
ST公司的STM32L496xx系列是超低功耗32位ARM MCU+FPU,工作频率高达80MHz,具有100DMIPS,集成了多达1MB闪存,320KB SRAM,USB OTG FS,提供多达三个快速12位ADC(5 Msps),两个比较器,两个运放,两个DAC通路,一个内部基准电压缓冲器,一个低功耗RTC,两个通用32位计时器和两个专用马达控制的16位低功耗计时器,七个通用16位计时器和两个16位低功耗计时器.主要用在包括音频和图像等低功耗的应用.本文介绍了STM32L496xx系列主要特性,框图以及时钟树框图和评估板32L496GDISCOVERY Discovery kit框图,主要特性和电路图以及PCB元件布局图.The STM32L496xx devices are the ultra-low-power microcontrollersbased on the high-performance ARM® Cortex®-M4 32-bit RISC coreoperating at a frequency of up to 80 MHz. The Cortex-M4 core features a Floating point unit (FPU) single precision which supports all ARM single-precision data-processing instructions and data types. It also implements a full set of DSP instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) whichenhances application security.The STM32L496xx devices are the ultra-low-power microcontrollersbased on the high-performance Arm® Cortex®-M4 32-bit RISC coreoperating at a frequency of up to 80 MHz. The Cortex-M4 core features a Floating point unit (FPU) single precision which supports all Arm® single-precision data-processing instructions and data types. It also implements a full set of DSP instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) whichenhances application security.The STM32L496xx devices embed high-speed memories (up to 1 Mbyte of Flash memory, 320 Kbyte of SRAM), a flexible external memorycontroller (FSMC) for static memories (for devices with packages of 100pins and more), a Quad SPI flash memories interface (available on allpackages) and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripheralsconnected to two APB buses, two AHB buses and a 32-bit multi-AHB bus matrix.The STM32L496xx devices embed several protection mechanisms forembedded Flash memory and SRAM: readout protection, write protection, proprietary code readout protection and Firewall.The devices offer up to three fast 12-bit ADCs (5 Msps), twocomparators, two operational amplifiers, two DAC channels, an internalvoltage reference buffer, a low-power RTC, two general-purpose 32-bittimer, two 16-bit PWM timers dedicated to motor control, seven general-purpose 16-bit timers, and two 16-bit low-power timers. The devicessupport four digital filters for external sigma delta modulators (DFSDM).In addition, up to 24 capacitive sensing channels are available. Thedevices also embed an integrated LCD driver 8x40 or 4x44, with internalstep-up converter.They also feature standard and advancedcommunication interfaces.• Four I2Cs• Three SPIsST STM32L496xx系列超低功耗32位ARM MCU开发方案• Three USARTs, two UARTs and one Low-Power UART.• Two SAIs (Serial Audio Interfaces)• One SDMMC• Two CAN• One USB OTG full-speed• One SWPMI (Single Wire protocol Master Interface)• Camera interface• DMA2D controllerThe STM32L496xx operates in the -40 to +85℃ (+105℃ junction), -40 to +125℃ (+130℃ junction) temperature ranges from a 1.71 to 3.6 V VDD power supply when using internal LDO regulator and a 1.05 to 1.32VVDD12 power supply when using external SMPS supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving modes allows the design of low-power applications.Some independent power supplies are supported: analog independent supply input for ADC, DAC, OPAMPs and comparators, 3.3 V dedicatedsupply input for USB and up to 14 I/Os can be supplied independentlydown to 1.08V. A VBAT input allows to backup the RTC and backupregisters. Dedicated VDD12 power supplies can be used to bypass theinternal LDO regulator when connected to an external The STM32L496xx family offers six packages from 64-pin to 169-pin packages.STM32L496xx系列主要特性:• Ultra-low-power with FlexPowerControl – 1.71 V to 3.6 V power supply– -40 ℃ to 85/125 ℃ temperature range– 320 nA in VBAT mode: supply for RTC and 32x32-bit backup registers – 25 nA Shutdown mode (5 wakeup pins)– 108 nA Standby mode (5 wakeup pins)– 426 nA Standby mode with RTC– 2.57 μA Stop 2 mode, 2.86 μA Stop 2 with RTC– 91 μA/MHz run mode (LDO Mode)– 37 μA/MHz run mode (@3.3 V SMPS Mode)– Batch acquisition mode (BAM)– 5 μs wakeup from Stop mode– Brown out reset (BOR) in all modes except shutdown– Interconnect matrix• Core: Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M4 CPU with FPU, Adaptive real-timeaccelerator (ART Accelerator™) allowing 0-wait-state execution from Flash memory, frequency up to 80 MHz, MPU, 100 DMIPS and DSP instructions • Performance benchmark– 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Drystone 2.1)– 273.55 Coremark® (3.42 Coremark/MHz @ 80 MHz)• Energy benchmark– 279 ULPMark™ CP score– 80.2 ULPMark™ PP score• 16 x timers: 2 x 16-bit advanced motor-control, 2 x 32-bit and 5 x 16-bit general purpose, 2 x 16-bit basic, 2 x low-power 16-bit timers (available in Stop mode), 2 x watchdogs, SysTick timer• RTC with HW calendar, alarms and calibration• Up to 136 fast I/Os, most 5 V-tolerant, up to 14 I/Os with independentsupply down to 1.08 V• Dedicated Chrom-ART Accelerator™ for enhanced graphic contentcreation (DMA2D)• 8- to 14-bit camera interface up to 32 MHz (black&white) or 10 MHz(color)• Memories– Up to 1 MB Flash, 2 banks read-while-write, proprietary code readoutprotection– 320 KB of SRAM including 64 KB with hardware parity check– External memory interface for static memories supporting SRAM, PSRAM, NOR and NAND memories– Dual-flash Quad SPI memory interface• Clock Sources– 4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator– 32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC (LSE)– Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (±1%)– Internal low-power 32 kHz RC (±5%) – Internal multispeed 100 kHz to 48 MHz oscillator, auto-trimmed by LSE (better than ±0.25% accuracy)– Internal 48 MHz with clock recovery– 3 PLLs for system clock, USB, audio, ADC• LCD 8 × 40 or 4 × 44 with step-up converter• Up to 24 capacitive sensing channels: support touchkey, linear and rotary touch sensors• 4 x digital filters for sigma delta modulator• Rich analog peripherals (independent supply)– 3 × 12-bit ADC 5 Msps, up to 16-bit with hardware oversampling, 200μA/Msps– 2 x 12-bit DAC output channels, low-power sample and hold– 2 x operational amplifiers with built-in PGA– 2 x ultra-low-power comparators• 20 x communication interfaces– USB OTG 2.0 full-speed, LPM and BCD– 2 x SAIs (serial audio interface)– 4 x I2C FM+(1 Mbit/s), SMBus/PMBus– 5 x U(S)ARTs (ISO 7816, LIN, IrDA, modem)– 1 x LPUART– 3 x SPIs (4 x SPIs with the Quad SPI)– 2 x CAN (2.0B Active) and SDMMC– SWPMI single wire protocol master I/F– IRTIM (Infrared interface)• 14-channel DMA controller• True random number generator• CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID• Development support: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG, Embedded Trace Macrocell™图1:STM32L496xx系列框图图2:STM32L496xx系列时钟树框图。
ST STM32L562QE超低功耗32位ARM MCU开发方案

ST公司的stm32L562QE是超低功耗微控制器,基于高性能Arm® Cortex®-M33 32位RISC核,工作频率高达110MHz. Cortex®-M33核具有单精度浮点单元(FPU),支持所有的Arm®单精度数据处理指令和所有的数据类型.Cortex®-M33核还能实现全套的DSP指令和存储器保护单元(MPU),从而增强了应用安全性.器件嵌入了高速存储器(512KB闪存和256KB SRAM),用于静态存储器的灵活外接存储器控制器(FSMC), Octo-SPI闪存接口,一个广泛的增强I/O和连接到两个APB总线的外设,两个AHB总线和一个32位多个AHB总线矩阵.STM32L562xx器件还嵌入了用于嵌入闪存和SRAM的保护机制如读出保护,写保护,安全和隐藏保护区域.器件还嵌入了几个外设以增强安全性如一个AES协处理器,公众金钥加速器(PKA),抗DPA,一个用于Octo-SPI外接存储器的即时解密引擎,一个HASH硬件加速计和一个真随机号码发生器.此外,器件还提供高档通信接口包括四个I2C,三个SPI,两个USART,两个UART和一个低功耗UART,两个SAI,一个SDMMC,一个FDCAN,USB器件FS,USB Type-C / USB供电控制器.主要用在表计,健康(人或机器)监测,移动销售终端以及工业物联网(IoT)等应用领主.本文介绍了STM32L562QE主要特性,框图,多种系列产品电源概述图和时钟树图,开发板STM32L562E-DK Discovery kit主要特性,硬件框图,电路图和材料清单以及PCB设计图.The STM32L562xx devices are an ultra-low-power microcontrollersfamily (STM32L5 Series) based on the high-performance Arm® Cortex®-M33 32-bit RISC core. They operate at a frequency of up to 110 MHz.The Cortex®-M33 core features a single-precision floating-point unit (FPU), which supports all the Arm® single-precision data-processinginstructions and all the data types.The Cortex®-M33 core alsoimplements a full set of DSP (digital signal processing) instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) which enhances the application’s security.These devices embed high-speed memories (512 Kbytes of Flashmemory and 256 Kbytes of SRAM), a flexible external memory controller(FSMC) for static memories (for devices with packages of 100 pins andmore), an Octo-SPI Flash memories interface (available on all packages)and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses, two AHB buses and a 32-bit multi-AHB bus matrix.The STM32L5 Series devices offer security foundation compliant with the trusted based security architecture (TBSA) requirements from Arm.They embed the necessary security features to implement a secure boot, secure data storage, secure firmware installation and secure firmwareupgrade. Flexible life cycle is managed thanks to multiple levels of readout protection. Firmware hardware isolation is supported thanks to securable peripherals, memories and I/Os, and also to the possibility to configure the peripherals and memories as “privilege”.The STM32L562xx devices embed several protection mechanisms forembedded Flash memory and SRAM: readout protection, write protection, secure and hidden protection areas.ST STM32L562QE超低功耗32位ARM MCU开发方案The STM32L562xx devices embed several peripherals reinforcingsecurity:- One AES coprocessor- One public key accelerator (PKA), DPA resistant- One on-the-fly decryption engine for Octo-SPI external memories- One HASH hardware accelerator- One true random number generatorThe STM32L5 Series devices offer active tamper detection andprotection against transient and environmental perturbation attacks thanks to several internal monitoring which generate secret data erase in case of attack. This helps to fit the PCI requirements for point of sales applications. These devices offer two fast 12-bit ADC (5 Msps), two comparators, twooperational amplifiers, two DAC channels, an internal voltage referencebuffer, a low-power RTC, two general-purpose 32-bit timer, two 16-bitPWM timers dedicated to motor control, seven general-purpose 16-bittimers, and two 16-bit low-power timers. The devices support four digital filters for external sigma delta modulators (DFSDM). In addition, up to 22 capacitive sensing channels are available.STM32L5 Series also feature standard and advanced communicationinterfaces such as:- Four I2Cs- Three SPIs- Three USARTs, two UARTs and one low-power UART- Two SAIs- One SDMMC- One FDCAN- USB device FS- USB Type-C / USB power delivery controllerThe STM32L562xx devices embed an AES, PKA and OTFDEC hardware accelerator. The devices operate in the -40 to +85℃ (+105℃ junction) and -40 to +125℃ (+130℃ junction) temperature ranges from a 1.71 to 3.6 V power supply. A comprehensive set of power-saving modes allows thedesign of low-power applications.Some independent power supplies are supported like an analogindependent supply input for ADC, DAC, OPAMPs and comparators, a 3.3 V dedicated supply input for USB and up to 14 I/Os, which can be supplied independently down to 1.08 V. A VBAT input allows to backup the RTC and backup the registers.The STM32L562xx devices offer seven packages from 48-pin to 144-pin. STM32L562QE主要特性:• 1.71 V to 3.6 V power supply• -40℃ to 85/125℃ temperature range•Batch acquisition mode (BAM)•187 nA in VBAT mode: supply for RTC and 32x32-bit backup registers •17 nA Shutdown mode (5 wakeup pins)•108 nA Standby mode (5 wakeup pins)•222 nA Standby mode with RTC•3.16 μA Stop 2 with RTC•106 μA/MHz Run mode (LDO mode)•62 μA/MHz Run mode @ 3 V (SMPS step-down converter mode)•5 μs wakeup from Stop mode•Brownout reset (BOR) in all modes except ShutdownCore•Arm®32-bit Cortex®-M33 CPU with TrustZone®and FPU ART Accelerator •8-Kbyte instruction cache allowing 0-wait-state execution from Flashmemory and external memories; frequency up to 110 MHz, MPU, 165DMIPS and DSP instructions Performance benckmark•1.5 DMIPS/MHz (Drystone 2.1)•442 CoreMark®(4.02 CoreMark®/MHz)Energy benchmark•370 ULPMark-CP®score•54 ULPMark-PP®score•27400 SecureMark-TLS®scoreMemories • Up to 512-Kbyte Flash, two banks read-while-write• 256 Kbytes of SRAM including 64 Kbytes with hardware parity check • External memory interface supporting SRAM, PSRAM, NOR, NAND and FRAM memories• OCTOSPI memory interfaceSecurity• Arm® TrustZone® and securable I/Os, memories and peripherals• Flexible life cycle scheme with RDP (readout protection)• Root of trust thanks to unique boot entry and hide protection area (HDP)• SFI (secure firmware installation) thanks to embedded RSS (root secure services)• Secure firmware upgrade support with TF-M• AES coprocessor• Public key accelerator• On-the-fly decryption of Octo-SPI external memories• HASH hardware accelerator• Active tamper and protection against temperature, voltage and frequency attacks• True random number generator NIST SP800- 90B compliant• 96-bit unique ID• 512-byte OTP (one-time programmable) for user dataGeneral-purpose input/outputs• Up to 114 fast I/Os with interrupt capability most 5 V-tolerant and up to 14 I/Os with independent supply down to 1.08 VPower management• Embedded regulator (LDO) with three configurable range output tosupply the digital circuitry • Embedded SMPS step-down converter• External SMPS supportClock management• 4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator• 32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC (LSE)• Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (±1%)•Internal low-power 32 kHz RC (±5%)•Internal multispeed 100 kHz to 48 MHz oscillator, auto-trimmed by LSE (better than ±0.25% accuracy)•Internal 48 MHz with clock recovery•3 PLLs for system clock, USB, audio, ADCUp to 16 timers and 2 watchdogs•16x timers: 2 x 16-bit advanced motor-control, 2 x 32-bit and 5 x 16-bit general purpose, 2x 16-bit basic, 3x low-power 16-bit timers (available in Stop mode), 2x watchdogs, 2x SysTick timer•RTC with hardware calendar, alarms and calibrationUp to 19 communication peripherals • 1x USB Type-C™/ USB power delivery controller• 1x USB 2.0 full-speed crystal less solution, LPM and BCD• 2x SAIs (serial audio interface)• 4x I2C FM+(1 Mbit/s), SMBus/PMBus™• 6x USARTs (ISO 7816, LIN, IrDA, modem)• 3x SPIs (7x SPIs with USART and OCTOSPI in SPI mode)• 1x FDCAN controller• 1x SDMMC interface2 DMA controllers• 14 DMA channelsUp to 22 capacitive sensing channels• Support touch key, linear and rotary touch sensorsRich analog peripherals (independent supply)• 2x 12-bit ADC 5 Msps, up to 16-bit with hardware oversampling, 200 μA/Msps•2x 12-bit DAC outputs, low-power sample and hold•2x operational amplifiers with built-in PGA•2x ultra-low-power comparators•4x digital filters for sigma delta modulatorCRC calculation unit Debug•Development support: serial wire debug (SWD), JTAG, Embedded Trace Macrocell™(ETM)图1.STM32L562QE框图图2.STM32L562xx电源概述图图3.STM32L562xxxxP 电源概述图图4.STM32L562xxxxQ 电源概述图图5.STM32L562xx时钟树图。
STM32 Nucleo 扩展板 电机控制 选型指南说明书

STM32 Nucleo扩展板STM32 ODE快速、经济的原型设计和开发STM32开放开发环境(ODE)在一个开放、灵活、简单、经济的开发环境下,基于STM32位微控制器,结合其他通过扩展板连接的ST尖端原件,从而快速进行原型设计,迅速转换为最终设计。
STM32 ODE包括下述五个单元:• STM32 N ucleo开发板。
• STM32 N ucleo扩展板。
该扩展板具有更多功能,能按需增加传感、控制、连接、供电、音频或其他功能,可以插在STM32 Nucleo开发板上,更复杂的功能可以通过堆叠更多的扩展板来实现。
• STM32Cube软件。
协助迅捷地在STM32上开发的一套免费工具和嵌入式软件模块,包括硬件抽象层、中间件和STM32CubeMX 基于PC的配置器和代码生成器。
• STM32Cube扩展软件。
该扩展软件免费提供,与STM32 Nucleo扩展板配置使用,兼容STM32Cube软件框架。
• STM32Cube功能包。
功能案例集合包含一些最常见的应用样例,这些案例均利用STM32 N ucleo开发板和扩展板、STM32Cube软件和扩展的模块化和互操作性构建。
STM32开放式开发环境兼容许多IDE(包括STM32CubeIDE、IAR EWARM、Keil MDK-ARM和GCC/基于LLVM的IDE),能够集成各种组件,如STM32CubeMX、STM32CubeProgrammer或STM32CubeMonitor。
如需开始您的设计:• 选择符合您所需功能的合适STM32 N ucleo 开发板(MCU )和扩展(X-NUCLEO )板(传感器、连接、音频、电机控制等)• 选择您的开发环境(IAR EWARM 、Keil MDK 和基于GCC 的IDE ),并使用免费的STM32Cube 工具和软件,如STM32CubeMX 、STM32CubeProgrammer 、STM32CubeMonitor 或STM32CubeIDE 。

1x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 2x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit 1x12-bit
ARM Cortex-M4 72
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4
Evaluation ARM Cortex-M4 72
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4
Evaluation ARM Cortex-M4 72
LQFP 64 10x10x1.4
Evaluation ARM Cortex-M4 72
LQFP 100 14x14x1.4; UFBGA 100 7x7x0.6 LQFP 100 14x14x1.4; UFBGA 100 7x7x0.6 LQFP 100 14x14x1.4; UFBGA 100 7x7x0.6 LQFP 48 7x7x1.4
(Processor (Prog)(kB)
Internal RAM
M4内核和高级模拟外设,从而提高了灵活性。 该系列通过整合Cortex-M4内核、快速12位5 MSPS和精密16位sigma-delta ADC、可编程增益放大器(4档增 入式DSC设计创新,从而实现了最佳集成。 效处理三相电机控制器、生化和工业传感器以及音频滤波器等电路的混合信号。 它们有助于简化设计,降低功耗,缩小PCB的尺寸,可广泛用于消费、医

STM32启动文件的选择及宏定义及芯片型号更改 IAP总结startup_stm32f10x_cl.s 互联型的器件,STM32F105xx,STM32F107xxstartup_stm32f10x_hd.s 大容量的STM32F101xx,STM32F102xx,STM32F103xx startup_stm32f10x_hd_vl.s 大容量的STM32F100xxstartup_stm32f10x_ld.s 小容量的STM32F101xx,STM32F102xx,STM32F103xx startup_stm32f10x_ld_vl.s 小容量的STM32F100xxstartup_stm32f10x_md.s 中容量的STM32F101xx,STM32F102xx,STM32F103xx startup_stm32f10x_md_vl.s 中容量的STM32F100xxstartup_stm32f10x_xl.s FLASH在512K到1024K字节的STM32F101xx,STM32F102xx,STM32F103xxcl:互联型产品,stm32f105/107系列vl:超值型产品,stm32f100系列xl:超高密度产品,stm32f101/103系列ld:低密度产品,FLASH小于64Kmd:中等密度产品,FLASH=64 or 128hd:高密度产品,FLASH大于128在KEIL下可以在项目的选项C/C++/PREPROMCESSOR symbols的Define栏里定义,比如STM32F10X_CL也可以在STM32F10X.H里用宏定义#if !defined (STM32F10X_LD && !defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL && !defined (STM32F10X_MD && !defined (STM32F10X_MD_VL && !defined(STM32F10X_HD && !defined (STM32F10X_XL && !defined (STM32F10X_CL#define STM32F10X_HD#endif如果芯片更换,除了做如上所述的更改外,还需以下几步:第一步 system_stm32f10x.c的系统主频率,依实际情况修改#if defined (STM32F10X_LD_VL || (defined STM32F10X_MD_VL#define SYSCLK_FREQ_24MHz 24000000#else#define SYSCLK_FREQ_72MHz 72000000#endif另外外部时钟在文件:stm32f10x.h 依实际修改第二步定时器的参数依系统主时钟做适当修改第三步 flash地址misc.h中的NVIC_VectTab_Flash 0x08000000 要与KEIL选项target的IROM1的地址一致,如果是IAP程序,依ISP程序占用大小,APP的FLASH地址向后延,比如0X8002000,那么KEIL选项target的IROM1的地址也要就0x8002000,SIZE因为ISP占用了2000,所以就为0x40000-0x2000,即只能填写0X3E000第四步 ISP程序与APP程序连接----(这一步我还不明白意思,需要验证)打开 User 选项卡在 Run User Programs Before Build/Rebuild 中,勾选 Run#1,并在其中填入D:\Keil\ARM\BIN40\fromelf.exe --bin -o ./obj/Project.bin ./obj/Project.axf 其中,Project.bin 和 Project.axf 要和 Output 选项卡中的 Name of Executable 的名字IAP我的总结1 先FLASH_Unlock(;2 小于或等于128K的STM每页为1k bytes,大于128K的每页为2K BYTES,减去从地址0x8002000占用的0x2000后,算出页数,比如IAP占用8K,则64K的MD的STM32F系列用for(i=0;i<(64-8;i++ FLASH_ErasePage(0x8002000+0x400*i;循环按页擦除FLASH3 按从外部串口获取到的数据,FLASH_ProgramWord(address,dat;//注意是按4字节方式写入的 if (*(uint32_t*address!= dat//字编程后校验。

October 200832-bit microcontroller familiesFor a list of abbreviations and notes, refer to the page following the mature products16-bit microcontroller familiesAbbreviations ADC : Analog-to-digital converter ART : Auto-reload timerATAPI : AT attachment packet interface AWU : Auto wake-up from halt BLPD : Byte level protocol decoder BOD : Brown-out detector CAN : Controller area network CAPCOM : Capture compare CSS : Clock security systemDALI : Digital addressable lighting interface DDC : Data display channelDiSEqC : Digital satellite equipment control DMA : Direct memory access DSC : Dual supply control DTC : Data transfer coprocessor ETM : Embedded trace macrocell EMI : External memory interface HDLC : High-level data link control IAP : In-application programmingIC/OC : Input capture/output compare ICP programming IR : Infrared IrDA : Infrared data association ISP : In-situ programming I ²C : Inter-integrated circuit I²S : Inter-IC sound LCD : Liquid crystal display LIN : Local interconnect network LVD : Low voltage detection MAC : Multiply accumulator MC : Motor controlMFT: Multifunction timer MMC : MultiMediaCardNMI : Non-maskable interrupt OSG : Oscillator safeguardPCA : Programmable counter array PDR : Power-down resetPHW : Programmable halt wake-up PEC : Peripheral event controller PLD : Programmable logic device PLL : Phase locked loop POR : Power-on resetPVD : Programmable voltage detector PVR : Programmable voltage regulator PWM : Pulse width modulation ROP : Readout protection RTC : Real-time clock timer SC : SmartcardSCI : Serial communication interface SCR : Smartcard readerSDIO : Secure digital input output SMI : Serial memory interface SPI : Serial peripheral interface SSC : Single-cycle switching support SSP : Synchronous serial port TBU : Time base unit LI : Top level interruptUART : Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter USART : Universal sync/async receiver transmitter USB : Universal Serial Bus WDG : Watchdog timerWWDG: Window watchdog timerPackages DIP : Dual in-line package LCC : Leaded chip carrierSDIP : Shrink dual in-line package PQFP : Plastic quad flat package SO : Small outlineLQFP : Low-profile quad flat package PBGA : Plastic ball grid array DFN : Dual flat no-lead QFN : Quad flat no-leadAbbreviations and notesNotes8-, 16- and 32-bit microcontroller development toolsThis reference guide lists ST and third-party development tools that are promoted as part of the ST tool offer for 8-, 16- and 32-bit microcontrollers. For the latest news about this tool offer, please refer to /mcuEvaluation boards from STn Implement full range of device featuresn Come with complete schematics, documentation and code samples Starter kitsn Everything you need to start developing quickly and easilyn Immediate device evaluation with ready-to-run demonstration applications n In-circuit debugging to troubleshoot code using actual input/output of target systemEvaluationLow-cost evaluation boards are also available from third-party vendorsIn-circuit debugger/programmersn Real-time debugging using debug resources on the standard chip, no bondouts, 100% electrical characteristics guaranteedn R equires separate evaluation or application boardn RLink – debug and program a full range of ST MCUs from 8- to 32-bit Softwaren Free software toolsets with development environment, programming interface, integrated compiler support and moren C compilers with free versions that output code up to a specified sizen Free ST firmware libraries for all standard peripherals plus special package for USB, motor control and moren Large selection of development solutions (IDE + compiler) from leading tool suppliers for ARMn Large selection of royalty-free RTOS, solution stacks (TCP/IP, USB, …) and middlewareDevelopmentAdvanced emulation systems for 8-bit devices n Real-time emulationn Advanced breakpointsn Trace capability with complex triggeringn Code performance analysisIn-circuit programmersProgram the device on an application board via JTAG, in-circuit communication or in-situ programming interface (depends on target device)Pre-programmingST FASTROM service for ST7 and ST6 also provides rapid delivery ofready-to-mount MCUs pre-programmed with the customer’s application Automated programmersThird-party solutions for programming in a production environment.For a list of vendors, refer to /mcu Single position programmersThird-party solutions for programming one device at a time. Allows operation from a host PC, or in standalone mode.For a list of vendors, refer to /mcuGang programmersThird-party solutions for programming several devices at once. For a list of vendors, refer to /mcuProgrammingSTM32, STR9 and STR7 familiesTools for ST ARM® core based STM32, STR9 and STR7 families include a full range of third-party solutions that come complete with C/C++ compiler, integrated development environment and in-circuit debugger/programmer with industry standard JTAG interface. Explore and start applications easily with any of a range of affordable, easy-to-use starter kits. Take advantage of a range of firmware to speedapplication development, including free ST libraries and royalty-free RTOS, solution stacks (USB, TCP/IP, ...) and middleware.1 All part numbers shown are for STMicroelectronics and third-party tools (Hitex, IAR, Keil and Raisonance) which are available from ST.Additional tools that are not available through ST can be ordered from the third-parties listed.Development and programming toolsSTM32, STR9 and STR7 familiesST10 development and programming toolsST10 familySTM8 development and programming toolsDevelopment and programming toolsST7 family1 Add suffix /EU, /US or /UK for the power supply for your region2 Add suffix /EU or /US for the power supply for your region3 Available from ST or from Raisonance, 4 Requires optional connection kit. See ‘How to order ST7-EMU or DVP’ for connection kit ordering information5 Includes connection kit for SDIP32/SDIP42 only. See ‘How to order ST7-EMU or DVP’ for connection kit ordering information6 Includes connection kit for DIP16/SO16 only. See ‘How to order ST7-EMU or DVP’ for connection kit ordering information7 Order socket board ST7SB40-QP48 for LQFP48 package and ST7SB20J for all other packages 8 USB connection to PCHow to order ST7-EMU or DVP (accessories)9 Parallel port connection to PC10 Available accessories: ST7MC-MOT/IND (induction motor) and ST7-ICC/OPTOISOL (optoisolation board included with motor control starter kit (ST7MC-KIT/BLDC), is also available as separate product)11 Socket boards complement any tool with ICC capabilities (ST7-STICK, InDART, RLINK, DVP3, EMU3, etc.)12 For in-circuit debugging of ST7FLITEUx, users must also order the AD-ICD/DS8Z adapter. For ICD of ST7FLITEUx in DFN8 package, users must order AD-ICD/DS8Z and ST7MDT10-8/DVP13 Order code for daughter board featuring the selected MCU, which can be used with any REva starter kit (STxxxxx-SK/RAIS)How to order ST7-EMU or DVP (accessories)1 TEB: target emulation board to emulate a specific ST7 sub-family. Users can upgrade their emulator to emulate another ST7 family by ordering the appropriate TEB2 Connection kit: complete kit to connect the emulator to a target board. Includes cables, adapters and sockets for specific packages3 DVP3: entry-level emulator that offers a low-cost, flexible, modular debugging and programming solution4 EMU3: high-end emulator that offers a complete, flexible, modular debugging and programming solutionReplacement power supplies:1 For EMU series emulators: APS5V/8A2 For DVP series emulators: APS5V/2A51 Includes all connection kits2 Must be ordered separately3 Connection kit not included, must be ordered separately4 The following connection kit is provided without specifying a connection kit part number:ST7MDT10-16/DVP for DIP16/SO16, when ordering ST7MDT10-DVP3 and ST7MDT10-TEB/DVP SDIP32/SDIP42 connection kit, when ordering ST7MDT20-DVP3 and ST7MDT20-TEB/DVP 5 Add suffix /EU, /US or /UK for the power supply of your region6 These parts are included with the emulator. Ordering references are provided for upgrade or replacement7 These parts are included with connection kits and EMU series emulators. References are provided for ordering spare or replacement parts8 Connection kit Includes application board sockets and connectors for DIP8, SO8 and DFN8 packages 9 ICD adapter for ST7FLITEUx includes application board connectors for DIP8 and SO8 packagesUPSD familyUPSD development and programming toolsNotes1 Code development is easily managed without an external hardware in-circuit emulator by using the on-chip JTAG in-circuit emulator. ST has partnered with Keil Software and Raisonance to include support for UPSD3300 and UPSD3400 JTAG ICE in their 8051 Development ToolsST6 familyNotes1 Add suffix /110, /220 or /UK for the power supply for your region2 Emulator interface with Raisonance’s IDE (RIDE)MCU - Typical designations and part number suffixes© STMicroelectronics - October 2008 - Printed in Italy - All rights reserved The STMicroelectronics corporate logo is a registered trademark of the STMicroelectronics group of companies.All other names are the property of their respective owners.For more information on ST products and solutions,visit Order code: SGMICRO1008。
STM32 选型参考

64 100 100
Flash Flash Flas48K 64K
Data E2PROM (Bytes)
A/D Converter Inputs
STM32F103 Cortex Performance Line 72 MHz
STM32F103C4T6A STM32F103C6T6A STM32F103C8T6 STM32F103CBT6 STM32F103R4H6A STM32F103R4T6A STM32F103R6H6A STM32F103R6T6A STM32F103R8H6 STM32F103R8T6 STM32F103RBH6 STM32F103RBT6 STM32F103RCT6 STM32F103RCY6 LQFP48 LQFP48 LQFP48 LQFP48 LFBGA64 LQFP64 LFBGA64 LQFP64 LFBGA64 LQFP64 BGA64 LQFP64 LQFP64 CSP64 48 48 48 48 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash Flash 16K 32K 64K 128K 16K 16K 32K 32K 64K 64K 128K 128K 256K 256K 6K 10K 20K 20K 6K 6K 10K 10K 20K 20K 20K 20K 48K 48K
For all STM32F100 Value Line quote requests, please contact Divisional Marketing *** Codification is temporarily assigned. Could change before official launch

国民技术MCU全系列可与STM32、兆易GD32兼容硬件PinToPin 国民技术MCU全系列可与STM32、兆易GD32 兼容硬件PinToPin国民技术通⽤MCU与国产同类产品相⽐的优势台积电40纳⽶⼯艺,功耗低功能强国民技术多年安全领域积累⾃带安全IP,安全性⾼与台积电签订多份采购订单,供货较为稳定国民技术MCU表⽰Pin数与flash容量的字母后缀与ST、GD对应含义相同国民技术MCU命名规则STM32F1系列命名举例国民N32G45x 系列——⾼性能、丰富的模拟、连接性MCUARM Cortex-M4 + FPU based 32-bit MCU up to 144MHz,128/256/512KB Flash,80/144KB SRAM,USB, SDIO、Ethernet, 2xCANs, 2xDACs ,up to 4xADCs、4xOPAMPs、7xCOMPs、15 communication interfaces, Security国民技术MCU兼容举例N32G452CBL7 48Pin 128KB Flash 兼容STM32F101CBT6STM32F103CBT6GD32F101CBT6GD32F103CBT6GD32F330CBT6N32G452RBL7 64Pin 128KB Flash 兼容STM32F101RBT6STM32F103RBT6STM32F105RBT6STM32F205RBT6STM32F401RBT6STM32F410RBT6GD32F101RBT6GD32F103RBT6GD32F105RBT6GD32F305RBT6N32G452RCL7 64Pin 256KB Flash 兼容STM32F101RCR6STM32F103RCT6STM32F105RCT6STM32F205RCT6STM32F401RCT6STM32F411RCT6STM32F446RCT6GD32F101RCT6GD32F103RCT6GD32F105RCT6GD32F205RCT6GD32F303RCT6GD32F305RCT6GD32F403RCT6N32G452REL7 64Pin 512KB Flash 兼容STM32F205RET6STM32F215RET6STM32F401RDT6STM32F401RET6STM32F411RET6STM32F446RET6GD32F101RDT6GD32F101RET6GD32F103RDT6GD32F103RET6GD32F105RDT6GD32F105RET6GD32F205RET6GD32F303RET6GD32F305RET6GD32F403RET6N32G452VEL7 100Pin 512KB Flash 兼容STM32F101VDT6STM32F101VET6STM32F103VDT6STM32F103VET6STM32F205VET6STM32F215VET6STM32F401VDT6STM32F401VET6STM32F411VET6STM32F446VET6GD32F101VDT6GD32F101VET6GD32F103VDT6GD32F103VET6GD32F105VDT6GD32F105VET6GD32F205VET6GD32F303VET6GD32F305VET6GD32F403VET6N32G455CBL7 48Pin 128KB Flash 兼容STM32F302CBT6STM32F303CBT6STM32F373CBT6GD32F350CBT6GD32F350CBT6N32G455CCL7 48Pin 256KB Flash 兼容STM32F302CCT6STM32F303CCT6STM32F373CCT6N32G455RCL7 64Pin 256KB Flash 兼容STM32F302RCT6STM32F303RCT6STM32F373RCT6N32G455REL7 64Pin 512KB Flash 兼容STM32F302RDT6STM32F302RET6STM32F303RDT6STM32F303RET6GD32F405RET6N32G455VEL7 100Pin 512KB Flash 兼容STM32F302VDT6N32G457RCL7 64Pin 256KB Flash 兼容STM32F107RBT6STM32F107RCT6GD32F107RBT6GD32F107RCT6GD32F207RCT6GD32F307RCT6N32G457VEL7 100Pin 512KB Flash兼容STM32F207VET6STM32F217VET6STM32F407VET6STM32F417VET6GD32F107VDT6GD32F107VET6GD32F207VET6GD32F307VET6GD32F407VET6国民 N32L40/3x 系列——低功耗 MCUARM Cortex-M4F based 32-bit MCU up to 108MHz,64/128KB Flash,16/24/32KB SRAM,USB, CAN, DACs , ADC、LPRCNT、LCD、24 touchkeys, 2xOPAMPs、2xCOMPs、10 communication interfaces, SecurityN32L436R8L7 64Pin 64 KB Flash 兼容STM32L010R8T6STM32L051R8T6STM32L052R8T6STM32L053R8T6STM32L063R8T6STM32L100R8T6-ASTM32L151R8T6-ASTM32L152R8T6-AN32L406RBL7 64Pin 128KB Flash 兼容STM32L053R6T6STM32L053R8T6STM32L063R8T6STM32L073RBT6STM32L083RBT6⽆LCD:STM32L010RBT6STM32L071RBT6STM32L072RBT6STM32L100RBT6-ASTM32L151RBT6-ASTM32L152RBT6-A国民 N32G43x 系列——通⽤ MCUN32G435CBL7 48Pin 256KB Flash 兼容STM32G071CBT6STM32G081CBT6STM32F071CBT6STM32F072CBT6STM32F091CBT6STM32F302CBT6STM32F303CBT6STM32F373CBT6GD32F350CBT6N32G030C8L7 48Pin 64KB Flash 兼容STM32F030C8T6STM32F031C6T6芯⽚选型交流国民技术代理陈⽣ 134******** QQ/微信:2900765091。
STM32 F1-F2-F4 比较选型

3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(16) 3(21) 3(24)
80 82 112 114
176脚 F2&F4
4+2 3(2)
3 10 2 2 2 3(24) 140
CSP64 BGA100 BGA176
USB 2.0 全速设备
12K字节 数据
LCD 8x40段 4x44段
SDIO 2个I2S 照相机接口 SDIO 2个I2S 照相机接口 2个I2S SDIO 2个I2S
以太网 IEEE 1588v2 以太网 IEEE 1588v2 以太网 IEEE 1588v1
STM32L151C8 STM32L152C8 STM32L151R8 STM32L152R8 STM32L15V8 STM32L152V8

示例:从上面的料号可以看出以下信息:ST品牌ARM Cortex-Mx系列内核32位超值型MCU,LQFP -48封装闪存容量32KB 温度范围-40℃-85℃;1.产品系列:STM32代表ST品牌Cortex-Mx系列内核(ARM)的32位MCU;2.产品类型:F:通用快闪(Flash Memory);L:低电压(1.65~3.6V);F类型中F0xx和 F1xx系列为2.0~3.6V; F2xx 和F4xx系列为1.8~3.6V;W:无线系统芯片,开发版.3.产品子系列:030:ARM Cortex-M0内核;050:ARM Cortex-M0内核;051:ARM Cortex-M0内核;100:ARM Cortex-M3内核,超值型;101:ARM Cortex-M3内核,基本型;102:ARM Cortex-M3内核,USB基本型;103:ARM Cortex-M3内核,增强型;105:ARM Cortex-M3内核,USB互联网型;107:ARM Cortex-M3内核,USB互联网型、以太网型;108:ARM Cortex-M3内核,IEEE802.15.4标准;151:ARM Cortex-M3内核,不带LCD;152/162:ARM Cortex-M3内核,带LCD;205/207:ARM Cortex-M3内核,不加密模块.(备注:150DMIPS,高达1MB 闪存/128+4KB RAM,USB OTG HS/FS,以太网,17个TIM,3个ADC,15个通信外设接口和摄像头;)215/217:ARM Cortex-M3内核,加密模块。
(备注:150DMIPS,高达1MB 闪存/128+4KB RAM,USB OTG HS/FS,以太网,17个TIM,3个ADC,15个通信外设接口和摄像头;)405/407:ARM Cortex-M4内核,不加密模块。
(备注:MCU+FPU,210DMIPS,高达1MB闪存/192+4KB RAM,USB OTG HS/FS,以太网,17个TIM,3个ADC,15个通信外设接口和摄像头);415/417:ARM Cortex-M4内核,加密模块。
ST STM32L072xx超低功耗32位ARM MCU开发方案

STM32L072x8 STM32L072xB STM32L072xZ超低功耗32位MCU基于ARM的Cortex-M0+,高达192KB闪存,20KB SRAM,6KB EEPROM,USB,ADC,DAC。
STM32L072xx微控制器应用•燃气/水表和工业传感器•医疗保健和健身器材•远程控制和用户界面•PC外设、游戏、GPS设备•报警系统,有线和无线传感器,视频对讲STM32L072xx系列主要特性•超低功耗平台1.65V~3.6V电源-40℃~125℃温度范围0.29μA待机模式(3个唤醒引脚)0.43μA停止模式(16条唤醒线)0.86μA停止模式+RTC+20KB RAM保持时间在运行模式下降至93μA/MHz5μs唤醒时间(来自闪存)41μA12位ADC转换,速率为10ksps•内核:ARM 32位Cortex-M0+和MPU从32kHz~32MHz最大0.95 DMIPS/MHz•复位和供应管理图1 STM32L072x系列框图ST STM32L072xx超低功耗32位ARM MCU开发方案超低功耗POR/PDR可编程电压检测器(PVD)•时钟源1到25MHz晶体振荡器用于带校准的RTC的32kHz振荡器高速内部16MHz工厂校准RC(+/-1%)内部低功耗37kHz RC内部多电源低功耗65kHz~4.2MHz RC用于USB的48MHz RC的内部自校准CPU时钟PLL•预编程引导程序:USB,USART支持•发展支持:支持串行线调试•最多84个快速I/O(78个I/O,5V耐压)•存储器高达192KB带ECC的闪存(2个组具有读写同步功能)20KB RAM6KB带ECC的数据EEPROM20字节备份寄存器对R/W操作的扇区保护•丰富模拟外设12位ADC 1.14Msps,最多16个通道(降至1.65V)2个带输出缓冲器的12位通道DAC(低至1.8V)2个超低功耗比较器(窗口模式和唤醒功能,低至1.65V)•最多24个电容式感应通道支持触摸键,线性和旋转触摸传感器•7通道DMA控制器,支持ADC,SPI,I2C,USART,DAC,定时器图2 STM32L072x系列时钟树•11个外围通信接口1个USB 2.0无晶体,电池充电检测和LPM4×USART (2个采用ISO 7816,IrDA ),1×UART (低功耗)高达6×SPI 16Mbits/s 3×I 2C (2与SMBus/PMBus)•11个定时器:2×16位,最多4个通道,2×16位,最多2个通道,1×16位超低功耗定时器,1×SysTick,1×RTC ,2×16位基本DAC 和2×看门狗(独立/窗口)•CRC计算单元,96位唯一ID •真RNG 和防火墙保护图3 P-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 Nucleo包外形图Nucleo包P-NUCLEO-LRWAN1(NUCLEO-L073RZ板和I-NUCLEO-SX1272D RF扩展板)超低功耗STM32和LoRa Nucleo组件(P-NUCLEO-LRWAN1)是基于NUCLEO-L073RZ板,Semtech公司的I-NUCLEO-SX1272DLoRa RF扩展板和低于千兆赫天线。
STM STM 官方选型表

Content1STM32 – 32-bit microcontroller families (3)STM32 F0 series - ARM Cortex™-M0 Entry-level MCUs (3)STM32 F1 series - ARM Cortex™-M3 Mainstream MCUs (18)12 STM32 F2 series - ARM Cortex™-M3 High-performance MCUs (23)STM32 F3 series - ARM Cortex®-M4 Mixed-signal MCUswith DSP and FPU (7)STM32 F4 series - ARM Cortex®-M4 High-performance MCUswith DSP and FPU.....................................................................................STM32 L1 series - ARM Cortex®-M3 Ultra-low-power MCUs (26)STM32 L0 series - ARM Cortex®-M0+ Ultra-low-power MCUs (31)STM8 – 8-bit microcontroller families (33)STM8S series – Mainstream MCUs (33)STM8AF series – Mainstream Automotive MCUs (36)STM8AL series – Ultra-low-power Automotive MCUs (38)STM8L series – Ultra-low-power MCUs (39)2STM32 – 32-bit microcontroller families STM32 F0 SERIES - ARM CORTEX®-M0 ENTRY-LEVEL MCUS345789Supply voltage 2.0 to 3.6V for all devices or 1.8V +/-8% dedicated sales type WLCSP66 package available in 1.8V +/-8% dedicated sales type only1. HS requires an external PHY connected to ULPI interface2. Crypto/hash processor on STM32F417, STM32F415, STM32F437, STM32F4393. 1.7 V requires external reset circuitry and the device operates in the 0 to 70 °C temperature range. .4. Marked in the table (3+2) means 3 USART and 2 UART. All UARTs have LIN master/slave function. All USARTs have IrDA, ISO 7816, modem control and LIN master/slave functions.1. Marked in the table (3+2) means 3 USART and 2 UART. All UARTs have LIN master/slave function. All USARTs have IrDA, ISO 7816, modem control and LIN master/slave functions.1. HS requires an external PHY connected to ULPI interface2. Crypto/hash processor on STM32F217 and STM32F2153. Marked in the table (3+2) means 3 USART and 2 UART. All UARTs have LIN master/slave function. All USARTs have IrDA, ISO 7816, modem control and LIN master/slave functions.-Touch-sensing FW library available for all STM32L15x and STM32L16x devices1. Low-power – available in ultra-low-power modes2. Hardware oversampling capable3. Crystal-less4. Lowpower Time Counter1. On demand onlySTM8AL SERIES – ULTRA-LOW-POWER AUTOMOTIVE MCUS- All STM8AL part numbers have DMA with 4 channels except STM8AL30STM8L SERIES – ULTRA-LOW-POWER MCUS1. Up to 2 Kbytes of EEPROMADC :Analog-to-digital converter ART :Auto-reload timerATAPI :AT attachment packet interface AWU :Auto wake-up from haltBLPD :Byte level protocol decoder BOD :Brown-out detectorCAN :Controller area networkCAPCOM :Capture compareCSS :Clock security systemDALI :Digital addressable lighting interface DDC :Data display channelDiSEqC :Digital satellite equipment control DMA :Direct memory accessDSC :Dual supply controlDTC :Data transfer coprocessor ETM :Embedded trace macrocell EMI :External memory interface HDLC :High-level data link control IAP :In-application programming IC/OC :Input capture/output compare ICP :programmingIR :InfraredIrDA :Infrared data associationISP :In-situ programmingI²C :Inter-integrated circuitI²S :Inter-IC sound Abbreviations and packages LCD :Liquid crystal display LIN :Local interconnect network LVD :Low voltage detection MAC :Multiply accumulator MC :Motor control MFT :Multifunction timer MMC :MultiMediaCard NMI :Non-maskable interrupt OSG :Oscillator safeguard PCA :Programmable counter array PDR :Power-down reset PHW :Programmable halt wake-up PEC :Peripheral event controller PLD :Programmable logic device PLL :Phase locked loop POR :Power-on reset PVD :Programmable voltage detector PVR :Programmable voltage regulator PWM :Pulse width modulation ROP :Readout protection RTC :Real-time clock timer SC :Smartcard SCI :Serial communication interface SCR :Smartcard reader SDIO :Secure digital input output SMI :Serial memory interface ABBREVIATIONS PACKAGES DIP :Dual in-line package LCC :Leaded chip carrier PDIP Shrink :Shrink Plastic Dual In-line Package PQFP :SO :Small outline LQFP :PBGA :Plastic ball grid array DFN :QFN :SPI :Serial peripheral interface SSC :Single-cycle switching support SSP :Synchronous serial port TBU :Time base unit TLI :Top level interrupt UART :Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter USART :Universal sync/async receiver transmitter USB :Universal Serial Bus WDG :Watchdog timer WWDG :Window watchdog timer© STMicroelectronics - August 2014 - Printed in China - All rights reserved。

程序FLASHRAM 16-bit 定时器(kB)(kB)(IC/OC/PWM)STM32F100C4164 6 (16/16/21)STM32F100C6324 6 (16/16/21)STM32F100C86487 (18/18/21)STM32F100CB 12887 (18/18/21)STM32F100R6324 6 (16/16/21)STM32F100VC2562411 (28/28/31)型号S选型列表24 MHz C超值(Value line) STM32F100xx基本型 (Access line) STM32F101xxUSB 基本型 (USB Access line) STM32F102xx增强型 (Performance line) STM32F103xx程序FLASHRAM 16-bit 定时器(kB)(kB)(IC/OC/PWM)型号STM32F205RC 2569612(24/24/30)STM32F205RE 51212812(24/24/30)STM32F205RG 102412812(24/24/30)STM32F205RF 768STM32F205VC 2569612(24/24/30)12812(24/24/30)STM32F205VE 51212812(24/24/30)STM32F205VF76812812(24/24/30)接口增强型 (Connectivity line) STM32F105/107xx接口增强型 (Connectivity line) STM32F2 Hi-Performance120 MHz, up to 1 MB Flash/128+4KB RAM,程序FLASHRAM 16-bit 定时器(kB)(kB)(IC/OC/PWM)型号接口增强型 (Connectivity line) STM32 F4 Hi-Performance & DS168 MHz, up to 1MB Flash/192+4KB RAM, USTM32F405VG 102419212(24/24/30)STM32F405ZG 102419212(24/24/30)STM32F407VE51219212(24/24/30)I/Os 电压(High Current)(V)1xSPI;1xI2C;CEC;2xUSART 4837(37) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;CEC;2xUSART 4837(37) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;CEC;3xUSART 4837(37) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;CEC;3xUSART 4837(37) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;CEC;2xUSART 6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;CEC;5xUSART10080(80)2 to 3.6I/Os 电压(High Current)(V)1xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 3626(26) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 3626(26) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 3626(26) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 4836(36) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 4836(36) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART 4836(36) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART 4836(36) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 6451(51) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART 6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART 6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART 10080(80) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 144112(112) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART 144112(112) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART144112(112)2 to 3.6通信接口引脚通信接口引脚STM32 MCU 选型列表MHz CPU with motor control and CEC functions超值型 (Value line) STM32F100xx基本型 (Access line) STM32F101xx36 MHz CPU, up to 1 Mbyte FlashI/Os 电压(High Current)(V)1xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB 4836(36) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB 4836(36) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB 4836(36) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB 4836(36) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB 6451(51) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB 6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB 6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB6451(51)2 to 3.6I/Os 电压(High Current)(V)1xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB;CAN 3626(26) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB;CAN 3626(26) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB;CAN 4837(37) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB;CAN 4837(37) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB;CAN 4837(37) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB;CAN 4837(37) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB;CAN 6451(51) 2 to 3.61xSPI;1xI2C;2xUSART;USB;CAN 6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB;CAN 6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB;CAN6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 6451(51) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN6451(51) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB;CAN 10080(80) 2 to 3.62xSPI;2xI2C;3xUSART;USB;CAN10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 10080(80) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 144112(112) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN 144112(112) 2 to 3.63xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;USB;CAN144112(112)2 to 3.6通信接口引脚通信接口引脚48 MHz CPU with USB FS强型 (Performance line) STM32F103xxup to 1 Mbyte Flash with motor control, USB and CANI/Os 电压(High Current)(V)3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;2xUART;USB OTG FS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100I/Os 电压(High Current)(V)3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO646451(51) 2 to 3.6通信接口引脚51(51) 2 to 3.610080(80) 2 to 3.610080(80) 2 to 3.651(51) 2 to 3.66451(51) 2 to 3.664 2 to 3.610080(80)2 to 3.6通信接口引脚6451(51) 1.8 to 3.66451(51) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.66451(51) 1.8 to 3.66451(51)10082(82) 1.8 to 3.610082(82) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.610082(82)z CPU with Ethernet MAC, CAN and USB 2.0 OTG型 (Connectivity line) STM32F2 Hi-PerformanceRAM, USB OTG HS/FS, Ethernet, 17 TIMs, 3 ADCs, 15 comm. interfaces & camera10080(80)3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100;3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100;3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1003xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO;2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100I/Os 电压(High Current)(V)3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;4xUSART;2xUART;SDIO;10082(82) 1.8 to 3.6144114(114) 1.8 to 3.6144114(114) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.610082(82) 1.8 to 3.6144114(114)10082(82) 1.8 to 3.610082(82) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.6144140(140) 1.8 to 3.610082(82)144114(114) 1.8 to 3.6144114(114) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.610082(82) 1.8 to 3.66451(51)144114(114) 1.8 to 3.610082(82) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.6通信接口引脚 (Connectivity line) STM32 F4 Hi-Performance & DSPAM, USB OTG HS/FS, Ethernet, 17 TIMs, 3 ADCs, 15 comm. interfaces & camera144114(114)10082(82) 1.8 to 3.6144114(114) 1.8 to 3.61.8 to 3.610082(82)2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO; 2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO; 2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/100 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;1xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;SDIO3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO; 2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN/Ethernet MAC10/100 3xSPI;2xI2S;2xI2C;3xUSART;3xUART;SDIO; 2xUSB OTG FS/HS;2xCAN;Ethernet MAC10/1001.8 to3.6 10082(82)1.8 to3.6 10082(82)144114(114)1.8 to3.6 10082(82)1.8 to3.682(82)1.8 to3.6 144114(114)1.8 to3.6 100144114(114)1.8 to3.6。

参照2009年12月 RM0008 Reference Manual 英文第10版 本译文仅供参考,如有翻译错误,请以英文原稿为准。请读者随时注意在ST网站下载更新版本
串 行 总 线
器 局 域 网
外 设 总 线
间 总 线 接 口
同 步 异 步 收
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ST STM32L072CZ超低功耗MCU开发方案

ST STM32L072CZ超低功耗32位ARM MCU开发方案ST公司的stm32L072xx系列产品是超低功耗32位基于ARM®-based Cortex®-M0+的MCU,集成了多达192KB 闪存,20KB SRAM,6KB EEPROM以及USB,ADC和DAC等.工作频率从表32 kHz到高达32 MHz(最大),0.95 DMIPS/MHz.工作电压1.65V-3.6V,工作温度-40到125℃,待机模式功耗0.29 μA,停止模式为0.43 μA,运行模式可低至93 μA/MHz,从闪存的叫醒时间为5 μs,12为ADC转换在10ksps时功耗41 μA,多达84个快速I/O.器件嵌入标致和先进的通信接口包括多达3个I2C,两个SPI,一个I2S,四个USART,一个低功耗UART(LPUART)和一个无晶振的USB.器件提供多达24个容性检测通路,以简化应用时增加触摸检测功能.STM32L072xx还包括实时时钟和一组备份寄存器.主要用在气体/水表和工业传感器,遥控和用户接口,健康和健美设备,PC外设,游戏和GPS设备,告警系统,有线和无线传感器和视频互连.本文介绍了STM32L072xx系列主要特性和框图,时钟树框图和电源方案图,以及B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery套件主要特性,硬件框图,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图.The ultra-low-power STM32L072xx are offered in 10 different package typesfrom 32 pins to 100 pins. Depending on the device chosen, different sets of peripherals are included, the description below gives an overview of the complete range of peripherals proposed in this family. These features make the ultra-low-power STM32L072xx microcontrollers suitable for a wide range of applications:• Gas/water meters and industrial sensors• Healthcare and fitness equipment• Remote control and user interface• PC peripherals, gaming, GPS equipment• Alarm system, wired and wireless sensors, video inter com.This STM32L072xx datasheet should be read in conjunction with the STM32L0x2xx reference manual (RM0376).The ultra-low-power STM32L072xx microcontrollers incorporate the connectivity power of the universal serial bus (USB 2.0 crystal-less) with the high-performance Arm Cortex-M0+ 32-bit RISC core operating at a 32 MHz frequency, a memory protection unit (MPU), high-speed embedded memories (up to 192 Kbytes of Flash program memory, 6 Kbytes of data EEPROM and 20 Kbytes of RAM) plus an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals. The STM32L072xx devices provide high power efficiency for a wide range of performance. It is achieved with a large choice of internal and external clock sources, an internal voltage adaptation and several low-power modes.The STM32L072xx devices offer several analog features, one 12-bit ADC with hardware oversampling, two DACs, two ultra-low-power comparators, several timers, one low-power timer (LPTIM), four general-purpose 16-bit timers and two basic timer, one RTC and one SysTick which can be used as timebases. They also feature two watchdogs, one watchdog with independent clock and window capability and one window watchdog based on bus clock. Moreover, the STM32L072xx devices embed standard and advanced communication interfaces: up to three I2Cs, two SPIs, one I2S, four USARTs, a low-power UART (LPUART), and a crystal-less USB. The devices offer up to 24 capacitive sensing channels to simply add touch sensing functionality to any application. The STM32L072xx also include a real-time clock and a set of backup registers that remain powered in Standby mode. The ultra-low-power STM32L072xx devices operate from a 1.8 to 3.6 V power supply (down to 1.65 V at power down) with BOR and from a 1.65 to 3.6 V power supply without BOR option. They are available in the -40 to +125℃temperature range. A comprehensive set of power-saving modes allows the design of low-powerapplications.STM32L072CZ主要特性:• Ultra-low-power platform– 1.65 V to 3.6 V power supply– -40 to 125℃ temperature range–0.29 μA Standby mode (3 wakeup pins)–0.43 μA Stop mode (16 wakeup lines)–0.86 μA Stop mode + RTC + 20-Kbyte RAM retention– Down to 93 μA/MHz in Run mode–5 μs wakeup time (from Flash memory)–41 μA 12-bit ADC conversion at 10 ksps• Core: Arm® 32-bit Cortex®-M0+ with MPU– From 32 kHz up to 32 MHz max.– 0.95 DMIPS/MHz• Memories– Up to 192-Kbyte Flash memory with ECC(2 banks with read-while-write capability)– 20 -Kbyte RAM– 6 Kbytes of data EEPROM with ECC– 20-byte backup register– Sector protection against R/W operation• Up to 84 fast I/Os (78 I/Os 5V tolerant)• Reset and supply management– Ultra-safe, low-power BOR (brownout reset) with 5 selectable thresholds– Ultra-low-power POR/PDR– Programmable voltage detector (PVD)• Clock sources– 1 to 25 MHz crystal oscillator– 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration– High speed internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (+/- 1%)– Internal low-power 37 kHz RC– Internal multispeed low-power 65 kHz to 4.2 MHz RC– Internal self calibration of 48 MHz RC for USB– PLL for CPU clock• Pre-programmed bootloader– USB, USART supported• Development support– Serial wire debug supported• R ich Analog peripherals– 12-bit ADC 1.14 Msps up to 16 channels (down to 1.65 V)– 2 x 12-bit channel DACs with output buffers (down to 1.8 V)– 2x ultra-low-power comparators (window mode and wake up capability, down to 1.65 V) • Up to 24 capacitive sensi ng channels supporting touchkey, linear and rotary touch sensors• 7-channel DMA controller, supporting ADC, SPI, I2C, USART, DAC, Timers• 11x peripheral communication interfaces– 1x USB 2.0 crystal-less, battery charging detection and LPM– 4x USART (2 with ISO 7816, IrDA), 1x UART (low power)– Up to 6x SPI 16 Mbits/s– 3x I2C (2 with SMBus/PMBus)• 11x timers: 2x 16-bit with up to 4 channels, 2x 16-bit with up to 2 channels, 1x 16-bit ultra-low-power timer, 1x SysTick, 1x RTC, 2x 16-bit basic for DAC, and 2x watchdogs (independent/window)• CRC calculation unit, 96-bit unique ID• True RNG and firewall protection• All packages are ECOPACK2图1.STM32L072xx系列框图图2.STM32L072xx系列时钟树框图图3.STM32L072xx系列电源方案图B-L072Z-LRWAN1 LoRa®/Sigfox™Discovery套件The B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit embeds the CMWX1ZZABZ-091 LoRa®/Sigfox™ module (Murata). This Discovery kit allows users to develop easily applications with the STM32L072CZ and the LoRa®/Sigfox™ RF connectivity in one single module. The B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit has the full set of features available in the STM32L0 Series and offers ultra-low-power and LoRa®/Sigfox™ RF features. The B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit is a low-cost and easy-to-use development kit to quickly evaluate and start a development with an STM32L072CZ microcontroller.The B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit includes LoRa®/Sigfox™ RF interface, LEDs, push-buttons, antenna, Arduino™ Uno V3 connectors, USB 2.0 FS connector in Micro-B format. The integrated ST-LINK/V2-1 provides an embedded in-circuit debugger and programmer for the STM32L0 MCUs.The LoRaWAN™ stack is certified class A and C compliant. It is available inside theI-CUBE-LRWAN firmware package.TheSigfox™ stack is RCZ1, RCZ2, and RCZ4 certified. It is available inside the X-CUBE-SFOX expansion package.To help users setting up a complete node (LoRaWAN™, Sigfox™, or both), the B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery kit comes with the STM32 comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube package, as well as a direct acce ss to the Arm® Mbed Enabled™ resources at the website.图4. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 LoRa®/Sigfox™Discovery套件外形图B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery套件主要特性:• CMWX1ZZABZ-091 LoRa®/Sigfox™ module (Murata)– Embedded ultra-low-power STM32L072CZ Series MCUs, based on Arm® Cortex® -M0+ core, with 192 Kbytes of Flash memory, 20 Kbytes of RAM, 20 Kbytes of EEPROM– Frequency range: 860 MHz - 930 MHz– Frequency MHz (min): 860 MHz– Frequency MHz (max): 930 MHz– USB 2.0 FS– 4-channel,12-bit ADC, 2xDAC– 6-bit timers, LP-UART, I2C and SPI– Embedded SX1276 transceiver–LoRa®, FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK and OOK modulations (+ Sigfox™ compatibility)– +14 dBm or +20 dBm selectable output power– 157 dB maximum link budget– Programmable bit rate up to 300 kbit/s– High sensitivity: down to -137 dBm– Bullet-proof front end: IIP3 = -12.5 dBm– 89 dB blocking immunity– Low RX current of 10 mA, 200 nA register retention– Fully integrated synthesizer with a resolution of 61 Hz– Built-in bit synchronizer for clock recovery– Sync word recognition– Preamble detection– 127 dB+ dynamic range RSSI• Including 50 ohm SMA RF antenna• 1 user and reset push-buttons• Board connecto rs:– USB FS connector– SMA and U.FL RF• Board expansion connectors:–Arduino™ Uno V3• 7 LEDs:– 4 general-purpose LEDs– 5 V-power LED– ST-LINK-communication LED– Fault-power LED• Flexible power-supply options: ST-LINK USB VBUS or external sources• On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 debugger/programmer with USB re-enumeration capability: mass storage, virtual COM port and debug port• Comprehensive free software libraries and examples available with the STM32Cube package• Support of a wide choice of Integrated Development Environments (IDES) including IAR™, Keil®, GCC-based IDEs, Arm® Mbed™(a)• Arm® Mbed Enabled™ compliant图5. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 Discovery套件硬件框图图6. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 顶层布局图图7. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 底层布局图图8. B-L072Z-LRWAN1电路图(1)图9. B-L072Z-LRWAN1电路图(2)图10. B-L072Z-LRWAN1电路图(3)图11. B-L072Z-LRWAN1电路图(4)图12. B-L072Z-LRWAN1电路图(5)图13. B-L072Z-LRWAN1电路图(6)图14. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(1)图15. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(2)图16. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(3)图17. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(4)图18. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(5)图19. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(6)图20. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(7)图21. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(8)图22. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(9)图23. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(10)图24. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(11)图25. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(12)图26. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(13)图27. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(14)图28. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(15)图29. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(16)图30. B-L072Z-LRWAN1 PCB设计图(17)。
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STM32F100CB STM32F100R4 STM32F100R6 STM32F100R8 STM32F100RB STM32F100RC STM32F100RD STM32F100RE STM32F100V8 STM32F100VB STM32F100VC STM32F100VD STM32F100VE STM32F100ZC STM32F100ZD STM32F100ZE STM32F101C6 STM32F101C8 STM32F101CB STM32F101R4 STM32F101R6 STM32F101R8 STM32F101RB STM32F101RC STM32F101RD STM32F101RE STM32F101RF STM32F101RG STM32F101T4 STM32F101T6 STM32F101T8 STM32F101TB STM32F101V8 STM32F101VB STM32F101VC STM32F101VD STM32F101VE
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