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A. ma n

B.woma n

A. boy

B. girl

A. He '

B. She '

A. Great

B. Welcome

)10. ----Nice to see you aga in!

( )1. A. gran dma B. gran dpa C. ice-cream ( )2. A. dad B .

teacher C. mom

( )3. A. boy B .


C .stude nt ( )4、A 、 Ch ina B 、panda C

、 Canada ( )5、A 、 friend B 、student C

、teacher ( )& A 、



、girl C

、 pupil

_ 、



— is that man? He is my gran dfather.

A. What

B. Who

找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在 13


'my gran dmother. ( )2.

—Wh6s that ? She (6 分)


()3. A: Who


B: She

'my mother.

A. man

B. woma n

C. girl

D. boy )4. A: Who

'that ma n?


is my father.

A. He

B. She

C. he

D. she

)5. A: Who 'that woma n? B: my mother.

A. She '

B. she '

C. he '

D. He '

)6. This

my friend, Ann. She

from America.

A. is …am

B. is

…is C. Is

…am D. Is


)7. A: Who 'this

B: He 'my brother. )8. A: Who ' this girl?

B: my sister.

)9. A: Let ' watch TV.


A. Nice to meet you!

B. Nice to see you, too.

( )11. ----Where are you from? ----_____________


0 * *HI



Can ada Australia USA

四、根据<A>栏中的问句,在<B>栏中选出正确答语。(10 分)

()1. Is she your sister? ()2. Who 's that boy? ()3. Let 's watch TV. ()4. Hello, Amy.

()5. Nice to meet you. ()6. Who 's that woma n? ()7. Have some tea.

A. Hello, Joh n.

B. Nice to meet you, too.

C. No, she is my friend.

's my gran dma.

's my brother.

D. She

E. He

F. Thank you.

G. OK.

()8. What's your name? ()9. Where are you from? ()10. Who's that man? H. rm from Chi na.

I. He's my gran dpa. J. My n ame is Tutu.


( )1. —Who is that woma n

—She is my .

()2. —Who is that man?

—He is my .

()3. —Who is that boy?

—He is my .

()4. —Who is this ?

—She is my sister. A. mother

A. I 'm from Can ada.

B. My name is Mike. ( )12. ----We have a new frie nd today! ---- ___________

A. Welcome! ()13. ----What

B. Good morni ng! 's your n ame? ----,

A. I 'm from Can ada.

B. My name is Mike.



A. Who ' that ma n?

B. Who ()2. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说:

(22 分)

'that boy? C. Who ' she?

A. This is my friend, Mike.

B. What ()3. 下午见到怀特小姐,你说:

A. Good morni ng, Miss White.

B. Good afternoo n, Miss White.

C. Good eve ning, Miss White. ()4、如何询问 你来自哪里? ”

A 、Where are you from?.

B 、How are you?.

C 、Nice to meet you. ()5、如何表达 我来自美国。”

A 、I'm from China.

B 、I'm from America

C 、I'm from Canada.


A 、How old are you?

B 、I 'm sorry.

C 、Nice to meet you. ()7、如何介绍你的朋友:

A 、Mynames ChenJie.

B 、I 'mfrom America

C 、This is myfriend,Amy.



A. Wait a mome nt, please.

B. Have a seat, please.


A 、Come in.

B 、 I 'm sorry.

C 、It ' OK.


A 、Welcome.

B 、What's you name?

C 、Goodbye. ()11、有人敲门,你叫他进来,该如何表达:

()5. ()6. ()7. ()8. ()9.


—Who is that ? —He is my father. —Who is that woma n? —She is my . —What a big !


—Have some ,please —Thank you.

—What do you like? —I like .

—Let ' —Great !

'•:A. man .woman

A. gran dmother an



B. i

.watch TV

A. ice-cream

A. hot dogs urgers d books 'your n ame? C. He is Mike.