
(48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.
5- In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training.
This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances necessary for p1 Translation
1- It is not to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history.

2017考研英语(二)翻译真题参考译文及考点解析来源:文都教育2017年考研英语考试已经结束,文都教育给大家提供了的2017考研英语(二)真题翻译答案解析,供广大考生参考:【原文题目】My DreamMy dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realized that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!【参考译文】我的梦想我的梦想一直是在时装设计和出版界之间找寻一个工作。

2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1 (10 points)The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, 1this is largely because, 2animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are 3to perceiving those smells which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact, 5, we are extremely sensitive to smells, 6we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 7human smells even when these are 8to far below one part in one million.Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, 9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13to it often enough.The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that the brain finds it 14to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15new receptors if necessary. This may 16explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells—we simply do not need to be. We are not 17of the usual smell of our own house, but we 18new smells when we visit someone else’s. The brain finds it be st to keep smell receptors 19for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.1. [A] although [B] as [C] but [D] while2. [A] above [B] unlike [C] excluding [D] besides3. [A] limited [B] committed [C] dedicated [D] confined4. [A] catching [B] ignoring [C] missing [D] tracking5. [A] anyway [B] though [C] instead [D] therefore6. [A] even if [B] if only [C] only if [D] as if7. [A] distinguishing [B] discovering [C] determining [D] detecting8. [A] diluted [B] dissolved [C] dispersed [D] diffused9. [A] when [B] since [C] for [D] whereas10. [A] unusual [B] particular [C] unique [D] typical11. [A] signs [B] stimuli [C] messages [D] impulses12. [A] at first [B] at all [C] at large [D] at times13. [A] subjected [B] left [C] drawn [D] exposed14. [A] ineffective [B] incompetent [C] inefficient [D] insufficient15. [A] introduce [B] summon [C] trigger [D] create16. [A] still [B] also [C] otherwise [D] nevertheless17. [A] sure [B] sick [C] aware [D] tired18. [A] tolerate [B] repel [C] neglect [D] notice19. [A] available [B] reliable [C] identifiable [D] suitable20. [A] similar to [B] such as [C] along with [D] aside fromSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1 (40 points)Text 1Everybody loves a fat pay rise. Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleague has been given a bigger one. Indeed, if he has a reputation for slacking, you might even be outraged. Such behaviour is regarded as “all too human,” with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. But a study by Sarah Brosnan and Frans de Waal of Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, which has just been published in Nature, suggests that it is all too monkey, as well.The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, co-operative creatures, and they share their food readily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attent ion to the value of “goods and services” than males.Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnan’s and Dr. de W aal’s study. The researchers spent two years teaching their monkeys to exchange tokens for food. Normally, the monkeys were happy enough to exchange pieces of rock for slices of cucumber. However, when two monkeys were placed in separate but adjoining chambers, so that each could observe what the other was getting in return for its rock, their behaviour became markedly different.In the world of capuchins, grapes are luxury goods (and much preferable to cucumbers). So when one monkey was handed a grape in exchange for her token, the second was reluctant to hand hers over for a mere piece of cucumber. And if one received a grape without having to provide her token in exchange at all, the other either tossed her own token at the researcher or out of the chamber, or refused to accept the slice of cucumber. Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin.The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species. Such co-operation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.21. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ________.[A] posing a contrast[B] justifying an assumption[C] making a comparison[D] explaining a phenomenon22. The statement “it is all too monkey” (Last line, Paragraph l) implies that ________.[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals[B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys’ nature[C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other[D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions23. Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they are________.[A] more inclined to weigh what they get[B] attentive to researchers’ instructions[C] nice in both appearance and temperament[D] more generous than their male companions24. Dr. Brosnan and Dr. de Waal have eventually found in their study that the monkeys ________.[A] prefer grapes to cucumbers[B] can be taught to exchange things[C] will not be co-operative if feeling cheated[D] are unhappy when separated from others25. What can we infer from the last paragraph?[A] Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions.[B] Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source.[C] Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do.[D] Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild.Text 2Do you remember all those years when scientists argued that smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didn’t know for sure? That the evidence was inconclusive, the science uncertain? That the antismoking lobby was out to destroy our way of life and the government should stay out of the way? Lots of Americans bought that nonsense, and over three decades, some 10 million smokers went to early graves.There are upsetting parallels today, as scientists in one wave after another try to awaken us to the growing threat of global warming. The latest was a panel from the National Academy of Sciences, enlisted by the White House, to tell us that the Earth’s atmosphere is definitely warming and that the problem is largely man-made. The clear message is that we should get moving to protect ourselves. The president of the National Academy, Bruce Alberts, added this key point in the preface to the panel’s report: “Science never has all the answers. But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future, and it is critical that our nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide concerning the future consequences of present actions.”Just as on smoking, voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about globalwarming is incomplete, that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure. This is a dangerous game: by the time 100 percent of the evidence is in, it may be too late. With the risks obvious and growing, a prudent people would take out an insurance policy now.Fortunately, the White House is starting to pay attention. But it’s obvious that a majority of the president’s advisers still don’t take global warming seriously. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research -- a classic case of “paralysis by analysis.”To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must press forward on deeper atmospheric and oceanic research. But research alone is inadequate. If the Administration won’t take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures. A bill by Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, which would offer financial incentives for private industry, is a promising start. Many see that the country is getting ready to build lots of new power plants to meet our energy needs. If we are ever going to protect the atmosphere, it is crucial that those new plants be environmentally sound.26. An argument made by supporters of smoking was that ________.[A] there was no scientific evidence of the correlation between smoking and death[B] the number of early deaths of smokers in the past decades was insignificant[C] people had the freedom to choose their own way of life[D] antismoking people were usually talking nonsense27. According to Bruce Alberts, science can serve as ________.[A] a protector[B] a judge[C] a critic[D] a guide28. What does the author mean by “paralysis by analysis” (Last line, Paragraph 4)?[A] Endless studies kill action.[B] Careful investigation reveals truth.[C] Prudent planning hinders progress.[D] Extensive research helps decision-making.29. According to the author, what should the Administration do about global warming?[A] Offer aid to build cleaner power plants.[B] Raise public awareness of conservation.[C] Press for further scientific research.[D] Take some legislative measures.30. The author associates the issue of global warming with that of smoking because ________.[A] they both suffered from the government’s negligence[B] a lesson from the latter is applicable to the former[C] the outcome of the latter aggravates the former[D] both of them have turned from bad to worseText 3Of all the components of a good night’s sleep, dreams seem to be least within our control. In dreams, a window opens into a world where logic is suspended and dead people speak. A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and fears; by the late 1970s, neurologists had switched to thinking of them as just “mental noise” -- the random byproducts of the neural-repair work that goes on during sleep. Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the mind’s emotional thermost at, regulating moods while the brain is “off-line.” And one leading authority says that these intensely powerful mental events can be not only harnessed but actually brought under conscious control, to help us sleep and feel better, “It’s your dream,” says Rosalind Cartwright, chair of psychology at Chicago’s Medical Center. “If you don’t like it, change it.”Evidence from brain imaging supports this view. The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep -- when most vivid dreams occur -- as it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh. But not all parts of the brain are equally involved; the limbic system (the “emotional brain”) is especially active, while the prefrontal cortex (the center of intellect and reas oning) is relatively quiet. “We wake up from dreams happy o r depressed, and those feelings can stay with us all day.” says Stanford sleep researcher Dr. William Dement.The link between dreams and emotions shows up among the patients in Cartwright’s clinic. Most people seem to have more bad dreams early in the night, progressing toward happier ones before awakening, suggesting that they are working through negative feelings generated during the day. Because our conscious mind is occupied with daily life we don’t always think about the emotional significance of the day’s events -- until, it appears, we begin to dream.And this process need not be left to the unconscious. Cartwright believes one can exercise conscious control over recurring bad dreams. As soon as you awaken, identify what is upsetting about the dream. Visualize how you would like it to end instead; the next time it occurs, try to wake up just enough to control its course. With much practice people can learn to, literally, do it in their sleep.At the end of the day, there’s probably little reason to pay attention to our dreams at all unless they keep us from sleeping or “we wake up in a panic,”Cartwright says. Terrorism, economic uncertainties and general feelings of insecurity have increased p eople’s anxiety. Those suffering from persistent nightmares should seek help from a therapist. For the rest of us, the brain has its ways of working through bad feelings. Sleep -- or rather dream -- on it and you’ll feel better in the morning.31. Researchers have come to believe that dreams ________.[A] can be modified in their courses[B] are susceptible to emotional changes[C] reflect our innermost desires and fears[D] are a random outcome of neural repairs32. By referring to the limbic system, the author intends to show ________.[A] its function in our dreams[B] the mechanism of REM sleep[C] the relation of dreams to emotions[D] its difference from the prefrontal cortex33. The negative feelings generated during the day tend to ________.[A] aggravate in our unconscious mind[B] develop into happy dreams[C] persist till the time we fall asleep[D] show up in dreams early at night34. Cartwright seems to suggest that ________.[A] waking up in time is essential to the ridding of bad dreams[B] visualizing bad dreams helps bring them under control[C] dreams should be left to their natural progression[D] dreaming may not entirely belong to the unconscious35. What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have bad dreams?[A] Lead your life as usual.[B] Seek professional help.[C] Exercise conscious control.[D] Avoid anxiety in the daytime.Text 4Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. Nor do they aspire to such command themselves. In his latest book, Doing Our Own Thing: The Degradation of Language and Music and Why We Should, Like, Care, John McWhorter, a linguist and controversialist of mixed liberal and conservative views, sees the triumph of 1960s counter-culture as responsible for the decline of formal English.Blaming the permissive 1960s is nothing new, but this is not yet another criticism against the decline in education. Mr. McWhorter’s academic speciality is language history and change, and he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom,” for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the case-endings of Old English.But the cult of the authentic and the personal, “doing our own thing,” has spelt the death of formal speech, writing, poetry and music. While even the modestly educated sought an elevated tonewhen they put pen to paper before the 1960s, even the most well regarded writing since then has sought to capture spoken English on the page. Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.Illustrated with an entertaining array of examples from both high and low culture, the trend that Mr. McWhorter documents is unmistakable. But it is less clear, to take the question of his subtitle, why we should, like, care. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human language, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive -- there exists no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas. He is not arguing, as many do, that we can no longer think straight because we do not talk proper.Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads, while Italian politicians tend to elaborate speech that would seem old-fashioned to most English-speakers. Mr. McWhorter acknowledges that formal language is not strictly necessary, and proposes no radical education reforms -- he is really grieving over the loss of something beautiful more than useful. We now take our English “on paper plates instead of china.” A shame, perhaps, but probably an inevitable one.36. According to McWhorter, the decline of formal English ________.[A] is inevitable in radical education reforms[B] is but all too natural in language development[C] has caused the controversy over the counter-culture[D] brought about changes in public attitudes in the 1960s37. The word “talking” (Line 6, Paragraph 3) denotes ________.[A] modesty[B] personality[C] liveliness[D] informality38. To which of the following statements would McWhorter most likely agree?[A] Logical thinking is not necessarily related to the way we talk.[B] Black English can be more expressive than standard English.[C] Non-standard varieties of human language are just as entertaining.[D] Of all the varieties, standard English can best convey complex ideas.39. The description of Russians’ love of memorizing poetry shows the author’s ________.[A] interest in their language[B] appreciation of their efforts[C] admiration for their memory[D] contempt for their old-fashionedness40. According to the last paragraph, “paper plates” is to “china” as ________.[A] “temporary” is to “permanent”[B] “radical” is to “conservative”[C] “functional” is to “artistic”[D] “humble” is to “noble”Part BDirections:In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Canada’s premiers (the leaders of provincial governments), if they have any breath left after complaining about Ottawa at their late July annual meeting, might spare a moment to do something, together, to reduce health-care costs.They’re all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs.41. ________What to do? Both the Romanow commission and the Kirby committee on health care -- to say nothing of reports from other experts -- recommended the creation of a national drug agency. Instead of each province having its own list of approved drugs, bureaucracy, procedures and limited bargaining power, all would pool resources, work with Ottawa, and create a national institution.42. ________But “national”doesn’t have to mean that. “National”could mean interprovincial -- provinces combining efforts to create one body.Either way, one benefit of a “national”organization would be to negotiate better prices, if possible, with drug manufacturers. Instead of having one province -- or a series of hospitals within a province -- negotiate a price for a given drug on the provincial list, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of all provinces.Rather than, say, Quebec, negotiating on behalf of seven million people, the national agency would negotiate on behalf of 31 million people. Basic economics suggests the greater the potential consumers, the higher the likelihood of a better price.43. ________A small step has been taken in the direction of a national agency with the creation of the Canadian Co-ordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment, funded by Ottawa and the provinces. Under it, a Common Drug Review recommends to provincial lists which new drugs should be included. Predictably, and regrettably, Quebec refused to join.A few premiers are suspicious of any federal-provincial deal-making. They (particularly Quebecand Alberta) just want Ottawa to fork over additional billions with few, if any, strings attached. That’s one reason why the idea of a national list hasn’t gone anywhere, while drug costs keep rising fast.44. ________Premiers love to quote Mr. Romanow’s report selectively, especially the parts about more federal money. Perhaps they should read what he had to say about drugs: “A national drug agency would provide governments more influence on pharmaceutical companies in order to constrain the ever-increasing cost of drugs.”45. ________So when the premiers gather in Niagara Falls to assemble their usual complaint list, they should also get cracking about something in their jurisdiction that would help their budgets and patients.[A] Quebec’s resistance to a national agency is provincialist ideology. One of the first advocatesfor a national list was a researcher at Laval University. Quebec’s Drug Insurance Fund has seen its costs skyrocket with annual increases from 14.3 per cent to 26.8 per cent![B] Or they could read Mr. Kirby’s report: “the substantial buying power of such an agencywould strengthen the public prescription-drug insurance plans to negotiate the lowest possible purchase prices from drug companies.”[C] What does “national”mean? Roy Romanow and Senator Michael Kirby recommended afederal-provincial body much like the recently created National Health Council.[D] The problem is simple and stark: health-care costs have been, are, and will continue toincrease faster than government revenues.[E] According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, prescription drug costs haverisen since 1997 at twice the rate of overall health-care spending. Part of the increase comes from drugs being used to replace other kinds of treatments. Part of it arises from new drugs costing more than older kinds. Part of it is higher prices.[F] So, if the provinces want to run the health-care show, they should prove they can run it,starting with an interprovincial health list that would end duplication, save administrative costs, prevent one province from being played off against another, and bargain for better drug prices.[G] Of course, the pharmaceutical companies will scream. They like divided buyers; they canlobby better that way. They can use the threat of removing jobs from one province to another. They can hope that, if one province includes a drug on its list, the pressure will cause others to include it on theirs. They wouldn’t like a national agency, but self-interest would lead them to deal with it.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phasein European history. History and news become confused, and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. 46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed -- and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe. The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. 47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. 48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.49) Creating a “European identity” that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice -- that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances necessary for production costs. 50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unit ed we stand, divided we fall” -- and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.” A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied peculiarities of each country.Section III WritingPart A51. Directions:Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason (s), and making an apology.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address. (10 points)Part B52. Directions:Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should first describe the drawing, then interpret its meaning, and give your comment on it.You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题答案与解析Section I Use of English一、文章题材结构分析这是一篇科普性说明文,文章主要介绍了人类嗅觉的特点及原因。

2017年考研英语二翻译试题答案及解析My DreamMy dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!2017年英语二的翻译题是一篇关于梦想的小短文,全文共5句话,前两句话比较简短且简单,后三句较长,但难度也都不大。

Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future without work .Today is no different, with academics, writers, and activists once again 1 that technology be replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness:Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 , today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting 9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage ofwell-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.But it doesn’t11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are d on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstanced for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.These days, because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel18 ,” Danaher says, adding, “In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.1.[A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring2.[A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty3.[A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction4.[A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured5.[A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom6.[A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless7.[A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated8.[A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute9.[A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among10.[A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside11.[A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically12.[A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles13.[A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course14.[A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield15.[A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship16.[A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce17.[A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats18.[A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved19.[A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into20.[A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonal【试题精析】1. [答案][C] warning考点:上下文语义理解解析:空格之后的宾语从句部分“technology is replacing human workers.”结合选项,应该选择warning。

2017年考研英语二翻译试题答案及解析My DreamMy dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!2017年英语二的翻译题是一篇关于梦想的小短文,全文共5句话,前两句话比较简短且简单,后三句较长,但难度也都不大。

05年英语二级笔译真题及答案05年二笔真题及答案2005年5月英语二级《笔译综合能力》试题1. No one appreciated his work during his lifetime, but ____ it is clear tha t he was a great artist.A. in the aftermathB. by the timeC. in retrospectD. in this eventuality2. Being both spoiled and lazy, he ____ everyone else for his lack of success.A. accusedB. chargedC. criticizedD. blamed3. Your usual teacher has lost his voice and ____ I am taking his place today.A. neverthelessB. howeverC. moreoverD. accordingly4. As always when she sang in the bathroom, she ____ the high notes in a sp ecialA. span outB. belted outC. spread outD. stretch out5. The prisoner ____ that he had assaulted a policeman.A. deniedB. rejectedC. contradictedD. refused6. Only hotel guests have the ____ of using the private beach.A. occasionB. possibilityC. privilegeD. allowance7. The jury gave a ____ of ―not guilty‖.A. sentenceB. judgementC. chargeD. verdict8. Wearing seat-belts when driving is now ____ by law.A. compulsiveB. forcibleC. compulsoryD. involuntary9. I‘ll just ____ an eye over these figures before you type them.A. tossB. castC. flingD. throw10. He was facing charges on forgery in a court of law but he hired a good attorney to ____.A. get offB. get throughC. get byD. get away11. The campers ____ their tent in a sheltered valley.A. establishedB. installedC. pitchedD. fixed12. A larger brain makes man ____ to animals.A. betterB. superiorC. excelledD. outstanding13. He was always finding ____ with his daughter‘s friends.A. blameB. errorC. mistakeD. fault14. It was too late to ____ of the contract.A. back outB. back downC. back upD. back away15. She had just ____ the shell of the hard-boiled egg and was starting to pee l it off.A. snappedB. crackedC. fracturedD. burst16. Children who are praised for their work are always ____ on.A. encouragedB. approvedC. inspiredD. spurred17. It is impossible for parents to ____ their children from every danger.A. protectB. relieveC. preserveD. conserve18. Even though the main source of ____ exposure for a majority of the hum an population is the sun, the artificial tanning from sun beds contributes significantly to the total UV risk.A. extra violentB. extra violetC. ultravioletD. ultravirus19. This is ____ work. It calls for a good eye and a steady hand.A. preciseB. precisionC. exactD. exactness20. I wouldn‘t trust such a ____ person.A. deceitfulB. deceptiveC. decisiveD. deceive21. As a conductor, Leonard Bernstein is famous for his intensely vigorous and exuberant style.A. extremeB. enthusiasticC. prosperousD. nervous22. On a Windows screen, there will roll down many more buttons when you hit the ―Tools‖ button.A. castB. casteC. cascadeD. cataract23. In Nathaniel Hawthorne‘s The Scarlet Letter, Reverend Dimmesdale succum bed to Hester‘s charms.A. appealed toB. conversed aboutC. cared nothing forD. yielded to24. So engrossed in his efforts would Gaugin become that he barely noticed the passing of time.A. delighted inB. frustrated byC. expanded byD. involved in25. One out of five bridges in the United States is outmoded.A. narrowB. obsoleteC. illegalD. concrete26. Several theories of evolution had historically preceded that of Charles Dar win, although he expounded upon the stages of development.A. found fault withB. explained in detailC. outlined brieflyD. offered in published form27. When Akiyama Toyohiro, Japan‘s first astronaut, completed his stint in spa ce, he came back down to earth with more than one worry.A. spellB. slingC. stingD. stink28. Since she did not have time to read the entire play before class, she read an outline of the plot instead.A. a synonymB. a symmetryC. a synopsisD. a symposium29. Tiny Tim, a character in A Christmas Carol, was a happy little boy in spi te of the disability that caused him a weakness in one leg.A. to limpB. to fallC. restD. suffer30. When a hurricane is about to occur, the National Weather Bureau issues a warning.A. adjacentB. giganticC. perilousD. imminent31. Rain abates in the fall throughout most of the Appalachian Mountain regio n.A. poursB. accumulatesC. lessensD. evaporates32. The thief was apprehended, but his accomplice had disappeared.A. people who saw himB. the person who helped himC. guns and knivesD. stolen goods33. Relaxation therapy teaches one not to fret over small problems.A. worry aboutB. get involved inC. get angry about C. look for34. Benjamin Franklin was remembered for his good judgement.A. vigilanceB. guiltyC. sagacityD. resolution35. Mark Anthony‘s eulogy of C aesar at his funeral is memorably recorded ina play by Shakespeare.A. prayerB. praiseC. biographyD. denunciation36. He had studied hard, he would have been able to pass the exam.A. He had studied harderB. If only he studied moreC. Had he studied harder C. When he studied more37. It was now clear that no such weapons were manufactured and none been found.A. was foundB. were foundedC. has been foundD. have been founded38. Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, we feel sympathetic to the people to be affected.A. to have affectedB. to have effectedC. who have been effectedD. who have been affected39. Our programs come second to theirs.A. come second afterB. are second only toC. are first except forD. are first place from40. Our holiday is doomed to failure without you.A. would doomB. would have been doomedC. had been doomedD. has had to be doomed41. I‘m rath er concerned how he will take in his school.A. take onB. take upC. take offD. take to42. You‘ve been so helpful! How can I make up to you?A. make it up to youB. make you upC. make up it for youD. make up you43. I don‘t doubt how the plan will be will received.A. thatB. whichC. ifD. whether44. Trial and error are the source of our knowledge.A. isB. wereC. hasD. have been45. Some people think more of animals than will of children.A. they haveB. they hadC. they areD. they do46. The belief is the legendary lost continent of Atlantis may someday be fou nd.A. It is believed thatB. It is believing thatC. The belief thatD. That belief is47. Because excessively hunting has depleted many wildlife species, game pres erves are being established.A. excessive huntingB. hunting excessivelyC. The belief thatD. they hunted excessively48. Few pleasures can equal such of a cool drink on a hot day.A. thisB. all thisC. thatD. all that49. American Indian languages, which differ widely, tended to group many uni ts of meaning into multisyllabic words.A. all tendB. and tendC. to tendD. tending50. We are not conscious of the extent of which work provides the psychologi cal satisfaction that can make the difference between a full and empty life. A. to which B. in which C. at which D. by whichSection 2: Reading Comprehension (50 points)Questions 51 —55 are based on the following passage.Congress makes the laws in the United States. It has two parts, which ar e more or less equal in power. They are known as the House of Representativ es and the Senate. The House of Representatives is larger than the Senate who se 100 members (two from each state) serve for six years. The 435 members of the House are elected every two years, and the number from each state is determined by the population of the state. For example, California, which has a large population, has 43 representatives, while the State of Nevada has only one.The House and Senate are divided into small groups which take care of special matters such as education or foreign affairs. The most important work of Congress is often done in these groups, which are called subcommittees.According to the Constitution of the United States, a senator must be at l east 30 years old and he must have been a citizen of the United States for ni ne years at the time of his election. To be elected to the House a person mus t be 25 years old and must have been a United States citizen for seven years. At the present time, members of Congress include businessmen, farmers, teach ers, and especially lawyers. In general, senators are better known than represen tatives because they are fewer in number and serve for a longer time. Many American presidents served in Congress before they because president.51. In the U.S. Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate are ___ _.A. not equal. The House is more powerfulB. almost equal in powerC. not equal. The Senate is far more powerfulD. different. The House is more important52. The members of the Senate are elected for ____ years.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. six53. The number of the members in the House from each state ____.A. is fixed, two from each stateB. depends on how many people the state hasC. depends on the size of the stateD. depends on the location of the state54. To be elected to the Senate a person must ____.A. be at least 25 years oldB. be at least 30 years oldC. have been a citizen for seven yearsD. be a lawyer55. Which of the following is true?A. A representative serves for two years.B. To become a senator is easier than to become a representative.C. A senator performs his duties for a shorter time than a representativeD. All presidents were representatives and then senators before becoming presid ent of the United States.Questions 56 —60 are based on the following passage.Air France SA said Monday that its second-quarter net profit fell 35 percent t o ?57 million ($57.4 million), but sales were steady and operating profit surge d.Earning before interest and tax, a measure of operating income, gained 86 perc ent to ?141 million as fuel costs fell costs fell and cargo traffic rose.Air France has been hurt less than rivals such as British Airways PLC and Lufthansa AG by the slowdown on North Atlantic routes following the war o n Iraq in 2003 because it has fewer flights in that market.Net income fell as the airline paid deferred taxes that came due. Sales rose 0.9 percent to ?3.2 billion. The carrier lost about ?80 million in revenue because of a four-day strike by pilots in September. An accord was reached tying fut ure pay increases to inflation. Thecarrier said that first-half fuel costs fell 15 percent to ?680 million. Cargo traffic rose 11 percent in the second quarter, w hile passenger traffic rose 1.1 percent. The airline‘s shares gained 87 cents, or 7.7 percent, to close at ?12.11.Separately, Air France and Alitalia SpA agreed to buy 2 percent stakes in each other as Europe‘s second-and sixth-largest airlines deepen their partnership.56. ―?‖in ―?57 million‖ and―?141 million‖ probably stands for ____.A. EnglishB. the euroC. EuropeanD. European Currency Unit57. Which of the following is not a cause for Air France‘s earnings to rise be fore interest and tax?A. The drop in fuel cost.B. The rise in cargo traffic.C. The rise in passenger traffic.D. Its partnership with Alitalia SpA.58. Which of the following is not a trouble confronting Air France?A. Deferred taxes being due.B. The shrinking French market.C. A four-day strike by pilots in September.D. The war on Iraq.59. Why did Air France‘s net income fall despite rising sales?A. Because it had to pay deferred taxes that came due.B. Because the French market was shrinking.C. Because of a four-day strike by pilots in September.D. Because the Iraqi war had reduced Atlantic flights.60. ―The carrier lost about ?80 million in revenue because ofa four-day strike by pilots in September‖. What does ―the carrier‖ refer to here?A. British Airways PLC.B. Lufthansa AG.C. Air France SA.D. Alitalia SpA.Questions 61 —65 are based on the following passage.A. total of 4.6 million digital televisions have been sold, and the salesof HDTV sets have quadrupled since last year. Consumers have bought HDTV s to play their DVDs and to have clearer pictures and wide screens. Only a s mall percentage of the people who have purchased HDTVs, however, have act ually hooked their TVs up to receive high-definition television digital signals. Perhaps television viewers are having trouble keeping up with the changes in t echnology. Even the manufacturers of HDTVs, like Mitsubishi, Thomson Multi media, Sony, and Samsung seem to have a tough time learning how to make t heir sets work with the various digital TV formats because little standardization has been required or implemented in the industry.Some of the HDTVs weight over 200lbs., and a variety of retailers offer a delivery service to the buyer‘s home to help install the heavy sets. This is kno wn as a white-glove service and usually comes with an extra fee. After HDTV purchasers get their sets home and hook them up, they will still need to wor k to get the digital signals to their systems. Most of the industry‘s cable provi ders do not yet offer high-definition programming, and only about 15% of co mmercial television stations have switchedover to even the lowest improved di gital pictures. Worse yet, viewers may need to install antenna before they can even get the digital signals to their new HDTV sets. Another frustration for ho me-theater seekers is that the current HDTV sets allow owners only to watch high-definition programs, not to record them.61. According to the first sentence, the sales of HDTV sets since last year, by the time when this article was written, had reached ______.A. 4.6 millionB. 9.2 millionC. 18.4 millionD. I do not know many62. ―Hook up‖ as in ―hooked their TVs up‖ underlined in Paragraph 1 most p robably means to ____.A. have a hood over the TVB. be connected toC. relate oneself toD. keep contact with63. A majority of HDTV consumers could not enjoy high-quality digital pictur es because ____.A. they did not tune in to the right channelB. they did not install the systemC. the market retailers created the confusion on purposeD. the manufacturers did not have a uniform standard for their sets64. According to the passage, which of the following offers most of the HDT V programmes so far?A. Retailer delivery services.B. Cable providers.C. Commercial television stationsD. HDTV set manufacturers.65. On the whole, this passage is positioned to dwell on ____.A. the overall picture of the HDTV sectorB. how the giant TV market should offer better productsC. a lament over consumer‘s inability to use a high-end TV setD. a criticism of the TV markets for doing nothing about a big problemQuestion 66 —70 are based on the following passage.The idea of test-tube babies may make you either delighted at the wonders of modern medicine or irritated while considering the moral, or technological impl ic ations of starting life in a laboratory. But if you‘ve ever been pregnant yours elf, one thing is certain: You wonder what it‘s like to carry a test-tube baby. Are these pregnancies normal? Are the babies normal?The earliest answer come from Australia, where a group of medical experts at the Queen Victoria Medical Center in Melbourne have taken a look at the co ntinent‘s first nine successful invitro pregnancies. The Australians report that th e pregnancies themselves seemed to have proceeded according to plan, but at birth some unusual trends did show up. Seven of the nine babies turned out to be girls. Six of the nine were delivered by Caesarean section. And one baby, a twin, was born with a serious heart defect and a few days later developed life-threatening problems.What does it all mean? Even t he doctors don‘t know for sure, because the nu mbers are so small. The proportion of girls to boys is high, but until there are many more test-tube babies no one will know whether that‘s something that j ust happened to be like that or something special that happens when egg meets sperm in a test tube instead of a fallopian tube. The same thing is true of t he single heart defect. It usually shows up in only 15 out of 60,000 births in that part of Australia, but the fact that it occurred in one out of nine test-tube babies does not necessarily mean that they are at special risk. One thing the doctors can explain is the high number of Caesareans. Most of the mothers we re older, had long histories of fertility problems and in some cases had had su rgery on the fallopian tubes, all of which made them likely candidates for Cae sareans anyway.The Australian researchers report that they are quite encouraged. All the babies are now making normal progress, even the twin with the birth defects.66. What concern will the test-tube baby raise according to the passage?A. Whether the pregnancies of test-tube babies would be normal.B. Whether the test-tube babies would be encouraged.C. Why the proportion of defected babies is so high.D. Why the number of Caesareans is so high.67. What does the word ―invitro‖ underlined in Paragraph 2 most probably me an?A. Normal.B. Test-tube.C. Built-in.D. Formal68. Which of the following statements about the experiment mentioned in the passage is true?A. Only the twins are defected.B. Most of the babies are delivered by means of Caesarean.C. There are some troubles during all mothers‘ pregnancies.D. One baby appears to be abnormal.69. Which of the following explanations regarding the high number of Caesare an operations is NOT true?A. Some mothers have passed the best age for a natural delivery.B. Some mothers have fertility problems.C. Some mothers favor the operations of this type.D. Some mothers have had surgical operations on their fallopian tubes.70. What is the a uthor‘s tone in this passage?A. Depressed.B. OptimisticC. Opposing.D. NegativeQuestions 71 —80 are based on the following passage.The ocean bottom —a region nearly 2.5 times greater than the total land area of the Earth —is a vast frontier that even today is largely unexplored and u ncharted. Until about a century ago, the deep-ocean floor was completely inacc essible, hidden beneath waters averaging over 3,600 meters deep. Totally witho ut light and subjected to intense pressures hundreds of times gr eater than at th e Earth‘s surface, the deep-ocean bottom is a hostile environment to humans, i n some ways as forbidding and remote as the void of outer space.Although researchers have taken samples of deep-ocean rocks and sediments fo r over a century, the first detailed global investigation of the ocean bottom did not actually start until 1968, with the beginning of the National Science Foun dation‘s Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). U sing techniques first developed fo r the offshore oil and gas indust ry, the DSDP‘s drillship, the Glomar Challen ger, was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean‘s surface and drill in very deep waters, extracting samples of sediments and rock from the ocean fl oor.The Glomar Challenger completed 96 voyages in a 15-year research program t hat ended in November 1983. During this time, the vessel logged 600,000 kilo meters and took almost 20,000 core samples of seabed sediments and rocks at 624 drilling sites around the world. The Glomar Challenger‘s core samples ha ve allowed geologists to reconstruct what the planet looked like hundreds of m illions of years ago and to calculate what it will probably look like millions of years in the future. Today, largely on the strength of evidence gathered during the Glomar C hallenger‘s voyages, nearly all earth scientists agree on the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift that explain many of the geologica l processes that sharp the Earth.The cores of sediment drilled by the Glomar Challenger have also yielded i nfo rmation critical to understanding the world‘s past climates. Deep –ocean sedime nts provide a climatic record stretching back hundreds of millions of years, be cause they are largely isolated from the mechanical erosion and the intense che mical and biological activity that rapidly destroy much land-based evidence of past climates. This record has already provided insights into the patterns and c auses of past climatic change —information that may be used to predict future climates.71. The author refe rs to the ocean bottom as a ―frontier‖ in Paragraph 1 b ecause it ____.A. is not a popular area for scientific researchB. contains a wide variety of life formsC. attracts courageous explorersD. is an unknown territory72. The word ―inaccessible‖ underl ined in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____.A. unrecognizableB. unreachableC. unusableD. unsafe73. The author mentions ―outer space‖ underlined in Paragraph 1 because ____.A. the Earth‘s climate million of years ago was similar to conditions in outer s paceB. it is similar to the ocean floor in being alien to the human environmentC. rock formations in outer space are similar to those found on the ocean floorD. techniques used by scientists to explore outer space were similar to those us ed in ocean exploration74. Which of the following is true of the Glomar Challenger?A. It is a type of submarine.B. It is an ongoing project.C. It has gone on over 100 voyages.D. It made its first DSDP voyage in 1968.75. The word ―extracting‖ underlined in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ____.A. breakingB. locatingC. removingD. analyzing76. The Deep Sea Drilling Project was significant because it was ____.A. an attempt to find new sources of oil and gasB. the first extensive exploration of the ocean bottomC. composed of geologists from all over the worldD. funded entirely by the gas and oil industry77. The word ―strength‖ underlined in Paragraph 3 is closest in mea ning to __ __.A. basisB. purposeC. discoveryD. endurance78. The word ―they‖ underlined in Paragraph 4 refers to ____.A. yearsB. climatesC. sedimentsD. cores79. Deep-ocean sediments provide better information about the world‘s past cli mate because they ____.A. are well protectedB. have land-based evidenceC. are in isolationD. have a longer history80. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as being a resul t of the Deep Sea Drilling Project?A. Geologists were able to determine the Earth‘s appearance hundreds of millio ns of years ago.B. Two geological theories because more widely accepted.C. Information was revealed about the Earth‘s past clim atic changes.D. Geologists observed forms of marine life never before seen.Questions 81 —90 are based on the following passage.At the beginning of the twentieth century, North American society held, as an ideal, the Nuclear Family. This presumably perfect residential, social, and econ omic unit consisted of an adult male, an adult female and their minor children. This structure was thought to be stable and long lasting.However, a few decades later, the structure of that ideal family was being alte red radically even while it was being touted as the structure to be aimed for. Popular magazines bemoaned the loss of the Nuclear Family and its replaceme nt with inferior forms.There are a number of factors that are acting in concert to apply pressure on t he Nuclear Family and generate a variety of new structures. Some of these are: The definition of marriage has changed somewhat in that few people now cons ider it to last ―until death do us part.‖ The concept of monogamy (the marriag e of one man and one woman) has been modified to a form now referred to as serial monogamy (the marriage of one man and one woman at a time). Thi s reflects the increasing equality of women and men in terms of economic adv antage and the recognition that many women no longer depend on men for the ir survival. Women are acquiring independence and have become empowered t o make their own choices. With this independence, the need to from a relation ship with a man becomes less important. This change embodies the concept th at the marriage is temporary and can be terminated by eirther partner at any ti me. Associated with this, of course, is the relaxation of the divorce laws and t he significant reduction of theshame that had one time been attached to divor ce.The economy of North America has resulted in a two-tier system of a few ric h who control most of the resources and a large portion of the population wh o control almost none of the resources. Because of this, many couples are forc ed to have both partners with full-time jobs outside the home. There are unint ended byproducts of the need for a double income. The most important of the se is the replacement of a mother-oriented soci alization of children to a ―strang er-oriented‖ socialization system reflected in the growth of the children industry.Also, either partner is financially able to end the marriage without significant hardship.The combination of these changes will in the coming decades have a profound effect on the structure of the family of North America. As a result, the famil y will be a fluid, constantly changing structure with variable household arrange ments as the norm.81. In the 1910s most North Americans believed that the Nuclear Family _ ___.A. wouldn‘t last longB. was the normal family structureC. had no social and economic basisD. was unworthy82. What happened to the Nuclear Family in the middle of the twentieth centu ry?A. It changed greatly.B. It was criticized.C. It remained a normal structure.D. It was lost.83. In the middle of the twentieth century, people in NorthAmerica ____.A. were tired of the Nuclear FamilyB. wanted to give up the Nuclear FamilyC. believed that the Nuclear Family was hopefulD. were indifferent to the Nuclear Family84. What has changed the Nuclear Family in North America?A. People have changed their ideas about marriage.B. Women become more independent.C. The economy is changing.D. All of the above factors are acting together.85. What is the major factor that has raised the divorce rate in North America?A. The increasing equality of women.B. Relaxation of the divorce laws.C. The significant reduction of the shame on divorce.D. Men having more chances to know women.86. In Paragraph 4, ―until death do us part‖ probably means remaining married ____.A. until deathB. to the particular person until deathC. to one person at a timeD. until one leaves87. In Paragraph 5, ―two-tier system‖ means some ____.A. men have many wives while others have noneB. people are very rich while others are very poorC. people have too much work to do while others have nothing to doD. people control others88. Many wives work outside their home because they ____.A. want to be independentB. don‘t want to stay at homeC. don‘t have to take care of their childrenD. want to make money for their home89. ― ?Stranger-oriented‘ socialization system ‖ in Paragraph 5 probably means ____.A. strangers come home to take care of childrenB. neighbors don‘t know each otherC. mothers work outside their home and become strange to their childrenD. children become strange to their parents90. The author‘s purpose is to ____.A. give the facts of marriage in North AmericaB. explain the reason why the divorce rate is high in North AmericaC. introduce why both husband and wife have to work outside their homeD. give a picture of family structural change in North AmericaQuestions 91 —100 are based on the following passage.Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, th e Bush administration paid a prominent black pundit $240,000 to promote the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journ alists to do the same.The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), re quired commentator Armstrong Williams ―to regularly comment on NCLB duri ng the course of his broadcasts,‖ and to interview Education Secretary Rod Pai ge for TV and radio spots that were aired during the show in 2004. Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the arrangement unethical, but ―I wanted to do it because it‘s。

2017年考研英语二真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different, withacademics, writers, and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland..A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests thatthe 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.These days, because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says, adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated8. [A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute9. [A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among10. [A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside11. [A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically12. [A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles13. [A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course14. [A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield15. [A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship16. [A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce17. [A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats18. [A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved19. [A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into20. [A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonalSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park. The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers. Runners range from four years old to grandparents; their times range from Andrew Baddeley's world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an hour.Parkrun is succeeding where London's Olympic "legacy" is failing. Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London. Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of the Games would be to level a nation of sport lovers away from their couches. The population would be fitter, healthier and produce more winners. It has not happened. The number of adults doing weekly sport did rise, by nearly 2 million in the run-up to 2012-but the general population was growing faster. Worse, the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate. The opposition claims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a week have nearly halved. Obesity has risen among adults and children. Official retrospections continue as to why London 2012 failed to "inspire a generation." The success of Parkrun offers answers.Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock. The ethos welcomes anybody. There is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clapped over the line as there isabout top talent shining. The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes. The dual aim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part was intimidating for newcomers.Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots", concept as community sports associations. If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods-making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools. But successive governments have presided over selling green spaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education. Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive. Or at least not make them worse.21. According to Paragraph1, Parkrun has_____.A.gained great popularityB.created many jobsC.strengthened community tiesD.become an official festival22. The author believes that London's Olympic "legacy" has failed to_____.A.boost population growthB.promote sport participationC.improve the city's imageD.increase sport hours in schools23. Parkrun is different from Olympic games in that it_____.A.aims at discovering talentsB.focuses on mass competitionC.does not emphasize elitismD.does not attract first-timers24. With regard to mass sport, the author holds that governments should_____.A.organize "grassroots" sports eventsB.supervise local sports associationsC.increase funds for sports clubsD.invest in public sports facilities25. The author's attitude to what UK governments have done for sports is_____.A.tolerantB.criticalC.uncertainD.sympatheticText 2With so much focus on children’s use of screens, it's easy for parents to forget about their own screen use. “Tech is designed to really suck on you in,” says Jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, "and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the fami ly routine.”Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise. She found that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children. During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family. Parents would be looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention. Infants are wir ed to look at parents’ faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsive—as they often are when absorbed in a device-it can be extremely disconcerting foe the children. Radesky cites the “still face experiment” devised b y developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s. In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback; The child becomes increasingly distressed as she tries to capture her mother’s attention. "Parents don't have to be exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need," says Radesky.On the other hand, Tronick himself is concerned that the worries about kids' use of screens are born out of an “oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting” with their children: “It’s based on a somewhat fantasized, ve ry white, very upper-middle-class ideology that says if you’re failing to expose your child to 30,000 words you are neglecting them.” Tronick believes that just because a child isn’t learning from the screen doesn’t mean there’s no value to it -particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break from their child. Parents, he says, can get a lot out of using their devices to speak to a friend or get some work out of the way. This can make them feel happier, which lets then be more available to their child the rest of the time.26. According to Jenny Radesky, digital products are designed to ______.A.simplify routine mattersB.absorb user attentionC.better interpersonal relationsD.increase work efficiency27. Radesky’s food-testing exercise shows that mothers’ use of devices ______.A.takes away babies’ appetiteB.distracts children’s attentionC.slows down babies’ verbal developmentD.reduces mother-child communication28. Radesky’s cites the “still face experiment” to show that _______.A.it is easy for children to get used to blank expressionsB.verbal expressions are unnecessary for emotional exchangeC.children are insensitive to changes in their parents’ moodD.parents need to respond to children's emotional needs29. The oppressive ideology mentioned by Tronick requires parents to_______. A.protect kids from exposure to wild fantasiesB.teach their kids at least 30,000 words a yearC.ensure constant interaction with their childrenD.remain concerned about kid's use of screens30. According to Tronick, kid’s use of screens may_______.A.give their parents some free timeB.make their parents more creativeC.help them with their homeworkD.help them become more attentiveText 3Today, widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year. After all, if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn't it? And after going to school for 12 years, it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.But while this may be true, it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years. There's always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated “race to the finish line,” whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or lucrative career. But despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact, it probably enhances it.Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not. Rather than pulling students back, a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence, new responsibilities and environmental changes-all things that first-year students often struggle with the most. Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment, making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.If you're not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests, then consider its financial impact on future academic choices. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once. This isn’t surprising, considering the basic mandatory high school curr iculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications, but switching to another after taking college classes. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but depending on the school, it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game. At Boston College, for example, you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department. Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.31. One of the reasons for high-school graduates not taking a gap year is that_____.A.they think it academically misleadingB.they have a lot of fun to expect in collegeC.it feels strange to do differently from othersD.it seems worthless to take off-campus courses32. Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year helps_____.A.keep students from being unrealisticB.lower risks in choosing careersC.ease freshmen’s financial burdensD.relieve freshmen of pressures33. The word “acclimation”(Line 8, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to_____.A.adaptationB.applicationC.motivationD.competition34. A gap year may save money for students by helping them_____.A.avoid academic failuresB.establish long-term goalsC.switch to another collegeD.decide on the right major35. The most suitable title for this text would be_____.A.In Favor of the Gap YearB.The ABCs of the Gap YearC.The Gap Year Comes BackD.The Gap Year: A DilemmaText 4Though often viewed as a problem for western states, the growing frequency of wildfires is a national concern because of its impact on federal tax dollars, says Professor Max Moritz, a specialist in fire ecology and management.In 2015, the US Forest Service for the first time spent more than half of its $5.5 billion annual budget fighting fires-nearly double the percentage it spent on such efforts 20 years ago. In effect,fewer federal funds today are going towards the agency's other work-such as forest conservation,watershed and cultural resources management, and infrastructure upkeep-that affect the lives of all Americans.Another nationwide concern is whether public funds from other agencies are going into construction in fire-prone districts. As Moritz puts it, how often are federal dollars building homes that are likely to be lost to a wildfire?“It’s already a huge problem from a public expenditure perspective for the whole country,” he says. We need to take a magnifying glass to that. Like, “Wait a minute, is this OK?”“Do we want instead to redirect those funds to concentrate on lower-hazard parts of the landscape?”Such a view would require a corresponding shift in the way US society today views fire, researchers say.For one thing, conversations about wildfires need to be more inclusive. Over the past decade, the focus has been on climate change-how the warming of the Earth from greenhouse gases is leading to conditions that worsen fires.While climate is a key element, Moritz says, it shouldn’t come at the expense o f the rest of the equation.“The human systems and the landscapes we live on are linked, and the interactions go both ways," he says. Failing to recognize that, he notes, leads to "an overly simplified view of what the solutions might be. Our perception of the problem and of what the solution is becomes very limited.”At the same time, people continue to treat fire as an event that needs to be wholly controlled and unleashed only out of necessity, says Professor Balch at the University of Colorado. But acknowledging fire's inevitable presence in human life is an attitude crucial to developing the laws, policies, and practices that make it as safe as possible, she says.“We’ve disconnected ourselves from living with fire,” Balch says. “It is really important to understand and try and tease out what is the human connection with fire today.”36. More frequent wildfires have become a national concern because in 2015 they_____.A.exhausted unprecedented management effortsB.consumed a record-high percentage of budgetC.severely damaged the ecology of western statesD.caused a huge rise of infrastructure expenditure37. Moritz calls for the use of "a magnifying glass" to _____.A.raise more funds for fire-prone areasB.avoid the redirection of federal moneyC.find wildfire-free parts of the landscapeD.guarantee safer spending of public funds38. While admitting that climate is a key element, Moritz notes that _____.A.public debates have not settled yetB.fire-fighting conditions are improvingC.other factors should not be overlookedD.a shift in the view of fire has taken place39. The overly simplified view Moritz mentions is a result of failing to _____.A.discover the fundamental makeup of natureB.explore the mechanism of the human systemsC.maximize the role of landscape in human lifeD.understand the interrelations of man and nature40. Professor Balch points out that fire is something man should _____.A.do away withB.come to terms withC.pay a price forD.keep away fromPart BDirections:Read the following text and match each of the numbered items in the left column to its corresponding information in the right column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)The decline in American manufacturing is a common refrain, particularly from Donald Trump. "We don't make anything anymore," he told Fox News, while defending his own made-in-Mexico clothing line.Without question, manufacturing has taken a significant hit during recent decades, and further trade deals raise questions about whether new shocks could hit manufacturing.But there is also a different way to look at the data.Across the country, factory owners are now grappling with a new challenge: instead of having too many workers, they may end up with too few. Despite trade competition and outsourcing, American manufacturing still needs to replace tens of thousands of retiring boomers every years. Millennials may not be that interested in taking their place, other industries are recruiting them with similar or better pay.For factory owners, it all adds up to stiff competition for workers-and upward pressure on wages. "They're harder to find and they have job offers," says Jay Dunwell, president of Wolverine Coil Spring, a family-owned firm, "They may be coming [into the workforce], but they've been plucked by other industries that are also doing an well as manufacturing," Mr. Dunwell has begun bringing high school juniors to the factory so they can get exposed to its culture.At RoMan Manufacturing, a maker of electrical transformers and welding equipment that his father cofounded in 1980, Robert Roth keep a close eye on the age of his nearly 200 workers, five are retiring this year. Mr. Roth has three community-college students enrolled in a work-placement program, with a starting wage of $13 an hour that rises to $17 after two years.At a worktable inside the transformer plant, young Jason Stenquist looks flustered by the copper coils he's trying to assemble and the arrival of two visitors. It's his first week on the job. Asked about his choice of career, he says at high school he considered medical school before switchingto electrical engineering. "I love working with tools. I love creating." he says.But to win over these young workers, manufacturers have to clear another major hurdle: parents, who lived through the worst US economic downturn since the Great Depression, telling them to avoid the factory. Millennials "remember their father and mother both were laid off. They blame it on the manufacturing recession," says Birgit Klohs, chief executive of The Right Place, a business development agency for western Michigan.These concerns aren't misplaced: Employment in manufacturing has fallen from 17 million in 1970 to 12 million in 2013. When the recovery began, worker shortages first appeared in the high-skilled trades. Now shortages are appearing at the mid-skill levels."The gap is between the jobs that take to skills and those that require a lot of skill," says Rob Spohr, a business professor at Montcalm Community College. "There're enough people to fill the jobs at McDonalds and other places where you don't need to have much skill. It's that gap in between, and that's where the problem is."Julie Parks of Grand Rapids Community points to another key to luring Millennials into manufacturing: a work/life balance. While their parents were content to work long hours, young people value flexibility. "Overtime is not attractive to this generation. They really want to live their lives," she says.Section III TranslationDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)46. My DreamMy dream has always been to work somewhere in an area between fashion and publishing. Two years before graduating from secondary school, I took a sewing and design course thinking that I would move on to a fashion design course. However, during that course I realised that I was not good enough in this area to compete with other creative personalities in the future, so I decided that it was not the right path for me. Before applying for university I told everyone that I would study journalism, because writing was, and still is, one of my favourite activities. But, to be absolutely honest, I said it, because I thought that fashion and me together was just a dream - I knew that no one, apart from myself, could imagine me in the fashion industry at all!Section IV WritingPart A47. Directions:Suppose you are invited by Professor Williams to give a presentation about Chinese culture to a group of international students. Write a reply to1)Accept the invitation, and2)Introduce the key points of your presentation.You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.Do not sign you own name at the end of the l etter, use “Li Ming ” instead.Do not write the address .(10 points)48. Directions:Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)You should1) interpret the chart, and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15points)2016年考研英语二试题真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Happy people work differently. They’re more productive, more creative, and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence 1 firms work,panies located in place with happier people invest more, according to a recent research paper. 2 , firms in happy places spend more on R&D(research and development).That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking 3 for making investment for the future. The researchers wanted to know if the 4 and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would 5 the way companies invested. So they compared U.S. cities’ average happiness 6 by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.7 enough, firms’ investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were 8. But it is really happiness that’s linked to investment, or could something else about happier cities 9 why firms there spend more on R&D? To find out, the researches controlled for various 10 that might make firms more likely to invest like size, industry , and sales-and-and for indicators that a place was 11 to live in, like growth in wages or population. They link between happiness and investment generally 12 even after accounting for these things.The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors 13 to “less confined decision making process” and the possible presence of younger and less 14 managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.’’ The relationship was 15 stronger in places where happiness was spread more 16. Firms seem to invest more in places.17 this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view, the authors believe it at least 18 at that possibility. It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help 19 how executives think about the future. It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward –thinking and creative and 20 R&D more than the average,” said one researcher.1. [A] why [B] where [C] how [D] when2. [A] In return [B] In particular [C] In contrast [D] In conclusion3. [A] sufficient [B] famous [C] perfect [D] necessary4. [A] individualism [B] modernism [C] optimism [D] realism5. [A] echo [B] miss [C] spoil [D] change6. [A] imagined [B] measured [C] invented [D] assumed7. [A] sure [B] odd [C] unfortunate [D] often8. [A] advertised [B] divided [C] overtaxed [D] headquartered9. [A] explain [B] overstate [C] summarize [D] emphasize10. [A] stages [B] factors [C] levels [D] methods11. [A] desirable [B] sociable [C] reputable [D] reliable12. [A] resumed [B] held [C] emerged [D] broke13. [A] attribute [B] assign [C] transfer [D] compare14. [A] serious [B] civilized [C] ambitious [D] experienced15. [A] thus [B] instead [C] also [D] never16. [A] rapidly [B] regularly [C] directly [D] equally17. [A] After [B] Until [C] While [D] Since18. [A] arrives [B] jumps [C] hints [D] strikes19. [A] shape [B] rediscover [C] simplify [D] share20. [A] pray for [B] lean towards [C] give away [D] send actSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1It’s true that high-school coding classes aren’t essential for learning computer sc ience in college. Students without experience can catch up after a few introductory courses, said Tom Cortina, the assistant dean at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science.However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial. When younger kids learn computer science, they learn that it’s not just a confusing, endless string of letters and numbers – but a tool to build apps, or create artwork, or test hypotheses. It’s not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students. Breaking down problems into bite-sized chunks and using code to solve them becomes normal. Giving more children this training could increase the number of people interested in the field and help fill the jobs gap, Cortina said.Students also benefit from learning something about coding before they get to college, where introductory computer-science classes are packed to the brim, which can drive the less-experienced or-determined students away.The Flatiron School, where people pay to learn programming, started as one of the many coding bootcamps that’s become popular for adults looking for a career change. The high-schoolers get the same curriculum, but “we try to gear lessons toward things they’re interested in,” said Victoria Friedman, an instructor. For instance, one of the apps the students are developing suggests movies based on your mood.The students in the Flatiron class probably won’t drop out of high school and build the next Facebook. Programming languages have a quick turnover, so the “Ruby on Rails” language they learned may not even be relevant by the time they enter the job market. But the skills they learn –how to think logically through a problem and organize the results – apply to any coding language, said Deborah Seehorn, an education consultant for the state of North Carolina.Indeed, the Flatiron students might not go into IT at all. But creating a future army of coders is not the sole purpose of the classes. These kids are going to be surrounded by computers-in their pockets ,in their offices, in their homes –for the rest of their lives, The younger they learn how computers think, how to coax the machine into producing what they want –the earlier they learn that they have the power to do that –the better.21.Cortina holds that early exposure to computer science makes it easier to _______A. complete future job trainingB. remodel the way of thinking。

2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. 46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed -- and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. 47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. 48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.49) Creating a “European identity”that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice -- that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances necessary for production costs. 50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unit ed we stand, divided we fall” -- and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.” A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied2006年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society? I am going to suggest that it is not true. Father Bruckberger told part of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected America. But they have done more than that. They have grown dissatisfied with the role of intellectual. It is they, not America, who have become anti-intellectual.First, the object of our study pleads for definition. What is an intellectual? 46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in a Socratic (苏格拉底) way about moral problems.He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. 47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals -- the average scientist, for one. 48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in the everyday performance of his routine duties -- he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports. 49) But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. During most of his waking life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics.The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living. 50) They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars. Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing, living in "public and ill ustrious thoughts,” as Emerson would say, is something else.The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. (46) Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom. (47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual preparation for his or her career.(48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be. (49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists. While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments. These can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system.Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)In his autobiography, Darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty. He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but (46) he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley.(47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.His memory, too, he described as extensive, but hazy. So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. (48) On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning.This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species”is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree.”(49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great, delight. In 1881, however, he said: “Now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music.” (50) Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association.46It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. 47Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance.48 While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. 49Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.50 We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试(英语二)46.Directions:In this section there is a text in English .Translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET2.(15points)“Suatainability” has become apopul ar word these days, but to Ted Ning, the concept will always have personal meaning. Having endured apainful period of unsustainability in his own life made itclear to him that sustainability-oriented values must be expressed though everyday action and choice.Ning recalls spending aconfusing year in the late 1990s selling insurance. He’d been though the dot-com boom and burst and,desperate for ajob,signed on with a Boulder agency.It didin’t go well. “It was a really had move because that’s not my passion,” says Ning, whose dilemma about the job translated, predictably, into a lack of sales. “I was miserable, I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling. I had no money and needed the job. Everyone sai d, ‘Just wait, you’ll trun the corner, give it some time.’”Section Ⅲ Translation最近,“承受力”\坚持不懈”成了一个流行词,但对Ted Ning来说,他对其含义有自己亲身的体会。

考研英语2005翻译真题In recent years, much of the world’s attention has been focused on environmental protection. Consequently, there is a growing recognition that it is our responsibility to take actions to protect the environment. However, there is still a long way to go before we can achieve a sustainable future for our planet.One of the most urgent environmental issues we face is pollution. Pollution comes in many forms, including air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. Industrialization and urbanization have greatly contributed to the increase in pollution levels, causing serious damage to ecosystems and human health. To tackle pollution, we need comprehensive measures such as improving industrial regulations, promoting renewable energy, and adopting sustainable agricultural practices.Another pressing environmental concern is the loss of biodiversity. Human activities, such as deforestation, overfishing, and illegal wildlife trade, have resulted in the extinction of many species and the destruction of natural habitats. This loss of biodiversity not only disrupts ecosystems but also affects our own well-being as we rely on biodiversity for resources and services. To address this issue, we need to strengthen conservation efforts, establish protected areas, and raise public awareness about the importance of biodiversity.Climate change is another major environmental challenge that requires immediate attention. The burning of fossil fuels and the release of greenhouse gases have led to rising global temperatures, causing extreme weather events, melting glaciers, and rising sea levels. To combat climatechange, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions, transition to clean energy sources, and promote sustainable transportation and practices.Furthermore, waste management is a critical aspect of environmental protection. The increasing production of waste, especially non-biodegradable materials like plastics, poses a significant threat to the environment. Effective waste management strategies, such as recycling, waste reduction, and proper disposal, are essential to minimize the impact of waste on the environment.To achieve a sustainable future, it is crucial to promote environmental education and awareness. By educating individuals about the importance of environmental protection and sustainable practices, we can empower them to make informed choices and take environmentally friendly actions.In conclusion, environmental protection is of utmost importance in our pursuit of a sustainable future. Pollution, loss of biodiversity, climate change, and waste management are among the key challenges we need to address. Through comprehensive measures, increased conservation efforts, and environmental education, we can work towards a healthier and more sustainable planet for future generations. Let us all take responsibility and contribute to the protection of our environment.。

【翻译】考研英语历年真题逐句翻译(2017年)英语二第一段①Today,widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year.②A fter all, if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn't it?③And after going to school for 12 years, it doesn't feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.翻译译文:如今,(高中毕业后)即刻升入大学这一普遍社会压力,加之快速发展的世界(对人们)越来越高的期望,往往导致学生们完全忽略了经历间隔年这一选择。
第二段①But while this may be true, it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years.②There's always a constant fear of fall ing behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated “race to the finish line,” whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or a lucrative career.③But despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits-in fact, it probably enhances it.翻译译文:但这即使是事实,也不足以成为谴责间隔年的理由。

2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. 46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed -- and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. 47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, m agazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. 48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.49) Creating a “European identity”that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice -- that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence o n the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances necessary for production costs. 50) In dealing with a challengeed we stand, divided we fall”-- and if I had to choose aon such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “UnitA unity of objectives that nonetheless r espect the varied slogan it would be “Unity i n our diversity.” peculiarities of each country.第 1 页共12 页。

2017年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语二试题Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1。
(10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future without work .Today is no different,with academics,writers, and activists once again 1 that technology be replacing human workers。
Some imagine that the coming work—free world will be defined by 2 。
A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives 5 ,people will simply become lazy and depressed。
6 ,today’s unemployed don’t see m to be having a great time。
One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression,double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality,mental—health problems,and addicting 9 poorly-educated middle—aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.But it doesn’t11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease。

2005年11月英语二级《笔译实务》试题Section 1: English-Chinese Translation(英译汉)Part A Compulsory Translation(必译题)Hans Christian Andersen was Denmark's most famous native son. Yet even after his fairy tales won him fame and fortune, he feared he would be forgotten. He need not have worried. This weekend, Denmark began eight months of celebrations to coincide with the bicentenary of his birth, and Denmark is eager that the world take note as it sets out to define the pigeon-holed writer in its own way.The festivities began in Copenhagen on Saturday, Andersen's actual birthday, with a lively show of music, dance, lights and comedy inspired by his fairy tales before a crowd of 40,000people -- including Queen Margre the II and her family -- at the Parken National Stadium. The opening, called Once Upon a Time, will be followed by a slew of concerts, musicals, ballets, exhibitions, parades and education programs costing over US$40 million.So more than in recent memory, Danes -- and, they hope, foreigners -- will be reliving the humor, pain and lessons to be found in evergreen stories like The Little Mermaid, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, The Little Match-Seller, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Shadow, The Princess and the Pea and others of Andersen's 150 or so fairy tales.In organizing this extravaganza, of course, Denmark is also celebrating itself. After all, Andersen is still this country's most famous native son. Trumpeting his name and achievements not only draws attention to Denmark's contribution to world culture, but could also woo more foreign tourists to visit his birthplace in the town of Odense and to be photographed beside the famous bronze statue of the Little Mermaid in Copenhagen's harbor.And Denmark has even more in mind. Local guardians of the Andersen legacy evidently feel his stories have lost ground in recent years to the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter. Andersen's fairy tales may remain central to the Danish identity, serving as homespun guides to the vagaries of human behavior, but what about the rest of the world?"What we really need is a rebirth of Andersen," noted Lars Seeberg, secretary general of the Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation. "Two centuries after his birth, he still fails to be universally acknowledged as the world-class author he no doubt was.Part B Optional Translation(二选一题)Topic 1(选题一)Independent Information and Analysis from the USAThe Gap between Rich and Poor Widened in U.S. Capital Washington D.C. ranks first among the40 cities with the widest gap between the poor and the rich, according to a recent report released by the D.C. Fiscal Policy Institute on July 22nd. The top 20 percent of household in D.C. have an averageyearly income of $186,830, 31 times that of the bottom 20 percent, which earns only $6,126 per year. The income gap is also big in Atlanta and Miami, but the difference is not as pronounced.The report also indicates that the widening gap occurred mainly during the 1990s. Over the last decade, the average income of the top 20 percent of households has grown 36 percent, while the average income of the bottom 20 percent has only risen 3 percent."I believe the concentration of the middle- to high-income families in the D.C. area will continue, therefore, the income gap between rich and poor will be hard to bridge," David Garrison told the Washington Observer. Garrison is a senior researcher with the Brookings Institution, specializing in the study of the social and economic policies in the greater Washington D.C. area.The report attributed the persistent income gap in Washington to the area's special job opportunities, which attract high-income households. Especially since the federal government is based in Washington D.C., Government agencies and other government related businesses such as lobbying firms and government contractors constantly offer high-paying jobs, which contribute to the trend of increasing high-income households in the D.C. area. For example, a single young professional working in a law firm in D.C. can earn as much as $100,000 in his or her first year out of law school. "In addition, high-quality housing available in Washington D.C. is one of the main reason swhy high-income families choose to live here, while middle and low-income families, if they can afford it, choose to move out of Washington D.C. to the Virginia and Maryland suburbs so that their kids can go to better schools," stated Garrison."As rich families continue to move into D.C. and middle and low-income families are moving out, the poorest families are left with nowhere to move, or cannot afford to move. This creates the situation we face now: a huge income gap between the rich and poor."The Washington D.C. area to which Garrison refers is the District of Columbia city itself, not including the greater Washington metro area. "The greater Washington metro area has a large population of about 5 million, but the low-income households are often concentrated in D.C. proper," Garrison explained.Tony Blalock, the spokesperson for Mayor Anthony Williams, said resignedly, "No matter what we seem to do to bring investment into the District, a certain population is not able to access the unique employment opportunities there. The gap between the rich and poor is the product of complex forces, and won't be fixed overnight."Garrison believes that the D.C. government should attract high-income families. By doing so, the District's tax base can grow, which in turn can help improve D.C.'s infrastructure. "But in the meantime, the District government should also take into consideration the rights of the poor, set up good schools for them, and provide sound social welfare. All these measures can alleviate the dire situation caused by income disparity. "Garrison, however, is not optimistic about the possibility of closing the gap between the rich and poor. He is particularly doubtful that current economic progress will be able to help out the poor. "Bush'stax-cut plan did bring about this wave of economic recovery, and the working professionals and rich did benefit from it. It is unfair to say that the plan did not help the poor at all… it just didn't benefit them as much as it did the rich, " Garrison said. "The working class in America, those who do the simplest work, get paid the least, and dutifully pay their taxes, has not benefited from Bush's tax-cut plan much."Garrison concludes, "A lot of cities in America did not enjoy the positive impact of the economic recovery. Washington D.C., on the other hand, has always been sheltered by the federal government. The wide gap between rich and poor in the District, therefore, deserves more in-depth study and exploration."Topic 2(选题二)Sometimes you can know too much. The aim of screening healthy people for cancer is to discover tum ours when they are small and treatable. It sounds laudable and often it is. But it sometimes leads to unnecessary treatment. The body has a battery of mechanisms for stopping small tum ours from becoming large ones. Treating those that would have been suppressed anyway does no good and can often be harmful.Take lung cancer. A report in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association, by Peter Bach of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York and his colleagues, suggests that, despite much fanfare around the use of computed tomography (CT) to detect tum ours in the lungs well before they cause symptoms, the test may not reduce the risk of dying from the disease at all—indeed, it may make things worse.The story begins last year, when Claudia Henschke of Cornell University and her colleagues made headlines with a report that patients whose lung cancer had been diagnosed early by CT screening had excellent long-term survival prospects. Her research suggested that 88% of patients could expect to be alive ten years after their diagnosis. Dr Bach found similar results ina separate study. In his case, 94% of patients diagnosed with early-stage lung cancer were alive four years later.Survival data alone, though, fail to answer a basic question: “compared with what?” People are bound to live longer after their diagnosis if that diagnosis is made earlier. Early diagnosis is of little value unless it results in a better prognosis.Dr Bach, therefore, interrogated his data more thoroughly. He used statistical models based on results from studies of lung cancer that did not involve CT screening, to try to predict what would have happened to the individuals in his own study if they had not been part of that study. The results were not encouraging.Screening did, indeed, detect more tum ours. Over the course of five years, 144 cases of lung cancer were picked up in a population of 3,200, compared with a predicted number of 44.Despite these early diagnoses, though, there was no reduction in the number of people who went on to develop advanced cancer, nor a significant drop in the number who died of the disease (38, compared with a predictionof 39). Considering that early diagnosis prompted at enfold increase in surgery aimed at removing the cancer (the predicted number of surgical interventions was 11; the actual number was 109), and that such surgery is unsafe—5% of patients die and another 20-40% suffer serious complications—the whole process seems to make things worse.Section 2: Chinese-English Translation(汉译英)Part A25年来,中国坚定不移地推进改革开放,社会主义市场经济体制初步建立,开放型经济已经形成,社会生产力和综合国力不断增强,各项社会事业全面发展,人民生活总体上实现了由温饱到小康的历史性跨越。

2017年考研英语二真题及答案解析Section I Use of English试题精析1.[答案][C] warning考点:上下文语义理解解析:空格之后的宾语从句部分“technology is replacing human workers.”结合选项,应该选择warning。
其他三项[A] boasting [B] denying [D] ensuring均不符合此处的语境要求,故均排除。
2.[答案][A] inequality考点:上下文语义理解空格单词后面的句意看到了贫富对比,故作为上文对其进行概括关键应选择inequality。
3.[答案][D] prediction考点:时态判断空格之后的内容“holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort,”该定语从句是对空格词汇的修饰与说明,既然文中用到了will 这一个表示将来时态的助动词,故答案为prediction。
4.[答案][A] characterized考点:后置定语 + 固定搭配one 4 by purposelessness。
5.[答案][B] meaning考点:句间语义理解Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed.空格所在句后面的表述与空格前的内容属于并列关系,由逗号连接。
[A] wisdom [C] glory [D] freedom 这些选项都表示褒义色彩和后面 lazy、depressed 矛盾。
6.[答案][B] Indeed考点:上下文逻辑关系分析下四个选项可以看出并无体现因果关系故[A] Thus排除,另外instead,nevertheless 表示转折语意,但是上下文逻辑并无体现。

下面是店铺整理的2017年考研英语二英译汉和写作真题,希望能帮到大家!Section III TranslationDirections:Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points)46. Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Your translation should be written on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) The supermarket is designed to lure customers into spending as much time as possible within its doors. The reason for this is simple:The longer you stay in the store, the more stuff you'll see, and the more stuff you see, the more you'll buy. And supermarkets contain a lot of stuff. The average supermarket, according to the Food Marketing Institute, carries some 44,00 different items, and many carry tens of thousands more. The sheer volume of available choice is enough to send shoppers into a state of information overload. According to brain-scan experiments, the demands of so much decision-making quickly become too much for us. After about 40 minutes of shopping, most people stop struggling to be rationally selective, and instead begin shopping emotionally - which is the point at which we accumulate the 50 percent of stuff in our cart that we never intended buying.Section IV WritingPart ASuppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jackwrote an email to congratulate you, and ask advice on translation. Write him a reply to1)thank him;2)give your advice.You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .(10 point)Part B48.Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart. you should1) interpret the chart and2) give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points).某高校学生旅游目的调查。

2017年考研英语二真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)People have speculated for centuries about a future without work.Today is no different, withacademics, writers, and activists once again 1 that technology is replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland..A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests thatthe 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstances for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.These days, because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says, adding,“In a world in which I don’t have to work,I might feel rather different”—perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.1. [A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring2. [A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty3. [A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction4. [A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured5. [A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom6. [A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless7. [A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated8. [A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute9. [A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among10. [A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside11. [A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically12. [A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles13. [A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course14. [A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield15. [A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship16. [A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce17. [A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats18. [A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved19. [A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into20. [A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonalSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park. The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers. Runners range from four years old to grandparents; their times range from Andrew Baddeley's world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an hour.Parkrun is succeeding where London's Olympic "legacy" is failing. Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London. Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of the Games would be to level a nation of sport lovers away from their couches. The population would be fitter, healthier and produce more winners. It has not happened. The number of adults doing weekly sport did rise, by nearly 2 million in the run-up to 2012-but the general population was growing faster. Worse, the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate. The opposition claims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a week have nearly halved. Obesity has risen among adults and children. Official retrospections continue as to why London 2012 failed to "inspire a generation." The success of Parkrun offers answers.Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock. The ethos welcomes anybody. There is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clapped over the line as there is about top talent shining. The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes. The dual aim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part was intimidating for newcomers.Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally "grassroots", concept as community sports associations. If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods-making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools. But successive governments have presided over selling green spaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education. Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive. Or at least not make them worse.21. According to Paragraph1, Parkrun has_____.A.gained great popularityB.created many jobsC.strengthened community tiesD.become an official festival22. The author believes that London's Olympic "legacy" has failed to_____.A.boost population growthB.promote sport participationC.improve the city's imageD.increase sport hours in schools23. Parkrun is different from Olympic games in that it_____.A.aims at discovering talentsB.focuses on mass competitionC.does not emphasize elitismD.does not attract first-timers24. With regard to mass sport, the author holds that governments should_____.A.organize "grassroots" sports eventsB.supervise local sports associationsC.increase funds for sports clubsD.invest in public sports facilities25. The author's attitude to what UK governments have done for sports is_____.A.tolerantB.criticalC.uncertainD.sympatheticText 2With so much focus on children’s use of screens, it's easy for parents to forget about their own screen use. “Tech is designed to really suck on you in,” says Jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, "and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the family routine.”Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise. She found that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children. During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family. Parents would be looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention. Infants are wired to look at parents’ faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsive—as they often are when absorbed in a device-it can be extremely disconcerting foe the children. Radesky cites the “still face experiment” devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s. In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback; The child becomes increasingly distressed as she tries to capture her mother’s attention. "Parents don't have to be exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need," says Radesky.On the other hand, Tronick himself is concerned that the worries about kids' use of screens are born out of an “oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting” with their children: “It’s based on a somewhat fantasized, very white, very upper-middle-class ideology that says if you’re failing to expose your child to 30,000 words you are neglecting them.” Tronick believes that just because a child isn’t learning from the screen doesn’t mean there’s no value to it -particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break from their child. Parents, he says, can get a lot out of using their devices to speak to a friend or get somework out of the way. This can make them feel happier, which lets then be more available to their child the rest of the time.26. According to Jenny Radesky, digital products are designed to ______.A.simplify routine mattersB.absorb user attentionC.better interpersonal relationsD.increase work efficiency27. Radesky’s food-testing exercise shows that mothers’ use of devices ______.A.takes away babies’ appetiteB.distracts children’s attentionC.slows down babies’ verbal developmentD.reduces mother-child communication28. Radesky’s cites the “still face experiment” to show that _______.A.it is easy for children to get used to blank expressionsB.verbal expressions are unnecessary for emotional exchangeC.children are insensitive to changes in their parents’ moodD.parents need to respond to children's emotional needs29. The oppressive ideology mentioned by Tronick requires parents to_______.A.protect kids from exposure to wild fantasiesB.teach their kids at least 30,000 words a yearC.ensure constant interaction with their childrenD.remain concerned about kid's use of screens29.【答案】C【解析】本题目为具体细节题。
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2005年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题It is not easy to talk about the role of the mass media in this overwhelmingly significant phase in European history. History and news become confused, and one’s impressions tend to be a mixture of skepticism and optimism. 46) Television is one of the means by which these feelings are created and conveyed -- and perhaps never before has it served so much to connect different peoples and nations as in the recent events in Europe.The Europe that is now forming cannot be anything other than its peoples, their cultures and national identities. With this in mind we can begin to analyze the European television scene. 47) In Europe, as elsewhere, multi-media groups have been increasingly successful: groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. One Italian example would be the Berlusconi group, while abroad Maxwell and Murdoch come to mind.Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly-contested market. 48) This alone demonstrates that the television business is not an easy world to survive in, a fact underlined by statistics that show that out of eighty European television networks, no less than 50% took a loss in 1989.Moreover, the integration of the European community will oblige television companies to cooperate more closely in terms of both production and distribution.49) Creating a “European identity”that respects the different cultures and traditions which go to make up the connecting fabric of the Old Continent is no easy task and demands a strategic choice -- that of producing programs in Europe for Europe. This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market, whose programs relate to experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own.In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on co-productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training. This also involves the agreements between European countries for the creation of a European bank for Television Production which, on the model of the European Investments Bank, will handle the finances necessary for production costs. 50) In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “Unit ed we stand, divided we fall” -- and if I had to choose a slogan it would be “Unity in our diversity.” A unity of objectives that nonetheless respect the varied2006年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Is it true that the American intellectual is rejected and considered of no account in his society? I am going to suggest that it is not true. Father Bruckberger told part of the story when he observed that it is the intellectuals who have rejected America. But they have done more than that. They have grown dissatisfied with the role of intellectual. It is they, not America, who have become anti-intellectual.First, the object of our study pleads for definition. What is an intellectual? 46) I shall define him as an individual who has elected as his primary duty and pleasure in life the activity of thinking in a Socratic (苏格拉底) way about moral problems.He explores such problems consciously, articulately, and frankly, first by asking factual questions, then by asking moral questions, finally by suggesting action which seems appropriate in the light of the factual and moral information which he has obtained. 47) His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a manner as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision.This definition excludes many individuals usually referred to as intellectuals -- the average scientist, for one. 48) I have excluded him because, while his accomplishments may contribute to the solution of moral problems, he has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems.Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in the everyday performance of his routine duties -- he is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports. 49) But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. During most of his waking life he will take his code for granted, as the businessman takes his ethics.The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living. 50) They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.This description even fits the majority of eminent scholars. Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing, living in "public and ill ustrious thoughts,” as Emerson would say, is something else.The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. (46) Traditionally, legal learning has been viewed in such institutions as the special preserve of lawyers, rather than a necessary part of the intellectual equipment of an educated person.Happily, the older and more continental view of legal education is establishing itself in a number of Canadian universities and some have even begun to offer undergraduate degrees in law.If the study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education, its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment. On the one hand, it provides opportunities to analyze such ideas as justice, democracy and freedom. (47) On the other, it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and comment on the news.For example, notions of evidence and fact, of basic rights and public interest are at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law. Sharpening judgment by absorbing and reflecting on law is a desirable component of a journalist’s intellectual preparation for his or her career.(48) But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media.Politics or, more broadly, the functioning of the state, is a major subject for journalists. The better informed they are about the way the state works, the better their reporting will be. (49) In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.Furthermore, the legal system and the events which occur within it are primary subjects for journalists. While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers. (50) While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments. These can only come from a well-grounded understanding of the legal system.Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)In his autobiography, Darwin himself speaks of his intellectual powers with extraordinary modesty. He points out that he always experienced much difficulty in expressing himself clearly and concisely, but (46) he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observations.He disclaimed the possession of any great quickness of apprehension or wit, such as distinguished Huxley.(47) He asserted, also, that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics.His memory, too, he described as extensive, but hazy. So poor in one sense was it that he never could remember for more than a few days a single date or a line of poetry. (48) On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he was a good observer, he had no power of reasoning.This, he thought, could not be true, because the “Origin of Species”is one long argument from the beginning to the end, and has convinced many able men. No one, he submits, could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning. He was willing to assert that “I have a fair share of invention, and of common sense or judgment, such as every fairly successful lawyer or doctor must have, but not, I believe, in any higher degree.”(49) He adds humbly that perhaps he was “superior to the common run of men in noticing things which easily escape attention, and in observing them carefully.”Writing in the last year of his life, he expressed the opinion that in two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. Up to the age of thirty or beyond it poetry of many kinds gave him great pleasure. Formerly, too, pictures had given him considerable, and music very great, delight. In 1881, however, he said: “Now for many years I cannot endure to read a line of poetry. I have also almost lost my taste for pictures or music.” (50) Darwin was convinced that the loss of these tastes was not only a loss of happiness, but might possibly be injurious to the intellect, and more probably to the moral character.2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试Directions:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)There is a marked difference between the education which every one gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association.46It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive.Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. 47Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution.Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance.48 While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. 49Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.50 We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试(英语二)46.Directions:In this section there is a text in English .Translate it into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET2.(15points)“Suatainability” has become apopul ar word these days, but to Ted Ning, the concept will always have personal meaning. Having endured apainful period of unsustainability in his own life made itclear to him that sustainability-oriented values must be expressed though everyday action and choice.Ning recalls spending aconfusing year in the late 1990s selling insurance. He’d been though the dot-com boom and burst and,desperate for ajob,signed on with a Boulder agency.It didin’t go well. “It was a really had move because that’s not my passion,” says Ning, whose dilemma about the job translated, predictably, into a lack of sales. “I was miserable, I had so much anxiety that I would wake up in the middle of the night and stare at the ceiling. I had no money and needed the job. Everyone sai d, ‘Just wait, you’ll trun the corner, give it some time.’”Section Ⅲ Translation最近,“承受力”\坚持不懈”成了一个流行词,但对Ted Ning来说,他对其含义有自己亲身的体会。