用英语介绍个名人40个单词作文英文回答:Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States,is a renowned figure known for his charisma, intelligence, and accomplishments. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama'searly life was shaped by his diverse background and the challenges faced by his single mother. Despite these obstacles, he excelled academically, graduating from Columbia University and Harvard Law School.Obama's political career began in Chicago, where he served as an Illinois state senator and later as a U.S. senator. In 2008, he made history by becoming the first African American president of the United States. During his two terms in office, he implemented significant legislation, including the Affordable Care Act, which expandedhealthcare coverage to millions of Americans. He alsoplayed a pivotal role in foreign policy initiatives, suchas the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris Agreement on climatechange.Obama's presidency was marked by both triumphs and challenges. He navigated the aftermath of the Great Recession, ending the war in Iraq, and authorizing the raid that killed Osama bin Laden. However, his healthcare reform efforts faced political opposition, and he was unable to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay.Despite the complexities of his presidency, Obama remains a revered figure. His legacy is defined by his commitment to hope, unity, and progress. He continues to inspire people around the world with his eloquence, compassion, and unwavering belief in the power of democracy.中文回答:巴拉克·奥巴马,第 44 任美国总统。
凯撒Caesar荷马Homeros柏拉图Platon亚里士多德Aristoteles培根Bacon莎士比亚Shakespeare萨克雷Thackeray狄更斯Dickens歌德Goehte卢梭Loescher巴尔扎克Balzac大仲马Dumas雨果Hugo乔治桑George Sand波德莱尔Baudelaire福楼拜Flaubert左拉Zola莫泊桑Maupassant霍夫曼Hoffman施托姆Storm海泽Heysen尼采Nietz伦茨Lenz弗里施Frisch迪伦马特Durrenm哈谢克Hasek米沃什Milosz西默农Simenon艾略特Eliot王尔德Wilder奥威尔Orwell格雷厄姆?格林Graham Greene 威尔逊Wilson默多克Murdoch艾米斯Amis梭罗Thoreau狄更生Dickinson马克·吐温Mark Twain欧·亨利O'Henry杰克·伦敦Jack London庞德Pound奥尼尔O'Neill福克纳Faulkner海明威Hemingway海勒Heller厄普代克Updike罗斯Roth博尔赫斯Borges罗瓦·阿特金森Rowan Atkinson布里吉特·巴多特Brigitte Bardot迪恩·凯恩Dean Cain朱尔·柯恩Joel Coen弗朗利斯·福特·柯博拉Francis Ford Coppola迈克尔·克瑞奇顿Michael Crichton多诺斯·德尔·罗伊Dolores Del Rio本尼休·德·托罗Benicio Del Toro居里Curie古腾堡(Johannes, 1400-1468, 德国活版印刷发明人)斯大林Stalin黑格尔Hegel尼采Nietzsche曼德拉Mandela毕加索Picasso 《格尔尼卡》(Guernica)17斯坦贝克,美国小说家,John Steinbeck18埃德加•爱伦•坡,美国作家,Edgar Allan Poe19 阿瑟•柯南•道尔,英国小说家,Sir Arthur Conan Doyle20西德尼.谢尔顿,美国小说家,Sidney Sheldon21 多斯•阳索斯,美国小说家,John Dos Passos22库珀,美国小说家,James Fenimore Cooper23梅尔维尔,美国小说家,Herman Melvill24哈特,美国小说家,Bret Harte25威廉•豪夫,德国童话作家,Wilhelm Hauff26豪威尔斯,美国小说家,William Dean Howells27欧•亨利,美国小说家,O. Henry28华伦,美国小说家,Robert Penn Warren29魏尔纳•冯•海登斯塔姆,瑞典诗人,Verner von Heidenstam 30比昂斯腾•比昂松,挪威戏剧家,Bjornstjerne Bjornson31埃里希•马里亚•雷马克,德国小说家,Erich Maria Remarque 32诺贝尔,瑞典的化学家,Alfred Bernhard Nobel33巴勃罗•毕加索,西班牙画家,Centre Picasso34迪特里希•多纳,德国心理学家Dietrich Dorner35达尔文,英国博物学家,Charles Robert Darwin36爱迪生,美国发明家,Thomas Alva Edison37爱因斯坦,德国发明家,Albert Einstein38亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家,Aristoteles39马克•吐温,美国小说家,Mark Twain40柏拉图,古希腊哲学家,Platon(Plato)41丹尼尔笛福,英国作家,Daniel Defoe42约翰班扬,英国作家,John Bunyan43弗朗西斯霍齐森班内特,英国作家,Frances Hodgson Burnett44罗伯特彭斯,苏格兰诗人,Robert Burns45乔治拜伦,英国诗人,George Byron46霍尔凯恩,美国作家,Hall Caine47刘易斯卡罗尔,英国作家,Lewis Carrol48厄斯•儒略•凯撒,罗马政治军事家,Julius Ceaesar49米开朗基罗,古罗马画家,Michelangelo50弗朗西斯科•戈雅,西班牙画家,Francisco Goya51阿美迪奥•莫迪里阿尼,意大利画家,Amedeo Modigliani52迭戈•里维拉,拉美画家,Diego Rivera53安迪•沃霍尔,美国画家,Andy Warhol54埃尔•格列柯,希腊画家,El Greco55杰克逊•波洛克,美国画家,Jackson Pollock56文森特•凡•高,荷兰画家,Vincent van Gogh57杰克•伦敦,美国作家,Jack London58惠斯通,英国物理学家,CharlesWheatstone59牛顿,英国科学家,Newton60笛卡儿,法国科学家,Rene Descartes61伊萨克•毕克曼,荷兰物理学家,哲学家,Isace Beekman62拉格朗日,法国数学家,物理学家,Joseph-Louis Lagrange63 阿伏加德罗,意大利物理学家、化学家,AmeldeoAvogardo,1776~1856 64帕斯卡,法国数学家、物理学家,Pascal,Blaise65莱布尼兹,德国数学家,物理学家,Gottfriend Wilhelm Leibniz,66赫兹,德国物理学家,Hertz,HeinrichRudolph67汤姆生,英国物理学家,Joseph John Thomson68多普勒•克里斯琴•约翰,奥地利物理学家及数学家,Doppler, Christian Johann 69昂利•贝可勒耳,法国物理学家,Henri Bacquerel70高斯,德国数学家,Carl Friedrich71摄尔修斯,瑞典物理学家,Anders Celsius72傅立叶,法国数学家及物理学家,Fourier,73库尔恰托夫,苏联物理学家,Kurchatov,Igori Vasilievich74狄拉克,英国物理学家,Paul Adrie Maurice Dirac75亨利•莫斯莱,英国数学家,Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley76理查德•费曼,美国物理学家,Richard Feynman77玻耳兹曼,德裔奥地利物理学家,Ludwig Boltzmann78薛定谔,奥地利理论物理学家,Erwin Schrodinger79斯蒂芬•威廉•霍金,英国物理学家,Stephen William Hawking80 大仲马,法国作家,Alexandre Dumas l802~187081比尔盖茨,微软公司软件设计师,William (Bill) H. Gates女性名人1居里夫人,法国国籍波兰科学家,Marie Curie(1867-1934)2海伦•凯勒,美国盲聋女作家,Helen keller3玛格丽特-米切尔,美国女作家,Mitchell, Margaret4艾米莉•勃朗特,英国女作家,Emily Bronte5夏洛蒂.勃朗特,英国女小说家,Charlotte Bronte,1816~18556安妮勃朗特,英国女小说家,Anne Bronte7 薇拉凯恩,美国女作家,Willa Cather8 简奥斯丁,英国女作家,Jane Austen9撒切尔夫人,英国保守党政治家,首相,Thatcher,Margaret Hilda10盖比勒.缪特, 德国女画家, Gabriele Munter11弗瑞达•卡洛,墨西哥女画家,Frida Kahlo12安妮.塞克斯顿,美国女诗人,anne sexton13西尔维亚•普拉斯,美国女诗人,Sivia pluen14勃郎宁夫人,英国著名女诗人,Elizabeth Barrett Browning15艾米莉.狄更生,美国诗人,Emily Dickinson16阿罗约,菲律宾女政治家,Arroyo Gloria17昂山素姬,缅甸女政治家,1991年诺贝尔和平奖获得者,Aung San Suu Kyi 18乔治亚娜•西加尔•琼斯,美国女科学家,试管婴儿之母,Jones19蕾切尔•卡逊,美国生态学家,Rachel Carson,20尼古拉耶娃,前苏联女钢琴家、作曲家,Tatiana Nidolayeva,21诺夫斯卡,波兰女作曲家,Tekla Badarzewska-Baranowska (1834 - 1861) 22苔克拉•芭达捷芙丝卡,波兰女作曲家,钢琴家,(Tekla Badarzewska,1834-1861),。
历史人物的介绍及英语作文1. George Washington: George Washington was the first President of the United States. He was a courageous leader who played a crucial role in the American Revolutionary War. Washington is known for his strong character and determination, which earned him the nickname "Father of His Country." He is also remembered for his Farewell Address,in which he warned against the dangers of political parties and foreign entanglements.2. Cleopatra: Cleopatra was the last active ruler ofthe Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She was known for herbeauty and intelligence, as well as her relationships with powerful men, including Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Cleopatra was a skilled diplomat and strategist, but her reign ended tragically with her suicide after the defeat of Antony and the fall of Egypt to the Roman Empire.3. Leonardo da Vinci: Leonardo da Vinci was a true Renaissance man. He was not only a painter, but also ascientist, engineer, and inventor. His most famous works include the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Leonardo's curiosity and creativity knew no bounds, and he made significant contributions to various fields, such as anatomy, astronomy, and architecture. His notebooks are filled with sketches and ideas that continue to inspire artists and scientists to this day.4. Joan of Arc: Joan of Arc was a French peasant girl who led the French army to several important victories during the Hundred Years' War. She claimed to have received visions from saints, which inspired her to fight against the English occupation of France. Despite facing numerous challenges and betrayals, Joan of Arc remained steadfast in her beliefs and was eventually captured and executed by the English. She was later canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church.5. Nelson Mandela: Nelson Mandela was a South African anti-apartheid revolutionary and politician. He fought against the racist policies of the apartheid government and spent 27 years in prison for his activism. Mandela'sleadership and advocacy for equality and justice made him a symbol of the struggle against oppression worldwide. After his release from prison, he became the first black President of South Africa and worked to reconcile a divided nation.6. Marie Curie: Marie Curie was a Polish-born physicist and chemist who made groundbreaking discoveries in thefield of radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Curie's research paved the way for advancements in medicine and technology, but her work with radioactive materials ultimately led to her death from radiation exposure.7. Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatma Gandhi was a political and spiritual leader who played a key role in India's struggle for independence from British rule. He advocated for nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience as a means to achieve social and political change. Gandhi's principles of truth, nonviolence, and self-sufficiency continue toinspire movements for justice and freedom around the world.8. Queen Elizabeth I: Queen Elizabeth I was one of England's most influential monarchs. She ruled during a time of great political and religious turmoil and is known for her strong leadership and intelligence. Elizabeth's reign saw a flourishing of the arts and literature, with playwrights like William Shakespeare gaining prominence. She never married or had children, earning her the nickname "The Virgin Queen."9. Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein was a German physicist who is best known for his theory of relativity. His revolutionary ideas transformed our understanding of the universe and paved the way for advancements in modern physics. Einstein's contributions to science earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. He was also an outspoken advocate for peace and social justice.10. Martin Luther King Jr.: Martin Luther King Jr. wasa Baptist minister and civil rights activist who fought against racial segregation and discrimination in the United States. He is best known for his role in the American CivilRights Movement and his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. King's nonviolent approach and powerful oratory skills made him a respected leader and a symbol of hope for equality and justice.。
具体如下:1、亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809年2月12日-1865年4月15日),共和党人,美国政治家、思想家、战略家,黑人奴隶制的废除者。
2、乔治·华盛顿(Gee Washington,1732年2月22日—1799年12月14日),美国杰出的资产阶级政治家、军事家、革命家,美国开国元勋、国父、首任总统。
3、马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Jr,1929年1月15日—1968年4月4日),非裔美国人,出生于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,美国牧师、社会活动家、黑人民权运动领袖。
4、托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison,1847年2月11日—1931年10月18日),出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,逝世于美国新泽西州西奥兰治,发明家、企业家。
5、哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman,1884年5月8日-1972年12月26日),美国民主党政治家,第32任副总统(1945年),随后接替因病逝世的富兰克林·D·罗斯福总统,成为了第33任美国总统(1945年至1953年)。
6、比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates),全名威廉·亨利·盖茨三世,简称比尔或盖茨。
影响美国的100位人物第1-50名1, 亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln,1809-1865年):第16任美国总统(1861-1865年),赢得了美国南北战争(美国内战)、拯救了国家,废除了奴隶制度、解放了黑奴,实现了美国经济的现代化、再造了美国,他在其著名的《葛底斯堡演说》(Gettysburg Address)中曾说道:“要让民有、民治、民享的政府永世长存(Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth)”。
2, 乔治·华盛顿(George Washington,1732-1799年):第1任美国总统(1789-1797年),缔造了美利坚合众国,赶走了一个国王,也拒绝成为国王,制定了美国总统任期上限(最多两届)的规则。
3, 托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson,1743-1826年):第3任美国总统(1801-1809年),《独立宣言》主要起草人,写下了美国历史上分量最重的五个字:“人生而平等(All men are created equal)”,他还创办了美国弗吉尼亚大学。
4, 富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt,1882-1945年):第32任美国总统(1933-1945年),运用罗斯福新政,帮助美国摆脱金融危机,他告诫逆境中的美国:“我们唯一恐惧的就是恐惧本身(The only thing we have to fear is fear itself)”。
5, 亚历山大·汉密尔顿(Alexander Hamilton,1755-1804年):第1任美国财政部长(1789-1795年),战士、银行家、科学家、政治家,他带领美国从农业社会走向了工业社会。
6, 本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin,1706-1790年)(又译班哲明·富兰克林、班杰明·富兰克林),出生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,美国著名的政治家、物理学家,同时也是出版商、印刷商、记者、作家、慈善家;更是杰出的外交家及发明家。
1. Taylor Swift:一位知名的美国歌手和词曲作者,以其流行音乐和感人的歌词而闻名。
2. Barack Obama:美国第44 任总统,他是第一位非裔美国人当选为美国总统。
3. Elon Musk:一位著名的企业家和技术创新者,他是特斯拉汽车和SpaceX 公司的创始人。
4. Lionel Messi:一位来自阿根廷的著名足球运动员,被认为是有史以来最伟大的足球运动员之一。
5. Stephen Hawking:一位著名的理论物理学家和宇宙学家,他对黑洞和宇宙起源的研究做出了重要贡献。
6. Audrey Hepburn:一位已故的好莱坞女演员,以其优雅和美丽而闻名,是好莱坞黄金时代的代表人物之一。
7. Bill Gates:一位著名的企业家和慈善家,他是微软公司的创始人之一,致力于改善全球健康和消除贫困。
8. Oprah Gail Winfrey:一位著名的电视主持人、演员和制片人,她的节目《奥普拉·温弗里秀》在全球范围内广受欢迎。
9. Malala Yousafzai:一位年轻的巴基斯坦活动家,她为争取女孩的教育权利而奋斗,并获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
10. Michael Jordan:一位著名的篮球运动员,被誉为有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员之一,他在职业生涯中赢得了众多冠军和荣誉。
介绍历史伟人的英语作文,六年级Abraham Lincoln is one of the most renowned historical figures in American history. He served as the 16th President of the United States from 1861 to 1865, during one of the most tumultuous periods in the nation's history. Lincoln is best known for his leadership during the Civil War, his efforts to abolish slavery, and his eloquent speeches, such as the Gettysburg Address.亚伯拉罕·林肯是美国历史上最著名的人物之一。
One of the most notable accomplishments of Abraham Lincoln was his leadership during the Civil War. He successfully navigated the country through its darkest hour, preserving the Union and ultimately leading to the abolition of slavery. Lincoln's determination, resilience, and strong moral compass inspired countless Americans and solidified his place in history as a true leader.亚伯拉罕·林肯最显著的成就之一是他在内战期间的领导。
The American Civil War
•Began in April of 1861 Issues about slavery and secession •11 states fought for the Confederacy, on the Union side there were 23 states •During the war, Lincoln issued the famous Emancipation Proclamation《解放黑人奴隶宣 言》.It freed all slaves throughout the nation. • Most costly war the United States has 4;No one alive, perhaps, has met more of the world's endowed and more of the world's afflicted. And where she goes—this blind, deaf, woman —light floods the darkness and pride and hate dissolve and kindness prevails. "
Martin Luther King—A Symbol of Human Justice and Dignity
•Born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929 •Outstanding both for leadership and social responsibility •Deeply influenced by Mohandas Gandhi(甘地) •Bus case of Montgomery •Became a Negro leader of national importance •"I Have A Dream", 1963, Washington, D. C •Received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 •Shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1968 •January 15 a national holiday to commemorate Martin Luther King
美国历史上的名人的英文简介(An American history of famouspeople)本杰明? 富兰克林 (1706 - benjamin franklin, 1790)franklin is the founding father who is seen as the master of home spun (朴素的) practical wisdom. of humble origins, he began as a printer and writer (the author of poor richard's almanack), then became an inventor and scientist, and concluded his long career as the consummate diplomat, 完美的). he played a key behind the scenes role at the conventions that led to the declaration of independence and the u.s. constitution.富兰克林是美国开国元勋, 被誉为朴素、务实的智慧大师.他出身贫寒, 最初从事印刷和写作 (《穷人理查德年鉴》一书的作者), 后成为发明家和科学家, 最后作为杰出的外交家结束了漫长的职业生涯.他从幕后为各种重要会议发挥了关键作用, 最后导致《独立宣言》和《美国宪法》的诞生.george washington (1732 - 99).the first president of the united states and the american commander in chief during the war of independence from great britain, washington is often called the "father of his country". originally a gentleman farmer in virginia, washington showed great leadership qualities as a soldier. highly popular with the american public, he was eulogized by a member of congress as "first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen."乔治? 华盛顿 (george washington, 1732 - 1799)华盛顿是美国第一任总统, 在摆脱英国统治的独立战争 (war of independence) 时期担任总司令, 常被尊称为 "国父".他原是弗吉尼亚州 (virginia) 一位从事农业的乡绅, 后成为一名军人, 表现出非凡的领导能力.他在美国公众中享有崇高的声望, 一位国会议员曾赞颂他是 "英勇作战第一人, 争取和平第一人、國人心中第一人.thomas jefferson (1743 - 1826)jefferson was the primary author of the declaration of independence in 1776. we hold these truths to be self evident, "he wrote," that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. "jefferson, who was later elected the third president of the united states, also wrote the state of virginia's law establishing religious freedom and founded the university of virginia. 托马斯? 杰佛逊 (thomas jefferson, 1743 - 1826)杰佛逊是1776年《独立宣言》主要起草人.他写道 "我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的: 人人生而平等, 造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利, 其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利. 杰佛逊后来当选美国第三任总统.他还起草了弗吉尼亚州保障宗教自由的法律, 并创办了弗吉尼亚大学 (university of virginia).sacagawea (ca. 1786 - 1812)a young woman of the lemhi indians in present-day idaho, sacagawea helped the lewis and clark expedition in 1804 06 exploring vast newly acquired lands in the american west. sacagawea, who spoke several indian dialects, served as a guideand interpreter to various native american tribes during this peaceful movement. when the expedition encountered the lemhi band, she arranged for the lemhi to provide the horses, food, and shelter that made the journey to the pacific ocean. one of sacagawea''s descendants.Willow Jack,如真正的服装。
美利坚合众国(the United States of America),又简称美国(U.S.A、U.S、United States 、the States或者America.),美国因洲而得名。
引美国的绰号叫“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)。
这恰与“山姆大叔”(Uncle Sam)的首字母缩略相同。
1. 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King)马丁·路德·金是20世纪最伟大的民权运动领导者之一。
2. 乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)乔治·华盛顿是美国历史上的重要人物之一,也是美国的第一任总统。
3. 玛丽·居里(Marie Curie)玛丽·居里是一位伟大的科学家,她是第一个获得两个诺贝尔奖的人,也是女性中唯一获得诺贝尔奖的科学家。
4. 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个登上月球的人类。
5. 威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)威廉·莎士比亚是英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家和诗人,他的作品被广泛翻译和演绎。
介绍一个历史名人英文作文英文:I would like to introduce a historical figure who has always fascinated me Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States, serving from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest presidents in American history due to his leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to abolish slavery.Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809. He grew up in a poor family and had very little formal education. Despite these humble beginnings, he had a strong desire for learning and self-improvement. This determination and perseverance are what I admire most about him. Lincoln once said, "I will prepare and some day my chance will come." This quote has always inspired me to work hard and be prepared for any opportunities that come my way.During his presidency, Lincoln faced the enormous challenge of leading the country through the Civil War. He was known for his eloquent speeches, including the Gettysburg Address, in which he expressed the importance of preserving the Union and upholding the principles of freedom and equality. His leadership and unwavering commitment to justice and equality have left a lasting legacy.One of Lincoln's most famous achievements was the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slavesin Confederate-held territory were to be set free. This was a significant step towards the abolition of slavery in the United States. Lincoln's dedication to the cause of freedom and his willingness to fight for what he believed in is truly admirable.In addition to his political accomplishments, Lincoln was also known for his humility and compassion. He had a reputation for being approachable and kind-hearted, often taking the time to listen to the concerns of ordinarycitizens. His ability to connect with people from all walks of life is something I strive to emulate in my own interactions with others.Overall, Abraham Lincoln's life and legacy continue to inspire people around the world. His journey from a humble upbringing to the presidency serves as a powerful reminder that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.中文:我想介绍一个一直让我着迷的历史人物亚伯拉罕·林肯。
名人录(双语)(一)名人介绍1. 迈克尔·乔丹(Michael Jordan):美国著名篮球运动员,被誉为篮球界的传奇人物,曾多次获得NBA总冠军。
2. 奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey):美国著名电视节目主持人、演员、作家,曾获得多项荣誉,包括艾美奖和奥斯卡金像奖。
3. 贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos):亚马逊公司创始人,全球最具影响力的企业家之一,对电子商务行业产生了深远影响。
4. 泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore):印度著名诗人、作家、艺术家,被誉为“印度诗哲中的诗哲”,其作品深受世界各地读者喜爱。
5. 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.):美国民权运动领袖,曾多次发表重要演讲和著作,为黑人权利和种族平等做出了巨大贡献。
(二)名人名言1. “I believe that a person's self-worth cannot be measured by anyone else, but by their own actions and decisions.”- Michael Jordan“我相信一个人的自我价值无法由其他人来衡量,而是由他们自己的行为和决定来决定的。
”-迈克尔·乔丹2. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”- Winston Churchill“成功不是终点,失败也不是致命的,继续前行的勇气才是最重要的。
”-温斯顿·丘吉尔3. “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.”- Ron Swanson “生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道会得到什么。
介绍一个历史名人英语作文英文回答:Eleanor Roosevelt.Eleanor Roosevelt was an American politician, diplomat, and activist. She was the First Lady of the United States from 1933 to 1945, during her husband Franklin D.Roosevelt's four terms as President.Roosevelt was born in New York City on October 11, 1884, to Elliott Roosevelt and Anna Hall Roosevelt. Her fatherwas a wealthy businessman and her mother was a socialite. Roosevelt's early life was marked by tragedy; her father died when she was ten years old, and her mother died when she was thirteen. Roosevelt was raised by her grandmother, Mary Ludlow Hall, in Tivoli, New York.Roosevelt attended Allenswood School in England from 1899 to 1902. She returned to the United States in 1902 andmade her debut into society. In 1905, she married Franklin D. Roosevelt, her fifth cousin. The couple had six children.Roosevelt was an active participant in her husband's political career. She campaigned for him during his runsfor office and served as his advisor. Roosevelt was also a vocal advocate for social justice and human rights. She worked tirelessly to improve the lives of women, children, and the poor.In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States. Roosevelt became First Lady and used her position to promote her social justice agenda. She established the Good Neighbor Policy, which aimed toimprove relations between the United States and Latin America. Roosevelt also worked to improve the lives of African Americans, women, and workers.Roosevelt remained active in public life after her husband's death in 1945. She served as a delegate to the United Nations from 1948 to 1952 and as the first Chair of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Rooseveltalso worked with the American Civil Liberties Union and other organizations to promote civil rights and social justice.Roosevelt died in New York City on November 7, 1962. She is remembered as one of the most influential First Ladies in American history. Her legacy of social activism and human rights advocacy continues to inspire people around the world.中文回答:埃莉诺·罗斯福。
用英语介绍美国历史人物作文America, a land of dreams and opportunities, has been shaped by countless remarkable individuals throughout its history. These men and women, with their vision, courage, and perseverance, have left an indelible mark on the nation, influencing its politics, culture, and society. In this essay, we will explore the lives and contributions of three prominent American historical figures: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Jr.George Washington, often referred to as the "Father of the Nation," was a military general and statesman whoplayed a pivotal role in the founding of the United States. Born into a wealthy Virginia family, Washington exhibited leadership qualities from a young age, serving as a surveyor, soldier, and politician. During the Revolutionary War, he led the Continental Army to victory against the British, earning him the title of "General of the Armies of the United States." After the war, he presided over the Constitutional Convention and was elected the first President of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797. Washington's presidency set the tone for future leaders,establishing many of the traditions and protocols that are still followed today.Abraham Lincoln, known as "the Great Emancipator," was a politician and lawyer who led the country during one of its most tumultuous periods - the Civil War. Lincoln's presidency was marked by his commitment to preserving the Union and ending slavery. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves in Confederate-held territories, and led the country to victory in the Civil War. Lincoln's leadership and statesmanship during this critical time in American history are remembered fondly today.Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister and civil rights activist, is remembered for his role in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. King's powerful speeches and unwavering commitment to equal rights for African Americans inspired millions around the world. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington, and other protests against racial discrimination. King's work culminated in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, landmark legislation that outlawedracial discrimination in voting and public accommodations. King's legacy lives on today in the form of the Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a federal holiday dedicated to celebrating his life and work.These three individuals, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King Jr., each left a profound impact on American history. Washington's leadership during the founding of the nation established the foundation for a strong and democratic government. Lincoln's resolve during the Civil War preserved the Union and ended slavery,setting the country on a path towards greater equality. And King's tireless efforts in the civil rights movementbrought about sweeping changes that have made America amore inclusive and just society.The lives and contributions of these historical figures remind us of the power of individuals to shape history and bring about positive change. They serve as inspiration for us to pursue our dreams, to stand up for what we believe in, and to make a difference in the world. As we look towards the future, let us remember the lessons learned from thelives of these great Americans and strive to continue their legacy of progress and inclusivity.**美国历史人物的传奇人生**美国,这片充满梦想和机遇的土地,在其历史长河中,由无数杰出人物共同塑造。
1 Abraham LincolnHe saved the Union, freed the slaves, and presided over America’s second founding.2 George WashingtonHe made the United States possible—not only by defeating a king, but by declining to become one himself.3 Thomas JeffersonThe author of the five most important words in American history: “All men are created equal.”4 Franklin Delano RooseveltHe said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” and then he proved it.5 Alexander HamiltonSoldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion an agrarian nation’s transformation into an industrial power.6 Benjamin FranklinThe Founder-of-all-trades—scientist, printer, writer, diplomat, inventor, and more; like his country, he contained multitudes.7 John MarshallThe defining chief justice, he established the Supreme Court as the equal of the other two federal branches.8 Martin Luther King Jr.His dream of racial equality is still elusive, but no one did more to make it real.9 Thomas EdisonIt wasn’t just the ligh tbulb; the Wizard of Menlo Park was the most prolific inventor in American history.10 Woodrow WilsonHe made the world safe for U.S. interventionism, if not for democracy.11 John D. RockefellerThe man behind Standard Oil set the mold for our tycoons—first by making money, then by giving it away.12 Ulysses S. GrantHe was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; he also wrote the greatest political memoir in American history.13 James MadisonHe fathered the Constitution and wrote the Bill of Rights.14 Henry FordHe gave us the assembly line and the Model T, and sparked America’s love affair with the automobile.15 Theodore RooseveltWhether busting trusts or building canals, he embodied the “strenuous life” and blazed a trail for twentieth-century America.16 Mark TwainAuthor of our national epic, he was the most unsentimental observer of our national life.17 Ronald ReaganThe amiable architect of both the conservative realignment and the Cold War’s end.18 Andrew JacksonThe first great populist: he found Americaa republic and left it a democracy.19 Thomas PaineThe voice of the American Revolution, andour first great radical.20 Andrew CarnegieThe original self-made man forged America’s industrial might and became one of the nation’s greatest philanthropists.21 Harry TrumanAn accidental president, this machine politician ushered in the Atomic Age and then the Cold War.22 Walt WhitmanHe sang of America and shaped the country’s conception of itself.23 Wright BrothersThey got us all off the ground.24 Alexander Graham BellBy inventing the telephone, he openedthe age of telecommunications and shrank the world.25 John AdamsHis leadership made the American Revolution possible; his devotion to republicanism made it succeed.26 Walt DisneyThe quintessential entertainer-entrepreneur, he wielded unmatched influence over our childhood.27 Eli WhitneyHis gin made cotton king and sustained an empire for slavery.28 Dwight EisenhowerHe won a war and two elections, and made everybody like Ike.29 Earl WarrenHis Supreme Court transformed American society and bequeathed to us the culture wars.30 Elizabeth Cady StantonOne of the first great American feminists, she fought for social reform and women’s right to vote.31 Henry ClayOne of America’s greatest legislators and orators, he forged compromises that held off civil war for decades.32 Albert EinsteinHis greatest scientific work was done in Europe, but his humanity earned him undying fame in America.33 Ralph Waldo EmersonThe bard of individualism, he relied on himself—and told us all to do the same.34 Jonas SalkHis vaccine for polio eradicated one of the world’s worst plagues.35 Jackie RobinsonHe broke baseball’s color barrier and embodied integration’s promise.36 William Jennings Bryan“The Great Commoner” lost three presidential elections, but his populism transformed the country.37 J. P. MorganThe great financier and banker was the prototype for all the Wall Street barons who followed.38 Susan B. AnthonyShe was the country’s most eloquent voice for women’s equality under the law.39 Rachel CarsonThe author of Silent Spring was godmother to the environmental movement.40 John DeweyHe sought to make the public school a training ground for democratic life.41 Harriet Beecher StoweHer Uncle Tom’s Cabin inspired a generation of abolitionists and set the stage for civil war.42 Eleanor RooseveltShe used the first lady’s office and the mass media to become “first lady of the world.”43 W. E. B. DuBoisOne of America’s great intellectuals, hemade the “problem of the color line” his life’s work.44 Lyndon Baines JohnsonHis brilliance gave us civil-rights laws; his stubbornness gave us Vietnam.45 Samuel F. B. MorseBefore the Internet, there was Morse code.46 William Lloyd GarrisonThrough his newspaper, The Liberator, he became the voice of abolition.47 Frederick DouglassAfter escaping from slavery, he pricked the nation’s conscience with an eloquent accounting of its crimes.48 Robert OppenheimerThe father of the atomic bomb and the regretful midwife of the nuclear era.49 Frederick Law OlmstedThe genius behind New York’s Central Park, he inspired the greening of America’s cities.50 James K. PolkThis one-term president’s Mexican Wa r landgrab gave us California, Texas, and the Southwest.51 Margaret SangerThe ardent champion of birth control—and of the sexual freedom that came with it.52 Joseph SmithThe founder of Mormonism, America’s most famous homegrown faith.53 Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.Known as “The Great Dissenter,” he wroteSupreme Court opinions that continue to shape American jurisprudence.54 Bill GatesThe Rockefeller of the Information Age, in business and philanthropy alike.55 John Quincy AdamsThe Monroe Doctri ne’s real author, he set nineteenth-century America’s diplomatic course.56 Horace MannHis tireless advocacy of universal public schooling earned him the title “The Father of American Education.”57 Robert E. LeeHe was a good general but a better symbol, embodying conciliation in defeat.58 John C. CalhounThe voice of the antebellum South, he was slavery’s most ardent defender.59 Louis SullivanThe father of architectural modernism, he shaped the defining American building: the skyscraper.60 William FaulknerThe most gifted chronicler of America’s tormented and fascinating South.61 Samuel GompersThe country’s greatest labor organizer, he made the golden age of unions possible.62 William JamesThe mind behind Pragmatism, America’s most important philosophical school.63 George MarshallAs a general, he organized the Americaneffort in World War II; as a statesman, he rebuilt Western Europe.64 Jane AddamsThe founder of Hull House, she became the secular saint of social work.65 Henry David ThoreauThe original American dropout, he has inspired seekers of authenticity for 150 years.66 Elvis PresleyThe king of rock and roll. Enough said.67 P. T. BarnumThe circus impresario’s taste for spectacle paved the way for blockbuster movies and reality TV.68 James D. WatsonHe codiscovered DNA’s double helix,revealing the code of life to scientists and entrepreneurs alike.69 James Gordon BennettAs the founding publisher of The New York Herald, he invented the modern American newspaper.70 Lewis and ClarkThey went west to explore, and millions followed in their wake.71 Noah WebsterHe didn’t create American English, but his dictionary defined it.72 Sam WaltonHe promised us “Every Day Low Prices,” and we took him up on the offer.73 Cyrus McCormickHis mechanical reaper spelled the end oftraditional farming, and the beginning of industrial agriculture.74 Brigham YoungWhat Joseph Smith founded, Young preserved, leading the Mormons to their promised land.75 George Herman “Babe” RuthHe saved the national pastime in the wake of the Black Sox scandal—and permanently linked sports and celebrity.76 Frank Lloyd WrightAmerica’s most significant architect, he was the archetype of the visionary artist at odds with capitalism.77 Betty FriedanShe spoke to the discontent of housewives everywhere—and inspired a revolution in gender roles.78 John BrownWhether a hero, a fanatic, or both, he provided the spark for the Civil War.79 Louis ArmstrongHis talent and charisma took jazz from the cathouses of Storyville to Broadway, television, and beyond.80 William Randolph HearstThe press baron who perfected yellow journalism and helped start the Spanish-American War.81 Margaret MeadWith Coming of Age in Samoa, she made anthropology relevant—and controversial.82 George GallupHe asked Americans what they thought, and the politicians listened.83 James Fenimore CooperThe novels are unreadable, but he was the first great mythologizer of the frontier.84 Thurgood MarshallAs a lawyer and a Supreme Court justice, he was the legal architect of the civil-rights revolution.85 Ernest HemingwayHis spare style defined American modernism, and his life made machismo a cliché.86 Mary Baker EddyShe got off her sickbed and founded Christian Science, which promised spiritual healing to all.87 Benjamin SpockWith a single book—and a singularapproach—he changed American parenting.88 Enrico FermiA giant of physics, he helped develop quantum theory and was instrumental in building the atomic bomb.89 Walter LippmannThe last man who could swing an election with a newspaper column.90 Jonathan EdwardsForget the fire and brimstone: his subtle eloquence made him the country’s most influential theologian.91 Lyman BeecherHarriet Beecher Stowe’s cle rgyman father earned fame as an abolitionist and an evangelist.92 John SteinbeckAs the creator of Tom Joad, he chronicled Depression-era misery.93 Nat TurnerHe was the most successful rebel slave; his specter would stalk the white South for a century.94 George EastmanThe founder of Kodak democratized photography with his handy rolls of film.95 Sam GoldwynA producer for forty years, he was the first great Hollywood mogul.96 Ralph NaderHe made the cars we drive safer; thirty years later, he made George W. Bush the president.97 Stephen FosterAmerica’s first great songwriter, he brought us “O! Susanna” and “My Old Kentucky Home.”98 Booker T. WashingtonAs an educator and a champion of self-help, he tried to lead black America up from slavery.99 Richard NixonHe broke the New Deal majority, and then broke his presidency on a scandal that still haunts America.100 Herman MelvilleMoby Dick was a flop at the time, but Melville is remembered as the American Shakespeare。
世界10大文化名人简介一、乔治·华盛顿(George Washington)乔治·华盛顿是美国历史上的重要人物之一,他是美国第一任总统,也是美国独立战争的指挥官。
二、威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)威廉·莎士比亚是英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家和诗人之一。
三、列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)列夫·托尔斯泰是俄国文学史上最重要的作家之一,他的作品《战争与和平》和《安娜·卡列尼娜》被认为是世界文学的经典之作。
四、帕布罗·毕加索(Pablo Picasso)帕布罗·毕加索是西班牙艺术家,被誉为20世纪最重要的艺术家之一。
五、阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦是20世纪最伟大的科学家之一,他对物理学的贡献被广泛认可。
六、毛泽东(Mao Zedong)毛泽东是中国共产党的创始人之一,也是中国革命和建设的重要领导人。
七、尼尔斯·玻尔(Niels Bohr)尼尔斯·玻尔是丹麦的物理学家,他对原子和量子物理学的研究做出了重要贡献。
介绍历史上的名人用英语作文英文回答:History is replete with extraordinary individuals whose accomplishments have shaped the course of human civilization. From groundbreaking scientists and inventors to renowned artists and leaders, their contributions have left an indelible mark on our collective memory. Here are some of the most influential historical figures whose names continue to resonate today:Leonardo da Vinci: This Italian polymath was a true Renaissance man, excelling in fields as diverse as art, science, and engineering. His iconic paintings, such as the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper," are masterpieces that continue to captivate audiences around the world.Albert Einstein: This German-born physicist revolutionized our understanding of the universe with his theory of relativity. His insights into the nature of time,space, and gravity transformed the field of physics and earned him the Nobel Prize in 1921.Nelson Mandela: This South African anti-apartheid activist and politician played a pivotal role in ending the oppressive system of racial segregation in his country. His unwavering commitment to social justice and his ability to inspire others earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.Marie Curie: This Polish-French physicist and chemist was the first person to isolate the elements radium and polonium. Her groundbreaking work in the field of radioactivity laid the foundation for modern nuclearphysics and earned her the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911.William Shakespeare: This English playwright is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers of all time. His plays, such as "Hamlet," "Othello," and "Macbeth," explore timeless themes of love, loss, and human nature.Abraham Lincoln: This American president led the Union during the Civil War and played a key role in abolishingslavery. His famous "Gettysburg Address" is a powerful testament to his belief in democracy and the importance of human equality.Joan of Arc: This French peasant girl led the French army to victory against the English during the Hundred Years' War. Her unwavering faith and military leadership made her a national heroine in France and an enduring symbol of courage and determination.Martin Luther King Jr.: This American civil rights leader played a crucial role in the movement for racial equality in the United States. His nonviolent approach to activism and his inspiring speeches helped to galvanize public opinion and bring about sweeping social reforms.Rosa Parks: This African American woman is known as the "Mother of the Montgomery Bus Boycott." Her refusal to give up her seat to a white man in 1955 sparked a year-long protest that played a major role in the civil rights movement.Malala Yousafzai: This Pakistani activist for female education was shot by the Taliban for speaking out about the importance of education for girls. Her courageous activism has inspired millions around the world and earned her the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.中文回答:历史上著名的名人。
美国著名的人物英语作文题目,A Famous American Figure Abraham Lincoln。
Abraham Lincoln, widely regarded as one of the greatest American presidents, left an indelible mark on the nation's history. Born in a log cabin in Kentucky in 1809, Lincoln rose from humble beginnings to become the 16th President of the United States, serving from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. His leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to abolish slavery have earned him admiration and respect around the world.Lincoln's childhood was marked by poverty and hardship. His family moved to Indiana when he was seven years old, and his mother died when he was only nine. Despite these challenges, Lincoln was a voracious reader and largelyself-educated. He worked various jobs as a young man, including rail-splitting and store clerking, before eventually becoming a lawyer.Lincoln's political career began in the Illinois State Legislature in the 1830s, where he quickly gained a reputation as a skilled orator and debater. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1846 but served only one term before returning to Illinois to focus on his law practice.It was Lincoln's debates with Stephen Douglas during the 1858 Illinois Senate race that thrust him into the national spotlight. Although he lost the election to Douglas, Lincoln's eloquent arguments against the spread of slavery captured the attention of the Republican Party, which nominated him for president in 1860.Lincoln's presidency was defined by the Civil War, which erupted just weeks after he took office. Determined to preserve the Union, Lincoln made the abolition of slavery a central goal of the war effort. His Emancipation Proclamation, issued in 1863, declared that all slaves in Confederate-held territory were to be set free.Despite facing criticism and opposition from both sidesof the political spectrum, Lincoln remained steadfast in his convictions. He believed that the United States was a nation "conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal," and he was willing to fight to ensure that that vision became a reality.Tragically, Lincoln did not live to see the full fruits of his labor. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, just days after General Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox Court House effectively ended the Civil War. Lincoln's death was met with shock and mourning across the country, and he was mourned as a martyr for the cause of freedom.In the years since his death, Lincoln's legacy has only grown stronger. He is remembered not only as the president who saved the Union and abolished slavery but also as a symbol of integrity, wisdom, and compassion. His words and deeds continue to inspire people around the world to strive for a more perfect union and to uphold the principles of freedom and equality for all. Abraham Lincoln trulydeserves his place as one of America's most famous and revered figures.---。
下面是店铺给大家整理的华盛顿英文简介,供大家参阅!乔治华盛顿简介George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799), the United States outstanding bourgeois politicians, military strategists, revolutionaries, the founding fathers of the United States, the father, the first president.1775 to 1783 American War of Independence when the Continental Army (Continental Army) commander in chief, 1787 presided over the Constituent Assembly. The meeting developed the current US Constitution. In 1789, he became the first president of the United States (which became the first president of the world to be the "president"), and in the successive elections, Have won all the electoral groups without objection support, has served as president until 1797. He has set up many policies and traditions that have continued into today's term. At the end of his two terms, he voluntarily waived his power to no longer seek to succeed.Washington, as the most important role in the American War of Independence and the founding of the country, was known as the "father of the United States", also known as "the father of the United States." The scholars tied him to Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt as the greatest president in American history. George Washington was rated by the American authoritative journal "Atlantic Monthly" as the second of the 100 characters in the United States.乔治华盛顿人物生平Early experienceIn 1732, George Washington was born in Virginia's Wickfeld House. He is the son of a rich plantation owner. Father Augustine Washington died at the age of 11, leaving a legacy of seven children and wife, Mary Bauer Washington, in George Washington. Young Washington received education equivalent to primary school. He failed to study classical courses. In the mother's strict discipline, he mastered the land measurement, livestock breeding and other technologies, learn to use their skills to make money.In 1751, 19 years old, he carried out the only time in his life travel abroad, unfortunately infected with smallpox, but also received the immunity to smallpox. The following year, Washington inherited another considerable property, including the brother of Vernon Villa.French warIn 1753, Washington at the age of 22, inadvertently became the French Indian war (French and Indian War) one of the fuse. This year, the French began to build a fortress at the then Ohio Valley, which belonged to the territory of Virginia, which was one of the French's strategies. The French were supported by local aborigines, trying to prevent the British from continuing westward expansion of their colonies in the United States and blocking the British army in the colonies. The governor of Virginia was Robert Dinwiddie, who had served the major of Washington as the last ultimatum to the French commander and asked the French to leave. Washington revealed the process to the local newspaper, and he became a legend. But the French refused to evacuate, so the British to take further action.In 1754, just promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in Washingtonby Ding Weidi sent to the Virginia First Corps, to the Ohio Valley to attack the French. Washington led the army to ambush a team of French Canadians. After a brief fight, the Washington Indian ally Tanach Washington tribe killed French commander Ensign Jumonville, where Washington established a Fort Necessity But the fortress was attacked very quickly, but he was forced to surrender in the presence of more French and other Indian troops. At the time of the surrender, Washington signed an instrument recognizing that he had "assassinated" the commander of the French commander Jumonville (because the instrument was written in French, Washington did not understand it), and this instrument led to international events, became French Indian One of the causes of human war. This war is also part of the seven years of war. Washington was later released on parole by the French and was released within a year without returning to the Ohio Valley.In 1755, Washington, who had been eager to join the British army (who was not interested in the colonies at that time) was finally waiting for the opportunity. At that time the British launched expedition, try to regain the Ohio Valley. The expedition was devastating in the Battle of the Monongahela. Washington's coat was punched by four rounds of bullets, but he was still unharmed, and he calmly organized troops to retreat in the fire. In Virginia, Washington became a hero, although the focus of the war has been transferred elsewhere, he continued to lead the Virginia First Corps for several years.In 1758, he started another expedition with General John Forbes, successfully dropping the French from the Duquesne fortress. Participation in the seven years of war in Britain and France is of great significance to Washington. Washington'sfuture command of the mainland army, it is due to his seven years of war in Britain and France in the British service has made some military experience and prestige.In 1759, Washington resigned from the military. Because the goal of the initial military career was to become a regular British officer - not just the officers of the colonial militia. But he has not been promoted. He then marries Martha Dandry Kastis, who is a widow who has two children. Washington and her together to support the two children: John Parker Kastis and Martha Parker Kastis, later he also raised her two grandchildren, but Washington has never had their own blood children The After the wedding they moved to Mount Vernon to live, living a gentleman class farmer and slaves of the Lord's life. Washington in the next fifteen years to run their own property, showing extraordinary talent. He was elected to the local House of Representatives of Virginia for 15 years. Washington has advocated North American autonomy under British rule. Hope to burst after strongly opposed to the British colonial rule, advocated the realization of national independence.Independent warIn 1774, Washington was elected a representative of Virginia to attend the first continental conference. As a result of the Boston tea incident, the British government closed the port of Boston and abolished Massachusetts' legislative and judicial rights. The colonies in 1775 in 1775 in Lexington and Kang Kete after the war with the British, in 1776, Washington wearing uniforms to attend the second continental conference - he is the only one to do so, that he wanted to lead The willingness of the Virginia militia to fight. The representative of Massachusetts, John Adams, recommended him to serve as commander of allcolonies and said he had "the talent of the officer ... great talent and universal traits". This is because Adams learned that the best way to ensure that the southern colonies can work together with the northern colonies to form the continental corps is to recommend a southern colony as commander.June 15, 1776, Washington, through the General Assembly elections without objection to become commander of the commander. He was not a pioneer of independence, but the second continental conference in June 1775 was unanimously elected to command the mainland troops and commanded the American War of Independence. In addition to John Adams and others support, Washington's personal charisma, personal prestige and personal qualities also played a big role in his ability to stand out. (In 1774, he was chosen as a representative of Virginia to attend the first continental meeting, has become the largest American colonial one of the rich), famous; he looks handsome, physically Robust (6 feet 2 inches, about 188cm), the command to excellence, especially his unswerving character makes him a commander of course. Although I was reluctant to leave my beloved Virginia home, Washington still accepted the post of commander and declared: "I do not think I can do the glorious position of this commander, but I will accept the position with the greatest sincerity." Claiming that in addition to the necessary expenses, there is no need to pay him any additional remuneration. In this way, Washington on July 3 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, served as the commander of the entire colonial army.In 1776, Washington attacked Boston, using the artillery positions that had been captured earlier in the Ticonderoga Fort, overlooking the entire Boston port, and finally after more than amonth of siege, the British sold out of Boston. The victory accelerated the independence of the United States, the mainland meeting adopted the "Declaration of Independence." British commander William Howe ordered the British to withdraw from Halifax in Canada. Washington then led the army to New York City, the British army is expected to launch an offensive. The British army, which had an overwhelming force, launched an offensive in August, and Washington's retreat was rather clumsy and almost annoyed. He also lost the Battle of Long Island on August 22, but was able to retreat most of the troops back to the mainland. In the next he lost several battles, making the army hastily evacuated the New Jersey, then the future of the American revolution precarious.On the evening of December 25, 1776, Washington rallied. In the Battle of Trenton, he led the fishermen's help to lead the lesser than three thousand US troops to steal the skyline of the Delaware River in the cold Christmas night, raiding the Hessian mercenaries (Hessian) Barracks, British defenders or death or injury or captured, the mainland army only six casualties. Subsequently, Washington and command the mainland army while the British reinforcements did not reach, attacked Princeton, and then win. He then raided the British forces led by Charles Cornwallis on the night of January 2, 1777, which inspired the morale of an independent colonial camp.In the summer of 1777, the British launched a three-way offensive, led by John Burgoyne (John Burgoyne) led from Canada to the south attack, all the way led by William Heo attack the then colonial capital of Philadelphia. And Washington to the south, but in the September 11 battle of the Battle of the Battle of the Battle of Brandywine suffered a defeat. The Battle ofGermantown, which was launched in order to defeat the British army, failed because of fog and military chaos. Even though the Continental Army defeated the invasion of the British forces led by Bogue in the Battle of Saratoga, Washington and his army had to withdraw from the harsh Furu Valley (Valley Forge) struggling through the winter.1777 to 1778 in the winter, the mainland army fighting conditions and the worst moments of morale (political revolutionary movement is also), the continental army suffered a great war damage and in a harsh living environment. But Washington is still firmly in command of the army, and continue to the rear of the colony meeting to ask for more supplies, so that the mainland army to overcome the cold winter, gradually restore morale. In February of 1778, one of the officers, Friedrich von Steuben, who had served in the Prussian Army General Staff, came to the Foggy Valley to volunteer to train the Washington Army to make them on the battlefield And the British comparable. The training of the Torreje in the Foggis Valley improved tactics and combat discipline, greatly enhanced the combat power of the colonial army, and became the watershed of the colonial army to get rid of the united state. When the training in the Foggis Valley came to an end, the Washington army had a new look.On June 28, 1778, in the Battle of Monmouth, Washington led the army to attack the British from Philadelphia to New York, tied with the British, but the attempt by the British separatist colonial government failed. Coupled with the 1777 victory over the battle of Saratoga, the situation gradually improved, the British apparently can not overcome the whole new country, so France decided to formally alliance with the United States.In 1779, in favorable circumstances, Washington carried out the action against the Indians. He ordered one-fifth of the mainland army to launch the Sullivan Expedition, four of which led to four of the six tribes of the Iroquois League, which had joined forces with the British forces and often attacked the US frontier. And no fighting occurred, but the Continental Army destroyed at least 40 Iroquois villages, so that these Indians were forced to leave the United States forever, migrated to Canada. During the American War of Independence, because of the large number of Indians to help the British, Washington launched a bloody revenge against the Indians, opened the Indian massacre curtain.In 1780, the British last try to separate the colony, the British concentrated in the southern region. Washington's troops did not attack them directly, but went to the West Point military base in New York.In 1781, the US army and the French army and the navy surrounded the Cornwallis army in Yorkshire, Washington quickly went to the south, on October 17 took over the command of the US military and the French, continue to siege until 10 On the 17th, Cornwall surrendered, and on 19 October he took the carnival of Cornwallis. Although the British were still active in New York City and other locations until 1783, the battle that York town became the last major battle of the War of Independence.In 1783, with the signing of the Treaty of Paris (1783), the United Kingdom recognized the independence of the United States. Washington disbanded his army and made a wonderful farewell speech at Rocky Hill, New Jersey, to his soldiers who followed him for many years. When Washington left the army, his final title in the Continental Corps was "General and Commander-in-Chief". A few days later, the British retreated from New York City, where Washington and the colonial government returned to the city.Surrender military powerOn December 4, 1783, Washington published a formal farewell speech in New York City. On December 23 of the same year, he resigned his commander-in-chief of the army in the Congress of the Confederation, which was held later in the House of Parliament in Annapolis, Maryland. This is a very important process for the nascent state, the establishment of civilians elected officials rather than by the military to organize the government precedent, to avoid the emergence of the militarist regime. Washington is convinced that only the people have sovereignty over the state, and no one can take power in the United States by military power or by his aristocracy alone.1783, Christmas Day on the eve of the evening of Washington arrived at the house. He had no chance to return home since he left his beloved home in 1775. At the door to welcome him is his previous promised to return to his wife in 8 years, and four have been able to walk the grandchildren - all in his home this time was born.FoundingIn 1787, Washington presided over the Constituent Assembly in Philadelphia. He did not participate in the discussion, but his prestige maintained the conference's leadership and allowed the delegation to focus on the discussion. After his meeting, his prestige made many people, including the Virginia parliament, trusted the outcome of the conference, thus supporting the Constitution of the United States - the Constitution of 1787. Although his thoughts had little effect on the AmericanConstitution itself, his supporters and his fame had played a major role in the state's approval of the constitution. There was a powerful force in opposition to the new constitution, and without the support of Washington, the new constitution could not be adopted. After the end of the Constituent Assembly, Washington retired for the second time.In 1789, Washington was elected the first president of the United States, he re-elected in 1793. He established and perfected the democratic and legal system, the organization of the federal government, and the promulgation of the judicial regulations, the establishment of the Federal Supreme Court, according to the Constitution and the help of Hamletton. He tends to favor the Federalists on many issues, but seeks to strike a balance between the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans (Democrats). He supported Hamilton's plan to set up a national bank, established a national credit, and approved the public land bill supported by T. Jefferson, laying the foundations of the western free land system.November 4, 1794, Washington sent the chief judge J. Jay and the British negotiations, signed the "Jay Treaty", which is to ease the contradiction with the British purpose, but in some ways detrimental to the interests of the United States, Was opposed by Madison and other Republicans. Washington did not join any party and did not appreciate political politics, but his late political stance turned to the federal party and demanded that the expansion of federal authority had aroused opposition from Madison and Jefferson.Retired from deathIn March 1797, after the end of the two terms of office, Washington voluntarily gave up power no longer renewed. Afterwhich he will restore the civilian life for the third time, retreat in the Vernon Hill Manor.In 1798, due to the war approaching, in order to warn of France, Washington was appointed by the new president John Adams as Lieutenant General of the US Army (at that time it was the highest rank in the army). It was only a symbolic appointment, and Washington did not really serve.In 1799, Washington was infected with a cold, causing severe fever and sore throat, and worsened to laryngitis and pneumonia. December 14, 1799 Washington died. The remains were buried in Mount Vernon.后人对华盛顿总统的评价华盛顿,异人也。
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Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906)
Appalled that the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (1870) guaranteed the right to vote to newly freed slaves but not to women, Susan B. Anthony led a group of women to the polls in Rochester, New York. She was arrested several times for trying to vote, and later organized the International Woman Suffrage Alliance. She died in 1906, having paved the way for the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted American women the right to vote in 1920.
Sacagawea (ca. 1786-1812)
A young woman of the Lemhi Indians in present-day Idaho, Sacagawea helped the Lewis and Clark expedition in 1804-06 explore vast newly acquired lands in the American West. Sacagawea, who spoke several Indian dialects, served as a guide and interpreter to various Native American tribes during this peaceful expedition. When the expedition encountered the Lemhi band, she arranged for the Lemhi to provide the horses, provisions, and shelter that made the journey to the Pacific Ocean possible. One of Sacagawea's descendants, Willow Jack, is pictured in authentic costume.
蘇珊?安東尼(Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906)
蘇珊?安東尼对1870年美国宪法第15条修正案表示极为不满,因为该修正案只保障新获得解放的奴隶有选举权,但不给妇女同样的权利。她带领一群妇女去纽约州罗切斯特(Rochester, New York)投票站表达抗议。她因试图投票参加选举多次被捕,后来组织了国际妇女选举权同盟(International Woman Suffrage Alliance)。她于1906年逝世,但她为1920年保障妇女选举权的第19条宪法修正案获得通过创造了条件。
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
The foremost physicist of the 20th century, Albert Einstein developed the theory of relativity, which overturned previous ideas on the nature of the physical universe. Born in 1879 in Germany, he developed his important ideas as a young man. In 1933, Einstein took a position with the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey, and became an American citizen in 1940." His ideas would prove instrumental in developing the atomic bomb during World War II.
莎卡嘉薇亚(Sacagawea, 1786-1812)
莎卡嘉薇亚是印第安人莱姆哈伊(Lemhi)部族的成员,该地现属爱达荷州(Idaho)。她在1804年至1806年间帮助刘易斯(Lewis)和克拉克(Clark)远征队在美国刚获得的西部广袤土地上探险。莎卡嘉薇亚通晓好几种印第安人的方言,为这项和平探险任务担任向导并充当译员,与各种各样的印第安人部族进行沟通。在探险队遇到莱姆哈伊部族时,该部族经过她的安排为他们前往太平洋沿岸的旅途提供了必需的马匹、粮草和住所。图中身穿正统印第安人服装的威洛?杰克(Willow Jack)是莎卡嘉薇亚的后裔。
Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Jefferson was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. "We hold these truths to be self-evident," he wrote, "that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Jefferson, who was later elected the third president of the United States, also wrote the state of Virginia's law establishing religious freedom and founded the University of Virginia. 托马斯?杰佛逊(Thomas Jefferson, 1743-1826)
乔治?华盛顿(George Washington, 1732-1799)
华盛顿是美国第一任总统,在摆脱英国统治的独立战争(War of Independence)时期担任总司令,常被尊称为“国父”。他原是弗吉尼亚州(Virginia)一位声望,一位国会议员曾赞颂他是“英勇作战第一人,争取和平第一人、國人心中第一人”。
本杰明?富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790)
Franklin is the Founding Father who is seen as the master of home-spun(朴素的) practical wisdom. Of humble origins, Franklin began as a printer and writer (the author of Poor Richard's Almanack), then became an inventor and scientist, and concluded his long career as the consummate(完美的) diplomat. He played a key behind-the-scenes role at the conventions that led to the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein, 1879-1955)
爱因斯坦是20世纪久负盛名的物理学家。他创立了相对论(theory of relativity),推翻了关于宇宙本质的旧观念。他1879年生于德国,很年轻时就提出了许多重要观点,1933年,他到新泽西州普林斯顿(Princeton, New Jersey)的高等研究院(Institute for Advanced Studies)任职, 1940年成为美国公民。他的学术思想对于美国在第二次世界大战(World War II)期间发明原子弹发挥了关键作用。
杰佛逊是1776年《独立宣言》主要起草人。他写道:“我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的 : 人人生而平等,造物者赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权、自由权和追求幸福的权利。”杰佛逊后来当选美国第三任总统。他还起草了弗吉尼亚州保障宗教自由的法律,并创办了弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)。
Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
President during the American Civil War, 1861-65, Lincoln is revered for having kept the Union together and freeing the slaves. A legislator from Illinois, Lincoln won the Republican nomination for president and was elected on an anti-slavery platform in 1860. As a result, 11 southern states seceded and war began. In the Gettysburg Address, he stated his resolve “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
亚伯拉罕?林肯(Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865)