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7.When you’re done, throw it all away and _______ your new assignment.
A.break into B.turn into
C.dive into D.fit into
考查动词短语辨析。A. break into闯入;B. turn into变成;C. dive into钻研、投入;D. fit into符合、适应。句意:当你完成的时候,将它抛开,投入到你的新任务中去。根据句意可知此处表示“全心投入”,故C项正确。
3.Your own personal behavior as a teacher, outside school hours, _______ on the school itself.
A.resembles B.reminds
C.reflects D.remains
考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一名教师,你在课外的个人行为会给学校带来不良影响。A. resembles相似B. reminds提醒C. reflects反应D. remains保持。reflect on导致,招致,根据句意可知,选C。
10.They____with joy when they heard that their class won the first place in the relay race.
A.picked upB.split up
C.took upD.sprang up
考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:当听到班级在接力赛中获得第一名时,他们高兴地跳了起来。A. picked up捡起;B. split up分裂;C. took up从事;D. sprang up跳起。故选D。
5.That sound doesn’t _______ in his native language, so it is difficult for him to pronounce it.
考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一个经验丰富的演讲者,布莱克先生简化他的演讲以适应年轻听众的需要。A. simplified简化;B. addressed称呼;C. exchanged交换;D. delivered递送。故选A。
2.The TVDwellingNarrowness(蜗居) is really fantastic. The show has succeeded in ________ much to the audience, which has contributed to its success.
4.The doctor said jokingly that his own infection of the virus _____ the discovery of a vaccine (疫苗)of the disease.
A.stood forB.called for
C.paid forD.contributed to
1.Being an experienced lecturer, Mr. Black____ his speech to suit a younger audience.
考查动词词义辨析。句意:店主想以30美元的价格把那件衣服卖给我,而我想付20美元,所以我们折中了25美元。A. communicated交流;B. compromised妥协,折中;C. bargained讨价还价;D. concentrated集中。结合句意故选B。
14.The recent cold weather has prevented residents from going out, which may ________ the decline in customer flows at the shopping mall.
A.deleting B.removing
C.denying D.restoring
考查动词词义辨析。A. deleting删除;B. removing去除;C. denying否认;D. restoring恢复。句意:一些顶尖的美国学府被指控将种族作为一个因素拒绝亚裔美国人的申请。根据句意可知此处表示“拒绝、否认”,故C项正确。
考查时态和非谓语动词。句意:——Jackson是自己修的电脑吗?——他找人修的,因为他不懂电脑。根据后一句because he knows nothing about computers.可知,Jackson不懂电脑,所以他请人修理电脑,根据上文的Did判断为一般过去时,it和mend之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补,had it mended让电脑被修,故选C项。
8.As a result, these countries are always struggling totheir repayments; government finances that could be spent on health, education and long-term development are instead used for debt repayment.
9.Whenever I ______an interesting article online, I will share it with friends on WeChat.
A.figure outB.put forward
C.get acrossD.come across
15.—Did Jackson mend the computer himself?
—He________, because he knows nothing about computers.
A.mended itB.had mended itC.had it mendedD.has it mended
3. His joke had me laughing for a whole afternoon。他的笑话让我笑了一下午。(me和laugh之间是主动,且表动作延续了一段时间,故用doing)
16.In Britain today women ________ 44% of the workers and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.
本句考查have作为使役动词的用法,其搭配通常为have sb/sth do/ done/doing其中do/doing/done是宾语的补语,例如
1. You should have your teeth pulled out.你应该拔牙。(牙齿和pull之间是被动关系,故用过去分词)
2. The teacher had Mary clean the classroom.老师让玛丽打扫教室。(Mary和clean之间是主动,且是一次性动作,故用动词原形)
A.make upB.account forC.apply forD.take up
考查动词短语辨析。句意:最近的寒冷天气使居民们无法出门,这可能是购物中心客流量下降的原因。A. make up编造,化妆;B. account for对……作出解释,说明……的原因;C. apply for申请;D. take up拿起,开始从事。结合句意故选B。
A.touching on B.diving inห้องสมุดไป่ตู้C.getting across D.going about
【解析】考查动词词组。A. touching on提及,谈及;B. diving in潜力无穷;C. getting across通过,使被理解;D. going about到处走动。句意:电视剧《蜗居》真的是太棒了。这部剧的成功在于被观众深深理解,这促进了它的成功。故选C。
A.dive right in B.catch up on C.push ahead with D.split off from
考查动词短语辨析。A. dive right in立即行动;B. catch up on弥补、赶上;C. push aheadwith推动;D. split off from脱离。句意:因此,这些国家总是努力偿还债务;原本可以用于医疗、教育和长期反战的政府财政被用于偿还债务。根据句意可知此处表示“弥补、偿还”,故B项正确。
11.The early pioneers had tomany hardships to settle on the new land.
A.go along withB.go back onC.go throughD.go into
考查动词短语辨析:句意:先民不得不新土地上经历很多艰难困苦才能定居下来。A. go along with和…相处,B. go back on背弃,C. go through经历,检查,D. go into染上。由“many hardships to settle on the new land”可知,go through“经历”符合句意。故选C。
13.The shopkeeper wanted to sell me the dress for 30 dollars, and I wanted to pay 20 dollars for it, so we ________ on 25 dollars.
A.owe B.occur
C.take place D.happen
A. owe欠B. occur存在,出现C. take place发生D. happen发生。句意:那个声音在他的母语中不存在,所以对他来说很难发音。occur v.存在,故选B。
6.Some top American universities are accused of _______ Asian-American applicants using race as a factor.
12.—What do you think of the jacket and the hat I wear today?
—I don’t think this jacket ________ you and that your hat ________ this jacket perfectly.
A.suits; fitsB.meets; fitsC.matches; suitsD.fits; matches
考查动词短语辨析。句意:每当我在网上遇到有趣的文章时,我会与微信上的朋友分享。A. figure out找出;B. put forward提出;C. get across跨越;D. come across偶然遇到。分享文章通常是先遇到好文章再分享,没必要特意找好文来分享,所以A错,B、C选项明显和句意不搭,故选D。