bother, strike, unable, feather, reasonable (reason) B8U2理解词汇 commercial, straightforward,undertake, breakthrough, procedure, carrier, cast, Medium (media), obtain, forbid, operal, Loaf (loaves),shortly, regulation, vain, Resist, decoration, turkey, hatch,
5. On the other hand, Dolly’s appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. 另一方面,多利的出生引起了一阵强烈的反对, 对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了巨大的影响。 objection不赞成;反对 1) Do you have any objections? 你有任何异议吗? 2) What’s your objection to my plan ? (你对我的计划有什么异议吗?)
cast about/ around for sth. 四处寻找,苦苦思 索 (例句见阳光P24) (2) be appropriate to 适当,合适;适合于; 对„很合适 eg. Write in a style appropriate to your subject. 用与你的题目相称的体裁写。 Ordinary shoes are not appropriate to paddy fields. 普通鞋不适于下稻田。
eg. vt. He accumulated fortune by hard work. 他因努力工作而积蓄了一笔财富。 The purpose of education is not just accumulating information. 教育的目的不仅仅是积累知识。 vi. Dust accumulated during my absence. 我不 在期间灰尘积聚了起来。 accumulation n. 积聚 the accumulation of knowledge 知识的积聚
4 Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly’s illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. (1) cast down 使沮丧 (cast/cast/cast) eg. The fact that he had failed in the final exam really cast him down. 期末考试失利使他十分沮丧。 be cast down=feel discouraged 感到沮丧 He was much cast down by the failure of the experiment. 实验的失败使他非常沮丧。
eg.Did you get my telegram last Sunday? 上周你收 到电报了吗?
He obtained experience through practice. 他通过 练习获取了经验。
We should try to acquire good habits. 我们应该养 成好习惯。 I hope you will gain greater success. 我希望你会 获得成功。
pay off (1)得到好结果,取得成果 1) His efforts paid off when the girl accepted his proposal. 他的努力没白费,女孩接受了他的求婚。 2) Years of hard work _________________ in his future career. (paid off) (多年的辛劳使他在以后的事业上获得了 成功)
8 Some began to reform their legal systems Baidu Nhomakorabeand forbade research into human being. 有些政府开始改革他们的法律制度,禁止进行克 隆人的研究。 forbid vt (forbade/forbad, forbidden) 禁止不准 Smoking is forbidden during take-off. 飞机起飞时 禁止吸烟。 拓展 forbid sth 禁止某事 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 forbid sb.to do sth. 禁止某人做某事。
(2)偿清,还清 3) I shall have paid off all my debt by next month. (我到下个月就将还清所有的债务) pay for 付钱买,付出代价 ;pay the bill 付 账 ;pay back 还钱;还债;偿还 ; pay a visit to 拜访;pay attention to 注意 4) Who paid for (付钱)the book? 5) All the money you borrowed from the bank ______________.(必须归还) ( must be paid back)
eg. I forbid you to tell anyone/forbid your telling anyone. 我禁止你告诉任何人. It is forbidden to do sth. 做某事是被禁止的 eg. It is forbidden to take photograph in the museum. 在博物馆照相是不允许的。 forbid + that-clause (should)+ 动词原形 eg. The teacher forbade those who were late for the exam (should) enter the classroom. 老师不允许考试迟到的人进入考场。
区分object,oppose,resist 1. object常指“用言论或论据等表示反对”, 着重“个人嫌厌”和由于与个人有关而提出反 对意见。 2. oppose 为常用词,指“对某人、某事采取积 极行动来反对”,着重行动,尤指反对一种观 念、思想、计划等。 3. resist 指“积极地反抗、对抗”、“用武力 阻止”。
9 Other countries such as China and the UK continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. 其他国家比如中国和英国继续收 集克隆能提供丰富的医疗帮助的证据。 accumulate可作及物动词和不及物动词,表 示: 收集, 聚集, 堆积。
1. It is a difficult task to undertake.(掌) (undertook; undertaken) undertake v. 从事, 保证 1) I’ll undertake your security. 我将保证 你的安全. 2) He undertook to finish the job by Friday. 他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。 (undertake to do sth 许诺做某事;同意 做某事)
10 Is it in favor of cloning or against? in favor of =be for 支持;赞成 反义词组: be against 反对
We (are all in favor of/are all for)your suggestion.(我们都赞同你的建议) in sb’s favor 对某人有利 do sb. a favor (=do a favor for sb.) 帮某人一个忙 do sb. the favor to do sth (=do sb. a favor by doing sth.) 帮忙做某事
have /make a strong /great impact on „. 对„ 有(产生)巨大影响 The anti-smoking campaign has/makes a strong/great impact on young people. (有极大的影响)
6. obtain (理解词汇) vt. & vi. 得到,获得 I haven’t been able to obtain that book. 我还没有得到那本书。 Further information can be obtained from head office by calling up the secretary. 进一步的信息可以通过给秘书打电话从 总公司获取。
2. But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off in 1996 with a breakthrough ---the cloning of Dolly the sheep. 但是决心和耐心使科学家们最终于1996 年 收获了突破性的结果-----克隆羊多莉
7 newspapers wrote of evil leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions. attain(无要求) vt. & vi. 完成,获得,达到 He worked very hard in order to attain his goals. The car can attain a top speed of almost 100 miles per hour.这台车差不多可以达到最高时速100英 里。【拓展】attainment n. 获得,(pl.)成就, 造诣His attainments in the field of Chinese medicine amazed people around the town.