



2010年国际货运代理考试综合模拟试卷第4套一、单项选择题(每小题1分.共30分;将正确的答案前的字母填在括号里)1.航空公司与货运代理公司在进口货物交接时,出现清单有记录、有货物、但没有主运单的情况,应采取( )方式处理。

A.主运单退回B.主运单后补C.货物退回D.清单加主运单号2.我国快递业始于20世纪80年代初的邮政速递,其代码是( )。

A.EMSB. DHLC. TNTD.FEDEX3.航空货物运输运价类别“Q”是表示( )。

A.45kg以下普通货物运价B.45kg以上普通货物运价C.指定商品运价D.最低运价4.航空货运代理人办理集中托运业务,在收取货物后需填开的两种单据一是MAWB,二是( )。

A.AWBB.MAWBC.HAWBD.CBA5.一票货物5kgs,无运输声明价值,在目的地遗失,该货物在目的地的实际价值为CNY1 000.00,民航部门最高赔偿限额为CNY( )。


旅客的飞行时间是( )。

International time calculatorA.14小时33分钟B.15小时23分钟C.16小时43分钟D.17小时53分钟7.一票到付货物的航空运费是CNY1 868.20,声明价值附加费是CNY68.60,到付手续费应为CNY( )。

A.38.74B.50C.100D.193.408.航空危险品主要分为( )类。

A.7B.8C.9D.109.“IATA”是( )组织的缩写。

A.国际航空民用组织B.国际航空运输协会C.国际电讯协会D. 国际货运代理协会联合会10.一般空运单正本为3联,每联均注明其用途。

注有“Orginal for the consignee”字样一联的用途是( )。

A.送交托运人作为接受货物的证明B.交目的地收货人作为核收货物的依据C. 由承运人留存作为运费账单和记账凭证D.交空运代理人作为代收运费的依据11.由于航窄货运单所填内容不准确、不完全,致使承运人或其他人遭受损失,负有责任的是( )。



2010全国国际货运代理考试《国际货代业务》AⅡ卷2010全国国际货运代理考试《国际货代业务》AⅡ卷、一(共案例分析问答题小题,6共分)10.0第1题南京某货主出口一批价值USD10000, 共10箱的丝织品,通过B 航空公司的代理人A 办理空运,经北京出口至法国巴黎。

货物交付后,由代理人A 于2009年1月1日出具了航空货运单一份。

该货运单注明:第一承运人是B航空公司,第二承运人是C 航空公司,货物共10箱,重250千克。


B 航空公司于当日即通过代理人A 向货主通知了货物已灭失。

货主向代理人A 提出书面索赔要求,要求代理人 A 全额赔偿损失。







第4题2008年6月,我国A 进出口公司委托B 货运代理公司办理600个纸箱的男式羽绒滑雪衫出口日本的手续。

B公司将货物装上C 船公司派来的船舶,并向A公司签发了清洁的多式联运提单,提单载明货物数量600纸箱,分装在3个集装箱内。


2009年9月25日,收货人以B 货运代理公司和实际承运人 C 船公司为被告,向法院提起诉讼。





2010全国国际货运代理考试《货代业务》试卷及答案一.单项选择题( 只选择一个答案)1.国际货物买卖合同装运条款是一项重要条款,通常包括装运时间、装运港、目的港、是否允许转船与分批装运、装运通知,以及滞期、速遣条款等内容。

装运时间是指(B )A. 买方将合同规定的货物装上运输工具或交给承运人的期限B.卖方将合同规定的货物装上运输工具或交给承运人的期限C.买方收到合同规定货物的期限D.买方将合同规定的货物交给卖方的期限2.国际货运代理企业在经营过程中可能面临许多风险,因此需要投保责任险。

通常情况下保险人对于国际货运代理企业的(C )行为不予承保A. 延迟交货B.填单有误C.无单放货D.保管疏忽3.我国A外商投资企业委托B外贸公司购买进口设备,由C物流公司负责进口货物运输相关事宜,并委托D报关行向海关办理进口报关手续。

这批设备报关时报关经营单位填报为(A )A. A 企业B.B公司C.C公司D.D公司4.根据我国相关的国家标准,(A )是物品从供应地向接受地的实体流动过程。


A. 物流B.供应链C.多式联运D.货运代理5.迈阿密港(MIAMI, FL, USA)是国际海上集装箱货物运输中(C )上的港口。

A. 远东-- 北美西海岸航线B.远东-- 澳新航线C.远东-- 北美东海岸航线D.远东-- 欧洲、地中海航线6.如果国际货物买卖是以FOB贸易术语条件成交,此时订舱工作就可能在货物的卸货地或输入地由进口商办理,该类货物在国际海上集装箱货运代理实践中通常被称为(B )A. 特约货C.和约货D.买方货7.在国际海上集装箱货物运输中,承运人签发的海运提单上通常不会显示(C )。

A. 船名B.装船日期C.到达目的港日期D.运费已预付8.航次租船合同项下关于装卸时间的计算有几种方法,由双方当事人选择使用。

(B )是指分别计算装货时间和卸货时间,用一个作业中节省的时间抵消另一个作业中超用的时间。






A. 出口人负责交货的责任起讫条款B. 收货人负责收货的责任起讫条款C. 承运人负责承运的责任起讫条款D. 保险人负责保险的责任起讫条款64.ICC条款对空运战争险的责任起讫是(A)。

A. 从货物装上飞机到货物卸离飞机止,不卸,负责15天。

B. 从货物装上飞机到货物卸离飞机止,不卸,负责10天。

C. 从货物装上飞机到货物卸离飞机止,不卸,负责20天。

D. 从货物装上飞机到货物卸离飞机止,不卸,负责30天。




A. 买方B.承运人C. 卖方D.通知银行69.海关在S/O上盖章,则表明(A)。



A.承运人B.货代C.码头D.货主72.按照INCOTERMS 2000的规定,CPT术语与CFR术语的主要差别是(C )。

A.CPT下卖方承担的货物风险大于CFR下卖方承担的货物风险B. CPT下卖方承担的货物费用大于CFR下卖方承担的货物费用C. CPT适用于各种运输方式;CFR只适用于海运、内河运输D. CPT下卖方承担的义务大于CFR下卖方承担的义务73.托收方式下的D/A和D/P的主要区别是(B )。













案例二有份CIF合同,出售矿砂5咖公吨,合同舶装运条款规定:"CIF Hamburg,1989年2月份:由一船或数船装运。








⼀.单项选择题 1. In international trade, redemption of documents under L/C operations means that ( B ). A. the beneficiary must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bank B.the applicant must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bank C.the beneficiary must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goods D.the applicant must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goods 2. The seller had made a sales contract with the buyer under the CFR term, therefore the scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of the seller normally does not include ( A ) A. arranging import customs clearance B.delivering the goods to the carrier at the port of shipment C.arranging export customs clearance D.booking space with the marine carrier 3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( B ) means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination and also to procure insurance for the goods during the carriage. A. CPT B.CIP C.CFR D.CIF 4. According to UCP 600, the term “shipment to be made at the middle of May” in the letter of credit shall be construed as ( A ) A. from the 11th to the 20th of May B.from the 15th to the 25th of May C.from the 10th to the 20th of May D.from the 16th to the 31st of May 5. The All Risks in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses does not cover the risks of ( C ) A. shortage B.rain damage C.import duty D.taint of odour 6. The vessel’s cubic capacity is usually stated both in grain capacity and in bale capacity. The ( B ) is the volume of a vessel’s hold to carry packaged dry cargo such as pallets, boxes, cartons etC. A. grain capacity B.bale capacity C.gross tonnage tonnage 7. The documents commonly used in carriage of goods by sea are bills of lading, sea waybills, cargo manifests, bookingnotes and delivery orders etC.Please point out the ( A ) are issued by the shippers or their agents. A. booking notes B.delivery orders C.sea waybills D.cargo manifests 8. According to UCP600, the commercial invoice must be made out in the same currency as the ( C ). A. bill of lading B.sale contract C.letter of credit D.insurance policy 9. Please point out which of the following expressions is not the characteristics of settlement by letters of credit. ( D ) A. L/C is a self-sufficient instrument B.L/C is a document transaction C.The issuing bank’ s liabilities for payment D.L/C is a cargo transaction 10. In international air cargo transportation, ( A ) are rates which are applicable to any types of air cargo . A. General Cargo Rate B.Class Rates C.Bulk Unitization Rate D.Specific Commodity Rates 11. The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of goods by road, according to the CMR, the carrier is responsible for ( D ). A. any wrongful act of the consignor B.inherent vice of the goods C.neglect of the consignor D.omission of carrier’s servants 12. Establishing only one agency to deal with is one of advantages in multimodal transport operation, her agency means ( C ). A. agent of cargo owner B.agent of shipowner C.MTO D.broker 13. In most supply chains, customer requirements are transmitted in the form of ( A ). A. order B.inventory C transport D.warehousing 14. ( B ) is a lump sum rate for the carriage of a container loaded with a particular commodity in marine container transportation. A. CIF B.CBR C.BAF D.CAF 15. The marine bill of lading is one of the most of important documents in marine cargo transport and it serves as ( B ). A. contract of carriage of goods by sea B.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by sea C contract of carriage of goods by air D.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by air ⼆.判断题 16. One of the WTO basic functions is to implement, administer, and carry out IMF Agreement and it annexes. ( B ) 17. The forwarders take delivery of the goods from the consignor and issue the document of Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt to the consignor. In this case the forwarders are also considered to be the agent of the consignor. ( A ) 18. The “beginning of a month” has the similar expression as “first half of a month” in the credit referring to shipment according to UCP600. ( B ) 19. UCP 600 applies to all letters of credit no matter weather it is expressly mentioned or not in the text of the L/C ( B ). 20. An irrevocable confirmed documentary credit is one that contains the guarantee of payment to the beneficiary by both the issuing bank and confirming bank so long as the terms as condition of the credit are met. ( A ) 21. The charterers retain the property in bunkers which have been supplied and paid for by shipowner on board the vessel during the period of voyage charter. ( B ) 22. The sea waybill serves as same functions as marine bill of lading used in carriage of goods by rail and road and who is allowed, upon production of proper identification, to claim the goods without presenting the sea waybill. ( B ) 23. Both order bill of lading and straight bill of lading can be transferred to the third party by endorsement. ( B ) 24. The port clearance means that the cargo owner has got the permission of the customs authorities for import or export cargo. ( A ) 25. Under CMR convention, the carrier is responsible for loss of or damage to the goods occurring between the goods loaded on board the ship and the time of delivery at discharging port. ( B ) 26. The risk covered in FPA, WPA and All Risk in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses are not the same but all of them cover loss or damage caused by the intentional act of the InsureD.( B ) 27. Consolidation can not only benefit exporters, shippers and forwarders but also benefit carriers, because the carrier can take advantage of the FCL tariff rates. ( A ) 28. In international air cargo transportation, Specific Commodity Rate are only applicable to named types of cargo. ( A ) 29. According to INCOTERMS 2000, FCA may not be used for sea and inland waterway transport. ( B ) 30. A sound inventory is a primary responsibility of logistical management since a firm’s facility structure is used to ship products and materials to customers. ( B ) 三.多项选择题 31. When the freight forwarder packs the goods in behalf of the exporter, he should take into account ( A B C ). A. the mode of transport B.the nature of the goods C.the applicable regulation D.the route of transport 32. According to INCOTERMS 2000, the following trade terms ( A D ) mean that the sellers must arrange goods transportation from port of shipment to the named port of destination. A. CFR B.FCA C.FOB D.CIF 33. PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses such as FPA, WPA and All Risk do not cover loss of or damage to cargo caused by ( B D ), A. fire or explosion B.fall of market price C.sinking of the vessel D.delay in transit 34. Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combination are taking place. The following combinations ( B C ) are involving rail transport. A. sea/air B.mini-bridge nd bridge D.air/road 35. In marine voyage chartering business, the shipowner is responsible for costs such as ( A B ). A. bunker B.port charges C.freight D.demurrage 36. A beneficiary refers to the party in whose favor an L/C is opened.It usually refers to the ( A C ). A. buyer B.seller C.importer D.exporter 37. Normally the banks will not accept the marine bills of lading which contained the following words ( B C D ). A. apparent good order and condition B.insufficient packing C.one carton short D.missing safety seal 38. There are some risks in multilateral trade. They mainly include economic risks and political risks. The economic risks include ( A B C D ). A. risk of insolvency of the buyer B.risk of exchange rate C.risk of failure of payment by buyer D.risk of non-acceptance paring with UCP500, the major changes introduced by the UCP600 include ( A C ). A. the banks now have a maximum of five banking days for the examination of documents B.the banks now have a maximum of seven banking days for the examination of documents C.Bs/L may now allow transshipment D.Bs/L may not allow transshipment 40.Please point out which of the following statements are not right. ( B D ) A. inventory is one of areas of logistical work B.inventory is not one of areas of logistical work C.facility network is one of areas of logistical work D.facility network is not one of areas of logistical work 四.完型填空 The use of containers, which started more than 40 years ago, in intercontinental traffic is now available in most sea cargo transport worldwide. The unit ( 41 C ) is used to express the relative number of containers based on the equivalent length of a 20’ container. The ( 42 A ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shipper’s or the forwarder’s premises, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 43 B ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shipper’s or the forwarder’s premises, and that same whole container is em p t i e d a t t h e c a r r i e r s c o n t a i n e r f r e i g h t s t a t i o n a t t h e p o r t o f d e s t i n a t i o n . T h e ( 4 4 D ) b r o a d l y m e a n s t h a t t h e d e l i v e r y o f t h e l o o s e c a r g o t o t h e c a r r i e r s f r e i g h t s t a t i o n a t t h e p o r t o f o r i g i n i s p a c k e d i n t o t h e w h o l e c o n t a i n e r , a n d t h e d e l i v e r y o f t h a t s a m e w h o l e c o n t a i n e r t o t h e c o n s i g n e e s . T h e ( 4 5 C ) c o n t a i n e r s e r v i c e b r o a d l y m e a n s t h a t t h e d e l i v e r y o f t h e l o o s e c a r g o t o t h e c a r r i e r s c o n t a i n e r f r e i g h t s t a t i o n a t t h e p o r t o f o r i g i n i s p a c k e d i n t o t h e w h o l e c o n t a i n e r , a n d t h a t s a m e w h o l e c o n t a i n e r i s e m p t i e d a t t h e c a r r i e r s f r e i g h t s t a t i o n a t t h e p o r t d e s t i n a t i o n . / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 5 " > 0 0 4 1 A . 3 0 F T / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 6 " > 0 0 B . F E U / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 7 " > 0 0 C . T E U / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 8 " > 0 0 D . 1 0 F T / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 8 9 " > 0 0 4 2 A . C Y / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 0 " > 0 0 B . C Y / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 1 " > 0 0 C . C F S / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 2 " > 0 0 D . C F S / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 3 " > 0 0 4 3 A . C Y / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 4 " > 0 0 B . C Y / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 5 " > 0 0 C . C F S / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 6 " > 0 0 D . C F S / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 7 " > 0 0 4 4 A . C Y / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 8 " > 0 0 B . C Y / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 1 9 9 " > 0 0 C . C F S / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 0 " > 0 0 D . C F S / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 1 " > 0 0 4 5 A . C Y / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 2 " > 0 0 B . C Y / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 3 " > 0 0 C . C F S / C F S / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 4 " > 0 0 D . C F S / C Y / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 5 " > 0 0 A c c o r d i n g t o C h i n a M a r i t i m e C o d e , u n l e s s n o t i c e o f l o s s o r d a m a g e i s g i v e n i n w r i t i n g b y t h e c o n s i g n e e t o t h e c a r r i e r a t t h e t i m e o f d e l i v e r y o f t h e g o o d s b y t h e ( 4 6 A ) , s u c h d e l i v e r y s h a l l b e d e e m e d t o b e ( 4 7 B ) o f t h e d e l i v e r y o f t h e g o o d s b y t h e c a r r i e r a s d e s c r i b e d i n t h e t r a n s p o r t d o c u m e n t s a n d o f t h e a p p a r e n t g o o d o r d e r a n d c o n d i t i o n o f s u c h g o o d s . W h e r e t h e l o s s o f o r d a m a g e t o t h e g o o d s i s n o t a p p a r e n t , t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f t h e p r e c e d i n g p a r a g r a p h s h a l l a p p l y i f t h e c o n s i g n e e h a s n o t g i v e n t h e n o t i c e i n w r i t i n g w i t h i n ( 4 8 A ) f r o m t h e n e x t d a y o f t h e d e l i v e r y o f t h e g o o d s , o r , i n t h e c a s e o f c o n t a i n e r i z e d g o o d s , w i t h i n ( 4 9 D ) f r o m t h e n e x t d a y o f t h e d e l i v e r y t h e r e o f . T h e n o t i c e i n w r i t i n g r e g a r d i n g t h e l o s s o r n e e d n o t b e g i v e n i f t h e s t a t e o f t h e g o o d s h a s , ( 5 0 A ) , b e e n t h e s u b j e c t o f a j o i n t s u r v e y o r i n s p e c t i o n b y t h e c a r r i e r a n d t h e c o n s i g n e e . / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 6 " > 0 0 4 6 . A . c a r r i e r t o t h e c o n s i g n e e / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 7 " > 0 0 B . s h i p p e r t o t h e c o n s i g n e e / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 8 " > 0 0 C . c o n s i g n e e t o t h e c a r r i e r / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 0 9 " > 0 0 D . c o n s i g n e e t o t h e s h i p p e r / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 0 " > 0 0 4 7 . A . c o n c l u s i v e e v i d e n c e / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 1 " > 0 0 B . p r i m a f a c i e e v i d e n c e / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 2 " > 0 0 C . a b s o l u t e l y e v i d e n c e / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 3 " > 0 0 D . e v i d e n c e o f c o n t r a c t / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 4 " > 0 0 4 8 . A . t h r e e c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 5 " > 0 0 B . f i v e c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 6 " > 0 0 C . s e v e n c o n s e c u t i v e d a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 7 " > 0 0 D . t e nc o n s e c u t i v ed a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 8 " > 0 0 4 9 . A . 1 d a y / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 1 9 " > 0 0 B . 3 d a y s / p > p bd s f i d = " 2 2 0 " > 0 0 C . 7 d a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 1 " > 0 0 D . 1 5 d a y s / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 2 " > 0 0 5 0 . A . a t t he t i m e of d e l i v e r y / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 3 " > 0 0 B . a t t h e t i m e o f s h i p m e n t / p > p b d s f i d = " 2 2 4 " > 0 0 C . a t t h e t i m e o f a r r i v a l / p >。



2010年全国国际货代考试国际货代业务练习试题(2) 总分:100分及格:60分考试时间:120分一、单项选择题(本题共40道题,每题0.5分,共20分。

)(1)银行保证金台帐制度系用于()A. 易货贸易B. 加工贸易C. 回购贸易D. 互购贸易(2)多式联运经营人对货物承担的责任期限是()A. 自己运输区段B. 全程运输C. 实际承运人运输区段D. 第三方运输区段(3)D/O是承运人( )A. 交货凭证B. 运输合同证明C. 货物收据D. 集装箱交接凭证(4)L/C DFS-CFS,但B/L记载CY-CY,通常可结汇的B/L是()A. H-B/LB. S-B/LC. M-B/LD. SWBL(5)FO-CY由谁负担干线卸船费()A. 买方B. 支线船C. 干线船D. 卖方(6)承兑交单属于()方式的一种。

A. 信用证B. 汇付C. 保理D. 托收(7)H-B/L中记载的SHPPER是()A. 一程船B. 二程船C. NVCCCD. L/C受益人(8)“2000年通则”中C组贸易术语与其他各组术语的重要区别是()A. 交货地点不同B. 运费交付地点不同C. 风险划分地点不同D. 风险和费用划分地点相分离(9)下述贸易术语中,在码头交货的是()A. CIFB. DESC. DEQD. DDU(10)OWC是指()A. 单程租箱B. 货主集装箱C. 一次性箱D. 船公司箱(11)ICC条款中的A险相当于CIC条款中的()。

A. 平安险B. 水渍险C. 一切险D. 综合险(12)L/C结汇期是指()A. B/L签发日期B. 合同终止日期C. 船舶开航日期D. B/L交银行日期(13)安全认证标志的颜色为()A. 绿色B. 红色C. 黄色D. 白色(14)期租船由谁支付船舶的航次费用()A. 租船人B. 船东C. 货运代理人D. 船务代理人(15)某公司向美国出口一批塑料玩具,报检时不需提供()。

A. 合同、发票、装箱单B. 出口玩具质量许可证C. 出境货物运输包装使用签定结果单D. 出境货物运输包装性能检验结果单(16)信用证双到期是指( )A. 合同终止日期结汇期B. 受载期结汇期C. 交货期结汇期D. 提单签发期结汇期(17)租家提名代理人是谁的代理人:()A. 船舶经营人B. 租家C. 海关D. 港方(18)CY-CY运输条款下进口时,CY经营人责任期限()A. 卸下船-出大门B. 卸下船-装上卡车C. 船靠泊位-出大门D. 堆场-出大门(19)出口小家电产品生产企业实行登记制度,首次登记的企业应将样品送至()指定的实验室进行型式试验A. 直属检验检疫局B. 国家环保总局C. 国家认监委D. 国家质检总局(20)在下列出口货物或产品中,请指出符合出口退税条件的一项。



货代试题及答案### 货代试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 货代公司的主要业务是什么?- A. 货物运输- B. 货物报关- C. 货物保险- D. 以上都是答案:D2. 国际货物运输中,以下哪个术语表示卖方承担货物运输到指定港口的风险和费用?- A. EXW- B. FOB- C. CIF- D. DDP答案:C3. 以下哪个不是国际货物运输中常见的运输方式?- A. 海运- B. 空运- C. 陆运- D. 邮件答案:D#### 二、填空题4. 货代公司在处理货物运输时,需要确保货物的______和______。

答案:安全;完整5. 国际货物运输中,货物的运输方式包括______、______和多式联运。

答案:单一运输方式;组合运输方式#### 三、简答题6. 请简述货代公司在国际货物运输中的作用。




7. 什么是国际贸易术语(Incoterms)?请列举至少三种。


以下是三种常见的国际贸易术语:- EXW(工厂交货):卖方将货物交给买方在卖方的地点,买方承担从该地点提取货物的所有费用和风险。

- FOB(船上交货):卖方将货物交至船上,买方承担货物装船后的所有费用和风险。

- DDP(完税后交货):卖方将货物交付至买方指定的地点,并承担所有运输费用、风险以及进口关税。

#### 四、案例分析题8. 假设你是一家货代公司的员工,客户要求将一批货物从中国上海运往德国汉堡。







A. 3天B. 4天C. 5天D. 6天(2)以下关于预报检表述正确的是()。

A. 需要分批装运出口的货物,不得申请整批货物的预报检B. 为便于易腐烂变质货物的及时出口,可以申请预报检C. 出口货物预报检时,可不提供《出境货物运输包装性能检验结果单》D. 检验检疫机构对预报检的出境货物实施检验检疫,合格的签发《出境货物换证凭单》(3)L/C的装运期限是对()的规定。

A. 买方B. 承运人C. 卖方D. 通知银行(4)根据有关法律法规规定,因科研等特殊需要输入禁止入境物的,必须提供()签发的特许审批证明。

A. 农业部B. 商务部C. 卫生部D. 国家质检总局(5)补偿贸易的前提条件是()。

A. 银行信贷B. 商品信贷C. 延期付款D. 分期付款(6)物流业属于( )A. 第一产业B. 第二产业C. 第三产业D. 第四产业(7)仓至仓条款是()。

A. 出口人负责交货的责任起讫条款B. 收货人负责收货的责任起讫条款C. 承运人负责承运的责任起讫条款D. 保险人负责保险的责任起讫条款(8)根据400,B/L记载“ON DECK”字样()A. 可结汇B. 不可结汇C. 根据L/CD. 根据银行规定(9)进口货物报关的时限应自()A. 运输工具入境之日起7日内办理申报B. 运输工具入境之日起10日内办理申报C. 运输工具入境之日起14日内办理申报D. 运输工具入境之日起15日内办理申报(10)FOBST由()负担装船费。

A. 买方B. 支线船C. 干线船D. 卖方(11)对法定价值鉴定且列入《目录》内商品,申请人应交纳()。

A. 价值鉴定费B. 品质检验费C. 价值鉴定费和品质检验费(12)在流通过程中,一般()A. 商流在前,物流在后B. 物流在前,商流在后C. 两者同时进行D. 无法确定(13)集装箱运输下承运人之责任期限()A. 装上船——卸下船B. 船舷——船舷C. 仓库——仓库D. 接收货——交付货(14)对进口旧机电,检验检疫机构进行检验后签发(),并在备注栏内加注(),供货主或代理人办理通关手续。


















2010年国际货运代理从业人员资格证书试卷一.单项选择题( 只选择一个答案)1.国际货物买卖合同装运条款是一项重要条款,通常包括装运时间、装运港、目的港、是否允许转船与分批装运、装运通知,以及滞期、速遣条款等内容。

装运时间是指(B )A.买方将合同规定的货物装上运输工具或交给承运人的期限B.卖方将合同规定的货物装上运输工具或交给承运人的期限C.买方收到合同规定货物的期限D.买方将合同规定的货物交给卖方的期限2.国际货运代理企业在经营过程中可能面临许多风险,因此需要投保责任险。

通常情况下保险人对于国际货运代理企业的( C )行为不予承保A. 延迟交货B. 填单有误C. 无单放货D. 保管疏忽3.我国A外商投资企业委托B外贸公司购买进口设备,由C物流公司负责进口货物运输相关事宜,并委托D报关行向海关办理进口报关手续。

这批设备报关时报关经营单位填报为(A )A. A 企业B. B公司C. C公司D. D公司4.根据我国相关的国家标准,(A )是物品从供应地向接受地的实体流动过程。


A. 物流B. 供应链C. 多式联运D. 货运代理5.迈阿密港(MIAMI, FL, USA)是国际海上集装箱货物运输中(C )上的港口。

A. 远东-- 北美西海岸航线B. 远东-- 澳新航线C. 远东-- 北美东海岸航线D. 远东-- 欧洲、地中海航线6.如果国际货物买卖是以FOB贸易术语条件成交,此时订舱工作就可能在货物的卸货地或输入地由进口商办理,该类货物在国际海上集装箱货运代理实践中通常被称为(B )A. 特约货 B. 指定货C. 和约货D. 买方货7.在国际海上集装箱货物运输中,承运人签发的海运提单上通常不会显示(C )。

A. 船名 B. 装船日期C. 到达目的港日期D. 运费已预付8.航次租船合同项下关于装卸时间的计算有几种方法,由双方当事人选择使用。











25.海洋运输的劣势主要表现在( )。
C.运送的货物种类有限D.A AND B
1.班轮运输的特点是( )。
[大] [中] 小]
3.在进出口业务中,能够作为物权凭证的运输单据有( )。
5.必须经背书才能进行转让的提单是( )。





A.1iner termsB.FIC.FOD.FIO3.“金康94合同”规定:如准备就绪通知书在中午12点之前(包括12点)递交,装卸时间从下午1时算起;如通知书在12点以后递交,装卸时间从()上午6时算起。












2010国际货运代理考试英语真题及答案一.单项选择题1. In international trade, redemption of documents under L/C operations means that ( B ).A. the beneficiary must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bankB.the applicant must pay the proceeds in order to get documents from the bankC.the beneficiary must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goodsD.the applicant must tender the document to the bank in order to get the goods2. The seller had made a sales contract with the buyer under the CFR term, therefore the scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of the seller normally does not include ( A )A. arranging import customs clearanceB.delivering the goods to the carrier at the port of shipmentC.arranging export customs clearanceD.booking space with the marine carrier3. According to INCOTERMS 2000, ( B ) means that the seller delivers the goods to the carrier nominated by him but the seller must in addition pay the cost of carriage necessary to bring the goods to the named place of destination and also to procure insurance for the goods during the carriage.A. CPTB.CIPC.CFRD.CIF4. According to UCP 600, the term “shipment to be made at the middle of May” in the letter of credit shall be construed as ( A )A. from the 11th to the 20th of MayB.from the 15th to the 25th of MayC.from the 10th to the 20th of MayD.from the 16th to the 31st of May5. The All Risks in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses does not cover the risks of ( C )A. shortageB.rain damageC.import dutyD.taint of odour6. The vessel’s cubic capacity is usually stated both in grain capacity and in bale capacity. The ( B ) is the volume of a vessel’s hold to carry packaged dry cargo such as pallets, boxes, cartons etC.A. grain capacityB.bale capacityC.gross tonnageD.net tonnage7. The documents commonly used in carriage of goods by sea are bills of lading, sea waybills,cargo manifests, booking notes and delivery orders etC.Please point out the ( A ) are issued by the shippers or their agents.A. booking notesB.delivery ordersC.sea waybillsD.cargo manifests8. According to UCP600, the commercial invoice must be made out in the same currency as the ( C ).A. bill of ladingB.sale contractC.letter of creditD.insurance policy9. Please point out which of the following expressions is not the characteristics of settlement by letters of credit. ( D )A. L/C is a self-sufficient instrumentB.L/C is a document transactionC.The issuing bank’ s liabilities for paymentD.L/C is a cargo transaction10. In international air cargo transportation, ( A ) are rates which are applicable to any types of air cargo .A. General Cargo RateB.Class RatesC.Bulk Unitization RateD.Specific Commodity Rates11. The CMR convention is the convention on contract for international carriage of goods by road, according to the CMR, the carrier is responsible for ( D ).A. any wrongful act of the consignorB.inherent vice of the goodsC.neglect of the consignorD.omission of carrier’s servants12. Establishing only one agency to deal with is one of advantages in multimodal transport operation, her agency means ( C ).A. agent of cargo ownerB.agent of shipownerC.MTOD.broker13. In most supply chains, customer requirements are transmitted in the form of ( A ).A. orderB.inventory C transportD.warehousing14. ( B ) is a lump sum rate for the carriage of a container loaded with a particular commodity in marine container transportation.A. CIFB.CBRC.BAFD.CAF15. The marine bill of lading is one of the most of important documents in marine cargo transport and it serves as ( B ).A. contract of carriage of goods by seaB.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by seaC contract of carriage of goods by airD.evidence of contract of carriage of goods by air二.判断题16. One of the WTO basic functions is to implement, administer, and carry out IMF Agreement and it annexes. ( B )17. The forwarders take delivery of the goods from the consignor and issue the document of Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt to the consignor. In this case the forwarders are also considered to be the agent of the consignor. ( A )18. The “beginning of a month” has the similar expression as “first half of a month” in the credit referring to shipment according to UCP600. ( B )19. UCP 600 applies to all letters of credit no matter weather it is expressly mentioned or not in the text of the L/C ( B ).20. An irrevocable confirmed documentary credit is one that contains the guarantee of payment to the beneficiary by both the issuing bank and confirming bank so long as the terms as condition of the credit are met. ( A )21. The charterers retain the property in bunkers which have been supplied and paid for by shipowner on board the vessel during the period of voyage charter. ( B )22. The sea waybill serves as same functions as marine bill of lading used in carriage of goods by rail and road and who is allowed, upon production of proper identification, to claim the goods without presenting the sea waybill. ( B )23. Both order bill of lading and straight bill of lading can be transferred to the third party by endorsement. ( B )24. The port clearance means that the cargo owner has got the permission of the customs authorities for import or export cargo. ( A )25. Under CMR convention, the carrier is responsible for loss of or damage to the goods occurring between the goods loaded on board the ship and the time of delivery at discharging port. ( B )26. The risk covered in FPA, WPA and All Risk in PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses are not the same but all of them cover loss or damage caused by the intentional act of the InsureD.( B )27. Consolidation can not only benefit exporters, shippers and forwarders but also benefit carriers, because the carrier can take advantage of the FCL tariff rates. ( A )28. In international air cargo transportation, Specific Commodity Rate are only applicable to named types of cargo. ( A )29. According to INCOTERMS 2000, FCA may not be used for sea and inland waterway transport. ( B )30. A sound inventory is a primary responsibility of logistical management since a firm’s facility structure is used to ship products and materials to customers. ( B )三.多项选择题31. When the freight forwarder packs the goods in behalf of the exporter, he should take into account ( A B C ).A. the mode of transportB.the nature of the goodsC.the applicable regulationD.the route of transport32. According to INCOTERMS 2000, the following trade terms ( A D ) mean that the sellers must arrange goods transportation from port of shipment to the named port of destination.A. CFRB.FCAC.FOBD.CIF33. PICC Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses such as FPA, WPA and All Risk do not cover loss of or damage to cargo caused by ( B D ),A. fire or explosionB.fall of market priceC.sinking of the vesselD.delay in transit34. Currently, different types of multimodal transport operations involving different combination are taking place. The following combinations ( B C ) are involving rail transport.A. sea/airB.mini-bridgeC.land bridgeD.air/road35. In marine voyage chartering business, the shipowner is responsible for costs such as ( AB ).A. bunkerB.port chargesC.freightD.demurrage36. A beneficiary refers to the party in whose favor an L/C is opened.It usually refers to the ( A C ).A. buyerB.sellerC.importerD.exporter37. Normally the banks will not accept the marine bills of lading which contained the following words ( B C D ).A. apparent good order and conditionB.insufficient packingC.one carton shortD.missing safety seal38. There are some risks in multilateral trade. They mainly include economic risks andpolitical risks. The economic risks include ( A B C D ).A. risk of insolvency of the buyerB.risk of exchange rateC.risk of failure of payment by buyerD.risk of non-acceptanceparing with UCP500, the major changes introduced by the UCP600 include ( A C ).A. the banks now have a maximum of five banking days for the examination of documentsB.the banks now have a maximum of seven banking days for the examination of documents C.Bs/L may now allow transshipmentD.Bs/L may not allow transshipment40.Please point out which of the following statements are not right. ( B D )A. inventory is one of areas of logistical workB.inventory is not one of areas of logistical workC.facility network is one of areas of logistical workD.facility network is not one of areas of logistical work四.完型填空The use of containers, which started more than 40 years ago, in intercontinental traffic is now available in most sea cargo transport worldwide. The unit ( 41 C ) is used to express the relative number of containers based on the equivalent length of a 20’ container. The ( 42 A ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shipper’s or the forwarder’s premises, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 43 B ) container service broadly means that the whole container received by the carrier is packed at the shipper’s or the forwarder’s premises, and that same whole container is emptied at the carrier’s container freight station at the port of destination. The ( 44 D ) broadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carrier’s freight station at the port of origin is packed int o the whole container, and the delivery of that same whole container to the consignees. The ( 45 C ) container service broadly means that the delivery of the loose cargo to the carrier’s container freight station at the port of origin is packed into the whole container, and that same whole container is emptied at the carrier’s freight station at the port destination.41 A.30FTB.FEUC.TEUD.10FT42 A.CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY43 A.CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY44 A. CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CY45 A. CY/CYB.CY/CFSC.CFS/CFSD.CFS/CYAccording to China Maritime Code, unless notice of loss or damage is given in writing by the consignee to the carrier at the time of delivery of the goods by the ( 46 A ), such delivery shall be deemed to be ( 47 B ) of the delivery of the goods by the carrier as described in the transport documents and of the apparent good order and condition of such goods. Where the loss of or damage to the goods is not apparent, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply if the consignee has not given the notice in writing within ( 48 A ) from the next day of the delivery of the goods, or, in the case of containerized goods, within ( 49 D ) from the next day of the delivery thereof. The notice in writing regarding the loss or need not be given if the state of the goods has, ( 50 A ), been the subject of a joint survey or inspection by the carrier and the consignee.46. A. carrier to the consigneeB.shipper to the consigneeC.consignee to the carrierD.consignee to the shipper47. A. conclusive evidenceB.prima facie evidenceC.absolutely evidenceD.evidence of contract48. A. three consecutive daysB.five consecutive daysC.seven consecutive daysD.ten consecutive days49. A. 1 dayB.3 daysC.7daysD.15days50.A. at the time of deliveryB.at the time of shipmentC.at the time of arrivalD.at the time of loading。





A. 以装运港船舷为界B. 以装运港吊钩下为界C. 以装运港船上为界D. 以装运港船上进舱为界(2)班轮运输,运费凭保函形式作为运费支付方式,则表明( )A. 承运人已收到运费B. 承运人未收到运费C. 不必再支付运费D. 可少支付一部分运费(3)某公司向日本出口一批冷藏蔬菜,报检时不需提供()。

A. 合同、发票、装箱单B. 卫生注册证书号码C. 集装箱检验检疫结果单D. 出境货物运输包装性能结果单(4)按照CIC条款的规定,投保一切险后还可加保()。

A. 偷窃、提货不着险B. 破碎险C. 串味险D. 战争、罢工险(5)期租船由谁支付船舶的航次费用()A. 租船人B. 船东C. 买方D. 卖方(6)生产危险货物出口包装容器的企业,必须向检验检疫机构申请包装容器的();生产出口危险货物的企业,必须向检验检疫机构申请包装容器的()A. 性能检验,使用签定B. 使用签定,性能检验C. 性能检验,性能签定D. 使用检验,使用签定(7)国外来证规定交货数量为10000公吨散装货,来表明可否溢短装,不准分批装运。


A. 数量可增减10%B. 数量和金额可增减10%C. 数量和金额可增减5%D. 数量可增减5%,总金额不能超过(8)出境动物应在出境前()天预报,隔离7天报检。

A. 14B. 60C. 20(9)到付运费支付时间在()A. B/L签发前B. B/L签发后C. D/O签发前或当时D. 交货后(10)提货单的签发表明()A. 已交货完毕B. 发货人责任终止C. 收货人有权提货D. 承运人责任已终止(11)某进出口贸易公司从美国进口了一台电梯,发票列明如下:成交价格为CIF珠海USD100000,电梯进口后的安装、调试费USD4000。



2010全国国际货运代理考试《国际货代业务》AⅡ卷、一(共案例分析问答题小题,6共分)10.0第1题南京某货主出口一批价值USD10000, 共10箱的丝织品,通过B航空公司的代理人 A 办理空运,经北京出口至法国巴黎。

货物交付后,由代理人A 于2009年1月1日出具了航空货运单一份。

该货运单注明:第一承运人是B航空公司,第二承运人是C 航空公司,货物共10箱,重250千克。


B 航空公司于当日即通过代理人A 向货主通知了货物已灭失。

货主向代理人A 提出书面索赔要求,要求代理人 A 全额赔偿损失。







第4题2008年6月,我国A 进出口公司委托 B 货运代理公司办理600个纸箱的男式羽绒滑雪衫出口日本的手续。

B公司将货物装上C 船公司派来的船舶,并向A公司签发了清洁的多式联运提单,提单载明货物数量600纸箱,分装在3个集装箱内。


2009年9月25日,收货人以B 货运代理公司和实际承运人 C 船公司为被告,向法院提起诉讼。






)(1)中国海商法对每一件货物的赔偿责任限额是()A. 700元B. 800元C. 500元D. 666.67特别提款权(2)“Physical Distribution”与“Logistics”相比()A. 两者内容相当B. 前者内容更广C. 后者内容更广D. 具有不确定性(3)付款交单()方式的一种。

A. 信用证B. 保理C. 托收D. 汇付(4)在ICC保险条款中的三个基本险别是()A. 平安险、罢工险、战争险B. 罢工险、战争险、水渍险C. 一切险、舱面险、交货不到险D. 平安险、水渍险、一切险(5)下列哪一信用证规定甲板箱B/L不可结汇()A. 400B. 500C. 506D. 290(6)委托人以自己的名义在委托人的授权范围内与第三人订立合同,第三人在订立合同时知道受托人与委托人之间的代理关系的。


A. 显名代理B. 一般代理C. 未披露委托人身份的代理D. 隐名代理(7)在填制《入境货物报检单》时,不能在“贸易方式”一栏中填写的是()。

A. 来料加工B. 无偿援助C. 观赏或演艺D. 外商投资(8)进口涂料经检验检疫机构抽查检验,累计()不合格的,由备案机构吊销《进口涂料备案书》。

A. 2次B. 3次C. 4次D. 一般项目3次、有害物质含量2次(9)CFR术语是指()A. 卖方须办理租船订舱并支付货物至目的港的运费B. 买方须办理租船订舱并支付货物至目的港的运费C. 卖方须办理租船订舱并支付货物至目的港的运保费D. 买方须办理租船订舱并支付货物至目的港的运保费p;(10)CIF和CFR相比,就卖方承担的风险而言()。

A. CIF比CFR大B. CFR比CIF大C. CFR比CIF小D. CIF与CFR相同(11)凡替本人或受本人委托办事的人称为()A. 第三人B. 被代理人C. 代理人D. 其他人(12)因海关检查造成的货损及发生费用由()承担。

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2010年全国国际货运代理从业人员资格证书考试考卷及参考答案(业务)一.单项选择题( 只选择一个答案)1.国际货物买卖合同装运条款是一项重要条款,通常包括装运时间、装运港、目的港、是否允许转船与分批装运、装运通知,以及滞期、速遣条款等内容。


通常情况下保险人对于国际货运代理企业的()行为不予承保A. 延迟交货B. 填单有误C. 无单放货D. 保管疏忽3.我国A外商投资企业委托B外贸公司购买进口设备,由C物流公司负责进口货物运输相关事宜,并委托D报关行向海关办理进口报关手续。

这批设备报关时报关经营单位填报为()A. A 企业B. B公司C. C公司D. D公司4.根据我国相关的国家标准,()是物品从供应地向接受地的实体流动过程。


A. 物流B. 供应链C. 多式联运D. 货运代理5.迈阿密港(MIAMI, FL, USA)是国际海上集装箱货物运输中()上的港口。

A. 远东-- 北美西海岸航线B. 远东-- 澳新航线C. 远东-- 北美东海岸航线D. 远东-- 欧洲、地中海航线6.如果国际货物买卖是以FOB贸易术语条件成交,此时订舱工作就可能在货物的卸货地或输入地由进口商办理,该类货物在国际海上集装箱货运代理实践中通常被称为()A. 特约货B. 指定货C. 和约货D. 买方货7.在国际海上集装箱货物运输中,承运人签发的海运提单上通常不会显示()。

A. 船名B. 装船日期C. 到达目的港日期D. 运费已预付8.航次租船合同项下关于装卸时间的计算有几种方法,由双方当事人选择使用。


A. 可调剂使用装卸时间B. 装卸时间平均计算C. 装卸时间的分别计算D. 装卸共用时间9.航次租船方式下,货物装卸费由船舶出租人还是承租人承担取决于合同的具体规定。


A. FILOB. FIO, FIOSTC. FO, LIFOD. LINER TERM, GROSS TERM10.我国《海商法》第97条规定:“船舶出租人在约定的受载期限内,未能提供船舶的,承租人有权解除合同。


A. 48工作小时B. 48小时C. 24工作小时D. 24小时11.货主因国际航空货物运输延误而提出的赔偿要求,根据有关国际航空公约的规定,应该在货物由收货人处置之日起()天内提出。

A. 14B. 21C.30D. 6012.在国际航空货物运输中SLI 的中文全称是()A. 航空货运单B. 运输声明价值C. 空运托运书D. 运费预付13.国际航空货物的计费重量以()为最小单位A. 0.3kgB. 0.5kgC. 0.8kgD. 1kg14.在国际航空货物运输中,如果托运人没有声明价值。

在航空货运单“Declared Value for Carriage”栏中必须打印()A. AWAB. AWCC. NVDD. NCV15.运输某国际航空等级货物所适用运价是: “150% of the Normal GCR”, 在填写航空货运单“Rate Class”一栏时,应填写()。

A. RB. CC. MD. S16.国际航空货运单上“RAC”表示()。

A. 货运单费B. 垫付费C. 危险品处理费D. 地面运输附加费17.根据《华沙条约》的规定,如果承运人没有将货物交付收货人,收货人有权自填开航空货运单之日起()天之内以书面形式向承运人提出异议。

A. 14B. 21C. 60D. 12018.从沈阳经铁路运往俄罗斯的货物,在最短运距情况下需经过我国的国境站是()。

A. 满洲里B. 阿拉山口C. 丹东D. 二连浩特19.国际多式联运经营人是()。

A. 发货人的代理人B. 收货人的代理人C. 区段承运人的代理人D. 承运人20.国际汽车运输行车许可证分为A、B、C及特别行车许可证四种。


A. 国际汽车运输特别行车许可证B. A种国际汽车运输行车许可证C. B种国际汽车运输行车许可证D. C国际汽车运输行车许可证二.判断题(正确填A,不正确填B)21.我国海洋货物运输保险条款包括平安险、水渍险和一切险三种基本险别,这三种基本险别都承保由于自然灾害造成被保险货物的实际全损或推定全损。



()24.国际贸易术语CFR SHANGHAI中SHANGHAI 是指买卖合同双方当事人约定的海上运输货物的装运港。










()31.目前使用的国际集装箱规格尺寸主要是第一系列的4种箱型,即A型、B 型、C型和D型。






















A. 铁路运输承运人B. 公路运输承运人C. 航空运输承运人D. 海上运输承运人52.物流信息系统是实现物流信息功能的软硬件系统,同时系统本身具有系统运行的软硬件子系统。


A. 收集信息B. 信息处理C. 信息传递D. 信息利用53.《海牙规则》规定承运人可以免责的事项包括()A. 海盗行为B. 战争行为C. 管理货物疏忽或过失D. 航行或管理船舶中疏忽或过失54.根据对货物外表状况有无不良批注为标准,海运提单可以分为()。

A. 空白提单B. 清洁提单C. 批注提单D. 不清洁提单55.在泊位租船合同下,船舶出租人起算装卸时间,船舶必须是一艘抵达泊位的船舶,如果船舶没有抵达合同指定的泊位,不论船舶离此泊位有多近,均不算抵达指定的地点,因次也不能起算装卸时间。



A. 不论船舶靠泊与否B. 到达即可靠泊C. 等泊损失时间计入装卸时间D. 滞期连续计算56.运价本是船公司承运货物向托运人据以收取运费的费率表的汇总,其主要由()A. 条款和规定B. 费率C. 船舶规范D. 商品分类57.下列国家中属于IATA三个航空运输业务区中的TC2区的有()A. 法国B. 荷兰C. 埃及D. 南非58.下列有关国际航空货运单的表述正确的有()。
