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一、完成对话 从方框中选出最恰当的选项完成对话,请将答案序号填写在横线上(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)

A. John and Linda are good friends. They are talking about a photo. John: Hi! Linda! Come in and have a cup of tea.

Linda: (1) What a nice photo!

John: Yes, it is. (2)

Linda: Do they live with you? John: No, they don’t. (3)

Linda: Do you often visit them? John: Yes, we do. (4) Linda: (5)

John: Yes. they often come and spend Christmas with us.

B. Tom’s sister, Sally, is helping him find his things. (方框中有两个选项是多余的) Tom: Hey, Sally!

Sally: Yes?

Tom: Is my computer game on the table? Sally: (6) It’s on the sofa. Tom: Oh, OK. (7)

Sally: They are on the chair.

Tom: Oh. So, where’s my pencil case? Sally: (8) Tom: (9)

Sally: It’s under the table.

Tom: Oh, OK. And where are Mom’s keys? Sally: The keys? I don’t know. (10)

二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) A. Han Han Han Han is a

popular (受欢迎的) writer in China. Many students like 11 books, 12 some of them are about students’ life. Han Han is from Shanghai. He’s thirty 13 old. He can 14 Chinese and English. Han Han likes running, playing football and computer games. He often 15 on his blog (博客). Students can read his articles (文章) on it.

( ) 11. A. he B. his C. her D. him ( ) 12. A. but B. and C. so D. because ( ) 13. A. days B. months C. weeks D. years ( ) 14. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( ) 15. A. listens B. speaks C. writes D. studies

B. The Whites ’ Day

It's seven in the morning. After 16 ,Mr White takes their children to 17 by bus. Then Mr and Mrs White go to 18 in the factory . The children have four 19 in the morning and two in the afternoon. 20 class, the children 21 games for some time. Then they go home by 22 . Mrs White cooks supper for the 23 . The children 24 their mother do some housework. After supper, the children do their homework. Father and Mother watch TV or do some 25 . They have a lot of books at home. ( ) 16. A. breakfast B. dinner C. supper D. lunch ( ) 17. A. hospital B. the park C. school D. the cinema ( ) 18. A. visit B. work C. rest D. live ( ) 19. A. games B. books C. classes D. students ( ) 20. A. After B. In C. Before D. For ( ) 21. A. watch B. play C. draw D. do ( ) 22. A. bike B. plane C. train D. bus ( ) 23. A. daughter B. parents C. family D. son ( ) 24. A. help B. make C. let D. see ( ) 25. A. shopping B. cleaning C. reading D. washing

三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分) A. Gifts 假设你们学校要举行一次义赠活动。请根据来自贫困地区小朋友的述说,分别将他们需要的礼物挑选出来,赠送给他们。


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