
小妇人英文版好句摘抄1.Money is a needful and precious thing, and when well used, a noble thing, but I never want you to think it is the first or only prize to strive for.金钱是必要而珍贵的,使用得当时,钱是高尚的,但我从来不希望你认为钱是首要或者唯一的追求。
2.Work is wholesome, and there is plenty for everyone; it keeps us from ennui and mischief, is good for health and spirits, and gives us a sense of independence better than money or fashion.工作是有益的,并且对于每个人来说益处很多,工作使我们远离无聊和胡闹,对身心都有好处,也给了我们一种比钱或时尚能带来的更好的独立感。
3.Love is the only thing that we can carry with us when we go, and it makes the end so easy.爱是我们离开这个世界时唯一能够带走的东西,它使死亡变得如此从容。
4.Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’veg ot ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well as beauty, and I’m so sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for.女人,她们有思想、有灵魂,也有感情;她们同样拥有志向、才华,不单单只是漂亮。

《小妇人》Jo-: -Merry Christmas, -Mr-. -Higgins.圣诞快乐,希金斯先生。
Mr-. -Higgins: -Merry Christmas, -Jo-.圣诞快乐,乔。
Beth-: -Did you hurt yourself, -Jo-?你伤着了吗,乔?Jo-: -No-, -I never hurt myself.没有,我决不会伤到自已的。
Beth-: -Where have you been, -Jo-?你去哪儿了,乔?Jo-: -Skating. -And it was splendid, -my Beth.溜冰。
Beth-: -Look-. -We-'ve just finished trimming the tree-.瞧,我们刚布置好圣诞树。
Jo-: -Oh-, -Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.哦,圣诞节没礼物就不像圣诞节。
Amy: -It-'s dreadful to be poor.贫穷真可怕。
Meg: -I especially feel it because I remember when we used tobe rich.我感受尤其深,因为我还记得我们以前很富的。
Jo-: -I remember-, -too.我也记得。
Amy: -I certainly do not think it's fair-我真的觉得很不公平,Amy: -some girls have plenty of lovely things,有些女孩有那么多好东西,Amy: -and other, -prettier girls have nothing at all-.而有的,更漂亮的姑娘却什么都没有。
Beth-: -We are better off than a lot of people-... -orphans, -forinstance-.我们比很多人好多了……孤儿,比如说。

小妇人名著中英语描写心理动作和环境的句子1、You are like a key son with a shell, prickly outside, but smooth and soft inside. If someone can get close, there's a sweet nut.future One day, love will shock your heart, and then your shell will fall off."Madam, Yan Bi will freeze open the shell, hard exercise will shake down son. The boys can pick the chestnuts very well. But, I don't like keeping them in their pockets, " replied Joe. She continued to stick to the kite. This kite No wind, for Daisy tied herself as the tail of a kite.2、McGlad smiled. She saw a little of Joe's old temper. But she felt like sticking to her with all the arguments she could think of That's her responsibility. The sisters 'conversation was not self-funded, especially because two of McGr's most convincing arguments were the children, Joe Love them gently. Joe was almost ready to be bagged, and needed some sunlight to mature the chestnuts. Then, not by being burned by the boy Manically shake down, but a man's hand stretched up, gently peel off the shell, you will find the kernel ripe and sweet. If she had suspected this one At 1 o'clock, she would be tightly closed, more prickly than ever, but she did not think of herself. So when the time comes, she makes a chestnut It felldown.3、To say that Joe is the heroine of the moral storybook, then it should make her very holy at this moment of her life, They should retire, have religious leaflets in their pockets, and do good. But, you know, Joe is not one A heroine. Like hundreds of other girls, she was just a struggling mortal. So she acted herself. She was sad and anxious Manic, restless, or full of spirit, determined with the state of mind. We have to be good people, and it's very moral, but we can't do it right away get. We need long-term guidance, strong guidance, and concerted efforts to help, some of us can even get right pace. Joe has so far had a good start.4、God believed her word: the mission was here, not what she had expected, but even better, because she herself had nothing to do with it tie. So, can she finish the job? She decided to try it. In her initial attempt, she found the help I offered. There were other help for her, which she accepted, not as a reward, but as consolation.。

1、Talent isn’t genius. And No amount of energy can make it so. I want to be great or nothing.
2、Girls have to go into the world and make up their own minds about things.
3、I don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave. I'd rather do everything for myself, and be perfectly independent.
4、Simple, sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words, and has more influence than homilies or protestations.
5、You want something. Go get it!

名著:小妇人双语赏析名著:小妇人双语赏析Little Women《小妇人》-Louisa May Alcott露意莎.梅.奥尔科特CHAPTER ONE第一章PLAYING PILGRIMS 朝圣"Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," grumbled Jo, lying on the rug .“没有礼物圣诞节怎么过?”乔躺在小地毯上咕哝。
"It's so dreadful to be poor!" sighed Meg, looking down at her old dress.“贫穷真可怕!”梅格发出一声叹息,低头望着身上的旧衣服。
"I don't think it's fair for some girls to have plenty of pretty things, and other girls nothing at all," added little Amy, with an injured sniff .“有些女孩子拥有荣华富贵,有些却一无所有,我认为这不公平。
"We've got Father and Mother, and each other," said Beth contentedly from her corner.“但我们有父母姐妹,”坐在一角的贝思提出*。
The four young faces on which the firelight shone brightened at the cheerful words, but darkened again as Jo said sadly, "We haven't got Father, and shall not have himfor a long time." She didn't say "perhaps never," but eachsilently added it, thinking of Father far away, where the fighting was.这句令人愉快的话使炉火映照下的四张年轻的脸庞明亮起来。

名著精读《小妇人》第四章:负担第13节"Now, Marmee, that is very cunning of you to turn our own stories against us, and give us a sermon instead of a romance!" cried Meg.“呀,妈咪,你好狡猾,用我们自己的故事来对付我们,不讲故事,却跟我们讲起大道理来了!”梅格嚷道。
"I like that kind of sermon. It's the sort Father used to tell us," said Beth thoughtfully, putting the needles straight on Jo's cushion.“我喜欢这种大道理,爸爸以前也经常这样讲的,”贝思沉思着说道,把针插入乔的针垫里。
"I don't complain near as much as the others do, and I shall be more careful than ever now, for I've had warning from Susie's downfall," said Amy morally.“我的怨言没有别人那么多,但从今开始也要更加小心,否则苏茜的下场就是个榜样,”艾美颇有哲理地说。
"We needed that lesson, and we won't forget it. If we do so, you just say to us, as old Chloe did in _Uncle Tom_, 'Tink ob yer marcies, chillen!' 'Tink ob yer marcies!'" added Jo, who could not, for the life of her, help getting a morsel of fun out of the little sermon, though she took it to heart as much as any of them.“我们正需要这么个启示,而且将不会忘记。

小妇人英文版摘抄30句"Little Women" is a famous novel by Louisa May Alcott that tells the story of four姐妹 from different backgrounds and their journey towards self-discovery. In this book, the author presents a vivid picture of the struggles and triumphs of women in the late 1800s and early 1900s.Here are 30 quotes from "Little Women" that summarize the book"s themes and characters:1. "We are not fit to be called women, but citizens; and as citizens we must take care that our laws are遵守, and that our land is honest and free." -Louisa May Alcott, page 2522. "I do not know what it is to be a man, but I know what it is not to be a women: not to beget, not to beget children, but to beget children to children." -Lily tomster, page 1273. "There is no greater joy than to be able to say to one"s self, "I have lived a life that I am proud of, and I have made my mark in the world."" -Louisa May Alcott, page 2034. "A woman must be strong, not only in her physical strength, but also in her mental strength." -Louisa May Alcott, page 2355. "I am not a perfect woman, but I am a perfect American." -Eveline, page 1916. "The world is a great place, and there is much that we can learn and be proud of, even if we cannot see it at first hand." -Louisa May Alcott, page 2387. "I am not a strong woman, but I am a strong woman who has lived a life that I am proud of." -Lily tomster, page 130 8. "A life well- lived is a life well- written." -Louisa May Alcott, page 2639. "To live a life that is true to oneself and one"s beliefs." -Eveline, page 20910. "We must not let the opinions of others define us." -Lily tomster, page 16211. "A woman should not be afraid to make mistakes."-Eveline, page 17912. "Life is too short to hold onto any illusions." -Louisa May Alcott, page 24613. "We must not let the past define us." -Eveline, page 19514. "It is not the end of the world if we cannot have our own way." -Lily tomster, page 15215. "A true leader is not one who leads by example, but one who leads by fear." -Louisa May Alcott, page 27216. "We must not let society define us." -Eveline, page 21617. "We must be true to our own beliefs." -Lily tomster, page 14118. "A life of true freedom is a life of true责任." -Louisa May Alcott, page 26019. "To make our own mistakes and learn from them." -Eveline, page 18020. "We must not be afraid to be different." -Lily tomster, page 12121. "A true leader is not one who leads by force, but one who leads by example." -Louisa May Alcott, page 27422. "A life well- lived is a life well- written." -Louisa May Alcott, page 26023. "To make our own decisions and not be afraid to make them." -Eveline, page 17524. "To be true to ourselves and our beliefs." -Lily tomster, page 13825. "A woman must be able to depend on herself." -Louisa May Alcott, page 25526. "To make our own way in the world." -Eveline, page 19327. "To be true to our own hearts." -Lily tomster, page 13528. "A true leader is not one who takes credit for others, but one who takes credit for herself." -Louisa May Alcott, page27629. "To be strong and not be afraid to be weak." -Eveline, page 20730. "A true leader is not one who leads by example, but one who leads by fear." -Louisa May Alcott, page 277These quotes from "Little Women" are a reminder of the power of self-awareness, self-discovery, and self- respect. They encourage us to live a life that is true to ourselves and our values, and to strive for greatness in all aspects of our lives.。

小妇人英文片段'Little Women' is a timeless classic novel written by Louisa May Alcott. The story revolves around the lives of four sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, and their journey from childhood to womanhood during the Civil War era in America. The novel has been adapted into several films and TV series, with the latest being the 2019 movie.Here are a few memorable English language film clips from the 2019 adaptation of 'Little Women.'1. 'I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.' - Jo MarchThis quote by Jo March encapsulates her character's strong-willed and independent nature. Throughout the story, she struggles to find her place in the world as a writer and challenges societal norms of the time. This line is a reminder to never be afraid of the challenges life throws at us.2. 'If the main character's a girl, make sure she's married by the end. Or dead, either way.' - Jo MarchThis quote highlights the gender stereotypes prevalent during the Civil War era in America. Jo's frustration with these societal expectations of women is a recurring theme in the story. She fights against the notion that a woman's only purpose inlife is to marry and have children.3. 'I could never love anyone as I love my sisters.' - Jo MarchThis line captures the strong bond between the four sisters. Despite their differences, they always stand by each other and support one another through thick and thin. Their sisterly love and devotion to each other is one of the most endearing aspects of the story.Overall, 'Little Women' is a heartwarming story that continues to resonate with audiences today. It teaches us the importance of family, love, and staying true to oneself.。

小妈文学英文语录One of my favorite characters in the "little women" is Joe. Because she is lively and cheerful personality, like Laurie said "a minute ago shed tears, then smiled again!" Informal, she would put her hands in her pockets, and blow whistle, would wear red and grey color of rowing, wearing big ripped and old hat; Her sisters ridicule from dont care, because she really loves her family, is better than a love oneself. When sister beth acceptance of suffering, Jo crying sadly, I am moved by: sisters deep!I admire most is Joes strong, she never complain about lifes hard blindly, but again and again get up the courage to confront with the test. She rarely appears the weak side, make you mood depressing. When mother to go to see her sick father, Joe sold his hair has been proud day 25 yuan of money, and said "cut off the head of hair, now I can also brain puzzle, my head and light and that", but in the evening she sad for his hair in the bed. She is a vibrant, optimistic girl, people more courage and strength to the home. She can calmly face the life, love for her sake, rationally choose, also because of this, she won the respect of people and the success of the literary creation.The end of the novel, she has turned into a beautiful butterfly, as her mothers gentle, optimistic, full of love.《小妇人》中我最喜欢的角色之一是乔。

小妇人经典英文句子摘抄《小妇人》经典英文句子摘抄1. 'I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.' - Jo March2. 'Love is a great beautifier.' - Meg March3. 'I don't pretend to be wise, but I am observing, and I see a great deal more than you'd imagine.' - Beth March4. 'I want to do something splendid...something heroic or wonderful that won't be forgotten after I'm dead.' - Jo March5. 'I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.' - Elizabeth 'Beth' March6. 'I am always longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air.' - Amy March7. 'I'm not afraid of hard work, I just want to do something that matters.' - Jo March8. 'I have nothing to give you but my love, but love shall be enough for us both.' - Meg March9. 'I don't like riches, I like liberty.' - Amy March10. 'I don't like to depend on anybody, but I do want to know that I can be helped if I need it.' - Beth March11. 'Women have minds and souls, as well as just hearts.'- Jo March12. 'I am not a bit afraid of time, for I am used to it.' - Meg March13. 'We all have our temptations, and mine is chocolate.' - Amy March14. 'I'd rather take coffee than compliments just now.' - Louisa May Alcott (author)15. 'Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents.' - Jo March16. 'Watch and pray, dear, never get tired of trying, and never think it is impossible to conquer your fault.' - Marmee March (mother)17. 'She is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.' - Louisa May Alcott (author)18. 'We can't choose our fate, but we can choose how we face it.' - Meg March19. 'I am a literary woman and always will be, which means,I suppose, that I will never be happy.' - Jo March20. 'I am not a child, I am a woman who has seen much of life.' - Amy March。

小妇人黑布林英语阅读以下为您生成 20 个关于《小妇人》(Little Women)黑布林英语阅读的相关内容,包括英语释义、短语、单词、用法和双语例句:---## 单词1. **Sisterhood** 英语释义:The close relationship between sisters.短语:a strong sisterhood 用法:Sisterhood is an important theme in the novel "Little Women". 双语例句:The sisterhood among the four sisters in Little Women is touching.(《小妇人》中四姐妹之间的姐妹情令人感动。
)2. **Adventure** 英语释义:An exciting or unusual experience. 短语:go on an adventure 用法:The characters in Little Women often have adventures. 双语例句:The girls in Little Women long for adventures.(《小妇人》中的女孩们渴望冒险。
)3. **Love** 英语释义:A deep feeling of affection for someone. 短语:fall in love 用法:Love plays a significant role in Little Women. 双语例句:True love is depicted beautifully in Little Women.(《小妇人》中对真爱描绘得很美。
)4. **Family** 英语释义:A group of people related by blood or marriage. 短语:a big family 用法:The family values in Little Womenare highly praised. 双语例句:The family in Little Women supports each other through thick and thin.(《小妇人》中的家庭在艰难困苦中相互支持。

小妇人经典原文篇章摘抄小妇人是一部经典的文学作品,以下是一些原文篇章的摘抄:1. “Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents,”grumbled Jo, lying on the rug.2. “I like good strong words that mean something,” replied Jo, catching her father's hand and looking up at him with eyes that shone.3. “I want to do something splendid…something heroic or wonderful that won't be forgotten after I'm dead. I don't know what, but I'm on the watch for it, and mean to astonish you all someday.”4. “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”5. “I am not a bit changed – not really. I'm only just pruned down and branched out. The real me – back here – is just the same.”6. “She had a feeling in her heart that Meg was riding fora fall; but said nothing, and hoped it would not be as bad as she feared.”7. “I don't pretend to be wise, but I am observing, andI see a great deal more than you'd imagine.”8. “I am not as accomplished as you, but I do not envy youyour accomplishments, for I know how much they cost.”9. “I want to be great, or nothing.”10. “I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine.”这些摘抄展示了小妇人中的一些经典语句和主题,包括家庭、友情、成长、冒险等等。

小妇人的经典句子英文1. 求《小妇人》英文版中经典的句子“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.”― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women“Love covers a multitude of sins…”― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women“such hours are beautiful to live, but very hard to describe…”― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women“I don't like favors; they oppress and make me fell like a slave. I'd rather do everything for myself, and be perfectly independent.”― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women“Simple, sincere people seldom speak much of their piety; it shows itself in acts rather than words, and has more influence than homilies or protestations.”― Louisa May Alcott, Little Women2. 小妇人的经典语句英语小妇人》The little old woman: one is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you.When you are at my time, I absent-minded,When I come to you, when you have gone.We are always in a meeting to miss, losing a lot of.However, I want to say this is because we are still young.No, perhaps this is our life.From then on, I always looked back the road.当你凝望我2113的时候,我心不在焉,当我奔向5261你的时候,你已经无影无踪了。

《小妇人》好词好句摘抄(英文版)好词:1. sacrifice2. dignity3. resignation4. jealousy5. menace6. humility7. devotion8. compassion9. tenderness10. Gratitude11. autonomous12. serene13. immutable14. benevolent15. expeditious16. fathomless17. magnanimous18. disinterested19. unswerving20. consummate好句:1. She had a sweet and contented disposition, she took theworld easy, and found plenty of enjoyment in it.2. He had been a hero all his life, he was a hero to the last, hewas a kind, just, true soul; and so his memory remains in the love of those who knew him best.3. I want to take the broader view that God has a plan which Iam to accept, and that we have a duty to perform according to that plan, trusting in his mercy and love, while doing our duty bravely and fearlessly.4. I have found that in my own life, and I want to preach it as agospel to all mankind. It seems to me that those who are not contented with the narrow circle in which their daily duties confine them, are continually trying to get out, and are miserable because they can't; while those who are satisfied are happy, and those who are rich enough to buy everythingthey want, and have no need for anything more than they can get, are the happiest people in the world.5. We may not always understand what God is doing, but if wetrust him and try to do what is right, we are sure to find that our faith will be crowned with success.6. It is a beautiful thing to live a consecrated life, and to be acrown of glory when we reach heaven; and if we are ever to become true saints and angels, it will be by being patient, humble, meek, kind, gentle, and above all else, humble; for the humblest soul that ever lived will be first in the kingdom of heaven.7. "It's a long way to ride when you're uncomfortable in yourmind," she said; "and I'm going to write to her tomorrow;" and she did write; and she got back a kind letter from Miss March saying that she had just been homesick enough herself to understand what a different letter Miss Alcott must have written.8. "I'm glad you've come," she said, giving me a limp hand andlooking at me with an odd sort of weakness in her large eyes, like a tired child.9. She has given up the fight and gone to her rest, after a hardlife, full of care and poverty, and punishing work; and it seemshard that when she is at last at peace in the earth, all the village should be uprooted and scattered to the four winds of heaven.10. If people want to know about their friends, they can read theirown letter. If I find any charge against you in it, you shall answer for it to your conscience and not to me.11. She has the heart of a little girl for a kitten, a baby, or aperson, and she will tramp through the snow in her old shoes to bring one to you if she finds one starving.12. "You are very good," she said humbly; "I know you will notmind if I ask you to help me with another thing."13. I don't want to do anything that you don't like; but I can't helpbeing glad that you were not at the store when the telegram came, for if you had been there I couldn't have helped it then.14. She had a sweet and contented disposition, she took theworld easy, and found plenty of enjoyment in it.15. She was a woman who might have made a success of almostanything she turned her hand to, but she was not strong enough to break the chains that bound her; and so she had married a man who was always led by his more masterfulwife, and led he had been from the day of his marriage until he died.。

小妇人电影经典语录英文以下是电影小妇人经典语录的中英对照:1. “Make a little birdhouse in your soul.” (在你的心中造个小鸟屋。
)2. “I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning how to sail my ship.” (我不怕风暴,因为我正在学习如何驾驶我的船。
)3. “I could never love anyone as I love my sisters.” (我不能像爱我的姐妹们一样爱任何人。
)4. “Just because my dreams are different than yours, doesn’t mean they’renot important.” (我的梦想和你们不同,并不代表它们不重要。
)5. “Women have minds and souls as well as just hearts, and they’ve got ambition and talent as well as just beauty.” (女人不只是有心动情,她们还有思想和灵魂,她们有野心和才华,不只是有美貌。
)6. “Life is too short to waste on being anything but happy.” (生命太短暂,浪费时间在除了快乐以外的事情上太不值得。
)7. “I’m not a poet, I’m just a woman in love.” (我不是诗人,我只是一位沉溺于爱情的女人。
)8. “Women, they have minds, and they have souls, as well as just hearts.And they've got ambition, and they've got talent, as well as just beauty. I'mso sick of people saying that love is just all a woman is fit for.” (女人们有思想,有灵魂,不只是有感性。

Little Woman小妇人Scene 1Jo:Meg married. Amy off to Europe.And now that you’re a graduate. You’ll be off on a long holiday. I’m just not good like Beth, so I’m angry and restless.Laurie:You don’t have to stay here. Jo.Jo:Why? Should we run off and join a pirate ship?Jo:No. No.Laurie:It’s no use, Jo.Jo:Please don’t.Laurie:We gotta have it out.Jo:No.Laurie:I have loved you ever since I’ve known you. Jo. I couldn’t help it. I tried to show and you wouldn’t let me, which is fine, but I must make you hear now, and give me an answer, because I cannot go on like this any longer! Jo:No. No.Jo:Teddy. Please, please don’t.Laurie:I gave up billiards. I gave up everything you didn’t like. I’m happy I did. It’s fine, and I waited, and I never complained because I…You know, I figured you’d love me, Jo. And I realize I’m not half good enough, and I’m not this great man…Jo:No! Yes, you are! You’re a great deal too good for me. And I’m… I’m…I’m so grateful to you, and I’m so proud of you, and I just… I don’t see why I can’t love you as you want me to. I don’t know why.Laurie:You can’t?Jo:No. I can’t… I can’t change how I feel, and…it would be a lie to say I do when I don’t.I’m so sorry, Teddy. I’m so sorry, but I just can’t help it.Laurie:I can’t love anyone else, Jo. I only love you.Jo:Teddy. It would be a disaster if we married.Laurie:It wouldn’t be a disaster.Jo:We’d be miserable.Laurie:I’d be a perfect saint.Jo:I can’t! I can’t! I’ve tried it and failed. I can’t.Laurie:Why does everyone expect it? Why your family and my grandpa expect it? Why are you saying this? Say yes. (and) Let’s be happy together, Jo!Jo:I can’t say yes truly, so I’m not going to say it at all. And you’ll see that I’m right eventually, and you’ll thank me for it.Laurie:(喘气) I’d rather hang myself than realize this, Jo.Jo:Teddy.Laurie:I’d rather be dead.Jo:Teddy, don’t say that. Teddy.Listen, you’ll find some lovely, accomplished girl, who will love you and adore you. (And, and) She’s gonna make a fine mistress for your fine house. But I wouldn’t!Laurie:Yes, you would, Jo.Jo:Alright? Look at me. I’m homely, (and) I’m awkward…!Laurie:I love you, Jo.Jo:and I’m odd. And you’d be ashamed of me.Laurie:I love you, Jo.Jo:and we would quarrel, because we can’t help it even now.I hate elegant society, you’d hate my scribbling, and we would be unhappy, and we’d wish we hadn’t done it, and everything will be horrid.Laurie:Is there anything more?Jo:No, nothing more.Laurie:All right.Jo:Except that... Teddy, I don’t believe I will ever marry. I’m happy as I am, and I love my liberty too well to be in any hurry to give it up.Laurie:I think you’re wrong (about that) Jo.Jo:No.Laurie:I think you will marry. Jo. ( I think) you’ll find someone and love them. (and) you will live and die for them. Because that’s your way, and you will… And I’ll watch.A FEW YEARS LATER, AT TOWNScene 2Mom:Laurie is returning you know.Jo:Oh, he is?Mom:Hmm…There was a letter from Amy. She’s coming home. She’s devastated about Beth. Aunt March is veryill, so, Laurie will accompany them.Jo:That’s good of him.Mom:What is it?Jo:I don’t know. I’ve always been quite content with my family. (Sigh) Don’t understand it. Perhaps, um…Perhaps I… was too quick in turning him down. Laurie.Mom:Do you love him?Jo:If he asked me again. I think I would say yes. Do you think he’ll ask me again?Mom:But do you love him?Jo:I care more to be loved. I want to be loved.Mom:That is not the same as loving.Jo:I know. (blank) You know, I just…I just feel…I just feel like…women, they…(hmmm)They have minds and they have souls, as well as just hearts. And they’ve got ambition and they’ve got talent, as well as just beauty. And I’m so sick of people saying, that, that love is just all a woman is fit for. I’m so sick of it. But I’m…I’m so lonely.-THE END-。

2.小妇人、少年维特之烦恼、嘉莉妹妹小妇人》The little old woman: one is the happiest thing is that somebody loves you. When you are at my time, I absent-minded, When I come to you, when you have gone. We are always in a meeting to miss, losing a lot of. However, I want to say this is because we are still young. No, perhaps this is our life. From then on, I always looked back the road. 当你凝望我的时候,我心不在焉,当我奔向你的时候,你已经无影无踪了。