
物流专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What does the acronym "3PL" stand for in logistics?A. Third Party LogisticsB. Three Party LogisticsC. Third Party LiabilitiesD. Third Party Law2. The term "EDI" refers to:A. Electronic Data InterchangeB. Electronic Document InterchangeC. Electronic Device InterfaceD. Electronic Document Integration3. What is the primary purpose of a warehouse in logistics?A. To store goods for future saleB. To provide a place for goods to be manufacturedC. To transport goods to their final destinationD. To sell goods directly to consumers4. Which of the following is not a mode of transportation?A. RoadB. RailC. AirD. Warehouse5. The term "inventory" in logistics refers to:A. The process of moving goods from one place to anotherB. The goods that are held in stock awaiting saleC. The process of receiving goods from suppliersD. The process of delivering goods to customers6. What is the role of a logistics manager?A. To manage the financial aspects of a companyB. To oversee the operations of a logistics departmentC. To design and manufacture productsD. To handle customer service inquiries7. Which of the following is a type of transportation document?A. Bill of LadingB. Bill of SaleC. Bill of ExchangeD. Bill of Rights8. What is the meaning of "LTL" in logistics?A. Less Than LoadB. Large Transport LoadC. Long Term LeaseD. Limited Time Limit9. The term "drop shipping" refers to a method where:A. The seller stores and ships the goods themselvesB. The manufacturer ships the goods directly to the customerC. The goods are shipped from one warehouse to anotherD. The goods are shipped to a central distribution center10. Which of the following is not a function of supply chainmanagement?A. PlanningB. SourcingC. ManufacturingD. Advertising答案:1-5 A A A A B6-10 B A A B D二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The process of managing the flow of goods and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption is known as the _______ chain.2. In logistics, the term "lead time" refers to the _______ it takes for an order to be delivered after it has been placed.3. The acronym "FCL" stands for _______ Container Load.4. A _______ is a person or company that arranges the transportation of goods for others.5. The term "cross docking" refers to the practice of _______ goods as they are received and shipping them out without storing them.6. A _______ is a document that provides evidence of the terms of a contract for the transportation of goods.7. The process of managing the movement and storage of goods from raw material stage to the finished goods stage is known as _______ management.8. The term "hub-and-spoke" refers to a _______ model where goods are transported to a central hub and then distributed to various locations.9. The acronym "TMS" stands for _______ Management System.10. The _______ is the person responsible for ensuring that the cargo is properly loaded, secured, and unloaded.答案:1. supply2. time3. Full4. freight forwarder5. unloading and reloading6. contract of carriage7. inventory8. logistics9. Transportation10. stevedore三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述物流中的“Just-In-Time”(JIT)库存管理的概念。

(完整版)物流专业英语试卷、答案物流专业英语试卷一、Translation(30分)1.Container transport2.International freight forwarding agent 3.Order cycle time4.Inventory turnover 5.Environmental logistics6.Carrying cost7.Material handling8.Demand forecasting9.Reverse logistics10.Agile logistics11.Third-party logistics12.Initial investment13.Warehouse facility14.Material procurement15.Point of consumption16.多式联运17.分销渠道18.条码19.订单处理20.保税仓库21.前置期22.叉车23.门到门24.准时制物流25.拣选26.提货单27.发货区28.进口税29.规模经济30.供应链整合二、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分)1、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place, in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.2、For the time being we are concerned only with the question of how much we have to pay for obsolescence cost.3、 Sometimes the inventory manager increases his levels of inventory to meet the requirement of aless expensive but slower means of transport.4、They offer a closed system with little risk of loss or damage to the products moved, and extremely low costs because minimal labor is involved in their operation.5、The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost.6、Faced with this width of inventory, retailers attempt to reduce risk by pressing manufacturers and wholesalers to assume greater and greater inventory responsibility.7、Decision support systems screen out irrelevant information so it cannot be misused or merely slow down use of the important data.8、Manufacturers have come to realize that the improved packaging of commodities can significantly increase the added value of products.9、Due to improper packing, the goods are terribly damaged.10、More environmentally conscious packaging may save disposal costs and improve the company’s image.三、Reading comprehension(10分)Logistics SystemsA logistics system consists of different functions and activities,such as the following:1.Customer service is a core function in the logistics process.Each business entity should havea customer service department to handle complaints,special orders,loss and damage claims,returns,bills problem,and etc.This function becomes crucial because any dissatisfaction can lead to failure to retain customers.2.Inventory management is to maintain the stock of raw materials and hal-finished products.In order to satisfy the customers' demand and minimize costs,a company should establish an optimal level of inventory to meet the market demand that exceeds your expectations,and at the same time,minimize your inventory holding costs and inventory write-down costs.3.Transportation has taken a great role in many logistics systems for two reasons.First of all,globalization and importin-exporting activities make most products necessary to be transferred from one country to another.Secondly,information revolution has propelled the manufacturing process and consumer behaviors to be changed drastically.Traditional transportation methods need to be upgraded to accommodate modern transportation demand,therefore,containerization and usage of information sharing system emerge.4.Storage is needed to manage the materials and store ready-for-market products in warehouses.There is new technology applied in the storage,for example,automatic ware house.Old-fashioned warehouse has become the distributioncenter where container trucks deliver and pick up the goods./doc/118207716.html,rmation system links all logistics processes and integrates all information to ensure all the handling of large quantity of goods are delivered in an efficient,cost-effective and accurate manner.Questions:1.Which of the following function does a logistics system include? ( )A.Whole sales.B.Cash management.C.Storage.D.Internet.2.Why is customer service an important element? ( )A.To retain and keep customers.B.To gather information about competitors.C.To develop new market.D.To strengthen business partner relationships.3.What is the optimal level of inventory? ( )A.The amount that you can sell as much as possible.B.The amount that you can barely meet market expectation.C.The amount to meet market demand with minimizing your current and potential inventory costs.D.The amount that you can get the most profits.4.Why is transportation so important to the current business environment? ( )A.Transportation means are limited.B.Because of globalization,exports and imports activities.C.Transportation is costly.D.Because of time.5.Why does information system contribute to an efficientlogistics system?( )A.To link and integrate all logistics functions.B.To gather new information.C.To eliminate wrong data.D.To make all data public for future use.四、Answer the following questions in English(20分)1、What activities do warehousing operate? Describe some of them.2、Which costs can affect the total logistics cost?答案一、1、集装箱运输2、国际货运代理3、订货处理周期4、库存周转5、绿色物流6、搬运成本7、物料搬运8、需求预测9、逆向物流10、敏捷物流11、第三方物流12、初始投资13、仓储设施14、物料采购15、消费点16.inter-model transportation 17.distribution channel 18.bar code19.order processing20.bonded warehouse 21. Lead time 22.fork lift truck 23. door-to-door24.just-in-time logistics25.order picking 26、bill of lading 27、receiving 28.imported duty 29.economy of scale 30.supply chain integration二、1、客户服务涉及在合适的地点、合适的条件和合适的时间,以最尽可能低的总成本将合适的产品送至适当的顾客。

英语物流行业英语40题1. In logistics, a "warehouse" is used for:A. TransportationB. StorageC. PackagingD. Distribution答案:B。
“warehouse”意为仓库,主要用于存储货物,A 选项“Transportation”是运输,C 选项“Packaging”是包装,D 选项“Distribution”是配送,所以应选B 选项“Storage”存储。
2. Which of the following is NOT a common mode of transportation in logistics?A. TrainB. ShipC. HelicopterD. Bicycle答案:D。
在物流中,火车、轮船和直升机都是常见的运输方式,而自行车通常不用于大规模的物流运输,所以选D 选项“Bicycle”。
3. The term "logistics hub" refers to:A. A central location for logistics activitiesB. A small warehouseC. A delivery truckD. A packaging facility答案:A。
“logistics hub”指的是物流活动的中心位置,B 选项“small warehouse”是小仓库,C 选项“delivery truck”是送货卡车,D 选项“packaging facility”是包装设施,所以答案是A 选项。
4. In the context of logistics, "inventory" means:A. The list of goodsB. The quantity of goods in stockC. The quality of goodsD. The price of goods答案:B。

物流英语A卷及答案课程名称:物流英语A卷及答案I. Choose the best answer from the four choices. (20 points, 2 for each)1.Taken together, total supply chain costs consume about ______ of corporate annual revenue across all industries.A.7 to 12 percentB.70 to 80 percentC.30 to 40 percentD.about 50 percent2.The public sector ___ an important role in transport, through the construction, ownership and control of roads, railroads and in most countries.A. doB. getC. playD. plays3.Of the five functions of logistics management which one is of the greatest importance?A. coordinationB. controlC. organizationD. planning4.The first challenge for leaders and managers is _______.A.identifying which best practices are most frequently applied by other organizations.B.identifying which best practices are most effective to use in their organization.C.identifying which best practices are most appropriate to use in their organization.D.identifying which best practices are most cost-saving to use in their organization.5.STEP analysis means analysis of __________ factors in the business environment.A.social, technological, economic and political/legalB.social, transportation, ecological, and politicalC.scientific, technological, economic, and pollutionD.science, transportation, economic, and people/legal6. The cost of moving a product back through the system from the consumer to producer may be as much as ________ the cost of moving the same product from producer to consumer.A. 1 timesB. 5 timesC. 2 timesD. 10 times7. The material manager’s customer is _____________ .A. The manufacturing or production departmentB. The intermediate or manufacturingC. The final customer or productionD. The intermediate or final customer8. __________ is one of the important transportation service characteristics affecting customer service.A. densityB. liabilityC. stow-abilityD. dependability9. _________ can be thought of as the output of the logistics function.A. distributionB. customer serviceC. order processingD.inventory level10. Which expressions are correct?A. The demand for outbound transportation is stable.B. The demand for inbound transportation is more predictable.C. Generally the inbound freight is separately calculated.D. firms exercise more control over inbound transport.II. Multiple choice. (20 points, 4 for each)1. The very term “extended enterprise” means:A.breaking down a company’s outer wallB.extending its strategy, structure, and processes to its core partners.C.extending its management scope and layers.D.breaking down the walls between the inner functions in theenterprise.2. The two views about the origin of the concept of logistics in the world logistics study are ____A.economi c causeB.market cause/doc/ef718d0eeff9aef8941e064b.html itary causeD.theoretical cause3.The strategic-level best practices in logistics and supply-chainmanagement include ____.A.recognizing logistics and supply-chain management as a strategicallyimportant set of activities, and developing a mission statement thatdefines their roles, goals, and vision.B.integrating logistics activities into one department or developingprocedures to coordinate logistics activities across the supply chainfor better performance.C.centralizing supply-chain management at the corporate level.D.creating a logistics/supply-chain leader, often called a chief logisticsofficer, to allocate resources among supply-chain functions, tooptimize trade-offs between functions, and to act as an interfacebetween logistics and the other functional areas within a firm, aswell as between the firm and other players in the supply chain.E.developing a clear, transparent set of practices to financesupply-chain management./doc/ef718d0eeff9aef8941e064b.html ing performance metrics extensively and systematically to measure the performance of logistics activities.4. Some valid reasons for holding stock include:A.as a buffer between two production processesB.t o cover demand during suppliers’ lead timeC.to enable savings to be made through bulk purchases or discountsD.to cope with seasonal fluctuationsE.to provide a variety of product in a centralised location.5. Which of the following are correct about logistical integration?A. The first stage is materials managementB. When all logistics activities are coordinated within a firm, it’sbelieved that the firm has realized the intra-functional integrationC. Companies must integrate their internal logistics operations beforerealizing external integrationD. The highest level of logistics integration is supply chain integration Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below. (20 points, 2 for each)mobile, infrastructure,influence, link, consists, unique, complementary, ranks, shifted, reduced1.The _____elements are also generally cheap.2.This does not only ______to the cargo handling techniques, but alsoto the equipment itself.3.It is the features of the fixed and mobile components of transport thathave _______ the present institutional arrangements in the industry.4.A particularly important ________ between transport anddevelopment is in international interaction.5.A transport system _______ of inland transport, ports and oceangoing vessels.6.The importance of building up a transport that involvesconsiderable cost has made this a widely accepted public task.7.The basic nature of a pipeline is ______in comparison to all othermodes of transport.8.Water transport _______ between rail and motor carrier in respect tofixed cost.9.The replacement of steam by diesel power ______ the railroads’variable cost per ton-mile.10.In many situations road and rail transport may be seen as ______rather than a competitor.Ⅳ. T ranslate the following sentences into Chinese. (20 points, 10 for each) 1. The answer to this is on your feet! Look at the shoes you are wearing; they may look simple, but it took a complex process to get them from raw materials to a product you can wear. The functions in this process are what make up logistics.2. So, what is outsourcing? Outsourcing is contracting with another company or person to do a particular function. Almost every organization outsources in some way. Typically, the function being outsourced is considered non-core to the business. An insurance company, for example, might outsource its janitorial and landscaping operations to firms that specialize in those types of work since they are not related to insurance or strategic to the business. The outside firms that are providing the outsourcing services are third-party providers, or as they are more commonly called, service providers.Ⅴ. T ranslate the following sentences into English. (20 points, 4 for each)1. 物流的定义2. 供应链管理未来的趋势3. 运输的⽬的4. 如何选择⼀个第三⽅物流提供商5. 零售物流在英国参考答案:Ⅰ. 1. D, 2. D, 3. D, 4. C, 5. A. 6. C 7. A8. D 9. B 10. BⅡ. 1. B C, 2. A B C, 3. A C, 4. A B C D, 5. B C DⅢ. 1. mobile, 2. influenced, 3. shifted, 4. link, 5. consists, 6. infrastructure, 7. unique, 8. ranks, 9. reduced, 10. complementary Ⅳ. 1. 答案在你脚上!看看你穿的鞋⼦;瞧上去很简单,但是将原材料制成你能穿的产品却是⼀个复杂的过程。

物流英语试题及参考答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does the term "LCL" stand for in logistics?A. Less than Container LoadB. Large Container LoadC. Limited Container LoadD. Local Container Load答案:A2. The process of managing the flow of goods and information involves which of the following?A. Inventory managementB. Supply chain managementC. Warehouse managementD. All of the above答案:D3. Which of the following is not a type of transportation mode?A. RoadB. RailC. AirD. Cable答案:D4. What is the abbreviation for "International Commercial Terms"?A. ICTB. ICPC. INCOTERMSD. ITC答案:C5. The term "EDI" refers to:A. Electronic Data InterchangeB. Electronic Document InterfaceC. Electronic Delivery InformationD. Electronic Distribution Interface答案:A6. Which of the following is a key factor in supply chain risk management?A. Cost reductionB. Inventory optimizationC. Supplier reliabilityD. Customer satisfaction答案:C7. The term "3PL" stands for:A. Third Party LogisticsB. Third Party LiabilityC. Third Party LoanD. Third Party Lease答案:A8. What is the role of a customs broker?A. To facilitate the import and export processB. To handle international paymentsC. To manage warehouse operationsD. To provide transportation services答案:A9. Which document is used to provide a detailed description of the goods being shipped?A. Bill of LadingB. Commercial InvoiceC. Packing ListD. Certificate of Origin答案:C10. The term "VMI" stands for:A. Vendor Managed InventoryB. Volume Management IndexC. Value Management IndicatorD. Vehicle Management Interface答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The _______ is responsible for the goods until they are delivered to the consignee.答案:shipper12. In logistics, "CIF" stands for _______.答案:Cost, Insurance, and Freight13. The process of managing the movement of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption is known as the _______.答案:supply chain14. A _______ is a person or company that arranges the transportation of goods for others.答案:freight forwarder15. The term "FOB" refers to _______.答案:Free On Board16. The _______ is a document that provides evidence of the terms of a contract for the sale of goods.答案:sales contract17. A _______ is a system that tracks and manages the flow of products and information from raw material stage to the final consumer.答案:ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)18. The _______ is the process of managing the demand and supply of products or services.答案:demand planning19. The _______ is a document that certifies the origin ofthe goods being shipped.答案:certificate of origin20. The _______ is the process of managing the movement of goods from the warehouse to the customer.答案:distribution三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between "FOB" and "CIF" in international trade.答案:FOB (Free On Board) is a term used when theseller's responsibility ends once the goods are loaded onto the ship, while the buyer is responsible for the transportation from that point. CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) means the seller pays for the cost of the goods, insurance, and freight until they reach the port of destination, after which the buyer takes over the responsibility.22. What are the benefits of using a 3PL provider in a supply chain?答案:Benefits of using a 3PL provider include reduced capital expenditure, access to specialized logistics expertise, improved scalability and flexibility, and the ability to focus on core business activities.23. Describe the role of a bill of lading in international shipping.答案:A bill of lading serves as a contract of carriage, a receipt for the goods shipped, and a document of title. It outlines the terms and conditions of the transport, confirmsthe receipt of the goods by the carrier, and can be used as a legal document in case of disputes.24. What is the purpose of inventory management in logistics。

物流专业英语 十
• • • • • • • • 1. raw materials 原材料; 2. finished goods 成品; 3. production cost 生产成本; 4. product cost 产品成本; 九 5. aggregate product cost 产品总成本; 6. logistic activity 物流活动; 7. railway 铁路; 8. highway 高速公路.
物流专业英语 十一
• • • • • • • • 1. port of unloading 卸货港 2. port of loading 装运港 3. container 集装箱 九 4. FOB 离岸价 5. CFR 到岸价(无保险) 6. CIF 到岸价(含保险) 7. the time of shipment 装运时间,船期 8. shipping space 仓位
物流专业英语 十二
• • • • • • • • 1. FCL 整箱货,整柜装箱装载 2. LCL 拼箱货,散货拼箱 装载 3. TEUs 20英尺标准箱 4. FEUs 40英尺标准箱 九 5. international freight forwarder 国际代运公司 6. customs 海关 7. forwarder 货代(货运代理) 8. shipping agent 船运代理人
物流专业英语 九
• • • • • • • 1. motor transportation 汽车运输; 2. rail transportation 铁路运输; 3. air transportation 航空运输; 4. water transportation水路运输; 5. pipeline transportation 管道运输; 6. point-of-origin 原产地(origin place); 7. point-of-consumption 消费地点(place of consumption); • 8. logistician• • • • • • • • 1. logistics 物流 2. article 物品 3. goods 商品 4. cargo 货物,船货 5. logistics activy 物流活动 6. logistics cost 物流成本 7. logistics management 物流管理 8. supply logistics 供应物流

物流专业英语试题(A)1商丘职业技术学院2011-2012学年度第⼀学期期末考试《物流专业英语》试题(A)经贸系物流⼯程专业 09 年级(考⽣将答案写在答题纸上,否则⽆效)题号 I II III IV V VI VII Total 得分得分评卷⼈1、原材料 11、density of storage2、存货管理 12、work in process3、供应链管理 13、pipe transportation4、在途物资 14、Global Positioning System5、客户服务 15、direct procurement6、脱销 16、broad definition7、零售商 17、Universal Product Code8、国内⽣产总值 18、competitive advantage9、规模经济 19、the third-party logistics 10、⼯业(外部)包装 20、multinational company 得分评卷⼈( )1. The third-party logistics is also called outsourcing or contractlogistics. ( ) 2. The future of third-party logistics is in the midst of rapid globalexpansion.( ) 3. Each supply chain has the same way of management.( )4. Wholesalers are companies that stock inventory and sell in smallquantities to the general public.( )5. Packaging encloses and protects the products ,and also makes the physicalhandling of the product much easier. ( ) 6. Warehousing costs are calculated in terms of the amount of cubic meters of space used.( ) 7. Storage is a primary function of warehouse.( ) 8. Managers with good negotiating skills and strong relationships withclients can save their organizations large sum of money relative totheir competitors.( ) 9. Logistics can only bring tangible benefits to the users.( )10. Procurement deals with the buying of goods and services that keep theorganization functioning.得分评卷⼈packaging sufficient potential available transmission updated automated containment inventory retailer1. __________ focuses on protecting the product while it is being shipped and stored.2. These reasons are not ___________to justify the ban.3. First we need to identify actual and ____________ problems.4. Several cars are ______________ within this price range.5. We now interrupt our normal ______________ to bring you a special news flash.6. After the goods are accepted for storage, the inventory records should be______________.7. Distribution centers are ____________warehouses with material handling systems under the control of a central computer8. ______________ is the function of packing products into boxes or othercontainers.9. The sale of goods in large quantities , is usually for resale by a ___________. 10.The logistics process adds value by moving ____________ when and where needed.得分评卷⼈I. Translate the following into Chinese orEnglish.(20points )姓名年级专业班级学号座号………………………………密………………………………封…………………………………线…………………………………III. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.(20 points )姓名年级 09级专业物流⼯程班级《1》班学号 09025300座号 ………………………………密………………………………封…………………………………线………………………………… IV . Match the words with their exact definition. (10points )II. Tell whether the following statements aretrue (T) or false (F) according to the knowledge you have learned. (10 points)( )1. emerge A. to start to exist( )2. expertise B. expert skill , knowledge , or judgment( )3. commodity C. producer or maker of articles, especially in a factory( )4. manufacturer D. an article or raw material that can be bought Or sold( )5. supply E. part of one thing covers part of the other( )6. inventory F. to use numbers to find out a total number( )7. participant G. a detail list of all the items in stock( )8. overlap H. financial gain( )9. calculate I. someone who takes part in an activity( )10.profit J. offering goods and services for sale得分评卷⼈1. Packaging is a means of ensuring the safe delivery of a product to the consumerin sound condition and at _________cost.A. maximizeB. minimizeC. maximumD. minimum2. Warehousing costs are calculated __________the amount of cubic meters of space Used.A.in the term ofB.at the sake ofC.with the benefit ofD.in terms of3. Logistics is related to the effective and efficient________ of materials andinformation.A. flowB. glowC. fluctuationD. float4. Information refers to the function of communicating with the outside worldthrough the packaging. This can be done by________ labels to or by printing information directly onto the packaging.A. detachingB. attachingC. attractingD. detracting5. An efficient transportation system should provide business with easy ________to materials and markets.A. methodB. wayC. accessD. channel6. Packaging protects goods from damage, allows ________distribution, informs theconsumer and helps to promote goods in a competitive marketplace.A. efficientB. sufficientC. effectiveD. proficient7. The railways serving for rail transportation are _______ of a series of tracedpaths which are bound with vehicles.A. composedB. includedC. madeD. consisted8. Distribution focuses on ________ the products reach the consumers through anorganized network of distributors, warehouses and retailers.A. insuringB. ensuringC. assuringD. securing9. The third party logistics providers typically specialize _________integratedwarehousing and transportation services.A. onB. ofC. withD. in10.The document management system enables the documents generated from all overthe logistics organization to be ________into one well designed hubA. centralizedB. intensifiedC. centeredD. integrated得分评卷⼈technology central distribution nature information response emergence driving customer operationsIncreasingly , it seems that successful companies have one thing in common---- their use of ___1___ and information technology to achieve quick___2___. Information systems are reshaping the organization and also the ____3__of the linkages between organizations. Information has always been ___4___ to the efficient management of logistics, but now, enabled by ___5___ , it is providing the ___6___ force for competitive strategy.The___7___ of integrated logistics systems links the___8___ of the business, such as production and ___9___,with the supplier’s operations on the one hand and the ___10___ on the other . These systems are often referred to generically as ERP. Already it is the case that companies can literally link the replenishment of their suppliers through the use of shared information.得分评卷⼈1.配送中⼼是⼀个⼤型的⾼度⾃动化的仓库。

技术学院200 —200 学年第一学期期终考试试卷A课程名称:专业英语院系:管理专业:物流年级:02一、选择题1. Breakfast is the first meal of the day.(a)The (b)A (c)This (d)--2. She returned home. She was … home all morning.(a)to (b)at (c)in (d)on3. Nothing could have been more annoying. It was …annoying thing that could have happened.(a)the more (b)more (c)most (d)the most4. Whose voice did she recognize? Mrs(a)Bate’s (b) Bates’ (c)Bates (d)Bate5. She had hardly got back to the kitchens….the doorbell rang.(a)when (b)than (c)as (d)as soon asVOCABULARY6. She was busy mixing butter and flour. She was(a)joining them (b)uniting them (c)unifying (d)putting them7. Pastry is as sticky as(a)ink (b)water (c)glue (d)flour8. She was dismayed when she heard Mrs Bates. She felt(a)pity (b)sorry (c)ill (d)tired9. She hung up the receiver. This means she(a)let it hang (b) didn’t put it back (c)held it (d)put it back in its place10 She has just…up the receiver.(a)hanged (b)hang (c)hanging (d)hung二、英译汉1、In general, English law requires no special formalities in making contracts but, for various reasons, some contracts must be made in a particular form to be enforceable and, if they are not made in that special way, then they will be ineffective. Notable among thesecontracts are contracts for the sale and disposal of land, and ‘land’, for this purpose, include s anything built on the land, as, for example, roads, bridges and other structures.It is sufficient in order to create a legally binding contract, if the parties express their agreement and intention to enter into such a contract. If, however, there is no written agreement and a dispute arises in respect of the contract, then the Court that decides the dispute will need to ascertain the terms of the contract from the evidence given by the parties, before it can make a decision on the matters in dispute.2、The technological dimension of the urban transportation system suggests a third principle for urban transportation planning:Transportation planners must consider the transportation system as consisting of different modes, each having different operational and cost characteristics.3、In our society, accountants typically are employed in (1) public accounting, (2) private industry, or(3) the not-for-profit sector. Within each of these areas, specialization is possible; an accountant may, for example, be considered an expert in auditing, systems development, budgeting, cost accounting, or tax accounting.4、The third possible goal of the firm is to maximize shareholder wealth. We assume that shareholders in a firm are interested only in the monetary benefits that come from ownership in the firm. This is a reasonable assumption for a corporation, because the typical shareholder owns only a small fraction of the firm and probably cannot derive much benefit from the firm beyond the financial rewards that come from owning stock.5、Using the scientific method coupled with the systematic gathering of information to discover cause-and-effect relationships pertaining to a particularphenomenon, man hereby constitutes a theory. Thus, while theory is the body of basic and substantive knowledge in a field, a model is a particular representation, which uses the theory and is designed with specific objectives in mind. The overall objective of management science models is to assist management in optimizing the use of available resources, subject to organizational, human, and environmental constraints.6、The technologies and the resulting modes available today for urban transportation are common to most cities but are often applied in different ways to serve different purposes. It should be noted that certain types of modes are appropriate than others in serving different types of urban trips.三、汉译英城市交通规划,注册会计师,当前财务状况,全球供应链,生产规划,产品运输,需求预测,存货管理,生产过程。

物流单证 A logistics paper B logistics information C logistics documentation D logistics documents
销售物流 A sale logistics B distribution logistics C market logistics D selling logistics
联运站() A interchange terminal B terminal for combine transport C station for combine transport D station for ;inked transport
国际货物运输保险() A insurance for international transport
决策支持系统 A decision support system B decision for support system C decision for supply management D system for management decision
D/O (delivery orders) A送货单 B提货单 C批货通知 D送货通知
DRP(Distribution Requirement Planning) A分配要求计划 B分配需求计划 C配送需求计划 D配送管理计划
EAN(European Article Number) A欧洲商品数字 B欧洲物品编码 C欧洲物品条码 D欧洲条码系统

一、汉英互译(30分)1、配送成本 2. 物流3、误送4、现金折扣5、资源回收6、售后服务7、业务外包 8、全集装箱船9、采购 10、库存控制11、零库存 12、自动仓库13、集装箱码头 14、真空包装15、EXP 16、N.W17、QTSP 18、S/O19、WTO 20、供应商管理库存21. 仓库布局 22.正确性审计23.附加价值 24.经纪人25.条形码标签 26.资源回收27.转运站 28.双托盘处理29.多层仓库 30.包裹二、专业术语单选题(340分)()1、FCL (Full Container load)A 、满箱负载 B. 整箱货C. 整箱运输D.满箱负荷()2. 无形损耗A.tangible loss B. intangible loseC. supply logisticD. supply chain()3. 联合运输是A.condition transport B. unite transportC. combined transportD. joint transport()4. 检验是A.examine B. textC.inspectD. inspection( ) 5. 国际多式联运是A.land bridge transport B. liner transportC. international multimodal transportD. international through railway transport ( ) 6. 报关行A. customs brokerB. customs declarationC. commodity inspectionD. tally( ) 7. C/D (Customs Declaration)A.客户声明 B. 客户要求C. 报关申请D. 报关单( ) 8. 保税仓库A.tax free warehouse B. no tax warehouseC. transfer export warehouseD. boned warehouse( )9. 换算箱是A.standard container B. Twenty feet containerC. TEUD. TEU container( ) 10. 绿色物流A.green logistics B. environmental logosticsC. external logisticsD. military logistics( ) 11. 准时制物流A. Just -in -time (JIT)B. Just-in-time logisticsC. zero-inventory logisticsD. logistics cost control( ) 12. 定牌包装A.sales package B.neutral packingC. packing of nominated brandD. transport package( ) 13.电子通关是A.duty B. exclusive distributionC. electronic clearanceD. fact tag( ) 14. 铁路集装箱场A.railway container warehouse B. railway container siteC. shipping brokenD. shippment agency( ) 15. 打标机A.marking machine B. lable making machineC. laser scannerD. portable scanner( ) 16. 货架是A.shelf B. good frame C. goods shelf D. good store( ) 17. CarrierA.载重船 B. 船 C. 托动人 D.承运人( ) 18. ISO (International Standard Organization)A.国际标准机构 B. 国际标准化组织C. 国际标准化机构D.国际标准化( ) 19. CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight)A.国际贸易交易价 B. 国际贸易运价C. 成本加保险费加运费D.成本加运费( ) 20. MT or M/TA. 吨B. 公吨C. 吨位D. 公制吨位三、阅读理解。

__________大学 2012~2013学年第____学期 《物流专业英语》考试试卷 参考答案 A 卷□I.术语翻译(本大题共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分) (一)英译汉部分 1)ex-factory price 出厂价 2)retail price 零售价 3)direct purchase 直接采购,直接购买 4)movements of goods/product 商品/产品的流转 5)supply chain 供应链 6)flow and storage of goods 商品的流动及储存 7) availability of goods 商品的现货性(二)汉译英部分 8) 提单,提货单bill of lading 9) 询问答复式交易query-response transaction10) 技术数据交换technical data interchange11) 不可储存性non-storability12) 带空座位出发depart with empty seats姓名学号班级 座位号 考试说明。
1、本试卷为闭卷考试 2、试卷中所有试题的答案均写在答题纸上 3、总分:100分,考试时间:120分钟13)剩余能量(运能)excess capacity14)交货通知单delivery notification15)周转储备rotation reservesII.完成下列句子(本大题共15个小题,每小题1分,共15分)16)Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the _______________________(商品的高效流动与存储). (efficient flow and storage of goods)17)There are two types of primary activities concerning the production of products:____________________(生产与流通) . (production and distribution)18)Production is the act or process of converting raw materials into_______________________(半成品或成品) ready for sale/delivery. (semi-finished goods or finished goods)19)Distribution is _______________________(行动或过程) of moving goods/product(semi-finished or finished) to various locations/customers. (the act or process)20)E-business, or e-commerce, refers to the processing of business transactions_______________________(通过电子方式)and with digitalized data. (via electronic means)21)It is estimated that 25% of business in China is now _______________________(基于电子商务的)and with steady growth. (e-based)22)Any one transaction in e-business contains a number of primary “flows”, namely_______________________(信息流、商流、金流和物料流). (flows of information, business, finance and goods)23)There can be some major steps common for a product to travel from_______________________(订单接收) to delivery to the user. (receipt of order)24)Other factors, such as the sales profit _______________________ (在整个物流链)also have an impact on the processes. (in the whole logistics link)25)There are various modes of transportation and choice of the most feasible mode can bemade as per the specific situation and _______________________(经营者的个体需要). (the o perator’s individual needs)26)Distribution is a _______________________(物流终端递送服务)in which goodsmove from supplier to user within a relatively fixed distance and time span. (logistics end delivery service)27)Distribution focuses on customer satisfaction and aims at _______________________(降低成本). (cost reduction)28)Its operation is often centralized and integrated _______________________ (在特定的覆盖区域内). (within a specific cover area)29)Transport is _______________________(干线运输)between two points/places,usually over a longer distance. ( trunk movement)30)Distribution is a _______________________(末端运输) between two or more placesover a shorter distance, eg. within a town or several towns within the reach of the operator. (tail end transport)III.用动词的适当形式填空(本大题共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)31)This ‘open access’ to roads __________(have)its disadvantages. The most obviousone is traffic congestion at peat times. (has)32)This results in __________(extend) journey times for both passenger and freight traffic.(extended)33)And it ultimately __________(add) to the costs of both operators and users. (adds)34)However, there may be a great passenger flow during peak times. In this case,__________(carry) ‘human bulk cargo’ over short distances can also be economic.(ccarrying)35)Naturally, it would be highly impractical for road transport to __________(replace)railway transport, especially during peak times. (replace)36)The former, by far, lacks the capacity __________(need). (needed)37)An airport occupies large areas of land and needs extensive facilities for the efficientand secure __________(handle) of both passengers and freight. (handling)38)The airport infrastructure, like the railway system, also __________(involve) high costsfor operation and maintenance. (involves)39)The operator charges take-off and __________(land) fees to airlines and recovers thecosts in this way. (landing)40)Some operators also charge airport taxes to all __________(depart) and/or arrivingpassengers. (departing)IV.概念解释(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分)41)What is the definition of logistics?Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.According to the Council of Logistics Management of USA , “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.”42)What are the scope of logistics activities?Logistics activities are extensive and consist of various components such as transport, inventory management, customer support, purchasing, warehousing, financing support and so on.43). What is distribution?Distribution is the act or process of moving goods/product (semi-finished or finished) to various locations/customers. Usually manufacturers focus on production, while logistics companies engage in distribution of goods.44)What is a supply chain?A supply chain is a network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities, andsuppliers that participate in the production, sale and delivery of a product to the consumer. The supply chain is typically made up of multiple companies who coordinate activities to set themselves apart from the competition.45)What is the supply chain strategy?A supply chain strategy defines how the supply chain should operate in order tocompete in the market. The strategy evaluates the benefits and costs relating to the operation. While a business strategy focuses on the overall direction a company wishes to pursue, supply chain strategy focuses on the actual operations of the organization and the supply chain that will be used to meet a specific goal.46)What does ‘inventory’ refer to?Inventory refers to stocks of anything necessary to do business. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various forms of inventory.47)What are the major elements that stockholding costs include?The costs of holding stock include the following elements:➢Storage costs – heat, light, rates and depreciation for stores buildings➢Staff costs – manpower for running stores➢Maintenance of stock record –administrative and system costs, including stocktaking and checking➢Security and insurance➢Stock deterioration➢Depreciation48)What is packaging?Packaging is the act of sealing a product with containers, materials and auxiliary items with a view of protecting the product, facilitating storage/shipment and promoting sales in the logistics process.49)What are the features and functions of packaging?Packaging fulfills different functions:➢To protect and preserve a product from physical, chemical and mechanical damage➢To facilitate ease of handling➢To communicate information, eg safety instructions➢To act as a marketing aid, through appearance and presentation50)What is reverse logistics?In a narrow sense, reverse logistics is the process in which obsolete products and various materials are remade, regenerated and recycled. This includes such logistics activities as return of products, replacement of materials as well as reuse, disposal, reprocessing, maintenance and remaking of items.V.英译汉(本大题共5个小题,每小题2分,共10分)51)Green Logistics is a supply chain management strategy that reduces the environmentaland energy footprint of freight distribution. 绿色物流是一个供应链管理战略,它降低货运对环境及能源的影响。

物流英语测试题(附答案)LogisticsEnglish⼀、Choice001.- Do you hear that _____ has become a hot career ?- It sounds too good to be true .A . logicalB . logisticsC . logicD . logistic002.- The aim of _____ management is to minimize the amount of material in stock .A . inventionB . inventiveC . inventoryD . inventiveness 003.- If the ship had sailed along the recommended _____ , it would have been able to avoid the heavy weather .A . routeB . routC . roadD . way004.- Managers must establish and implement inventory plan on the basis of _____ considerations .A . strategyB . logisticsC . strategicD . logical005.- Don't forget to refer to the book ERP in the _____ of planning resources in your enterprise .A . wayB . routeC . processD . proceed006.- The supermarket group has to _____ 400 TEU(标箱)of cargo from China every year .A . purchasedB . purchasingC . boughtD . purchase007.- Most experts agree that the _____ expenditure to perform logistics in the US was just under 10% of the 1994 gross national product .A . yearB . monthlyC . quarterlyD . annual008.- The _____ expenses will be for your account if you place an order of 100,000 tons of roll steel at a time . My workshop uses only ten tons a month .A . stockingB . storeC . storageD . stored009.- The sites of _____ are determined by customer and manufacturing locations and product requirements .A . houseB . warehouseC . factoryD . storage010.- The chapter describes reactive methods , which respond to product demand at individual _____ .A . placeB . siteC . positionD . location011.- It is through the logistical process that _____ are distributed through marketing channels to consumers .A . productB . productsC . itemD . cargo012.- The big city has a multi-cultural population with a growing _____ base .A . industryB . industrialC . agricultureD . agricultural 013.- The classification of products is necessary for the application of _____ inventory .A . selectiveB . chooseC . the allD . choosing014.- Generally speaking , cigarettes can be found in a _____ shop .A . bakeryC . tobacconist'sD . stationery 015.- As is known to all , the GDP will rise as _____ cost is reduced .A . logisticB . logisticsC . logicalD .logic016.- Logistics was formerly called physical _____ .A . positionB . distributionC . settingD . distribute017.- One of the key point in distribution of product is whether it is _____ where the customer wishes to consume it .A . availabilityB . availableC . consumableD . useful 018.- We must distribute the products to as many places as possible so that our customers find it _____ to get them .A . complicatedB . difficultC . hardD . convinient019.- For _____ purposes , it is useful to describe the 80-20 curve mathematically .A . analyticalB . analysisC . analyzeD . analyst020.- Items would have a(n) _____ distribution strategy where few regional warehouses are used .A . middleB . reasonableC . intermediateD . average021.- We've studied all our _____ catalogs .A . competitorsB . competitor'sC . competitor022.- Jim is president of a _____ firm that makes mini-motor homes in Michigan .A . medium sizeB . middle-sizeC . medium-sizingD . meddle size023.- This is called the tapering _____ .A . principalB . principleC . principlesD . principals024.- There is , however , a well-defined order in which the components can be installed in the vehicle most _____ .A . efficintB . efficientlyC . effectivelyD . effective025.- Recently , it has become clear to Jim that transportation and _____ costs are a relatively large portion of his component parts expenses .A . inventoryB .inventC . inventionD . inventive026.- He _____ hearing about "just-in-time" systems .A . hasB . wereC . hadD . had been027.- The firm _____ from a local one to a national one .A . has been expendedB . has expendedC . was expendedD . expend028.- Excuse me , but I don't quite _____ you . I'm confused .A . feelB . helpC . followD . understanding029.- Overhead and inventory carrying costs are always present but may _____ in a variety of ways .A . be allocatingB . be allocatedC . allocateD . allocated 030.- Virtually the entire product _____ from components purchased from outside vendors .A . are assembledB . assembledC . is assemblingD . is assembled031.- Inventories are stockpiles of raw materials , supplies , components , work in process and _____ goods that appear at numerous points throughout a firm's production and logistics channle .A . finishB . finishedC . finishingD . finishes032.- Inventories are frequently found in such places _____ warehouses , yards , shop floors , transportation equipment , and on retail store shelves .A . asB . likeC . whichD . where033.- _____ these inventories on hand can cost between 20 and 40 percent of their value per year .A . HavingB . HaveC . HasD . Had034.- Therefore , carefully managing inventory levels _____ good economic sence .A . makeB . are madeC . makesD . are making035.- One of the seller's responsibilities under DAF (Delivered at Frontieer) is to bear all the costs and risks to make the goods available to the buyer _____ a nominated destination .A . inB . atC . ofD . with036.- Operating systems usually cannot be designed to _____ respond to customer requests for product or service in an instantaneous manner.A . economicB . economicalC . economicallyD . economy037.- Holding inventories fosters economies in _____ and transportation .A . purchaseB . purchasedC . purchasingD . purchases 038.- Third , forward buying involves the purchasing of additional quantities of _____ at a lower current price rather than at higher anticipated future prices .A . produceB . producingC . productionD . products039.- If prices _____ to rise in the future , some inventory resulting from forward buying can be justified .A . expectB . are expectedC . are expectingD . expectation 040.- Just _____ why a firm might want inventories at some level in their operations and why they would also want to keep them at a minimum .A . considerB . consideringC . consideredD . as consideration041.- Industrial packaging has a significant _____ on the cost and productivity of logistics .A . affectB . impactC . importanceD . function042.- Packaging can be _____ into industrial packaging and consumer packaging .A . splitB . separatedC . dividedD . contained043.- First , it should protect the goods _____ damage during handling , storing and transportation .A . forB . atC . fromD . about044.- The easier it is to handle a product , the _____ the transportation rate will be .A . lowestB . lowerC . lowlyD .low045.- Greedy manufactures avoid _____ their share toward cleaning up the environment .A . to doB . doingC . doesD . did046.- Our manager suggests that we _____ load the goods as soon as possible .A . mustB . needC . shouldD . would047.- A growing number of customers require that product _____ tracked as it moves through the supply chain .A . beingB . to beC . have beenD . be048.- He cannot be really happy if he is forced by his boss to do what he does not enjoy _____ .A . to doB . doingC . doneD . to doing049.- He spends most of his spare time _____ logistics .A . to studyB . on studyC . in studyingD . studying050.- The advantage of Third Party Logistics is considered _____ of money saved .A . in terms ofB . on terms ofC . with terms ofD . at terms of051.- Purchasing contributes _____ the firm's efficiency and effectiveness in many ways .A . forB . toC . fromD . on052.- In the average manufacturing firm in North America , purchased goods and services accout _____ approximately 55 cents of every sales dollar .A . spendingB . fromC . forD . in053.- A warehouse manager will have to minimize time _____ on responding to demand and errors in dispatchesA . spendingB . to spendC . spentD . spend054.- You should keep her _____ of what is going on here .A . informingB . informedC . to informD . inform055.- He always wants everything _____ in a hurry .A . doneB . doingC . to doD . do056.- A sales tax is a percentage _____ to any item _____ by customers .A . charging , buyB . charged , boughtC . charged , buyingD . charge , bought057.- They watched the satellites _____ slowly in the sky .A . movedB . movingC . to moveD .move058.- The quality of finished goods and services is obviously _____ upon the quality of the materials and parts used in producting those items .A . dependB . dependlyC . dependentD . depended059.- Your explanation on EOQ is _____ , and few of us can follow you .A . unattractiveB . clearC . prospectiveD . vague060.- His request for promotion to the position of a warehouse manager was _____ .A . turned awayB . turned downC . tured overD . turned out 061.- In this world , _____ is very important to the modern people .A . informationB . nationsC . facilityD . upstream062.- If you passed the _____ test , you will go to college .A . customerB . producingC . supplyD . crucial063.- A manager must know the _____ information and the downstream information .A . marginB . chipC . upstreamD . revenue064.- If you don't have the raw material , you won't make a _____ .A . workB .productC . marginD . revenue065.- There is a set of _____ in this room .A . captureB . PentiumC . facilityD . downstream066.- Can you check the _____ for me again , I want to know the details oftomorrow's meeting , thanks !A . scheduleB . roomC . barD . bike067.- If you don't know anything about the economic _____ , you won't be a wise investor .A . scheduleB . cycleC . scannerD . laser068.- Please finish _____ these products before tomorrow .A . labelingB . erasingC . leavingD . looking069.- The new _____ works very well .A . scannerB . finishC . barD . mouth070.- I didn't receive any _____ about the change of the place .A . testB . laserC . notificationD . label071.- Everybody must _____ himself to compete in this world .A . takeB . strengthenC . careD . invent072.- It is a small and _____ country in Asia .A . outB . handsomeC . inlandD . few073.- In fact , the connection in this unit is very _____ .A . cloudyB .largeC . intricateD . inert074.- All you had done is _____ the essence from the fish .A . extractingB . makingC . lookingD . stopping075.- There are few people who are _____ in ordinary work .A . beautifulB . tallC . ambitioiusD . short076.- He _____ in physics then he teaches it in college .A . studiedB . learnedC . specializedD . read077.- If you refuse to develop yourself , others will _____ you .A . performB . outC . winD . outperform078.- The plan is aborted by the _____ stuff .A . goodB . went wellC . readD . inefficient079.- He takes care of the company , _____ the relation between every unit .A . makingB . orchestratingC . orchestrateD . orchestrated 080.- The truck is at the _____ gate .A . wareB . hardwareC . warehouseD . museum081.- We have already _____ two layers of 20' containers in the hatch .A . loadB . loadingC . to loadD . loaded082.- I can't promise , _____ I'll do my best .A . butB . ifC . howeverD . anyway083.- If another 40' container is stowed upon the two , it will _____ damaged .A . isB . wasC . beD . are084.- When this is done , the First Mate would sign a Mate's _____ .A . receiveB . receivingC . receiverD . receipt085.- A far greater amount of cargo is shipped by bulk carriers , _____ can be chartered on the tramp market on a time basis or on voyage basis .C . whoseD . who086.- The shipping company will issue the Bill of Loading according _____ the statements on this document .A . fromB . toC . forD . via087.- You have to stuff the cargo _____ the container .A . fromB . ofC . intoD . out of088.- We have to take it into _____ as soon as possible .A . considerB . consideringC . considerateD . consideration 089.- If you decide to book the space yourself , you can _____ go to a shipping company or simple go on the Internet .A . bothB . neitherC . eitherD . all090.- When the shipping company accepts your space-booking , you will receive a Container Load Plan _____ due course .A . onB . ofC . inD . via091.- One of the major functions of TPL companies is known _____ supply chain management .A . asB . toC . ofD . for092.- One of the _____ of supply chain management is to reduce overall costs .A . objectD . objectives093.- The service providers have to obtain a solid _____ in the industry by providing differentiated products .A . footB . feetC . footingD . foots094.- Most TPL companies tailor their service _____ to the specific requirements of their customers .A . acrossB . accordingC . accordD . crossing095.- Supply chain management of TPL company has large potentiality _____ further development .A . forB . ofC . toD . in096.- It has a long way to _____ before reapinga greater success .A . goB . goesC . goingD . went097.- One of the value _____ services provided by TPL could be its IT system .A . addB . addsC . addingD . to add098.- Mr. Zhang is _____ for the packing .A . responseB . responsingC . responsibleD . respond 099.- How many consignments should be _____ in one list ?A . filledB . fillC . fullD . filling100.- I will put in a good _____ for you when I see the human resource manager .A . wordsB . wordC . phraseD . sentence⼆、Translate001.- It is through the logistical process that materials flow into the vast manufacturing capacity of an industrial nation and products are distributed through marketing channels to consumers .正是通过物流的过程原材料才得以流⼊⼯业国家巨⼤的制造机器中,产品才得以通过市场这个渠道流向顾客。

模拟试卷 AI. Match the special terms in Column B with the Chinese explanations inColumn A (20 points , 2 points each )AB( )配送 A. warehousing ( )集装箱 B. picking ( )托盘 C. supply chain ()订单处理 D. clean B/L ( )仓储 E. insurance( )装卸 F. loading and unloading ( )拣选G. container ( )保险H. order processing ( )供应链I. distribution ()清洁提单J. palletII. Tell whether the following statements are True or False (10points, 1 pointeach )( ) 1. The third-party logistics is also called outsourcing or contract logistics. () 2. Picking is conducted after orders are translated into picking slips in many instances.( ) 3. Storage is a primary function of distribution center..( )4. Manufacturer is the executive agency that actually carries out the physical movement. ( )5. Inventory and facility costs increase as the number of facilities in a supply chain increases. ( ) 6. Warehousing costs are calculated in terms of the amount of cubic meters of space used.( ) 7. Logistics is part of the supply chain process.() 8. The supply chain network is designed to maximize each number ’s profit.. ( ) 9. Logistics can only bring tangible benefits to the users.()10. It ’s the end of distribution when you delivered the items to customers .III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.(24 points, 4 points each )1. The exchange of business cards must be made properly. Business cards should be printed in English on one side and in your host ’s language on the other. When you present your card ,you do so with both hands.2. Warehousing activities is an important link between the producer and the customer.Warehousing activities involve receiving, transfer, storage, picking, and shipping. Storage is a primary function of the warehouse.3. It ’s not the end of distribution when you have delivered the dispatched items to customers.Because the items you delivered may not match the ones customers ordered, making the delivery coming to naught.4. There are five transportation modes: rail, truck, air, water and pipeline. In addition, certainmodal combination are available, including rail-truck, truck-water, truck-air, and rail-water.5. This contract is made by and agreed between the Buyers and Sellers, whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under mentioned commodity to the terms and conditions stipulated below.班级:姓名:学号:装订线6. Logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required to move goodsfrom their points of production to the customer. To make a logistics system function, a variety of activities must be executed together.IV. Complete the following information according to the given document.(16 points)IRREVOCABLE DOCUMENTARY LETTER OF CREDITCITY BANK1-CHOME,CHIYODA-KUC.P.O.BOX 148 ,CALIFORNIA ,U.S.ATelex:8919 BN Telephone: 25338832, Telefax: 27578522/21336955L/C No.50929026-May-2015Advising Bank:Bank of China, Changchun BranchBeneficiary:Jiqing Industrial Products Import &Export CorporationDear Sirs,At the request of The American Import&Export Co.Inc. we hereby issue in your favor this Irrevocable Documents Credit No. 509290 for USD 138300(SAY U.S DOLLARS ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED ONL Y.)to expire on 5, July, 2015 in America and available by your draft at sight drawn on the issuing bank for 95% of the invoice value and accompanied by the following documents:(1)Commercial invoice, one original and three copies.(2)Full set of 3/3 original clean on board ocean Bill of Lading made out to our order andendorsed in blank notify applicant, marked freight prepaid .(3) Insurance Certificate, endorsed in blank for 110% of the invoice value, covering AllRisks and war clauses of Institute Cargo Clauses(1/1/1982)(4)Packing list marked gross weight and net weight in triplicate.(5)One original certificate of origin indicating that the goods are of Chinese origin signed by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.Evidencing current shipment not later than July 12, 2015 by sea from China to U.S.A on basis CIFC5%Long Beach。

物流专业英语试卷答案 Modified by JEEP on December 26th, 2020.物流专业英语试卷一、Translation(30分)1.Containertransport2.International freight forwarding agent3.Ordercycletime4.Inventory turnover5.Environmental logistics6.Carrying cost7.Material handling8.Demand forecasting9.Reverse logistics10.Agile logistics11.Third-party logistics12.Initial investment13.Warehouse facility14.Material procurement15.Point of consumption16.多式联运17.分销渠道18.条码19.订单处理20.保税仓库21.前置期22.叉车23.门到门24.准时制物流25.拣选26.提货单27.发货区28.进口税29.规模经济30.供应链整合二、Translate the sentences into Chinese(40分)1、Customer service involves getting the right product to the right customer at the right place, in the right condition and at the right time, at the lowest total cost possible.2、Forthetimebeingweareconcernedonlywiththequestionofhowmuchwehavetopayfor obsolescencecost.3、Sometimestheinventorymanagerincreaseshislevelsofinventorytomeettherequirementofa lessexpensivebutslowermeansoftransport.4、They offer a closed system with little risk of loss or damage to the products moved, and extremely low costs because minimal labor is involved in their operation.5、The overall goal of logistics is to achieve a targeted level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost.6、Faced with this width of inventory, retailers attempt to reduce risk by pressing manufacturers and wholesalers to assume greater and greater inventory responsibility.7、Decision support systems screen out irrelevant information so it cannot be misused or merely slow down use of the important data.8、Manufacturers have come to realize that the improved packaging of commodities can significantly increase the added value of products.9、 Due to improper packing, the goods are terribly damaged.10、More environmentally conscious packaging may save disposal costs and improve the company’s image.三、Reading comprehension(10分)Logistics SystemsA logistics system consists of different functions and activities,such as the following:service is a core function in the logistics business entity should have a customer service department to handle complaints,special orders,loss and damage claims,returns,bills problem,and function becomes crucial because any dissatisfaction can lead to failure to retain customers.management is to maintain the stock of raw materials and hal-finished order to satisfy the customers' demand and minimize costs,a company should establish an optimal level of inventory to meet the market demand that exceeds your expectations,and at the same time,minimize your inventory holding costs and inventory write-down costs.has taken a great role in many logistics systems for two of all,globalization and importin-exporting activities make most products necessary to be transferred from one country to ,information revolution has propelled the manufacturing process and consumer behaviors to bechanged transportation methods need to be upgraded to accommodate modern transportation demand,therefore,containerization and usage of information sharing system emerge.is needed to manage the materials and store ready-for-market products in is new technology applied in the storage,for example,automatic ware warehouse has become the distribution center where container trucks deliver and pick up the goods.system links all logistics processes and integrates all information to ensure all the handling of large quantity of goods are delivered in an efficient,cost-effective and accurate manner.Questions:of the following function does a logistics system include ( )sales. management. . .is customer service an important element ( )retain and keep customers.gather information about competitors.develop new market.strengthen business partner relationships.is the optimal level of inventory ( )amount that you can sell as much as possible.amount that you can barely meet market expectation.amount to meet market demand with minimizing your current and potential inventory costs.amount that you can get the most profits.is transportation so important to the current business environment ( )means are limited.of globalization,exports and imports activities.is costly.of time.does information system contribute to an efficient logistics system( )link and integrate all logistics functions.gather new information.eliminate wrong data.make all data public for future use.四、Answer the following questions in English(20分)1、What activities do warehousing operate Describe some of them.2、Which costs can affect the total logistics cost答案一、1、集装箱运输 2、国际货运代理 3、订货处理周期 4、库存周转 5、绿色物流6、搬运成本7、物料搬运8、需求预测 9、逆向物流 10、敏捷物流 11、第三方物流 12、初始投资 13、仓储设施 14、物料采购15、消费点 transportation channel code processingwarehouse 21. Lead time lift truck 23.door-to-door logisticspicking 26、bill of lading 27、receiving duty of scale chain integration二、1、客户服务涉及在合适的地点、合适的条件和合适的时间,以最尽可能低的总成本将合适的产品送至适当的顾客。

物流英语试题及参考答案一、词汇题(每题2分,共10分)1. 物流中的“分拣”用英语怎么说?A. SortingB. PackingC. StoringD. Transporting2. 哪个词表示“供应链管理”?A. Supply Chain ManagementB. Demand Chain ManagementC. Chain Supply ManagementD. Chain Demand Management3. “集装箱”在英语中的正确表达是什么?A. ContainerB. BoxC. CaseD. Crate4. “库存”的英文单词是什么?A. StockB. StoreC. ReserveD. Supply5. “配送中心”用英语如何表达?A. Distribution CenterB. Distribution StationC. Distribution HubD. Distribution Point二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)6. 在物流领域,缩写词“3PL”代表的是_________。
7. 货物从生产地到消费地的整个流程被称为_________。
8. 物流服务中,_________是指货物在运输过程中的实时跟踪。
9. 物流成本包括运输成本、仓储成本和_________。
10. 物流中的“最后一公里”问题通常指的是货物从配送中心到_________的配送问题。
In recent years, the logistics industry has seen asignificant shift towards automation and digitalization. This trend is driven by the need for increased efficiency and cost reduction. Companies are investing heavily in technologies such as AI, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize their supply chains.11. 物流行业近年来的趋势是什么?A. 减少自动化和数字化B. 增加自动化和数字化C. 减少对技术的依赖D. 增加对人工的依赖12. 推动这一趋势的主要原因是什么?A. 减少成本和提高效率B. 增加成本和降低效率C. 减少对供应链的优化D. 增加对供应链的复杂性13. 公司正在投资哪些技术来优化他们的供应链?A. AI、机器人技术和物联网B. 传统物流、人力搬运和纸质记录C. 手动跟踪、电话通信和电子邮件D. 纸质地图、纸质订单和纸质库存14. 这些技术投资的目的是什么?A. 降低效率和增加成本B. 提高效率和降低成本C. 减少供应链的优化D. 增加供应链的复杂性四、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)15. 将“物流成本”翻译成英文。

物流英语考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What does "LCL" stand for in logistics?A. Less than Container LoadB. Large Container LoadC. Limited Container LoadD. Local Container Load答案:A2. The term "FOB" is commonly used to indicate:A. Free on BoardB. Full of BoatC. Finished on BoardD. First on Board答案:A3. Which of the following is NOT a mode of transportation?A. RoadB. RailC. AirD. E-mail答案:D4. The abbreviation "CIF" stands for:A. Cost, Insurance, and FreightB. Cost, Insurance, and FuelC. Cost, Insurance, and FinanceD. Cost, Insurance, and Freighting答案:A5. What is the meaning of "EXW" in international trade terms?A. Ex WorksB. Exchange WorksC. Exclusive WorksD. Export Works答案:A6. The term "B/L" refers to:A. Bill of LadingB. Bill of LoadingC. Bill of LandingD. Bill of Loadings答案:A7. Which of the following is a document used in international trade?A. Commercial InvoiceB. Commercial InformationC. Commercial InterestD. Commercial Investment答案:A8. "CY" in logistics usually means:A. Container YardB. Country YearC. Current YieldD. Cost Year答案:A9. The abbreviation "TEU" stands for:A. Twenty-foot Equivalent UnitB. Total Equipment UnitC. Transport Equipment UnitD. Trade Equipment Unit答案:A10. "DDP" in international trade terms means:A. Delivered Duty PaidB. Delivered Direct PaymentC. Delivered Domestic PaymentD. Delivered Directly Paid答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. The process of moving goods from the place of acceptance to the place of delivery is known as _______.答案:Transportation12. A _______ is a person or company that arranges the transportation of goods for clients.答案:Freight Forwarder13. "CFS" stands for _______.答案:Container Freight Station14. The term "Drayage" refers to the transportation of goods over a short distance, usually _______.答案:Land15. In logistics, "3PL" refers to a _______ party logistics provider.答案:Third16. The weight of a shipment as determined by the carrier is known as _______.答案:Chargeable Weight17. "HS" code stands for _______.答案:Harmonized System18. The term "Pallet" is used to describe a flat structure used as a base for _______.答案:Goods19. "Tare Weight" refers to the weight of the _______ without the cargo.答案:Container20. "Customs Broker" is a professional who assists with the _______ of goods through customs.答案:Clearance三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Explain the difference between "CIF" and "FOB" terms in international trade.答案:CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) terms requirethe seller to arrange and pay for the transportation and insurance of goods to the port of destination, while FOB (Free on Board) terms require the buyer to arrange and payfor the transportation of goods from the port of origin.22. What is the role of a customs broker in international trade?答案:A customs broker facilitates the import and export process by ensuring that all necessary documentation is completed accurately and that all duties and taxes are paidin accordance with customs regulations.23. Describe the function of a bill of lading in logistics.答案:A bill of lading serves as a contract of carriage,a receipt for the goods, and a document of title. It provides proof that the carrier has received the goods for transportation and outlines the terms of the shipment.24. What are the key components of a supply chain?答案:Key components of a supply chain include sourcing, production, inventory management, transportation, warehousing, and distribution.四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)25. Discuss the importance of inventory management inlogistics and supply chain operations.答案:Inventory management。

邯郸职业技术学院2009---2010学年第二学期物流专业英语期末试卷(A卷)系别管理系专业物流管理班级08 姓名学号成绩………………………………………密封线………………………………………………………一、阅读理解(阅读文章回答问题,每题4分,共40分)Packaging InnovativeThis article is about innovative ideas abound for reducing, reusing and recycling transport packaging waste.[Para1] Logistical, or transport, packaging –shipping containers and pallets constitutes more than half of the municipal solid waste attributed to packaging in the U.S. Unlike consumer packaging, most logistical packaging disposal costs are internal to business transactions captured in market prices.[Para2] In almost all cases, the explicit cost for disposal is borne by the company that purchased the goods in packages, and is an indirect transaction cost. For this reason, manufacturers and their customers have a competitive incentive to reduce the cost of logistical packaging waste disposal.[Para3] Until recently, there has not been much effort to reduce logistical packaging. Traditional designs had not changed for 80 years, and many of the costs associated with such packaging have gone relatively unexamined and unmanaged. Transportation carriers who maintain rules for “acceptable” packaging have institutionalized the use of corrugated fiberboard b oxes, steel drums, wooden crates and pallets in the U.S.A trend toward innovation[Para4] There is a new trend, however, toward innovation aimed at reducing the amount of material used in logistical packaging. This trend has been stimulated by changes in four important factors that affect the structure of the logistical packaging industry.[Para5] Transportation deregulation. Traditional barriers to new packaging materials have been reduced by transportation deregulation, which reduced the carriers‟ autho rity to regulate logistical packaging in three ways: it permitted limited liability; it increased the use of contract rather than common law; and it reduced the legitimacy of carrier collusion. As a result, in 1994, motor-common carriers adopted an alternative performance standard, permitting a much greater variety of reduced packaging forms.[Para6] Rising waste disposal costs. Market threats from substitute materials have increased, encouraged by government, rising disposal costs, new technology and logistical management trends. Integrated logistics management trends have led to more comprehensive system-wide evaluations of packaging and other logistical activity tradeoffs, including the cost of waste disposal. The rise of waste disposal costs has had the most dramatic influence on logistical packaging. Competition is switching from lower-cost cardboard boxes to plastic packaging, including stretch-wrap, shrink-wrap and returnable bins.[Para7] Market power. Packaging suppliers are exerting market power to facilitaterecycling of some materials in order to maintain market share. The corrugated paperboard industry owes its successful recycling programs to the fact that it is relatively vertically integrated, compared to other logistical supply industries, such as those that make wooden pallets and plastic packaging. The paperboard industry‟s recycling effort has been an effective defense against arguments that favor packaging reduction over recycling. However, it further institutionalizes paperboard and provides another barrier to innovation.[Para8] Shift of bargaining power. There has been a shift of bargaining power from packaging suppliers to buyers and to customers, who are becoming more interested in reducing packaging. Largely because of integrated logistics, buying firms find that active management of logistical packaging results in innovation and lower costs. Logistical packaging management is becoming more than a simple purchase function that merely buys periodically according to the carriers‟ packagi ng rules. For example, the decision to invest in a returnable container program requires more than purchasing authority. Returnable containers affect behavior and costs, including those for purchases, storage, handling, transportation, tracking and customers, throughout a logistical system. Returnable packaging is a large investment and must be carefully controlled and cost-justified.[Para9] Since logistical customers are the companies that unpack the boxes, they are increasingly sensitive to the rising cost of packaging waste disposal. Waste disposal is an explicit cost for logistical customers, and their influence on suppliers to reduce packaging is currently more important than legislative man-dates in reducing logistical packaging waste. The influence that customers can exert varies, generally depending on the structure of the distribution channel. When the firms in a channel are strategically allied, they are more likely to reduce packaging disposal cost. For example, a very close alliance is necessary for a returnable container system to be feasible.[Para10] These factors determine a manufacturer‟s packaging strategy and the potential for innovative management of logistical packaging waste. The cost of logistical packaging, including the cost of its disposal, can be a basis for a strategic advantage. The competitive strategy framework is a valuable tool for exploring industry responses to waste issues in a market system.Strategic implications[Para11] Innovative ideas abound for logistical packaging waste reduction, reuse and recycling (see Figure 1). Such incremental innovation reduces costs and waste without compromising packaging performance. Therefore, logistical packaging innovation can be the source for a competitive advantage for four constituencies.[Para12] Firms and organizations. Firms and organizations at the end of the marketing channel, including retailers and government agencies, have leverage to negotiate waste reduction in proportion to their size and the strength of the relationship with the manufacturers from whom they buy.[Para13] Manufacturers. Manufacturers who buy packaging are best positioned to negotiate for waste-reduced packaging by establishing performance standards to encourage substitutes for traditional materials and logistical systems.[Para14] Packaging suppliers. Packaging suppliers can promote waste reduction by using recycled materials and facilitating recycling of their products.[Para15] Policymakers. Policymakers can take advantage of market forces byincorporating the environmental costs of solid waste in the price of disposal.[Para16] Results. The logistical packaging industry in the U.S. is shifting conceptual boxes. Future logistical packaging will use less material. More logistical packaging will be recycled. More packaging decisions will be based on customers‟ needs, including waste disposal. And the more the cost of disposal rises, the less waste we will see on the loading dock.Questions:1、Why do manufacturers and their customers have a copetitive incentive to reduce the costof logistical packaging waste disposal?2、What are the differences between consumer packaging and logistical packaging?3、What does the new trend aim at?4、What does ithe rise of waste disposal costs influence?5、Why is there a shift of bargaining power?6、Who are more likely to reduce packaging disposal cost?7、Which methods can packaging suppliers promote waste reduction?8、Why do we say logistical packaging management is becoming more than a simplepurchase function?9、Why are packaging suppliers exerting market power to facilitate recycling of somematerials?10、Please describe the future logistical packaging?二、英译汉(每题5分,共25分)1、“Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army and French. According to the French, the Baron of Jomini, who o f Swiss origin who had served in Napoleon‟s army before joining the Russians and who later founded the Military Academy of St. Petersburg, first used the term in the early 19th century. So in a military sense, the term …logistics‟ encompasses transport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance.2、From these definitions logistics can be briefly described like this: "Logistics means having the right thing, at the right place, at the right time." At its heart, logistics deals with satisfying the customer. This implies that management must first understand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developed and implemented to meet them..3、Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to a point of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into the production process and/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer. Transportation has assumed a greater role in many logistics systems for two reasons. First, the liberalization of transportation laws in many countries has provided opportunities for knowledgeable managers to obtain better service at lower prices then they could in the past. Second, as inventory levels have dropped in response to the popularity of just-in-time (JIT) strategies, transportation is frequently used to offset the potentially damaging impact on customer service levels that would otherwise result from those inventory reductions.4、Packages function in the physical environment, subject to moisture, temperature extremes,mechanical shocks and vibration. No matter what environmental conditions are encountered, the package is expected to protect the product, keeping it in the condition intended for use until the product is delivered to the ultimate consumer.5、Innovative ideas abound for logistical packaging waste reduction, reuse and recycling Such incremental innovation reduces costs and waste without compromising packaging performance. Therefore, logistical packaging innovation can be the source for a competitive advantage for four constituencies.三、汉译英(每题5分,共25分)1、物流管理从原材料的提供开始,经过生产过程中的半成品,以产品的分配和售后服务为结束。

物流英语复习题答案一、选择题1. What does the abbreviation "FCL" stand for in logistics?A. Full Container LoadB. Full Cargo LoadC. Full Custom LoadD. Full Commercial LoadAnswer: A. Full Container Load2. Which of the following is the most common mode of transportation for international logistics?A. AirB. SeaC. RoadD. RailAnswer: B. Sea3. What is the meaning of "LCL" in shipping terms?A. Less than Container LoadB. Large Cargo LoadC. Limited Container LoadD. Large Custom LoadAnswer: A. Less than Container Load4. The term "EXW" in Incoterms refers to which point of delivery?A. Ex WorksB. Ex WarehouseC. Ex ShipD. Ex DockAnswer: A. Ex Works5. What is the role of a freight forwarder in the logistics process?A. To provide transportation servicesB. To arrange and manage the logistics processC. To insure cargoD. To handle customs clearanceAnswer: B. To arrange and manage the logistics process二、填空题6. The term "FOB" stands for Free On Board, which means the seller's responsibility ends when the goods are placed on board the _______.Answer: vessel or carrier7. When cargo is transported by air, the weight is often measured in _______.A. kilogramsB. tonsC. cubic metersD. poundsAnswer: A. kilograms8. The process of moving goods from one mode of transportation to another is known as _______.Answer: transshipment9. The International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) are a setof international rules for the interpretation of _______ in contracts of sale for the purpose of defining the _______ of goods.Answer: trade terms, responsibilities of the buyer andseller10. The term "CIF" stands for Cost, Insurance, and _______.Answer: Freight三、简答题11. What are the key components of a Bill of Lading?Answer: The key components of a Bill of Lading include the name of the ship, the port of loading, the port of discharge, the description of the goods, the quantity of the goods, the weight of the goods, the shipping marks, and the signature of the shipper and the carrier.12. Explain the difference between "Door to Door" and "Portto Port" services in logistics.Answer: "Door to Door" service refers to the logistics process where the goods are transported from the seller'sdoor to the buyer's door, including all necessary handlingand transportation. "Port to Port" service, on the other hand, only includes the transportation of goods from one port to another, excluding the transportation from the door to theport and from the port to the door.四、论述题13. Discuss the importance of tracking and tracing in the logistics industry.Answer: Tracking and tracing are crucial in the logisticsindustry as they provide real-time information about the location and status of the cargo. This helps in managing the supply chain more efficiently, reducing the risk of loss or damage to goods, and enhancing customer satisfaction by providing transparency in the delivery process.五、案例分析题14. A company has shipped a container of electronics from Shanghai to Los Angeles using a sea freight service. The container was supposed to arrive within 30 days, but after 40 days, the container has not yet arrived. What steps should the company take to address this issue?Answer: The company should first contact the shipping line or freight forwarder to inquire about the status of the shipment. They should also check the Bill of Lading and any tracking information available. If the container is still missing, the company should file a claim with the carrier and consider alternative measures such as airfreighting replacement goods if necessary. It is also important to review the terms of the contract and insurance coverage to understand the company's rights and responsibilities in this situation.结束语:物流英语是国际贸易和供应链管理的重要组成部分。

江门市高级技校08级中级班《物流英语》考试题(A卷)班级:_____姓名:______ 学号:___成绩:______一.单项选择(74分)( )1.物流活动:A .logistics activity B. logistics operation C .logistics cost( )2.供应物流A. distribution logistics B .supply logistics C .product logistics()3. 集装箱运输:A.container transport B .containerized transport C .transfer logistics ( ) 4.门到门:A.Door __to_ _door B .door to cy C .door to cfc( ) 5. 共同配送:A.joint distribution B. distribution C. distribution center( )6. 保税仓库:A.bonded warehouse B .virtual warehouse C .automatic warehouse( ) 7.国际多式联运:A. international multimodal transportB. multimodal transport C .liner transport ( ) 8.库存控制:A .inventory controlB .warehouse layout C. logistics cost control ( )9.物流管理:A .logisticianB .logistics managementC .logistics engineering( )10.订单处理:A.process center B .order processing. C .Order Point System( )11. Autamated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)A.自动仓储系统B.自动车辆识别C.自动车辆位置()12.Distribution Resource Planning (DRP 11)A.配送需要计划。
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1商丘职业技术学院2011-2012学年度第一学期期末考试《 物流专业英语 》试题(A)1、原材料 11、density of storage2、存货管理12、work in process3、供应链管理 13、pipe transportation4、在途物资 14、Global Positioning System5、客户服务 15、direct procurement6、脱销 16、broad definition7、零售商 17、Universal Product Code8、国内生产总值 18、competitive advantage9、规模经济 19、the third-party logistics 10、工业(外部)包装 20、multinational company( )1. Thethird-party logistics is also called outsourcing or contractlogistics.( ) 2. The future of third-party logistics is in the midst of rapid globalexpansion.( ) 3. Each supply chain has the same way of management.( )4. Wholesalers are companies that stock inventory and sell in smallquantities to the general public.( )5. Packaging encloses and protects the products ,and also makes the physicalhandling of the product much easier.( ) 6. Warehousing costs are calculated in terms of the amount of cubic metersof space used.( ) 7. Storage is a primary function of warehouse.( ) 8. Managers with good negotiating skills and strong relationships withclients can save their organizations large sum of money relative to their competitors.( ) 9. Logistics can only bring tangible benefits to the users.( )10. Procurement deals with the buying of goods and services thatkeep theorganization functioning.packaging sufficient potential available transmission updated automated containment inventory retailer1. __________ focuses on protecting the product while it is being shipped and stored.2. These reasons are not ___________to justify the ban.3. First we need to identify actual and ____________ problems.4. Several cars are ______________ within this price range.5. We now interrupt our normal ______________ to bring you a special news flash.6. After the goods are accepted for storage, the inventory records should be______________.7. Distribution centers are ____________warehouses with material handling systems under the control of a central computer8. ______________ is the function of packing products into boxes or other containers.9. The sale of goods in large quantities , is usually for resale by a ___________. I. Translate the following into Chinese orEnglish.(20points )III. Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.(20 points )points )II. Tell whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the knowledge you have learned. (10 points)( )1. emerge A. to start to exist( )2. expertise B. expert skill , knowledge , or judgment( )3. commodity C. producer or maker of articles, especially in a factory( )4. manufacturer D. an article or raw material that can be boughtOr sold( )5. supply E. part of one thing covers part of the other ( )6. inventory F. to use numbers to find out a total number ( )7. participant G. a detail list of all the items in stock ( )8. overlap H. financial gain( )9. calculate I. someone who takes part in an activity ( )10.profit J. offering goods and services for sale1. Packaging is a means of ensuring the safe delivery of a product to the consumer in sound condition and at _________cost.A. maximizeB. minimizeC. maximumD. minimum2. Warehousing costs are calculated __________the amount of cubic meters of space Used.A.in the term ofB.at the sake ofC.with the benefit ofD.in terms of3. Logistics is related to the effective and efficient________ of materials andinformation.A. flowB. glowC. fluctuationD. float4. Information refers to the function of communicating with the outside world through the packaging. This can be done by________ labels to or by printing information directly onto the packaging.A. detachingB. attachingC. attractingD. detracting 5. An efficient transportation system should provide business with easy ________ to materials and markets.A. methodB. wayC. accessD. channel6. Packaging protects goods from damage, allows ________distribution, informs theconsumer and helps to promote goods in a competitive marketplace.A. efficientB. sufficientC. effectiveD. proficient 7. The railways serving for rail transportation are _______ of a series of traced paths which are bound with vehicles.A. insuringB. ensuringC. assuringD. securing9. The third party logistics providers typically specialize _________integrated warehousing and transportation services.A. onB. ofC. withD. in10.The document management system enables the documents generated from all overthe logistics organization to be ________into one well designed hubA. centralizedB. intensifiedC. centeredD. integrated technology central distribution nature information response emergence driving customer operationsIncreasingly , it seems that successful companies have one thing in common---- their use of ___1___ and information technology to achieve quick___2___. Information systems are reshaping the organization and also the ____3__of the linkages between organizations. Information has always been ___4___ to the efficient management of logistics, but now, enabled by ___5___ , it is providing the ___6___ force for competitive strategy. The___7___ of integrated logistics systems links the___8___ of the business, such as production and ___9___,with the supplier’s operations on the one hand and the___10___ on the other . These systems are often referred to generically as ERP. Already it is the case that companies can literally link the replenishment of their suppliers through the use of shared information.1. 配送中心是一个大型的高度自动化的仓库。