
treated be held complete absolute in confidence
Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential.
Page 16
The firm you inquire about is one of the most reliable importers in our district and has enjoyed a good reputation among the 8 traders for many years.
with reference to with regard to regarding concerning
5、你地XX银行将给你提供有关我们的信誉和经 营作风等方面的资料。
背景 文本和线条 阴影 标题文本 填充 强调 超链接 已访超链接
The xx bank of your city will give you any information you may require concerning our credit standing as well as our manner of doing business.
Uint3 Status Enquiries
prestige credit reputation credit standing

○ As an exporter, send necessary information. 作为一个出口,将必要的信息 ● In order to give you a general idea of various kinds of the table-cloth we are handling, we are airmailing you under separate cover our latest catalogue for your reference.
Unit 3 establishing business relations
• Objectives:目标:
• Know where to obtain the information of the foreign merchants.
• 知道在哪里可以获得的外国商人的信息。 • Know how to write a letter of establishing business
Yours faithfully,你的忠实的,
Exercise:translate the following into English.
美国J&M有限公司已将贵公司的名称和地址告 知我们,并认为贵公司是中国有潜力的棉布买 主。棉布属于我公司的经营范围,我们将很乐 于与贵公司建立直接的业务关系。 兹随函附上商品目录和价目单各一份,以便于了 解我们产品的概况。一俟接到贵方的具体询价, 将立即航空邮寄我公司的报价单和样本。 盼早复。
○ 至于我们的财务状况,请参阅我们的银行,......银行,我们肯 定会很高兴为您提供任何您所需要的信息
Our bankers are … Bank .They can provide you information about our business and finances.

We are sorry we are not able to give precise information about the company you asked about.
The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.
Replying to yours of 10th May, we inform you that we have ho personal knowledge as to the standing of Messrs. Yada & Co., of our city.
So we take the liberty to ask you to give your views concerning the actual position of the firm in order that we may take steps to avoid getting into trouble.
Dear Sirs,
This is in reply to your enquiry dated April 8th about the credit status of Da Cheng Mechanical Equipment Company. we regret we have to make an unfavorable account. We found that the company is now being pressed

Practical Training
Part One
Basic knowledge concerned
Warming-up: After the market research and establishment of business relations, it comes to the real procedure of an import/export transaction: enquiry (询盘) offer (发盘) counter offer (还盘) acceptance (接受) So enquiry is the first real step in business negotiation. Q: 1. Which steps are indispensable in a successful business transaction? 2. Which of the above steps is made by (prospective) buyers? Or sellers?
The importance of enquiry:
Enquiry is the first real step in business negotiation.
The nature of enquiry:
In foreign trade an enquiry is usually (not absolutely) made by the prospective buyer without engagement(约束), requesting for information on the supply of certain goods. So we call it 询盘 or 询价 in Chinese.

(2) 说明想 要调查 的细节 和原因
We should be very grateful to you for any information you can give us about their reputation and creditworthiness.(我们非常感激您能给予我们有关他们 的声誉和资信情况的情报。) We should be obliged if you would let us know if … (如果您能告知我们……,我们将不胜感谢。) Since it is our first transaction with this firm, we should greatly appreciate your advice as to what limit you consider them safe.(因为这是我们与该公司所做的 首笔生意,所以非常感激您告知我们您对该公司可 信任程度的意见。)
3.3 Specimen Letters(样函)
Letter 1:Making inquiry through one’s own bank Dear Sirs, We have received a large order from Messrs E.A. Sheen & Co., P.O. Box123, Karachi. We would therefore appreciate it if you would provide us information about the financial and business standing1 of the previously mentioned firm. The reference we have obtained is the Royal Bank, Karachi. Will you please be good enough to obtain for us the information we need. Any information that you may provide us will be treated in strict confidence2. We thank in advance. Yours faithfully, Li Xingdong

Notes: Discount : 折扣 quantity discount: 数量折扣 cash discount: 现金折扣 The highest discount we can allow (give, make, grant) on this article is 10%.
趣。 We are interested in the desk lamps you advertised in the May issue of “good housekeeping”
Pattern2:reasons for---for materials
An enquiry
• offer
• First Enquiry • 首次询盘 • Firm offer • 实盘 • Negotiating bank
• negotiate
Definition: A Request for
Information without engagement
growth of our business
Pattern2--Ask for price with discount
2.We shall appreciate if you could make us the best offer for your Children’s Bicycles on CIF New York basis with terms of payment and the largest discount you can allow us.
(1) We shall be glad if you will send us your samples. We shall appreciate it if you will send us your samples and brochure. (2)We would like you to send us the catalogue (3)Please send us your catalogue…..
外贸函电_Unit 3销售

Unit Three
Section 2: Specimen letters
You will find enclosed leaflets describing this Vacuum Cleaner and we look forward to your agreeing to handle our product as the sole agent in your district.
Unit Three
Section 2: Specimen letters
Notes increase in 在…方面增长 businessmen’s suits 西装 state of affairs 事态、情势 be attributed to 把某事归因于……
Unit Three
Unit Three
Section 2: Specimen letters
Letter 3.2 A seller writes to promote the new products
Dear Sirs,
Last year we achieved a 30% increase in the sales of our businessmen’s suits. We believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes. First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs. Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.
外贸函电UNIT 3

16.regret being unable to do sth/ regret one’s inability to do sth 为不能做某事而感到遗憾 We regret that we cannot be more helpful 抱歉不能提供帮助 17.to make further enquiries from/ through other enquiry agencies 向其他咨询机构作进一步咨询
5.The… Bank of your city will give you any information you may require concerning our credit standing as well as our manner of doing business. 6.Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential. 7.We advise you to proceed with every possible caution in dealing with the firm in question. 8.They are a firm of high reputation and have large financial reserves.
V. 1 Jan. 20th, 19… The Bank of China Shanghai Branch Shanghai Dear Sirs Recently we have received an order for our goods to the value of $1,600 from a new customer William Baker & Sons. As we have not done any business with them in the past, we would like to know if you could provide us with any information concerning their financial and credit status.
外贸函电Unit 3

3.3.1 A reply
4.Feel free to let us know Please don’t hesitate to let us know.
5. Satisfy you to the best of our ability尽可能地满足贵方 6. see that …请注意… 请贵方务必在3月底前发送此批货物。
3.3.2 General enquiry and reply
Under separate cover单独邮寄,另邮寄 Craftsmanship工艺水平 Appeal to对…有吸引力 Sight draft即期汇票
我们另邮寄样品一批(a batch of),深信 一旦你们有机会查看样品,定会承认该货品 质优良,工艺精湛,价格合理。
3.3.3 Specific Enquiry and Reply
A ready market有市场 Be given to understand了解到… Have confidence in … Agree with the taste of …适合…的口味 Feel confident of placing a trial order 有信心下试订单
3.3.1 A reply
7.L/C reaches us at least 30 days before…
即期信用证务必至少在装运期前30天送达我公 司。 因为全棉质地的衬衫经久耐穿,越来越受到市 场的青睐。我们不得不扩大生产,以满足市场 不断增长的需求。
3.3.1 A reply
请把贵公司的最新样品寄给我们并附上最优 惠的价格,不胜感激。
3.3.2 General enquiry and reply

We shall place substantial orders with you provided your new products are excellent in quality and competitive in price.
Please quote us your best CIF Shanghai prices, stating the earliest date of shipment.
firm offer 实盘
agree with the taste of our market
prompt: [ prɔmpt ] a. 迅速的, 立刻的
vt. 激起,促进,推动
e.g.:He is always prompt in answering letters. 他总是迅速回复来信。
Couple: [ ‘kʌpl ]
n. 对,夫妇,数个
v. 加倍,成双,连结
E.g: They are a nice couple. 他们是很美满的一对。
Coupled with 连同,与...一起
E.g: Her name was coupled with his. 她的名字与他的连在一起。
Discount : 折扣 quantity discount: 数量折扣 cash discount: 现金折扣
The highest discount we can allow(give,make,grant)on this article is 10%.

We are pleased to enclose …(我们很高兴附寄给 您……。)
表示很高 兴寄…… 给对方
We have pleasure in enclosing …(我们很高兴附 寄给您……。)
(3) 请求对 方寄送 目录、 价格表 和样品
Will you please send us your illustrate/ latest catalogue and price-list.(请您寄给我们带插图的/ 最新的产品目录和价格表。)
We should like to receive a copy of your latest catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with samples.(我们非 常希望获得贵公司的最新产品目录和有关出口价格、 付款条件以及样品的详细材料。)
(6) 表示定 购货物 的可能 性
Please let us know by return of post whether you would be interested in such an order.(请发信告知 我们,你方是否对这样的订单感兴趣。)
付条件 We require the goods delivery would be effected 和期望 within six weeks of order.(我们要求在下订单后六周 的交货 内供货。)
Will you please let us know by 4 April so that we can place our order promptly.(请在4月4日前告知我们, 以便我方及时下单订货。)

Dear sir , Kindly be informed that I am so interesting with fresh pasta “ pasta machine” . I am asking for you to send your best offer for this machine fresh pasta machine with all any equipments to make diff. type of fresh pasta such as fresh pasta as follow: Pasta fresca type : 1- Fettuccine (宽面) 2- sheet (面片) 3- Rigatoni (通心粉) showing machine types and capacity ,Waiting for your urgent reply, Pls. feel free to contact me any time Best Regards
价格表和 We should like to receive a copy of your latest 样品 catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with samples.(我 们非常希望获得贵公司的最新产品目录和有关出
place an order with sb for sth 向某人订购某物
place a large (substantial) order with sb for sth 向某人大量订购某物
If your price is reasonable, we may place a large order with you. 若你方价格合理,我方可能向你方大量订购。

外贸函电第三单元IV2.1)This will help cement our business relations.2)To establish business relations with you is whatwe have longed for for years.3)We avail this opportunity of writing to you andsee if we can establish business relations by a st art of some practical transactions.4)We are only too pleased to deal in your products.5)You as well as him are right.6)Please place order with us if you find our price competitive.7)We shall get in touch with you as soon as we h ave fresh supplies.8)We are in urgent/great need of Grade A.9)With a view to securing orders,please send us a quotation sheet for this article.10)We very much regret/much regret our inability to make you an offer at present.1这将有助于巩固我们的业务关系。
外贸函电 Unit 3 revision

The following structure may be referred to in writing an enquiry:
1. State the source of the information and make a selfintroduction at the beginning of the letter. 2. State the purpose of writing the letter. For example, the writer may explain to the recipient what he wants, give a description or specification of the goods he requires or express his willingness to enter into business relations with the recipient, etc.. 3. End the letter by expressing the expectation for an early reply.
A satisfactory letter concerning an offer or quotation can be written in the following way:
1. Open the letter by expressing thanks for the enquiry. 2. Explain the details of business conditions, such as name of commodities, quality, quantity, specifications, unit price, type of currency, packing condition, date of delivery, terms of payment, discount, ect.. 3. End the letter in the way that encourages the enquirers to place an order or give an early reply.
《外贸函电》unit 3 counter-offers

Unit 3 Counter-offersI.Aims and RequirmentsHelp students to learn the concepts of firm offer, and non-firm offer and counter offerHelp students to learn additional sentence patterns about counter offerII. ContentsStudying letters about Counter offerStructure of a business letter about counter offerAdditional sentence patterns about counter offerIII. Focus on and DifficultiesKey words, phrases and sentence patternsStructure of a business letter about counter offerIV. Teaching steps1.Definition of firm and non-firm offereful sentences3.The structure of a business letter about counter offerV. Practical Exercises1.Draft a reply to the above letter in a proper form, mentioningthefollowing:____报盘收悉;____价格太高,歉难接受;____ 建议减价3%;_____其他条款可以接受。
Practice21.June 27, 2009Dear Amy Lee,感谢你们6月26日的报盘以及寄来的餐具样品。

• If the importer intends to purchase goods of a certain specification, he may ask the exporter to make an offer or a quotation for the goods. That is a specific enquiry.
• What is the difference between offer and quote?
Offer & Quote
OFFER 在报盘的有效期内,一经对方接受,合同即告成立.报 盘的主要内容应该包括商品名称,品质,数量,包装,价格,交 货日期和方式,及支付方式等. 报盘还有实盘和虚盘之分.实盘是指可以从报盘的内容上判明发 盘人有肯定的订立合同的意图.此报盘一经接受,发盘人就不得 更改或撤销报盘的内容,否则将承担法律责任.它具有内容名确 (clear), 内容完整(complete) 和无保留条件(final)三个特点。虚盘则 是指从报盘的内容上可以看出发盘人有某种保留并无肯定的订立 合同的意图.此报盘对发盘人来说,无任何法律约束力.它的特 点就是内容不明确,主要交易条件不完整或有保留条件. QUOTE 是卖方报价,一般是指只报出价格,而未提出其他条件.
Sample Letters
Practical Training
Part One
Basic knowledge concerned
Warming-up: After the market research and establishment of business relations, it comes to the real procedure of an import/export transaction: enquiry (询盘) offer (发盘) counter offer (还盘) acceptance (接受) So enquiry is the first real step in business negotiation. Q: 1. Which steps are indispensable in a successful business transaction? 2. Which of the above steps is made by (prospective) buyers? Or sellers?
外贸函电Unit 3

外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
3. New Words & Expressions
discount 折扣 wholesale price 批发价 retail price 零售价 离岸价(船上交货价) FOB(Free on Board) 成本加运费价 C&F(Cost and Freight) 成本加保险费加运费 CIF(Cost Insurance & Freight)
外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
Please quote the lowest price, including 3% commission.
Hale Waihona Puke 请报最低价,说明最早的装运期。
Please quote the lowest price, stating the earliest date of shipment.
外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
New Words & Expressions
表示各种订单的说法有: regular order 长期订货 trial order 试订单 first / initial order 首笔订单 substantial order 大宗订单 repeat order 再次订货/续订
外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
Business Knowledge
Many Steps in Business Negotiation
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Dear Mr. Lockett, It is a great pleasure to receive your first order for 60 dozen Ted Bear. We are glad to have your name included into the list of our loyal customers. In an effort to minimize shipping and handling costs, we have established US $ 10000 as the minimum account for every order. The savings that result from this regulation are passed on to our customers. We are sending you a hard copy of our current catalog by air mail. When you go through the details, we are sure that you will find many popular items which sells fast in your local markets.
Dear sirs, Thank you for your email of August 1. Your increased sale is a good indication that you are doing well in distributing our products. We realize that price is a very important factor in maintaining and enlarging your market share. We have been doing our best to keep our price down without sacrificing quality. As a matter of fact, we have kept our margin to the minimum. That is why it is impossible for us to lower price any more given the present state of technology. However, we shall spare no efforts in further reducing our cost. As an alternative, it might be viable to offer a lower grades with acceptable quality at a lower price. Attached is the data sheet of some of our varieties. Please let me know your interests. Yours sincerely,
Gentlemen, Thank you for you letter of October 27, we are sending you the required proforma invoice in triplicate. Please note that our offer remains valid until November 15.We look forward to receiving your order at an early date. Our sewing machines are selling fast, and there have been numerous enquiries about them. Please take the necessary steps without delay. Yours truly,
1.转换角度。 We hope you will not be dissatisfied with the new range of our electric products. 2.积极意义的措辞。We no longer make the DP12 manual typewriters. We have replaced the DP-12 manual typewriter with a new model-Type EY-24 since last December. 3.语体的使用。You did not tell us the shirt size in your last order. The shirt size in your last order is not told.
in duplicate in triplicate in quadruplicate in 5 copies
Sell The book sells very well. The pen writes very smoothly.
考虑还盘 entertain an counter-offer
Out of question/beyond question/without question 我们应该相信他。他的诚实毋庸置疑。 We should trust him for his honesty is out of question. Out of the question 但是谈论这件事简直是不可能的. To discuss the matter was out of the question
2.21世纪杯演讲比赛第三名。 3.任班级团支书,锻炼了组织、协调能力。
4.参与“长沙市湘江治理方案”的翻译工作。 5.在长沙市盲聋哑学校支教
1.荣获2008-2009年国家奖学金。 2.获得“21世纪杯“演讲比赛”第三名。 3.担任班级团支书,组织、策划大型活动”奥 运在我身边“,获得师生一致好评。 4.承担“长沙市湘江治理方案”的英语翻译。 5.担任长沙市盲聋哑学校支教老师
Quotation: 产品,规格,单价
Proforma invoice:+ ,+ 出口商的银行信息
Re: Proforma Invoice Will you please send us the soonest possible your proforma invoice for 1000 pieces sewing machines with prices CIF Lagos? Our client in Lagos, Nigeria, requests us to obtain from you a quotation for sewing machines with the following specifications: “Butterfly” brand, treadle type, Three drawers and five drawers (each 500 pieces) If the price is acceptable, we will place our order immediately. There is no question about our getting the necessary import license from our authorities. After the license is approved, we shall establish an L/C in your favor. We thank you for your close co-operation in this respect.
Place order:
当我方认为你们的价格可接受时,我们会向你方提 交订单。 When we find your prices acceptable,we will place our orders with you. 欢迎订购我们的新产粮食。 Welcome you to place orders with us for the new grains.
If you can increase your original order to US $ 10000 or more , we will be delighted to process it immediately and ship it as required . Alternatively, you can pay an additional $ 200 as our handling charge and keep your order unchanged. Please let us have your early decision.
Exercise ve been very satisfied with your product. However, we find your price is much higher than the prevailing market and regret that we cannot accept it. Some local suppliers are willing to offer at a lower price. In view of your good quality of your products, we make a counter-offer to you at$5.00 per piece, which is best we can offer. When that is accepted, we will place large orders with you regularly. We are eagerly waiting for your immediate reply . Yours sincerely,
Aluminum Foil Rolls :铝箔卷 Aluminium [,ælju‘minjəm]