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一、选择最恰当的答案 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)找出与其它读音不同或含有不同元音音素的一项

A . this

B . these

C . thank

D . they

2. (2分)This is jacket.

A . a

B . /

C . an

D . it

3. (2分)——Lucy, do people in England celebrate Thanksgiving Day like Americans?——No, we don't. It is ________ festival, not________.

A . their; ours

B . theirs; ours

C . theirs; our

D . their; our

4. (2分)______we arrived too late to catch plane.

A . Luckily

B . Happily

C . Lately

D . Unluckily

5. (2分)Thirty-three and forty-seven makes _____.

A . sixty

B . seventy

C . eighty

D . ninety

6. (2分)_______ is difficult to work out the maths problem.

A . This

B . That

C . It

D . Its

7. (2分)It's said that there are hardly _____________ things on the moon.

A . lifeless

B . alive

C . lively

D . living

8. (2分)—May I speak to Mr. Smith?

—,please.I'll see if he is in.

A . Look out

B . Hold the line

C . Keep up

D . Come on

9. (2分)— Look! It _______ be Jack on the playground.

—It _______ be him. I saw him enter the school library just now.

A . must; mustn't

B . can; can't

C . may; mustn't

D . must; can't

10. (2分)Tom usually _______ a bike to school. Look, he _______ to school now.

A . rides; is riding

B . is riding; is riding

C . rides; rides

D . is riding; rides

11. (2分)—Is Tina ______ than Tara?

— Yes, but Tara is ________ in her class.

A . taller; the heaviest

B . tall; heavy

C . taller; heavier

D . the tallest; the heaviest

12. (2分)—Peter wants to know if you will have the talent show on the square tomorrow.—Yes. But if it _______ we'll have it in our classroom instead.

A . will rain

B . rained

C . is raining

D . rains

13. (2分)——Do you still remember_______ trip to my father's farm?

——Yes, of course. _______ great time we had there! I'll never forget it.

A . a; What a

B . the; What

C . the; What a

D . the; How

14. (2分)—_____ people are coming to the party?

—About 40.

A . How many

B . How soon

C . How far

D . How long

15. (2分)—I'll go to America for a trip nex t week.


A . Good luck!

B . Glad to see you again!

C . Best wishes!

D . Have a good time!

二、将下列单词或词组的编号填入空格完成短文,每词只能填一次 (共2题;共2分)

16. (1分)用下列单词的真确形式完成句子。
