物流专业英语 Unit 1课件

The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2).
值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛 的误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。的确,运输是物流 的核心构成部分,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此, 物流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。
How a bottle of Coca Cola coke moves to an end consumer 一瓶可乐是如何到达最终消费者手中的
If a consumer wants to have a bottle of Coca Cola coke, he can choose to:
go straight to the manufacturer, buy it at ex-factory price (e.g. 1.50 Yuan/bottle) but pay extra costs for bus fare (e.g. 5 Yuan or more) , totaling 6.50 Yuan plus time cost (hours of bus travel), or
B选择是个人零散客户最常用的选择,在此种方式下,客户支付 较高的零售价,在享有较低的总成本的同时,还可以换取 购物的轻松并免除到厂家取货的耗时旅程。

What is supply chain management? Supply chain management (SCM) is concerned with the
integration, coordination and control of the flow of material, information and finances in supply chains.
产品是指一个单位在业务过程中向市场供应的物品(wùpǐn)。在下 面的生产品供应链中,产品指的是最终落入消费者手中的物品 (wùpǐn)。(未完再续)
(Continued续)It may be a new car, a television set, a tin of beans, etc. Other possible products include new buildings, roads or transport services and there will be associated with each of these a supply chain that describes the process by which they are delivered to the buyer.
1. Answer the following questions in English:
1)What is the definition of a supply chain?
A supply chain is a complex logistics system in which raw materials are converted into finished products and then distributed to end users (consumers or companies)

Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain
飞机在天上飞,供应链来支配,这就是物流; 流水线、各部件,准点到、守时间,这就是物流; 把成本来控制,好利润天天增,这就是物流; 碳足迹要缩减,树环保新观念,这就是物流; 将业务来拓展,让世界心相连,这就是物流; 该去哪就去哪,高科技来实现,这就是物流; 门铃响,响叮铛~响叮铛~响叮铛~这就是物流; 让烦恼都抛遍,全交给UPS,这就是物流。
• 特点:课文短,专业性强,视野广阔。 • 共32个单元,计划学习1-24单元,每个单元用
• 本课程分为形成性考核和终结性考核两部分
• 其中形成性考核占60% 包括:出勤10% 课堂表现10% 作业10% 笔记10% 小组PPT展示20%
• Bells will ring, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, that's logistics.
• There will be no more stress 'cause you've called UPS,

Bill:它为物流在中国的发展起到了很大的促进作用。最近几年, 对外经济贸易部门明确规定了江苏、浙江、广东、北京、上 海、天津和深圳是物流的实验发展基地。
It gave great impetus to the development of logistics in China. In the recent years, the ministry of Foreign Economy and Trade Relations issued a notice which explicitly stipulated Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Shenzhen are the places for experiences in logistics.来自2Exercise
Tom:我在报纸上了解到,自从2001年中国加入到WTO之后, 中国有些重要的物流企业,像中国铁路和上海联华在这个领 域成为龙头企业。你认为中国加入到WTO后,有什么明显的 变化吗? I learn from the newspapers that some major enterprises in logistics, such as China Rail Co. and Shanghai Lianhua, are the leading members in the field since China entered the WTO in 2001. Do you think China’s inclusion in WTO made any difference?
That is amazing! Does that mean they do a good job in logistics? Lily:不,不完全是这样的。尽管中国在过去的十年里,在这

promote 提升,提高,升迁 promote economic growth 促进经济增长 promote his second solo album 推广他的第二张专辑
• How long would it take before I am appointed as a business development director?
• The definitions of Logistics(物流的定义)
• Logistics is an unique "pipeline" that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating(协调) the transport(运输) and delivery(递送) of products and service(服务) to the customers(顾客) the world wide.
Five Logistics Functions (物流的五个功能)
1.Design, development, acquisition, storage, movement.... of goods(商品).
2.Design, development, management and maintenance of passengers system(乘客 系统).
how long will it take? 它将花费多长时间? It takes about 10 minutes. 大概花10分钟。
• Generally speaking, it depends on how diligent you are and how good the business is.
promote 提升,提高,升迁 promote economic growth 促进经济增长 promote his second solo album 推广他的第二张专辑
• How long would it take before I am appointed as a business development director?
• The definitions of Logistics(物流的定义)
• Logistics is an unique "pipeline" that operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating(协调) the transport(运输) and delivery(递送) of products and service(服务) to the customers(顾客) the world wide.
Five Logistics Functions (物流的五个功能)
1.Design, development, acquisition, storage, movement.... of goods(商品).
2.Design, development, management and maintenance of passengers system(乘客 系统).
how long will it take? 它将花费多长时间? It takes about 10 minutes. 大概花10分钟。
• Generally speaking, it depends on how diligent you are and how good the business is.
《物流专业英语》 PPT Unit Logistics packaging in

在再生产过程中,包装处于生产过程的末尾和物流过程的 开头,包装既是生产的终点,又是物流的始点。
Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.
Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.

Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain 图1 典型的供应链
The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2). 可口可乐软饮料产品就是依照典型的供应链来移动的,其零售 价更高,是因为当产品经过供应链的每个节点时is logistics? 什么是物流? Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是商品 的高效流动与存储。
However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals. 然而,美国物流管理协会给出了一个权威的定义,该定义受到 物流专业人士的广泛接受。
• • • • • • • •
integration and optimization of resources a value-added process efficiency increase and cost reduction Innovation 资源的整合与优化 一个增值过程 提高效率与降低成本 创新
物流英语 unit1

The typical supply chain model of movements of goods
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终顾客
Retailer 零售商
The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node(n.节点) in the supply chain.
Choice A is rarely the case because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is too expensive for any individual(个人).
Choice B is the most popular for individual customers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for timeconsuming travel to the manufacturer.
A customer can show his inclination in many aspects: Brand, quality, size, colour, service and so on But his first inclination is
availability of goods
• 7.What are the four keys aspects of logistics? 什么是物流的四个关键方面?
物流专业英语unit 1 Introduction to Logistics

procurement, movement and storage of materials ,parts and finished inventory (and the related information flows) through the organization and its marketing channels in such a way that current and future profitability are maximized through the costeffective fulfillment of orders.
The Definitions of Logistics物流的定义
There are various definitions of different editions.
The Council of Logistics Management in the United States: Logistics is the “process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements”.
information technology
物流是关于时间的资源配置或总供应链的战略管理。供应 链是满足顾客的事件序列。包括相关联的运输、存储和信 息技术。

ement Chapter 6 Information Technology in a Supply Chain Chapter 7 International Logistics Chapter 8 Contract and Logistics Documentation
1.1.2 Origins and Definition of Logistics
(1) In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receiver point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, package, distribution and information management, etc. (Other activities such as waste disposal, return goods handling, etc. are also important.)
from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirement.” So far, many definitions of logistics have been proposed. The flowing basic definition will be extended and developed as the logistics practice progress, but it makes and adequate starting point.
1.1.2 Origins and Definition of Logistics
(1) In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receiver point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, package, distribution and information management, etc. (Other activities such as waste disposal, return goods handling, etc. are also important.)
from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirement.” So far, many definitions of logistics have been proposed. The flowing basic definition will be extended and developed as the logistics practice progress, but it makes and adequate starting point.
物流英语unit 1

• 遇到某些词一时无法确定词义,如: Average ,常用的词义是“平均的”,但 是在海洋运输中它有海损的意思,如 general average 共同海损,average clause 海损条款。
of logistics management?
New Words and Phrases
1.new words Logistics ; evolve ; integrate ;
2.构词法:a.名词后缀-tion,-sion b.动词后缀-ize:表示使成为;表示使…化
• Realize,organize,popularize,finalize,econo mize,industrialize,centrlize,modernize,reco lutionize,mechanize,cognize,capitalize.civil ize,criticize,advertize and so.
• Container number list= list of container number集装 箱号码单
• 五、广用缩略词
• 每个领域、行业、学科都有自己的一套特定的缩 写词,甚至在同一个行业中同样的缩写词也会代 表不同的含义,物流专业英语也不例外。
• CRP:continuous replenishment program,连续 库存补充计划
Text 1 What is Logistics
【Para 1】The Definition of Logistics(物 流的概念) 1. There are various definitions of different edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
• 遇到某些词一时无法确定词义,如: Average ,常用的词义是“平均的”,但 是在海洋运输中它有海损的意思,如 general average 共同海损,average clause 海损条款。
of logistics management?
New Words and Phrases
1.new words Logistics ; evolve ; integrate ;
2.构词法:a.名词后缀-tion,-sion b.动词后缀-ize:表示使成为;表示使…化
• Realize,organize,popularize,finalize,econo mize,industrialize,centrlize,modernize,reco lutionize,mechanize,cognize,capitalize.civil ize,criticize,advertize and so.
• Container number list= list of container number集装 箱号码单
• 五、广用缩略词
• 每个领域、行业、学科都有自己的一套特定的缩 写词,甚至在同一个行业中同样的缩写词也会代 表不同的含义,物流专业英语也不例外。
• CRP:continuous replenishment program,连续 库存补充计划
Text 1 What is Logistics
【Para 1】The Definition of Logistics(物 流的概念) 1. There are various definitions of different edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.

货物出库手续齐全;出库货物数量准 确;装卸规范;按出货单先后发放货物; 出库单据保存归档。
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse
6.It consists of five aspects:the warehouse procedures, the quantity of the goods, load the goods and deposit them in standard, provide the goods according to the shipment list, save and file the bills of document.
• What is important here is this to move the product without any transfer in each process.
• How many types of the unit load size is composed ?
• What about using both the standardized container and pallet in the pool system?
货物出库手续齐全;出库货物数量准 确;装卸规范;按出货单先后发放货物; 出库单据保存归档。
Dialogue 1 Visiting a Warehouse
6.It consists of five aspects:the warehouse procedures, the quantity of the goods, load the goods and deposit them in standard, provide the goods according to the shipment list, save and file the bills of document.
• What is important here is this to move the product without any transfer in each process.
• How many types of the unit load size is composed ?
• What about using both the standardized container and pallet in the pool system?

What is Logistics? The importance of Logistics Development of Logistics Management
Logistics management has evolved over the last three decades from the narrowly defined distribution management to the integrated management and to the global supply chains.
What is Logistics? The importancห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ of Logistics Development of Logistics Management
What is Logistics?
The Definition of Logistics(物流的概念) There are various definitions of different
edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
1.In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the pgysical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically (有机结合)the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution and information management, etc.

(2) The Council of Logistics Management (CLM) has adopted this definition of logistics: “Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, service, and related information
Originally, logistics is a military term, first used in the Napoleonic era. Logistics, as a military term, is defined as the art of moving armies and keeping them supplied. There are various definitions of different edition afterwards But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, package, distribution and information management, etc. (Other activities such as waste disposal, return goods handling, etc. are also important.)
Originally, logistics is a military term, first used in the Napoleonic era. Logistics, as a military term, is defined as the art of moving armies and keeping them supplied. There are various definitions of different edition afterwards But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, package, distribution and information management, etc. (Other activities such as waste disposal, return goods handling, etc. are also important.)

• Logistics English Case Analysis
• Practical Application of Logistics English
Overview of Logistics
The Definition and Importance of Logistics English
Logistics English Courseware Chapter 1
• Overview of Logistics English • Basic Vocabulary of Logistics
English • Common Sentence Patterns
and Expressions in Logistics English
Data elements
order entry, inventory levels, shipping status
Communication tools
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN), Radio Frequency Identificatisulting and Education: Professionals in logistics consulting and education using Logistics English to advise clients on best practices, develop training materials, and teach courses on logistics related topics
• Answering about costs: "The estimated cost for transporting these goods is..." or "Here is a detailed cost breakdown for each transportation method."
物流英语 全套课件

• Arch Shaw “Some Problem in Market Distribution”
• “Physical Supply” & “Physical Distribution” • Paul D. Coverse
“The Other Half of Marketing” • Japan
“Distribution Technology”
(SCM) V. Categories of logistics VI. The proposal of logistics strategy VII. Decision-making levels in an enterprise VIII. Careers in logistics
The concept of logistics in early days
The development from “Physical
Distribution” to “Logistics”
• Business Logistics: “lots of business activities including the circulation of raw materials, the distribution of goods, transportation, procurement, control of inventory, stock and customer services.”
• In a broad sense, logistics includes origin of materials supply----producer----seller----final consumer.
• In a narrow one, logistics is delivery----seller---final consumer.
• “Physical Supply” & “Physical Distribution” • Paul D. Coverse
“The Other Half of Marketing” • Japan
“Distribution Technology”
(SCM) V. Categories of logistics VI. The proposal of logistics strategy VII. Decision-making levels in an enterprise VIII. Careers in logistics
The concept of logistics in early days
The development from “Physical
Distribution” to “Logistics”
• Business Logistics: “lots of business activities including the circulation of raw materials, the distribution of goods, transportation, procurement, control of inventory, stock and customer services.”
• In a broad sense, logistics includes origin of materials supply----producer----seller----final consumer.
• In a narrow one, logistics is delivery----seller---final consumer.

consumption for the purpose of conforming to customers requirements. Note that this definition includes inbound,outbound,internal, and external movements, and return of materials for environmental purposes.
information and providing quality services.
Hale Waihona Puke Functions of Logistics
6The modern conception of logistics consists of several functions, which relate with each other, as follows: 7Procurement deals with the buying of goods and services that keep the organization functioning. Since these inputs have a direct impact on both the cost and quality of the final product/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital to the success of the logistics effort. The objective is to secure optimal supplier performance with respect to quality, timely delivery,
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飞机在天上飞,供应链来支配,这就是物流; 流水线、各部件,准点到、守时间,这就是物流; 把成本来控制,好利润天天增,这就是物流; 碳足迹要缩减,树环保新观念,这就是物流; 将业务来拓展,让世界心相连,这就是物流; 该去哪就去哪,高科技来实现,这就是物流; 门铃响,响叮铛~响叮铛~响叮铛~这就是物流; 让烦恼都抛遍,全交给UPS,这就是物流。
• 可口可乐软饮料产品就是依照典型的供应链来移 动的,其零售价更高,是因为当产品经过供应链 的每个节点时增加了价值(图2)。
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Figure 2 A presumptive value-added model 图2 推定增值模型
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain
• coffee with milk,white coffee 牛奶咖啡
• Instant coffee速溶咖啡
Mineral Water 矿泉水
soft drink不含酒精的饮料
soda water汽水
Whiter wine白酒
Red wine红酒
• 去超市以零售价购买(如2.50元/瓶),时间成本最 低。
Choice A is rarely the case because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is prohibitive for any individual (2.6 times as much as the retail price in the above case), though its purchase price is much lower than the retail price.
Use t图hi1s典bo型x的to供h应ig链hlight callout text which is not included in your bullet copy
• The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2).
• 本课程分为形成性考核和终结性考核两部分
• 其中形成性考核占60% 包括:出勤10% 课堂表现10% 作业10% 笔记10% 小组PPT展示20%
• 终结性考核为期末考试 占40% 考试范围:Unit 1- Unit 24 考试形式: 开卷 考试题型: 翻译为主
返回 15
• go straight to the manufacturer, buy it at exfactory price (e.g. 1.50 Yuan/bottle) but pay extra costs for bus fare (e.g. 5 Yuan or more) , totaling 6.50 Yuan plus time cost (hours of bus travel), or
• Carbon footprint reduced bottom line gets a boost, that's logistics.
• With new ways to compete there'll be cheers on Wall Street, that's logistics.
• When technology knows right where everything goes, that's logistics.
• Task one Tongue twister (绕口令) • How many cookies could a good cook cook, • If a good cook could cook cookies? • A good cook could cook as much cookies • As a good cook who could cook cookies.
一瓶可乐是如何到达最终消费者手中的 If a consumer wants to have a bottle of Coca Cola
coke, he can choose to: 如果客户想买一瓶可口可乐,他可能选择:
下一张 14
• Pepsi 百事可乐 • 7-up 七喜 • Sprite雪碧 • Fanta芬达 • Lemonade 柠檬水 • Orangeade橘子水 • Black tea红茶 • Green tea绿茶 • Strong(weak)tea浓(淡)茶 • Black coffee(不加牛奶的)纯
However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals. 然而,美国物流管理协会给出了一个权威的定义, 该定义受到物流专业人士的广泛接受。
• 能力目标 具有物流专业英语文章的阅读和理解能力; 通过阅读英文文章,了解物流管理和实践操作的专业知 识。
• 素质目标 从事物流业务所必需的英语阅读理解方面的素质; 能熟悉物流所涉及业务活动的各类英语表达的素质; 能在简单物流环境中进行英语表述的基本能力素质。
• 特点:课文短,专业性强,视野广阔。 • 共32个单元,计划学习1-24单元,每个单元用
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
• What is logistics? 什么是物流?
• Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods. 狭义上讲,物流是商品的高 效流动与存储。
Task Three
• Look at your contents, try to divide the contents into several parts. 请翻至目录,并尝试将目录内容分成与物流环节相 对应的几大块。 Basic Concept Technology Logistics operation process Transport Inventory management Warehouse and storage Others
A选择是极少出现的情况, 因为从厂家直接购买的总 物流成本对于个人而言是 极其昂贵的(在上述的情 况 中 , 达 到 了 零 售 价 的 2.6 倍),虽然其采购价要比 零售价低得多。
Hale Waihona Puke 17Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the time-consuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost.
• Bells will ring, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, that's logistics.
• There will be no more stress 'cause you've called UPS,
that's logistics.
Let’s look at the following video, then you’ll be full of confidence for your English
Task Two: Look at the following advertisement, and tell us your ideas about logistics.
“Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.” “物流是供应链的一部分,它对产品、服务和相关 信息从原产地到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动及 存储进行规划、实施和控制,以满足客户的要求。22”
飞机在天上飞,供应链来支配,这就是物流; 流水线、各部件,准点到、守时间,这就是物流; 把成本来控制,好利润天天增,这就是物流; 碳足迹要缩减,树环保新观念,这就是物流; 将业务来拓展,让世界心相连,这就是物流; 该去哪就去哪,高科技来实现,这就是物流; 门铃响,响叮铛~响叮铛~响叮铛~这就是物流; 让烦恼都抛遍,全交给UPS,这就是物流。
• 可口可乐软饮料产品就是依照典型的供应链来移 动的,其零售价更高,是因为当产品经过供应链 的每个节点时增加了价值(图2)。
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Figure 2 A presumptive value-added model 图2 推定增值模型
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain
• coffee with milk,white coffee 牛奶咖啡
• Instant coffee速溶咖啡
Mineral Water 矿泉水
soft drink不含酒精的饮料
soda water汽水
Whiter wine白酒
Red wine红酒
• 去超市以零售价购买(如2.50元/瓶),时间成本最 低。
Choice A is rarely the case because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is prohibitive for any individual (2.6 times as much as the retail price in the above case), though its purchase price is much lower than the retail price.
Use t图hi1s典bo型x的to供h应ig链hlight callout text which is not included in your bullet copy
• The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2).
• 本课程分为形成性考核和终结性考核两部分
• 其中形成性考核占60% 包括:出勤10% 课堂表现10% 作业10% 笔记10% 小组PPT展示20%
• 终结性考核为期末考试 占40% 考试范围:Unit 1- Unit 24 考试形式: 开卷 考试题型: 翻译为主
返回 15
• go straight to the manufacturer, buy it at exfactory price (e.g. 1.50 Yuan/bottle) but pay extra costs for bus fare (e.g. 5 Yuan or more) , totaling 6.50 Yuan plus time cost (hours of bus travel), or
• Carbon footprint reduced bottom line gets a boost, that's logistics.
• With new ways to compete there'll be cheers on Wall Street, that's logistics.
• When technology knows right where everything goes, that's logistics.
• Task one Tongue twister (绕口令) • How many cookies could a good cook cook, • If a good cook could cook cookies? • A good cook could cook as much cookies • As a good cook who could cook cookies.
一瓶可乐是如何到达最终消费者手中的 If a consumer wants to have a bottle of Coca Cola
coke, he can choose to: 如果客户想买一瓶可口可乐,他可能选择:
下一张 14
• Pepsi 百事可乐 • 7-up 七喜 • Sprite雪碧 • Fanta芬达 • Lemonade 柠檬水 • Orangeade橘子水 • Black tea红茶 • Green tea绿茶 • Strong(weak)tea浓(淡)茶 • Black coffee(不加牛奶的)纯
However, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals. 然而,美国物流管理协会给出了一个权威的定义, 该定义受到物流专业人士的广泛接受。
• 能力目标 具有物流专业英语文章的阅读和理解能力; 通过阅读英文文章,了解物流管理和实践操作的专业知 识。
• 素质目标 从事物流业务所必需的英语阅读理解方面的素质; 能熟悉物流所涉及业务活动的各类英语表达的素质; 能在简单物流环境中进行英语表述的基本能力素质。
• 特点:课文短,专业性强,视野广阔。 • 共32个单元,计划学习1-24单元,每个单元用
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
• What is logistics? 什么是物流?
• Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods. 狭义上讲,物流是商品的高 效流动与存储。
Task Three
• Look at your contents, try to divide the contents into several parts. 请翻至目录,并尝试将目录内容分成与物流环节相 对应的几大块。 Basic Concept Technology Logistics operation process Transport Inventory management Warehouse and storage Others
A选择是极少出现的情况, 因为从厂家直接购买的总 物流成本对于个人而言是 极其昂贵的(在上述的情 况 中 , 达 到 了 零 售 价 的 2.6 倍),虽然其采购价要比 零售价低得多。
Hale Waihona Puke 17Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the time-consuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost.
• Bells will ring, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, that's logistics.
• There will be no more stress 'cause you've called UPS,
that's logistics.
Let’s look at the following video, then you’ll be full of confidence for your English
Task Two: Look at the following advertisement, and tell us your ideas about logistics.
“Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.” “物流是供应链的一部分,它对产品、服务和相关 信息从原产地到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动及 存储进行规划、实施和控制,以满足客户的要求。22”