汽车英语词典我可以为你提供一些与汽车相关的常用英语词汇和短语:1. 汽车部件:- Engine (发动机)- Transmission (变速器)- Brake (刹车)- Tire (轮胎)- Steering wheel (方向盘)- Headlights (前灯)- Tail lights (尾灯)- Windshield wipers (雨刷)- Rearview mirror (后视镜)- Exhaust system (排气系统)2. 行驶相关:- Accelerate (加速)- Brake (刹车)- Turn (转弯)- Reverse (倒车)- Park (停车)- Overtake (超车)- Traffic jam (交通堵塞)- Speed limit (限速)- Fuel efficiency (燃油效率)3. 维护和修理:- Maintenance (保养)- Oil change (换油)- Tire rotation (轮胎轮换)- Battery replacement (更换电池)- Tune-up (车辆调试)- Breakdown (故障)- Towing service (拖车服务)- Auto repair shop (汽车修理店)4. 汽车类型:- Sedan (轿车)- SUV (运动型多用途车)- Coupe (双门轿车)- Convertible (敞篷车)- Hatchback (掀背车)- Pickup truck (皮卡)- Electric car (电动车)- Hybrid car (混合动力车)5. 驾驶相关:- Driver's license (驾驶执照)- Traffic rules (交通规则)- Road signs (道路标志)- Seat belt (安全带)- Airbag (气囊)- Defensive driving (防御性驾驶)这是一些基本的汽车英语词汇,如果有特定的词汇或主题你想了解,可以告诉我,我将尽力提供帮助。
发动机分类1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine3 转子发动机rotary engine4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine7 增压式发动机supercharged engine8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine12 煤气机gas engine13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine22 十字头型发动机cross head engine23 直列式发动机in-line engine24 星型发动机radial engine25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine26 斯特林发动机stirling engine27 套阀式发动机knight engine28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine29 倾斜式发动机slant engine30 前置式发动机front-engine31 后置式发动机rear-engine32 中置式发动机central engine33 左侧发动机left-hand engine34 右侧发动机right-hand engine35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine37 等径程发动机square engine38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine40 V形发动机V-engine41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine43 无气门发动机valveless engine44 多气门发动机multi-valve engine45 卧式发动机horizontal engine46 斜置式发动机inclined engine47 立式发动机vertical engine48 W形发动机w-engine49 I形发动机I-engine50 L形发动机L-engine51 F形发动机F-engine52 原机Engine prototype发动机性能53 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle54 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle55 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle56 奥托循环otto cycle57 混合循环mixed cycle58 定容循环constant volume cycle59 工作循环working cycle60 等压循环constant pressure cycle61 理想循环ideal cycle62 热力循环thermodynamic cycle63 冲程stroke64 活塞行程piston stroke65 长行程long stroke66 上行程up stroke67 下行程down stroke68 进气行程intake stroke69 充气行程charging stroke70 压缩行程compression stroke71 爆炸行程explosion stroke72 膨胀行程expansion stroke73 动力行程power stroke74 排气行程exhaust stroke75 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke76 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke77 上止点top dead center(upper dead center)78 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)79 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)81 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)82 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)83 排气量displacement84 发动机排量engine displacement85 活塞排量piston swept volume86 气缸容量cylinder capacity87 单室容量single-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compression ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expansion ratio92 面容比surface to volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比mixture ratio95 压缩压力compression pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio100 扭矩torque101 单缸功power per cylinder102 升功率power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率gross power110 净功率net power111 燃油消耗量fuel consumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption113 空气消耗率air consumption114 机油消耗量oil consumption115 有效马力net horse power116 额定马力rated horse power117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficiency120 总效率overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127 过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficient129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 131 强化系数coefficient of intensification132 校正系数correction factor133 换算系数conversion factor134 活塞平均速度mean piston speed135 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 136 充量(进气)charge137 旋转方向direction of rotation138 顺时针clockwise139 逆时针counter-clockwise140 左转left-hand rotation141 右转right-hand rotation142 发动机性能engine performance143 加载性能loading performance144 起动性能starting performance145 加速性能acceleration performance146 动力性能power performance147 排放性能emission performance148 燃油经济性Fuel economy149 排放Exhaust emissions150 大的燃烧噪声Large combustion noise151 预混合燃烧Premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧Diffusion combustion153 大的EGR率Heavy EGR154 推迟喷油时间Retarding the injection timing, 155 推迟喷油时间Delaying the fuel injection timing, 156 燃烧激振力Combustion excitation forces (CPL) 157 CO2排放Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions158 温室气体Greenhouse gas159 热效率Thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室Auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟Black smoke162 Nox氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides163 PM颗粒物Particulate matter164 EGR废气再循环Exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统The fuel injection system166 在低负荷区In the low load region167 气缸压力The cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角The crank angle169 1/3倍频程1/3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷Full load171 部分负荷Partial load172 声压级Sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩Engine torque174 燃烧噪声Combustion noise175 机械噪声Mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的Turbocharged177 涡轮增压器Turbocharger178 着火燃迟期The ignition delay period179 喷油泵The fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机Intercooled turbocharged diesel181 碳化氢Hydrocarbon (HC)182 进气管几何尺寸Intake port geometry183 水平轴Horizontal axis184 声功率Sound power level185 竖直轴Vertical axis186 辐射噪声Radiation noise187 发动机测功机engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷Idling to a medium-load189 振幅Amplitude190 气缸体振动Cylinder block vibration191 声压级Sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角In relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力The maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率The cylinder pressure gradient195 共轨系统Common-rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器variable nozzle turbocharger197 引导喷射pilot injection198 4气门DOHC系统4-valve DOHC system199 计算机辅助工程CAE computer-aided engineering200 固有噪声Born noise201 侧面挠度lateral bending202 排气岐管exhaust manifold203 进气岐管intake manifold204 交流发电机alternator205 齿轮箱gear case206 供油泵supply pump207 起动机starter208 共振频率resonance frequency209 气缸压力快速升高率the rapid rising rate of cylinder pressure 210 主喷量和主喷时间main injection volume, timing211 共轨油压fuel pressure in a common-rail212 放热率heat release ratio213 步进电机step-motor214 频谱图frequency spectrum map215 油膜oil film216 机械噪声mechanical noise217 识别identify218 变量variable219 隔离声音的传播途径Isolate sound transmission routes 220 衰减Attenuation221 半消声室Semi-ane choic chamber222 系数Coefficient223 正时带Timing belt224 台架实验Bench test225 气门驱动凸轮Valve-drive cam226 传递系数Transfer coefficient227 矢量vector228 气穴现象Cavitation229 微处理器microprocessor230 执行器actuator231 电控泵electronically controlled pump构造232 气缸盖cylinder head233 气缸体cylinder block234 整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)235 发动机罩engine bonnet236 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib237 气缸cylinder238 示功图indicator chart/diagram239 缸体(转子机)stator240 缸径cylinder bore241 气缸体机架cylinder block frame242 配气机构箱valve mechanism casing243 气缸体隔片cylinder spacer244 气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket245 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket246 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)247 干式缸套dry cylinder liner248 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner249 气缸水套water jacket250 膨胀塞expansion plug251 防冻塞freeze plug252 气缸壁cylinder wall253 环脊ring ridge254 排气口exhaust port255 中间隔板intermediate bottum256 导板guideway257 创成半径(转子机)generating radius258 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width259 燃烧室combustion bowl260 浅盆形缩口燃烧室shallow reentrant combustion chamber 261 主燃烧室main combustion chamber262 副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber263 预燃室prechamber264 涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber265 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber266 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber267 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber268 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber269 L 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber270 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber271 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber272 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber273 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber274 爆发室explosion chamber275 燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber276 发动机托架engine holding frame engine277 动力机装置power unit278 直喷柴油机DI(direct-injection)diesel engine279 非直喷柴油机IDI(Indirect-injection)diesel engine 280 动力传动系power train281 连杆connecting rod282 油底壳oil pan283 活塞销piston pin284 气缸套cylinder bore285 凸轮齿cam gear286 空气室energy chamber287 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume288 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume289 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume290 压缩室compression chamber291 外径major diameter292 中径pitch diameter293 内径minor diameter294 径向间隙radial clearance295 两极调速器limiting_speed governor296 特性297 空转特性no load characteristics298 负荷特性part throttle characteristics(汽油机)load characteristics299 调速特性governor control characteristics300 万有特性mapping characteristics301 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate工况302 怠速转速idling speed303 经济转速economic speed304 起动转速starting speed305 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load306 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque307 最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed308 调速speed governing309 超速overspeed310 怠速idling311 转速波动率speed fluctuation rate312 工况working condition(operating mode)313 额定工况declared working condition314 变工况variable working condition315 稳定工况steady working condition316 空载no-load317 全负荷full load318 超负荷overload319 部分负荷part load320 怠速控制idling-speed control321 怠速工况idling condition322 起动工况starting condition323 起动转速cranking speed324 急减速工况abrupt decreasing condition325 加速工况accelerating condition326 驻车park327 调速Speed governing328 应急[跛行]模式limp-in mode排放329 Emission Standards in the EU 欧洲排放标准330 Fuel Quality 燃油质量331 Conformity of Production (COP) 生产一致性检测332 Fuel Consumption 燃油消耗333 Exhaust Emission Measurement 排放检测334 tailpipe 排气管335 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳336 emissions of crankcase gases 曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量337 Ageing test 耐久性试验338 EPEFE = European Program on Emssions, Fuels and Engine Technologies 欧洲的排放、燃油及发339 动机技术项目340 fuel properties 燃油质量341 Car Manufacturers 汽车制造商342 Impact of vehicle emissions on air quality 排放对空气质量的影响343 Cetane no. 十六烷值344 Evaporation characteristic 蒸发特性345 Sulfur-free Fuels 无硫燃油346 Testcycle 测试循环347 NEDC = New European Driving Cycle 新的欧洲标准测试循环348 Loading of charcoal canister 炭罐吸附349 preconditioning (PC) 预处理350 ESC=European steady state cycle 稳态循环351 ELR=European load response test 负荷烟度试验352 ETC=European transient cycle瞬态循环353 EEV=Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环境友好汽车354 ambient temperature 环境温度355 λ-sensor λ传感器356 exceeding emission limits) 排放超出限值357 Roadworthiness-Tests 道路适应性检测358at free acceleration 在自由加速工况下359 catalyst 催化转化器360 natural aspirated 自然吸气机型361 turbo charged 涡轮增压机型362 Emission Control Technologies 排放控制技术363 Three-way catalyst 三元催化转化器364 catalyst coating 催化转化器涂层365 secondary air injection 二次空气喷366 exhaust gas recirculation 排气再循环系统367 oxidation catalyst 氧化催化转化器368 piezo injection valves 压电式喷油阀369 PowerStations 发电机组370 Anthropogenic 人为因素371 ACEA = European Car Manufacturer Association 欧洲汽车制造商协会372 Target corridor 标范围373 Target value目标值374 CFV 临界流量文丘里管(Critical flow venturi)375 CLD 化学发光检测器(Chemiluminescent detector)376 FID 氢火焰离子化检测器(Flame ionisation detector)377 GC 气相色谱仪(Gas chromatograph)378 HCLD 加热式化学发光检测器(Heated chemiluminescent detector)379 HFID 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(Heated flame ionisation detector)380 LPG 液化石油气(Liquefied petroleum gas)381 NDIR 不分光红外线分析仪(Non-dispersive infrared analyzer)382 NG 天然气(Natural gas)383 NMC 非甲烷截止器(Non-methane cutter)384 Rated power 额定功率。
汽车及发动机英语专业词汇铁路机车locomotive 有轨电车tram 无轨电车trolley 军用车辆militaryvehicle 蒸汽机steamengine 煤气机gasengine 汽油机gasolineengine 国民经济nationaleconomy 国内生产总值(GDP)GrossDomesticProduction 全拆散(CKD)CompletelyKnockDown 半拆散(SKD铁路机车 locomotive有轨电车 tram无轨电车 trolley军用车辆 military vehicle蒸汽机 steam engine煤气机 gas engine汽油机 gasoline engine国民经济 national economy国内生产总值(GDP) Gross Domestic Production 全拆散(CKD) Completely Knock Down半拆散(SKD) Semi-Knock Down改革开放 reform and opening技术引进 technical import国产化 localization支柱产业 pillar estate货车 truck, lorry公路用车 road vehicle非公路用车 off-road vehicle机体 engine body曲柄连杆机构 crank-connecting rod mechanism 配气机构 valve timing mechanism供给系 fuel supply system冷却系 cooling system润滑系 lubricating system 点火系 ignition system起动系 starting system底盘 chassis传动系 power train离合器 clutch变速器 gear box传动轴 propeller shaft驱动桥 drive axle行驶系 running gear车架 frame悬架 suspension前轴 front axle桥壳 axle housing转向系 steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向器 steering gear转向传动装置 steering linkage 助力装置 power assisting device 制动系 braking system控制装置 control device供能装置 power supply device传动装置 transfer device制动器 brake车前板制件 front end panels车身壳体bodyshell 附属装置auxiliarydevice货箱carryingplatform 发动机前置后轮驱动(FR)frontenginereardrive 发动机前置前轮驱动(FF)frontenginefrontdrive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR)rearenginereardrive车身壳体 body shell附属装置 auxiliary device货箱 carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动(FR)front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动(FF)front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR)rear engine rear drive 汽缸直径 bore工作容积 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement 进气行程 intake stroke压缩行程 compression stroke压缩比 compression ratio做功行程 working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排气行程 exhaust stroke发动机中置后轮驱动(MR) midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动(nWD) all wheel drive驱动力 tractive force阻力 resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力 gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章发动机工作原理二冲程发动机 two stroke engine四冲程发动机 four stroke engine水冷发动机 water cooled engine风冷发动机 air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点(LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke 示功图 indicating diagram 汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston连杆 connecting rod曲轴 crankshaft飞轮 flywheel进气门 intake valve排气门 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod摇臂 rocker凸轮轴 camshaft正时齿轮 timing gear燃油箱fueltank燃油泵fuelpump汽油滤清器gasolinefilter 化油器carburetor空气滤清器aircleaner进气管intakemanifold排气管exhaustmanifold火花塞sparkplug点火线圈ignitioncoil断电器breaker蓄电池storag燃油箱 fuel tank燃油泵 fuel pump汽油滤清器 gasoline filter 化油器 carburetor空气滤清器 air cleaner进气管 intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火线圈 ignition coil断电器 breaker蓄电池 storage battery发电机 generator水泵 water pump散热器 radiator起动机 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效转矩 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption发动机转速特性 engine speed characteristic 节气门开度 throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic第二章曲柄连杆机构汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner 发动机支承 engine mounting风扇 fan放水阀 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe 机油泵 oil pump集滤器 suction filter限压阀 relief valve润滑油道 oil passage机油滤清器 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler 活塞顶 piston top活塞头部 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt开槽 slot活塞环 piston ring气环 compression ring油环 oil ring环槽 groove活塞销 piston pin主轴承 main bearing主轴承盖 main bearing cap 主轴瓦 main shell连杆轴承 big end bearing连杆盖bigendcap 起动爪crankingclaw 带轮pulley 平衡重counterweight 发火顺序firingorder 扭振减振器torsionalvibrationdamper 第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV)OverHeadValve 顶置凸轮轴(OHC)OverHeadCamshaft连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft 单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil 热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number 过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air 理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control蒸发性 evaporating property多点喷射muti-pointinjection 单点喷射singlepointinjection 电路控制circuitcontrol 分电器信号distributorsignal 空气流量信号airflowsignal 冷却水温信号watertemperaturesignal 第五章柴油机供给系输油泵trans多点喷射 muti-point injection单点喷射 single point injection电路控制 circuit control分电器信号 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供给系输油泵 transfer pump喷油泵 fuel injection pump高压油管 high pressure fuel pipe发火性 ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point备燃期 pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period缓燃期 slow combustion period燃烧室 combustion chamber统一燃烧室 united chamber球形燃烧室 ball shape chamber涡流室 turbulence chamber预燃室 pri-combustion chamber喷油器 injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油阀 delivery valve调速器 governor两速调速器 two speed governor全速调速器 full speed governor定速调速器 fixed speed governor综合调速器 combined governor气动调速器 pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器 mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器 complex governor喷油提前角调节装置 advancer飞块 flyweight联轴节 coupling粗滤清器 primary filter细滤清器 secondary filter涡轮增压器 turbocharger中间冷却器 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系节温器 thermostat防冻液 anti-freezing liquid补偿水桶 compensation reservoirV-带 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循环 big circulation小循环 small circulation散热翅片fins 第八章润滑系润滑剂lubricant 压力润滑pressurelubrication 飞溅润滑splashlubrication 润滑脂grease 机油压力传感器oilpressuresensor 油封oilseal 旁通阀bypassvalve 机油散热器oilcooler 机油尺di散热翅片 fins第八章润滑系润滑剂 lubricant压力润滑 pressure lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑脂 grease机油压力传感器 oil pressure sensor 油封 oil seal旁通阀 bypass valve离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer辛烷值校正器 octane number rectifier中心电极 central electrode侧电极 side electrode瓷绝缘体 ceramic insulator机油散热器 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲轴箱通风 crankcase ventilation 第九章点火系一次绕组 primary winding二次绕组 secondary winding热敏电阻 heat sensitive resistance 点火提前 ignition advance分电器 distributor活动触点 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火头 distributor rotor arm电容器 condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer跳火间隙 spark gap半导体点火系 semi-conductor ignition system 晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system 霍尔效应 Hall effect正极板 anode负极板 cathode隔板 separator电解液 electrolyte蓄电池格 battery cell接线柱 terminal电缆 cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor转子 rotor定子 stator电刷 brush风扇叶轮fanblade 电压调节器voltageregulator 第十章起动系手摇起动cranking 电热塞electricheaterplug 串激直流发电机serialwoundD.C.motor 起动齿圈starterring 电磁操纵机构electro-magneticcontrol 第十一章风扇叶轮 fan blade电压调节器 voltage regulator第十章起动系手摇起动 cranking电热塞 electric heater plug串激直流发电机 serial wound D.C. motor 起动齿圈 starter ring电磁操纵机构 electro-magnetic control 第十一章新型发动机三角活塞 triangular piston转子发动机 rotary engine自转 rotary motion, rotation公转 orbit motion轨迹 trajectory齿轮 gear齿圈 ring gear往复零件 reciprocal parts动平衡 dynamic balance燃气涡轮发动机 gas turbine第十二章汽车传动系自动式传动系 automatic transmission 减速 reduction可变速比 variable ratios有级变速 definite ratios无级变速 indefinite ratios无级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission 一般布置 general layout发动机横置 lateral engine positioning分动器 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离彻底 thorough separation过载 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦衬片 friction liner毂 hub主动部分 driving part从动部分 driven part花键 spline机械式传动系 mechanical transmission 液力机械式传动系 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系 static-hydraulic transmission电力式传动系 electrical transmission 压盘 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever 分离套筒 release sleeve 分离轴承 release bearing主缸mastercylinder 工作缸workingcylinder 分离*releasefork 间隙调整clearanceadjustment 打滑slip 踏板pedal 踏板自由行程pedalfreestroke 踏板工作行程pedalworkingstroke 铆钉,铆接rivet 双片离合器dualdiscc主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离* release fork间隙调整 clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke铆钉,铆接 rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央弹簧离合器 central spring clutch膜片弹簧离合器 diaphragm spring clutch非线性 non-linear第十四章变速器与分动器输入轴(第一轴)input shaft, drive shaft输出轴(第二轴)output shaft, main shaft中间轴 counter shaft倒挡轴 reverse gear shaft常啮合 constant mesh低速挡 low gear高速挡 high gear最高速挡 top gear空挡 neutral gear一挡 the first gear 二挡 the second gear三挡 the third gear倒挡 reverse gear直接挡 direct gear超速挡 overdrive动力输出 power take-off换挡 shift啮合套 sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同步锥面 synchro cone变速杆 shifting lever手柄 handle球铰链 ball joint换挡拨叉 shifting fork自锁 self-lock互锁 inter-lock变速驱动桥 transaxle加力挡 low gear第十五章液力机械传动液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling 泵轮 impeller涡轮 turbine叶片 blade液力变矩器 torque converter导轮stator 行星齿轮系planetarygearsystem 太阳轮sungear 行星轮planetpinion 行星架planetcarrier 齿圈ringgear 第十六章传动轴万向节universaljoint,U-joint 十字轴式万向节CardantypeU-joint 叉子yoke,fork 十导轮 stator 主动(小)齿轮 drive pinion行星齿轮系 planetary gear system太阳轮 sun gear行星轮 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier齿圈 ring gear第十六章传动轴万向节 universal joint, U-joint十字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint叉子 yoke, fork十字轴 spider, center cross滚针轴承 needle bearing滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双联式万向节 dual Cardan type U-joint球*式万向节 Weiss type U-joint球笼式万向节 Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球笼 retainer, ball cage挠性万向节 flexible U-joint无缝钢管 seamless steel tube第十七章驱动桥主减速器 final drive从动(大)齿轮 ring gear伞齿轮 bevel gear双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear单级减速 single reduction双级减速 double reduction贯通式主减速器 penetrable final drive双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive 轮边减速器 wheel reduction差速器 differential半轴齿轮 differential side gear差速锁 differential lock轴间差速器 inter-axle differential lock 托森差速器 torque sensitive differential 半轴 axle shaft全浮式半轴 float type axle shaft半浮式半轴 semi-float type axle shaft桥壳 axle housing桥壳后盖 final drive rear cover第十八章行驶系行驶系 running gear车架 frame车桥,车轴 axle悬架 suspension半履带式汽车semi-caterpillarvehicle 第十九章车架边梁式车架laddertypeframe 纵梁siderail 横梁crossmember 保险杠bumper 托架bracket 支承support 拖钩towhook 中梁式车架backbonetypeframe 桁架式车架latticet半履带式汽车 semi-caterpillar vehicle第十九章车架边梁式车架 ladder type frame纵梁 side rail横梁 cross member保险杠 bumper托架 bracket支承 support拖钩 tow hook中梁式车架 backbone type frame桁架式车架 lattice type frame第二十章车桥和车轮支持桥 support axle 轮辋 rim轮辐 spoke车轮装饰罩 hub cap 轮胎 tyre, tire胎冠 crown, tread 花纹 pattern胎侧 side wall帘布层 cord, ply尼龙,锦纶 nylon带束层 belted layer 内胎 tube垫带 protector转向桥 steering axle桥梁 axle beam工字形断面 I-section转向节 knuckle主销 king pin轮毂 wheel hub转向轮定位 steering wheel alignment 主销后倾 caster主销内倾 king pin inclination前轮外倾 camber前轮前束 toe-in转向驱动桥 steering and driving axle 胎圈 bead气门嘴 bleed valve气门芯 valve core子午线轮胎 radial tire无内胎轮胎 tubeless tire刺穿 puncture备胎 spare tire第二十一章悬架弹性元件 spring, elastic element 减振器 sock absorber导向机构 control device横向稳定器(杆)stabilizer,anti-rollbar 悬架刚度suspensionstiffness 簧载质量sprungmass 非簧载质量unsprungmass 静挠度staticdeformation 独立悬架independentsuspension 车轮上跳(减振器压缩行程)jounce 车横向稳定器(杆)stabilizer, anti-roll bar 悬架刚度 suspension stiffness簧载质量 sprung mass非簧载质量 unsprung mass静挠度 static deformation独立悬架 independent suspension车轮上跳(减振器压缩行程) jounce车轮回跳(减振器伸张行程) rebound双向作用减振器double action shock absorber单向作用减振器single action shock absorber筒式减振器 telescopic shock absorber吊环 link ring工作缸 working cylinder贮油缸 reservoir流通阀(进液阀)intake valve伸张阀 rebound valve压缩阀 compression valve补偿阀 compensation valve充气减振器 gas filled shock absorber压力可调减振器pressure adjustable shock absorber钢板弹簧 leaf spring中心螺栓 central bolt弹簧夹 clip螺旋弹簧 coil spring 扭杆弹簧 torsional bar 囊式空气弹簧 bellow type air spring膜式空气弹簧 diaphragm type air spring 橡胶弹簧 rubber spring卷耳 spring eye吊耳 shackleU形螺栓 U-bolt弹簧盖板 spring plate副簧 auxiliary spring主簧 main spring横臂式悬架 transversal type suspension 双横臂式悬架 double wishbone suspension 转向轴线 steering axis纵摆臂式 trailing arm type滑柱式 strut type麦弗逊式 McPhaeson type平衡悬架 tandem axle suspension第二十二章转向系机械(手动)转向系 manual steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向轴 steering shaft转向柱 steering column转向传动轴 steering drive shaft转向器 steering gear直拉杆draglink 转向节knuckle 转向节臂knucklearm 梯形臂steeringarm 横拉杆tierod 转向轮偏转角关系steeringgeometry 转弯半径turningradius 循环球式转向器recirculatingballsteeringgear 转向螺杆steeringscrew直拉杆 drag link转向节 knuckle转向节臂 knuckle arm梯形臂 steering arm横拉杆 tie rod转向轮偏转角关系 steering geometry转弯半径 turning radius循环球式转向器 recirculating ball steering gear 转向螺杆 steering screw转向螺母 steering nut齿扇 sector齿轮齿条式转向器 rack and pinion steering gear蜗杆曲柄指销式转向器 worm and crankpin steering gear 动力转向 power steering转向油罐 steering reservoir转向油泵 steering oil pump第二十三章制动系鼓式制动器 drum brake制动蹄 brake shoe轮缸 wheel cylinder制动底板 brake base plate调整凸轮 adjustable cam制动蹄回位弹簧 retainer spring领蹄 leading shoe从蹄 trailing shoe盘式制动器 disc brake制动钳 brake calipers制动盘 brake disc液压制动系 fluid braking system制动液 brake fluid制动主缸 master cylinder气压制动系 pneumatic braking system 空气压缩机 air compressor制动气室 brake chamber贮气筒 reservoir制动阀 brake valve气压调节阀 air pressure governor伺服制动系 servo braking system真空助力器 vacuum booster防抱死制动系(ABS) Anti-lock Braking System 辅助制动器 auxiliary brake缓速器 retarder排气制动 exhaust braking第二十四章车身车身壳体 body shell非承载式车身 separate frame construction承载式车身 unitary construction, integral body 发动机舱 engine compartment客厢,乘客室passengercompartment 行李箱trunk 发动机罩hood,bonnet 前翼板frontfender,frontwing 前挡泥板frontfenderapron 前围板dashboard,firewall 前风窗windscreen,windshield 前围cowl,shroud 顶盖roof 地客厢,乘客室 passenger compartment 行李箱 trunk发动机罩 hood, bonnet前翼板 front fender, front wing前挡泥板 front fender apron 暖气装置 heater空调装置 air conditioner 座椅 seat头枕 head restraint安全带 safety seat belt前围板 dash board, fire wall前风窗 windscreen, windshield前围 cowl, shroud顶盖 roof地板 floor panel行李箱盖 trunk lid, deck lid后围板 rear end panel前柱 front pillar, “A” pillar 中柱 center pillar, “B” pillar 后柱 rear pillar, “C” pillar 上边梁 roof rail门槛 rocker panel仪表板 instrument panel遮阳板 sun visor刮水器 wiper后视镜 rear view mirror门锁 door lock玻璃升降器 window regulator密封条 weather strip 钢化玻璃 toughened glass夹层玻璃 laminated glass货箱 carrying platform边板 side board后板 tail board前板 head board地板,底板 floor board栓杆 tightening latch第二十五章附属设备车速表 speedometer里程表 mileage recorder机油压力表 oil pressure gauge 燃油表 fuel gauge水温表 water temperature gauge 电流表 ammeter前大灯 head lamp转向指示灯 turning indicator制动信号灯 braking signal light 报警信号装置 warning signal。
学术英语词汇表 [发动机英语词汇]
学术英语词汇表 [发动机英语词汇][发动机英语词汇]本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!large bore engine 大缸径发动机super-large-bore engine 超大缸径发动机high-output large-bore engine 大功率大缸径发动机large bore 大缸径small-bore engine 小径气缸发动机small bore engine 小径气缸发动机large gas engine 大型气体发动机super-large engine 超大型发动机engine speed; engine rotational frequency 发动机转速lobbying efforts 游说工作monolithic dry clutch 单片干式离合器flywheel 飞轮prototypechassis 底盘after-treatment system 后处理系统power train matching program 动力传动系统匹配方案pneumatic 充气的;有压缩空气操作的,风动的pneumatic impact 气动的pneumatic impact gumstockholderperformance testinginterim 暂时的,临时的,过渡的leverage 利用/运用/借助roll-out plan推出计划,首度发行计划Most traders prefer to buy in bulk to save on costs、多数商人喜欢成批购买,以便节省成本。
an in-person meeting 一次面对面的会议lead time 订货到交货时间advance payment 预付款 down paymentvet 审查; 调查;检查;诊疗inaugural 就职的, 就任的[ɪn ’ɔ:gjər əl]contractual 合同的, 契约的underway 在进行中的affirmation 肯定;确认,证实;批准fiscal 财政的;Base calipationSCR dosingdefinitive 决定性的, 明确的, 权威性的, 不能或不必改变的*di’finitiv]homologation 法规认证,正式确认support and fulfill vehicle/system homologation audit and declare、支持并完成整车、零部件总成的国家法规验收及申报工作;homologation test 鉴定试验dyno testretrofit 式样翻新cab 驾驶室drive 驱动Bank note 银票机加工machining机加工线machining line融资优惠政策分阶段 a phased approach动力性和经济性分析 Performance and Fuel Economy AnalysisPerformance and fuel economy / 动力性和燃油经济性Product Configuration / 产品配置Sales Volume Estimation / 销售量估计exemption 免除; 免 exemptcircumvent 设法克服或避免; 回避[sɜ:kəm’vent+They opened an office apoad in order to circumvent the tax laws、国家发改委 National Development and Reform mission displacement 排量medium and heavy duty engine 中重载发动机heavy duty engine重载发动机power densityDurability & Reliability / 耐久性和可靠性功率段 power range功率 power功率 ratingTorque range 扭矩B10寿命 B10 Lifespecific duty cycle 应用工况in terms of fuel consumption, high efficiencyHD truck duty cycle 重卡的工况数据Transmission 变速箱,变速器Cargo 载货Tractor 牵引Dump 自卸Mixer 搅拌Overload 超载Rear axle ratio 后桥速比油耗 fuel consumption匀速最高档 const speed highest gear匀速次高档 const speed2nd highest gear387 hp simulation show results closer to WP10、加速时间 acceleration timehigher torque 高扭矩Fuel consumption is at the same level of MF10E5387hp\ 油耗与MF10 欧五387马力机型相当 Preliminary Cost Estimation初步成本估算Localized Cost 地产化的成本Crankcase, Cylinder Head imported 缸体,缸盖进口Sensor/传感器Fuel System/燃油系统Package 外形limit to50 ton限于50吨内petitive 有竞争力Euro Emissions 欧洲排放Timing to market 投放市场时间Better fit to customer needs 更好满足客户需求Cost petitiveness 成本竞争优势Proposed ratings推荐功率CuZe coating & Dosing Calipation 铜基后处理和标定Medium to heavy duty/ 中载至重载Up to40 ton/最大至40吨Rating up to270 hp/最大功率至270马力分阶段,分阶段方法 a phased approachI am sorry for the hectic schedule、waives the two-week windowwaiver of two week windowTransfer of Assets 资产的转让JAC’s R epresentations and Warranties 江淮的陈述和保证Applicable law and dispute resolutionAssets evaluation reportArticles of Association公司章程Technology License AgreementTrademark Agreementpliance Agreement 合规协议Technical Services AgreementBuilding Lease 房屋租赁Whole Engine Parts Supply Sourcing Agreement Employee Transfer AgreementSecondment AgreementAgreement to Assume Employment ContractsJV Employee HandbookLand Use Rights GrantWaiver Conditions豁免条件land grant contractland conversion and grant documentspricing 定价MOF 商务部initialed each page 草签了每页Product design and specifications 产品设计和规格Sales volume forecast 采购量预测Packaging 包装title and risk of lost 所有权和损失风险warranty and product liability 质保和产品责任tooling 模具facility inspection 设施检查pliance requirements 遵纪守法条款force majeure 不可抗力term and termination 有效期和终止a Party 一方“Application Sign-off”“应用设计确认”“Bill of Material” “材料单”bill of quantities 数量清单a list of all the ponents that are incorporated into a Whole Engine所有组装到一个整机上的零部件清单“Bought-Out ponent” “外购零部件”“Factory Cost” “工厂成本”actual direct material cost 实际直接材料成本 direct labor costs直接劳动力成本allocation of direct departmental overhead and utilities necessary to run the facility where the 制造或组装整机或零部件的设施所必须的直接部门管理费用和基础设施费用分摊sum 总数,总和a sum of之和departmental overhead部门管理费用“Firm Forecast” “固定预测”volume mitment by JAC to the Engine JV for the purchase of Whole Engines from the Engine JV 承诺intellectual property rights 知识产权any or all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, and/or expenses 任何或所有的索赔、责任、损失、费用、损害赔偿和/或开支loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of business opportunity利润损失、收入损失、商业机会损失“Product Liability Claim” “产品责任索赔”“Purchase Order” “订单”from time to time随时“Rolling Forecast” “滚动预测”on an on-going basis持续unless otherwise specifiedcessation 停止,中断cessation of Production停止生产startability 起动性能drivability 驾驶性能exhaust system排气系统intake system进气系统the introduction of each new Whole Engine model引进新型整机emission certification排放认证预期的产量、启动费用、地产化程度expected volume, start up expenses, degree of localization petitiveness of Products产品的竞争性每次交货each shipment of the Productspayment Period付款期限disputed Invoice有争议的发票suspension of Performance中止履行offset 抵消No Offset不得抵扣minimum Volume最低采购量Shipping 运输Late Delivery延迟交货Customs Declarations海关申报defective Products 缺陷产品pre-assembly inspection组装前检查tooling, jigs, fixtures模具、夹具、设置missioning 试运转, 调试Tooling which has been amortized and fully paid for by the Buyer in the Price of Productsbees the property of the Buyer当模具的费用已分摊到产品的价格中且已由买方全额支付时,该等模具将归买方所有upon five Days advance written noticeadverse effect不利影响agree to settlement和解amicable Settlement协商解决technology, production techniques技术、生产工艺non-disclosure 不得披露arbitrary 随意的,主观的You can make an arbitrary choice、你可以随便作选择Arbitration 仲裁Severability 部分无效Entirety of Agreement完整性Assignment 转让null and void无效的Survival 继续有效Supply Agreement Terms Detail供应协议详细条款quality, performance, form, fit, and function质量、性能、外形、匹配和功能transform 改造Reimbursable Costs应偿付成本SOW 工作说明Diligent Efforts尽职尽力Good Faith善意行事Payment Term付款条款assets transfer and contribution agreement 资产转让和出资协议Recitals 序言including production equipment, inventory, consumables and work in progress包括生产设备、存货、易耗品和加工中的物品The Assets exclude accounts payable and accounts receivable、资产不包括应收款及应付款“债务” “l iabilities”“Liabilities” shall mean losses, demands, claims, liabilities, obligations, causes of action, assessments, damages, fines, penalties and expenses“债务”系指损失、要求、索赔、责任、义务、诉讼事由、征收款项、损害赔偿、罚金、罚款和费用“Pre-JV Joint Steering mittee” “合资前联合管理委员会”“SASAC” “国资委”appraise 估价,估计,评价assets have been appraised by an appraisal firm in the PRC qualified for appraisal ofstate-owned assets一家具备国有资产评估资质的评估机构进行评估obsolete 过时的,已不用的,被废弃的obsolete raw materials被淘汰的原材料出资通知Contribution Noticefulfillment or waiver实现或被放弃debts or accounts payable of JAC; 江淮的负债或应付帐款;the execution of this Agreement; 签署本协议appraisal result of the Assets资产评估结果such releases have been filed or recorded with the relevant government authorities该等解除已向有关政府机构报备或登记Exhibits 附件专利 patentcontingent 可能发生的,可能的,有条件的contingency 意外,意外事故;可能,可能性;偶然,偶然性;临时费,应急费,意外费用We must always be prepared for any contingency、A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected、库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的。
航空英语专业词汇UNIT 1Engine Failure 发动机故障PART 1 Phraseology 专业术语1.engine trouble (failure) 发动机故障2.engine shutdown 发动机停车3.to overheat, to over-temp 超温4.engine flame out 发动机熄火,停车5.engine runs smoothly 发动机工作稳定6.engine runs rough 发动机工作不稳7.engine is low on power 发动机马力低(马力上不去)8.engine surge 发动机喘振9.thrust reversers 反喷装置10.bird,water ingestion 发动机吸进了鸟和水11.vibration 振动12.aborted engine start 发动机起动中断13.loss of all engines 全部发动机停车(失效)14.engine fire, severe damage or separation 发动机着火严重损失或分离15.engine inflight start 发动机空中起动16.stalled engine 失速的发动机PART 2 Examples 实用例句1. Request priority landing at Fuzhou Airport due to engine failure.由于发动机失效,我们请求在福州优先落地。
2. Engine No.2 is overheating, probably due to bird ingestion on take-offRequest priority landing .二发超温,可能是起飞时进了鸟,请求优先落地。
3. No. 4 engine flameout after take-off, Request to return to land with one inoperative.起飞后第四发动机熄火,请求一发失效返航着陆。
large bore engine 大缸径发动机super-large-bore engine 超大缸径发动机high-output large-bore engine 大功率大缸径发动机large bore 大缸径small-bore engine 小径气缸发动机small bore engine 小径气缸发动机large gas engine 大型气体发动机super-large engine 超大型发动机engine speed; engine rotational frequency 发动机转速lobbying efforts 游说工作monolithic dry clutch 单片干式离合器flywheel 飞轮prototypechassis 底盘after-treatment system 后处理系统power train matching program 动力传动系统匹配方案pneumatic 充气的;有压缩空气操作(推动)的,风动的pneumatic impact 气动的pneumatic impact gumstockholderperformance testinginterim 暂时的,临时的,过渡的leverage 利用/运用/借助roll-out plan推出计划,首度发行计划Most traders prefer to buy in bulk to save on costs.多数商人喜欢成批购买,以便节省成本。
an in-person meeting 一次面对面的会议lead time 订货到交货时间advance payment 预付款down paymentvet 审查(某人过去的记录、资格等);调查;检查;诊疗inaugural 就职的, 就任的D.J.[ɪn’ɔ:gjərəl]contractual 合同(性)的,契约(性)的underway 在进行中的affirmation 肯定;确认,证实;批准fiscal 财政的;Base calibrationSCR dosingdefinitive 决定性的, 明确的, 权威性的, 不能或不必改变的*di’finitiv] homologation 法规认证,正式确认support and fulfill vehicle/system homologation audit and declare.支持并完成整车、零部件总成的国家法规验收及申报工作;homologation test 鉴定试验dyno testretrofit 式样翻新cab 驾驶室drive 驱动Bank note 银票机加工machining机加工线machining line融资优惠政策分阶段 a phased approach动力性和经济性分析Performance and Fuel Economy AnalysisPerformance and fuel economy / 动力性和燃油经济性Product Configuration / 产品配置Sales Volume Estimation / 销售量估计exemption (义务等的)免除;免(税) exemptcircumvent 设法克服或避免(某事物);回避[sɜ:kəm’vent+They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.国家发改委National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)displacement排量medium and heavy duty engine 中重载发动机heavy duty engine重载发动机power densityDurability & Reliability / 耐久性和可靠性功率段power range (hp)功率power功率ratingTorque range 扭矩B10寿命B10 Life (km)specific duty cycle 应用工况in terms of fuel consumption, high efficiencyHD truck duty cycle 重卡的工况数据(工况信息)Transmission 变速箱,变速器Cargo 载货Tractor 牵引Dump 自卸Mixer 搅拌Overload 超载Rear axle ratio 后桥速比油耗fuel consumption匀速最高档const speed highest gear匀速次高档const speed 2nd highest gear387 hp simulation show results closer to WP10.加速时间acceleration timehigher torque 高扭矩Fuel consumption is at the same level of MF10 E5 387hp\ 油耗与MF10 欧五387马力机型相当Preliminary Cost Estimation初步成本估算Localized Cost 地产化的成本Crankcase, Cylinder Head imported (Machining = 80% of Casting, 15% freight, 5% import duty) 缸体,缸盖进口(机加工=80%铸件,15%运输,5%关税)Sensor/传感器Fuel System/燃油系统Package 外形limit to 50 ton限于50吨内Competitive 有竞争力Euro Emissions 欧洲排放Timing to market 投放市场时间Better fit to customer needs 更好满足客户需求Cost competitiveness 成本竞争优势Proposed ratings推荐功率CuZe coating & Dosing Calibration 铜基后处理和标定Medium to heavy duty/ 中载至重载Up to 40 ton/最大至40吨Rating up to 270 hp/最大功率至270马力分阶段,分阶段方法a phased approachI am sorry for the hectic schedule.waives the two-week windowwaiver of two week windowTransfer of Assets 资产的转让JAC’s Representations and Warranti es 江淮的陈述和保证Applicable law and dispute resolutionAssets evaluation reportArticles of Association公司章程Technology License AgreementTrademark AgreementCompliance Agreement 合规协议Technical Services AgreementBuilding Lease 房屋租赁Whole Engine Parts Supply Sourcing AgreementEmployee Transfer AgreementSecondment AgreementAgreement to Assume Employment ContractsJV Employee HandbookLand Use Rights GrantWaiver Conditions豁免条件land grant contractland conversion and grant documentspricing 定价MOFCOM 商务部initialed each page 草签了每页May need file with Hefei AIC.Product design and specifications 产品设计和规格Sales volume forecast 采购量预测Packaging 包装title and risk of lost 所有权和损失风险warranty and product liability 质保和产品责任tooling 模具facility inspection 设施检查compliance requirements 遵纪守法条款force majeure 不可抗力term and termination 有效期和终止a Party (or its Affiliates) 一方(或其关联方)“Application Sign-off”“应用设计确认”“Bill of Material”“材料单”bill of quantities 数量清单a list of all the components that are incorporated into a Whole Engine所有组装到一个整机上的零部件清单“Bought-Out Component”“外购零部件”“Factory Cost”“工厂成本”actual direct material cost (including cost of packaging) 实际直接材料成本(包括包装成本)direct labor costs直接劳动力成本allocation of direct departmental overhead and utilities necessary to run the facility where the Whole Engine or Parts are machined, manufactured, or assembled为运行用于加工、制造或组装整机或零部件的设施所必须的直接部门管理费用和基础设施费用分摊sum 总数,总和a sum of之和departmental overhead部门管理费用“Firm Forecast”“固定预测”volume commitment by JAC to the Engine JV for the purchase of Whole Engines from the Engine JV承诺intellectual property rights 知识产权any or all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, and/or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) 任何或所有的索赔、责任、损失、费用、损害赔偿和/或开支(包括合理的律师费)loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of business opportunity利润损失、收入损失、商业机会损失“Product Liability Claim”“产品责任索赔”“Purchase Order”“订单”from time to time随时“Rolling Forecast”“滚动预测”on an on-going basis持续unless otherwise specifiedcessation (暂时) 停止,中断cessation of Production停止生产startability 起动性能drivability驾驶性能exhaust system排气系统intake system进气系统the introduction of each new Whole Engine model引进新型整机emission certification排放认证预期的产量、启动费用、地产化程度expected volume, start up expenses, degree of localization competitiveness of Products产品的竞争性每次交货each shipment of the Productspayment Period付款期限disputed Invoice有争议的发票suspension of Performance中止履行offset 抵消No Offset不得抵扣minimum Volume最低采购量Shipping运输Late Delivery延迟交货Customs Declarations海关申报defective Products 缺陷产品pre-assembly inspection组装前检查tooling, jigs, fixtures模具、夹具、设置commissioning 试运转,调试Tooling which has been amortized and fully paid for by the Buyer in the Price of Products becomes the property of the Buyer当模具的费用已分摊到产品的价格中且已由买方全额支付时,该等模具将归买方所有upon five (5) Days advance written noticeadverse effect不利影响agree to settlement和解amicable Settlement协商解决technology, production techniques技术、生产工艺non-disclosure不得披露arbitrary 随意的,主观的You can make an arbitrary choice.你可以随便作选择Arbitration仲裁Severability部分无效Entirety of Agreement完整性Assignment转让null and void无效的Survival继续有效Supply Agreement Terms Detail供应协议详细条款quality, performance, form, fit, and function质量、性能、外形、匹配和功能transform 改造Reimbursable Costs应偿付成本SOW工作说明Diligent Efforts尽职尽力Good Faith善意行事Payment Term付款条款assets transfer and contribution agreement 资产转让和出资协议Recitals序言including production equipment, inventory, consumables and work in progress包括生产设备、存货、易耗品和加工中的物品The Assets exclude accounts payable and accounts receivable. 资产不包括应收款及应付款“债务”“l iabilities”“Liabilities” shall mean losses, demands, claims, liabilities, obligations, causes of action, assessments, damages, fines, penalties and expenses“债务”系指损失、要求、索赔、责任、义务、诉讼事由、征收款项、损害赔偿、罚金、罚款和费用“Pre-JV Joint Steering Committee”“合资前联合管理委员会”“SASAC”“国资委”appraise 估价,估计,评价assets have been appraised by an appraisal firm in the PRC qualified for appraisal ofstate-owned assets一家具备国有资产评估资质的评估机构进行评估obsolete 过时的,已不用的,被废弃的obsolete raw materials被淘汰的原材料出资通知Contribution Noticefulfillment or waiver实现或被放弃debts or accounts payable of JAC; 江淮的负债或应付帐款;the execution of this Agreement; 签署本协议appraisal result of the Assets资产评估结果such releases have been filed or recorded with the relevant government authorities该等解除已向有关政府机构报备或登记Exhibits附件专利patentcontingent 可能发生的,可能的,有条件的contingency 意外,意外事故;可能,可能性;偶然,偶然性;临时费,应急费,意外费用We must always be prepared for any contingency.A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected.库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的。
发动机分类1 往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine2 化油器式发动机carburetor engine3 转子发动机rotary engine4 旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine5 二冲程发动机two-stroke engine6 四冲程发动机four-stroke engine7 增压式发动机supercharged engine8 风冷式发动机air-cooled engine9 油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine10 水冷式发动机water-cooled engine11 自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine12 煤气机gas engine13 液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine14 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine15 多种燃料发动机multifuel engine16 石油发动机hydrocarbon engine17 双燃料发动机duel fuel engine18 热球式发动机hot bulb engine19 多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine20 对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine21 对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine22 十字头型发动机cross head engine23 直列式发动机in-line engine24 星型发动机radial engine25 筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine26 斯特林发动机stirling engine27 套阀式发动机knight engine28 气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenged engine29 倾斜式发动机slant engine30 前置式发动机front-engine31 后置式发动机rear-engine32 中置式发动机central engine33 左侧发动机left-hand engine34 右侧发动机right-hand engine35 短冲程发动机oversquare engine36 长冲程发动机undersquare engine37 等径程发动机square engine38 顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine39 双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine40 V形发动机V-engine41 顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine42 侧置气门发动机side valve engine43 无气门发动机valveless engine44 多气门发动机multi-valve engine45 卧式发动机horizontal engine46 斜置式发动机inclined engine47 立式发动机vertical engine48 W形发动机w-engine49 I形发动机I-engine50 L形发动机L-engine51 F形发动机F-engine52 原机Engine prototype发动机性能53 二冲程循环two-stroke cycle54 四冲程循环four-stroke cycle55 狄塞尔循环diesel cycle56 奥托循环otto cycle57 混合循环mixed cycle58 定容循环constant volume cycle59 工作循环working cycle60 等压循环constant pressure cycle61 理想循环ideal cycle62 热力循环thermodynamic cycle63 冲程stroke64 活塞行程piston stroke65 长行程long stroke66 上行程up stroke67 下行程down stroke68 进气行程intake stroke69 充气行程charging stroke70 压缩行程compression stroke71 爆炸行程explosion stroke72 膨胀行程expansion stroke73 动力行程power stroke74 排气行程exhaust stroke75 膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke76 换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke77 上止点top dead center(upper dead center)78 下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)79 上止点前budc(before upper dead center)80 上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)81 下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)82 下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)83 排气量displacement84 发动机排量engine displacement85 活塞排量piston swept volume86 气缸容量cylinder capacity87 单室容量single-chamber capacity88 容积法volumetry89 压缩比compression ratio90 临界压缩比critical compression ratio91 膨胀比expansion ratio92 面容比surface to volume ratio93 行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio94 混合比mixture ratio95 压缩压力compression pressure96 制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)97 空燃比air fuel ratio98 燃空比fuel air ratio99 燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio100 扭矩torque101 单缸功power per cylinder102 升功率power per liter103 升扭矩torque per liter104 升质量mass per liter105 减额功率derating power106 输出马力shaft horsepower107 马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour108 总马力gross horse power109 总功率gross power110 净功率net power111 燃油消耗量fuel consumption112 比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption113 空气消耗率air consumption114 机油消耗量oil consumption115 有效马力net horse power116 额定马力rated horse power117 马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor118 制动功率brake horse power119 制动热效率brake thermal efficiency120 总效率overall efficiency121 排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower122 功率曲线power curve123 机械损失mechanical loss124 机械效率mechanical efficiency125 有效热效率effective thermal efficiency126 充气系数volumetric efficiency127 过量空气系数coefficient of excess air128 适应性系数adaptive coefficient129 扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility130 转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient 131 强化系数coefficient of intensification132 校正系数correction factor133 换算系数conversion factor134 活塞平均速度mean piston speed135 发动机转速engine speed (rotational frequency) 136 充量(进气)charge137 旋转方向direction of rotation138 顺时针clockwise139 逆时针counter-clockwise140 左转left-hand rotation141 右转right-hand rotation142 发动机性能engine performance143 加载性能loading performance144 起动性能starting performance145 加速性能acceleration performance146 动力性能power performance147 排放性能emission performance148 燃油经济性Fuel economy149 排放Exhaust emissions150 大的燃烧噪声Large combustion noise151 预混合燃烧Premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧Diffusion combustion153 大的EGR率Heavy EGR154 推迟喷油时间Retarding the injection timing, 155 推迟喷油时间Delaying the fuel injection timing, 156 燃烧激振力Combustion excitation forces (CPL) 157 CO2排放Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions158 温室气体Greenhouse gas159 热效率Thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室Auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟Black smoke162 Nox氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides163 PM颗粒物Particulate matter164 EGR废气再循环Exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统The fuel injection system166 在低负荷区In the low load region167 气缸压力The cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角The crank angle169 1/3倍频程1/3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷Full load171 部分负荷Partial load172 声压级Sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩Engine torque174 燃烧噪声Combustion noise175 机械噪声Mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的Turbocharged177 涡轮增压器Turbocharger178 着火燃迟期The ignition delay period179 喷油泵The fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机Intercooled turbocharged diesel181 碳化氢Hydrocarbon (HC)182 进气管几何尺寸Intake port geometry183 水平轴Horizontal axis184 声功率Sound power level185 竖直轴Vertical axis186 辐射噪声Radiation noise187 发动机测功机engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷Idling to a medium-load189 振幅Amplitude190 气缸体振动Cylinder block vibration191 声压级Sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角In relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力The maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率The cylinder pressure gradient195 共轨系统Common-rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器variable nozzle turbocharger197 引导喷射pilot injection198 4气门DOHC系统4-valve DOHC system199 计算机辅助工程CAE computer-aided engineering200 固有噪声Born noise201 侧面挠度lateral bending202 排气岐管exhaust manifold203 进气岐管intake manifold204 交流发电机alternator205 齿轮箱gear case206 供油泵supply pump207 起动机starter208 共振频率resonance frequency209 气缸压力快速升高率the rapid rising rate of cylinder pressure 210 主喷量和主喷时间main injection volume, timing211 共轨油压fuel pressure in a common-rail212 放热率heat release ratio213 步进电机step-motor214 频谱图frequency spectrum map215 油膜oil film216 机械噪声mechanical noise217 识别identify218 变量variable219 隔离声音的传播途径Isolate sound transmission routes 220 衰减Attenuation221 半消声室Semi-ane choic chamber222 系数Coefficient223 正时带Timing belt224 台架实验Bench test225 气门驱动凸轮Valve-drive cam226 传递系数Transfer coefficient227 矢量vector228 气穴现象Cavitation229 微处理器microprocessor230 执行器actuator231 电控泵electronically controlled pump构造232 气缸盖cylinder head233 气缸体cylinder block234 整体铸造cast inblock (cast enblock)235 发动机罩engine bonnet236 气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib237 气缸cylinder238 示功图indicator chart/diagram239 缸体(转子机)stator240 缸径cylinder bore241 气缸体机架cylinder block frame242 配气机构箱valve mechanism casing243 气缸体隔片cylinder spacer244 气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket245 气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket246 气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)247 干式缸套dry cylinder liner248 湿式缸套wet cylinder liner249 气缸水套water jacket250 膨胀塞expansion plug251 防冻塞freeze plug252 气缸壁cylinder wall253 环脊ring ridge254 排气口exhaust port255 中间隔板intermediate bottum256 导板guideway257 创成半径(转子机)generating radius258 缸体宽度(转子机)operating width259 燃烧室combustion bowl260 浅盆形缩口燃烧室shallow reentrant combustion chamber 261 主燃烧室main combustion chamber262 副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber263 预燃室prechamber264 涡流燃烧室` swirl combustion chamber265 分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber266 涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber267 半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber268 浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamber269 L 形燃烧室L-combustion chamber270 楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber271 开式燃烧室open combustion chamber272 封闭喷射室closed spray chamber273 活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber274 爆发室explosion chamber275 燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber276 发动机托架engine holding frame engine277 动力机装置power unit278 直喷柴油机DI(direct-injection)diesel engine279 非直喷柴油机IDI(Indirect-injection)diesel engine 280 动力传动系power train281 连杆connecting rod282 油底壳oil pan283 活塞销piston pin284 气缸套cylinder bore285 凸轮齿cam gear286 空气室energy chamber287 气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume288 燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume289 气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume290 压缩室compression chamber291 外径major diameter292 中径pitch diameter293 内径minor diameter294 径向间隙radial clearance295 两极调速器limiting_speed governor296 特性297 空转特性no load characteristics298 负荷特性part throttle characteristics(汽油机)load characteristics299 调速特性governor control characteristics300 万有特性mapping characteristics301 稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate工况302 怠速转速idling speed303 经济转速economic speed304 起动转速starting speed305 最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load306 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque307 最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed308 调速speed governing309 超速overspeed310 怠速idling311 转速波动率speed fluctuation rate312 工况working condition(operating mode)313 额定工况declared working condition314 变工况variable working condition315 稳定工况steady working condition316 空载no-load317 全负荷full load318 超负荷overload319 部分负荷part load320 怠速控制idling-speed control321 怠速工况idling condition322 起动工况starting condition323 起动转速cranking speed324 急减速工况abrupt decreasing condition325 加速工况accelerating condition326 驻车park327 调速Speed governing328 应急[跛行]模式limp-in mode排放329 Emission Standards in the EU 欧洲排放标准330 Fuel Quality 燃油质量331 Conformity of Production (COP) 生产一致性检测332 Fuel Consumption 燃油消耗333 Exhaust Emission Measurement 排放检测334 tailpipe 排气管335 Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳336 emissions of crankcase gases 曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量337 Ageing test 耐久性试验338 EPEFE = European Program on Emssions, Fuels and Engine Technologies 欧洲的排放、燃油及发339 动机技术项目340 fuel properties 燃油质量341 Car Manufacturers 汽车制造商342 Impact of vehicle emissions on air quality 排放对空气质量的影响343 Cetane no. 十六烷值344 Evaporation characteristic 蒸发特性345 Sulfur-free Fuels 无硫燃油346 Testcycle 测试循环347 NEDC = New European Driving Cycle 新的欧洲标准测试循环348 Loading of charcoal canister 炭罐吸附349 preconditioning (PC) 预处理350 ESC=European steady state cycle 稳态循环351 ELR=European load response test 负荷烟度试验352 ETC=European transient cycle瞬态循环353 EEV=Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle 环境友好汽车354 ambient temperature 环境温度355 λ-sensor λ传感器356 exceeding emission limits) 排放超出限值357 Roadworthiness-Tests 道路适应性检测358at free acceleration 在自由加速工况下359 catalyst 催化转化器360 natural aspirated 自然吸气机型361 turbo charged 涡轮增压机型362 Emission Control Technologies 排放控制技术363 Three-way catalyst 三元催化转化器364 catalyst coating 催化转化器涂层365 secondary air injection 二次空气喷366 exhaust gas recirculation 排气再循环系统367 oxidation catalyst 氧化催化转化器368 piezo injection valves 压电式喷油阀369 PowerStations 发电机组370 Anthropogenic 人为因素371 ACEA = European Car Manufacturer Association 欧洲汽车制造商协会372 Target corridor 标范围373 Target value目标值374 CFV 临界流量文丘里管(Critical flow venturi)375 CLD 化学发光检测器(Chemiluminescent detector)376 FID 氢火焰离子化检测器(Flame ionisation detector)377 GC 气相色谱仪(Gas chromatograph)378 HCLD 加热式化学发光检测器(Heated chemiluminescent detector)379 HFID 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(Heated flame ionisation detector)380 LPG 液化石油气(Liquefied petroleum gas)381 NDIR 不分光红外线分析仪(Non-dispersive infrared analyzer)382 NG 天然气(Natural gas)383 NMC 非甲烷截止器(Non-methane cutter)384 Rated power 额定功率。
A(engine type) liquid cooled, in-line, 4cylinder, carb (发动机型号)水冷,直列,四缸,化油器式(engine) compression ratio (发动机)压缩比(engine) displacement (发动机)排量(engine) fuel (发动机)燃料13-mode 13工况3rd gear 三档齿轮3-way seat 三向座椅4WD control device 四轮驱动控制装置4WD indicator switch 四轮驱动指示灯开关4WD lamp electrical connection 四轮驱动指示灯接线4WD switch 四轮驱动开关5th synchromesh assy. 五档同步器总成6PK belt 6PK 多楔驱动皮带A / C compressor assembly 空调压缩机总成A / C control assembly 空调控制装置A/C & heater assy. 空调加热器总成A/C blower 空调鼓风机A/C clutch 空调压缩机离合器A/C compressor MTG bracket 空调压缩机安装支架A/C control assy. 空调控制器A/C housing assy. 空调箱总成A/C low pressure switch 空调低压开关A/C mode select switch 空调状态选择开关abdomen performance criterion 腹部性能指标Abdominal Peak Force 腹部力峰值ABS 防抱死制动系统acceleration fuel system 加速系统acceleration running noise level 加速行驶噪声accelerator interlocking type 加速踏板联锁式accounting foundation 财政基础Actual cycle work 实际循环功Actual torso angle 实际躯干角adapter 连接器additional features 附加装置additional rule 附加法规adjust screw 调整螺钉adjuster cable 调整拉线adjuster plug 调整盖adjuster screw assy. 调整螺栓总成adjuster washer 调整棘片adjuster, diff. bearing 差速器轴承调整螺母Adjustment system 调节装置Administration and Registration Division 管理科Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts Which Can Be Fitted and/or Be Used on Wheeled Vehicles and the Conditions for Reciprocal Recognition of Approvals Granted on the Basis of These Prescriptions关于对轮式车辆、安装和/或用于轮式车辆的装备和部件采用统一条件并相互认可基于上述条件批准的协定书Agreement Regulations 协定法规air cleaner 空气滤清器air cleaner assy. 空气滤清器总成air cleaner cartridge 空气滤清器滤芯Air compressor 空压机air condition compressor 空调压缩机air direct 空气走向air filter 空气滤清器air flow 空气流向Air flow meter 空气流量计air jet 空气量孔air metering hole 空气量孔air path 气道Air Pressure of Tire 轮胎气压Air type 空气型air valve 空气阀air-cooled 风冷Aisles 通道Alcohol 酒精all bearing 球轴承alternater bracket 发动机支架alternator 交流发电机alterntor assembly 交流发电机总成alumininum-rim 铝合金钢圈alumininum opposed model 铝制对开式AM/FM cassette stereo radio 调幅/调频立体声收放机ambulance 救护车Amended by 修正文amount of exhaust emission 排气排放量Amplitude resolution 幅度分辨率Analogue magnetic recorder 模拟式磁记录仪ANAL YZER 分析仪anchor plate, brake caliper 制动钳安装支架Anchorage 座椅固定装置Angle of divergence 偏离角Angle of rotation 旋转角angles drift off vertical line 指针偏离垂直线的角度Angular diameter of the retro-reflecting device 回复反射装置的角直径annex 附件Announcement 公告anti, shutdown screw 防不灭车调整螺钉Antilock Brake System 防抱死制动系统appendix 附录Applicable motor vehicle 适用机动车Applicable scope 适用范围applicant 申请人application 申请application for notification 认可申(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。
汽车英语单词大全100个1、Engine 发动机。
2、Transmission 变速器。
3、Brake 刹车。
4、Wheel 车轮。
5、Tire 轮胎。
6、Suspension 悬挂。
7、Body 车身。
8、Door 门。
9、Window 窗户。
10、Windshield 挡风玻璃。
11、Tailpipe 排气管。
12、Exhaust 排气系统。
13、Engine Block 发动机缸体。
14、Sparkplug 电火花塞。
15、Oil Filter 机油滤清器。
16、Air Filter 空气滤清器。
17、Transmission Fluid 变速器油。
18、Coolant 冷却液。
19、Radiator 散热器。
20、Alternator 交流发电机。
21、Battery 电池。
22、Ignition 点火装置。
23、Headlight 前大灯。
24、Taillight 尾灯。
25、Turn Signal 转向灯。
26、Foglight 雾灯。
27、Dashboard 仪表板。
28、Console 控制台。
29、Steering Wheel 方向盘。
30、Accelerator 加速踏板。
31、Brake Pedal 刹车踏板。
32、Gearshift 换挡杆。
33、Door Handle 车门把手。
34、Windshield Wiper 雨刷器。
35、Seat 座椅。
36、Airbag 安全气囊。
37、Speedometer 速度表。
38、Odometer 行程表。
39、Gas Gauge 油量表。
40、Tachometer 转速表。
41、Shifter 变速器换挡杆。
42、Suspension Spring 悬挂弹簧。
43、Leaf Spring 钢板弹簧。
44、Rack and Pinion 转向齿条和齿轮。
45、Starter 起动机。
46、Clutch 离合器。
47、Sprocket 链轮或齿圈。
航空发动机专业英语词汇大全,值得收藏!2016-01-29航佳技术飞机维修砖家Part 1Para. 1gas turbine engine燃气涡轮发动机aircraft 飞机,飞行器(单复同形)power plant 发动机,动力装置appreciate 理解,意思到prior to 在…之前propulsion 推进reaction 反作用jet 喷气, 喷射, 喷气发动机designer 设计师initially 最初,开始时unsuitability 不适应性piston engine 活塞发动机airflow 空气流present 带来, 产生obstacle 障碍Para. 2patent 专利, 获得专利jet propulsionengine 喷气推进发动机athodyd 冲压式喷气发动机heat resistingmaterial 耐热材料develop 研究出,研制出in the secondplace 其次inefficient 效率底的ram jet, ramjet冲压式喷气发动机conception 构想, 设计,概念Para. 3grant 授予propulsive jet 推进喷射turbo-jet engine 涡轮喷气发动机turbojetturbo-propellerengine涡轮螺桨发动机turbopropVickers Viscountaircraft 维克斯子爵式飞机be fitted with 配备term 术语, 称为, 叫做twin-spool engine 双转子发动机triple-spoolengine三转子发动机by-pass engine 双涵道发动机ducted fan 涵道风扇发动机unducted fan (UDF)无涵道风扇发动机propfan 桨扇发动机inevitable 不可避免的, 必然的p.4propeller 螺旋桨basic principle 基本原理effect 产生propel 推进solely 单独, 只thrust 推力p.5popularly 普遍地, 一般地pulse jet 脉动式喷气发动机turbo/ram jet 涡轮冲压式喷气发动机turbo-rocket 涡轮火箭p.6accelerate 加速acceleration 加速度apparatus 装置, 机器slipstream 滑流p.7momentum 动量issue 冒出to impart M to N 把M给与N revolve 旋转p.8whirl 旋转sprinkler 喷水器mechanism 机构by [in] virtue of 依靠hose 软管afford 提供carnival 狂欢节p.9definitely 确切地, 明确地assume 想象, 以为expel 排出, 驱逐propulsiveefficiency 推进效率Page 3p.10differ 不同convert 转换p.11thermodynamic 热动力的divergent 扩散diverge 扩散convergent 收敛converge收敛entry 进气段exit 排气管kinetic energy 动能air intake 空气进口diverging duct 扩散管道outlet duct 排气管missile 导弹target vehicle 靶机p.12intermittentcombustion 间断式燃烧aerodynamic 空气动力的involve 具有robust 结实的, 坚固的inlet valve 进气阀inject 喷入eject 喷出depression 降压, 减压exhaust 排气cycle 循环helicopter rotorpropulsion 直升飞机旋翼驱动器dispense with 省去, 无需resonate 共振resonating cycle 共振循环fuel consumption 燃油消耗equal 比得上performance 性能p.13decompose 分解p.14inherent 固有的draw 吸入p.15arrangement 结构simplicity 简单性subsequent 接下来的thermodynamic 热力的Page 7p.16disturbance 扰动blade-tip 叶尖departure from 背离p.17offset 抵消exceed 超过p.18Mach number 马赫数p.19variable intake 可变进口afterburning 加力燃烧variable nozzle 可调喷口conventional 常规的afterburner 加力燃烧室inoperative 不工作的divert 使转向guide vane 导流叶片duct 管道,用管道输送sustained 持续的cruise 巡航mode 模式p.21multi-stageturbine 多级涡轮derive 得到,取得kerosene, kerosine煤油be in the orderof…达到…的量级spray 喷雾fuel-rich mixture 富油混合物dilute 稀释surplus 剩余的p.22interceptor 截击机space-launcher 航天发射器altitude 高度attitude 态度、姿态latitude 纬度longitude 经度accelerative 加速的duration 持续时间Part2Para.1working fluid 工作流体conversion 转换jet efflux 喷射气流Para.2four-stroke pistonengine 四冲程活塞发动机constant pressure 等压constant volume 等容induction 进气compression 压缩intermittent 间断的be involved in…与…有关charging 进气eliminate 消除idle stroke 空冲程Para.3peak 峰, 峰值fluctuate,fluctuating 波动, 起伏withstand,withstood 承受in excess of 超过employ 采用cylinder 汽缸high octane fuel 高辛烷值燃料low octane fuel 低辛烷值燃料fabricated 装配式的Para.4function 运行, 运转introduce,introducing 输入remainder 剩余部分discharge 排出Para.5,6turbine assembly 涡轮部件air-cooled blade 气冷叶片consequently 随之而来的, 因此, 所以Para.7embody 体现be embodied in M 体现在M中be directlyproportional to…与…成正比be inversely proportional to…与…成反比Para.9trace 描绘show up 表现Para.10attain 达到, 实现conversely 相反地Para.11adiabatic 绝热的friction 摩擦conduction 传导turbulence 紊流Para.12propelling nozzle 推力喷管momentum 动量deceleration 减速Page 14Para.13effect 实现conversion 转换convert 转换sonic 音速的subsonic 亚音速的supersonic 超音速的encounter 遇到venturi 文氏管Para.14interference 干扰component failure 部件失效eddy 涡流turbulence 紊流Para.15frontal area 迎面面积straight-throughflow system 直流式系统reverse flowsystem 回流式系统subsequent 接下来的Para.17conventionally 常规地percentage 部分,百分比duct 管道,用管道输送remainder 剩余物deliver 送,流to be conducive to…有利于…specific fuelconsumption 燃油消耗率Para.18design feature 设计特征by-pass engine 双涵道发动机by-pass ratio 涵道比twin-spoolconfiguration 双转子结构propfan 桨扇发动机turbo-propeller 涡轮螺桨发动机Para.19by-pass airstream 外涵道气流overboard 向船外,排出ducted fan 涵道式风扇发动机aft fan 后风扇发动机Part 3centrifugal 离心的axial 轴流的couple 耦合,联接coupling 联轴器coupler联轴器shaft 轴Para.2centrifugal (flow)compressor 离心压气机impeller 叶轮diffuser 扩散器axial (flow)compressor 轴流压气机multi-stage unit 多级装置alternate 交替的rotor blade转子叶片stator vane 静子叶片diffuse 扩散boost 增压booster 增压器with regard to 关于robust 坚固,结实develop andmanufacture 设计与制造consume 消耗,使用attain 达到air flow 空气流量,空气流adoption 采用favour (Am. E favor) 喜爱,偏爱ruggedness坚固性rugged 坚固的outweigh 胜过,重于Fig. 3-1rotating guidevane 旋转导流叶片intake chute 进气斜道swirl vane 旋流叶片Para.5diffuser vane 扩散器叶片double-entry impeller双面进气叶轮plenum chamber 稳流室Para.6induce 吸入radially 径向地intake duct 进气管initial swirl 预旋Para.7divergent nozzle 扩散排气管Para.8tip speed 叶尖速度Para.9maintain 保持leakage 泄漏clearance 间隙Para.10construction 结构center around(about, at, in, on, round, upon)…以…为中心ball bearing 滚珠轴承roller bearing 滚柱轴承split 分开detachment 拆开,分离Para.11forged 锻造的radially disposedvanes 径向排列的叶片in conjunctionwith… 和…共同swept back 后掠Para.12attach 联接tangential 相切的inner edge 内缘in line with… 与…一致buffeting impulse 扰流抖振脉冲Para. 13rotor assembly 转子部件airfoilsection 翼型截面mount 安装bearing 轴承incorporate 安有,装有in series 依次地design condition 设计状态incorporation 引入,采用variable statorvane 可调静子叶片succeeding stage下一级Para. 14gradual reduction 逐渐减小annulus 环型stator casing 静子机匣maintain 保持density 密度convergence 收敛taper,tapering 带斜度,带锥度arrangement 结构Para. 16multi-spoolcompressor 多转子压气机optimum 最佳(的),最优(的)flexibility 适应性,灵活性Para. 17handle 处理duct 管道,用管道输送exhaust system 排气系统propelling nozzle 推力喷管match 使匹配obsolete 已不用but 除…….之外Para. 18trend 趋势stage 阶段, 级undergo 承受split 分开core 核心gas generator 燃气发生器optimumarrangement 最佳结构Para. 19induce 吸入,引入,引导sweep, swept 扫,猛推adjacent 相邻的translate 翻译,转换decelerate 减速serve 起……作用deflection 偏转straightener 整流器swirl 旋流diagrammatically 图示地accompany 伴随progressive 不断的,逐渐的Para. 20breakaway 分离stall 失速precede 在……前面Para. 21incidence 攻角tolerate 允许interstagebleed 级间放气intermediatestage 中间级Para. 22proportion 比例pl. 尺寸, 大小coaxial 同轴的inner radius 内半径supercharge 增压akin 相似的Para.23to center around(round, on, upon, about, at, in)…以…为中心alignment 对中, 同心cylindrical 圆筒形的bolted axial joint轴向螺栓联接bolted center linejoint 中心线螺栓联接Para.24secure 固定assemble 装配weld 焊接periphery 边缘drum 鼓筒Para.25circumferential 周向的fixing 安装, 固定maintainability 维护性blisk 整体叶盘Para.26gradient 梯度balance out 抵消angle of incidence攻角boundary layer 附面层, 边界层stagnant 滞止的compensate for 补偿camber 弯度extremity 端部end-bend 端弯Para.27retaining ring 保持环in segments 成组的shroud 叶冠Para.28dissimilar 不相似的, 不同的workable 可用的, 可运转的implement 实现, 执行, 完成retain 保持impose upon… 强加于…之上depart from 偏离intention 意图positive incidencestall 正攻角失速negative incidencestall 负攻角失速blading 叶栅sustain 承受得住surge 喘振instantaneous 即刻的expel 排出margin 欲度instability 不稳定性Para. 30provision 提供margin 欲度hydraulic 液压的pneumatic 气动的electronic 电子的cost effective 成本效益好的prevail 流行,胜利Para. 32rigid 刚性的clearance 间隙alloy 合金nickel based alloy镍基合金titanium 钛in preference to 优先于rigidity todensity ratio 刚度密度比Para. 33prime 主要的fatigue strength 疲劳强度notch 切口,开槽ingestion 吸气inferior 差的decline 下降rub 碰磨ignite 点燃airworthiness 飞行性能hazard 危险Para. 34dominate 起支配作用Para. 35solid forging 实锻件chord 弦mid-span 叶片中部snubber 减振器clapper 拍板fabricate 制造skin 蒙皮honeycomb 蜂窝Para. 36robust section 坚固截面ingestioncapability 吸气能力Part4Para.1fuel supply nozzle燃油喷嘴extensive 广泛的,大量的accomplish 完成Para.2range 范围C---Centigrade orCelsius turbine nozzle涡轮导向器Para.3consequent 随之发生的,结果的Para.4kerosene, cerosine煤油light, lit orlighted 点燃blow, blew,blown 吹alight 燃烧的Para.5flame tube 火焰筒liner 衬筒meter, metering 调节配量Para.6snout 进气锥体downstream 下游,顺流swirl vane 旋流叶片perforated flare 带孔的喇叭管primary combustionzone 主燃区upstream上游,逆流promote 促进,引起recirculation 环流,回流Para.7secondary air hole二股气流孔toroidal vortex 喇叭口形涡流anchor, anchoring 锚,固定hasten 促进,加速droplet 小滴ignitiontemperature 燃点Para.8conical 锥形的intersect 相交turbulence 紊流break up, breakingup 分裂,破碎incoming 进来的Para.9nozzle guide vane 涡轮导向叶片amount to 占…比例, 达到progressively 逐渐地dilution zone 掺混区remainder 剩余物insulate M from N 使M与N隔离Para.10,11electric spark 电火花igniter plug 点火塞self-sustained 自持的Para.12airstream =airflow distinct =different type injection 喷射,喷入ejection 喷射,喷出atomize 使雾化spray nozzle 喷嘴pre-vaporization 预蒸发Para.13vapor 蒸汽vaporize 蒸发vaporizer 蒸发器feed tube 供油管vaporizing tube 蒸发管atomizer flametube装有雾化喷嘴的火焰筒Para.14multiple(combustion) chamber 分管燃烧室tubo-annular(combustion) chamber 环管燃烧室cannular(combustion) chamber 环管燃烧室annular(combustion) chamber 环形燃烧室Para.15F.g.4-6Para.16dispose 布置delivery 排气Para.17interconnect 互相连通propagate传播Para.18bridge a gapbetween填补空白,使连接起来evolutionary 发展,演变arrangement 结构overhaul 大修compactness 紧凑性Para.19contain 包含,安装be open to 与…相通Para.20elimination 消除propagation 传播Para.21virtually 实际上oxidize 氧化carbon monoxide 一氧化碳non-toxic 无毒的carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Para.22aerate, aerating 吹气,供气over-rich pocket 过富区fuel vapour 燃油蒸汽carbon formation积碳形成Para.23incur 招致extinction 熄灭relight 重新点燃perform,performing 完成,执行spray nozzleatomizer 喷嘴雾化器Para.25intensity 强度compact 紧凑的exceptionally 格外地,特别地Para.26calorific value 热值British thermalunit (BTU)英国热量单位=252卡expenditure 使用,消耗Para.27altitude cruise 高空巡航Para.29weak limit 贫油极限rich limit 富油极限extinguish 熄灭extinguisher 灭火器dive 俯冲idle, idling 空载,慢速mixture strength 混合物浓度Para.30stability loop 稳定区Para.32emission 排放物pollutant污染物create 产生,形成legislatively 立法地hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物oxides of nitrogen氧化氮Para.34suppression 抑制desirable 合乎需要的conflict 冲突compromise 折中combustor 燃烧室substantially 实际上Para.35coating 涂层insulation 隔热,隔离Para.36corrosion 腐蚀creep failure 蠕变失效fatigue 疲劳Part5Para.1accessory,accessories 附件solely = onlyextract,extracting 提取to expose M to N 使M暴露于N M is exposed to Ntorque 扭矩Para.3intermediate 中间的interpose 置于…之间to be derivedfrom… 从…获得, 取自free-power turbine自由动力涡轮to be independentof…不受…的限制Para.4mean 平均的deflection 偏转in proportion to 按比例sectionalthickness 截面厚度disproportionately不相称地Para.5broadly 主要地aerofoil shape 翼型形状impulse turbine 冲击式涡轮reaction turbine 反作用式涡轮incorporate 采用cartridge starter 弹药筒式起动机air starter 空气起动机to force one’s wayinto 有力地冲入spin 旋转whirl 旋转Para.8to be governed by 取决于, 由…决定substantially 实际上, 大体上excessive 过分的residual 剩余的,剩余detrimental =harmfulstrut 支柱, 支杆Para.9twist, twisted 带扭向的stagger angle 斜罩角Para.10mean section 中间截面Para.12self-aligningcoupling 自动调节联轴器Para.15machined forging 机加锻件flange 法兰,安装边bolt 螺栓,用螺栓联结perimeter 周边,圆周to have provisionfor…为…作好准备attachment 联接, 安装Para.16heat conduction 热传导Para.17degree of reaction反力度Para.18fix 确定, 决定,trailing edge 排气边so as to (do) 为了prevent M (from)+ingPara.19attach联接, 安装fixing 联接have a bearing on …对…有影响rim speed 轮缘速度de Laval bulb root圆头叶根supersede 代替, 取代fir-tree fixing 纵树榫头联接involve 需要, 要求serration 榫齿stiffen 加劲, 固牢Para.20contraction 收缩shroud 叶冠fit 配备, 安装segment 部分, 片peripheral 外围的, 周边的abradable lining 易磨涂层A.C.C. ---activeclearance control shroudless blade 无冠叶片Para.21revolve 旋转extract 提取conventional 常规的Para.22impractical 不实际的dual alloy disc 双金属轮盘blisk 整体叶轮cast 铸造bond 粘接Para.23match 匹配nozzle guide vane 涡轮导向叶片back pressure 反压surge 喘振choke 壅塞,阻塞Para.24obstacle 障碍impart to…给与tensile stress 拉应力limiting factor 限制因素Para.25endure 承受nickel alloy 镍合金ceramic coating 陶瓷涂层enhance 增强Para.26resistance 抵抗,耐fatigue cracking 疲劳破坏Para.27ferritic 铁素体terrific 可怕的,极妙的austenitic 奥氏体alloying element 合金元素extend 延长fatigue resistance抗疲劳性powder metallurgy 粉末冶金Para.28in connection with关于,与…有关glowing red-hot 赤热发光ounce 盎施=28.35 gbending load 弯曲载荷thermal shock 热冲击corrosion 腐蚀oxidization 氧化Para.29foregoing 前面的, 上述的it follows that 因此, 可见permissible 允许的metallurgist 冶金学家Para.30creep 蠕变finite useful life有限使用寿命failure 失效Para.31forge 锻造forging 锻件cast 铸造creep property 蠕变性能fatigue property 疲劳性能Para.32reveal 揭示, 显示a myriad of 无数crystal 晶体equi-axed 等轴的service life 使用寿命directionalsolidification 定向凝固useful creep life 有效蠕变寿命single crystalblade 单晶叶片substantially 实质上, 显著地Para.33reinforced ceramic加固陶瓷Para.34balancing 平衡operation 工序in view of 考虑到Part 6Para.1aero 航空的pass 排送resultant thrust 合成推力,总推力create 引起,产生contribute 提供absorb 吸收exert an influenceon…对…产生影响jet pipe 尾喷管propelling nozzle 推力喷管outlet nozzle 出口喷管Para.2distortion 扭曲, 变形cracking 产生裂纹Para.3thrust reverser 推力反向装置noise suppressor 消音器entail 需要, 要求low by-pass engine低涵道比发动机mixer unit 掺混装置encourage 促进Para.4exhaust cone 排气锥hold 保持residual whirl 剩余旋流strut 支板straighten 整流Para.5in relation to…对…来说choked 壅塞, 阻塞upstream totalpressure 上游总压pressure thrust 压力推力momentum 动量Para.6wastage 损失, 消耗with advantage 有效地convergent-divergentnozzle 收扩喷管recover 重新获得Para.7flared 扩张的restriction 限制progressively 逐渐地longitudinal 纵向的Para.9fixed area nozzle 固定面积喷口variable areanozzle 可变面积喷口offset 抵消Para.13nickel 镍titanium 钛ventilate,ventilating 通风lag, lagging 用隔热材料保护insulating blanket隔热层fibrous 纤维状的stainless steel 不锈钢dimple 使起波纹acousticallyabsorbent material 吸声材料Para.14double-wallconstruction 双壁结构induce 引导ejector action 喷射器作用engine nacelle 发动机短舱Para.15streamline fairing流线型整流板vent hole 通气孔Para.16chute 斜道bonded honeycombstructure 粘接的蜂窝结构integrated nozzleassembly 整体喷管部件lightweightstrength 低重强度。
机械类各行业专业英语词汇1. 汽车行业 (Automotive Industry)•Engine(发动机)•Transmission(传动装置)•Suspension(悬挂系统)•Brake(刹车系统)•Steering(转向系统)•Exhaust system(排气系统)•Fuel injection(燃油喷射系统)•Tire(轮胎)•Battery(电池)•Alternator(发电机)2. 航空航天工业 (Aerospace Industry)•rcraft(飞机)•Wing(机翼)•Fuselage(机身)•Cockpit(驾驶舱)•Landing gear(起落架)•Jet engine(喷气发动机)•leron(副翼)•Thrust(推力)•Propeller(螺旋桨)•Avionics(航空电子设备)3. 重工业 (Heavy Industry)•Machinery(机械)•Crane(起重机)•Bulldozer(推土机)•Excavator(挖掘机)•Boiler(锅炉)•Conveyor belt(输送带)•Generator(发电机)•Drill(钻机)•Foundry(铸造厂)•Welding(焊接)4. 电子行业 (Electronics Industry)•Circuit board(电路板)•Microchip(微芯片)•Transistor(晶体管)•Capacitor(电容器)•Resistor(电阻器)•Diode(二极管)•Integrated circuit(集成电路)•Semiconductor(半导体)•Printed circuit board (PCB)(印刷电路板)•Soldering(焊接)5. 工程机械 (Construction Machinery)•Cranes(起重机)•Excavators(挖掘机)•Bulldozers(推土机)•Loaders(装载机)•Rollers(压路机)•Pavers(铺路机)•Concrete mixer(混凝土搅拌机)•Tower crane(塔式起重机)•Trencher(挖沟机)•Forklift(叉车)6. 机床行业 (Machine Tool Industry)•Lathe(车床)•Milling machine(铣床)•Drilling machine(钻床)•Grinding machine(磨床)•Boring machine(镗床)•Shaping machine(拉坯机)•CNC machine tool(数控机床)•Power press(压力机)•Shearing machine(剪板机)•Woodworking machine(木工机械)7. 包装机械 (Packaging Machinery)•Filling machine(灌装机)•Sealing machine(封口机)•Labeling machine(贴标机)•Capping machine(旋盖机)•Wrapping machine(包装机)•Coding machine(打码机)•Shrinking machine(收缩机)•Vacuum packaging machine(真空包装机)•Cartoning machine(装箱机)•Palletizing machine(托盘包装机)8. 纺织机械 (Textile Machinery)•Spinning machine(纺纱机)•Weaving machine(织布机)•Knitting machine(针织机)•Dyeing machine(染色机)•Printing machine(印花机)•Stenter machine(拉伸机)•Embroidery machine(绣花机)•Textile finishing machine(纺织整理机)•Yarn twisting machine(纱线捻接机)•Textile testing equipment(纺织测试设备)9. 精密仪器 (Precision Instruments)•Optical microscope(光学显微镜)•Electronic balance(电子天平)•Spectrophotometer(分光光度计)•Ultrasonic cleaner(超声波清洗机)•Atomic force microscope (AFM)(原子力显微镜)•Mass spectrometer(质谱仪)•X-ray diffractometer(X射线衍射仪)•Scanning electron microscope (SEM)(扫描电子显微镜)•Electron beam lithography (EBL)(电子束曝光机)•Surface profilometer(表面粗糙度仪)10. 医疗器械 (Medical Devices)•MRI machine(核磁共振机)•CT scanner(计算机断层扫描仪)•X-ray machine(X射线机)•Ultrasound machine(超声波仪)•Surgical microscope(手术显微镜)•Electrocardiogram (ECG) machine(心电图机)•Defibrillator(除颤仪)•Anesthesia machine(麻醉机)•Blood pressure monitor(血压监测仪)•Thermometer(体温计)以上是机械类各行业中常见的专业英语词汇。
发动机专业英语词汇(Engine English Vocabulary)Engine classification1 reciprocating internal combustion engine reciprocating, internal, combustion, engine2 carburetor engine carburetor engine3 rotor engine rotary engine4 wheel, line rotor engine, rotary, trochoidal, engine5, two stroke engines, two-stroke, engine6, four stroke engines, four-stroke, engine7 turbocharged engine supercharged engine8 air-cooled engine air-cooled engine9 oil cooled engine oil-cooled engine10 water-cooled engine water-cooled engine11 naturally aspirated engines naturally, aspirated, engine12 gas gas engine13 liquefied petroleum gas engine liquified petroleum gas engine14 diesel gas diesel gas engineMore than 15 fuel engines, multifuel, engine16 petroleum engine hydrocarbon engine17 dual fuel engines duel, fuel, engine18 heat ball engine, hot, bulb, engineMore than 19 cylinder engine multiple, cylinder, engine20 opposed piston engine opposed, piston, engine21 opposed cylinder type engine opposed-cylinder engine22 crosshead type engine cross, head, engine23 inline engine in-line engine24 star engine radial engine25 cylinder piston engine trunk-piston, engine26 Stryn engine Stirling engine27 valve engines knight, engine28 gas scavenging engine port-scavenged engine29 tilting engine slant engine30 front mounted engine front-engine31 rear mounted engine rear-engine32 mid mounted engine central engine33 left engine left-hand engine34 right engine right-hand engine35 short stroke engine oversquare engine36 long stroke engine undersquare engine37 equal diameter engine square engine38 top mounted camshaft engine overhead, camshaft, engine39 DOHC engine dual overhead camshaft engine40 V shape engine V-engine41 top valve engine valve, in-head, engine42 side valve engine side, valve, engine43 valveless engines valveless, engineMore than 44 valve engine multi-valve engine45 horizontal engine horizontal engine46 tilting engine inclined engine47 vertical engine vertical engine48 W shape engine w-engine49 I shape engine I-engine50 L shape engine L-engine51 F shape engine F-engine52 original machine Engine prototypeengine performance53, two stroke cycle two-stroke, cycle54, four stroke cycle four-stroke, cycle55 Diesel cycle diesel cycle56 Otto cycle Otto cycle57 hybrid cycle mixed cycle58 constant capacity cycle constant, volume, cycle59 working cycle working cycle60 equal pressure cycle constant, pressure, cycle61 ideal loop ideal cycle62 thermodynamic cycle thermodynamic cycle63 stroke stroke64 piston stroke piston stroke65 long stroke long stroke66 upper trip up stroke67 trip down stroke68 intake stroke intake stroke69 charging stroke charging stroke70压缩行程压缩行程71爆炸行程爆炸行程72膨胀行程膨胀冲程73动力行程动力冲程74排气行程排气行程75膨胀换气行程扩大交流行程76换气压缩行程交换压缩行程77上止点上死点(上死点)78下止点下死点(下死点)79上止点前上止点前(上死点前)80上止点后ATDC(顶死中心后)81下止点前BBDC(下死点前)82下止点后ABDC(下死点后)83排气量位移84发动机排量发动机排量85活塞排量活塞排量86气缸容量汽缸容量87单室容量单室容量88容积法容量89压缩比压缩比临界压缩比90临界压缩比91膨胀比膨胀率92面容比表面体积比93行程缸径比行程缸径比94混合比混合比95压缩压力压缩压力96制动平均有效压力制动平均有效压力(BMEP)97空燃比空气燃料比98燃空比空气燃料比99燃料当量比燃料当量比100扭矩扭矩101单缸功单缸功率102升功率升功率每升103升扭矩扭矩104升质量升质量105减额功率功率106输出马力轴马力107马力小时,马力时马力小时108总马力总马力109总功率总功率110净功率净功率111燃油消耗量燃料消耗112比燃料消耗率燃油消耗113空气消耗率空气消耗量114机油消耗量油耗115有效马力净功率116额定马力额定功率117马力重量系数马力重量系数118制动功率制动功率119制动热效率制动热效率120总效率整体效率121排烟极限功率限烟马力122功率曲线功率曲线123机械损失机械损失124机械效率机械效率125有效热效率有效热效率126充气系数容积效率过量空气系数127过量空气系数128适应性系数自适应系数129扭矩适应性系数扭矩适应性系数130转速适应性系数转速适应性系数131强化系数强化系数132校正系数校正因子133换算系数转换因子134活塞平均速度活塞平均速度135发动机转速发动机转速(旋转频率)136充量(进气)电荷137 旋转方向 direction of rotation138 顺时针 clockwise139 逆时针 counter clockwise140 左转 left hand rotation141 右转 right - hand rotation142 发动机性能 engine performance143 加载性能 loading performance144 起动性能 starting performance145 加速性能 acceleration performance 146 动力性能 power performance147 排放性能 emission performance148 燃油经济性 fuel economy149 排放 exhaust emission150 大的燃烧噪声large combustion noise 151 预混合燃烧 premixed combustion152 扩散燃烧 diffusion combustion153 大的egr率 heavy egr154 推迟喷油时间 retarding the injection timingjust wanted to say thank 推迟喷油时间 155, the fuel injection timing156 燃烧激振力 combustion excitation forces (cpl)157 co2排放 carbon dioxide (co2) emissions158 温室气体 greenhouse gas159 热效率 thermal efficiency160 辅助涡流室 auxiliary swirl chamber161 黑烟 black smoke162 nox氮氧化物 nitrogen oxides163 pm颗粒物 particulate matter164 egr废气再循环 exhaust gas recirculation165 燃油供给系统 the fuel injection system166 在低负荷区 in the low load region167 气缸压力 the cylinder pressure level168 曲轴转角 the crank angle169 1 / 3倍频程 1 / 3 octave band of the frequency 170 全负荷 full load171 部分负荷 partial load172 声压级 sound pressure level173 发动机扭矩 engine torque174 燃烧噪声 combustion noise175 机械噪声 mechanical noise176 涡轮增压的 turbocharged177 涡轮增压器 turbocharger178 着火燃迟期 the ignition delay period179 喷油泵 the fuel injection pump180 增压中冷柴油机 intercooled turbocharged diesel 181 碳化氢 hydrocarbon (hc)182 进气管几何尺寸intake gate geometry183 水平轴 horizontal axis184 声功率 sound power level185 竖直轴 vertical axis186 辐射噪声 radiation noise187 发动机测功机 engine dynamometer188 零负荷到中等负荷 idling two a medium load189 振幅 amplitude190 气缸体振动 cylinder block vibration191 声压级 sound pressure level192 随着曲轴转角 in relation to the crank angle193 最大汽缸压力 the maximum cylinder pressure194 最大汽缸压力升高率 the cylinder pressure gradient 195 共轨系统 common rail system196 可变喷嘴涡轮增压器 variable nozzle turbocharger 197 引导喷射 pilot injection198 4气门dohc系统 4 - valve dohc system199 计算机辅助工程cae computer aided engineering 200 固有噪声 born noise201 侧面挠度 lateral bending202 排气岐管 exhaust manifold203进气岐管进气歧管204交流发电机发电机205齿轮箱齿轮箱206供油泵供给泵207起动机起动器208共振频率共振频率209气缸压力快速升高率快速上升率气缸压力210主喷量和主喷时间主要注射量、定时211共轨油压在共轨燃油压力212放热率热释放率213步进电机步进电机214频谱图频谱图215油膜油膜216机械噪声机械噪声217识别识别218变量变量219隔离声音的传播途径隔离声音的传播途径220衰减衰减221半消声室半个选择室222系数系数223正时带同步带224台架实验台架试验225气门驱动凸轮阀驱动凸轮226传递系数传递系数227矢量向量228气穴现象空化229微处理器微处理器230执行器致动器231电控泵电控泵构造232气缸盖缸盖233气缸体缸体234整体铸造整体铸造(铸造整体)235发动机罩发动机罩236气缸体加强筋发动机缸体加劲肋237气缸缸238示功图指示图/图239缸体(转子机)定子240缸径缸径241气缸体机架缸体框架242配气机构箱阀机构的外壳243气缸体隔片气缸垫片244气缸盖密封环气缸盖垫片245气缸盖垫片气缸垫246气缸套缸套(气缸套)247干式缸套干式气缸套248湿式缸套湿式气缸套249气缸水套水套250膨胀塞膨胀塞251防冻塞冻堵252气缸壁筒壁253环脊环脊254排气口排气口255中间隔板中间隔板256导板导轨257创成半径(转子机)生成半径258缸体宽度(转子机)操作宽度259燃烧室燃烧碗260浅盆形缩口燃烧室浅入燃烧室261主燃烧室主燃烧室262副燃烧室副燃烧室263预燃室预燃室264涡流燃烧室`涡流燃烧室265分开式燃烧室分开式燃烧室266涡流式燃烧室涡流燃烧室267半球形燃烧室半球形燃烧室268浴盆形燃烧室浴盆形燃烧室269我形燃烧室形燃烧室270楔形燃烧室楔形燃烧室271开式燃烧室开式燃烧室272封闭喷射室封闭喷漆室273活塞顶内燃烧室活塞室274爆发室爆炸室275燃烧室容积比体积比燃烧室276发动机托架发动机托架发动机277动力机装置功率单元278直喷柴油机DI(直喷)发动机279非直喷柴油机IDI(间接喷射)柴油机280动力传动系动力火车281连杆连杆282油底壳油盘283活塞销活塞销284气缸套缸径285凸轮齿凸轮齿轮286空气室能量室287气缸余隙容积气缸余隙容积288燃烧室容积燃烧室容积289气缸最大容积气缸最大容积290压缩室压缩室291外径大直径292中径径293内径小直径294径向间隙径向间隙295两极调速器limiting_speed州长296特性297空转特性空载特性298负荷特性部分油门特性(汽油机)负荷特性299调速特性调速特性300万有特性映射特性301稳定调速率稳态调速率工况302怠速转速怠速303经济转速经济速度304起动转速启动速度305最低稳定工作转速最低稳定转速最大扭矩306最大扭矩转速速度307最高空转转速最高空转转速308调速调速309超速超速310怠速空转311转速波动率转速波动率312工况工况(工况)313额定工况申报工作情况314变工况变工况315稳定工况稳定工况316空载空载317全负荷满负荷318超负荷过载319部分负荷部分负荷320怠速控制怠速控制321怠速工况怠速工况322起动工况起动条件323起动转速起动速度324急减速工况突然下降的情况325加速工况加速条件326驻车公园327调速调速328应急[跛行]模式跛行模式排放329排放标准在欧盟欧洲排放标准330燃油质量燃油质量331生产一致性(COP)生产一致性检测332的燃油消耗燃油消耗333废气排放测量排放检测334排气管排气管335一氧化碳一氧化碳曲轴箱气体曲轴箱燃油蒸发排放量336排放337老化试验耐久性试验338 epefe =欧洲计划的排放,燃料和发动机技术欧洲的排放、燃油及发339动机技术项目340燃料特性燃油质量341汽车制造商汽车制造商汽车尾气排放对空气质量的影响排放对空气质量的影响342343十六烷值十六号344蒸发特性蒸发特性345无硫燃料无硫燃油346 testcycle测试循环347个NEDC新欧洲行驶循环新的欧洲标准测试循环=348负载活性炭罐炭罐吸附349预处理(PC)预处理350 ESC =欧洲稳态循环稳态循环351欧负载响应测试负荷烟度试验ELR = 352等=欧洲瞬态循环瞬态循环353、为环境友好型汽车环境友好汽车354环境温度环境温度355λ传感器λ传感356超过排放限值)排放超出限值357项试验道路适应性检测358at自由加速在自由加速工况下359催化剂催化转化器360自然吸气自然吸气机型361涡轮增压涡轮增压机型362排放控制技术排放控制技术363三效催化剂三元催化转化器364催化剂涂层催化转化器涂层365次空气喷射二次空气喷366废气再循环排气再循环系统367氧化催化转化器氧化催化剂368压电喷油阀压电式喷油阀369我发电机组370人为人为因素371欧洲汽车制造商协会ACEA =欧洲汽车制造商协会372标范围目标走廊373目标值目标值374临界流量文丘里管(CFV临界流文丘里)375化学发光检测器CLD(化学发光检测器)376氢火焰离子化检测器FID(火焰离子化检测器)377气相色谱仪GC(气相色谱)378加热式化学发光检测器(HCLD加热化学发光检测器)379加热式氢火焰离子化检测器(HFID加热火焰离子化检测器)380液化石油气LPG(液化石油气)381不分光红外线分析仪NDIR(非分散红外分析仪)382 ng天然气(天然气)383日非甲烷截止器(非甲烷刀)384额定功率额定功率。
第二类 ENGINE 发动机一、Engine construction 发动机构造序号英文中文1 rocker arm cover 摇臂罩2 valve rocker arm 气门摇臂3 camshaft 凸轮轴4 camshaft drive 凸轮轴驱动轮5 spark plug lead 火花塞导线6 timing belt cover 正时皮带罩7 valve spring 气门弹簧8 poppet valve 菌形气门9 piston 活塞10 connecting rod 连杆11 timing belt 正时皮带12 combustion chamber 燃烧室13 cylinder block 汽缸体14 water jacket 水套15 oil filter 机油滤清器16 flywheel 飞轮17 ring gear 齿圈18 oil gage 机油标尺19 oil pan/sump 油底壳20 crankshaft 曲轴21 drain plug 放油孔塞22 v-belt pulley V型皮带轮二、Essential term 基本术语序号英文中文1 cylinder diameter 汽缸直径2 piston stroke 活塞行程3 crank radius 曲轴半径4 piston displacement 活塞排量5 compression chamber volume 压缩室容积6 total cylinder volume 总汽缸容积7 top dead center 上止点8 bottom dead center 下止点三、Engine operation principle 发动机工作原理3.1 Four-stroke gasoline engine operation principle四冲程汽油机工作原理序号英文中文1 intake stroke 进气行程2 compression stroke 压缩行程3 expansion stroke 膨胀行程4 exhaust stroke 排气行程5 combustible mixture 可燃混合气6 intake valve 进气门7 spark plug 火花塞8 exhaust valve 排气门9 exhaust gas 废气3.2 Four-stroke diesel engine operational principle四冲程柴油机工作原理序号英文中文1 intake stroke 进气行程2 compression stroke 压缩行程3 expansion stroke 膨胀行程4 exhaust stroke 排气行程5 intake 进气6 compression 压缩7 combustion 燃烧8 expansion 膨胀9 exhaust 排气10 air 空气11 injector 喷油器12 exhaust gas 废气3.3 Two-stroke gasoline engine operation principle二冲程汽油机工作原理序号英文中文1 combustible mixture 可燃混合气2 inlet port 进气口3 crankcase 曲轴箱4 precompressed mixture 预压混合气序号英文中文5 transfer canal 输气道6 intake port 进气口7 exhaust port 排气口8 exhaust gas 废气9 spark plug 火花塞3.4 Two-stroke diesel engine operation principle二冲程柴油机工作原理1 air 空气2 blower pump 扫气泵3 precompressed air 预压空气4 air chamber 空气室5 inlet port 进气口6 injector 喷油器7 exhaust valve 排气门8 exhaust gas 废气四、Engine performance 发动机性能序号英文中文1 fixed throttle characteristics 速度特性2 part throttle characteristics 负荷特性3 engine speed 转速4 torque 扭矩5 horsepower 功率6 specific fuel consumption 燃油消耗率五、Crank connecting rod mechanism曲柄连杆机构5.1 Cylinder block 机体组序号英文中文1 cylinder block 汽缸体2 cylinder liner 汽缸套3 cylinder bearing surface 汽缸套表面4 cylinder head 汽缸盖5 inlet manifold mountingflange 进气歧管凸缘6 oil inlet hole 加油孔7 cylinder head cover 汽缸盖罩序号英文中文8 cylinder head gasket 汽缸盖衬垫9 oil filter mounting flange 机油滤清器凸缘10 ventilating pipe mounting seat 通风管座11 cylinder block stiffeningrib 汽缸体加强肋12 rear main bearing cover 后主轴承罩13 main bearing cap 主轴承盖14 oil sump pan gasket 油底壳衬垫15 oil sump/pan 油底壳16 fuel pump mountingflange 燃油泵凸缘17 ignition distributor mounting flange 分电器凸缘18 camshaft bearing bushseat 凸轮轴轴承座19 camshaft drive(gear)cover 凸轮轴驱动齿轮罩20 cylinder head covergasket 汽缸盖罩衬垫5.2 Piston,connecting rod 活塞连杆组序号英文中文1 connecting rod shank 连杆杆身2 connecting rod small end 连杆小头3 connecting rod bushing 连杆衬套4 spring clip 弹簧卡环5 piston pin 活塞销6 piston head 活塞头部7 piston ring groove 活塞环槽8 compression ring 压缩环9 oil scraper ring 油环10 piston skirt 活塞裙部11 piston pin boss 活塞销座12 connecting rod bearing halfshell 连杆轴瓦13 connecting rod cap 连杆螺栓14 connecting rod cap 连杆大头盖15 Connecting rod end 连杆大头5.3 Crankshaft,flywheel 曲轴飞轮组序号英文中文1 crankshaft front end 曲轴前端2 front main journal 前主轴颈3 oil passage hole 机油孔4 crank pin 曲柄销5 crank web 曲柄臂6 counterweight 平衡重7 crankshaft collar 曲轴后端凸缘8 flywheel 飞轮9 flywheel gear ring 飞轮齿圈10 flywheel lock plate 飞轮锁片11 clutch shaft bearing 离合器轴轴承12 main bearing halfshell(upper,lower) 主轴承(上、下)轴瓦13 crankshaft thrust halfring 曲轴止推片14 bearing tang 轴瓦定位凸键六、Valve mechanism 配气机构6.1 Side valve 侧置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft 凸轮轴2 cam 凸轮3 tappet 气门挺杆4 side valve 侧置气门5 crankshaft timing gear 曲轴正时齿轮6 camshaft gear-wheel 凸轮轴齿轮7 gear drive 齿轮传动6.2 Overhead valve 顶置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft 凸轮轴2 camfollower 凸轮顶杆3 push rod 推杆4 adjuster 调整螺钉5 cocker shaft 摇臂轴6 rocker shaft 摇臂7 valve spring 气门弹簧序号英文中文8 valve 气门9 valve 气道10 combustion chamber 燃烧室6.3 Overhead valve 顶置气门序号英文中文1 camshaft front bearing 凸轮轴前轴承2 valve head 气门头3 valve stem 气门杆4 tappet 挺筒5 lower valve spring collar 气门弹簧下环6 outer valve spring 外气门弹簧7 valve guide 气门导管8 inner valve spring 内气门弹簧9 shielding cap 护帽10 oil flinger 油封11 upper valve spring collar 气门弹簧上环12 valve split cone 气门锁片13 closer 螺塞14 rocker shaft 摇臂轴15 rocker arm 摇臂16 rocker bracket 摇臂支座17 retaining washer 定位摇臂18 thrust washer 止推摇臂19 rocker adjusting screw 摇臂调整螺钉20 push rod 推杆21 camshaft rear bush 凸轮轴后轴承22 camshaft 凸轮轴23 camshaft center bush 凸轮轴中间轴承承承承24 cam 凸轮25 oil pump driving gear 机油泵驱动齿轮6.4 Valve-timing diagram 配气相位图序号英文中文1 TDC(top dead center)上止点2 BDC(bottom dead center) 下止点3 intake opens 进气门开序号英文中文4 intake close 进气门关5 exhaust opens 排气门开6 exhaust closes 排气门关7 direction of rotation 旋转方向七、 Gasoline engine-fuel system 汽油机供油泵7.1 Fuel system 供油泵序号英文中文1 fuel level gauge 油面指示表2 air cleaner 空气滤清器3 carburetor 化油器4 inlet manifold 进气歧管5 exhaust manifold 排气歧管6 fuel pump 汽油泵7 fuel filter 汽油滤清器8 exhaust silencer 排气消声器9 fuel pipe 油管10 fuel tank 汽油箱7.2 Air cleaner 空气滤清器序号英文中文1 intake tube 进气管2 deflector knob 导流旋扭3 air deflector 空气导流器4 cleaner body 滤清器壳5 butterfly nut 蝶形螺帽6 filter cover 滤清器盖7 filter seal ring 滤清器密封环8 cleaner cartridge 滤清器滤芯9 silencer element 消声元件10 crankcase bleed pipe 曲轴箱通风管11 hot air pipe 热空气管7. 3 Fuel pump,fuel filter 汽油泵,汽油滤清器序号英文中文1 fuel pump base 汽油泵座2 diaphragm 膜片序号英文中文3 fuel inlet neck 汽油进口4 fuel pump body 汽油泵壳5 filter screen 滤清器网6 bowl cover 泵盖7 fuel feed port 汽油出口8 distance washer 调整间隔垫圈9 diaphragm spring 膜片弹簧10 rocker arm 摇臂11 fulcrum pin 杠杆支点销12 fuel filter 汽油滤清器13 filter body 滤清器壳14 filter cartridge 滤清器滤芯15 glass bowl 玻璃滤杯16 bowl retaining clip 滤杯支承夹7.4 Simple carburetor 简单化油器序号英文中文1 air cleaner 空气滤清器2 valve needle 针阀3 float 浮子4 nozzle 喷管5 chock tube 喉管6 throttle valve 节气门7 intake manifold 进气歧管8 metering jet 量孔9 float chamber 浮子室10 intake valve 进气门7.5 Carburetor 化油器序号英文中文1 down-draft carburetor 下喷式化油器2 nozzle 喷管3 float chamber 浮子室4 choke tube 喉管5 throttle valve 节气门6 intake manifold 进气歧管7 two-barrel carburetor 双管化油器序号英文中文8 choke tube 喉管9 plug 旋塞10 filter gauze 滤清器金属丝网11 fFuel inlet port 进气门口12 valve seat 阀座13 valve needle 针阀14 float needle valve 浮子针阀15 float pivot pin 浮子销16 float 浮子17 float chamber 浮子室18 accelerator pump 加速泵7.6 Carburetor elements化油器零件序号英文中文1 throttle lever 节气门杆2 pull lever 拉杆3 release lever 放松杆4 throttle valve spindle 节气门轴5 throttle valve 节气门6 main metering jet 主量孔7 idle metering jet 怠速量孔8 accelerator pump discharge nozzle 加速泵输出喷管9 ball valve 球阀10 emulsion pipe 泡沫管11 air jet 空气喷孔12 starting device jet 起动喷孔13 accelerator pump piston 加速泵活塞14 operating cam 操纵凸轮15 accerlerator pump lever 加速泵杆16 adjustable stop 可调限位螺钉7.7 Carburetor control 化油器操纵件序号英文中文1 throttle control lever 节气门操纵杆2 connecting lever rod 连接拉杆3 cable wire 拉索序号英文中文4 connecting adaptor 连接杆5 cable hose 拉索软管6 cable grommet 拉索橡胶圈7 throttle control cablehandle 节气门操纵拉钮8 choke control cablehandle 阻风门操纵拉钮9 pedal lever bracket 踏板拉杆支架10 accelerator pedal 加速踏板11 accelerator pedal hinge 加速踏板铰链12 accelerator pedal mounting bracket 加速踏板安装支架13 flexible boot cap 挠性防尘护套14 roller 滚子15 accelerator pedal lever 加速踏板杠杆16 accelerator pedal return spring 加速踏板回位弹簧7.8 Gasoline injection 汽油喷射序号英文中文1 fuel tank 汽油箱2 electric fuel pump 电动汽油泵3 fuel filter 燃油滤清器4 distributor pipe 分油管5 pressure regulator 压力调节器6 electronic control unit 电控单元7 injector 喷油器8 start valve 起动阀9 idle-speed adfusting screw 怠速调节螺钉10 throttle-valve switch 节气门开关11 throttle valve 节气门12 airflow sensor 空气流量计13 relay 继电器组14 oxygen sensor 氧传感器15 coolant-temperature sensor 冷却液温度传感器16 thermo time switch 温度时间开端17 distributor 分电器。
汽车及发动机英语专业词汇铁路机车locomotive有轨电车tram无轨电车trolley军用车辆military vehicle蒸汽机steam engine煤气机gas engine汽油机gasoline engine国民经济national economy国内生产总值(GDP)Gross Domestic Production 全拆散(CKD)Completely Knock Down半拆散(SKD)Semi-Knock Down改革开放reform and opening技术引进technical import国产化localization支柱产业pillar estate货车truck, lorry公路用车road vehicle非公路用车off-road vehicle机体engine body曲柄连杆机构crank-connecting rod mechanism配气机构valve timing mechanism供给系fuel supply system冷却系cooling system润滑系lubricating system点火系ignition system起动系starting system底盘chassis传动系power train离合器clutch变速器gear box传动轴propeller shaft驱动桥drive axle行驶系running gear车架frame悬架suspension前轴front axle桥壳axle housing转向系steering system转向盘steering wheel转向器steering gear转向传动装置steering linkage助力装置power assisting device制动系braking system控制装置control device供能装置power supply device传动装置transfer device制动器brake车前板制件front end panels车身壳体 body shell附属装置 auxiliary device货箱 carrying platform发动机前置后轮驱动(FR) front engine rear drive发动机前置前轮驱动(FF) front engine front drive发动机后置后轮驱动(RR) rear engine rear drive发动机中置后轮驱动(MR) midship engine rear drive 全轮驱动(nWD) all wheel drive驱动力 tractive force阻力 resistance滚动阻力 rolling resistance空气阻力 air resistance, drag上坡阻力 gradient resistance附着作用 adhesion附着力 adhesive force附着系数 coefficient of adhesion第一章发动机工作原理二冲程发动机 two stroke engine四冲程发动机 four stroke engine水冷发动机 water cooled engine风冷发动机 air cooled engine上止点(UDP) upper dead point下止点(LDP) lower dead point活塞行程 stroke汽缸直径 bore工作容积 working volume排量 swept volume, displacement进气行程 intake stroke压缩行程 compression stroke压缩比 compression ratio做功行程 working stroke爆燃,敲缸 detonation, knock排气行程 exhaust stroke示功图 indicating diagram汽缸体 cylinder block汽缸盖 cylinder head油底壳 oil sump活塞 piston连杆 connecting rod曲轴 crankshaft飞轮 flywheel进气门 intake valve排气门 exhaust valve挺柱 tappet推杆 push rod摇臂 rocker凸轮轴 camshaft正时齿轮 timing gear燃油箱 fuel tank燃油泵 fuel pump汽油滤清器 gasoline filter化油器 carburetor空气滤清器 air cleaner进气管 intake manifold排气管 exhaust manifold火花塞 spark plug点火线圈 ignition coil断电器 breaker蓄电池 storage battery发电机 generator水泵 water pump散热器 radiator风扇 fan放水阀 drain valve水套 water jacket分水管 distributive pipe机油泵 oil pump集滤器 suction filter限压阀 relief valve润滑油道 oil passage机油滤清器 oil filter机油冷却器 oil cooler起动机 starting motor有效功率 effective power有效转矩 effective torque燃油消耗率 specific fuel consumption发动机转速特性 engine speed characteristic节气门开度 throttle percentage部分特性 partial characteristic外特性 outer characteristic汽缸套 cylinder sleeve, cylinder liner发动机支承 engine mounting活塞顶 piston top活塞头部 piston head活塞裙 piston skirt开槽 slot活塞环 piston ring气环 compression ring油环 oil ring环槽 groove活塞销 piston pin主轴承 main bearing主轴承盖 main bearing cap主轴瓦 main shell连杆轴承 big end bearing连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number 过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number 过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number 过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air 理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control连杆盖 big end cap起动爪 cranking claw带轮 pulley平衡重 counter weight发火顺序 firing order扭振减振器 torsional vibration damper第三章配气机构顶置气门(OHV) Over Head Valve顶置凸轮轴(OHC) Over Head Camshaft单顶置凸轮轴(SOHC) Single Over Head Camshaft 双顶置凸轮轴(DOHC) Dual Over Head Camshaft 多气门发动机 multi-valve engine气门间隙 valve clearance配气相位 timing phase气门杆 valve stem气门座 valve seat气门导管 valve guide气门弹簧 valve spring第四章汽油机供给系可燃混合气 combustion mixture消声器 silencer, muffler汽油 gasoline, petrol分馏 distil蒸发性 evaporating property热值 heat value抗爆性 anti-knock property辛烷值(RON) Research Octane Number过量空气系数 coefficient of excessive air理论混合气 theoretical mixture稀混合气 thin mixture浓混合气 thick mixture主供油系统 main supply system怠速系统 idle system加浓系统 thickening system加速系统 accelerating system浮子 float浮子室 float chamber针阀 needle valve量孔 metering jet阻风门 choke滤芯 filter cartridge沉淀杯 sediment cup泵膜 pump diaphragm油浴式 oil bath type石棉垫 a**estos pad预热 pre-heating汽油直接喷射 gasoline direct injection电控 electronic control多点喷射 muti-point injection单点喷射 single point injection电路控制 circuit control分电器信号 distributor signal空气流量信号 airflow signal冷却水温信号 water temperature signal第五章柴油机供给系输油泵 transfer pump喷油泵 fuel injection pump高压油管 high pressure fuel pipe发火性 ignition property黏度 viscosity凝点 condensing point备燃期 pri-combustion period速燃期 rapid combustion period缓燃期 slow combustion period燃烧室 combustion chamber统一燃烧室 united chamber球形燃烧室 ball shape chamber涡流室 turbulence chamber预燃室 pri-combustion chamber喷油器 injector精密偶件 precise couple柱塞 plunger出油阀 delivery valve调速器 governor两速调速器 two speed governor全速调速器 full speed governor定速调速器 fixed speed governor综合调速器 combined governor气动调速器 pneumatic governor机械离心式调速器 mechanical centrifugal governor 复合式调速器 complex governor喷油提前角调节装置 advancer飞块 flyweight联轴节 coupling粗滤清器 primary filter细滤清器 secondary filter涡轮增压器 turbocharger中间冷却器 intermediate cooler第七章冷却系节温器 thermostat防冻液 anti-freezing liquid补偿水桶 compensation reservoirV-带 V belt百叶窗 shutter大循环 big circulation小循环 small circulation散热翅片 fins第八章润滑系润滑剂 lubricant压力润滑 pressure lubrication飞溅润滑 splash lubrication润滑脂 grease机油压力传感器 oil pressure sensor油封 oil seal旁通阀 bypass valve机油散热器 oil cooler机油尺 dip stick加机油口 oil filler曲轴箱通风 crankcase ventilation第九章点火系一次绕组 primary winding二次绕组 secondary winding热敏电阻 heat sensitive resistance点火提前 ignition advance分电器 distributor活动触点 moving contact固定触点 fixed contact分火头 distributor rotor arm电容器 condenser点火提前装置 ignition advancer离心式点火提前装置 centrifugal ignition advancer 真空式点火提前装置 vacuum ignition advancer 辛烷值校正器 octane number rectifier中心电极 central electrode侧电极 side electrode瓷绝缘体 ceramic insulator跳火间隙 spark gap半导体点火系 semi-conductor ignition system晶体管 transistor二极管 diode三极管 triode无触点点火系 non-contact ignition system霍尔效应 Hall effect正极板 anode负极板 cathode隔板 separator电解液 electrolyte蓄电池格 battery cell接线柱 terminal电缆 cable硅整流交流发电机silicon rectified A.C. motor 转子 rotor定子 stator电刷 brush风扇叶轮 fan blade电压调节器 voltage regulator第十章起动系手摇起动 cranking电热塞 electric heater plug串激直流发电机 serial wound D.C. motor起动齿圈 starter ring电磁操纵机构 electro-magnetic control第十一章新型发动机三角活塞 triangular piston转子发动机 rotary engine自转 rotary motion, rotation公转 orbit motion轨迹 trajectory齿轮 gear齿圈 ring gear往复零件 reciprocal parts动平衡 dynamic balance燃气涡轮发动机 gas turbine第十二章汽车传动系机械式传动系 mechanical transmission液力机械式传动系 hydro-mechanical transmission静液式传动系 static-hydraulic transmission电力式传动系 electrical transmission自动式传动系 automatic transmission减速 reduction可变速比 variable ratios有级变速 definite ratios无级变速 indefinite ratios无级变速器(CVT) Continuously Variable Transmission 一般布置 general layout发动机横置 lateral engine positioning分动器 transfer case, transfer box第十三章离合器接合柔和 smooth engagement分离彻底 thorough separation过载 overload摩擦表面 friction surface摩擦衬片 friction liner毂 hub主动部分 driving part从动部分 driven part花键 spline压盘 pressure plate离合器盖 cover plate分离杠杆 release lever分离套筒 release sleeve分离轴承 release bearing主缸 master cylinder工作缸 working cylinder分离* release fork间隙调整 clearance adjustment打滑 slip踏板 pedal踏板自由行程 pedal free stroke踏板工作行程 pedal working stroke铆钉,铆接 rivet双片离合器 dual disc clutch中央弹簧离合器 central spring clutch膜片弹簧离合器 diaphragm spring clutch非线性 non-linear第十四章变速器与分动器输入轴(第一轴)input shaft, drive shaft输出轴(第二轴)output shaft, main shaft中间轴 counter shaft倒挡轴 reverse gear shaft常啮合 constant mesh低速挡 low gear高速挡 high gear最高速挡 top gear空挡 neutral gear一挡 the first gear二挡 the second gear三挡 the third gear倒挡 reverse gear直接挡 direct gear超速挡 overdrive动力输出 power take-off换挡 shift啮合套 sliding sleeve同步器 synchronizer同步锥面 synchro cone变速杆 shifting lever手柄 handle球铰链 ball joint换挡拨叉 shifting fork自锁 self-lock互锁 inter-lock变速驱动桥 transaxle加力挡 low gear第十五章液力机械传动液力偶合器 hydraulic coupling泵轮 impeller涡轮 turbine叶片 blade液力变矩器 torque converter导轮 stator行星齿轮系 planetary gear system太阳轮 sun gear行星轮 planet pinion行星架 planet carrier齿圈 ring gear第十六章传动轴万向节 universal joint, U-joint十字轴式万向节Cardan type U-joint叉子 yoke, fork十字轴 spider, center cross滚针轴承 needle bearing滑脂嘴(油嘴)lubricating fitting, nipple等角速 constant angular velocity双联式万向节 dual Cardan type U-joint球*式万向节 Weiss type U-joint球笼式万向节 Rzeppa type U-joint星形套 inner race housing球形壳 outer race shell保持架,球笼 retainer, ball cage挠性万向节 flexible U-joint无缝钢管 seamless steel tube主减速器 final drive主动(小)齿轮 drive pinion从动(大)齿轮 ring gear伞齿轮 bevel gear双曲面齿轮 hypoid gear单级减速 single reduction双级减速 double reduction贯通式主减速器 penetrable final drive双速主减速器 double gear (speed) final drive 轮边减速器 wheel reduction差速器 differential半轴齿轮 differential side gear差速锁 differential lock轴间差速器 inter-axle differential lock托森差速器 torque sensitive differential半轴 axle shaft全浮式半轴 float type axle shaft半浮式半轴 semi-float type axle shaft桥壳 axle housing桥壳后盖 final drive rear cover第十八章行驶系行驶系 running gear车架 frame车桥,车轴 axle悬架 suspension半履带式汽车 semi-caterpillar vehicle第十九章车架边梁式车架 ladder type frame纵梁 side rail横梁 cross member保险杠 bumper托架 bracket支承 support拖钩 tow hook中梁式车架 backbone type frame桁架式车架 lattice type frame第二十章车桥和车轮转向桥 steering axle桥梁 axle beam工字形断面 I-section转向节 knuckle主销 king pin轮毂 wheel hub转向轮定位 steering wheel alignment主销后倾 caster主销内倾 king pin inclination前轮外倾 camber前轮前束 toe-in转向驱动桥 steering and driving axle 支持桥 support axle轮辋 rim轮辐 spoke车轮装饰罩 hub cap轮胎 tyre, tire胎冠 crown, tread花纹 pattern胎侧 side wall帘布层 cord, ply尼龙,锦纶 nylon带束层 belted layer内胎 tube垫带 protector胎圈 bead气门嘴 bleed valve气门芯 valve core子午线轮胎 radial tire无内胎轮胎 tubeless tire刺穿 puncture备胎 spare tire第二十一章悬架弹性元件 spring, elastic element减振器 sock absorber导向机构 control device横向稳定器(杆)stabilizer, anti-roll bar悬架刚度 suspension stiffness簧载质量 sprung mass非簧载质量 unsprung mass静挠度 static deformation独立悬架 independent suspension车轮上跳(减振器压缩行程) jounce车轮回跳(减振器伸张行程) rebound双向作用减振器 double action shock absorber单向作用减振器 single action shock absorber筒式减振器 telescopic shock absorber吊环 link ring工作缸 working cylinder贮油缸 reservoir流通阀(进液阀)intake valve伸张阀 rebound valve压缩阀 compression valve补偿阀 compensation valve充气减振器 gas filled shock absorber压力可调减振器 pressure adjustable shock absorber 钢板弹簧 leaf spring中心螺栓 central bolt弹簧夹 clip螺旋弹簧 coil spring扭杆弹簧 torsional bar囊式空气弹簧 bellow type air spring膜式空气弹簧 diaphragm type air spring橡胶弹簧 rubber spring卷耳 spring eye吊耳 shackleU形螺栓 U-bolt弹簧盖板 spring plate副簧 auxiliary spring主簧 main spring横臂式悬架 transversal type suspension双横臂式悬架 double wishbone suspension转向轴线 steering axis纵摆臂式 trailing arm type滑柱式 strut type麦弗逊式 McPhaeson type平衡悬架 tandem axle suspension第二十二章转向系机械(手动)转向系 manual steering system转向盘 steering wheel转向轴 steering shaft转向柱 steering column转向传动轴 steering drive shaft转向器 steering gear直拉杆 drag link转向节 knuckle转向节臂 knuckle arm梯形臂 steering arm横拉杆 tie rod转向轮偏转角关系 steering geometry转弯半径 turning radius循环球式转向器 recirculating ball steering gear转向螺杆 steering screw转向螺母 steering nut齿扇 sector齿轮齿条式转向器 rack and pinion steering gear蜗杆曲柄指销式转向器 worm and crankpin steering gear 动力转向 power steering转向油罐 steering reservoir转向油泵 steering oil pump第二十三章制动系鼓式制动器 drum brake制动蹄 brake shoe轮缸 wheel cylinder制动底板 brake base plate调整凸轮 adjustable cam制动蹄回位弹簧 retainer spring领蹄 leading shoe从蹄 trailing shoe盘式制动器 disc brake制动钳 brake calipers制动盘 brake disc液压制动系 fluid braking system制动液 brake fluid制动主缸 master cylinder气压制动系 pneumatic braking system空气压缩机 air compressor制动气室 brake chamber贮气筒 reservoir制动阀 brake valve气压调节阀 air pressure governor伺服制动系 servo braking system真空助力器 vacuum booster防抱死制动系(ABS) Anti-lock Braking System 辅助制动器 auxiliary brake缓速器 retarder排气制动 exhaust braking第二十四章车身车身壳体 body shell非承载式车身 separate frame construction承载式车身 unitary construction, integral body发动机舱 engine compartment客厢,乘客室 passenger compartment行李箱 trunk发动机罩 hood, bonnet前翼板 front fender, front wing前挡泥板 front fender apron前围板 dash board, fire wall前风窗 windscreen, windshield前围 cowl, shroud顶盖 roof地板 floor panel行李箱盖 trunk lid, deck lid后围板 rear end panel前柱 front pillar, “A” pillar中柱 center pillar, “B” pillar后柱 rear pillar, “C” pillar上边梁 roof rail门槛 rocker panel仪表板 instrument panel遮阳板 sun visor刮水器 wiper后视镜 rear view mirror门锁 door lock玻璃升降器 window regulator密封条 weather strip暖气装置 heater空调装置 air conditioner座椅 seat头枕 head restraint安全带 safety seat belt钢化玻璃 toughened glass夹层玻璃 laminated glass货箱 carrying platform边板 side board后板 tail board前板 head board地板,底板 floor board栓杆 tightening latch第二十五章附属设备车速表 speedometer里程表 mileage recorder机油压力表 oil pressure gauge 燃油表 fuel gauge水温表 water temperature gauge 电流表 ammeter前大灯 head lamp转向指示灯 turning indicator制动信号灯 braking signal light 报警信号装置 warning signal。
needle valve 针阀 steering gear 转向器 body 车身 steering shaft 转向轴 front wheel valance前轮挡泥板 service brake pedal 制动踏板 roof front top rail 车身前横杠 parking brake cable 停车制动绳 front bumper 前保险杠 parking brake handle 手制动杆 hood 发动机盖 brake cylinder 制动分泵 floor panel 地板,底版 brake band 制动带 trunk lid 行李箱盖 friction lining 制动蹄摩擦衬片 fender 翼子板 brake disk 制动盘 front door 前车门 floating shoe 浮动蹄 front panel 前护板 friction pad 摩擦垫块 sun visor 遮阳板 floating caliper 浮动钳 mirror 后视镜 friction disk 摩擦盘 grab handle 把手 windshield wiper 刮水器 protrusion 突出 突出部 露出 electroplate 电镀 电瓶 foundry 铸造,铸造厂 cast 铸造 solder 焊接剂 ,焊接 weld 焊接 gimbal 万向节 gyroscrope 陀螺仪 swarf 金属 切屑 ,铁屑 journal 日记,杂志,轴颈 gauge 标准度量,计量器,线规 gallery 走廊,画廊,图库 datum 论据,材料,已知数,数据 roughness 粗糙度,不平度 taper 拔销,锥形,使变锥形 square 正方形,使成直角 pit 深坑 凹陷 scratcher 刻痕,刮伤,抓 penetrate 穿透,刺穿 了解 使充溢 resistance 抵抗力 反抗 阻力 电阻 nick 刻痕,缺痕,划伤,狙击 tool marks 工具痕迹 projection 发射,投影 计划 推测 voltage 电压 伏特数 pre-qualified machining 初加工 batch 批次 flange of oil bottom housing 油底壳法兰gastightness test 气密性测试 sand melusion 粘砂 short pouring 浇不足 loss 疏松 scrab 结瘤 profile chart 透视图 profile cutter 成型刀具 profile modeling 靠模 forge 熔炉,锻造,打制 plane 平面,刨削 mill(er) 铣 (铣床) grind(er)磨 磨碎 磨床 研磨者 BMEP 制动平均有效压力 Automible-Mechanism 汽车构造 connect rod 连杆 crank shaft 曲轴 componets 总成 ignition system 点火系 compartment 部件 车厢 wear excessively 过度磨损 cam 凸轮轴 piston 活塞 power train 动力传动系 strok 行程 intake 进气 power 作功 exhaust 排气 lever 杠杆 gasket 密封垫 port 进排气道 vaporize 汽化 expand 膨胀 bolt/stud 螺栓 engine 引擎 coil /winding 线圈 cliaphragm 膜片 distributor 分电器 eccentric 偏心轮 friction 摩擦
1diesel 柴油40no-load空载2gasoline汽油41full load满负荷3kerosene煤油42Starting speed 启动速度4Internal combustion engine内燃机43Idling speed 怠速转速5Multi-fuel engine多燃料发动机44Engine speed 发动机转速6in-line engine直列发动机45Economic speed 经济转速7V engine V型发动机46Direction of rotation 旋转方向8radial engine星型发动机47Left hand rotation 左转9starting performance启动性能48Clockwise rotation顺时针旋转10acceleration performance加速性能49counter clockwise逆时针11loading performance加载性能50mixture ratio混合比例12emission performance排放性能51power per liter升功率13fuel economy燃油经济性52gross horse power总马力14four stroke四冲程53net power净功率15combustion chamber燃烧室54Power per cylinder 单缸功率16Subsidiary combustion chamber副燃烧室55rated power额定功率17piston stroke活塞行程56rated speed额定转速18suction stroke进气行程57power curve功率曲线19compression stroke压缩行程58Overall efficiency 总效率20power stroke做功行程59thermal efficiency热效率21combustion stroke膨胀行程60No load characteristics 空载特性22exhaust stroke排气行程61mechanical loss机械损失23Up stroke 上行程62fuel quality燃油品质24Down stroke下行程63destructive test破坏性试验25top dead center上止点64reliability test可靠性试验26bottom dead center下止点65acceleration performance加速性能27Otto cycle奥拓循环66emmission performance排放性能28Diesel cycle 狄赛尔循环67emission standard排放标准29Thermodynamic cycle 热循环68black smoke黑烟30Mixed cycle 混合循环69nitrogen oxides氮氧化物31working cycle工作循环70carbon monoxide一氧化碳32thermodynamic cycle热循环71carbon dioxide二氧化碳33Compression ratio 压缩比72particulate matter PM颗粒物34Correction factor 校正系数7335cylinder pressure气缸压力74cylinder block缸体364-valve system四气门系统75cylinder head缸盖37displacement排量76thread plug螺塞38coefficient系数77expansion plug碗形塞39working condition工况78crankshaft曲轴79crank曲柄118vibration damper减震器80crankcase曲轴箱119air cleaner空滤器81cam凸轮120oil pump机油泵82camshaft凸轮轴121oil filter机油滤清83camshaft cover凸轮轴盖122bypass oil filter旁路机油滤清器84piston活塞123fuel pump燃油泵85Oval piston 椭圆活塞124fuel filter燃油滤清86connecting rod连杆125sea water pump海水泵87Slave connecting rod 副连杆126water pump水泵88pistion and con-rod活塞连杆总成127dipstick机油尺89cylinder liner缸套128STC valve(switch to close)常开阀90main bearing cap主轴承盖129heat shield隔热罩91main bearing shell主轴承轴瓦130hand hole cover手孔盖92Assembled crankshaft 组合式曲轴131thrust止推片93One piece crankshaft 整体式曲轴132lower retainer下支座94Crankshaft front end 曲轴前端133lifting bracket起吊支架95short block短缸体134alternator support发电机支架96long block长缸体135front engine support发动机前支架97Bushing轴套136rear engine support发动机后支架98fly wheel飞轮137oil manifold机油歧管99fly wheel housing飞轮壳138fuel manifold燃油歧管100timing gear正时齿轮139water tube/pipe水管101timing belt正时皮带140high pressure tube/pipe高压油管102gear cover plate齿轮室盖141oil suction tube吸油管103idle gear中间齿轮(惰轮)142water inlet tube进水管104inlet valve进气门143water outlet tube出水管105exhaust valve排气门144aftercooler中冷器106spark plug火花塞145male adpter阳性接头107ignition switch点火开关146crosshead丁字压板108carburetor化油器147exhaust manifold排气支管109starter启动机148cylinder head gasket缸盖衬垫110oil seal油封149cylinder head dowel pin缸盖定位销111thermostat节温器150washer垫圈112turbocharger增压器151gasket垫片113cooling nozzle冷却喷嘴152U slot U型槽114oil cooler机油冷却器153free ring自由环115heat exchanger热交换器154piston ring活塞环116injector喷油器155piston pin活塞销117Injection pump喷油泵156Concentric piston ring 同心活塞环157Eccentric piston ring 偏心活塞环196hydraulic press液压压装158bushing轴套197force/position monitoring压力/位置检测159Slotted oil ring 开槽油环198cylinder liner protrusion缸套突出量160oil pan adapter机油盘连接器199grip the cylinder liner抓取缸套(抓很紧)161heat exchanger热交换器200print ESN打印发动机序列号162shields & guards防护罩201side clearance侧向间隙163magnetic switch磁力开关202cam follower凸轮从动件164Distributor分电器203adjust timing 调整正时165204induction heater感应加热器166zoom in放大205off-line线下/线边167zoom out缩小206leakage test泄漏测试/干试验168convex lens凸透镜207cold test冷试169concave lens凹透镜208hot test热试170oil film油膜209turn table转台171Crank radius 曲柄半径210conveyor输送装置172tear down MBC拆主轴承盖211transmission system变速箱系统173pallet托盘212transfer system传输系统174lift MBC吊装主轴承盖213TTT (torque tool tester)扭矩测量仪175fit MBC安装主轴承盖214single/dual mannual station单/双人工作站176rotate crankshafte旋转曲轴215pallet return system托盘返回系统177FIPG密封胶216piping管路安装178rocker housing摇杆室217valve lash气门间隙179blacklash反向间隙218high pressure common rail高压共轨180flywheel housing radial runout飞轮壳径向跳动219tighten force拧紧力181flywheel housing axial runout飞轮壳轴向跳动220OK/NOK好/不好182oil pan side up机油盘朝上221tighten order拧紧顺序183fly wheel housing leading飞轮壳朝前222plastic hammer塑胶榔头184upload station上料工位223print ESN on block打印发动机序列号185load block to pallet缸体调上托盘224access hole观察孔1862-spindle tighening machine双轴拧紧机225barring device盘车器187missing detection漏装检测226buffer station缓冲工位188check end play检查轴向间隙227upfit line附装线189block turn over缸体翻转228flexible system柔性系统190turn the block 180°缸体翻转180度229DC torque tool电动拧紧工具191barcode条形码230hand tool手动工具1922D code二维码231jig & fixture动/静夹具193press cylinder liner压装缸套232retooling assembly line改造装配线194servo press伺服压装233block rollover缸体翻转架195pneumatic press气动压装234block preparation缸体准备235AFC tube AFC管274go/no go gauge通止规236fastener紧固件275storage rack货架237drive pulley驱动皮带轮276lay on the workbench摆在工作台上238electrical/mannual hoist电动/手动葫芦277stamped into the block刻印在缸体上239EGR(exhaust gas recirculation排气再循环278remove burr清理毛刺240packing list装箱单279machined surface已加工面241280light up green亮绿灯242pre-treatment前处理281alternately tight交替拧紧243painting booth喷漆间282pry bar撬棍244paint mixing room调漆间283inner hexagon spanner内六角扳手245paint oven油漆烘干室284slide X into the block把X滑进缸体246pre-wash清洗前285strike用力敲击247pre-paint油漆前286liquid soap肥皂液248painting gun喷枪287dry the surface把表面擦干249masking遮蔽288close-up view微距图250demasking去屏蔽289the banner will read报警条会显示251paint repare油漆修补290in sequential order按次序252paint residue油漆废渣291lights wil illuminate灯会发光253electrostatic painting静电喷漆292proximity switch接近开关254pure water纯水293decimal point and 4 digits小数点后4位255visual check目视检查294counter bore沉孔256water blowing吹水295excess adhesive多余粘接剂257exhaust gas废气296spanner六角扳手258flash dry闪干297wrentch可调扳手259hot air flash off热流平298eye bolt吊环螺栓260anti-rust防锈299zero gauge清零两具261degreasing脱脂300take read读数262silanization硅烷化301one complete revolution完整的一圈263RO(reverse osmosis) 反渗透302the 4th quadrant第四象限264303maximum allowable toleranc最大允许工差265Low bearing下轴承304facing operator朝向操作者266Bearing shell轴承瓦305air gun气枪267Wipe both sides双面拭擦306plain washer平垫圈268Visible defects可视的缺陷307spring washer弹簧垫圈269coat with 105 grease涂上105润滑脂308as shown below如下图所示270It’s preferred that最好309sponge海绵271Clean cloth干净布310mark X with X用X标记X 272Lint-free cloth无尘布311interference干涉273omitted忽略了312repositioning重新定位313match the number同数字吻合352widely used广泛应用314legible handwriting写的字易读/认的353energy saving节能315color strips彩带354emission reducing减排316inner/internal surface内表面355differences of ±10% ±10% 差异317outside surface外表面356saddle溜板318grasp the table抓住桌子357abbreviation缩写319crankshaft journal曲轴颈358capital letter大写字母320push X into the hole把X推进孔里359small letter小写字母321pull X out of the hole把X拉出孔360non-mental非金属322wear safety clothes穿上劳保服361323heart resistant gloves隔热手套362324snap ring卡簧363325gear puller拉马364326expander胀圈器365327foot pedal脚踏板366328pry out向外撬367329ratchet spanner棘轮扳手368330dial indicator百分表369331gear rim齿轮轮缘370332spot spray点喷371333Subnet Mask子网掩码372334Default Gateway默认网管373335Lot number批号374336PROFIBUS: Process Field Bus现场总线375337Process Automation过程自动化376338Industrial Ethernet工业以太网377339Interactive computer control交互式计算机控制378340Optical cable光纤379341SIP: Single In-Line Package单列直插封装380342DIP: Double In-Line Package双列直插封装381343hall #33号厅382344easy to fix易于维修383345special chuck专用卡盘384346385347386348high performance/price ratio高性价比387349DEC is comprised of DEC由XXX组成388350market leader行业领导者389351urgent requirements迫切需求390。
濮明2007年2月4日发动机engine内燃机intenal combustion engine动力机装置power unit汽油机gasoline engine汽油喷射式汽油机gasoline-injection engine火花点火式发动机spark ignition engine压燃式发动机compression ignition engine往复式内燃机reciprocating internal combustion engine化油器式发动机carburetor engine柴油机diesel engine转子发动机rotary engine旋轮线转子发动机rotary trochoidal engine二冲程发动机two-stroke engine四冲程发动机four-stroke engine直接喷射式柴油机direct injection engine间接喷射式柴油机indirect injection engine增压式发动机supercharged engine风冷式发动机air-cooled engine油冷式发动机oil-cooled engine水冷式发动机water-cooled engine自然进气式发动机naturally aspirated engine煤气机gas engine液化石油气发动机liquified petroleum gas engine 柴油煤气机diesel gas engine多种燃料发动机multifuel engine石油发动机hydrocarbon engine双燃料发动机duel fuel engine热球式发动机hot bulb engine多气缸发动机multiple cylinder engine对置活塞发动机opposed piston engine对置气缸式发动机opposed-cylinder engine十字头型发动机cross head engine直列式发动机in-line engine星型发动机radial engine筒状活塞发动机trunk-piston engine斯特林发动机stirling engine套阀式发动机knight engine气孔扫气式发动机port-scavenge d engine倾斜式发动机slant engine前置式发动机front-engine intensity n.强烈,剧烈;强度intensively adv.加强地,集中地,深入细致地intensive study深入细致的研究intensive reading精读intensive agriculture集约农业labour intensity劳动强度look at sb.with intensity深情地看着某人An intense attack全线的攻击;an intensive attack集中某一点攻击approachable可接近的,平易近人的,亲切的advisable adj.可取的,明智的in charge of主管,看管in(under)the charge of在……的掌管下charge sb.with指控某人………charge(sb.)…(money)for sth.要价,要(某人)付….(钱)买某物take charge开始管理,接管a positive/negative charge正/负电荷be on charge正充电at modest charges以公道的价格charge for trouble手续费charge a battery给电池充电后置式发动机rear-engine中置式发动机central engine左侧发动机left-hand engine右侧发动机right-hand engine短冲程发动机oversquare engine长冲程发动机undersquare engine等径程发动机square engine顶置凸轮轴发动机overhead camshaft engine双顶置凸轮轴发动机dual overhead camshaft engine V形发动机V-engine顶置气门发动机valve in-head engine侧置气门发动机side valve engine无气门发动机valveless engine多气门发动机multi-valve engine卧式发动机horizontal engine斜置式发动机inclined engine立式发动机vertical engineW形发动机w-engineI形发动机I-engineL形发动机L-engineF形发动机F-engine二冲程循环two-stroke cycle四冲程循环four-stroke cycle狄塞尔循环diesel cycle奥托循环otto cycle混合循环mixed cycle定容循环constant volume cycle工作循环working cycle等压循环constant pressure cycle理想循环ideal cycle热力循环thermodynamic cycle冲程stroke活塞行程piston stroke长行程long stroke上行程up stroke下行程down stroke进气行程intake stroke充气行程charging stroke压缩行程compression stroke爆炸行程explosion stroke膨胀行程expansion stroke动力行程power stroke排气行程exhaust stroke膨胀换气行程expansion-exchange stroke换气压缩行程exchange-compression stroke止点dead center上止点top dead center(upper dead center)下止点lower dead center(bottom dead center)上止点前budc(before upper dead center)上止点后atdc(after top dead cetner)下止点前bbdc(before bottom dead center)下止点后abdc(after bottom dead center)缸径cylinder bore缸径与行程bore and stroke空气室energy chamber气缸余隙容积cylinder clearance volume燃烧室容积combustion chamber volume气缸最大容积maximum cylinder volume压缩室compression chamber排气量displacement发动机排量engine displacement活塞排量piston swept volume气缸容量cylinder capacity单室容量single-chamber capacity容积法volumetry压缩比compression ratio临界压缩比critical compression ratio膨胀比expansion ratio面容比surface to volume ratio行程缸径比stroke-bore ratio混合比mixture ratio压缩压力compression pressure制动平均有效压力brake mean effective pressure(bmep)空燃比air fuel ratio燃空比fuel air ratio燃料当量比fuel equivalence ratio扭矩torque单缸功率power per cylinder升功率power per liter升扭矩torque per liter升质量mass per liter减额功率derating power输出马力shaft horsepower马力小时,马力时horsepower-hour总马力gross horse power总功率gross power净功率net power燃油消耗量fuel consumption比燃料消耗率specific fuel consumption空气消耗率air consumption机油消耗量oil consumption有效马力net horse power额定马力rated horse power马力重量系数horsepower-weight factor制动功率brake horse power制动热效率brake thermal efficiency总效率overall efficiency排烟极限功率smoke limiting horsepower功率曲线power curve机械损失mechanical loss机械效率mechanical efficiency有效热效率effective thermal efficiency充气系数volumetric efficiency过量空气系数coefficient of excess air适应性系数adaptive coefficient扭矩适应性系数coefficient of torque adaptibility转速适应性系数speed adaptive coefficient强化系数coefficient of intensification校正系数correction factor换算系数conversion factor活塞平均速度mean piston speed发动机转速engine speed(rotational frequency)怠速转速idling speed经济转速economic speed起动转速starting speed最低稳定工作转速lowest continuous speed with load 最大扭矩转速speed at maximum torque最高空转转速maximum no load governed speed调速speed governing超速overspeed怠速idling转速波动率speed fluctuation rate工况working condition(operating mode)额定工况declared working condition变工况variable working condition稳定工况steady working condition空载no-load全负荷full load超负荷overload部分负荷part load充量(进气)charge旋转方向direction of rotation顺时针clockwise逆时针counter-clockwise左转left-hand rotation右转right-hand rotation外径major diameter中径pitch diameter内径minor diameter径向间隙radial clearance发动机性能engine performance加载性能loading performance起动性能starting performance加速性能acceleration performance动力性能power performance排放性能emission performance空转特性no load characteristics负荷特性part throttle characteristics调速特性governor control characteristics万有特性mapping characteristics稳定调速率steady state speed governing rate 气缸体和气缸盖cylinder block and head气缸体cylinder block整体铸造cast inblock(cast enblock)发动机罩engine bonnet气缸体加强筋engine block stiffening rib气缸cylinder(转子机)缸体stator缸径cylinder bore气缸体机架cylinder block frame气缸盖cylinder head配气机构箱valve mechanism casing气缸体隔片cylinder spacer气缸盖密封环cylinder head ring gasket气缸盖垫片cylinder head gasket气缸套cylinder liner(cylinder sleeve)干式缸套dry cylinder liner湿式缸套wet cylinder liner气缸水套water jacket膨胀塞expansion plug防冻塞freeze plug气缸壁cylinder wall环脊ring ridge排气口exhaust port中间隔板intermediate bottum导板guideway创成半径(转子机)generating radius缸体宽度(转子机)operating width机柱column燃烧室combustion chamber主燃烧室main combustion chamber副燃烧室subsidiary combustion chamber预燃室prechamber涡流燃烧室`swirl combustion chamber分开式燃烧室divided combustion chamber涡流式燃烧室turbulence combustion chamber半球形燃烧室hemispherical combustion chamber浴盆形燃烧室bathtub section combustion chamberL形燃烧室L-combustion chamber楔形燃烧室wedge-section combustion chamber开式燃烧室open combustion chamber封闭喷射室closed spray chamber活塞顶内燃烧室piston chamber爆发室explosion chamber燃烧室容积比volume ratio of combustion cahmber燃烧室口径比surface-volume ratio of combustion chamber 通道面积比area ratio of combustion chamber passage曲轴箱通气口crankcase breather凸轮轴轴承座camshaft bearing bush seat定时齿轮室罩camshaft drive(gear)cover曲轴箱检查孔盖crankcase door曲轴箱防爆门crankcase explosion proof door主轴承盖main bearing cap气缸盖罩valve mechanism cover飞轮壳flywheel cover扫气储器scavenging air receiver活塞piston裙部开槽活塞split skirt pistonU形槽活塞U-slot piston滚花修复活塞knurled piston圆顶活塞dome head piston平顶活塞flat head piston凸顶活塞crown head piston(convex head piston)凹顶活塞concave head piston阶梯顶活塞step-head piston筒形活塞trunk piston椭圆形活塞oval piston抗热变形活塞autothermic piston不变间隙活塞constant clearance piston镶因瓦钢片活塞invar strut piston直接冷却式活塞direct-cooled piston间接冷却式活塞indirect cooled piston滑裙活塞slipper piston活塞速度piston speed活塞顶部piston head活塞裙部piston skirt整体活塞裙solid skirt活塞裙扩大衬簧piston skirt expander滑履式活塞裙slipper skirt隔热槽heat dam活塞标记piston mark活塞销piston pin活塞销孔piston pin boss活塞销衬套piston pin bushing全浮式活塞销full-floating piston pin半浮式活塞销semifloating piston pin固定螺钉式活塞销set screw piston pin活塞环piston ring组合式活塞环compound piston ring同心活塞环concentric piston ring偏心活塞环eccentric piston ring自由环free ring闭合环closed ring梯形环keystone ring半梯形环half keystone ring矩形环rectangular ring油环oil control ring开槽油环slotted oil control ring螺旋弹簧加载双坡口油环coil spring loaded slotted oil control ring 涨环expander双坡口油环double bevelled oil control ring内上坡口internal bevel top内下坡口internal bevel bottom边缘坡口油环bevelled-ege oil control ring刮油环scrapper ring钩形环napier ring镀铬活塞环chrome plated piston ring活塞衬环piston ring expander活塞环槽piston ring groove活塞环区ring zone活塞环岸piston ring land活塞环内表面back of ring曲柄连杆机构connecting rod中心曲柄连杆机构central-located connecting rod偏心曲柄连杆机构offset connecting rod铰接曲柄边杆机构hinged connecting rod连杆connecting rod连杆小头connecting rod small end连杆大头connnecting rod big end连杆杆身connecting rod shank副连杆slave connecting rod叉形连杆fork-and-blade connecting rod主连杆main connecting rod方形连杆boxed rod绞链式连杆hinged type connecting rod活节式连杆articulated connecting rod连杆盖connecting rod cap连杆轴承connecting rod bearing曲轴crankshaft整体式曲轴one-piece crankshaft组合式曲轴assembled crankshaft右侧曲轴right-hand crankshaft左侧曲轴left-hand crankshaft改变行程的曲轴stroked crankshaft曲轴前端crankshaft front end曲轴主轴颈crankshaft main journal轴颈重叠度shaft journal overlap圆角fillet主轴承main bearing曲轴止推轴承crankshaft thrust bearing薄臂轴瓦thin wall bearing shell曲轴油道crankshaft oil passage曲柄crank曲柄臂crank arm曲柄销crank pin轴套bush曲柄转角crank angle曲柄半径crank radius抛油圈oil slander角度轮degree wheel动平衡机dynamic balancer平衡重balancer weight扭振减振器torshional vibration damper扭振平衡器torsion balancer谐振平衡器harmonic balancer振动平衡器vibration balancer曲轴链轮crankshaft sprocket转子轴颈rotor journal偏心轴eccentric shaft曲轴箱crankcase闭式曲轴箱通风装置closed-crankcase ventilating system 飞轮flywheel飞轮齿圈flywheel ring gear飞轮芯棒cantilever飞轮芯轴flywheel spindle飞轮的惯量矩flywheel moment of inertia飞轮标记flywheel mark当量系统equivalent system当量轴长equivalent shaft length一级往复惯性力reciprocating inertia force,1st order二级往复贯性力reciprocating inertia force,2nd order 离心惯性力centrifugal inertia force配气机构valve gear凸轮轴camshaft凸轮cam整体式凸轮轴one-piece camshaft组合式凸轮轴assembled camshaft凸轮轴驱动机构camshaft drive赛车用凸轮轴race camshaft凸轮轴轴颈camshaft bearing journal凸轮轴轴承camshaft bearing凸轮轴偏心轮camshaft eccentric凸轮轴链轮camshaft sprocket凸轮轴正时齿轮camshaft timing gear凸轮轴齿轮camshaft gear wheel进口凸轮inlet cam排气凸轮exhaust cam快升凸轮quick lift cam快升缓降凸轮quick lift gradual clsing cam 凸轮轮廓cam contour凸轮包角cam angle凸轮升程cam-lobe lift凸轮尖cam nose凸轮从动件cam follower齿轮传动机构gear drive正时齿轮timing gear链传动机构chain drive链轮sprocket wheel链轮盘chain sprocket正时链条timing chain带齿皮带toothed timing belt链条张紧轮chain tension gear半速齿轮half speed gear正时齿轮刻印记号timing gear punch mark 气门valve进气过程intake process换气过程gas exchange process扫气过程scavenging process给气比delivery ratio分层充气stratified charge充量系数volumetric efficiency涡流比swirl rate进气涡流intake swirl螺旋进气道进气helical duct intake导流屏式气门进气masked valve intake切向进气道进气tangential duct intake进气紊流intake trubulence进气提前角intake advance angle进气持续角intake duration angle进气迟后角intake lag angle进面值time-area value气门升程valve lift气门正时valve timing扫气口面积scavenging port area菌形气门mashroom valve,poppet valve钠冷却气门sodium filled valve(natrium cooled valve)双气门dual valve进气门intake valve(suction valve,inlet valve)排气门exhaust valve顶置气门overhead valve侧置气门side valve倾斜气门inclined overhead valve直立气门vertical overhead valve套筒式滑阀sleeve valve气门机构valve gear直接式气门驱动机构direct valve gear间接式气门驱动机构indirect valve gear气门杆valve stem加大气门杆oversize valve stem气门头valve head气门工作面valve face气门边限valve margin气门弹簧座valve-spring retainer气门锁片valve key气门间隙调节螺钉valve lash adjusting screw气门旋转器valve rotator气门室valve cage气门油封valve oil seal气门口valve port气门座valve seat气门座镶圈(嵌镶式气门座圈)valve seat insert(valve seat ring)气门座锥角valve seat angle气门座宽度valve seat width气门挺杆valve tappet(valve lifter)液力挺杆hydraulic tappet(lifter)无间隙挺杆zero-rush tappet(non-clearance tappet)筒形挺杆barrel type tappet油压挺杆ooil tappet滚轮挺杆roller tappet(lifter)挺杆转位tappet rotation排气门挺杆exhaust valve lifter气门导管valve guide气门杆导管stem guide气门重叠度stem overlap气门开启持续时间valve duration气门正时标记valve timing sign气门弹簧valve spring气门内弹簧inner valve spring气门外弹簧outer valve spring刚性缓冲弹簧stiff buffer spring上紧弹簧energizing spring防振气门弹簧non-surging spring弹簧座圈spring retainer蝶形弹簧belleville spring滚柱roller气门室盖valve chamber cover摇臂rocker arm高升程摇臂high lift rocker arm摇臂轴rocker arm shaft推杆push-rod摇臂支架rocker arm bracket气门摇臂室罩valve rocker chamber cover导向轮guide wheel导杆slide bar导轨slide rail张紧轮tensioning wheel链条张紧调节装置assembly chain tension adjuster 张紧带轮tensioning pulley传动带张紧装置belt tensioner同步驱动皮带synchronous belt同步驱动皮轮synchronous belt pulley供油系fuel system控制燃烧系统controlled combustion system反湿气装置antipercolator电子燃油喷射electronic fuel injection蒸气回收装置vapor recovery system燃油蒸气回收系统fuel vapor recovery system液体回收装置liquid withdrawal system恒量净化管constant purge line碳罐净化管canister purge line供油量fuel delivery循环供油量fuel delivery per cycle额定供油量rated fuel delivery怠速供油量idling speed fuel delivery供油规律fuel supply rate curve油量调节装置fuel control unit供油提前角fuel supply advance angle进油计量inlet metering几何供油行程geometric fuel delivery stroke供油率fuel supply rate燃油通道fuel gallery有效行程effective stroke剩余行程remainder stroke变行程计量variable stroke metering等容卸载constant volume unloading变容卸载variable volume unloading收缩容积retraction volume燃油喷油装置fuel injection equipment燃油喷射泵fuel injection pump滚轮式燃油喷射泵roll fuel injection pump凸轮轴式燃油喷射泵camshaft fuel injection pump直列式燃油喷射泵in-line fuel injection pump伺服式燃油喷射泵servo fuel injection pump底部突缘安装燃油喷射泵base flanged mounted fuel injection pump 上部安装燃油喷射泵high flanged-mounted fuel injection pump侧向安装燃油喷射泵side-mounted fuel injection pump端部突缘安装式燃油喷射泵end flange-mounted fuel injection pump V形燃油喷射泵vee fuel injection pump脉动式燃油喷射泵jerk fuel injection pump螺纹安装燃油喷射泵screw-mounted fuel injection pump蓄能式燃油喷射泵accumulator fuel injection pump往复式燃油喷射泵reciprocating fuel injection pump驱动轴式燃油喷射泵driveshaft fuel injection pump单缸式燃油喷射泵single cylinder fuel injection pump圆柱式燃油喷射泵cylindrical fuel injection pump旋转式燃油喷射泵rotary fuel injection pump分配式燃油喷射泵distributor fuel injection pump多缸燃油喷射泵multicylinder fuel injection pump框架安装式燃油喷射泵cradle mounted injection pump喷油始点fuel injection beginning喷油终点fuel injection end喷油持续角fuel injection duration angle喷油延迟injection delay引燃喷射pilot injection启喷压力injection starting pressure峰值喷油扭矩peak injection torque峰值喷油压力peak injection pressure喷油泵油缸数目number of cylinders of an injection pump无气喷射solid injection喷射正时injection timing集中喷射group injection喷油器injector整体式喷油器unit injector喷嘴nozzle轴针式喷嘴pintle type nozzle环槽式喷嘴annular slot nozzle孔式喷嘴hole type nozzle长杆喷嘴long stem nozzle孔板式喷嘴orifice plate nozzle开式喷嘴open nozzle闭式喷嘴closed nozzle喷油提前器timing advance unit喷射泵壳体injection pump housing针阀needle芯轴central spindle喷嘴壳体nozzle body针阀升程needle lift喷嘴盖形螺母nozzle cap nut喷油器壳体nozzle holder突缘安装喷油器壳体flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder 燃油喷射泵传动装置transmision of an injection pump喷嘴锥体nozzle hole cone柱塞plunger柱塞套barrel柱塞行程plunger stroke喷孔spray orifice海拔控制器altitude control提前器飞锤flyweight喷孔长径比ratio of nozzle hole length nozzle diameter喷嘴液动力特性nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics动态相位dynamic phase喷孔面积nozzle hole area喷嘴流通特性nozzle flow characteristic喷油背压injection back pressure高压油管high pressure pipe平均喷油扭矩mean injection torque喷油总效率overall pumping efficiency峰值喷油压力injection peak pressure预行程prestroke收缩行程retraction stroke燃油箱fuel tank油箱盖fuel tank油位表fuel level gauge注油控制装置fill control system汽油箱gasoline tank(petrol tank)汽油供给管gasoline feed pipe加油管filler tube放油螺塞drain plug吸油管suction pipe刚性燃油管rigid fuel pipe进油孔fuel feed hole供油管supply pipe通气管bleeding pipe通气管bleeding pipe泄油阀spill valve泄油孔口spill port进油阀inlet valve最大油量限制器maximum fuel stop滴油dribble燃油表fuel gauge输油泵feed pump燃油泵fuel pump附装燃油箱中的电动燃油泵tank-mounted eletric fuel pump 机械式燃油泵mechanical fuel pump膜片式燃油泵diaphragm fuel supply pump叶片式供油泵vane fuel supply pump活塞式输油泵piston type fuel supply pump齿轮式输油泵gear fuel supply pump电动燃油泵eletric fuel pump带真空泵的汽油泵vacuum pump with fuel pump起动加油器primer起动给油杆primer lever燃油泵上体fuel pump body燃油泵下体fuel pump base燃油泵盖bowl cover进油口接头fuel inlet neck出油口接头fuel discharge port输出阀delivery valve泵油元件pump element回油阀部件fuel return valve assembly化油器carburetor化油器系统carburetor circuit简单化油器elementary carburetor单腔化油器single-barrel carburetor双腔并动化油器two-barrel dual carburetor双腔分动化油器two-barrel duplex carburetor四腔化油器four-barrel carburetor上吸式化油器updaught carburetor下吸式化油器downdraught carburetor平吸式化油器horizontal carburetor侧吸式化油器side-draft-carburetor高海拔补偿式化油器altitude compensating carburetor 化油器附加器adaptor carburetor双腔式化油器twin-choke carburetor固定喉管式化油器fixed venturi carburetor可变喉管化油器variable venturi carburetor化油器接头carburetor adaptor阻风门choke valve阻风活塞choke piston阻风板choke plate自动阻风门automatic choke阻风门拉钮choke button电控自动阻风门electric-assisted choke阻风管choke tube喉管venturi双重或三重喉管double&triple venturi阻风门拉线choke cable化油器小喉管booster venturi浮子系float system浮子float环形浮子annular float同心式浮子concentric float浮子支销float hinge pin浮子针阀float needle valve阀针valve needle浮子油面float level浮子臂float arm侧置浮子室式side float type怠速阀idle valve怠速针阀idle needle省油器economizer省油器阀economizer valve辅助空气阀auxiliary air-valve加速油井accelerating well加速泵accelerating pump加速泵喷嘴accelerating pump nozzle油门throttle手油门hand throttle节气门操纵手柄throttle control lever真空加浓器vacuum booster加浓器excess fuel device量孔体jet block怠速量孔idle metering jet主量孔main metering jet剂量阀活塞dosage valve piston空气量孔air jet燃油滤清器fuel filter沉淀杯sediment bowl串联过滤器in-line filter燃油箱内装过滤器in-tank filter调速器governor飞球式调速器flyball governor调速器governor飞球式调速器flyball governor液压调速器hydraulic governor真空转速调速器vacuum speed governor惯性调速器inertia governor离心调速器centrifugal governor调速器重锤governor weight空气滤清器及进排气系统air cleaner and intake and exhaust sytem 空气滤清器air filter冲压式空气滤清器ram air clearner恒温控制式空气滤清器thermostatic controlled air cleaner油浴式空气滤清器oil bath air cleaner纸质空气滤清器paper air clearner旋流管式空气滤清器swirl tube air filter滤清器滤芯filter element空气滤清器壳体air filter housing空气滤清器盖air filter cover滤清器密封圈filter seal ring滤网sieve滤纸盘或膜filter paper disc or membrane进气和排气系统intake and exhaust system排气管exhaust pipe排气抽气管exhaust extraction duct扫气泵scavenging pump进气预热装置intake preheater进气歧管intake manifold进气歧管真空度intake manifold vacuum冷式进气歧管cold manifold冲压式进气歧管ram intake manifold排气歧管exhaust manifold脉冲式排气歧管pulse exhaust manifold等压排气歧管constant pressrue exhaust manifold排气歧管热量控制阀exhaust manifold heat control valve 超高度歧管high-rise manifold升温横跨管道heat crossover排气横跨管道exhaust crossover预热点hot spot阻风门加热器choke heater热空气导流管hot air duct隔热板heat shield排气再循环阀exhaust-gas-recirculation消声器silencer进气消声器intake silencer排气消声器exhaust silencer金属垫片式消声器steel pack muffler玻璃丝消声器glass pack muffler空洞消声器gutted muffler前排气管front exhaust pipe尾管tail pipe消声器联接管intermediate pipe热空气管hot air pipe曲轴箱通风管crankcase bleed pipe隔声罩acoustic hood进气消声器元件silencer element真空泵vacuum pump指示功率indicated power指示热效率indicated thermal efficiency指示油耗率indicated specific energy consumption示功图indicator diagram冷却系cooling system风冷air cooling水冷water-cooling循环流冷却系cooling recovery system自然循环液冷却系统natural circulation type cooling system热流循环液冷却系统thermo-siphon circulation type cooling system 温差循环液冷却系统gravity circulation water cooling system压力式水冷却系统positive circulation cooling system加压式冷却法pressure type cooling水泵循环冷却系统pump circulation cooling system强制循环式化冷系统forced-feed water circulation system封闭式液冷系统sealed cooling system散热器radiator片式散热器finned radiator管式散热器tubular radiator蜂窝式散热器cellular radiator哈里逊式散热器Harrison type radiator带板式散热器ribbon type radiator上水箱upper tank下水箱lower tank涨溢箱expansion tank散热器芯radiator core之字形管散热器芯film core管-片式散热器芯fin and tube core散热器加水口盖radiator filter cap压力式水箱盖radiator-pressure cap蒸气-空气泄放阀vapor-air release valve散热器护罩radiator cowl散热器百叶窗radiator shutter散热器保温帘radiator roller blind散热片cooling fin缸盖散热片cylinder head fin缸体散热片cylinder block fin控温装置temperature regulating device恒温器thermostat恒温器主阀thermostat main valve恒温器旁通阀thermostat by-pass valve恒温器挠性波纹筒thermostat flexible bellows 液体冷却设备liquid cooling equipment水泵water pump水泵体pump casing水泵叶轮water pump impeller旁通进水口water by-pass inlet neck循环泵circulating pump主进水口water main inlet port出水口water outlet port自调式水封self-adjusting seal unit溢流管overflow pipe导流板deflector风扇fan(blower)轴流式风扇axial flow fan离心式风扇centrifugal fan风扇壳体blower casing风扇导流罩fan cowl风扇毂fan hub风扇叶片fan blade风扇叶轮blower impeller风扇导流定子blower stator风扇皮带轮fan pulley三角皮带v-belt风扇护罩fan shroud风扇叶轮叶片impeller vane冷却用空气cooling air风扇导流叶片stator vane强制风冷forced-air cooling自然风冷natural air cooling风道air ducting润滑系lubrication system润滑lubrication气缸上部润滑upper cylinder lubrication压力润滑pressure-feed lubrication压力润滑法forced lubrication自动润滑automatic lubrication飞溅润滑splash lubrication润滑周期lubrication interval边界润滑borderline lubrication曲轴箱机油油盘crankcase oil pan油底壳oil pan机油盘放油塞sump plug集油器oil collector机油泵oil pump计量式机油泵metering oil pump齿轮式机油泵gear type oil pump转子式机油泵rotor-type oil pump机油泵出油管oil pump outlet pipe放油口oil drain hole油道oil duct断油开关cut-off cock机油散热器oil cooler机油滤清器oil filter机油粗滤器primary oil filter机油精滤器secondary oil filter全流式机油滤清器full-flow oil filter分流式机油滤清器by-pass oil filter离心式机油滤清器centrifugal oil filter整体式滤芯integral filtering element细滤器滤芯filter element滤清器壳filter box滤片filtering disc机油减压器oil pressure relief valve旁通阀by-pass oil filter机油滤网oil strainer加机油孔oil filter cap滤芯轴filter shaft刮片组件cleaning edge机油量尺dipstick机油滤网oil strainer增压器supercharger增压和扫气装置pressure-charging and scavenging unit 增压装置supercharging device涡轮增压器turbo-charger气波增压器comprex pressure wave supercharger增压器阻风阀supercharger blast gate增压器调节容气量的旁通阀supercharger control bypass 增压器叶轮supercharger impeller惯性增压inertia supercharging机械增压mechanical supercharging涡轮增压turbo-charging增压比supercharge ratio增压压力boost pressure增压中冷inter-cooling中冷度inter-cooling level增压度supercharging level喘振surge喘振线surge line轴流式涡轮axial-flow turbine脉冲进气ram charging发动机试验engine test发动机试验规程engine test procedure发动机技术要求engine technical requirements标准大气状况standard atmospheric conditions大气压力atmospheric pressure进气温度inlet air temperature进气温度inlet air temperature功率校正power correction功率标定power rating功率换算power conversion校正系数correction factor换算系数performance test性能试验performance test起动性能试验starting ability test怠速试验idle running test道路负荷试验road load test各缸工作均匀性试验cylinder variation test背压试验back pressure test最低稳定工作转速试验lowest continuous speed test with load 背部泄漏试验back-leakage test调整试验adjustment test热平衡试验heat balance test快速磨损试验accelerated wear test热冲击试验thermo-shock test空载特性试验no-load characteristic test模拟增压试验simulated supercharging test停缸试验cylinder fuel-cut test增压机匹配试验turbo-charger matching test排气分析试验exhaust analysis test突变负荷试验sudden load change test稳定性试验stability test单缸熄火试验one cylinder shut off test例行检查试验routine inspection test验证试验verification test鉴定试验approval test可靠性试验reliability test耐久性试验durability test定型试验type approval test验收试验acceptance test现场试验field test出厂试验delivery test抽查试验spot check test复查试验re-check test台架试验bench test强化试验hop-up test发动机试验台engine test bed底盘测功机chassis dynamometer测功机dynamometer水力测功机hydraulic dynamometer电涡流测功机eddy current dynamometer电力测功机electric dynamometer扭矩仪torque meter转速表tachometer温度测量thermometry温度测量仪器thermometric instruments空气流量测量air flow measurement热线风速仪hot wire anemometer电子示功仪electronic indicator燃烧分析仪combustion analyzer压力传感器pressure transducer精密声级计precision sound level meter排放emission排放物emission排气污染物gaseous pollutant蒸发排放物evaporative emission曲轴箱排放物crankcase emission漏气blowby gas氨氧化物oxids of nitrogen一气化碳carbon monoxide碳氢化合物hydrocarbon甲烷methane无甲烷碳氢化合物non-methane hydrocarbons光化学活性碳氢化合物photochemically reactive hydrocarbons 微粒物particulated matter黑烟black smoke蓝烟blue smoke白烟white smoke碳烟soot光化学烟雾smog臭味odor丙烷propane排放浓度concentration of emission排气烟度exhaust smoke先期排气initial exhaust亚临界排气subcritical exhaust超临界排气supercritical exhaust强制排气forced exhaust自由排气free exhaust排气提前角exhaust advance angle排气迟后角exhaust lag angle排气热损失exhaust heat loss排气净化exhaust purification排气背压exhaust back pressure残余废气residual gas排气有害成分poisonous exhaust composition柴油机排烟diesel smoke综合排放浓度composite concentration of exhaust emission 综合排放质量composite mass of exhaust emission排放系数emission factor排放率emission index质量排放量mass emission比排放量brake specific emission排放物控制系统emission control system排气排放物控制系统exhaust emission control system二次空气secondary air二次空气分配歧管secondary air distribution二次空气控制阀secondary air control valve二次空气转换阀secondary air switching valve二次空气转流阀secondary air diverter valve二次空气喷射装置secondary air injection system二次空气喷射管secondary air injection tube二次空气喷射减速压阀secondary air injection relief valve 脉动空气装置pulsating air system二次空气泵secondary air pump曲轴箱排放物控制系统crankcase emission control system曲轴箱双通风系统crankcase closed system曲轴箱单通风系统crankcase sealed system曲轴箱强制通风装置positive crankcase ventilationPCV阀PCV valve蒸发排放物控制系统evaporative emission control system 活性碳罐贮存装置charcoal canister storage system活性碳罐charcoal canister曲轴箱贮存装置crankcase storage system空气滤清器贮存装置air filter storage system燃油箱止回阀fuel tank check valve油气分离器fuel and vapor separator清除阀furge valve催化转化系统catalytic converting system催化燃烧分析仪catalytic combustion analyzer催化剂catalyst转化器converter催化转化器catalytic converter轴流式转化器AXIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER径流式转化器RADIAL FLOW TYPE CONVERTER下流式转化器down flow type converter上流式转化器up flow type converter双床式转化器dual bed converter单床式转化器single bed converter氧化型催化剂oxidation catalyst还原型催化剂reduction catalyst三元催化剂three-way catalyst贵金属催化剂noble metal catalyst普通金属催化剂base metal catalyst稀土催化剂rare earth catalyst催化剂耗损catalyst attrition催化剂收缩catalyst shrinkage催化剂中毒catalyst poisoning比表面积specific surface area空速space velocity载体涂料washcoat双重催化系统dual-catalyst system催化箱catalyst container载体substrate整体式载体monolithic substrate颗粒式载体pelleted substrate转化效率conversion efficiency。
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气缸体总成 Cylinder block assembly
齿轮室部件 Timing gear chamber subassembly
气缸盖及气缸盖罩 Cylinder head & its cowl hood
活塞及连杆 Piston & connecting rod
曲轴减振器总成 Crankshaft damper assembly
凸轮轴总成 Camshaft assembly
配气机构 Valve train
进气管部件 Air intake manifold subassembly
排气管组件 Exhaust manifold subassembly
油底壳总成 Oil sump assembly
机油集滤器 Oil strainer
机油泵 Oil pump
机油滤清器 Oil filter
机油冷却器总成 Oil cooler assembly
曲轴箱通风装置 Crankcase ventilator
供油系管路总成 Fuel supply system pipeline assembly
燃油滤清器总成 Fuel filter assembly
喷油泵总成 Fuel injection pump assembly
喷油器部件 Fuel injector assembly
燃油喷射泵附件总成 Fuel injection pump fittings assembly 断油机构总成 Fuel cut-off mechanism
增压器总成 Turbocharger assembly
放水开关 Water drain cock
节温器总成 Thermostat assembly
水泵总成 Water pump assembly
动力输出总成 Power take-off mechanism assembly
转向泵总成 Steering pump assembly
气制动空气压缩机 Air compressor for pneumatic braking 发电机总成 Alternator assembly
起动机 Starter
仪表、感应器总成 Meters & sensors assembly
定位套 Locating collar
气缸体 Cylinder block
气缸套 Cylinder liner
螺塞 Plug screw
碗形塞片 Bowl-shaped tabular plug
主油道螺塞 Plug screw for main oil gallery
凸轮轴衬套Ⅰ Camshaft bushing I
凸轮轴端盖 Camshaft end cover
曲轴后油封 Crankshaft rear oil seal
定位销 Locating pin
垫圈 Washer
垫圈 Washer
螺栓 Bolt
曲轴后油封座 Crankshaft rear oil seal seat
后油封座垫片 Rear oil seal seat gasket
主轴承盖(后) Main bearing cap (rear)
主轴承盖螺栓 Main bearing cap bolt
螺塞 Plug screw
止推主轴承盖 Thrust main bearing cap
油标尺座孔堵塞 Dipstick seat hole stop
碗形塞片 Bowl-shaped tabular plug
喷嘴组件 Injector component
主轴承盖 Main bearing cap
定位销 Locating pin
惰齿轮衬套 Idler gear bush
惰轮轴螺栓 Idler gear bolt
惰齿轮轴 Idler gear shaft
惰齿轮 Idler gear
惰齿轮防磨板 Idler gear wear plate
碗形塞片 Bowl-shaped tabular plug
凸轮轴衬套Ⅱ Camshaft bushingⅡ
齿轮室盖板垫片 Gear chamber cover plate gasket
齿轮室盖板 Gear chamber cover plate
齿轮室垫片 Gear chamber gasket
螺栓 Bolt
齿轮室 Gear chamber
张紧轮垫块 Tensioner pad
喷油泵齿轮盖垫片 Fuel injection pump gear cover washer 固定芯轴 Fixed pivot
支架焊接件 Welded bracket
调节螺栓 Adjusting bolt
垫圈 Washer
张紧皮带轮组件 Idler assembly
垫圈 Washer
螺栓 Bolt
喷油泵齿轮盖 Fuel injection pump gear cover
螺栓 Bolt
垫圈 Washer
垫圈 Washer
螺栓 Bolt
上止点指针 TDC pointer
螺栓 Bolt
曲轴前油封 Crankshaft front oil seal
加机油口 Oil filler
螺栓 Bolt
空压泵惰齿轮座 Idler gear seat
惰齿轮衬套 Idler gear bush
空压泵惰齿轮 Idler gear
惰齿轮减磨板 Idler gear wear plate
螺母 Nut
螺钉 Screw
复合式密封垫圈 Composite seal washer
惰齿轮座螺栓 Idler gear seat bolt
Cylinder head and cylinder head cowl hood assembly
Welded front hoisting eye
螺栓 Bolt
螺栓 Bolt
气缸盖罩焊接件 Welded cylinder head cowl hood
密封圈 Seal ring
气缸盖罩垫片 Cylinder head cowl hood gasket
气门导管 Valve guide
后起吊环 Rear hoisting eye
碗形塞片 Bowl-shaped tabular plug
排气门座圈 Exhaust valve seat
进气门座圈 Intake valve seat
气缸盖垫片 Cylinder head gasket
气缸盖 Cylinder head
碗形塞片 Bowl-shaped tabular plug
气缸盖螺栓(长) Cylinder head bolt (long)
气缸盖螺栓(短) Cylinder head bolt (short)
垫板 Stay plate
活塞及连杆 Piston and connecting rod气环 Compression ring 刮油环 Oil ring
油环部件 Oil ring component
活塞 Piston
活塞销 Piston pin
挡圈45 Retaining ring 45
连杆衬套 Connecting rod bushing
连杆体 Connecting rod shank
连杆轴瓦 Connecting rod bearing shell
连杆盖 Connecting rod cap
定位套 Locating sleeve
连杆螺栓 Cnnecting bolt。