








作者关键词:数控车床;场失败;概率模型;模糊信息文章概述绍介1.述2. 车的床概 CNC据3.整和数理收集据数收3.1. 集性据3.2. 的效效领域失数有库数和数据3.3. 核对据析效失4. 分4.1. 对失败位置和子系统的频率分析分4.2. 率败析失对的形式频型机失5.率模败学方5.1.法5.2. 分布倍之间连续的失败5.3. 发时修理间的行6.结论1.介绍在过去十年中,计算机数字化控制<CNC)车床已经越来越多地被引入到机械加工过程中。





需要改进数控车床的可靠性,使用户和制造商收集和分析领域的故障数据和采取措施1 / 17减少停机时间。





液供电动控制面可编开按控I/O电路磁继电编码刷滑伺服驱电动主编码电滑伺服驱主电机驱动器主轴机主轴电编码器显示器/键盘内存里程电路RS232C I/O设备供应板电池图1系统框图的数控车床机械系统包括主轴及其传动链<固定在主轴箱),两根滑动轴<命名X、Z或者U,W在轮),车床拖板箱,转动架或刀架,尾座,床身等。



摘要本工程为哈尔滨市某高校培训中心, 面积为54.6⨯15.6平方米。



本建筑十二层,总高度41.4米,室内外高差为0.45 米,女儿墙高1.2米。




本工程结构形式为钢筋混凝土现浇框架结构,框架柱混凝土强度等级为C30,一至六层柱子截面为750⨯750 mm2,七至十二层采用650⨯650 mm2,框架梁混凝土强度等级为C30,框架梁截面为300⨯600 mm2。



设计严格遵守我国现行规范,计算中包括地震荷载计算,内力组合,框架梁设计, 框架柱设计, 基础设计,楼板设计, 楼梯设计。

关键词:框架结构;钢筋混凝土;内力计算;内力组合;配筋计算AbstractThe project is a complex building named Trainning Center in university of Haerbin City .Construt base terrain is square area is 54.6⨯15.6 square meters. The build adopt reinforced concrete frame structure,the design base year is 50 years , the safe grade is 2 , and the earthquake intensity sale is 6.This building covers area of 852 square meters.The total building area is more than 9000 square meters. The main body is twelve frame constructions. Total height is 41.4 metres. The indoors and outside height is 0.45 metres. Parapets are 1.2 metres .The shape of the building is rectangle. The total length is 54.6 metres, total width is 15.6metres. The front door use glass door and the others choose solid wood doors. The windows use plastic-- steel windows. The design is formula. Constructs in the first floor is equipped with hall. In the building all kinds of facility is complete which suits the modernized work use.The structural form of the civil engineering is reinforced concrete casting frame .The strength class of the frame column is C30. The cross sections of the first floor to the six floor is 750⨯750 square metres, and the others are 650⨯650 square metres. The strength class of the frame beam is C30, and the cross sections are 300⨯600 square metres. The soil condition of the building site is good. The foundation burying depth is 2.1 metres, using foundation with the concrete of C25.The design process, including architectural design and structural design of two parts, In the design we use the knowledge we learned in the college to do my design step by step. Designs observe our country present standard strictly, in the computation including the earthquake load coputation, Endogenic force combination, frame beams design, Frame trestle design, Foundation design, Floor design, Staircase design. The method of the base shearing, force and the method of the D value are used.Key words:Frame Structure; reinforced concrete; Load Together; Internal Force Calculation; Reinforcement Calculated。















•表面速度:- 25 – 35m / s•切削深度:-1mm•大桥速度:- 17m/min•切割速度:- IPOcm/5min或1m/h每个刀片•机输出:- 640m/5day(8小时每天)在这样的条件下,生产浪费减至最低,产量确更高。









英文:High-Rise Buildings and StructuralDesignAbstract:It is difficult building . One may say that low-rise building ranges from 1 to 2 stories . A medium-rise building probably ranges between 3 or 4 stories up to 10 or 20 stories or more . Although the basic principles of vertical and horizontal subsystem design remain the same for low- , medium- , or high-rise buildings , when a building gets high the vertical subsystems become a controlling problem for two reasons . Higher vertical loads will require larger columns , walls , and shafts . But , more significantly , the overturning moment and the shear deflections produced by lateral forces are much larger and must be carefully provided for .Key Words:High-Rise Buildings Structural Design Framework Shear Seismic SystemIntroductionThe vertical subsystems in a high-rise building transmit accumulated gravity load from story to story , thus requiring larger column or wall sectionsto support such loading . In addition these same vertical subsystems must transmit lateral loads , such as wind or seismic loads , to the foundations. However , in contrast to vertical load , lateral load effects on buildings are not linear and increase rapidly with increase in height . For example under wind load , the overturning moment at the base of buildings varies approximately as the square of a buildings may vary as the fourth power of buildings height , other things being equal. Earthquake produces an even more pronounced effect.When the structure for a low-or medium-rise building is designed for dead and live load , it is almost an inherent property that the columns , walls , and stair or elevator shafts can carry most of the horizontal forces . The problem is primarily shear resistance . Moderate addition bracing for rigid frames in“short”buildings can e asily be provided by filling certain panels ( or even all panels ) without increasing the sizes of the columns and girders otherwise required for vertical loads.Unfortunately , this is not is for high-rise buildings because the problem is primarily resistance to moment and deflection rather than shear alone . Special structural arrangements will often have to be made and additional structural material is always required for the columns , girders , walls , and slabs in order to made a high-rise buildings sufficiently resistant to much higher lateral deformations .As previously mentioned , the quantity of structural material required persquare foot of floor of a high-rise buildings is in excess of that required for low-rise buildings . The vertical components carrying the gravity load , such as walls , columns , and shafts , will need to be strengthened over the full height of the buildings . But quantity of material required for resisting lateral forces is even more significant .With reinforced concrete , the quantity of material also increases as the number of stories increases . But here it should be noted that the increase in the weight of material added for gravity load is much more sizable than steel , whereas for wind load the increase for lateral force resistance is not that much more since the weight of a concrete buildings helps to resist overturn . On the other hand , the problem of design for earthquake forces . Additional mass in the upper floors will give rise to a greater overall lateral force under the of seismic effects .In the case of either concrete or steel design , there are certain basic principles for providing additional resistance to lateral to lateral forces and deflections in high-rise buildings without too much sacrifire in economy .1.Increase the effective width of the moment-resisting subsystems .This is very useful because increasing the width will cut down theoverturn force directly and will reduce deflection by the third powerof the width increase , other things remaining cinstant . However ,this does require that vertical components of the widened subsystembe suitably connected to actually gain this benefit.2.Design subsystems such that the components are made to interact inthe most efficient manner . For example , use truss systems with chords and diagonals efficiently stressed , place reinforcing for walls at critical locations , and optimize stiffness ratios for rigid frames . 3.Increase the material in the most effective resisting components . Forexample , materials added in the lower floors to the flanges of columns and connecting girders will directly decrease the overall deflection and increase the moment resistance without contributing mass in the upper floors where the earthquake problem is aggravated .4.Arrange to have the greater part of vertical loads be carried directlyon the primary moment-resisting components . This will help stabilize the buildings against tensile overturning forces by precompressing the major overturn-resisting components .5.The local shear in each story can be best resisted by strategicplacement if solid walls or the use of diagonal members in a vertical subsystem . Resisting these shears solely by vertical members in bending is usually less economical , since achieving sufficient bending resistance in the columns and connecting girders will require more material and construction energy than using walls or diagonal members .6.Sufficient horizontal diaphragm action should be provided floor .This will help to bring the various resisting elements to work togetherinstead of separately .7.Create mega-frames by joining large vertical and horizontalcomponents such as two or more elevator shafts at multistoryintervals with a heavy floor subsystems , or by use of very deepgirder trusses .Remember that all high-rise buildings are essentially vertical cantilevers which are supported at the ground . When the above principles are judiciously applied , structurally desirable schemes can be obtained by walls , cores , rigid frames, tubular construction , and other vertical subsystems to achieve horizontal strength and rigidity . Some of these applications will now be described in subsequent sections in the following .Shear-Wall SystemsWhen shear walls are compatible with other functional requirements , they can be economically utilized to resist lateral forces in high-rise buildings . For example , apartment buildings naturally require many separation walls . When some of these are designed to be solid , they can act as shear walls to resist lateral forces and to carry the vertical load as well . For buildings up to some 20storise , the use of shear walls is common . If given sufficient length ,such walls can economically resist lateral forces up to 30 to 40 stories or more .However , shear walls can resist lateral load only the plane of the walls( i.e.not in a diretion perpendicular to them ) . Therefore ,it is always necessary to provide shear walls in two perpendicular directions can be at least in sufficient orientation so that lateral force in any direction can be resisted . In addition , that wall layout should reflect consideration of any torsional effect .In design progress , two or more shear walls can be connected to from L-shaped or channel-shaped subsystems . Indeed , internal shear walls can be connected to from a rectangular shaft that will resist lateral forces very efficiently . If all external shear walls are continuously connected , then the whole buildings acts as a tube , and is excellent Shear-Wall Systems resisting lateral loads and torsion .Whereas concrete shear walls are generally of solid type with openings when necessary , steel shear walls are usually made of trusses . These trusses can have single diagonals , “X”diagonals , or“K”arrangements . A trussed wall will have its members act essentially in direct tension or compression under the action of view , and they offer some opportunity and deflection-limitation point of view , and they offer some opportunity for penetration between members . Of course , the inclined members of trusses must be suitable placed so as not to interfere with requirements for windows and for circulation service penetrations though these walls .As stated above , the walls of elevator , staircase ,and utility shafts form natural tubes and are commonly employed to resist both vertical and lateral forces . Since these shafts are normally rectangular or circular in cross-section ,。







1 教育论文标题和摘要翻译存在问题(1)语法错误①大小写不规范例1:原文:教育史学的社会生态研究范式原译:Socioecological paradigms of the historiography of education改译:Socioecological Paradigms of the Historiography of Education例2:原文:汉代“独尊儒术”文教政策的文化学审视——中国文化的过去、现在与未来原译:A cultural aspect of the supreme stature of Confucianism in Han dynasty改译:A Cultural Aspect of the Supreme Stature of Confucianism in Han Dynasty译文中的大小写问题,往往不被译者所重视,这种错误更易给读者译文不严谨的印象,越是细节问题,越是值得注意。

②冠词问题例1:原文:现代大学内部治理体系建设原译:The Internal Governance of Modern University改译:The Internal Governance of the Modern University例2:原文:想象力与孩童精神世界的濡养原译:The Imagination and the Training of Children&rsquo;s Spiritual World改译:Imagination and the Training of Children&rsquo;s Spiritual World特指的名词(包括单数可数名词、复数可数名词、不可数名词)前必须加定冠词;泛指复数名词和不可数名词前不用定冠词;以基数词编号的名词前不用冠词;基数词与名词构成的词组若为特指,需加定冠词。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:培训与开发文献、资料英文题目:Training and development 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:人力资源管理班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14本科毕业设计(论文)外文文献1.Literature ResearchTraining and developmentThe meaning of Training and developmentTraining and development is the means to carry out certain business organizations and the need for investing in human capital, using a variety of ways to carry out the purpose of staff in a planned training and training management activities, and its goal is to enable staff to update knowledge and develop skills, improve staff motives, attitudes and behavior to adapt to the new requirements of enterprises, their current win better work or higher levels of job responsibility, thus contributing to the improvement of organizational efficiency and organizational goals.The development of training and developmentWe all know that general education can only provide some basic low-level professional knowledge and skills. Face of large-scale enterprise development, the need for a number of skills training in order to enable staff to achieve continuous business development. Therefore, the organization in order to raise labor productivity and personal satisfaction for professional, direct and effective for the organization of production and management services, the Government has implemented a variety of methods, types of organizations to carry out investment activities in education and training.U.S. economist and Nobel Laureate in Economics, Schultz found that simply from thenatural resources, physical capital and labor's point of view, can not explain all the reasons for increase in productivity, capital and wealth as a form of conversion of people's knowledge and abilities are decisive reasons for social progress. But it was not the acquisition cost, it needs to be formed through investment, training is an important investment in such a form..The level of training and developmentThe main groups of the organization of training, corporate training is to organize all the staff, staff positions held as a result of different orientation training with a variety of characteristics. In general, the main is divided into three categories: First, the decision-making level, and the other is management is the operation of three layers. The main contents of training and developmentOrganization of training content and structure is inherent in the specific form of training, thus the development of the company Training content, and organization must be the cause of progress, development strategies and goals, but sometimes in order to adapt to organizational changes in the external environment, but also training in the use of some emergency measures. Therefore, as the contents of the structure of training should be long-term development of the organization of production with the current combination of common training content into the enterprise.Period of training and developmentDivided by time period, training can be divided into long-term training and short-term training, long-term training of more general scheme, there is a strong purpose; by training, job training and can be divided into two full-time training; by the training system, organizations can be divided into the training system and training system for the two organizations, with the training system, including basic training, the applicability of training, day-to-day training, individual training and training objectives; the training system organizations, educational institutions, if divided, can be divided into for three categories: full-time college and the recognition of higher education institutions, local governments and administrative departments of education and training institutions, the use of community resources to schools.Source of funding for training and developmentOrganization of training funds mainly come from two ways: First, the source of the organization, mainly referring to organizations and staff training costs assessed; second is the raising of funds, first of all by the Government through taxes levied training, and then by the state organizations, social enterprises to co-ordinate the funding sponsorship.The economic benefits of training and developmentAs the organization and implementation of staff training to improve skills and to mobilize the enthusiasm of the production, so under the same conditions of employees to create more effective. The increase in the efficiency, can be used in two ways: direct and indirect calculation method of calculation.In the course of training, trainees should pay attention to the learning curve and information feedback, trainees listen to timely information that can help organizations improve the effectiveness of future training, to reduce unnecessary expenditures.In the training market, there are different styles of lecturers, there are different types of courses, some courses are developed by their own lecturers, some courses are foreign agents, and some courses are designed by companies. Training curriculum design is the first step in the design of different ways to use the curriculum, lecturers say is different, the final results of the training are different. Determines the script as a drama, the curriculum design is the first step in training, but also determines the effectiveness of courses.The cost of trainingEducation and training primarily on the basis of the level of information as well as the size of, the higher the level of information and larger, then the lower cost.Effective cost control is in fierce competition in the market of the basic elements of success. However, the absolute cost control is not just the cost of compression, the need to establish a scientific and reasonable cost analysis and control system that allows business managers have a clear framework for the company's costs, profitability in the right direction and decision-making, internal decision-making enterprises key support to radically improve the situation of the cost of doing business and thus truly effective cost control.8 kinds of employee training forms1, the teaching method: the training of the traditional way to use up the advantage of convenient, easy to control the whole process of training. The disadvantage is that a one-way transmission of information, poor feedback effects. Some of these notions are often used for training knowledge.2, audio-visual technology law: adoption of modern audio-visual technology (such as projectors, DVD, VCR and other tools), training of staff. Advantage of the use of visual and auditory perception of the way of clear-cut intuitive. However, feedback from students and practice less, and the cost of production and the purchase of a high content of easily outdated. It is used for business profiles, to impart training skills, conceptual knowledge can also be used for training.3, to discuss the law: In accordance with the complexity and operation cost of the procedure can be divided into the general panel discussions and seminars in two ways. Lectures, seminars and more in the main, or after the half-way to allow students and lecturers communicate. Advantage of multi-directional transmission of information, compared with the teaching of good feedback effects, but higher cost. The panel discussion is characterized by law, when the exchange of information for multi-directional transmission, the participation of students with high, low-cost. Used for the consolidation of knowledge, analysis of the training of students, problem-solving skills and the ability of human interaction, but the training of teachers on the use of the higher.4, case study method: the training of clients, through to the relevant background information, to find a suitable solution. The use of low-cost, effective feedback can be an effective analysis of the training of students problem-solving abilities. In addition, training in recent years studies have shown that the case, discussion can also be used for the training of knowledge category, and better.5, role-playing method: training grant to train teachers in the work of the design of which play a role in the training of teachers and other students in the students after performing the appropriate comments. As a result of multi-directional transmission of information, feedback effects, and practical, and low-cost, and thus more capacity forhuman relations training.6, self-learning method: This approach is more suitable for the general concept of knowledge, with emphasis on adult learning as a result of experience and understanding of the properties, so that a certain learning ability and self-conscious students is both economical and practical approach, but this method There are also deficiencies in poor supervision.7, group interaction law: also known as sensitivity training. This method is mainly applicable to the management of interpersonal and communication training. Training to enable trainees to experience activities to enhance their ability to deal with interpersonal relationships. The advantage is improved interpersonal relationships and communication skills, but its effects depend on the level of teacher training.8, Network Training Act: is a new type of computer network information on training methods, greater input. However, due to the use of flexible and distributed learning in line with new trends, focus on training students to save time and costs. Large amount of information in this way, new knowledge and new delivery concepts have obvious advantages, it is more suitable for adult learning. Therefore, for the strength of the popular business, training and development is an inevitable trend.The classification of training methods1. Smile Training: to serve the people, through a variety of special events, a speech full of passion, as well as recognition of participants, so that participants feel that the training process very interesting.2. Hands-On Training: First of all new workers need to perform their work after the observation, and then, through long experience with those who mentor or work colleagues together, to digest, absorb and purpose of the skills.3. Instrument Training: Through a standardized, there is no organization or organizations for the work of the evaluation tools tailored to obtain the relevant skills and their knowledge and information.4. Objective--Based Instuction: including a structured, guiding the training design, the focus is to better the implementation of a work, the incumbent must learn the specific knowledge and skills.。







本文以EQ1090型货车为研究对象,在分析其结构组成、工作原理、运动特点以及典型应用的基础上,根据GB 17675-1999汽车转向系强制性标准以及QC/T 29097-1992汽车行业推荐标准对现有的转向器进行了改进和重新设计,采用循环球式结构转向器, 它不仅比EQ1090型汽车原载的曲柄双销式转向器操纵轻便, 而且耐磨性好,使用寿命长, 调整也较方便。


设计中还对转向器零件强度进行了校核,完成了相关的计算,运用二维设计软件AutoCAD进行了工程图纸的绘图关键词: EQ1090货车;循环球转向器;改进与重新设计ABSTRACTModern automobile steering system enjoys a long history of development and perfection. From the earliest general mechanical system and the later power-assisted system, it constitutes the electronic-control power-assisted system. The technical condition of automobile steering system occupies a primary role in vehicle running safety, reducing drivers’ labor intensity, transport efficiency, and vehicle service life, with great importance during the process of use, maintenance and restoration. Therefore, enterprises and technicians have made long-time efforts to improve handling stability and reliability.This study targets on EQ1090 van, with the analysis of its structure, working principle, motion characteristics and typical application. On the basis of GB 17675-1999 compulsory standards of steering system and QC/T 29097-1992 recommended standards by automobile industry, the author tries to improve and redesign the steering gear, with the adoption of ball-type circulating structure, which has been widely used in trucks and SUVs, with advantages such as simpler operation, longer service life, easier adjustment over the former pin-type crank steering gear. The design also completes not only the strength computation of components, but also the engineering drawings with the use of AutoCAD software.Key words:EQ1090 van;recirculating ball mechanism;improve and redesign循环球式转向器主要尺寸参数的选择本次设计车型的前轴负荷为23600N,根据表(5-1)选择齿扇模数为6。






















































AVR 已经在竞争中领先了一步,被证明是下一代充电器的完美控制芯片。

Atmel AVR 微处理器是当前市场上能够以单片方式提供Flash、EEPROM 和10 位ADC的最高效的8 位RISC 微处理器。

由于程序存储器为Flash,因此可以不用象MASK ROM一样,有几个软件版本就库存几种型号。

Flash 可以在发货之前再进行编程,或是在PCB贴装之后再通过ISP 进行编程,从而允许在最后一分钟进行软件更新。

EEPROM 可用于保存标定系数和电池特性参数,如保存充电记录以提高实际使用的电池容量。

10位A/D 转换器可以提供足够的测量精度,使得充好后的容量更接近其最大容量。

而其他方案为了达到此目的,可能需要外部的ADC,不但占用PCB 空间,也提高了系统成本。

AVR 是目前唯一的针对像“C”这样的高级语言而设计的8 位微处理器。

C 代码似的设计很容易进行调整以适合当前和未来的电池,而本次智能型充电器显示程序的编写则就是用C语言写的。












毕业设计外文翻译Graduation Design – English TranslationIntroductionThe graduation design is a crucial part of a student’s academic journey. It is a project that showcases the knowledge and skills that the student has acquired throughout their studies. The purpose of this translation is to provide an overview of the graduation design and explain its significance.Significance of the Graduation DesignThe graduation design serves as an opportunity for students to apply the theoretical knowledge they have gained in a practical manner. It allows them to put their skills into action and demonstrate their problem-solving abilities. Through the completion of the graduation design, students are equipped with the necessary tools to enter the workforce with confidence.Components of the Graduation DesignThe graduation design typically consists of several key components. Firstly, there is a written report that provides an in-depth analysis of the project. This report outlines the objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions of the graduation design. It also includes a literature review that discusses the existing research related to the topic.In addition to the written report, a presentation is also required aspart of the graduation design. This presentation allows students to communicate their findings to a larger audience. It is an opportunity for students to showcase their ability to effectively present complex information in a clear and concise manner.Furthermore, the graduation design often involves a practical component. This can range from designing and building a prototype to conducting experiments or surveys. The practical component allows students to apply their engineering skills and test their theories in a real-world setting.Evaluation of the Graduation DesignThe graduation design is evaluated based on several criteria. The written report is assessed for its clarity, organization, and depth of analysis. The presentation is evaluated for the student’s ability to effectively communicate their ideas and engage the audience. The practical component is assessed based on the quality and accuracy of the work completed.ConclusionIn conclusion, the graduation design is a significant project that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical manner. It consists of a written report, a presentation, and a practical component. The completion of the graduation design prepares students for their future careers by equipping them with the necessary tools and abilities.。



毕业设计论文摘要-毕业论文设计的目的和主要内容一: 毕业论文设计的目的和主要内容各位老师,上午好!我叫,是级班的学生,我的论文题目是。











各位老师,下午好! 我叫***,是**级**1班的学生,我的论文题目是《基于c/s的图书销售管理系统》,论文是在朱**导师的悉心指点下完成的,在这里我向我的导师表示深深的谢意,向各位老师不辞辛苦参加我的论文答辩表示衷心的感谢,并对三年来我有机会聆听教诲的各位老师表示由衷的敬意。




二: 毕业论文(设计)题目、摘要等英文翻译格式范例福建师范大学协和学院毕业论文(设计)题目、学院、系别、专业、学号、作者姓名、指导教师姓名、摘要、关键词英文翻译格式参考范例:十二星座与十二生肖的文化对比研究(小二号黑体,加粗,居中,若有副标题,四号黑体)空一行福建师范大学协和学院文化产业系汉语言文学专业124162006***张三指导教师:王安石(小四号楷体,加粗,居中,单倍行距,院系、专业写全称)空一行【摘要】(小五号黑体,加粗)作为中国古代人民智慧和创造力的结晶——中国十二生肖,现在却面临着西方十二星座的挑战。



英语辅导机构实习报告摘要Embarking on a journey of professional growth and exploration, I had the privilege of interning at a renowned English tutoring institution. This experience not only broadened my understanding of the educational landscape but also provided invaluable insights into the dynamic world of language instruction. Throughout my time at the institution, I was immersed in a vibrant and engaging environment, surrounded by dedicated educators and ambitious students, all united in their pursuit of linguistic excellence.One of the most striking aspects of the institution was its holistic approach to language learning. Rather than simply imparting grammatical rules and vocabulary, the tutors meticulously crafted their lessons to cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of their students. From interactive workshops to personalized feedback sessions, the institution's curriculum was designed to foster a deep and lasting understanding of the English language.A particular highlight of my internship was the opportunity to observe the institution's teaching methodologies in action. Imarveled at the intuitive manner in which the tutors engaged their students, seamlessly blending theoretical knowledge with practical application. Whether it was through role-playing exercises, group discussions, or multimedia presentations, the tutors demonstrated a remarkable ability to keep their students captivated and motivated throughout the learning process.Another remarkable facet of the institution was its commitment to fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment. The tutors actively encouraged their students to step out of their comfort zones, to embrace their mistakes as opportunities for growth, and to view their peers as partners in the journey of language acquisition. This approach not only cultivated a sense of community within the institution but also instilled in the students a deep appreciation for the transformative power of teamwork and mutual support.Alongside the academic aspects of the internship, I was also impressed by the institution's emphasis on personal development. The tutors recognized that language learning extends far beyond the confines of the classroom, and they actively worked to cultivate their students' confidence, critical thinking skills, and overall well-being. Through workshops on effective communication, time management, and goal-setting, the institution equipped its students with the tools necessary to succeed not only in their language studies but also in their broader personal and professional endeavors.One particularly memorable experience during my internship was the opportunity to participate in the institution's student outreach program. This initiative involved visiting local schools and community centers, where the tutors would offer free English lessons and workshops to underserved populations. Witnessing the transformative impact of these efforts, I was struck by the institution's unwavering commitment to social responsibility and its belief in the power of education to uplift and empower individuals from all walks of life.Throughout my time at the institution, I was continuously amazed by the dedication and expertise of the tutors. Their unwavering passion for their craft, coupled with their deep understanding of the intricacies of language acquisition, was truly inspirational. Whether it was crafting innovative lesson plans, providing personalized feedback, or mentoring students through their academic and personal challenges, the tutors demonstrated a level of professionalism and care that was truly admirable.Perhaps one of the most valuable takeaways from my internship was the realization of the profound impact that effective language instruction can have on an individual's life. I witnessed firsthand how the institution's holistic approach to learning not only enhanced its students' linguistic abilities but also fostered their personal growth,self-confidence, and sense of empowerment. The transformation I observed in the students, from timid and hesitant language learners to confident and articulate communicators, was a testament to the institution's unwavering commitment to its mission.As my internship came to a close, I found myself with a deep sense of gratitude and admiration for the work being done at the English tutoring institution. The knowledge, skills, and insights I gained during my time there have undoubtedly shaped my own professional aspirations and have inspired me to continue exploring the field of education and language instruction. I am confident that the lessons I have learned and the experiences I have had will continue to serve me well as I navigate the next chapter of my journey.In conclusion, my internship at the English tutoring institution was a truly transformative experience. From the dedicated and talented tutors to the vibrant and supportive learning environment, every aspect of the institution left an indelible mark on me. As I reflect on this journey, I am filled with a renewed sense of passion for the power of language education and a deep appreciation for the individuals who devote their careers to making a positive difference in the lives of their students.。







二、实习目的1. 了解教育机构的运营模式和管理体系;2. 学习教育教学方法和技巧;3. 提升自身的专业素养和沟通能力;4. 为今后从事教育事业打下坚实基础。

三、实习内容1. 课程设计与教学实施:- 参与课程研发,了解课程设置和教学目标;- 学习并运用多种教学方法,如讲授法、讨论法、案例分析法等;- 开展课堂教学,与学生互动,了解学生的学习需求和问题。

2. 学生管理与服务:- 参与学生报名、咨询、报名等工作;- 跟踪学生学习进度,了解学生需求,提供个性化辅导;- 处理学生投诉和问题,维护学生权益。

3. 团队协作与沟通:- 参与团队会议,了解团队工作流程和目标;- 与同事合作,共同完成工作任务;- 与学生、家长保持良好沟通,建立良好关系。

4. 实习成果:- 熟悉教育机构的运营模式和管理体系;- 掌握多种教育教学方法和技巧;- 提升了自身的专业素养和沟通能力;- 增强了团队协作意识。

四、实习感悟1. 教育事业的魅力:通过实习,我深刻体会到教育事业的重要性,它关系到国家未来的发展和社会的进步。

2. 教学方法的多样性:不同的学生需要不同的教学方法,教师应根据学生的特点选择合适的教学方法,以提高教学效果。

3. 团队协作的重要性:教育机构是一个团队,只有团结协作,才能共同完成教学任务,实现教育目标。

4. 沟通能力的提升:与学生、家长、同事保持良好沟通,是教师必备的能力,有助于解决教学过程中遇到的问题。


















































二、实习目的1. 了解教育培训机构的运营模式、管理模式及教学方法;2. 提高自身的教育教学能力,积累教学实践经验;3. 培养团队合作精神,提高沟通协调能力;4. 为今后从事教育教学工作打下坚实基础。



四、实习过程1. 岗前培训在实习开始前,机构为我安排了为期一周的岗前培训。



2. 教学实践在实习期间,我担任了语文、数学两门课程的辅导老师。


3. 班级管理在实习期间,我还负责了班级管理工作。


4. 实习总结在实习过程中,我深刻体会到了教育教学工作的艰辛与快乐。





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The name of this design is an educational institution design training center in Lanzhou City, a total construction area of about 4398m2, high 5 story building, the local 6 layer, the total height of 21.6 m, inside and outside elevation 0.45m,seismic fortification intensity is 8 degrees, the basic design of the earthquake acceleration is 0.20g.
The design for the cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, the design is divided into two parts: architectural design, structural design. Architectural design includes the general plan, plan, elevation, section design and drawing.Structure design is the most important part of this design, including the floor,stairs, framework and foundation design. The design when the design to board and stairs, and then choose to be representative of a frame of the load calculation, internal force analysis and reinforcement calculation and construction, seismic design. At the same time to draw the corresponding bending moment, shear diagram, axial force diagram and reinforcing bars. For the basic design of the most unfavorable combination of internal forces in the bottom of the table, calculate the reinforcement and drawing.
Keywords: Training Center, architectural design, structural design, framework,internal force calculation, construction reinforcement。
