



深度学习与浅度学习的英文作文English:In the field of machine learning, deep learning and shallow learning are two different approaches to training a model to make predictions or decisions. Shallow learning, also known as traditional machine learning, involves the use of algorithms that rely on manually-engineered features to make predictions. These algorithms are typically used for tasks such as classification and regression, and they require extensive feature engineering to extract relevant information from the input data. On the other hand, deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to automatically learn hierarchical representations of data. These neural networks are composed of multiple layers of interconnected nodes, and they are capable of learning intricate patterns and features directly from the raw input data, eliminating the need for manual feature engineering. Deep learning has shown remarkable success in tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and reinforcement learning, outperforming traditional shallow learning methods in many cases. However, deep learning models oftenrequire large amounts of labeled data and computational resourcesto train effectively, which can be a limitation in some applications.Translated content:在机器学习领域,深度学习和浅度学习是训练模型进行预测或决策的两种不同方法。



客观因素导致研究存在局限性。 未来研究可以进一步拓展和深化。 对研究领域的发展方向提出了建设性的建议。
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研究还发现,无标签数据可 以有效地用于预训练模型, 提高模型的泛化能力,从而 减少有标签数据的数量。
本文所提出的深度神经网络 模型在多个尺度和不同感受 野下均具有较好的性能表现 ,取得了很好的分类效果。
1 2
对实验获得的数据进行全面、客观的分析,包 括各项指标的平均值、标准差、置信区间等。
• 研究背景和目的 • 研究内容和结果 • 结果分析和讨论 • 结论 • 参考文献
介绍研究问题的重要性和现实意义 简要概述已有研究成果和不足之处 强调本研究的创新性和与之前研究的区别
明确本研究的研究问题和目的 强调研究的重点和难点 指出研究的前瞻性和突破性
运用适当的统计方法处理和分析数据,如回归 分析、方差分析、卡方检验等。
将数据以图表形式呈现,如折线图、柱状图、 饼图等,使数据更加直观明了。
将实验组与对照组进行比较,分 析实验组与对照组之间的差异及 其原因。
对多组数据进行时间序列分析, 比较各组之间的差异及其趋势。
在不同条件下进行实验,比较不 同条件下的结果,分析条件对结 果的影响。



人工智能:概述与发展趋势1. 引言人工智能(Artificial Intelligence,简称AI)作为计算机科学的一个重要领域,旨在使计算机能够完成类似人类的智能任务。



2. 人工智能的概念人工智能是一门研究如何使计算机能够像人一样思考、学习、推理和决策的科学与技术,旨在构建智能的机器。


3. 人工智能的发展历程人工智能的发展可以追溯到20世纪50年代。





4. 人工智能的应用领域目前,人工智能已经广泛应用于各个领域,其应用带来了巨大的经济效益和社会价值。

以下是人工智能在一些领域的应用示例:4.1 自然语言处理自然语言处理(Natural Language Processing,简称NLP)是人工智能的一个重要分支,旨在使计算机能够理解和处理人类语言。


4.2 机器视觉机器视觉是人工智能的另一个重要分支,旨在使计算机能够理解和处理图像和视频。


4.3 机器学习机器学习(Machine Learning)是人工智能的核心技术之一,旨在使计算机能够从数据中学习和改进性能。


4.4 智能交通智能交通是人工智能在交通领域的应用,旨在提高交通效率和安全性。



机器学习论文以下是一些热门的机器学习论文的例子:1. "A Few-shot Learning Approach for Object Recognition on Omni-directional Images" - 提出了一种在全方位图像上进行对象识别的少量样本学习方法。

2. "Generative Adversarial Networks" - 引入了生成对抗网络(GAN)的概念,用于生成高质量的图像、音乐等。

3. "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" - 提出了一个深度残差学习模型,大大提升了图像识别任务的性能。

4. "Attention Is All You Need" - 提出了一个完全基于注意力机制的神经网络模型,用于自然语言处理任务。

5. "Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks" - 使用深度卷积生成对抗网络(DCGAN)来进行无监督的特征学习。

6. "DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification" - 提出了一个基于深度学习的方法,将面部验证的性能提升到接近人类水平。

7. "Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate" - 使用神经网络模型来进行机器翻译,并通过联合学习对齐和翻译来改进结果。

8. "Spatial Transformer Networks" - 引入了一个空间变换网络,可以在神经网络中自动学习对输入进行几何变换。



人工智能机器学习论文人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)是近年来飞速发展的一个热门领域,其应用范围涉及到了许多不同的领域,包括医疗、金融、交通等。

而机器学习(Machine Learning)则是人工智能的核心技术之一,它通过让机器从数据中学习并改进自身的性能。

1. 介绍人工智能机器学习的背景和概念人工智能是指通过模拟人类智能行为和思维的技术和方法,使计算机具有某些智能特征。



2. 人工智能机器学习的基本原理和主要方法2.1 监督学习监督学习是机器学习中最常用的方法之一,它通过使用带有标记的训练数据来训练模型。




2.2 无监督学习无监督学习是指在训练数据中没有预先给定目标输出的情况下进行学习。



2.3 强化学习强化学习是一种通过试错的学习方法,即在不断与环境进行交互的过程中,根据环境的反馈信息来调整自身的行为。



3. 人工智能机器学习在实际应用中的案例3.1 医疗领域中的机器学习应用在医疗领域,人工智能机器学习技术被广泛应用于疾病诊断、药物研发和临床决策等方面。



3.2 金融领域中的机器学习应用在金融领域,机器学习被用于风险评估、交易预测和欺诈检测等方面。







以下是一些深度学习的论文素材:1.《ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks》(AlexNet)这是一篇经典的深度神经网络论文,提出了卷积神经网络(CNN)在大规模图像分类任务中的应用。


2.《Generative Adversarial Nets》(GAN)GAN是一种使用生成模型和判别模型相互对抗的方法,在图像生成、图像修复等任务中表现出色。



以下是一些强化学习的论文素材:1.《Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning》(DQN)DQN是深度强化学习的典范,通过结合深度神经网络和Q-learning算法,使得机器能够在Atari游戏中获得与人类相媲美的表现。


2.《Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search》(AlphaGo)AlphaGo是谷歌DeepMind团队开发的一个人工智能程序,通过深度神经网络和蒙特卡洛树搜索等算法,成为了第一个战胜顶尖围棋选手的计算机程序。





人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Networks)是参照生物神经网络发展起来的模拟人脑生物过程的人工智能技术。




BP网络和RBFNN网络的分析与比较1 BP网络原理BP神经网络也称为误差后向传播神经网络,它是一种无反馈的前向网络,是神经网络模型中使用最广泛的一类。


1.1 Sigmoid 阈值单元图 1Sigmoid 单元先计算它的输入的线性组合,然后应用到一个阈值上,阈值输出是输入的连续函数()o w x σ=其中1.2 反向传播算法BP 网络可以有多层,我们采用梯度下降方法试图最小化网络输出值和目标值之间的误差平方,首先定义网络输出的总误差:X 1 X 2X ye y -+=11)(σ∑∑∈∈-=D d outpusk kd kd o t w E 2)(21)(其中:outputs 是网络输出单元的集合,t kd 和o kd 是与训练样例d 和第k 个输出单元相关的输出值。

1.2.1 随机梯度下降法两层sigmoid 单元的前馈网络的反向传播算法如下: BackPropagation(training_examples, η, n in , n out , n hidden )training_examples 是序偶<x , t >的集合,x是网络输入值向量,t 是目标输出值。




论⽂标题:MobileNets:Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Appliications论⽂作者:Andrew G.Howard Menglong Zhu Bo Chen .....代码地址:声明:⼩编翻译论⽂仅为学习,如有侵权请联系⼩编删除博⽂,谢谢!⼩编是⼀个机器学习初学者,打算认真学习论⽂,但是英⽂⽔平有限,所以论⽂翻译中⽤到了Google,并⾃⼰逐句检查过,但还是会有显得晦涩的地⽅,如有语法/专业名词翻译错误,还请见谅,并欢迎及时指出。

如果需要⼩编其他论⽂翻译,请移步⼩编的GitHub地址 传送门:摘要 我们提出⼀个在移动端和嵌⼊式应⽤⾼效的分类模型叫做MobileNets,MobileNets基于流线型架构(streamlined),使⽤深度可分类卷积(depthwise separable convolutions,即Xception 变体结构)来构建轻量级深度神经⽹络。





1,引⾔ ⾃从AlexNet [19]通过赢得ImageNet挑战:ILSVRC 2012 [24]来推⼴深度卷积神经⽹络以来,卷积神经⽹络就已经在计算机视觉中变得⽆处不在。






with softmax regression to solve multi-classificationIn these notes, we describe the Softmax regression model. This model generalizes logistic regression to classification problems where the class label y can take on more than two possible values. This will be useful for such problems as MNIST digit classification, where the goal is to distinguish between 10 different numerical digits. Softmax regression is a supervised learning algorithm, but we will later be using it in conjuction with our deep learning/unsupervised feature learning methods.Recall that in logistic regression, we had a trainingset of m labeled examples, where the input features are . (In this set of notes, we will use thenotational convention of letting the feature vectors x be n+ 1 dimensional, with x0 = 1 corresponding to the intercept term.) With logistic regression, we were in the binary classification setting, so the labelswere . Our hypothesis took the form:and the model parameters θ were trained to minimize the cost functionIn the softmax regression setting, we are interested in multi-class classification (as opposed to only binary classification), and so thelabel y can take on k different values, rather than only two. Thus, in our training set , we now havethat . (Note that our convention will be to index theclasses starting from 1, rather than from 0.) For example, in the MNIST digit recognition task, we would have k = 10 different classes.Given a test input x, we want our hypothesis to estimate the probabilitythat p(y = j | x) for each value of . I.e., we want to estimatethe probability of the class label taking on each of the k different possible values. Thus, our hypothesis will output a k dimensional vector (whose elements sum to 1) giving us our k estimated probabilities. Concretely, our hypothesis hθ(x) takes the form:Here are the parameters of our model. Noticethat the term normalizes the distribution, so that it sums to one.For convenience, we will also write θ to denote all the parameters of our model. When you implement softmax regression, it is usually convenient to represent θ as a k-by-(n + 1) matrix obtained by stackingup in rows, so thatWe now describe the cost function that we'll use for softmax regression. In the equation below, is the indicator function, so that 1{a truestatement} = 1, and 1{a false statement} = 0. For example, 1{2 + 2 =4} evaluates to 1; whereas1{1 + 1 = 5} evaluates to 0. Our cost function will be:Notice that this generalizes the logistic regression cost function, which could also have been written:The softmax cost function is similar, except that we now sum overthe k different possible values of the class label. Note also that insoftmax regression, we have that .There is no known closed-form way to solve for the minimum of J(θ), and thus as usual we'll resort to an iterative optimization algorithm such as gradient descent or L-BFGS. Taking derivatives, one can show that the gradient is:Recall the meaning of the "" notation. In particular, is itself avector, so that its l-th element is the partial derivative of J(θ) with respect to the l-th element of θj.Armed with this formula for the derivative, one can then plug it into an algorithm such as gradient descent, and have it minimize J(θ). For example, with the standard implementation of gradient descent, on eachiteration we would perform the update (foreach ).When implementing softmax regression, we will typically use a modified version of the cost function described above; specifically, one that incorporates weight decay. We describe the motivation and details below.Properties of softmax regression parameterizationSoftmax regression has an unusual property that it has a "redundant" set of parameters. To explain what this means, suppose we take each of our parameter vectors θj, and subtract some fixed vector ψ from it, so thatevery θj is now replaced withθj− ψ (for every ). Ourhypothesis now estimates the class label probabilities asIn other words, subtracting ψ from every θj does not affect our hypothesis' predictions at all! This shows that softmax regression's parameters are "redundant." More formally, we say that our softmax model is overparameterized, meaning that for any hypothesis we might fit to the data, there are multiple parameter settings that give rise to exactly the same hypothesis function hθ mapping from inputs x to the predictions.Further, if the cost function J(θ) is minimized by some setting of theparameters , then it is also minimizedby for any value of ψ. Thus, the minimizerof J(θ) is not unique. (Interestingly, J(θ) is still convex, and thus gradient descent will not run into a local optima problems. But the Hessian issingular/non-invertible, which causes a straightforward implementation of Newton's method to run into numerical problems.)Notice also that by setting ψ = θ1, one can alwaysreplace θ1 with (the vector of all 0's), without affecting the hypothesis. Thus, one could "eliminate" the vector of parameters θ1 (or any other θj, for any single value of j), without harming the representational power of our hypothesis. Indeed, rather than optimizing over the k(n + 1) parameters (where ), onecould instead set and optimize only with respect to the (k− 1)(n + 1)remaining parameters, and this would work fine.In practice, however, it is often cleaner and simpler to implement the version which keeps all the parameters , withoutarbitrarily setting one of them to zero. But we will make one change to the cost function: Adding weight decay. This will take care of the numerical problems associated with softmax regression's overparameterized representation.We will modify the cost function by adding a weight decayterm which penalizes large values of the parameters. Our cost function is nowWith this weight decay term (for any λ > 0), the cost function J(θ) is now strictly convex, and is guaranteed to have a unique solution. The Hessian is now invertible, and because J(θ) is convex, algorithms such as gradient descent, L-BFGS, etc. are guaranteed to converge to the global minimum.To apply an optimization algorithm, we also need the derivative of this new definition of J(θ). One can show that the derivativeis:By minimizing J(θ) with respect to θ, we will have a working implementation of softmax regression.In the special case where k = 2, one can show that softmax regression reduces to logistic regression. This shows that softmax regression is a generalization of logistic regression. Concretely, when k = 2, the softmax regression hypothesis outputsTaking advantage of the fact that this hypothesis is overparameterized and setting ψ = θ1, we can subtract θ1 from each of the two parameters, giving usThus, replacing θ2− θ1 with a single parameter vector θ', we find that softmax regression predicts the probability of one of the classesas , and that of the other class as , same as logistic regression.Suppose you are working on a music classification application, and there are k types of music that you are trying to recognize. Should you use a softmax classifier, or should you build k separate binary classifiers using logistic regression?This will depend on whether the four classes are mutually exclusive. For example, if your four classes are classical, country, rock, and jazz, then assuming each of your training examples is labeled with exactly one of these four class labels, you should build a softmax classifier with k = 4. (If there're also some examples that are none of the above four classes, then you can set k = 5 in softmax regression, and also have a fifth, "none of the above," class.)If however your categories are has_vocals, dance, soundtrack, pop, then the classes are not mutually exclusive; for example, there can be a piece of pop music that comes from a soundtrack and in addition has vocals. In this case, it would be more appropriate to build 4 binary logistic regression classifiers. This way, for each new musical piece, your algorithm can separately decide whether it falls into each of the four categories.Now, consider a computer vision example, where you're trying to classify images into three different classes. (i) Suppose that your classes are indoor_scene, outdoor_urban_scene, and outdoor_wilderness_scene. Would you use sofmax regression or three logistic regression classifiers? (ii) Now suppose your classes are indoor_scene,black_and_white_image, and image_has_people. Would you use softmax regression or multiple logistic regression classifiers?In the first case, the classes are mutually exclusive, so a softmax regression classifier would be appropriate. In the second case, it would be more appropriate to build three separate logistic regression classifiers.。



机器学习在推荐系统中的应用与研究进展(英文中文双语版优质文档)A recommendation system is a system that recommends personalized content for users, and it has become an integral part of our daily lives. With the continuous development of Internet technology and artificial intelligence, the application scope of the recommendation system is also expanding, involving e-commerce, social networking, news, music and other fields. In the recommendation system, machine learning is a commonly used technical method. Through the analysis and mining of user behavior data, user portraits are established to provide users with more accurate and personalized recommendation services.1. The development history of recommendation systemThe development of recommender systems can be divided into four stages: content-based recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation, hybrid recommendation, and deep learning recommendation.Content-based recommendation is the earliest form of recommendation system, which recommends similar items for users by analyzing and matching the content attributes of items. However, this method has problems such as narrow information and low recommendation accuracy.Collaborative filtering recommendation is the second stage of the recommendation system. It analyzes and mines the user's historical behavior data, finds other users or items similar to the user's interests, and recommends similar items for the user. Compared with content-based recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation can overcome the problem of narrow information, but it also has problems such as data sparseness and cold start problem.Hybrid recommendation is the third stage of the recommendation system, which combines multiple recommendation algorithms to improve the accuracy and diversity of recommendations. Hybrid recommendation can overcome the limitations of a single recommendation algorithm, but it also has the problem of algorithm combination, and it is difficult to choose the optimal algorithm combination.Deep learning recommendation is the latest stage of recommendation system. It uses the powerful expression ability and feature learning ability of neural network to learn user interest characteristics and item characteristics from massive user behavior data to provide users with personalized recommendation services. Compared with traditional recommendation algorithms, deep learning recommendation has higher accuracy and stronger universality.2. Application of machine learning in recommendation systemMachine learning is one of the most commonly used technical means in recommendation systems. It analyzes and mines user behavior data to establish user portraits and provide users with more accurate and personalized recommendation services. The application of machine learning in recommender systems can be divided into the following aspects:1. Feature engineeringIn the recommendation system, feature engineering is a very important link. It converts raw data into feature representations that machine learning algorithms can understand by extracting and transforming attributes of users and items. These characteristics may include the user's age, gender, occupation, geographic location, etc., as well as the category, label, description, etc. of the item. The quality of feature engineering will directly affect the effect of the recommendation algorithm.2. Recommendation algorithmRecommendation algorithm is the core application of machine learning in recommendation system. Commonly used recommendation algorithms include content-based recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation, matrix factorization recommendation, deep learning recommendation, etc. Each recommendation algorithm has its advantages and disadvantages, and it needs to be selected according to the specific situation.3. Model trainingIn the recommendation system, model training is a very important link. It learns from historical user behavior data, builds a model, and predicts the future behavior of users. Model training can use various machine learning methods such as supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.4. Ranking of recommendation resultsIn recommender systems, the ranking of recommendation results is also very important. The recommendation algorithm can generate multiple recommendation results, but how to sort these results to improve the click rate and conversion rate of users is a very critical issue. Sorting can use a variety of machine learning methods, such as sorting based on logistic regression, sorting based on neural networks, and so on.3. Research progress of machine learning in recommendation systemIn recent years, research on machine learning in recommender systems has progressed very rapidly. Here are some research hotspots:1. Incremental learningIncremental learning is a learning method that can update the model online. In recommender systems, incremental learning can improve the real-time and accuracy of models. For example, when the user's behavior changes, the model can be updated quickly to improve the accuracy and real-time performance of the recommendation.2. Integrated LearningEnsemble learning is a method of combining multiple models to improve model performance. In the recommendation system, integrated learning can combine multiple recommendation algorithms to improve the accuracy and diversity of recommendations. For example, algorithms such as content-based recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation, and deep learning recommendation can be combined to improve the recommendation effect.3. Transfer LearningTransfer learning is a method to improve the learning performance of target domain by exploiting source domain data. In the recommendation system, transfer learning can use the existing historical data of users and items to make recommendations in new fields. For example, when migrating a recommendation system from one e-commerce website to another, existing user and item historical data can be used to improve the performance of the new recommendation system.4. Deep LearningDeep learning also has many applications in recommender systems. For example, deep learning models can be used to extract feature representations of users and items to further improve the accuracy and effectiveness of recommendations. In recent years, some new deep learning models, such as self-attention network, graph convolution network, etc., have also achieved good application results in recommendation systems.5. Interpretability of recommender systemsInterpretability of recommender systems is a research hotspot in recent years. The results of recommender systems are usually black-box, and it is difficult for users to understand why they get these recommended results. Therefore, how to improve the explainability of the recommendation system so that users can understand the reason and process of the recommendation has also become a direction of research.4. Application cases of machine learning in recommendation system1. Amazon recommendation systemAmazon is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, and its recommendation system is one of the important reasons for its success. Amazon's recommendation system uses a variety of algorithms such as content-based recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation, and deep learning recommendation to provide users with personalized recommendation services.2. Netflix recommendation systemNetflix is one of the largest video streaming service providers in the world, and its recommendation system is also one of the important reasons for its success. Netflix's recommendation system uses various algorithms such as matrix decomposition recommendation and content-based recommendation, which can provide users with personalized movie and TV series recommendations.3. Tencent Video Recommendation SystemTencent Video is one of the largest online video platforms in China, and its recommendation system is also one of the important reasons for its success. The recommendation system of Tencent Video uses a variety of algorithms such as collaborative filtering recommendation and deep learning recommendation, which can provide users with personalized video recommendations.4. Zhihu Recommendation SystemZhihu is one of the largest knowledge communities in China, and its recommendation system is one of the reasons for its success. Zhihu’s recommendation system uses various algorithms such as content-based recommendation and collaborative filtering recommendation to provide users with personalized questions, topics and user recommendations. Zhihu also improves the explainability and user experience of the recommendation system by means of recommendation reasons and recommendation quality evaluation.5. Toutiao Recommendation SystemToutiao is one of the largest information platforms in China, and its recommendation system is also one of the important reasons for its success. Toutiao's recommendation system uses various algorithms such as content-based recommendation, collaborative filtering recommendation, and deep learning recommendation to provide users with personalized information recommendations. Toutiao also improves the explainability and user experience of the recommendation system through user feedback and recommendation reasons.推荐系统是一种为用户推荐个性化内容的系统,它已经成为了我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。



大学生转专业自我介绍英文版Hello, everyone! My name is Li Hua, and I am currently a sophomore student majoring in Computer Science at our esteemed university. It is with great enthusiasm and anticipation that I am here today to introduce myself and express my desire to transfer to the field of Psychology. My journey in Computer Science has been insightful and rewarding. I have gained valuable skills in programming, data analysis, and problem-solving, which have equipped me with a solid foundation in the technical aspects of my current major. However, as I delved deeper into my studies, I realized that my true passion lies in understanding and exploring the complexities of human behavior and the mind. My interest in Psychology stemmed from a personal curiosity about the intricate workings of the human mind. I am fascinated by the intersection of cognitive processes, emotions, and social interactions, and how these factors influence our daily lives. This realization led me to explore Psychology through various courses, books, and online resources, which further ignited my passion for this field.In addition to my academic pursuits, I have actively participated in various extracurricular activities related to Psychology. I have volunteered at a local mental health clinic, where I had the opportunity to observe and interact with patients, gaining insights into the practical applications of psychological principles. This experience not only deepened my understanding of the field but also confirmed my desire to pursue Psychology as a career.Moreover, I believe that my technical background in Computer Science will serve as a unique asset in my transition to Psychology. The increasing integration of technology in the field of Psychology, such as in the areas of data analysis, machine learning, and virtual reality, offers exciting opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration. My proficiency in these areas will enable me to contribute to innovative research and practices in Psychology.In conclusion, I am excited about the prospect of transferring to Psychology and embarking on a new journeyin this fascinating field. I am confident that my passion, coupled with my technical background and experience, willenable me to make significant contributions to the field of Psychology. Thank you for considering my application, and I am eager to explore the opportunities that lie ahead.**大学生转专业自我介绍中文版**大家好!我叫李华,目前是本校计算机科学专业的一名大二学生。



1. Machine Learning
1.1 The definition of machine learning
Currently , the accurate definition of machine learning : for certain assignment T and performance metrics P, if a computer program to measure the performance of P and along with the experience of self-improvement on T, then we call the computer program is learning
process is very critical. Genetic algorithm can solve this problem to some extend as a optimization algorithm. Genetic algorithm not only can choose the feature that not only reflects the original information, but also have a significant impact on the classification results. There are three kinds of operation in GA. Selection-reproduction, crossover, as well as mutation. We usually do as follows: Choose N chromosomes from population S in N separate times. The probability of one individual being chosen is P(xi). The computational formula of P(xi) :







论文推荐1. "A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning" by Pedro Domingos (2012)这篇论文总结了作者多年从事机器学习研究和实践中积累的经验,并提供了一些有关数据集、模型选择、特征工程等方面的实用技巧。


2. "A Neural Probabilistic Language Model" by Yoshua Bengio et al. (2003)这篇论文提出了神经概率语言模型(Neural Probabilistic Language Model),将词语表示为低维向量,并通过神经网络学习其表示和概率分布,从而解决了语言模型中的一些问题。


3. "Support-Vector Networks" by Bernhard Schölkopf et al. (1995)这篇论文介绍了支持向量机(Support Vector Machines, SVM)算法,提出了构建最大间隔超平面的思想,并讨论了其在分类和回归任务中的应用。

SVM 是一种非常强大且广泛应用的机器学习方法,在这篇论文中你将对其原理有一个深入的了解。

4. "Learning to Detect Objects in Images via a Sparse,Part-Based Representation" by Piotr Dollar et al. (2009)这篇论文介绍了一种基于稀疏表达和部件划分的图像目标检测方法。



近年来,机器学习(Machine Learning)作为一个跨学科领域,引起了广泛的关注。















机器学习的常用方法,主要分为监督学习(supervised learning)和无监督学习 (unsupervised learning)。 首先看,什么是学习(learning)?一个成语就可概括:举一反三。以高考 为例, 高考的题目在上考场前我们未必做过,但在高中三年我们做过很多很多题 目,懂解题方法,因此考场上面对陌生问题也可以算出答案。机器学习的思路也 类似: 我们能不能利用一些训练数据 (已经做过的题) , 使机器能够利用它们 (解 题方法)分析未知数据(高考的题目)? 最简单也最普遍的一类机器学习算法就是分类(classification)。对于分类, 输入的训练数据有特征(feature),有标签(label)。所谓的学习,其本质就是 找到特征和标签之间的关系(mapping)。这样当有特征而无标签的未知数据输 入时,我们就可以通过已有的关系得到未知数据的标签。 在上述的分类过程中,如果所有训练数据都有标签,则称为监督学习 (supervised learning)。如果数据没有标签,显然就是无监督学习(unsupervised learning)了,也即聚类(clustering)。 常见的监督学习方法有 k 近邻法(k-nearest neighbor,KNN)、决策树、朴 素贝叶斯法、支持向量机(SVM)、感知机和神经网络等等;无监督学习方法 有划分法、层次法、密度算法、图论聚类法、网格算法和模型算法几大类,常见 的具体算法有 K-means 算法、K-medoids 算法和模糊聚类法(FCM)。
k accuracy k accuracy 1 0.69375 7 0.7625 2 0.73125 8 0.7375 3 0.725 9 0.74375 4 0.73125 10 0.7375 5 0.73125 11 0.71875 6 0.75 12 0.7375



with softmax regression to solve multi-classificationIn these notes, we describe the Softmax regression model. This model generalizes logistic regression to classification problems where the class label y can take on more than two possible values. This will be useful for such problems as MNIST digit classification, where the goal is to distinguish between 10 different numerical digits. Softmax regression is a supervised learning algorithm, but we will later be using it in conjuction with our deep learning/unsupervised feature learning methods.Recall that in logistic regression, we had a trainingset of m labeled examples, where the input features are . (In this set of notes, we will use thenotational convention of letting the feature vectors x be n+ 1 dimensional, with x0 = 1 corresponding to the intercept term.) With logistic regression, we were in the binary classification setting, so the labelswere . Our hypothesis took the form:and the model parameters θ were trained to minimize the cost functionIn the softmax regression setting, we are interested in multi-class classification (as opposed to only binary classification), and so thelabel y can take on k different values, rather than only two. Thus, in our training set , we now havethat . (Note that our convention will be to index the classes starting from 1, rather than from 0.) For example, in the MNIST digit recognition task, we would have k = 10 different classes.Given a test input x, we want our hypothesis to estimate the probability that p(y = j | x) for each value of . I.e., we want to estimatethe probability of the class label taking on each of the k different possible values. Thus, our hypothesis will output a k dimensional vector (whose elements sum to 1) giving us our k estimated probabilities. Concretely, our hypothesis hθ(x) takes the form:Here are the parameters of our model. Noticethat the term normalizes the distribution, so that it sums to one.For convenience, we will also write θ to denote all the parameters of our model. When you implement softmax regression, it is usually convenient to represent θ as a k-by-(n + 1) matrix obtained by stackingup in rows, so thatWe now describe the cost function that we'll use for softmax regression. In the equation below, is the indicator function, so that 1{a truestatement} = 1, and 1{a false statement} = 0. For example, 1{2 + 2 =4} evaluates to 1; whereas1{1 + 1 = 5} evaluates to 0. Our cost function will be:Notice that this generalizes the logistic regression cost function, which could also have been written:The softmax cost function is similar, except that we now sum overthe k different possible values of the class label. Note also that insoftmax regression, we have that .There is no known closed-form way to solve for the minimum of J(θ), and thus as usual we'll resort to an iterative optimization algorithm such as gradient descent or L-BFGS. Taking derivatives, one can show that the gradient is:Recall the meaning of the "" notation. In particular, is itself avector, so that its l-th element is the partial derivative of J(θ) with respect to the l-th element of θj.Armed with this formula for the derivative, one can then plug it into an algorithm such as gradient descent, and have it minimize J(θ). For example, with the standard implementation of gradient descent, on eachiteration we would perform the update (foreach ).When implementing softmax regression, we will typically use a modified version of the cost function described above; specifically, one that incorporates weight decay. We describe the motivation and details below.Properties of softmax regression parameterizationSoftmax regression has an unusual property that it has a "redundant" set of parameters. To explain what this means, suppose we take each of our parameter vectors θj, and subtract some fixed vector ψ from it, so thatevery θj is now replaced withθj− ψ (for every ). Our hypothesis now estimates the class label probabilities asIn other words, subtracting ψ from every θj does not affect our hypothesis' predictions at all! This shows that softmax regression's parameters are "redundant." More formally, we say that our softmax model is overparameterized, meaning that for any hypothesis we might fit to the data, there are multiple parameter settings that give rise to exactly the same hypothesis function hθ mapping from inputs x to the predictions.Further, if the cost function J(θ) is minimized by some setting of theparameters , then it is also minimizedby for any value of ψ. Thus, the minimizerof J(θ) is not unique. (Interestingly, J(θ) is still convex, and thus gradient descent will not run into a local optima problems. But the Hessian issingular/non-invertible, which causes a straightforward implementation of Newton's method to run into numerical problems.)Notice also that by setting ψ = θ1, one can alwaysreplace θ1 with (the vector of all 0's), without affecting the hypothesis. Thus, one could "eliminate" the vector of parameters θ1 (or any other θj, for any single value of j), without harming the representational power of our hypothesis. Indeed, rather than optimizingover the k(n + 1) parameters (where ), onecould instead set and optimize only with respect to the (k− 1)(n + 1)remaining parameters, and this would work fine.In practice, however, it is often cleaner and simpler to implement the version which keeps all the parameters , withoutarbitrarily setting one of them to zero. But we will make one change to the cost function: Adding weight decay. This will take care of the numerical problems associated with softmax regression's overparameterized representation.We will modify the cost function by adding a weight decayterm which penalizes large values of the parameters. Our cost function is nowWith this weight decay term (for any λ > 0), the cost function J(θ) is now strictly convex, and is guaranteed to have a unique solution. The Hessian is now invertible, and because J(θ) is convex, algorithms such as gradient descent, L-BFGS, etc. are guaranteed to converge to the global minimum.To apply an optimization algorithm, we also need the derivative of this new definition of J(θ). One can show that the derivativeis:By minimizing J(θ) with respect to θ, we will have a working implementation of softmax regression.In the special case where k = 2, one can show that softmax regression reduces to logistic regression. This shows that softmax regression is a generalization of logistic regression. Concretely, when k = 2, the softmax regression hypothesis outputsTaking advantage of the fact that this hypothesis is overparameterized and setting ψ = θ1, we can subtract θ1 from each of the two parameters, giving usThus, replacing θ2− θ1 with a single parameter vector θ', we find that softmax regression predicts the probability of one of the classesas , and that of the other class as , same as logistic regression.Suppose you are working on a music classification application, and there are k types of music that you are trying to recognize. Should you use a softmax classifier, or should you build k separate binary classifiers using logistic regression?This will depend on whether the four classes are mutually exclusive. For example, if your four classes are classical, country, rock, and jazz, then assuming each of your training examples is labeled with exactly one of these four class labels, you should build a softmax classifier with k = 4. (If there're also some examples that are none of the above four classes, then you can set k = 5 in softmax regression, and also have a fifth, "none of the above," class.)If however your categories are has_vocals, dance, soundtrack, pop, then the classes are not mutually exclusive; for example, there can be a piece of pop music that comes from a soundtrack and in addition has vocals. In this case, it would be more appropriate to build 4 binary logistic regression classifiers. This way, for each new musical piece, your algorithm can separately decide whether it falls into each of the four categories.Now, consider a computer vision example, where you're trying to classify images into three different classes. (i) Suppose that your classes are indoor_scene, outdoor_urban_scene, and outdoor_wilderness_scene. Would you use sofmax regression or three logistic regression classifiers? (ii) Now suppose your classes are indoor_scene,black_and_white_image, and image_has_people. Would you use softmax regression or multiple logistic regression classifiers?In the first case, the classes are mutually exclusive, so a softmax regression classifier would be appropriate. In the second case, it would be more appropriate to build three separate logistic regression classifiers.。



机器学习模型在金融领域的应用研究(英文中文双语版优质文档)In recent years, the application of machine learning in the financial field has become more and more widespread. As financial markets become more complex, machine learning models can more accurately predict financial market trends and make investment decisions. This article will discuss the application research of machine learning in the field of finance.1. Financial Risk ManagementFinancial risk management is one of the most important tasks in the financial field. Machine learning can be used to predict different types of risk, such as credit risk, market risk, and operational risk. Using machine learning models, financial institutions can more accurately assess different types of risks and take appropriate measures to reduce them.2. Stock Price PredictionStock price forecasting is one of the most important problems in finance. Machine learning can be used to predict trends and changes in stock prices. For example, deep learning-based recurrent neural networks can be utilized to predict future stock prices. These models can be trained using large amounts of historical data to more accurately predict future trends.3. Quantitative investment strategyMachine learning can be used to develop quantitative investment strategies. Quantitative investment strategies are based on mathematical and statistical methods, using a large amount of historical data to formulate investment strategies. Using machine learning, you can more accurately predict stock price changes and market trends, so as to formulate more accurate investment strategies.4. Financial Fraud DetectionFinancial fraud detection is one of the important problems in the financial field. Using machine learning, financial transactions can be monitored and analyzed in real time to detect possible fraud. For example, deep learning-based neural networks can be used to identify fraudulent behavior and take corresponding measures to prevent it from happening.5. Credit EvaluationCredit assessment is another important problem in the financial field. Machine learning can be used to predict a borrower's creditworthiness and default risk. Using machine learning models, the personal information and historical data of borrowers can be automatically analyzed and evaluated to more accurately predict their default risk.In general, machine learning is widely used in the financial field, which can help financial institutions more accurately assess risks, predict market trends and formulate investment strategies, as well as detect fraudulent behavior and assess the credit level of borrowers. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous growth of data, the application prospect of machine learning in the financial field is very broad.In addition to the above-mentioned applications, there are other emerging applications, such as using machine learning to predict exchange rate changes, analyze market sentiment, and predict financial crises. These applications can help investors better understand the market and make more informed investment decisions.However, machine learning models are not perfect and there are some challenges and issues. For example, the interpretability of the model is insufficient, there may be problems with the quality and reliability of the data, overfitting and underfitting, etc. Therefore, when applying a machine learning model, it is necessary to carefully evaluate and adjust the model, and to continuously optimize and improve it in practice.To sum up, the application of machine learning in the financial field is very important and promising. With the continuous development of technology and the continuous growth of data, machine learning models will be able to more accurately predict market trends and make investment decisions, helping investors and financial institutions gain an advantage in the highly competitive market.近年来,机器学习在金融领域的应用越来越广泛。



The methodology
Face Recognition
Firstly, apply PCA to reduce the number of features describing those images
Then apply LDA to refine the features.
Passwor d:
Traditional access control systems are not convenient and safety
Password: 2>It may be very slow. We
can always see a long line.
张京儒 Major Contribution 黄锦滨 The Methodology
林启迪 Advantages and Disadvantages 许权威 Suggest for improvement
Two problem being solved. Firstly, Current RFID technology does not distinguish the person holding the RFID card , in other words, any unauthorized people holding an authorized RFID card could get access to secured area, thus, it yields a security hole.
Major Contribution
Other contributions
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Face recognition:
2>It also spends lots of time to find the best match of the given face from its image database.
First,RFID could be read within different distance. Second,multiple RFID could be read simultaneously.
The methodology
Face Recognition
Firstly, apply PCA to reduce the number of features describing those images
Then apply LDA to refine the features.
Traditional access control systems are not convenient and safety
Key:1> could be easily lost or stolen.
2>It is limited.
Traditional access control systems are not convenient and safety 1>could be easily disclosed to unauthorized people.
among face images of different people.
LCA is Linear Discriminant Analysis.LDA is then applied to extract features with more discriminating power.
L-GEM is Local Generalization Error Model.The L-GEM provides an upper bound to the RBFNN.It can train the RBFNN.
Major Contribution
Other contributions
• The face recognition technique is adopted to predict the age of the buyers. • Self-service. As the bank ATM machine, if the user card or password is stolen, others may take cashes using your card. Face recognition will avoid this situation happenning.
Return the people owning the face image closest to the inquiry image
To solve this problem, biometrics identifications, like fingerprint identification , palmprint identification , voice identification and face recognition, are proposed to work with RFID for access controls.
The methodology
They combine RFID technology and face recognition to strengthen the security of the access control system. The authorization of using both RFID card and face recognition permits user to access quickly while providing more security.
Now,we must consider many biometrics identification methods.
biometrics identification
Fingerprint,palm print ——can be easily damaged.
Major Contribution
Higher precision
Methods Average
PCA & LDA 99.15%
Std. Dev.
Major Contribution
Wider range of applicability
Applications: Face recognition system of check on work attendance
L-GEM and the features train the RBFNN
The methodology
Face Recognition
30 face images are taken from this person. A RBFNN is trained by the LGEM and features extr acted by PCA and LDA. The training dataset of this RBFNN consists of 30 positive face images and other images from other people as negative images. In comparison to store all images, storing only the parameters of the RBFNN will save a lot of space and hence improve the system scalability.
Traditional access control systems are not convenient and safety
Face recognitio n:
1>It is costly.
Traditional access control systems are not convenient and safety
Before we talking about the second problem,we introduce something about how traditional face recognition system adopts PCA and LDA works.
extract features, distances from the inquiry face image to all face images in the databases.
The methodology
Face Recognition
RBFNN is Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFNN) .It is used to learn the face of authorized card holders.It has the advantages of global minimum, simple network structure and fast learning rate . But, the selection of the number of hidden neurons is difficult while it has a great influence to the
梁慰乐 The Problem Being Solved 张杰
Background Information
generalization capability of a RBFNN.
PCA is Principal Component Analysis .It provides the principal component feature for describing an image.It is good for describing an image,however features extracted by PCA does not yi eld a good discriminating power
However, these methods are time and resource consuming when the number of face images stored is very large. More importantly, this forces the system to select a person from the database as the recognition result of a given face. This is risky in access control. The above should be the second problem. Therefore, neural network learning is needed.