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Unit 3The Million Pound Bank Note



话题Forms of literature and art: short story and drama; how to act out a play

词汇birthplacen.出生地; 故乡Embassy n. 大使馆; 大使及其官员phrasen.短语; 词组; 惯用语Seek vt. & vi. 寻找; 探索; 寻求

adventure n. 奇遇; 冒险patience n. 耐性; 忍耐

novel n.小说; 长篇故事adj. 新

奇的; 异常的contrary n. 反面; 对立面adj. 相反的;


authorn.著者; 作家Envelope n. 信封

scenen.(戏剧)一场; 现场; 场面;

景色Permit vt. & vi. 许可; 允许; 准许n. 通

行证; 许可证; 执照

wander vi. 漫游; 漫步; 漂泊steak n. 肉块; 鱼排; 牛排pavement n. 人行道pineapple n. 菠萝businessman n. 商人dessert n. 餐后甜点unbelievable adj. 难以置信的amount n. 数量

aheadad v. 在前; 向前; 提前rude adj. 粗鲁的; 无礼的bayn.海湾mannern.礼貌; 举止; 方式

stare vi. 凝视; 盯着看scream vi. 尖声叫n. 尖叫声; 喊叫声fault n. 过错; 缺点; 故障genuine adj. 真的; 真诚的

bow vi. & n. 鞠躬; 弯腰rag n. 破布; 碎布

passage n. 船费; 通道; (一)段indeed adv. 真正地; 确实; 实在

account vt. & vi. 认为; 说明; 总计

有n. 说明; 理由; 计算;

账目spot vt. 发现; 认出n. 斑点; 污点;


短语bring up抚养; 培养; 教育; 提出in rags衣衫褴褛go ahead前进; (用于祈使句)可以; 往下说as for关于; 至于

by accident偶然; 无意中; 不小心do with对待; 处理; 处置

stare at盯着看; 凝视make a bet打赌

account for导致; 做出解释be lost迷路; 倾心于某事on the contrary与此相反; 正相反permit sb. to do sth. 准许某人做某事

take a chance冒风险; 碰运气in a. . . manner以……的举止(态度)


1. Young man, would you step inside a moment, please? (request)

2. I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you’d mind us asking a few questions. (I wonder if. . . )

3. . . . I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. (find+O. +O. C. )

4. And it was the ship that brought you to England. (it is/was. . . that. . . )

5. The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand. . . (noun clause as the


6. You mustn’t think we don’t care about you. (double negative)

7. That’s why we’ve given you the letter. (noun clause as

the predicative)

8. Well, why don’t you explain what this is all about?

(suggestion; noun clause as the object)

功能 1. Request

Would you please come in?

Could you offer me some kind of work?

Would you mind waiting just a few minutes?

I wonder, Mr. Adams, if you mind us asking a few questions?

May I ask you how much money you have?

—Well, to be honest, I have none.

—Go right ahead.

2. Ordering food

I’d like some ham and eggs and a nice big steak.

I’ll have a nice long glass of beer.

3. Shopping

语法 1. Noun clauses as the object

I can’t say that I have any plans.

. . . and he does not know what he should do.
