

译林版(三起)英语五年级下册Unit 1 Cinderella Story time课件

译林版(三起)英语五年级下册Unit 1  Cinderella Story time课件

Watch, read and act
Read in groups. Read in roles. Read together. Act it out.
Read and fill in the blanks. There’s a _p_a_r_t_y_ at the prince’s house. Cinderella _c_a_n_’_t_ go. She is _s_a_d_. The fairy comes and _h_e_l_p_s_ her. Cinderella _h_a_s__ to come back at _t_w_e_l_v_e_ o’clock. After that, the magic will be disappear. Cinderella loses her _s_h_o_e_.The prince visits _e_v_e_r_y_ house and let the girls _t_r_y_ on the shoe. The prince finds Cinderella at last. She is the girl!
A fairy comes.
Why are you so sad, dear?
Because I can’t go to the party.
问者句孩:W子Whdyeha?yracrheilydoruenso+表示情绪或感觉 的形形容容词词:(昂s贵ad的, hIatp’sptyo,owdoerarri.ed…)B?ecause I don’t Let答感m语叹e:词heB:lep天cayu哪osueO.+h原, d因ea. r! You have a hfeavveer. any nice

人教版五年级英语下册Unit 1 Read and write课件

人教版五年级英语下册Unit 1  Read and write课件


My name is Robinson. I live on an island. I always get up early every
day. I wash my face, and then I eat breakfast. Sometimes I clean
my cave, too. 山洞;洞穴
Unit 1 My day
Read and write
Robin’s play
Robin is in a play. Here is a letter from him. I live on an island. Friday is good at sports.
always—get up, wash my face, eat breakfast sometimes—clean my cave often—go swimming, play sports
I hope you can get off your island soon.
clean room 打扫房间 ...
One Model
Dear Robinson, My name is __L_i _H_u_a _. I live in _a__ci_ty__. I often _d_o_m_o_r_ni_n_g _e_x_er_c_is_e_s and _p_la_y_s_po_r_t_s _. In the afternoon, I _go__fo_r_a__w_a_lk_ with _m_y__f_at_h_e_r __. I hope you can get off your island soon. Yours, _L_i _H_u_a __

2020春PEP版五年级英语下册-Unit 1-单元授课课件(付,159)

2020春PEP版五年级英语下册-Unit 1-单元授课课件(付,159)

1 练习本课所学有关日常活动的词语和短语。 2 完成配套的课后作业,见《典中点》或课
Unit 1 My day
PEP 五年级下册
Let's spell
Read and listen.
—When do you finish class in the morning?
1 读一读本课所学对话,练习询问他人的作 息时间并做出回答。
2 完成配套的课后作业,见《典中点》或课 后作业课件。
Unit 1 My day
PEP 五年级下册
Let's learn ~ Ask and write
知识点 9 字母组合cl-和pl-在单词中的发音规律
例词:clean 打扫 clock 钟
class 班级 clever 聪明的
发 先发清辅音/k/,发音时,舌后部隆起,紧贴 音 软腭,形成阻碍,这时不让气流冲出,而是 要 稍作停顿,就像你的舌下藏着一块泡泡糖一 领 样;然后舌尖向上抬起,抵住上齿龈根部,
have...class 上……课
have WPEe culsausaslly have art clahssavoen ss 我们通常在周一上美术课。
play sports 做运动
Where do you play sports on weekends? Where do you do sports on weekends?


A Let’s Listen and Say
Listen and count
The children are having an English class.
What are they going to do in the English
A Let’s Listen and Say
Read and underline
光不会因你而停留,你却会随着光阴而老去。 有些事情注定会发生,有的结局早已就预见,那么就改变你可以改变的,适应你必须去适应的。面对幸与不幸,换一个角度,改变一种思维,也许心空就不再布满阴霾,头上就 是一片蔚蓝的天。一生能有多少属于我们的时光,很多事情,很多人已经渐渐模糊。而能随着岁月积淀下来,在心中无法忘却的,一定是触动心灵,甚至是刻骨铭心的,无论是 伤痛是欢愉。人生无论是得意还是失意,都不要错过了清早的晨曦,正午的骄阳,夕阳的绚烂,暮色中的朦胧。经历过很多世态炎凉之后,你终于能懂得:谁会在乎你?你又何 必要别人去在乎?生于斯世,赤条条的来,也将身无长物的离开,你在世上得到的,失去的,最终都会化作尘埃。原本就不曾带来什么,所以也谈不到失去什么,因此,对自己 经历的幸与不幸都应怀有一颗平常心有一颗平常心,面对人生小小的不如意或是飞来横祸就能坦然接受,知道人有旦夕祸福,这和命运没什么关系;有一颗平常心,面对台下的 鲜花掌声和头上的光环,身上的浮名都能清醒看待。花不常开,人不常在。再热闹华美的舞台也有谢幕的时候;再奢华的宴席,悠扬的乐曲,总有曲终人散的时刻。春去秋来, 我们无法让季节停留;同样如同季节一样无法挽留的还有我们匆匆的人生。谁会在乎你?生养我们的父母。纵使我们有千般不是,纵使我们变成了穷光蛋,唯有父母会依然在乎! 为你愁,为你笑,为你牵挂,为你满足。这风云变幻的世界,除了父母,不敢在断言还会有谁会永远的在乎你!看惯太多海誓山盟的感情最后星流云散;看过太多翻云覆雨的友 情灰飞烟灭。你春风得意时前呼后拥的都来锦上添花;你落寞孤寂时,曾见几人焦急赶来为你雪中送炭。其实,谁会在乎你?除了父母,只有你自己。父母待你再好,总要有离 开的时日;再恩爱夫妻,有时也会劳燕分飞,孩子之于你,就如同你和父母;管鲍贫交,俞伯牙和钟子期,这样的肝胆相照,从古至今有几人?不是把世界想的太悲观,世事白 云苍狗,要在纷纷扰扰的生活中,懂得爱惜自己。不羡慕如昙花一现的的流星,虽然灿烂,却是惊鸿一瞥;宁愿做一颗小小的暗淡的星子,即使不能同日月争辉,也有自己无可 取代的位置其实,也不该让每个人都来在乎自己,每个人的人生都是单行道,世上绝没有两片完全相同的树叶。大家生活得都不容易,都有自己方向。相识就是缘分吧,在一起 的时候,要多想着能为身边的人做点什么,而不是想着去得到和索取。与人为善,以直报怨,我们就会内心多一份宁静,生活多一份和谐没有谁会在乎你的时候,要学会每时每 刻的在乎自己。在不知不觉间,已经走到了人生的分水岭,回望过去生活的点滴,路也茫茫,心也茫茫。少不更事的年龄,做出了一件件现在想来啼笑皆非的事情:斜阳芳草里, 故作深沉地独对晚风夕照;风萧萧兮,渴望成为一代侠客;一遍遍地唱着罗大佑的《童年》,期待着做那个高年级的师兄;一天天地幻想,生活能轰轰烈烈。没有刀光剑影,没 有死去活来,青春就在浑浑噩噩、懵懵懂懂中悄然滑过。等到发觉逝去的美好,年华的可贵,已经被无可奈何地推到了滚滚红尘。从此,青春就一去不回头。没有了幻想和冲动, 日子就像白开水一样平淡,寂寞地走过一天天,一年年。涉世之初,还有几分棱角,有几许豪情。在碰了壁,折了腰之后,终于明白,生活不是童话,世上本没有白雪公主和青 蛙王子,原本是一张白纸似的人生,开始被染上了光怪陆离的色彩。你情愿也罢,被情愿也罢,生存,就要适应身不由己,言不由衷的生活。人到中年,突然明白了许多:人生 路漫漫,那是说给还不知道什么叫人生的人说的,人生其实很短暂,百年一瞬间;世事难预料,是至理名言,这一辈子,你遇见了谁,擦肩而过了谁,谁会是你真心的良朋益友,

译林版五年级英语下册 Unit 1 第1课时 教学课件PPT小学公开课

译林版五年级英语下册 Unit 1 第1课时 教学课件PPT小学公开课

Unit 1 CinderellaStory time译林版英语五年级(下)Warming upLet’s talkWho is that?Warming upLet’s guessWho is the girl?My name is Cinderella.I am a poor girl.ØWhat’s wrong with her?Let’s guessCinderellaStory timeprince [prɪns] n.(名词)王子The young prince is very handsome.那位年轻的王子很英俊。

New wordsfairy[ˈfeəri] n.(名词)仙女She wants to be a fair fairy .她想要成为一个美丽的仙女。

New wordswhy [waɪ] adv.(副词)为什么 Why are you so happy today?你今天为什么如此开心?New wordsbecause [bɪˈkɒz] conj.(连词)因为I can’t run because my leg hurts.我不能跑步因为我的腿受伤了。

clothes [kləʊðz] n.(名词)衣服There are some clothes on the line.绳子上有一些衣服。

let [let] v.(动词)让—Let’s fly kites, Feifei.—Good idea.—我们放风筝吧,菲菲。


New wordsput on 穿上I put on the shoe and it looks so nice.我穿上鞋子,它看起来如此漂亮。

New wordsbefore I go to bed before ten o’clock every day.我每天十点之前上床睡觉。

New words[bɪˈfɔː(r)]prep.(介词)在……以前have to It’s too late. I have to go home now.太晚了。

人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 1 Part B 第二课时 教学课件完整版

人教PEP版五年级英语下册Unit 1 Part B 第二课时 教学课件完整版

• 1-简洁美观幻灯片样式 2-恰当使用图表和数据展示 • 3-注重版式和排版规范 4-保持一致性和连贯性
1-仔细检查每一页内容准确性 2-邀请他人审查并提供意见反馈 3-根据反馈进行必要调整优化4-不断完善,追求卓越品质
I am Amy. I am very busy on the weekend. I usually taking a dancing
class on Saturdays…
一、英译汉。 1. clean my room _打__扫_我__的__房_间_
2. go for a walk _去__散__步___
I always go for a walk on Saturdays!
同义短语 take a walk 散步
I sometimes go shopping with my mother on Saturdays!
I usually take a dancing class on Saturdays!
Sarah is very busy on the weekend. What does she do on Saturdays? Let’s see.
I often clean my room on Saturdays!
联想 clean my floor 扫地
clean my window 擦窗户
on Saturdays on Sundays with… on the weekend

冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册Unit 1 Lesson1 I Am Excited 课件

冀教版(三起)英语五年级下册Unit 1 Lesson1 I Am Excited 课件

2. Walk, please, Danny.请走路,丹尼。 Please sit down.请坐下。 知识点 2 Please...礼貌地让某人做某事
连线题 ①

A. Please follow me, Mum! B. Good morning! Sit down, please! C. Please help me, Linda!
例: in the classroom
Please don't play football in the classroom!
No playing in the classroom!
①in the park _P_le_a_s_e_d__o_n_'t_s_w__im__i_n_t_h_e__p_a_r_k_!____ _N_o__sw__im__m__in_g__in__t_h_e_p_a_r_k_!________ ②at the train station P__le_a_s_e_d_o_n_'_t_r_u_n__a_t_t_h_e_t_r_a_in__s_ta_t_io_n_! N__o_r_u_n_n__in_g__a_t_t_h_e_t_r_a_in__s_ta_t_io_n__! ___
A. wants
B. want
C. wanting
①I want __to__g_o__ (go) and play basketball with Jimmy.
②Linda __w_a_n_t_s__ (want ) to go to the zoo, but the twins


形近词记忆法: cup 杯子 魔法记忆:up, up 向上, down, down 向下,
left, left 向左, right, right 向右,
straight, straight 笔直地。
Please don’t run. Please walk.
Please don’t sing.
Danny: Sorry.
Jenny: I’m excited! Danny: Me, too! I want to jump! Danny: I want to sing! I want to dance!
Mrs. Li: Please don’t jump! Please don’t sing! Please don’t dance! Danny: I’m sorry. Mrs. Li: That’s okay, Danny. Please sit down. Danny: Yes, Mrs. Li. I’m sitting down. Yikes!
对不起; 做可能令别
打扰一下 人不悦的事 情之前使用。
Excuse me, can I read a book here? 打扰一下, 我能在这儿读书吗?
知识点 3
want 的用法
(1) want + 名词: 想要某物。 例句:I want a book. 我想要一本书。 (2) want to do sth.: want 后跟动词不定式,表达主语想要做的动作。 例句:I want to run fast. 我想要快跑。
例句: I want to jump. 我想要跳。 短语: jump up and down 跳来跳去 the long jump 跳远 the high jump跳高 jump the lights闯红灯



●Where were you yesterday?
❖ I was in Sichuan.
❖ What was the food like in Sichuan? ❖ It was spicy.
❖ What was the weather like in Sichuan? ❖ It was cloudy.
●Where were you last month?
❖ I was in Guangzhou.
❖ What was the food like in Guangzhou?
❖ It was yucky.
❖ What was the weather like in Guangzhou? ❖ It was rainy.
●Where were you yesterday?
❖ I was in Hongkong(香港).
❖ What was the food like in Hongkong? ❖ It was tasty.
❖ What was the weather like in Hongkong? ❖ It was windy.
Unit1 Where were you last month?
What places?(什么地方?)
❖ Beijing(北京)
What places?(什么地方?)
❖ Guangzhou(广州)
What places?(什么地方?)
❖ Beijing(北京)
What places?(什么地方?)
●Where were you last sunday?
❖ I was in Canada.
❖ What was the food like in Canada? ❖ It was yucky.

人教精通版五年级英语下册 Lesson 1 教学课件

人教精通版五年级英语下册 Lesson 1 教学课件
borrow books from the library
borrow ...(物品 )from ...(某人/某地)
lend...to...借给... (借出去)
have a meeting 开会
have meetings 开会
Look and say.根据图示内容,用所给的单词和同学们对话问答。
show...around , come to , borrow , have meetingsI. Think and choose. 单项选择。
( )1. We often________ books______the library.
Lesson 1
Teacher and
Welcome to...欢迎到......
students: Hello! Welcome to our school!
Visitors: Thank you! Li Yan: I'm Li Yan. 欢迎来到我们学校
Gao Wei: I'm Gao Wei. Nice to meet you.
A. buy, from B. borrow, from C. take, for
( )2. Welcome______our class!
A. in B.on C. to
( )3. Nice__________ you.
A. meet
B. meeting C. to meet
( )4. We'll show you_______our school.
have 有 all 所有;全部 like 喜欢 very much 非常;很 art club 美术(艺术)俱乐部 paint a picture(用颜料)绘画 music club 音乐俱乐部 play the piano 弹钢琴 many 许多 music 音乐 way 路;道路 please 请 also 也;同样



question [ˈkwestʃən] 名词,问题 发音: qu发/kw/
number [ˈnʌmbə(r)] 名词,数字 发音: u发/ʌ/
certainly [ˈsɜːtnli] 副词,确定 发音:er发/ɜː/
Lesson1: Vocabulary:词汇
learn [lɜːn] 动词,学习 发音: ear发/ɜː/
A clean
B to clean C cleaning
2. I will give you a surprise _____ evening.
A today
B in
C this
Lesson1: Let’s talk:趁热打铁
将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话: ( )Sorry, she is not in. Who is this? ( )Hi, Ann. This is Lisa’s brother, Bob. ( )Hello! May I speak to Lisa? ( )OK! No problem. ( )It’s Ann. ( )Good afternoon, Bob. Can you ask her to call me
Unit 1 May I speak to Mary?
科普版 五年级下
Lesson1: Vocabulary:词汇
speak [spiːk] 动词,说 发音:ea发/eɪ/
afternoon [ˌɑːftəˈnuːn] 名词,下午 发音:oo发/uː /
put [pʊt] 动词,放
Lesson1: Vocabulary:词汇
may:情态动词,表示请求,可以,允许,语气比较委婉。 May引导的一般疑问句,在作回答时要注意: May I come in? Yes, you may, No, you mustn’t. 即肯定回答用may, 否定回答多用mustn’t. may为情态动词,后面加动词原形,且可以独立构成否定 句和疑问句.

陕旅版英语五年级下册Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now Part C课件

陕旅版英语五年级下册Unit 1 How Are You Feeling Now Part C课件

( B )1. happy A. feel
B. tired
( B )2. he
A. him
B. she
( B )3. home A. book
B. school
( A )4. snow A. rain
B. sunny
( B )5. do
A. snowman B. make
Key sentences: — How are you feeling now? Are you happy? — Yes. I’m very happy. — Mom, are you tired? — Yes, a little. — Miss White is angry. Why is she angry? — Colin is late again. This makes her very angry. So Miss White is telling him to come to school on time and not to be late again.
3. 询问他人的感受及回答的句型: ⑴ —How are you feeling? 你现在感觉怎么样? —I’m feeling … 我感觉…… ⑵ —Are you happy /tired /…? 你感到高兴/疲劳……吗? —Yes, a little. 是的,有一点儿。
Look and say
here now.
Read and answer
“I’m very happy!” James tells his friend. “Why?” his friend asks. “Because my child is learning music,” James answers. “She can play very beautiful music, right?” his friend asks. “No, she makes me buy a house with little money.” “But how?” “Nobody wants to live her离e 开an,y l搬on到ge别r. A处ll去m住y neighbors are moving away from here now.”



A. What do you do on the weekend?
B. When do you go to school?
C. What can you do?
( ) 2. I usually go for a walk ____my parents.
A. and
B. with C. at
( )3. What ________on the weekend? A. do you B. you do C. do you do
I often
get up
do morning exercises eat breakfast
have English class finish class
eat lunch
go back to school play sports eat dinner
go to bed
Do you often
What do you often do in the morning? I often play sports .
I get up at 6:00 a.m. How about you?
get up
do morning exercises
eat breakfast
eat lunch eat dinner
情景选择 ( )1. 你想知道朋友几点起床,应该怎么问
A. When do you go to school? B, When do you get up? C. What can you do? ( )2. 你告诉朋友经常去上舞蹈课,怎么说 A. I sometimes take a dancing class. B. I often take a dance class. C. I often take a dancing class. ( )3. 你想知道朋友星期天做什么,应该怎么问 A. what do you do on Saturdays? B. What do you do on the weekend? C. What do you do on Sundays? ( )4.有时候我去购物,应该怎么说 A, I usually go shopping. B. Sometimes I go shopping. C. I sometime go shopping .


Shopkeeper: You're so busy! You need a robot to help you!
What does Sarah do on the weekend? Who can help Sarah?
Notes on the text
①My mum worked last night.
★这个问句用来询问对方周末的活动安排, 属于wh问句(do型)。 其基本框架:疑问词 + 助动词 + 人/物 + 动词原形 + 其他?
eat breakfast
play sports
get up weekend
eat dinner
③I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.
②So what do you do on the weekend?
④That sounds like a lot of fun.
①My mum worked last night.
主语+动词过去式+时间。 E.g. I went to Beijing last week.
Unit1 My day Part B
01 听力大爆发 03 语法小贴士
02 语篇小达人 04 写作大挑战
Let's have a gussing game!
clean the room
Let's have a gussing game!
go shopping
③I often watch TV and play ping-pong with my father.
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I usually play sports at 3:00. When do you play sports?
• 小组合作训练对话
• 听力训练
• 1.寒假作业。 • 2.短语5+1. • 3.短话2+1.
第一单元 第二课时
• When do you…?
第一单元 第一课时
My Days of the Week
• • • • • Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday • Saturday • Sunday
• What day is it today? • What do you do today?
Verbal Phrases
• 下雨 • It rains.
weather report
• 天气预报 • • • • • • • 天气怎样? What’s the weather like? 是下雨天。 It rains. 明天是什么天气? What’s the weather like tomorrow? 明天将要下雨。 • It’s going to rain tomorrow.
Why ?
• 为什么?
• 也(用在否定句中) • too • 也(用在肯定句中) • eg, • I like apples, too. • I don’t like apples, either.
• 一起
• 让我们一起徒步旅行。 • Let’s go hiking together.
When do you go to work?你 什么时候去工 作?
When do you eat dinner? 你什么时 I eat dinner at 候吃晚饭? 7:00 in the When do you evening.我在晚上 go home?你什 七点吃晚饭。 么时候回家? I go home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 6:00 in the morning. Then I go to bed.我在早上五点回家,我在 早上六点吃早饭。然后我上床睡 觉。
• 有时候
• 有时候我徒步旅行。 • Sometimes I go hiking.
• 一起
• • • • •
让我们一起去。 Let’s go together. Let’s = Let us 让我们一起徒步旅行。 Let’s go hiking together.
• 下一个 • • • • • • Next one 下一个 Next student 下一个学生 Next Sunday 下一个星期日
• When do you get up? • When do you do morning exercises? • When do you play sports?
• I usually… at ….
• I usually get up at 6:30 in the morning. • I usually have English class at 2:00 in the afternoon. • I usually go to bed at 8:00 in the evening.
A Read and write 读和写
Excuse me. Can I ask you some questions? 打扰一下。我能问你一 些问题吗?
I’ m a policeman. 我 是一名警察。 What do you do? 你是做什么的? I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.我晚上 九点去工作。
• • • • • • • • In the morning 在早上 In the afternoon 在下午 In the evening 在晚上 At noon 在中午
• Excuse me.
• 打扰您一下。
• 当然;当然可以
• • • •
我能扫地吗? Can I sweep the floor? 当然可以。 Sure.
Visit grandparents
Go hiking
• 所学单词短语抄写10+1. 并默写。
• Week • 周
• Weekend • 周末 • 在周末 • On the weekend • What do you do on the weekend?
You’re welcome.不 用谢。
• • • • • • • • •
(1)When do you get up? (2)when do you eat breakfast? (3)When do you go to school? (4)When do you eat lunch? (5)When do you have Chinese class? (6)When do you eat dinner? (7)When do you do homework? (8)When do you watch TV? (9)When do you go to bed?
B Let’s talk 让我们一起说一 说
• Chen: What do you do on the weekend? • 陈洁:你在周末做什么? • John: I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. What about you? • 约翰:我经常踢足球。有时我徒步旅行。你呢? • Chen: Usually I clean my room. I often go hiking, too. • 陈洁:通常我打扫我的房间。我也经常徒步旅行。 • John: Let’s go hiking together hen: Great. • 陈洁:太好了。
• Sweep the floor扫地 • Clean the bedroom打扫卧 室 • Set the table摆餐桌 • Empty the trash倒垃圾 • Wash the clothes洗衣服 • Cook the meals煮饭 • Water the flowers浇水 • Put away the clothes 整理 衣服 • Read books看书 • Do homework作家庭作业 • Do housework做家务 • Do the dishes洗碗 • Make the bed铺床 • Play computer games玩电 脑游戏
When do you get up?你什 么时候起床?
I usually get up at 12:00 at noon. And I play sports at 3:00 in the afternoon.我通常在中午十 二点起床。然后我在下午 三点进行体育活动。
Thank you for telling me about your day.谢谢 你告诉我有关你的一天。
This is my day (我的一天)
在早上: In the morning: 起床 get up 7:00 at seven 我在早上七点钟起床。 I get up at seven in the morning. 你几点起床呢? When do you get up?
• 在下午 • In the afternoon • When do you have English class? • I usually have English class at 2:00 in the afternoon.
Amy: When do you get up? 艾米:你什么时候起床? Zhang: At 6:00. What about you? 张鹏:在六点。你呢? Amy: I usually get up at 6:30.When do you eat breakfast? 艾米:我经常在六点半起床。你什么时候吃早饭? Zhang: At 6:20. 张鹏:在六点二十。 Amy: When do you go to school? 艾米:你什么时候去学校? Zhang: At 7:00. And you? 张鹏:在七点。你呢? Amy: At 7:00,too. 艾米:也在七点。
• 1.单词表第一单元前15个单词每个抄写 5+1. • 2.Read and write 抄写1+1。自己试着去 翻译。
Climb mountains
Go shopping
Play the piano
• 警察
• • • •
What do you do? 你是做什么的? I am a policeman. 我是一名警察。
• 工作
• Go to work • 去工作
• 你什么时候去工作? • When do you go to work?
I get up at six in the morning.
• 活动手册
• Let’s talk 抄写2+1. 并背诵。
play sports 3:30 in the afternoon have English class 9:00 in the morning eat breakfast 7:00 in the morning eat dinner 8:00 in the evening