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Long vacation, I read the British writer Jonathan • swift's "Gulliver'sTravels." Spicy Irony and Humor novel, bizarre imagination and exaggeration,to describe very fond of nautical adventure Gulliver, everywhere around theworld, has experienced large and small, thrilling and interesting adventure.Travels in Brobdingnag, the bizarre story of Lilliput deeply attracted me, but tome the deepest impression in 1710 Gulliver rafting in North America, a chanceencounter on a desert island Hui from country to country, met with kindness,honesty and virtue King Hui of the story from country to country. Hui fromcountry to country in the language did not "lie" and "deceit" in such words,people do not understand their meaning. They did not know what is "suspect",what is the "no confidence." In their country, the all are real and transparent.I am very envious of Gulliver hopes to have the luck to Hui from country tocountry, where it is we seek and yearn for the ideal situation, where you do notneed to worry about other people to speak true. But in reality, it was with sweetwords to cheat other people's hard-earned money; was trafficking in childrenfrom making excessive profits; it was even money in order to abandon

theirbirth parents ... ... No wonder, our teachers, elders from childhood oneducation we have to remain vigilant, carefully taken deceived.

I also look forward to the day when our society can be like the Hui fromcountry to country, as the children's eyes no longer have doubts

about,educationandtherealityisunified.Iwouldlikeforthiseffort,Ihopeyouwilljoin,from whatIstart,startfromthesidesothatthesocietya little more sincere and less hypocritical
